Basis Technology Overview (Whitepaper)

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Basis B1 Whitepaper

Transcript of Basis Technology Overview (Whitepaper)

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    Basis B1 Band Presents the Whole Picture in Real Time,

    All the Time

    Multiple, interacting sensors measure activity and how the body responds


    Health-conscious individuals are always looking to make positive lifestyle changeslike getting

    more exercise to achieve weight loss goals, sleeping more to perform better throughout the

    day, or relaxing to deal with lifes challenges more effectively. Basis believes that gaining

    important insights into what people do during sleeping, waking, and active hours helps paint the

    most useful picture of their health to allow these positive changes. As the old adage goes, you

    cant manage what you cant measure, and, by measuring what people do over the course of

    their day, we truly let them manage their health and wellness.

    To bring this picture to life, Basis has created the

    Basis B1 band, a new class of health and wellness

    device that is a sophisticated convergence of five

    sensor technologies and advanced data

    aggregation and analysis. These sensors track

    users lifestyles in real time and in real ways by

    continuously collecting key measured biosignals.

    Through sophisticated algorithms, the Basis B1

    band translates these biosignals into insightful

    metrics on how everyday activities affect the

    bodywhether its working out or working at

    the office, going out dancing with friends on

    Saturday night or sleeping in on Sunday morning.

    These daily activities offer a great deal of

    information that only the Basis B1 band can

    capture and interpret through its advanced

    technology, providing users with that

    comprehensive picture.

    The Basis B1 band a new class of health and wellness device with five sensor technologies.

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    The Sleeping, Waking, and Being Active States

    Before discussing the technology, lets take a look at how Basis breaks down and tracks aspects

    of an individuals lifestyle to provide the initial sketch of their health.

    Basis focuses on three states: sleeping, waking or relaxing, and being active:

    Sleeping When an individual is asleep, the body is restoring and recuperating. A lower

    heart rate and minimal movement commonly characterize sleep.

    Waking When an individual is fully awake but engaged in a low level of activity, like

    relaxing on the couch or working at a desk, the body operates at a normal level, with

    the heart rate slightly elevated from a resting level and frequent, low intensity motion.

    Being Active When the individual is active and working hard, whether walking the dog

    or engaged in some other type of more strenuous activity, the heart rate is typically

    more elevated. If the level of activity increases enough, sweating and rising skin

    temperature may also indicate a higher level of exertion.

    Through the Basis B1 band, Basis seeks to understand when an individual is in each state so as to

    truly understand levels of activity, relaxation, and sleep. Rather than make assumptions from

    limited metrics, Basis uses all five of its sensors and its sophisticated analysis to understand

    when that particular individual truly reaches one of these three states. Basis also learns a lot

    about the activities and performance of the body by analyzing how the body responds to

    transitions between these three states. For example, when a person wakes up in the morning,

    the Basis B1 band tracks how heartbeats change when a user is transitioning from a resting state

    to normal activities during waking hours. Basis tracks the amount of sleep an individual gets,

    sleep quality, and the number of times they are awakened from sleep. Basis makes it easy for

    users to compare these trends over time and discover how their performance during waking

    hours affects their sleep metrics.

    By looking at how much time is spent in each state, how the body reacts to each state, and how

    the body transitions between states, the Basis B1 band provides a comprehensive picture of

    everyday life. While the user wont see much of the actual data from these sensors, this

    information is vitally important because it contributes to a more accurate and precise

    interpretation of their health.

    To gain these insights, a comprehensive set of biosignal metrics is essential. More importantly,

    every individual has unique biosignals that determine when they are in each state, the changes

    that occur between states, and how the states affect their bodies. This cant be determined with

    a single sensor; it requires a deeper level of insights from sensors that track not only what the

    individual tells their body to do, but also how their body reacts and changes over time based on

    lifestyle choices.

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    Multiple Sensors Working Together

    The Basis B1 band is built around five sensors that act in concert and simultaneously in real time

    to provide a holistic, precise, and accurate view of a persons health immediately and over

    extended periods of time:

    Optical blood flow sensor This sensor detects heart rate, through pulse or blood flow,

    and constantly monitors heart rate. This is the most important sensor and provides the

    device with key metrics so that it can understand how the body is reacting to lifestyle


    3D accelerometer Highly sensitive, this sensor detects even the smallest movement,

    regardless of whether users are alert and active or sleeping soundly.

    Body temperature By measuring the users skin surface temperature, this sensor

    provides a more accurate reading of exertion in an activity state.

    Ambient temperature reading This sensor detects the outside temperature and, in

    relation to body temperature, can boost the accuracy of caloric burn calculations, as

    well as providing insights into other environmental effects on the body.

    Galvanic skin response By measuring the intensity of the skins moisture output (or

    sweat) during any activity, from warm-up to recovery, this sensor provides information

    particular to an individuals level of exertion when engaged in activity.

    While much of this data and the individual metrics collected by sensors are not visible to the

    user, they are aggregated and summarized by Basis B1 to build to provide a complete picture of

    the persons health.

    Blood Flow and Heart Rate

    At the core of the Basis B1 sensing platform is advanced optical sensing technology to measure

    heart rate. The Basis B1 advanced optical sensing engine represents a huge technological

    breakthrough in the ability to measure cardiovascular events unobtrusively and continuously.

    Powered by specially designed light emitters that illuminate whats happening inside the body,

    the Basis B1 sensor sees heartbeats as they occur through light shining back from these

    emitters. Specifically, the optical sensor measures the change in emitted light that is reflected

    out from the body and that corresponds to the change in blood flow from the pulse caused by

    each heartbeat. Basis also utilizes optimized light wavelengths in the emitters and a specific

    sensor and emitter configuration to ensure accuracy throughout the days activities.

    Basis has also done a great deal of research and development on how to use optical sensor

    technology to measure blood flow (and heartbeats) in the real world, not just in a clinical

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    environment. Specially designed algorithms learn about each individuals biosignals and other

    physiological characteristics (body type, skin tone, and hair density) and then adjust to the

    persons body. By looking at how heartbeats change pace, size, and shape, the Basis B1 band

    can provide great insights into a users wellness, activity intensity, and much moreall the time

    and no matter where they are.


    Because so much can influence the demands a persons body makes on the heart, Basis built in a

    three-axis accelerometer to complement the optical sensor data and better understand what

    causes changes in heart rate. The accelerometer tells users how they are moving in the world

    and how they are moving has a big impact on health and wellness. Getting the right balance of

    activity and stillness is an essential part of a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle.

    The Basis B1 accelerometer measures all aspects of activitymany times per second. The

    accelerometer measures the rate of change of velocity of the device, both in terms of

    magnitude (g-force) and direction (3 axes). This can range from whole-body movement, like

    walking or bicycling, to smaller movements like moving the wrist and hand when writing

    longhand. The data from the accelerometer, along with the other sensor inputs, is aggregated

    with the optical heart rate sensor data to inform users about what may be causing changes in

    heart rate and what this means about their health and wellness. For example, at the beginning

    of a brisk walk, heart rate increases as the body starts pumping more blood into the muscles to

    supply increased metabolic needs. During periods of recovery or relaxation, a change in heart

    rate may mean something else entirely, perhaps a moment of surprise or a reaction to having to

    make an important presentation at work. It shows how users are moving and how their bodies

    are reacting. It also measures stillness and whats happening in the body when its not moving,

    which says a great deal about how lifestyle influences individual health.

    Body Temperature and Ambient Temperature

    By measuring how the body is regulating skin temperature, the Basis B1 band gets a much

    better picture of how a persons body is responding to their lifestyle. The body uses

    temperature regulation to keep it running at just the right temperature. The Basis B1 band has

    two temperature sensors that track continuously.

    When exercising, people tend to get warmer; sweating is one mechanism by which body

    temperature is restored to a more normal level, and cooling down after an exercise session is

    another. In addition to reading skin temperature when users are exercising, cooling down, or

    just engaged in normal activities, the Basis B1 band also reads the external, or ambient,

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    temperature to see what effect that has on caloric burn rate. For example, climate impacts

    sweat levels. Warmer climates make most people sweat more and also change the composition

    of sweat. Ambient temperature can be used to measure the environment and then give context

    to how much users are sweating.

    The Basis B1 band then gets data on climate, sweat level, how much motion was used to

    generate the perspiration, and how all of that relates to the body's internal temperature. While

    the raw metrics arent seen by the user, this set of data provides a powerful set of parameters

    with which to model the body's thermoregulatory behavior. On top of that, the Basis B1 band

    can determine the impact on the cardiovascular system via the optical processing engineand

    this is something that no other device on the market today can do.

    Galvanic Skin Response

    All human bodies in motion give off heat, and one of the ways a persons body keeps from

    overheating is through sweat. Sweat is expressed by glands when the body needs to cool itself

    down; evaporation of sweat results in a cooling effect. The Basis B1 band continually measures

    the conductivity of skinthe level of moisture, or sweat. Galvanic skin response (GSR) readings

    provide users and anyone with whom they want to share their health information with excellent

    feedback about the nature of their workoutshow effective their workouts are in terms of

    intensity and how well they recover after a session. As noted, while the data isnt visible, it is

    aggregated with other metrics for richer insights. In fact, no other device combines continuous

    24/7 GSR with heart rate to provide such a complete picture.

    Caloric burn has to do with more than activity; it has to do with blood flow and other factors like

    skin moisture. Accelerometers alone dont provide adequate data about how many calories a

    given individual is burning. For some people, walking slowly is a huge workout that causes them

    to work up a major sweat; for others, the very same walk doesnt even register as a workout at

    all. The Basis B1 band can see not just what an individual is doing, but also how every activity

    affects their body and their health. It provides context to the person using the device and

    differentiates the impact a similar exercise has on different people. Through this particular

    sensor and its interactivity with the other three, users can better determine how particular

    activities affect them. The Basis B1 band tells users what this means to them, for their own

    health, and it does so even when they are still.

    Summary: Putting It All Together

    Now that a user has all of the data that has been collected through the Basis B1 band, how do

    they make sense of it? Raw biosignal statistics are great for some individuals, but most people

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    need help interpreting those signals to know exactly how to change their lifestyles and be


    Basis uses a sophisticated approach to aggregating and assimilating all of this the data based on

    multi-variate pattern recognition. Each biosignal is a time-encoded piece of data, or variable,

    that relates to measurements dynamically calibrated to the user wearing the Basis B1 band. The

    Basis B1 algorithms are used to look at the relationships among all of the variables to derive a

    more accurate view of activity, rest, or sleep states and the transitions in between. It is the

    pattern recognition achieved by all five sensorsheart rate, movement, sweat levels, body

    temperature, and the effects of ambient temperaturethat truly allows Basis to provide that

    most comprehensive picture of health.

    Basis then translates its biosignal measurements and pattern recognitions of each physiological

    state into actionable, trackable metrics like Caloric Burn Count and Sleep Efficiency. These

    metrics can be used to help users meet workout and fitness goals, achieve weight loss targets,

    sleep more soundly, and much more. The Basis B1 band presents information to users right on

    the device itself in real time, as well as through the web-based analytics and reporting. Whether

    its noticing heart rate during moments of frustration at the office or during exercise sessions

    when working toward caloric burn goals for the day, users see whats going on with their bodies

    and can more easily achieve an improved level of health and wellness.

    When users are out in the real world, going about their day, all they have to do is look at their

    Basis B1 bands to get an instant snapshot of some key health metricsnot simply what they are

    doing (like being active or relaxing), but the effect these activities are having on their

    cardiovascular systems and more. The Basis B1 band can help people learn a lot about their

    health and the effect of lifestyle on their bodies. Beyond show and tell, it automatically provides

    ways for people to upgrade their health in simple, achievable ways.

    About Basis:

    BASIS Science, Inc. believes it is easier to get and stay healthy when wellness is fun, social and

    informative. To put this within everyones reach, the company invented the Basis Band the

    worlds first connected heart rate and health tracker wearable on the wrist. Convenient

    and customizable, the multi-sensor Basis B1 band collects data like heart rate, calories

    burned, physical activity and sleep patterns. It links to your personal dashboard where you can

    easily view performance, share data, earn rewards, and engage with the Basis

    community. Basis Science, Inc. is backed by Norwest Venture Partners and Doll Capital

    Management. For more information visit:

    BASIS is a trademark of Basis Science, Inc. in the United States and other countries.