

Transcript of Basketball

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This is known as one of the best world-class sport, playing almost at every country whether at International or National level and having lots and lots of fans all over the world. Basketball as the name says it’s a combination of two words basket and ball, where we have to throw the ball under several rules and regulations to the opponent’s basket. Mr. James of YMCA founded basketball sport in 1891.

In the year 1895, it becomes a part of woman high schools. Basketball is a sport played between two teams having five players each side and their aim is to throw the ball to opponent’s basket and save the ball to be thrown in their baskets from the opponents attack.

The team who throws more balls in the opponent’s basket wins the match. In other words, we can also say that Basketball is a game of two teams playing with five players each side and their goal is to score points against the opponent, the team with more points wins the match.


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After the basic meaning next we have to go to the popularity section. For the promotion of Basketball sportsall over the world an organization was founded in 1932 named as an International Basketball Federation. This is a collaboration of eight countries named as Argentina, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Switzerland, Portugal, Romania, and Czechoslovakia. Though many time this game becomes a part of Olympic games too.

This participation in Olympic makes this famous all over the world. In year 1936, first time Basketball is played as an Olympic sport. US Teams are known as the king of the basketball as it is the motherland of Basketball, many youngsters wants to make their profession as a Basketball player. There is no limit of money when you are a basketball professional. Whether you win or loss the title you get a handsomereward from the sports organizations that organize this sport.


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Though, it is not much popular in Asian countries. If we talk about the equipment used in this sport that it is a ball: - from which a player plays, A net or basket, attach with the pole and it’s the place where player has to throw the ball to earn score, and a basketball court:- a complete place where player plays basketball includes both side poles containing baskets or nets.

If we speak about basketball in India, then sadly we have to say that we don’t have any International basketball team but here the good thing is that future of India is very brighten in this sport. As basketball is a major sport in schools and colleges now. Even I too play basketball for over seven years in my school time.


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Even though we are having many state level basketball teams and every year sports organizations organizes camps to motivate and train the young generation to be a part of Basketball sport. Even in school and college time we all play this in our sports period just for fun and enjoy, if you want to make this as a profession, then its must that you should join coaching camps of your state. And you can earn good money by playing these games at state level. And we all are hoping that very soon, India too becomes an International basketball playing country.

In the conclusion, I just want to say that above I had tried to express my views regarding Basketball sports, its relevance, popularity, media coverage, role of basketball in India, what’s


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Basketball InformationBasketball Information

Basketbal is a sport that pits five players against five players on a court with two hoops. The goal is to put the ball through the hoop and score more points than the other team. Two- and three-point baskets exist. The player with the ball must either keep a constant dribble or stand in the same spot to avoid traveling and thus turning the ball over to the other team. The defenders may stop the ball without fouling or goaltending.


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Basketball was invented by Dr. James Naismith in 1891 at the School for Christian Workers (now Springfield College). In 1915 the rules were standardized, making the game much more recognizable to the game we play today. The first national collegiate tournament was held in Kansas City, Missouri,in 1937. In 1946 the National Basketball Association (NBA) was founded.

GEOGRAPHY Generally considered an "American

game," basketball was actually created by a Canadian and has worldwide appeal. The appeal has especially grown since foreign players like Yao Ming and Dirk Nowitzki made an impact in the NBA. Today, players


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from all over the world play the game and many players in the NBA are from countries outside the United States.


94 feet (1128 inches)Note: Many high school and college courts are 84 feet.Width of a basketball court50 feet (600 inches)

Size of a basketball backboardWidth: 6 feet (72 inches)Height: 3.5 feet (42 inches)Size of a basketball rimThe diameter of the rim is 18 inchesThe top of the rim should be exactly 10 feet (120 inches) off the ground


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Distance from the backboard to the back of the rim6 inchesNote: In other words, the front of the rim is 24 inches from the backboard (18 inches of which is the rim, and the other 6 inches the flat metal piece connecting the rim to backboard)Distance from the free throw line to the backboard15 feet (180 inches) from the backboardNote: Due to the fact that the rim protrudes forward from the backboard, the actual distance from the free throw line to the front of the rim is just 13 feet (not including the elevation factor)Size of the key19 feet (228 inches) from the baseline out of bounds line to the free throw line12 feet (144 inches) in width, across the laneThe basketball 3 point lineIt’s important to note that the 3 point arc is not the same distance from the center of the rim at all spots. This results from the fact that on the baseline, the 3 point arc begins with a straight line, before starting its curve. Once the curve begins, the distance stays consistent all the way around the arc.


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For the college and high school 3 point arc, there is a straight line of 5.25 feet (63 inches) that runs until the arc begins. For the NBA 3 point line, there is a straight line of just over 14 feet (approximately 169 inches) before the 3 point arc begins.

Once the 3 point arc begins, the college and high school 3 point arc is 19.75 feet (19 feet 9 inches, or 237 inches).

The NBA distance is 23.75 feet (23 feet, 9 inches, or 285 inches). However, on the baselines, with a line drawn directly from the center of the rim to the sideline, the NBA distance is 22 feet (264 inches).

The markings around the keyThe blocks are exactly 12 inches in width, and 8 inches deep. The other three tabs on each side of the lane are two inches in width, and 8 inches deep. The distance between the baseline and the block is exactly 7 feet. The distance from the end of the block to the first line is 3 feet. Each additional line is another 3 feet (36 inches) away from the end of the previous line. However, with each line being 2 inches in width, the distance from the beginning of the first block to the beginning of the following line block is 38 inches.


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The circle above the keyThe radius of the half circle above the key is 6 feet (72 inches). The diameter is obviously equal to the width of the key (or the length of the free throw line), 12 feet (144 inches).


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The game commences with the tip-off, when the referee tosses the ball into the air over the center circle, in which the opposing centers stand face to face. The centers then leap into the air and attempt, with their hands, to tap the ball to their teammates. The team that gets the ball attempts to advance it toward the basket defended by the opposing side, in order to try for a field goal, or basket, scoring two or three points, depending on the player's distance from the basket. A player may advance the ball by passing it to a teammate or by bouncing (dribbling) it continually along the floor while running toward the basket. If a player walks or runs with the ball without dribbling it—a violation called traveling—that player's team surrenders possession of the ball. After a basket is scored, the opposing team puts the.


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1.1. You’re Faster Than TheyYou’re Faster Than They AreAre

Jarrett Baker/Getty Images

Lesson No. 1 is the simple fact the smaller ballers are quicker with their reflexes and fleeter of foot. It’s not that easy, though. As Nate says, “Smaller guys, we gotta work harder than the bigger guys. We gotta burn more energy.” It’s not enough to be out there and have more speed – you have to have the stamina to run your tail off. This starts off the court. “You gotta eat right,” Nate says, “And always be in shape more than the next guy. Have great lungs like what a swimmer


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would have. I just stay in the gym. I always played three or four sports growing up as a kid, always stayed active.”


Basketball Skills - Tips and Tricks


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Trick #1

The Sweep

Imagine you are in triple threat position on the wing, and the defender has his left foot forward, which takes away your right-hand dribble. Now what would you do?

Here is where the sweep comes in. Quickly shift your weight from right to left. Sweep the ball across your belly, then move your right foot outside of the defender's right foot, blocking him off. Then do a hard left-hand dribble or two, and you're on your way to the hoop!

But be careful not to hold the ball too far away from your body, for it will likely be poked away by the defender. When you become more proficient on this move, try throwing in a head fake to the right so that the defender may go off-balance and you can get even more room.


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Trick #2

The Spin

When you are in the open court and the defender has your path to the basket cut off, a spin dribble could be a smart solution. To execute a spin move (presuming you are right-handed), dribble hard with your right hand toward the defender, then stop with your left foot forward and planted. Make a swift 180-degree pivot off your left foot. Switch hands half-way through the rotation and dribble with your left hand instead. As soon as your back faces the defender, do another 180-degree pivot off your right foot and you will be facing the hoop again.

The downsides of this move: 1.) While spinning, you momentarily can't see the basket or cutting teammates. 2.) Other defenders may be able to read your spin and double team you in your blind spot. 3.) Doing a spin move too fast can throw you off-balance quite easily.


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Trick #3

Change-Of-Pace Dribble

When you see a double-team coming, slow down, plant your front foot, straighten up slightly and keep your head up. The purpose of this move is to fool the defenders into believing that you are slowing down. As you straighten up, they will instinctively straighten up too. And that's when you've got them! Accelerate by pushing off your lead foot, race past your defenders and head to the hoop.

Trick #4

Behind-the-Back Dribble

It is a high-risk move, so use it only in one-on-one situations. Never do it when you are doubleteamed. And don't do it just to impress your fans. This technique works best when your path is blocked; there is not enough room for you to do the spin, and you


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don't want to cross the ball over in front of the defense. Simply step your left foot forward and throw the ball from your right hand to the area where your left foot was. However, try not to wrap the ball around your body too much because it will give your dribble topspin.

Trick #5

Ambidextrous Dribble

Whether you are right-handed or left-handed, you can always strengthen your weak hand and become a doubly effective ballhandler. Being able to dribble with both hands equally well makes you an unpredictable player, which means the defender will have to work twice as hard to figure out which way you are going.


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Trick #6

Crossover Dribble

It's basically just a weight shift that allows you to use your momentum toward the basket to your advantage. Unlike the spin, when you do crossover dribble, you are not forced into a blind spot, which means it is easier to dump the ball off when you get doubleteamed.

Presuming you are being overplayed to the right, push off hard toward your left foot and move the ball across your body on a diagonal path. Receive the ball with your left hand. Then make a long crossover step with your right foot, and you're on your way to the hoop.

Cautions: 1.) Don't use this move when you are guarded too closely; it is very easy for the defender to tip the ball away. 2.) Don't reach across for the ball with your left hand. Just let it bounce to your left side. Reaching over exposes the ball to the defender and often makes you dribble the ball off your foot.


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Basic Tips: Dribbling Dos and Don'ts

Use your fingertips, NOT your palm


First, you need to learn how to handle the ball effectively or in other words, how to dribble well. Dribbling a basketball may seem easy, but to dribble smartly and give your defender a hard time, you've got to learn some special tricks and practice diligently.


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Use your fingertips, NOT your palm

At the end of practice, check your hand. If your palm is clean and your fingers are dirty, it means you're dribbling correctly.

Do not overdribble

Do not keep dribbling until you are no longer guarded. You should pass the ball as soon as you see a teammate become open. If you keep dribbling, your teammates will


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stop trying to get open after a while, as they know they won't get the ball from you.

Dribble by feel

Learn to dribble by feel so that you can always keep your head up to spot defenders and open teammates.Push the ball hard and keep your hand low

Quick defenders have plenty of time to steal the ball, from the moment you push the ball to the floor until it bounces back to your fingertips. Hard dribbles shorten the time that you have no control over the ball and accordingly, minimize the risk of losing the ball to your defender.

Fun Practicing Tricks: The Maravich Drills

There is a ballhandling sequence known as the Maravich drills, which is named after Pete Maravich, a renowned NBA player, AKA Pistol Pete. Everyday after practicing with his team,


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Maravich would do these drills by himself to develop his coordination, quickness, strength, as well as endurance in his arms and hands.


Ball Slaps  - Holding the ball in front of your chest, slap it hard as you move it from hand to hand. It is an excellent way to warm up your hands and help you get a good feel for the ball.

Pinches  - Holding the ball in your right hand, use all five fingers to pinch it toward your left. The ball will squirt back and forth from one hand to another.

Taps  - Hold the ball over your head with you arms fully stretched. Tap the ball back and forth between your fingertips.

Circles  - Pass the ball around your head, waist and each leg. Try to keep your head up while doing this. It will help you handle the ball totally by feel.


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Figure 8 Dribbles  - Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Dribble the ball in and out of your legs in the figure 8 motion.

Tips on Ball PassingTips on Ball Passing

1. Chest PassChest Pass  - The chest pass is the most efficient way to throw the ball. Use it in order to get the ball to a teammate quickly when there is no defender in the way. You should step forward when you do this pass because you lose power by not stepping. However, passing without stepping is quicker. So just use your judgment to decide in each situation whether quickness or accuracy is more important.

2. Bounce PassBounce Pass  - If you are in trouble with the ball and need to slip a pass by the


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defender to a teammate who can score, the bounce pass is the best option. It forces the defender to unnaturally tilt his torso in order to reach the ball as it is whizzing by, which makes it harder to intercept. It may look pretty cool to throw a bounce pass with fancy spinning, but that often brings a turnover instead of a good play. So unless you are Kobe Bryant or Chauncey Billups, try to resist the temptation and keep it simple.

3. Overhead PassOverhead Pass  - The overhead pass is the best way to pass the ball when the defense is in your face. You should also use it to feed the inside players and to get off an outlet pass after a rebound. Just remember that the pass is meant to be caught at chin level or above, so the receiver won't have to decide whether he should catch the ball with thumbs up or thumbs down. If the ball bears in on the receiver's waist, it basically handcuffs him.


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4.  Side PassSide Pass - When there's a defender in front of you and another one bustling toward you, it is very difficult to throw a two-hand pass. What you need to do is getting around your defender and dumping the ball quickly with one hand. Decide whether you are throwing above or below your defender's arm, and fake the other way. When his arm goes down, pass the ball over it. When his arm goes up, slips a one-hand bounce pass under it.

5. Behind-The-Back PassBehind-The-Back Pass  - Although the key to perfect passing is simplicity, there are rare times when a behind-the-back pass could be effective. Coaches usually approve it in two-on-one, fast-break situations. So try to do it right or don't do it at all. Keep in mind that when you do this pass, the power should come from your arm and fingers, NOT from turning your shoulders If you turn your shoulder, you basically give away that you're throwing a behind-the-back pass, and by the time the ball gets around your body, the defense would have cut in front of your target.


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Must-Know Shooting Tips1. Stance   - Your knees must be bent slightly.

Make sure your feet point at the basket. Bent knees help create the right arc on your shot.

2. Grip   - Put your dominant hand in the center of the ball; your fingers should be spread and your palm should not touch the ball. Special trick: Use the air valve. It is not just a meaningless rubber dot, but a built-in guide for ball shooters. The air valve is at the center of the basketball, so putting the center of your hand on the air valve helps the ball go straight.


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3. Release  - Thrust your fingers up and forward toward the hoop. While making a free throw, try to arc the ball 3 - 4 feet above the basket. (Shaq's free throws don't usually arc; that's why he has been failing as a free thrower.)

4. Follow-Through   - Your fingers should point downward after you release the ball. Leave your hand up there for at least a second to make sure you don't pull your hand back too soon.

5. Balance   - You should feel your body going just slightly toward the basket. If it's a jump shot, you should land on both feet at the same time.

6. Layup  - When you do a layup, keep your eye on the basket all the time. For a right-handed layup, jump off your left foot. For a left-handed layup, jump off your right foot. This allows you to get maximum height and best shields from the defense.

7. Free Throw   - Keep your dominant foot slightly in front. As you straighten your knees, release the ball. Finish with your heels off the floor and shift your weight on


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your toes. Your strong hand must follow through. Use your weak hand as a guide, but don't let it affect the shot.

Rebounding Tips

1. Keep movingKeep moving  - A good rebounding position is where you can effectively compete for a missed shot. That position, nonetheless, always changes as the predicted shooter dribbles left and right, or passes the ball to a teammate. The best rebounders, therefore, are the ones who keep moving.


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2.2. Box outBox out    -- While a missed shot is in the air, make contact with your opponent. Reach out and touch him, preferably with your forearm to his chest and our rear end to his thighs. It is an effective way to stop your opponent's momentum toward the ball.

3. Try to predict where the ball mightTry to predict where the ball might gogo - To be a good rebounder, you've got to know where a missed shot is likely to land. Here are some tips for reboundingtips for rebounding sleuthssleuths: 1.) Missed shots from a corner usually end up on the other side of the basket. 2.) Shots taken from the middle of the court usually return to the middle. But if it's left or right by just a little bit, it is likely to catch the inside of the rim, then hit the backboard and fall near the basket. 3.) Longer shots often mean longer rebounds. Since they are made with more force, they are more likely to produce a crazy bounce.

4. Two and twoTwo and two  - Jump off both feet and grab the ball with both hands. With two


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hands, it is easier to catch the ball. With two feet, you can jump higher, for you use twice as much muscle to create the oomph.

5. Don't let them steal the ball backDon't let them steal the ball back  - After getting a rebound, your opponents will certainly try to poke the ball away from you. Here is what you can do to secure your possession of the ball. After rebounding, land on the floor with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders so that no one can knock you off-balance. Place your hands on the side of the ball. Keep your forearms parallel to the floor and your elbows out. Hold the ball firmly against your chest, just a bit below your chin. If a defensive player tries to slap the ball away from the side, he will risk fouling you on the arm. If he tries to tie you up for a jump ball, just pivot away, keeping your elbows wide. It is okay to pivot with your elbows wide, but keep in mind; don't swing them back and forth like weapons. You may get a technical foul.


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A couple final words: Keep practicing!


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A. Registration

1. At least one of the parents of a participating player must be Filipino .

2. Age qualifications:

Mosquito Born (2001) Age 10

Girls Born(1995) Age 16

Ladies -Any year No age limit

Tykes -Born (2000) Age 12


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Pee-Wee -Born (1998) Age 14

Bantam -Born on (1996) Age 16

Juvenile -Born on (1993) Age 19

Open -Any year (no age limit)

Senior -Born on/before 1977 Age 35

3. Registration fees must be paid before the first game .

B. Team Composition

1. Teams can submit a maximum of 18 players in the line up but 15 players can dress up and play in a game and must be submitted by the coach before the start of the game. These limitations do not apply to the mosquito division.

2. Team line up submitted for the 3rd game (including alternates) will be the team’s final line up and no change will be allowed thereafter.

3. No player is allowed to play in two different division.


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C. Team Uniforms


2. Of some valid reason, a player does not have the current uniform of the team, a previous uniform of the team, same colour, with a different number from any in the set of the current uniform may be used with prior league approval.

3. Numbers assigned to players for the team’s 3rd game will be permanent numbers throughout the tournament. Any change without approval will be penalized.

4. Under t-shirt will only be allowed if it is of the same colour as the uniform.

5. If opposing teams have the same colour of uniforms, one of the teams will be requested to wear an under t-shirt of a different color.

D. Playing Time

1. The Mosquito, Girls, Tykes and Peewee divisions will play four 5-minute


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periods in the 1st half and two 5-minute periods and a last 10-minute period in the 2nd half. All players in the game line-up must at least play a total of 10 minutes unless the player can not complete the minimum due to personal fouls, injury or, ejection. Violation may result in loss of game. The 10 minutes playing time does not apply in the mosquito division where the minimum time for a player is 5 minutes.

2. The Bantam, Juvenile, Open ,Ladies and the Senior divisions will play two 20 minutes halves.

3. In case of a tie at the end of regular game time, 3 minute overtime period(s) follows to break the tie.

4. Games will be played in running time but will be stopped on free-throws, time-outs and upon referees call.

5. Clock will be stopped every time the referee blows the whistle in the last 3 minutes of the regular time and on overtime periods.


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6. A 20 points differential drop-back is in effect in all division'


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E. Default Game

1. Default game is 10 minutes in open subtitution division after scheduled game time and team needs 5 players to start the game.

2. In Mosquito, Girls, Tykes, and Peewee divisions a team could start 5 players. Team needs four players on the second shift. However team can use a 10 minutes grace period if there is less than five players present on schedule game time. When resume, only 15 minutes on the first half, no jump ball and the ball in favour for the complete team.Minimum of 9 players in the game to avoid team defaults.

3. Only the league can postpone, cancel or reschedule games due to an unforeseen event. If both teams can not play as scheduled, both teams lose by default.

4. A team will be awarded 25 points if their opposing team defaults on any MPAA schedule game.


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F. Substitution

1. Substitution in the Mosquito, Girls, Tykes and Peewee divisions is via the platoon system at the start of each 5 minute periods. Open substitution is on the last 10 minutes.

2. No substitution is allowed within the 5 minute periods except when a player fouls out, injured, or ejected. However, substituting player must not have played in the previous period and substituting player can not play in the following period. No player can play in consecutive 5-minute periods.

3. Coach will be assessed a “flagrant foul” if a disqualified player is substituted.

G. Defence

1. In the Mosquito, Girls, Tykes, Peewee divisions, the half court press in the six 5-minute periods still applies and full court press will be allowed in the last 10 minutes. In the Bantam division, full


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court press is allowed throughout the game.

2. A man to man defence is compulsory for the above divisions throughout the game. No double teaming is allowed above the free throw line. Player isolation is not allowed.

3. First violation on the above 2 rules will be a warning call from the referee and all violations of the same thereafter will be assessed a technical foul.Except for the Mosquito Divisions,all violations will only results to a warning and not a technical fouls.

4. Above rules do not apply to Ladies , Bantam , Juvenile, Open and Senior divisions.


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H. Time-Outs

1. Teams are allowed 4 time outs (two 30 second and two 60 second) in a game. If not specified, a 60 second time out applies.

2. Unused time outs can not be carried over in case of overtime. A 30 second time out is allowed per overtime period.

I. Bench Personnel

1. Only the coach, his assistant, manager and the 15 players designated to play will be allowed on the bench. Suspended and injured players are not allowed on the bench.

2. Only the coach or his designate is allowed to be standing within the coach’s box at anytime. Coach’s box will be marked on the hard court.

3. Coaches must be in Team Uniforms at all times while they are on their respective benches.

J. Ejections


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2. The referee can eject anybody on the hard court or bench for conduct unbecoming, physical or verbal abuse by officials or players representative of an organization.

3. Players involved in fight on the hard court will automatically be ejected plus a possible suspension to take effect immediately. The same applies to other team players who invade the hard court from the sideline or stands in sympathy of friends.

4. A second technical foul called on the same individual results in automatic ejection.


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K. Protests

1. Protest against player age qualification will be entertained during the regular season and must be accompanied with a $100 refundable fee. Fee will be refunded if the protest is proven correct. Else the protest fee or a part of thereof is forfeited. Protest against player nationality will be entertained up to semi-final game.

2. If a player misrepresented, he is immediately expelled from the team and suspended from participation in the future MPAA leagues as will be determined.

3. All won games where the disqualified player participated will be reversed into losses and credit opposing teams with the win.

4. Protest due to technicalities or procedural disagreements must be indicated on the score sheet after the game, signed by the protesting coach and duly acknowledged by the referee.


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No protest fee is required and it will be resolved before the next schedule of games. The decision of the tournament committee is final.

I. Play Off

1. A player must have played at least 50% of the team’s regular season games to be able to participate in the play-off.

2. Players who did not make the 50% due to injury may be considered if a medical certificate can be presented and deliberated upon by league officials.


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Besides knowing all the rules and regulations of basketball, understanding the fouls and violations is also necessary. Take a look at the most common basketball fouls that players and teams commit.

Basketball Violations and Fouls

One of the important parts of coaching basketball to anyone is understanding the fouls and violations which occur during practices and games. The fouls explained below will teach you to be an honest and responsible player. Apart from the fouls and violations mentioned in the following section, you can also read an article on basketball terms to improve/understand the jargon.

24-SECOND VIOLATION24-SECOND VIOLATION: All NBA teams have to make a shot within 24 seconds. If not, then the violation results in change of ball possession.



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made by a team, the offensive team gets only 8 seconds to bring the ball over the midcourt line.

BLOCKINGBLOCKING: Once the game or practice is on, a player tries to position his or her body in a way to prevent the opponent from getting ahead. Blocking is mostly done by the defense team players.

CHARGINGCHARGING: This is an offense team's foul. One of the offensive team's player runs into a defending team's players who has already established his or her position.

DEFENSIVE FOULDEFENSIVE FOUL: When a player practices an unnecessary or illegal contact with either the ball or away from the ball, a defensive foul is said to have been committed.

DOUBLE DRIBBLEDOUBLE DRIBBLE: The offense player who dribbles the ball, stops, and then begins to dribble it again is said to have committed the double dribble violation.

ELBOWINGELBOWING: Elbowing can be done by any of the teams. This is when a player swings his or her elbows in a forceful, excessive manner. The elbowing player makes contact with the opponent at this point.


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FIVE-SECOND VIOLATIONFIVE-SECOND VIOLATION: A five-second throw-in violation generally occurs during a throw-in when the ball is not passed by the player who is supposed to inbound the ball before 5 seconds have gone by after he or she got the ball. Usually the penalty for a five-second violation is losing of the ball from that team.

FLAGRANT FOUL:FLAGRANT FOUL:    This is a serious contact foul where a player tries to unnecessarily and intentionally make contact during the game. Usually the penalty for flagrant foul is that the other team gets 2 free throws and the possession of the basketball out-of-bounds. And the player who committed the flagrant foul is automatically disqualified from the game.

FLOOR VIOLATIONFLOOR VIOLATION: This is an action of a player who violates the rules but doesn't commit any foul or hinder the opponent. Usually the penalty for floor violation is a change of ball possession.

FOUL TROUBLEFOUL TROUBLE: During the track of a game, one or more players who have collected way too many fouls are said to be in "foul trouble". All the players who have collected 5 fouls in high school and college game, or 6 fouls in NBA game will be disqualified or eliminated from


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that game. Which is why all teams must be careful not to accumulate more than 6 fouls in each half. 

GOALTENDINGGOALTENDING: This violation is generally committed by the defense team's player. The player illegally interferes with a shot on the rim or on a downward path to the hoop. Usually the penalty for this violation results in the shot by the offense team being assumed in and they receive a basket.

HAND CHECKHAND CHECK: This is a personal foul done by the defense team player. When he or she occasionally or continuously uses his or her hand(s) on the opponent player who has the ball.

HOLDINGHOLDING: Whether you are in a defense or offense team, using your hands to interfere your opponent's freedom of movement commits a holding fouls.

ILLEGAL SCREENILLEGAL SCREEN: A player who is setting the screen still moves when the defense team's player makes contact with him or her. Illegal screen is a type of blocking where the defender is prevented from moving around the screen.


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INTENTIONAL FOUL:INTENTIONAL FOUL:    This foul is committed by the defense team's player on purpose to stop the clock. Usually in a college basketball game, the team which was fouled gets the advantage of 2 free throws and also the possession of the ball.

LANE VIOLATION:LANE VIOLATION:    At the time of a free throw, if a player enters the lane too soon, lane violation is said to have been committed. Usually the penalty for lane violation results in a turnover or the other team receives another free throw.

OFFENSIVE FOULOFFENSIVE FOUL: This is a personal foul committed by the offense team's player. The player, who has the ball in his or her hands, charges into the defense team's player who is standing in a stationary, defensive position.

OVER-THE-BACKOVER-THE-BACK: A player who jumps on and goes over the back of his or her opponent who is trying to attempt a rebound with the ball. 

PALMINGPALMING: A player who takes his or her hand under the ball and scoops it while dribbling is said to have committed the palming violation.


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REACHING INREACHING IN: When a player tries to steal the ball from the offense team's player, the player extends his or her arm and hand out, making contact with the player who has the ball.

SHOOTING SHOOTING FOUL: This foul is committed when a player is fouled while in the act of shooting the ball. If the player misses the shot, he or she receives 2 or 3 free throw, depending on which shot he or she was originally taking.

TECHNICAL FOUL: Any violations and misconduct which detriments the game is called a technical foul. Usually the penalty for a technical foul is a free throw to the opponent team.

THREE IN THE KEY:   Any defense or offense player cannot remain in the lane for more than 3 seconds at a time. If the violation is committed, it results in change of ball possession.

TRAVELING: The offense team's player who has the ball and takes too many steps, anywhere on the court, without dribbling the ball is said to have committed this violation.

Tripping :  When a player uses his or her foot


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or leg to make the opponent to lose or fall during the game is said to have committed the tripping foul.

UNSPORTSMANLIKE FOUL :  Any player or team that plays unfairly, unethically, and/or dishonorably is said to have committed the unsportsmanlike foul. Such fouls are usually given a penalty of a free throw to the opponent team.

These were the common basketball violations and fouls that players/teams often commit. I hope the revelation and information of these fouls and violations can help you in avoiding them in your games or during practices.


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The 7 Most Common Basketball Shots

1. THE LAY-UP The lay-up is one of the simplest shots in basketball and is used in one of two different situations during a game: - When you are under the ring and you get the ball while shooting through the basket. - When you dribble the ball through a crowd and wind up under the net.

2. THE ONE-HANDED UNDERHAND This shot must be practiced - a lot - before being put to the test in a game, because it is a tough one.

Additionally, you can't use the one-handed underhand when you are in a set position.

3. THE TWO-HANDED SET The two-handed set is usually saved for long-range opportunities. This shot is not as common


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today as it used to be. The most well-known player to make this shot popular was Bob McDermott, who became famous for his ability to shoot from any place in the inside court.

4. THE ONE-HANDED SET The one-handed set is another one of the basics. It has the same good points as the two-handed set but it gives you improved speed.

5. THE JUMP SHOT The jump shot almost always turns into points on the scoreboard. This shot is often paired with a fake, and it is popular with current basketball players of all levels.

6. THE HOOK SHOT The hook shot can be paired with a number of different moves on the court, so it is a highly versatile basketball shot that can be put into play in distances from mid-range to short-range.

7. THE FREE THROW Everyone knows the free throw; it's the one where the rest of the players stand around and watch. A player gets a free throw when they have been


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fouled by a player on the opposing team, and they make this shot from the free throw line. To be considered good at the free throw, you have to make at least 8 out of 10 of these shots.

These are the seven most common shots in basketball,

and although there are more, some others require detailed

combinations and variations in skill levels. These can be learned by the beginner and practiced to perfection. For all of these shots, and every other move in the game of basketball, the best thing to do is practice and constantly update your skills.


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Michael Jordan is the #1 best bball player of all time no doubt

Best player of all time... how can he be at number 8?

Michael Jordan and the bulls hold the best record without him they couldn't win he proved that when he retired. He is also undefeated in the Finals.

Finally! People seem to have gotten over the hype and favoritism!

Although he should really be in the top 10. Maybe amongst the top 5. But not #1.

hes the best player off all time how this site is riduclous to have him wnywhere but number one come on 28?


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Added 10 months ago by guest

whoever says Michael Jordan isint the best basketball player ever you are nuts.this guy dominated the game.he is th e is mikes game no one would beat him.whoever says kareem is the best or even wilt you have serious issues.yeah kareem is good but no one is better than michael jordan.michael jordan is number 1.mike is the best ever.

Added 9 months ago by guest

I love kobe but I still think Mike is the best.

Added 9 months ago by guest


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Magic JohnsonMagic Johnson

for some reason this list won't let me rank him no.1, but for all-around greatness at every aspect and position in the game, I've never seen better. Including Jordan.

Added 2 years ago by pony

For some reason this list won't let me rank him at no. 1, but for all-around greatness at every aspect and position in the game, I've never seen better. Including Jordan.

Added 2 years ago by pony

And another thing..You could ask him to score 30, 40, or more and he could. You could ask him to get you 20 rebounds in a big game and he would. You could ask him to get 15 assists in a playoff game and it was done. He could play all 5 positions and well enough in all five to start for most teams and well enough to make the all stars if he did. He was the best.


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Added 1 year ago by pony

I dont know much bout B-ball but my moneys on him.

Added 1 year ago by MET4LLICA4life

who is this haskel person. he/she is really dumb

Added 1 year ago by jones

One of 2 players in NBA history (Bird) who's team won 60+ games for every 82 he played in... Played in 8 Finals in the 80's alone... Could play all 5 positions at All-Star level for a playoff series... The Lakers team he took to the Finals that went 58-24 went 43-39 the next year without him...

Added 1 year ago by guest

You find out a lot about the value of a player when he ISN'T there... the 47-win Lakers add him and soar to 60 wins and the NBA championship (and Kareem, who WAS having an MVP series, didn't play Game 6 in Philly)... then Magic takes a Kareem-less Laker team to the Finals in 1993, retires----and the Lakers with Sedale Threatt and everybody else back in 1994, fall from 58-24 and the Finals to 43-39. Michael Jordan never made any such impact.

Added 1 year ago by guest

The year was 1991 when Magic took


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