Battle of Badr - Part I

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Transcript of Battle of Badr - Part I

  • 8/9/2019 Battle of Badr - Part I


    Battle of Badr - Part I[Martin Lings - Abu Bakr Siraj ad-Deen]

    The Prophet now drew up his army, and he passed in front of each man to give them

    good heart and to straighten the ranks, bearing an arrow in his hand.

    "Stand in line, O Sawad", he said to one of the Helpers who was too far forward, and

    he gave him a slight prick in the belly with his arrow. "O Messenger of God, thouhast hurt me," said Sawad, "and God hath sent thee with truth and justice, so give

    me my requital." "Take it," said the Prophet, laying bare his own belly and handinghim the arrow whereupon Sawad stooped and imprinted a kiss where it was his due

    to place a point of the shaft.

    "What made thee do this?" said the Prophet. And he answered: "O Messenger ofGod, we are now faced with what thou seest; and I desire that at my last moment

    with thee-if so it be- my skin should touch thy skin;" and the Prophet prayed for him

    and blessed him.

    Quraysh had now begun to advance. Seen across the undulating dunes, the Meccan

    army appeared to be much smaller than it was. But the Prophet was fully aware oftheir true numbers and of the great disparity between the two hosts, and he now

    returned to the shelter with Abu Bakr and prayed for the help which God had

    promised him.

    A light slumber came upon him, and when he woke he said: "Be of good cheer, Abu

    Bakr; the help of God hath come to thee. Here is Gabriel and in his hand is the rein

    of a horse which he is leading, and he is armed for war."

    In the history of the Arabs many a battle had been averted at the last minute, evenwhen the two forces were drawn up face to face. But the Prophet was now certainthat the battle would take place, and that this formidable array was the one of the

    two parties that he had been promised.

    The vultures also knew that carnage was imminent and they were already in wait tofeed on the carcasses of the slain, some wheeling overhead and others perched on

    the rocky slopes in the rear of either army. It was, moreover, clear from the

    movements of Quraysh that they were preparing to attack. They were already nearand now halted within easy reach of the cistern which the Muslims had made. It

    seemed likely that their first move would be to take possession of it.

    Aswad of Makhzum strode ahead of the others, clearly intending to drink. Hamzah

    went out to meet him and struck him a blow which severed one of his legs below the

    knee, and a second blow which killed him.

    Then Utbah, still smarting from the taunts of Abu Jahl, stepped from the ranks and

    gave the challenge for single combat; and for the further honour of the family of his

    brother Shaybah and his son Walid stepped forward on either side of him.

  • 8/9/2019 Battle of Badr - Part I


    The challenge was immediately accepted by the Awf of the Najjar clan of Khazraj,

    who had been one of the first six of the Helpers to pledge themselves to the Prophet;

    and with Awf stepped forward his brother Mu'awwidh. It was their quarter in Medinathat Qaswa had chosen as the ultimate halt of the Hijrah. The third to accept the

    challenge was 'Abd Allah ibn Rawahah. Who had defied his leader Ibn Ubayy in

    speaking words of welcome and comfort to the Prophet.

    "Who are ye?" said the challengers. When the men answered, 'Utbah said "Ye are

    noble and our peers, yet we naught to do with you. Our challenge is against nonebut men of our own tribe." Then the herald of Quraysh shouted: "O Muhammad,

    send forth against us our peers from our own tribe." The Prophet had not intended

    anything else, but the eagerness of the Helpers had forestalled him. Now he turnedto his own family. Since it was above all for them to initiate the battle. The

    challengers were two men of mature age and one youth.

    "Arise, O 'Ubaydah," he said. "Arise, O Hamzah. Arise, O Ali." 'Ubaydah was theoldest and most experienced man in the army, a grandson of Muttalib, and he faced

    Utbah while Hamzah faced Shaybah and Ali faced Walid.

    The combats were not long: Shaybah and Walid were soon lying dead on the ground,

    while Hamzah and Ali were unhurt: but at the moment Ubaydah struck Utbah to the

    ground he received from him a sweep of the sword that severed one of his legs. Itwas a triple contest, three against three, so Hamzah and Ali turned their swords on

    'Utbah, and Hamzah gave him the death blow. Then they carried their wounded

    cousin back to their camp. He had lost a mortal quantity of blood, and the marrowwas oozing from the stump of his leg. He had only one thought. "Am I not a martyr,

    O Messenger of God?" he said as the Prophet approached him. " Indeed thou are" heanswered.

    The tense stillness between the two hosts was now broken by the sound of an arrow

    from Quraysh, and a freedman of Umar feel to the ground, fatally wounded.

    A second arrow pierced the throat of Harithah, a youth of Khazraj, as he wasdrinking at the cistern. The Prophet now exhorted his men saying: "By Him in whose

    hand is the soul of Muhammad, no man will be slain this day, fighting against them

    in steadfast hope of his reward, advancing not retreating, but God shall straightawayenter him into Paradise."

    His words were passed on by those who heard them to those who were out of

    earshot. Umayr of the Salimah clan of Khazraj had a handful of dates which he waseating. " Wonder of wonders!" he exclaimed. "Is there naught between me and my

    entering Paradise, but that these men should slay me?", and he flung away the datesand put his hand to his sword and, in eager readiness for the word of command.