Basic Programming Task

Programming Fundamentals Lab Assignment 1 Session: Fall 2014 Faculty of Information Technology UCP Lahore Pakistan Submission Deadline: 8 Nov 2014


C++ based programming task for in depth check of knowledge.

Transcript of Basic Programming Task

Page 1: Basic Programming Task

Programming Fundamentals

Lab Assignment 1

Session: Fall 2014

Faculty of Information Technology

UCP Lahore Pakistan

Submission Deadline: 8 Nov 2014

Page 2: Basic Programming Task

My name is TurboByte (nick actually). My real name is difficult to pronounce so leave it. Here is my

Display Pic (Hmm not photogenic so leave it too). Born and raised somewhere in Pakistan.

And after many years I became the most expensive developer of my company. What happened in between

well we’ll talk someday later.

Here is my work station Cool nah...

We will have more fun on the way. Let check the emails for today’s tasks. By the way my boss is too

grumpy :P

Ok this informal email is from the CSA (Chief Software Architect) about task.

It reads:

This software is confidential and required by one of military Station. It’s not the actual thing we

are developing, it’s just a mockup of which type of things we will do in this project on full scale. Please

check the attached files for complete info. These are informal files typed by me so try not to be surprised

if you are unable to find your favorite jargons. And also the info is purely fictional but based on the actual



Hmm ok let check what’s in the files.

Requirements as per Major Daud:

1) The software must be able encrypt/decrypt messages.

2) Every message should be decrypt and info to be stored in the system.

3) Saved info could be viewed by authorized persons only.

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4) We need different levels of authorizations.

5) Our Current list of entities is as follows:

a) Ammunition Store:

4 types of ammunition numbered from 0-3.

10 boxes of each type numbered from 0-9.

Each box contained max 500 rounds.

b) Airplanes:

a. 5 Squadrons numbered from 0-4.

b. 10 airplanes in each squadron.

c) Soldiers:

a. 10 Sections.

b. 50 soldiers in each Section.

d) Check posts:

a. 20 check posts.

b. 15 soldiers on each check posts.

6) Messages are of the following format:

a. “Send Ammo Type:0 Quantity:350” means We need to send ammunition

from type 0 and Quantity is 350. Now system should tell us from which boxes

should we pick the bullets. For example in box 0 we have only 50 bullets left.

So the expected message should be like “50 from box 0, 300 from box 1”. And

also it should minus the quantity from the respective boxes.

b. “Recv Ammo Type:3 Quantity:500” means we received ammunition of type 3

and quantity is 500. Now add this to boxes but make sure that no box can

handle more than 500. For example in box 0 the quantity is 500, in box 1 its

400, in box 2 its 300 and in box 3 its 200. System should add 100 in box 1, 200

in box 2 and 200 in box 3. And display message and tell us that ammunition

was added to which box.

c. “Takeoff Squadron:2 Hawk:4” means Airplane no 4 from Squadron no 2 took

off. Now system should update the status of plane which 0 if on ground, 1 if

its in air. In this case the status should be 1.

d. “Landed Squadron:3 Hawk:7” means Airplane no 7 from Squadron number 3

just landed. Update its status to 0.

e. “Dispatch Count:10 CP:14” means dispatch 10 soldiers to Check Post

number(CP) 14. Now System should determine that from which section 10

soldiers are available. Remember all soldiers which are to be dispatched

should be from one section. Update the count in sections from which the

soldiers were dispatched and also update the count in the Check post where

they were sent.

f. “Arrive Count:15 CP:9” means 15 soldiers arrived from Check post number

9. Now update the count in Check post number 9 and add these soldiers to

the section where 9 slots are available. Remember each section can have 50

soldiers max. if no slot of 9 is available then display the alert message that

please inspect the soldiers.

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g. As we have 500 soldiers (10 sections with 50 soldiers each). So our Tally of

Soldiers in all Check Posts and Sections should sum up to 500.

7) We should be able to view the following info:

a. Status of Ammunition: A table where we could see the quantity of

Ammunition in each box.

b. Airplane Status: A table where we could see which plane is in air and which is

on ground.

c. Status of Check Post: Show the number of soldiers in each check posts.

d. Status of Sections: Show the number of soldiers in each Sections.

e. Search Low ammunition: System should ask the type of ammo and the

quantity now it should search and display all the boxes from the give type

which are less than the given quantity. E.g type: 2 quantity: 100. Now output

all boxes from type 2 which are having quantity less than 100.

8) We have three types of users 1) Dispatcher: He can only encrypt the message and

view the encrypted one. 2) Receiver: He can only get the Decrypted message and

enter that in the system. 3) Admin: He can view all the above reports.

Hmm Ok that was lot of info to digest let’s have a cup of tea.

Ok now next file is from CSA lets peek in to that.

Technical Briefing by CSA:

I am sure you might be having a rough idea by that what they require from us.

For encryption/decryption we will use Caesar cipher . For info on that please read this link .

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So the flow of program should be like:

Firstly Program should ask the username and password. Usernames are given above i.e. Dispatcher,

receiver and admin. Upon login users should see only those options for which they are authorized like the

dispatcher should only be able to enter the message and see the encrypted string. Receiver could only

enter the encrypted message and see the results (refer to point 6 in Major Daud’s file). Admin Should be

able to view all the require reports (refer to point 7 in Major Daud’s File).

The actual system would be on different Computers communicating through secure network. For now to

simulate the program do this:

a) Login from the Dispatcher account Enter the message and note down the encrypted string.

b) Login from the Reciver account and add the encrypted message into the system.

c) Login from the Admin account to see the reports.

Make sure of 3 things:

a) Program should not be terminate when we logout from any account. It should ask to login

again to the same or other account. There should be an option to terminate the program

other than that option program should not be termiated or close.

b) All info should come from the message. Program should decrypte the Message and then

it should update the info accordingly. No manual entry of any info.

c) When The program starts it should put the status of Airplane 0, All checkpost empty, all

sections full and Ammunition to full.

Login by using the username and password

Dispatcher: Enter the message

Reciever: Enter the Encrypted


Admin: View the reports

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Finally over with is brief. Hmm wait there is another email from Senior White Box tester.

It reads :

Please make sure that your code is according to the following guidelines:

Code Should be properly Indented and well Commented.


Now we are over with this brief and honestly that was bit hard to digest all this. Let have a

hot pizza :

Ok now we are refreshed Lets start Coding…

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