Basics of Managing Fire and Emergency Medical Records

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Basics of Managing Fire and Emergency Medical


Basics of Managing Fire and Emergency Medical


Washington State [email protected]

(360) 586-4901


Overview• Records Management Basics• Which Retention Schedules Do Fire/EMS Agencies Use?• Fire/EMS FAQs

– CORE vs. Fire/EMS Schedule– Incident Reports– Fire Investigations– Incident Planning and Review– Employee Training– Respiratory Protection– Fire Permits

Benefits of Managing Records

Enables the agency to fulfill its mission

Promotes cost-effective use of agency resources

Promotes open and accountable government

Helps minimize agency risk

What Is a Public Record?

For the purposes of retention and destruction, two criteria (RCW 40.14.010):

1. Made or received in connection with the transaction of public business

2. Regardless of format

For public disclosure, refer to chapter 42.56 RCW.

Chapter 40.14 RCW

All public records shall be and remain the property of the state of Washington. (RCW 40.14.020)

They shall be delivered by outgoing officials and employees to their successors and shall be preserved, stored, transferred, destroyed or disposed of, and otherwise managed, only in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

My device/account = my records?

It may be your personal device or account, but if it’s being used for

agency business, keep in mind that you are accessing (and sometimes

creating) public records

RCW 40.16.020 – Injury to and Misappropriation of Record

Every officer who shall mutilate, destroy, conceal, erase, obliterate, or falsify any record or paper appertaining to the officer's office…is guilty of a class B felony and shall

be punished by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not more than ten years, or by a fine of not

more than five thousand dollars, or by both.

How Do I Know What to Keep?

Districts are granted ongoing legal authority to disposition (get rid of records)

through legal documents calledrecords retention schedules

Records retention schedules forFire and Emergency Medical Service

are approved by the Local Records Committee

(RCW 40.14.060 and 40.14.070;chapters 434-624 and 434-630 WAC)

Which Schedules Do I Use?

Fire and Emergency Medical Records Retention Schedule

For records that are specific or unique to fire and emergency medical services, i.e. –

Fire investigations Fire/Medical incident reports Burning permits

For records that are commonly created/received by most government agencies, i.e. -

Board meetings Contracts and agreements Facilities management

Local Government Common Records Retention Schedule (CORE)

Visit >> Go to “Local Governments Tab” >> Select Fire Authorities/Departments/Districts or Emergency Medical Service Districts

Which Schedule Do I Use?

Emergency Communications (911) Records Retention Schedule

For records that are specific or unique to agencies operating emergency services communication systems and dispatching services, i.e. –

911 recordings CAD incident files

Fire/EMS agencies that perform emergency communication (911) functions also need to use:

Records Retention Schedule

Rule of Thumb: Never destroy a record unless you can point to a “DAN” authorizing you to do so.

Fire and Emergency Medical Records Retention Schedule, Version 2.0 (December 2020)

Emergency Communications (911) Records Retention Schedule, Version 1.0 (November 2012)







There are times when you must hang on to records even if their retention requirements have been met: Litigation holds (must keep until hold

lifted) Open public records requests (must

keep related responsive documents until request fulfilled/closed)

“Born Digital” Records

• Electronic records must be retained in electronic format…for the length of the designated retention period.

• Printing and retaining a hard copy is not a substitute for the electronic version.

(WAC 434-662-040)

Fire/EMS Records FAQs

Multiple factors – auditing requirements, statute of limitations, accountability

Specific federal/state statutes affect retention for a couple of series

Incident investigations involving loss of human life have Archival designation

What is the retention for

Fire/EMS records based


Fire/EMS Records FAQs

Pharmaceutical Inventory AccountabilityDAN FM2020-012 Rev. 0

Inspection/Testing of Firefighting Apparatus and EquipmentDAN FM53-04-18 Rev. 1

Remittances to Volunteer Firefighters’ and Reserve Officers’ Relief and Pension FundDAN FM50-03A-37 Rev. 1

Are there any DANs in the

Fire/EMS Schedule that

take precedence over DANs in

the CORE?

Fire/EMS Records FAQs

Fire Incident Reports,DAN FM53-04-14 Rev. 1

Medical Incident Reports,DAN FM53-04-20 Rev. 1

Note these“Big Bucket” DANs in the

Fire/EMS Schedule.

You will probably use

these often.

Fire & EMS Records FAQs

Fire Investigations – Closed InvestigationsDAN FM53-04-15 Rev. 1

Fire Investigations – Open Investigations of Incidents That Do Not Result in Loss of Human Life DAN FM53-04-16 Rev. 1

Fire Investigations – Incidents That Result in Loss of Human LifeDAN FM53-04-17 Rev. 1

Retention of fire investigation

records depends on whether the

investigation is open/closed and involves

loss of life.

Fire/EMS Records FAQs

Building Information – Pre-Incident PlanningDAN FM53-04-04 Rev. 1

Post-Incident Analysis DAN FM2020-013 Rev. 0

How long are pre-incident

planning and post-incident

analysis records kept?

Fire/EMS Records FAQs

Agency-Provided Training – Mandatory, Certificated, or Hours/Credits EarnedDAN GS2011-180 Rev. 1

Agency-Provided Training – Hazardous Materials HandlingDAN GS2012-029 Rev. 0

Agency-Provided Training – GeneralDAN GS2011-181 Rev. 1

Employee Work History DAN GS50-04B-06 Rev. 4

How long are training records


Fire/EMS Records FAQs

Employee Medical and Exposure RecordsDAN GS50-04B-30 Rev. 2

Respirator Fit TestsDAN GS51-05D-07 Rev. 1

Occupational Health and Safety Program – Administration DAN GS2017-016 Rev. 0

How long are respiratory protection

records kept?

Fire/EMS Records FAQs

Burning Permits – Issued/Enforced by AgencyDAN GS53-04-06 Rev. 1

Burning Permits – Received for ReferenceDAN GS2020-010 Rev. 0

How long are burning permits


Fire/EMS Records FAQs

Language and terminologyNew records seriesObsolete records seriesFederal and state requirements

If not, please let us know!

We want to hear from you.

Records Management Resources

• Website:– Training – online and in-person– How-to videos– Retention schedules– Advice sheets


Washington State Archives

[email protected]/archives

Phone: (360) 586-4901