Basics to Software Packages for Businesses

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Transcript of Basics to Software Packages for Businesses

  • 8/12/2019 Basics to Software Packages for Businesses


    1. What is a computer?A computer is an electronic device that responds to a specific set of instructions in a

    well-defined manner and executes a pre-recorded list of instructions. It accepts data (input),

    process that data, produces an output, and then store the results.

    2. What are the elements of a computer system?

    1. Hardware- devices in the computer that can be seen and touch.

    2. Software- program installed in the computer that tells the hardware what to do.

    A. Application software-it tells the computer what to do in a specific task.

    B. System Software= operating system

    3. People ware refers to user or the operator

    4. Data- unprocessed figures; may be letters or numbers, images that we can see, the

    audio that we can hear or the video that we can watch.

    3. What are the capabilities of a computer?

    a. It is capable of doing repetitive operations.b. Computers can process information at extremely rapid rates.c. They may be programmed to calculate answers at whatever level of accuracy.d. General-purpose computers can be programmed to solve various types of problems

    because of their flexibility.

    e. They have no intuition.f. A computer can store large amount of data and can show that data easily at click of


    4. What are the disadvantages of using a computer?

    Disadvantages of computerThe use of computer has also created some problems in society which are as

    follows.UnemploymentDifferent tasks are performed automatically by using computers. It reduces the

    need of people and increases unemployment in society.Wastage of time and energy

  • 8/12/2019 Basics to Software Packages for Businesses


    Many people use computers without positive purpose. Young generation is now

    spending more time on the social media websites

    Data SecurityThe data stored on a computer can be accessed by unauthorized persons

    through networks. It has created serious problems for the data security.omputer rimes

    People use the computer for negative activities. They can steal important data

    from big organizations through computers.Privacy violationThe computers are used to store personal data of the people. The privacy of a

    person can be violated if the personal and confidential records are not

    protected properly.Health risksThe improper and prolonged use of computer can results in injuries or

    disorders of hands, wrists, elbows, eyes, necks and back.

    Impact on EnvironmentThe computer manufacturing processes and computer waste are polluting the

    environment. The wasted parts of computer can release dangerous toxic

    materials. The used computers must be donated or disposed off properly.5. What are the 10 commandments of computer ethics?

    The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics

    1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.

    2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work.

    3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's computer files.

    4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.

    5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.6. Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.

    7. Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization or

    proper compensation.

    8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.

    9. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing

    or the system you are designing.

  • 8/12/2019 Basics to Software Packages for Businesses


    10. Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that ensure consideration and

    respect for your fellow humans.