BAT INVENTORY of the GREATER YELLOWSTONE NETWORK FINAL REPORT by DOUGLAS A. KEINATH Senior Zoologist Wyoming Natural Diversity Database University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming prepared for National Park Service Greater Yellowstone Network Inventory and Monitoring Program October 2005


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METHODS ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ......................................................................................................................................... 4 Species Composition and Abundance .................................................................................................................... 4 Inventory Completeness ......................................................................................................................................... 5 Additional Survey and Biological Results ............................................................................................................. 6
Next Steps .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................... 8
TABLES AND FIGURES ............................................................................................................................................... 11 Table 1: Bat species list by Park Unit in the Greater Yellowstone Network. ................................................................... 12 Table 2: Summary of bat captures in the Greater Yellowstone Network. ......................................................................... 13 Table 3: Bat inventory completeness summary for the Greater Yellowstone Network. .................................................... 14 Figure 1: Diagram of habitat suitability algorithm............................................................................................................. 15 Figure 2: Final bat capture suitability model for Yellowstone National Park .................................................................... 16 Figure 3: Final bat capture suitability model for Grand Teton National Park .................................................................... 17 Figure 4: Priority bat survey sites in Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area ............................................................. 18 Figure 5: Bat inventory site distribution throughout the Greater Yellowstone Network ................................................... 19 Figure 6: Species accumulation curves and richness estimators for the Greater Yellowstone Network ............................ 20 Figure 7: Species accumulation curves and richness estimators for each park unit GRYN. ............................................. 21 Figure 8: Summary of bat occurrences. ............................................................................................................................. 22 Figure 9: Bat captures as a function of time of day. .......................................................................................................... 23 Figure 10: Captures of reproductively active adult bats and juveniles by time of year ...................................................... 24
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................................. 25 Appendix 1: Species Accounts ............................................................................................................................ 26
Pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus, ANPA) ............................................................................................................................. 27 Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii, COTO) .......................................................................................... 28 Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus, EPFU) ........................................................................................................................... 29 Spotted bat (Euderma maculatum, EUMA) ...................................................................................................................... 30 Hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus, LACI) ................................................................................................................................ 31 Silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans, LANO) ...................................................................................................... 32 California myotis (Myotis californicus, MYCA) ............................................................................................................... 33 Western small-footed myotis (Myotis ciliolabrum, MYCI) ............................................................................................... 34 Long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis, MYEV) ....................................................................................................................... 35 Little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus. MYLU) ...................................................................................................................... 36 Fringe-tailed bat (Myotis thysanodes, MYTH) .................................................................................................................. 37 Long-legged myotis (Myotis volans, MYVO) ................................................................................................................... 38 Yuma myotis (Myotis yumanensis, MYYU) ...................................................................................................................... 39
Appendix 2: Geographic Information System (GIS) Data .................................................................................. 40 Appendix 3: Preliminary Bat Surveys of White Grass and Bar B C Ranches, Grand Teton National Park ...... 43
Contents ............................................................................................................................................................................. 43 Background and Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 43 Summary Results ............................................................................................................................................................... 43 Building Accounts: Bar B C Ranch ................................................................................................................................... 44 Building Accounts: White Grass Ranch ............................................................................................................................ 59
Appendix 4: Keys to the bats of the Greater Yellowstone Network ..................................................................... 66 Dichotomous Key to the Bats of the Greater Yellowstone Network.................................................................................. 67 Draft Key to ANABAT® Echolocation Call Recordings for Bats of the Greater Yellowstone Network ........................... 69
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The National Park Service (NPS) is undertaking a nationwide effort to inventory and monitor the biological
resources within its management areas. Recognizing the need for a cross-boundary, ecosystem approach to natural
resource management, the system of national parks has been grouped into Cooperative Ecosystem Units to facilitate
inventory, monitoring, and subsequent management decisions in ecologically meaningful areas. The Greater
Yellowstone Network (GRYN) includes Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks (YNP and GTNP) and
Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area (BICA). A combined effort of biologists from these parks and regional
wildlife experts resulted in the recent release of a study plan for the GRYN inventory and monitoring efforts (NPS,
2000). This document identified significant gaps in information on the species richness, abundance, and distribution
of bat species within all GRYN parks and terrestrial mammals in BICA. They have therefore proposed that the NPS
conduct a comprehensive inventory of bats throughout GRYN and terrestrial mammals in BICA to establish a
benchmark for future monitoring efforts and management actions. The specific goals of these inventory efforts, as
stated in the GRYN Study Plan (NPS, 2000), are as follows:
1. To document, through existing, verifiable data and targeted field investigations, the
occurrence of at least 90 percent of the species of vertebrates and vascular plants
currently expected to occur in Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Grand Teton
National Park, and Yellowstone National Park.
2. To describe the distribution and relative abundance of species of special concern, such
as threatened and endangered species, non-native species, and other species of special
management interest occurring within park boundaries.
3. To provide the baseline information needed to develop a general monitoring strategy
and design that can be implemented by parks once inventories have been completed,
tailored to specific park threats and resource issues.
4. To make information easily available to park managers, resource managers, scientists,
and the public.
With these goals in mind, it is valuable to briefly discuss the effort represented by this inventory in terms of
what is reasonable to expect from such an effort. This inventory was designed to generate comprehensive
documentation of the bat fauna of the GRYN, with a target, as noted above, of documenting 90 percent of the species
that actually occur in these parks. Attainment of this somewhat arbitrary objective is largely dependent upon survey
effort expended and is therefore directly related to the amount of time and money spent. With a fixed budget there
are many species that are easy to document (e.g., little brown bats) and several, generally rare species, that are
difficult to document (e.g., spotted bats). Therefore, (as a hypothetical example) documenting the first 80 percent of
species may be fairly straight-forward, while the remaining 20 percent could be fare more difficult. Further, we do
not have a priori knowledge of which species are present, so we must estimate at which point we have achieved the
90 percent goal. Estimation of completeness is compounded by the fact that there is a fine line defining when a
species is rare versus so unlikely to occur that it is not worth the effort to document. As an extreme example, one
could spend a lifetime trying to document fruit bats in Bighorn Canyon, which (exceedingly unlikely though it may
be) could result in the capture of an errant migrant from southern Texas. Such a finding would not, under reasonable
scrutiny, represent a meaningful addition to the fauna of BICA. We believe that this report strikes the appropriate
balance between effort expended and inventory completeness.
We first identified and compiled all geographically referenced electronic data on features that might be
useful in identifying important areas of bat use within and near the parks. We used this data to construct habitat
suitability models identifying critical bat habitat for GTNP and YNP (priority areas were already identified for BICA
and therefore no model was developed for the recreation area; Keinath 2001). These models incorporated wetland
distribution, vegetative landcover, bedrock geology, elevation, and topographic relieve (slope and aspect), as
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outlined in Figure 1. Models were generated as raster coverages in a Geographic Information System (GIS) with 100
meter resolution. Six coverages were generated, one for each of the main components noted above. Each 100 meter
cell in the park units was scored for each of these coverages and then a final habitat score was calculated for each
cell by additively combining the six components (Figure 1).
For instance, one of the 6 coverages was based on wetlands as classified by the National Wetlands
Inventory (NWI). Each wetland type was given a “type score” of 0 – 3 based on its suitability for use by bats as
foraging and drinking habitat, where a score of 0 meant it was never used and a score of 3 meant it was preferred. A
given cell was assigned a type score based on the wetland that it contained. Since proximity of a cell to other
wetland areas also increases suitability, the same cell was also given a distance score, where low, unsuitable values
(e.g. 0) represented long distances to other wetlands, and high, suitable scores (e.g., 3) represented proximity to other
wetlands. The type and distance score for each cell was then weighted and combined into a single NWI coverage
whose total range of scores was still 0 – 3 (e.g., NWI score = 0.7*type score + 0.3*distance score). A similar
process was followed for each of the other main components, resulting in five additional values for the given cell
(i.e., HAB, GEO, ELV, CLF, and ASP), each having a score of 0 – 3. The six values of each cell were added,
weighting the most important components (wetlands and landcover) slightly more than the rest. This resulted in a
final coverage in which each cell had a cumulative value of 0 – 22.5, where higher valued cells were relatively more
suitable for finding bats via mist netting and acoustic monitoring activities than lower valued cells.
This information was be used in concert with input from park biologists and to identify specific inventory
sites. Sites were be prioritized based on several factors including: 1. their likelihood of being used by bats, 2. the
relative diversity of species likely to be present, 3. accessibility issues, and 4. their contribution to achieving a
geographically inclusive sample from each park. Our goal was to make the most of our limited time in the parks, so
we wanted to insure that sufficiently diverse habitat was sampled to capture all suspected species of bats. The
ultimate goal of this phase was to generate an inventory site list to be surveyed repeatedly over the following two
summers using the field methods noted below.
Habitat models (for GTNP and YNP) are displayed in Figures 2 and 3, in which the most suitable cells are
shaded maroon and red and progressively less suitable cells are green, gray, and white. Focal areas for survey, in
order of decreasing priority, are as follows:
1. areas of high maroon and red concentrations,
2. areas of high green concentrations with some red,
3. areas of high green concentration,
4. under-represented habitat features or geographic areas that don’t appear in the model.
The initial list of focal areas for which we conducted field visits was as follows:
BICA: Layout Creek (especially ponds by Ewing-Snell Ranch); BICA land near Yellowtail Wildlife Habitat
Management Area (YWHMA); Hillsboro Ranch and beaver ponds; Lockhart Ranch and beaver ponds;
Caves that on or near BICA (usually on BLM land, but whose bat population likely forages on the
recreation area); Cliffs along the walls of Bighorn Canyon and Devils Canyon.
GTNP: Snake River South (including Blacktail Ponds and Moose-Wilson Ponds); Snake River North (including
Glade Creek in JDRMP); Snake River Central (including Oxbow bend and Willow Flats); Foothills Lakes
(including Moose Ponds and Lupine Meadows, String Lake, and some parts of western Jackson Lake and
Leigh Lake); Pilgrim and Pacific Creeks; Northwestern GTNP (including Moose, Berry, and Owl
YNP: Bechler area (including Bechcler Canyon, Bechler Meadows and Falls River Basin); Lamar Valley area
(including Lamar River, Slough Creek and Soda Butte Creek); Madison Junction area (including Madison
River and Gibbon Basin); Grand Canyon area (including Yellowstone River and wetlands south of the
canyon); Gardner’s Hole area (including Gardner River, Africa Lakes and nearby wetlands); South
Central Yellowstone (including Snake River and Lewis River south of Lewis Lake); Old Faithful area
(including portions of the Firehole River).
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Field technicians searched each of these broad focal areas to identify specific sites that were suitable for
conducting mist net and acoustic monitoring activities. Depending on the nature of each site and the bat species
expected, we used a variety of survey methods including, actively and passively operated acoustic bat detectors, mist
nets, and harp traps. Bat detectors were be used to determine the relative level of bat activity at each site and to
preliminarily identify species based on characteristic vocalizations. We then employed mist nets and harp traps at
potential roosting, foraging, and transit areas to capture, identify, and photograph the various bat species.
All survey sites were located via GPS, bats were identified to species, their age and sex were determined,
photographs were taken to document species occurrence, and the number of individuals captured was documented.
No additional data was required by park service staff.
This section provides a brief summary what the inventory process revealed. Most useful data is presented
and interpreted in the tables, figures and appendices at the end of this report. A thorough investigation of these items
will provide the reader with many insights on the chiroptofauna of the Greater Yellowstone Network. In many ways,
this relatively brief section should be read as the preamble to the wealth of information presented therein.
Specifically, park biologists may regularly refer to the following items:
• Table 1: The "final" list of bat species in each park unit
• Figure 7: Map-based summary of bat occurrences in the GRYN
• Appendix 1: Species Accounts
• Appendix 4: Identification keys to the bats of the GRYN
Species Composition and Abundance
The list of species for each park unit is presented in Table 1, summary capture statistics are presented in
Table 2, and geographic representations are presented in Figure 7. Further, occurrence information on a species-
specific basis is provided in Appendix 1.
In total, we identified 13 species of bats that occur in the Greater Yellowstone Network, although a few
designations are tentative (see Table 1). Each park within the GRYN contains a subset of these 13 species; 8-10
occurring in GTNP, 9-10 occurring in YNP, and all 13 potentially occurring in BICA. Despite representing less than
two percent of the area of the GRYN, BICA clearly has the richest and most concentrated bat fauna of the three park
units. In general, GTNP and YNP were similar in the apparent composition of their bat fauna and collectively they
had a less diversity and relative abundance than BICA. Further, although localized areas in the other parks showed
high bat activity and/or abundance, the whole of BICA experiences substantial and diverse bat use. This is due to
the fact that, when compared with nearby areas in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, BICA and the adjacent federal
lands (primarily owned by the Bureau of Land Management and the State of Wyoming) are relatively arid, warm,
low in elevation, contain an abundance of cliff and cave roosting habitat, contain tree roosting habitat in the form of
extensive cottonwood riparian areas, and have all roosting habitat relatively proximate to large expanses of still-
water that provides abundant insect life and access to consumable water. BICA is indeed one of the hot-spots for
bats in all of Wyoming and perhaps all of the northern Rocky Mountain states.
BICA has high bat abundance and diversity, but managers should note that high bat abundance does not
necessarily suggest high species richness, particularly at the scale of individual sites (e.g., Figure 8). More
specifically, there seemed to be good correlation between ANABAT ® call rates and species richness when richness
was low, but high richness sites in our study had quite variable levels of activity. There are many possible
explanations for this that could be investigated with more effort, but the take-home message for managers in the
GRYN is that just because you get a lot of bat activity does not mean you have a diversity of bats. Sites with high
activity could be dominated by one or two common species and actually have lower richness than other, less-active
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sites. We found this to be the case at numerous sites in YNP and some in GTNP where little brown bats were highly
abundant, but few other species were identified. On the other hand, one of the most productive sites in our inventory
was also the site with the highest bat species richness; you simply cannot tell based on activity alone.
It is hard to evaluate or rank individual sites using this broad-based inventory. However, a few areas are
worth noting:
• Layout Creek (BICA): Layout Creek, and in particular the small pond next to the Ewing-Snell Ranch, was
by far the richest location in the study, with all 13 of the GRYN species being documented there. Due to its
unique mix of habitat features, it stands out as a pre-eminent batting location in the GRYN.
• Yellowtail Wildlife Habitat Management Area (YWHMA, in BICA): YWHMA is a relatively large area of
ideal foraging habitat for many bats of different species. In shear abundance of bats seen foraging, it is
probably the most productive area in the GRYN. Along with an apparent abundance of insect life, it has an
extensive mosaic of chiropteran foraging habitat from open-water habitat, open grassland and shrubland,
cottonwood gallery forest, and extensive edges where these components mingle. This abundance of bats,
however, is dependent on the surrounding wealth of roosting habitat (e.g., cliffs, caves, abandoned buildings
and mines). Not only the insect diversity and composition of the foraging habitat should be conserved, but
the relationship of roost features to YWHMA should be maintained in order to insure bat access to these
• Mammoth (YNP): The active and inactive terraces around Mammoth Hot Springs in YNP seems to support
an isolated collection of bat species approaching that of BICA, although on a much smaller scale. In this
area thermally heated caves provide maternity colonies for common and rare species (e.g., Townsend's big-
eared bat); inactive caves and sink-holes provide non-maternity day roosts and possibly hibernacula for a
variety of species; and mature, open forests near varied shrubland provide foraging and roosting
opportunities for tree-roosting species.
• Thermal Features (YNP): Bat use of thermal features in the park is unique and poorly documented. There
are scattered reports of bats roosting at ground level in thermally heated stumps. We found a sizable
maternity colony in a ground-level bolder in Gibbon Geyser basin and documented use of several sink-holes
and fishers in the Mammoth area. The extent to which bats use these features and, moreover, to which such
use allows a more abundant or diverse community of bats to exist within the park, is intriguing and worth
future study.
• Northern GTNP: Portions of north GTNP, including the Two Oceans Lake area and John D. Rockefeller
Parkway along Glade Creek, seem to have an unexpectedly large diversity of bats, including some that don't
seem typical of the area (notably fringe-tailed myotis). Further investigation of the area to verify this
diversity and determine why/how these bats are found there is an interesting question; although one that
may not have immediate ramifications to species conservation.
• Southern GTNP: The lowland area of southern GTNP, particularly Blacktail ponds, the Moose-Wilson
Road beaver ponds, Blacktail Butte, and White Grass Ranch, supports a variety of habitats that collectively
have a high diversity of species. Also, they contain the only records of Townsend's big-eared bat in the
park, which further investigation will hopefully confirm as being part of a local breeding population.
Inventory Completeness
Evaluation of capture statistics and ANABAT ® recordings was combined to generate a final species list for
each park unit in the Greater Yellowstone Network (Table 1). This table represents the condensed result of over 40
days of site evaluation (150+ sites), 63 nights of mist netting (9,500 net-area-hours of effort), nearly 80 nights of
passive acoustic monitoring (450 recorded hours), and a dozen days of diurnal roost site investigation (e.g., Figure
5). As much as possible, we let the modeling data (Figures 2 - 4) drive site selection, which resulted in numerous
backcountry locations. Over this time we captured 527 bats of 13 species (Table 2) and evaluated over 10,000
individual ANABAT ® call files that suggested occurrences of the same 13 species.
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Qualitatively, the above-noted level of effort seems sufficient to document all species occurring in the
parks. However, a quantitative estimate of progress can be roughly approximated using rarefaction or species
accumulation curves (e.g., Soberon and Llorente 1993, Krebs 1999, Moreno and Halffter 2000, Cam et al. 2003,
Gotelli and Graves 1996, Chao 1984, Colwell and Coddington 1994). I developed species accumulation curves for
GRYN and each park unit therein (Figure 6) and used the EstimateS software package (V 7.5.0, © R. K. Colwell, to produce species richness estimates using the Chaoe-1 and ACE estimators.
All models used the Michaelis-Menten equation for fitting predicted values of the appropriate indicator output to
sample effort (i.e., Captures/Hour, Capture/Net-Hour, or Calls/Hour):
SpNum = (SpMax * Effort) / (k + Effort)
where SpNum = number of species predicted for a given level of sampling effort, Effort = sampling effort in
hours or net-hours, SpMax = estimate of the maximum number of species likely to be present, and k = approximate
level of sampling effort corresponding to half of SpMax. SpMax and k are estimates used to guide the nonlinear
regression algorithms, which were implemented in S-Plus (V 6.2, © 2003 Insightful Corp.,
As shown in Figure 6, the sample-site accumulation curve for the network as a whole has a clear and sharply
defined asymptote at 13 species for both captures and Anabat ® recordings. This suggests we have accounted for all
species present in the GRYN based on our given level of effort. The estimator of species richness generates a
smooth curve very similar in form to the true plot of species accumulation and predicts an asymptote of less than 14
species based on capture data (Smax = 13.6 ± 0.02 species) and based on call recordings (Smax = 13.2 ± 0.01
species). This further indicates a complete inventory, with over 96% of the estimated bat species accounted for
(Table 3).
As in most inventories, as you subdivide your study area (e.g., from the whole GRYN to the individual park
units), your sampling effort decreases and the results become more variable. This can be seen in Figure 7, where the
park-specific capture and Anabat ® curves do not all seem to reach clear asymptotes with the available sampling
effort. This suggests that although the inventory as a whole has identified virtually all species present, there are
likely more species to be discovered in each park unit. Table 3 summarizes these estimates, wherein we can see that
we have accounted for between 68% and 88% of the estimated bat species richness in the individual units. Not
surprisingly, YNP is fairly low, despite having the largest sampling effort, which is probably due to its large
geographic area and commensurately diverse (and difficult to survey) habitat. GTNP exhibits a wide range, since the
estimator based on Anabat ®
varied substantially from that based on mist net captures. We believe this, in part,
reflects the difficulty of catching bats in GTNP due to the abundance of water sources. It should be noted, however,
that we believe the remaining "undiscovered" species in each of these park units is likely to be encompassed in those
identified elsewhere in the inventory. The possible exception to this could be BICA, which may have new species,
due to its concentration of unusually good bat habitat.
In conclusion, I am confident that well over 90% of the species occurring in the GRYN have been identified
and that something less than, but approaching, 90% of the species in each park unit has been identified. However, I
fully expect that the list for each park is not complete. In order to solidify the park-specific lists (Table 1), further
effort targeted toward the questionable species must be spent in each park. Such follow-up surveys would use
techniques tailored to specific species in specific areas, rather than using the broad-based inventory approach used in
this study. Such efforts would aim to conclusively document the questionable species in each park by tailoring mist
net activities or active ANABAT ® surveys to their particular foraging styles and to areas in the parks where they are
most likely to occur. See Next Steps for how to proceed with these supplemental surveys.
Additional Survey and Biological Results
Considering the number of bats captured, the most productive period to survey for bats is the first 2 hours
after sunset (Figure 9). However, as suggested in the species accounts (Appendix 2) and in our capture records, bat
species fly during different times of night, so surveying only in the early evening might result in a restricted species
list. This inventory thus conducted all mist netting until at least 1:00 AM in the morning, often longer. This means
that netting occurred until at least 4 - 5 hours after sunset depending on the date, by which time captures for most
species diminished (Figure 9). Passive ANABAT units, however, were regularly left active throughout the night to
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document later bat activity. With this combination of effort, it seems that we collected an adequate temporal sample
to capture all species present in the parks.
Most bats in the GRYN hibernate after migrating short distances to suitable hibernacula within, or near, the
parks. A few bats (e.g., hoary bats and silver-haired bats) migrate longer distances and likely winter outside the
GRYN. In either case, when trying to document resident, and hopefully breeding, bats, it is important to time
surveys appropriately. Although there are undoubtedly species differences, it seems that juvenile bats in the GRYN
become volant in mid July, as evidenced by their increasing representation in mist net captures at that point (Figure
10). Given a time from parturition to flight on the order of 3 - 4 weeks (depending on species and climate), this
means young in the GRYN are being born in mid-June. Further, for most vespertilionid bats gestation begins as they
arouse from hibernation and lasts on the order of 70 days (e.g., Barclay and Harder 2003), suggesting that the bulk of
GRYN bats emerge from hibernation in mid-April and arrive on their "summering grounds" shortly thereafter,
perhaps in early May. Surveys can thus be conducted as early as mid May, but are best later in the season when
temperatures are warmer and bats are more active.
Timing of roost surveys should be more restricted, particularly if maternity colonies are being observed. A
few things to consider: 1) even though bats may be present in the GRYN in May, it is not clear when they actually
begin roosting at maternity sites; 2) bats are most sensitive to roost disturbance at the time of parturition (mid-June),
so roost should not be entered at this time; 3) when young of most bats begin flying (3-4 weeks after birth), they are
virtually indistinguishable from adults without examining joint development. Thus, roost surveys aimed at evaluating
reproduction should occur after young are born, but before they are difficult to tell from adults (i.e., roughly late June
- mid July). Young are not fully weaned until several weeks after they are able to fly, so maternity roost surveys can
be conducted into mid-August if estimating the number of young is not critical. It is possible that the whole cycle
occurs earlier in BICA than the higher, cooler regions of GTNP and YNP (Figure 10). Although bats can likely be
found active in the GRYN until October, I suspect that bats in the GRYN, or at least in GTNP and YNP, begin
aggregating for departure to hibernacula in late August, so surveys should be conducted before then to insure that
"resident" bats are being surveyed, not migratory individuals.
These findings also have implications for the timing of bat exclusion activities in buildings within the parks;
such activities should be completed between late-October and mid-April (e.g., November 1 - April 1) in order to
have the least impact on roosting bats.
Next Steps
As noted above (see also Table 1 and Appendix 1), a couple species in each park have only been tentatively
identified and further verification of their presence is needed before concluding that they regularly occur in the parks.
To "complete" the species list for each park, the following targeted surveys are recommended.
1. BICA: Silver-haired bats (tree-roosting; target mature forested canyons and marshes in central BICA and
YWHMA using mist nets and active ANABAT ® recording with visual observation)
2. BICA: California myotis (forage around vegetation; target brushy canyon country in central BICA using
primarily active ANABAT ® recording and targeted canopy netting)
3. GTNP: Western small-footed myotis (forage around vegetation; target vegetated flyways and water bodies
in northeast GTNP using canopy netting)
4. GTNP: Yuma myotis (forage over open water; target large ponds and roost structures in JDRNP using
active ANABAT ® recording with visual observation and netting where possible)
5. YNP: Yuma myotis (forage over open water; target large ponds and roost structures in Bechler area using
active ANABAT ® recording with visual observation and netting where possible)
6. YNP: Pallid bat (forage around vegetation by arid cliffs; target open forest and vegetated edges in the
vicinity of the Mammoth terraces and possibly the Grand Canyon using primarily active ANABAT ®
recording with visual observation and mist netting over calm bodies of water)
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There are three particular cases where further knowledge regarding the occurrence and ecology of known
species within the parks would be important to conservation of those species. These are summarized briefly as
1. Townsend's big-eared bat in GTNP: In this study, we documented male Townsend's big-eared bats
(Corynorhinus [= Plecotus] townsendii) roosting in abandoned buildings in two former ranches within
GTNP (White Grass Ranch and Bar B C Ranch). Use of these buildings by C. townsendii appears to be a
regular and long-term occurrence, since anecdotal investigations 20 years ago also found them (Susan Wolff
pers. comm.). The bat diversity around these ranches seems substantial, but Townsend's big-eared bat in
particular is a sensitive species throughout the western United States (Western Bat Working Group 1998,
Gruver and Keinath 2004). They require particular cave characteristics for maternity colonies that are
sparse on the western landscape, which drastically limits the habitat capable of supporting them and makes
every maternity colony an important focus of conservation effort (Pierson et al. 1999). Male C. townsendii
do not generally roost in the maternity colonies, but they only migrate locally and congregate with females
in the spring and fall, which suggests that a maternity colony may exist within GTNP. Documenting such a
colony, which would be the only one found in the park, and insuring its continued protection is therefore an
important conservation goal.
2. Townsend's big-eared bat in YNP: In this study, we documented a maternity roost of Townsend's big-eared
bats (Corynorhinus [= Plecotus] townsendii) in Devil's Kitchen on the Mammoth Terrace and witnessed
additional use of caves on the upper terrace. The possibility exists for C. townsendii to be using similar
caves as maternity and bachelor roosts. It is important for the park to know which structures are being used
so that future activity (either by park staff or visitors) can be viewed in light of potential impacts.
3. Roosting habitat investigations for the fringe-tailed bat: The fringe-tailed bat (Myotis thysanodes) is
recognized by several federal and state agencies as a sensitive species that is apparently rare and at risk,
based on scant knowledge of local, regional, and national populations (Keinath 2004). Suitable roosting
sites are a critical habitat component, the availability of which can determine population sizes and
distributions (e.g., Humphrey 1975, Kunz 1982). Despite variable range-wide roost use, M. thysanodes
seems to be locally restricted to only a few roost types, cliff crevasse and snags being those likely in the
GRYN (e.g., Weller and Zabel 2001, Cryan 1997). Which roosts are being used in YNP and GTNP, and
moreover the character of those roosts, could suggest the nature of the GRYN population and help the parks
identify actions that are likely to cause adverse impacts. A roosting study of M .thysanodes in these areas is
therefore recommended.
Adams, R. A. 2003. Bats of the Rocky Mountain West: natural history, ecology, and conservation. University Press
of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.
Altringham, J.D. 1996. Bats: biology and behavior. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom.
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Page 10
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Page 11
Page 12
Table 1: Bat species list by Park Unit in the Greater Yellowstone Network.
Table 1a. Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area.
COTO Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) Low-Medium localized
EPFU Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) High widespread
EUMA Spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) Medium localized
LACI Hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) Low sparse but widespread
LANO b Silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) Uncertain questionable occurrence
MYCA b California myotis (Myotis californicus) Uncertain questionable occurrence
MYCI Small-footed myotis (Myotis ciliolabrum) Medium
MYEV Long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis) Medium
MYLU Little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) Very High common and widespread
MYTH Fringe-tailed bat (Myotis thysanodes) Low localized
MYVO Long-legged myotis (Myotis volans) Medium
MYYU Yuma myotis (Myotis yumanensis) Medium
Total Species Richness for BICA 11-13
Table 1b. Grand Teton National Park (including John D. Rockefeller Memorial Parkway).
EPFU Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) Medium widespread
LACI Hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) Medium sparse but widespread
LANO Silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) Medium-High widespread
MYCI b Small-footed myotis (Myotis ciliolabrum) Uncertain questionable occurrence
MYEV Long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis) Medium
MYLU Little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) Very High common and widespread
MYTH Fringe-tailed bat (Myotis thysanodes) Low localized
MYVO Long-legged myotis (Myotis volans) Medium
MYYU b Yuma myotis (Myotis yumanensis) Uncertain questionable occurrence
Total Species Richness for GTNP and JDRNP 8-10
Table 1c. Yellowstone National Park.
EPFU Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) Medium
LACI Hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) Low sparse but widespread
LANO Silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) Medium-High widespread
MYEV Long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis) Low
MYLU Little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) Very High common and widespread
MYTH Fringe-tailed bat (Myotis thysanodes) Low localized
MYVO Long-legged myotis (Myotis volans) Medium
MYYU Yuma myotis (Myotis yumanensis) Low localized; accidental?
Total Species Richness for YNP 9-10
a Abundance is noted using a categorical scale representing the author's subjective assessment from the data collected during this inventory.
Low, Medium, High, Very High, and Uncertain designations indicate unit-wide likelihood of occurrence and do not speak to population
viability or relevance to broader distributions.
b Generally speaking, questionable, or uncertain, species have been identified only by passively collected ANABAT ®
recordings, but have
not been captured or otherwise identified in the park. These records should be considered tentative and in need of corroboration. The
Myotis californicus in BICA was captured, but not conclusively identified (final determination will be made by museum experts).
Keinath: Greater Yellowstone Network Bat Inventory October 2005
Page 13
Table 2: Summary of bat captures in the Greater Yellowstone Network.
Table 2a. Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. Capture effort in BICA was approximately 2,843 NAH a .
COTO Townsend's big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii) 5 0.176
EPFU Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) 59 2.075
EUMA Spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) 20 b 0.704
LACI Hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) 1 0.035
MYCA California myotis (Myotis californicus) 1 0.035
MYCI Small-footed myotis (Myotis ciliolabrum) 22 0.774
MYEV Long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis) 9 0.317
MYLU Little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) 101 3.553
MYTH Fringe-tailed bat (Myotis thysanodes) 2 0.070
MYVO Long-legged myotis (Myotis volans) 29 1.020
MYYU Yuma myotis (Myotis yumanensis) 3 0.106
Total 253 8.900
Richness 12 0.387
Table 2b. Grand Teton National Park (including John D. Rockefeller Memorial Parkway).
Capture effort in GTNP and JDRMP was approximately 6,629 NAH a .
LACI Hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) 15 0.226
LANO Silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) 23 0.347
MYEV Long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis) 6 0.091
MYLU Little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) 188 2.836
MYTH Fringe-tailed bat (Myotis thysanodes) 1 0.015
MYVO Long-legged myotis (Myotis volans) 7 0.106
Total 244 3.681
Richness 7 0.106
Table 2c. Yellowstone National Park. Capture effort in YNP was approximately 7,931 NAH a .
LACI Hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) 2 0.025
LANO Silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) 18 0.227
MYEV Long-eared myotis (Myotis evotis) 1 0.013
MYLU Little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) 312 3.934
MYTH Fringe-tailed bat (Myotis thysanodes) 1 0.013
MYVO Long-legged myotis (Myotis volans) 1 0.013
Total 340 4.287
Richness 8 0.101
a Net Area Hours (NAH) is a measure of sampling effort for mist netting activities; calculated as the time in hours during
which nets are deployed multiplied by the surface area of those nets. For example one 9 m X 2.6 m net deployed for 5 hours
results in 117 NAH reported as "square meter hours".
b EUMA were not actually captured, but audibly or visually encountered at net sites during netting activities.
Keinath: Greater Yellowstone Network Bat Inventory October 2005
Page 14
Table 3: Bat inventory completeness summary for the Greater Yellowstone
Network; richness curves and summaries of individual estimators are
presented in Figures 6 and 7.
Park Unit
BICA 12 14.9 13.7 81% - 88%
GTNP 7 8.4 10.3 68% - 83%
YNP 8 10.4 10.3 77% - 78%
Keinath: Greater Yellowstone Network Bat Inventory October 2005
Page 15
1. Score individual habitat
features (Type and Distance
1 Possible Use
Clutter Adapted Open Adapted
0 >3km
1 2-3km
2 1-2km
3 <1km
1 Mid Elevation
Aspect Score (tsi)
0 North (0-45,315-360)
1 cliff (>50% slope)
Geology Modifier Score (smi)
0 bedrock below surface
1 bedrock at surface
Landcover (habitat) HAB 1.5 0-3 -
inc in
Geology (caves) GEO 1 0.4*(0-3) 0.6*(0-3) 0 or 1
Elevation (temp) ELV 1 1.5*(0-2)
Slope (cliffs) CLF 1 - 0-3 0 or 1
Aspect (thermal
For YNP: HAB = wi * (Habitat tsi + Cover tsi)
Geology Score
Topography Score
Keinath, Greater Yellowstone Bat Inventory October 2005
Page 16
Figure 2: Final bat capture suitability model for Yellowstone National Park Areas deemed suitable for netting the greatest diversity of bat species within Yellowstone National Park are
highlighted in maroon (top 2% of modeled area) and red (top 8% of modeled area). Focal areas for survey, in order
of decreasing priority, were 1. areas of high maroon and red concentrations, 2. areas of high green concentrations
with some red, 3. areas of high green concentration, 4. under-represented habitat features or geographic areas.
Keinath, Greater Yellowstone Bat Inventory October 2005
Page 17
Figure 3: Final bat capture suitability model for Grand Teton National Park Areas deemed suitable for netting the greatest diversity of bat species within Yellowstone National Park are
highlighted in maroon (top 2% of modeled area) and red (top 8% of modeled area). Focal areas for survey, in order
of decreasing priority, were 1. areas of high maroon and red concentrations, 2. areas of high green concentrations
with some red, 3. areas of high green concentration, 4. under-represented habitat features or geographic areas.
Keinath, Greater Yellowstone Bat Inventory October 2005
Page 18
Figure 4: Priority bat survey sites in Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area
Site Rationale
Layout Creek and nearby tributaries Layout creek has at least one still pond and lies within the high
probability area delineated by the Townsend’s big-eared bat model.
It is also just below much cliff roosting habitat and contains the
only documented occurrence of spotted bat activity in the recreation
Devils Canyon.
The canyon walls represent the most extensive complex of spotted
bat rooting habitat in the area and there are anecdotal reports of
spotted bat calls along the rim of Devil’s Canyon.
Yellowtail Wildlife Habitat Management Area
(YWHMA), specifically:
anywhere in the management area and small
ponds anywhere in YWHMA.
YWHMA contains a wealth of bat foraging and roosting habitat.
Areas for survey are highlighted because:
a. The Kane Caves, just south of YWHMA are known bat roosts,
including Townsend’s big-eared bats.
b. At least one building in YWHMA has very high bat activity, and
others in the vicinity are also likely to receive some use. Bats forage
over the extensive wetlands in YWHMA. The most likely place to
capture them is over small bodies of flat water over which they
would feed and drink.
Lockhart Ranch and beaver ponds.
These ranches consist of several uninhabited structures along
drainages containing numerous beaver ponds in otherwise dry
country. They are therefore likely to concentrate bats foraging in
the drainages and there is evidence that at least some of the
buildings serve as night roosts.
Caves that are just off BCNRA, usually on
BLM land, but whose bat population likely
forages on the recreation area.
These caves include Horse Thief Cave, Bighorn Caverns, Natural
Trap Cave, Mystery Cave, and numerous others to the east of the
recreation area.
Other habitats, such as cottonwood riparian
corridors and edges in conifer forest.
As time and budget permit, other habitats might be sampled to
increase the diversity of sites.
Detailed map reproduced from National Park Service Homepage
Page 19
Figure 5: Bat inventory site distribution throughout the Greater Yellowstone
Network (parks are not to scale)
Page 20
Sample Effort (100 Net-Area Hours)
S p
e c
ie s
R ic
h n
e s
Summary of Richness Estimator
Smax 13.61180 0.0163819 830.9060
k 5.45409 0.0566614 96.2576
Figure 6: Species accumulation curves and richness estimators for the Greater
Yellowstone Network using: a) capture data from mist netting activities and b)
recorded echolocation calls from Anabat ® surveys.
Sam ple Effort (Anabat Hours )
C u
m u
Summary of Richness Estimator
Smax 13.24190 0.0097169 1362.7700
k 3.06351 0.0418570 73.1899
Page 21
C u
m u
la ti
v e
S p
e c
ie s
D e
c te
c te
BICA Accum ulation BICA Es tim ate GTNP Accum ulation GTNP Es tim ate YNP Accum ulation YNP Es tim ate
Sample Ef fort (100 Net-A rea Hours)
S p
e c
ie s
R ic
h n
e s
BICA Accumulation GTNP Accumulation YNP Accumulation BICA Estimate GTNP Estimate YNP Estimate
Figure 7: Species accumulation curves and richness estimators for each park
unit in the Greater Yellowstone Network using: a) capture data from mist
netting activities and b) recorded echolocation calls from Anabat ® surveys.
(a) Estimator for BICA
Smax 14.88520 0.153025 97.2731
k 4.25426 0.231969 18.3398
Smax 8.36783 0.0386934 216.2600
k 2.10481 0.0695252 30.2741
Smax 10.3921 0.256363 40.5365
k 14.9147 1.156200 12.8997
Smax 13.74190 0.0420474 326.8190
k 3.38373 0.0838500 40.3546
Smax 10.29540 0.0237806 432.9310
k 3.32927 0.0700298 47.5407
Smax 10.29110 0.0113985 902.8470
k 4.54544 0.0529804 85.7949
Page 22
Figure 8: Summary of bat occurrences; (a) estimated bat species richness, (b)
ANABAT ® records per hour, and (c) bat captures per net-area-hour by site in
the Greater Yellowstone Park Network.
Page 23
Figure 9: Bat captures as a function of time of day as (a) frequency of all
captures combined and (b) ranges for individual species.
Page 24
Figure 10: Captures of reproductively active adult bats and juveniles by time of
year (summer months only) for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
Proportion of captures that were reproductively active adults
(Females: pregnant, lactating, post-lactating; Males: tentacles
descended). Line represents the cubic smoothing spline of the data.
Proportion of captures that were juveniles. Line represents the cubic
smoothing spline of the data.
Dates during which capture activities occurred at Bighorn Canyon,
where temperatures are warmer and parturition likely occurs earlier.