Baywatch August & September 2010



The Number 1 Local Advertising magazine for the Costa de la Luz

Transcript of Baywatch August & September 2010


Whilst avoiding buying an annuity at 75 hasbeen a major benefit of QROPS, many pensionfund holders living in Spain see the benefitslisted above as being the most attractive intheir circumstances. However there is a lotmore to QROPS than this, and the new budgethas introduced a “buy now before your transfervalue falls” opportunity. The Government hasannounced that with both public and privatesector pensions, “inflation proofing”, i.e. themaximum rate at which pension benefits mayincrease each year will in future be based onthe Consumer Prices Index (CPI) instead of theRetail Prices Index (RPI). This will mean lowerannual increases in pensions and lowertransfer values to QROPS.

When QROPS were first introduced in the 2004Finance Act, and became widely available afterthe 2006 Finance Act, many commentators feltthe benefits being offered were “too good to betrue” and that they would not continue to beavailable long term. This has not proved to bethe case and if anything ensuing budget havemade QROPS transfers even more attractive.Recent developments mean that anyone witha UK pension fund who is now non residentshould be seeking advice on whether atransfer to a QROPS would be of benefit tothem. It costs nothing to find out.

If you want to consider your optionscontact our Regional Director, BrianBrannan on 952 789 297, or by [email protected] Pension Solutions SL (CIFB55414198) is an Appointed Agent of InterAlliance Agents and Advisors Ltd. who areauthorised and Regulated by the InsuranceCompanies Control Service Cyprus,Registration Number F.O.S.9.

3By Stephen Ward BA (Econ), ACII, APMIManaging Director Premier Pension Solutions SL


Stephen Ward was a member of the UKGovernment’s Pensions Industry WorkingGroup advising HMRC on the pensions’legislation changes which introduced QualifyingRecognised Overseas Pension Schemes(QROPS) in the 2006 Finance Act.

In the last 2 years we have completed more than300 transfers of UK pension funds to QualifyingRegulated Overseas Pension Schemes mostlyto Guernsey or New Zealand.The reasons individuals choose such transfersvaries, but they mainly fall into 2 categories;those who are interested in reducing the tax ontheir pension income in Spain to less than 3%,who want to ensure that their beneficiariesreceive all of their fund on death, and who wishto avoid ever having to buy the dreaded Annuitywhen they do choose to take their income.

Others are prompted by some of these issuesbut in reality are seeking access to their cashnow as a lump sum so that they can utilise it forwhatever they wish, in some cases just gettingout of a financially sticky situation. This option,especiallyly when the fund is not particularlylarge, has been the choice of more than 75% ofour clients in these troubled times. But how, youmay ask, can this really be possible when therules in the UK preclude this? A major changein pension’s legislation has permitted transfersto overseas pension funds for expatriates since2006. For those seeking access to all of theirfund in cash, provided they have been nonresident for five complete, consecutive taxyears, UK regulations no longer apply, and it isthe regulations of the country where the QROPSis based that control the amount of the fundthat can be taken in cash. Hence thepopularity of a New Zealand QROPS.

Implications of the new Emergency Budgetfor PensionsThe new ConLib.Government’s emergencybudget introduced changes which will have amajor impact on most individuals with UK privatepensions.

The first significantchange is to abolish theeffective compulsion tobuy an annuity by age75

Baywatch Editorial4

Welcome to the latest edition ofBaywatch and for the many visitors wehave with us now may we sayBienvenido, Welkom, Willkommen andVälkomnande. For those whoselanguage is not represented here weextend our warmest regards to you andhope you have a fabulous time in thisregion.By now the World Cup, the one day cricketseries against Australia, Wimbledon and theBritish Open are all distant memories so weguess we will have to find some otherreasons/excuses to fire up the BBQ orhave a pool party...Okay okay so we don’tneed much of an excuse when the weatheris this good! On a recent trip to the UK wewere asked why we use the BBQ so muchto cook the majority of our meals and ourresponse was simply...because we can. Aneloquent response we thought.

Whatever plans you have for the next fewmonths may we suggest you have a goodread through this edition first as there isso much going on in the region.

There is a lot to do, see and experienceand we have tried to pack as much of it aswe can in to the magazine and on ourwebsite to giveyou as many options as possible. Thereare summer recipes, beach guides, thenow familiar restaurant guide and muchmore so that you and your visitors can bepampered, entertained, wined and dinedin some of the finest surroundings inSpain.

Enjoy the rest of this glorious summer,stay cool. Amy, Rob, Colin and JuliaThe Baywatch Group




Many people enjoy sitting in the sunshine, thewarmth and the brightness of sun surelybrightens up our days and helps to lift ourspirits. However, staying out in the sun for toolong, without protection from its harmful rayscan cause serious damage to our bodies. Hereis some useful information to help youunderstand more about sunscreens and otherways to protect yourself and your childrenagainst the sun, whilst still enjoying itsbenefits.

How Sun Creams WorkThe chemicals mixed together in sunscreenproducts function to filter out the light from thesun to prevent large amounts of it reaching thedeeper layers of your skin, they allow somelight to penetrate it, but not as much as if therewas no sunscreen there at all. Manysunscreens will include a proportion of sunblock in with their formula. Total sun block willactually reflect the sunlight from the surface ofthe skin preventing the light from penetratingthe skin at all. Sun block is best for children andbabies

What Do They Screen The rays that cause the damage to the cells in ourskin are called ultraviolet radiation (UV) and theseactually damage the DNA in our cells and cancause skin cancer and burns, therefore, it is thisportion of the sunlight that is filtered or blocked bysunscreens. There are three regions of ultravioletlight:• UVA which penetrates deeply into the skin andthis can lead to cancer and premature aging of theskin• UVB which is involved in the tanning andburning of the skin, this affects the pigments onyour skin, causing them to deepen in colour.• UVC which is completely absorbed by theearth’s atmosphere and is not harmful unless youhave direct and prolonged exposure.It is the organic moleculesin sunscreens that absorbthese harmful rays fromthe sun and release theenergy as heat.


A Must Read....Safety In The Sun How to Enjoy the wonderful Spanish Sunshine...and keep safe!

So, What About SPF? Sun ProtectionFactor ie Factor 20

This number can be used to help youdetermine how long you are able to stay out inthe sun until you burn. Everyone’s skin has anatural SPF depending on their skin type andcolour, and how much melanin (a pigment inyour skin) it contains. The darker the naturalskin colour, the longer they are able to stay outin the sun until they burn. For example, if youcan stay out in the sun for 15 minutes withoutburning, you have a natural SPF of 15. TheSPF in sun creams is a multiplication factor thatcan be used with your natural SPF. So if youuse a factor 10 sunscreen on skin with anatural SPF of 15, you multiply the twotogether, and this gives you 150 minutes inwhich you are safe in the sun. Therefore, it isimportant to understand that the highersunscreen factor you use, the longer you canstay out in the sun without burning. This will notstop your skin from tanning; it will simply stop itfrom burning. For children and babies it isrecommended that you use total sun block astheir skin is very sensitive to UV radiation.

Remember it is the UVB radiation from thesuns rays that causes burning and damage tothe skin, so the SPF only refers to the level ofprotection from UVB rays. It is the UVAradiation that causes premature aging of theskin, so if you want to avoid this (and whodoesn’t!) make sure you choose a sunscreenwith UVA protection as well as UVB SPF, it willtell you the range of protection on the bottle.The sun is at its strongest when it is high in thesky, usually between 10am and 2pm so it isbest to limit your sun exposure during thesetimes, and its important to keep yourself hydra-ted with plenty of water all day. You can alsocover up sensitive areas of skin with lightweight clothing and keep in the shade if youfeel your skin getting too hot

Overall, follow these simple rules and makesure you enjoy your summertime and staysafe! Baywatch 2010

HHeeaatthh MMaatttteerrss

The surgery can be found at C/Commandante, Paz Varela, No.2, Jerez de la Frontera.Opening hours 10am - 2pm and 5pm - 8pm By appointment only.


Boost Your Business with Baywatch!If you would like to advertise your business or services withBaywatch, either in our bi-monthly magazine, on our website or on our NEW! internet radio station, RadioBaywatch, please contact us on 856 101 803 or 697 552 936

or email us on [email protected]

Muchas personas disfrutan sentándose al sol, y escierto que el calor y el brillo del sol alegrannuestros días y nos animan. No obstante,permanecer demasiado tiempo bajo el sol sinprotección contra sus dañinos rayos puede dañarseriamente nuestros cuerpos. Aquí le ofrecemosinformación muy útil para ayudarle a obtener másinformación sobre protectores solares y otrasformas de protección tanto para usted como paralos más pequeños de la familia, mientras disfrutande los beneficios del sol.

Cómo Funciona la Crema Solar Los productosquímicos mezclados en los productos para laprotección contra el sol funcionan de filtro contrala luz solar para evitar que grandes cantidades deésta lleguen a las capas más profundas de la piel.Permiten la penetración de parte de la luz, pero notanto como si no se utilizara protector solar.Muchos protectores solares incluyen unaproporción de pantalla solar dentro de su fórmula.Una pantalla total en realidad refleja la luz solar yevita que la luz penetre en absoluto en la piel. Serecomienda sobre todo para niños y bebés.

Qué FiltranLos rayos que dañan las células de nuestra pielson los ultravioletas (UV) y de hecho dañan el ADNde nuestras células pudiendo causar cáncer de piely quemaduras, por tanto, es este componente dela luz solar el que los protectores solares filtran obloquean. Existen tres regiones de luz ultravioleta: • UVA – que penetran con profundidad en la piel ypueden causar cáncer y el envejecimientoprematuro de la piel. • UVB – que contribuye al bronceado y quemadode la piel; afecta a los pigmentos de la pielcausando el cambio del color de la piel a un tonomás oscuro. • UVC – que es absorbido porcompleto por la atmósfera de laTierra y no es dañino al menosque se produzca una exposicióndirecta y prolongada. Son lasmoléculas orgánicas en losprotectores solares las queabsorben estos rayos dañinos yliberan la energía en forma de calor.

¿Y el Factor de ProtecciónSolar? (Por ejemplo: Factor20) Este número sirve paraayudarle a determinar laduración de su exposición alsol antes de quemarse. Todoel mundo cuenta con unFactor de Protección Solar natural que de-pende del tipo y color de piel, y de la cantidad demelanina (el pigmento que colorea su piel) quecontenga. Cuanto más oscuro sea el color natu-ral de la piel, más tiempo podrá permanecer unapersona al sol antes de quemarse. Por ejemplo, sipuede permanecer al sol 15 minutos sin que-marse, usted tiene un Factor de Protección Solarnatural 15. El Factor de Protección Solar de lascremas solares es un factor multiplicador quepuede usarse con su Factor de Protección Solarnatural. Por lo que si utiliza una crema solar deFactor 10 sobre una piel con un Factor de Pro-tección Solar natural 15, entonces debe multipli-car ambos, lo que le da 150 minutos de seguridadbajo el sol. Por ello, es importante quecomprenda que cuanto mayor sea el factor queutilice, más tiempo permanecerá bajo el sol sinquemarse. No evitará que su piel coja color;simplemente evitará que se queme.

En el caso de niños y bebés se recomienda el usode factor total ya que sus pieles son muysensible a los rayos UV.

Recuerde que la radiación UVB es la queprovoca quemaduras y daña la piel, por lo que elFactor de Protección Solar sólo se refiere al nivelde protección contra los rayos UVB. Son losrayos UVA los que provocan el envejecimientoprematuro de la piel, por lo que si desea evitarlo(¡y quién no!) asegúrese de utilizar un protectorsolar con protección contra rayos UVA y UVB; enel bote le indicará la cantidad de protección. Elsol es más potentecuando se encuentra en lomás alto, normalmente entre las 10 de la mañanaa las 2 de la tarde por lo que se recomienda limi-tar su exposición solar durante estas horas, y esrecomendable mantenerse bien hidratado conbastante agua durante todo el día. Tambiénpuede cubrir partes sensibles de la piel con ropaligera y póngase en la sombra si ve que su piel seestá calentando mucho. En definitiva, ¡siga estas simples reglas y suverano de forma segura!

La Página de Salud 10

Artículo Imprescindible....SeguridadBajo el Sol Cómo disfrutar del magníficosol ñol...¡manteniéndose a salvo!


Irene Donaldson Completes theMoonwalk in

Edinburgh to raisemoney for

Cancer ResearchIn the previous edition of the BaywatchMagazine we reported that Irene Donaldson, from Chiclana, was taking partin the Moonwalk, a half marathon walkaround Edinburgh, Scotland, to raisemoney for breast cancer sufferers and theirfamilies. We are pleased to say that Irenesuccessfully completed the challenge, andthis is what she has to say about the event:“Midnight 19 June and 10,000 women began

to walk the streets of Edinburgh, displayingtheir brightly-coloured bras. Some bra- wearingmen also joined the half-marathon, all to raisemoney to fund research into breast cancer, tosupport those suffering from the disease and togive support to their families. The eveningbegan in the large pink tents erected in the parkwhere we were entertained by a variety ofshowbiz personalities. As the start timeapproached, we joined hands for a veryemotional minute to reflect on our journey tothe Moonwalk and to remember those whowere not with us. One in nine women will bediagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

Many of Edinburgh's landmarks were lit up pinkand it was a truly phenomenal experience aswe walked through the night until the earlyhours of the morning. Apart from raisingawareness of breast cancer and - of course -getting fit, the aim is to raise money.


Thanks to my generous friends in Chiclana andEdinburgh, I raised my target of £1,000 and theEdinburgh Moonwalk has raised almost £5million in total. The Moonwalk moves to Bristolnext, then Newcastle. Anyone got any ideas onhow to organise a Moonwalk in Chiclana? ”Irene´s husband Eric tells us that as the sunrose over Edinburgh at about 3.30 am onSunday morning, Irene celebrated her half-marathon achievement with a glass of red wineand a bowl of porridge! If you would like to helpto organise a Moonwalk in Chiclana or feel thatyou would take part if there was one in the areato join, please email us here at [email protected], if you havent already sponsored Ireneyou can still do so via her website



15Tapas Route Chiclana

15th July to 15th September 20101 Bar Raúl

C/ Fco.Liñán2. La Dehesa

C/Jesús Nazareno, 3. El Cafetal

Plaza el Retortillo4. Esquina del

JamónC/Dr Pedro Vélez5. Bar Capricho

C/ La Vid, 56. La Longuera

C/ de los Estudiantes7. Mesón Lorena

C/ San Félix8. Peña la Ilusión

Plaza Mayor9. La Abadía

C/ Corredera Baja10. El CabildoC/ Constitución11. La Marítima

CentroC/ Arroyuelo

12. La Ribera delRío

C/ Alameda del Río13. EtnicaféC/ La Fuente

14. Pájaro ChicoC/ Arroyuelo

15. Peña FlamencaAmigos del Cante

C/ Iro, 2016. Lugar deEncuentro

Avda. Reyes Católi-cos

17. Venta FlorentinaCtra. Pago del Humo

18. Venta CastillaC/ Lérida, 4

19. La MarítimaPlaya

Ctra. La Barrosa20. Burguer Pepín1a Pista La Barrosa

21. El FaritoC.C Bellamar

22. Hostal la CampaUrb. Coto La Campa

Chiclana City Hall and the Association of Hostelries invite everyoneto try lots of different gastronomic delights in many participatingrestaurants and bars in and around Chiclana de la Frontera thissummer. From the 15th July until 15th September, the 22establishments listed on the right offer a specially selected tapa anda drink (either a soft drink or wine/fino from the region) for the greatprice of just 2,20€.

There are plenty of leaflets in the various ventas and in the touristinformation centre in Chiclana where you can see in more detailwhich tapa is offered at which particular venue. This year they areinvolving venues around the coast, not just in the centre of Chiclana,as in previous years, so look out for your nearest venue, and don´tforget to get your leaflet stamped each time you visit a differentplace. The public are also given the opportunity to choose theirfavourite tapa and venue this summer, and youcan do this by filling in the section on the Rutade la Tapa leaflet. The event is running for 2weeks longer than in previous years, so youhave even more time to visit the venues - seehow many you can do!




18Baywatch Puzzle Page

In this editions crossword we test your knowledge on films, actors and actres-ses and see how you get on with our old favourite, the Sudoku


The object of Sudoku is to insert thenumbers in the boxes to satisfy only onecondition: each row, column and 3x3 boxmust contain the digits 1 through 9exactly once. Solutions on page 45

Solutions on page 45

Tues - Sun-day 8pm-11.30pmClosed


BBaayywwaattcchh RReessttaauurraanntt GGuuiiddeeA brief description of your favourite local restaurants plus check out any

special deals they may have to offer!

Restaurant Description Opening Hours

El Castillo(Playa de La


In the commercial centre Bellamar, opposite the public pine park inLa Barrosa, owners Santi and Viki offer traditional Spanish cuisine,specialising in fresh fish from the bay, a wide range of tapas andIberian meats. Free glass of sherry with your meal with thiscopy of Baywatch! Tel : 627 472 585


Price Per Head Above €20

International cuisine, idyllic peaceful surroundings and good qualityfood. Average 3 courses €30 including wine. Varied A la Carte menu.Weekend Buffets Now Available, 16€ per person. Only fresh produceused. Children’s portions and extensive wine list available, withtraditional sherries from the region. Tel: 956 448 463Dr Pedro Velez road, by the Oxford college, Chiclana centre.International cuisine, diverse menu, steaks a house speciality.Average 3 course meal €30 including wine. Booking for weekendessential. Free drink after your meal with this Baywatch! Tel: 956 538 084 Map Reference: A (Baywatch magazine p23)

Openevenings and


MondaysPrice Per Head Below €20

Casa Blas(Venta laSorpresa)

Central Pago del Humo. Well presented, good varied venta menu,specialises in local meat dishes. Congenial atmosphere, good mixof English and Spanish. Average 3 course meal with wine €15-20,menu del dia (Mon to Fri) €7.50 with a drink. Tel: 956 239 019

Open All DayEveryday

La Patria(near LaMuela)

Los CandilesCentral

ChiclanaMap Ref A

The WokChiclana

Map Ref B

Avda de Los Descubrimentos, Central Chiclana. All you can eatchinese buffet. Good value. Wide range of raw meat, fish andvegetables, cooked to your liking, plus range of sauces. €10.95adults lunch(€5.50 children) and evening €12.95 adults (€5.50children) Free after dinner drink with this Baywatch! 956 533 371

Open everyday


El Pollo Argetina

El Colorado

Very tasty BBQ chicken and pork, grilled to your liking at the El PolloArgentino take away. It is just off the main road Conil road in ElColorado (near the El Colorado Venta). They have special sauces foryou to try, including the piquant sauce, which is not too hot but niceand spicey! Tel: 619 069 114 to order

OpenEvery-day Evenings



Santa Maria

Molly Malone Irish Bar and Restaurant in El Peurto de Santa Maria, ctra.Fuentebravía offers a wide range of food from Argentine steak to spicey beefquesadillas, also catering for vegetarians and with a special menu for children.There is a great atmosphere and a BBQ on the terrace during the summer!Tel: 956 480 834

Open EveryDay

LasParcelasVenta ElColorado

On the El Colorado main road, the Venta Las Parcelas offers typicalSpanish venta food in a friendly atmosphere with great value menudel dia for just €5.50 for three courses plus a drink Mon - Fri and€7.50 Sat and Sunday. They also offer a great selection of meats,fish, rices dishes, tapas and sandwhiches. Tel: 956 445 417

Open Every Day


La CanelaIndian


Come and enjoy the true taste of India in our air conditionedrestaurant or our relaxing terrace in the commercial centre, NovoSancti Petri (first floor). We have a special priced 16 euro fixed menu(3 courses with drink) or early bird offer for this summer (see adverton page 20). Tel: 607 953 874.

Summer:open everynight from





23For that convivial ‘Irish Craic’ visit Molly Malone’sin El Puerto Santa Maria. It’s a Great BritishIrish Pub and Sports Bar, owned by Scotsman Ianand his Spanish wife Juani and managed bySteve, a Brummie - a chef by trade, so the food issupervised to a very high standard. The food isgood and tasty, with a varied menu thatexemplifies the local area. Their hamburgers arerenowned; they have to be with the American USNaval base nearby in Rota. It’s all home made,healthy and hearty and freshly cooked, with lotsof fresh vegetables. Wednesdays are great forFish n Chips and there’s a special curry night onthe last Friday of the month – not to be missed.

Upstairs there’s a garden terrace complete withBBQ and an independent bar to enjoy theirextensive range of drinks, German beers, winesand spirits. Cider’s on tap and of course, Murphysand Guinness, which is like drinking velvet andafter a pint of their finest Newcastle Brown, you’llwish you weren’t the duty driver and/or organiseda taxi home so that you can enjoy a couple moreplus their Irish coffee! As it’s a Sports Bar, theyshow all the English and Scottish Premiershipfootball, Ireland and England Internationals, etc -on Sky Sports Digital TV

They also have BBC1 and show 6 Nations Rugby,Formula 1, American Football and all othersporting events. If it's on, and you want to see it,you can see it there. Opening hours: 12 noonuntil very late (11.30pm last food orders) 7 days aweek. Advisable to book during the summermonths - 956 480 834. Typical 3 course mealwould cost around €20.00. It’s Non Smoking andgood for all the family with special children’smenus (approx 7€). And for an evening’s giggle,Molly Malone’s Theme Nights attract crowds andthere’s always a great atmosphere. Try a relaxingday out in the lovely picturesque town andsurroundings of El Puerto Santa Maria topped offwith a great evening at Molly’s.

To get there head towards Jerez on the A4. Comeoff the A4 at junction 649 and turn left at theroundabout towards Poligo Industrial. Turn right atthe end of this road and continue on to the flyoverand follow the dual carriageway to junction 24.Exit at J24 and trun left at the roundabout ontoanother dual carriageway. Turn right at the 2ndroundabout (English college on the right) andcontinue straight over 4 roundabouts. After the4th, you will see Molly Malones in a row of shopsand bars on the left.


Map of Central Chiclana 25

TTHHEE PPRROOPPEERRTTYY SSEECCTTIIOONNWe work closely with Andaluz Homes Estate Agency and some of the properties listed areplaced with them under their terms & conditions of sale. It costs just €40 for a single advert

Vejer de la Frontera €295,000

Three double bedrooms. Twobath/shower rooms. Modern kitchen

with built-in appliances. Spaciousliving room with log burning stove.Mature garden containing numer-ous palm trees, subtropical plantsand generous lawn.Private pool.

Barbecue area. Satellite television

Chiclana de la Frontera€200,000 *REDUCED*

*Conil de la Frontera€279,000

Beautiful villa in the sought-afterarea of ´Santa Lucia´ Vejer. 3 bed-

rooms, 2 bathrooms a privateswimming pool & garden. Just ashort walk to "La Castilleria" and"La Tajea" restaurants in SantaLucia. Vejer town and El Palmarbeaches just a 10 minute drive.

Casa Brisa del Mar: Traditional villain excellent condition prominentlysituated 400m from the beach in

the sought after residential area of"Fuente del Gallo", Conil. 2 bed-

rooms, bathroom & easilymaintained garden. Early viewing



Lovely three bedroom apartmentwith private roof terrace andfabulous uninterrupted viewssituated close to the centre of

historic Vejer. Private entrance tothe property, access to the mainentrance across terrace down a

wide gentle staircase.

Vejer de la Frontera€230,000

Lovely villa with low mainte-nance garden, swimming pool

and guest accommodation in atranquil residential locationclose to the incredible La

Barossa beaches. Bars/restau-rants a few minutes walk awaywith amenities within a 5 min-

utes drive.

Chiclana de la Frontera€175,000

Three double bedrooms. Twobathrooms. Spacious lounge

with built-in fireplace. Modern fit-ted kitchen with quality appli-

ances. Covered terrace.Landscaped garden with numer-ous plants and shrubs. Shaded

BBQ dining area.

Chiclana de la Frontera€185,000

Well presented villa with maturelow maintenance garden and

private swimming pool situatedwithin a popular residential loca-tion close to the town centre ofChiclana de la Frontera. Shops,restaurants and town centre justa short drive away. La Borossa

beaches 10 min drive

Chiclana de la Frontera€190,000

Desirable villa in excellent ordersituated in a tranquil residential

location on the outskirts ofChiclana de la Frontera. Amenitiesincluding restaurants, supermar-

kets, shops and pharmacy a shortwalk/drive away. Beaches and golf

courses just a 10-minute drive.

Chiclana de la Frontera€195,000

Well presented villa withindependent guest apartment and

private swimming pool situated in apopular residential location on the

outskirts of Chiclana de laFrontera. Town centre and

beaches just 15 minutes away.

Chiclana de la Frontera€199,995

La Barrosa, Chiclana€210,000 *REDUCED*

Beautiful country retreat in rurallocation. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths,

fitted ‘country’ kitchen, spaciouslounge/dining room, roof terracestable/outbuilding. 5,200sqm plot

Living space approx 250 sqm

Vejer de la Frontera€292,500

Property Page (Continued) If you are a private seller or a commercial agent,you can advertise your property for sale or rent here. This magazine is read by

thousands of people each edition and is also available to download online. Plus ifyou advertise here we will design for you a free webpage and give a free monthsrental on our website Call 856 101 803 or Email

[email protected] for more information on any of these properties.

Lovely detached villa with privatepool and low maintenance garden

close to the beaches of LaBarrosa. 3 double bedrooms. 2bathrooms, 1 ensuite. Modernfitted kitchen. Open plan living

room. Satellite TV, off-road park-ing BBQ area, Plot size 575sqm


Lovely villa with large garden andpool in a tranquil residentiallocation on the outskirts of

Chiclana. Bar/restaurant andsmall shop 2 minutes walk away,further amenities large supermar-kets, shops and pharmacy a short

drive. Beaches & golf 10-mins.

Chiclana de la Frontera€179, 995


6) If you buy a house off plan from a developer oragent they will ask you to sign a purchase contractand pay a deposit. You must take legal advice beforeyou sign the contract. Remember all contracts inSpain are in Spanish. Some agents offer an Englishtranslation but not all. If your solicitor is happy withthe contract you will sign and pay a reservation depo-sit. You will then make stage payments for theproperty. The conditions of the stage payments arevariable and dependant on whether you are buying apre-built house or you are having the house built foryou. They are negotiable and your solicitor will dealwith them .

7) If you are buying a resale property it is normal tosign a compraventa (a promise to buy) and make adeposit. Again you need to speak to your solicitor be-fore you take this step. The deposit is normally ne-gotiable and depends on how soon you can finallysign and pay for the house. Deposits are non refun-dable.

8) There are a lot of papers which need to be chec-ked prior to purchasing a house and the first step is toobtain a Nota Simple for the property. This is nor-mally supplied by the selling agent but you can obtainthem on line or direct from the appropriate CouncilOffice for the area. This document requires a specia-list to look over it in order to assess the legal situationregarding the property. In addition many other thingsmust be checked prior to purchase as debts in Spaingo with the property not the owner.

9) Providing your solicitor is happy with all thepaperwork the next step would be the preparation ofa private contract (this only applies to resale proper-ties). This document is drawn up by the seller’ssolicitor and details the agreement for the sale of thehouse.

10) The next step is an appointment at the Notarywith all parties involved in the sale and purchasing ofthe property. You will require your passport and NIEdocuments as copies will be taken by the Notary. TheNotary will read over the sale of the property andexplains any pertinent points to the purchaser. If youdo not speak Spanish to a good level a translator willbe required to translate what is being said and vouchfor the fact that you understand the proceedings andwhat you have agreed to.

If you have any questions or need some moreadvice about property buying or selling in Spain,Cadiz Casa on 956 495 177

Buying and selling property inSpain can be complicated sohere is a simple 10 step guide tohelp you through the process,with estate agents, Cadiz Casa.

1) Consider carefully what type of property you wantto buy and make a list of the most important points.Use the internet to source information about the townor area you have in mind. Make a note of the agentsin the area who appear most often during your search.Companies with a high profile in the area are gene-rally the larger companies who have been establis-hed longer.

2) Always use a reputable estate agent. An SLcompany is the best as they are the equivalent of aLimited Company and will be registered at the Spa-nish equivalent of Companies House (Registro Mer-cantil) in Madrid. Ask for the company´s CIF number(registration number) and this will make it easy tolocate them in the Mercantil.

3) Before you can buy a house or a car in Spain yourequire a NIE number. This can be obtained throughyour solicitor or in person at the appropriate PoliceOffice. It can take 1-7 days, depending on how busythey are. This number is yours for life. If you decideto live in Spain it can be converted into a residential IDnumber.

4) When you meet the agent make clear to them whatyou want to buy, i.e how many bedrooms, bathrooms,what location, any special requirements most impor-tantly tell them the total budget. Remember in Spainthe house price has to have 7% of taxes plus othercosts added on. If you allow 10% to12% of the houseprice over and above this should cover you. Do not beafraid to tell the agent what you think of each house asyou view. If you are viewing with more than 1 agentin the same area you may be shown the same housetwice. All agents ask their clients to sign a viewingform. This form ties you to the agent with whom youhave viewed the property. If you are taken to thesame house with another agent you cannot buy withthem or you will be in breach of contract with the firstagent. If you are taken to the same house by a se-cond agent tell them that you have already viewed.

5) Once you have found the right house you need todecide if you want to return to Spain to sign all thepapers or if you want someone else to do that on yourbehalf. It may be cheaper and easier for you to makea Poder. This is a power of attorney in another per-sons name so they can sign all the paperwork for you.You may wish to appoint a relative who lives in Spain,a friend or your solicitor.

YYoouurr 1100 SStteepp GGuuiiddee ttoo BBuuyyiinngg aa PPrrooppeerrttyy iinn SSppaaiinn 29

“And now I just stand back and let the grillingprocess destroy any nutrition it might have had”


Oatmeal Facemask Preparation:Add the yogurt to the oatmeal in a small bowl andmix together. Warm a few drop of honey. To do this, warm aspoon under hot water for a minute, then add afew drops of honey to the spoon. Stir the honey into the yogurt and oatmealmixture. Apply the mask to the face. Leave it on for 10minutes, then rinse off with several splashes ofwarm water. Follow with a warm washcloth. Apply moisturizer.

Homemade facemasksHave yourselves a DIY Facial with thesehomemade facemask recipes.

Yoghurt Facemask This simple cooling mask is great for soothing asunburnt face. It's great for all skin types.Ingredients:•1 tbsp natural full fat yogurt, room temperature

•1 tsp runny honey (microwave for a few minutesto soften hardened honey)Preparation:Combine mixture, then apply to face and let sit for15 minutes. Wash face with steaming washcloth. For dry skin, use an extra tsp of honey. Oily skin? Add a few drops of fresh lime juice.

Strawberry Facemask for oily/acne prone SkinWhy buy acne products when you use

straw berries? Strawberries are a natural sourceof salicylic acid which is found in most over-the-counter acne medicines.Ingredients:•1/4 cup strawberries (fresh, not frozen please)•1/4 cup sour cream or non-flavoured yogurt

Preparation:Mash together the strawberries and yogurt or sourcream. Spread on face and wash after10-15 minutes.Oatmeal FacemaskTo cleanse and rejuvenate your skin,try this face mask which is suitable for all skintypes and is super simple to prepare. Ingredients:•1 tbsp oatmeal, finely ground•1 tbsp live, plain organic yogurt •A few drops of honey


New Home Needed for GoodPedigree Golden Retrievers

Two lovely dogs are in need of a new home astheir owner is moving. Saffron (right) is 8 yearsold and Chloe is 9 (left) Both are good pedrigreesand are have been neutered and chipped. Choleand Saffron would like to be rehomed together ifat all possible. They are very calm and good na-tured dogs and are fine with children and otheranimals. If you would like anymore informa-tion about Saffron and Chloe, please contactCate on 645 531 877


Access to the Woods can be from either the old340El Colorado road. It is clearly marked (nearthe Repsol garage) or from Carratera LasLagunas. This is the road that runs up from VentaFlorin toward the old 340. Halfway along this roadyou will see a turning to your left, Callejon deBorreguitos. The second entrance to the woods isopposite this road.Have you got a favourite Dog Walk you canshare? Email me and we can include it next time.

Finally, I am hoping to start up a Dog Club/Society/ Support Group in the Chiclanaarea. The main purposes for this being;1 To help those of you who take in stray orabandoned dogs with advice (from those of uswho have been there) and with practical help, ifneeded.2 To help people who have lost their dogs, withemotional or practical support.3 To share information about what is going onthe Doggie World. Either through a newsletter orverbally.4 Possible monthly walks5 Activities to raise money for the local dogcharities.If you have any thoughts on this pleaseemail me [email protected]

Next time.....Dangerousfoods that your dogshould avoid, Kimber theAlsation, Top Ten Doggienames. Is your doggie´sname there?

Pet Page New! DOG CHAT Featureby Marylin at Wagtails;


It would appear that we British are a soft touchwhen it comes to taking in rescue dogs. My owndog Rico falls into this category. Like many othershe was found near the bins, a tiny scrap of fur,covered in paint and cement. Home with us hecame, scared and hungry,and after a difficult start,a lot of patience and hard work and love he grewinto a wonderful faithful dog. Rico loves it whenother dogs come to stay and share all his toys. Hisonly fault is ‘ tennis balls’, of which he has somesort of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! Anyonewho is sitting down is fair game to play ball for anhour or six. So when you visit us make sure youhave plenty of time to spare, or stay standing!!!Rico’s chum Max, another rescue dog, has asimilar problem. He also has the amazing ability ofgetting 3 tennis balls in his mouth at one time. Heis the only dog I know that can do this. Unless youknow different!

Walk of the Month: Chiclana Woods.I have been visiting Chiclana Woods and Park forover 5 years, both with my own and visiting dogs.There are so many different types of walk therethat you never get bored and it is very safe anddoggie friendly.

You can go for the flat and easy walk by sticking tothe laid out Caminos. Or, for the more playful dogs,you can walk all through the trees, collect pinecones and watch the rabbits. For the moreenergetic you can climb up the fairly steep slope tothe top and look out over the woods and across toChiclana or Barossa. You can follow the easy pathto the old quarry. Beautiful. The dogs love it too.Plenty of space to run. There are stone picnictables, benches and water taps on route.

La Página de las Mascotas¡Novedad! Sección CHAT PERRUNO


Parece que los británicos tenemos un puntodébil cuando se trata de la recogida deperros. Mi perro Rico entra dentro de estacategoría. Como muchos otros lo encontra-mos cerca de la basura, una pequeña matade pelos, lleno de pintura y cemento. Nos lotrajimos a casa, asustado y hambriento, ydespués de un comienzo difícil, muchapaciencia, trabajo duro y amor se convirtió enun perro magnífico y leal. A Rico le encantacuando vienen otros perros y comparte susjuguetes. Su único defecto son la "pelotas detenis", ¡ya que tiene un poco de complejoobsesivo compulsivo! Cualquiera que estésentado es ideal para jugar con la pelotadurante una hora o seis. Así que cuando ven-gan de visita asegúrese de contar con muchotiempo libre, ¡o permanecer de pie!

Max, el colega de Rico, otro perro recogido,tiene un problema parecido. También tiene lahabilidad de meterse tres pelotas de tenis ala vez en la boca. Es el único perro queconozco que puede hacer esto. ¡A no ser queconozcan a otro!

El Paseo del Mes: Los Bosques de Chiclana.Llevo yendo a los Bosques y al Parque deChiclana durante 5 años, con mis propiosperros y con los que vienen de visita. Existentantos caminos diferentes que nunca teaburres y es muy seguro para los perros.

Pueden dar un paseo por la parte llana y fácilsiguiendo los caminos ya marcados. O paraaquellos perros a los que les gusta jugar,pueden pasear por entre los árboles, recogerpiñas y mirar a los conejos. Para los másenérgicos, pueden subir la pendiente hasta lacima desde donde se puede ver Chiclana o laBarrosa. Pueden seguir el camino que va a lacantera vieja. Precioso. A los perros tambiénles encanta. Muchoespacio por dondecorrer. Existenmesas de piedrapara picnics,bancos y grifos a lolargo del camino.

Se puede acceder a los bosques desde laantigua carretera 340 de El Colorado. Estáindicado con claridad (junto a la gasolineraRepsol) o viniendo desde la carretera LasLagunas. Esta es la carretera que va desde laVenta Florín hacia la antigua 340. A mitad decamino, verán un giro a la izquierda, el callejónde Borreguitos. La segunda entrada al bosqueestá enfrente de esta carretera.

¿Tiene alguna ruta favorita que deseecompartir? Mándemela por email y laincluiremos la próxima vez.

Para terminar, me gustaría crear un Club/Sociedad/ Grupo de Apoyo para Perros en lazona de Chiclana. El motivo principal:1 Ayudar a aquellos que recojan perroscallejeros o abandonados con consejos (porparte de personas que hayan pasado por dichaexperiencia) y con ayuda práctica, si fueranecesario. 2 Prestar apoyo emocional ypráctico a personas que hayan perdido su perro.3 Compartir información sobre el Mundo de losPerros. Ya sea de forma oral o por medio de unboletín informativo. 4 Paseos mensuales.5 Actividades para recaudar dinero para lasasociaciones benéficas locales para perros. Sitiene cualquier idea sobre este tema mándemeun email a [email protected]

En la próxima edición.....Comidas peligrosasque su perro debería evitar, Kimber la PastoraAlemana, los Mejores Diez Nombres de Perro.¿Se encuentra el nombre de su perro en lalista?


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everything and made sure the day went smo-othly. Finally thanks to all you brave golfers whoplayed and I’m sure it wont be a day you’ll forgetin a hurry! It is my hope that this event can takeplace every year to help raise funds for the localpeople who are in some way affected by thisterrible disease. I am pleased to announce that440€ was raised on the day, and a further 300€was kindly donated by Mick’s family with a grandtotal of 740€ raised for the AECC local CancerCharity in Chiclana. Once again a big thank youto everyone who was involved in this great dayand I hope to see you all again next year!”Lynda Haynes


If you have a story or a special achievement you would like to share with thereaders of Baywatch, please email your information at sales@baywatchon-

Michael Haynes Memorial Golf Day at VillaNueva Golf Club

A very popular and well loved member of thecommunity in Chiclana de la Frontera sadly dieda few months ago. To commemorate his life, aspecial golf tournament day was organised toraise money for a local cancer charity. Here isa message from Michael’s widow, Lynda Haynesto tell us more about the day.“I would like to thank everyone who participated in

the golf tournament on Thursday 20th May 2010 tocommemorate the life of my husband Michael, whodied of pancreatic cancer on 28th March this year.Despite the hurricane winds on the day, 40 golfersmanaged to complete the course, albeit a little worsefor wear. In the evening we had the prize giving anda meal. It was very emotional and wonderful for methat so many of Mick’s friends, as well as peoplewho didn’t know him so well, all turned up andplayed in such bad weather. I would like to thanksBryce and his staff at Villa Nuevo for donating atrophy and some of the prizes and also for makingthe event possible. I would also like to thankBill and BevMiller and John Murphy who organised

Further up the coast heading towards Rochesthere is a beach called Cala del Aceite, a seclu-ded coved beach just off the road to the harbour,with a wide sandy beach. It has very little facilitiesand some people may find access difficult;however it is a beautiful spot even if just viewedfrom the cliffs above. The Calas de Roche(pictured below) is a series of small covesbacked by steep cliffs with clear turquoisewaters. Access is primarily steps down the cliffside, however if it is seclusion that you arelooking for, then these small coves are for you.

Further along the beach is an unspoiledstretch of sandy beach backed by sand dunes,perfect in the summer months if the mainbeach is too busy. West of La Barrosa,towards the Island of Sancti Petri isPlaya Sancti Petri (picture below) anunspoiled beach with rock pools and sanddunes sheltering the beach. However thereare limited facilities.

CHICLANA DE LA FRONTERA AREAChiclana’s beaches are located 10-15 minutesdrive form the town centre. The main beach isPlaya la Barrosa (pictured below) which is a 8km long sandy beach with very good facilities,bars and restaurants that run along the mainpromenade.This is a very popular spot for locals andtourists alike.

CONIL DE LA FRONTERA AREAConil de la Frontera is a wide bay of brilliantgolden sand stretching for 14 km, backed bylarge cliffs to the north and small isolated coves.The main beach in town is Playa de Los Bateles,which is a long, sandy beach, ideal for familydays out, swimming and relaxing with goodfacilities and bars and restaurants nearby, it canbe busy in summer months. Playa La Fontanilla(pictured top) and Fuente de Gallo are acontinuation of Playa de los Bateles backed bylarge cliffs. In summer months these are lesscrowded and have adequate facilities.

Baywatch Guide to the Best BeachesPart 2: Conil, Chiclana and Cadiz Region

You may have your favourite beach on the Costa de la Luz...but here are few others thatmight take your fancy. Written for Baywatch Magazine by Veronica Penman


CADIZ AREAOn the approach to Cadiz, running parallel to the main road is Playa de laCortadura a long unspoiled sandy beach, popular with those who want to getaway from the more populated beaches or to surf in Cadiz. There are no bars orrestaurants close to this beach so is an ideal picnic spot. If you are looking for amore urban atmosphere, Playa La Victoria, is situated just along the coast inCadiz new town and is a 2km long excellent sandy beach with many facilities,bars and restaurants, ideal for family days out. It is also the main spot for thefamous “Barbacoa del Carranza” which takes place in August. Paya de la Caleta(pictured right) is located in a small bay between the most impressive seafortifications in the old town of Cadiz making this place, one of the most popularbeaches. It can be very busy in summer months but it has excellent facilitiesand great scenery, as portrayed in the Bond movie Die Another Day.

CCoommmmuunniittyy NNeewwss38

If you have any community events youwould like to advertise, or announcementsyou would like us to make, please callBaywatch on 856 101 803 or 697 552 936 oremail [email protected] and we willhappily broadcast them for you, free ofcharge.

CHICLANA WOMEN´S BREAKFAST CLUBThe next meeting for breakfast at The LemonTree is in September. It will be on Monday 6thSeptember at 10am with a talk from AnimalCharity owner Jackie Cotton. For moreinformation call Marie Brown on 956 534 443

KEEP FIT PLAY NETBALL! Chiclana locallyorganised Ladies Netball Team, currently have17 ladies who meet on a Sunday morning at 11until 12.30 at Millagrosa (a house near thegarden centre next to Venta Florin in Chiclana).Subs 2€. Any age, any ability! Just a lot of funand giggling. Call Lisa on 697 354 130

KEEP FIT PLAY TENNIS! Players meet at11am – 1pm every Sunday morning at theMatchpoint Tennis Courts, Novo Sancti Petri.New players always welcome - all levels andabilities. Call Suzanne on 664 410 719 forfurther information

MONDAY QUIZ NIGHT in Spetember is onMonday 13th September, venue to be advisedbut for the latest information please [email protected] or see our websiteat

KIMBA CAR BOOT SALE Every Sunday11am-3pm. New Venue - located in the heart ofEl Marquesado, at the Marquesado Neighbours'Association, past Venta Casa Curro and VentaEl Rodeo. Very affordable tapas at theAssociation's bar. Nice ambiance, pony rides forthe children.

PAGO´S PEDAL PUSHERS - NEW cyclingclub in Chiclana, all abilities and ages welcome,to ride from venta to venta or places of interest,distances 10K and or 20K. If you are interested,please call Barrie Cole on 634 319 365 or [email protected].

LOCAL BUSINESS Graham´s Uphostry aremoving back to the UK, however they inform usthat they wil be back intermittantly and canprovide cleaning services when they return. Formore information please email Graham [email protected].

NEW ANIMAL CHARITY FINAL FELIZ - CarBoot Sale held every Sunday between 10:00a.m. and 2:00 p.m. beside the AutoservicioSanta Ana and venta Casa Curro on theCarretera del Marquesado.

RADIO BAYWATCH community radio station,sponsored by Cadiz Casa, is broadcastingeveryday from 9am - 8pm Sunday to Thursdayand 9am -10pm Friday and Saturday. Listen into hear great music and local information for theregion as well as specialist shows form localpresenters and competitions. To tune in all youhave to do is visit anddont forget to send us your requests andfeedback to [email protected]

CLASSIFIED AD: Single Beds for Sale inChiclana: 2 sinlge beds (never used) plusmattresses and iron headboards for just 150€.total. Beds can be used as single or puttogether for a double. If you are interestedplease call David or Gloria on 628 147 489

NEW TO THE AREA? If you are new to thearea and would like to meet new people and getinvolved in community events, or need localinformation, feel free to email us here [email protected] or call 856 101 803or email [email protected] and we willdo our best to hep you out!

CHIFRA´s weekly Radio News in English on107,7 FM will be off air for the month of August.They will be back on air after the summer whenthe new radio station facilities have been re-fitted.ChiFRA also have news on the new town planningdocumnet that has now been released, for moredetails see the ChiFRA report in this edition ofBaywatch or visit their website at Chifra´s chairman Roger Holmes also reports onRadio Baywatch.


40Did You Know......

You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.

Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes or shark at-tacks. (So, watch your Ass )

Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you upin the morning.

Weekly Spanish Local Markets across the Costa de la LazMost towns across the Costa de la Luz hold a weekly market in the morning where locals cometo buy and sell. It has become an important part of the community not only in this area but all overSpain. As a result the markets are full of great atmosphere and spirt and of course a great placeto find a bargain or two! From clothes and shoes, handbags and jewellery to fresh local foodproduce and locally made souvenirs. The markets usually start at 10am and finish around 2pmbut in the high season you can often see evening markets to catch the tourists and holidaymakers who come out for a stroll after their evening meal.See the details of the weekly markets below:

• Cadiz Market - Monday (10am-2pm)• Chiclana Market - Tuesday (10am-2pm)• Chutane Market - Tuesday (10am-2pm)

• Conil Market - Friday (10am-2pm)• El Puerto de Santa Maria Market - Tuesday (10am-2pm)

• Jerez Markets- Monday (Food 10am-2pm)-Sunday (Flea 10am-2pm)

• Rota Market - Wednesday (10am-2pm)• San Fernando Market - Thursday (10am-2pm)

• Seville Market - Sunday (10am-2pm)

Costa De La Luz Tourist OfficeIf there is any other tourist information you would like to know about, or tocheck dates and times before you leave for an event, please contact theCosta de la Luz Tourist Office directly on telephone 0034 956 134 261.

The nice partabout living in a

small town is thatwhen you don'tknow what you

are doing,someone else



“Whats On” in and aroundThe Cádiz Province

in August and September2010

1st July – 26th August - Free family films inCadiz. The department of youth in Cadiz haveorganised for family films to be shown at theCollege of San Felipe Neri on Avenue deAndalucia in Cadiz. The tickets are free butthere is a limited number and you must collect aticket an hour before the film starts. The filmsshowing include Hannah Montana the Movie,Twilight and Ice Age 3. Details of the films andstart times are on our website however we areunsure as to whether these films will be shownin Spanish or English so it is wise to checkbefore you set out.

15th July - 15th September - Tapas RouteChiclana. 22 Ventas and restaurants in andaround Chiclana are taking part in this year´sTapas Route, where you can get a selectedtapa and a drink (soft drink or vino de Chiclana)for 2,20€. For more information see the article inthis editon of the Baywatch Magazine.

5th – 8th August- Summer fair in Zahara de losAtunes the annual Summer Fair and Festivalwill take place on August 5th at 11 pm in thePalais des Batteries where there will be music,dancing and ending with a firework display

Saturday 14th August - Reggae Jam Festivalin the Playa de Camposoto in San Fernando at9pm, admission free with Jamaican style musicand dancing and the winner of the nationalReggae Contest 2010.

Tuesday 17th August - Flamenco on theBalcony of the Gran Teatro Falla in Cadizwith Maria del Mar Fernandez at 10pm, free.María del Mar Fernández Cadiz is a singer whohas already scored a number of national awardsand has been on stage with dancers accom-panying major artists such as Joaquín Cortés,Antonio Canales, Carmen Cortés, and the newSpanish Ballet.

Saturday 21st August - Flamenco PartyNight in Vejer de la Frontera

Friday 27th August – Great JazzComposers and Big Band Jazz concert inCadiz at 10pm at the Castillo de Santa Cata-lina on Campo De Las Balas. You can buy tic-kets from the castillo box office 2 hours beforethe start of the show, and only purchase ticketsfor that day. For more information, call 956 226333

4th – 19th September Harvest FestivalParty in Jerez de la Frontera. Jerez celebra-tes the annual harvest and cultural and socialdevelopment of the city.

Sunday 12th September – 3rd Air Festivalin the Playa Victoria in Cadiz, The III CadizAir Festival is organised by the City of Cadiz incollaboration with the Armed Forces and theSpanish Council of Air Festivals and is part ofthe National Air festival circuit. In its twoprevious editions, the festival was anunprecedented success, bringing together300,000 people along the beaches of the city.For more information see

Friday 24th September - Courts Bicenten-nial Party in San Fernando. The celebrationof this "Bicentennial " has been developed du-ring the year 2010 and has a program whichwill include, among other acts : 3D virtual re-creations,cinema, concerts, riding themed lightand sound shows , regattas, exhibitions. Formore information see

29th September – 3rd October - Feria deSan Miguel in Arcos de la Frontera

30th September – 3rd October - Exhibitionof innovation and tourism in Chiclana, atradeshow at the Feria ground near the bullring in the centre of Chiclana. The show aimsto demonstrate and promote businesses inChiclana, both existing and entrepreneurialideas.All events are correct at time of going to print,however to avoid disappointment, pleasecheck with the venue before you leave.


Radio Baywatch Weekly Broadcasting Schedule


Monday09:00 - 12:00 Breakfast Show with Colin Wood LIVE!12:00 - 13:00 Feel Good Music13:00 - 14:00 Golden Oldies Hour14:00 - 14:30 A Good Read - Audio Book14:30 - 16:00 Chill Out by the Pool (or guest presenter)16:00 - 18:00 Sports Round Up with Dave Davies LIVE!18:00 - 19:30 Number Ones Of the Decade 19:30 - 20:00 A Good Read; repeated from 14:30 today

Tuesday09:00 - 12:00 Breakfast Show with Colin Wood LIVE!12:00 - 14:00 Ed Cherrey´s Picks LIVE!14:00 - 14:30 A Good Read - Audio Book 14:30 - 16:00 Chill Out by the Pool (or guest presenter)16:00 - 18:00 Bob Hamilton´s Country & Western Show 18:00 - 19:30 The UK Top 30 19:30 - 20:00 A Good Read; repeated from 14:30 today.

Wednesday09:00 - 12:00 Breakfast Show with Colin Wood LIVE!12:00 -14:00 Elaine Grant´s Mix Bag LIVE!14:00 - 14:30 A Good Read - Audio Book 14:30 - 16:00 Chill Out by the Pool (or guest presenter)16:00 - 18:00 Poppy´s PlaytimeLIVE!18:00 - 19:30 A different music genre each week(see website for updates) 19:30 - 20:00 A Good Read – repeated from 14:30 today

Thursday09:00 - 12:00 Breakfast Show with Colin Wood LIVE!12:00 -14:00 Ed Cherrey´s Picks LIVE!14:00 - 16:00 Gossip Girls LIVE!16:00 - 18:00 Bob Hamilton´s Mix Bag18:00 - 20:00 Kris Cody

Friday09:00 - 12:00 Breakfast Show with Colin Wood LIVE!12:00 -13:00 The Comedy Hour with Lee Dean LIVE!13:00 - 14:00 The Best of the 1990s and 2000s14:00 - 16:00 Dave Davies Fine Tuning LIVE!16:00 - 18:00 Pop Classics18:00 - 20:00 Luz Latino with Brian Moran20:00 - 22:00 Steve May´s Soul Essentials

Saturday09:00 - 12:00 Breakfast Showwith Christopher Cooke LIVE!12:00 -13:00 Golden Oldies Hour13:00 -14:00 Jugger´s Jazz LIVE!14:00 - 16:00 Gossip Girls (repeatof Thursdays show)16:00 - 18:00 Kris Cody (Repeatof Thursdays show)18:00 - 20:00 Dr Dance20:00 - 21:00 Andy Clark HouseMusic21:00 - 22:00 Rach Against theMachine

Sunday09:00 - 10:00 Sunday ClassicsHour10:00 - 12:00 Lee Dean´s Homeand Away LIVE!12:00 -14:00 The Good SportShow with Brian Lambert LIVE!14:00 - 14:30 A Good Read -Audio Book 14:30 - 16:00 Motown Music16:00 - 18:00 Steve May´sSunday Smoothies 18:00 - 19:00 Showtime – Musicfrom the Shows19:00 - 19:30 Classical Half Hour19:30 - 20:00 A Good Read -repeated from 14:30 todayAll shows subject to changeFor New shows and the latestbroadcast scedule, please see ourwebsite


This means that it should be a lot harder forpotential buyers to be duped into buying ahouse that appears to be normal and legal, butwas allowed to be finished and then occupiedbefore criminal proceedings were initiatedagainst the builder or the property. It also meansthat any house built before the law was passedwill not be affected, and unless it already has acourt case against it, or it is built on the beach,a riverbed, or on top of a monument, it shouldbe left alone.

I know that we won't be able to save everyhome, but if we even manage to save just one,I would like to feel that our efforts were not all invane. Please remember that local electionsstart early next year, so don't be tricked intothinking that Chiclana is “falling apart”, orChiFRA is “not pulling it's weight”.

This is the expected norm, as so many so called“concerned citizens” try to stir up the S**T to wincheap political points. Creating pressure groupsand then handing over the votes of people thatthey have frightened into a panic, to theirmasters. Believe me “they don't care aboutwhat is best for you”, they only want what is intheir own interest. The next time one of these“concerned” people have a dig, ask them to putit in writing; I am sure that they would bereluctant to put their name to it!

On a lighter note, our weekly ChiFRA RadioNews on 107,7 FM will be off air for the monthof August. We will be back on air after thesummer when the new radio station facilitieshave been re-fitted.

Have a great summer!Roger Alan HolmesPresident

Well here it is, the latest Hot news fromChiFRA!

The publication of the long awaited new, newtown planning document was announced onMonday the 12th of July, after months of planningand hard work. As with any public document, wehave a limited time to add our comments andrecommendations to it. ChiFRA is currentlyworking to those ends on behalf of ourmembership.

The main point is the addition of several hundred(if not thousand) houses to the previous PGOUplan (hopefully none have been removed). Allo-wing many innocent victims, to finally have theshadow of a bulldozer lifted from their home andoffered a chance to become part of the solution.As I was fortunate enough to buy my olderproperty with legal deeds, electricity and tele-phone etc. I can't imagine how much some ofthese good people must have suffered, living inthe 3rd world conditions that they were made toendure. Having their electricity cut off andtreated as criminals, for trusting a lawyer or otherprofessional person and investing their lifesavings in Spain.

I started to help ChiFRA when I noticed so manyof my friends and neighbours were living in thisdifficult and unjust way. Thanks to ongoingnegotiations there is talk that many homes maybe able to get their electricity re- connected bythe new year! I just hope that we can get asmany people as possible back to a normal 20thcentury lifestyle, with water and electricity, assoon as possible. Laws were passed inAndalusia earlier this year, stating that the localcouncils and government bodies now have thenecessary legal tools and the right to “Bulldoze”any new construction that has been built withoutthe proper paperwork, within one month fromdetection.

Baywatch Puzzle SolutionsSee how many you got right.....



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Place in a shallow dish and rub the lemon orlime juice, and salt, into the flesh. Leave forabout half an hour.

2. Mix all of the other ingredients together andrub thoroughly into the chicken. Cover andleave to stand overnight in refrigerator.

3. Place the marinated chicken over mediumhot coals and grill for about 25 to 30 minutesuntil cooked. Turning occasionally and bastingwith any remaining marinade.

4. Serve on a bed of lettuce and onion ringswith a wedge of lemon. Accompanied withnaan bread and tandoori chutney.

Refreshing Summer Drinks, courtesy of Poppy, from RadioBaywatch

Cloudy Lemonade for a Sunny Day1 litre of chilled fizzy water2 whole, un-waxed lemons cut into eighths 4 x 15ml tablespoons of caster sugar or to tasteIce cubesMethod: Put the water, lemons and sugar into a blender in two batchesand blitz until the lemon is puréed. Strain the lemonade into a jug, pressingdown into a sieve, and then pour into tumblers, with ice. If the mood takesyou, consider adding a handful of raspberries into the blender to make pinklemonade. Serves 4-6Henry Sunshine1 shot of vodka1 shot of Elderflower liqueur1 shot of Cointreau triple sec2 shots of orange juiceLemonadeOrange zest twist for garnishing

Method: Shake the vodka, Elderflower, Cointreau and orange juice withice and strain into an ice filled tall glass. Top with lemonade, stir, addgarnish and serve with straws For more delicious cocktail recipies, tunein to Poppy´s Playtime on Radio Baywatch, every Wednesday from4pm - 6pm via


Baywatch Summertime Food andDrink Ideas

As it is summertime and holiday season hereon the Costa de la Luz, we thought we´d giveyou a lovely outdoor BBQ recipie to try alongwith some cool summer cocktails to enjoy onthose long summer evenings (or anytime ofcourse!).

BBQ Tandoori Chicken Serves 6

Ingredients:6 large chicken legs 4 tablespoons of lime orlemon juice 1 teaspoon of salt Marinade:9 fl oz (265ml) of yoghurt, 3 tablespoons ofmustard oil, 9 cloves of garlic (crushed), 1.5teaspoons of salt, 2.5 teaspoons of paprika,2.5 teaspoons of ground coriander,2.5 teaspoons of ground cumin, 1.5teaspoons of ground ginger, 0.5 teaspoons offood coloring powder i.e ColoranteAlimentario (used in paella).

1. Skin the chicken and slashthe flesh withshort gashes

Schools Out for the Summer....If you have had exams this summer you will be pleased they are all over

now...but lets hope you did better than some of these examples of UK examanswers: