Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t...


Transcript of Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t...

Page 1: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at
Page 2: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at


D r. Nell K. Duke is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University. Duke’s work focuses on earlyliteracy development, particularly among children living in urban poverty. Her specific areas of expertiseinclude the development of informational literacies in young children, comprehension teaching andlearning in early schooling, approaches to addressing the needs of struggling readers and writers, andissues of equity in literacy education.

D r. Susan B. Neuman is a Professor in Educational Studiesspecializing in early literacy development at the University ofM i chigan. Dr. Neuman returned to this post in 2004 after sheserved as U.S. Assistant Secretary for Elementary andSecondary Education. Her research and teaching interestsinclude: early childhood policy, curriculum, and early readinginstruction. As Assistant Secreta r y, she established theReading First program and the Early Reading First programand was responsible for all activities in Title I of the ESE A .

Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t h o rwith Dr. Nell K. Duke, Program Ad v i s o r

Page 3: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at

For full scope and sequence or to place an order, visit 3

P rogram OverviewP rogram Overview

Re s e a r ch shows that storybook readingis the single most powerful tool forpromoting early language and reading

d e v e l o p m e n t !

S cholastic Book Ti m e is a read-aloud programthat helps teachers develop children’s criticalearly literacy skills in vocabulary andcomprehension.

Book Ti m e includes a collection of carefully-selected fiction and nonfiction books, easy-to-uselesson plans that help teachers engage ch i l d r e nin lively discussion about books, embeddedprofessional development, and opportunities forinstructional assessment.

Book Ti m e helps all children develop earlylanguage skills, and is available in two versions:English, and English-Spanish PL US. To seecomponents of each version, see page 10.

Book Ti m e instruction helps teach e r skeep read-aloud time both lively andproductive, with instruction focusedin these key areas:

Oral Language/Vo c a b u l a r y

C o m p r e h e n s i o n

Content Knowledge

Print Awareness

Page 4: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at

I t ’s Fiction Ti m e !

Vivid stories about make-believe places and ch a r a c t e r sbring to life imagination and creativity. Book Ti m e p r e s e n t sthe best quality contemporary literature and classic ta l e s ,

all with beautiful illustrations and well-written text. Young learnersdevelop a love of reading when they hear stories that interestthem. The colorful characters, universal themes, and clear age-appropriate language featured in these books capture ch i l d r e n ’ sinterest to want to listen to stories again and again!

Call 1-800-SCHOLASTIC and choose option 3 to place an order!

Book Time English-Spanish PLUS includes Spanish version of text and Spanish lesson in theProfessional Guide; a total of 15 fiction titles in Spanish are included.


I t ’s Fiction Ti m e !

The Little Mouse, the RedRipe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear

by Don and Audrey Wood

Pancakes for Breakfastby Tomie dePaola

My Chairby Betsy James

The Three Bearsby Paul Galdone K Is for Kissing a Cool

Kangarooby Giles Andreae

On My Way to Buy Eggsby Chih-Yuan Chen

The Paperboyby Dav Pilkey

The Snowy Dayby Ezra Jack Keats

Humpty Dumptyby Daniel Kirk

Miss Bindergarten GetsReady for Kindergar ten

by Joseph Slate

A Birthday Basket for Tíaby Pat Mora Chrysanthemum

by Kevin Henkes

Swimmyby Leo Lionni

Corduroyby Don Freeman

Time to Explore Our Imag i n at i o n s !








Page 5: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at

I t ’s Nonfiction Ti m e !

Information and understanding how to access information arethe tools to gaining knowledge of the world. Early learnersneed to be exposed to nonfiction so they can develop content

knowledge, a critical skill to comprehending written text.

E a ch Book Time nonfiction title was carefully selected based onits high-quality, read-aloud text in addition to its vivid photos andillustrations. Every book stretches children’s minds and ignites theirnatural curiosity to explore and understand the world around them.

For more information, please visit

Book Time English-Spanish PLUS includes Spanish version of text and Spanish lesson in theProfessional Guide; a total of 13 nonfiction titles in Spanish are included.


I t ’s Nonfiction Ti m e !

I Read Signsby Tana Hoban

What’s Inside?by Mary Jane Martin

A Rainbow All Around Meby Sandra L. Pinkney How Kids Grow

by Jean MarzolloWonderful Wormsby Linda Glaser

Biggest, Strongest, Fastestby Steve Jenkins

A House Is a House for MeMary Ann Hoberman

Nature Spyby Shelley Rotner and Ken Kreisler

Planting a Rainbowby Lois Elhert

From Seed to Plantby Gail Gibbons

Too Many Rabbits andOther Fingerplaysby Kay Cooper

Insects and CrawlyCreatures

by Angela Royston

Stars! Stars! Stars!by Bob Barner

Hello Oceanby Pam Muñoz Ryan

Time to Learn About the Wo rld A round Us!






Page 6: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at

Fiction Lesson Overview

Th ree Reasons toRead Each Book!

Children delight in a good bookthat is shared more than onceor twice. Book Ti m e

instruction utilizes three readings ofe a ch book. Why? Each readingdeepens children’s comprehensionand allows teachers to focus ontargeted skills. The three readings ine a ch Book Ti m e lesson include:

—focused oncomprehension of text using theread-aloud prompts andquestions to engage ch i l d r e n .

—focused on vocabularywords and simple explanationsusing text cues.

—focused on ta r g e t e dlanguage and literacy skill-b u i l d i n g .

All three readings include responseactivities that are quick, fun, keepstudents fully engaged, and buildessential skills.


Book Time lessons help teachers withtargeted comprehension scaffolding ofinformation strategies for emergingreaders to effectively decode text!

Book Time clearly outlineslearning goals for each book,targets vocabulary and providesstrategies for working withEnglish-Language Learners!

The fiction texts in Book Timeprovide rich, descriptive characterdevelopment unique to each title.

Fiction Lesson Overview

Page 7: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at

To download a free sample lesson for Chrysanthemum, visit: 7

By identifying key words usefulin oral language building andwritten text, Book Time helpsstudents develop a strongvocabulary, critical for earlyliteracy success.

Book Time has identifiedunique skill-buildingopportunities for eachtext, giving each studentthe opportunity for earlyreading success!

“Children love to hear theirfavorite stories again andagain. And now, researchconfirms that re-readingstories provides a powerfulstrategy for learning newv o c a b u l a r y, and engagingchildren’s deeperu n d e r s tanding of storiesand texts.”— D r. Susan B. Neuman,

Program Author

E arly learners develop creativityand imagination from beingexposed to quality literature.

Fictional literature, like the texts in Bo o kTi m e, draws children in with richcharacters, engaging stories, and vividlycreative illustrations. The multiple read-aloud program format allows children tonot only enjoy exploring theirimagination, but also facilitates orallanguage and essential comprehensionskill development so all students cana chieve their greatest potential andbecome successful readers.

Why Is Fiction T i m eI m p o rt a n t ?

Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. Copyright © 1991 by Kevin Henkes. Published by Scholastic arrangement with HarperCollins Publishers.

Page 8: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at

Building a strong vocabularyand understanding how todecode different types of text

are critical to successful reading andcomprehension. Nonfiction text isreal-world and vocabulary-rich ,helping all students gain not just wordknowledge, but also content-areaknowledge and providing a context touse their new vocabulary. Book Ti m ehelps teachers build early learners’knowledge of words to help close thegap between students’ experiencesand limited vocabulary! And, Bo o kTi m e helps build ch i l d r e n ’ su n d e r s tanding of text structures sothat early learners can successfullydecode new text. That’s whatcomprehension is all about!

Book Ti m e instruction focuses on:

◆ Introducing and building keyv o c a b u l a r y.

◆ Expanding content knowledge.◆ Developing text awareness and

decoding skills.◆ Helping children meet science and

social studies sta n d a r d s .


Nonfiction Lesson Overview

R i ch Vo c abu l a ry and Content A re aI n s t ru c t i o n !

Nonfiction Lesson Overview

Accessing backgroundknowledge is key to beginscaffolding the meaning ofnonfiction texts, buildvocabulary, and provide acontext for applying newvocabulary.

Informational books sparkchildren’s interest in the worldand make great starting pointsfor growing content area andworld knowledge.

The engaging photographs andillustrations in each nonfictionbook naturally inspireconversations, but the specificquestions and activities in eachlesson plan guide teachers’instruction by accessingstudents’ background knowledgeand scaffolding deeper meaning.

Each lesson plan highlightsspecific learning goals to identifykey information, helping childrenwhose native language is notEnglish develop targetedstrategies for understandingnonfiction text.

Page 9: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at

To download a free sample lesson for How Kids Grow, visit: 9

Why Is Nonfiction Time Import a n t ?

“Building children’s vocabularyand knowledge about the worldare important roles of earlychildhood educators. Readingaloud is a wonderful tool forbuilding this knowledge.” — D r. Nell K. Duke

Program Advisor

Re s e a r ch has shown that earlychildhood is a critical time forbuilding vocabulary and

content-area knowledge. Specifically,u n d e r s tanding nonfiction texts andaccessing information from these textsis critical for developing the vocabularyand content knowledge necessary forcontinued success in school. Th enonfiction read-alouds in Book Ti m eprovide the best quality, age-appropriate books to allow younglearners to begin to explore their worldand have the language to fully expressthemselves in that world!

Repeated readings give youngchildren multiple opportunities tolearn and use new vocabulary duringrich and active classroom discussionsand build deeper understanding andmeaning for each text.

How Kids Grow by Jean Marzollo, photography by Nancy Sheehan. Photographs copyright © 1998by Nancy Sheehan. Published by Scholastic Inc.

Page 10: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at

For full scope and sequence or to place an order, visit

Book Time Engl i s h4 56 read-aloud trade books (28 titles, 2 copies each )

4 Professional Guide (28 lesson plans)

4 Lending Library Po cket Chart

Q ER 986979

Book Time ComponentsBook Time Components

Book Time English-Spanish PLU S4 56 read-aloud trade books — English (28 titles, 2 copies each )

4 56 read-aloud trade books — Spanish (28 titles, 2 copies each )

4 Professional Guide (28 English lessons; 10 Spanish lessons)

4 Lending Library Po cket Chart

Q ER98886 3

Page 11: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at

Also Available From Scholastic

S cholastic Early Litera cy SeminarsIt’s about time for professional development of early childhood educators! The Early Literacy Seminar Se r i e sare half-day, in-person workshops. The seminars that complement Book Ti m e instruction include:◆ Developing Oral Language◆ Building Letter Knowledge and Phonological Aw a r e n e s s◆ Building Content-Area Kn o w l e d g e◆ Supporting English-Language Learners◆ Developing Print Awareness and Wr i t i n g

Visit: w w w. s ch o l a s t i c . c o m / e l s e m i n a r s to view a complete list of seminars.

L e a rning Center Libra ri e s :Science & Social StudiesWhen it’s time for specific content-areainstruction, the Learning Center Libraries g i v eyou vivid trade books, concept cards, andengaging lesson plans!

Call 1 - 80 0 - S C H O L A S T I C and choose option 3 to place an order!

Also Available From Scholastic

Sound & Letter T i m eT M

S cholastic Sound & Letter Ti m e provides engaging,hands-on magnetic games to build phonologicalawareness and alphabet recognition.

Visit: w w w. s ch o l a s t i c . c o m / s o u n d a n d l e t t e r t i m eto try the product demo and to order!

Page 12: Based on the research of Dr. Susan B. Neuman, Program Au t… · 2 D r. Nell K. Dukeis an Associate Professor at

Aligned to Early Reading First• Oral Language/Vocabulary• Alphabet Knowledge• Print Awareness• Phonological Awareness

For more information

ORDER NOW!Call 1-800-SCHOLASTIC and choose option 3


Aligned to Early Reading First• Oral Language/Vocabulary• Alphabet Knowledge• Print Awareness• Phonological Awareness

For more information

Copyright © 2006 Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved.

SCHOLASTIC, BOOK TIME, SOUND & LETTER TIME and associated logos anddesigns are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc. Othercompany names, brand names, and product names are the property and/ortrademarks of their respective owners.

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