· Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words...

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Дальневосточный федеральный университет» (ДВФУ) ШКОЛА ЭКОНОМИКИ И МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА Согласовано Школа экономики и менеджмента ДВФУ «УТВЕРЖДАЮ» Заведующий кафедрой Руководитель ОП «Туризм» сервиса и туризма Косолапов А.Б. Дубовицкий С.В. «4» октября 2012 г. «4» октября 2012 г. УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ КОМПЛЕКС ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ «Профессиональный иностранный язык» По направлению магистратуры 100400.68 «Туризм» Форма подготовки очная Название кафедры – сервиса и туризма курс ___1____ семестр 1 и 2 лекции не предусмотрены практические занятия 36/36 час. семинарские занятия не предусмотрены лабораторные работы не предусмотрены консультации всего часов аудиторной нагрузки 72 час. самостоятельная работа 54 час. реферативные работы не предусмотрены контрольные работы не предусмотрены зачет _______1____ семестр экзамен____2______семестр

Transcript of · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words...

Page 1: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИФедеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



СогласованоШкола экономики и менеджмента ДВФУ

«УТВЕРЖДАЮ»Заведующий кафедрой

Руководитель ОП «Туризм» сервиса и туризма

Косолапов А.Б. Дубовицкий С.В. «4» октября 2012 г. «4» октября 2012 г.

УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ КОМПЛЕКС ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ«Профессиональный иностранный язык»

По направлению магистратуры 100400.68 «Туризм»

Форма подготовки очная

Название кафедры – сервиса и туризмакурс ___1____ семестр 1 и 2лекции не предусмотрены практические занятия 36/36 час. семинарские занятия не предусмотрены лабораторные работы не предусмотрены консультации –всего часов аудиторной нагрузки 72 час.самостоятельная работа 54 час.реферативные работы не предусмотреныконтрольные работы не предусмотренызачет _______1____ семестрэкзамен____2______семестр

Учебно-методический комплекс составлен в соответствии с требованиями федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования по направлению подготовки 100400.68 Туризм, утвержденного приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 28.10.2009 г. № 488.

Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины обсужден на заседаниикафедры сервиса и туризма «4» октября 2012 г.Заведующий кафедрой Дубовицкий С.В. «4» октября 2012 г.Составитель: к.п.н., доцент Гринцевич М.В_______________________________________________

Page 2: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 2 из 360















Page 3: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 3 из 360

Аннотация учебно-методического комплекса дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный

иностранный язык» разработан для студентов 1 курса по направлению

100400.68 «Туризм» в соответствие с требованиями ФГОС ВПО по данному

направлению и положением об учебно-методических комплексах дисциплин

образовательных программ высшего профессионального образования

(утверждено приказом и.о. ректора ДВФУ от 17.04.2012 № 12-13-87).

Дисциплина «Профессиональный иностранный язык» входит в

вариативную часть общенаучного цикла.

Общая трудоемкость освоения дисциплины составляет 4 зачетные

единицы, 144 часа. Учебным планом предусмотрены практические занятия

(36 часов в 1 семестре, 36 часов во 2 семестре), самостоятельная работа

студента (18 в 1 семестре, 36 часа во 2 семестре). Дисциплина реализуется на

1 курсе в 1 и 2 семестрах.

Содержание дисциплины охватывает следующий круг вопросов:

телефонный разговор, предоставление информации, бронирование услуг

гостиниц и ресторанов, прием гостей, прием заказа, описание блюд и прочие.

Дисциплина направлена на формирование общекультурных и

профессиональных компетенций выпускника.

Учебно-методический комплекс включает в себя:

рабочую учебную программу дисциплины;

материалы для практических занятий (разбитые по темам с указанием

тематики и содержания; каждое практическое занятие включает сектор

аудирования, новых слов и упражнений)

Page 4: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 4 из 360

материалы для организации самостоятельной работы студентов

(полные тексты заданий самостоятельной работы, методические указания по

их выполнению);

контрольно-измерительные материалы;

список литературы (в том числе интернет-ресурсов);


дополнительные тексты для студентов с проблемами аудирования,


Достоинством данного УМКД является раздел материалов практических

занятий, т.к. здесь приведены материалы для развития возможностей

студентов в слуховом восприятии иностранной речи, грамматике и

разговорной речи.

Автор-составитель учебно-методического комплекса

к.п.н., доцент М.В. Гринцевич

Зав. кафедрой сервиса и туризма, доцент С.В. Дубовицкий

Page 5: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИФедеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



СогласованоШкола экономики и менеджмента ДВФУ

«УТВЕРЖДАЮ»Заведующий кафедрой

Руководитель ОП «Туризм» сервиса и туризма

Косолапов А.Б. Дубовицкий С.В. «4» октября 2012 г. «4» октября 2012 г.


«Профессиональный иностранный язык»

По направлению магистратуры 100400.68 «Туризм»

Форма подготовки очная

Название кафедры – сервиса и туризмакурс ___1____ семестр 1 и 2лекции не предусмотрены практические занятия 36/36 час. семинарские занятия не предусмотрены лабораторные работы не предусмотрены консультации –всего часов аудиторной нагрузки 72 час.самостоятельная работа 54 час.реферативные работы не предусмотреныконтрольные работы не предусмотренызачет _______1____ семестрэкзамен____2______семестр

Рабочая программа составлена на основании требований федерального государственного стандарта высшего профессионального образования по направлению 100400.68 Туризм, утвержденного приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 28.10.2009 г. № 488.

Рабочая программа обсуждена на заседании кафедры сервиса и туризма «4» октября 2012 г.Заведующий кафедрой С.В. Дубовицкий «4» октября 2012 г. Составитель: к.п.н., доцент Гринцевич М.В. ______________________________________

Page 6: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 6 из 360

I. Рабочая программа пересмотрена на заседании кафедры:

Протокол от «_____» _________________ 200 г. № ______

Заведующий кафедрой _______________________ __________________ (подпись) (и.о. фамилия)

II. Рабочая программа пересмотрена на заседании кафедры:

Протокол от «_____» _________________ 200 г. № ______

Заведующий кафедрой _______________________ __________________ (подпись) (и.о. фамилия)

Page 7: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 7 из 360


Рабочей программы дисциплины

«Профессиональный иностранный язык»

По направлению магистратуры 100400.68 «Туризм»

Форма подготовки очная

1 Цели и задачи дисциплины:

Целью изучения дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

является формирование у магистров гостиничного дела знания базовых

тем на английском языке имеющих непосредственное отношение к

индустрии гостеприимства и гостиничного дела. Каждая тема в рамках

дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык» подразумевает знание

вокабуляра, специфического для той или иной ситуации, выражений,

специальных заданий для восприятия на слух. Студенты, изучая данную

дисциплину, получают представление о специфике работы в индустрии

гостеприимства и гостиничного сервиса на английском языке. Данная

дисциплина помогает слушателям войти в информационное поле на данной

специальности на английском языке

Задачи дисциплины:

- Освоить специфический вокабуляр данной специальности на

английском языке

- уметь применять английский язык на практике в рамках

профессиональных ситуаций индустрии гостеприимства и гостиничного


2 Место дисциплины в структуре ОП магистратуры:

Page 8: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 8 из 360

Дисциплина «Профессиональный иностранный язык» относится к

общенаучному циклу, к его вариативной части образовательной программы

магистратуры по направлению подготовки «Туризм».

3 Требования к результатам освоения дисциплины

В результате освоения дисциплины должны быть сформированы

следующие компетенции:

Общекультурные компетенции

1 Способность совершенствовать и развивать свой интеллектуальный и

общекультурный уровень, добиваться совершенствования собственной

личности, раскрытия творческого потенциала (ОК-1);

2 Способность к поиску и самостоятельному обучению новым методам

исследования, возможному изменению научного и научно-

практического профиля профессиональной деятельности, изменению

социокультурных условий (ОК-2);

3 Способность к активной социальной мобильности в профессиональной

деятельности (ОК-3);

4 Способность к активной социальной мобильности (ОК-4);

5 Понимание социальной значимости своей будущей профессии,

обладает высокой мотивацией к выполнению профессиональных

функций (ОК-11);

Профессиональные компетенции

6 Готовность представлять результаты научного исследования в сфере

туризма в формах отчетов, прикладных разработок, докладов,

рефератов, публикаций и публичных обсуждений (ПК-13).

Page 9: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 9 из 360

4 Требования к результатам освоения дисциплины


- базовый вокабуляр в рамках индустрии гостеприимства и гостиничного



- читать, переводить профессиональные тексты на английском языке и

отвечать на вопросы

- выстраивать диалог с носителем языка в профессиональных ситуациях

- отвечать на телефонные звонки на английском языке

- работать с корреспонденцией на английском языке (писать письма и

отвечать на них)

Владеть навыками по следующим видам профессиональной


- научно-исследовательской.

- организационно-управленческой;

- проектно-презентационной;

5Формы и методы обучения, способствующие формированию и

развитию компетенций

Практические занятия, выполнение домашних заданий,

самостоятельная работа, выполнение тестовых заданий.

6 Трудоемкость дисциплины

Общая трудоемкость дисциплины составляет 4 зачетных единицы.

Всего 144 часа. Практические занятия 64 часа, самостоятельная работа

студентов составляет 44 часа. Продолжительность изучения дисциплины – 2

семестра. В первом семестре предусмотрен зачет, во втором семестре -


Page 10: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 10 из 360

7 Контроль успеваемости.

После изучения каждого смыслового блока предусмотрены тестовые




Тема 1. Работа с телефонными звонками. (2часа)

Входящие звонки. Формулировка простых просьб, вежливые просьбы.

Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 2. Предоставление информации. (2 часа)

Расположение ресторанов и отелей и их удобства. Слова для того,

чтобы представить себя. Предлоги времени. Отработка тематических

упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 3. Регистрация бронирования номеров. (2 часа)

Формулировка запросов информации. Предлоги времени. Отработка

тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 4. Регистрация бронирования мест в ресторане. (2 часа)

Время закрытия и закрытия ресторана. Даты. Наречия частотности.

Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 5. Предоставление вежливых объяснений. (2часа)

Вежливый отказ. Настоящее простое время. Отработка тематических

упражнений, аудирование.

Page 11: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 11 из 360

Тема 6. Встреча гостей. (2 часа)

Гости, прибывающие в отель в зону регистрации или в ресторан.

Притяжательные прилагательные. Отработка тематических упражнений,


Тема 7. Обслуживание в баре. (2 часа)

Ситуации в баре. Просьбы и предложения. Вежливые просьбы и

предложения. Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 8. Инструкции. (2 часа)

Смешивание коктейля. Предоставление инструкций в

последовательности. Маркеры последовательности. Отработка тематических

упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 9. Взятие заказа у клиента на принятие пищи. (2 часа)

Персонал ресторана, берущий заказ у клиентов на аперитивы, закуски,

и основные блюда. Артикли. Отработка тематических упражнений,


Тема 10. Десерты и сыр. (2 часа)

Персонал ресторана, объясняющий суть сырных и десертных блюд в

меню. Неопределенные местоимения. Отработка тематических упражнений,


Тема 11. Заказ вина. (2 часа)

Официант, отвечающий за вина, принимает заказ. Сравнение.

Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 12. Работа с просьбами клиентов (2 часа)

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 12 из 360

Персонал, работающий на приеме гостей, и персонал ресторана,

отвечающие на просьбы. Предложение помощи. Отработка тематических

упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 13. Описание блюд (2 часа)

Официант, объясняющий позиции в меню. Настоящее простое

пассивное время. Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 14. Работа с жалобами. (2 часа)

Гости, жалующиеся в отеле или ресторане. Простое прошедшее время.

Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 15. Виды работы и рабочие места. (2 часа)

Персонал зоны приема гостей и персонал кухни, объясняющий

обязанности. Указательные местоимения. Отработка тематических

упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 16. Объяснение и инструктаж. (2 часа)

Персонал кухни инструктирует стажера. Модальные глаголы.

Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 17. Принятие заказов по телефону. (2 часа)

Услуги отеля и его удобства. Структуры с глаголом “need”. Отработка

тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 18. Принятие сложных телефонных звонков. (2 часа)

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 13 из 360

Персонал регистрации гостей, принимает сложные телефонные звонки.

Прошедшее простое время. Отработка тематических упражнений,


Тема 19. Здоровье и безопасность на работе. (2 часа)

Помощник менеджера отеля читает инструкции по технике

безопасности. Прилагательные и наречия. Отработка тематических

упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 20. Указания по ориентации внутри предприятия. (2 часа)

Персонал гостиницы, направляющий гостей. Предлоги места и

направления. Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 21. Указания по ориентации за пределами предприятия. (2 часа)

Персонал гостиницы, направляющий гостей. Предлоги места и

направления. Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 22. Удобства для делового путешественника. (2 часа)

Персонал зоны приема гостей дает информацию по удобствам для

проведения конференций. Соединение блоков информации и

противопоставление. Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 23. Предложение помощи и совета. (2 часа)

Персонал отеля, работающий с непредвиденными ситуациями.

Настоящее совершенное время. Отработка тематических упражнений,


Тема 24. Работа с проблемными ситуациями. (2 часа)

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 14 из 360

Гости отеля высказывают претензии в зоне регистрации. Модальный

глагол should + настоящее совершенное время. Отработка тематических

упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 25. Оплата счетов. (2 часа)

Оплата услуг ресторана и отеля. Настоящее длительное время.

Объектные местоимение. Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 26. Вопросы по оплате счетов. (2 часа)

Гости отеля и ресторана задают вопросы по счетам. Неопределенные

местоимения. Отработка тематических упражнений, аудирование.

Тема 27. Подача заявления на работу. (2 часа)

Написание резюме. Официальный язык для деловых писем. Отработка

тематических упражнений, аудирование.


Изучение дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

предусматривает лабораторные работы в соответствии с программой,

проверку знаний основных компетенции по каждой изучаемой главе в виде

упражнений, знание тематического вокабуляра, выполнение контрольных


Текущий контроль

Предусматривает посещение занятий в течение всего курса обучения и

оценку своевременности выполнения самостоятельных работ, участия в

диалогах на английском языке, выполнения тестов, общей готовности к

каждому занятию.

Итоговый контроль

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 15 из 360

Предусматривает зачет в первом семестре обучения и экзамен во

втором семестре, итоговый контроль проводится в форме тестов.


Основная литература:

1. English for International Tourism : Course Book /Miriam Jacob and Peter Strutt. England : Addison Wesley Longman Limited , 2009. 127 p. :il. (1 экз.)

2. Miriam Bait, Focus on Accommodation / Miriam Bait, Laura

Vergallo, Rachel J. Roberts, Anna Mukiarel, Jennifer Cuddigan. - Modern

Languages, Milan, 2007.

3. Tourism in the Region of Asia and the Pacific: Current Situation and

Perspectives. UNWTO Regional Report №2, Madrid, Spain, September 2011.

4. Trish Scott, Highly Recommended. English for the Hotel and Catering

Industry. Student’s Book. New Edition / Trish Scott, Rod Revell - Oxford

University Press. 2008.

5. Английский язык в сфере обслуживания : учебное пособие для

вузов /И. П. Агабекян. Ростов-на-Дону : Феникс , 2012. 378 с. : ил., табл. (1


6. Организация обслуживания туристов : учебное пособие по

английскому языку для вузов /И. А. Бисько, В. А. Маевская, Е. А.

Паксюткина. Москва : КноРус , 2010. 189 с. (11 экз.)

Дополнительная литература:

1. Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality /S. Medlik. Oxford

Burlington : Elsevier Butterworth - Heinemann , 2003. IX, 273 p. (1 экз.)

2. English for Tourism and Hospitality [Электронный ресурс] :

учебник /Е. В. Макарцева ; Дальневосточный государственный университет,

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 16 из 360

Открытый университет, Тихоокеанский институт дистанционного

образования и технологий.[Владивосток] : [ТИДОТ ДВГУ] , 2004. (эл.версия)

3. Jayne Wildman, Attain. Intermediate. Student’s Book / Jayne

Wildman, David Bolton. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.

4. Jayne Wildman, Attain. Intermediate. Work Book / Jayne Wildman,

David Bolton. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.

5. High Season : English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry :

Workbook /Michael Duckworth. Oxford New York : Oxford University Press ,

1994. 80 p. :il. (20 экз.)

6. High Season : English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry : Teacher's

Book /Keith Harding and Paul Henderson. Oxford New York : Oxford University

Press , 1994. 51 p. (1 экз.)

7. Robin Walker, Oxford English for Careers. Tourism 2 / Robin

Walker, Keith Harding. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011.

8. Trish Scott, First Class. English for tourism. Student’s Book / Trish

Scott, Roger Holt. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.

9. Trish Scott, First Class. English for tourism. Work Book / Trish Scott,

Roger Holt. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.

10. Английский язык : Гостиничный, ресторанный и туристический

бизнес = English :hotel, restaurant and tourist businesses : учебное пособие для

факультетов туристического менеджмента, социально-культурного сервиса и

иностранных языков вузов /Н. Н. Михайлов. М. : Академия , 2005.159 с. : ил.

(10 экз.).

Литература на русском языке:

1. Aгабекян, И.П. English for Managers. Английский для

менеджеров: учеб. пособие. – М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2008. – 325 с.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 17 из 360

2. Английский язык в рекламе : учебное пособие /Л. А. Зайцева ;

Российская академия образования, Московский психолого-социальный

институт.М. : Флинта : Изд-во Московского психолого-социального

института , 2006. 109 с. (3 экз.)

3. Дроздова, Т.Ю. Everyday English: учебное пособие. / Дроздова

Т.Ю., Берестова А.И., Дунаевская М.А. – 7-е изд. – СПб.: Антология, 2007. –

592 с.

4. Крылова, И.П. Грамматика современного английского языка:

Учебник для ин-тов и фак. иностр.яз. / Крылова И.П., Гордон Е.М. – 4-е изд.,

испр. – М.: Книжный дом «Университет», 1999. – 448 с. – на англ.яз.

5. Статистика туризма : учебник для высших профессиональных

учебных заведений /Т. Е. Карманова, О. В. Каурова, А. Н. Малолетко. Москва

: КноРус , 2009. 231 с. : табл. (1 экз.)

Электронные ресурсы:

1. Electronic English dot Ru. Учебные материалы по английскому языку

Режим доступа:

2. IELTS Online Practice Tests. University of Cambridge [Электронный

ресурс] – Онлайновый практический тест IELTS Режим доступа:

3. Language Learning Community – Основной язык обучения. Учебник.

[Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа:

4. Online language learning community Livemocha – Онлайновый

обучающий курс английского языка [Электронный ресурс] Режим


5. Библиотека Всемирной туристской организации UNWTO

[Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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6. Деловой английский язык он-лайн [Электронный ресурс] Режим

доступа: http :// www . en 365. ru / delovoj . htm

7. Система он-лайн обучения английскому языку [Электронный ресурс]

Режим доступа:

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИФедеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»




«Профессиональный иностранный язык»100400.68 Туризм

Программа «Туризм: эволюция, структура, менеджмент, маркетинг»

г. Владивосток2012

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 20 из 360

The methodical instructions to the practical part of the course.

The practical classes assume the laboratory work together with the teacher.

The main accent is made on developing professional vocabulary, dramatizing

dialogues from real situations, developing listening skills and doing exercises. The

first term includes 18 hours of auditory work, the second term includes 36 hours.

The first term assumes the study of the first 9 units. The second term assumes the

rest 18 units. The class should have a tape recorder for each of the lesson.

Each lesson includes the following points:

1 Listening sections with dialogues filling, true/false exercises.

2 Language study section where students should get acquainted with new

words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple

grammar usage, exercises to practice the information got.

3 Activity section which provokes dialogues training.

4 A choice of exercises training the main aspects of the theme.

Unit 1 Taking phone calls

The plan:

1 Greet customers

2 Answer the telephone

3 Ask who is calling

4 Take messages

5 Exercise to practise

Listening Taking phone calls

1 Listen to the calls and tick the correct answers

Call 1

1 Caller’s name - Mr Carl - Mr Philips

Call 2

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 21 из 360

2 Room number - 329 - 221

Call 3

3 Hotel - Rio Parc - Rio Parthenon

Call 4

4 Receptionist - Luke - James

2 Listen again and complete the sentences from the receptionists’ dialogue.Use

these words

Help, connect, can, calling, speaking, through.

Call 1

1 Good afternoon, New Palace Hotel. May Lee …….1. How can I …… 2 you?

Call 2

2 One moment, and I will …….3 you.

Call 3

3 Just one moment. Who’s …….4, please? Thank you, Mr. Falgado. You are

…….5 now.

Call 4

4 Yes, Sir. …….6 I have your name, please?

3 Turn to the listening script for unit 1 and practice the dialogue with the partner .

Take turns to be the caller and the receptionist.

Language study

Expressions to learn

May Lee speaking. How can I help you?

Can I have your name , please?

I’d like to speak to Mrs Bader.

One moment, and I’ll connect you.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 22 из 360

Who’s calling, please?

You are through now.

Structures to practice – Can/Could see language review pageUnit 1.

I’d like to

4 Match the words and make request with I’d like to

Book, make, speak to, reserve

1 the manager

2 a single room

3 a reservation

4 a parking space

See language review with - I’d like to –

Listening Taking messages

5 Listen to the dialogue and complete the message. Choose the correct words.

502, tomorrow, meeting, today, 402, Mr Wollman, ten o’clock, Mr Schmidt, two


Message for ……………………………………………………..

Room number …………………………………………………..





6 Listen again and put the dialogue in the correct order. Complete the sentences

with the information in exercise 5.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 23 из 360

- A Just one moment, and I’ll connect you. I’m sorry, there’s no answer from

room …….1. Can I take a message for you?

- B Helo. Could I speak to Mr …….2 in room ……3, please?

- A Good morning, Athens Palace Hotel. Angela speaking. How can I help you?

- A Certainly, Sir.

- B Yes, please. My name’s Hans …….4. Please, tell him there’s a meeting

…….5 at …….6 o’clock.


Work with a partner. Student A’s information is here. Student B’s information is in

Activity Section Unit 1.

A1 You work at reception in the Hotel Canaria. Read the information and answer

the calls.

Mr Luiz room 204 line is busy (take a message)?

Jane Williams room 48 no answer

Mrs Lane room 469 connect the call

Example:Good afternoon, Hotel Canaria. How can I help you?

A2 Make three calls to the Hotel Superior. Ask to speak to these people.

Reservation Manager leave the message (ask him to call you back on


Marcello Benito room 571 (no answer, you will call back later)

Mrs Franklin room 18

ExampleGood morning, could I speak to ……., please?

7 Use the clues to find the missing word.

1 P2 D3 M

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 24 из 360

4 C5 P6 R7 K8 C9 C10 R11 N

1 You reserve this for your car. (7,5)

2 A room for two people. (6,4)

3 There isn’t an answer. Take a_________________(7)

4 You can see check-in information here. (8,6)

5 It makes paper copies of information from your computer. (7)

6 Another verb for book. (7)

7 You key in information on this. (8)

8 Receptionists______________phone callers with rooms. (7)

9 People often pay by_______________________(6,4)

10 Hotel guests arrive here. (9)

11 Mr Schmidt's room__________________is 502.(6)

8 Use each verb once to complete the sentences.

speak book reserveconnect have tellhelp make take

1 Good morning. How can I ________help_________ you?

2 Could I_____________a parking space for tomorrow?

3 I’d like to______________to Roberto Raul, please.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 25 из 360

4 One moment, 1’11_____________you.

5 Can I________________a message?

6 I’d Like to_______________a reservation.

7 Please__________her to call Valerie.

8 I’d like to__________a room for tomorrow night.

9 Can I______________your name, please?

9 Underline the correct form

1 Can I / I'd like take a message?

2 Could I / I’d like have your name?

3 Could I / I’d like to make a room reservation.

4 Could I / I'd like reserve a double room for tomorrow night?

5 Can I / I'd like help you?

6 Can I / I'd like a cup of coffee.

7 Could I / I’d like reserve a parking space?

8 Could I / I'd like to book a room for tonight.

9 Can I / I'd like a double room.

10Could I/ I’d like speak to themanager, please?

Unit 2 Giving information

The plan:

1 Identify yourself

2 Ask and answer the questions

3 Talk about numbers

4 Exercises


Look at the photographs. Tick what you can see

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 26 из 360

Café train restaurant waiter

Taxi bus shop hotel

Listening Where people work

1 Listen and complete the tables.

Cumberland Hotel

City:……………………….Number of rooms:……………………

Number of floors: ……………………

Number of shops: ……………………

Sydney Tower Restaurant

City and country: ………………………………………………….


Number of seats: …………………

Type of cuisine: Italian …………… ………………

Number of bars: …………………….

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 27 из 360

Dialogue 1

1 The Cumberland Hotel is …….London.

2 ……. ……. more than 900 bedrooms.

3 The bedrooms are on eight ……. .

4 ……. satellite TV and Internet access in all rooms.

5 ……. ……. a swimming pool?

Dialogue 2

6 The tower is ……. metres high.

7 ……. ……. 200 seats in the restaurant.

8 Is ……. a bar in the restaurant?

Language study

Expressions to learn

Good morning. My name is Caroline.

There’s satellite TV in all rooms.

Are there any shops?

Is there a swimming pool?

Hello, I’m Scott.

There are 200 seats in the restaurant.

The Sydney Tower is an a la carte restaurant.

Structures to practice

Is there/Are there/there is/there are/there isn’t/there aren/t

See language review page Unit 2

3 Read the information about the Plaza Hotel. Make six dialogues using Is

there/are there/Yes, there is/No, there is not/yes, there are/no, there are not.

Practise your dialogues with a partner.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 28 из 360

The Plaza Hotel in Chicago

- There are three shops and two restaurants

- There is a car park, but there is not a swimming pool

- There are 300 rooms on eight floors

- There is satellite TV, air-conditioning, and Internet access in all the rooms

Example – A : Is there a swimming pool?

B: Yes, there is/No, there is not

Listening What facilities are there?

4 Match each symbol with the correct facility. Listen to part 1 and check your


A - car park g – cloakroom

B – restaurant h – swimming pool

C – exchange bureau I – laundry

D – disabled facilities J – bar

E – Internet access K – information desk

F – satellite TV L – air-conditioning


Work with Work with a partner. Student A’s information is here. Student B’s

information is in Activity Section Unit 2.

A 1 – Ask questions about the Manor Hotel and complete the table. Answer

questions about the Hyatt Hotel. Use Is there/are there/There s/there are/There is

not/there are not.

Hyatt Hotel Barcelona Manor Hotel Melbourne

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 29 из 360

A restaurant – yes a restaurant

A swimming pool – no a swimming pool

Any shops – no any shops

Air-conditioning in the room – no air conditioning in the room

Internet access in the room – yes internet access in the room

Example: A – Excuse me, is there a restaurant?

B – Yes, there is/No, there is not.

5 Use one word from the box to make hotel and restaurant facilities.

bar menu desk TVroom facilities bureau parkcuisine access pool conditioning

car_____park_________ exchange________________Intern_________________ air- ____________________international___________ Swimming________________

_cocktail______________ satellite_________________à la carte______________ information_____________disabled______________ cloak___________________

6 Look at the picture and read the hotel information. Then underline true or false

in sentences 1-8

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 30 из 360

Hotel: Feliz

The Hotel Feliz has 50 bedrooms with air-conditioning, Internet access, and

satellite TV. The 40-seat restaurant serves international cuisine. The rooftop

swimming pool opens in summer. Shops and exchange bureau in the hotel lobby.

Disabled facilities throughout the hotel.

1 There are 150 bedrooms on five floors. True / false2 There's air-conditioning in the hotel. true/false3 There’s Internet access in all the bedrooms. true/false4 There isn’t satellite TV in the rooms. true/false5 There are 40 seats in the restaurant. true/false6 There aren’t any shops in the hotel lobby. true/false7 There’s an exchange bureau. true/false8 There isn’t a swimming pool. true/false

7 Use Is there/Are there/there is/there are to complete the dialogue about the

Hotel Feliz.

Woman: Hello, I’d like some information. Are there 1 any disabled facilities in the


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 31 из 360

Receptionist: Yes,_________ 2. We have room with disabled facilities and

______________3 disabled facilities in the bar and restaurant too.

Woman: Good. __________ 4 a car park?

Receptionist: Yes, __________ 5 a large car park. Guests can reserve a parking

space over the phone.

Woman: Right___________ 6 a swimming pool?

Receptionist: Yes, _____________ 7.

Woman: And _____________ 8 disabled facilities in the pool?

Receptionist: Yes, ____________9.

Woman: That’s fine. I’d like to book a room if that’s OK.

8 Match phrases 1-10 with facilities a-j.

In a hotel, where would you ___________?

1 e have a meal a the swimming pool2 change money b the shops3 go for a swim c the bedroom4 buy gifts d the cloakroom5 ask for information e the restaurant6 have a drink f the laundry7 send your dirty clothes g the exchange bureau8 park your car h the information desk9 sleep i the bar10 use the toilet j the car park

9 Correct the mistakes in italics in the text about a restaurant.

Eating out

The restaurant is in__at___1 the top of a tower __at__2 Hong Kong. The

tower has_____3 250 metres high. They________4 are 150 seats in the

restaurant. There are_____________5 also a cocktail cafe__________6. The

restaurant has an à la carte card_______7 and serves international kitchen_______8.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 32 из 360

There is______9 ten waiters and waitresses. There is a parking ________10 at the

bottom of the tower.



300 twenty seventeen thirty fifteen seventythirteen fifty sixteenfourteen eighty sixty forty eighteen ninety twelve two hundred nineteen

Unit 3 Taking room reservations

The plan:

1 Handle enquiries

2 Take a room reservation

3 Take down guest details

4 Write an email of confirmation

5 Exercises

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 33 из 360


Match the words to the pictures:

1 - double room

2 - single room

3 - suite

4 - twin room

Listening Taking a reservation

1 Listen to the phone call and circle the correct answer

1 Do Mr and Mrs Morel want to book a room for Tuesday night? – Yes/No

2 Does the room cost 225 euros per night? – Yes/No

3 Does the hotel have a restaurant? – Yes/No

4 Do they want to book a table for 7 oclock? – Yes/No

5 Does Mr Morell have a mobile phone? – Yes/No

Language study

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 34 из 360

Expressions to learn

I’d like to book a room, please

Do you have a double room for next Wednesday?

How many nights is it for?

Yes, we have a double room available.

Would you like me to book you a table?

Do you have a contact number?

Do you send an email or fax to confirm your reservation

Structures to practice


See language review for unit 3

2 Make questions and short answers using these words.

Do – serve lunch/have a parking space/have a double room?

Does – the hotel have a sauna/the bar open at lunchtime?

Example: A – Do you serve dinner?

B – yes, we do/No, we do not

Prepositions of time

Look at these examples

On Monday, on 1-st September, at 8.30, at 15.00, at the weekend, at Christmas, in

two weeks, in September, in 2005, in the evening, from 12.00 to 3.00, from 2003 to


3 Make questions and answers using the correct prepositions.

Example – A: Does the bank close on Mondays?

B: No, it closes on Sundays.

1 The restaurant close/Sundays? (Mondays)

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 35 из 360

2 The exchange bureau open/9.00? (yes)

3 The shops close/the weekend? (no)

4 The summer season start/July? (June)

5 You serve tea/the afternoon? (yes)

6 The hotel serve dinner/ 7.00 – 11.00? (7.00 – 10.00)

Practise the questions and answers with a partner.

Listening Checking and confirming

4 Listen to the voice mail message. Put the message in the correct order

- Thank you, goodbye

- We arrive in Dusseldorf at 6.00 p.m. on the 18-th.

- I’d like to make a room reservation for five nights from the 18-th to the 22-nd

of June.

- Please, reserve us a parking space and a table for four for dinner at 7.30.

- Hello. This is Steven Dickson from Edinburgh, UK.

- I’d like a double room for me and my wife, and adjoining room for my two


5 Complete the email confirmation. Use these words.

Table, reserved, 7.30., confirm, twin, car park

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 36 из 360


Work with Work with a partner. Student A’s information is here. Student B’s

information is in Activity Section Unit 3.

A1 – You work at reception in the Sonotel Hotel. Take this phone reservation.

Remember to ask for confirmation in writing.

- All rooms have air-conditioning

- Bathrooms have baths not showers

- There is a car park, an exchange bureau, and shops

Example: Good morning, Sonotel Hotel. Can I help you?

A2 – Call the Mercury Hotel. Book a twin room for the night of 27 May for you,

and your five-year-old daughter. Find out if the rooms have showers and air-

conditioning, and if the hotel has a restaurant. If so, book a table for two at 7.30

p.m. Your name is Frances Lyon and you will arrive at about 7.00 p.m. Your

mobile is 0778 468291.

Example: Good morning, I’d like to book …

6 Underline the odd one out.

1 Monday Tuesday tomorrow Saturday

2 single sauna twin suite

3 guest husband daughter wife

4 breakfast departure lunch dinner

5 air-conditioning car park restaurant reservation

6 Sunday September Wednesday Friday

7 morning afternoon tonight evening

8 voicemail email telephone arrive

7 Complete the questions and answers with do/does, don’t/doesn’t.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 37 из 360

1 ___Do___you have a single room?

Yes. We__do__.

2 ________ you have a mobile phone number?

No. I_________.

3 ________ the hotel have a sauna?

No. It________.

4_________the bar open at lunchtime?

Yes. It_______.

5_________they want adjoining rooms?

No. They_____.

6_________you have a double room for tonight?

Yes. We_____.

8 Make questions with Do/Does using the information in the pictures.

9 Complete the hotel information with at, on, in, from... to.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 38 из 360


Information for our guests

Breakfast is served__from__1 7.30________2 10.00 in the restaurant.

The restaurant is open________3 lunchtime________4 12.00_________5 3.00.

___________6 the evening, the restaurant isopen______7 6.00. Last orders


___________9summer, the terrace restaurant isopen________10 the evenings.

The shops in the hotel lobby are open________11 weekends but the

exchangebureau is closed________12 Saturday.___________13 July and August,the swimming pool is

open_________148.00__________15 20.00.

We regret there is no laundry service__________16 Sundays.

10Rewrite the email using the full form of the abbreviations.

Unit 4 Taking restaurant bookings

The plan:

1 Say opening and closing times

2 Say what is available

3 Talk about dates

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 39 из 360

4 Talk about how often you do things

Listening I’d like to book a table

1 Listen to the phone call. Are the statements true or false?

1 The restaurant closes on Sundays. - true/false

2 The restaurant opens for lunch and dinner. – true/false

3 The restaurant serves lunch from twelve o’clock to two o’clock. – true/false

4 Mrs Kruger wants to book a table for six people. – true/false

5 The manager has a table for six at 8.00 on Saturday 4-th September. – true/false

2 Listen again and complete the answers. Then match them to the questions.

1 - We open ……. ……. to ……. .

2 – We close ……. …….

3 – We serve dinner ……. ……. o’clock to ……. .p.m.

4 – We serve lunch ……. ……. o’clock to ……. o’clock.

5 – I’m afraid ……. ……. ……. on Saturday 24-th.

A – When do you close?

B – I’d like to book a table for six on Saturday evening, 24-th September, please.

C – What time do you serve dinner?

D – What days do you open?

E – What time do you serve lunch?

Practice the questions and answers with a partner. Take turns to be the

customer and the restaurant manager.

Language study

Expressions to learn

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 40 из 360

I’d like to make a reservation.

What days do you open?

We open from Tuesday to Sunday.

What time do you serve dinner?

We sometimes have cancellations.

I have a table on the 23-rd.

Friday the 23-rd is fine.

We look forward to seeing you.

Structures to practice


3 Complete the sentences using the correct dates.

Example: (5/8) The restaurant is closed on 5-th August.

1 (23/5)We’d like to book a table for two on … .

2 (7/11) The new bar opens on … .

3 (24/12) Does the restaurant open on … ?

4 (15/2) My holiday begins on … .

5 (30/8) The train leaves at 9.15 a.m. on … .

6 (27/5) Could I reserve a double room on … ?

Adverbs of frequency

Look at these examples.

1 I always go to my English class.

2 I often meet my friends at the weekend.

3 I sometimes eat in a restaurant on Saturday evening.

4 I rarely go to the cinema.

5 I never drink alcohol in the morning.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 41 из 360

4 Make a list of things you always, often, sometimes, rarely, never do. Practise

exchanging information with a partner.

Listening What time is it?

5 Listen and match the times to the clocks.

6 Listen to the dialogues and write the time you here.


Work with Work with a partner. Student A’s information is here. Student B’s

information is in Activity Section Unit 4.

A1 - Practise taking table reservations with your partner. Use these notes to help

you or invent your own responses. Then change the roles.

Good afternoon/evening I have a table for …

The Bridge Bistro four at 8.30

The River Brasserie two at 7.00

The City Restaurant six at 8.15

We/We are … I am sorry, we are …

Open from 7.00 to midnight closed n Sunday

Open from 7.30 to11.30 fully booked on

7 Match the two ways of talking about time

1 c three fifteen a twenty past six

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 42 из 360

2 eight thirty b five to five3 twelve forty-five c quarter past three4 nine ten d twenty to three5 one thirty-five e half past eight6 six twenty f ten past nine7 four fifty-five g quarter to one8 two forty h twenty-five to two

8 Read the text. Then make questions and responses from the prompts.


Where / Steve / work?

Where does Steve work?


What time/Steve/start work?

work / restaurant / Manchester

He works in a restaurant in


start /10.30


when / restaurant / open?


When / restaurant / close?

open / Tuesday / Sunday close / midnight

3 What time/open/lunch? 6 When / waiters / finish work?

open / 12.00 finish work / two in the


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 43 из 360

9 Look at Steve’s notes for June/July. Then complete sentences 1 - 8, writing the

dates in full.

1 Steve finishes work _on the 23rd of June_.

2 His father’s birthday is______________________.

3 His brother, Alan, arrives in Manchester_____________________.

4 They start their holiday_______________________.

5 They finish their holiday______________________.

6 Steve starts his new job______________________.

7 The new restaurant opens______________________.

8 His first pay day is______________ Friday_________________.

10 Use the dues to find the missing

1 M2 S3 N4 D5 W6 A

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 44 из 360

7 J8 T9 T10 F11 O12 J

1 The third month of the year. (5)

2 The first day of the weekend. (8)

3 The eleventh month. (8)

4 Christmas Day is 25th____________(8)

5 The middle day of the week. (9)

6 A spring month in Europe. (5)

7 The month between June and August. (4)

8 The day after Monday. (7)

9 The day before Friday. (8)

10 The weekend starts on___________night! (6)

11 The only month beginning with the letter O. (7)

12 New Year’s Day is 1st________________(7)

11 Underline the correct adverb.

1 I enjoy the theatre.

I often / never go on Saturday night.

2 He works very late.

He always / rarely finishes before midnight.

3 Guests always arrive by car.

They often / never arrive by train.

4 I love coffee.

I always / never have it for breakfa

5 Guests never / often book adjoining rooms for their children.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 45 из 360

6 My brother lives in the US.

I always / rarely see him.

7 Sometimes / Never I study and sometimes I alwc

I meet my friends.

8 Reception staff always / never say

Good morning to guests.

9 The bar isn’t busy. It often / never closes early.

12 Make words from the letters in italics to complete the sentences

1 Can you meet me at emithclun? lunchtime2 I vreen drink alcohol.3 We often go to Spain for a laydohi.4 The new bar speno on Saturday5 The restaurant is lufyl dekoob tonight.6 The tuscmoer wants a table by the window.7 They revesdinner from 7.00 to 10.00.8 We have a tellacnacion for tonight.9 My mayfil live in Turkey.10 I’d like to make a table noitservare, please.

Unit 5 Giving polite explanations

The plan:

1 Give polite explanations

2 Use verb short forms

3 Give formal written apologies

4 Exercises

Listening Making apologies

1 Listen to the dialogues and tick the correct place.

1 hotel restaurant

2 car park restaurant

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 46 из 360

3 restaurant hotel

4 restaurant bar

5 car park hotel

6 restaurant bar

7 hotel car park

8 restaurant hotel

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 I’m sorry, the ……. full on Tuesday.

2 Unfortunately, we’re ……. on Sundays.

3 I’m afraid we’re fully ……. that weekend.

4 I’m ……. , we don’t have anything left for tomorrow.

5 Unfortunately, the car park’s ……. this weekend.

6 I’m sorry, we only ……. in the evening.

7 I’m ……. there’s only a shower.

8 I’m ……. , there’s no answer from room 345.

Turn to the listening script of Unit 5 and practice the dialogue with a partner.

Take turns to ask and answer the questions.

Language study

Expressions to learn

I’m sorry, the hotel is full on Tuesday

I’d like to reserve a table for two for Sunday lunch.

Unfortunately, we’re closed on Sundays.

I’m afraid, we’re fully books that weekend.

I’m sorry, we don’t have anything left for tomorrow.

Does a bathroom have a bath?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 47 из 360

Structures to practice

Present simple (short forms)

See language review pages for Unit 5

3 Rewrite these sentences using the short forms

1 I am sorry, but we are closed in January.

2 We do not have a reservation for tonight.

3 I am afraid, I cannot reserve you a table.

4 He is the hotel manager.

5 They are not open on Mondays.

6 She cannot work today. She is not in town.

7 He does not want a single room.

8 I am sorry, we do not have a table for tomorrow.

9 Here is your room key. You are in room 409.

4 Refuse these requests. Give polite explanations and use the short forms.

Example: Can I reserve a table for tomorrow night? (no tables)

I’m sorry, we don’t have any tables.

1 I’d like to book a family room for the Easter weekend. (fully booked)

2 Can I have a parking space, please? (full)

3 Can I reserve a table for four for Tuesday? (closed on Tuesdays)

4 I’d like to speak to Mrs Keane in room 248, please. (no answer)

5 I’d like to book a table for Sunday lunch. (only open evenings)

Listening Written apologies

5 Read these written apologies. Then listen to the voicemail messages and match

each request to one of these apologies.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 48 из 360

1 – We regret that we cannot confirm your reservation. Unfortunately, the hotel is

fully booked on Saturday.

2 - We regret that we cannot reserve you a table for four on Sunday evening.

3 – I regret that the restaurant is closed all day on Wednesday.

4 – I regret that we cannot reserve you a double room this evening. Unfortunately,

we have only single rooms left.

5 – We regret that there aren’t any single rooms left on Monday night.

6 Write an email confirming the following booking. Unfortunately, there are no

parking spaces until Wednesday and the bathrooms only have showers.

Dear Sir,

I’d like to reserve adjoining double rooms, with twin beds, for five nights

from Monday 28-th August for me and my wife, and our two daughters ages six

and nine. If possible we’d like bathrooms with a shower and a bath. Also please

book me a parking space in your car park and a table for four in the restaurant for

the Monday evening at 7.00. We arrive mid-afternoon.


Patrick Rogers


Work with a partner. Student A’s information is here. Student B’s information is

Activity Section Unit 5.

A1 Your name is Marc/Maria Aston. Call and make these reservations.

Hotel Palazzo: two double rooms for Saturday 29-th March with bathrooms with

shower, and a car parking space.

La Giralda restaurant: table for three for dinner on Saturday p.m. Table for two

for lunch on Sunday. Table for two for lunch on Monday.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 49 из 360

Example: Hello, I’d like to make a reservation, please.

7 Match the phrases to make polite explanations

1 g I'm afraid we don’t have anything left for a in the car park.2 I’m sorry, the restaurant is b with a shower.3 Unfortunately, we're fully booked at c closes at eight.4 I’m sorry, there aren’t any parking spaces d full tonight.5 I’m afraid we only have a bathroom e the weekend.6 Unfortunately, we’re dosed f Only doubles.7 I’m afraid the swimming pool g the Christmas week.8 I’m afraid there aren’t any twin rooms left. h on Mondays.

8 Match the requests with the pictures. Then write an appropriate response to the


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 50 из 360

a 1 Room 301, please.b I’d like to go for a swim.c Could I book a double room for tonight?d Can 1 speak to Nadine in reservations, please?e I’d like a parking space, please.f Do you have a table for 9.30?8 Could I speak to the manager?

9 Rewrite the verbs in the short form.

1 I am I’m 6 you are


11 we cannot2 we are 7 here is 12 I cannot3 she is 8 there is 13 they do not4 they are 9 there is


14 he does not5 he is not 10 there are


15 we do not10 Complete the sentences using the positive or negative short forms of the verbs

in brackets.

1 It_isn’t_(be) Friday today. It’s Saturday

2 She______(do) work on Sundays. She works Monday to Saturday.

3 I’m afraid we__________(do) have any rooms leftfor tonight.

4 Of course, guests___________(can) use theswimming pool today.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 51 из 360

5 The manager__________(be) in his office. He’s on holiday this week.

6 Here’s your key. You_____________(be) in room 354.

7 We___________(can) take table bookings for the weekend. We’re full on

Saturday and Sunday.

8 I’m sorry there____________(be) any adjoining rooms left.

11 Read the email confirming a customer’s hotel reservation. Then put the

sentences in the correct order.

12 Complete the crossword using the clues below.1M

2R3 L 4c



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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 52 из 360







1 Your phone on the move? (6,5)

3 The meal in the middle of the day. (5)

5 Can’t in formal, written English. (6,2)

6 The opposite of refuse. (6)

7 Saturday and Sunday. (7)

9 A room for one. (6,4)

10 Respond to a question. (6)

11 An alternative to a shower. (4)

12 I'm afraid we're full. We don’t have___________left for tonight. (8)


1 Around 3 o’clock in the afternoon. (3-9)

2 Say no to a request. (6)

4 When you aren’t open you’re_________ (6)

6 The children are in the__________room. (9)

8 We______________that we are unable to confirmyour reservation. (6)

Unit 6 Receiving Guests

The plan

1 Make polite requests

2 Talk about possessions

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 53 из 360

3 Ask where places are

Listening Checking into a hotel

1 Listen and complete the registration card

Registration card


Address…C/Puente 3,1,Madrid

Passport number……428329177

Arrival date………………………

Departure date…………………..

Room number……………………

Signature C. Rodrigues

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 Good ……., Sir. Can I …….you?

2 ……. name’s Rodrigues.

3 Could you please…….in this registration card?

4 Do I fill in …….home address?

5 And …….I have …….passport?

6 The porter will …….you with…….luggage.

Turn to the listening script of Unit 6 and practice the dialogue with a partner.

Take turns to be the receptionist and the guest.

Language study

Expressions to learn

I’d like to check in, please.

Could you please fill in this registration card?

Your room number’s 361. It’s on the third floor.

Here’s your key card for your room.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 54 из 360

Would you like to have dinner in the restaurant?

Can you reserve me a table for two at eight o’clock?

Structures to practice

Possessive adjectives

Singular: my, your, her, its; plural: our, your, their

Language review page for Unit 6

3 Complete the sentences with the correct possessive form

1 Could I have dinner in …….room, please?

2 Would you like some help with …….luggage?

3 We’d like to have lunch in …….room.

4 He wants to know where to park …….car.

5 Ask Ms Lee for …….passport.

6 Scott and John are waiters at the Sydney Tower Restaurant. That’s …….job

Listening Where is it?

4 Listen to the dialogues. Look at the diagrams and match these places to the

rooms on the plan.

1 – bar 4 – hair salon

2 – fitness center 5 – sauna

Turn to the Listening script for unit 6 and practice the dialogues with a


5 Work with a partner. Practise asking for and giving directions.

Example: A – Excuse me, where’s the florist?

B – It’snextto …

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 55 из 360


Work with a partner. Student A’s information is here. Student B’s information is

Activity Section Unit 6.

A 1: You are a receptionist at the Queen’s Hotel. Check in the guests. Remember

these things: name, address, passport, key card, registration card.

Example: Good morning. How can I help you?

A 2: Read the two data files and check into the Park Hotel

Name: Mr George/ Mrs Georgina Wade

Room: double, three nights

Address: Flat 7a, Connex House, London N2 9PU

Passport number: 433800125

Name: Mr Xiang/Mrs Li Zhu

Room: single, two nights

Address: 22 Sunland Villas, 688 Quing Xi Road, Shanghai 200336

Passport number: 239347596

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 56 из 360

6 Match a word in each column to make a new noun.

1 room a card

2 hair b phone

3 fitness c address4 registration d number5 fax e card6 key f hours7 home g centre8 opening h machine

9 mobile i salon.

7 Complete the jumbled dialogue with my, your, his, her, our, or their

a Yes, we have_your 1 _reservation, Mr Vassili. Please complete

thisregistration card. Could I have__________2 passport?

b The fourth floor, OK.Thank you. We’d like to have dinner in the restaurant

this evening.My wife is meeting __________3 sister here.

c Certainly Carlos, please help Mr and Mrs Vassiliwith_________4

luggage_________5 room number is 436.

d That’s right, sir. A parking space is reserved for three days. The car

parkattendant can help you__________6 name’s Michael. And

here’s___________7 key card___________8 room numberis 436. It’s on the

fourth floor.

e Good evening. My name’s Stavros Vassili.You have a reservation for a

double room for me and ____________9 wife.

f Here it is. I also made a reservation for a parking space for________10 car.

g Yes, please. A table for three.Can we have help with___________11


h Can I reserve you a table?

3 Now put the sentences in the dialogue in the correct order.

1 e 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 57 из 360

8 Complete the flowchart of the check-in procedure.

A guest_arrives_1 atreception.↓

The receptionist asks the guest's___________2.↓

The receptionist________3the reservation.↓

The receptionist asks the guestto fill in the________ ________4.↓

The guest__________ _________5 thecard including his home address.↓

The_____________6 asks for hispassport.↓

The receptionist gives the guesthis________ _______7and room number.↓

The____________8 helps theguest with his luggage.9 Look at the picture. Then read the sentences and underline true or false.

1 The shop is opposite the exchange bureau. true/

false2 The bar is next to the restaurant. true/

false3 The cafe is in the business centre. true/

false4 The fitness centre is opposite the restaurant. true/

false5 The information desk is behind reception. true/

false6 The meeting room is on the ground floor. true/

false7 The lifts are next to the shop. true/

false8 The cloakroom is next to the lounge. true/

false9 The hair salon is in the fitness centre. true/

false10 The swimming pool is on the ground floor. true/


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 58 из 360

10 Find ten more check-in phrases in the puzzle.You can read some from left to

right (→), some from top to bottom (↓), and some diagonally (/)

Unit 7 Serving in the bar

The plan:

1 Ask what people want

2 Ask how customers would like their drinks served

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 59 из 360

3 Ask how customers want to pay


Divide the drinks in the picture into four categories.

- Beer, -wine, - spirits, - soft drinks/mixers

Listening What can I get you?

1 Listen to the customers ordering drinks from the bar. What do they order?

Margarita, San Miguel, Guiness, gin and tonic

1 Paul ……………………………….

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 60 из 360

2 Gaaby……………………………..

3 Michelle…………………………..

4 Kurt……………………………….

2 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 Where does Paul want to have a drink?

2 What kind of drink is a Margarita?

3 Does Kurt order bottled or draught beer?

4 What does Gaby want in her gin and tonic?

5 How does Paul pay?

Language study

Expressions to learn

What can I get you?

Would you like bottled or draught beer?

Would you like ice and lemon?

Shall I charge this to your room?

No thanks, I’ll pay cash.

Structures to practise

Requests and offers

Requests Offers

Could I have a beer? Would you like ice?

Can I have your key card? Shall I charge this to your room?

See language review page for unit 7

3 Match each reply to a request or offer in the example above

1 Yes, please. My room number is 235.

2 Certainly. Would you like bottled or draught?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 61 из 360

3 Certainly. Here it is.

4 Yes, please, and lemon.

Practise dialogues with a partner. Take turns to be a customer and a server.


Look at the adjectives we use with different drinks

Wine – red, white, dry, medium dry, sweet.

Beer – draught, bottled, small, large.

Spirits - large (double), small (single)

Water – sparkling, still

4 Practise asking questions with a partner. Use – would you like…?- and the

correct adjective to find out what exactly the customer want.

Example: A – Hi, Could I have a beer, please?

B – Yes, would you like a large one or a small one?

A – a large one, please.

1 Can I have two whiskies, please?

2 Could I have a mineral water?

3 A glass of white wine, please.

4 A vodka and tonic, please.

5 Could I have a beer?

6 Can I have a brandy, please?

Listening How much is that?

5 Listen to five people buying drinks. Read the bar tariff. How many euros is each

person charged?

6 Write tree short dialogues taking orders for drinks and asking for payment.

Practise the dialogues with a partner. Take turns to be a customer and a server.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 62 из 360


Work with a partner. Look at the drinks list and practice ordering drinks. Take

turns to be a customer and a server.

Example: A - Could I have a vodka and an orange, please?

B – Certainly. Would you a large on or a small one?

A – a large one.

B – would you like ice and lemon?

A – Ice, but no lemon, thank you.

Vodka and orange red wine

Brandy and ginger ale beer

Whisky and soda mineral water

Bacardi and coke orange juice

Gin and tonic lemonade

White wine (sweet, medium dry, dry)

7 Underline the correct form.

1 Would you like / Shall I ice and lemon?

2 Can I have / Would you like two large beers, please?

3 Could I / Shall I charge this to your room?

4 Can I have / Would you like your key card, please?

5 Would you like/ Could we have sparkling or still mineral water?

6 Shall I / Could I haves dry white wine and a Margarita?

7 Could I have / Would you like draught or bottled beer?

8 Can we have / ShallI our drinks in the garden?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 63 из 360

8 Match offers 1-8 with requests a-h.

1 What can I get you? a A large one, please.

2 Can 1 have a large whisky, please. b Sparkling or still?

3 Would you like large or small? c Here it is.

4 Could I have your room number? d A glass of red wine, please.

5 Shall I charge this to your room? e Would you like ice?

6 Would you like ice and lemon? f No, thanks. I’ll pay cash.

7 Can I have your key card? g It's 22.

8 Can 1 have a mineral water? h Just ice, please.

9 Use adjectives to describe the drinks. Some adjectives can be used more than


bottled double draught drylarge medium dry red single

small sparkling still

sweet white

1 wine dry

2 beer

3 spirits

4 water

10 Underline the odd one out.

1 dry still sweet medium dry

2 soda tonic cocktail ginger ale

3 beer brandy rum vodka

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 64 из 360

4 port gin sherry vermouth

5 Riesling Chablis Merlot wine

6 orange juice bacardi mineral water coke

7 Guinness Budweiser Margarita San Miguel

8 sparkling large small double

11Complete the dialogues using the picture prompts.

1 BAR staff: What can I get you?Customer: One large beer, and a vodka

and tonic1 please.BAR staff: Would you like_________2

in the vodka?Customer: Yes, please. How much is that?

BAR staff: _____________3 euros, please.

2 BAR staff: Good evening. What can I get

you?Customer: _____________4, please.

BAR staff: Would you like____________5?

Customer: Dry, please.

BAR staff: And would you like__________6?

Customer: A large one, please. How much is

that?BAR staff: ______________7 euros, please.

3 BAR staff: What would you like to drink?

Customer: _______________8, please.

BAR staff: Would you like____________9?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 65 из 360

Customer: Still, please.

BAR staff: And_______________10 ?

Customer: Just a single, please. How much is

that?BAR staff: _____________11 euros, please.

12 Use the clues to find the missing drink.

1 V2 C3 04 T5 B6 V7 G8 W9 L10 T11 S12 R

1 A fortified wine. (8)

2 It’s usually made in a shaker. (8)

3 A fruit drink. (6,5)

4 The spirit in a Margarita. (7)

5 San Miguel is a type of _______________ .(4)

6 A colourless spirit. (5)

7 A good mixer with brandy or whisky. (6,3)

8 Drink it dry, medium dry, or sweet. (5,4)

9 A lemon soft drink. (8)

10 Gin and______________. (5)

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 66 из 360

11 A fortified wine from Spain. (6)

12 A spirit from the Caribbean. (3)

Unit 8 Instructions

The plan:

1 Ask for instructions

2 Explain how to do things

3 Put things in order


Most bars serve cocktails. What cocktails do you know? What’s in them?

Listening How do you make a cocktail?

1 Listen to the instructions and follow the sequence of pictures from 1-9

2 Match the instructions to the pictures.

1 Shake well, to mix and chill the liquids.

2 Next, pour in one measure of tequila.

3 First, take a cocktail shaker and fill it with crushed ice.

4 Finally, pour the Margarita into the glass and serve.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 67 из 360

5 Garnish with a slice of lime.

6 Then squeeze some fresh lemon juice into the shaker.

7 Then pour in a quarter measure of triple sec.

8 Then add a dash of lime juice.

9 Then put some ice cubes into a salt-rimmed glass.

Take turns to pactise the instructions and mime the actions with a partner.

Language study

Expressions to learn

First, take a cocktail shaker.

Fill it with crushed ice.

Next, pour in one measure of tequila

Then add a dash of lime juice

Shake well

Then put some ice cubes into a salt-rimmed glass

Garnish with a slice of lime

Structures to practice

Instructions and sequence markers

Make instructions with the base form of the verb, e.g. take, fill, pour. Use sequence

markers like first, next, then, finally to explain the order of actions.

3 Write instructions using sequence markers.

1 Make a cafetiere of coffee:

- Put/coffee/cafetiere

- Boil/water

- Fill/cafetiere

2 Send an email:

- Write/email address

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 68 из 360

- Write/information

- Send

3 Register a guest

- Give/registration card

- Ask/guest/fill in

- Ask/passport

- Give/key card

Listening Can you make these drinks

4 What do you need to make a Daiquiri and a Manhattan? Listen and write D or M

after each word.

Ice cocktail shaker

Lemon juice large glass

Crushed ice Angostura bitters

Cherry sweet vermouth

Canadian whisky Cocktail glass

Caster sugar slice of lemon

Slice of lemon light rum

Cocktail glass

5 Listen again and use the words in exercise 4 to complete the instructions for

each cocktail. Take turns to practice giving the instructions with a partner.


First, take the …….and fill it with ……. ……. . After that, add three measures of

……. ……., one measure of ……. …….and a teaspoon of ……. ……. . Then

shake well and strain into a ……. ……. . Finally, garnish with a …….and that’s it.


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 69 из 360

Work with a partner. Student A’s information is here. Student B’s information is in

activity section Unit 8.

A 1 Ask your partner how to make a cocktail called a Broadway. Take notes on

how to make it. Read the notes back to your partner.

A2 Here are the instructions for making a cocktail called a Whisky Sour. Tell your

partner how to make it. Ask him/her to take notes and read it back to you.

1 First, take a chilled wine glass from the fridge.

2 Then pour a measure of whisky.

3 Next, add a dash of sugar syrup.

4 Then add two teaspoons of lemon juice.

5 Stir, gently.

6 Finally, garnish with a slice of lemon and a cherry.

6 Use each word once to make cocktail ingredients and equipment.

lemon sugar ice sauce olivejuice spoon shaker cubes

1 lime juice 4 ice 7 slice of2 bar 5 green 8 Worcester3 cocktail 6 crushed 9 caster

7 Put the instructions for making a Cuba Libre in the correct order.

a Then pour in 1 measure of light rum.

b Next, garnish with a slice of lime.

c Then fill the glass with cola.

d First, fill a highball glass with ice.

e Finally, serve with a straw.

f Next, add the juice of half a lime and stir well.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 70 из 360

8 Underline the correct verb.

1 Mix / Squeeze the liquids with a bar spoon.

2 Stir / Squeeze some fresh lemon juice.

3 Shake / Strain the liquid into a glass.

4 Fill / Shake the cocktail shaker with crushed ice.

5 Add / Serve 1 12measures of tequila.

6 Squeeze / Pour the cocktail into a glass.

7 Serve /Chill with a straw.

8 Strain / Stir with a bar spoon.

9 Shake / Pour well to chill the liquids.

10Stir / Garnish with a cherry.

9 Match a phrase from each column to make cocktail ingredients.

1 g a dash a of caster sugar

2 the juice of b of sweet vermouth

3 a slice c a glass with ice

4 a teaspoon d vodka

5 half fill e of lime

6 34 of a measure f 1

2 a lemon7 three measures of g of Angostura bitters

10 Read the ingredients and look at the pictures. Then write the instructions for

making a Daiquiri.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 71 из 360

1 First, Jill a cocktail shaker with crushed ice.234567

11Complete the crossword using the clues below.1G

2A 3C


6G 7C 8B


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 72 из 360

10 M



4 It chills your drink. (7,3)

6 You can__________a cocktail with cherries, olives, and lemon. (7)

7 A rum-based cocktail. (4,5)

9 Finally, stir with a_______________ ______________(3,5)

10 Whisky, vermouth, and bitters make a____________.(9)

11 The liquid of a small green citrus fruit. (4,5)


1 You serve a cocktail in this. (5)

2 A popular US cocktail. (9)

3 First take a_________ __________.(8,6)

5 A popular tequila cocktail. (9)

8 Angostura___________(7)

Unit 9 Taking a food order

The plan

1 Look after guests as they arrive

2 make guests feel welcome

3 Take orders


Read the menu. Which dishes are vegetarian?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 73 из 360

Listening Taking an order

1 Listen to the dialogue. Are these statements true or false?

1 The guests order aperitif. – true/false

2 The soup of the day is minestrone. – true/false

3 They don’t order a first course. – true/false

4 The woman orders fish for her main course. – true/false

5 They order a bottle of white wine. – true/false

6 They order a bottle of sparkling mineral water. – true/false

2 Listen again and complete the server’s order pad with the customers’ food order.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 74 из 360

Turn to the listening script of the unit 9 and practice the dialogue in groups of

three. Take turns to be the waiter and the two customers.

Language study

Expressions to learn

I’ll show you to the table.

Can I take your coats?

Here’s the menu and wine list.

Can I get you aperitif?

Are you ready to order now?

How would you like your steak?

Would you like to order some wine?

Structures to practice

a/an, the

Use -a/an- when you first talk about something. Use –the- when you talk about

something for the second time or when it is clear what you are talking about.

See language review unit 9

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 75 из 360

3 Complete the sentences with a/an or the

1 Can we have …….adjoining room?

2 What’s ……. dish of the day?

3 Could we have ……table for two?

4 Put …….olive on a cocktail stick. Then, put …….olive in he glass.

5 Yes, the hotel has …….car park.

6 Put some crushed ice into …….cocktail shaker. Pour three measures ofgin into

…….shaker and stir.

a/an, some

Use a/an instead of one to talk about countable noun. Use some to talk about

uncountable nouns.

Example: I’d like a bottle of wine/an aperitif.

I’d like some bread/some water/some milk

See language review for unit 9

4 Compete the sentences with a/an or some.

1 Would you like …….wine?

2 …….bottle of Chablis, please.

3 Could we have …….bread?

4 Would you like …….aperitif?

5 Could I have …….ice in my coke?

6 Could you call me …….taxi?

7 Just …….glass of red wine, please.

8 I want to change …….money.

Listening Are you ready to order?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 76 из 360

5 Listen to the dialogues and complete the orders. Use these words.

Soup, salad, mushroom, bacon, tea, sandwich

Dialogue 1

1 egg and …….

2 pot of …….

Dialogues 2

1 basil and tomato …….

2 ……. Risotto

Dialogue 3

1 cheese and ham …….

2 chef’s …….

Listen again and put the food and drink into three menus

Breakfast lunch dinner

…………. ……………. ……………….

…………. ……………. ……………….

Take turns to practise taking and making orders from the different menus with a



Work with a partner . Create a menu with five first courses. Refer to the menu on

the previous page to help you. Take turns to practise making orders.

Starters Main course

Mushrooms pate chicken casserole

6 Make words from the letters in italics to complete the menu.

Starter menu

basil and atotmo1 soup


red nonio2 tart

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 77 из 360

shomurom3 pâté

kucd’s4liver pâté

slemou5 mariniére

goat’s cheese dasal6


7 Name the food items and add them to one of the menus. Some items are on two


Breakfast menu1 c croissant234

Light lunch menu567

Dinner menu89101112

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 78 из 360

8 Find five more mistakes and correct them. Tick (✓) the correct sentences.

1 Would you like to order theaperitif? an2 I’d like a Daiquiri, please.3 Would you like to see the dessert menu?4 I’d like to book the table for five on Saturday evening.5 What’s a soup of the day?6 We’d like a beer and two cokes, please.7 Would you like to see a wine list?8 I’d like an egg sandwich and the pot of tea, please.9 I’ll have half the bottle of Merlot, please.10 Would you like a double or a twin room?

9 Label the words: C for countable nouns, U for uncountable nouns, and Cl U for

nouns that can be both.

beer ClU bread Utea glass of winewater double whiskystarter coffeetoast moneyaperitif cocktailfish milkluggage bottle ofwaterice taxitime parking spacehelp

10 Make questions and answers using a/an or some.

1 Would you / wine? Would you like some wine?

Just glass / Chablis. Just a glass of Chablis.

2 Would you / aperitif?

Yes / gin and tonic.

3 Can I / change / money here?

Yes. There’s / exchange bureau / lobby.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 79 из 360

4 Could we / mineral water?

Would you / large bottle / small bottle?

5 Could I / sandwich / orange juice?

Would you / ice / your orange juice?

6 Could you / call / taxi?

Certainly. Would you / help / luggage?

11 Put the sentences in the dialogue in the correct order.

a WAITER: Here’s your table. Can I take your coats?

b MAN: Yes. I’d like a whisky sour and my wife would like a vodka and tonic.

c WAITER: Brezina. Table for two at 8 o’clock.Come this way and I’ll show you to your table.

d MAN: Thank you.e WAITER: Here’s the menu and wine list. Would you like an aperitif?f MAN: Thank you.

g WAITER: Whisky sour, vodka and tonic. Fine.And the soup of the day is French onion.

h MAN: Good evening. We booked a table for two. The name is Brezina.

i 1 WAITER: Good evening.

12 Find ten more meat and fish words in the puzzle. You can read some from left to

right (→), some from top to bottom (↑), and some diagonally (/).

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 80 из 360

Unit 10 Desserts and cheese

The plan

1 Present the dessert menu

2 Give guests the choice

3 Talk about cheese


Look at the dessert menu and specials board. Which desserts from the menu can

you find in the photographs?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 81 из 360

Listening What’s for dessert?

1 Listen to the dialogue. Which desserts do the customers order?

2 Look at the expressions to learn. Practise choosing desserts from the menu and

the specials board with a partner.


A What do you recommend?

B I recommend the crème brulle. It’s delicious. The lemon tart is very good.

A I’ll have the summer pudding

B Would you like it with cream or ice cream?

A Ice cream, please.

Language study

Expressions to learn

I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Would you like the dessert menu?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 82 из 360

Do you have any ice cream?

We also have a specials board.

I recommend the French apple tart.

The summer pudding is very good, too.

I think I’ll have the French apple tart.

Would you like it with cream or ice cream?

Structures to practise


See language review page for unit 10.

3 Complete the sentences with some or any.

1 Do you have …….fresh fruit?

2 Could we have …….water, please?

3 Would you like …….coffee?

4 I’m sorry, we don’t have …….fresh fish today.

5 Can I get you …….more drinks?

6 There isn’t …….cheese.

4 Make questions and answers.

1 coffee (milk or without)

2 Cheesecake (cream or ice cream)

3 Steak (French fries or salad)

4 profiteroles (chocolate sauce or without)

5 salad (French dressing or mayonnaise).

Practise the dialogues with your partner. Take turns to ask and answer the


Listening What about some cheese?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 83 из 360

5 Listen to the description. Which of the cheese are soft, hard, or blue? Where are

they from? Complete the table.

6 Practise describing these cheeses with your partner.

Example A What kind of cheese is Cheddar?

B Cheddar is a hard cheese from Britain.

1 Camembert 3 Manchego 5 Mozzarella

2 Stilton 4 Danish Blue 6 Gouda

7 Match a word in each column to make popular desserts.

1 Vanilla a tart2 Blackcurrant b pudding3 Crème c salad4 Chocolate d with chocolate

sauce5 Profiteroles e mousse6 Fruit f ice cream7 Summer g brulée

8 French apple h sorbet

8 Read the sentences and underline true or false

1 Cheddar is a hard cheese from Britain. true / false2 Roquefort is a blue cheese from Italy. true/false3 Manchego is a soft cheese from Spain. true/false4 Dolcelatte is a soft blue cheese from Italy. true/false5 Gouda is a hard cheese from the Netherlands. true/false6 Danish blue is a hard cheese from Denmark. true/false7 Gruyère is a hard cheese from France. true/false8 Mozzarella is a soft cheese from Italy. true/false9 Camembert and Brie are soft cheeses from France. true/false10 Parmesan is a soft cheese from Italy. true/false

9 Label the countries 1-10 on the map of the world.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 84 из 360

10 Complete the table of countries, nationalities, and languages.

Country Nationality LanguageBrazil Brazilian Portuguese

BritainFranceGermanyItaly ItalianJapanMorocco ArabicPortugalSpainThe United States American

11 Complete the dialogue using some or any.

M A N : Do you have_any_1 ice cream?

STAFF: Yes. There’s vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry

M A N : I’d like__________2 chocolate and vanilla,

please. What about you, Kate?WOMAN: Do you have__________3fresh fruit salad?

STAFF: I’m afraid we don’t have______________4 left.

Would you like____________5 fresh fruitinstead?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 85 из 360

WOMAN: That would be nice. Thank you.

STAFF: Would you like_____________6 more wine?

No, thanks.

STAFF: OK. Would you like____________7 coffee afteryour dessert?

MAN: I don’t want__________________8, thanks. Kate?

W OM A N : An espresso, please.

12 Use the clues to find the missing dessert.

1 A small black fruit. (12)

2 A blue cheese from Denmark. (6,4)

3 A hard Spanish cheese. (8)

4 The flavour of white ice cream. (7)

5 A small, soft, red fruit. (9)

6 A popular American/British dessert. (5,3)

7 A soft cheese from France. (9)

8 The cheese used on pizzas. (10)

9 Fresh fruit dessert. (5,5)

10A good dessert for a hot day. (3,5)

1 B2 D

3 M

4 V5 R

6 A7 C8 M

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 86 из 360

9 F

10 I

Unit 11 Talking about wine

The plan

1 Compare different wines

2 Talk about countries and nationalities


What wines can you see in the photographs?

Listening Would you like to order some wine?

1 Listen to the dialogue. Which wines do the customers choose?

2 Listen again. Are the statements true or false?

1 The Riesling is drier than the Sauvignon Blanc. – true/false

2 The Sauvignon Blanc isn’t as dry as the Pinot Grigio. – true/false

3 The Chardonnay is sweeter than the Sauvignon Blanc. – true/false

4 The Chilean Merlot is a full-bodied wine. – true/false

5 The Chilean Merlot is smoother than the French. – true/false

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 87 из 360

6 The French Merlot is more expensive than the Chilean. – true/false

Language study

Expressions to learn

Which is drier, the Riesling or the Sauvignon Blanc?

The Sauvignon Blanc is drier than the Riesling.

It isn’t as dry as the Pinot Grigo.

They’re both full-bodied wines.

The French Merlot is more expensive than the Chilean.

Structures to practise


Compare things using –er than, more…….than, not as …….as.

See language review for unit 11.

2 Complete these sentences with the correct comparative forms.

1 The restaurant is …….(busy) tonight than last weekend.

2 The Plaza is …..(close) to the airport than the Grand.

3 A suite is …….(expensive) than a single room.

4 I think the Sauvignon blanc is ……. (good) than the Riesling.

5 Mineral water is …….(cheap) than wine.

6 The Chilean Merlot is …….(not smooth) as the French.

Listening Wines around the world.

3 Listen and match the wines with a country or region.

1 Port a France

2 Sherry b New Zealand

3 Champagne c Australia

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 88 из 360

4 Sauvignon Blanc d Portugal

5 Frascati e California

6 Zinfandel f Italy

7 Chardonnay g Spain


Work with a partner. Look at the webpage at activity section for unit 11 and

take turns to compare the different red and white wines. Discuss where they come

from, their quality and their taste. Which ones would you and your partner buy?


A Where does Seleccion del Castillo come from?

B It comes from Spain

A What’s it like?

B It’s a light wine and quite fruity, but it isn’t as fruity as the Australian Cabernet


4 Match adjectives 1-8 with their opposites a-h.

1 d good a unpopular2 cheap b white3 light c sweet4 smooth d bad5 dry e non-sparkling6 sparkling f rough7 red g expensive8 popular h full-bodied

5 Put the words in the correct order.

1Italian / light / wine / Frascati / is / a / white

Frascati is a light Italian white wine.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 89 из 360

2dry / is / white / Pinot / Grigio / wine / a

3Champagne / Cava / and / sparkling / wines / are

4wine / non-sparkling / is / a / Riesling

5Portugal / from / Port / wine / is / a / fortified

6red / full-bodied / is / a / Merlot / wine

7smooth / St. Emilion / wine / is / a / Bordeaux

8white / is / a / German / Riesling / wine

6 Complete the table with the comparative forms of the adjectives.

Adjective Comparativecheap cheaperexpensive more expensivedrysweetsmoothroughgood


7 Compare the different wines using-er than, more... than, and not as... as.

1French Merlot / expensive / Chilean Merlot

French Merlot is more expensive than Chilean Merlot.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 90 из 360

2Champagne / famous / Cava and Sekt

3Sauvignon Blanc/sweet / Pinot Grigio

4St. Emilion / smooth / a cheap Bordeaux wine

5Sauvignon Blanc / dry / Chardonnay

6Chardonnay / not light / Frascati

7Other sparkling wines / not expensive / Champagne

8A Bordeaux wine / full-bodied / a young Beaujolais

9A good claret / good / a cheap red wine

8Answer the questions using the map.

1Where does port come from?

Port comesfrom the north of


2Where is sherry produced?

3Where is the Rioja region?

4Where is Bordeaux produced?

5Where does Beaujolais come from?

6 Where is the Burgundy wine region?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 91 из 360

7Where is Champagne produced?

8Where does Riesling come from?

9Where is the Chianti region?

10Where is Frascati produced?

9 Complete the crossword using the clues below.


2 A restaurant’s wine selection. (4,4)

4 This wine tastes bad. Perhaps it's________________. (6)

5 St. Emilionisa_______________wine. (8)

7 The country where Chianti and Frascati are produced. (5)

8 The most famous sparkling wine. (9)

9 Pinot Grigio is a______________white wine. (3)


1 This red wine is not light.It’s _______________.(4-6)

3 A good Bordeaux is full-bodied and______________.(6)

6 A piece of paper attached to a wine bottle, with information about it. (5)

11 You serve red wine at_____________temperature. (4)

1 F


3 s -

4c 5B

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 92 из 360

6L 7I8c

9D 10R

Unit 12 Dealing with requests

The plan

1 Help guests at reception

2 Help guests in the restaurant

3 Follow customer care advice

Listening I’ll get you some now

1 Listen and complete the requests.

1 …….you order a taxi for room 145, please?

2 I’d …….a glass of wine, please.

3 …….we have some more bread?

4 Can you send …….up to room 467, please?

5 We’d …….a table on the terrace.

6 …….does the exchange bureau open?

7 Excuse me, this …….is dirty.

2 Match these responses to the requests in exercise 1.

Listen again and check your answers.

A I’ll see if there’s one free.

B Of course, I’ll get you some now.

C Yes, Sir, I’ll order you one now.

D Certainly. I’ll get you one right away.

E I’m sorry. I’ll bring you another.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 93 из 360

F I’ll send someone up right away.

G One moment, I’ll check for you.

Work with a partner. Take it in turns to practise the requests and responses.

Language study

Expressions to learn

I’ll get you one right away.

I’ll see if there’s one free.

One moment, I’ll check for you.

I’ll bring you another.

Structures to practise

Offering help

See language review section of unit 12

3 Respond to the request using one, some, another or some more.

1 Can I have an orange juice, please? (get/some)

2 Our water jug is empty. (get/some more)

3 This bottle of wine is corked. (bring/another)

4 Is the exchange bureau open? I need some change. (get/some)

5 Could I have a beer, please? (get/one)

6 My bath towel is very wet. (get/another)

7 This fork is dirty. (bring/another)

8 There isn’t enough soap in the bathroom. (bring/some more)

Listening Customer care

4 Listen to the dialogue. What should you do in these situations?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 94 из 360

1 New customers arrive at reception.

2 A customer telephones the hotel.

3 Reception is busy. Customers want to speak to you.

5 Work with a partner. Write a dialogue between a hotel receptionist and a woman

business traveler as she checks in to the hotel. Use these notes.

- Book a wake-up call

- Dry cleaning (suit)

- Book a taxi

- Internet access

- Sauna

Practise the dialogue, taking turns to be the receptionist and the customer.


Work with a partner. Student A’s information is here. Student B’s information is in

activity page for unit 12.

A1 Use notes below to make requests to your partner

- Room noisy – move to a quieter one?

- Breakfast in my room?

- Bottle of gin and some tonic – room 488

- More clean towels in the bathroom?

- Soup not hot enough

Example: Excuse me, my room is very noisy. Could I move to a quieter one?

A2 Answer your partner’s requests using these notes. Choose the best alternative.

- Will check for you

- Will send up immediately

- Will call taxi office and find out

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 95 из 360

- Will deliver to room before 8 a.m.

- Will ask them to be quiet.

Example: Yes, of course. I’ll send some up immediately.

6 Use Could I/Could we to make requests from the pictures. Then underline the

correct form in the response.

7 Make responses to the sentences with I'll get some/one/another/some more.

1We don’t have any bread left.

I'll get some more.6

My knife is dirty.

2Table 6 doesn’t have any menus.

7Excuse me. The milk is nearly finished.

3This bottle of mineral water is warm.

8Can I see the dessert menu?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 96 из 360

4There isn’t any salt on table 11.

9Table 3 would like extra toast.

5Some cheese would be nice.

10Mrs Kruger wants a pen for the bill.

8 Put the sentences in the telephone dialogue in the correct order.

a reception: I’ll ask housekeeping to get you some more.

b guest: We’d like a bottle of mineral water, two glasses, and a

selection of vegetarian sandwiches. Thank you very much.c reception: In 304? I’m very sorry. I’ll speak to them straightaway.

d guest: Thank you. One last thing. Can I order drinks and sandwiches

from you?e 1 reception: Reception. How can I help you?

f guest:OK, I’ll wait for housekeeping before I take a shower.

Also, I’m sorry to complain but the people in 304 are very

noisy.g reception: Certainly. I’ll send some toiletries up to your room.h guest: Thank you. And our bathroom towels are very wet.i reception: If you give me your order, I’ll pass it on to room service.

j guest: Hello. It’s Mrs Beneto in room 303. Can we have some more

soap and shower gel, please?

9 Complete the words.


Always w e l c o m e1customers with a smile.

A__s__e__2 the phone quickly.

Apo__o__i__e3 for any delay in answering the phone.

Always be p__l__t__4 andf__i__n__ly5.

Use the customer’s n__m__6 when you talk to them.

Take spe__i__l7 care of people with particular needs.


Don’t keep people w__i__ing10long.

__ __ __ __ __ at waiting guests.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 97 из 360

Unit 13 Describing dishes

The plan

1 Explain what type of dish it is

2 Explain what dishes are made of

3 Explain what dishes contain


Find two meat dishes, three fish dishes, and four vegetarian dishes on the menu.

Listening What’s it made from?

1 Look at the menu. Listen and tick three dishes from the menu that you hear.

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 This is a …….dish.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 98 из 360

2 It …….of penne, a type of pasta, in a chilli and tomato sauce.

3 This is …….from layers of rice mixed with onions and mushrooms.

4 It’s wrapped in puff pastry and …….in the oven.

5 It …….half a lobster, king prawns, scallops and mussels.

6 It’s …….warm with a crisp, green salad.

Take turns to describe the dishes with a partner.

Language study

Expressions to learn

Excuse me, could you explain me the menu, please?

What’s in the penne arrabiata?

This is a pasta dish.

It consists of penne, a type of pasta.

It’s made from chilli, tomato, garlic, and basil.

This is made from layers of rice…

It contains half a lobster, king prawns…

It’s served warm with a crisp, green salad.

Structures to practise

Present Simple Passive

The Passive is often used to describe how things are made or done.

See language review section for unit 13.

3 Change these sentences to the Passive form

1 We make pasta from flour, eggs and salt.

2 You make a Margarita with tequila.

3 The receptionist tells guests about the hotel facilities.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 99 из 360

4 The restaurant serves dinner from 7.30 to 11.00.

5 We make dressing from oil and vinegar.

6 The waitress takes your order at the table.

Listening Do you know how to lay a table?

4 Listen and match the items in the place setting.

1 napkin 7 first course fork

2 side plate 8 soup spoon

3 butter knife 9 wine glass

4 main course knife 10 salt and pepper

5 main course fork 11 fish knife and fork

6 first course knife 12 dessert spoon and fork

5 Match the food with the ingredients

1 b Penne arrabbiata a thin slices of white bread, raspberries, and sugar2 Mixed seafood b chilli, tomatoes, garlic, basil, pine nuts, and pasta3 Hollandaise sauce c egg whites, and icing sugar

4 Salmon coulibiac d tarragon, shallots, vinegar, dry white wine, egg

5 Bearnaise sauce e layers of rice, onions, mushrooms, salmon, and

6 Summer pudding f egg yolks, lemon juice, butter, and salt and pepper7 Meringues g half a lobster, king prawns, scallops, and mussels

6 Answer the questions using the prompts.


What is ice cream made from?

• cream/eggs/sugar6

What vegetables does the vegetarian

bake contain?



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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 100 из 360


What does a continental breakfast

consist of?

• fruit juice/croissant or



What are pancakes made from?

• eggs/milk/flour


What does the mixed seafood dish


• lobster/prawns/scallops/mussels


What does the chef’s salad consist


• green salad/tuna/olives/tomatoes

4What does a Margarita consist of?

• tequila/triple sec/lime and lemon


9What’s the salad dressing made


• olive oil/wine vinegar/mustard


What is summer pudding made from?

• bread strips/raspberries/sugar10

What does the penne arrabiata

consist of?


pine nuts

7 Rewrite the instructions in the Passive for how to make a Summer pudding.

1 Remove the crusts from some thin slices of white bread. The crusts are removed from some thin slices of white bread.

2 Cut each slice into three or four pieces.

3 Put some of the bread strips around a pudding bowl.

4 Stew the raspberries in the sugar for a few minutes.

5 Add the fruit and some of the juice to the pudding bowl.

6 Cover the fruit with more bread strips.

7 Pour over the remaining juice.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 101 из 360

8 Put a weight on top of the bowl and place it in the refrigerator.

8 Rewrite the Passive sentences as instructions for how to lay a place setting

1A clean tablecloth is put on the table. Put a clean tablecloth on the table.

2 A knife and fork are put in the plate position.

3 A napkin is folded and placed on a side plate.

4A dessert spoon and fork are brought with the dessert menu.

5A wine glass is placed above the soup spoon position.

6 Salt and pepper are put in the centre of the table.

7A flower arrangement and a candle are placed by the salt and pepper

8 Use the clues to find the missing wine, perfect with seafood.

1 S2 F

3 L4 H5 S6



8 K9 M

1 A shellfish starter. (8)

2 The waiter brings this and removes the meat fork. (4,4)

3 This large shellfish changes colour when cooked.(7)

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 102 из 360

4 A good light sauce for fish. (11)

5,6 This fish dish is usually served as a starter. (6,6)

7 Another piece of cutlery for eating fish. (4,5)

8 A popular royal shellfish for starters and main courses. (4,5)

9 A sauce often served with cod. (6)

Unit 14 Dealing with complaints

The plan

1 Accept and apologize for complaints

2 Take actions to help customers

3 Talk about the past

Listening What is there to complain about

1 Listen to the complaints and match the key words to the problems.

1 car park a overcooked

2 restaurant b full

3 rooms c nobody gave it

4 steak d short-staffed

5 message e on different floor

2 Listen again and match the sentences with the replies.

1 We asked you to reserve a parking space.

2 We ordered our drinks twenty minutes ago.

3 We reserved adjoining rooms.

4 This steak is really overcooked.

5 A colleague left a message at reception last night.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 103 из 360

A I’ll check with the wine waiter.

B I’m sorry. I’ll change your rooms straightaway.

C I’ll reserve you a space for tomorrow.

D I’m so sorry. I’ll look into it.

E I’ll speak to the chef and bring you another one.

Language study

Expressions to learn

I’m sorry, we overbooked the car park yesterday.

I’m sorry, madam. I’ll be with you in a moment.

I’ll check with the wine waiter.

I’ll change your rooms straightaway.

I’m sorry, Sir. I’ll speak to the chef and bring you another one.

I’m so sorry. I’ll look into it.

Structures to practise

Past Simple (Regular verbs)

The Past Simple tense is for completed actions in the past.

See language review for unit 14.

3 Use these words to make sentences in the Past Simple.

1 they/arrive/hotel/yesterday

2 she/ask for/dessert/without cream

3 chef/cook/ wonderful/ meal

4 guests/enjoy/their stay

5 he/key in/reservation data

6 waiter/open/bottle of champagne

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 104 из 360

4 Use the irregular verb list to complete these sentences in the Past Simple.

1 They …….(tell) the waiter about the mistake on the bill.

2 He …….(go) into the kitchen to speak to the chef.

3 The guests from Japan …….(speak) very good English.

4 Yesterday I …….(meet) my colleagues in a bar.

5 She …….(write) an email confirming the reservation.

Listening I’ll look into it for you

5 Listen to the complaints and fill in the table.

PROBLEM ACTION1 beer flat Get you another







Work with a partner

A1 Use these notes to make complaints to your partner. Make notes of their


TV broken Bath dirty Bread stale

Bed not made Beef too salty Vegetables overcooked

Soup cold Order late Minibar empty

A2 Respond to your partner’s complaints. Apologize and say what you will do to

put things right

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 105 из 360

6 Match the pictures with the adjectives.

a empty e corkedb torn f offc overcooked g undercookedd full h flat

7 Complete the complaints with the best answer.

1 You’ve given usthe_wrong_rooms. We asked for adjoining doubles.a bad b right c wrong d good

2 Sorry, this bread is really_________________.

a stale b fresh c good d flat

3 This is room 409. Our bathroom is absolutely_________________.a unmade b filthy c dirty d dusty

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 106 из 360

4 These vegetables are really_______________. They have no taste at all.a new b vinegary c cold d tasteless

5 Excuse me. I can’t eat this soup- it’s too_____________________.a warm b tasteless c salty d flat

6 Are you the reception manager? One of your staff was very_____________to me today.

a rude b friendly c bad d dirty

7 The TV in our room is____________.a dusty b full c broken d torn

8 This meat is so__________that it’s difficult to cut.a tasteless b rough c cold d stale

9 Our room is very________because of the street traffic. We can’t sleep.a full b dirty c hot d noisy

10 This wine tastes_____________. I think it’scorked.a vinegary b salty c tasteless d flat

8 Match responses a-j with the complaints in exercise 2

a 3 I’m very sorry. I'll speak to housekeeping straight away.

b I’m sorry. I’ll speak to the wine waiter who will replace it for you.

c I'm sorry. Can I get you a salad instead?

d I’m sorry. I’ll change them straightaway.

e I’ll ask maintenance to sort it out for you immediately.

f I’m sorry. Would you like to choose another soup?

g I’m sorry. I’ll get you some fresh bread.

h I can move you to a room at the back of the hotel.

i I do apologize. I’ll speak to the person concerned.

j I’m sorry. I’ll speak to the chef. Would you like something else?

9 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Past Simple tense.

1 Theyordered (order) a bottle of red wine.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 107 из 360

2 The waitress____________(open) the bottle of champagne.

3 The waiter___________(take) their order.

4 The guests___________(arrive) at 10 p.m.

5 The restaurant manager___________(speak) to the chef about the complaint.

6 The manager___________(lookinto) the complaint about his staff.

7 The receptionist___________(smile) at the new guests.

8 The guests___________(leave) after breakfast.

9 The guest___________ (give) the waiter her key card.

10They___________ (reserve) a table for dinner at 8 p.m.

11They___________ (meet) their friends after work.

12The bar server___________ (shake) the cocktail shaker.

10 Complete the letter with the verbs in the Past Simple tense.

give receive not be not wantbook be wait speak

take arrive make complain

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to complain about the recent poor service which I received 1 at your


When we___________2 on Saturday afternoon,

our room___________3 ready for us. Then the

receptionist___________4 us the wrong room

without a balcony or shower. She___________5

to change the room for us but I insisted.

I___________6 a table for dinner when

I___________7 our room reservation but we

___________8 more than half an hour for a table.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 108 из 360

The waiter___________9 our order and we then waited

another thirty minutes for our food. The food was not good

The meat___________10 tough and the vegetables

watery and overcooked. I___________11 to the waiter

and then I___________12 with the restaurant manager,

who was unsympathetic.

I remain an unhappy customer.

Yours faithfully.

11Complete the crossword using the clues below.5s 6o 2D



7T 8N9B

10s l1V

12 s13w



4 No taste at all. (9)

6 Really dirty. (6)

7 Meat that is difficult to eat. (5)

11 Wine that is too old. (8)

12 Too much salt. (5)

13 Too much hhO. (6)

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 109 из 360

14 The opposite of polite. (4)


1 Cooked for too long. (10)

2 Covered in dust. (5)

3 Green beans can be like this. (7)

5 Champagne with no sparkle. (4)

8 Another word for loud. (5)

9 Not working. (6)

10 Certainly not fresh. (5)

Unit 15 Jobs and workplaces

The plan

1 Show people around

2 Introduce people

3 Talk about people’s jobs

Listening Let’s start at front office

1 Listen to the dialogue. Are the sentences true or false?

1 Louise is responsible for seven staff. – true/false

2 They handle all the reservations in reception. – true/false

3 Requests for laundry and dry cleaning go to the kitchen. – true/false

4 The housekeeper is responsible to the assistant manager. – true/false

5 The Fidelio system is used for check-ins and payments. – true/false

6 The Galileo system is used for travel arrangements. – true/false

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 …….front office.

2 …….is Louise our reception manager.

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 110 из 360

3 There is always a …….here to deal with any questions.

4 …….the phone area over there.

5 …….are the computers and …….the printers.

6 Everybody here is trained on those …….

Language study

Expressions to learn

Here’s front office and this is Louise.

Louise is responsible for six staff.

In receptions they handle all the reservations.

There is always a receptionist here to deal with any questions.

She’s responsible to the assistant manager

Structures to practise


See language review section for unit 15.

3 Complete the sentences using responsible to or responsible for.

1 The cashiers are …….the reception manager.

2 The waiters are ……taking orders.

3 The duty manager is …….all the full time staff.

4 The porters are …….taking the guests’ luggage to their rooms.

5 The barman is …….the bar manager.

6 The car park attendant is …….parking the cars.

Listening ….and in the kitchen

4 Listen to the dialogue. Match the staff to their duties.

Head chef Bakes all the bread, rolls and

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 111 из 360


Sous chef Are responsible to the sous chef

Commis chef Prepare the vegetables, sharpen the


Chefs de partie Writes the menus

Pastry chef Handle all the cold dishes, the

sauces, and mayonnaise

Kitchen porters Prepare all the soups, hot starters,

and side orders

5 Listen again and compete the sentences.

1 He writes the menus and he’s responsible for the …….courses.

2 She …….all the soups.

3 The chefs de partie …….all the cold ……..

4 He …….all the bread.

5 The kitchen porters have lots of …….

6 They prepare the vegetables, …….the knives, and …….the ovens.

6 Look at the pictures. Then complete the sentences with jobs, and responsible to

or responsible for.

Rachet Mai7 Mai is________________. 8 ________________the hotelmanager.9________________the

Max11 Max is______________ .12_____________the kitchenstaff.13___________the head chef.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 112 из 360

housekeeping staff.10 They are______________and room_______________ .

14 They are the sous________________, the____________chef, the chefde partie, three__________chefs, and two kitchen______________________ .

7 Match the jobs with the responsibilities.Job Res pons i b i l i t y

1 reception manager a menus and the kitchen

2 restaurant manager b luggage

3 housekeeper c front office

4 head chef d guests’ questions and requests

5 cashier e baking bread and croissants6 receptionist f bedrooms and linen

7 reservations clerk g helping the sous chef

8 porter h the restaurant staff rotas

9 room attendants i reservations by phones and

email10 pastry chef j money and bills

11 commis chef k preparing vegetables

12 kitchen porter 1 cleaning rooms and making

beds8 Complete the sentences with this/that or these/those.

Right _This menu here is today’s menu.

Look at this menu.______________are the dishes I want you to prepare.

______________'s tomorrow’s menu over on the board.

______________are tomorrow’s dishes over there.

______________desserts here are ready for the dining room.

Those on ______________worktop aren’t finished yet.

Could you pass me ______________bottle? The one on the shelf.

I’ll serve ______________dishes here if you take.

Here you are, sir. ______________is today’s lunch menu.

Excuse me. Who are ______________people over there?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 113 из 360

9 Complete the sentences with the best answer.

1 Put the dirty plates into thedishwasher .

a cupboard

b bin

c blender

d dishwasher

2You use a____________to make meringue.

a blender

b whisk

c knife

d sieve

3 When you make a tart you cook it in the____________.

a deep fryer

b grill

c oven

d frying pan

4 Eggs are boiled on the____________.

a grill

b oven

c hob

d saucepan

5 French fries are cooked in the____________.

a oven

b frying pan

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 114 из 360

c deep fat fryer

d food processor

6 We make soup using the liquid in the____________.

a stockpot

b blender

c refrigerator

d saucepan

7 Food is kept warm under the____________.

a oven

b heat lamps

c grill

d hob

8 Each chef has their own____________.

a cupboard

b oven

c worktop

d work station

9 The waiters make toast in the____________.

a grill

b toaster

c heat lamp

d blender

10 The kitchen porters ____________the kitchen knives every day.

a sharpen

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 115 из 360

b wash

c clean

d cut

Unit 16 Explaining and instructing

The plan

1 Explain how to do things

2 Talk about food preparation

3 Understand hygiene regulations

Listening How to do it right

1 Listen to the two dialogues and answer the questions.

Dialogue 1

1 What are they preparing?

2 What must they do first?

3 Do they have to scrape the potatoes?

Dialogue 2

1 What does Petra have to do first?

2 What does Lin do?

3 List some of the complimentary toiletries.

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 1 We …….prepare the lunch vegetables.

2 First, you …….wash your hands.

3 …….them into little sticks.

4 …….we…….to scrape them?

5 Then I’ll …….the onions.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 116 из 360

6 It …….cook for long.

7 Put the …….linen in the laundry bag here.

8 Everything ……be spotless.

Language study

Expressions to learn

I’ll show you what to do.

First, you must wash your hands.

Peel them like this.

Cut them into little sticks.

It mustn’t cook for long.

We have to strip the beds.

Put the dirty linen in the laundry bag, here.

Do we have to change the towels every day?

Structures to practise

Must, have to, don’t have to, mustn’t

See language review for unit 16

3 Complete the sentences using must, have to, don’t have to, mustn’t

1 You …….have clean hands in the kitchen.

2 We …….start work at 8.00 a.m.

3 I …….(not) work on Sundays.

4 We …….prepare the vegetables before 11.30.

5 The attendants …….change the beds every day.

6 You …….leave food on the floor.

7 Guests …….check out by 12.00 noon.

Listening Kitchen hygiene

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 117 из 360

4 Listen and match the phrases. Then take it in turns to practise saying the

regulations with a partner.

1 must always wash A all kitchen work surfaces regularly

2 mustn’t wash B the bins regularly

3must clean C the floors every day

4 must sweep and wash D your hands in the food preparation


5 have to clean E the rubbish in the correct bins

6 must put F their hands in the hand basin

5 Look at these ideas for customer care. Take turns to practise them using must or


- Greet customers with a warm smile

- Be polite

- Don’t keep customers waiting long

- Answer the phone quickly

- Remember the caller’s name and use it

- Don’t ignore customers while you are on the phone

- Smile and make eye contact if customers are waiting

- Look after customers with specific needs

- Be patient and helpful at all times


Work with a partner. Put the instructions for the recipe in the correct order.

Explain your recipe to your partner.

Mulet a la martegale

- Then pour on some olive oil.

- Slice a lemon and place it on top of the fish.

- First, wash, clean, and dry the fish.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 118 из 360

- Season with salt and pepper.

- Cook in a moderate oven for 25-30 minutes.

- Place the fish in an oiled dish with the tomato and onion.

- Slice the tomato and chop the onion.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct verb.

1 We have to julienne the carrots andchop the onions.

a cut

b prepare

c chop

d break

2 The kitchen porters____________the potatoes before boiling them.

a slice

b strain

c beat

d pour

3 You have to____________the broccoli and cauliflower into florets

before boiling.

a prepare

b fold

c stir

d break

4 ____________the egg whites together to make meringue.

a whisk

b cut

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 119 из 360

c blend

d stir

5 ____________the sauce to stop it sticking to the pan.

a whip

b stir

c break

d beat

6 ____________the cream to make a topping for the desserts.

a beat

b blend

c whip

d stir

7 ____________the fruit and chop it into pieces to make a fruit salad-

a scrape

b peel

c slice

d cut

8 ____________the meat thinly and put it on the plates.

a whip

b prepare

c scrape

d slice

9 The kitchen staff always____________their hands in the hand basin.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 120 из 360

a clean

b wash

c dry

d sweep

10The kitchen porters____________and wash the floors everyday.

a sweep

b make

c dust

d prepare

7 Now put the instructions in the correct order.


8Use each verb once to complete the room attendant’s instructions.

empty clean strip

replace open checkput maketake clean and dust

1 Open the windows.

2 _______________the beds.

3 _______________the dirty linen inthe laundry bag.

4 _______________clean sheets andpillow cases from the trolley.

5 _______________the beds.

6 _______________the room.

7 _______________the bathroom.

8 _______________all the bins.

9 _______________ the toiletriesin the bathroom.

10 _______________the minibar, lights, and electrical equipment.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 121 из 360

9 Make sentences with mustn’t or don’t/doesn’t have to.

1 Guests / pay for the car park

Guests don’t have to pay for the car park.

2 You / overcook the vegetables


3 Guests/check out until 12 noon


4 Akiko / work on Thursdays. It’s her day off.


5 Staff / wash their hands in the food preparation sinks


6 Room attendants / change the towels every day


7 Staff/smoke in the kitchen


8 Staff / be rude to customers


9 The kitchen porters / scrape the new potatoes


10Reception staff / keep guests waiting

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 122 из 360


10 Complete the text with must or have to.

Robbie and Dirkwork in the kitchen. They have to 1 prepare the vegetables

for lunchevery morning. Also, they___________2 chop onionsand

peelcarrots.They___________3 wash theirhands in the hand basin before touching

food.They___________4 wash the kitchen floors everyday and they___________5

clean the bins regularly.They___________6 remember to putthe rubbish inthe

correct bins for food or general rubbish.

yn and Petra are room attendants.They___________7 make the beds and

clean therooms every day. They___________8 replace thebathroom toiletries

and they___________9 checkthe minibar and the light bulbs.

They___________10make sure that everything in the bathroom is very clean.


11 Use the clues to find out how clean the kitchens and bathrooms must be.

1 Kitchen staff must always wash their hands in this. (4,5)

2 The pastry chef uses this to roll out pastry. (7,3)

3 Useful for making meringue. (7,5)

4 Another word for kitchen tools. (8)

5 Shampoo, shower gel, soap, and toothpaste are_____________.(10)

6 Strain your vegetables in this. (8)

7 Guests sometimes leave these on the bathroom floor. (6)

8 Kitchen porters put this in the bins. (7)

1 H

2 R

3 B

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 123 из 360

4 U

5 T

6 C

7 T

8 R

Unit 17 Taking telephone requests

The plan

1 Give good customer service

2 Describe hotel facilities

Listening Room service. Can I help you?

1 Listen to the four calls. Tick the words you hear.

1 Champagne, wine, glasses

2 washing, dry cleaning, ironing, cleaning

3 Lunch, breakfast, coffee

4 Button, zip, repair, pressing

5 Listen again and complete the sentences.

6 We …….four glasses.

7 My husband’s suit …….dry cleaning.

8 I have a dress that needs …….

9 No, you …….to do that.

10How …….will it be?

11We need …… in half an hour.

12I need …….this afternoon.

13Do they need …….?

Language study

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 124 из 360

Expressions to learn

How many glasses do you need?

No, you do not need to do it.

I’ll send someone up for them right away.

How long will it be?

Do they need pressing?

Structure to practise


See language review for unit 17.

2 Complete these sentences with need(s) or don’t/doesn’t need.

1 The room …….cleaning after each guest.

2 The room attendants …….to change the towels every day.

3 Your jacket …….ironing. It’s fine.

4 The guest in room 292 …….a taxi now.

5 No, thank you. We …….a porter.

6 You …….to pay now, Sir. I’ll put it on your bill.

Listening facilities and services

3 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.

1 What is the first thing the guest wants to do?

2 Where is the exchange bureau?

3 When is it open?

4 Where is the hair salon?

5 Why does he want a travel agency?

6 Where is the coffee shop?


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 125 из 360

Work with a partner.

A1 You are a business traveler. Phone reception and request the things on your list.

Example: Excuse me. I need to send a fax to Argentina.

- Send a fax to Argentina

- Trousers/pressing

- Massage

- Wake-up call (5.00 a.m. tomorrow)

- Taxi to airport (6.00 a.m. tomorrow)

- Today’s newspaper

- Ashtray

- Whisky for the minibar

4 Match a phrase in each column to make room service requests.

1 Coffee and cheese a pillows for room 34.

2 A continental b and three wine glasses.

3 A taxi c and some pastries.

4 Two beefburgers d for the bathroom in 167.

5 A bottle of French Merlot e for 6 p.m.

6 A pot of tea for three f and some French fries.

7 Some fresh towels g sandwiches for two.

8 Two more h breakfast for one.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of need.

1 Housekeeping needs to service all the rooms.

2 Mr Delporte _______________a parking space.

3 He _______________park his car in the carpark.

4 Room 34_______________two more pillows.

5 The duty manager _______________follow upthe complaint.

6 The guests _______________a taxi for 6 p.m.

7 Reception _______________order the taxifor room 721.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 126 из 360

8 The hotel _______________confirm the booking.

9 The little boy _______________a doctor.

10Tables 6 and 8_______________a bottle of sparkling mineral water.

6 Look at the picture. Then use the verbs to make sentences about what needs


refill wash make

repair clean iron/press

change answer empty

dry clean

1 The skirt needs dry cleaning.

2 ______________________________








10______________________________7 Make responses to the requests.

1 Where can ] get a haircut?

hair salon / opposite reception

There’s a hair salon opposite reception.

2 What time does the salon close?

close / 5 p.m.


3 Where can I change some money?

exchange bureau / ground floor

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 127 из 360


4 Where can I change my flight?

travel agency/next door to hotel


5 I need my suit cleaned.

send housekeeping / your room


6 Where can I get theatre tickets?

ask / doorman / theatre-booking service


7 My wife is feeling ill. She needs a doctor.

call one / immediately


8 Can you get me a taxi to the airport?

order one / straightaway


Unit 18 Taking difficult phone calls

The plan

1 Ask for clarification over the phone

2 Clarify spelling

3 Negotiate prices with customers


Look at the reservation screen. What information does the hotel need to make a

room reservation?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 128 из 360

Listening Could you repeat that, please?

1 Listen to the dialogue. Tick the three pieces of information Gabriella can’t hear.

Time Date Passport number

Name Address Telephone number

2 Put the words in the correct order to make phrases from exercise 1.

1 can/little/you/up/please/speak/a/?

2 date/the/sorry/I’m/I/didn’t/catch

3 you/could/that/spell/me/for/?

4 N/did/say/for/November/you/?

5 you/could/that/repeat/please/?

Language study

Expressions to learn

The line is very bad

Can you speak up a little, please?

I’m sorry, I didn’t catch the date.

What name is it, please?

Could you spell that for me?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 129 из 360

Did you say N for November?

Can I have a contact number for you?

Could you repeat that, please?

Structures to practise

Past Simple: questions and short answers

Use did and the base form of the verb to make questions in the Past Simple. Use

did and didn’t in short answers.

See language review for Unit 18.

3 Make questions and short answers.

Example: Did they arrive last night? (yes)

Yes, they did.

1 They arrived last night. (yes)

2 He reserved two double rooms.(no)

3 You heard what she said. (no)

4 She ordered a cooked breakfast. (yes)

5 5You booked a table for one o’clock. (no)

Listening Negotiating room rates

4 Listen to the dialogue and complete the table

1 standard rack rate $

2 weekend discount rate (with breakfast) $

3 customer’s budget $

4 weekend mini-break offer (with



5 weekend mini-break offer (without



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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 130 из 360

5 Listen again. Underline the correct alternative.

1 260 euros. That’s for a single/double room, with breakfast included.

2 Isn’t there some sort of weekend discount/offer you can give me?

3 We can give/offer you a special weekend rate if you stay Saturday and Sunday


4 That’s 200 euros per day/night for a double room, including breakfast.

5 I’m afraid that’s still too/very much.

6 What’s your limit/budget? Maybe one of our sister hotels can help.

7 We need to find a room for less/more than 10 euros a night.


Work with a partner.

A1 Call the Windsor Hotel. You stayed there a year ago. Make a booking for 17-20

November for a double room with a child’s bed. Get the best rate you can. Last

year you paid $ 135 for the same type of room. Ask about weekend rates and other

discounts for previous guests.

A2 You work at the Gatehouse Hotel. Take a phone booking, getting all the

necessary details. Prices have gone up this year. The rack rate for a double room is

$240. Group booking f eight people or more get a 15% discount. Weekend rates

include a 10% discount.

Example: Good morning. Gatehouse Hotel.

6 Underline the correct verb.

1 Do you speak / talk English?

2 didn’t spell / catch your name.

3 Did you say / tell K for Kilo?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 131 из 360

4 Could you speak up / talk down, please?

5 I’m sorry,Ican’t listen / hear you.

6 We get / have a very bad line.

7 Can you say / spell that for me, please?

8 Could you repeat / speak that, please?

9 Can you speak / say more slowly?

10 Can you speak / say thosedates again?

7 Put the sentences in the telephone dialogue in the correct order.

a RECEPTION : Brett. Could you spell that for me, please?

b WOMAN : It’s 0041 962 4035.

c RECEPTION : Yes, madam. When is it for?

d WOMAN : Hello. I’d like to make a reservation.

e RECEPTION : I’m sorry, could you repeat the date please?

f WOMAN : No, I didn't. I said B. B for Bravo.

g RECEPTION : Thank you. Your reservation is made.Would you please confirm in writing by fax or email?

h WOMAN : B-R-E-T-T.

i RECEPTION : OK. Thank you. So, the 18th to the 23rd of August, a family room. What name is it, please?

j WOMAN : It’s Brett. Mr and Mrs Brett, and our child.

k RECEPTION : Good morning, Coral Beach Hotel. Can I help you?

1 WOMAN : I said from the 18th of August.

m RECEPTION : Sorry, did you say P-R ... ?

n WOMAN : It’s for five nights from the 18th of August. A family room, please.

o RECEPTION : B for Bravo. I see. And could I have a contact number?

8Make questions and short answers.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 132 из 360

1 Mrs Brett / reservation / by email? (No)

Did Mrs Brett make a reservation by email?

No, she didn’t.

2 Mrs Brett / leave / contact number? (Yes)



3 Mrs Brett / reserve / single room? (No)



4 the Ronaldos / order / breakfast for two? (Yes)



5 they / book / table for 12.30? (No)



6 Valerie / offer / a discount? (Yes)



9 Rewrite the sentences in the negative.

1 They arrived last night.

They didn’t arrive last night.

2 He confirmed his reservation in writing.


3 Reception gave room 501 the message.


4 Room 222 paid their bill last night.


5 The hotel included breakfast in the special offer.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 133 из 360


6 She spoke to the duty manager.


7 The head chef made all the main courses and desserts.


8 He reserved a parking space with his booking.


10Use the table to calculate the answers to the questions.

Tariff per room per nightroom type 1 night Sat/Sun (2

nights)3-6 nights 7 nights +

Double €100 €160 €80 €70Family €130 €200 €90 €80Single €80 €130 €70 €65Suite €180 €280 €150 €140

How much is...

1 a single room for 3 nights? € 210

2 a double room for Monday and Tuesday night?

3 a suite for Saturday and Sunday night?

4 a family room for 10 nights?

5 a suite for 3 nights?

6 a double room for Friday to Sunday night?

7 a single room for 1 night?

8 a family room for Saturday to Monday night?

11 Find ten more telephone terms in the puzzle. You can read some from left to

right (→), some from top to bottom (→), and some diagonally (↗).

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 134 из 360

Unit 19 Health and safety at work.

The plan

1 Be aware of health and safety precautions

2 Find out who is qualified to help

3 Follow fire drill procedures

Listening Your health and safety is important to us

1 Listen to the dialogue. Are the sentences true or false?

1 Health and safety is a very serious business. – true/false

2 The hotel has regular fires. – true/false

3 The hotel tests the fire alarms regularly. – true/false

4 If staff see an accident, they must phone reception. – true/false

5 There is a list of first aiders at reception. – true/false

6 Many cleaning products are poisonous. True/false

7 When lifting heavy objects you must bend your back. – true/false

2 Listen again and complete the phrases with the correct adverb.

Immediately, carefully, clearly, carefully, regularly

1 test the alarms………….

2 check fire exits…………

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 135 из 360

3 find a first aider ………

4 read the list…………….

5 cleaning product must be marked………..

Language study

Expressions to learn

Please, listen carefully.

You must keep the fire exists clear.

If you see an accident, find a first aider immediately.

Please, read the list carefully.

These (products) must be marked clearly

Structures to practise

Adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives describe nouns, adverbs describe verbs.

See language review for unit 19.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives or adverbs.

Quiet, hard, expensive, carefully, fresh, late, politely, serious

1 We serve …….bread and rolls.

2 Please check the safety regulations ……..

3 That’s a ……problem.

4 I’d like a …….room next to the garden.

5 She’s an excellent commis chef and works …….

6 The Regal is a very …….hotel.

7 The group from Norway arrived very …….

8 Front desk staff must speak …….to guests.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 136 из 360

Listening Sound the alarm!

4 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions

1 What’s the noise everyone can hear?

2 Where’s the fire?

3 What do Tom and Mark use to put out the fire?

4 What does Mary do?

5 Where is the assembly point?

6 What does Mary tell Jo to do?

5 Read these safety regulations. Listen again and tick the ones they do.

What to do in the case of a fire

- Evacuate the guests from the rooms.

- Shut all the fire doors.

- Call the fire brigade.

- If the fire is small, use a fire extinguisher.

- Make an announcement.

- Direct the guests to the assembly point.

- Take a roll call.

6Look at the pictures and complete the sentences about Bruno’s bad day.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 137 из 360

1 When Bruno arrived at work this morning he fell on the slippery floor and hurt


2 He picked up a _______________bag of potatoes andstrained


3 He took salt from the _______________and foundit was caustic soda.

4 He _______________his _______________on thefood slicer.

5 He ran for the ___________ ___________ whenthe___________ ___________

went off, and fell oversome boxes.

6 He_______________in the restaurant and injuredhis_______________.

7 He got a nasty electric_______________from a faulty_______________. Poor

old Bruno went home!

7 Match the health and safety regulations a-g with the pictures in exercise 6.

a When lifting heavy objects, bend your knees and don’t strain your back.

b Always put the guard in place before using the food slicer.

cClean kitchen floors regularly.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 138 из 360

dReplace damaged carpets.

eKeep fire exits clear at all times.

fReplace old and faulty equipment.

gDon’t store cleaning products with food.

8 Complete the table of adjectives and adverbs.

Adjectives Adverbs1 careful carefully2 clearly3 early4 fast5 freshly6 good7 hard8 immediate9 late10 patient11 politely12 quick13 quietly14 regular15 seriously16 slow

9 Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1 Please close your door quiet late at night.

quietly .

2 Room 356 would like their bill immediate.


3 The chef makes freshly bread every morning.


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 139 из 360

4 The staff work very hardly in the busy season.


5 The Coral Beach is a well hotel.


6 Bruno works very fasdy in the kitchen.


7 Staff must speak polite to guests.


8 Jo was very patiently with the elderly guests.


9 He checked the guest list careful.


10 The fire alarms are tested regular.


10 Rewrite the sentences using adverbs.

1 Stefano is a very quick worker.

Stefano works very quickly.

2 He’s a good cook.


3 She’s a careful driver.


4 He’s a slow worker.


5 We have a regular test drill.


6 He gave a serious talk about health and safety.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 140 из 360


7 Reception staff always give polite answers to guests.


8 The cashier asked the man for immediate payment.


Unit 20 Giving directions indoors

The plan

1 Direct guests around the hotel.

2 Talk about room preparation.

Listening Excuse me, where’s the bar

1 Listen to the directions and complete the phrases.

1 …….the lift to the first floor.

2 Walk …….the corridor and it’s …….the left.

3 Go …….the lobby and through that doorway.

4 It’s on the ground floor, …….the lift.

5 When you come out of the lift, …….left.

6 Go …….conference suite B.

7 Go …….the door …….the exchange bureau.

8 And the fitness center is …….of you.

Language study

Expressions to learn.

Take the lift to the first floor.

Turn left/right.

Walk along the corridor.

It’s on the left/right.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 141 из 360

Go across/past/through the lobby.

It’s at the end of/the top of/the bottom of the corridor.

It’s on the ground/first/top floor.

Go past the stairs

Structures to practise

Prepositions of location and direction

2 Study the diagrams and the building plan. Read the sentences and underline the

correct alternative.

1 Room 213 is at the end of/at the top of the corridor.

2 The roof garden is at the top of/at the end of the hotel.

3 From the entrance, walk out of/past reception to get to the shop.

4 For the sauna, turn left at the end of/out of the lift.

5 The kitchen is at the top of/at the bottom of the stairs in the basement.

Listening Is the room ready?

3 Listen to the dialogue. Match the words to the pictures.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 142 из 360

1 wardrobe 5 hangers

2 light bulb 6 welcome folder

3 cabinet 7 drawers

4 table lamp 9 minibar

4 Listen again and answer the questions.

1 What did Petra check in the wardrobe?

2 What’s wrong with the table lamp?

3 Was the air-conditioning set correctly?

4 What information is in the welcome folder?

5 What’s in the minibar?

6 What must Petra do for the turn-down service?

5 Read the text and answer the questions.

The Royal Hotel

The hotel has seven floors. Reception, bar, restaurant, shops, and guest

lounges are all on the ground floor. The swimming pool and fitness centre are in

the basement. The 250 bedrooms are located on floors one to five. The conference

suite and roof garden are on the top floor.

1 Where’s the restaurant?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 143 из 360

It's on the ground floor.

2 What’s on the top floor?


3 Which floor is the bar on?


4 Where’s the conference suite?


5 Where are the guest lounges?


6 What’s in the basement?


7 Which floors are the bedrooms on?


8 Where’s the fitness centre?


6 Read the directions and underline the correct word or phrase in italics.

Take the lift to / for1 the top floor. Walk / Turn2 right out of the lift and the

conference suite is on / in 3 your right.

Go across / down4 the lobby. Go under/ through5 the door. Take/ Turn6 left and go

up / down7 the stairs to the basement.

It’s in / on8 the ground floor opposite/ inside9 the lift.

Take/Go10 the lift to the fourth floor. When you go into / come out of11 the lift,

turn /take12 right and room 420 is at / on13your left.

Walk past /along14 the corridor, turn right at the end /at the top15 of the corridor.

Go across / past16 the stairs and the lifts are in front of you.

7 Complete the sentences with the correct item.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 144 из 360

light bulbs


shaver point


welcome folder



trouser press


1 If guests are cold at night there is spare bedding in the wardrobe.

2 There are ______________ in the wardrobe for guests

to put their clothes on.

3 There’s a spare blanket on the ______________in the wardrobe.

4 There are also two spare ______________ in the wardrobe.

5 The room attendant checks all the ______________in the cabinet.

6 They also check the ______________in the bedside lamps.

7 The ______________has information about the hoteland the surrounding area.

8 Some rooms have a ______________for guests’trousers.

9 There’s a ______________in the bathroom for electricshavers.

Unit 21. Giving directions outside.

The plan:

1 Ask for directions.

2 Give directions.

3 Talk about the London underground system.

Listening Can you direct me to the theatre?

1 Listen to the directions from the Hotel International and follow them on the map.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 145 из 360

2 Listen again and complete the directions

The Dona Maria theatre (Teatro Nacional Dona MariaII)

1 You can go …….. Turn left outside the hotel and walk…….Rossio square. The

theatre is ……..the other side of the square.

The Roman museum (Nucleo Arquelogico)

2 Turn right …….the hotel. Then …….the first right down Rua dos Correeiros.

Keep …….down that street for 700 metres. You’ll see the museum …….your



3 The best way is to …….the metro from Rossio. Get a ticket for Oriente

…….lines at Alameda and then …….at Oriente.

Work with a partner. Practise asking for and giving directions. Use the map of

Lisbon or your own map.

Language study

Expressions to learn

It’s quite near here.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 146 из 360

Turn right/left outside the hotel.

Walk towards the square.

It’s on the other side of the square.

Keep straight on down the street.

You can’t miss it.

Structures to practise

Prepositions of location and direction

See Language review for unit 21

3 Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions

Off, straight on, across, over, up, on, outside, towards

1 Turn right and walk …….the big hotel.

2 Take the second left. Go …….and then turn right.

3 Go …….the bridge and …….the hill.

4 Park the car…….the bank.

5 You get on the train at Rossio and get ……. At Oriente.

6 Go …….the road and the cinema is …….

Listening Travel in the city

4 Look at the map of London Underground. Listen to the four sets of directions.

Find the starting points, and the destinations. Practise asking for and giving

directions with a partner.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 147 из 360

5 Use each word once to complete the text.

theatres travel gallery underground railway station bus station cinema museums outside

6 Look at the pictures and write the different ways you can travel.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 148 из 360

7Underline the correct prepositions.

1 Take the bridge over / across the motorway.

2 You can park directly inside/ outside the hotel.

3 Get on! in the train at Kings Cross and get to/off atWaverley.

4 Don't turn left or right. Go straight on / right on.

5 Walk down the street next to/ towards the museum.

6 Go up / along the hill and turn right at the top.

7 The cinema is just across/opposite the road from the hotel.

8 The bus station is in/on the other side of the square.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 149 из 360

8 Use the underground map to give the directions.

1 Excuse me. How do I get from A to F?

Take the Black line two stops south to E.

Change onto the Blue line and go one stop east.

2 Excuse me. How do I get from B to G?


3 Excuse me. How do I get from CtoH?


4 Excuse me. How do I get from A to B?


5 Excuse me. How do I get from H to A?


9 Read sentences 1-8. Then underline true or false for the town or city where you

are studying.

1 There’s an underground train system. true/false

2 There’s a square outside the busiest railway station. true/false

3 There’s a theatre near your school or college. true/false

4 The largest hotel is in the centre. true/false

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 150 из 360

5There’s a river, and at least one bridge you can go over

on foot.


6 There are more than five museums. true/false

7 The quickest way to get to the airport is by taxi. true/false

8The cheapest way to get to the next big city

or town is by bus.


Unit 22. Facilities for the business traveler

The plan:

1 Explain about room facilities

2 Talk about hotel services

3 Talk about conference facilities

Listening What can you offer the business traveler?

1 Listen and tick the facilities or services you hear. Which ones are mainly for the

business traveler?

1 Photocopier 10 Satellite TV

2 Disabled access 11 Printer

3 TV Internet access 12 Fax

4 Garden 13 Emails

5 Pay-per-view films 14 Car hire

6 Multi-line phones 15 Swimming pool

7 Broadband 16 Babysitting service

8 Electronic safe 17 Minibar

9 24-hour room service 18 laundry service

2 Listen again and complete the sentences using the facilities in exercise 1

1 All rooms have satellite TV with …….-…….-facilities.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 151 из 360

2 There’s Internet access for sending …….

3 Both the minibar and the …….are standard in all rooms.

4 We have …….-…….room service.

5 The printer, ……., and …….facilities are in the business centre.

6 The centre’s fully equipped and offers …….Internet access.

Language study

Expressions to learn

Can you tell me about your in-room facilities?

Both the minibar and the electronic safe are standard in all rooms.

What about facilities for business travelers?

The centre’s fully booked

Structures to practise

Linking and contrasting

So, both…and, but

See language review page for unit 22

3 Use both…and, so, or but to link these pairs of sentences.

1 The hair salon is open during the week. It’s closed at weekend.

2 The restaurant is fully booked. We can’t take any more bookings

3 The hotel has a fitness centre. The leisure centre has a fitness centre.

4 The chef is ill. The sous chef is in charge.

5 The table was booked for eight o’clock. The guests didn’t arrive until 9.00.

6 Petra finishes her work placement next week. Dirk finishes his work next week.

Listening We’re planning a conference

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 152 из 360

4 Listen to the dialogue and label the pictures.

1 Boardroom-style meeting room

2 Theatre-style meeting room

3 Banqueting room

4 Classroom-style meeting room

5 Listen again and complete the table.

Conference facilities

Types of rooms Type off audio visual


Business services

6 Make two lists of the services and facilities for A (Business travellers), and B (All


printer satellite TV room service

fax babysitting pay-per-view films

email photocopier video conferencing

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 153 из 360

broadband swimming pool multi-line phones

laundry carhire

A Business travellers B All travellers

printer Satellite TV

7 Use each word once to label the equipment.


digital projector





flip chart


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 154 из 360

8 Match the phrases to make sentences

1 The hotel is fully booked at the weekend so

1 The fire alarm went off at 7 a.m. but

2 The conference delegates arrive at 6 p.m. so

3 Both the fitness center

4 They wanted to book the meeting room but

5 You can send emails from your room but

6 Both the large meeting room

7 The customer requested the information about our conference center

A it was only a test drill.

B the printer and the copier are in the business center.

C we can’t take any more bookings.

D everything must be ready by then.

E they didn’t want accommodation.

F so we sent her an information pak.

G and the swimming pool close at 10 p.m.

H and the banqueting room hold 500 people.

9 Underline the correct words in italics to complete the email.

Dear Sir/Madam

My work / company1 is doing / planning2 a three-day conference / meeting3 in

Prague next September.

We want / require4 meeting rooms and single / one5 room accommodation for all

candidates / delegates6.

Please advise / tell7 me re the availability of dates and send me your conference /

meeting8 information pack.


A Dobbs

Conference organizer

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 155 из 360

Unit 23 Offeringhelpandadvice

The plan:

1 Talk about the recent past

2 Give advice

3 Talk about illness

Listening Emergency first aid needed

1 Listen to the dialogue. Are the sentences true or false?

1 Mr Schmidt has a stomach ache. – true/false

2 The porter has called an ambulance . – true/false

3 Mary gives Mr Schmidt a drink of water. – true/false

4 Mr Schmidt ate too much for breakfast. – true/false

5 Mary thinks Mr Schmidt should see a doctor.- true/false

6 Mr Schmidt has cut his head. – true/false

2 Listen again and complete these sentences.

1 One of the guests …….over.

2 …….move him.

3 I …….lunch yet.

4 You …….see a doctor.

5 So …….an ambulance.

6 You’ve …….your head.

Language study

Expressions to learn

One of the guests has just fallen over.

We should call an ambulance.

Don’t move him.

Are you in pain?

How are you feeling now?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 156 из 360

You should see a doctor.

Structures to practise

Present Perfect

See language review for unit 23

3 Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect

1 The Japanese group …….(just/arrive).

2 I …….(not finish) my exercise yet.

3 The man …….(have) a bad fall.

4 They …….(not eat) lunch yet.

5 We ……. (live) here all our lives.

6 He …….(not start) work yet.

Giving advice


4 Match these sentences to each other

1 1 It’s going to rain

2 He has hurt his leg badly.

3 It’s my mother’s birthday.

4 I was late for work yesterday.

5 She has lost her bag.

6 Tom has bought a very expensive car.

A He should see a doctor.

B You shouldn’t be late today.

C She should contact the police.

D You should take an umbrella.

E He shouldn’t waste his money.

F You should buy her a present

Listening Can you call a doctor, please

5 Listen to the four dialogues and complete the chart

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 157 из 360

Problem Action1





Work with a partner. There has been an accident. Discuss the following

actions and decide which ones you should do and which you shouldn’t do. Then

put them in order of importance.

A woman has dived into the swimming pool and cut her head badly. She has

climbed out and sitting on the ground.

- Call an ambulance.

- Call a first aider.

- Give her a cognac.

- Call a lifeguard.

- Cover her in a warm blanket.

- Call a taxi.

- Move her.

- Get her a hot drink.

- Ask her to lie down.

- Ask her to walk around.

- Give her some food.

- Massage her head.

- Fill out an accident report form.

- Give her a painkiller.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 158 из 360

6 Match the sentences with the pictures.

a The little boy has earache.

b The kitchen porter has cut his finger on a knife

d The man has a bad stomach ache.

e The girl has a temperature.

f Joanne has filled in an accident report form.

g The woman has injured her leg.

h The first aider has put a plaster on the cut.

7Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect tense of the verbs in brackets.

Use short forms if appropriate.

1 The group from Japanhave justarrived .(arrive)

2 Lyn and Petra ________just ________servicing the rooms. (finish)

3 The chef ________ ________ here for about ten years. (work)

4 I ________in the city all my Life. (live)

5 The group from Germany ________ ________ ________ yet.

(not check in)

6 ________ anybody ________ my pen? (see)

7 The guest in room 442 ________ ________ his bill yet. (not pay)

8 Mr Lee from 209 ________ just ________the stairs! (fall down)

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 159 из 360

9 The new guests ________ ________their passports to reception yet.

(not give)

10She ________ just ________ her handon the sheer! (cut)

8 Underline the correct form of the verb.

1 He started/ has started work at ten o’clock.

2 Did you eat / Have you eaten anything yet today?

3 After he fainted, she gave / has given him a glass of water.

4 Yesterday one of the kitchen porters cut / has cut his hand badly.

5 Last week he burnt / has burnt his arm on the hob.

6 Mary, come quickly! Mr Becks fell/ has fallen over in his room.

7 Did you call / Have you called an ambulance yet?

8 I called / have called a doctor five minutes ago.

9 I fell / have fallen off my bike on Tuesday.

10I didn’t see / haven't seen the nurse yet.

9 Complete the crossword using the clues below.1 B 2A 3D

4 F5A


aH 9D



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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 160 из 360


1 You often get this common illness in winter. (1,4)

2 With this illness you feel hot, cold, and full of aches and pains. (3)

3 This person looks after you in hospital. (5)

4 A pain in one of your teeth. (9)

5 A pain in your head. (8)

6 If you have a health problem, you need to see this person. (6)

7 Heat, illness, or pain may make you do this. (5)


1 You get a _________when you touch something very hot. (4)

2 With this illness you need to visit the toilet regularly. (9)

3 A common illness where breathing is difficult. (6)

4 This person checks your teeth. (7)

Unit 24 Dealing with problems

The plan:

1 Complain about bad service

2 Give an explanation

3 Give solutions

Listening Are we service-minded enough?

1 Listen and complete the sentences.

1 I …….a non-smoking room.

2 Your request should …….registered.

3 The bed hasn’t been …….

4 This …….mended yesterday.

5 You should …….a call.

6 It …….fixed yet.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 161 из 360

Turn to the Listening script and practise the dialogues with a partner.

Language study.

Expressions to learn

I requested a non-smoking room.

Your request should have been registered.

Excuse me my room hasn’t been serviced.

I’m very sorry. I’ll look into it.

It hasn’t been fixed yet.

This should have never been dealt with

Structures to practise

Should + Present Perfect Passive

See Language review page for unit 24.

2 Look at this complaints. What should have been done?

Example: The phone doesn’t work. (check)

It should have been checked.

1 The light bulb is broken. (replace)

2 Our bath is dirty. (clean)

3 The rubbish bin is full. (empty)

4 These glasses are dirty. (wash)

5 The TV isn’t working. (mend)

6 Our taxi hasn’t arrived. (order)

3 What would you say to guests in these situations?

Example: The bed isn’t made.

I’m sorry, it should have been made. I’ll send someone up immediately.

1 Our bathroom hasn’t been clean.

2 The minibar is empty.

3 The bathroom doesn’t have any soap or shampoo.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 162 из 360

4 We asked for a quieter room.

5 There’s something wrong with the air-conditioning.

6 We ordered room service twenty minutes ago.

Listening Did you enjoy your stay?

4 Listen and tick the correct statements.

1 Personnel called Mrs White to complain.

Personnel called Mrs White about a complaint.

2 The hotel didn’t have disabled access.

The hotel had good disabled access.

3 The first room wasn’t o the first floor.

The first room was on the ground floor.

4 It was too small.

It was too noisy.

5 The second room was quiet and near the garden.

The second room was quiet and had a balcony.

6 The manager sent flowers and fruit.

The manager sent flowers and champagne.

5 Turn to the Listening script of unit 24 and practise the dialogue with a partner.

Take turns to be the personnel officer and the guest.


Work with a partner. Read this extract from a letter of complaint to a hotel.

Discuss the letter with your partner and offer advice and solutions.

…when we ordered aperitifs they never arrived. The food in the restaurant was

awful. The steak was overcooked and the glasses were dirty. We complained to the

restaurant manager but he didn’t do anything. Our hotel was very small, the shower

didn’t work and our towels were dirty! We phoned reception and asked for some

more towels but we didn’t get them until the next day. We asked the receptionist to

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 163 из 360

send an engineer to mend the shower but nobody came. My husband ordered a

wake-up call for 6.30 but we didn’t get one. So we were late for our train….

6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb

1 The floor in room 452hasn’t been cleaned .

a isn’t cleaned

b hasn’t clean

c hasn’t been cleaned

2 The bed _____________________.

a isn’t done

b hasn’t been made

c hasn’t made

3 The towels_____________________.

a haven’t been changed

b haven’t changed

c aren’t changed

4 Room 26l’s shirts_____________________ yet from the laundry.

a hasn’t arrived back

b haven’t arrived back

c aren’t arrived back

5 The shower _____________________.

a haven’t been fixed b

b hasn’t fixed

c hasn’t been fixed

6 The bedside lamp bulbs_____________________.

a hasn’t replaced

b haven’t been replaced

c hasn’t been replaced

7 The air-conditioning in room 306_____________________.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 164 из 360

a hasn’t been fixed

b hasn’t fixed

c haven’t fixed

8 The waste bin_____________________. .

a isn’t emptied

b hasn’t emptied

c hasn’t been emptied

7 Write which member of staff is responsible for solving problems 1-9.

room attendant


maintenance man

house keeper

service engineer

8 Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1 The room attendant should have

cleaned the room.

2 The porter should have taken up the

The room should have been cleaned this




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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 165 из 360


3 The receptionist should have passed on

the message.

4 The laundry should have sent back the


5 Maintenance should have fixed the


6 Housekeeping should have replaced the


7 The service engineer should have

repaired the TV.

8 Reception should have given him a non-

smoking room.













9 Match problems 1-8 with solutions a-h.

1 b My room smells of smoke.

2 I can’t sleep with the traffic noise.

3 My room hasn’t been serviced today.

4 I didn’t receive my wake-up call.

5 The toilet in our bathroom is blocked.

6 Our wet towels haven’t been changed.

7 Our luggage hasn’t arrived in our room yet

8 The bedside lights aren’t working.

a I’ll ask the porter to bring it up straightaway.

b I’ll move you to a non-smoking room


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 166 из 360

c I’ll ask housekeeping to bring you some fresh

ones.d I’m sorry. Dl look into it for you.

e Would you like to move to a quieter room at

the back of the hotel?f I’ll send someone up with new light bulbs.

g I’ll ask the maintenance man to come up

straightaway.h I’ll inform housekeeping and ask them to

attend to it immediately.

Unit 25 Paying the bills

The plan:

1 Deal with customers payments.

2 Handle different forms of payment.

3 Explain the bill to customers


Think of some ways in which guests can pay their hotel bills.

Listening Could we have our bill, please?

1 Listen to two dialogues and answer the questions.

Dialogue 1

1 Has reception prepared the bill for room 234 yest?

2 How is Mrs De Canio paying?

Dialogue 2

1 When is the restaurant customer leaving?

2 Are the drinks included in the restaurant bill?

3 Is service included in the restaurant bill?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 167 из 360

4 How is the customer paying the bill?

5 Does the customer want a VAT receipt?

Language study

Expressions to learn

I asked for my bill to be prepared.

Your bill’s ready for you.

How would you like to pay?

Could you sign here, please?

Is service included?

How are you paying?

The total in euros is just here.

Would you like a VAT receipt.

Structures to practise

Present Continuous

The Present Continuous is used for actions which are happening now.

See language review page for unit 25

2 Answer these questions about what is happening now.

1 What are you doing now?

2 Who are you sitting next to?

3 Where are you studying?

4 What are you wearing?

5 What’s your teacher doing?

6 What are your friends doing?

Objective pronouns

Me, you, him, her, it, (singular) you, us, them (plural)

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 168 из 360

See language review page for unit 25

3 Complete the sentences with the correct object pronoun.

1 A: Where is your bag?

B: I gave …….to the porter.

2 A: Where did you put the pillow?

B: I put …….in the room 201.

3 A: Did you tell Mrs Dupont her husband called?

B: Yes. I gave …….the message.

4 A: Where’s Franco?

B: I saw …….a minute ago.

5 A: I hope you and your family enjoyed your stay.

B: We did, thank you. You looked after …….very well.

6A: Goodbye.

B: Goodbye. We hope to see …….again soon.

Listening How would you like to pay

4 Listen to the four dialogues and write the correct methods of payment.

1 ……….




5 Listen again. Are these statements true or false?

1 Mr Badel is paying for his room and meals only. – true/false

2 The hotel vouchers are for the room and breakfast. – true/false

3 Ms Kohl is paying for her bar bill and hotel bill separately. – true/false

4 Mr Popovic gives the cahier the correct money. – true/false

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 169 из 360

Turn to the listening script for unit 25 and practise the dialogues with a partner.


Work with a partner. Look at the four bills and the extras in brackets. Choose a

different method of payment for each situation and the amount (if any) of the

service. Practise and change roles.

- Retsurant bill (bar bill)

- Hotel bill (room service, restaurant, laundry charges)

- Bar bill (drinks, snacks)

- Parking bill (4 days)

- Car-hire (3 days)

6 Use each phrase once to complete 2 the sentences.

cash receiptVisa paymentcredit card VATdebit card company

vouchers Mastercard

traveller's cheques

1 Most hotels accept payment by credit card.

2 _______________ customers have upto fifty days to pay their card company.

3 _______________ payments are taken

directly from the customer’s bank account.

4 _______________ and _______________ are two of the most widely-used

credit cards.

5 People don’t usually carry largeamounts of on_______________ holiday.

6 _______________ can soon bereplaced if they are lost or stolen.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 170 из 360

7 In business travel, the _______________usually pays for theroom and meals.

8 Business travellers need a _______________for their accountsdepartment.

9 _______________ is usually includedin hotel bills.

10Travellers sometimes have prepaid_______________ for theiraccommodation.

7 Underline the correct form of the verb.

1 Mary works / is working as a receptionist

At the moment she checks in / is checking in some new guests.

2 Mrs de Canio leaves/is leaving for the airport.

She always pays / is paying her bill by credit card.

3 Business travellers usually pay/are paying with their company credit card.

4 The bus for the airport leaves/is leaving every 20 minutes.

5 The chef prepares/is preparing the main courses for today’s lunch.

The sous chef helps/ is helping him.

6 The German group leaves/ is leaving now.

Guests usually check out / are checking out before 10 a.m.

7 First, the guest signs / is signing the Visa slip, and then the cashier gives / is

giving her a copy of the bill.

8 The restaurant serves / is serving lobster today.

They usually serve / are serving it once a week.

8 Replace the words in italics with object pronouns.

A Sylvie gave the man him 1 his bill and he gave Sylvie ____________2 his

credit card.

She handed the man____________3 the Visa slip and asked the man

____________4 to sign the slip ____________5 .

He thanked Sylvie____________6 for an enjoyable stay.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 171 из 360

B The kitchen porters peeled the potatoes and put the potatoes____________7 in

the saucepan.

Then they filled the saucepan____________8 with water and put the

Saucepan____________9 on the hob.

Next, the chef asked the kitchen porters____________10 to prepare the

green beans.

CThe hotel apologized to my wife and 1____________11 for the mistake.

They said the mistake____________12 was because of a computer fault.

They gave my wife and 1____________13 a bottle of champagne and some

flowers and offered my wife and 1____________14 a discount on our bill.

9 Write the names of the countries represented in the pictures. Then match

them with the currencies.

Australia a yen

China b pounds

India c dollars

Japan d roubles

Mexico e rand

Russia f yuan renminbi

South Africa g rupee

Thailand h baht

The UK i peso

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 172 из 360

10 Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue between a waiter and

a customer.


a 1 Here’s your bill, sir.

b Here’s your credit card receipt and your VAT receipt. Thank you very much.

c Yes. The total shows a 10% service charge.

d Certainly, sir. Could you sign here, please?

e Yes. Mastercard is fine.

f Thank you. Good evening. We hope to see you again.


g Right. Could I have a VAT receipt, please?

hThank you very much. We really enjoyed our meal. This is for you.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 173 из 360

i Is service included in the bill?

j OK. I have a pen, thank you.

k Thank you. Do you take Mastercard?

11 Use the clues to find the missing form of payment.

1 Another word for a bill. (7)

2 Addeverythinguptogeta_____________(5)

3 You don’t pay more for these items. They are _____________in the bill. (8)

4 You get this after you pay a bill. (7)

5 You get this back when you pay more than the exact cash payment. (6)

6 Restaurants often charge 10% or more for this. (7)

7 Items not included in the price. (6)

8 If the bill is_____________, it shows every item. (8)

1 I2 T3 I4 R5 C6 S7 E8 I

Unit 26 Payment queries

The plan:

1 Acknowledge customers’ queries

2 Provide a solution

3 Handle queries politely

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 174 из 360


What problems do you think customers can have with their bills?

Listening I think there’s a mistake

1 Listen to the two dialogues. Are the sentences true or false?

Dialogue 1

1 The woman queried the bill because it was too much. – true/false

2 There were a lot f items on the bill. – true/false

3 The waiter gave her the bill for the table sixteen by mistake. – true/false

Dialogue 2

1 Mr Badouvas minibar bill is fourteen euros. – true/false

2 Mr Badouvas queried the phone bill. – true/false

1 Mr Badouvas didn’t make many calls. – true/false

2 Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 I think there’s a …….

2 There are a …….items here.

3 I didn’t have …….wine.

4 How …….is the minibar bill?

5 How …….drinks did you have?

6 We …….make many calls.

Language study

Expressions to learn

Could we have the bill, please?

I think there’s a mistake.

I’m sorry, madam. This isn’t your bill.

I’ll get the right bill for you.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 175 из 360

I’d like to settle my bill.

Structures to practise

Much, many, a lot of

See language review at page for unit 26

3 Complete the sentences with much, many, or a lot of. In some cases more than

one answer is possible.

1 There aren’t …….people in tonight.

2 There’s …….preparation to do.

3 How …….single rooms do you have?

4 Is there …….work to do this morning?

5 There are …….beds to change.

6 We don’t have …….time.

7 There’s …….information on our website.

8 How …….money do you have?

Listening Working with Fidelio Suite 7

4 Listen and put the dialogue in the correct order.

-He’s paying by Visa, so click on Visa.

-Then, click on the guest’s name, Mr Rodrigues.

-First, look at the guest list here and click on Departures.

-Now, his charges all appear on the screen in grey. Finally, click and issue an


-You’ve just checked out a guest.

-All the items for his bill will now appear on the screen.


Work with a partner.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 176 из 360

A1: Your hotel bill includes these items but the correct information is in brackets.

Complain to your partner who works in reception and explain the mistakes.

Hotel bill

Full rack rate – (agreed 10% discount on rack rate)

Calls to Paris – (no international calls)

Two days parking – (Didn’t use car park)

$17 minibar charges – (didn’t drink any alcohol)

$20 suit pressing – (trousers were pressed)

A2: You work in a restaurant and have prepared your guest’s bill. Listen to your

partner’s complaints. Apologise and expain.

- Wine bill is for a different table (table 4)

- Main meal bills are a mistake

- Coffees and drinks are correct (one coffee and Armagnac were ordered by the

gentleman 20 minutes later)

4 Read the text and study the bill. Then find six more items Mr King was

overcharged for.

Mr King arrived at the hotel on the afternoon of 10 September. He stayed

two nights. He had breakfast both mornings and ate in the restaurant on the first

night. He used the car park both days. He made some telephone calls on the first

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 177 из 360

evening and also sent his wife some flowers for her birthday.

Mr King was overcharged for:

1 Room charge on 09/09

2 _________________________

3 _________________________

4 _________________________

5 _________________________

6 _________________________

7 _________________________

5 Calculate what Mr King’s correct bill total should have been

His correct bill total should have been:______________________________

6 Find the ten incorrect sentences and correct them using much, many, or a lot of.

Tick (˅) the correct sentences.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 178 из 360

1 There aren’t wweA-people in the restaurant tonight. many /a lot of

2 How many is a double room for the weekend?

3 We haven’t had many guests from the US this year.

4 We don’t have much rooms left at the weekend.

5 Do they need many equipment for the conference?

6 Chef has put much pasta dishes on the menu today.

7 She takes a lot of money in tips in her job.

8 There isn’t many wine left in the botde.

9 Much staff take their holidays in low season.

10 We don’t have much people from South America staying.

11 There aren’t much different wines on the wine list.

12 We don’t have many time to service all the rooms.

7 Rewrite the two jumbled conversations in the correct order.

Straightaway, sir. Here it is.

No sir, it isn't included.

Could I have my bill, please?

Twenty euros. Thank you very much, sir. Just sign here.

Certainly, madam. I’ll just print it out for you.

How would you like to pay?

Do you take Mastercard?

Actually madam, the room service was for dry cleaning and pressing on Tuesday.

I'd like to settle my bill,please. Room 432.

The extras are for the car park, minibar, and room service.

By Visa.

Visa is fine, madam. Here we are. Three nights, accommodation 2 man;

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 179 из 360

with breakfast.

Please add 20 euros to my Mastercard payment.

Yes. Mastercard is fine, sir.

Right. And the extras?

But I didn’t use room service.

Oh, yes! I forgot. That’s right then.

Is service included in the bill?

OK. Thank you. It was a very good meal.

1 Woman: I’d like to settle my bill, please. Room 432


WO M A N :


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WO M A N :


WO M A N :

2 Man: Could I have my bill, please?


MA N :


MA N :


MA N :


MA N :

Unit 27 Applying for a job

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 180 из 360

The plan:

1 Write your CV.

2 Begin and end letters correctly.

3 Answer a job advertisement.


Work with a partner. Brainstorm some things that you could include on your CV.

Listening Writing your CV

1 Listen to the dialogue and complete Caroline’s CV

2 Work with a partner. Read the completed CV and ask questions. Take turns to be

Caroline and the agent.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 181 из 360

Language study

Expressions to learn

Dear Sir/Madam, Yours faithfully

Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms, Yours sincerely

I would like to apply for …

With reference to…

Would you please send me…?

I enclose an s.a.e. (stamped addressed envelope)

Structures to practise

Formal language for business letters and applications

For business letters, polite informality is required. Look at Expressions to learn for

standard forms to use in business letters and applications.

3 Complete this letter using the words and phrases in Expressions to learn

Listening Writing a covering letter

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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In addition to a CV, job advertisements often need a covering letter to highlight the

applicant’s best qualities. See language review page for unit 27.

4 Listen to the biography and complete the information.

5 Read the job advertisement and list to the biography again. Write a covering

letter to go with the speaker’s application. Turn to the Language review for unit 27

for a covering letter to refer to.


Work with partner. Write a short biography for yourself. Invent some

qualifications and work experience. Then take turns to ask each other questions.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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6 Complete the CV using the information on the right.

a +33 141 35 67 90

b 23 August 1985

c Dupont

d [email protected]

e eBaccalaureate Professional; BEP certificate in Tourism and Hospitality

f Hardworking, well organized, sociable, and friendly

g +33 77973846392

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 184 из 360

h Porter and doorman student holiday jobs at the Sofitel; Two years’ front office

experience at the Meridien in Paris

i Daniel Guy

j 25 rue de Bonaparte, St. Denis, Paris 95360 1

7 Use the information below to write Ulrika’s CV on a piece of paper, or in your


My name’s Ulrika Mansky. I live in Dusseldorf at 16 Mozartstrasse.I’m 19

years old. My date of birth is 3 April 1966. My email address is

[email protected] and my mobile phone number in Germany is +49 7631

24 3365.1 attended high school in Dusseldorf until I passed my international

baccalaureate in 2004. I’ve just finished a one-year training course in tourism and

hospitality and now I have a diploma in hotel reception work. My word processing

skills are excellent and I’m familiar with the Fidelio and Galileo systems. I speak

and write English at a good intermediate level. I’ve worked for the last three

summers at the family-run Mozarts Hotel near my home. I’ve worked on reception

and as a waitress. The owner’s name is Frau Margrit Besker. I'm friendly and hard-

working. I like responsibility.

8 Answer the questions about writing letters.

How would you begin a letter to a woman whose name you don’t know?

Dear Madam

How would you end it?


How would you begin a letter to a Mr Pons?

Dear ___________________

How would you end it?


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 185 из 360

How would you begin a letter to Mr Pons’ wife?


How would you begin a letter to their daughter?

You don’t know if she is married or single.


How would you begin a letter asking for a job application form? You don’t know

the name of the person responsible.


How would you ask for confirmation of a reservation in writing?

Would you : ___________________

How would you begin a letter responding to a job advertisement?


How would you begin a letter applying for a job?

1 would___________________

4 Complete the covering letter using the notes below.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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5 Find ten more job application words in the puzzle. You can read some from left

to right (→),some from top to bottom (↑),and some diagonally (↑).

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 187 из 360

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИФедеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»




100400.68 ТуризмПрограмма «Туризм: эволюция, структура, менеджмент, маркетинг»

г. Владивосток2012

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 188 из 360

The instructions for the individual work of students

This section consists of the following sections:

1 Hotels.

2 Self-catering. Holiday Villages. Campsites.

3 Bed and Breakfast. Guest Houses. Youth Hostels.

The structure of each section has the following tasks:

1 Exercises based on professional texts with questions.

2 Exercises based on the searching the information from the texts with

filling the necessary sections.

3 Exercises based on training the vocabulary with filling in the tasks .

4 Exercises based on finding the suitable definitions for the words from the


5 Exercises based on scanning the text and looking for some information.

6 Language function sections should be learnt by heart for future check

during the examinational procedure.

7 Exercises based on learning the letter language.

The individual work is done in written form. All the text tasks should be

translated into a student’s own language and then the student must give the

summary of the text to show the teacher the general understanding the idea. After

that all the exercises must be done in accordance with the tasks in written form.

All this written work should be handed in to the teacher in accordance with the

following schedule: the section “Hotels” not later than the first of October, the

section “Self-catering. Holiday Villages, Campsites” not late than the first of

December. This discipline assumes 54 hours of individual work in the first term.

As for the second term the schedule looks the following way. The written work

based on the section “Bed and Breakfast, Guest Houses, Youth Hostels” should be

handed in not later than the first of April. This student’s work can be handed by e-

mail: [email protected]

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 189 из 360


E x e r c i s e 1

What types of accommodation do you know in your country? Is there an official

classification system for accommodation?Which type of accommodation do you

prefer. Why?

E x e r c i s e 2

Before reading the text, ask yourself how you read in your own language. Do you

always use the same strategy? Or do you use different ones according to your


If you find reading in English is difficult, here are three suggestions which

might be helpful:

FIRST: do not try to read and understand every word. If you meet a word

you do not understand, leave it and continue reading.

SECOND: be clear about your purpose in reading any passage. Ask yourself

questions such as:

Am I reading to find one piece of information only? Am I reading simply to

get a general idea of the passage? Am I reading to find detailed information?

THIRD: make full use of the clues represented in the title and in any pictures

or diagrams. They will help you understand the content of the passage. You must

learn to make use of the skill of prediction, anticipating what is to come next in a


We use different strategies to understand the meaning of a written text.

SKIMMING aims at getting a general understanding or an overall impression of a

text through its main ideas. SCANNING aims at locating particular details of a text

or a single piece of information. You only focus on certain aspects of the text and

reject what is irrelevant to your immediate purpose.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 190 из 360

Now read the following text in order to understand its general meaning.

Today’s travellers, in many parts of the world, are offered a variety of

accommodation alternatives ranging from luxury international hotels to small Bed

and Breakfasts or basic youth hostels.

Obviously, the facilities and standards of comfort offered, as well as costs,

vary accordingly.

Most countries have their own official grading systems, i.e. classification

systems which are set up to ensure uniformity of the accommodation ‘product* and

to help guests choose the most suitable accommodation for their needs.

In some countries, this classification is compulsory for accommodation

establishments. In some others, as in Britain, it is voluntary.

Here is a list of the possible alternatives when choosing a type of


Airport hotels. Situated near an airport, their clientele consist mainly of

airline staff and people travelling by air who only stay for one night.

City or comercial hotels. Normally situated in the city centre, near shopping

areas, museums, art galleries and historical monuments. The clientele consist

mainly of travelling businessmen or temporary visitors. Congress hotels. They

offer meeting and exhibition facilities, audiovisual equipment, secretarial services

and banquet rooms for large and small groups.

Health spas. Situated at spa resorts, i.e. in areas with thermal and mineral

water used for bathing and drinking, they offer medical treatment, physical

exercise and other recreational facilities.

Motels. The term was created by combining the words motor and hotel.

They provide lodging facilities with parking and services for motorists, and a

restaurant or cooking facilities.

Resort hotels. Normally situated at tourist resorts, e.g. by the sea or in the

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 191 из 360

mountains. They offer holiday makers, recreational facilities, meals, health clubs

and sometimes convention facilities.

Holiday villages. A number of small individual cottages or bungalows,

normally with cooking facilities. Boarding houses. They cater for holiday makers

rather than travelling tourists or businessmen. They generally require a minimum

stay of several nights and offer full-board or half-board accommodation.

Youth hostels. They provide cheap accommodation for young people.

Guests usually sleep in multi-bed dormitories and share common bathroom


Bed and Breakfasts. They offer a room in a private home and, usually, a

traditional cooked breakfast. Campsites. They provide an area for guests to park

their caravans or put up their own tents. There may be a food shop or a self-service


Other types of moderately priced accommodation are: guest houses, inns,

farmhouses, university colleges and school residences.

Skim the text and choose the most suitable title for it.

Hotel classification systems

Budget accommodation in the world

Types of accommodation

Modem hotel facilities

Now answer the following questions.

1 What does a classification system ensure?

2 Which type of accommodation is likely to be chosen by an elderly couple on

holiday? And by a group of young students?

3 Which guest categories would choose a resort hotel or a holiday village?

4 Which factors are probably more important to a businessman when choosing a

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 192 из 360

certain type of accommodation?

5 What are the main characteristics of health spas?

6 Can you guess what kind of accommodation a tourist might expect to find in an


7 What is the difference between a commercial hotel and a resort hotel?

E x e r c i s e 3

Read the following text.


Everyone is familiar with the distinctive yellow signs outside hotels that

show the star classification. Stars are the internationally recognized symbol used to

denote the levels of service, accommodation and facilities a guest can expect at a

hotel. However, until recently, hotels in the UK could approach either the AA or

the RAC for their Star Classification, or go to one of the National Tourist Boards

of England, Scotland or Wales for a Crown Classification.

Because each organization inspected to its own standards, and requirements

for each were slightly different, even between the AA and RAC, hotels could end

up displaying, for example, a 3 Star sign from the AA, a 4 Star sign from the RAC

and a 5 Crown sign from one of the Tourist Boards. This was obviously quite

confusing for hotel guests, especially on the international scene, but also for hotel

proprietors, who could never be quite sure where they stood or why there were

differing requirements for each of the schemes.


Therefore, for the past two years or more, the inspecting organisations, (AA,

RAC and the three National Tourist Boards - England, Scotland, Wales),

encouraged by the Department of Trade and Industry, began talks on harmonising

standards and agreeing on a common symbol to be used for hotels and guest

accommodation throughout the UK.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Every aspect of the requirements at the five levels for accommodation,

service, quality and facilities was examined in exhaustive detail by the Chief

Inspectors of the organisations concerned, and agreements were worked out for

new quality standards. Eventually a consultation document explaining the agreed

quality standards was sent out to hoteliers, and their views were taken into account

before the final agreement on New Quality Standards was reached.

Stars were adopted as the hotel classification symbol and diamonds for

Guest Accommodation (B&B). Unfortunately, at a late stage in the proceedings,

the Scottish and Wales Tourist Boards decided that they wished to act

independently and to instigate their own criteria for a classification scheme,

although they said they would still use stars as their symbol.

Automobile Association RoyalAutomobile Club

The AA and the RAC will continue to offer hotels and Guest

Accommodation in Scotland and Wales the opportunity of a classification under

the new quality standards, but this does mean that a degree of confusion may now

exist, where establishments may display a Scottish or Welsh Tourist Board star

classification as well as the New Quality Standards classification from the AA.


Hotels and their guests in England, however, now know where they stand

and confusion no longer reigns. All are inspected to the agreed New Quality

Standards, and will have just one Star Classification, whichever of the three

organisations carries out the inspection.

Users of The AA Hotel Guide may rest assured that all the hotels featured in

the Scotland and Wales sections, as well as those in England, the Channel Islands

and the Isle of Man, have been inspected and classified by the AA Inspectorate

according to the same New Quality Standards, and only this classification is


From the hotel guest’s point of view, the New Quality Standards, as the

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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Лист 194 из 360

name suggests, place an even stronger emphasis on improved quality, as well as a

greater range of facilities and services at each of the five star levels.


Hotels applying for AA recognition are visited on a ‘mystery guest’ basis by

one of the AA’s team of qualified hotel and restaurant inspectors. The inspector

will stay overnight to make a thorough test of the accommodation and services

offered by the hotel, and only after settling the bill the following morning will

he/she declare identity and ask to be shown round the entire premises. The

inspector will then complete a full report, making a recommendation for the

appropriate star classification and quality percentage score (see the explanation


After this first inspection, the hotel will receive an annual visit to check that

standards are maintained. If an hotel changes hands, the new owners must re-apply

for classification, as AA recognition is not transferable.


Star classification is a quality scheme at five levels. The assessment rises

from one star, denoting hotels with the simplest range of facilities, to five stars,

denoting large, luxury hotels with a range of services and facilities that meet the

best international standards.

In addition to the star classification, the AA also makes two further quality

assessments to help intending guests in their choice of hotel: Red Star awards and

the Quality Percentage Score, explained below.

AA star classifications are usually depicted in black on signs and in the

AA’s guides and electronic products. However, at each of the five classification

levels, the AA recognizes exceptional quality of accommodation and hospitality by

awarding Red Stars for excellence.

A hotel with Red Stars, therefore, has been judged to be the best in its star

classification and recognizes that the hotel offers outstanding levels of comfort,

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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Лист 195 из 360

hospitality and customer care.


When they visit a hotel, AA inspectors supplement their general report with

a subjective assessment of the quality of everything the hotel offers, including

hospitality, based on what they experience as the ‘mystery guest’. This enables

them to award a percentage score for overall quality.

A one star hotel may receive as high a quality percentage score within its

classification as a four or five star hotel, because the percentage score offers a

comparison of quality within the star classification. To gain AA recognition in the

first place, a hotel must achieve a minimum quality score of 50 per cent. If it

achieves more than 80 per cent, it is almost certain to qualify for Red Stars. The

percentage score for hotels with Red Stars is not shown.

Effectively, therefore, the quality percentage score for the ordinary star

classification runs between 50 and 80 per cent, and Red Star hotels, as a general

rule, achieve from 81 to 100 per cent.

Now, find out...

1 ....what is the general topic of the text.

2 ….what is the specific topic of the text.

3 the writer has organized the information in the text. Match these titles

with the paragraphs (1- 5) they belong to.

A......Inspection Procedures, Star Classification and Other Categories of


B.......What the Star Classification Denotes

C.......New Quality Standards Consistently Applied to AA Hotels

D......Harmonizing Standards Across the Board

E.......Quality Percentage Score

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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E x e r c i s e 4

Before listening to the CD, read the instructions and notes carefully so that you

are prepared for what you are going to hear and what you have to do. Then:

during the first listening try to get a good overall understanding without

worrying about the questions;

during the second listening jot down all the relevant information in note form,

developing your ownnote-taking style (i.e., using abbreviations such as “smthg”

for “something”, “w/” for “with”, etc.);

while writing notes, keep listening to what comes next;

do not waste time over spelling;

background sounds can be useful clues in order to understand the context where

the recording takes place.

If the questions require you to fill in gaps or to make a choice in a multiple-

choice or true/false exercise, try to answer a few during the first listening and leave

the most difficult ones for the second listening.

Now, you are going to listen to a dialogue at a travel agency. Read through the

questions below before listening to the dialogue.

1 What is the client’s requirement?

2 How do you distinguish a guest house from a hotel?

3 How many people is the accommodation for?

4 What type of accommodation is the client interested in?

5 What is the hotel rate range in Ireland?

6 How is accommodation classified?

7 What facilities are usually offered in Irish hotels?

8 What are the main features of a 3-star hotel?

9 Can 6-year-old children stay free in hotels?

10Is advance booking required?

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Exercise 5

Writing a satisfactory text does not imply the use of complex forms of

expression, but the use of a great | variety of technical resources together with wide

and precise vocabulary in order to deal with various i topic and types of texts.

It is therefore necessary to identify the various writing techniques, i The

following criteria are fundamental for any type of text: range, content, accuracy,

register, cohesion, organization, target reader ! Remember!

Do not translate literally from your own language into English. Try instead

to remember English I sentence patterns you have read and re-use them in your


Write short sentences (at most 2/3 lines).Do not mix formal an informal


Now test your writing skill. Prepare and then give a short talk on the

following subject: “The evolution of the accommodation industry: from inns to

luxury hotels”.

E x e r c i s e 6


Vocabulary learning is important in every field as it is important to choose a

strategy to organize your learning better. You can keep a record of all the new

words you want to remember using a notebook especially devoted to vocabulary.

You can divide your notebook into topic pages (e.g. ACCOMMODATION) or

simply organize the pages alphabetically (in this latter case the topic of the i whole

notebook will be TOURISM). Or you can record your vocabulary writing each

new word on a card (padding meaning, explanation, example sentence, etc.) and

keep all the cards in a box.

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The following advertisement contains both general vocabulary and

vocabulary which is closely associated with the accommodation sector. Read the

text and match the terms that follow with their respective definitions

Grecotel began two decades ago, as a single luxury resort on Crete, managed

with passion and care by a Greek family.

Today its philosophy is still rooted in the spirit of the “homemade

hospitality” that has been refined for centuries on our ancestral island. Every

member of the Grecotel family, from your housekeeper to your general manager,

your chef to your receptionist, shares a genuine concern for your well-being. And

you can count on them to pamper you to perfection.

They all know that what distinguishes Grecotel is our intimate knowledge of

what personal service truly means, be it arranging flexible check-in and check-out

times, surprising you with a cake and roses on your anniversary or birthday, or

offering private tours of cultural monuments and archaeological sites that are

closed to the general public.

In our hotel family, nothing is beyond the call of duty.

At our resorts, you have the choice of formal or casual, early or late meals,

exquisite local cooking or unrivalled gourmet cuisine. Choose an award-winning

restaurant, a traditional taverna that features folk- dance performances, a charming

kafenion where your Greek coffee is served from an antique bronze “briki”, or our

outstanding room service. At each meal, our staff will surprise you with that

something extra: the perfect wine to accompany your freshly caught lobster, a plate

of olives from the neighbouring grove, a locally distilled ouzo or Cretan raki,

delicious fruits served while they’re still on the branch! Always, you can rest

assured that your food will be fresh, meticulously prepared, nutritionally balanced

and mouthwatering.

1 tours

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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2 resort

3 check-out time

4 housekeeper

5 room service

6 staff

7 receptionist

a. A service provided by a hotel by which, food, drinks etc can be sent to a guest’s


b. A journey for pleasure or a short trip through a place to see it.

c. The people who work for an organization.

d. Someone who takes care of registration and may also receive room reservations

and keep them up to date.

e. A place where people go for holidays.

f. Someone who is employed to manage the cleaning, and general cleanliness of a


g. The time by which you must leave a hotel room.

E x e r c i s e 7


Translating is another skill you have to practise to work efficiently in the

field of tourism.

Translating a text means transferring a “meaning” from one linguistic code

to another, in order to obtain the closest natural equivalent to the message of the

source language, firstly in meaning and secondly in style.

The process of translation is not merely automatic substitution of linguistic

structures. Literal translation can only be a first,"pre-translation” stage to be

abandoned as soon as possible in favour of a communicative one. Communicative

translation tries to create the same effect as the original version on its readers.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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The first step in approaching a translation is to read the text carefully. Read

through the text once or twice, to get a general idea of it. Then write a first draft,

the “pre-translation”. Read your first draft, now trying to forget your mother

language to concentrate instead on the target language. Look at the text as a whole

and check syntax, sentence length, logical connections, punctuation, etc. Your final

translation must be correct, clear and natural.

Here is a shortadvertisement about accommodation inEurope. Translate it into

your own language using a monolingual dictionary when necessary.


Britain isn’t the only country in Europe where you can rent a cottage, house

or villa for a week or more for your 2002 vacation. Plenty ofrentals are available

inContinental Europe, with France, Italy and Spain leading the way. However,

as inBritain, it’s important to reserve well ahead to get the property that best suits

your needs. The most difficult to find are large properties that sleep eight or more

persons and small properties suitable for two or three. That’s because most are

fitted for occupancy by parties of four to six persons. Of course, if there are just

two or three of you going, you always can take something a bit larger. Most are in

country and village locations, some in larger towns. All are fully equipped and near

restaurants and shops. Full colour catalogs for 2002 are available.

Language functions

In the business context as well as in the tourism industry, telephone

communication is very much used, ere is a list of some common TELEPHONE

SENTENCE PATTERNS you may find useful.


Good morning/afternoon/evening, (company name). Can I help you?

Good morning, (company name), (clerk’s name) speaking. How may I help you?

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Hello, (name) speaking/here.

Hello, (phone number).

May/Could/Can I speak to (name), please?

I’d like to speak with (name), please.

Put me through (extension or office), please.

Hello, is that (company name)?

Hello, is (name) in/there?

Hello. Is that (phone number)?


I’m sorry, I don’t speak English very well. Could/Can you repeat that/speak a bit

more slowly, please?

I’m sorry. Could you spell that, please?

Just a moment. I’ll connect you with/I’ll put you through to someone who speaks



Who’s calling/speaking, please?

Can I have your name, please?

May I ask who’s calling/speaking?

Who shall I say is calling?

Would you mind spelling your name/surname/family name, please?

This is (name) of (company).

This is Mr/Ms (name)’s secretary I’m calling on behalf of (name).

Name) calling/speaking.


Hold on/Hold the line, please.

One moment Just a second /, please.

The line’s busy/engaged. Will you hold?

He/She’s speaking on the other line. Will you hold?

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Hold on, would you? This’ll only take a minute.


I’ll put you through.

I’ll connect you with (name/position).


He/She said he/she’d be back tomorrow/next week/this afternoon/in an hour/at


I think he/she’ll be back on (date).

He/She’s expected in an hour/(number) hours/before long.

He/She won’t be long.


Can/May I take a message?

Would you like to leave a message?

Can I give him/her a message?

Can I have your name and number, please?

Where can he/she contact you?

I’ll ask him/her to call you as soon as he/she comes in.

I’ll give him/her the message.

Could he call me back? This is (name).

It’s quite urgent. Could you ask him/her to call me back? This is (name) and my

number’s (number). Would you let him/her know that (name) called?

Could you tell him/her I called. I’m/This is (name) from (company).


Thank you for being so helpful. Bye.

Goodbye, thank you for calling.

You’ve been very kind. Goodbye.

See you later/then/at (time). Bye.

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R e v i s i o n a c t i v i t y

Role Play

Read the following text about accommodation for young people in Britain.

Then, with a partner, use the information in the text and imagine you are two

students who are deciding where to stay in Britain.

Britain offers a wide variety of inexpensive accommodation suitable for

young people. There are youth hostels, university colleges and school residences,

hostels run by the young Men’s and Young Women’s Christian Association

(YMCA and YWCA), student and budget hotels and all kinds of other possibilities

to choose from.

Youth hostels provide basic accommodation, usually in dormitories, with

simple meals or cooking facilities. Usually you can only stay at each hostel for a

maximum of four nights. If you are a member of the youth hostels association or

organization in your country, you will be able to stay at any of the British youth

hostels. Alternatively, you can buy an international membership card.

Youth accommodation also includes universities and colleges. It is excellent

value for money and offers a choice of many campus locations. This type of

accommodation is particularly good for groups and often schoolclasses. The

accommodation is mainly in single study bedrooms and is available during

academic vacation periods: in Britain, these are usually July-Sept., Christmas (3


In Britain you will also find private homes displaying ‘Bed & Breakfast’ Or

‘B & B’ signs. Bed and Breakfast accommodation offers a room in a private home

and usually a traditional English breakfast. Bed and breakfast is excellent value for

money but, of course, you should not expect all the facilities of a hotel.

Then, if you would like to sample the traditional accommodation of a British

farmhouse and stay on a working farm, Britain offers plenty of alternatives. Farms

have Bed and Breakfast hospitality and offer simple traditional accommodation

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accompanied by meals made from fresh farm produce.

Again, for nature lovers whose ideal accommodation is under canvas, the

Forestry Commission operates forest camp parks in Britain’s Forest Parks and the

New Forest.

Some offer reduced rates for youth groups and you should make any

enquiries well in advance of your intended visit.

Camping in the rural areas of Britain is often possible on farmland, with the

farmer’s permission. Facilities are, of course, limited but there is the advantage of

a peaceful setting away from the crowds.

Reading and Comprehension

Welcome to HotelBook, opening the door to over 6,500 hotels including

small independent hotels and apartments, regional and international chains, tourist-

class properties, resorts, and many of the world's most luxurious

addresses.HotelBook offers you two flexible and global options to make hotel


HotelBook On-line via our secure Web server connection

Call one of our many Reservation Offices worldwide enabling you to speak to

a friendly voice, in your local language, by simply making a local telephone call.

Our on-line booking service enables you to make or cancel reservations to

satisfy your travel needs. When making reservations on-line, we need a credit card

at the time of the reservation request to process the reservation.

HotelBook automatically reflects the property's current rates that are

automatically updated from the central reservation system.

Hotelbook serves as an electronic brochure and as a booking liason between

the hotel and its clients. If you wish to correspond with an individual hotel, you

will need to contact the hotel directly. The hotel address, telephone number and/or

fax number can be found on the "Welcome page" of each hotel and can easily be

found by entering the specific hotel name on our search page.

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Our Telephone Reservation Offices will confirm a reservation to you on the

spot by providing a confirmation number. When making your reservation on-line,

we will send you an instant confirmation. We will further verify your reservation

with an e-mail confirmation. All hotels that are displayed in HotelBook can be

reserved at the time of a reservation request unless the hotel has indicated they are

not available for a specific date. Some hotels will require the reservation to be

prepaid during high occupancy periods or when specific properties have this

requirement. Other properties will require a credit card number to "secure or hold"

your reservation.

1 The aim of this text is probably:

to sell hotel rooms

to advertise hotel services

to make hotel booking easier

to promote on-line hotel reservations

to underline the advantages of on-line reservations

2 Now scan the text and look for the following information.

What types of accommodation are presented?

What alternatives does HotelBook offer to anyone wishing to make a hotel


What is required in order to process the reservation?

What could a booking cancellation imply?

Where can you find details of a hotel chosen?

How are reservations confirme

3 Read the text again and try to find words and phrases which mean the same as

the words and phrases below (you will find them in the same order in the text).



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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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paid in advance:


E x e r c i s e 1

Do you know how to advise customers about hotel accommodation? You can

use brochures and lists of hotels provided by a Tourist Board, or official hotel guides

or hotel directories printed by an independent publisher; or you can browse through

the Internet.

Read these two extracts from the Hotel & Travel Index and the ABC

Worldwide Hotel Guide. Use the strategies outlined in the Entry Module to answer

the questions.


The HOTEL & TRAVEL INDEX is an indispensable source of essential

booking information. No matter what the destination, the INDEX will give you a

wide array of choices - in a format that makes it easy to find the right

accommodation for your client.

Hotel Listings

Over 45,000 hotel and motel listings put all the information you need at your

fingertips. Boldface advertiser listings include convenient cross-references to the

page on which the ad appears and, along with the light- line listings, show hotel-

motel availability at a glance.

The INDEX’S advertisements easily replace a closetful of brochures - often

providing current packages, seasonal rates, and additional descriptive information to

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give you and your clients the complete picture.

Locator Maps

More than 4,700 frequently booked properties are highlighted in over 325 city

maps. You can quickly pinpoint a hotel’s exact location and its access to

transportation, attractions and recreation facilities.

Handy fast-facts accompany each map showing flight times, airport transfers,

weather and other valuable details.

Quick Reference Guides

Two excellent sections within each issue of the INDEX provide

comprehensive directory information for 450 reservation services and 550

hotel/motel organizations worldwide.

Use of Publication

ABC WORLDWILD HOTEL GUIDE – published in conjunction with ABC

World Airways Guide - and used by Travel Agents, Corporate TravelPlanners,

Business Travellers and Airlines throughout the international market, is fully

computerised and held on a database which is contantly updated.

This issue features 47,011 Hotels Motels, Inns, Chateaux and Aparthotels in

195 countries and 11.982 towns and cities worldwide. Information is obtained

from questionnaires and other sources direct from individual properties, Hotel

Groups, Chains or Representatives.

Our policy throughout the Guide is to provide a large selection of properties

for every major location throughout the world. All details published are completely

unbiased and it is our policy therefore to exclude both subjective comments and

specific recommendations.

Finally, all users of the Guide are advised to check room rates and hotel

details when making a final booking as information constantly changes and

therefore may have altered since this publication went to print.

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The publication is divided into three primary sections:

1 The Reservation Offices (Yellow Pages)

2 Worldwide Hotels (White Pages)

3 Geographical Index


1 Who are the main users of Hotel & Travel Index and ABC Worldwide Hotel


2 What types of accommodation are listed?

3 What are the main advantages of consulting this type of reference books?

4 What is meant by ‘cross-references’ in the Hotel & Travel Index extract?

5 How is information collected?

6 How many countries does ABC cover?

7 How many city maps are included in the Hotel & Travel Index?

8 Explain the meaning of the phrase ‘at your fingertips’.

9 What is the fax number of the Marriott Hotel in Baltimore?

10How many rooms are there at the Sheraton Hotel in Frankfurt (suites excluded)?

11What credit cards are accepted from Marriott Hotel in Baltimore?

12What is the maximum rate in dollars for a twin-bedded room at the Sheraton in


E x e r c i s e 2

This is an American ‘unofficial’ introduction to how hotels are classified.

Read it through and find out the six tips given to choose the most appropriate hotel


Hotels work hard as a rule to earn and keep high ratings, but such

classifications are based on many values, not all of which may necessarily be

significant to each and every guest. The classifications are the opinion of a

classifier which may be the tourist office of a nation, a hotel association, an auto


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club, guide book publisher, etc.

Hotels, for example, are rated on their amenities and recreational facilities,

not just rooms. Among criteria used in making such assessments are size of rooms,

decor/furnishings, public areas, hospitality services, staff attitudes,

maintenance/house-keeping, sanitary standards, etc. Classifying system may have

technical/operational points that might entail the size and placement of elevators as

well as public rooms. To illustrate, a hotel with luxurious rooms could still

conceivably receive a lesser rating because its restaurant didn’t serve three meals a

day, or the hotel didn’t have a restaurant open all year.

Hotel meals are often more expensive than outside establishments, and if

you’re going to be eating out most of the time, the property’s culinary possibilities

may not be important to you. But they can play a sizeable role in the hotel’s

classification. Similarly, if you’re not likely to use a golf course, tennis courts, or

other hotel amenities, you might want to take this factor into consideration when

choosing your accommodation. Again, why pay - as all features enter into the rate

you’re levied - for a rococo ceiling in the ballroom when you may never see it (or

particularly want to see it), or for the availability of 24-hour room service when

you’re not likely to use that service.

Keep in mind that not all rooms or wings of a hotel are necessarily the same

in quality. One might stay at a four-star establishment (with five stars the best in

this rating system) and then be shunted from a new-wing room with a balcony and

a fireplace to a room in an old-wing without these features... but the same price.

Internationally, classifications tend to be similar around the world, but different

meanings may apply to the same words. The word “deluxe” generally signifies the

best, but the characteristics that compose the best may not be the same in Calcutta

as in Copenhagen. First-class usually suggests top-grade, certainly including a

bathroom. But travelers in other parts of the world may be more impressed with

other potential aspects of a room, such as the charm and elegance of decor and

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Лист 210 из 360

furnishings than with such a functional quality as a bath fixture.

Now look at these examples of hotel classifications in Europe. Get an overall

idea of the three texts, compare them, then fill in the blanks of the summary.


British hotel classification - Minimum Requirements for AA Recognition

One Star Hotels

Hotels in this classification are likely to be small and independently owned,

with a family atmosphere. Services may be provided by the owner and family on

an informal basis. There may be a limited range of facilities and meals may be

fairly simple. Lunch, for example, may not be served. Some bedrooms may not

have en suite bath/shower rooms. Maintenance, cleanliness and comfort should,

however, always be of an acceptable standard.

Two Star Hotels

In this classification hotels will typically be small to medium sized and offer

more extensive facilities than at the one star level. Some business hotels come into

the two star classification and guests can expect comfortable, well equipped,

overnight accommodation, usually with an en-suite bath/shower room. Reception

and other staff will aim for a more professional presentation that at the one star

level, and offer a wider range of straightforward services, including food and drink.

Three Star Hotels

At this level, hotels are usually of a size to support higher staffing levels,

and a significantly greater quality and range of facilities than at the lower star

classifications. Reception and the other public rooms will be more spacious and the

restaurant will normally also cater for non-residents. All bedrooms will have fully

en suite bath and shower rooms and offer a good standard of comfort and

equipment, such as a hair dryer, direct- dial telephone, toiletries in the bathroom.

Some room service can be expected, and some provision for business travellers.

Four Star Hotels

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 211 из 360

Expectations at this level include a degree of luxury as well as quality in the

furnishings, decor and equipment, in every area of the hotel. Bedrooms will also

usually offer more space than at the lower star levels, and well designed, co-

ordinated furnishings and decor. The en-suite bathrooms will have both bath and

fixed shower. There will be a high enough ratio of staff to guests to provide

services like porterage, 24- hour room service, laundry and dry-cleaning. The

restaurant will demonstrate a serious approach to its cuisine.

Five Star Hotels

Here you should find spacious and luxurious accommodation throughout the

hotel, matching the best international standards. The interior design should impress

with its quality and attention to detail, comfort and elegance. Furnishings should be

immaculate. Services should be formal, well supervised and flawless in attention to

guests’ needs, without being intrusive. The restaurant will demonstrate a high level

of technical skill, producing dishes to the highest international standards. Staff will

be knowledgeable, helpful, well versed in all aspects of customer care, combining

efficiency with courtesy.



One Star

These establishments are generally family-run, and offer functional

accommodation with basic amenities. Bedroom size can be small; shower but not

necessarily private bath facilities are normally offered. The guest on a restricted

budget can expect a satisfactory standard of cleanliness and comfort.

Two Star

Hotels at this level will typically be family-operated, comfortable with

limited amenities. They feature adequate/simple public areas and bedrooms, the

latter normally having en suite bath/shower facilities. Modest and clean, these

establishments will appeal to the cost-conscious client.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 212 из 360

Three Star

Establishments in this classification range from small, family-operated

businesses to larger, modern hotels. Featuring comfortable , well maintained and

tastefully decorated public areas and bedrooms, they offer a selective variety of

amenities. The visitor can expect private bathrooms with bath and/or shower.

Hotels at this level will appeal to the cost-conscious guest for whom comfort is

nonetheless a priority.

Four Star

At this level, establishments can be contemporary hotels, historic mansions

or converted noble houses. Offering an impressive array of upscale amenities, the

emphasis is on superior quality with all modern comforts. Well designed,

coordinated furnishings, decor and equipment in the spacious public areas, dining

room and bedrooms reflect careful attention to detail. En-suite bathrooms will

normally have both bath and fixed shower. Half suites and often suites are

available. The excellent cuisine will satisfy the discerning diner. Room service,

dry-cleaning and laundry service are provided.

Five Star

Austria’s most luxurious and renowned hotels are included, ranging from

stately castles to prestigious top class city hotels, matching the best international

standards. Offering many extra amenities, these establishments exemplify an

unsurpassed standard of excellence and elegance. This is reflected in the

immaculate furnishings and impressive interior design to be found throughout the

hotel. Flawless service as well as gourmet cuisine of the highest international

standards can be expected.



One Star

Here you can enjoy the comforts of a pleasantly simple hotel where a warm

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Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 213 из 360

welcome prevails. These premises offer all the mandatory services and facilities to

a satisfactory standard, necessary for a most enjoyable and relaxed visit. Some

larger rooms have private bathroom with a bath and/or shower.

Two Star

These are more likely to be family-operated premises, selected for their

charm and their comfortable facilities. All guest rooms have a telephone and most

have a private bathroom with a bath and/or shower. Full dining facilities are

available, representing excellent value and good wholesome food.

Three Star

These range from small, family-operated premises to larger, modern hotels.

Guest rooms are well decorated with the emphasis on comfort and all have private

bathrooms with a bath and/or shower.

Restaurants offer high standards of cuisine in relaxed and hospitable

surroundings. Table d’hote and/or a la carte dinner menus are available. These

hotels offer a range of services making them ideal for the cost- conscious traveler

seeking comfort.

Four Star

These include modern hotels of excellent quality and charming period

houses renovated to a very high standards complete with all modern comforts. All

guest accommodation is of a high standard and half suites are usually available.

Restaurant facilities provide excellent cuisine and service for the discerning diner.

Table d’hote and/or a la carte lunch and dinner menus are available.

Five Star

These include Ireland’s most luxurious hotels, all of which are of a high

international standard. They range from elegant, stately castles to prestigious

country clubs and top class city hotels catering for both the business and tourist.

All guest accommodation is luxurious and spacious suites are available. These fine

hotels boast some of the country’s best restaurants and offer table d’hote and/or a

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Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 214 из 360

la carte lunch and dinner menus. Exceptional service and a personalised welcome

are the norm in these hotels.


One-star hotels are likely to be fairly simple and …………………….(1)

establishments, often family-. . .…….. (2). Some ........…. (3) may not have private

bathroom, but all rooms have hot and cold.……(4) water. Breakfast is available,

but other…………(5) may not be served.

Two-star hotels are comfortable establishments with limited amenities.

Rooms have a ……….(6) and most have an………..(7) bath/shower facilities.

Dining facilities are available.

Three-star hotels offer all modern comfort and equipment and a

wide……….(8) of services. Allrooms have ........................... (9) with bath and/or

shower. Restaurants offer high standard.................................(10) and

usually………..(11) for non-residents, too.

Four-star hotels offer rather……….. (12) accommodation with suites, half-

suites and spaciousrooms, all well-designed and furnished. …………. (13)

include 24-hour room service,porteage, laundry and dry-cleaning. Excellent

restaurant offer table d’hote and/or a la carte lunch and…………. (14) menus,

satisfying the discerning diner.

Five-star hotels include the most luxurious and ……………………...(15)

establishments, matching thebest international standards and, therefore, ideal both

for the tourist and the…………..(16) visitor.

Exceptional service, gourmet cuisine, personalized welcome, efficiency,

comfort and elegance are the norm in these hotels. They feature various….. (17),

i.e. swimming pool, fitness centre, etc.

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Лист 215 из 360

E x e r c i s e 3

You will hear a description of the Lapa Palace Hotel in Lisbon. Complete the table

below with the appropriate information.

LOCATION ……………………………………….


MEETING FACILITIES………………………………………….



OTHER FEATURES……………………………………………..


PLACES TO VISIT…………………………………………………

Exercise 4

What are the most important factors when choosing a hotel? Number the

following factors according to what you think is the most relevant.

Beautiful setting ....

Room equipment ....

Sport facilities ....

Friendly staff ....

Good food . . .

Cleanliness and comfort . . .

Fast check-in and check-out…

Complimentary services . . .

Now read these three ads carefully and answer the questions that follow them.

Brunelleschi Hotel, Rorence, Italy Rzza Santa Elisabetta 3 Rorence 50122


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 216 из 360

The Hotel Brunelleschi originates from the recovered invaluable historic

structures of the Byzantine tower of Pagliazza and the Medieval Church of San

Michele in Palchetto. It has been completely rebuilt, leaving the architectural

characteristics of the era intact and yet providing the Hotel with the most modern



96 rooms, some of which overlook the Duomo, 2 Executive Suites with

Jacuzzi, direct telephone, satellite TV, piano and American j Bar, conference

rooms seating 5 up to 110 persons, the “S. Elisabetta” restaurant for exclusive

dinners, banquets and ceremonies. A private museum containing historical exhibits

found during the reconstruction, is at the clients disposal.


The Hotel Brunelleschi is situated in the very heart of renaissance Florence

and it is the result of the restoration of the priceless artistic structures of the

Byzantine Tower of Pagliazza and the Medieval Church of S. Michele in Palchetto.

Its reconstruction, although providing the hotel with the most modern comforts,

has left the unique architectural characteristics unchanged. All of the

archaeological finds discovered during the restoration are exhibited to the public in

the hotel’s private museum located in the Roman baths.


Prices from 199.95 euros !Guarantee Policy:A credit card number is needed

for all reservation to guarantee requests.

Montebello Splendid hotel Florence Via Montebello 60 Florence 20052 Italy

The Montebello Splendid is a luxury hotel, located 4 miles from the city center of

Florence, which makes it perfect for international and discerning travellers who are

seeking to enjoy warm hospitality in a luxurious and discreet atmosphere full of

charm. With touches of original elegance to characterize every room, making each

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Лист 217 из 360

one distinctly different from the others.


The spacious rooms and suites are delightfully decorated and furnished and

no two are alike. Each room has air conditioning, bar, safe, satellite television and

a marble bath. The “Capriccio” restaurant and grill offers a Tuscan menu or

international specialties. In our restaurant you can enjoy traditional Italian cuisine

in a quiet and reserved atmosphere.

Otherwise, if you prefer, our concierge offers excellent suggestions for all

types of restaurants and typical family-owned trattorias in the area.


The hotel is located at the foothill of Fiesole in Florence, a few minutes from

the city centre, in a suggestive atmosphere, surrounded by lush greenery.


Prices from 129.95 euros!


1 Which hotel is best classified?

2 Which hotel has the cheapest rates?

3 Which hotel has a view on the Duomo?

4 Which hotel has been recently renovated?

5 Which hotel hosts a private museum?

6 Which hotel would you choose if you wish to holda wedding reception?

7 Whichhotel is located in the city centre?

8 Which hotel features individually decorated and furnished rooms?

9 Whichhotel offers more in-room facilities?

10Which hotel is best located to visit museum and monuments?

E x e r c i s e 5

Open Dialogue. Read the following advertisement about a hotel in

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 218 из 360

Edinburgh, then complete the dialogue (that follows) using all the necessary


CARLTON HIGHLAND HOTEL North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1SD Tel.

031 556 7277 Fax 031 556 2691

This four star, 5 Crown, highly recommended hotel combine Georgian

splendour with the last word in modern comfort and offers a relaxed but

sophisticated atmosphere to suit the most discerning of guests. Right in the heart of

Edinburgh, The Carlton Hotel is just a few minutes walk from Waverley train

station and within easy access of famous monuments and historic attractions. The

hotel has recently been refurbished and the results are exceptional. Air-

conditioning has been installed throughout and the old 197 bedrooms have been

remodelled to create 189 larger and more comfortable single, double, twin rooms

and suites. In addition to all the usual facilities expected of an international hotel,

the Carlton Highland has a large and fully equipped health and leisure club

- with pool, spa bath, saunas, solaria, steam room, squash courts,

snooker and toning room and the capital’s most stylish nightspot, the Minus One


This exciting city has all kinds of delights, theatres, opera, ballet, concerts,

art and a whole lot more and there is no better base from which to explore than the

Carlton Highland Hotel.


Short breaks are per person, per night, sharing, minimum stay 2 nights.Rates

include full English breakfast and VAT.Apr/May £58 June/Oct £66

Travel Agent: Good morning, madam. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. I’m looking for a nice four-star hotel in Edinburgh... just

for the weekend.

Travel Agent: I see. I can suggest the ……. . They offer week-end breaks at

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Лист 219 из 360

very interestingprices.

Customer: Great! Where is it?

Travel Agent: It................

Customer: What type of accommodation is available?

Travel Agent: Well, they have..............................

Customer: What facilities does the hotel offer?

TRAVEL AGENT:.....................................................................

Customer: OK! I’d like to book a double for next weekend.

Travel Agent: SO, you’ll be arriving on June 25th...

Customer: Right and I’ll be leaving on the 27th, in the late morning.

Travel Agent: Fine. The rate for the whole weekend is …………

Customer: Ehm, yes... but is breakfast included?

Travel Agent: Yes, madam. The rate includes.............….

Customer: All right, then. The booking is in the name of George and Sarah

Brougham. Here is my credit card.

Travel Agent: Very well, madam. And here’s your voucher.

Customer: Thank you very much.

Travel Agent: You’re welcome.

E x e r c i s e 6

You will hear five short dialogues. Complete the following sentences with an

appropriate word or phrase. Read the sentences first, then listen very carefully.

1 If you want to call room service, you just need to press......……..

2 Breakfast is served between 8 o’clock and..........................……….

3 The client book him a seat on the first flight available.

4 The client in room 356 complains because the tap in her bathroom is ……..

5 Ms..........................reserves a table for two at The Crown Restaurant.

Language functions

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Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 220 из 360

Asking about availability

Have you got a room available?

Do you have any rooms free?

Are there any (type of rooms) available for the period from (date) to (date)?

Could I book two twin rooms for the first two weeks of (month)?

Are there any of your (type of rooms) free at the end of (month)?

What’s available for the week beginning on (date)? How far in advance do I need

to reserve a room in (month)?


Let me just check.

One moment, I’ll check.

I’ll check availability for you.

There is availability on (date).

Yes, we have a vacancy.

Yes, there’s a room available.

Yes, we have a (type of room) for that date.

I’ll just give you the booking reference number.

Yes, we have two rooms, but they are on different floors. Does that matter?

Certainly, I’ll reserve a (type of room) for you.

Yes, we have a reservation for you.

Sorry, no rooms are available for the date you request.

I’m very sorry, we haven’t got any free then. If I were you I’d try the (name of

another hotel). I’m afraid the hotel is fully booked.

I’m sorry. We are full up.

I’m sorry but all the rooms with bathrooms are taken.

I’m sorry we only have a (type of room) available.

We are heavily booked for that period.


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 221 из 360

What is your basic rate for a (type of room) with bath/shower?

How much is it?

How much does it cost?

How much do you charge per night?

What are your rates?

Do you have weekly rates?

Can you give me your best quotation for these rooms: (types of rooms).

What is your price range?

Do you have half/full board?

Does the price include breakfast?

Is breakfast included?

Is there a reduction for children?

Do you require a confirmation/deposit?

Are there any special offers for groups/students/businessmen/honeymooners, etc.

Are there any promotional offers?

Are all the services mentioned in your brochure free?

Are there any extra charge?


Our rates are very competitive.

The rate is (rate and currency) per day including continental breakfast.

We charge (rate) euros, continental/English breakfast included.

The price includes bed and continental breakfast.

Group/Company sponsored rates include free shuttle/courtesy bus from and to the


(Rate) euros for a (type of room) with bath/shower.

It’s (rate) per person per night without/inclusive of/including breakfast and


All meals are extra.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 222 из 360

Service is not included in the room rate.

The rate includes three full meals.


Where is the hotel situated?

Is it a two-star or three-star hotel?

What does one-star mean on a hotel listing?

How far is the hotel from the city centre/the airport/the railway station?

Do all rooms have a private bathroom?

Is it possible to have a room with tea or coffee-making facilities/both a shower and

a tub/cable TV? What services are provided?

Is there an extra charge for the in-room room service?

Do I have to pay more for the fax service?

Has the room got a direct-dial telephone?

When does the swimming pool close?

What time do you serve breakfast?

Would it be possible to join the health club?

Do I have to make reservations for the gym?

May/Can we see the room, please?


It is in the centre of the town/city.

The hotel is beautifully situated.

It is located in the heart of (name of town/city)/the .business district/the shopping

district, t is located at walking distance/just a few steps from the city centre/the

main tourist attractions.

It is situated near the railway station/the fair ground, etc.

It is on the seafront/lakefront. t overlooks the sea/lake/river/beach/park.

The hotel faces the sea/lake/river.

The hotel has a fine view of the park.

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Лист 223 из 360

There are some beautiful views.

Describing hotel facilities

The stars are assigned according to the number and typ^ of services offered.

One star means the simplest kind of accommodation, t is a (number)-star hotel.

The facilities include three restaurants/two bars/24-hour concierge service.

We have a very well equipped keep fit gymnasium/fitness centre/health centre.

The health centre is at the end of this corridor.

Your room is on the (number) floor.

Direct calls can be dialled from your room.

Breakfast can be served in your room.

Booking a room

I’d like to book a single room with bath/shower from (date) to (date).

I’d like to make a reservation/booking.

Could you please take our booking for the first/last week of (month).

I’d like a room with a view.

I'd prefer a room at the back.

We'll take the (type of room) with the air-conditioning.

If a (type of room) doesn’t come up in the meantime, we’ll take the (type of room)


Would you please register at the registration counter?

Would you please fill in this registration form?

Would you like to register, please?

Could you please complete this registration card?

Would you mind filling in this form with all your personal details, please?

Shall I complete the registration card for you?


Here’s your bill, sir/madam. Would you like to check it?

Would you please settle your bill at the Cashier’s desk?

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Лист 224 из 360

How will you be settling the account?

How would you like to pay?

How are you paying?

How do you intend to pay?

Would you prefer to/rather pay by cheque or by credit card, sir/madam?

Will you be paying by travellers’ cheques/in foreign currency/by voucher/by credit

card/by cheque? We accept cheques with a banker’s card.

We don’t accept personal cheques, I’m afraid.

We take most credit cards.

Could I have an identification document?

Don’t forget to leave your key at the reception desk.


I’m terribly sorry, sir/madam. I’ll see what I can do.

I’m very sorry about this.

I’ll look into the matter/problem right away.

We’ll do everything possible to solve this problem.

Would you agree to this solution?

I apologize for what has happened.

Exercise 7

The reception area or front desk is the section of the hotel where

receptionists deal with all questions concerning accommodation and services.

When checking-in, they:

welcome guest

get voucher or confirmation fax or telex

check booking details on computer

ask guest to fill in and sign registration form

ask for identity document or passport

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Лист 225 из 360

hand over key or key card

A good receptionist must also have qualities such as good manner, flexibility

and diplomacy. They must be willing to help actual and potential customers

replying/satisfying any general questions concerning accommodation and services


Now read the following hotel check-in and check-out policy, then act out and

write down in your notebook a telephone conversation between a receptionist and

a customer who has already booked a room but wants to have more details.


Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. or later based on availability. Room assignment

prior to that time is on a “space availability" basis only, but every effort will be

made to give you a room right away. However, if your room is not ready, you can

check in your luggage at the Bellman’s desk and return at 3:00 to pick it up with

your room key.

Remember you can use personalized Check-in Stickers to make the check-in

procedure much faster and easier. You will only need to sign the hotel registration

form instead of repeatedly filling in your personal data for each visit. Simply fix

the personalized Check-in Sticker to the hotel registration form and sign.


Check out time is 12:00. You may check your luggage in at the Bellman’s

desk and they will store it until you are ready to depart. Any guests staying in their

rooms beyond check-out time without the hotel’s authorization will be charged for

an additional room night at the best available rate. Late check-out is provided

based on availability through authorization from the front desk.

E x e r c i s e 8

You work for Millennium Travel Agency. You receive an enquiry which, as

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Лист 226 из 360

you are out of the office, is recorded on the answerphone.

Listen to the message and write down the actions you must take to fulfil the

client’s requirements, putting those actions into chronological order. Then make a

phone call to The Black Cat Hotel requesting accommodation. Act out the

conversation and write down in it in your notebook.

Guest Houses and Youth Hostels

E x e r c i s e 1

Look at the title of the passage. Is Bed and Breakfast common in your

country? Now read the text to get a general idea of its content , then answer the

questions that follow it.


Bed and Breakfast is inexpensive, good value accommodation. As a concept,

it is the perfect answer to visitors who do not wish to pay high hotel prices, but

even more important, it means that your vacation money is being spent on unique

experiences and involvement in the British way of life, rather than on standard

services, facilities and fittings that are the same the world over.

Bed and Breakfast, or B&B as it is often known, is a form of

accommodation invented by the British and for which they are famous. It means

that a vacation in Britain, whether you tour around or stay in one place, is easily

affordable but also gives you the opportunity to make friends and see some of the

most attractive and less well known parts of the country.

Bed and Breakfast is a general term which means a small place that offers

accommodation and breakfast at a reasonable price. It may be a private house or

farmhouse that has one or two spare bedrooms, or it may be a guest house or a

private hotel that has slightly more rooms and serves dinner. It may be a historic

manor house lived in by its owners, or it may be a university campus that makes its

excellent modern facilities and rooms available to visitors during the vacations. In

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Лист 227 из 360

most cases it will be run by the owner who lives on the premises, and will treat you

as a guest in his or her own home. The welcome will be warm and friendly, but

your privacy will be respected. Your hosts will probably serve you breakfast

themselves, and will think about those little things that hotel employees forget, and

which make a holiday, especially with children, so enjoyable. You will be treated

more like one of the family, and informality will be the keynote.

You will be expected to vacate your room for most of the day. The usual

arrival time at your hosts’ premises is between 17.00 and 19.00. If you will be

arriving at another time, you should advise your hosts in order to ensure that they

are there to welcome you.

B&B is informal. You will not be expected to dress up for formal dinner and

your children will be welcome, as if you were staying with friends. Some places

may be a little “off-beat”, i.e. with accommodation and meals provided in different

buildings and may differ a little from your preconceived ideas. Others may reflect

the character and interest of their owners. None will be boring and they will all be



1 What is B&B?

2 What makes this type of accommodation particular?

Read the text more carefully and explain in your own words the following


Standard services: ........................................................................................

Spare bedrooms: ..........................................................................................

Historic manor house:...................................................................................


Preconceived ideas: ......................................................................................


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E x e r c i s e 2

Find words in the text about B&B that mean the following:

Cheap and good quality for the price you pay: ............................................

The only one of its kind:...............................................................................

The feeling of satisfaction and excitement that you get from something: ...

A chance to do something:............................................................................

A little bit: ....................................................................................................

Friendly and relaxed:....................................................................................

A greeting given to someone when they arrive:...........................................

The particular combination of qualities that make someone a particular kind of

person: ..........................................................................................................

Someone who provides the guests with food, drink, etc.: ...........................

The buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company, etc. uses:............

Someone who is staying in someone else’s home because they have been invited or

because they arepaying: ………………………………………………..

To make it certain that something will happen: ...........................................

E x e r c i s e 3

Fill in the blanks with one suitable word.


Because so many Bed and Breakfast places are also private…….. (1), although

they do not offer all the standard……….. (2) of a modern hotel, they more than

make up for thisin charm and the care that the hostess gives to her own home.

Some of the best places are not on the main road and therefore easily missed by the

passing motorist. In this way, you will discover the places and meet the

people that are………… (3) of Britain, and your holiday experience and

pocketwill be much richer. In addition to a comfortable ……………………(4),

most hosts will provide you with the famous English (orScottish or

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Лист 229 из 360

Welsh)……………(5). The cookedbreakfast is usuallya delicious3 course…..

(6), cooked by the host……………… (7), and likely toconsist of fruit ………..(8)

or cereal, a warm main ……………..(9)such as bacon, eggs, sausages, etc., and

then toast with marmalade or jam, all served with coffee or tea.

Remember that you are staying in private. ………….(10). If you really want

to have fullhotel service, room service, late night bars, valet service, etc. then Bed

and Breakfast is not for you!

E x e r c i s e 4

Read the title of the article below. What do you think it is about? Read the

text and answer the following questions.


The accommodation choice in the heart of Scotland is wider than in any other

part of the country. From country house to hillside working farms, from friendly

Bed and Breakfasthomes to modern hostels, from lochside self-catering chalets to

coastal caravan parks - the choice of quality accommodation is almost limitless.

Costs vary, but Bed and Breakfast is available from about £11 per person.

Acottage or caravan sleeping 6 maycostfrom under £100 to over £250 per week.

The average cost for a touring caravan or tent is around £6 per pitch per night.

The best way to make a sound choice of accommodation is to look for the

awardsgiven to establishments under the Scottish Tourist Board’s Grading and

Classification Scheme. It enables you to judge the quality of each participating

establishment as well as the range of facilities available. Each participating

establishment is inspected and given a quality grading: “Approved” means that the

establishment is of an acceptable standard, "Commended" offers a good standard,

“Highly Commended” offers a very good standard while “Deluxe” offers and

excellent standard. The range of facilities is indicated by between one and five

“crown” symbols. Also look out for the “Thistle” symbol which is awarded to

luxury caravan holiday homes, and the “tick” symbols awarded to caravan and

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Лист 230 из 360

camping parks under the British Graded Holiday Parks Scheme.


1 List the different types of accommodation you can find in Scotland.

2 In your opinion, what is a “lochside self-catering chalet”?

3 Do you remember what the “crown” symbol indicates?

E x e r c i s e 5

Read the text below and answer the questions.

Farmhouse accommodation is particularly noted for being relatively

inexpensive and cosy, with good home-cooking where appropriate. They are

generally working farms, and some farmers are happy to allow visitors to look

around, or even to help feed the animals. However, a modern farm is a potentially

dangerous place, especially where machinery and chemicals are concerned, and

visitors must be prepared to exercise care, particularly if they bring children. Never

leave children unsupervised around the farm. Sometimes, guest accommodation is

run as a separate concern from the farm, and visitors are discouraged from

venturing on to the working land. In other cases, the land has been sold off and

only the house remains. Standards will vary considerably, and are often far above

what one would expect. Some farmhouses are grand ex-manor houses furnished

with antiques and offering a stylish way of life, whereas others offer more simply

furnished accommodation, and in others guests may have to share the family

bathroom and sitting/dining room.


1 What is a farmhouse accommodation?

2 Why can they be dangerous places?

3 What does “grand ex-manor” mean?

Exercise 6

Prepare a short dialogue using these phrases:

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Лист 231 из 360

Asking for information

Have you got (number) bed/s for (number) night/s?

Do you serve dinner?

Do I have to vacate my room during the day?

What facilities do you offer?


Yes, you should vacate your room from (hour) to (hour)..

We offer private bathroom/ TV/ radio/ car parking/ safety deposit box.

E x e r c i s e 7

Read the article on page 43 and then explain the following terms and


travelling adventure: .............................................................................................

bridge of peace: ....................................................................................................

peak season: ..........................................................................................................


synonymous: .........................................................................................................

perspective: ...........................................................................................................

youthful: ...............................................................................................................

newcomers: ...........................................................................................................

solo travellers: ......................................................................................................

local resident: .......................................................................................................

budget travellers:...................................................................................................

self-catering kitchens: ..........................................................................................

cooking utensils:....................................................................................................

“The word ‘hostel’ does not describe a place; it describes an attitude, a

philosophy, a coming together of culturally diverse people sharing the wonders,

high and low, of the travelling adventure.”

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Лист 232 из 360

Hostels have been around quite possibly for over a thousand years as a low

cost place for a traveller to stay for the night. However, the hostel movement as

most people know it was started by a German school teacher named Richard

Schirrmann back in the summer of 1907. It was at this time that the Nette School

began providing overnight accommodation to young travellers. Each night the

classrooms were cleared of desks and chairs, and thin straw sacks were placed on

the floor for the travellers. As was the custom, each hosteller in the morning helped

to put the school back together and sweep the straw from the floor. The philosophy

as stated by Mr Schirrmann was this: “Suppose that the thoughtful young people of

all countries could be provided with suitable meeting places where they could get

to know each other! That could and must be the role of our youth hostels, not only

in Germany, but throughout the world, building a bridge of peace from nation to

nation!” (From American Youth Hostels’ “First Fifty Years: Young at Any Age”)

Hostels are a unique form of accommodation unlike hotels or motels. They

are unique in that nearly all facilities are shared with other guests. Rooms are

dormitory style and are usually furnished with bunkbeds. Dormitories are where

the people staying in hostels sleep. They are often, but not always, separated by

sex. (Hostels that have mixed dormitories almost always have separate areas for

changing clothes.) There are perhaps 2-10 people sharing a room with bunkbeds.

Sometimes, particularly in the peak season, large rooms are made available for

sleeping with as many as 30 people in a room. This however is fairly unusual.

Other areas such as bathrooms and lounges are shared as well. This shared

facilities arrangement keeps the cost per guest low. More importantly, this

arrangement creates a warm and welcoming communal camaraderie between

guests. Thereby a congenial atmosphere is formed that is difficult to describe to

people who have never been hostelling and it must be experienced, to be fully

understood. Hostelling is, in part, the act of travelling and staying in hostels. It’s

often called “backpacking” in many parts of the world and it’s perhaps best

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described as travelling cheaply with an adventurous spirit. The terms hosteller and

backpacker are basically synonymous. Backpackers tend to travel for longer

periods than the typical tourist. In many countries, especially Australia and New

Zealand, it’s customary for students and recent graduates to take trips of up to a

year or more!

While hostelling, you see the world from a perspective that the average

tourist will never see. You meet local people, learn customs, eat local food and

often have opportunities to do things you never imagined. Trips are usually only

roughly planned without itineraries to allow for last minute changes when

something unexpected and exciting presents itself. Basically, backpackers stay

longer, see more, and do more for less money! People from literally all over the

world stay in hostels. The atmosphere at a hostel tends to be “youthful”, but people

of all ages stay in them. Hostellers are usually outgoing, friendly and welcoming to

newcomers. Hostels are an excellent place to stay for people travelling alone.

Many solo travellers use hostels as a way of meeting others and sharing the travel

experience. Officially, you do not need a hostel membership card to stay in hostels.

Representatives at a number of hostelling organizations around the world explain

that they will allow guests to stay without a membership card at a slightly higher

price. The largest hostelling organization, Hostelling International (HI), states that

non-members receive a guest membership card. Using the guest membership card,

you will pay an extra amount for each night until you have six stamps on your card

after which the card serves as a full membership card. Unfortunately, a few HI

hostels may not strictly follow the organization policy. Membership holders may

get priority, hostels may be out of guest cards or stamps, a few have age limits at

certain times of year, etc. If certainty is a priority to you, then getting a

membership in advance and making reservations is not a bad idea.

You can stay in hostels in your own country but they will generally not let

you stay if you are a local resident of the area. The logic behind this rule is that if

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hostels allowed local residents to stay it would be full and not have space to

provide accommodation for budget travellers.

The main items you need when hostelling are soap, towel, and a sleep-sheet.

Basically a sleep-sheet is two sheets sewn together to form a sack. When you go to

bed you get inside the sleep-sheet. This means the bed stays clean and is protected

from your road weary body. Many hostels will rent sleep-sheets to you for an

additional cost. In general, hostels provide blankets. Other hostels fit clean sheets

on the bed as well. Remember that many hostels do not allow sleeping bags.

Because sleeping bags have lots of tufts and seams, it’s easy for bugs like ticks to

get inside the sleeping bag while you are camping and later come out when you

unroll the bag in the hostel. Sleeping bags are also much heavier than a simple

sleep-sheet and much harder to wash. So unless to plan to go camping you may

want to leave the sleeping bag at home. Sometimes hostels are noisy, sometimes

not. A lot depends on the location of the hostel. Of course, if you are visiting a

major city you should expect noise in the form of traffic, street cleaning trucks, and

people. Many hostels in the country however are so quiet you can hear your heart

beat. In all hostels, although the custom is to remain as quiet as possible at night,

you should expect a small amount of noise from your fellow hostel occupants. This

noise occurs when someone gets up at night for a trip to the bathroom or possibly

from an occasional rustle of the sheets. Most backpackers get used to these noises

after their first few days hostelling.

Occasionally you may find yourself in a room with a snorer. The heavy

sleeper will usually roll over to make things quieter with a friendly tap and a


Most hostels have kitchens. Self-catering kitchens are another way hostels

can save you money. Kitchens are usually equipped with basic cooking utensils,

pots, pans, and dishes. While it may not always be possible to cook Filet Migon

you usually can manage spaghetti with the equipment available.

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Лист 235 из 360


1 How did hostels get started?

2 What are hostels?

3 What is hostelling?

4 Do you need a hostel membership card to stay in hostels?

5 Are hostels noisy?

6 Do hostels have kitchens?

7 What is a hostel curfew?

8 What is a lockout?

9 What is a sleep-sheet?

10Why can’t you use a sleeping bag?

E x e r c i s e 8

Listen to the conversation between the receptionist of a youth hostel and a

backpacker, then answer the following questions. Read the questions before you


1 How long is the backpacker going to stay?

2 How old is he?

3 Is the hostel far from the city centre?

4 Is there a bus service?

5 How long does it take from the hostel to the city centre?

6 What time is the last bus?

7 What time is breakfast served?

E x e r c i s e 9

Read the following text about Scottish Youth Hostels Association then

answer the questions that follow it.


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Лист 236 из 360

Accommodation is normally in 2-6 bedded rooms although facilities do vary

from place to place. All Hostels are graded so you know what standard of

accommodation to expect.

Higher grade hostels - offer a good standard of accommodation generally in

smaller rooms, often with en-suite facilities. These hostels are open all day, until

02.00hrs letting you get out and about and enjoy the local night life.Prices range

from £10.75 to £16.50

Standard grade hostels - the hostels offer a comfortable accommodation and

all day access.Prices range from £7.25 to £12.75

Simple hostels - are usually located in more remote locations and although

they may not offer all the facilities of standard and higher hostels they very often

have a special atmosphere all of their own! Prices from £6.00 to £7.75


Many hostels offer great value meals - try a continental or a traditional

Scottish breakfast and in the evening a three course home cooked meal.

Continental breakfast: £2.00

Traditional Scottish breakfast: £3.50

Evening meal: £4.95

Many people prefer to self cater so all hostels have well-equipped self-

catering kitchens - all you need bring is the food!

Membership and Age

You can join your local YHA on arrival at hostels. Your card lets you stay in

over 5,000 youth hostels worldwide - and also entitles you to some great

discounts.Everyone over the age of 5 is welcome at our hostels. There is no upper

age limit.


1 What does en-suite facilities mean?

2 What does YHA stand for?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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Лист 237 из 360

3 Is there an age limit to overnight in Scottish Hostels?

4 How much does a traditional Scottish breakfast cost?

5 Can you cater for yourself in these hostels?

E x e r c i s e 1 0

Read the text about Spanish Youth Hostels then answer the questions.


TheSpanish Youth Hostel Network (REAJ) is the representative in Spain of

the International YouthHostel Federation (IYHF), which includes youth hostel

organizations in 60 countries, thus offering \ young people the possibility of using

over 4.500 youth hostels in five continents.

At present REAJ comprises a total of 186 youth hostels, distributed all over

Spain, andmanaged by the specialised services of the Autonomous Communities.

Membership Card

It is internationally recognized and valid for the use of all national and

foreign youth hostels. There are six different categories:

Prices €

Youth 12-25 years 3.01

Adult 26 years + 6.01

Group Not less than 10 persons12.02

Family Married couple and children 18.03

Foreign visitorNo age limit 10.82

Youth Associations Free issue

All that is needed for the issuing of these cards is the presentation of the

National Identity Document or Passport and the pay of the issuing fee.

Membership cards can be obtained at the Youth Hostel Associations and directly at

the youth hostels.

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Лист 238 из 360

General Regulations of Youth Hostels

Youth hostels are open to all persons holding a membership card issued by

any Youth Hostels Association within IYHF. Usually there is no age limit,

although young persons under 26 have total priority; families and groups should be

holders of a special membership card issued for them. The card must be shown at

the time of registration.

Hostels usually close at about 23.00 and hosteller’s sleep must be respected

until 7.00.


1 What is REAJ?

2 How many hostels does it comprise?

3 How much does the membership card cost to a Spanish 30 year old woman

travelling with three friends? And to an Italian 19 year old boy?

4 Is this card valid also in other countries? Can you buy it directly at the Youth


5 Can you stay in a Spanish Youth Hostel if you are holder of a card issued by

IYHF hostel in Amsterdam?

6 Is there an age limit?

7 What time do hostels usually close?

8 What is an issuing fee?

E x e r c i s e 1 2

Read the article about hostelling in France and then answer the questions

that follow it.


Hostelling International is the largest organization of hostels. It provides

6,000 hostels world wide in 63 countries. In each country united in the H.l. there is

a National Youth Hostels Association. In France this is called F.U.A.J. (Federation

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Лист 239 из 360

Unie des Auberges de Jeunesse, which translated into English is : United

Federation of Youth Hostels). There are about 190 youth hostels in France

including 4 in Paris : Jules Ferry, Le D’Artagnan, Cite des Sciences, Leo Lagrange.

Mainly the arrangement is in multiple bedded rooms, from 3 to 6 (or 8)

bunkbeds with washbasin, bathrooms are on each floor. Most of the Parisian

hostels provide double or matrimonial rooms. Mixed rooms are available on

request. There is no TV or phone in the room.

There is no curfew, you can enter as late as you like. During the day there is

a lockout, usually from 11 A.M. to 2 P.M., during this time the hostel stays open

but access to rooms is not allowed so the hostel can be properly cleaned/

All Parisian hostels provide drink machines, international phoneboxes, an

Internet box, information pamphlets, some of them a laundromat, a bar, a disco, a

travel or bus ticketing agency, a cinema or a TV room, a restaurant inside or in the


You can use your sleeping-bag, but in every Parisian hostel included in the

price there are sheet-sleeping bags, which are more hygienic.

In Paris, hostels work like traditional hotels, cleaning is done, breakfast is

served, its dishes are washed.

In France there is no age limit to have access into a youth hostel, everyone

can stay in a hostel.

You need also to present your passport or identity card if you are a European

citizen and, for people under 18, an authorization from your parents. To be

admitted to a youth hostel, you need to be member of the International Youth

Hostels Association (I.Y.H.F.). You have to apply for a membership card through

your National Association (in France the F.U.A.J.) or you could also get your card

in the youth hostels where you stay.

During summer, the longest you can stay in each hostel is 4 nights, in winter

you can stay longer depending on availability.

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Лист 240 из 360

Except in the d’Artagnan Hostel, you will find kitchen facilities in all

Parisian hostels, most of them provide a common room with dishes and a micro-


The atmosphere in Parisian hostels really depends on the type of hostel you

stay in. If there is a bar or disco the principal attraction is there and if you are in a

quieter, more cosy hostel, there is usually a common room, where everyone can

meet together. One day there might be people from Spain or South America

singing songs, another day people playing guitars and everyone remembers the

songs of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, etc., there are people exchanging stories

about their trips or their countries, playing games around a drink.


1 What does F.U.A.J. stand for? What is it? What does it mean in

English? Translate this acronym in your own language.

2 Do you know what is your country’s National Youth Hostels

Association is called?

3 How many hostels are there in France? How many in Paris?

4 What type of bedrooms and facilities do Parisian hostels provide?

5 Can you use a sleeping-bag?

6 Is there an age limit on access to a youth hostel? What do you need if

you are under 18?

7 Is the membership card compulsory? Where can you apply for it?

8 What does I.Y.H.F stand for?

9 How long can you stay in each hostel?

10Do Parisian hostels offer kitchen facilities?

Language functions

Asking for information

Do I need a hostel membership card to stay in this hostel?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 241 из 360

How do I get a hostel membership?

Does this hostel have a kitchen?

Where do I keep my belongings?

What time is the curfew?

What time is the lockout?

Do I need a sleep-sheet?

Can I use my sleeping-bag?

How many nights can I stay here?



You can leave non-valuables items in the dormitory, valuables should be kept with

you or should be placed in the hostel’s locker.

The curfew is from (hour) to (hour).

The lockout is from (hour) to (hour).

You can’t stay here longer than (number) nights.

Exercise 13

Listen to the description of Europe’s most famous hostels and complete the

following sentences with the words you hear.

1 The F10 are.............absolute top hostels in Europe.

a) the b) a c)an d) no article

2 Europe’s enormous diversity of customs and culture is………. in a rich

variety of different places.

a) reflect b) reflected c) reflects d) shows

3.........................................................Edinburgh mixes elegance with history

and................................................................ ………..friendliness which typifies


a) a b) an c) the d) some

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Лист 242 из 360

4............................Avalon House is ………in the centre of Dublin.

a) locates b) locate c) locatingd) located

5..................................The 3 Ducks Hostel ..……built around an inner

courtyard as a great hangout.

a) has b) is c) are d) it’s

6……………. hostel is equipped with a comfortable chill out room for you to

relax after a hard day’s travelling.

a) the b) a c) an d) this

7 The Flying Pig Downtown is situated …………the Central Station.

a) near b) by c) between d) close

8 But Bruges..............even more to offer.

a) is b) has c) as d) have

9 Guests from all over the world. .……….to enjoy the hospitality and comfortable


a) can b) came c) come d) comes

10Guests from............over the world come to enjoy the hospitality and

comfortable atmosphere.

a) hole b) old c) hall d) all

Self-catering, Holiday Villages and Campsites

Exercise 1

Read the text about self-catering holiday in Britain, then explain in your own

words the following expressions:

Marvellous release:………………………………………….

Pressure of everyday life:…………………………………..

Rigid routines:………………………………………………

Serviced accommodation:………………………………….

Rush back:………………………………………………….

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Лист 243 из 360

Home from home:………………………………………….

Group of people wanting to share: .......................................

The attraction of a self-catering holiday home is freedom, choice and value

for money. A self-catering holiday is a marvellous release from the pressures of

everyday life. This type of holiday will free you from some of the more rigid

routines of serviced accommodation allowing you to do whatever you want

without having to rush back for set mealtimes. You will be able to explore the area

you are visiting more fully or even invite your friends and family to come and visit

you. After all, for the time of your stay your holiday home will be your home from


There is a huge variety of self-catering holiday homes available throughout

Britain, from luxury apartments and penthouse suites to log cabins, from cottages

to country houses, from imaginatively converted barns to old mills. Whether it be a

seaside, town or countryside location you are seeking, the choice is yours and no

doubt there will be an almost endless list of places to visit and activities in your

chosen location.

E x e r c i s e 2

Read the brochure of Springhill Farm Holiday Cottages and answer the

questions that follow it.

Seahouses – Northumberland

The Village by the Sea.

Situated on the north Northumberland coast and surrounded by outstanding

natural beauty Seahouses is the ideal base from which to explore this magnificent

part of England. From the casual week-end visitor to the summer holiday-maker,

Seahouses can offer accommodation and facilities second to none.

Springhill Farm Holiday Cottages

A tranquil setting, a glorious coastline with miles of clean golden beaches

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Лист 244 из 360

and superb country views are just three of the reasons to come to Springhill and

Copywell Cottages. For those exploring beautiful Northumberland and the Scottish

Borders or those who just want to relax with the kids in a safe farm environment

our cottages offer you value for money, quality and comfort.

Springfill Cottage Sleeps 5 (Plus Z-Bed suitable for small child): Three

Bedrooms - 1 Double and 1 Twin-bedded room.

Copywell Cottage Sleeps 4 (Plus Z-Bed Suitable for small child): Two



Both cottages


fires; Electric Heating

KITCHEN: Cooker; Microwave; Refrigerator (with small freezer box);

Toaster; Washing Machine; Outdoor drying; Iron

BATHROOM (ground floor): Basin; Bath; Toilet; Shower (over bath);

Shaver Points

Electricity, Bed-linen, Towels and fuel for the fire - all included

Children welcome (cot, high chair and stair gate available)Open all year.


1 How many bedrooms does a Springhill Cottage have? And a Copywell one?

2 Do these cottages have a freezer box?

3 How many cars can you park per cottage?

4 Can you take your pets with you?

Read the statements below and decide if they are true or false.

1 This resort is not near the sea.

2 Towels and fuel for the fire are included.

3 They do not have washing machines but have electric heaters.

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Лист 245 из 360

4 The bathroom is on the first floor.

5 You can smoke in these cottages.

6 There are special offers in winter season.

7 Springhill Cottages have one twin-bedded room.

8 This resort opens only in spring and summer time.

9 Both Springhill and Copywell cottages offer a Z-bed for small children.

10You cannot stay only for one day.

Language functions

Asking for information

Can I book a/an cottage/apartment, etc.. for (number of days/weeks/months)?

Does the cottage/apartment, etc. have a kitchen/dining room/living room?

Is the kitchen well equipped?

What kind of facilities do you offer?

Is there any special offer?

How many people does the cottage/apartment sleep?

How many bedrooms are there?


Yes, sir/madam, we have a/an cottage/apartment from (date) to (date).

Yes, sir/madam the cottage/apartment, etc. has a kitchen/dining room/living room.

Yes, sir/madam, the cottage is fully equipped.

We offer (list of facilities).

It sleeps (number) people.

There is/are (number) double-bedded room/s and/or (number) twin-bedded room/s.

Make up short dialogues using these phrases

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Лист 246 из 360

E x e r c i s e 3

Now you are going to read a brief description of Sweden’s largest island,


Gotland is Sweden’s largest island, located about 90 km from the Swedish

mainland in the centre of the Baltic Sea. The island has an area of about 3,450

square kilometres and the population is about 58,000. The island can boast

Sweden’s highest sunshine record and is certainly well worth a visit, not least

because of its great natural and cultural interest, as well as its history which goes

back many thousands of years. There are more than 100 medieval churches around

the island, as well as thousands of remains from the Stone Age and the Viking era,

giant “raukar” limestone formations along the coastline, delightful long sandy

beaches, high cliffs, beautiful flower meadows and much more.

Gotland has been a centre for trade with other countries in the Baltic region

since the time of the Vikings. Visby, the island’s only town, was a member of the

Hanseatic League in the Middle Ages and it still has some important reminders of

that era. Among the medieval alleys there are old warehouses, ruined churches and

monasteries, as well as the impressive 3.6 km long town wall which encircles the

Hanseatic town. St Mary’s Cathedral, originally built by German traders, is still a

place of worship and is worth a visit during your stay in Visby. The town’s former

status as a Hanseatic trading centre is underlined by street names which recall its

links with Bremen, Hamburg and Rostock.

Visby’s well-preserved medieval town centre won international recognition

in 1995 when it was placed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, an achievement of

which the town’s residents are justly proud.


1 When does Gotland’s history date back to?

2 What is a “raukar”?

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Лист 247 из 360

3 How many towns are there on the island? Can you remember its/their name?

4 Do you know any monuments/cities placed on UNESCO’s World Heritage

List in your own country?

Exercise 4

Gotland offers a wide variety of Holiday Villages. Here you’ll find the

description of some of them.


The village, built in 1993-94, is located 35 km south of Visby. It is open all

the year round and consists of nine disabled-friendly detached chalets and five

excellent holiday apartments on the upper floor in the main building. The village is

set in a beautiful natural setting, surrounded by lakes and woodland. There are

beautiful walks through the area owned by the village, and it has its own road to

the sea, where swimming is excellent. The distance to the village’s own beaches is

900 metres, and the nearest resorts are Sandhamn and Bjorkhaga, 5 km to the south

and 5 km to the north. A riding centre adjoins the village, and the beautiful golf

course at Kronholmen is only 12 km away. At the holiday village you can hire

bicycles, crayfish traps, children’s beds and washing machines, and there is a

playground and area for ball games. The chalets have a combined sitting

room/kitchen with one or two bedrooms. They have a living area of 43 square

metres and, like the apartments, four normal beds plus two extra sofa beds. Pets

can be taken into two of the chalets. The apartments cover an area of 56 square

metres and consist of combined sitting room/kitchen and two bedrooms. They are

equipped with heated floors, refrigerators, microwave ovens, showers, toilets,

colour TVs, radios, barbecues and garden furniture. The chalets have open

fireplaces both indoors and outdoors, and the apartments have a balcony with their

own entrance. A local newspaper every morning is included in the price.


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Лист 248 из 360

The village is located by the sea and the marvellous 5 km stretch of sandy

beach at Sudersand on the island of Faro. The island has beautiful beaches,

picturesque fishing villages, distinctive scenery and gigantic “raukar" rock

formations. It is situated in woodland and is an ideal place if you just want to

sunbathe, swim and take it easy. The village has 42 chalets with the following

standards and equipment.

4-bedded: Sitting room, bedroom and kitchenette on the ground floor plus

one bedroom on the upper floor. Steep outside staircase to the upper floor. The

chalets have an area of 48 square metres and are equipped with electricity, electric

heating, stoves, refrigerators, drainage, running cold water and fireplaces. Some of

the houses have WCs. 5-bedded: Chalets have two floors and consist of a sitting

room, kitchenette, two bedrooms, each with two beds, plus lounge with one bed.

They are equipped with electricity, electric heating, electric stoves, refrigerators,

freezers, running hot and cold water, showers, toilets and fireplaces. 6-bedded: The

chalets have a sitting room, kitchenette and three bedrooms split between two

floors, with a total area of 70 square metres. They are equipped with electric

heating, stoves, refrigerators, running cold water, drainage and fireplaces. In the

centre of the village there are coin-operated showers, WCs, chemical toilets,

saunas and telephones. Restaurants are available adjoining the village, and shops

are only 3 km away. Within the village, or just outside, there is a pitch for ball

games, cycle hire, mini-golf and a kiosk. Cleaning before departure can be

arranged on payment of a supplement.


The village is situated close to the sea in Lickershamn, just 30 km north of

Visby. The fishing village nearby offers a restaurant, kiosk and miniature-golf

during the summer. You can also find Jungfrun, the largest rauk (limestone

formation) on Gotland in the surroundings. The houses, which were renovated in

1999, have 6 beds, hot running water, shower and WC. They also have a living

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Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 249 из 360

room, two small bedrooms with bunk-beds, a pantry with stove, fridge, microwave

oven, coffee machine. Garden furniture.

Now look at the table on page 54 and tick the facilities that each holiday

village has.

Chalets Holiday



to the








sauna Living



Mulde, Froje





E x e r c i s e 5

This is the description of a holiday village in Cyprus. Read it and fill in the

blanks with one of the missing words from the list below.

Prefer, courts, terrace, complex, field, overlooking, walk,

everyone,accommodation, air conditioning, maisonettes, furnished, suite, beach



A unique holiday.....................(1) set within its own large landscaped gardens

on a hill........................(2) the surrounding countryside and the shimmering sea

and only a few minutes..................(3) from the beach and the fishing harbour

Latchi. All apartments are fully ................ (4), well-equipped and provide

comfortable........................(5) ideal for individuals, couples and families looking

for a relaxing holiday away from the crowds, yet within easy reach of a lovely



All the accommodation at the Elia Latchi Holiday Village has been well

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Лист 250 из 360

designed and furnished. We offer ourguests a choice of accommodation such as

studios,…………. (7) and apartments all of whichhave a bed/sitting room,……….

(8) with sea view (9) /heating, a satelliteTV, refrigerator, kettle, hairdryer,

telephone, bath/shower WC, electric current and shaver outlet. If you planto marry

in Cyprus why not stay in our honeymoon……….. (10) which is a deluxe

maisonettewith antique furniture, traditional Cyprus honeymoon bed and...


Sports Facilities

Elia Latchi Holiday Village has 3 tennis……….. (11), 1 squash courts, 1

volleyball court, 1 basketballcourt, a 9-hole mini-golf course, archery, and a

football.......................................................(12). On the beach there is a

WaterSports Centre which offers wind surfing, scuba diving, water skiing,

parasailing, jet skiing, banana rides, donut rides and boat trips, etc. whatever you

...................................................................………..(13), there is something for


Language functions

Asking for information

What kind of accommodation do you offer in your holiday village?

How many rooms are there?

Is there a swimming pool/tennis court, etc.?

What kind of sport activities do you offer?

Is the apartment fully furnished?

Does it have kitchenware?

How long does it take from the village to (the seaside, city centre, etc.)?


We offer suites/apartments/rooms, etc.

There is/are (number) room/s.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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Лист 251 из 360

Prepare a short dialogue using these phrases

E x e r c i s e 6

These are the explanations of conventional signs classifying campsites in France.

1 Children’s club

2 Tennis courts: open air - covered

3 Bathing allowed or supervised bathing

4 Cars must be parked away from pitches

5 Washing machines, laundry.

6 No dogs allowed

7 Sites with running hot water: showers - wash basins

8 Quite comfortable

9 Baby changing facilities

10 Cycle hire

11 Very comfortable, ideally equipped

12 Each caravan bay is equipped with electricity - water - drainage

13 Common room - Games room

14 Mini golf

15 Sailing (school or centre)

16 Caravans - Mobile homes

17 Individual wash rooms or wash basins with or without hot water

18 Playground

19 Bar (serving alcohol) - eating places (restaurant, snack-bar)

20 Sanitary installations for disabled

21 Comfortable, well equipped

22 Archery

23 Bungalows - Chalets

24 Heating installations

25 Supermarket, shopping centre - Food shop

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Лист 252 из 360

26 Swimming pool: covered / open air

27 Laundry or dish washing facilities - Running water

28 Rooms

29 Take away meals

30 Pony trekking riding

31 Exercise room - Sauna

32 Reasonably comfortable

33 Selected winter caravan sites

34 Well equipped, good comfort

35 Sites with modern facilities

Write down the ones indicating:

1 Category:

2 Special features:

3 Location and access:

4 Facilities:

5 Food shops - Restaurants - Other facilities

6 Recreational facilities:

7 Renting:

Exercise 7

Read the camping classification system of Belgium and then answer the questions

that follow it.


The classification of campsites is rated from 1 up to 4 stars (*) based on their

level of comfort and quality.Those in the 1 star category have to comply with the

minimum camping regulation standards. This means that they must at least have

the following : drinking water facilities, cold water showers, flush toilets,

washbasins and power points. Communal facilities are lit and each camper’s camp

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 253 из 360

spot should be a minimum of 80 sq. m. in area.

Those in the 2 star category are under surveillance during the day.

Electricity facilities are provided in one fifth of the camp spots.

Those in the 3 star category are under day and night surveillance. Camp

spots are at least 100 sq. m. in area. Sites are equipped with warm water showers,

sinks for washing and washing up purposes, games and sport facilities, shop and

day room. Pathways through the camp are lit and electricity facilities are provided

in 50% of the spots.

Those in the 4 star category are provided with electricity facilities

throughout. They also have a restaurant, children’s playing area and sports ground.


1 Which campsites are under surveillance?

2 How many spots are provided with electricity in the 3 star category campsites?

3 Do the 2 star category campsites have warm water showers?

4 What is the main difference between a 4 star category campsite and the others?

E x e r c i s e 8

Now read the camping classification system of Norway and then write a

presentation of the two systems (exercises 8-9) in no more than 150-200 words.



The camping area should be clearly marked.

The roads should be well maintained and there should not be hidden


The entrance should be clearly marked with the name of the site and its star


First aid equipment should be available.

The information board should show rules of conduct and fire safety

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 254 из 360


The camp site should have daily maintenance.

Mail service.

All the installations should be clearly marked/signposted.

Toilets, washrooms and showers should meet the capacity of the site.

Waste water emptying facilities.

Sufficient refuse/garbage cans, which must be emptied regularly.

Entrance lit at night

In addition: washbasins with hot water, electric socket, cooking facilities,

sinks with hot water, telephones.


The following must be present in addition to the above:

Staff available 7.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m.

Information board showing staff hours and emergency telephones in


Lighting in and around service area.

In addition: hot showers, drains for chemicaltoilet waste,sinks for laundry

with hot water,electric supply at 220 volt.


The following must be present in addition to the above:

24 hours staffing, including lunch breaks.

Permanent reception/information desk.

Covered tables and chairs.

Road lighting.

Plain refreshments max. 1 km.

In addition: grassy, WC for disabled people, nursing room, sheltered cooking

facilities, sinks with hot water under cover, washing machine, tumble dryer or

drying room, playground.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 255 из 360


The following must be present in addition to the above:

Night watchman patrols.

Currency exchange.

Soap dispensers - hand driers - hair driers.

Fast food facility on site or near the site.

Plain refreshments max. 1 km.

In addition: sauna, outlet chemical toilets under cover, common room, barbecue,

exercise track max. 1 km or unheated swimming pool or bathing place max. 1



The following must be present in addition to the above:

Watchman’s residence on site.

Accepts credit cards.

In addition: water supply, drain, heated swimming pool, paddling pool.


Fill in the blanks with the following words.

Cabins, accessibility, activities , well-equipped , hire, countries, about, facilities,

skiing, campsites, categories, rental

Norway is one of the most exciting and beautiful………..(1) imaginable.

What……… (2) walking over our impressive plateaux,sailing on peaceful

mountain lakes or out at sea? Try your luck at fishing in our countless rivers, lakes

and fjords, visit our amusement parks and zoos, relax on a sun-soaked rock at the

water’s edge or go………….. (3) in summer! The possibilities areendless and

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Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 256 из 360

there are……….(4) all over Norway,whether you are holidaying by a fjord, in the

mountains, by the sea or touring our varied countryside.Norwegian camping

holidays are of high quality. A wide variety of fun……….(5) andplay areas is

proved to ensure a holiday full of excitement and new experiences. Many campsite

have good………. (6) available for rent. These often have charming Norwegian

stylebathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms and ………..(7) kitchens. Bedclothes

areavailable for (8) at the site or you can bring your own. General

speaking,cabins of all (9) must adhere to the official requirements

regarding…………(10) of accommodation. The stars are awarded from 1 to 5.

……………(11) has been taken into account at most campsites. All 3-5-star

campsiteshave toilet, shower and other …………… (12) for the disabled.


Read the following dialogue between a camper and the receptionist of Manjastre

Campsite and try to complete it.

Camper: .....................................(1)

Receptionist:................................................Good morning (2)?

Camper: Yes, I.......................(3) about the campsite. Is it far from the sea?

Receptionist: No, it is about 1 km.

Camper: Very good. And is there a tennis court?

Receptionist: Yes, of course.

Camper: And a restaurant?

Receptionist: No, but there is a snack bar and a refreshment bar.

Camper: OK, and... how............................(4) per night? We are two adults with

aridge tent and a car.

Receptionist:Sorry but I’ve just started working here... Let me check.

The receptionist gave the camper some wrong information. Read the

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Лист 257 из 360

brochure and underline the wrong information.

MA.NJASTRE CAMPSITE is situated only 5 km from the Mediterranean

Sea in beautiful calm surroundings, sun kissed I hills and vineyards. We offer, 2

pools, (1 toddler pool and 1 J swimming pool). A children playing area, a mini

football field, j ping pong tables and a petanque area.

For your service we have a gas depot, self service shop, snack bar or take-

away, refreshment bar, ice creams, etc.

The camp-ground is made accessible for caravans, the sites are terraced and many

of them private and shaded by cork oak and mimosa trees. Drinking water is

guaranteed all year round, with a large reservoir near by.

Exercise 11

Paul Johnson is a camper. He has written a letter to a magazine asking for some

advice. Listen to Paul’s letter then decide whether the following statements are

true.(T) or false (F). Read the statements before you listen.

T F1


Paul is an invalid. □ □2


His camping vehicle is a motor home. □ □3


It has no chemical toilet. □ □4


It sleeps two adults and two children. □ □5


Its brake is automatic. □ □6


It has an elevator in the back. □ □7


He thinks campsites guides are reliable. □ □8


He is looking for wheelchair users who have had

good camping experiences in Europe.

□ □

Language functions

Asking for information

Do you have a pitch for (number) night/s for a (tent/caravan/mobile home),

(number) adult/s and (number) child/children?

Is this pitch far from the sanitary installation?

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Лист 258 из 360

What kind of facilities do you offer?

Is there any recreational activity?

Is there a restaurant or a fast food?

Is there a swimming pool?


Yes, sir/madam, there is a pitch from (date) to (date). Here is a map of the

campsite, the red numbers represent the free pitches.

No, sir/madam, it isn’t far. The closest sanitary installations are here.

We offer (facilities).

Yes there is/are (activity/ies).

Tourism Correspondence. The layout of a letter

1 It contains information about the company (name, address, telephone and fax

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Лист 259 из 360

number) and is usually preprinted.

2 It usually consists of the initials of the person who signed the letter (in capital

letters) and the ones of the person who wrote it (in small letters).

3 British style: American style:

2nd June, 2002 June 2, 2002

June 2nd, 20026/2/2002 (month/day/year)

2June, 2002

2/6/2002 (day/month/year)

4 It is the recipient’s address, and is usually written below the heading on the left.

5 It indicates the person the letter is addressed to.

6 British style: Dear Sir(s)/Madam, or Dear Mr/Ms, (before the surname of an


7 American style: Gentlemen:, Dear Sir(s)/Madam: or Dear Mr/Ms: (before the

surname of an individual).

8 It indicates the content of the letter.

9 It is the content of the letter. The body of the letter can be either blocked (the

paragraph starts beside the left margin) or indented (the paragraph begins a few

centimetres from the left margin).

10British style: Yours faithfully (with Dear Sir(s)/Madam,); Yours sincerely,/ Best

regards, (with Dear Mr/Ms,). American style: (Very) Truly yours/ Yours (very)

truly (with Gentlemen:, Dear Sir(s)/Madam:); Sincerely yours (with Dear


11The name of the person who signs the letter.

12The writer’s role in the company.

13It indicates the number of documents accompanying the letter.

14The envelope address is written in the same way as the inside address.ORDINAL NUMBERS 20th twentieth MONTHS OF THE YEAR

1st first 21st twenty-first January July2nd second 22nd twenty-second February August

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Лист 260 из 360

3rd third 23rd twenty-third March September4th fourth 24th twenty-fourth April October5th fifth (...) (...) May November6th sixth 30th thirtieth June December(...) (…) 31st thirty-first

Exercise 1

Write these dates in full (British style and American style).

5/8/200...15/6/200... 5/12/200... 16/8/200... 17/7/200...

1/9/200...25/9/200... 1/5/200... 24/5/200... 8/12/200...

9/10/200...22/3/200... 30/7/200...1/3/200... 19/4/200...

Letter 1

Read Letter 1 and answer the following questions.

1 What is Mr Lane asking for?

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Лист 261 из 360

2 In which style is he writing this letter?

3 Underline which parts of the letter indicate the style.

4 What do you think Travel City is?

Exercise 3

This is the reply that Travel City sent to Mr Lane’s enquiry. Fill in the blanks with

the missing words or expressions.

Letter 2

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Letter 3

Exercise 4

Read the letter written by Jerry Lane and decide if the following sentences are true

(T) or false (F)

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Лист 263 из 360


1 Jerry Lane would like to book a double room with shower.

2 He requires a room on a full board basis.

3 The letter Jerry Lane sends to Travel City has been written by

his secretary.

4 Jerry Lane is writing from England.

The Layout of a Fax

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Лист 264 из 360

E x e r c i s e 6

Match the parts of the fax (see above) to the explanations below.

A... B... C... D... E... F...

G... H… I... J... K... L...

1 Number of pages

2 Status of the writer

3 Signature

4 Opening salutation

5 Body of the fax

6 Date

7 Subject line

8 Reference

9 Sender (company, name, department)


11Closing salutation

12Recipient (fax n„ name)

E x e r c i s e 7

Refer to the fax to write the letter in which Mr Lane confirms the booking and

enclose the deposit.

The layout of an e-mail

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Exercise 8

Read the e-mail message above then answer the following questios.

1 Who Is writing this e-mail?

2 Why is the hotel cancelling the booking?

3 Who is this e-mail addressed to?

4 When will the hotel open up again

Exercise 9

Match the parts of the e-mail message on page 71 to the explanations below.

1 Date of the message

2 Closing salutation

3 Electronic signature and status of the writer

4 Sender’s e-mail address

5 Body of the e-mail message

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 266 из 360

6 Recipient’s e-mail address

7 Subject of the message

A.... B .... C.... D....

E.... F.... G

E x e r c i s e 1 0

Now write an e-mail message from Travel City to Jerry Lane explaining that the

booking has been cancelled and suggesting accommodation in another hotel (Kent

Hotel 45 Berkley Street London W1A 1EB) underlining that its brochure had been

enclosed in the letter dated 10th June.

E x e r c i s e 1 1

Jerry Lane writes a letter to Travel City in which he asks for a booking in the

suggested hotel. Referring to Letter 3 write down Mr Lane’s answer

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 267 из 360

Jerry Lane

Outlook Avenue


East Hampton


Ph.: (+1) 631 32 40268 Fox: (+1) 631 32 40266

e-mail: [email protected]

……………………. ……………………….














E x e r c i s e 1 2

In London Mr Lane finds Kent Hotel is not up to what he expected. Read his

complaint then answer the questions that follow it.

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 268 из 360

Jerry Lane

Outlook Avenue


East Hampton


Ph.: (+1) 631 32 40268 Fox: (+1) 631 32 40266

e-mail: [email protected]

Our ref.: JL/jl September3,2002

Travel City

120n Wilton Road

London SW1V 1JZ


Dear Ms Parker:

I am writing to complain about the unsatisfactory services in the Kent Hotel.

The hotel personnel were uncooperative and impolite, the service provided was in

inefficient, my room had never been cleaned, and it was a room with bath and not

with shower as I requested. Moreover, the breakfast was very poor and the hotel is

not situated near the city centre.

I am sure you will take note of my complaints when suggesting this hotel to your


Yours truly,

Jerry Lane

1 What was wrong with the Kent Hotel?

2 Does Mr Lane ask for a refund?

3 Why do you think he is writing this letter?

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 269 из 360

E x e r c i s e 1 3

Suzanne Parker writes a letter to Mr Lane apologizing for the inconvenience and

offering him a discount should he decide to use the agency’s service again.

Write Suzanne Parker’s letter using the correct phaseology.

How to write business letters

What to do and what not to do when writing business letters:

present your letter clearly;

use simple language;

include all important information.

do not use short forms (I’m, we’re, aren’t, don't, etc);

do not use long difficult sentences;

do not use colloquial expressions.



Capital letters are used in many circumstances, for example with:

the first person singular (I am enclosing a brochure).

country adjectives (English, American);

days of the week (Monday, Friday);

months of the year (March, September);

titles (the Sales Manager, the Marketing Account);

The dash

Dashes are used in English instead of brackets. They can be used before and after

an additional information.If the additional information is at the end of a sentence,

use only one dash before it.

Correspondence chart

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 270 из 360

Letter language

Type of letter: ENQUIRY

Stating source of address

I found your address in (newspaper, magazine, etc).

I read your advertisement which appeared in (newspaper, magazine, etc).

We saw your advertisement in (newspaper, magazine, etc.).

I saw your hotel advertised in (newspaper, magazine, etc.).

The name of your agency was given to us by (person name, company name).

We have been informed by...

I am writing at the suggestion of...

We refer to your advertisement in (newspaper, magazine, etc.).

We were given your address by...

As we are making provisional enquiries...

Making a request

Would you please let us have (brochures and terms).

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 271 из 360

I would like to receive some brochures/detailed information about


We should be grateful to have detailed information about (accommodation) I

would be obliged if you could send me (brochures/quotations/details about special

offers/reductions, etc).

Could you please/possibly send me some information about your rates and the

services you offer.

Kindly inform me about your rates for full board/half board including services and


Would you be so kind as to send me some brochures of your hotel.

Will you kindly quote prices for (our party).

I am particularly interested in getting details about (type of accommodation).

Stating reasons for writing

We are planning to tour in (region, country, etc).

I will be coming to (place) on the (day) of (month) and I will be spending (number)

day(s) in town.

I am organizing a stay/trip/tour to (destination) for a party of (number).

We are arranging a stay in (place).

I am writing because I am thinking of going to (destination) at (period). Therefore I

would ask some information before reserving a seat.

We intend to come to (destination) for a touring holiday.

Asking for a reply and thanking

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

I should be grateful for a prompt reply.

We thank you in advance for your prompt reply and assistance.

Please fax a reply at your earliest convenience.

I should appreciate an early reply.

We hope to receive an immediate reply.

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 272 из 360

We do hope your terms will be satisfactory to us.

An early reply would be greatly appreciated.

I thank you in advance for your assistance and look forward to receiving your


Type of letter: REPLY TO ENQUIRY

Referring to and thanking for enquiry

Thanks for your letter/fax/e-mail dated (date) requesting information about...

We have received your letter/fax/e-mail of (date) for which we thank you.

Thank you very much for your letter/fax/e-mail enquiring about...

Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding...

With reference to your enquiry about...

Further to your letter of (date)...

Sending/enclosing material

We are very pleased to send you...

We are glad to send you...

We have pleasure in enclosing...

Herewith enclosed we are sending a brochure containing all details about...

We are pleased to send you herewith enclosed a brochure with all the information


Find herewith enclosed our current tariffs and brochure.

Please find enclosed in this letter our tariffs as requested/our brochure will be sent

under separate cover.

We enclose our tariffs and brochure which we hope you will find useful.

Offering further help

If you wish to make any further enquiries or make a definite booking, please do not

hesitate to contact me.

Please feel free to contact us for any further information you may need.

If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 273 из 360

Should you need more information do not hesitate to let us know.

If I may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Closing the letter

Should you need to make a booking, please let us know.

I would be very pleased to welcome you to our hotel.

We hope to receive your booking and to welcome you to our hotel.

If you wish to make a booking, please write to us as soon as possible.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Type of letter: BOOKING

Thanking for reply

Thank you for your reply of (date) concerning...

Many thanks for your letter/fax/e-mail of (date) informing us about...

Asking for reservation

Would you please reserve (type of accommodation).

We should be obliged if you would reserve (type of accommodation).

Kindly book (type of accommodation).

Please book me/us (type of accommodation).

I require a reservation for (a double room with bath).

I wish to book a (type of accommodation) for the period (dates).

Would you please let us know whether you will be able to accommodate a

group/party of (number), from (date) to (date).

Asking for confirmation

An early confirmation would be greatly appreciated.

I should be glad if you would send me confirmation of the booking. Early

confirmation of the booking is required, so that we can make all arrangements in

good time.

We hope to receive your confirmation of this booking at your earliest convenience.


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 274 из 360

Thanking for reservation

Thank you for your booking/reservation of (date).

We thank you for your booking dated (date).

We were pleased to receive your letter/fax/e-mail of (date) requesting reservation


Confirming reservation

We are glad to confirm the reservation for...

We confirm the booking of (type of accommodation).

We are pleased to offer you the accommodation required.

Closing the letter

We assure you of our best attention.

We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel.

We look forward to having you at our hotel.

Type of letter: NEGATIVE REPLY

Referring to and thanking for reservation

Thanks for your letter/fax/e-mail dated (date) requesting acommodation for...

We have received your letter/fax/e-mail of (date) for which we thank you.

Thank you very much for your letter/fax/e-mail requesting accommodation..

Thank you for your recent booking of (type of accommodation)...

With reference to your booking of (type of accommodation)...

Further to your letter of (date)...

Expressing regret

I am very sorry to inform you that...

I regret to say ...

Unfortunately we have to inform you that...

We are sorry to inform you that we are unable to comply with your request.

Unfortunately we have no accommodation available for the date/period required.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 275 из 360

We regret to inform you that our hotel is fully booked in the period requested.

Offering further help/ Closing the letter

If I may be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

We could offer you availability of rooms if you postponed your dates.

We regret we cannot be more helpful at the moment, but look forward to

welcoming you to our hotel in the future.

We hope to be of assistance on future occasions.


Stating reasons for writing

We are terribly sorry to inform you that, owing to (reason), we are obliged to

cancel the booking for you/your group.

Unfortunately we are forced to cancel your reservation...

We regret to inform you that we have been compelled to cancel your bookin.

Suggesting alternatives

We can, however, offer you accommodation in another hotel we own/one of our

other hotels...

As an alternative we suggest our sister hotel just opposite which provides the same

facilities. Herewith enclosed we are sending a detailed brochure of the (name of

alternative hotel).

We advise you to contact (name of alternative hotel).

We suggest taking into consideration this alternative solution:..

Apologizing/ Closing the letter

Should this suggested solution be acceptable to you, please let us know.

We apologize once again for any inconvenience caused.

We are sorry for any trouble that this cancellation/alteration may cause.

Type of letter: COMPLAINT

Language functions Sentence patterns

Stating reasons for complaint

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 276 из 360

I am writing to complain about...

I want to complain about the accommodation I was given in your hotel.

I am sorry to have to complain about the facilities you failed to provide.

In your brochure you described your hotel as ‘quiet and secluded’, but this is

definitely untrue.

The hotel personnel/staff were unfriendly/impolite/rude/inefficient.

The room was dirty/small/noisy.

The hotel was overbooked.

Our booking was lost.

Expressing hope for reimbursement

I think we have a right to a refund.

We trust we will be reimbursed.

Unless we receive a satisfactory reply by return, I will not recommend your hotel

to anybody in the future.

We look forward to receiving your explanation together with a reimbursement

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 277 из 360

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИФедеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



КОНТРОЛЬНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ«Профессиональный иностранный язык»

100400.68 ТуризмПрограмма «Туризм: эволюция, структура, менеджмент, маркетинг»

г. Владивосток2012

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 278 из 360

The instruction for the test *section

Tests for running control assume the fulfillment of all of them. Only if the student

attends all the lessons and has done all the tests offered he can get the credit for the

first term and get the permission for examination procedure in the second term.

The first term

Assumes the fulfillment of three tests and dialogue dramatizing.

Test 1

1 Rearrange the words to make requests and offers.

1 name/I/your/Could/have/? – Could I have your name?

2 meet/at/like/to/I’d/6.00 p.m.

3 Can/take/you/message/for/I/a/?

4 Manager/I’d/to/speak/the/to/like

5 Help/you/I/can/?

6 Your/have/can/passport/I/?

7 a/I’d/room/like/double

8 me/tell/you/could/number/my/room?

6 Correct the sentences.

1 1 Are Internet access? – Is there Internet access?

2 There aren’t a car park.

3 There’s 300 rooms.

4 Is there any disabled facilities?

5 There are an exchange bureau.

6 Are there a minibar in the room?

7 There isn’t any shops.

8 Is there any cloakrooms?

7 Make questions and short answers with Do/Does, do/does, don’t/doesn’t.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 279 из 360

1 …Do you have any language? – Yes, I do…

2 …the hotel have a laundry? – No, it…

3 …she want to book a room? – Yes, she …

4 …you work in reception? – No, I …

5 …he speak English? – Yes, he …

6 … wehaveaparkingspace? – Yes, you …

7 … sheknowthecity? – Yes, she …

8 …they have any children? – Yes, they …

8 Complete the sentences with prepositions of time on, at, in, from…to.

1 Is the bar open ..on…..Sundays?

2 I work …….7.00 a.m. …….4.00 p.m.

3 The swimming pool close …….the evening.

4 We serve breakfast …….8.00 a.m. …….9.30 a.m. …….the weekend.

5 The new hotel opens …….two months.

6 The autumn season starts …….September.

7 Do you close …….Christmas?

5 Write the dates in British English

1 07/03 – the seventh of March

2 23 May

3 08/10

4 16-th January

5 10/09/08

6 3 December

7 12/02

8 22-nd July

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 280 из 360

6Dramatize the dialogues:

1 Play out the situation with the telephone call. One of you is a receptionist; the

second person is a potential client.

Test 2

1 Write the dates in American English

1 07/03 – July (the) third

2 23 May

3 08/10

4 16-th January

5 10/09/08

6 3 December

7 12/02

8 22-nd July

2 Complete the sentences with adverbs of frequency.

1 I ..sometimes….(50%) eat lunch at work.

2 The car park is …….(75%) full.

3 She …….(0%) works on Wednesday.

4 We …….(25%) leave a tip.

5 Thefoodis …….(75%) very good.

6 They …….(50%) visit Spain.

7 Themanager …….(75%) speaks English.

3 Write the times in two different ways.

1 17.20…seven twenty/twenty past seven

2 5.55

3 12.10

4 3.45

5 8.30

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 281 из 360

6 1.00

7 9.15

8 11.40

4 Complete the sentences with “am”, “is”, or “are”. Use short forms if


1 1 My name …’s…..Ann.

2 We …….in hotel in Bangkok.

3 I …….a receptionist.

4 …….you in room 302?

5 John …….in the restaurant.

6 …….the room on the ground floor?

7 They …….in the lounge.

8 …….they in the restaurant?

5 Complete the sentences and questions with the correct form of the Present


1 1 The bar ..opens….. (open) at 7.00.

2 …….they often…….(visit) Chicago?

3 Scott ……. (not work) in Sydney.

4 …….you…….(live) in Tokyo?

5 Thehotel ……. (have) 250 rooms.

6 …….therestaurant ……. (seat) 85 people?

7 Therestaurant ……. (serve) over 200 customers a day.

8 I …….(not go) to London every week.

6 Dramatize the dialogues:

1 Play out the situation with the reservation in a restaurant. One of you is a

restaurant manager; the second person is a potential client.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 282 из 360

2 Dramatize a situation between a receptionist and a client who has some

problems in his room. Respond in a polite manner

Test 3

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of possessive adjectives.

1 Jack Green is the hotel manager. He’s in …his….office.

2 We can’t help you at the moment because …….computer system isn’t working.

3 I’m afraid I can’t find …….key card. Do you have another?

4 The guests from Japan would like …….luggage now.

5 What time is …….train? Do you have the ticket?

6 Mrs Bell would like lunch in …….room.

7 Can I contact the hotel? Do you have …….email address?

2 Put the words in the correct order to make requests and offers.

1 lemon/you/like/ice/would/and/?

2 smoke/in/can/here/I/?

3 reservation/shall/check/I/your/?

4 Menu/I/a/have/could/?

5 Like/more/would/some/you/?

6 Could/the/pool/I/swimming/use/?

2 Complete the sentences with a/an or the.

1 Is there …an….exchange bureau in the hotel?

2 A: Can I leave …….message in the reception? – B: Certainly, Sir. Is this


3 This is …….bar I like.

4 A: I’d like to have …….sauna. – B: Of course. …….sauna is open from 8.00

a.m. to 8.00 p.m.

5 Would you like …….aperitif?

Page 283: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 283 из 360

6 A: There’s …….keycardonthedesk. – B: Yes, but it isn’t …….key card for Mr

Nagy’s room.

4 Complete the sentences with a/an or some.

1 There’s …some….ice in the minibar.

2 Could I have …….aperitif.

3 We have …….group from Sweden here at the moment.

4 Can I give you …….advice.

5 Would you like …….large whisky or …….small one?

6 …….Japanese businessmen are in reception.

5 Complete the sentences with some or any.

1 Would you like …some… with your meal?

2 Are there …….guests from Thailand in the hotel?

3 Table 5 wants …….water.

4 Excuse me, but there isn’t …….hot water in my room.

5 I’d like …….dessert, please.

6 Do you have …….euros?

6 Dramatize the dialogues:

1 Play out the situation in the bar. One of you is a server the second person is a


7 Play out the situation in the restaurant. One of you is a waiter and the second

person is a client who would like to make an order.

The first term. The final test.

1 Dramatize the dialogue together with your partner in a spontaneous way:

1 Taking phone calls

2 Giving information

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 284 из 360

3 Taking room reservation

4 Taking restaurant bookings

5 Giving polite explanations

6 Receiving guests

7 Serving in the bar

2 Make up a short dialogue using these phrases:


Good morning/afternoon/evening, (company name). Can I help you?

Good morning, (company name), (clerk’s name) speaking. How may I help you?

Hello, (name) speaking/here.

Hello, (phone number).

May/Could/Can I speak to (name), please?

I’d like to speak with (name), please.

Put me through (extension or office), please.

Hello, is that (company name)?

Hello, is (name) in/there?

Hello. Is that (phone number)?


I’m sorry, I don’t speak English very well. Could/Can you repeat that/speak a bit

more slowly, please?

I’m sorry. Could you spell that, please?

Just a moment. I’ll connect you with/I’ll put you through to someone who speaks



Who’s calling/speaking, please?

Can I have your name, please?

May I ask who’s calling/speaking?

Page 285: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 285 из 360

Who shall I say is calling?

Would you mind spelling your name/surname/family name, please?

This is (name) of (company).

This is Mr/Ms (name)’s secretary I’m calling on behalf of (name).

Name) calling/speaking.


Hold on/Hold the line, please.

One moment Just a second /, please.

The line’s busy/engaged. Will you hold?

He/She’s speaking on the other line. Will you hold?

Hold on, would you? This’ll only take a minute.


I’ll put you through.

I’ll connect you with (name/position).


He/She said he/she’d be back tomorrow/next week/this afternoon/in an hour/at


I think he/she’ll be back on (date).

He/She’s expected in an hour/(number) hours/before long.

He/She won’t be long.


Can/May I take a message?

Would you like to leave a message?

Can I give him/her a message?

Can I have your name and number, please?

Where can he/she contact you?

I’ll ask him/her to call you as soon as he/she comes in.

I’ll give him/her the message.

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ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 286 из 360

Could he call me back? This is (name).

It’s quite urgent. Could you ask him/her to call me back? This is (name) and my

number’s (number). Would you let him/her know that (name) called?

Could you tell him/her I called. I’m/This is (name) from (company).


Thank you for being so helpful. Bye.

Goodbye, thank you for calling.

You’ve been very kind. Goodbye.

See you later/then/at (time). Bye.

Asking about availability

Have you got a room available?

Do you have any rooms free?

Are there any (type of rooms) available for the period from (date) to (date)?

Could I book two twin rooms for the first two weeks of (month)?

Are there any of your (type of rooms) free at the end of (month)?

What’s available for the week beginning on (date)? How far in advance do I need

to reserve a room in (month)?


Let me just check.

One moment, I’ll check.

I’ll check availability for you.

There is availability on (date).

Yes, we have a vacancy.

Yes, there’s a room available.

Yes, we have a (type of room) for that date.

I’ll just give you the booking reference number.

Yes, we have two rooms, but they are on different floors. Does that matter?

Certainly, I’ll reserve a (type of room) for you.

Page 287: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 287 из 360

Yes, we have a reservation for you.

Sorry, no rooms are available for the date you request.

I’m very sorry, we haven’t got any free then. If I were you I’d try the (name of

another hotel). I’m afraid the hotel is fully booked.

I’m sorry. We are full up.

I’m sorry but all the rooms with bathrooms are taken.

I’m sorry we only have a (type of room) available.

We are heavily booked for that period.


What is your basic rate for a (type of room) with bath/shower?

How much is it?

How much does it cost?

How much do you charge per night?

What are your rates?

Do you have weekly rates?

Can you give me your best quotation for these rooms: (types of rooms).

What is your price range?

Do you have half/full board?

Does the price include breakfast?

Is breakfast included?

Is there a reduction for children?

Do you require a confirmation/deposit?

Are there any special offers for groups/students/businessmen/honeymooners, etc.

Are there any promotional offers?

Are all the services mentioned in your brochure free?

Are there any extra charge?


Our rates are very competitive.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 288 из 360

The rate is (rate and currency) per day including continental breakfast.

We charge (rate) euros, continental/English breakfast included.

The price includes bed and continental breakfast.

Group/Company sponsored rates include free shuttle/courtesy bus from and to the


(Rate) euros for a (type of room) with bath/shower.

It’s (rate) per person per night without/inclusive of/including breakfast and


All meals are extra.

Service is not included in the room rate.

The rate includes three full meals.


Where is the hotel situated?

Is it a two-star or three-star hotel?

What does one-star mean on a hotel listing?

How far is the hotel from the city centre/the airport/the railway station?

Do all rooms have a private bathroom?

Is it possible to have a room with tea or coffee-making facilities/both a shower and

a tub/cable TV? What services are provided?

Is there an extra charge for the in-room room service?

Do I have to pay more for the fax service?

Has the room got a direct-dial telephone?

When does the swimming pool close?

What time do you serve breakfast?

Would it be possible to join the health club?

Do I have to make reservations for the gym?

May/Can we see the room, please?


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 289 из 360

It is in the centre of the town/city.

The hotel is beautifully situated.

It is located in the heart of (name of town/city)/the .business district/the shopping

district, t is located at walking distance/just a few steps from the city centre/the

main tourist attractions.

It is situated near the railway station/the fair ground, etc.

It is on the seafront/lakefront. t overlooks the sea/lake/river/beach/park.

The hotel faces the sea/lake/river.

The hotel has a fine view of the park.

There are some beautiful views.

Describing hotel facilities

The stars are assigned according to the number and typ^ of services offered.

One star means the simplest kind of accommodation, t is a (number)-star hotel.

The facilities include three restaurants/two bars/24-hour concierge service.

We have a very well equipped keep fit gymnasium/fitness centre/health centre.

The health centre is at the end of this corridor.

Your room is on the (number) floor.

Direct calls can be dialled from your room.

Breakfast can be served in your room.

Booking a room

I’d like to book a single room with bath/shower from (date) to (date).

I’d like to make a reservation/booking.

Could you please take our booking for the first/last week of (month).

I’d like a room with a view.

I'd prefer a room at the back.

We'll take the (type of room) with the air-conditioning.

If a (type of room) doesn’t come up in the meantime, we’ll take the (type of room)


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 290 из 360

Would you please register at the registration counter?

Would you please fill in this registration form?

Would you like to register, please?

Could you please complete this registration card?

Would you mind filling in this form with all your personal details, please?

Shall I complete the registration card for you?


Here’s your bill, sir/madam. Would you like to check it?

Would you please settle your bill at the Cashier’s desk?

How will you be settling the account?

How would you like to pay?

How are you paying?

How do you intend to pay?

Would you prefer to/rather pay by cheque or by credit card, sir/madam?

Will you be paying by travellers’ cheques/in foreign currency/by voucher/by credit

card/by cheque? We accept cheques with a banker’s card.

We don’t accept personal cheques, I’m afraid.

We take most credit cards.

Could I have an identification document?

Don’t forget to leave your key at the reception desk.


I’m terribly sorry, sir/madam. I’ll see what I can do.

I’m very sorry about this.

I’ll look into the matter/problem right away.

We’ll do everything possible to solve this problem.

Would you agree to this solution?

I apologize for what has happened.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 291 из 360

3 Write a business letter

1 Write a letter requesting the information about hotel facilities.

2 Write a letter answering the customer’s questions.

3 Write an e-mail letter explaining that the booking has been cancelled and

suggesting accommodation in another hotel.

The second term

Assumes the fulfillment of six tests and dialogues dramatizing.

Test 4

1 Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives in


1 The chicken is …cheaper….(cheap) than the fillet steak.

2 The rooms on the second floor are …….(comfortable) than those on the ground


3 City hotels are often …….(big) than country hotels.

4 Onions have a …….(strong) smell than carrots.

5 This room is …….(good) for a family than that one.

6 The Chilean Merlot isn’t as …….(smooth) as the French Merlot

2 Math the requests and complaints with the best answers.

1 There isn’t any soap in the bathroom.

2 Excuse me, I don’t have a fork.

3 I asked for a white wine, not red.

4 Do you have any milk?

5 We ordered four coffees.

6 We finished the bread with our starter.

A I’m sorry, I’ll get you one.

B Would you like some more with your main course?

C I’ll tell the wine waiter to bring you some.

Page 292: · Web viewLanguage study section where students should get acquainted with new words and word combinations; structures to practice based on the simple grammar usage, exercises

ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТУчебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Профессиональный иностранный язык»

Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 292 из 360

DFour? Ofcourse. I’llgetyouanother.

ECertainly, madam. I’ll bring some.

F I’m sorry, I’ll send some up straight away.

3 Complete the sentences with the Present Simple active or passive of the

verbs in brackets.

1 1 We …open…..(open) the restaurant every day at 12.00.

2 The rooms …….(clean) every morning.

3 First, you …….(chop) the onions.

4 Champagne …….(produce) in France.

5 You …….(not cooked) smoked salmon.

6 The dish …….(not serve) hot. It …….(serve) cold.

4 Complete the sentences with suitable verbs.

1 I ……. the registration card when I checked in.

2 The chef …….a special menu for the children’s birthday.

3 He …….that something was wrong.

4 Table 24 …….three bottles of champagne last night.

5 They …….their bags at reception.

6 The porter …….the bags up to their room.

5 Complete the dialogue between a manager and a new receptionist with

this/that, these/those, here/there.

A: Ok, so …we are in reception. Now, where’sSimone? She’stheotherreceptionist.

Ah, …….’s Simone, outside with the group from Poland. …….’s their bus.

Anyway, back to reception.

B: Is …….my computer?

A: Yes, it is.

B: And are …….the names of the guests checking out this morning?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 293 из 360

A: Yes, they are. Ask me or Simone if you have any problems. My office is over

……., through …….double doors. OK?

6 Dramatize a dialogue.

One of you is a server, the second person is a client. The server’s task is to answer

the client’s questions about dessert and cheese dishes in the menu.

Test 5

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of must or have to/has to.

1 One of the guests is ill. We …….calladoctor.

2 Receptionists ……..dresssmartly. It’s a hotel rule.

3 The air-conditioning broke down so we …….call an electrician.

4 Doyou …….work in the kitchen?

5 We …….remember to say thank you to the manager.

6 Philippe …….clean the tables before breakfast.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of mustn’t or don’t/doesn’t

have to.

1 I promised to arrive before nine. I …….belate.

2 You …….changethetowelseveryday. Twice a week is OK.

3 The restaurant was closed at the weekend o we …….work o Sunday.

4 You …….overcook the vegetables.

5 Akemi…….wearheruniformeveryday.

6 Fabien and Pascal …….work behind the bar. That’s Adam’s job.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of need.

1 She says her jacket …….(need/clean)

2 We …….(need/buy) a map of the city enter.

3 Theminibarisempty. You …….(need/fill) it.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 294 из 360

4 TheTV …….(need/change) in Room 22.

5 My trousers …….(need/press).

6 Thekitchen ……(need/have) thevegetablesassoonaspossible.

7 Their taxi …….(need/order) for 8.00 p.m.

8 Do I …….(need/come) to the staff meeting tomorrow.

4 Complete the dialogue between two guests using did/didn’t

A: …….you check in OK this morning?

B: Yes, I …….. …….you have to fill in a registration card?

A: Yes, I ……. . Actually, mywifefilleditin.

B: …….she leave your passport at reception?

A: No, she ……. . The receptionist took the numbers and gave them back.

…….you get your passport back?

B: No, I ……. . I must remember to pick it up.

5 Underline the correct alternative.

1 1 The night porter always walks quiet/quietly along the corridors.

2 The service here is too low/slowly.

3 Make sure you clean the room careful/carefully.

4 Heworksquick/quickly.

5 Securityinthecarparkisimportant/importantly.

6 There’s a regular/regularly test of the fire alarms.

7 The manager speaks English very good/well.

8 Bollinger is an expensive /expensively Champagne.

6 Dramatize a dialogue.

You are in a restaurant. One of you is a server the second person is a client.

Answer the client’s questions. Explain what dishes contain.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 295 из 360

Test 6

1 Underline the correct alternative.

1 I don’t have much/many work to do today.

2 There are much/a lot of guests waiting to pay.

3 Is the manager responsible for much/a lot of staff?

4 We don’t have much/many rooms available.

5 I spent many/a lot of money in Madrid.

6 How much/many time do we have before the taxi arrives?

7 There are much /a lot of drinks o the menu.

8 How many/a lot of languages do you speak?

2 Correct the five mistakes in the covering letter.

Dear Mr Kim

I write to apply for the position of manager as advertised in the November

edition of Hotel & Catering Monthly.

I am fully trained manager with a diploma in Hotel and Restaurant

Management , and I have three years’ work experience. I currently worked as

assistant manager at Hotel Torre in Pisa.

I would like to apply for the position advertised as I feel I have the necessary

experience for the job. I have experience managing a busy hotel with twenty staff.

I am sociable and well organized, and I enjoy dealing with customers.

I enclose a copy of my CV and a completed application form. I look forward

to hear from you.

Yours faithfully.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the verbs in

brackets. Useshortformsifappropriate.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 296 из 360

1 I …….(meet) the head chef tomorrow at 9.00

2 OK. I …….(be) there in 15 minutes.

3 Do you think it …….(rain) tomorrow?

4 The bus to the airport …….(leave) in ten minutes.

5 I …….(replace) that bottle immediately, Sir.

6 What…….you …….(do) this weekend?

7 I want a new job so I …….(look) for one soon.

8 I …….(take) your coat for you.

4 Dramatize the dialogue.

One of you is the head receptionist, the second person is a trainee. Explain the new

worker his or her duties.

Test 7

1 Some/any/no/somebody/anybody/nobody/something/anything/nothing. Put

the correct pronoun into the gaps:

1 She has … good ideas.

2 Do you have … questions?

3 If you buy … food, put it into the fridge.

4 … information will be useful for us.

5 She knows … who can help you.

6 Can you bring me … interesting to read?

7 They do not buy … in this shop.

8 There is … in this bag.

9 Does he know… from that group?

10… can help him. He is in a very serious situation.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 297 из 360

2 You are going to open a restaurant in your city. Discuss it with your


A: Look, Steve? I would like to discuss a question with you.

B: No problem!

A: I am going to open a restaurant and I am looking for a reliable person for this

business. I would like to offer you to become my partner.

B: Oh, it is wonderful! Where are you going to open the restaurant?

A: Not in the center.

B: Right. That will be too expensive. What about suburban area?

A: Yes, that will be the restaurant for people who would like to forget a noisy and

dirty city and relax in the countryside.

B: What type of cuisine will your restaurant serve?

A: I think that will be a mixture of Russian and Chinese ones.

B: Sounds good. We have never had a Russian-Chinese restaurant in the city. But

what about financial side of this question?

A: To tell the truth I have been saving money for the last 5 years. I have two thirds

of the necessary sum for this project.

B: I think we could take a credit in any bank.

A: You are right. So, work together?

B: Right!

3Checking in/checking out of a hotel. Translate these sentences from English

into your own language.

1 Hello, we would like to check in. Is it possible?

2 Hello mam how can I help you? – We would like a room for two persons for

3 nights.

3 Could you wait a little bit, I will just check up the availability.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 298 из 360

4 Do you have a reservation, Mam? – No, we do not.

5 We would like a room for two persons for 5 nights. Is it possible? – Wait a

minute, please. I will check the availability. Yes, it is OK.

6 What type of room would you like? – We would like a standard room.

7 What room would you like, a twin-bedded room or a double-bedded room? –

We would like a twin-bedded room.

8 Would you like a smoking or non-smoking room? – We would like a non-

smoking room, please.

9 Can I see your identification, Mam? – Certainly, here you are.

10 What type of board would you like? – We would like bed and breakfast. –

Ok, Mam.

11 Can I ask you a question, Mam? – Sure. – Is breakfast included in this rate?

– Yes, Mam. You can have your breakfast here on the first floor from 6.30

to 11 a.m. every day. We offer both English and continental breakfast.

12 Is breakfast included in this rate? - Sorry, Mam. It is not included. You will

have to pay for it. The price for continental breakfast is $ 5 per person and

the price for English breakfast is $7 per person. You can order your

breakfast in your room if you like. It is free of charge.

4 Dramatize the dialogue.

One of you is a receptionist the second person is a potential client. The receptionist

describes the client the hotel facilities.

Test 8

1 Read the text. Prepare the retelling of the text. Give your personal

experience of staying in a hotel.

Checking in/Checking out

Traveling is directly connected with hotels, because a holidaymaker or a

businessman needs a place to stay in. As usual when planning your trip a travel

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 299 из 360

agent arranges every single detail and chooses the hotel in accordance with the

client’s financial means. No matter what type of hotel you are offered in

accordance with European Classifications, the procedure of checking in is nearly

the same.

The client fills in the special form giving the information about his name,

date of birth, home country, the aim of the visit and length of staying. He is given a

key and he pays beforehand in cash or by credit card if this service has not been

included in the cost of the trip.

As usual half board accommodation is popular among travelers. It means

that in the morning the clients are offered some hot tea or coffee, rolls with butter,

fruit and jam, boiled eggs and cheese. In the evening the client also visits the hotel

restaurant or enjoys his meal in the hotel room.

When checking out, the front desk manager writes out the bill where the

following points are included: international calls, commercial TV channels using,

mini bar service and additional time of staying or services. You pay the bill and get

the receipt.


1 What is traveling directly connected with?

2 What does a holidaymaker or a businessman need?

3 When does a travel manager arrange every detail?

4 How does a travel agent choose the hotel?

5 What does the client do during the procedure of checking in?

6 How does he pay for the room?

7 What type of board is popular among travelers?

8 What does “half board” mean?

9 When does the front desk manager write out the bill?

10What points can be included in the bill?

11What does the client get at the end of checking out procedure?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 300 из 360

2 Fill in the empty spaces in these tables.Present

Simple Tense

Past Simple














lent winning



3 Translate the sentences from English into Russian, paying attention to the

prepositions of the direction and place:

1 If you want to find our local cathedral, go over the city bridge and past the pub.

The cathedral will be in the park.

2 When we take our son to the kindergarten, we drive along the road about 1

kilometer, then turn leftnear the river and then up the hill. Our kindergarten is

on the right side of the road.

3 If you want to visit our theatre, turn left when you leave the hotel, then go

through the park with fruit trees and down the hill. You will see many modern

trade centers. Our theatre is behind them.

4 Please, do not jump into the sea here. I do not know this place. Let’s walk along

the river bank. I know a wonderful beach where it is safe.

5 Every day we drive over the bridge. We like it because we can see many

picturesque views of the sea and ships in the morning and in the evening.

4 Dramatize the dialogue.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 301 из 360

One of you is the hotel representative, the second person is the potential client. The

hotel representative answers the client’s questions about the facilities for a

business traveler.

Test 9

1 Translate the sentence from English into your language:

1 There will be many new restaurants in our city next year.

2 Why will there be so many adults at the party tomorrow? Will it be a party

for those who are older than 40?

3 He is at the hospital. - Really? – Yes, he works today. There are many

patients at the hospital on Monday.

4 Why were you so tired yesterday? – I was so tired because there was much

work in the office yesterday.

5 Whom does this house belong to? – This house belongs to my grandfather.

6 Does your sister often look after your children? Yes, she looks after my

children three times a week when I work.

7 How much time is it now? – It is a quarter past 4 p.m. – Thank you very


8 Do not laugh at me! I am just interested in this type of car, because I want to

buy a small jeep. I am not a specialist in cars.

9 Let’s put an end to gossip in our office! I want to work in a friendly


10 Does he often leave for Moscow? – Yes, he does, because he deals with

documents. He signs documents in our head office there.

11 I do not like to take care of plants because it takes much time.

12 He does not often go to the cinema. He likes to go to his favorite club after

work where he meets his friends and they discuss the news.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 302 из 360

13 My friend is a student. He wants to become a journalist. He has a part-time

job in a local newspaper. Sometimes he writes short articles about sports


14 The lecture usually begins at 25 minutes to 10 a.m. Hurry up!

15 Do you beat your child? Yes, I do it very seldom, when I am extremely

angry with him.

16 Do not bend this stick, please.

17 This cat is very aggressive. It can bite you.

18 Come in, please! We are very glad to see you! You always bring us only

good news!

19 He is a very nervous person. She usually bursts out with tears when

something goes wrong.

20 We drink only green tea in the morning and in the evening. In the afternoon

we have a cup of good coffee.

21 To tell the truth I come to the office at half past 8 a.m., but not at 8 a.m.

22 How much does this cell phone cost? – It costs $ 450.

2 Read the text and prepare the retelling of the text. Prepare the story about

the conditions of tourism in your region.

Tourism industry has greatly developed in Prymorsky region since the

beginning of ninetieth. At that time only two or three key companies worked on

the market of tourism. Now more than 50 travel companies work only in

Vladivostok and offer a wide range of service for people who want to travel.

Tourists from China, Korea and Japan have always visited us. Then and now

we offer them the history of our Vladivostok, they visit our sights with great

pleasure, buy jewelry and sweets. But to tell the truth the level of service we offer

in our hotels and restaurants for foreigners leaves much to be desired. Tourists

from Eastern countries want to visit not only the capital of Primorye, but also other

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 303 из 360

places and cities and enjoy our beautiful nature, to go fishing and hunting. But we

can offer very little in the sense of service.

I think tourism has changed our territory to the best. There have appeared

more good restaurants and hotels of a business class. Now we have more

entertaining centers. People can go in for sports and relax there. People who like

gambling can go to modern casinos.

Many countries in the world use tourism as a source of income. It positively

influences their economy. Foreign currency is used for different social and

building programs. It helps to modernize the infrastructure and make the life better.

We must pay attention to this fact and invest money in the sphere of tourism

and make our country and our own region more attractive for foreigners. I think we

should create a cultural theme park on the Russian Island, develop tours on our

Prymorye with elements of hunting and fishing, and modernize the service on all

levels of tourism.

3 Complete the table with the correct for of the irregular verbs.Present Simple


Past Simple


Past Participle Present















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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 304 из 360

4 Dramatize the dialogue.

One of you is a receptionist, the second person is a client who has questions on the


The final exam.

1 Dramatise a dialogue with a partner in a spontaneous way.

1 Desserts and cheese recommending

2 Talking about wine

3 Dealing with requests

4 Describing dishes

5 Dealing with complaints

6 Jobs and workplaces

7 Explaining and instructing

8 Taking telephone requests

9 Taking difficult phone calls

10 Health and safety at work

11 Giving directions indoors

12 Giving directions outside

13 Facilities for the business traveler

14 Offering help and advice

15 Dealing with problems

16 Paying bills

17 Payment queries

18 Applying for a job

2 Make up a short dialogue using these phrases:

Asking for information

Do I need a hostel membership card to stay in this hostel?

How do I get a hostel membership?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 305 из 360

Does this hostel have a kitchen?

Where do I keep my belongings?

What time is the curfew?

What time is the lockout?

Do I need a sleep-sheet?

Can I use my sleeping-bag?

How many nights can I stay here?



You can leave non-valuables items in the dormitory, valuables should be kept with

you or should be placed in the hostel’s locker.

The curfew is from (hour) to (hour).

The lockout is from (hour) to (hour).

You can’t stay here longer than (number) nights.

Asking for information

Do you have a pitch for (number) night/s for a (tent/caravan/mobile home),

(number) adult/s and (number) child/children?

Is this pitch far from the sanitary installation?

What kind of facilities do you offer?

Is there any recreational activity?

Is there a restaurant or a fast food?

Is there a swimming pool?


Yes, sir/madam, there is a pitch from (date) to (date). Here is a map of the

campsite, the red numbers represent the free pitches.

No, sir/madam, it isn’t far. The closest sanitary installations are here.

We offer (facilities).

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 306 из 360

Yes there is/are (activity/ies).

3 Write a business letter

1 The letter of a customer’s enquiry.

3 The letter of an official enquiry.

4 The letter with booking request.

5 The letter with confirmation of booking.

6 The letter of complaint.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 307 из 360

МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИФедеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



СПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ«Профессиональный иностранный язык»

100400.68 ТуризмПрограмма «Туризм: эволюция, структура, менеджмент, маркетинг»

г. Владивосток2012

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 308 из 360

Основная литература:

7. English for International Tourism : Course Book /Miriam Jacob and Peter Strutt. England : Addison Wesley Longman Limited , 2009. 127 p. :il. (1 экз.)

8. Miriam Bait, Focus on Accommodation / Miriam Bait, Laura

Vergallo, Rachel J. Roberts, Anna Mukiarel, Jennifer Cuddigan. -Modern

Languages, Milan, 2007.

9. Tourism in the Region of Asia and the Pacific: Current Situation and

Perspectives. UNWTO Regional Report №2, Madrid, Spain, September 2011.

10. Trish Scott, Highly Recommended. English for the Hotel and Catering

Industry. Student’s Book. New Edition / Trish Scott, Rod Revell - Oxford

University Press. 2008.

11. Английский язык в сфере обслуживания : учебное пособие для

вузов /И. П. Агабекян.Ростов-на-Дону : Феникс , 2012. 378 с. : ил., табл. (1


12. Организация обслуживания туристов : учебное пособие по

английскому языку для вузов /И. А. Бисько, В. А. Маевская, Е. А.

Паксюткина. Москва : КноРус , 2010. 189 с. (11 экз.)

Дополнительная литература:

11. Dictionary of Travel, Tourism and Hospitality /S. Medlik. Oxford

Burlington : Elsevier Butterworth - Heinemann , 2003. IX, 273 p. (1 экз.)

12. English for Tourism and Hospitality [Электронный ресурс] :

учебник /Е. В. Макарцева ; Дальневосточный государственный университет,

Открытый университет, Тихоокеанский институт дистанционного

образования и технологий.[Владивосток] : [ТИДОТ ДВГУ] , 2004. (эл.версия)

13. Jayne Wildman, Attain. Intermediate. Student’s Book / Jayne

Wildman, David Bolton. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 309 из 360

14. Jayne Wildman, Attain. Intermediate. Work Book / Jayne Wildman,

David Bolton. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003.

15. High Season : English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry :

Workbook /Michael Duckworth. Oxford New York : Oxford University Press ,

1994. 80 p. :il. (20 экз.)

16. High Season : English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry : Teacher's

Book /Keith Harding and Paul Henderson. Oxford New York : Oxford University

Press , 1994. 51 p. (1 экз.)

17. Robin Walker, Oxford English for Careers. Tourism 2 / Robin

Walker, Keith Harding. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011.

18. Trish Scott, First Class. English for tourism. Student’s Book / Trish

Scott, Roger Holt. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.

19. Trish Scott, First Class. English for tourism. Work Book / Trish Scott, Roger

Holt. – Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2001.

20. Английский язык : Гостиничный, ресторанный и туристический бизнес

= English :hotel, restaurant and tourist businesses : учебное пособие для

факультетов туристического менеджмента, социально-культурного сервиса и

иностранных языков вузов /Н. Н. Михайлов. М. : Академия , 2005.159 с. : ил.

(10 экз.)

Литература на русском языке:

6. Aгабекян, И.П. English for Managers. Английский для

менеджеров: учеб. пособие. – М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспектб 2008. – 325 с.

7. Английский язык в рекламе : учебное пособие /Л. А. Зайцева ;

Российская академия образования, Московский психолого-социальный

институт.М. : Флинта : Изд-во Московского психолого-социального

института , 2006. 109 с. (3 экз.)

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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8. Дроздова, Т.Ю. Everyday English: учебное пособие. / Дроздова

Т.Ю., Берестова А.И., Дунаевская М.А. – 7-е изд. – СПб.: Антология, 2007. –

592 с.

9. Крылова, И.П. Грамматика современного английского языка:

Учебник для ин-тов и фак. иностр.яз. / Крылова И.П., Гордон Е.М. – 4-е изд.,

испр. – М.: Книжный дом «Университет», 1999. – 448 с. – на англ.яз.

10. Статистика туризма : учебник для высших профессиональных

учебных заведений /Т. Е. Карманова, О. В. Каурова, А. Н. Малолетко. Москва

: КноРус , 2009. 231 с. : табл. (1 экз.)

Электронные ресурсы:

1. Electronic English dot Ru. Учебные материалы по английскому языку

Режим доступа:

2. IELTS Online Practice Tests. University of Cambridge [Электронный

ресурс] – Онлайновый практический тест IELTS Режим доступа:

3. Language Learning Community – Основной язык обучения. Учебник.

[Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа:

4. Online language learning community Livemocha – Онлайновый

обучающий курс английского языка [Электронный ресурс] Режим доступа:

5. Библиотека Всемирной туристской организации UNWTO

[Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:

6. Деловой английский язык он-лайн [Электронный ресурс] Режим

доступа: http :// www . en 365. ru / delovoj . htm

7. Система он-лайн обучения английскому языку [Электронный ресурс]

Режим доступа:

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИФедеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



ГЛОССАРИЙ«Профессиональный иностранный язык»

100400.68 ТуризмПрограмма «Туризм: эволюция, структура, менеджмент, маркетинг»

г. Владивосток2012

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 312 из 360

a la carte menu - A menu in which food and beverage items are listed and

priced separately.

a la carte menu - A menu in which food items are individually priced.

advertising - Planned communication activity in which messages in mass

media are bought to persuade audiences to adopt goods, services, or ideas.

airport hotels - Full-service hotels built near airports.

all-suite hotel - A hotel that features units made up of two connected hotel

rooms that sell for approximately the price of one, at lower prices than traditional

hotel suites. One room is furnished as a typical hotel guestroom with a bed, the

other with a fold-out sofa and/or table and chairs.

budget hotels - A type of limited-service hotel. Budget hotels have low

construction and operating costs, allowing them to charge between $45 and $60

per night.

buffet service - Traditional buffet service involves arranging food on

platters that re then placed on large serving tables or counters.

cafeteria service - A type of service in which guests pass through serving

lines nd receive food items from service staff. Scramble cafeteria layouts provide

separate serving stations for different types of food.

captain - The person on a cruise ship who is responsible for its operation

and the safety of all those onboard. The captain sees that all company policies and

rules, as well as national and international laws, are followed.

career path/career ladder - A series of positions an individual may take on

the way to his or her ultimate career goal. Some companies lay out sample career

paths or ladders for their employees.

cart service - A table-service style in which specially trained staff members

pre pare menu items on a cart beside the guest's table, then serve the guest. Also


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 313 из 360

catering manager - Ahotel manager responsible for arranging and planning

food and beverage functions for (1) conventions and smaller hotel groups, and (2)

local banquets booked by the sales department.

center-city hotels - Full-service hotels located in downtown areas.

chief engineer - Responsible for a hotel's physical operation and


chief housekeeper - The person on a cruise ship who is responsible for the

cleaning and general maintenance of all cabins and interior areas on the ship. The

chief housekeeper is also responsible for passenger laundry and dry cleaning, as

well as cleaning cabin linen and table linen, towels, and the crew's uniforms. Also

called the chief steward.

chief officer - The captain's second incommand and deputy. Also called the

staff captain on some cruise lines.

chief stewards - Managers who typically oversee porters, dishwashing

employees, and related personnel. May also be in charge of purchasing.

children's menu - A menu for children featuring familiar, simple, and

nutritious food served in small portions.

city club - An urban recreational and social facility that can be categorized

as athletic, dining, professional, social, or university.

club manager - The hired professional responsible for guiding all of the

elements of a private club's operation. Often referred to as the club's general

manager or chief operating officer (COO).

conference centers - Specialized hotels, usually accessible to major market

areas but in less busy locations, that almost exclusively book conferences,

executive meetings, and training seminars. Some conference centers provide

extensive leisure facilities.

controller - Manages the accounting department and all of its functions,

including management of credit, payroll, guest accounts, and cashiering activities.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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Лист 314 из 360

controlling - The management task of measuring actual results against

expected results, such as measuring actual sales against expected or budgeted

sales. Controlling also refers to safeguarding the operation's property and income.

country club - A private recreational and social facility for individuals and

families who live in the surrounding area.

cyclical menu - A menu that changes every day for a certain number of

days, then repeats the cycle. A few cycle menus change regularly but without any

set pattern. Also known as a cycle menu.

dessert menu - A separate menu designed to remind guests of the

operation's dessert items. It may list desserts not listed on the regular menu and

include dessert specials.

dinner house - A restaurant distinguishable by a combination of decor,

informal atmosphere, and eclectic menu that draws from ethnic and traditional


ethnic menu - A menu featuring a particular cuisine. Examples include

Chinese, Mexican, and Italian menus.

ethnic restaurant - A restaurant featuring a particular cuisine, such as

Chinese, Italian, or Mexican.

family restaurant - A restaurant that caters to families - with an emphasis

on satisfying the needs of children - that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner,

offering traditional menu items.

fine-dining restaurant - A restaurant that features luxury dining and an

exciting menu (not necessarily French or haute cuisine, however), and employs

well-trained, creative chefs and skilled food servers. Fine-dining restaurants are

generally small and independently operated, with more employees per guest than

other types of restaurants.

first-class/luxury hotels - Hotels with high room rates and exceptional

service and amenities.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 315 из 360

fixed menu - A menu that is used for several months or longer before it is

changed. Daily specials may be offered, but a set list of items forms the basic


food and beverage manager - Directs the production and service of food

and beverages.

food and beverage manager - The person on a cruise ship who is

responsible for providing quality food and beverage service to passengers and crew

members. Typically reports to the hotel manager.

food - Material of plant or animal origin that people eat.

franchise - Refers to (1) the authorization given by one company to another

to sell its unique product and service, or (2) the name of the business format or

product that is being franchised.

franchisor - Someone who owns and manages a brand and sells the right to

use brand name.

French service.

fruit - The matured ovary of a plant, including the seeds and accessory

parts; the reproductive body of the seed plant. Fruit is high in carbohydrates and

water and is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

full-service restaurant - A restaurant that (1) has more than a dozen or so

main-course items on the menu, and (2) cooks to order.

garnish - (1) Decorative edible items used to ornament or enhance the eye

appeal of another food item. (2) Adding such a decorative item to food.

general manager - The chief operating officer of a hotel or restaurant.

green restaurants - Restaurants that implement practical solutions to reduce

their environmental impacts.

green restaurants - Restaurants that implement practices that help protect

the environment by controlling water and energy usage and by creating less waste.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 316 из 360

guest comment card - A short questionnaire completed by guests and used

by food service managers to define current markets and to improve the operation.

guest mix - The variety or mixture of guests who stay at a hotel or patronize

a restaurant.

hospitality industry - Lodging and food service businesses that provide

short-term or transitional lodging and/or food.

hospitality - The cordial reception of guests.

hotel chain - A group of affiliated hotels.

hotel manager - The person on a cruise ship who runs the hotel division.

Besides being ultimately responsible for food and beverage services and

housekeeping services, the hotel manager may oversee medical care,

entertainment, shore excursions, casino operations, the beauty salon, the health

spa, gift shops, photography services, and more - in short, everything that helps

create the vacation experience that the cruise line offers.

human resources manager - In charge of employee relations within an


independent hotel - A hotel owned by an individual or group of investors

not connected with any hotel company.

job description - A recruiting and training tool that outlines for a particular

job (1) the title that goes with the job, (2) the person to whom the employee

reports, (3) the work to be performed (in general terms), (4) the education or skills

the employee must have, and (5) the physical requirements of the job.

job list - A list of the tasks that must be performed by the individual holding

a particular job.

kiosk - A computer terminal on a podium, counter, or table that guests use

for self-service of food and beverage items.

leisure travelers - Vacationing travelers - often entire families - who

typically spend only one night at a hotel unless the hotel is their destination.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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Лист 317 из 360

lobby food services - Complimentary food/beverage alternatives provided

to guests, typically in lobbies or public areas of limited-service lodging operations.

management - The use of resources to attain organizational objectives.

marinade - A seasoned liquid, usually containing vegetable or olive oil and

an add such as wine, vinegar, or fruit juice. Herbs, spices, or vegetables are often

added for flavoring.

market - A group of guests with similar needs, wants, backgrounds,

incomes, and buying habits.

meeting - A planned event in which a group of people gather together to

accomplish something.

mid-price hotels - Hotels that offer facilities and services similar to those at

first-class/ luxury hotels, but at average rates. They have restaurants and bars, and

many have meeting space. Average prices vary by market.

outsource - Contracting an outside person or organization to perform jobs or

services that would otherwise be done by a business's employees.

oven - Food service equipment that cooks food in a heated chamber.

Examples include range, deck, roasting, convection, rotary, microwave, infrared,

and recon ovens.

productivity standards - Measurements that tell managers how long it

should take an employee to complete tasks using the best methods management

has devised, and how many tasks an employee can perform in a given time period.

This measurement differs according to the task the employee is performing.

public relations - The process of communicating favorable information

about a food service operation to the public in order to create a positive impression.

quick-service restaurant - A restaurant that focuses on convenience, offers

a narrow selection of food, and provides limited service and speedy preparation.

resort hotels - Usually located in desirable vacation spots, resort hotels offer

fine dining, exceptional service, and many amenities.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 318 из 360

room service menu - A menu offered by lodging properties that serve food

to guests in their guestrooms, suites, cabins, and so on.

sales manager - Conducts sales programs and makes sales calls on

prospects for group and individual business. Reports to the marketing manager.

senior citizens' menu - A menu that seeks to accommodate seniors and their

special health needs by offering lower-priced items that are low in calories,

sodium, fat, or cholesterol.

staff personnel - Employees who serve in an advisory or support capacity to

line managers.

staffing - The management activity of recruiting and hiring applicants.

table d'hote menu - A menu that offers a complete meal for one price.

Meals on table d'hote menus are set by the menu planner, and guests are given few,

if any, choices. Also called a prix fixe menu.

table service - A type of service in which guests are seated at a table and

food servers wait on them. Four basic styles of table service are cart (French),

family- style (English), plate (American), and platter (Russian).

take-out menu - A menu that offers food to guests who want to pick up their

food at the restaurant and consume it elsewhere.

theme restaurant - A restaurant distinguishable by its combination of

decor, atmosphere, and menu.

tourist courts - The forerunners of motels, built along highways in the

1920s and 1930s. Typical tourist courts consisted of a simple row of small cabins

that often had no private baths.

travel and tourism industry - A collection of organizations and

establishments that derives all or a significant portion of its income from providing

goods and services to travelers.

vegetable - Any plant grown for an edible part other than the ovary.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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vitamins - Basic nutrients that promote growth, help digest foods, prevent

certain diseases, and perform a number of other important functions for health and


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИФедеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования«Дальневосточный федеральный университет»



ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ«Профессиональный иностранный язык»

100400.68 ТуризмПрограмма «Туризм: эволюция, структура, менеджмент, маркетинг»

г. Владивосток2012

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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Лист 321 из 360

1 ListeningScripts

These scripts can help students who have problems with listening

comprehension to better understand the idea.

The Source:

1 TrishScott,Highly Recommended. English for the Hotel and Catering Industry /

Trish Scott, Rod Revell - Oxford University Press. 2008. (the cassette)


Taking phone calls


Reception: Good afternoon, New Palace Hotel. May Lee speaking. How can I help


Caller: Good afternoon. I’d like to make a room reservation for tomorrow night,


Reception: Yes, sir. Can 1 have your name, please?

Caller: Phillips. Carl Phillips.


Reception: Good morning, Sofitel Nice. Matthieu speaking. Can I help you?

Caller: I’d like to speak to Mrs Bader in room 329, please.

Reception: One moment, and I’ll connect you.

Caller: Thank you.


Reception: Rio Parthenon, Isobel speaking. Can I help you?

Caller: Could I reserve a parking space for tomorrow, please?

Reception: Just one moment. Who’s calling, please?

Caller: Mr Paolo Falgado.

Reception: Thank you, Mr Falgado. You’re through now.


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 322 из 360

Reception: The London Hilton, James speaking. How can I help you?

Caller: I’d like to book a double room for tonight, please.

Reception: Yes, sir. Can I have your name, please?

Caller: Mr Luke Horrowitz.

Taking messages

Reception: Good morning, Athens Palace Hotel. Angela speaking. How can I help


Caller: Hello. Could I speak to Mr Wollmann in room 502, please?

Reception: Just one moment, and I’ll connect you. I’m sorry, there’s no answer

from room 502. Can I take a message for you?

Caller: Yes, please. My name’s Hans Schmidt. Please tell him there’s a meeting

tomorrow at ten o’clock.

Reception: Certainly, sir.


Where people work


Caroline: Good morning. My name’s Caroline. I’m a receptionist at the

Cumberland Hotel in London. There are more than 900 bedrooms on eight floors.

There’s satellite TV and Internet access in all rooms.

Interviewer: Are there any shops?

Caroline: Yes, there’s one shop.

Interviewer: Is there a swimming pool? Caroline: No, there isn’t a swimming



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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 323 из 360

Scott: Hello, I’m Scott. I’m a waiter at the Sydney Tower Restaurant. The

restaurant’s at the top of a tower in Sydney, Australia. The tower is 300 metres

high. There are 200 seats in the restaurant. The Sydney Tower is an a la carte

restaurant with international cuisine.

Interviewer: Is there a bar in the restaurant?

Scott: Yes, there’s a cocktail bar.

What facilities are there?


1 cloakroom

2 car park

3 swimming pool

4 information desk

5 laundry

6 disabled facilities

7 bar

8 exchange bureau

9 satellite TV

10Internet access




Caller: What facilities are there in the hotel? Reception: Well, all rooms have

satellite TV and air-conditioning.

Caller: 1 see. And is there a restaurant? Reception: Yes, there are two restaurants.

Caller: Good. And is there a swimming pool?

Reception: No, there isn’t.

Caller: OK. What about money? Can I change money in the hotel?

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Reception: Yes, there’s an exchange bureau in reception.

Caller: And is there an information desk? Reception: Yes, it’s in reception too.

Caller: Good, and can I park my car? Reception: No, there isn’t a car park.


Taking a reservation

Reservations: Good morning, reservations.

Felipe speaking. How can I help you? Caller: Hello. I’d like to book a room for

me and my husband, please. Do you have a double room for next Wednesday?

Reservations: Yes, we do. How many nights is it for?

Caller: Two. Wednesday and Thursday. Reservations: Yes, we have a double

room available.

Caller: Good. How much is it? Reservations: It’s 225 euros per night including


Caller: Good, that’s fine. Does the hotel have a restaurant? You see, we arrive in

the evening at about 7.00.

Reservations: Yes. Would you like me to book you a table?

Caller: Yes, please. Can we have a table for two at 7.30 on Wednesday evening?

Reservations: Yes, madam. And your name please?

Caller: Mrs Julia Morell.

Reservations: Do you have a contact number?

Caller: Yes, my mobile number is 07780 161236.

Reservations: Thank you, Mrs Morell. Could you send an email or fax to confirm

your reservation?

Caller: Yes, of course.

Reservations: Thank you for calling.


Caller: Goodbye.

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Лист 325 из 360

Checking and confirming

Hello. This is Steven Dickson from Edinburgh, UK. I’d like to make a room

reservation for five nights from the 18th to the 22nd of June. I’d like a double room

for me and my wife, and an adjoining twin room for my two daughters. We arrive

in Dusseldorf at 6.00 p.m. on the 18th. Please reserve us a parking space and a

table for four for dinner at 7.30. Thank you, goodbye.


I’d like to book a table

Customer: Good morning. I’d like to make a reservation, please. What days do

you open?

Manager: We open from Tuesday to Sunday.

Customer: When do you close?

Manager: We close on Mondays.

Customer: I see. And what time do you serve dinner?

Manager: We serve dinner from seven o’clock to 11.00 p.m.

Customer: And what time do you serve lunch?

Manager: We serve lunch from twelve o’clock to three o’clock.

Customer: Hmm ... good. Well, I’d like to book a table for six people at eight

o’clock on Saturday the 24th of September, please.

Manager: We’re always busy on Saturdays. We sometimes have cancellations but

I’m afraid we’re fully booked on Saturday the 24th. Oh ... but I have a table on the


Customer: OK. Friday the 23rd is fine. Thank you very much.

Manager: So ... that’s a table for six at 8.00 on Friday the 23rd of September.

Customer: Yes.

Manager: What name is it, please?

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Лист 326 из 360

Customer: Kruger... K-R-U-G-E-R.

Manager: OK. We look forward to seeing you on Friday the 23rd of September.

What time is it?


1 two thirty

2 eight fifteen

3 five o’clock

4 six forty-five



A: When does the train leave?

B: At five past eleven.


A: What time does the shop close?

B: At five thirty.


A: When does the swimming pool open?

B: At eight forty-five.


A: What time does the restaurant open?

B: At seven fifteen.


A: What time is lunch?

B: At ten past one.


A: What’s the time?

B: It’s six thirty-five.

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Лист 327 из 360


Making apologies


Customer: Can I book a double room for Tuesday night?

Reception: I’m sorry, the hotel’s full on Tuesday.


Customer: I’d like to reserve a table for Sunday lunch.

Reception: Unfortunately, we’re closed on Sundays.


Customer: Could I book a family room for the Christmas weekend?

Reception: I’m afraid we’re fully booked that weekend.


Customer: Do you have a table for six tomorrow evening?

Reception: I’m sorry, we don’t have anything left for tomorrow.


Customer: Can I reserve a parking space for the weekend?

Reception: Unfortunately, the car park’s full this weekend.


Customer: I’d like to book a table for Monday lunch.

Reception: I’m sorry, we only open in the evenings.


Customer: Does the bathroom have a bath? Reception: I’m afraid there’s only a



Customer: Can I speak to Mr Rizzo in room 345?

Reception: I’m sorry, there’s no answer from room 345.

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Written apologies


Good afternoon. My name’s Steven Rolls. Could I reserve a table for four on

Sunday evening at 8.00 p.m., please?


Hello, my name’s Sylvia Pilotto. I’d like to reserve a single room with bathroom

for Monday night.


My name’s Simon Lewis. I’d like to book a double room for this evening, please.


Good morning. My name’s Paul Jones. I’d like to book a table for lunch on

Wednesday. Do you have a table for four?


Hello. My name’s Jane Wells. I’d like to reserve a twin room for this Saturday,



Checking into a hotel

Reception: Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?

Mr Rodrigues: Good afternoon. My name’s Rodrigues. I’d like to check in,

please. I have a reservation for a double room.

Reception: Yes, Mr Rodrigues, let me see. Yes, today and tomorrow, the 10th and

11th of June. Could you please fill in this registration card?

Mr Rodrigues: Yes, of course. Do I fill in my home address?

Reception: Yes, please. And could I have your passport? Thank you. Your room

number’s 361. It’s on the third floor. And here’s your key card for your room.

Would you like to have dinner in the restaurant this evening?

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Mr Rodrigues: Yes, please. Can you reserve me a table for two at eight o’clock?

Reception: Certainly. The porter will help you with your luggage. The lift’s just...

Where is it?


A: Excuse me, where’s the bar?

B: It’s on the ground floor next to the restaurant.


A: Would you like to use the hotel fitness centre?

B: Yes, please. How do I get there?

A: It’s opposite the swimming pool on the first floor.


A: Hello Jane, good to see you. Where’s Mike?

B: He’s waiting for us in the lounge. Come on. It’s next to reception.


A: Excuse me, is this the way to the hair salon?

B: Yes, it is. It’s over there behind the hotel shop.

A: Could you tell me where the hotel sauna is?

B: Yes. It’s in the fitness centre.


What can I get you?

Paul: Let’s have a drink here before we go on to the club. Come on, here’s a table.

Gaby: Good idea, Paul. What’re you going to have Michelle?

Michelle: Hmm ... I think I’ll have a cocktail. A Margarita for me. What about

you, Gaby?

Gaby: I’ll have a gin and tonic.

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Лист 330 из 360

Waiter: Good evening. What can I get you?

Paul: A Margarita, a gin and tonic, and a large beer for me, please.

Waiter: Would you like draught or bottled?

Paul: I’ll have a large, draught Guinness, please. What about you, Kurt?

Kurt: Could I have a bottle of San Miguel?

Waiter: Certainly, sir. And would you like ice and lemon in the gin and tonic,


Gaby: Yes, please.

Waiter: Here you are. Shall I charge this to your room, sir?

Paul: No thanks, I’ll pay cash.

Waiter: OK, so that’s ...

How much is that?


Server: Good evening. What can I get you?

Customer: A large whisky, please. And a rum and Coke.


Customer: Excuse me. Could we have a small beer and a mineral water?

Server: Certainly, madam.


Server: What would you like?

Customer: A large vodka and orange, a gin and tonic, and a large glass of red

wine, please.


Customer: Two large beers, a whisky, and a whisky and soda, please.

Server: Right, sir.


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Лист 331 из 360

Server: What can I get you?

Customer: Two cognacs, and a vodka and tonic with ice and lemon. Oh, and an

orange juice too, please.


How do you make a cocktail?

Trainee: How do you make a Margarita?

Server: First, take a cocktail shaker and fill it with crushed ice.

Trainee: 1 see. What next?

Server: Next, pour in one measure of tequila.

Then pour in a quarter measure of triple sec. Trainee: OK.

Server: Then squeeze some fresh lemon juice into the shaker.

Trainee: Right.

Server: Then add a dash of lime juice.

Shake well to mix and chill the liquids. Trainee: OK.

Server: Then put some ice cubes into a salt- rimmed glass. Finally, pour the

Margarita into the glass, and serve!

Trainee: What about garnish?

Server: Oh yes. Garnish with a slice of lime.

Can you make these drinks?

OK. This morning I’m going to show you how to make two cocktails: a

Daiquiri and a Manhattan. Let’s start with the Daiquiri. First, take the cocktail

shaker and fill it with crushed ice. After that, add three measures of light rum, one

measure of lemon juice, and a teaspoon of caster sugar. Then shake well and strain

into a cocktail glass. Finally, garnish with a slice of lemon, and that’s it. Are there

any questions?

Let’s move on to our next cocktail, the Manhattan. Half fill a large glass

with ice, then add one and a half measures of Canadian whisky and three quarters

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Лист 332 из 360

of a measure of sweet vermouth. Then add a dash of Angostura bitters. Stir it well

and strain into a cocktail glass. Finally, add a slice of lemon and garnish with a



Taking an order

Waiter: Good evening, sir. A table for two? Mr Marquez: Yes, please. The

name’s Marquez.

Waiter: I’ll show you to your table. This way. Can I take your coats?

Mr/Mrs Marquez: Thank you.

Waiter: Here’s the menu and wine list. Can I get you an aperitif?

Mrs Marquez: Yes, please. A gin and tonic. Mr Marquez: And the same for me.

Waiter: Thank you.

Waiter: Here you are. Two gin and tonics.Are you ready to order now?

Mrs Marquez: Yes, I think so. What’s the soup of the day?

Waiter: It’s tomato and basil.

Mrs Marquez: Hmm ... I think I’ll have the avocado and prawn tart to start with,

followed by the salmon.

Mr Marquez: And the goat’s cheese salad for me please, followed by the fillet


Waiter: How would you like your steak?

Mr Marquez: Medium rare, please.

Waiter: And would you like to order some wine?

Mr Marquez: Yes. What about the Cabernet Sauvignon, Anna?

Mrs Marquez: I think I’d prefer white. Why don’t you have half a bottle of the

Cabernet and I’ll have a glass of Chablis. And can we have a bottle of mineral

water, please?

Waiter: Still or sparkling?

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Mrs Marquez: Still, please.

Are you ready to order?


Waiter: What would you like for breakfast, madam?

Woman: Just a coffee and a croissant, please.

Man: I’ll have egg and bacon, and a pot of tea. And some toast, please.

Waiter: Thank you, sir. Can I have your room number?


Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir?

Man: Yes, please. For a starter I’d like basil and tomato soup. Then to follow I’ll

have the mushroom risotto.

Waiter: Would you like something to drink?

Man: A glass of dry white wine and some water, please.


Woman: I just want a light lunch. I’ll have mushroom soup and a toasted

sandwich. Cheese and ham, please.

Waiter: And for you, madam?

2nd Woman: Hmm ... the chef’s salad, please. And some bread.


What’s for dessert?

Woman: Thank you. That was very nice.

Waiter: Good. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Would you like the dessert menu?

Woman: Yes, please. Do you have any ice cream?

Waiter: Yes, we do. There’s vanilla, raspberry, and chocolate, and there’s also

blackcurrant sorbet. Here are the menus. We also have a specials board. Today

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Лист 334 из 360

wehave French apple tart, summer pudding, and hazelnut meringue with summer


Woman: Oh, I’ll have the blackcurrant sorbet, please.

Man: Hmm ... 1 don’t know. What do you recommend?

Waiter: I recommend the French apple tart. It’s delicious. And the summer

pudding is very good, too.

Man: I think I’ll have the French apple tart. Waiter: Would you like it with cream

or ice cream?

Man: Ice cream, please.

Waiter: Would you like coffee now or after your dessert?

Man: After, please.

What about some cheese?

There are three main types of cheese in Europe. The first of these is the hard

type. For example, in the north of Europe there’s Cheddar from Britain, and Gouda

from the Netherlands. Further south you can find Gruyere and Emmenthal in

Switzerland, and Manchego in Spain. And in Italy there’s a cheese which is harder

than all the others, Parmesan.

The next group is soft cheese. Camembert and Brie are two famous French

soft cheeses while Mozzarella and Mascarpone are the best known Italian soft

cheeses. Many countries also have blue cheese. In Britain there’s Stilton, and in

Denmark there’s Danish Blue, while in France there’s Roquefort, a soft, creamy

blue cheese, and in Italy there’s Dolcelatte, which is also soft and creamy.


Would you like to order some wine?

Waitress: Would you like to order some wine with your meal?

Man: Yes, please. Which is drier, the Riesling or the Sauvignon Blanc?

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Лист 335 из 360

Waitress: The Sauvignon Blanc is drier than the Riesling but it isn’t as dry as the

Pinot Grigio.

Man: Right. I’ll have a glass of Sauvignon Blanc then. Nancy, you prefer

something sweeter, don’t you?

Woman: Yes. A glass of Chardonnay, please.

Man: Then we’d like a bottle of red to go with our main course. Which is lighter,

the French or the Chilean Merlot?

Waitress: Well, they’re both full-bodiedwines. I recommend the French. It’s more

expensive that the Chilean, but it’s smoother.

Woman: OK then, let’s have the French.

Waitress: Thank you, madam. Would you like some mineral water?

Woman: Yes, a bottle of sparkling water, please.

Waitress: OK, so that’s a glass of Sauvignon Blanc ...

Wines around the world

The most famous wine from the old world is Champagne. It comes from a

district east of Paris. Also from France, there are the Muscadet and Sancerre wines

of the Loire Valley. Further south-west, we have the M6doc, St. Emilion, and

Graves wines of the Bordeaux region. In the Rhone Valley, we find the Burgundy

wines such as Beaujolais and Macon.Italy produces around 25% of the world’s

wine. Two famous wines are Chianti from the Florence region, and crisp, white

Frascati produced near Rome.

Portugal is most famous for port, which comes from Oporto in the north.

Spain is well known for sherry, a fortified wine, from the south. Rioja comes from

an area north of Madrid and is very popular too.

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Лист 336 из 360

New world wines are improving all the time. South Africa produces wine in

the Stellenbosch and Paarl vineyards in the south of the country. Australia is now

famous for its Chardonnay and Shiraz.

New Zealand’s Sauvignon Blanc is becoming very popular. California now

produces some of the world’s finest Cabernet, Merlot, and Zinfandel. The Merlot

and Shiraz wines from Chile and Argentina are also very good.


I’ll get you some now


A: Can you order a taxi for room 145, please? B: Yes sir, I’ll order you one now.


A: I’d like a glass of wine, please.

B: Certainly. I’ll get you one right away.


A: Could we have some more bread?

B: Of course, I’ll get you some now.


A: Can you send laundry service up to room 467, please?

B: I’ll send someone up, right away.


A: We’d like a table on the terrace.

B: I’ll see if there’s one free.


A: What time does the exchange bureau open?

B: One moment, I’ll check for you.


A: Excuse me, this glass is dirty.

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Лист 337 из 360

B: I’m sorry. I’ll bring you another.

Customer care

Trainer: At reception, always welcome customers with a warm smile. Be polite

and friendly at all times.

Trainee: What do you do when people make a telephone reservation?

Trainer: Always answer the call within three rings or apologize for the delay

when you answer. When you know the customer’s name, use it in conversation.

Trainee: Yes. Isee.

Trainer: Take special care of customers with particular needs, for example, older

clients or women business travellers.

Trainee: And disabled customers?

Trainer: Yes, of course. Find out what they would like and be patient and helpful.

Trainee: Sometimes reception is very busy.

Trainer: Yes, don’t keep people waiting long. Smile at guests while they’re

waiting but don’t keep them waiting long ...


What’s it made from?

Woman: Excuse me, could you explain the menu to us, please?

Waiter: Yes, of course.

Woman: What’s in the penne arrabbiata?

Waiter: Well, this is a pasta dish. It consists of penne, a type of pasta, in a chilli

and tomato sauce. It’s made from chilli, tomato, garlic, and basil with pine nuts.

Woman: Hmm ... sounds good. And what’s the salmon coulibiac?

Waiter: This is made from layers of rice mixed with onions and mushrooms, fresh

salmon, and hard boiled eggs. It’s wrapped in puff pastry and baked in the oven.

Woman: And what’s the seafood dish?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 338 из 360

Waiter: This is a dish for two people. Itcontains half a lobster, king prawns,

scallops, and mussels. And it’s served warm with a crisp, green salad.

Do you know how to lay a table?

Instructor: This morning I want to check that you all know the standard restaurant

place setting. So, Tina, can you start, please?

Tina: Well, first place a clean tablecloth and napkin on the table, and make sure

that the napkin is correctly folded and placed on the side plate to the left of the

plate position. Then put the butter knife on top of the napkin. For each cover, work

from the inside out. Place a main course knife and fork to the right and left of the

plate position, and then a first course knife and fork outside them.

Instructor: Good. What else?

Tina: Finally, a soup spoon is placed to the right of the first course knife. Oh, and

put a wine glass above the soup spoon.

Instructor: Good. Is there anything else, Neeta?

Neeta: Yes. Don’t forget the salt and pepper, a flower arrangement, and if it’s the

evening, a candle.

Instructor: Yes, that’s right. Put them in the middle of the table. And what if the

customer orders fish, Tomas?

Tomas: If the customer orders fish, the main course knife and fork are replaced

with a fish knife and fork before you bring the main order.

Instructor: Good. Carry on, Tomas. What about the dessert cutlery?

Tomas: When the customer finishes the first course, clear the table. Take away the

cutlery, dishes, and salt and pepper. lust leave the wine glasses. Then bring the

dessert menu, a clean napkin, and a dessert spoon and fork. These are placed on

top of the clean napkin, to the right of the plate position.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 339 из 360


What is there to complain about?


Guest: We asked you to reserve a parking space but the car park attendant says the

car park’s full.

Reception: I’m sorry, we overbooked the car park yesterday and today. I’ll reserve

you a space for tomorrow.


Customer: Excuse me, we ordered our drinks twenty minutes ago.

Waiter: I’m sorry, madam. I’ll be with you in a moment. The restaurant is short-

staffed tonight. I’ll check with the wine waiter.


Guest: We reserved adjoining rooms but these are on different floors.

Reception: I’m sorry. I’ll change your rooms straightaway.


Customer: This steak is really overcooked. I asked for it medium rare.

Waiter: I’m sorry, sir. I’ll speak to the chef and bring you another one.


Guest: A colleague left a message for me at reception last night but nobody gave it

to me.

Reception: I’m so sorry. I’ll look into it.

I’ll look into it for you


A: Excuse me, this beer’s flat.

B: I’m sorry, sir. I’ll get you another.


A: My room isn’t ready.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 340 из 360

B: I’ll send up someone from housekeeping straightaway.


A: The people in the room next door are making a lot of noise.

B: I’m sorry. I’ll look into it for you.


A: Excuse me, this fish is undercooked.

B: I’m sorry, madam. I’ll talk to the chef and bring you another.


A: Excuse me, this table is too small. There are six of us.

B: I’m sorry. I’ll change your table straightaway.


A: Excuse me, this fork is dirty.

B: I’m so sorry. I’ll get you a clean one.


Let’s start at front office

Personnel: Here’s front office. This is Louise, our reception manager.

Trainee 1: Hello ... (Hello ...)

Personnel: Louise is responsible for six staff: a cashier, two receptionists, a

reservations clerk and two porters. In reception they handle all the reservations,

arrivals, payments, and departures, and there’s always a receptionist here to deal

with any questions or requests.

Trainee 1: What about phone calls?

Personnel: Yes. Phone calls too. That’s the phone area over there. If guests

wantservices like laundry or dry cleaning, front office staff tell the housekeeper.

She’s responsible to the assistant manager.

Trainee 2: Is there much computer work?

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Лист 341 из 360

Personnel: Yes. These are the computers and those are the printers over there. All

reservations, check-ins, payments, and inroom services are processed on these. We

use the Fidelio system.

Trainee 2: Oh, I see.

Personnel: We also use the Sabre system for travel arrangements as most travel

agencies use this system. So everybody here is trained on these systems. Now, if

you’d like to come through here ...

... and in the kitchen

Personnel: These are the kitchens. Paul’s our head chef. He writes the menus and

he’s responsible for the main courses, all the meat and fish. Hello Hello. Melanie is

the sous chef and that’s her station over there. She prepares all the soups, hot

starters, and the side orders like chips and vegetables.

Trainee: She has a lot to do.

Personnel: Yes. But two commis chefs are responsible to the sous chef, so they

help her. The chefs de partie handle all the cold dishes, the sauces, and

mayonnaise, things like that. The pastry chef works over there. He bakes all the

bread, rolls, and croissants, and he prepares the hot desserts. The kitchen porters

have lots of duties. They prepare the vegetables, sharpen the knives, and clean the

ovens. And they’re responsible for taking out the rubbish. Now, let’s go into


How to do it right


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Лист 342 из 360

Robbie: Right. This morning we have to prepare the lunch vegetables, so I’ll show

you what to do. First, you must wash your hands over there in the hand basin. Let’s

start with the carrots. Peel them like this.

Dirk: Is this OK?

Robbie: Fine. Then we have to julienne the carrots. Cut them into little sticks, like

this. I’ll do that. You sort and wash the new potatoes. Slice the big ones in half.

Dirk: Do we have to scrape them?

Robbie: No, we don’t. We boil them with the skins on.

Dirk: Good.

Robbie: Then I’ll chop the onions and you can do the broccoli. You have to break

it into florets and wash it well in cold water.

It mustn’t cook for long, only four or five minutes. Then strain it into a colander.

Dirk: OK, I’ll start ...


Lyn: Hi Petra, my name’s Lyn. First, we have to strip the beds - sheets, pillow

cases, everything. Put the dirty linen in the laundry bag, here. You do that, and I’ll

clean the bathroom. Everything must be spotless.

Petra: Fine. Do we have to change the towels every day?

Lyn: No, only if guests leave them on the floor. But we have to replace the

complimentary toiletries every day.They’re all on the trolley - soap, shampoo,

bath/shower gel, and body lotion.

Petra: Hmm ... they look nice.

Lyn: Yes. They’re really very good ...

Kitchen hygiene

This morning I would just like to say a few words about kitchen hygiene.

Remember that all kitchen staff must always wash their hands in the hand basin.

You mustn’t wash your hands in the food preparation sinks. You must clean all

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Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 343 из 360

kitchen work surfaces regularly, and wash and dry all the utensils after use. It’s

important that the kitchen is clean, so you must sweep and wash the floors every

day. The kitchen porters are responsible for the rubbish and they have to clean the

bins regularly. So, the chefs don’t have to do this, but they must put the rubbish in

the correct bins. Food in one, and general rubbish in the other. This is very

important ...


Room service. Can I help you?


Room Service: Room service, can I helpyou?

Man: Hello, could I have a bottle of champagne, please?

Room Service: Certainly, what room number, please?

Man: Room 352.

Room Service: And how many glasses do you need?

Man: We need four, please.

Room Service: Right away, sir.


Housekeeping: Housekeeping. Valerie speaking. Can I help you?

Woman: Yes, please. My husband’s suit needs dry cleaning and I have a dress that

needs ironing. Shall I leave them at reception?

Housekeeping: No, you don’t need to do that. I’ll send someone up for them right

away. What’s your room number?


Room service: Good morning. Room service.

Man: Good morning. Could we have a continental breakfast for two? With orange

juice and coffee, please.

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Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 344 из 360

Room service: Certainly. A continental for two. Which room number, please?

Man: 697. How long will it be? We need to leave in half an hour.

Room service: It’ll be with you in fifteen minutes.

Man: Great. Thank you very much.


Housekeeping: Hello, housekeeping. Can I help you?

Man: Yes, please. Can you put a new zip in a pair of trousers? I need them this


Housekeeping: We can do that for you by lunchtime, sir. Do they need pressing?

Man: Oh ... yes, please.

Housekeeping: I’ll send someone up to your room.

Facilities and services

Guest: Hi, can you tell me where I can change some American dollars?

Reception: Yes, there’s an exchange bureau in the foyer.

Guest: Do you know if it’s open now?

Reception: Yes. It’s open from 8.00 a.m. to9 p.m., every day. So you have plenty

of time.

Guest: Great. And I need a haircut. Is there someplace I can get one?

Reception: Yes, sir. The hair salon is on the other side of the foyer and it’s open

from 11 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. every day.

Guest: Good ... oh, and I need to changemy plane ticket.

Reception: There’s a travel agent next to the hotel. It’s open from 9.00 a.m. to

5.00 p.m.

Guest: And I’d like a coffee. Is there a coffee shop around here?

Reception: Yes, the coffee shop’s over there, behind the lifts. It’s open 24 hours a


Guest: The lifts? You mean the elevators?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 345 из 360

Reception: Yes, that’s right. Behind the elevators.


Could you repeat that, please?

Reservations: Park Hotel reservations, Gabriella speaking. Can I help you? Hello?

The line is very bad. Can you speak up a little, please?

Man: I’d like to make a room reservation.

Reservations: When is it for?

Man: For three nights from September the ...

Reservations: I’m sorry, I didn’t catch the date. September ... ?

Man: September the 4th. A double room for three nights.

Reservations: What name is it, please?

Man: Alimoglu. Mr Alimoglu from Istanbul.

Reservations: Could you spell that for me?

Man: A-L-I-M ...

Reservations: Did you say N for November?

Man: No, no I didn’t. M, M for Mike.

Reservations: Right. A-L-I-M ...

Man:... O-G-L-U.

Reservations: Thank you, sir. And can I have a contact number for you?

Man: The country code is 90. Then 216 8 ...

Reservations: Could you repeat that, please?

Man: 90 216 877 03 43.

Reservations: Thank you very much. I’ve made that reservation for you. Three

nights from the 4th of September. Would you please confirm in writing by fax or

email... ?

Negotiating room rates

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 346 из 360

Reservations:... that will be 260 euros. That’s for a double room with breakfast


Woman: Isn’t there some sort of weekend discount you can give me?

Reservations: Well, madam, the room rate I’ve given you is the standard rack

rate.But we can give you a special weekend rate if you stay Saturday and Sunday


Woman: How much is that?

Reservations: That’s 200 euros per night for a double room, including breakfast.

Woman: I’m afraid that’s still too much.

Reservations: What’s your budget? Maybe one of our sister hotels can help.

Woman: We need to find a room for less than 120 euros a night.

Reservations: Well, I can do you a special weekend mini-break offer of 320 euros.

Woman: Hmm ... 160 a night. What if we don’t have breakfast?

Reservations: That’s 280 euros for the two nights.

Woman: OK. I’ll take it.

Reservations: Thank you very much. What name is it, please?


Your health and safety is important to us

I’d like to say a few words on the hotel’s health and safety regulations. Now, this is

a serious subject, so please listen carefully. Firstly, fire. The hotel has regular fire

drills so please find out where the assembly points are for your area. We test the

alarms regularly, and you must keep the fire exits clear at all times so please check

them carefully. Secondly, accidents. We must keep the hotel clean and tidy at all

times, as guests could trip on torn carpets or slip on dirty floors.

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Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

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Лист 347 из 360

If you see an accident, find a first aider immediately. We have several members of

staff who are trained first aiders, and their names are at reception. Please read the

list carefully.

Thirdly, the kitchen area. Many cleaning products are poisonous so these must be

marked clearly and kept away from food. When lifting heavy objects, bend your

knees and don’t strain your back. And finally, when using the food slicer all staff

must put the guard in place. Now are there any questions? Yes...

Sound the alarm!

Mary: It’s the fire alarm. Is it a test drill or is it real?

Jo: I don’t know ... Hello?

Pat: Mary, there’s a fire in the kitchen. One of the ovens is on fire. Evacuate the

guests from the rooms.

Mary: Can I send anyone to help you in the kitchen, Pat?

Pat: No, it’s OK. Tom and Mark are here using the fire extinguishers, and the fire

brigade’s coming.

Mary: Right. I’ll make an announcement. This is an announcement. We have an

emergency situation in the hotel. Would all guests please leave the building by the

nearest exit. Please go to the assembly point, in front of the hotel.

Jo, here’s the guest list. Go to the assembly point and take a roll call. Check all the

names and room numbers as the guests come out. Take the mobile with you. I’ll

call in a few minutes with the names of any guests who checked out this morning,

or who haven’t checked in yet.


Excuse me, where’s the bar?


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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

Идентификационный номер: УМКД. 6(3) – 100400.68 – М1.В.ОД.2 - 2012

Контрольный экземпляр находится на кафедре сервиса и туризма

Лист 348 из 360

Visitor: Excuse me, how do 1 find room 102?

Reception: Take the lift to the first floor. Turn left when you come out of the lift,

walk along the corridor and it’s on the left.


Guest: Excuse me. Where’s the hair salon?

Porter: It’s here on the ground floor. Go across the lobby and through that

doorway. Turn right and it’s at the end of the corridor.


Guest: Where’s the hotel shop?

Attendant: It’s on the ground floor, next to the lift.


Guest: I’m looking for conference suite A.

Attendant: Yes, madam. It’s on the top floor. When you come out of the lift, turn

left and then turn immediately right into the corridor. Go past conference suite B,

and conference suite A is on your right.


Guest: Where’s the fitness centre, please?

Reception: It’s in the basement. Go through the door past the exchange bureau and

down the stairs. Go along the corridor and turn right. And the fitness centre is in

front of you.

Is the room ready?

Housekeeper: Did you check that the hangers and spare bedding were all in place

in the wardrobe?

Petra: Yes. 1 did.

Housekeeper: And the cabinet. Did you look in all the drawers?

Petra: Yes.

Housekeeper: Good. So now, light bulbs. Check all the lights and the table lamp.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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Лист 349 из 360

Petra: The bulb in the table lamp isn’t working.

Housekeeper: Right, here’s a new bulb. What about the air-conditioning? See if

that’s set correctly.

Petra: It’s fine. Erica said we must check the welcome folder as well.

Housekeeper: Yes. It has all the information in it about the hotel. Guests can

access all the information on the TV but some people prefer to read the folder.

Then, most important of all, the minibar. You must check it every day and replace

the snacks and drinks. Check them on this list. Finally, the turn-down service. Pull

the curtains and fold the bedspread back like this ...


Can you direct me to the theatre?


Woman: Excuse me, can you direct me to the Dona Maria theatre?

Reception: Yes. It’s quite near here. You can go on foot. Turn left outside the hotel

and walk towards Rossio square. The theatre is on the other side of the square.


Man: We want to go and look at the Nucleo Arqueologico this afternoon. Can you

tell us how to get there?

Reception: Yes, it’s easy to find from here. Turn right outside the hotel. Then take

the first right down Rua dos Correeiros. Keep straight on down that street for 700

metres. You’ll see the museum on your right. You can’t miss it.


Woman: Can you tell us how to get to the Oceanarium?

Reception: Yes. The best way is to take the metro from Rossio. Get a ticket for

Oriente. Change lines at Alameda and then get off at Oriente. The Oceanarium is

in the Park of Nations about five minutes on foot from the station.

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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Лист 350 из 360

Travel in the city


Tourist: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to Harrods?

Londoner: Yes. Take the tube from here, Oxford Circus, to Knightsbridge. First,

take the Victoria line to Green Park. Then change onto the Piccadilly line and it’s

just two stops to Knightsbridge.


Tourist: Can I get to the Tower of London on the subway from here?

Londoner: Yes, take the Northern line to Embankment. It’s only two stops. Then

take the Circle line or District line east to Tower Hill station. Get off there and it’s

next to the river.


Tourist: Can you tell me how to get to the National Gallery from here?

Londoner: Hmm ... yes. The nearest tube station is Charing Cross. Take the Central

line from Marble Arch here to Tottenham Court Road. Then change onto the

Northern line. That’ll take you south to Charing Cross ... Get off there and the

National Gallery is just across Trafalgar Square from the station.

Tourist: How do I get to King’s Cross?

Londoner: That’s no problem. Take the Central line from here, Bond Street, three

stops to Holborn. Then change onto the Piccadilly line. Take the train marked

Cockfosters. From there it’s only two stops to King’s Cross. It’ll take you about

fifteen minutes ...


What can you offer the business traveller?

Woman: Can you tell me about your inroom facilities?

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Разработала: Гринцевич М.В.

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Лист 351 из 360

Reception: Of course. All rooms have satellite TV with pay-per-view facilities so

that you can watch films, play games, and listen to music. There’s Internet access

for sending emails, accessing websites, and for finding out information about the

hotel, for example, services, facilities, and car hire. Both the minibar and the

electronic safe are standard in all rooms. We have 24-hour room service and a

babysitting service ...

Woman: What about facilities for business travellers?

Reception: All the rooms have multi-line phones. But the printer, photocopier, and

fax facilities are in the business centre just opposite reception. The centre’s fully

equipped and offers broadband Internet access.

We’re planning a conference

Woman: We’re planning a conference for one thousand people in Barcelona. Can

you tell me a little about your conference facilities?

Man: Certainly. The hotel has a total of twenty-eight meeting rooms. The theatre-

style room is the largest and holds 1,200 people, then there’s the boardroom-style,

and finally the classroom-style which is the smallest. The 19th floor has a rooftop

banqueting room with panoramic views of the city.

Woman: Fine. What about audio-visual equipment?

Man: We can organize digital projectors, slide projectors and screens, PowerPoint

facilities ...

Woman: Good. And what about business services?

Man: We have high-speed data lines, and full secretarial services, and we can also

arrange video conferencing facilities for you.

Woman: Excellent. Can you send me your information pack? I’ll contact you next



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Лист 352 из 360

Emergency first aid needed

Porter: Anna, one of the guests has just fallen over and cut his head badly. It’s Mr

Schmidt from room 397.

Anna: Right. I’ll get the first aid equipment and come straight up. Don’t move

him.We should call an ambulance.

Porter: Yes. I’ve just called one.

Anna: Here, Mr Schmidt. You shouldn’t move. Drink some water. I think you

fainted in the heat. It’s very hot today.Have you eaten anything today?

Mr Schmidt: No, no. I haven’t had lunch yet. I didn’t feel well this morning.

Anna: How are you feeling now? Are you in pain?

Mr Schmidt: I feel better now but my head ...

Anna: You should see a doctor so we’ve called an ambulance. They’ll be here


Mr Schmidt: Oh ... yes. Thank you. Thank you.

Anna: You’ve cut your head so I’ll put a plaster on it to stop the bleeding ...

Can you call a doctor, please?


Mrs Spiros: Reception, it’s Mrs Spiros in room 542 here. Can you call a doctor

please for my little boy? He’s very hot and has been sick all morning.

Reception: Yes, Mrs Spiros. We have a doctor on call, Doctor Fong. I’ll call him



Man: My wife has a terrible toothache. Can you give me the number of an

emergency dentist?

Reception: Yes, of course. It’s 652 3974. There’s a pharmacy across the road. I’m

sure the pharmacist will give you something for the pain.


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Лист 353 из 360

Porter: Louise, quick. One of the waiters needs first aid. He’s burnt his hand badly

on the coffee machine.

Louise: Right. Tell him to put his hand in cold water. I’ll be right there. Nick, get

an accident report form out. Put the date and time on the top of it, please.


Porter: Anna, one of the guests has fallen down the stairs. I think she’s broken her


Anna: Right. I’ll call an ambulance. Tell her

she shouldn’t move. Then, call Louise in reception. She’s a first aider and will

know what to do.


Are we service-minded enough?


Guest: Reception, I requested a nonsmoking room, but this room really smells of


Reception: I’m very sorry. Your request should have been registered. I’ll change

your room immediately.


Guest: Excuse me, but my room hasn’t been serviced. The bed hasn’t been made

and the bathroom hasn’t been cleaned.

Reception: I’m very sorry. It should have been done this morning. I’ll call the

housekeeper straightaway.


Guest: Reception, there’s still no hot water in our room. This should have been

mended yesterday.

Reception: I’m very sorry. I’ll call maintenance right away.

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Лист 354 из 360


Guest: I didn’t have a wake-up call this morning, but I asked for one for 6.30.

Reception: Room 152. Yes, you should have had a call. I’m very sorry, I’ll look

into it.


Guest: I asked for your overnight laundry service but my shirts haven’t arrived

back yet.

Reception: I’ll chase up housekeeping right away, sir, to see what’s happened to

your shirts. They should have been ready before 5 a.m.


Guest: Excuse me, we still don’t have any air-conditioning in our room. It hasn’t

been fixed yet. I told you about it yesterday.

Reception: I’m sorry, sir. This should have been dealt with. I’ll send up a service

engineer immediately.

Did you enjoy your stay?

Personnel: Hello, Mrs White. My name’s Roger Scales from the personnel

department at the Bay Hotel, and I’m just calling you about your recent visit. I

know there were problems when you stayed with us and I wanted to check that we

dealt with them properly.

Mrs White: Oh ... yes ... OK.

Personnel: I see there were problems with the disabled facilities.

Mrs White: Well, the disabled access in the hotel was very good really. You

know, to the bars and the restaurants, but the main lift wasn’t working when we

arrived. So, that’s why we needed a room on the ground floor.

Personnel: I see, and did we give you a room on the ground floor?

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Лист 355 из 360

Mrs White: Yes, you did, but the room you gave us was very noisy. That first

night, we couldn’t sleep at all.

Personnel: Oh dear. That shouldn’t have happened. Did we give you a different

room on the ground floor?

Mrs White: Yes, you did. The next day you gave us a beautiful room next to the

gardens. It was very quiet, and the manager sent us some flowers and a

complimentary bottle of champagne. So, in the end we had a very pleasant stay.

Personnel: Good. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Well, we look forward to seeing you


Mrs White: Yes, thank you very much. Goodbye.

Personnel: Goodbye.


Could we have our bill, please?


Mrs De Canio: Hello. We’re checking out now. Could we have the bill for room

234, please? I asked for it to be prepared.

Reception: Yes, your bill’s ready for you, Mrs De Canio. Here you are. Everything

is itemized: your room, meals, telephone calls, pay-per-view, and the minibar.

Service and VAT are included. How would you like to pay?

Mrs De Canio: With Visa. Here’s my card.

Reception: Could you sign here, please? Thank you. Here’s your receipt and your

Visa slip copy. Thank you very much. We hope to see you again.

Mrs De Canio: Thank you.


Woman: Excuse me, we’re leaving now. Could you bring us the bill, please?

Waiter: Certainly, madam.

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Лист 356 из 360

Woman: Have you included the drinks from the bar?

Waiter: Yes. I’ve included them here.

Woman: Ah. And is service included?

Waiter: No, madam. How are you paying?

Woman: I’m paying in cash. Do you accept euros?

Waiter: Yes, we do. The total in euros is just there. Would you like a VAT receipt?

Woman: No thanks. This is fine.

How would you like to pay?


Cashier: The invoice for your room and meals goes directly to your company.

Mr Badel: Yes, that’s right.

Cashier: So, here’s your bill for the extras. How are you paying, Mr Badel?

Mr Badel: With Mastercard.


Cashier: Your hotel vouchers are for room and breakfast, Mr Franks. Your bill for

the other meals and drinks comes to 230 dollars. How would you like to pay?

Mr Franks: With US dollar traveller’s cheques, please.


Ms Kohl: Can I pay my bar bill separately, please?

Reception: Yes, certainly Ms Kohl.

Ms Kohl: I’ll pay by credit card. Do you take Visa?

Waiter: Yes, Visa is fine.


Waiter: That’s £17.50 altogether Mr Popovic. How would you like to pay?

Mr Popovic: In cash, please. Here you are, £20.

Waiter: One moment, and I’ll get your change.

Mr Popovic: No, that’s alright. Keep the change.

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Лист 357 из 360

Waiter: Thank you very much.


I think there’s a mistake


Woman: Could I have the bill, please?

Waiter: Thank you, madam.

Woman: Excuse me, I think there’s a mistake. There are a lot of items here but I

didn’t have much wine or any extra dishes. This looks too much.

Waiter: I’m sorry, madam. This isn’t your bill. It’s table seventeen’s. One moment,

I’ll get the right bill for you. Here we are. I’m sorry about that.

Woman: Ah. That’s better. Here’s my Visa card.

Waiter: Thank you, madam ...


Mr Badouvas: Hello. I’m in room 532 and I’d like to settle my bill.

Reception: 532. Here we are, Mr Badouvas.

Are you paying by American Express?

Mr Badouvas: Yes, but just a moment.

What are all these items? How much is the minibar bill?

Reception: Forty euros.

Mr Badouvas: Forty euros! Alex, how many drinks did you have?

Alex: Oh, just a few ... and some snacks ... Mr Badouvas: And look at the phone

calls! We didn’t make many calls. This amount is ridiculous.

Reception: One moment, I’ll just check for you. No, you didn’t make many calls

but there was one very expensive call to Athens on Tuesday evening.

Mr Badouvas: Tuesday evening? Alex ...

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Лист 358 из 360

Working with Fidelio Suite 7

We use the Fidelio system for checking out our guests. Let’s check out Mr

Rodrigues. First, look at the guest list here ... and click on Departures. Then click

on the guest’s name: Mr Rodrigues. All the items for his bill will now appear on

the screen, for example, accommodation, breakfast, and so on. He’s paying by

Visa, so click on Visa. Now, his charges all appear on the screen in grey. Finally,

click and issue an invoice. That’s it. You’ve just checked out a guest. See, it’s

quite easy.


Writing your CV

Agent: Hello, thank you for coming in to register with the agency. Can you tell me

a little bit about yourself?

Caroline: Well, my name’s Caroline Davros. I was born in 1980. I’m single. I live

in Geneva with my parents. I left school in 1998 with my baccalaureate

professionale. Agent: And what professional qualifications do you have?

Caroline: I have my BEP certificate in Tourism and Hospitality from City


Agent: And work experience?

Caroline: During my college holidays I worked in the Hotel Central as a

receptionist. It’s a small hotel in Geneva. I took reservations and ran the reception

desk during the daytime. When I left college, I worked in the Sun Hotel which is

part of the Triad group. This is where I learnt how to use the Fidelio System. After

a year, I applied for a job at a larger hotel in the same group. I’m now a

receptionist at the Sofitel.

Agent: I see. And what qualities do you bring to your work?

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Лист 359 из 360

Caroline: I love my work. I’m sociable and friendly, and I enjoy helping and

advising people. I’m well organized and hard-working. Agent: Do you have any

references? Caroline: Yes, Mr Schultz, the manager of the Sofitel.

Writing a covering letter

My name’s Michel Laval. I’m 21 years old and I was born in Lyon, in south-

east France. When I finished school, I went to catering college for three years

where I got my chef’s certificate. While I was at college,

I worked in various hotel and restaurant kitchens as a kitchen porter and

commis chef. It was very good experience and I learnt a lot about people as well as

cooking. Last year I started work at the busy Grand Hotel Mercure in the city

centre. It’s a good job but I would really like to have more responsibility and use

my cooking skills more. I have my own apartment in Lyon and I have a clean

driving license.

2 These phrases can be used in both business, professional situations and in

every day ones.

1 Word Combinations for holding on conversation:

2 on one hand….on the other hand… - с одной стороны…. С другой стороны

3 I would like to draw your attention to the point that… - я бы хотел привлечь

ваше внимание к …

4 I would like to stress that… - я бы хотела подчеркнуть, что….

5 I guess – я полагаю

6 To my mind – по моему мнению

7 in my opinion – по моему мнению

8 If you ask me, I can tell you that… - если вы меня спросите, я могу сказать

вам, что…

9 It is necessary to point out – необходимо отметить, что…

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Лист 360 из 360

10 it is important – важно…

11 I believe it desirable that - я полагаю важно что…

12 I think it necessary that… - думаю необходимо, чтобы

13 I find it advisable that… - нахожу необходимым чтобы…

14 To cut a long story short… - короче говоря

15 to tell the truth – по правде говоря

16 Frankly speaking… - честно говоря

17 At the same time I can say that… - в то же время я могу сказать , что

18 Generally speaking… - в общем говоря…

19 It is disgusting when … - отвратительно, когда…

20 It is wonderful when… - чудесно, когда…

21 In spite of it – не смотря на это…

22 nevertheless – тем не менее…

23 first of all – прежде всего…

24 however – тем не менее…

25 in addition – в добавлении…

26 asaresult – в результате…

27 as a rule – как правило…

28 what is more – более того…

29 It is surprising that… - удивительно, что…

30 To put it mildly – мягко выражаясь

31 Tobeginwith – начнем с того, что

32 to leave much to be desired – оставлять желать лучшего

33 to be difficult to deal with – трудно иметь дело

34 to be hard to please – трудно угодить

35 to be pleasant to look at – приятно посмотреть.