Battelle Memorial Institute D/N 070-00008, FSSR# 24 ... · North (\!'JX) and South (1;JS) Sitcs....


Transcript of Battelle Memorial Institute D/N 070-00008, FSSR# 24 ... · North (\!'JX) and South (1;JS) Sitcs....

  • Final Characterization iInd Final Status Report fur thc Arciis Surrounding utid Including the Active Middle Filter Bed

    fhision Data Compiled Bj - :

    ( 3 . &------- 3khe /k Z b U L 1)i.W Kcith'tlnderson. Site Radiation Safety Officer

    b& I os urc h.1 an a yer DlllC

    Contract Number: DE-AC24-0-IOI-I20 171

    Final Characlerizaiion and Final Status Report for the Areas Surrounding and Including the AMFB. Kc\. 2 June 16. 2006 Page ii

  • This rcpon is a \\.ark prcparcd cor the United Staics Go\.emmenr hj ECC & E2 Closurc Sttr\'iccs. 1.I.C'. In no ei'cnt shall cithcr the United States Goivmincni or ECC R: 1-2 Closurc Scnices. LLC have any responsibility or liabilily for an}' consequences of any use. misuse. inability to use. or reliance upon the infomiation as uscd by othcr partics c o n l a i d hcrein, nor docs ii either ivarrant or otheruisc represent in any \\a\' the accuracy. adcquac).. efficacy. or applicabilit). of the contents hereol'to other panics.

    Final Characterization and Final Status Rcpon for the Areas Surrounding and Including the AMFB. Re\.. I! June 16.2006 Page i i i

  • 1 .o 1.1 2.0 2.1 3 .o 3 . I -1.0 -1.1 -1.1 -1.2. I 5.0 5.1

    5 .3 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7.0 8.0

    - 7 3.-

    Table of Contents

    Introduction.. . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . I Background ..............................................,.......................................,.............,.... I

    Site 1)cscrtption ....................................................................................................... 3 Arc3 Description ................................................................................................. 3

    Lkcommtssioning Acti\~tics ................................................................................... 6 Decommissioning 0bjcctit.e ................................................ . .............................. 6

    Final Status S u n q Procedures .............................................................................. 7 Sanipling Parameters ....................................................,................ . ............... ..... 7 h h i or C o t i t am inan t s I deli1 i lied . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . 7 Guidelines Establishcd ............................................................................ ............ 7

    9 Equipment and Proccdurcs ..................................................................................... 9 Eqiii pmcnt . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Scanning Minimum Detectable Actit'ifics .......................................................... 9 9 Proccdurcs . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . .. . . . .. .

    Survey I.indlngs .................................................................................................... I 1 Esposiire Rate Sur\*cys ..................................................................................... I 1 Grounds and Excmution Sampling ............................................ ....................... 1 1 Scanning >kasurt.mcnts .................................................... ............................... 1 1 Rad ioanal ytic a1 Report i 112 Limit j . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Elc\.ated Areas of Actiieity ................................................................................ 12

    Rcfcrcnces ............................................................................................................. 15

    . .

    . . . . . .

    -. .

    Conclusions ........................................................................................................... I4

    Figures Figure 1 Site Map Figure 2 Figure 3 I'igure 4 ligurc. 5

    Areas Surrounding and Including the AMFB Map Abandoned Pipcs Ad-jacent to Excavation Sctrfacc Areas and Cicneral Location of Anomalies on Ilscavntion Floor Surface Arms and General Location 01' Anomalies on I'scavation U'alls

    Table 1 Table 2

    Table 3

    Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9

    Tables Charactcrization Data of Vitritied Cla! Pipes I3CI.DP Guidelines For Residual Radioactivity Conccntrations For Soil Aiid Solid Volumes Cesium-1 37 Surrogale Analysis Data 61: Modificd Cs- I37 Screening C'ritcria AMFB :kea Lhposure Rate Sunxy (pR'hr) AhlFR Area Soil Samples. Cs-137 Activit\- (pCi/g) AhlFB Area b'alkover Suneey (cpm) AhiFB Area Final Status Sunley Summary hIIIA of Gamma-I:milting Radionuclides of' Coiicern Fraction of L.iiiiil Calculation

    final Characterization and Final Status Report fotthe Areas Surrounding and Including the AXlFB. Rev. Z June 16,2006 Page iv

  • 1.0 Introduction

    This report contains tlic tinal status surveys (FSS) for the k e a s Surrounding and Including the Active Middle Filter Bcd (AMFB) located at the Columbus Closurc Project (CCP). 1425 Plain City/Georgesville Road Statc Route 142 East. \'est Jefferson. OH 43 162. tinal status sun.cys werc conducted according to the guidance prescntcd in the , \ h i i d fin- Comiiicriug Si i rvqs ir i Siipporl qf Liwiise Terniiiiiitiori. NUREG/C'K-5849. and die Kdiologisitl ~'lim.~tcrer.i~tirioii ciiiti Find S k i r i i s P lmj i i r . B ~ r r ~ d l e C O I I ~ I I I ~ I L V 1.cihoi-urories Decoi~rnri .F,~i~~ii~i~ Piwjcct, Wesr Jc!jiv*.so)i Sire. DU-97-02 (Final Status Plan) (Uattclle. 2000). The final status surveys it'crt' conducted in November of 2005 and perfomicd under lj'ork Instruction 3806 (Closure S c n k s . 2004).

    The i n ~ c n ~ of this final status sur\.cy report is IO pro\-ide a coniplctc and unanlbiguc~us record o f the radiological status of the AhEB escmpation. Sufficient infornlation and data is pro\.ided to enable an independent re-creation and evaluation at some fuiurc date of both thc sun.ey acti\.itics and the reported results for the escavation. Infomiation in this rcport is also availablc i n refercnced technical basis documents. final status survey plans. rcchnical procedures. the Rcrr[ulle ,\kntoi-itil his/i[urc Colrrrrrhirs (Ipciwriotis. Dec'cii~ii~iissianiii~ Plrri. DD-93- 19 (Bh41 Decommissioning Plan). and other reporting and quality assurance procedures.

    To the cstcnt practicable. this final status suney report is prcscntcd tvith minimal infomialion incorporated by refcrcnce. This final status suney report has been generated follo\\.ing the comprchensivc. annotated outline presented in Chapter 9 of NC'KEG-5849 (OR4U. 1 992).

    I . I Background

    On April 16. 1943. the Battelle Memorial lnstitutc (13111). acting throush \\hat is now its Battellc Columbus Operations (RCO). entered into Contract No. W-7405-ENG-91 lvith thc Maiihattan Engineering District (h4ED) to pertbnii atomic energy research and de\~lopment (R&:D) activities. HCO perfonned nuclear materials research and de\dopnient at privatcly-o\$ned facilities for the MED and its successor agcncics: the .4toinic Encrgy Cornniission (AEC). the Energ!, Research and Uc\*clopmmt Agcnq- (ERDA ). and the Department of Energ). (DOE). Research and development continued until I988 (Rattclle. 2003a).

    The BC'O facilities ai the King Avcnue Sitc, Columbus, Ohio. and tlic \'est .Icflkrson North (\!'JX) and South (1;JS) Sitcs. West Jefferson. Ohio. became partially radiologically contaminated as a rcsult of the K&D activities. L)ccontamination of the King Avenue and b+JS Sites has been completed and acth'ities continuc at thc \! J N she. The [ W E . as the siicctfssor to h e AEC and the

  • tacilities J~laiiagenient Program as a m ~ o r pro-iect (DOE. 1986). l h c 1)OI' is thc agency fiiiiding and managing the cleanup of the WJN (Battellc. 2003a). I lo\ic\u-. (he site is not a I)OE-on.ncd I'lci I it!..

    BhI I holds I I.S. Nucleiir Regulatory Conmission (NRC) liccnsc iiumbcr SNM-7. HR41 has continually operated and conducted D&D activities in f i l l compliance \\itti this N K C liccnsc and according to the 13MI Decommissioning Plan. The Rh4l I)ccomiiiissioning Plan lor the \'.IN site does not serve as a declaration to tcnninate SNM-7. but establish the critcria for pcrfoniiing Il&D activities. The end goal of the Bh31 I)ccon~iiiissioiiin~ Plan is to reach unrestricted use conditions for the site (Rattellc. 2003a).

    .. 1 he DOE has contracted ECC&E2 Closure Senkcs . LLC (Closure Services) to safel! rt.nio\'c DOE radioacti\-e materials and contamination from the U'JN site. Rcmo\A of raclioacti\x matt'rial \ \ i l l be to levels allouing future use of thc sitc ivithour radiological restrictions. as described in the BMI Decommissioning Plan, Closure Senices has conducted characterization and tinal status sun.eys for the areas surrounding and including thc AMFB excavation. The results of the sun*c!.s dernonstratc that these areas ha\ e heen rcmcdiated to levels albving future use tvithout radiological restrictions.

    Final Charac1cri;ration and I-inal Status Report for the Areas Surrounding and Including lhc A41FU. Rev. 2 June 16.2006 Page 2

  • 2.0 Site Description

    '1 lic Hattelle Columbus Dccoiiimissioning Project (HCLDP) was implenientcd i n 1084 IC) address the dccommissioning activities of nine buildings at thc King Avenuc sitc and li\.c a t the \VJK sile. The DOL' h a s subsequently truisitioned thc HCLDP to the Colunihus Closure Project (CCP). Closure Senvices is implementing and complctinp the CC'P undcr contract to the DOE.

    The N'.JN Site is \\-est ol'Colunibus. Ohio. The site is bounded by thc Bi_e Dub! Crcck. a national scenic and state protected r i \ w on thc cast. and farm lands to the \vest. south. and north. Immediately east ol'the Big Darby Creek art: ;1 Girl Scout camp and scvcral rcsidcntial neighborhoods. all \\ittiin '/2 mile ol' the site. Tlw CCP consists of the dccontaniination and dccoiiiniissioning of the W.TN site. Buildings JN-I. JN-2. ant1 JN-3 wcre the thrw radiological contaminated buildings locatcd \vi thin approximatel) 1 I .7 acrcs ofthc sitc. The tilter hcd area covers approsimatcly 2.6 acres. The buildings preiiousl!. contained a reactor. a plutonium test facility and radioacti\rc anal) sis laboratoq. three large hot cells. and a 50 foot deep fucl pool contaniinatcd u ith nuclcar fucl residuals. :\dditionally. extensive s a n i t q se\\'er s!.stcms of 4.000 linear feet of contaminated underground piping and filter beds h a t been rcniediated. Figurc 1 she\\ s the location of the WJN site and the AMFB area.

    2.1 Area Description

    The lilter bed area lies atop a slopcd field located to the east of the Lake Rattelle Dam m d to the \\'est of the Big Darby Creek. The area includes the:

    - Abandoned North Filter Bed(s). - Active h'orth Filter Ucd. - - Active hliddle Filter fkd.

    Abandoned Middlc Filter Bed. and

    'I'hc filter bed area coi'ers closc to 2.6 acres of land. The area has been divided into roughly 107. 10-meter by 10-nicter grids. with a total surface area of 10.700 sqiiarc mctc'rs (n?). Figure Z details the AAWB arca. l h e Act i \ -c Middlc Filter Bed is a surface sand filter sanitaq' s y s t m \\.hich currently sen'es the Battcllc Middlc sitc and is not radioac t i\.ely contam i natcd.

    Figure 2 illustrates the location and perimeter of the cscmation surrounding and including the AMFR area. Contamination rcsulting from the Abandoncd North I-ilter I3cd ( A b N F H ) encroached upon the AMFB. As such. the area surrounding and including thc AMFB escaation is considered to bc affected.

    Firial Characterization and Final Status Report for thc Areas Surrounding and Including rht AVFB. R r r . -7 June 16. 2006 Pagc 5

  • T\\o classiticitions of arcas arc used in NUREG-5849 and are ternicd iiffcctcd or unaffected. These classifications are defined as (NRC. 1992):

    Affwtcd Areas: Arcas that have potential radioactiw contaniinatioti (bascd on plant operating histon.) or knonn radioactiirc contamination (bascd on past or preliminan. radiological suncillance). This \\auld normall!- include a r e a ivhert: radioacti\.e materials \vcre uscd and stored. \\here records indicate spills or other unusual occurrenccs that could have resulted in spread of contamination. and \\here radioactive niatrrials were buried. Arcas inimcdiatel~~ siirroiinding or adjacent to locations whcre raclioacti\.c rnatcrials were used. stored. or buried are includcd in this classification because of tlic potential cor inad\utcnt spread of contrrni inat ion.

    l'naffcctcd Areas: All arcas not classified as at'licted. Thew areas arc not expected to contain residual radioactisit!. based on kno\\lcdge o f site history and pre\.ious infomiation.

    I h c arcas surrounding and including thc AiMFH esca\:ation are considered t o be afrected.

    In 1980, portions of the AbNFB ivcrc remo\.ed. packascd as ION level radioncti\e nasre. and disposed off-site. Analj.sis of samples taken from the remaining filter media ivcre submitted to the NRC by RMI. HMI \vas then authorized b!. the X'KC to backfill the beds with clean sand. blend thc sand blcnded mutcrial u.ith three Iket of soil. BMI completed this action in 1982. (DOE. 1990).

    it11 the remaining liltcr bcd metlia. and cover the

    In 3005, Closure Sen+ices bcgnn the demolition and rcnio\al of the Filter Ucd ..!rea. including thc AbKFB. The excavation of the AhNf-tj \\as halted due IO encroachment upon the Ah.IFR. Funher escavation of the AbNFH required the AMFU to bc shut donm and the sanitary tvaste re-routcd to a separatc systcm. The initial ctscuixtiou of the AbNFB tooh placc in October ol'2004. The second excavation of the AbNFR focused o n an area coriiriionI\. referred to as the Well Injection Ileep Estractioii (U'1Dl.i) sptcin. This excavation and FSS is detailed in the Cltarac'leri_utioi~ mid Firttri S l u t i { s Report-fiw rhc Filter Bet/ .4~~ecied.-lrec~v m d II'lDE .Svsrcnl and is not included i n this rcpon.

    In Septcnibcr of 2005, DOE and BM1 agreed to shut doun the Ah4FR to allou. thc esca\*ation ol'coritamination from under and around the system to procced (including the areas froni Oct. 2004 that w r c halted due to encroachment on the active niiddle filter bed system). Thc contaminatcd matcrials were then exca\.atsd to the poiiir nhert' the excavation saniplcs and S U N C ~ S indicate the esca\.ation is eligible for unrestricted release under thc DP.

    E.scai.ation activities ssposud tlic cast end of t\vo ( 2 ) vitrilicd clay p i p s during thc rernoval of niatcrials from thc south aid of the area. Samples collected of soil from thc outsidc of' tlic pipcs indicated contamination levels greater than thc release criteria.

    Final Characterization and Final Slalus Kcport for the Arcas Surrounding and Including the AblFB. Rev. 2 June 16,2006 Page -I

  • Figure 3 details thc location of pipes esposed during the esca\ation of the area surroundins and including the Ah4FB.

    E>;ca\pation procccdcd roughly 6 lect to the \vest along the run ol'the pipes. Charactcrization Technicians then obtained saniplcs of material liom the interior of rind around the outside of the pipes. A scanning sun'ey of the intcrior of the pipcs \\as also psrfornicd usin_e a t\vo (2) inch b!. two (2) inch Sodium Iodidc (NaI) detector connccted by a 1 2-foot long cord to a scaler/ratemeter. The detector \\.as gently pushed tonard of ivesl along the interior run of [hc pipe to a distancc 12 feet froni tlic pipe outlet. Rcadings obtained from the survcy \\ere at background levels of less than 17.000 counts per niinutc. Sample results indicated soil activity coiicentrations ~ ~ c l I belo\\. the scrccning criteria Uor unrestricted release. Tablc 1 presents the anal>-tical rcsults of saniplcs obtaincd from the interior and exterior of the cia!. pipes.

    Multiple areas of ele\ated contamination u'ere encountered during the excavation of thc A5IFB. Characterization Technicians directed removal of each location identified by the \\alko\.cr scan and Yerified by saniple results. Final status s u n q proceeded once post- remediaiton saniplcs indicated compliance to the modified scrwning criteria of I 1 pCi/g lor Cs- 137.

    Figure 2 details the location of the excavation OK the northern half of G i d s 34 and 43 \\.as pcrformed during October of200.1. The excavation \vas haltcd due to thc encroachment on the AMFB system. Final status sur\.ey data foI cscavation o f the norihern half of Grids 34 and 43 has been included i n this report Ihr the areas surrounding and including the .4MFH. and preseiitcd in Tables 4, 5 .6 . and 7.

    Final Characterization and Firial Status Iteport for thc Arcas Surrounding and Including the AMFR. Re\,. 2 Junc 16.2006 P a p 5

  • 3.0 Decommissioning Activities

    3.1 Decommissioning Objective

    Thc objecti\x of the h a 1 status sunre). perfomwd of the areas surrounding and including the :\hlFB cscavation is to demonstrate that tlic remediation o f the arm ill allow lbr fbturc use without radiological rcstriction. Remediated areas of the CCP may be dctcrmined to be free of residual radioactive contamination \vhen remaining soil contamination levels are bcloiv those presented DD-93-03. Rev. 0. .'Volumcrric Rclzase Critcria Technical I3asis Ilocunicnt for Battelle Coliirnbus Laborator!, Decommjssioning Proiect". hereinuficr referrcd to as DD-93-03. Rev. 0. (Battelle. 1993). Table 2 prcscnts the \.olumetric release criteria as presented in DII-93-03. Rc\.. 0.

    Filial Charncirritation and Final Status Report lor the Areas Surrounding and Including llie AMF13. Rev. 1 June 16.2006 Page 6

  • 4.0 Final Status Survey Procedures

    Planning and implementation of the linal status s i i r \ q of the areas surroundinp and including the AMFB cscavation adhered to the requirements of the Final Status Plan (Battcllc. 2000) and Work Instruction 2806 (CS. 2004)

    4.1 Sampling Parameters

    Final status soil samplcs ofthc areas surrounding and including the AMFR sscat*ation were obtained from s u n q grids. S u n q grids \\.-ere each tcn b j ten mctcrs. u i t h each grid dividcd into equal sized quadrants. Final status soil samples kverc then obtained from each of the grid quadrants. I .ocalized areas of elevated radiological concentration Lvcre sampled scparatcl>r. t2nalyses of soils samples by ganinia spectroscop! pcrlbrmed by the On-Site Radioanall-tical Laboratoq. (RAL) .


    4.2 Major Contaminants Identified

    Tlie charactcriLation of the AMFB excavation identified Ccsiuni-I37 (Cs-137) as thc primary radiological containinant of conccrn (RCOC). Other RCOCs included Cobalt-60 (C'o-60), Europium-152 (Ilu-152) and 154. Americium-241 (Ani-241 ). Strontium-90 (Sr- 90). Plutoniuni-Z38 (Pu-238). and Pu-239. Cs-137 is used as a surrogate for the other RC'OCs prescnt in the soils as it typically accouiits for 64 percent of the total isotopic actilit!. Furthcr. the relcase criteria set for Cs- 137 is considcred conservative for the dcconimissioning acti\itics. l l ~ e surrogate relationship of Cs- 137 to other RCOCs \$as calculated using data presented in Table 3. Table 3 presents the isotopic quantity and aclivitj. concentrations of samples collected froni the filter bed area by B\lI froni March through Seplcniber 2000. These data are not associated with the AMFH\*ation. Aiwagc acri\.itics for thc rnultiplc samples tvcrc calculated for each RC'OC prior to settins the ratios against Cs- 137. \vas set as a ratio against the atwage Cs-137 activity concentration as obtained from previous actions at the filter beds. Cs-137 activit! ratios for cach RCOC utilized to calculate thc RCOCs for the AMFB excayation are presented a1 the lo\vcr portion of Table 3.

    I-or each RCOC. the average activit). concentration

    4.2.1 Guidelines Established

    'Table 2 presents the guiclclines for residual radioacti\*ity concentrations tor soil and solid volumes as applied to the cscavation. Criteria for residual radioacti\pity concentrations in soil are dciined in a number of rcfercnces. DOE Order 5400.5. Section IV.a.2 pro\,ides

    13nitelle. Rudioiogicai St t i t i is ?/'.4 hando~ird Niter Bed l'rcw?titarioti, htt~://\v\v\v.oliio.doe.eov/cco seb.. I

    Posted 7/1 i '2003. Presentatioii provided by DOE to the CCP website. Page titled "Radioactive Inventor?, of the Abandoncd North Fitter Bcdr & Limit Fractions" contains sampling data obtaincd from March through Septcniber 2000 froni the tiller beds. Average Cs- I37 ratios wcrc utilized to calculate thc activity conccntrations of the isotopcs of concern.

    Final Charac1eriration and Final Status Kcport for the Arcas Surrounding and Including the A4lFU. Rev. 2 Junc 16.2006 Page 7

  • generic guidelines for residual concentrations of Ra-226. Ra-228. Tli-230. and Th-232. NRC Guidance has been received b! the CCP \vliich contains soil radioactivit! concentration guidelines for Co-60. Sr-90. Cs- 137. Ra-236. and Ra-228. NRC guidance for soil radioactivity conceiitration guidelines for natural. enriched and depleted uranium are also utilized. Table 2 conipiles soil residual radioactivity concentration guidelines to he utiliLed by the CCP. Table 2 values ha\ e been generated primarily from the various rsferencc tcchnical documents and from soil guidelines generated from coinpiitcr palhkra) analyses. Pu-241 is calculated by applying a ratio to sum of Pu-238 and Pu-239 (obtained from ORIGEN 2.1 derived \.slues. Battelle. 2003~). rcsulting in a Cs- 137 to Pu- 211 ratio of 2.8. Using the ratios from Table 3 and the Cs-137 to Pu-341 ratio of2.8. thc sum of ratios of radionuclidcs u-ill niert unity at Cs-137 concentrations of I 1 pCi/g. This pro\.idss modified screening criteria for Cs-137 or 11 pCi/g.

    Exposure rates \\.ere compared to the 5 niicroRoentgen per hour (pR/hr) ab0l.t. mean background limit listed in DD-97-03. Rev. 0 (Battelle. 3000). Sun ey measurements arc those 1 -meter above the ground surface. Thc calculated mean background exposure rate and the 95 percent confidencc intervals used for thc CCP opcn arca grounds is 8 2 pR'hr. Compliance to the limit is niet when the exposure rate suney is less then or equal to the limits of OD-97-02. Kcv. 2 (Hattcllc. 2000). Initial compliance screening is iiiet if individual exposure rates arc less than or cyual to 13 pWhr. Further assessment of compliance allo\vs for exposure rates to be averaged of a 100 rn' gird arca to nicet thc limit of less than or equal to 5 p R h above background at 1 -mctcr abo\ e thc ground surface. Additionally. exposure rates over any discreet area may nut exceed 5 pRhr ab0t.c background.

    Data collected from trench-like culverts located on Battelle propert). unassociated M ith site operations indicate a geometry effect. increasing Ihe background exposure rates inside the trenches by 3 to 5 pR/hr. Trench exposure rate measurements must be less than or cqual to 18 pRl'hr. The sanic compliancc asscssnicnt is applicd to thcsc nieasurenients as stated above.

    Final Charactcrizalion and Final Status Repon for the Areas Surrounding and Including thc AAll-'B, Re\. 1 June 16. 1006 Page X

  • 5.0 Equipment and Procedures

    5.1 Equipment

    Sunfcy instrirmcnts scnsi ti\*c to gamma radiation arc used to nioniror grounds and escaLation surl'accs for residual radioactive materials. Ludluni Model 44- I O [\io-inch by t\\winch sodiuiii iodide detectors \vith Eberline ESP-? meters \vere iiscd to scan the grounds and esca\*ation. I.udluin hlodcl 19 exposure rate meters i \wc uscd to obtain \ir/hr mcasurcnicnts.

    Other instrumentation \\;as uscd in the RAL to support the final status s u n t y includes:

    .A VMS based Canbcrra Procount data acquisition sj-stem i n conjunclion \\.ith high purity gernianium detectors for gamma spectroscopy of soil samplcs. A Tennc1c.c IL1odr.l LI35 100 Simultaneous Alpha and Bctn Gas Proportional Counter to count smear samples

    Scanning Minimum Detectable Activities

    Scanning mininium dstcctablc concentrations (hiiDC,,,,) is dcterniincd to dt'im~istrate that the XlI)C',,,,,, i s less than rhc modified Cs-I37 screening critcria. Tlic hll)C,,m is calculatd utilizing the me tho do log!^ describcd in NUREG- 1507 and ~lic bachground count ratc atid a dcUault detector response to Cs-I37 (NRC. 1998). Tlic quation used to calculate thc MI)C',,,,b for the ~ a l k o v e r suneys incorporatcs a tl' of I .38 and a siincyor efticicncy ol'O.5. Thc anibicnt background in the area \\.as 12.276 counts pcr niinutc (cpiii). 'I'hc Mloiving is the calculation of the MDC,,,:

    ( 12.276 cpm) s ( 1 sec) s ( 1 mid60 sec) = 204.6 counts

    ( 1.38) s ( &%%coitr7rs) s (60 sed1 min) = 1184 cpn1

    I .86 pRhr - 1674 cpnl/(900 cpm'pR'hr) -

    5.3 Procedures

    l 'hc Characterization Team i i a s l'orInally traincd and qualilicd to applicablc proct'durc's prior to the initiation of the characterization and final status surveys. Ikicuiiiciitation of training is niaiiitaincd by CCI' Pro.jsct Records.

    Final Characterization and Final Status Repon for the Arcas Surrounding and Including thc AMFB. Re\. 2 June 16.2006 Pagc' 9

  • -. I he fallwing plans and procedures \\ere utilized for the suneys:

    111)-93- 19. Rcv. 5 Dccomniissioning Plan. Rattclle hlcmorial lnstiiute Columbus Operations

    Ut)-97-02. Rc\,. 0 Radiological Choractctrimion and Final Status Plan for RC'LIW \&'est Jefferson Site

    SC-UP-002. t h . 0 Facility Post-Dr2conlaminatiol7 Final Status Siir\.cy for hsclinc Areas

    SC-SP-004.2. Rev. 3 llnnual and Mcchanical Collection of Surliicc atid Subsurface Soil Samples in Support of Site Characterization

    I IP-OP- 100. I h . 4 Opcration and Calibration of the Ebcrlinc Model ESP-? Sur\.+ Metcr

    \\* I - 2 806 Escavation and Trench Sampling and Suwcys

    Final Characteriiation and Final Status Kcpon for the Arcas Surrounding mind lncludirlg the AMFB. Re\. 2 Junc 16. 2006 Page IO

  • 6.0 Survey Findings

    6.1 Exposure Rate Surveys

    The calculated mean background exposure rate and the 95 percent conlidcncc inter\.als used for the CCP grounds are 8 f 2 pWhr. The exposure rate readings for the areas surrounding and including the AhIFB excavation art' presented in Tahlc 4. Exposure ratc s u n q s are also presented in Table 7.

    The exposure rate rcadings \yere indi\-idually comparcd to the mean background \.slue of 8 k 2 pR'hr in order to show compliance \bith the 5 pR /hr abo1.e background release criterion. Grounds exposure ratc suweys must be less than or equal io 13 pR?u to he compliant: trenches must be less than or equal to 1 8 pR'hr. The avcragc one nietcr measurement \vas 9.8 pR'hr. thc minimum measurement \vas 6 p R h and the masiniuni rneasurenicnt \ \as 13 p w r .

    6.2 Grounds and Excavation Sampling

    I-.inal statiis soil samples of the arcas surrounding and including the AhII-73 csca\*ation nzrc taken froin each of the sun-cy grids. Samples tvere obtained frotii each grid quadrant as required b!, Section 6.3.3 of DD-97-02. Re\-. 0. Samples \\ere also obtaincd from localized arcas ofcle\?atcd radiological concentrations. Table 5 presents the reported C's- 137 result for each linal status soil saiiiplc location. Final status soil sample analj.tical rcsults are also presented in Table 7. Anonialies presented in Figure -I and S are discussed in Section 6.5 for this report.

    6.3 Scanning Measurements

    Scanning niciisiirrintfnts \vert. p d o r m c d u i t h a t ~ ' o inch bj. ttvu inch sodiuni iodide detector in accordance n-irh scction 6.3.1 of DD-97-02. Table 6 presents the surface scanning rr'sults for the AMFU cscai-ation. Scanning measurements arc also prcscntcd in Table 7.

    6.4 Radioanalytical Reporting Limits

    Tahlc 5 presciits thc reported ailalytical results h r Cs-I37 in each final status s u n . e ~ soil sample. In gcncral. soils samples exhibited low concentrations Cs- I37 acti\.ity. Utilizing the ratio of Cs-137 to olher radionuclides. low concentrations of Cs-I37 nould indicate e tzn loner concentrations of othcr gamma emitting radionuclides of conccm. .-Is such. gamma emitting radionuclides ot'conccm other than Cs-I37 u.ould be less than corresponding Mininium Detectable Activity (MDA). Table 8 presents the typical MDAs for thc gamma-emitting radionuclides of conccrn.

    Cesium-137 is utilized as a surrogate for dcterniining compliance to the cleanup criteria presented in Table 1. The CCP has consistentl!. utilizcd Cs-137 as a surrogatc for other

    Final Charac1eri7arion and Final Status Kcpon for the Arcas Surrounding and Including the AMFB. Rev. 2 Junc 16, 2006 Page I I

  • radionuclides of concern as it is the prsdominatc radionuclide present throughout the site and the buildings. Additionally. Cs- 137 exhibits thc lo\vest clcanup criteria of 15 pCi/g. The calculation of the Cs-137 surrogate \.slue is performed utilizing sample results obtained prior to rt.nicdintion oftlic area in question. Table 3 prcsents thc results ofthc pre-remediation samples of tlie filter bed and are not associated n i t h the . - W f t 3 . The ratio of Pu-2-41 to Cs- 137 is calculated by applying thc ORIGEN 2.1 deri\-ed i d u c \vith a resulting value of 2.8. Table 3 summarizes the nicthod of developing the Cs-I 37 ratios. CJsc ofthr Cs-137 ratio has bccn rcviewed by thc BMI and acccptcd by the hKC.

    Results I'or Co-60. Cs-137. Sr-90, IX-152 and 154. Pu-239.240 and 241. and Ani-241 are then compared to the respscti\x release criteria. ivith a "fraction of limit" then calculatcd. The "fraction of limit" is dctermined by summing the ratios of each isotopic conccntration to the respcctive release limit. The sum ofratios must be less than one to nicct rclcose criteria.

    Thc modified screening critcria of 1 1 pCi/g for c's-137 is used to e\aluate initial compliance to th2 cleanup levels. Further reniediation is typicall!. conducted if rcported Cs- 137 activitj concentrations approach or exceed the nioditied screening critcria of I I pC'i/g. 'I tic "fraction of limit" calculation is applied to reportcd anolytical rcsulis 01' samplcs ivith Cs-137 activity concentrations grcatcr than 4 pCi/g.

    Sis saniplcs lvere collcctcd from locations that csceeded the DLV !'or the gamma walko\.cr survq's. I liesc six samples csceeded thc -I @/_e for C's- 137 limit. T;ihlc 9 presents the results ol'thc "fraction of limit" calculation for cadi 01' tlie sis samples. Each location met the cleanup criteria as the "fraction of limit" \\-as lcss than 1 .O.


    6.5 Elevated Areas of Activity

    Charactcrization Technicians perf'onning the final status sun e!. located tivo ( 2 ) arcas o f ele\,ated activity ivithin the AMFH escalation. These areas ha\,c bccn e\aluatc.d individually according to the guidance presented in Section 8.5.2 ofNREG/CK-5819. The I'ollouing details the nicthod applied for thc e\*aluation ol'thc clcvatcd arcas of act i vity .

    "The limit for soil acti\.ih at ~ J I Y location is three tinies the a\.eragc guidelint

    arc then tested to assiirc that the average conccntration is less than ( 1 OO/R)"' timcs the guidclins value. where .4 is the area of the ele\xted activit: in ni'.''

    alur ... Arcas o1'ele\ated activity bmvccn one and thrcc times the guidclinc valuc

    ' I lc Elcwred Areas q f . - k ~ i v i / ~ * Sect ion of NUREG/C R-5 849 requi res the user to satisf!? tivo conditions. The tirst condition is that no saniplc can escccd three times thc rclcast. critcria. The second condition is that the area of clc\aed acti\.ity is less than ( 1 OOlA)"' times thc guidelint. value. Closure Services has evaluated each area in the excatation in accordance \vith these t\vo conditions. The results of the e\.aluations follo\v.

    Final Characterization and Final Status R c p o ~ for the Areas Surrounding md Including thr AMl.'U. Rev. 2 June 16.2006 Page 12

  • 'I'hc first location is a one foot by se\'en feet area located on the tloor of the northeast quadrant of Grid 47. Figure 4 sho\vs the location of the area of clc\.atcd activity. Cs-137 results from sainples from the area are 20.0 and 20.4 pCi/y. Each sample from the area is less than thrcc times the modified screening criteria, and using the equation presented abo1.e \\.ith an area of 7 ft2 = 0.65 m'.

    Location Highest Saniple < 3 Times Area of E1c.i.atc.d

    I100 I- = 12.4 times thc modificd screening criteria = 136 pCi/g. 1 0.65

    Grid Avcragc

    Thtt mwagc Cs- I37 conccntration of the 10 by 10 nietcr grid is 1.30 pCi,+ 'I-his location satisfies both criteria for elevatcd area of actii-ity prcscntcd in NUKfICiICR-58-19.

    (pC i/g) Criteria SE 20.4 Yes 47

    36 SM' 12.2 Yes

    ' Grid !

    The second location ofelcvated activity is located on the wall ofGrid 36 i n thc Southlvcst quadrant. The area is tm.0 foot by six inches, \vith a Cs- I37 concentration of 12.3 pCi/g. Figure 4 shoivs thc location ofthc area of ele\ratcd acti\it\-. 'Thc Cs-137 conccntration from the sample is less than three times the niodilied screening criteria. and using the equation presented above \vith an area of 6 i? = 0.56 n?.

    Activiv (111') (pC i/g)

    0.56 12.17 0.65 j 1.30

    iloo I- = 13.Jtimes thc modificd screening criteria = 147 pCi/g. \ 0.56

    Thc avcrngc Cs-137 concentration of thc 10 by 10 mcter grid is 2.17 pCi/g. This location satisfies both criteria for elevated area of acti\ity presented in NUREGKR-5849.

    Final Characrerization and Final Status Repon for the Areas Surrounding and Including the AsfFB, Rt.\. 2 June 16.2006 Pa!$ 13

  • 7.0 Conclusions

    'I he cIiaiac[crimtion and final status survey results demonstrate hat tlic radiological endpoint criteria objectives o f the NRC-approved Deconiniissioning Plan ha\ e been mct for the Ah.lF13 csca\.ation addrcsscd bj- this effort. (Battelle. 2003) Reported anal,\,ticd results lor incdia samples obtained from the esca\,ation arc' belo\\ the rcsiduill radioacIi\,ity concentrations for soil and solid volumes as presented in Tablc 2 \\.it11 the csccption of [\\u areas \\.ithiti the escavation. These areas ha\rc bcen e\.aluatcd using thc c Lruidancc supplied in NUREG/CR-4859. Section 8.5.2. €le~*~i1ed.4rctr.v t f , - I c / i r i / j * . Both locations \vcrc found to meet the criteria and are thereforc u.ithin relcasc critcrin.

    Remaining soil contamination levels are below those prcsented in DII-93-03. Rc\.. 0. ..Volumc.tric Rclcasc Criteria Technical Basis Document for Battellc Colunihus Laboralor! Dccommissioning Project" (Battelle. 1993). The dcconimissioning objtxti\.r: has been satisticd. The final status sunfey performed in the Ah,fl:t3 c'scaation. statisticnll!~ dcmonstrates that the remediation of the area \vas succcssf'ul and that the cscaLations arc fret. from residual radioactive contamination making thcni suitahle I'ur unrcstrictcd rclcasc.

    Final Characterization and Final Sratus Repon for the .4rras Surrounding and Including the AhlFB. RCV. 2 June 16.2006 Page 11

  • 8.0 References

    13attcllc. 2003a. "l~econiiiiissioniii~ Plan for thc Battelle Meinorial Inslitute CUI tiinbus Operations." DD-93- 19.

    Dattelle. 2003b. Radiological Status of Abandoned Filter Hcd I'rescnta~ion. http://\\i\w Posted 711 5/2003. Presentation provided by DOE lo the CCP Lvcbsite. Page titled "Radioactive Inventory ofthe Abandoned North Filter Beds & Limit Fractions" contains sampling data obtained from March through September 2000 from the filter beds. Averagc Cs-I37 ratios iwrc utilizcd to calculate the activity concentrations of the isotopes of concern.

    Battsllc. 2003~. N'aste Characterization. Classification. and Shipping Support 'I'echnical Hasis Document. Kc\.. 5 for BCLDP West Jefferson l:acilit!.. Ko\wibc.r 2003. Iso[opic mixture for Pu-241 is calculated using thc iducs obtaincd from thc OKIGEN2.1 -dcri\xd data values presented in thc tcchnical basis documcnt.

    Ihttcllc. 2000. "Radiological Characterization and Final Status Sur\v!- Plan for Battcllc Columbus I .aboratory Dcconimissioning Project \!'est Jcfferson Sitc." l>L)-97-02.

    I3at[clle. 1093. "Voliinictric Release Criteria Te~hnical Basis I)ocumcnt Ibr Hat~cllc C'olunihus 1,aboratories Decoinniissioning Project." DD-93-03.

    ECC'&E2 ('losure Senices, LLC (Closurc Services. 2005). Trclinical Basis Document Unrcstrictcd Rclcasc of thc Abandoned North Filter Bed. LID-05-04, I-*iiinl Ikvision 2. I Ira li 13.

    ECC&:EZ Closure Ser\.ices. LL.C (Closure Ssnkes . 2004). Work Instruction 2806. Kc\.. 2. Escavation and Trench Sampling and Sun'ey.

    11.S. Ilcpartment of Energy (DOE). 2003. WIDE. Wcl l Injection [Iepth Estraction. \\'est Jefferson. North Site Abandoned Filter Bcd Dcconlaniinalion posted at DOE CCP N'rbsi1r. 5/29/2003. http://\\~~\-\\..ohio.doe.go\./ccp-s~b/

    I.'.S. Ilcpartmenr of Energy (DOE). 1990. Finding of No Signilicant Impact. l)ccontamination and I>ecommissioning of the Battelle Columbus I .ahoratories in Columbus and M'est Jefferson. Ohio.

    I ' .S. Department of Energy (DOE), 1986. h h y 29. 1986 nietiioratidiini. Voight tu Vauglian. approved by Vaughan. June 10, 1986.

    I;.S. N uclcnr Rcgulator~ Commission (NRC). 1998. "hlinimum Dctcctnblc C'onccntralions \\.ill1 Typical Radiation Sun'cy Iiistrumcnts li)r VitrioLts C'ontatiiiiiants and I-kld Conditions" NUREG-1 507.

    Final Characrcrization and Final Status Repon for the Arras Surrounding and Including rhc. AMFH. Rev. 2 lune 16.2006 Page I5


  • Oak Kidgc Associatcd Uni\.crsitics (ORAU). 1992. "hlanual lor Conducting Radiological Surveys in Support of License Tcmmination. Draft Report for Comnient" NURE(i/C'R-S849. ORAU-O2/C'57. prepared for the Nuclear Regiilatory Commission b>. the lin\.ironmental Survcy and Assessment I'rogram. Energ);/l-n\,ironnmtntal S!.stcms Di\.ision. OR4lJ. 1992.

    Final Characteriiration and Final Status Report for the Areas Surrounding and Including ths AMFB. Rev. 2 June 16,2006 Page 16

  • Figures

    Final Characterization and Final Status Report for the Arcas Surrounding and Including the ,ZblFU. Ket .2 June 16.2006

  • Figure 3 Abandoned Pipes Adjacent to Excavation

    55 I

    46 ; I I I I

    I I I 37

    Scanning survey performed of the interior of the pipe using Nal Z"x2"

    detector connected to scalerhatemeter with 12-foot cable.

    Detector was run into each pipe going toward the west. Scanning surveys fluctuated at background


  • Tables

    Final Characterizalion and Final Status Report for thc Areas Surrounding and Including the AMFB. Rev.? June 16.2006

  • I

    Sample ID Grid ID Date Field Screening Cs-137 (CPm) Activity

    - _ _ _ - - (PCilq) ~ I . _ _ _ _ - - - - ~ - Pe-emediabon Samples

    10000 6.52 RL55-3661-3545 Grid46 S m o o r Sampc5 ' 1012112005~' 9670 3.62 RL05-3662-3546 Grid 46 SE Floor Sample 6 10/21/2005 9400 - 3.12


    2.47 . RLOS-3T3-3555 . Grid 4 m o u m p e + 1012112005 ~ 8510 2.76

    1 RE5-3660-3544 G m 6 %-Floor Sample4,10/21120K -. - - - -

    ' . _ RLb5-3663-3547 -. 'Grid 46 NEnoor - ~ _ c ~ S a m p l q 10/21/2005 3400- ~ - _ _ -

    Post-Remediation - Samges - - _ _ I - - -

    RL05-3652-3554- - __ Grid 46 North Pipe 10/21/2005 8390 I -



    Fr-55 H-3'd'

    oncentration Oncentralion

    na 2.7E+0 7 -4 1.000 38.000

    I 940 I 940

    Ni-59 Ni-63 Np-237

    I na I 36

    nn 1.3Ei-07 na 4.9E+06 nn 0.58

    Pb-2 IO PU-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-24 1 Pu-242 Ra-226 (O- 15 cm of soil)

    I na I 13

    1-40 na

    na 25'J' na 2 p na 7 5'"' na W'

    na 2 j'."

    P3' na

    I Pa-231 I 18 I 18

    Final Characterization and Final Status Rrpon for [he Arcas Surrounding and Incliidin_g rhc AMFB. Rrc.2 June 16,2006

  • r

    King A\.snue Wcst Jefferson Concentration Conccnlration

    Kadionuclidc'"' Ra-226 (>I5 cm ofsoil) Ita- 2 2 8 Ru- 106 Sb-125 Sm- I5 1 Sr-90 1'h -2 2 8 Th-230

    I I

    I I na jW Th-232

    @Ci@ (pc*i/gfh' I 92.3) na 9"'' nc! na 180 na 118 na 6.700 j'"


    29 na j"' na

    Il'otcs and Hcfcrcnccs






    Activity concentrations above natural background concrntrat ions. Wlicre more tliaii one radionuclide is present, the sun1 of the ratios of the individual radionuclide concentrations to their respective concentration limits shall not cscced I .

    Concentrations for u hich no specific reference is cited have bccn dcrivcd f r m KESKAL) calculations and arc the more restrictive values calculated for soil deposition at il dcpth 01.5 nwters.

    Indicates that this radionuclide is not espected to be found at the indicated sire.

    Difference in tritium activiry concentrations are due to the difkrcnce in depths of the \ v m r tables at tivo sites. The water table depth at Ling Avenuc is dccpcr than that ai West Jefferson.


    I . Options I and 2 of the Branch Technical Posirion. "Disposal or Onsite Storage of Thorium or Uranium Wastes from Past Operations" (46 FR 5206 I . October 23. 198 I ).

    2. NRC blemoranduni. "Acceptable Cleanup Criteria and Practices for Deconlamination and Decommissioning (I.icense No. SNM-7)" dated April 17. 1992. LO liarley I,. Toy. License Coordinator and Manager. Nuclear Sciences. Battelle Meniorial lristitute frorii J.W.N. Hickey. Chief. Fuel Cycle Safety Branch, Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety, Offcc of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.

    3. DOE Order 5400.5. "Radiation Protection of the Public and [tic linvironnicnt".

    4. NRC Policy and Guidance Directive FC83-23, "l'emiination 01' Uyproducl, Sotrrce, and Spccial Nuclear Malerial Licenses".

    Final Characterization and Final Status Kcpon for the Areas Surrounding and Including the AMFB. Rev.? June 16,2006

  • Table 3 Cesium-137 Surrogate Annlpis 0o1;r 5 Modllied Cs-137 Screen@ Crllwia

    Calculsled Cs-137 Surrogate Ratio (c) Cs 137K~60 381 Cs 137Eu 152 17 Cs 1371Eu 154 182 Cs 137Am 241 15 Cs 137ISr Bo 40

    eo0 cs 1371pu 238 Cs i37/Pu 239 15

    Cs 137/Pu 241 (d) 2 8

  • I Table 7

    I I I Sample Col lect ion Field Screen ! Walkover Scan

    ID Locat ion Date ( C P W (Nal) cpm RL05-1861-2239 Grid 34 NW 6/1412004 11700 12300

    Restoration Grid 34 NW , 1112412004 11700 19000 RL04.1673-644 Pre-

    RL05-1862-2240 Grid 34 NE I 611412004 11 700 12200 Restoration 1 Grid 34 NE 1 11124/2004 I 13000 14800

    RL05-37443621 I Grid34SW I 1012712005 I 8200 12000 RL05-14514482 I Grid34SE , 611412005 I 11600 13400

    RL04-)675-646 Pw-

    RL05.37465623 I G n d 3 5 t w I 1012712005 i 7%0 13600

    Exp. Rate Cs-137 Content pWhr (Results in pCilg)

    8 0 06

    l i 1 0 02 R 0 04

    I5 I 3 80 8 3 76 11 0 06 I 9 3 24 1



    RL05-3959-3813 1 Grid35NE 1 111512005 I 7180 1 RL05.3960-3814 Grid 35 SE 11/5/2005 1 7170 1 RL05-3748.3625 1 Grid35SW ' 1012712005 1 7280 12300 10 0 01 13400 9 0 07

    10200 9 I 0 73 ,

    ' RL05-3769-3653 Gnd 36 NW 10/3112005 ' RL05.3665-3557 Grid 36 NE 1012412005

    RL05.3667-3559 , 2 x 3 ' Area 1012412005 RL05-3666-3558 ~ Z'x6" Area 10124lZOOS RL05-3767-3651 ' Grid 36 SW 1013112005 RLO5-3782.3666 Grid 37 NW 1 1013112005 RL05-3671-3563 4x3' Area I 1012412005 RL05-3673-3565 Gnd 37 SW 1012412005

    I RL05-3676-3568 Gnd 38 NW I 1012412005 RL05-1857-2235 Grid43 NW 1 6/14/2004

    RLO4-1669.646 Pre- I

    7610 I 12500 13 0 11

    9160 21600 NIA 5 90 1lOW I 24800 NIA 12 20 7510 14000 12 0 36 8140 14000 12 I 5 09 9420 19800 I NtA 8 46

    7570 I 16700 10 2 28 I

    8510 17700 i 11 4 41 7510 17600 9 1 6 2

    I 1700 l2200 I 8 0 07



    , I

  • Tablc 8 hlOA of G:inirn;t-Emitting Kadionuclidcs of Concern

    CS-137 MDA CO-60 MDA Eu-152 MDA Eu-1% MDA (pC i/g ) ( pC i/g) (pCi/g) (pCiW

    0.055 +I- 0.039 0.024 +/- 0.0 13 0.022 +/- 0.0 17- 0.067 +/- 0.030

    Am-241 MD.4 (pc i lg )

    0.45 1 +/- 0.30

    Final Characteri7ation and Final Status Report Tor die Areas Surrounding and Inclitding the AblFB, Rev2 June 16.2006

  • Table 9 Fraction of Limit Calculation

    RL05-4454-4095 Result' (pcilg) Anal ytica 1 Para rn e te r

    CS-1 37 4.42 c0-60 0.01 Eu-1 52 0.30 Eu-154 0.03 Am-24 1 0.35

    Sr-90 0.11 Pu-238' 0.01

    Fraction of Limit 0.29 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00

    I Pu-239' I 0.20 I 0.01 I -

    Pu-241' ~

    1.82 I 0.07 Sum Fraction of Limit 0.42

    I I RL05-3671-3563 1 I


    Eu- 152 0.49 0.01 Eu-1 54 0.05 0.00 Am-241 0.58 0.02

    Sr-90 0.18 0.04 Pu-23ab 0.01 0.00 Pu-23gb 0.34 0.01 Pu-241' 3.02 0.12

    Sum Fraction of Limit 0.77

    a Activity concentration based on MOA value in absence of positive result Estimated, based on activity concentralion of ratio of isotope to (3-137 Pu-241 Origin 2.1 derived value

  • Table 9 Fraction of Limit Calculation

    RL05-4057-3883 Analytical Parameter Result*(pCiIg)

    CS-1 37 8.00 CO-60 0.02 EU-152 0.47 Eu-154 0.04 Am-241 0.55

    Sr-90 0.17 P ~ i - 2 3 8 ~ 0.01 P u-2 3gb 0.32

    Fraction of Limit 0.53 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.01

    Sum Fraction of Limit

    ’ Activity concentration based on MDA value in absence of positive result ’ Estimated, baseU on activity concentraticn of ratio of isotope to Cs-137 ’ Pu-24 1 Ongln 2 1 derived value

    IntroductionBackgroundSite 1)cscrtptionDescription

    Decommissioning 0bjcctit.eFinal Status Sunq ProceduresSanipling Parametersor Co tit am inan t s I deli1 i liedGuidelines Establishcd

    Survey I.indlngsEsposiire Rate Sur\*cysGrounds and Excmution SamplingScanning kasurt.mcntsRad ioanal ytic a1 Report i 112 Limit j