BARGAINS I- Dry Goods T i - University of

THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KENTUCKY TUESDAY AUGUST 26 1902 tJ S IC J u d iMti 1 m I FOR BARGAINS Dry Goods Clothing Ie 4- JTWiD Bros 3 Main Street j Sl41tt1111PmfP11it1ttttt11tYlt tNItISIP131tItftlifROlttllntt11t11Pit- 11144WATCHTHIS SPACE i I- NI F T Paris Kentucky UUlU11U1U1id11lUIIIIIIl1UUd13N0ilJlINIl11U11lIIUNIIlIUUlU1 C = = = = Money makes a mare go and it al- so takes money to makes a horse trot DR FENNERS KIDNEY BackacheA- ll diseases of Kidneys 4V TT T Bladder Urinary Organs I Also Rheumatism 1 I fer m- acheHeartDiseaseGravela jl J ixa I Female Troubles w 4 Dont become discouraged There is a cure for you If Dr Fenner Ho has spent a life just such cases as yours All consultations Free Dr Fenners Kidney and Backache Cure is the cause of alive today I had suffered greatly of kidney for years and to pounds weigh 165 W H McGUGIN Olive Furnace 0 Druggists 50c 1 Ask for Cook T WITIlQnAMPP Sure Cure Circular Dr FredoniaNY History records more failures than successes EXPERIENCE has demonstrated just what Raymons Pink Pills will do R L McDavid Kelley La says I suffered from congestion of the liver for many years and tried the best doctors country without any benefit finally tried a box of Ramons Treat- ment and to my surprise was entirely cured I cheerfully recommend them for all and even more than you claim for vhem W T Brooks and Clarke Co septl The most annoying family skeleton is the emaciated pocketbook and I Dropsy I BookFree Fenner 1 inthe I r3 4 ack time 0 and- s l ¬ ¬ Dout tie the top of your Jelly and preserve Jars in the old fashioned way Heal them by the now absolutely sure thin coating Pure Refined Paraffine Has i no taste or odor Is air tight and acid 7 about the house Null directions with each cake Sold everywhere Made by STANDARD OIL CO quick wayby- a proof Easily Useful in a dozen other Even when a tune is in sharps or fiats it may sound perfectly natural Women and Jewels Jewels candy flowers is he order of a womans preferences Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman Even that greatest of all jewels health is often the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them If a woman will risk her to get a coveted gem then let her fortify herself against the insiduous consequences of colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr Boschees It will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages heal the lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the r a iisease from the system I ot a cure all but it is a cure for coughs olds and all bronchial troubles You can get Dr G Greens reliable remedies at W T Brooks Get Greens Special t6 Cough and Works Off the Wive Broino Quinine Tablets one day No Cure No Pay w redicnlous food fad has been Seed by most competent authori They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed another for muscles and another for bones A correct only nourish a particular part of Hfce body but it will sustain every Yet however good your be its nutriment destroyed Indigestion or dyspepsia You must are tor their appearance or prevent coming by taking regular doses of ns August favorite of the millions A aids digestion stimulates the to healthy the blood mikes you feel bouyant and vigor- ous You can get G G remedies at W T Brooks Greens Special Almanac c manthat JU i tr Ger- man 7 and G 7 Sao fst r u th for nob part f aOl l Ii es a Ge i r l w- i4 f J j an u rt i A cute- r rice e6 diet- s I IV p r m true actron eel his r r u ° The man who has been eating cloves doesnt always make spicy remarks The mermaid ought not to resent be- ing told to go and soak her head 10O REWARD 1OO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrah Halls Catarrah Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity being a constitu tional disease requires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrah Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F J CHENEY CO Toledo O jgsf Sold by Druggists 75c Halls family Pills are the best Something is sure to be up when a gossip says There is no use of g Railroad Time LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE Arrival of Trains at Paris From Cincinnati 1058 am D33 pm From am T 43 am 610 pm From am 740 am 318 pm From May sville 745 am 816 pm Departure of Trains from Paris To am 751 am 180 pm To Lexington 750 am 1105 am 049 pm To Richmond 1110 am 538 pm To 750 am 620 pm F B CARR Agent H Riot T A The roof garden entertainments are often exponents of high art where it is hot all the year round Scotts Emulsionse- lls letter than any where else in the world So dont stop taking 1 it in summer or you will lose P what you have gained iL Send for a free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists af 409415 Pearl Street New York soc and 100 all druggists Dog days are better than cat nights with mosquitoes thrown in A Good Thing German Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr A Boscbfie a celebrated Ger man Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate in Medicine It quickly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of the sever est nature removing as it does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition- It is not an experimental medicine but has stood the test of years giving satis faction in every case whioh its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two billion bottles sold annually Bosbhees German Syrup introduced- in the United States in 1868 and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will re lieve any ordinary cough Price 75c Get Greens Special Almanac W T Brooks Some eole lean toward fatness A have recently employ another barber and put in another chair making four in all You can al way get a turn at my shop ServiCE tf TOM ThIs a every box of the laxative Tablets tide remedy that euro a cold in one Bum LICK Fresh Blue Liok Water otto be found on sale at C B HitohaUs G S Vardens and at J Fran Prathers GBO T LYONS 20jun4m l1li I talk- ing 945 pm Lexington511 323 pm Richmond505 Cincinnati515 J pm 953 pm MaY s not IN CUBA r was CHANGEI mt on genuine cQuinine y i1 t t j i 1f- Tt i r c d Card 540 i e tics Wit CRAWFORD rit day- s Agent rt Y 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < FOR thirty days I will make Royal Platino Portraits size 10x20 for 850 and 400 Now is your chance for a firstclass portrait at snaajl cost ular priee is 700 L GRINNAN July 1 1902 It is all right to have the enemy on the run if he is running in the right di rection A WORTHY SUCCESSOR Something Under The Sun All doctors have tried to cure CATARRH by the use of powders acid gases inhalers and drugs in paste font Their powders dry up the mucuous membranes causing them to crack open and bleed The powertul acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away thb same membranes that their maters have aimed to cure while pastes and ontments cannot reach the disease An old and experienced practitioner who has for many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of has at last perfected a Treatment which when faithfully need not only relieves at once but cures CATARRH by the cause stopping the discharges and curing all inflammation It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts This won- derful remedy is known as SNUF- FLES the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE and is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar each package containing internal and external medi cine sufficient for a full months treat- ment and everything necessary to its perfect use SNUFFLES is the only perfect CATARRH CURE made and is now recognized as the only safe and is also woderfully quick to relieve HAY or the HEAD CATARRH when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION SNUF- FLES will save if you use it at once It is no ordinary remedy but a complete treatment which is guaranteed to cure CATARRH in any form or stage if used according to the directions accompany each pack age Dont but send for it at once and write full particulars as to your and you will receive special advice from the dis coverer of this wonderful remedy regard ing your case without cost to you be vound the regular of SNUF- FLES the GUARANTEED CA TARRH CURE Sent postpaid to any address in the United States or Canada on receipt of One Dollar Address Dept H 612 EDWIN B GILES COMPANY and 2382 Market Street Philadel- phia Should a temperance man avoid mat trimony It is certainly an eyeopen The marks of a tattooed man are often more interesting than remarks New COLD in you Which condition 23 0 I or perman- ently ever hid ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CANCEROUS fa Are in many respects like other ulcers or JU f E sores and this resemblance often proves fatal B Valuable time is lost in fruitless efforts to heal the sore with washes and salves because the germs of Cancer tha are multi plying in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop- ing keep up the irritation and discharge and at last sharp shooting pains announce the approach of and and a hideous sickening cancerous sore begins its destructive work InFebruary 1899 I noticed a small lump on my lower lip The doctor cau ulcer or can exist with it another came and broke out some predisposing internal cause out into an open sore I began to take that has poisoned the blood and the SSS and after I had taken seven bot ties the place healed entirely and no ing sore on the lip cheek or other since p Brown Hollands S O part of the body will Continue to spread and eat deeper into the flesh unless the blood is purified and the Cancer germs or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation- S S S cleanses the blood of all decaying effete matter It has great antidotal and purifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons restore the blood to its natural condition And when pure blood is carried to the ulcer or sore the healing process begins the discharge ceases and the place heals over and new skin forms SSS is a strictly vege- table blood containing mercury or minerals of any description If you have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind write us about it advice will cost you nothing Books on Cancer and other diseases of the blood will be sent free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Atlanta Ga r C S the eating sloughingstage No s e terized but open discharging ulcer or the fester signs of the dIsease have been seen W I no I r medi- cal ¬ ¬ ¬ When a man reaches 50 he is apt to realize the mistake he made at 30 Cures Eczema Itching Humors Pimples and Carbuncles Costs to Try B B B Botanic Blood Balm is now recognized as a certain and sure cur for eczema itching skin humors scabs scales watery blisters pimples aching bones or joints boils carbuncles prickling pain in the skin oldVeatirie nlces etc Botanic Bloom Balm taken internally coures the worst and most deepeeated cases by enriching purifying and vitalizing the blood there- y giving a healthy blood supply to the skin Botanic Blood Balm is the only care to stay cnred for these awful an noying skin troubles Heals every sore and gives the rich glow of health to the skin Builds up the broken down body and makes the blood red and nourish ing Especially advised for chronic old cases that doctors patent medicines and hot springs fail to cure Druggists 1 To prove B B B cures sample sent free and free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co Atlanta Ga Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in settled letter A flirt is a girl wI ose first love affair failed to turn out as expected Makes Weak Women Strong- I have taken your Remicks Pepsin Blood Tonic I know it is the best Tonic ever made It will make every weak woman strong I cannot praise it enough writes Mrs 0 D Pickering Olney Ill For sale by W T Brooks Balaam is not the only man failed to convince a donkey Everything is fair in politics of course to the man who merely wants the office Good Advice The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from Dyspep- sia mid Liver Complaint More than 75 per cent of the people in the United States are afflicted with those two dis- eases and their effects such as Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Costiveness Palpitation of the Heart Heartburn Waterbrasd Gnawing and Burning Pains at the Pit of the Stom rch Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and Disagreeable Taste in the Mouth Com- ing up of Food after Eating Low etc Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve you Try it Get Greens Special Almanac W T Brooks undertaker doosnt make much out of people who are buried in ob- livion Silence in the court applies to the lovemaking of a deaf and dumb couple II ho II Nothing es O Spir- its The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = LYONS French Periodical DropsStr- ictly vegetable perfectly harmless sure to accomplish Greatest known female Beware of counterfeits and imitations The genuine is put up only in pasteboard Car ton with signature on side of the bottle thus xXc For Sale by W T BROOKS CAUTION to WILLIAMS MEG CO Sole Monts Cleveland Ohio 6 Da Bend for fao simile > > W T BROOKS CLARK CO 1 a L N Rates Lexington and return at onefare roundtrip Sept 9 to 13 inclusive limited to Sept 15 account Colored Fair Lexington Ky and return Sept 1 at one and onethird fare for the round trip limited to Sept 2 account Blue- grass Typographical Union celebration and parade Ewing Ky and return at onefare for roundtrip Sept 12 and 13 lim ited to Sept 15 account Ewmg Fair Special train will leave Ewing for Paris each day at 530 p m Natural Bridge Aug 31 at Washington D C return Oct 8 4 o 6 at 1i20 for roundtrip final limit Oct 15 with provision for ex tension of limit to Nov 3 1902 account- G A R encampment DesMoines Iowa and return at one fare 1885 for roundtrip Sept 11 12 13 14 final limit Sept 25 provision for extension of limit to Oct 15 1902 ac count Grand Lodge I O O F Birmingham Ala and return at one fare1255 for roundtrip Sept 14 15 and 16 limited to Sept 27 Mackinac Island Mich and return Aug 26 Final limit 12 days Leave Cincinnati 845 Aug 26 Tickets sold at Paris for 380 p m train Aug 25 and 515 train Aug 26 Cincinnati and return 125 Aug 24thLake Chautauqua N Y and re turn via Erie R R at 885 for round trip Aug 21 only Tickets good to re days from date of sale F B CARR Agt H RION T A 3 room frame in East Paris cistern and outbuildings lot 60x204 Price Vacant lot ad stable and fruit on same Price 260 Will trade both the above for a small farm near Paris About 2 acres of land house of 4 rooms 2 porches pantry smoke house coal house corn crib and stable Small orchard and never failing water Terms cash Price 700 197 acres of Bourbon county Land at a bargain and on easy terms Call and Brick Cottage 5 Rooms Bai Pantry Porches Lot 126x9050 feet good entity Price 3650 Let us show you nice Home o 12 acres 3 Rooms and Kitchen House near Paris will sell Worth money 87 feet on Main street running back to High street fronting 69 feet on High 2 Frame Houses price 5200 How does this suit you for an investment 0 Frame Cottage acres of Land in Paris at the low price of i 400 0 108 near large tobacco barn nice Home Let us sell you this farm 3 acres ofLand SRoom House nice good locality at the lop price of 4000 o 6 acres of Land 4Rooin House with Kitchen Stable Buggy House Wagon Shed etc just outside the city Price 3000 8Room House Cellar Large Cistern Stable etc Lot 100x290 a nice Home for the low price of 2250 Let us show you this property- A nice twostory Brick plenty of room large lot shade and fruit at the low price of 4ooo o We will not have another Combination Sale before September as we failed to get the property ready for May a8th Lancaster Northcott REAL ESTATE BROKERS Bfitf MAIN ST yt t PARIS KY n f for- th 11 150 and 735 a m 0 turn7 1375 o 0 see us o this the o Cistern 2 acres Paris 0 o t i 3 FORALEI i ° r a r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = To Oiuo a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab i fails to cure EW Groves is on each 96c faprl lyr Has a pay job the cashier inwrrrri i n DR L H LANDMAN Hotel Windsor i Tuesday Sfpt 9 1902 1 ill Ill It Ml I 111 11 II 111 IIIMIM M III Ml 111 111 1 rg Notice to the Public- I have opened a Plumbing Shop in the Charles Stephens St and am prepared to do all work in Plumb ing and Gas Fitting My work i guaranteed firstclass and char es reasonable Give me a trial of your work and will be convinced Thanking the citizens of for th previous favors while I was with Thos W Ball aud hope they give me a share of their I remain Very Respectfully U WILLETT Phone 314 Cheap Settlers Rates to the Far West and Northwest The Burlington Route will rerew the during September and October to Idaho Washington Oregon and California as 30 St Louis 33 from Chicago and from Missouri points tc California Portland and Pnget Sound territory with correspondingly low rates to Spokane the Butte Helena District Route and its con best reach the entire West and Northwest country It is the main traveled road through the West The map shows Cheap Roundtrip Tourist Rates Utah During certain periods of August and September the will such remarkably low firstclass round to Denver Colorado Springs T3nV O if 15 from the Missouri Kiver and 25 from Chicago good all Summer at other c fare plus 2 Ask nearest ticket agent for details Cool Minnesota Very low tourist rates to Minnesota points daily until September 15th Excursion First and Third Tuesdays of August September and to sec tions of the West and Nourthwest Roundtrip tickets with 21 days Consult your nearest ticket agent or write us of your proposed tripand let us advise you the cost send you our publications and otherwise assist you W M SHAW D P A 436 Vine St Cincinnati pt W L WAKBLKY Genl Pass Agt St Louis Mo C M LEVEY Genl Mgr St Louis Mo Piles Pies 2 Pifes 1 Dr Williams Indian Pile Ointment prepared to cure Piles and DOES IT in short order East to apply every box guarantee 50c and 100 All droggiste or by mail WILLIAMS MFG CO CLEVELAND O fSr Sold by W T Brooks 6maylyr- iiii miwii u ii i irani rixri wraifmw i I MRS W A I JOHNSON p f Has just received from her Publisher i 1 THE THIRD I her popular s 1 COOK BOOK I It is now on sale at her Book and Stationary Store E Mrs Johnson has also if the agency for the wellknown g SCHARF PIANO B will sell them at a slight ad S E vance on factory prices S Call and see one at her Store ll I Il I Mill liUllllllI II II 111 Illllltl 11 III 1 1 III 111 Hill BEWABEOF FRAUD Only one ORIGINAL CHIOKKItI PIANO and it is made in Boston Mass The W G Piano Go j W t ci player and 16 other oi not W4tli t Cincinnati N B C ll w write sod gtt ear priow H wn pay ou Constipation Does your head ache Pain back of your Bad taste in mouth Its your liver Ayers Pills are liver pills cure consti- pation headache dyspepsia2- 5c All druggists Want your or beard a beautiful fetown or black Then use BUCING I All the ti it bo IlJ UUUIIUIIfUIJn S I cheap oneway Settlers rates day 2 TheBurlington ti and as 24 from St Louis j is 1 EDITION- of Inat to GOOK ana I How to GOOK It i d WARNING I S j j j j DYE tlO crs Dnrsen Oft R μ A drugglstsrefwid Ill NIIII ki lh 4 ever make Hors eseeliers r try e r r- and ado mansec Sole ChIc erh g enc perfect piss o > moustache fort e ers 01 e b Co11Neb r a i ff A 1 = ¬ ¬ ± = < ¬ = >

Transcript of BARGAINS I- Dry Goods T i - University of

Page 1: BARGAINS I- Dry Goods T i - University of BOURBON NEWS PARIS KENTUCKY TUESDAY AUGUST 26 1902 tJ S IC J u d iMti 1 m I FOR BARGAINS





d iMti 1



Dry Goods Clothing Ie


JTWiD Bros 3Main Street

j Sl41tt1111PmfP11it1ttttt11tYlt tNItISIP131tItftlifROlttllntt11t11Pit-






Paris KentuckyUUlU11U1U1id11lUIIIIIIl1UUd13N0ilJlINIl11U11lIIUNIIlIUUlU1 C




Money makes a mare go and it al-

so takes money to makes a horse trot



BackacheA-ll diseases of Kidneys 4V TT TBladder Urinary Organs IAlso Rheumatism 1 I fer m-

acheHeartDiseaseGravela jl J ixa IFemale Troubles w 4

Dont become discouraged There is acure for you If Dr FennerHo has spent a life just suchcases as yours All consultations Free

Dr Fenners Kidney and Backache Cureis the cause of alive today I hadsuffered greatly of kidney for yearsand to poundsweigh 165

W H McGUGIN Olive Furnace 0Druggists 50c 1 Ask for Cook

T WITIlQnAMPP Sure Cure Circular DrFredoniaNY

History records more failures thansuccesses

EXPERIENCE has demonstrated justwhat Raymons Pink Pills will do RL McDavid Kelley La says Isuffered from congestion of the liver formany years and tried the best doctors

country without any benefitfinally tried a box of Ramons Treat-ment and to my surprise was entirelycured I cheerfully recommend themfor all and even more than you claimfor vhem W T Brooks and Clarke

Co septl

The most annoying family skeleton isthe emaciated pocketbook


















Dout tie the top of yourJelly and preserve Jars inthe old fashioned way Healthem by the nowabsolutely sure

thin coating PureRefined Paraffine Has

i no taste or odor Isair tight and acid

7 about the houseNull directions witheach cake

Sold everywhere Made bySTANDARD OIL CO



proof EasilyUseful in a dozen other

Even when a tune is in sharps or fiatsit may sound perfectly natural

Women and JewelsJewels candy flowers is

he order of a womans preferencesJewels form a magnet of mighty powerto the average woman Even thatgreatest of all jewels health is often

the strenuous efforts to makeor save the money to purchase them Ifa woman will risk her to get acoveted gem then let her fortify herselfagainst the insiduous consequences of

colds and bronchial affectionsby the regular use of Dr Boschees

It will promptly arrestconsumption in its early stagesheal the lungs and bronchialtubes and drive the r a iisease fromthe system I ot a cure all but itis a cure for coughs olds andall bronchial troubles You can get Dr

G Greens reliable remedies at WT Brooks Get Greens Special

t6 Cough and Works Offthe

Wive Broino Quinine Tabletsone day No Cure No Pay

w redicnlous food fad has beenSeed by most competent authori

They have dispelled the sillynotion that one kind of food is needed

another for muscles andanother for bones A correct

only nourish a particular partof Hfce body but it will sustain every

Yet however good yourbe its nutriment destroyed

Indigestion or dyspepsia You mustare tor their appearance or preventcoming by taking regular doses of

ns August favoriteof the millions Aaids digestion stimulates the

to healthy the bloodmikes you feel bouyant and vigor-

ous You can get G Gremedies at W T Brooks

Greens Special Almanac






7 and








f aOl lIi esa


i r l w-i4 f J






cute-r rice





r m true


eel his





The man who has been eating clovesdoesnt always make spicy remarks

The mermaid ought not to resent be-

ing told to go and soak her head


The readers of this paper will bepleased to learn that there is at least onedreaded disease that science has beenable to cure in all its stages and that isCatarrah Halls Catarrah Cure is theonly positive cure known to the medicalfraternity being a constitutional disease requires a constitutionaltreatment Halls Catarrah Cure istaken internally acting directly uponthe blood and mucous surfaces of thesystem thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving thepatient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doingits work The proprietors have so muchfaith in its curative powers that theyoffer One Hundred Dollars for any casethat it fails to cure Send for list oftestimonials

Address F J CHENEY COToledo O

jgsf Sold by Druggists 75c

Halls family Pills are the best

Something is sure to be up when agossip says There is no use of

gRailroad Time


Arrival of Trains at Paris

From Cincinnati 1058 am D33 pm

From am T 43 am610 pm

From am 740 am318 pm

From May sville 745 am 816 pm

Departure of Trains from ParisTo am 751 am

180 pmTo Lexington 750 am 1105 am

049 pmTo Richmond 1110 am 538 pm

To 750 am 620 pmF B CARR AgentH Riot T A

The roof garden entertainments areoften exponents of high art

where it is hot all the year round

Scotts Emulsionse-lls letter than any where elsein the world So dont stop taking

1 it in summer or you will lose

P what you have gainediL Send for a free sample

SCOTT BOWNE Chemistsaf 409415 Pearl Street New York

soc and 100 all druggists

Dog days are better than cat nightswith mosquitoes thrown in

A Good ThingGerman Syrup is the special prescrip

tion of Dr A Boscbfie a celebrated German Physician and is acknowledged tobe one of the most fortunatein Medicine It quickly cures CoughsColds and all Lung troubles of the severest nature removing as it does thecause of the affection and leaving theparts in a strong and healthy condition-It is not an experimental medicine buthas stood the test of years giving satisfaction in every case whioh its rapidlyincreasing sale every season confirmsTwo billion bottles sold annuallyBosbhees German Syrup introduced-in the United States in 1868 and is nowsold in every town and village in thecivilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 75cGet Greens Special Almanac W TBrooks

Some eole lean toward fatness

A have recently employanother barber and put in anotherchair making four in all You can alway get a turn at my shop ServiCE

tf TOM

ThIs a every box of thelaxative Tablets

tide remedy that euro a cold in one

Bum LICK Fresh Blue Liok Waterotto be found on sale at C B HitohaUsG S Vardens and at J FranPrathers GBO T LYONS





945 pmLexington511

323 pmRichmond505



953 pmMaY s





mton genuine


y i1 t tj i 1f-Tt



c d






rit day-s


rt Y 4











FOR thirty days I will make RoyalPlatino Portraits size 10x20 for 850and 400 Now is your chance for afirstclass portrait at snaajl costular priee is 700 L GRINNAN

July 1 1902

It is all right to have the enemy onthe run if he is running in the right direction


Something Under TheSun

All doctors have tried to cureCATARRH by the use of powders acidgases inhalers and drugs in paste fontTheir powders dry up the mucuousmembranes causing them to crack openand bleed The powertul acids used inthe inhalers have entirely eaten awaythb same membranes that their matershave aimed to cure while pastes andontments cannot reach the disease Anold and experienced practitioner whohas for many years made a close studyand specialty of the treatment of

has at last perfected aTreatment which when faithfully neednot only relieves at once but

cures CATARRH bythe cause stopping the discharges andcuring all inflammation It is the onlyremedy known to science that actuallyreaches the afflicted parts This won-derful remedy is known as SNUF-FLES the GUARANTEED CATARRHCURE and is sold at the extremelylow price of One Dollar each packagecontaining internal and external medicine sufficient for a full months treat-ment and everything necessary to itsperfect use

SNUFFLES is the only perfectCATARRH CURE made and isnow recognized as the only safe andis also woderfully quick to relieve HAY

or the HEADCATARRH when neglected often

leads to CONSUMPTION SNUF-FLES will save if you use it atonce It is no ordinary remedy but acomplete treatment which isguaranteed to cure CATARRH in anyform or stage if used according to thedirections accompany each package Dont but send for it at onceand write full particulars as toyour and you willreceive special advice from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to you bevound the regular of SNUF-FLES the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE

Sent postpaid to any address in theUnited States or Canada on receipt ofOne Dollar Address Dept H 612EDWIN B GILES COMPANY

and 2382 Market Street Philadel-phia

Should a temperance man avoid mattrimony It is certainly an eyeopen

The marks of a tattooed man are oftenmore interesting than remarks






23 0




















CANCEROUSfa Are in many respects like other ulcers or

JUf E sores and this resemblance often proves fatalB Valuable time is lost in fruitless efforts to heal

the sore with washes and salves because the germs of Cancer tha are multiplying in the blood and the new Cancer cells which are constantly develop-ing keep up the irritation and discharge and at last sharp shooting painsannounce the approach of and and a hideoussickening cancerous sore begins itsdestructive work InFebruary 1899 I noticed a small

lump on my lower lip The doctor cauulcer or can exist with it another came and brokeout some predisposing internal cause out into an open sore I began to takethat has poisoned the blood and the S S S and after I had taken seven bot

ties the place healed entirely and no

ing sore on the lip cheek or other since p Brown Hollands S O

part of the body will Continue tospread and eat deeper into the flesh unless the blood is purified and theCancer germs or morbid matter eliminated from the circulation-

S S S cleanses the blood of all decaying effete matter It has greatantidotal and purifying properties that soon destroy the germs and poisons

restore the blood to its natural condition And when pure blood iscarried to the ulcer or sore the healing processbegins the discharge ceases and the place healsover and new skin forms S S S is a strictly vege-table blood containing mercury orminerals of any description

If you have an ulcer or chronic sore of any kind write us about itadvice will cost you nothing Books on Cancer and other diseases of

the blood will be sent free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Atlanta Ga


C Sthe eating sloughingstage

No s e terized but

open discharging ulcer or the fester signs of the dIsease have been seenW



I r medi-cal




When a man reaches 50 he is apt torealize the mistake he made at 30

Cures Eczema Itching HumorsPimples and Carbuncles

Costs to TryB B B Botanic Blood Balm is

now recognized as a certain and surecur for eczema itching skin humorsscabs scales watery blisters pimplesaching bones or joints boils carbunclesprickling pain in the skin oldVeatirie

nlces etc Botanic Bloom Balmtaken internally coures the worst andmost deepeeated cases by enrichingpurifying and vitalizing the blood there-y giving a healthy blood supply to the

skin Botanic Blood Balm is the onlycare to stay cnred for these awful annoying skin troubles Heals every soreand gives the rich glow of health to theskin Builds up the broken down bodyand makes the blood red and nourishing Especially advised for chronic oldcases that doctors patent medicines andhot springs fail to cure Druggists 1

To prove B B B cures sample sentfree and free and prepaid by writingBlood Balm Co Atlanta Ga Describetrouble and free medical advice sent insettled letter

A flirt is a girl wI ose first love affairfailed to turn out as expected

Makes Weak Women Strong-I have taken your Remicks Pepsin

Blood Tonic I know it is the best Tonicever made It will make every weakwoman strong I cannot praise itenough writes Mrs 0 D PickeringOlney Ill For sale by W T Brooks

Balaam is not the only manfailed to convince a donkey

Everything is fair in politics of courseto the man who merely wants theoffice

Good Advice

The most miserable beings in theworld are those suffering from Dyspep-sia mid Liver Complaint More than 75per cent of the people in the UnitedStates are afflicted with those two dis-eases and their effects such as SourStomach Sick Headache HabitualCostiveness Palpitation of the HeartHeartburn Waterbrasd Gnawing andBurning Pains at the Pit of the Stomrch Yellow Skin Coated Tongue andDisagreeable Taste in the Mouth Com-ing up of Food after Eating Low

etc Go to your Druggist and get abottle of August Flower for 75 centsTwo doses will relieve you Try itGet Greens Special Almanac W TBrooks

undertaker doosnt make muchout of people who are buried in ob-


Silence in the court applies to thelovemaking of a deaf and dumb couple














LYONS French Periodical DropsStr-

ictly vegetable perfectly harmless sure to accomplishGreatest known female

Beware of counterfeits and imitations The genuine is put up only in pasteboard Carton with signature on side of the bottle thus xXc

For Sale by W T BROOKS

CAUTIONto WILLIAMS MEG CO Sole Monts Cleveland Ohio



Bend forfao simile > >




L N Rates

Lexington and return at onefareroundtrip Sept 9 to 13 inclusive

limited to Sept 15 account ColoredFair

Lexington Ky and return Sept 1

at one and onethird fare for the roundtrip limited to Sept 2 account Blue-grass Typographical Union celebrationand parade

Ewing Ky and return at onefarefor roundtrip Sept 12 and 13 limited to Sept 15 account Ewmg FairSpecial train will leave Ewing for Pariseach day at 530 p m

Natural Bridge Aug 31 atWashington D C return Oct

8 4 o 6 at 1i20 for roundtrip finallimit Oct 15 with provision for extension of limit to Nov 3 1902 account-G A R encampment

DesMoines Iowa and return at onefare 1885 for roundtrip Sept 11 1213 14 final limit Sept 25 provision forextension of limit to Oct 15 1902 account Grand Lodge I O O F

Birmingham Ala and return at onefare1255 for roundtrip Sept 14 15and 16 limited to Sept 27

Mackinac Island Mich and returnAug 26 Final limit 12 days

Leave Cincinnati 845 Aug 26Tickets sold at Paris for 380 p mtrain Aug 25 and 515 train Aug 26

Cincinnati and return 125 Aug24thLake

Chautauqua N Y and return via Erie R R at 885 for roundtrip Aug 21 only Tickets good to re

days from date of sale


3 room frame in East Pariscistern and outbuildings lot 60x204 Price

Vacant lot adstable and fruit on same Price 260Will trade both the above for a smallfarm near Paris

About 2 acres of land house of 4 rooms2 porches pantry smoke house coalhouse corn crib and stable Smallorchard and never failing water Termscash Price 700

197 acres of Bourbon county Land at abargain and on easy terms Call and

Brick Cottage 5 Rooms Bai PantryPorches Lot 126x9050 feet good entityPrice 3650 Let us show you niceHome


12 acres 3 Rooms and Kitchen Housenear Paris will sell Worth money

87 feet on Main street running back toHigh street fronting 69 feet on High 2

Frame Houses price 5200 How doesthis suit you for an investment

0Frame Cottage acres of Land

in Paris at the low price of i 4000

108 near large tobaccobarn nice Home Let us sell you thisfarm

3 acres ofLand SRoom House nicegood locality at the lop price of 4000

o6 acres of Land 4Rooin House with

Kitchen Stable Buggy House WagonShed etc just outside the city Price


8Room House Cellar Large CisternStable etc Lot 100x290 a nice Homefor the low price of 2250 Let us showyou this property-

A nice twostory Brick plenty of roomlarge lot shade and fruit at the lowprice of 4ooo

oWe will not have another Combination

Sale before September as we failed to getthe property ready for May a8th

Lancaster Northcott








735a m






see uso



Cistern 2

acres Paris



ti 3





a r






To Oiuo a Cold in One DayTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab i

fails to cure E W Grovesis on each 96c faprl lyr

Has a pay job the cashier

inwrrrri i n


Hotel Windsor iTuesday Sfpt 9 1902 1

ill Ill It Ml I 111 1 1 II 111 IIIMIM M III Ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rg

Notice to the Public-

I have opened a Plumbing Shop in theCharles Stephens St andam prepared to do all work in Plumbing and Gas Fitting My work iguaranteed firstclass and char esreasonable Give me a trial of yourwork and will be convincedThanking the citizens of for thprevious favors while I was with ThosW Ball aud hope they give me a shareof their I remain

Very RespectfullyU WILLETT

Phone 314

Cheap Settlers Rates to the FarWest and NorthwestThe Burlington Route will rerew the

during September and October toIdaho Washington Oregon

and California as 30 StLouis 33 from Chicago andfrom Missouri points tcCalifornia Portland and Pnget Soundterritory with correspondingly lowrates to Spokane the ButteHelena District

Route and its conbest reach the entire West andNorthwest country It is the main

traveled road through the West Themap shows

Cheap Roundtrip Tourist RatesUtah

During certain periods of August andSeptember the willsuch remarkably low firstclass round

to Denver Colorado SpringsT3nV O if

15 from the Missouri Kiver and25 from Chicago good all Summerat other c fare plus 2

Ask nearest ticket agent for detailsCool Minnesota

Very low tourist rates to Minnesotapoints daily until September 15th

ExcursionFirst and Third Tuesdays of August

September and to sections of the West and Nourthwest

Roundtrip tickets with 21 daysConsult your nearest ticket agent or

write us of your proposed tripand let usadvise you the cost send you ourpublications and otherwise assist you

W M SHAW D P A436 Vine St Cincinnati pt

W L WAKBLKY Genl Pass AgtSt Louis Mo

C M LEVEY Genl MgrSt Louis Mo

Piles Pies 2 Pifes 1

Dr Williams Indian Pile Ointmentprepared to cure Piles and DOES IT inshort order East to apply every boxguarantee 50c and 100 All droggisteor by mail


fSr Sold by W T Brooks6maylyr-

iiii miwii u ii i irani rixri wraifmw i


I JOHNSONp f Has just received from

her Publisher i1 THE THIRD I

her popular s1 COOK BOOK I

It is now on sale at herBook and StationaryStore

E Mrs Johnson has also ifthe agency for the wellknown g

SCHARF PIANOB will sell them at a slight ad SE vance on factory prices S

Call and see one at her Store

ll I Il I Mill liUllllllI II II 1 1 1 Illllltl 1 1 III 1 1 III 111 Hill


FRAUDOnly one ORIGINAL CHIOKKItIPIANO and it is made in Boston Mass

The W G Piano Goj W t ci

player and 16 other oinot W4tli t Cincinnati

N B C ll w write sod gtt ear priow H wn pay ou

ConstipationDoes your head ache Painback of your Badtaste in mouth Itsyour liver Ayers Pills areliver pills cure consti-pation headache dyspepsia2-

5c All druggists

Want your or beard a beautifulfetown or black Then use



All the ti it





cheap oneway Settlers rates day



tiand as 24 from St Louis





Inat to GOOK ana I

How to GOOK It i








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ado mansecSole ChIc erh g encperfect piss o



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