
Lose 10 lbs In 10 Days The New Leaner, Happier You Emerges A Fitness Breakthrough You Don’t Want To Miss! Dear frustrated friend, I’ve got some astounding news for you! Things can only change if you are willing to put your all into something for a short time. Hear me out! If you are like me, you are tired of all the diets and exercise programs out there. You don’t have a lot of extra time in a day but you have to find something that will help you lose weight. Breaking News!

Transcript of BasketballYogaBlast-Final

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Lose 10 lbs In 10 Days

The New Leaner, Happier You Emerges

A Fitness Breakthrough You Don’t Want To Miss!

Dear frustrated friend,

I’ve got some astounding news for you!

Things can only change if you are willing to put your all into something for a short time.

Hear me out!

If you are like me, you are tired of all the diets and exercise programs out there. You don’t have a lot of extra time in a day but you have to find something that will help you lose weight.

You can’t always break away from the responsibilities at home and go for an hour or two to a local gym.

Everyday you think about how exercise and health go hand in hand and yet you simply are too busy to take out any extra time for yourself.

For me I struggled….

….. in knowing that taking care of my own health and the time it took to do this, was necessary.

After all, those school projects, homework assignments, and sports activities for the kids don’t just go away!

Breaking News!

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Then there are a long list of home chores, cooking, shopping, and normal everyday family events are so hard to keep up with.

Where would I find the time to do anything else and especially for me?

I knew I deserved to be happy and healthy but how would I find the extra time?

Do you ever struggle with these issues?

I do and have for years. When I was young I was able to keep up with any things but having children at an older age as well has having back issues, I quickly began to crumble.

I began to realize that I had to make time for myself or I wouldn’t live long enough to enjoy my children as they grew up and my grandchildren of which I looked forward to having in the future.

So for me, I decided it was time to stop making anymore excuses. If I didn’t start now then there may come a time when I couldn’t begin to make change happen.

I remember how many times I had walked by a department store display window and the mannequin was wearing this amazing outfit. I couldn’t remember when I was able to fit into something so stylish and trim but always kept in the back of my mind that I would one day get back in shape.

Great News!

Recently I found this program that is unlike the others I have tried in the past.

It combines exercises that eliminate stress, build muscle and create strength for only 10 minutes a day. After that it teaches skills to play a sport.

What’s interesting is that when I focused on playing a sport I forgot that I was exercising.

Now that was more powerful than anything! How many times do you experience something profound happening when you weren’t expecting it?

I kept old doubting thoughts……...

At first I wasn’t sure if this program would really make any difference. I had done numerous aerobic tapes with a mixture of weightlifting and calisthenics. They worked as long as I continued to do them. But they were long and tiring.

Another problem that became a very difficult part to deal with was the pain I endured after the first workout. My muscles were sore, which is normal but I also began to have lots of problems with my spine.

I visit a chiropractor when necessary and my problems increased for quite some time until he said for me to take a break and relax a little.

He suggested Yoga but I never thought it would really help.

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My excuses were justified by what I understood about yoga but were not accurate, as I know now.

Today after using the program for 6 weeks and seeing the inches fall away, as well as the loss of weight, I no longer see yoga as a waste of time.

I also am having so much fun!

As my confidence increased along with greater feelings of self worth……..

I became a source of inspiration to others as they saw what I had achieved in returning to a slimmer and more composed person.

Then something even more profound happened…...

Soon after I had become a better me……...I was offered a raise for my excellent contributions at work. I wondered why now, I haven’t changed how I do things but then I realized that people finally noticed me.

You see when we start to lose that weight, we appear different to others and they seem to all of the sudden notice us.

Have you ever listened to people that have been overweight for years and when the pounds came off they suddenly found a whole new life.

They began to realize that……….Everyone noticed them and listened to them.

They felt like they were somewhat of a celebrity because of all the attention they were now getting!

For me, I experienced a whole new world.

I found so much extra energy in the new me that the workload at home and with the kids, got done much quicker so we had more fun time.

No longer do I think of exercise as a means to lose something….

…... as I now realize that the right program is about gaining everything of your dreams.

Good looks, good health, and peace of mind was something we can’t put a value on because it is priceless!

As life became less of an effort, daily, my eyes saw things differently.

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I remembered how many times I had watched friends and family lose their health, now wondering if only they had lived differently. If only they had taken better care of themselves they wouldn’t be fighting this cancer….etc.

Many who are spokespeople for other exercise programs often are already rich and famous.

However you are like me and the majority of people, who are working hard everyday to make ends meet, along with taking care of family, day in and day out.

And yet you and I are really the most important and most believable spokesperson of all.

Learning to live with a new and positive approach to health and fitness will change your life in permanent ways.

And this can happen to you as it happened to me when you are willing to try something so profound, so life changing, and achieve your goals effortlessly.

Finding a new way to get fit and change how I saw fitness, changed the rules of the game of life, for me.

Yes, this program is not just about weight loss but it became more about making a new me…... and it began first and foremost in how I see myself.

Finally, Something That Really Works

Do you remember time and time again, putting on those worn out sneakers and clothes but you look like you have never tried to get in shape?

Do your remember feeling so frustrated that you swore you were going to hang it all up….and very soon?

Do you remember paying good money for programs that promised quick and easy weight loss as well as getting in the best shape in the shortest time…..and realizing this wasn’t working either?

You know you don’t want to keep repeating the same thing over and over while still getting the same results.

And you definitely don’t want to think you have the responsibility to hire a private investigator just to figure out what is real and legitimate and what is all hype!

Today I want you to know that you don’t have to waste another minute on an ineffective way to get in shape.

Because I know you and I are so much alike…...and I assure you there is an answer!

You are average just like me……….. with stressors everyday in life………..just like me.

And your time is limited!

You want to simplify and make less work in your everyday schedule.

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You don’t want to waste another dollar, and another minute using a program that will not deliver.

I am with you all the way……...because that is exactly how I felt, too!

I want to share with you that this is more than exercise but it’s about bringing in a game that will lighten your load of how you see exercising………

So stay with me……..

As I Share the Name of the Game…..

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. As a team sport it can be played with as few as two players, indoor and outdoor. It is fast moving and involves a lot of stopping and starting. Although not considered an aerobic sport it can help you in these ways:

✓ Burn calories (an hour of basketball can burn 630-750 calories)

✓ Build endurance

✓ Improve balance and coordination

✓ Develop concentration and self-discipline

✓ Be played year round

✓ Be played by people of all ages and abilities

Basketball is excellent for training several body systems and improving your ability to make decisions in dynamic environments.

Focus on the Fun and the Weight Will Disappear!

My Promise To You!

✓ Weight loss while having fun.

✓ Play the Game of Basketball and feel like a pro

✓ More Energy than ever before

✓ No more injuries

✓ Become more flexible as well as relaxed

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✓ Have more confidence and self esteem

✓ Be able to fit into all the clothes you dream of

Of course the harder you play the more calories you burn.

Now to combine basketball and yoga………...which has helped thousands of people lose weight faster and more permanently.

Remember that the best kind of exercise is an activity you enjoy and you will do it over and over again.

Many people associate weight loss with endless hours on the treadmill, or other exercise machines, which they quickly connect with misery and hard work.

Playing competitive sports greatly increases your success in weight loss simply because:

● You stay motivated with the goal of winning

● You continue to push harder and more consistent without even thinking

● You create competitive challenges in your brain to excel

● You take your mind off of old hindrances

● You create unstoppable performances

● You take on a mindset to win

● You find weight loss as the result

Stop Thinking and Start Having Fun

Most of us know we have to change something in order to lose weight.

The problem is we think too much about it, and often need more motivation just to begin. Before long we have become discouraged and vulnerable to the belief that it will be too hard, and will never work.

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With our program we have specifically taken into account the major roadblocks we all have with our own thinking.

By simply learning the sport and focusing on playing the game you stop thinking about weight loss and just get on with simply having fun.

So right now I ask you to not go down the road of analyzing and thinking about your problem but simply stay positive and have fun.

In other words……...Stop thinking you can’t and start believing you already have started a better YOU!

Enthusiasm is half the Battle… And can quickly be accomplished!

Part of the problem we encounter in changing our habits is found in the memory of failure of the past times we have tried and failed.

You want to tell the world, “I’ve got what it takes!”

You have that certain something that will make you great and it begins in how you feel about yourself.

You want to know that you are capable of becoming better than ever before.

Get excited and believe that the best is yet to come by engaging in a program that will take the work out of getting in shape.

The Secret That Everybody is Talking About

We have combined both, the skills of playing the game to help you really get involved and have fun, as well as injury preventable tools with Yoga.

You may not relate to Yoga in the form of something necessary in an exercise program however, this is the most vital tool you could ever implement.

Learning basketball will provide enthusiasm as well as keeping you from focusing on the work you are doing to get in shape.

As you play the game you simply have fun, set goals, and your mind is freed from the mindset that you might previously have had where exercise is to be a punishment.

You re-train how you see fitness…….. and instead of the goal of weight loss……. you just have fun while the pound's fall away.

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Yoga keeps your muscles trainable and flexible. The stress that your body is enduring using muscles that you rarely use, are diminished or altogether eliminated.

With Yoga you forget quickly the exercises thru the game that challenged your athletic abilities and recovery is almost instant.

Facts You Should Know From Professionals

The yoga instructor for the Los Angeles Clippers, Kent Katich, affirmatively states that Yoga is the answer to every NBA athlete’s goal of achieving maximum potential while avoiding injury.

He is clear when he states that among many benefits, the players experience:

● Injury Reduction

● Balance

● Core Strength

● Mental Focus

● Recovery and Restoration

Fox news, Rebecca Haarlow, reported during an NBA game about Blake Griffin and Kevin Love from the LA Clippers,

“When we think about these two players and what makes them among the best players, we think about strength and the time they spend in the weight room but we don’t think about them doing Yoga. However they are the top two students of Ken Katich, the yoga instructor for the Los Angeles Clippers. He states that they are so flexible that he has to sometimes hold them back. They are very competitive and also inspire their teammates to dedicate themselves to yoga.”

Physical activity also helps to:

● Maintain weight

● Reduce high blood pressure

● Reduce risk for type 2 diabetes, heart attack, and stroke

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● Reduce arthritis pain

● Reduce risk for osteoporosis and falls

● Reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety

You’ll Want to Learn How Important This Offer IS!

Our DVD’s are set up to teach you the skills necessary in a format that is fun to learn.

Never before secrets are revealed from NBA players…. But only for a limited time only……...and now can be yours.

Some of the greatest players that ever played the game had careers cut short because of injuries. This happens in every sport but it’s not something that needs to end a career.

With Yoga easily implemented you will learn the art of playing and enjoying basketball for years to come.

Not only will this become invaluable in this program but you will find every aspect of your daily life stronger and with greater balance.

Your mind and body will work together and prevent the aging process from taking you down.

With Yoga and Basketball you will not only be at the top of your game, but you will play in the game of life that consumes 80% of your time, and find the joy you have so longed for.

As our program will bring maximum results, while protecting you from any injuries that might cripple you, weight will begin to drop off quicker than you have ever before experienced.

Extra Benefits by Combining Exercise with Fun!

● Change your focus from overweight to having fun.

● Learn to play a fun sport

● Tone your body

● Improve flexibility

● Build strength and overall health

With our easy to read instruction guide you will find everything to begin your program.

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Yoga Has Unlimited Benefits!

Yoga trains the body and mind to become strong and flexible.

It also releases stress and creates inner peace, while developing a deep connection with your own personal power.

Even more important you will be able to play a healthy, balanced, stronger game.

Practicing yoga 30 minutes a day helps stretch and strengthen muscles and deep connective tissues.

This is of extreme importance to anyone playing sports. The connective tissue attaches muscles to bone and stabilizes all of the joints thus, preventing or minimizing injury when the athlete is doing repetitive action.

This is the obvious benefit with yoga……….

But there is so much more:

● Increased mobility in the joints increases the range of motion, while enhancing overall performance. You find that you are able to reach farther, fall harder while preventing and minimizing injuries and it’s all due to the muscles having a memory from the deep stretching you obtained in practicing yoga on a regular basis.

● Yoga conditions by mimicking the movements of basketball while building balance or controlled mechanical motion.

● As Yoga increases flexibility, you also will have greater control enabling you to prevent falls due to your new heightened awareness of your own body’s centeredness.

● As balancing poses are mastered the athlete is then conditioned to unconsciously recover from any imbalances their body may experience, staying centered in action, moment by moment during play.

● As we age, yoga helps strengthen connective tissue, break down adhesions from old injuries and overtraining, that have tightened thus helping create mobility of the joints and form an anti-aging posture.

● Yoga also focuses on deep breathing while stretching. This diaphragm breath not only helps with sinking into a deeper stretch but also circulates the body’s lymph fluid, which increases the body’s own capacity to cleanse and detoxify by 15%.

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● Body’s immune system is boosted, the blood is purified, and this results in increased health and vitality with this kind of breathing

● Builds up one’s life force energies, also called Chi in Chinese healing.

What actually takes place is that yoga creates more energy than is expended during the yoga session. This type of energy that is not from the caloric intake of our diet but is a cosmic energy.

To Summarize the Amazing Benefits of Yoga:

● Strengthens deep connective tissue preventing or minimizing injury

● Creates overall body flexibility. Increases range of motion and mobility

● Dramatically enhances physical balance by developing the athlete's awareness of his body’s

center place, thus keeping their body balanced in action, moment by moment, giving the

ability to recover from or prevent falls, while enhancing agility and maneuverability.

● Improves circulation, massages internal organs and glands for optimum health

● The Yoga breath circulates and detoxifies the lymph fluid to speed up recovery time from

training 15% faster, eliminating fatigue

● The Yoga breath increases one’s life force energy

● Enhances sensory acuity, mental focus, concentration, mental clarity, willpower, and


● Quickens mental response time for more effective game play and strategy

My Promise: Lose 10 lbs in 10 Days!

So now I need to re-affirm to you my original promise of how I can promise to you quick weight loss.

It is time for you to decide if this is really your desire. Because if it is…….. you cannot pass on this

Limited Time Only offer.

Are you ready to wear the fashions of the most stylish?

You need to put away the past, where diets and exercise programs did not work. This program is unlike any you will ever try. This program not only creates the necessary goals you have set for yourself but also allows it to happen with greater ease and discomfort.

When you combine Basketball with Yoga, you find that there is more fun in the game, with less injury..

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You will no longer think about the work of loosing weight but it will simply be gone.

To your amazement of the incredible weight loss you will also gain the knowledge of how powerful the mind is when you simply just have fun!

We have chosen this unique program to bring maximum results for a limited time only!

If you order now you will receive these bonuses as a one-time offer!

If you ACT NOW! We will include FREE:

● Official NBA Basketball

● High-Quality, Deluxe Yoga Mat

● Stylish, Handy Carrying Case

If you act in the next 24 hours we will add on a very Special gift that will serve you for a full year.

FREE 1 year Membership at a gym of your choice. Don’t Wait because this offer will not be extended



“Yoga helps center you. If you can find a place that keeps you centered, both mentally and physically, it can help push your game to the next level.”

~Clippers veteran guard Baron Davis~

“It’s better than weight training or anything of that sort. On game days I always make time to prepare with practicing yoga.”

~Joe Johnson is a seven-time NBA All-Star~

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“Yoga isn’t just about the body, it’s also about the mind, and it’s a technique that has really helped me. I had some lower-back problems a few years ago and once I started to do the yoga, it has helped them go away.”

~ Lebron James, MVP of the Miami Heat~

“There is no way I could have played as long as I did without yoga. My friends and teammates think I made a deal with the devil. But it was yoga that made my training complete”.

~NBA legend KareemAbdul-Jabbar~

“As Head Coach of Amateur Basketball Clubs of America, I work with many players who have day jobs and busy lives, but also want to pursue their passion for the game of basketball. I do everything possible to help each club member achieve his or her “personal best.” People who stay involved in athletics are usually better disciplined, better focused and healthier overall. I use my training as a coach and mentor to help them apply their athletic skills to achieving their personal weight and fitness goals. I believe that a daily workout routine is the most helpful is staying slim and agile. After trying Basketball Yoga Blast with my teams, the results have been amazing!”

~J. Cunningham~

“Being a single dad, I need to keep my energy level up to keep up with my 6 and 8 year old sons. It’s not easy, I can tell you. I’ve found that your program helps me to maintain the fitness and stamina levels I need to manage work, kids, and home. Even though I can’t wait to pick up my sons from school, I’ve already put in a full day’s work. I’m an associate at a busy law firm. To keep my take-home work to a manageable amount, if I’m not with a client, I usually work right through lunch. By the time I get home, the boys are ready to have some fun with their dad! And I made a promise to myself that I would never let my work interfere with those few hours between the time we get home and the time they go to bed. For all of us, the best time of the day is when we’re all together — and Basketball Yoga Blast makes it fun for all of us to play basketball and stay healthy. After they go to bed, I can put in another 3 hours on my computer. I feel a definite difference when I’m consistent about following your program. My kids love it too. It’s all good.”

~T. Young~

“I have a demanding career life. I’m not complaining. I love it. Sadly, I’ve seen many up-and- comers burn out before they made it even halfway up the corporate ladder. Though I seem to thrive on the constant excitement, most people can’t take the pace. For those with families, I think it’sthe long hours that create the most stress. I’m not going to let stress and long hours take its tollon me and my family. Therefore every evening when I get home, I fire up your program. I enjoy30 minutes of a fun workout that involves one of my favorite pastimes — basketball. My husband can’t believe I found a yoga-basketball workout! He’s even joining me in my Basketball Yoga Blast workouts, so we both have a new appreciation for both pursuits. Even better, doing these workouts together has energized us for ... um... other pursuits. Thanks for creating a basketball fan’s fan-tastic workout that helps us perform better on all levels.”

~H. Walters~

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The Time To Buy is Right Now

Our DVD’s will Help you Be The Master of Your Game!

You will:

● Increase your scoring ability

● Learning the moves of the Masters around the basket and your skills will

increase at a rapid pace.

● Become the offensive threat that you have always dreamed of.

● The coordination drills will take you to the next level.

● Be pushed past your comfort zone and become one of the highest scoring

players on the team.

And all this will happen without training at intense levels.

Just learn the basics and practice them.

With Basketball Yoga Blast, the classic drills will keep you in the game as well as streamline your moves for maximum performance.

But there is more to know about this amazing program!

This program is the same program that has been used by some of the best in the NBA. And this offer is only for a limited time!

Don’t take my word for it….hear it from one of the Pro’s:

Lebron James was inspired by a teammate Alan Henderson, who extended his own 12-year career by using elastic bands and a large inflatable ball in a stretching routine. It was then that James began to devote himself to making sure he was limber.

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At one particular time when he was plagued with lower back spasms, which nearly forced him out of a playoff game against the Wizards in 2006, along with painful ankle sprains, James implemented yoga as a primary and very necessary tool.

Fans can remember times when James appeared to have suffered serious ankle injuries only to shake them off. Some might contribute this to James unique anatomy but he knows all too well it is the result of his own personal dedication to yoga.

In one game with the Phoenix Suns, James flipped backwards over his neck chasing a loose ball. It appeared to the audience he had hurt himself, but in reality it was sort of like the Salamba Sarvangasana or shoulder stand, he’d worked on a day before.

He stated about the effectiveness of yoga, “It is something that really can help your balance. I had some lower back problems a few years ago and once I started to do yoga, it has helped them go away. Stretching is good but only goes so far to help.” When you combine these skills, you will become the greatest at your game!

There Has Never Been a Time Like Right Now to Get this Amazing Offer!

Playing while pretending injury will never happen to you, is like starting a fire under your feet thinking you won’t get burnt.

Again look at the facts. Careers ended too soon and what this amazing combination could have done to keep them playing longer. Think about it for a moment.

What if these players continued…..who knows what records they would have broken and how much they would have changed the results of their own careers!

Some of the most promising careers of the their time:

One Of The Best Scoring Forwards In The League Ends Career, Jamal Mashburn (1993-2004) cemented himself as one of the best scoring forwards in the league at one point in his career, and is the fourth youngest player to score 50 points in a game. However injuries diminished his value and after being traded to the Miami Heat, his career was ultimately brought to an end when he had microfracture surgery on his knee. He could have been one of the best forwards in the league. Some of the greatest players lost out on their dreams because of injuries that could have been prevented.

Amar’e Stoudemire Had It All. Amar’e was quick, powerful, and a hard worker. He was also in a perfect

situation with the Phoenix Suns, with Steve Nash willing to feed Amar’e the ball on a consistent basis. In 2005, it was discovered Amar’e had cartilage damage in his knee. He underwent microfracture surgery, but was still able to regain most of his explosiveness that made him such a threat on the court. After he

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left the Phoenix Suns for New York, Amar’e was still a productive player, but more injuries followed him. A main concern with Amar’e was that it became unclear if he could recover like he did when he was younger. To be young again is one thing but to be able to do things like we did in our youth is something we have to take personal effort in making it happen,

The Knee Injury That Can Change An Athlete’s Life.

Sports injuries are on the rise in young athletes. With competitive pressure mounting, many of the young, vibrant athletes are suffering needlessly with injuries that forever change their lives. Our youth today play more competitive and more intense than ever before. Maybe it’s all the televised professional athletes that stimulate the need to be the best.

Nevertheless we are raising a generations that will be hurt for entire lifetimes only because they are not aware of how easy it is to prevent many of these injuries. More than any other injury, ACL injuries can be career ending. While the majority of athletes do return to sports after ACL surgery, only about half return to their previous level of performance.

Yoga has increased the power of every player that is willing to practice its exercises.

When entire teams, such as the Atlanta Hawks, Denver Nuggets and LA Clippers have hired their own yoga instructors during pre-season for the last 7 seasons, it’s no secret weapon any longer.

Yoga empowers some of the greatest and strongest players to excel.

With repetitive motion, legs and arms become more powerful as they deliver the movement that makes a basketball player a legend. However, repetitive motion can build up tension and limit flexibility in some joints and large muscles. Injuries occur during these times and can send even the greatest player to the bench for an entire season.

When you consider all of these factors and learn that most of the injuries incurred can either be prevented or helped to heal with the regular practice of Yoga, why does anyone hesitate?

This program will not only change your game but your life in every aspect.

Hurry as This Offer Will Not Last!!Kent Katich, Yoga Instructor for the LA Clippers, FitR, Inc. is offering for the first time, a program only reserved for the NBA. Endorsed by NBA Coaches, doctors, sports medicine experts, chiropractors and

fitness personalities, this one time offer is limited with 100% Money Back Guarantee.

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Basketball Yoga Blast $179

NOW $99

✓6 DVDs with workouts from Beginner to Advanced

✓ Instruction Guide on how to use the DVDs

✓Healthy Mind and Body Tips related to Basketball drills

and Yoga

If you ACT NOW! We will include a FREE:

✓NBA – Quality Basketball

✓High-quality Yoga Mat

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✓Handy Carrying Case

For an Additional $10 we will add:✓ 1 Year Gym Membership

With Basketball Yoga Blast you will transform your game as well as your wellness.

"Yoga trains the brain and the body to create a more fluid and much more efficient communication system.” Says Dr. Craig Aaron from Yoga Journal's "Awakened

Athlete", Oct. 2002

(Dr. Craig Aaron is a Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner, and an Applied Kinesiologist, specializing in Sports Performance. Dr. Aaron and his wife, Jennifer, have utilized their unique style of yoga training with both amateur and professional baseball, football, basketball, tennis, wrestling, golf, track and mountain bike racing


Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!

Order Now!

FitR, Inc.

Owned and Operated by Kent Katich, Yoga Instructor for the LA Clippers, has put together the most amazing offer to share the tools that make the greatest players in the NBA.

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