Basic Terms

Basic BLOGGING TERMS MARIA “RIA” A. JOSE Professional Blogger



Transcript of Basic Terms

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Professional Blogger

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• Header

• Title

• Body

• Entry– Title– Footer

• Side Bar

• Footer

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Entry title





Entry Footer

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Basic Terms• Blogger - person who runs a blog

• Blog hopping - to follow links from one blog entry to another, with related side-trips to various articles, sites, discussion forums, and more

• Blogosphere - all blogs, or the blogging community

Wikipedia: List of Blogging Terms

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Basic Terms

• Blogroll - a list of blogs

Wikipedia: List of Blogging Terms

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Basic Terms

• Categories - a method of organizing blog entries by assigning each entry to a predetermined topic; each topic will link to a list of entries, all with related content.

Wikipedia: List of Blogging Terms

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Basic Terms

• Comment - a remark or reaction written by a blog reader on a specific entry

• spam comment - comment made that is irrelevant to the topic; usually posted to drive traffic to another site

Ratchet Web Solutions: Basic Blogging Terms

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Basic Terms

• Dashboard / Control Panel - interface provided by the hosting company for the maintenance and monitoring of the hosted website.

Wikipedia: Control Panel (Web Hosting)

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Basic Terms

• Link (or hyperlink)- a reference or navigation element in a document to another section of the same document, another document, or a specified section of another document, that automatically brings the referred information to the user when the navigation element is selected by the user

Wikipedia: Hyperlink

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Basic Terms

• Page - (as opposed to a post) is an article or entry that usually contains vital information about the blog, the blogger, or other such information that have to be more accessible than the blog posts

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Basic Terms

• Plugins - small files that add improved functionality and new features to a blog

Ratchet Web Solutions: Basic Blogging Terms

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Basic Terms

• Podcasting - contraction of “iPod” and “broadcasting” (but not for iPods only); posting audio and video material on a blog and its RSS feed, for digital players

Wikipedia: List of Blogging Terms

Cuying Podcast

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Basic Terms

• RSS - Real Simple Syndication; family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines, or podcasts; . makes it possible for people to keep up with their favorite web sites in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually.

Wikipedia: RSS

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Basic Terms

• RSS aggregator - software or online service allowing a blogger to read an RSS feed, especially the latest posts on their favorite blogs; also called a reader, or feed reader

Wikipedia: List of Blogging Terms

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Basic Terms

• Tags/Labels - keywords attached to an entry to help relate similar posts to the blogosphere

Ratchet Web Solutions: Basic Blogging Terms

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Alleba Politics: TRO on Aerial Spray Ban Expires Today

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Alleba Politics: TRO on Aerial Spray Ban Expires Today

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Basic Terms

• Theme / Template - blog design or layout

Ratchet Web Solutions: Basic Blogging Terms

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Basic Terms

• Widget - portable chunk of code that can be installed and executed within any separate HTML-based web page by an end user without requiring additional compilation

Wikipedia: Web Widget

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Blog Statistics

traffic* - amount of data sent and received by visitors to a web site (blog); determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit

users - number of unique visitors (as determined by their IP Address)

hits - number of times the site was visited

*Wikipedia: Web Traffic

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Blog Statistics

referrer - last website visited by the user before he/she arrives on your page

top post - post with the most number of hits

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Blog Statistics

search engine terms / keywords - terms users used in search engines, results of which led users to your blog

clicks - links in your blog that users clicked on

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