Battlefield New York (videogame) Manual

Content 1) Story 2) The City 3) Controls -Basic -Advanced 4) Multiplayer Mode 5) About your computer -Required system. -Recommend system. -System settings -Known videocard-problems and solutions 6) Last words 1) STORY Gloria knew she should have listened to her inner voice, even before she took that last job in L.A. She really doubted she had any trustworthy allies left after the media attention this last job was drawing. Maybe her contact Hermes, if she could find him in New York, could be of help? Everything had gone wrong. The Hollywood producer's death had gone public far too soon and the bomb had done far more damage than anyone had intended. She'd spent most of a horrible flight to New York on some inconspicuous third-class airline, feeling more like the prey she so often stalked than the sophisticated professional killer she was. New York cold wind chills her to the bone as she stands watching the traffic around the Airport, still dressed in her L.A clothes. She asked herself how far she could get on these few stolen dollars left? It wasn’t even enough to pay for a taxi.

Transcript of Battlefield New York (videogame) Manual

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1) Story2) The City3) Controls


4) Multiplayer Mode5) About your computer

-Required system.-Recommend system.-System settings-Known videocard-problems and solutions

6) Last words

1) STORYGloria knew she should have listened to her inner voice, even before she took that last job in L.A. She really doubted she had any trustworthy allies left after the media attention this last job was drawing. Maybe her contact Hermes, if she could find him in New York, could be of help? Everything had gone wrong. The Hollywood producer's death had gone public far too soon and the bomb had done far more damage than anyone had intended. She'd spent most of a horrible flight to New York on some inconspicuous third-class airline, feeling more like the prey she so often stalked than the sophisticated professional killer she was.

New York cold wind chills her to the bone as she stands watching the traffic around the Airport, still dressed in her L.A clothes. She asked herself how far she could get on these few stolen dollars left? It wasn’t even enough to pay for a taxi.

The next few days will be critical for her as she desperately searches for money and the kind of contacts she can count on for help. Otherwise she might be arrested by the cops, or even killed by her opponents. Gloria doesn't like both options.

You will start the game driving a stolen yellow cab, during the course of the game you will earn your way up to the top again by completing 20 missions, divided in 5 episodes. Each episode represents a change in Gloria’s overall situation. Tasks may vary from getting someone out of danger to the opposite: running someone over with your car. You will be swallowed into the world of crime, when you take out your first cop car, rob your first bank or perform your first

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breakout from jail. It's clear you start to change from a sniper-orientated assassin to a real criminal with a wide range of criminal skills...

2) THE CITYManhattan is a dangerous place to be, especially for Gloria. Both the police and mafia are looking for her, for the reason: she does her job much too well. When you drive on the streets, watch out for the following enemies:

Picture1: Police

Picture2: Mobster

These two enemies will recognize you quite easily because of your wild driving style. But if you cause havoc among the streets, like blowing up cars or running over pedestrians, the police will call for backup. Police vehicles will be about, tracking and stopping you from doing more damage.

Picture3: Police vehicle

If your car is damaged because of aggressive actions towards Gloria or bad driving skills, try to find a car repair garage. Some are visible from the streetside, while others are hidden. The more

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you play, the better you know where to find them.

Picture4: Garage

To protect yourself, your car has the ability to collect and use bonus objects. Bonus objects are divided into two categories: weapons and others.Available Weapons: (press shift to activate)

Picture5: Gattling-gun: It is very useful for close combat, or to clear the streets from polices and mobsters.

Picture6: Grenades: Dropped on the street to detonate depending on how long you press the trigger when dropping them. Blow away everyone who tries to follow you.

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Picture7: Rockets: Mass-destruction for mid-range combat. Do not brake while firing rockets!

Picture8: Flame thrower: Excellent weapon for both cars and pedestrians.

Picture9: Homing missile: Lock with <enter> and fire with <shift>, this is the weapon you need for long distance attacks.

Available others: (press "H" to activate. "H" is the default key for your "horn")

Picture10: Jump: Comes in handy in crowded traffic or other possible danger.

Picture11: Hammer: Red vision, indestructeable and power like a tank: The only bad thing is that it is time limited.

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Picture12: Boost: Also known as suicide.

Some lower-class bonuses can be used to get a higher-class bonus. For example: you can use a boost to jump further, and therefore reaching a secret place. There are many secret places in Manhattan.

3) CONTROLSBasicPress the up arrow key to accelerate and the down arrow key to brake. Steer your vehicle by pressing the left or right arrow key. If you have problems steering, you can try mouse-controls. It is a fact that especially un-experienced race game players find the mouse settings very convenient. Give it a try as it is specially developed for this user group.

AdvancedYou can perform powersliders with the handbrake. Beside from stopping your car, experienced drivers can also perform faster 90, 180 and even 360 turns with the handbrake. The handbrake can be used to regain an out of control car or make you crash more if not used wisely. The default key to activate the handbrake is "SPACEBAR". Very experienced drivers can use this (with the right timing) to perform a burnout for increased acceleration.

To warn other road users (or just to answer the call of the city jungle when you are stuck in traffic once again) you can blow the horn by pressing the "H" key. This key is also used for special functions like "Jump" and in some special cases "Boost".

Weapons can be fired with the "shift” key. Some weapons are fired backwards such as grenades, some are fired forwards such as the flame thrower and others just go everywhere such as rockets. The homing missile requires the key "enter" to lock on to the target before it can be fired.

Tips and tricks:- Use strategically placed boosts to get to places you can't normally reach otherwise. - Use the "B" key to look backwards quickly. - Get off the road and use the four wheel drive of your car! This is a great way to find more and better weapons, shortcuts and dodge traffic.

In short:Arrow up: Speed up/drive forwardArrow down: Slow down/brake/drive backward

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Arrow left: Steer leftArrow right: Steer rightSPACE/CTRL: Handbrake (for braking and sliding)SHIFT: Horn/Activate bonus or weaponL: Toggle headlightsK: Kick out passengerB: Look backwardR: New starting point (car will be placed at a random place in the district in exchange for money)ESC: leave the game and get back to the main menuF1-F10: You can switch camera modes with the function keys (F1, F2, F3, etc)1-7: Screams/comments of your driver in multiplayer matches

4) MULTIPLAYER MODEIf you have the pleasure of a LAN-based network, you can challenge some friends or enemies in the multiplayer modes. There are several modes which will tell if your friends are worthy opponents.

The list of all running games:

Here you’ll find all BATTLEFIELD NEW YORK multiplayer games listed that are currently running in your LAN network. Enter the multiplayer waiting room by double-clicking on a game.You can also start a new game here

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The Multiplayer Waiting room

Window „Cars“Choose the car you’d like to cruise around New York with and show which vehicles your friends and enemies are driving.

Window „Player names“All usual suspects are listed here with their alias.

Window „Chat“Enter messages, find allies, insult others and read their answers.

Window „Game infos“If you joined a game you cannot change any settings. When starting a new game you can change every detail of it.Details to be changed are:- Name of the match- Game mode- Mission scenario (based on the single player maps)- Traffic density (the larger the bar, the more cars there are around New York)- Time-limit

Traffic lightClick on the traffic light when you are ready to start, it will change from red to green. If all contestants are ready the game will begin.

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The multiplayer modesRace 1:Everyone has their own chain of destinations to follow. The one with more destinations reached in a given time wins.

Race 2:Everyone has the same destination to drive to. If one player reaches the destination first, he gets a point and a new destination is selected for ALL players. The old destination point is deactiveated.

Cops & Robbers:Robbers10 points for collecting the gold and bringing it to the headquarter.1 point for eliminating a police carCops10 points for eliminating the gold transport1 point for eliminating a mafia car

Elimination a team member of the same team scores 1 point for the opponents.

Deathmatch:Elimination of an opponent for 1 point

5) ABOUT YOUR COMPUTERRequired system.CPU: 800 Mhz RAM: 256 MbVIDEO: 32MB 2nd generation TnL card. HDSPACE: 500 MB

Recommend system.CPU: 1600 Mhz RAM: 512 MbVIDEO: 64MB 3rd generation TnL card. HDSPACE: 500 MB

System settings This chapter will help you get the best out of BATTLEFIELD NEW YORK, so it is important for your own gaming pleasure that you read this chapter thoroughly.Unless mentioned otherwise, the options listed below can be found in the "video" options menu.

Display settingsThe default setting, 800x600 in 32 bit colour, is best for most systems. On most high-end graphics cards that are capable of running BATTLEFIELD NEW YORK, it will not result in faster game play if you lower this setting. If you have a fast graphics card, such as Ati9700 or GeforceFx, then you can try higher resolutions without slowing down the game.

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Texture detailThe default setting "high" is best for almost all systems. Some graphics cards might have problems (such as not enough fill rate or memory) so only if you suffer bad performance, then try to lower this setting.

ShadowsGraphics cards less then Ati 9700 or Nvidia fx, the shadow should be disabled for performance reasons.

Reflection DetailThe default setting is the fastest setting, if you want the game to look a bit better you can try "realtime sky".

View DistanceThis is usually the most effective setting to speed up the game. The lower this setting, the faster the game runs.

FX densityThis setting lowers the special effects. On most graphics cards the speed up won't be noticed whereas on others it might help.

World reflection qualityUse "low quality" for faster and smoother game play or use "high quality" if you want the reflections in the windows of buildings to be more correct, at the cost of performance.

Max Channels (audio menu)If you do not have that much memory, try lowering this setting. If you suffer from frame rate stutters, this will now be less at the cost of sounds.

6) Contact info and websites

BATTLEFIELD NEW YORK © 2005 Contendo Media Ltd. All rights reserved.