BARGAIN ROOM pue O- F^#4...

^#4 CONTAINS MORE ANT OTBEE HflSTHE LrtRGEST j ;•; Northern New Jersey. % VOL. XXI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1881. NO. 28 ItlBUSHEBB AKD I'ROl'IUETOllB. Of OB os JlMkwoIl Stroot sext door to the National tTulon Sank, TURKS OF SUBSORlPTIOir IfcTVABX 1 JJILY IV ADVANOS. OMYBAB ./..., , .:. »;... *2« BlX WoftTTJS ,' ^,. . -. . Tjms« MOBTOS, ^ . •«! iDVEBTISIKO RATES: 1-vB. J . J. BM1TH, •,' >l V OEHERW HUOTITIOHj:!!, , ^ Of DIHKABB8 OP 3COMAKD TOHOAT MAT LATH £ ' DOVER, H J. 11-om . OOOTBB,, " KAHTEK ln> SOIJCITOn IN CEAKCUBT ^ 0ffl<»la(Ii9Ton!SiiSdla^ j, Over J A, Itfon'i Store l L DOVlJB, it J DEK, •" DovlB, N J. Uken and mitvrlili I have about 25 Bedsteads in Walnut and Imitation, of F. H. Sieger stoofc in prices from $S 60 up to $13 00. I have also about $3,000 worth of goods in the fl - room, .taken from every depart- ment, marked in plain figures, at half their value. No duplicates > EtEVATOB 30 EVEEY FL00E. O OCHMI6B, H. D.. D'i)P£0IAUflT III (If y»T.miAI. DIBKIBKB. omos i • > t a « EBOOUti {• r- - ' BDOOABOSH^DllBff StOBI,- ; "Erocrilior. •BAnna AND H UB CUTTITO BALOOK, %-* i BOB&KX BlazzTt *n> Strain Bn» . * Bo«M «»3 0«irl«liM to let. * T J tile beet Rdbds lit tta, loweat iD ill onUrl b5 «.ll »ill n « m p lion -COUNT* BtifKUiJrrje^bEHT * ' «tJOJI Ho, B, liAWK UUlXDrNO, »rioB IH BAKER noimi UK NEW JKOoEt TBOSIHNISQ 00/ —" o m n i ttfa Ottc flUu H i Ujuc v ' ^AJUUUtO ARD TIHBBI1 IN JtUllIUU AHD.f* 4 BARGAIN ROOM -AND- One Yelvot" Oarpet 1S0I17. ,,. . , .' 1*150 Oae Body Brussels Oarpot, 220S Oae Exf r& Quality TapoBtry Brussels Carpet, 11.3x15 21 25 One Extra Super All wool , Iugrein Cnrppt, 10 0x12 14.30 Parlor Suits. '* One Plash Parlor Salt, wal- nut frame, six pieces, reg- ular prieo tCO, will Bell at |50 00 Ono Bag and Silk Plush Parlor Suit, regular prioe »7S, will he Bold at CO00 Ono Parlor 8ovt, mlirat frame, in Duma&k, sevon pieooa, only 65 00 One Parlor Bait in Bilk Tap- estry and Plueh, tegular prioo $9?, will be said at 75 00 One l'nrlor Smt, five pieces, oherrr frame, upholstered in Flash, -regular price $180,wiUbe«oiaftt 10000 One ABU Bodrooin Smt, B plooM, marble top, tegular tprloo $75 mil bs sold at $00 0 One Cherry and Mahogany Bedroom Suit.mMblo top, two pieces, only 35 0C One Walnnt Bedroom Suit, marble top, throe pieces, iO 0C Ono Antiquu Oak Bedioaia Suit, eight pieces, regular price $80, will beBold it 25 0£ One three piece Anttquo Oak Bedroom Buit, large glass, regular price $26, mil be sola at 1700 One Bed, Lounge in Damask $ i o"0 One Bctl Lounge in Cfarpet 7.00 Ono Single Lounge, oak frame, moquet onrpet . 8 00 Oile Couch in Plush, .... ;. 7.00 One Single Loungo in plush, oak frame . 1100 KNATP'S HOOT BEER EXTRACT only 180 bottlo. BEST SUGA.B CUBED (BONELESS) HAM8 ,,. " 10o 1b. YW.Y BEST FDM1 0UEAM OBEE8E . « 19o lb BOKELESS CODriSH « , POUNDS BEST GRANULATED S0OAB " > 89 ots. LAEGE BOTTIiB PIOKLED BEETS for 10 oto_ , TELEPHONE S80. NO CHJIMBIKG OT STAIRS ., (OBEDOT QIVEK'A.1 THESE PBI0E8 IT DESIEED.) J HOODS BSLIVSJIWmm woiunai TO ANTPAHT osxat, IITATS AMOS H. VAN HORN, NEWARK/ N. J. "" PIA3VE ! STREET.) A, 3 Srasa Hoop Cedar Pail frmm away with one pound of Tea or Baking Powder. Tea 60o. ))er lb ; Baking Powdoi 460. per lb., We IMVO mado Inrgo roiiuotioua on Dried and Bmolod and Suit Moats and BotUedGooi" Onions, Pjokloo, Cbcw-Qhow, CalaBpfWKe jSirGlVKBflAailLAlipOT00SVINdlDL Vr J JJ BROS., Merchant Tailors Clothiers, ttarc tlu N. J. lately oooupioil* t>B w u i r r Bronx, snd will open AHUL lit • MERCHANT TAILORING AND CLOTHING BSTAJILlflHUSNT, frith « compkte icd uttrel; FOR THE* SPRING TlJADJE. i t 7 , DBOTHEB9 h«*« bad ID .szperjencw of nuny jhirt si noioLuit t*tlan *Dd *Iotbl«n, troprtottoalontteniind mikan ofcnBiom worti ind *ri stle to'gu*r«ni*e com 4 i'* 0U01TOB AMD aiBIEB ffl 0BAN01U15. , OLIVER S. FREEMAN, Ctrpenler and Bulltfer,"< y:- LUMBER OFALL KINDS <- Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, k ', - .,, BRACKET AND SCROlL SMNING DONE TO COAL, 1T00D A! ULUItiC jKBUCK, , Painter,Decorator, Grainer -and Pftpar Hanger. stllMMd .^^K'j^ 1 , BLACKWELL STREET, / -DEALERS H_- > "' ' AND SCREENED COAX.» to hanrflB Ibalr own prod an hrwlt •arwnaj j BJ |mdad vllhont rtjowiinf" DR. ANDREW'S OOSfPOTODED.WITH THR OREATE8T 04BB, iND Rt(»UtfENDBD FOB y IiaE0MATiaM ONLY. IBlh.lBW, . After » ywmi' RfMit •nffariiiR tram l8d»Ho Bhaotnatum, dariDft ulilct; time tnrj it«p «M » pmintal oflort.-i oomiuf cwa on your teielBe, nl tioir *!tir »few «tflb«,~taUnft It blibfallj at adtltea, I feel Iwiter ID o*erj war iluua I IUTB i n ti» p»it iwo jeun loaw vot ti at adtltea, I feel Iwiter ID o*erj war iluua I IUTB i n ti» p»it iwo jeun. loaw vot^ tmiy, J6HN JECKHART ' (BieouHf ItBmlih i'fokhin,) MASON AND BDILDEB. 1 'i J fanlilud let UDILdDINQS, BRIDGES. Sliop on Uonis ilreet, nuftD larmer XBOH , r«T»r, N. }] -OF- pues OF made nnd warranted by oae of the best uianufiicturers in tlio country, are now being offered by us at positiyely less ttwn h»l* Wieir T»]ue. ilireo dollar Women's ^liocs for »1- to $1.60. Three dollar Misses 1 Shoes for U to $IM Tiro dollar Child's Shoes, Si to 101 frew SOc tu 90c. One (lollnr and titty cents CUlW's Mioes,5 lo S, lrom C7c. to 75o. ', "*,, r>«Tenty-llve cents Inbuit's SKois, 1 t o o Tor :J3c. Hundreds have already araij^jheru selves of this opportunity tii shoo their families at half price and can testify we gave them more than we advertise. HEAGAN & CO., OPP. f> , L. & W. DEPOT, DOYER, N. J, OUR MOTTO! don to $25 a year nnd elected two Dtuuooratlo assistant wirdens at salarioa ol $rJ0 each Then Uioy cut down tt» salary ot tha old veteran Counsel to $G0, and elechxl a Duuio tttntio Assictant OouuseUt a salary ot J3G0 peraauum Ot coursa Uie eld soldiers could not da the work of tli&ir ofllcosandllvai tlio salaries «Uo wed them, and BO they resigned. Tliay were frown out by tiielr Democratic enemies. Under such dreumstajjeee, what i tbe veterou not good for J •** Thorn who ought to know tell me tbat Uio young woodcock, quail and pheasants appear to be unusually plentiful In tfile vidnlty tlilu car, aud thst tboro Is every promlM uf very i o shooting when tlio respective seasons Cor ioae birds coma to band V While at Mt Arlington tho other day I n lown an ordinary building lot, at a ootJ- StdarableiHnWuicelromtbolAlie [rout, whlcU was recently BOUfor $760 Fiftoeu years ago VEEY BEST NEW Creamery Butter 22c|ib, c| . Wbilo on Ills way to work In tbo morning ?lilL Practical drojiped into tlio saafitura of calamity editor, "Havo jou tiollixt], uiltj," asked Phil., " that a'vliolo car oad of Atnerlcan uiuiufnoturod tin plate was hipped from ClmtUnoogo to Utlea tho other. Any, a full month before theMoJClQly duty DO ti(tltirtr'"\V r l!b'b FEEE!.. FREE! ty* C lalrlf roarod tUo excited Calamity. "Oh, liotblng, 1 ' piirsilcd Plifl in a calm and inrutlled oionnor, "onlyltbougbt youdUke o kpow, luniwpcli said about tbree ^ month* 0go tbat WDcould novormalie NEXT DOOR TO THE DOVER POST OFFICE. PROTECT Y0UEPO0KETBOOK hy dealing where you can got the inoefc for yonr money, atjj Aliere /oa may leat aagnred of getting a trnlh'fdl rsjiresintalion of what yon bay. Oar reputation, oxtend- ing no» orer « quarter of n centnry, is Biifijoicut guarantee of the latter, and a'a proof of the former all ve ask is that 'yon emmine tbe fitylo, workmanship, quality and finish MES'S SPEING SUITS. The buying of cheap olothing is false economy. (Jood ' wares at fair prices, that's economy And that can usually - ,ba:bout attained Tiy scokiuf ont the stores of the makers of the articles yob may be needing. Is clothing, that means us, for being manufacturers oLull we sell we are • able io serve yon to great adrantage. Our assortment of IP CHILDREN'SCLOTHIK .. ia excelled by BO dealsr in Newark or out. We tlunk wo have tlie snbiocti of boys' clothing down irery fino,nnd wa oan show you how to combine tasta and economy ui tho dressing of boys of ovory age. Animmensa Tonety from *:' whiolj to eolect, and not an old or ont of date garment in tho entiro stock. ' r MCGREGOR &, Co. ' "'850 V852 BE01D St./.: t t ]s ;, NEWARK, H. J. * ' -* J «^ i. i * ^^ B&~ Infcliel>ean-guesaing contest ibo bicyolo was won by Qeo. K. ABdrewB, 43 S lUli St., RorWiJto*t { . BH , jnw ^ffl^Lw '" -^H ''-^a^^8 wm^B iH JBTBM ' for Infants nnd Children. JI " TDiB ASSohTMUHT OV Watches r Clocks, Jewelry, SUver-ware aid tfutlcal IastrmneuU, &o,' FOR 75c,'at iyi. b. HICKS*, THOS. JOHNSON, , Seadsioofii, Vulsli, •ad kit Tork In BUThh set] Ofmlte. All tot] ot tttjbiiioraerin QVS.B STQKB TALK. JTAPiHOn PBOU TUB KVKB BEAUT OAXMAX. Of O1BUAL OBBX&VJkTlOff Tin Lail AlanagerB pt the Harris County CLlldron a Homo at their lost mooting dlo- nsae*l sn old law ot Uie Btata, un^er wai boy Is liauIMI out, he l» luduntured to work far lili board onj clotlilng until be U Jl years of ago TLby claim that in this day—when Ubor It wortn far more Umu It was In the scores of yemn ago when tbis law was passed -no boy of Hpirlt can bs expected to comply with its provisions Ilo « from Uils institution who have been bound out under this lawli&vu run away Ic/oro the expiration of their time, and while tbev bave DO doslra to ouoourjn, fracUoua'of OM law tliey tee\ UiatUioy can- not eoveraly ooiidunin the buys who may do tlila, The; tbink tbls lawought tobe modi- fied to mwt existing conditloM, inHtcad of offering BO (treat a temptation to break It, aud i tbelr Wows are based upon a practical ex- perience in liie matter, I commend tho subject i tba caroful cgiulderutlui] uf thgoe wuo may rciireceut Morrb county jn iUo Legislature at !a tioxt aewion TUB Uw of tliU State which, wu imsaod to prevent tbo ousting ot old voUinius from ap- trlUioutcauM la alno the ft fnroe ai it bow titonds. la U given by evotita that bave just trausplred In fiercer county, where tbo Democrats secured a majority ot tlie Doan) of rVcedoMero Intho Spring elections. Thoy found that the Wardcu of the ooi jail am) tbe Counsel of the Board wan As U oy were ako Rc[ ullfcaus tho OcuiocraUc uiajorltj lntUe Hoard dcuured to oust thorn, but could not da io under the Ia 1 Thoy thoroforu adopted acotiiei oxpcdlont. y ould Iwv ia immediate vltlui y g bought B. down acres In tin 1B tho first heater of this klutl lutrodt i any rnllvray card. Tba lengtb of this car 60 feat. Tbe other car Is a full Hinoking coa^li, &1 foot long, and tbe decoration ami fluULiug, both outside and Inside, are of tbe same gen- eral design as tbose of tlio coach just do- Ibed, Tills car Ia equipped wflb the Gold •kiragB hunter, also suiniHetWHh uUtaiu train the locomotlvo, and also tho first application of tUIa Hyataiu, AfUr UUlug tUe jit^ns villl sloam tholocomotive can bo detached, am will tie enoucb beat stored In the ylpes to keep the car norm for eight houiu. By tblBinetliod tbo steam can bo shut off while tho locomotive needs all Its ronuiirccB to climb ivygrailee, and applied agali grades whenibe etiglne lias st«am to spore, ttio car (bus being kept always warm, Heat cm nhto be shut oH In another car in tbo rear, and tbe wholo opera- tion of the system Is rxmlrollod by a trouiinan Inside tbe car. 1 When the steam condense* self-adjusting; traps on tha bottom of tho cai reloaso It to the atmospboro. ' Iu the coustruoUon of tbese cars all tin nark Is dona In tie Sorer shops, from the wings to the finishing toudica, wblcli Is tlie blgbeet compliment that can ba jald to the skill ef Superintendent Baker and bis eflieient )rkmen. Some Moa.of tha money luvolved rallroadlus may be obtained from tbe itomcnt that to buy. ono ot thosa cars in tbo Hiat-kst would cost about *5,£00, In every part of tha shoiie work inlx>!n_ pushedto 1 tbo fullest capacity of each de|»rt- ment, witha total working forco of nearly 450 men. Tlioy bave beeu dulug a groat amauntvt now freight work, but bavu been couipolled to slock off to ihoko necessary re- pafrB, and tboy will have all tlioy can do from HY till- oold weather In putting tho now lain beating ajiilpiueuta In Uio passenger ooachra of the road. A groat deal of work iu bolus dona la romodollDg old coaches, rhioli aro virtually made over Into tha uew- . designs, so tliat tbojr. cauuot be told from •s entlruly new. ,'. ., - . A harried run through Uio shops shows bow iusy they are. Ia tho cripple afcou were two < of construction, a new i plata for oamaierdal purpawa " Wi >prlntcr^K dotll appeared nt tlio ofDos door oopy, afew minutes later Calami wna 11 so inul tiiat he threw tbojuute pot nt blin. *•* A. Mead souls me tbe follonrlns, which ho ' ' ' " ally good, and would like to i 'If you're Booking for a spot urato-oDbloAomath not, ; J tb|n«Iu life Is what crar IontMpoeitouiUforad -*• - ;> pnthotopotfinygroand; ' .. * You'd bettor try to find it In the grave. 1 Itntallrlgbt, anil I ani not going to hunt elf slumof peace In that quarter Judge Haglo, of tils Judicial district, In ron- i Uip opinion in UIB 1 Buptemo Conrt loiit U blili «(l!riiici tho mmictton cf the Hnd- xm'oouut)* ballot - box' thioTM,' dlmitsscd at longti the Interesting exception tnkeu to the Jadgo's actloii in pflnnittlng Jorora to enrve kdniltud'that thoy hod expressed an iplnion against the dofondanta.: -" This qiies- ibn," Bnl^Jn*tlci>.MagIo,."has noial the kmrtsotthnt country- for many years, but to rule atoblislied la this State vlU not ex- lndoa Juror tot Ho men expression of an lidl it ha Ibivkm h* wiu l up.v jg fairly botffceo the parties, KxpMslda 61111- l towan! thp'ilefendont, howbvep/exoludc* JudeeUatdo,! UAVQ reason to know, has hold to this opinion for tome time A few years ago a well known citizen at tbe county is (Iran n u a juror in nmurdor case. When I name was called ho came forward and In- 'oraod Juage Magta that lie had formed ah jplolon In reganl to the caw about to be tried. > "Wo need man on juries who are capable of ortnlng opinions," said the Judge with his ox- iresalva nulls, snd the juror was sworn; I Centura tinopinion there waanot amore com- petetent man in the juror 1 * boxthan ha.' A DBcttntioiuj man vrho la capable ot forming opinion la tbobeit juror that can be drawn. I n Harper 7 * Weekly for last week Rev Dr. aeo n CrooB*) of Drew Seminary, endeavors to explain 'TVUt Dr Drlggs Meant 11 in his alleged unorthodox Addrestat Onion Theologi- cal Bemfnary Dr CrooksfaoldibyauKlyslbg the meaning of the sentences most criticised tbat Dr Brtggs has not been construed altogether nghtly, end while admitting that he ht; been, batty and not altogether con- siderate, is for from bolleving tbat the man in uttortbodox And tbat ma bo tbo general opinion when tho controversialists calm down. «•- Bro Banlon, of tho Eagle, nbo bytho way i tax collector of thoBorougU of Maillson, Ives notion that on tho Mtb of this month ho collector will Hen upon penionnl property md real estate for unpaid faxes, and -will irre&tandutiprisontiioM) who are delinqi 'or poll tax. Quod for Bro Bardat I am ad to know that ono collector has backbone lough to apply thn law to tbose who shirk their shore in bearing tha respontibllities of d community *#* A Prospect etTCot lad; to ivhomwu gi von a oung canary bird, said to be of tbe male gBtidcr, luu been irottlnff two years for it to got lb voice and fill bar home with its nit deal notes All ber expectations, however vere worthlessly dispelled, when sho discovered the other day a beautiful littls egg lu tho bottom of tbacago. Somebody bod blundered. %* My Mend ot the HackeUstown Gazette tends that 1 nava not shown that tbe labor et of niintUB a ^ a ^ tvott ora in Morris B county is 7s penta nore tbau lu foreign coun- tries. I have shown often that convict and alave labor ia Spain and Cuba is bad for from 27 tq £5 cents a day, whereas In Morris county It runs from f t.25 upward Bt tbo lotfost over paid.': I t our friend Is really*Booking for in-* formation; instead of avoiding tho (acts thai shatter all hW free trade theories, be will lint by inquiring uf any welMufortned Iran or producer that this amounts to moro than IS a ten lotto production of I cntinot tnako it plainer to a tnan^whrt docs not want to see. A CITBB SIONB OmiKavxa. A Safe Investment. Is ono tthtch Is guorantocd to bring you BiiUBtactory nsulta, or la caso of failure a return ot parclitiao price -On this safe plan you con bm from our ndvertlscd Druggist a iMjtUooIDr KiugaKew DIncoTory for Con- sumption It ia gunrontcod to bring roll of ovory COM, whoa tool for an affection Throat, Lungs or Chest, such an Coiunira_ Han, Intlatnnutiou of Lnngs, BronchltlB Asthma, Whooping Cauffh, Croup etc., etc It is plensrmt ani2 agreeable to taste, iKsrfsct- ly mlo, and can always be deponlod upon. Trial botUcs free at Robert Ellgoro'i DrnR Htor*, Dover, Ormn, ^aaai & Co,'i D n y BWn, Fort Oraw, and F. W Jeniln,' Di-u; Bton, Chester. \ TWO BEAUTXPUI- CASB. j t J. \V. Baker, ot tlio Dovo var shops, nhlpped toCnpo May, N. J., last Kridiiycveulng two railway *oar;hes, which for Ixtauty of dc»lgti and purfoetlou lu toa- BtructioD are sii|ip(tHod tu ha eijnsl toany of tbelr kind tlat this country can produce. They wuroBblpiwd for exhiblUon at tbe Na- tional Oonreutluu uf Car Bulldare—cotnpowd of master car builders and master mechanic* —wlilch coQveaetl at Capo Slay ou Saturday. One of tbe coaclioa is ige uud Ruiuklug car. its exterior, painted in tlm Lacfcawauua colors, olivo aud gold, Is j apjioarancd because of tlio urUatle taatd dlsjilayed In the decoration. Tlio wholu of tlie Interior Is of native onk, all bard wood flnisU, aud tbo decoration Is In gold and silver loaf aud brawn, wbila tbe soata lu the smok- ing compartment aro upholstered ivltb oiiaui- olud leather of a ruasot sbadD, uioklug a blend- ing ot color us rich us was ever seen Jn a car luterlor. Tho car isahio designed for comfort wall as beauty, aud ia ajuipped wlUi thi Gould, Bailor & Bmitli combluatlon beater mipplfed «IU> steam 1 i KJOB. CO-UNIT RUADS. EDIJOII or THE IUUK ERA ; 1 What country towui moat need ore ifood, souud wagon roods. Mont towns uf this si. all tLo railroada that are necessary. K< iit», wo biivo t w o ; so Uiat drum mem fladlug that thuy can do uo buMhioni, uo&\ t wait long to gut out of town So it uliould be wltli Uiu furuit'r; whun ho h ,vo no truulle to gat to town. Tho fucU nre thut In tbli part of the country it 1ms boun hard work to get into town for the pi I know a caso where two Ibroe trains woro stuck in tho mud in an nil- lining town, nuil were obliged to unbitcb, avltig tlitlr wagons to bo pullutl out at mtau iturodaU. AnaruiiuJy, thn comity Fito- holdors ought to niak« o ittTy largo oiiough to roadH a yuttr. Which not only iucraaiia tlie value of prcifMirty, but the morchaut* would be greatly farmon would then be able to gel to town in ell kinds of weather. Ia w agricultural dia- irlct the merchants depend largely upou irmert for trad a. Our correspondu'it then refers to the condition of affaire wbere tl ruuds moke it Impossible for farmers to con: town. Wlion tho farmer cannot corae t j us wo are at a ataudiftlU, or wo might tm; lldhig backwnrd. Bills will aocumulate, and nothing coming iii to meet them mokoR trouble all around, Wo tlilnk It la only fair to alt udder tbe comfort of the farmer iu conne •itli tlio subject of poor roads. Whi inercbaut would be willing to put himself and family in a farm wngou, with a spring « aud havo bis team walk for sixor efgbt miles vny, to and from Uiwu, tbroui;b m or ruU I It may bo that tha farmi Llitlr faTOllle* &m RCruntoinud to It, ^^ •Hiifortfiljlo iiBvortholiwa. Wu leuow Western town of 10,000 inluibltunta which exactly iu tho samo position as tbo om under ulbctiselon. They did not IinvO a rooi leading from turn in any illrvcllou tbat was pasmble in the Bpring of tbe year. The iunty was paying all the road tax that It !ould afford, which was expended eni*li year hnviug tlio wash which hod aooumulated by Jio dde of tho road plowed up aud scraped Jieroid hod, Thla method doo«u't pro- good rosulta, Mpeclally when done by Tanners who know nothing of practical road Julldlng. The outcome was tbe merchant* took tho matter in band aud contributed enough money to secure a solid gravel road car to tAke tbo place of one burned roccptly a t Moutclnir, another. being supplied with steam hentera and still others In-various irtagea of repair. In Uio blaokwniUi eiiapa the orges were overywnoi* blntlug, and downs men, with aid of machinery and deftness hand werofaEhionlQff heated metal lit all kinds of shapes. Tbo lathes, boilug and other machines, many of them the Snort known, are QuUUlug tbo ntetal work in tito machine Bbo» adjoining. The great engine in the ongine room is pulBnting olmoat nobnlcssly but with wonderful proclaiou, and tho holtors are glpw- Ingjwltu tho heat wood 'Arcs.; Indeed, all tbfl'stoam far operatitip; the machinery, aid beating thes* gwftt shops, h geceVated from wood taken out of old cars and the shav- iga and other reftue from new lumber irked up: Not a pound of coal ia con' iunied in these boilers. -, ' ' Tlo mill, with its great array of labor-8*v- - * aaoUWery, tile carpenttf, palntlcs end ..Jaterloff dcpnrtmwits are also equally may,'anil tbe groat yard toeius. witit ken ngnged In demolishing old ears, repainting JB Hud doing subh'othef work as'utiu b« done outdda la iiloaaant weothor. . In fact, Uia great artory which supplies tlietowa of Dover with Its llfo current ii throbbing auuolossly dbnrrtuero, andperformiog its functions with- out sign of faltering or foiluro. Both tlie artesian wells which irom bored ometlmQagOiKichtoaaeptti otoversuu feet, arefurnlshlrga'constant supply Df tbe cool- est dud iMiratt wal«i'—^ dally blo&dug from the bowela of tho earthto tto men who toil real good to the merchanta than liail a Ifmei the amount been 0|>ont In inducing somo mw Hue of railroad to come to tbelr town, T referring totho Importance of good road* f exchange hns Uie following.- Tba jirotilom of liow to (mjirovo the roads and keep thcin iu p&saable condition, has been one of the leading topics of tho present decade, and yot very little has been accomplished in that direction. PaniuyUauLn, has taken tu& Jwwst practical ujtloa of any of tliu States hy making on ap- iroprlatlon for tho Improveinant ot roads )hlo, once famous for Ite pikes, perhaps takes •attar care of its roods, after they have " inprovcd, than any of tha Htateg West of the ... Bat the day Is not far distant heu the care of wagon roads will ba regarded liuportuut OB the watchfulness exercised >er the pbyelcal condition ot railroads. The wagon road must lx> depended upuii as feeder for nil Umo to coma. There are Irmdy too many railroads Iu certain s^ctious mtry; If more are built the shipper '111 not be WueHtod as muoh as If thoy are itt unbuilt. The roads must bo looked after lore systematically than at present When tharo tire bad roadB, tha effect laim- nedintely apparenB in tbo lull that ittnfeos ;rade, nfter reaching to a wide area of ooua- and temporarily arouaing those affected to reallEotlon of the advantagoa accruiug from md roadways. . tba agitation ba continued until soino i of keeping tbe roads Ju batUr abajxs 1B It upon. Tiie matter Is one of -vital import- ' to us. -• ..-,• -• '•". 'MKBOBAHT. ' -Filea of lumbar that require the growth nf forest* for replenishing are to be soon, and great sheds aro filled with oak, maple, ash, walnut and othor valuable woods, to be worked and decorated ia forms of beauty, i ;The growth of the Bhopsaud tho track room noceeBary bare abeorped nearly, ail the extra laud purchased by the people of Dover'when the shops were rebuilt, and the town neror madoft batter investment. •'. \ to Journalism. A oopy of tbe Fbilliiwburg Tekram, dren- latod'in this'place but Saturday was a dla- 1C0todecent journalism and an irmult to s community.. VileinflinufltloQB wore made raspectlng ponons of good repute, sotno of its oggc»Uoa» bordeved on tho groseect obaoen- Ity, and much of Its reading was of a hurtful and Immoral character. ; There was general Indlgnatloa' throughout the community and Bbould tbe identity of lu. correspondent become known we ^rould Insure his hide sgainat a coating of tnr nnd foathora. Meontlmo, our reputable newsdealei's should refuse to sell the paper in the town. Below the BeaLevel in Horns. You can get down over a trislU of a inUo below the sea level In this Staja by.goiug up into Morris county, where you start to go lowu from an altitude of-ahout-l,OOU feet ibove tido water. Tbe Hurd mino, at Hard- iwn, near I«ke Hopatcoiig, Is the plato. The mine lias a shaft 3,630 foot long, on a slope of thirty dtgroM, tniklcg an actual depth of l,B50 feet, or about 850 fert beloir-the sea lotel, at Uie bottom of the shaft. The bob- torn of .the Dicfcereon mine Is atwut JDO. feef below tho se4—Call. ; :.' . ; A Question for Protbytery. A question for tboFreubytoryotMorrissiid Orange to decide at their meeting In 2Iorri«- town neit Tuesday will be tbefollowing r olotloo and o ndinent; . That R E S , . p polnUd' to render ftpwU\ gerrlcts for th Presbytery, their necessary expenses shall bo paid from tbe funds of Presbytery. AinuttitfiNT. strike out the hut five words and BoVaUtaito these wordB: By r whose bcnoflt tha oxpenw* are Incurr" 1 ' A VImt from Btramrar*. B Borvant maids at tlio residence of Mrs. Bhafor, on Ukckwell Btreet, were greatly frightened'during the night of Friday lost, and EOid Uioy heard a man walk from a win- dow to a door on the first floor. Same of tho gentlemen boarders who got up and investi- gated the matter found that both the window ddoOT bad been opened, bub Uio visit boon frightened off before thoy had ti to oxploro the houw. Tha Eteventi Beffimont This OTcnt, to be held on Tuwdsy noxt. In tho Westminster Prwbyterian Church . at Philllpsljurg.of which ChaiilainCline Is pastor, piomlfies tobe a most pleasant nlTaJr. Oen. Daniel E. Sickles has promised to be present and Gon. Carr and other distinguished men are expected. Neighboring Forts ol lio G. A It. will join ID tho welcomo anil tho Woman' Ilellef Corpsirlll provldaacoUation. Imitation goods are gotten up for ff oat and gullible. - The persons abb to r and write are not so easily toolod. Tbeywi twd, l i n t lu c ithora. Thlse to direction and afterward in [peiultture linj resulted in mora COMMON OOUNOIL PEOCEEDINQB. Tbe Juno meeting of the Povcr Common Council was heldonlloudayoveiiiiig. Freeant —Major Dunhoui, Aldermen I'ollanl and Uo Davit, Btid Oouncilmou Heddcn, Wleox, Burr, Ipungleraud Wtldriclt. Tho iniiiutoa or tbu last mooting wera nad ud approved. Murfltial Hagan roj^irtiii' tivo nrrexU for May nml fcl i u (HIMcollected by JuslioeaBgo. Nine tramps had apptfed far Judging*, but none had tiecu ocooiiiiiiodaUid. KujVirt re- wivwinuj ordereti (11«1. Chief Engineer Lambert rei»rt«l two ilres lu Hay, at Gco. MeCrackou's blacksmith shop ind tbo liouw of. A. Davenport. Also, the resignation of Andruw lloiteror and tUa BUS- l»twiou o( J. H. Uurcln-11, G.'O. Vf, Tuylor, li Scales und Boniea Unnlner from Steamer Co., No. 1, for non-payment of fines : tho nwEgnAtlnns of Thos. Ilmgou, U. II. Mnloney, HUiwart farr, J. If. Koach, John irummer and Wm. llulbert, ot Steamer Co., v. 2, thesiupuiuion of Wm. Cox, M. J. Ilyau, )avid Leonard and Wm. V. Cole for non-pay- uent ot dues and flnoa aud Iba election of Fred. othlngoaanetrmembor of tbo some coru- my. Hej>ort received aud recjiuinendatlons incurred In. An ajiplictiou WOR recolred lrom John D. liAle« for a p»c! tublo llnmsti, nnd Anlbooy Sharp, undav tnuqicunion of ruleH, asked that :he fee he reduced from fciO to 110, the same othor pool tables. Referred to License ^ommlttoa. An application was recolnxl from M. Byrne or a wholesajo liquor llouuse and was uimnl- nously rejected. Upon motion the vote was uubltlurudaudthe ap|illiatlou was rejwtetl a volo of 5 to 3. llr, llyrua naked tlie reason for tho reject! ou. llr. Hpnngler said * >bjocUd to any holed having license to wholesale Hqtiare, nnd If ono wao granted no no could be refused, llr. Wildrick'satd La ob- jected because it wot atl iuiuatlce* to the other liotuls. J, A. Aiugo, uuclersusponBlon of rules, made oroplalnt against tlie bliutlug ia tlio stone [uarry of W. A. Dickerson, on Prospect street, lie stoucs fell onbis premises, and he showed >ne laTgo piece whlut camu vury near sLriklug ill llttlo boy, ISO foot away. Mr. Mauger, of ild street, said his wife and children hod nearly been struck by such stones and that * of his chimney and shinglaa hod been nocked from his house. It was resolved that Marshal beInstructed to notify Mr. Dieku- to cover Ills blasts with timbers. A iwtltion for anelectric light, to bo placed , tlie East end of Hudson street bridge, was referred to Fire anil Lamps Committee with A petition from property owners,tobavo tbo outh Bide of Sldcenton street accspted, from ' arris street to the Hinchtnau lot, was re- > ferred to Btroot Comniltoeo, to report at uext ineetltig. A petition from property owners, nskingfor ie grading of road bed andBldowolks on Stis- •x street, from MoFarlaii street to tbo place ; Samuel Williams, was referred to Street ommltteo, to report at next mooting. The oillcUl bond ot Jo*. VT. CarreU, Caltoo- '•'... >r, lu tbo sum of *10,000, was presented, ac-' iptod, approved and ordered plaood en fllo. It seeins like a auperBtious tldng to say a >rd concemiOE this wide established end widely known hostelry. But a. day spent there recently Induces me to agatnrtuti Into print to give my impressions of the place, and facts In relation to tho Improvements ow unuer way. Until recently this hotel cr^idunted by D. Bcbafer &BOD, bat now ba title Is " Me Arlington Hotel mid Land ,"—p. Sofaafer, Pres't, F. L.Bchafer,Treas. ul P. a. :•- Vaugban, Jr., Ben'y. Thn eHor ' '" lioa become quite a liitta owner In tbe -idnltv of Lnko Hopateong,, and getting >rattv well on in years he concluded to shift oma of the burdens he has been carrying o other and younger shoulders, and hence be lAs formed a stock company of all his prop- arty under tha core uf the oQIcbii olwvo namod. I might t*j there la, none' of this Btock on the market, as tbo whole of H i s owned by tho immediate members of Mr. Bcbofer'* family. At a Drat glance to a atraugor tuo bultdLcgt oatnpoelng M s Bwa- •t look more like a small villago than hotel, numbering, I think, abont seven dia- luct buildings, but all under one manage- nent. Toaccommod&to thesteadllj Increas- ing tuslnciu llr. Bchafer was cdmpellod to erect another largo and tanilfloaio etruoture, now Just receiving Its QniBhlng toucnes, This building Is intended more especially for T*" terguesto, U four stories in height, contains thirty sleeping rooms, dandng hail, reception hall, baths, cloaoU, hot and' cold water In every part, heated thoroughly by steua and lighted byImproved gu manufooturod on tbe premises. This, jou see,, Is a thoroughly equipped edJUce for a Winter wjoumer. This addition makes the total number of sleeping rooms at Uie commani ol tto hotel 130. Tbe billiard room is 75 feet in length, divided by londsome I»rtleres Into throe ports. Added this 1B tbo card room for wbiet parties, etc The " OHEI" 1 Informed ma wnllo partakinjt of excellent dinner, Ibat when* occasion re- [Uirod he could seat 220 guests at the table, rltlch I roadily belioso. The bar Is-supplied vith tho very best of all kinds of liquors, Water Is raised from a nover failing well by ntaun to a tank elevated sulUdeatly to supply all tha rooms. Thla hotel is connected bytel- egraph and telepbono to all parts of the juntry. The ^temuboaU laud passengere •om every tmla at tfaolr own dock. From tbe plauos of thehotel a Hn hod of the lake, and grateful shads trees sur> und Uio buildings. The land In front of the botel, extcuJinff to tbo lake, Is owned by llr. Schafer. OntulslsercctedahandsomDpavU- Ion for uso ot cliildrcn. Surrouddlog this are a number of rockeries, which ore soon to bo decorated with handsome [lowering piania. Off to,tbo right a short distance n tbo looming proportions of tbe " Bres- Aleo the elegant residences of Mayor Protlilngham, Ur.'Tilt, Henry Altenbrond and Llr. PottiorV Here, at this house, conbe obtained all tba comfort of & summer toraa and all tho privileges tbo loko affords, nt reasonable rale. No formal dressing fordlu- •; instead, a regular home-like affair at the good old-fashloued hour of 1 o'clock. Yon con sit In your shirt sleeves and enjoy the cool breeze from the lake without belpg cou- sldercda "boor 11 or subject to tberacersand turnad-up noses of sotna of our MOUKBKorW toct-dcy, who only hava money enough ta pntronlxa more portentious hastolrles. VT> H. B. An Important Oase. By agreement of counsel tho certlomrl c to test the constitutionality of the acb under which licenses were granted by the Court ia Hackcttstomi and at Washington, Ia which Stoats b made defendant, will be submitted on briefs on tha third Tuesday of this month. Oacnr Jeffrey represent* the plaintiff and Sen- ator Werts and Allen UoDarmott the defend- ant. Vrindom'B Laat Word*: "As poison in theHood permeates arteries, •IUB, nerrcs, brain, &o." He might ha 1 added, thereto™ purify tha blood, tone t besrt, and vitalise tbe system, to restoro health. CfcctM Blood. Curo ii Uie one cgetAble compound kuown ablo ta mutraUa and elluihiAto from tho system tho taints scrofula and specific disease, Ko rival, mineral, no failures. Sold at Killgom 1 * Cor Dnig Storw, Dover. y Insist that Him 1 Root Boer Is banded taern, and nothing else "just as good." The bat l o g W d , «ixl jrmknowit. ' llaybe It's worm, you're tired and thirsty. Knnpp'B Root Beer Cztrsct malcea Boot Seer |tadii : V ;; M ':- A communication from Mr. Toolte fltraker, , Ejecting toany change ot tho grade on Ilan- jlpU avenue that would place him at con- lejable expense, was referred to Street Com- iltteo. Bids for supplying rock for street purposes received from H. C. Nowldrt, SfoKenna : WilUams, F.F. Dirdi, John O. Force and ^ tl.IUcliftrdt&Co. lupply COO tons of ronk from, tlie bed or tbe -; ;tockaway river, at 40 conta pergroM ton.waa..' a motion accepted. : . : - " , ':' The following blllB worn referred to Finanoe ". ommlttoe, by them approved. and ordered ' A; J. J. Vrwloud, tO.53 ; CorpdmUoupay . oil from Mar ISUitoJune 1st, ttO3.74 \ Dover : J .umber. Co., (2C.W; Wm. H. Byram, |3j ohu 6. Force, 93 j Jaa. ! Hogan, *30 j 'pow ; j Tatar Co,, (013; Wjiu,"WiWtli ti\t,^Oi fTm?:-'• King, 110, BillsoE \\ r . k. D l c k e n o ^ ' ^ g o , :.<> and John F. Wood, for #3, wore laid over tor--: '•- taformattoii. "" . .' . ".. •":/-- 1 ;'-:.v Tbe taic ordlnanra, an ordinance rclttiiig to [cKerlan street, nnd• another accepting :;. [auntala avenue, - were. each passed by.8 ,; Irmatdve votes and we published elsewhere,. ' Tho Licenao Committee reoommendwl that '_; tbe table till the next mecitiug and It mis to'. ' ordered. '• • . ' "\ "• . " " •'.•; '.- : . ; -;V,' Tha Street C-otnuiUtca reported favorably ' ipon the condition of Peniiannoo sLroet, Con- ral avenue and Union street, but woronot irepared to report on Haiidolph avenue. It i resolved tbat tlie report be aocepted, that. Ordinance Cornraltteo be'dirocted topre-'; :. a ordinances lor Uie efcreets reported upca .'. ivorably, and that the Ptrtflt Committee W Iven fortbttt-tiraa on Randolph avenue. .'•• ~ The Btroot CommIttoa.reported objections'.' Hered to tho storage of corporation toob in . • IQ yard of tho engine house, and it was ro-- >lvod tbat a tool bouse, with suitable lock, be .. ulld on land owned by the cori>oratlon. It was reported that tbo ILarshnl needed a lock on tbo lock-up door, Eeferrod to' -, ollce ComiulLLee, with jxjwer. : L . D . Bcliwoxsobrnplainod of Jlio gntes ot the Central Railroad Co., on Sussex street, being Inthe way and thought one gate suffld-' iL Referred to Street Committee, to report' ;• :tmeetlng. V BomuelCossBtatod that a new bridge was being ballt on Union itreet, and. that the old bridgo was being removed to Mercer street. The latter street for 200 yards is hardly fit to \ drive heavy loads over. A portion between '. ': Iyer street and this liriJgo also newls fUUng,''. d Hlvor street, between Mercer and Union streets bos never been acoepted by tbe town.' : o thought a lamp should be placed at '• lie new bridge. No action was taken. ' - ThelBchool House Oontraoted ForV.. Tbe bids ot the builders for tue new school wereopraed onMonday evealng by tio. Pruatee*, and showed a wide rangeof osUmat- g. For the corpimtor work Allen & Palmer 1 . »5,540, Searing &Bharp »6,400, IVilcbx &. ry «i,8TiO, J. J. Vroelaiid W,^°8.5p and O. : Freeman M,000. For the masoa work .ndrow Roderer bid |5,840, Smith & Fanning J ^fTSand J. J. Eckhart$a,475. Mr, Freeraaa" was awarded the carpenter work and Mr. Eckhart tbo masonry. ThoStnoad system - beating and veuUlating wttl coat 41,438, making the total cost of building exclusive of lot t3,0TB, and with lot $10,4T3.. As the oitl- itcdcostofhulldlngWasllS.OOathedlitrict lasgotoutof It far aumit (3,000 less than was :pcctoJ. Tha contracts call for tbo compla- tlonof thouuudlngbyJan.lBtb,ieW. Base Boll. On Ealunlay hut tie Toabo Base Ball Clnb,> cama to Fort Orom oni Drossetl bata with the Mulligan Quards" of that place. The game was all one sided, tho >t Q. batting Eehoe u:; t h l r f h H h T l d d t h l ; with James. At the end of tho ninth Inning io Todbo'i bad only one run across the plate. \ Following la tlio scoro: . .' : , . UulllKonOnanls ..4 0 0 0 6 3 0 1 S~IS Teabo .O0001O000—1 Umpires, Musts. WlllianiB and Ryan. . Tbe third game between tho Rockaway BOM Ball Club aud Mulligan, Ouardi wlU be - played at. Port Onun onSaturday, June 13th. Oa Bftturfny, July 11th, Uie HnckotUtoira club will visit Port Onun and play a game :ith thfl MuUigou Guarda. BIOIIT. Buoklen'a Arnica Salve. . , The beet salve In tho world for Cuts, Sores, Qrulwe, tnears, Bait Rhernn, Veyvt Borw, - Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, and all Bldn Krttptlon*, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, it I» guaranteed, to jivm perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. ',• Priwtwenty-flveoenUporboK. For sole by '.-"• Robert KUlgore. Dover. Ororn, Hanoe & Oo ;• Port Orara, and F. W. Jeaxina. Cnest»r. Hamlin Orswu *

Transcript of BARGAIN ROOM pue O- F^#4...

Page 1: BARGAIN ROOM pue O- F^#4 contains more ant otbee j hflsthe lrtrgest;•; northern new jersey. % vol. xxi.




j;•; Northern New Jersey.




Of OB os JlMkwoIl Stroot sext doorto the National tTulon Sank,



OMYBAB . / . . . , , . : . » ; . . . *2«BlX WoftTTJS , ' ^,. . -. .Tjms« MOBTOS, ^ . •«!


1-vB. J . J. BM1TH, •,' >lV OEHERW HUOTITIOHj:!!, ,



DOVER, H J . 11-om

. OOOTBB,, "


^ 0ffl<»la(Ii9Ton!SiiSdla^ j ,

Over J A, Itfon'i Store l L DOVlJB, it J

DEK, •"

DovlB, N J.

Uken and mitvrlili

I have about 25 Bedsteads in Walnut andImitation, of F. H. Sieger stoofc in prices

from $S 60 up to $13 00. I have alsoabout $3,000 worth of goods in the

fl - room, .taken from every depart-ment, marked in plain figures,

at half their value. Noduplicates >




omos i

•>ta« EBOOUti

{• r- - ' BDOOABOSH^DllBff StOBI,- ;"Erocrilior.


*n> Strain Bn»

. * Bo«M «»3 0«irl«liM to let.

* T J

tile beet Rdbds lit tta, loweat iDil l onUrl b5 «.ll »ill n « m plion

- C O U N T * BtifKUiJrrje^bEHT

* ' «tJOJI Ho, B, liAWK UUlXDrNO,

»rioB IH BAKER noimi

UK NEW JKOoEt TBOSIHNISQ 0 0 /— " • o m n i ttfa OttcflUu H i Ujuc v '



One Yelvot" Oarpet1 S 0 I 1 7 . , , . . , .' 1*150

Oae Body Brussels Oarpot,220S

Oae Exf r& Quality TapoBtryBrussels Carpet, 11.3x15 21 25

One Extra Super All wool, Iugrein Cnrppt, 10 0x12 14.30

Parlor Suits. '*One Plash Parlor Salt, wal-

nut frame, six pieces, reg-ular prieo tCO, will Bell at |50 00

Ono Bag and Silk PlushParlor Suit, regular prioe»7S, will he Bold at CO 00

Ono Parlor 8ovt, mliratframe, in Duma&k, sevonpieooa, only 65 00

One Parlor Bait in Bilk Tap-estry and Plueh, tegularprioo $9?, will be said at 75 00

One l'nrlor Smt, five pieces,oherrr frame, upholsteredin Flash, -regular price$180,wiUbe«oiaftt 10000

One ABU Bodrooin Smt, BplooM, marble top, tegular

tprloo $75 mil bs sold at $00 0One Cherry and Mahogany

Bedroom Suit.mMblo top,two pieces, only 35 0C

One Walnnt Bedroom Suit,marble top, throe pieces, iO 0C

Ono Antiquu Oak BedioaiaSuit, eight pieces, regularprice $80, will be Bold it 25 0£

One three piece Anttquo OakBedroom Buit, large glass,regular price $26, mil besola at 1700

One Bed, Lounge in Damask $ i o"0One Bctl Lounge in Cfarpet 7.00Ono Single Lounge, oak

frame, moquet onrpet . 8 00Oile Couch in Plush,....;. 7.00One Single Loungo in plush,

oak frame . 1100








NEWARK/ N. J. ""


A, 3 Srasa Hoop Cedar Pail frmm away with one pound of Tea orBaking Powder. Tea 60o. ))er lb ; Baking Powdoi 460. per lb.,

We IMVO mado Inrgo roiiuotioua on Dried andBmolod and Suit Moats and BotUedGooi"Onions, Pjokloo, Cbcw-Qhow, CalaBpfWKe

jSirGlVKBflAailLAlipOT00SVINdlDL Vr J JJ

BROS.,Merchant Tailors

Clothiers,ttarc 1» tlu

N. J.

lately oooupioil* t> B w u i r r Bronx, snd will open AHUL l i t •



i t 7 ,DBOTHEB9 h«*« bad ID .szperjencw of nuny jhirt s i noioLuit t*tlan *Dd

*Iotbl«n, troprtottoalontteniind mikan ofcnBiom worti ind *ri stle to'gu*r«ni*e com


i'* 0U01TOB AMD a iBIEB ffl 0BAN01U15.


Ctrpenler and Bulltfer,"<


Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, k', - .,, BRACKET AND SCROlL SMNING DONE TO


jKBUCK,, Painter,Decorator, Grainer

-and Pftpar Hanger.

stllMMd . ^ ^ K ' j ^ 1


AND SCREENED COAX.»to hanrflB Ibalr own prod an hrwlt •arwnaj jBJ |mdad vllhont rtjowiinf"




. After » ywmi' RfMit •nffariiiR tram l8d»HoBhaotnatum, dariDft ulilct; time tnrj it«p «M» pmintal oflort.-i oomiuf cwa on your teielBe,n l tioir *!tir »few «tflb«,~taUnft It blibfalljat adtltea, I feel Iwiter ID o*erj war iluua IIUTB in ti» p»it iwo jeun loaw vot t iat adtltea, I feel Iwiter ID o*erj war iluua IIUTB in ti» p»it iwo jeun. loaw vot^ tmiy,

J6HN JECKHART' (BieouHf ItBmlih i'fokhin,)


fanlilud let


Sliop on Uonis ilreet, n u f t D larmer XBOH

, r«T»r, N. }]

- O F -

pues OFmade nnd warranted by oae of the best uianufiicturers

in tlio country, are now being offered by us at

positiyely less ttwn h»l* Wieir T»]ue.

ilireo dollar Women's ^liocs for »1- to $1.60.

Three dollar Misses1 Shoes for U to $IM

Tiro dollar Child's Shoes, Si to 101 frew SOc tu 90c.

One (lollnr and titty cents CUlW's Mioes,5 lo S, lromC7c. to 75o. ', "*,,

r>«Tenty-llve cents Inbuit's SKois, 1 too Tor :J3c.

Hundreds have already araij^jheruselves of this opportunity tii shoo theirfamilies at half price and can testify wegave them more than we advertise.

HEAGAN & CO.,OPP. f> , L. & W. DEPOT,



don to $25 a year nnd elected two Dtuuooratloassistant wirdens at salarioa ol $rJ0 eachThen Uioy cut down t t» salary ot tha oldveteran Counsel to $G0, and elechxl a Duuiotttntio Assictant OouuseUt a salary ot J3G0peraauum Ot coursa Uie eld soldiers couldnot da the work of tli&ir ofllcosandllvaitlio salaries «Uo wed them, and BO they resigned.Tliay were frown out by tiielr Democraticenemies. Under such dreumstajjeee, what

i tbe veterou not good for J•**

Thorn who ought to know tell me tbat Uioyoung woodcock, quail and pheasants appearto be unusually plentiful In tfile vidnlty tlilu

car, aud thst tboro Is every promlM uf veryi o shooting when tlio respective seasons Corioae birds coma to band

VWhile at Mt Arlington tho other day I nlown an ordinary building lot, at a ootJ-

StdarableiHnWuicelromtbolAlie [rout, whlcUwas recently BOU for $760 Fiftoeu years ago


Creamery Butter 22c|ib,c|

. Wbilo on Ills way to work In tbo morning?lilL Practical drojiped into tlio saafitura of

calamity editor, "Havo jou tiollixt],uiltj," asked Phil., " that a'vliolo car

oad of Atnerlcan uiuiufnoturod tin plate washipped from ClmtUnoogo to Utlea tho other.

Any, a full month before theMoJClQly duty DOti(tltirtr'"\Vrl!b'b


ty* n» C lalrlf roarod tUo excited Calamity."Oh, liotblng,1' piirsilcd Plifl in a calm andinrutlled oionnor, "onlyltbougbt youdUkeo kpow, luniwpcli said about tbree

^ month* 0go tbat WD could novormalie


PROTECT Y0UEPO0KETBOOKhy dealing where you can got the inoefc for yonr money,atjj Aliere /oa may leat aagnred of getting a trnlh'fdlrsjiresintalion of what yon bay. Oar reputation, oxtend-ing no» orer « quarter of n centnry, is Biifijoicut guaranteeof the latter, and a'a proof of the former all ve ask is that

'yon emmine tbe fitylo, workmanship, quality and finish

MES'S SPEING SUITS.The buying of cheap olothing is false economy. (Jood

' wares at fair prices, that's economy And that can usually -,ba:bout attained Tiy scokiuf ont the stores of the makersof the articles yob may be needing. I s clothing, thatmeans us, for being manufacturers oLull we sell we are

• able io serve yon to great adrantage. Our assortment of

I P CHILDREN'S CLOTHIK.. ia excelled by BO dealsr in Newark or out. We tlunk wo

have tlie snbiocti of boys' clothing down irery fino,nnd waoan show you how to combine tasta and economy ui thodressing of boys of ovory age. An immensa Tonety from

*:' whiolj to eolect, and not an old or ont of date garment intho entiro stock. ' r


' "'850 V852 BE01D St./.:t t ]s ;, NEWARK, H. J .

* ' -* J « ^ i. i * ^^B&~ In fclie l>ean-guesaing contest ibo bicyolo was won by Qeo. K.

ABdrewB, 43 S lUl i St., RorWiJto* t { .

BH , j n w ffl Lw '" -^H ''-^a^^8 wm^B iH JBTBM '

for Infants nnd Children.


WatchesrClocks, Jewelry,SUver-ware aid tfutlcal IastrmneuU, &o,'

FOR 75c,'at

iyi. b. HICKS*,


, Seadsioofii, Vulsli,•ad kit Tork In BUThh set] Ofmlte. All tot]

ot tttjbiiioraerin



Tin Lail AlanagerB pt the Harris CountyCLlldron a Homo a t their lost mooting dlo-

nsae*l sn old law ot Uie Btata, un^er waiboy Is liauIMI out, he l» luduntured to work

far lili board onj clotlilng until be U Jl yearsof ago TLby claim that in this day—whenUbor It wortn far more Umu It was In thescores of yemn ago when tbis law was passed- n o boy of Hpirlt can bs expected to complywith its provisions Ilo « from Uils institutionwho have been bound out under this law li&vurun away Ic/oro the expiration of their time,and while tbev bave DO doslra to ouoourjn,fracUoua'of OM law tliey tee\ UiatUioy can-not eoveraly ooiidunin the buys who may dotlila, The; tbink tbls law ought to be modi-fied to mwt existing conditloM, inHtcad ofoffering BO (treat a temptation to break It, aud

i tbelr Wows are based upon a practical ex-perience in liie matter, I commend tho subject

i tba caroful cgiulderutlui] uf thgoe wuo mayrciireceut Morrb county jn iUo Legislature at!a tioxt aewion

TUB Uw of tliU State which, w u imsaod toprevent tbo ousting ot old voUinius from ap-

trlUioutcauM la alno theft fnroe ai it bow titonds.

la U given by evotitathat bave just trausplred In fiercer county,where tbo Democrats secured a majority ot tlieDoan) of rVcedoMero In tho Spring elections.Thoy found that the Wardcu of the ooijail am) tbe Counsel of the Board wan

As U oy were ako Rc[ ullfcaus thoOcuiocraUc uiajorltj lntUe Hoard dcuured tooust thorn, but could not da io under the Ia1

Thoy thoroforu adopted acotiiei oxpcdlont.

yould Iwv

ia immediate vltlui

y gbought B. down acres In

tin 1B tho first heater of this klutl lutrodti any rnllvray card. Tba lengtb of this car60 feat.Tbe other car Is a full Hinoking coa^li, &1

foot long, and tbe decoration ami fluULiug,both outside and Inside, are of tbe same gen-eral design as tbose of tlio coach just do-

Ibed, Tills car Ia equipped wflb the Gold•kiragB hunter, also suiniHetWHh uUtaiu trainthe locomotlvo, and also tho first applicationof tUIa Hyataiu, AfUr UUlug tUe jit^ns villlsloam tho locomotive can bo detached, am

will tie enoucb beat stored In the ylpesto keep the car norm for eight houiu. BytblBinetliod tbo steam can bo shut off whiletho locomotive needs all Its ronuiirccB to climb

ivygrailee, and applied agaligrades whenibe etiglne lias st«am to spore,ttio car (bus being kept always warm, Heatcm nhto be shut oH Inanother car in tbo rear, and tbe wholo opera-tion of the system Is rxmlrollod by a trouiinanInside tbe car.1 When the steam condense*self-adjusting; traps on tha bottom of tho caireloaso It to the atmospboro.' Iu the coustruoUon of tbese cars all tinnark Is dona In t i e Sorer shops, from the

wings to the finishing toudica, wblcli Is tlieblgbeet compliment that can ba jald to theskill ef Superintendent Baker and bis eflieient

)rkmen. Some Moa.of tha money luvolvedrallroadlus may be obtained from tbe

itomcnt that to buy. ono ot thosa cars in tboHiat-kst would cost about *5,£00,

In every part of tha shoiie work in lx>!n_pushed to1 tbo fullest capacity of each de|»rt-ment, wi tha total working forco of nearly450 men. Tlioy bave beeu dulug a groatamauntvt now freight work, but bavu beencouipolled to slock off to ihoko necessary re-pafrB, and tboy will have all tlioy can do from

HY till- oold weather In putting tho nowlain beating ajiilpiueuta In Uio passenger

ooachra of the road. A groat deal of work iubolus dona la romodollDg old coaches,

rhioli aro virtually made over Into tha uew-. designs, so tliat tbojr. cauuot be told from•s entlruly new. ,'. ., - .

A harried run through Uio shops shows bowiusy they are. I a tho cripple afcou were two

< of construction, a new

i plata for oamaierdal purpawa " Wi> prlntcr^K dotll appeared nt tlio ofDos door• oopy, afew minutes later Calami wna11 so inul tiiat he threw tbojuute pot nt blin.

*•*A. Mead souls me tbe follonrlns, which ho' ' ' " ally good, and would like to

i'If you're Booking for a spotu r a to-oDblo Aomath not, ;

J tb|n«Iu life Is what y « crarIon tMpoe i tou iUforad -*• - ;>pnthotopotfinygroand; ' ..* You'd bettor try to find it In the grave.1

Itntallrlgbt, anil I ani not going to huntelf slum of peace In that quarter

Judge Haglo, of tils Judicial district, In ron-i Uip opinion in UIB1 Buptemo Conrt loiitU blili «(l!riiici tho mmictton cf the Hnd-

xm'oouut)* ballot - box' thioTM,' dlmitsscd atlongti the Interesting exception tnkeu to theJadgo's actloii in pflnnittlng Jorora to enrve

kdniltud'that thoy hod expressed aniplnion against the dofondanta.: -" This qiies-ibn," Bnl^Jn*tlci>.MagIo,."has noial thekmrtsotthnt country- for many years, butto rule atoblislied la this State vlU not ex-lndoa Juror tot Ho men expression of anl i d l it ha Ibivkm h* wiu l

u p . v j gfairly botffceo the parties, KxpMslda 61111-

l towan! thp'ilefendont, howbvep/exoludc*

JudeeUatdo,! UAVQ reason to know, hashold to this opinion for tome time A fewyears ago a well known citizen at tbe county

is (Iran n u a juror in nmurdor case. WhenI name was called ho came forward and In-

'oraod Juage Magta that lie had formed ahjplolon In reganl to the caw about to be tried.> "Wo need man on juries who are capable ofortnlng opinions," said the Judge with his ox-iresalva nulls, snd the juror was sworn; ICentura tin opinion there waanot amore com-petetent man in the juror1* box than ha.' A

DBcttntioiuj man vrho la capable ot formingopinion la tbobeit juror that can be drawn.

In Harper7* Weekly for last week Rev Dr.aeo n CrooB*) of Drew Seminary, endeavorsto explain 'TVUt Dr Drlggs Meant11 in hisalleged unorthodox Addrestat Onion Theologi-cal Bemfnary Dr CrooksfaoldibyauKlyslbgthe meaning of the sentences most criticisedtbat Dr Brtggs has not been construedaltogether nghtly, end while admitting thathe ht ; been, batty and not altogether con-siderate, is for from bolleving tbat the man inuttortbodox And tbat ma bo tbo generalopinion when tho controversialists calm down.

«•-Bro Banlon, of tho Eagle, nbo by tho wayi tax collector of tho BorougU of Maillson,Ives notion that on tho Mtb of this monthho collector will Hen upon penionnl propertymd real estate for unpaid faxes, and -willirre&tandutiprisontiioM) who are delinqi'or poll tax. Quod for Bro Bardat I am

ad to know that ono collector has backbonelough to apply thn law to tbose who shirk

their shore in bearing tha respontibllities of dcommunity

*#*A Prospect etTCot lad; to ivhom w u gi von aoung canary bird, said to be of tbe male

gBtidcr, luu been irottlnff two years for it togot l b voice and fill bar home with its nit dealnotes All ber expectations, however vereworthlessly dispelled, when sho discovered theother day a beautiful littls egg lu tho bottomof tbacago. Somebody bod blundered.

%*My Mend ot the HackeUstown Gazette

tends that 1 nava not shown that tbe laboret of niintUB a ^ a ^ tvott ora in MorrisB

county is 7s penta nore tbau lu foreign coun-tries. I have shown often that convict andalave labor ia Spain and Cuba is bad for from27 tq £5 cents a day, whereas In Morris countyIt runs from f t.25 upward B t tbo lotfost overpaid.': I t our friend Is really*Booking for in-*formation; instead of avoiding tho (acts thaishatter all hW free trade theories, be will lintby inquiring uf any welMufortned Iran orproducer that this amounts to moro than IS

a ten lotto production of Icntinot tnako i t plainer to a tnan^whrt docs notwant to see. A CITBB SIONB OmiKavxa.

A Safe Investment.I s ono tthtch Is guorantocd to bring you

BiiUBtactory nsulta, or la caso of failure areturn ot parclitiao price -On this safe planyou con bm from our ndvertlscd Druggist aiMjtUooIDr KiugaKew DIncoTory for Con-sumption I t ia gunrontcod to bring roll ofovory COM, whoa tool for an affectionThroat, Lungs or Chest, such an Coiunira_Han, Intlatnnutiou of Lnngs, BronchltlBAsthma, Whooping Cauffh, Croup etc., etcIt is plensrmt ani2 agreeable to taste, iKsrfsct-ly mlo, and can always be deponlod upon.Trial botUcs free at Robert Ellgoro'i DrnRHtor*, Dover, Ormn, ^aaai & Co,'i D n yBWn, Fort Oraw, and F. W Jeniln,' Di-u;Bton, Chester. \


j t J. \V. Baker, ot tlio Dovovar shops, nhlpped to Cnpo May, N. J., lastKridiiycveulng two railway *oar;hes, whichfor Ixtauty of dc»lgti and purfoetlou lu toa-BtructioD are sii|ip(tHod tu ha eijnsl to any oftbelr kind tlat this country can produce.They wuroBblpiwd for exhiblUon at tbe Na-tional Oonreutluu uf Car Bulldare—cotnpowdof master car builders and master mechanic*—wlilch coQveaetl at Capo Slay ou Saturday.

One of tbe coaclioa isige uud Ruiuklug car. its exterior, painted

in tlm Lacfcawauua colors, olivo aud gold, Is

j apjioarancd because of tlio urUatletaatd dlsjilayed In the decoration. Tlio wholuof tlie Interior Is of native onk, all bard woodflnisU, aud tbo decoration Is In gold and silverloaf aud brawn, wbila tbe soata lu the smok-ing compartment aro upholstered ivltb oiiaui-olud leather of a ruasot sbadD, uioklug a blend-ing ot color us rich us was ever seen Jn a carluterlor. Tho car isahio designed for comfort

wall as beauty, aud ia ajuipped wlUi thiGould, Bailor & Bmitli combluatlon beatermipplfed «IU> steam 1


1 What country towui moat need ore ifood,souud wagon roods. Mont towns uf this si.

all tLo railroada that are necessary. K<iit», wo biivo two; so Uiat drum mem

fladlug that thuy can do uo buMhioni, uo&\ twait long to gut out of town So it uliould bewltli Uiu furuit'r; whun ho h

,vo no truulle to gat to town. Tho fucU nrethut In tbli part of the country it 1ms bounhard work to get into town for the pi

I know a caso where twoIbroe trains woro stuck in tho mud in an nil-lining town, nuil were obliged to unbitcb,avltig tlitlr wagons to bo pullutl out at mtauiturodaU. AnaruiiuJy, thn comity Fito-

holdors ought to niak« o ittTy largo oiiough toroadH a yuttr. Which

not only iucraaiia tlie value of prcifMirty, butthe morchaut* would be greatlyfarmon would then be able to gel to town inell kinds of weather. Ia w agricultural dia-irlct the merchants depend largely upouirmert for trad a. Our correspondu'it then

refers to the condition of affaire wbere tlruuds moke it Impossible for farmers to con:

town. Wlion tho farmer cannot corae tj us wo are at a ataudiftlU, or wo might tm;

lldhig backwnrd. Bills will aocumulate, andnothing coming iii to meet them mokoR troubleall around, Wo tlilnk It la only fair to alt

udder tbe comfort of the farmer iu conne•itli tlio subject of poor roads. Whi

inercbaut would be willing to put himself andfamily in a farm wngou, with a spring «aud havo bis team walk for six or efgbt miles

vny, to and from Uiwu, tbroui;b mor ruU I It may bo that tha farmi Llitlr faTOllle* &m RCruntoinud to It, ^^•Hiifortfiljlo iiBvortholiwa. Wu leuow

Western town of 10,000 inluibltunta whichexactly iu tho samo position as tbo om

under ulbctiselon. They did not IinvO a rooileading from turn in any illrvcllou tbat waspasmble in the Bpring of tbe year. The

iunty was paying all the road tax that It!ould afford, which was expended eni*li year

hnviug tlio wash which hod aooumulated byJio dde of tho road plowed up aud scraped

Jieroid hod, Thla method doo«u't pro-good rosulta, Mpeclally when done by

Tanners who know nothing of practical roadJulldlng. The outcome was tbe merchant*took tho matter in band aud contributedenough money to secure a solid gravel road

car to tAke tbo place of one burned roccptlyat Moutclnir, • another. being supplied withsteam hentera and still others In-variousirtagea of repair. In Uio blaokwniUi eiiapa theorges were overywnoi* blntlug, and downs

men, with aid of machinery and deftnesshand werofaEhionlQff heated metal lit all

kinds of shapes. Tbo lathes, boilug and othermachines, many of them the Snort known, areQuUUlug tbo ntetal work in tito machine Bbo»adjoining. The great engine in the ongineroom is pulBnting olmoat nobnlcssly but withwonderful proclaiou, and tho holtors are glpw-Ingjwltu tho heat e£ wood 'Arcs.; Indeed, alltbfl'stoam far operatitip; the machinery, aidbeating thes* gwftt shops, h geceVated from

wood taken out of old cars and the shav-iga • and other reftue from new lumberirked up: Not a pound of coal ia con'

iunied in these boilers. -, ' '

Tlo mill, with its great array of labor-8*v-- * aaoUWery, tile carpenttf, palntlcs end..Jaterloff dcpnrtmwits are also equally

may,'anil tbe groat yard toeius. witit kenngnged In demolishing old ears, repaintingJB Hud doing subh'othef work as'utiu b« done

outdda la iiloaaant weothor. . In fact, Uiagreat artory which supplies tlietowa of Doverwith Its llfo current ii throbbing auuolosslydbnrrtuero, and performiog its functions with-out sign of faltering or foiluro.

Both tlie artesian wells which irom boredometlmQagOiKichtoaaeptti otoversuu feet,

arefurnlshlrga'constant supply Df tbe cool-est dud iMiratt wal«i'—^ dally blo&dug fromthe bowela of tho earthto t to men who toil

real good to the merchanta than liail aIfmei the amount been 0|>ont In inducing somo

mw Hue of railroad to come to tbelr town, Treferring to tho Importance of good road* fexchange hns Uie following.- Tba jirotilom ofliow to (mjirovo the roads and keep thcin iup&saable condition, has been one of the leadingtopics of tho present decade, and yot very littlehas been accomplished in that direction.PaniuyUauLn, has taken tu& Jwwst practicalujtloa of any of tliu States hy making on ap-iroprlatlon for tho Improveinant ot roads)hlo, once famous for Ite pikes, perhaps takes•attar care of its roods, after they have "inprovcd, than any of tha Htateg West of the

. . . Bat the day Is not far distantheu the care of wagon roads will ba regardedliuportuut OB the watchfulness exercised

>er the pbyelcal condition ot railroads.The wagon road must lx> depended upuii asfeeder for nil Umo to coma. There are

Irmdy too many railroads Iu certain s^ctiousmtry; If more are built the shipper

'111 not be WueHtod as muoh as If thoy areitt unbuilt. The roads must bo looked afterlore systematically than at presentWhen tharo tire bad roadB, tha effect laim-

nedintely apparenB in tbo lull that ittnfeos;rade, nfter reaching to a wide area of ooua-

and temporarily arouaing those affected toreallEotlon of the advantagoa accruiug frommd roadways. .

tba agitation ba continued until soinoi of keeping tbe roads Ju batUr abajxs 1B

It upon. Tiie matter Is one of -vital import-' to us. -• ..-,• -• • • '•". 'MKBOBAHT. '

-Filea of lumbar that require the growth nfforest* for replenishing are to be soon, andgreat sheds aro filled with oak, maple, ash,walnut and othor valuable woods, to beworked and decorated ia forms of beauty,i ;The growth of the Bhopsaud tho track roomnoceeBary bare abeorped nearly, ail the extralaud purchased by the people of Dover'whenthe shops were rebuilt, and the town nerormado ft batter investment. •'. \

to Journalism.A oopy of tbe Fbilliiwburg Tekram, dren-

latod'in this'place but Saturday was a dla-1C0todecent journalism and an irmult tos community.. VileinflinufltloQB wore made

raspectlng ponons of good repute, sotno of itsoggc»Uoa» bordeved on tho groseect obaoen-

Ity, and much of Its reading was of a hurtfuland Immoral character. ; There was generalIndlgnatloa' throughout the community andBbould tbe identity of lu . correspondentbecome known we rould Insurehis hide sgainat a coating of tnr nnd foathora.Meontlmo, our reputable newsdealei's shouldrefuse to sell the paper in the town.

Below the Bea Level in Horns .You can get down over a trislU of a inUo

below the sea level In this Staja by.goiug upinto Morris county, where you start to golowu from an altitude of-ahout-l,OOU feetibove tido water. Tbe Hurd mino, at Hard-iwn, near I«ke Hopatcoiig, Is the plato. The

mine lias a shaft 3,630 foot long, on a slope ofthirty dtgroM, tniklcg an actual depth ofl,B50 feet, or about 850 fert beloir-the sealotel, a t Uie bottom of the shaft. The bob-torn of .the Dicfcereon mine Is atwut JDO. feefbelow tho se4—Call. ; :.' . ;

A Question for Protbytery.A question for tboFreubytoryotMorrissiid

Orange to decide at their meeting In 2Iorri«-town neit Tuesday will be tbe following rolotloo and o ndinent;

. ThatR E S , . ppolnUd' to render ftpwU\ gerrlcts for thPresbytery, their necessary expenses shall bopaid from tbe funds of Presbytery. •

AinuttitfiNT. strike out the hut five wordsand BoVaUtaito these wordB: By

r whose bcnoflt tha oxpenw* are Incurr"1

' A VImt from Btramrar*.B Borvant maids at tlio residence of Mrs.

Bhafor, on Ukckwell • Btreet, were greatlyfrightened'during the night of Friday lost,and EOid Uioy heard a man walk from a win-dow to a door on the first floor. Same of thogentlemen boarders who got up and investi-gated the matter found that both the window

ddoOT bad been opened, bub Uio visitboon frightened off before thoy had ti

to oxploro the houw.

Tha Eteventi BeffimontThis OTcnt, to be held on Tuwdsy noxt. In

tho Westminster Prwbyterian Church . atPhilllpsljurg.of which ChaiilainCline Is pastor,piomlfies to be a most pleasant nlTaJr. Oen.Daniel E. Sickles has promised to be presentand Gon. Carr and other distinguished menare expected. Neighboring Forts ol l io G. AIt. will join ID tho welcomo anil tho Woman'Ilellef Corpsirlll provldaacoUation.

Imitation goods are gotten up for ffoat and gullible. - The persons abb to rand write are not so easily toolod. Tbeywi

twd, lint lu cithora. Thlse

to direction and afterward in[peiultture linj resulted in mora

COMMON OOUNOIL PEOCEEDINQB.Tbe Juno meeting of the Povcr Common

Council was heldonlloudayoveiiiiig. Freeant—Major Dunhoui, Aldermen I'ollanl and U oDavit, Btid Oouncilmou Heddcn, Wleox, Burr,Ipungleraud Wtldriclt.

Tho iniiiutoa or tbu last mooting wera nadud approved.Murfltial Hagan roj^irtiii' tivo nrrexU for

May nml fcl iu (HIM collected by JuslioeaBgo.Nine tramps had apptfed far Judging*, butnone had tiecu ocooiiiiiiodaUid. KujVirt re-wivwinuj ordereti (11«1.

Chief Engineer Lambert rei»rt«l two ilreslu Hay, at Gco. MeCrackou's blacksmith shopind tbo liouw of. A. Davenport. Also, theresignation of Andruw lloiteror and tUa BUS-l»twiou o( J. H. Uurcln-11, G.'O. Vf, Tuylor,

li Scales und Boniea Unnlner fromSteamer Co., No. 1, for non-payment offines : tho nwEgnAtlnns of Thos. Ilmgou, U.II. Mnloney, HUiwart farr, J. If. Koach, John

irummer and Wm. llulbert, ot Steamer Co.,v. 2, thesiupuiuion of Wm. Cox, M. J. Ilyau,

)avid Leonard and Wm. V. Cole for non-pay-uent ot dues and flnoa aud Iba election of Fred.othlngoaanetrmembor of tbo some coru-my. Hej>ort received aud recjiuinendatlonsincurred In.An ajiplictiou WOR recolred lrom John D.

liAle« for a p»c! tublo llnmsti, nnd AnlbooySharp, undav tnuqicunion of ruleH, asked that:he fee he reduced from fciO to 110, the same

othor pool tables. Referred to License^ommlttoa.

An application was recolnxl from M. Byrneor a wholesajo liquor llouuse and was uimnl-nously rejected. Upon motion the vote was

uubltlurudaudthe ap|illiatlou was rejwtetla volo of 5 to 3. llr, llyrua naked tlie

reason for tho reject! ou. llr. Hpnngler said *>bjocUd to any holed having license to

wholesale Hqtiare, nnd If ono wao granted no nocould be refused, l lr . Wildrick'satd La ob-jected because it wot atl iuiuatlce* to the otherliotuls.

J, A. Aiugo, uuclersusponBlon of rules, madeoroplalnt against tlie bliutlug ia tlio stone[uarry of W. A. Dickerson, on Prospect street,lie stoucs fell on bis premises, and he showed>ne laTgo piece whlut camu vury near sLriklugill llttlo boy, ISO foot away. Mr. Mauger, of

ild street, said his wife and children hodnearly been struck by such stones and that *

of his chimney and shinglaa hod beennocked from his house. It was resolved that

Marshal be Instructed to notify Mr. Dieku-to cover Ills blasts with timbers.

A iwtltion for an electric light, to bo placed ,tlie East end of Hudson street bridge, was

referred to Fire anil Lamps Committee with

A petition from property owners, to bavo tboouth Bide of Sldcenton street accspted, from 'arris street to the Hinchtnau lot, was re- >

ferred to Btroot Comniltoeo, to report at uextineetltig.

A petition from property owners, nskingforie grading of road bed andBldowolks on Stis-•x street, from MoFarlaii street to tbo place ;

Samuel Williams, was referred to Street •ommltteo, to report at next mooting.The oillcUl bond ot Jo*. VT. CarreU, Caltoo- '•'...>r, lu tbo sum of *10,000, was presented, ac-'iptod, approved and ordered plaood en fllo.

It seeins like a auperBtious tldng to say a>rd concemiOE this wide established end

widely known hostelry. But a. day spentthere recently Induces me to agatnrtuti Intoprint to give my impressions of the place, and

facts In relation to tho Improvementsow unuer way. Until recently this hotel

cr^idunted by D. Bcbafer & BOD, bat nowba title Is " Me Arlington Hotel mid Land

,"—p. Sofaafer, Pres't, F. L.Bchafer,Treas.u l P. a. :•- Vaugban, Jr . , Ben'y. Thn eHor' '" lioa become quite a liitta owner In tbe

-idnltv of Lnko Hopateong,, and getting>rattv well on in years he concluded to shiftoma of the burdens he has been carryingo other and younger shoulders, and hence belAs formed a stock company of • all his prop-arty under tha core uf the oQIcbii olwvonamod. I might t*j there la, none' of thisBtock on the market, as tbo whole of H i sowned by tho immediate members of Mr.Bcbofer'* family. At a Drat glance to aatraugor tuo bultdLcgt oatnpoelng Ms Bwa-

•t look more like a small villago thanhotel, numbering, I think, abont seven dia-

luct buildings, but all under one manage-nent. To accommod&to thesteadllj Increas-

ing tuslnciu llr. Bchafer was cdmpellod toerect another largo and tanilfloaio etruoture,now Just receiving Its QniBhlng toucnes, Thisbuilding Is intended more especially for T*"terguesto, U four stories in height, containsthirty sleeping rooms, dandng hail, receptionhall, baths, cloaoU, hot and' cold water Inevery part, heated thoroughly by steua andlighted by Improved g u manufooturod on tbepremises. This, jou see,, Is a thoroughlyequipped edJUce for a Winter wjoumer. Thisaddition makes the total number of sleepingrooms at Uie commani ol t to hotel 130. Tbebilliard room is 75 feet in length, divided bylondsome I»rtleres Into throe ports. Added

this 1B tbo card room for wbiet parties, etcThe " OHEI"1 Informed ma wnllo partakinjt of

excellent dinner, Ibat when* occasion re-[Uirod he could seat 220 guests at the table,rltlch I roadily belioso. The bar Is-suppliedvith tho very best of all kinds of liquors,

Water Is raised from a nover failing well byntaun to a tank elevated sulUdeatly to supplyall tha rooms. Thla hotel is connected by tel-egraph and telepbono to all parts of the

juntry. The ^temuboaU laud passengere•om every tmla at tfaolr own dock.From tbe plauos of the hotel a Hn

hod of the lake, and grateful shads trees sur>und Uio buildings. The land In front of the

botel, extcuJinff to tbo lake, Is owned by llr.Schafer. OntulslsercctedahandsomDpavU-Ion for uso ot cliildrcn. Surrouddlog this

are a number of rockeries, which oresoon to bo decorated with handsome [loweringpiania. Off to,tbo right a short distance

n tbo looming proportions of tbe " Bres-Aleo the elegant residences of Mayor

Protlilngham, Ur. 'Tilt, Henry Altenbrondand Llr. PottiorV Here, at this house, con beobtained all tba comfort of & summer toraaand all tho privileges tbo loko affords, ntreasonable rale. No formal dressing fordlu-

•; instead, a regular home-like affair at thegood old-fashloued hour of 1 o'clock. Yoncon sit In your shirt sleeves and enjoy thecool breeze from the lake without belpg cou-sldercda "boor11 or subject to tbe racers andturnad-up noses of sotna of our MOUKBK orWtoct-dcy, who only hava money enough tapntronlxa more portentious hastolrles.

VT> H. B.

An Important Oase.By agreement of counsel tho certlomrl c

to test the constitutionality of the acb underwhich licenses were granted by the Court iaHackcttstomi and at Washington, Ia whichStoats b made defendant, will be submittedon briefs on tha third Tuesday of this month.Oacnr Jeffrey represent* the plaintiff and Sen-ator Werts and Allen UoDarmott the defend-ant.

Vrindom'B Laat Word*:"As poison in the Hood permeates arteries,•IUB, nerrcs, brain, &o." He might ha1

added, thereto™ purify tha blood, tone tbesrt, and vitalise tbe system, to restorohealth. CfcctM Blood. Curo ii Uie one

cgetAble compound kuown ablo ta mutraUaand elluihiAto from tho system tho taintsscrofula and specific disease, Ko rival,mineral, no failures. Sold at Killgom1* Cor

Dnig Storw, Dover.y

Insist that Him1 Root Boer Is banded taern,and nothing else "just as good." The b a t

l o g W d , «ixl jrmknowit. '

llaybe It's worm, you're tired and thirsty.Knnpp'B Root Beer Cztrsct malcea Boot Seer

| t a d i i : V ; ; M ' : -

A communication from Mr. Toolte fltraker, ,Ejecting to any change ot tho grade on Ilan-jlpU avenue that would place him at con-lejable expense, was referred to Street Com-

iltteo.Bids for supplying rock for street purposes

received from H. C. Nowldrt, SfoKenna :

WilUams, F .F . Dirdi, John O. Force and ^tl.IUcliftrdt&Co. ThebldorF.KUircli.tolupply COO tons of ronk from, tlie bed or tbe -;;tockaway river, at 40 conta pergroM ton.waa..'a motion accepted. : . : - " , ' : 'The following blllB worn referred to Finanoe ".ommlttoe, by them approved. and ordered '

A; J. J. Vrwloud, tO.53 ; CorpdmUoupay .oil from Mar ISUi to June 1st, ttO3.74 \ Dover : J

.umber. Co., (2C.W; Wm. H. Byram, | 3 johu 6. Force, 93 j Jaa.! Hogan, *30 j ' p o w ; jTatar Co,, (013; Wjiu,"WiWtli ti\t,^Oi fTm?:-'•

King, 110, BillsoE \\r. k. Dlckeno^ '^go, :.<>and John F. Wood, for #3, wore laid over tor--: '•-taformattoii. "" . . ' . ".. •": /--1 ; ' - : .v

Tbe taic ordlnanra, an ordinance rclttiiig to[cKerlan street, nnd • another accepting :;.[auntala avenue, - were. each passed by.8 ,;Irmatdve votes and we published elsewhere,. '

Tho Licenao Committee reoommendwl that '_;

tbe table till the next mecitiug and It mis to'. 'ordered. '• • . ' "\ "• . " " •'.•; '.- : .;-;V,'

Tha Street C-otnuiUtca reported favorably 'ipon the condition of Peniiannoo sLroet, Con-ral avenue and Union street, but woro notirepared to report on Haiidolph avenue. It

i resolved tbat tlie report be aocepted, that .Ordinance Corn ral tteo be'dirocted topre-'; :.

a ordinances lor Uie efcreets reported upca . ' .ivorably, and that the Ptrtflt Committee WIven fortbttt-tiraa on Randolph avenue. .'•• ~The Btroot CommIttoa.reported objections'.' •Hered to tho storage of corporation toob in . •IQ yard of tho engine house, and it was ro-->lvod tbat a tool bouse, with suitable lock, be ..ulld on land owned by the cori>oratlon.I t was reported that tbo ILarshnl needed a

lock on tbo lock-up door, Eeferrod to' -,ollce ComiulLLee, with jxjwer. :L .D . Bcliwoxsobrnplainod of Jlio gntes ot

the Central Railroad Co., on Sussex street,being In the way and thought one gate suffld-'

iL Referred to Street Committee, to report' ;•:tmeetlng. V

BomuelCossBtatod that a new bridge wasbeing ballt on Union itreet, and. that the oldbridgo was being removed to Mercer street .The latter street for 200 yards is hardly fit to \drive heavy loads over. A portion between '.':

Iyer street and this liriJgo also newls fUUng,''.d Hlvor street, between Mercer and Union

streets bos never been acoepted by tbe town.' :

o thought a lamp should be placed at '•lie new bridge. No action was taken. ' -

ThelBchool House Oontraoted ForV..Tbe bids ot the builders for tue new school

wereopraed on Monday evealng by tio.Pruatee*, and showed a wide rangeof osUmat-g. For the corpimtor work Allen & Palmer1.

»5,540, Searing & Bharp »6,400, IVilcbx &.ry «i,8TiO, J. J. Vroelaiid W,^°8.5p and O. :Freeman M,000. For the masoa work

.ndrow Roderer bid |5,840, Smith & FanningJ fTSand J. J. Eckhart$a,475. Mr, Freeraaa"was awarded the carpenter work and Mr.Eckhart tbo masonry. Tho Stnoad system -

beating and veuUlating wttl coat 41,438,making the total cost of building exclusive oflot t3,0TB, and with lot $10,4T3.. As the oitl-

itcdcostofhulldlngWasllS.OOathedlitrictlasgotoutof It far aumit (3,000 less than was:pcctoJ. Tha contracts call for tbo compla-

tlonof thouuudlngbyJan.lBtb,ieW. •

Base Boll.On Ealunlay hut t ie Toabo Base Ball Clnb,>

cama to Fort Orom oni Drossetl bata with theMulligan Quards" of that place. The game

was all one sided, tho >t Q. batting Eehoe u : ;t h l r f h H h T l d d t h l ;with James. At the end of tho ninth Inning

io Todbo'i bad only one run across the plate. \Following la tlio scoro: . . ' : • , .UulllKonOnanls ..4 0 0 0 6 3 0 1 S~ISTeabo . O 0 0 0 1 O 0 0 0 — 1

Umpires, Musts. WlllianiB and Ryan. .Tbe third game between tho Rockaway

BOM Ball Club aud Mulligan, Ouardi wlU be -played at. Port Onun on Saturday, June 13th.

Oa Bftturfny, July 11th, Uie HnckotUtoiraclub will visit Port Onun and play a game:ith thfl MuUigou Guarda. BIOIIT.

Buoklen'a Arnica Salve. . ,The beet salve In tho world for Cuts, Sores,

Qrulwe, tnears, Bait Rhernn, Veyvt Borw, -Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras,and all Bldn Krttptlon*, and positively curesPiles, or no pay required, i t I» guaranteed, tojivm perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. ',•Priwtwenty-flveoenUporboK. For sole by'.-"•Robert KUlgore. Dover. Ororn, Hanoe & Oo ;•Port Orara, and F. W. Jeaxina. Cnest»r.

Hamlin Orswu *

Page 2: BARGAIN ROOM pue O- F^#4 contains more ant otbee j hflsthe lrtrgest;•; northern new jersey. % vol. xxi.

• -•£. ' •

THE BRA.The Dover Printing Company

Friday, June 12, 18511.

six: PAGKS.

A GBEAT UNDERTAKING.Tim ltr.Miklyu ritUwi publisius uu illu

eoau to tie erittUxl, uml plait-.) IIIHIIT tlmcharge of Die Mcdkul DrwrU.r, J>r. J. UllrUtiitoi), fonnorly of Chester, in this county,Tlio Homo is to be devoted to thu cure ofthose adJiiitud tu tbo use of o|iJtitiis, cucohiuand other narcotic*. The Union buys idi-torlnlly;

Rich people, people in moderate cimiiu-dtaucos, or people vvbo bavo ut times somedilllcnlty In making " buili em Is iiiwit," cuuMnot moke« better usoof tbeir iiiiniur, it they

tho aiiiuuut, fur btmovuluut purjKJBte, thai) tocoiiti'ibuti) toward tbe endowment fuml ufMity thousand ilollnns fur the Ilatiiluus1Homowhich Dr. MitUlsuu k about l<» ciaWith iuthin city. Tin.' projii;l ii a iiotilu oiia indeed.Some of our must dUiiuguibliMl cili-u-iiB-ilis-tlnjuUtiMl fur their public spirit 1111J highstanding In thtivoiim.ui.lty— HIM intoroaUnl intho yrent work wbleli llr. Slnttison iwopmiuato iindtirbiiuv A MJIILIXILI l.uilliiiK, to uist#100,000, is to l» erected for the Irentnumt ufvictims of tho opium, clilurul uuJ cowilneliubits. The friend*of thaw who aro uiilo to|pay for their tfi'ntiuuiit nil) do MO, uml tlitien-dowment fund of (m.mi h U> provide fur thutrtsUiiiuiit of putituU who cannot utTonl tulay. Iktueuu tbu private pittieiits, however,und tliosy who will bujuild paid for uuttif tlio Iendowment fund no dlttlnctlim will i*j wade.TUB fact that tliey an public putluuifl will !*»kuuwu only to Uw Director uf tbo Home uiidtlio f rleiulfi uf tlio jiatlotilfl.

Iu thu hurry, nisi) and iitrvuus strain tbntfa tbo outcome of tho conijilai civilisation oftonliiy, many nervous riyttcriiH 111*0 thallured

or the drugs Jiumeil u necessity.Too ufUin tbu relief brought by tlio UMJ of

powerful drugs, undei the direction nt skillfuland vouMjluntlouii l'hi tilirlums Is bonuliL l)y (.his*patient laUr ou witbouttuedk-al advice, wliuuoverwork and other causes have ngalii wrtckixltho uorvoa. Aim out bt-foro tbo victim knownit, ho or aliolstbu »1OVD of tho drug, and onlytliu muht ttillful Hjfltomntic troataiciit 111 aplica wboru tbu pnllt'tit la under restraint caneuve the 1111 for tunnt*>ti from a Urrildu ilanthor from iusouitT tbnt uiuy n t any tlmo inovotbuui to Inbti tbu Urea of others.

A Good Han Gone.The Bullotiu tay» of the ileatli of irno of Die

moat highly esteemed rcsldonts uf Hoontoii iOur old tnwusinou aro rajiiJIj- ivuwlng iiwny.Vulloirliig in tiulck iiuMuloti tho death ofllr . Woottnn h that of Join Jnijues, Mr.Jnqitc*, at tbu tlmo of IIIH denUi, Hatimlny,Juno Oth, 18!»), noa i>robnbly the oldfst cltl/onof ItoouUin. I!ln djjo iviui 85 yciint and 5lnoiitlix, mid ho niu a naident hero befttruJIooulou wan a town—wlien It vnm mort'ly nHOlUainput. liocometo BOOUIOD fiuin, nrdvltiB bsre In May, 16211. With theflici'pUon of a year or two, ipent with hisdaushtor lu Cullfnrnla, ho resided ID Boontoutill bis deatli. For many jeam ho wan cluwilyidootined wiLb the busiuiss luttirasts ot tbo

POBT MOBBIS.I RUW a P. & It. tar \>OBE ttrnufiii tiure theher ilny wltb u c(wL iruu jiluU tcrt'«LiI DUe hide >•( it nnil in cost iron U-llem IL hai-I:II ttrir<lol an.) H.111II1 W n l e i i l a i l n u y Wuggtm


U. B.with one

And 1 m

Oliver AdoiAgent. No. 1WV.ll.

I know Wpbutcr (pells wagonbut tlieru were two uu the plateto iiiynelf. " IIOIVH a go! The HtiRlisb are notfjiti^tl^l H-itli buying our cuttle raiirbni Oneihtf/ilins nurKalu lint they civ try inn 1" <>""»our nil In mil earn-or ndlwny WIIKK'-MH—IUIlimy .all tin in. Tlif " waggon " tviw built atMlllou, I'll., U.OIIKII, lluitik |>«KliittB for that.

1 UiLutttf'".'!™' of Inturext inucuool bnuHO they hnvo built at HiP'rhapa Iwcausv we aro going to hi•>iie hero otiu of these days and the Nettlingfolks, if tbey can ever get things right, areKoing to liavo 0110, too. Ho I wrote to CouutyHiiueriuianduiii Jlitl, of humor, a fen daysUK", diking lihu wbotber t bo law had ever lwuri!|>oolud vrliiuh tojtcudent) sbnll lid'part of t ie titate apiirnpriutbti derived fitlm itvenue of ttiu HUtte, from any district inwhich tUeinhaljitauUfatltoprovidoaauitabliocliool building aud out lionsug, provided, tbat110 buildiuR uf two or ninro ntflrioa Uhod forthD imrtHitH-' of i)ut>liu iiibtructiouln whlubof Urn dikirniit plnresuf exitaresucomitriiart to ojien inwuntly, nil all be consideriiiitfllile building within tho meaning of thiswtlon." Ti'lllug lilm also that tbe doom ofxlt, aud all the other 1I1 '

liuitiliiig, for that matter, djietied luwurdlynid oiiltiiig btin ivbuthur lio bud said tho luwlid nut npjily to a one-honuj couutyloiue. Thu fullutriiiK IK Ilia uimwor, wbicb

may be BWII any time tiy anybody int*jreat«l:"Utfloe of Couuty tiuiwrinU'tideiit,

AN1K1VEK, MUHSKX CO., N. J., JllllO Bib, 1HU." lAiiKiru-TholawU. wliicbyoi

•tlcwi, gvuorul In ltd U{)|)licntioi:

B00NT0K.Batunlay aTtenioon Hcott Klz nod Fraok

Kurrund itubilMd bxi frtxily of onlout npiritH,l i b i l l l l l l i t L U t U t t i

Mu while Uioy nt-ru going down Piano stswtthey gave vent to tutir kfjings by abusingMariilial Ulluiartin, whu WOJ rtaudicg on^Iniu Htrtwt, calling him very oireuuive muaeeuiul ilufvliiK biui " to go down and arrerttliem." Gilinnrtiu chobtxl tticui, but aa thoyhad cnukldorally tho loail he failed to catebtliem. Un Huoday hu and Cocstablo Hllerkept n slinrjj lookout for tlieinniidiu tho aftur-n.>ui piim^lnl In urn'jting, They ivorotjikyn to thu im.tiun Imuw, and

, gci^ity fo

< ai)|)licntion, but tin1111 (ha (.anger <>r oilcrowd ud city schools

ithut thoy bad nmde3 in tba

Your truHtttM were DWIitsUiku and perhaps will h»vo to alt 1

oi«ulug (if the doom, as thoy have now done la"" ton, to lonlonn t'i tbo luttor ot tbu law.

will iluit that I did nut niako use of anynud) oxproHHbn as " uno-honw county school"(unle^ I wiu in a more playful mood than

l 1 ld lik t h tbill aixl 1 would like to hloiter irfurrod to. 1 thlnLc 1 may havj s&ldtbnt the act conferred Homo ilribcrellnai^

>tvcr iijicjii tbe County SuifCrioteiideiits inich en^s aud tbat tlio ulturatlon eould bomla nt 11 f nturo tlmo if more convenient for

tbe trustetiH, but certainly I did not Bay that'rum thu operation, of the

ivjwaled.Yours truly,

L. Hi LI,."en, if tbia nltemllou linw, genUc

h»t 011OT, bofuru tbo Fall tonn of bchwl coiu-iienci'B. Call It A mistake and remedy it.

A wliool im-oiing Is CA11«1 for tlilti districtGil Thursday evening, 18(li, for tbo purpotieof

J nj; for or UKBitifit raising live tboiiMiid,hundred doUart to buy tlo lued and build}« ECIIOOI house thoroon. The Utaubope

folks raited about thirteen thoupaud dollarsfor tlielr uow echool liouso nud it in not 0school house yet— niiconHiig to tbe school li

i, tspccfully In lla mrlier blukirj, Fortuber of years jioat lie has llvixl _ ,-bat

retired Wo; hut up to within a few wueks ofliU death lookwl pontoimlly uf tor lilu |.rt>j«rty,which cooiiUted of several houses In lloontou.STr. Jiqucn lUlnl tha oiUce of JloyorCouncilman of Hooliton fur wvvrui yearntook an actlra (nUrest in local aOnirs, ]I<v u a rellahln eltimn and a good nelttlibor.HU wife died two weeks ago, and Tuesday hovat laid by ber rido la Uooutan Cemotery.Tlis funeral was largely attended at !::uio'cIoc^atulslateredidouce.ltcr.E. WcachLof tho M. K. Church, comltictJng the aervieu.During tlio ftincral obsequies, rmwt of tliobusJnosi places in town were clumd.

The nmrrfnge of Hits Viola Cookman llar-vin, doughtcr ot vx-^ldarman •Iniues L. l i a rvln, of Newark—a young laity who bai manyfriunda in Morris county, a t Wanders andtiuwwhere, and UHnlon Oray llalaoy, of

' HowftrV; took pines at T;30 o'clock lout even-ing in tbe Pork Presbyterian Church, otBolluvillo avonuo,' Tbe church ivoa band-sotnsly decorated irJthflowern for tiia ocuaetonhy the Floral Society of tlio churcli. Theeemeniony was ijorfonuod liy tbe Itor. DiClement Fruncb, jiaator of tlio church,

ind for breakfast tbotther morning and tho liidy of tho bouse said,'You ore a young, hearty follovr, why don't•oil go to work I" " Sly trado ain't runnlu1

low, ma'am." "What IB your trade I"' Hhovetin' snow oir the Bidowolk-,11 said tbo

truniji os hu flnlshwl IIIB breakfast and inovoil

\ I. II. Condit will iirencli to tbe siudontsat Blair Academy, Ulalrstottn, on Sunday,tbo Utli ia«t., and Hev. Charles T. Wood, ofBrooklyn, N. Y., will occupy tho pulpit of tuoStanhope Froabjterlan Church on tbat day.Children'i Day at that church will bo post-ponod until the Slat lnst.

Their Sundny Hchool Superintendent, Mr.A. B. Cope, in hftving some trouble with ~'

iwlal of the Y. I1. S. O.ostdencoof MtssNora

Wills on Friday evening, June l"tb, and theyexjieot tohuveun uuuaually good "

Iiillaniuiutory rliou matin iu etlbutcher Cuainborioin to hb bed.

Wr. Cam's hoUl at Btatthope displays a newcoat of paint, put on by painter Theo. llilln.There will lw somo use for iiatntera around

Anthony, tvlio, 1 aI«y for Ihelr '

aftonia glad to say, 1

f "sjili-iir

u before "Jiwlicw

M 0 E E SCHOOL T E O U B L B .I t is r e d l y a mat ter of grea t and tinoere ]«-

gre t tha t our public school should be oonitantiymade the subject ufquarniUond public gossin.

u U d Uopod Ui*t a l l w u settlednew couteuUoui bave broken out , and Uilit ime the dropping from tbe Hit of teaobera oftwo lady resident* who h i v e been long em-ployed is the cause. The E H A detennioed tosay nothing of t b s mat te r , hoping tha t Itwould adjust lUuOt, hut i s oousUaiuud topublUh U» following communication from a

i l and reputable dUceu, a t tue eameLuIUiug our wlumna open tu uoy who^ ^ to ni^f *° Mw mattorB therein con-

amount of eijtht dollars. Five dollon line andthree for co&ta. NixpddbUandwiureleased.

Eaill Hopklue aluo created a dUturhaace Infront of tbe U. B. Hotel assaulUog Al. Uoplor.lie IB also wonted by the Marshal but lina notbeen caught yet. It la about time a checkwas put upon some of tho luwlwsnee* In thistown, for it ia alarming to MMJ to That extontit ia practiced. Ouly a abort t lue ago amarried lady was insulted and roughly tredUxiwhile on tbo street near he- borne, and whll.two joutig ludiuH were ruturuing to thuiihoinw on tlio Data one night recently ttcywere chawNl liy BOUIO roughs. SaturdayovenioK, about nine o'clock, while onotbermarrfeil lady nan going homo, she was fu!-lonod by tome uuktiown scoundrel who In-Hiiltod ber ncd made indecent propoeals to her.If MinitthiliK U not done it will BOOU LO u 11 safefor a Jfl.Jy to vi nturo out after dark 011 anyof tlianidettreoU.

WUIliHU E. Davenport has opened au ice1 NiliNiu in I'ricu'H now building.

Elmer E. Smith bus gone tu Youkcrs, N.Y.,where ho will spend two or three weeks.

E. P. Ij-KilitT and A. K. Burk-;r spoilt Bun-dny nllh UogcrCombs ntl'diliyii, l'n., whorahu IK now btAyinR with his uistor, recruitinghie lo*t henltb. Thuy rensrt a good time andthut lloger is fwliiiR lltBtrnte.

Aaron Earlcshas again started a fruit audegetotdo Htigon. ile will open a store at bisId stand lu Htraker'H building, Ba turd ay.

hero pretty soon.In Netcong A. J. Drake lias got the ]

rosldunoo for Dr. Jacobus ubout enclosed.I'ort Jlorrlfl Ishoaiin tbo building biiBlnoMifgi»flsou»ofar. Ht itihopo will 6ot left o

of throe days.The Oraud Itivera (Ky.) Hemld ia at band,

dated Juno Oth. Grand Rivers is gottiu; '

brMfl, p r , 1__

I given away by her ftttber. Tboh

gmaid of honor wanB

Ottallo Force, ofrid Th b

an » | N Ottallo Force, ofBrooklyn, n coiwlti of the bride. The bridua-m-UOs were lliaa Sllwbeth Marvtu.'a idaUrof tha brldo, aud Miss Grace Htdscy, a »]to:ot the bridegrooui. Ths best man was A,Wood Snow, of Newark. TUB uthora wen,Edgtr Hftlsey, Madison Ailing, William ASimonaon, Harold D. Force, Frederick M.SUr^iiwwl Wtlliuu A. Uiubblo, all of tlUcity, "WiUlam Ward Btevens was organiitARor tbe ceremony there vu a reception forthe imroodlato foralllee of the bride and groomand the bridal party at the honae of thebride's parents. Mo. 14 Mount Hcas

Among them h a u t ot idlvcr., ot forty-two piece*, and n hond-frota tho oHli*fB an j MM of the

llutual Uenodt Life nsuiwhore Jtr. Halsoy is employed;


Tba H o n e Wai Uiowned.Two residents of Ecto Lake iroro over to

Orawwood Lobe Tuesday afternoon and(rapped i t Mr, MoDniw's Glan Bouse. Theywantwl to go ov«r to toe Casino and were•bout to walk when one of the employees oft i e hotel offered to tako tbo hurra to tbo botelon the tilhrfde. Tho two men walked ovenud the boUl employes proceeded Xo take thibone. ThB only way thU could be done wouldbe to t*ke tbe animal over tha Up ot the dAtu,,which is wide but nthor slippery. The homo jwa»koptaw«y from the brink In order 'avoid the cataatrophe of tumbling over tLwdam, but hi doing HO thB employees took thoanimal too far from tha brink, the result beingthat tho horse got Into deep water axti wasdrowned, tho employee narrowly cuppingwith bis life. The horso was worth about ~

The Blblo Society.Thofuulvereary of tba Morris County Blblo

. - „—.jgL.tto quite a town. Thayliad thoir first electionthere tbo other day—as a corjwniUon—andelectod Thomas W. l^wson, Mayor ; JoeojihM. Bcarla (foraiorly nf Stanhope), Andrew J.Vlesltill, Tliou. J. Nickel-sou and Frank L.Ituberta, Common Coundlmen. And the in-habitants were to bo called ou to veto whetherthu Mayor should or should cot grant saloonHceUBoa. Local option, you know. I BOO theEpiscopalians ore going to build a rectorythere and start a mission school -Sabbath•chool-and Mrs. J . II. Searle is a loader inthe movement. The Herald sara carpenters,painters, brick marant aud plasterers ore bad-ly needed In Grand Rivers. One editorialadvises folks to patroulzo home Industries andanother is an extract from the Manufacturers1

Iloraird wbicb siiys, In par t : » Among tboleading enterprises reported this week are*tuu,000 bolt and nut works nt Baltimore;contract Riflned for ll.OUO.OCG Iron and brinkoMce building in Baltimore; (WO.OOO waterworks exteualoa ut Atlanta; (300,000 Cora'premor Manufacturing Company In tbe umnplart; a |JoO,lXXl Uevelopinont Company inAlabama! 1100,000 Agricultural ImplementCompany, and $100,000 StoneWorks Company.In Loulivllle ; |ir>O,000 Mining Company at1

Edlnburg, Va.; a «30,000 Quarry Company in'Maryland; »100,000 DBvelopment Company liJickBon, Tann.; etova worke la Tallapoosa,Oa.; «30,000 water works In Jladford, Va.'and iourteor. others are named In differentSouthern States, and they say tbl* is only 1nummary in part of tbe long lint or new enUi d

Under tho oxctdlunt leadorxhip. of John J .Urecn tbo 1 toon ton t'ornct Band in rapidlypunning itself forwunl as one of the foreniMtbauds of the Htate. They already numbertwenty -six ineinhoni, and it Is certainly a groattreat to listen to tbo niuaic they discourse.Tlioy bavo now uniforiua and presentap|>carauso when 011 parado.

Goo Rcottand Andrew Mutcliler are epond-ing ibL'Ir vncAtlon nt Boutb Plain fie 11

At last lloutvillo is to have a cliurcb.Ground was broken for a Methodist EpiscopalChurch on tbe lot adjoining tho school houseTuesday. It Is to be Si jbO fuel, the Uuomentto l>o of cemrnt and tbo upper story to be aframe building. It in to cost about $13,500 ofwblch f 1.800 bat already buou subscribed.Mr. William Ilisnn garo tho lot. UiukBrothers have tlio mason contract. Tho woodcontract nan not been given out yet.

Mr. John Jaques, one of tho oldest rof this town, died at his residence on lllrobstreet Saturday nlgbt. He has not been wellliiirlog the last two montliB, having beantroubled wilh heart dfse&so, which tlnallyended his life, He came from England to tilstown wheu ba was twenty-tbree j e a n of ageanil with tbe exception of about two years baalived here since. Ha alwava took an activiiutorat ia tba welfare of the town, and baiserved different taring as llaynr and Council-man, l ie was In his eighty-sixth year. Thefuneral service* took ]i luce a t but borne Tues-day afternoon at Uiiw o'clock. With vory fewiL-eptiona all tfaa stores closed from two untilour on tbat day.

Mrs. WillUm H. McDavlt, ot Dover, epuntauvenil doyi last weak wltb Mr. David Whit*,heod, ef West Boonton.

Mr. Kills Q. Myers has leased tbo cinderbanks on the Lord estate, and I understandells the clndnr at sixty cents per yard.Tue facts of tbe great sensation of this tovu

—tbe «I>>i>oiiient nf Air. Nicholas J . Dnwuonaud If las Lulu CreWor— are too well knownto dwell on at any length, so will merely saythoy wished to marry and tbe match beitigbitterly opposed by the groom's parents theydetermined (as many havs done before) to

vcrrlde the wishes of all, by quietly going tolew York, and getting married. They re-

turned to Doonton Sunday evening and areotv stopping a t tbe homo of Wn, Cravler onlie Fists.Sir. William K. Whlteuead, formerly a

resident of this pise©, now of Three Oalu,

talu»l:MH. EEITOR ;-"WiU you pbua throw a lit-

tle light 011 the recent action of Uw Board ofTrustees of the Dover public school I

Two of tbe school's moat ootBpeutnt andefficient teachers have b/*a unceremoniouslydismissed and EO reason ha* been given fortheir dismissal. These young Udiea havetaught 1c this school for tbo past nine yeanand have received blgh preirtind commenda-tion from former Principals and formerTrustee*. They are both worthy and esti-mable girls and ia this community when theyhave lived from childhood, their conduct,character and reputation are above reproach.One of them, herself an orphan, has beennoble and geueroui quougb to contribute alarge portion other small solar; toward tbosupport of ber widowed sitter and two fsUwr-

B children.inevflU claimthnttlieseteacherlined If tha bu t In tweets of th

require tiat their services be dispensed with,but common Justice moat certainly demandstbat eonto reason be given for tbeir removal.As no reacon bai boon given to them or thdifriends, the fair presumption Is that no goodreason can be given.

It U asserted by some ajid tailored by manyth&t these teachers have been dismissed attbaInstigation of tbe school Principal for hii ownpersonal and private reasons. I t was said tobe his avowed purpose months ago to "weedout" tbe Dover teachers and fill their placeswith strangers. This U contrary to tbeusage .in ;tbe best Ischoals In other cities,where, In the selection of teachers, othBrthings being equal, tbe preference Is alwaysgiven to tbeir own graduates.

Who ifl this principal, to suit whose whim.and pleasure, worthy and capable teachers

re discharged without notice aud withoutOftBODT

Wha t Ia his character and reputa t ion!Wha t his antecedents F And wha t a r e thosehigher aspirations ol tile of wbicb we bear somuch I It a tenLh part of t b s rumors whichore afloat ba t rue, (and " where there i i som u c h u n o k e there must be some fire") be istotally and thoroughly unfit for tbe positionvhlouluxx

One thing Is certain 1 If be bad been dis-missed not a solitary remonitnuiOB wouldhave been heard, but this whole communityas with one volse would have cried, amen I~~ would be an laterestlngi o»d probablyfruitful, subject of investigation for the Boardof Trustees, aud i t docs appear t h a t the wellbeing of the Dover publio school requiressome such Investigation.

W e hear whispered insinuations of Insubor-dination. If thane teachers have been insub-ordinate or bave i n any manner failed to dotbeir duty why dota not this yrinclpal and thisBoard of Trustees coma out like m e n and s&yBo f What a r e tbe tpecfllo charges, and whattbe evidence on which they are based I Iathere really any foundation for them, or a r ethey ilmply accusations trumped up by thisprincipal for the purpose of having theseteachers displaced I

The veriest criminal la the dock Ji no t con-victed without a hearing, and ye t these poorgirls bavo been condemned and dismissed

rlthout an opportunity being given them todefend themselves.

Let tbe t ru th coma out, DO mat te r who i t

NOTICEJTtie • i^kbal lOTiot tlie Wright O

Piano Uanufacturfng Cotnpou; a re raqoiMbdt o t u e s t a t U u o f n o G o f thouoroponr on-ftfoQ-d . j , JuiiBlSUi, «tSKM. SNon'.

WM.S. WIUUHT.rnrt.T. B. UoOiuTit, SM'J . 28-lw

AN 0EDINANCE£ ibe gradhi1 street ham

lops avveoue.FAfiU'.D JUNE 8TH, 1SB1.

BKO. 1. Be It crililnid br Ibe Mayor, fie* ,-.order, Aldermen ami Common Canaelttuan ofD irer. That the roid bed of IfcFirUn streetfrom HDIKI rtreet to Mount Hops Kfeans»h.llbeioKni»tfi. jrsdrd »od worked to lbswidth nf flftv-i i iht ttel,being tw^nlr-nln* leet00 eaob side of tbe ciatn lino tborearsj shownon the imp or McFwUn street nun on DU intbo U 'voiU offloe.

flio 2. ~ "c 2. Beitfarthorild McPtrUn it re

___ _ nrdiiDed thit the gradaol isld McPtrUn street shown OD the profilemip tuenof Doiron Die in tbe Hi jar's offlos.' u d Ihe same is hereby approved s t i

Isd, tod u ld HoFtrUu slrset shall boed ace rdlnjlj.}. 8. Be it fBriber ordtined tbsl Iho side-

, on tb<. north side of MeFirlan i t m tfrom Sawex street to Mount Hop* annus

" " ' ' * ~ &nd wo'kbd to ths

•h-Mt aaahovnllh fli t

June 11th, 1801.AClTIZEH.

wilh fltming to tba width of five feet, eioeptID illej mjt, ctunsfe trayi or plues orossedbj vehicles, wbe-e Ue i»m« aUs.11 he Uld withcobble iton©imdfliK(rfnRin alternate eonrwa,anitheitldsideirsurihalibooDtbsd with curbstones st lent uxteea iDebei In belgBc «mtnot less Ibao eiehteen (nobe. In length andronrinohis In Ihloknosi, aU to be done lo tbe' rDDdertaeiup«r.D. " ' '

nl*»looer, and in »ilatribed bjr him nndiD Oauooi!.id ba it farther ord

griding, ((raveling working. eurUaggluROf aide w*lki provided far la thisshill be doDeimmcdlBtely stttr the pof tblt ordinance by the owoor 0. ,ooeupiml or ooonpants, on tha sldewslk Infront of 01 adjoining Ihe pramlus resuaotivelfowDOd or occupied br them *nd at the cost andexpense of tho ovnora thereof.


AN ORDINANCEj« raising of moniy by


BE it oidalood by tho Major, Iteoorder. AI-donnenand Common Cos uo) I men of the

Town of Dover, at follows 1Bio. 1. That in addition to Ibe road Ux to

berccoiTcd iroro the Township of llandolpbfor the yeir ISO I, there shsll bo assessed andlevied by tax lor the expemei of the town olDover for tha earrent venr tbo mm of fhothousand dollsn, and nftoeu per oonlnm upon

[O.3. That In addition (o the amount ofovided for ID tho Ur«i seoilou oficBoco, there ibatl be arioiied and

" 1 half dollars upon the' " corporalo limits

. _. _ . . _ . . _ i. dor owned by, her or thorn, and tbe harboring of a

"mooof ownership



16 inoh18 "20

80. each9c



Ladies Fine JerseyRibbed Vests

at lOo., 15o., 350., 40c, 50c, and 75c. oacU.

21 inches wide 25o.yard,45 « « ,....440. "

White Lawns,STRIPED AND PLAID, 12Jo. yard.

iroreverr doftvrilhlue town ol Darcr for

vlded for la tlio farcgolDg lootfam, thaibe siteatBd and ]BVie4 bv tax h

bm, thifor [he

ire ins.llie aneaied snd iBtleq by Ui Tor Hie pnipoie

jf defrsjlDR tbo eipenie of tba pubhawattr»oiplj »i provided in Ihoooatrwslnowin forcebetween this Town and tlio Dorer ffaicr Oorn.p»uy, ihe sum or tiro thoound dolltrs, aad-klio nft«en per. Qentnm.DpoD snd over undibove tho BBid sum or t*o thousand dollars.

SEC 4. Tint tho Ajieisor or tho town ofDover shall, within ten dsvs sfl ' 'lottco from tlio Clerk of the Oom

of Dover, proco id lolevr and Mien the Uxciprorlded lor by tlio first, snd third secUODB or tills ordinance npon tbe property oftbo inhabitants aud residents ef said letta iaIhe same manner ami upon the same basis sstownshlpind county taxes aro liy l l rAnd also upon sll tba property *both real and pewoDsl, within thiBRid town which ma; belong to noiin tho samo manfor aa upon the properly oftue fubsblianU thereof: provided Ibst a polllax of ono dollar per poll nbsi! be loried and'taieaied liy "•- * " " -•bverymslc 11

per p l l nAuenor upon the p

bllsnt above the *Re ot twonUn the oorporste limits (eioepiamed s ld a d i l s ) ir

ooeje»n within the oorporste limits (eiobocorabhr dlaobamed snldiers and sailors) ia part of Ihe whole sum provided for by thi.flnt seotinn of tills oroimnce. And the AJ-sestor abaJl m\ tbe Miue time lav; Bud iisesstlio U* upon ibe owners or doffi provided forbv Ibe second section of lltii ordlntnca.

810. 6. Thai the Arseisor of Ibe town of

y p of treported in oth df

geek. I t gives som

l t f b

s held In Hishwlti Hall, o

Tuesday. Bibles of tho value ofSocietyton, . ._. .„.. „$ were gratuitously distributed duringtbe yew, &nd tttT.03 worth solJ by the depos-itory, Mr. Joba E, Runyon. H i 1.12 WASpaid tbe Bible society during the year, andthere b a balance of «S53.B0 on band, togetherwith QiblM ralued at (IW.M.-Bannur.

TIJB Crops. cThe crop prospects for the week pant, as re-

ported by ft. N. Cornish, of Gillette, aro a»foUowi: " The crop conditions on tho wholuare favorable. Wlntiir groin looking well andgrass Improving, but botmd tohealightcror.Fruit and garden crops in a fair condition,but late, OffiBg to ti>B cool weatherof timely rains.

p . t gives som.of tho wonderful development of tbo

SDutbRlncefTinKCottoitwaBdclbrcned. Thatia ono reason why I have used so much spacewith i t Go way, white man, what la tbematter with tbe McKluley bill f

Joeltalley's other house Is going up hero now,Amos Bird's is ready for the painter.One uf tbo brakomon named liaggerty got

married by tho 'Squlnsome tlmo ago, but hanIMrslitonUy refusd t t hi if d

q l n gI y refused to support his wife audbaby over since. She Bucd him for non-sup-port and the trial cams oil at Succasuntia ontbe ldtb. They hill tne bo hi now enjoying thehospitality <if tbo BberluT at Morris town, i ti d t h t th I hthtir

y r own, i tored that there In another lady aroundintat 0 whore who dale

vlll go hard with binhe


TIVBT1O.^ MTB. JosejA Mouc^of Dover, in iidUng

ghton, son of »[r. JohnhtOD, met with quite a seriouaaccident on-Wodneriay. While attending school atvil during reews b di

W B W , Mrs. B. V. Hand, of tblVph'^.'Mr, J. D. Salmon la upending a few weelu

with his parents here, previous to going toKo&sasCity.

Master Floyd Lefgbten. sou of Mr. JohnLeightoo.metw'*)ast "Wednesday. .u f t ,*,.>«.

' Senvil, during reoen* be was dropping frofree, from which befell on a piece of gl™»,

' cutting his foot very badly, liiaa Berry, theteacber, with her inmal prorapttiesn, Imraedi-utely wmmoned Dr. N. U. Addt wbo dressedtho wound. Be was brought home In a car-lisgeand stlast re ports wn»In)pro* lug nicely.

The sociable wblch wmi held st t ie residenceOf Mr. A- D. Salmon on last Friday evealoB

. ITOS well patronised.Tbe scholars of " Chestnut 11(11 Seminary "

nHl give an entertainment iu Young's Hall,Buccaaunm, on Friday avenlnK, tba 12th lost.A very Interesting programme has been or-ranged, coniisttog of tnuaie, redtationa, etc,

. .uui a plea*uitUmeU expected.' lira. H- F. FrothlDRham is entcrtainhiK a

number of friends at ber cottage " Crescent

, ^jeladlflsorthaDnkesvilleSanilttCbiirchwill hold a iirawberrT and lee crfam festf< '

nee of l l r .

1B0Y HILLS.- Communion Borvtces last Sabbath in M. E.Church at 1'oraippaoy.

Tbe surprise i>arty at tbo house of Wcatloyaniino on hst W«lne*day evening, was well

attended and every ono OD joyed tbetnuclves inblgh glee.

We were tliown last Priiiny some potatoosgrown by W. C. Hates, or Halaeytomi, that—ero ahnrat ready for table use.

William Leonard has been ruittcAtlng ftie past week nt Lake Bhonguuj. Now ft

some fine fishing tales.On last Thursday JUsa Mary VanderbofI

caught a black bass at Lake Sbongutn tbatweighed W pounda and aim a snappiag turtle'welKbingiSjpounds. Uoodforyou,Maryjtry

Kugnno Qulnby and wife have been visitingfriends on Loug Island, and report a moet en-joyable time.

Howell Bros, are making a new pond at FoxBUI. Thoir lee biuinen Increases so rapidlytbat It is almost impossible to supply theirdemand.

Nicholas Kaybnrt la treating bli bouse to aion coat of paint.John Peterson has rated tbe A. W. Cutler

place, at Ealsaytown.Tula Is the butt week of school at Malapardls.The new iron bridge I* to bo erected In plaue

of the eld wooden ono opposite tba residenceof John Horeland.

A strawberry and Ice cream festival will bebald on the evening of June 10th on tbe lawnof the II. E. Church of ParaJppanv. All araInvited. Proceed! for the benefit of church.

The favorite pastime lu HalMTtowo is baseball for the boys, and horm back riding for

tJERMAN VALLEY.Wr. and Mrs. Fnnit M, Stephens recently

.Mtitaduj at tha Lake End Hotel and en-joyed tbe kind hospitality of Mr, and Mrs."Topkini.

Our now assessor has bean making friendlyills in town,A strawberry and i n cream festival will be

ield on the green near the PresbyterianChurch on Thursday next.

An interesting programme Is being preparedfor Children's Day by tbo Presbyterian Sab-bath school, and will be given Bundny even-'— In the church.

e wish to correct an error which occurredlast woelc in our letter. The fair to be held bytbe ladies of the Lutheran Church will takeplace on tbe IDlU aud 30Ui of August, insteadof next month.

Mr. Joseph Karr and family of Princeton,111., ore visiting old acquaintances in town.

Mm. Margaret Wise !B visiting a t Morris-town and ilori.B riolna

AIIU Cora Afettlor bog returned home aftera prolonged visit at DloomnburB,

Mia Annie Muna and Min Hyde bave 1on the sick Hut but are convalescing now.

Ilia inusiual dick of the lawn mower can babeard at almost any time. ,

Quite a number of car people attended thefestlvaJ at Middle Valley.

Some young men and ratldenn apent Wednes-day of this week at Budd'a Lobe.. Mrs. A. D. Uager has beea having a hand-Borne moquet carpet laid by Mr. Hour?Vwwlluj, of HocketUtown.

Our foihionablo milliner, HTB. Laquay, hasJust returned from tho city and can show youa good ttock of goods ot tha latest styles andat tha lowest priced. We are glad to nee berbUbtneus improving in the faiioy line, and hopeit may iuorease, aa she has worked hard toestablish ber business. .

Our toosorial artist teems to be bu«y mostot thu tlina, so we feel our town is not goingbaokwurd in this aKe of progress.

Jacob Triaimor ii making preparations for

XiXTTLBTOir.Air. Ed ward Elmer was taklDg hii horse a

wo to Hew Vemon and when! tbe place the ammal dropped

orectlng his netv tha Presby-terian pontonngo. We are informed Slrykeriir... i>f Hnckettstown, have tho contract.

Urn ladles. Tbecraekof the ridesnddliwblp and the about of the ball players Is dallyheard in our land,

TV. C. Betes, our road muter. Is busily en-gaged repairing the roads In lialnjtown. Mr.Dates Is a lover of Hoe roodi, hence we lookforward to as flno a road as our sister towns.

nt t*o residence c•onlng, June 17. Proceeds fur'stormy the n x t f l

g, u . Proceeds furstormy, the next fair e.eulng.

• TOrineub&y ereibe church* If j , „ _ „ „ _ . . „All are eanJiaJly Invited to artead.

Mr. Bavd Beadley, of Uorriatowntftert Of Mr. James Lowe but Tuesd

Mr. Jobs Lawrence started for': ten, D . a , o i ~


, uaui uuLDuupuJuut Jiurt" wen Inn..,,,... telj placed ID atbe bands of Slsrshal Tottan,. whi. oooimilted them to UOCTMOWH inflra

• MT. AAIONQTON.JJr. O. A. Buridiart bum moved from Min-

" * " ' * nMLArlhig-

Uessrs. Alien Terbell and Harry Berry ofNewark, were recent viators at *'BoontoDLodSe,"

i i l w i Elba and Clara Richard*, of Dorer,have been tbe guetui of the Ulsset Lea

Mr. P. Tltfbtm, Utelj of Sucearanaa, andI Mr. Taylor of Somerrille, have acceptedpositions with Langdon tc Vanderbeek. >

Tho. Union Kews Co. have placed a verypretty lltUe steamer on tbe lake for th«

Warden FrothlDg-

poso of delivering tia papen, instead of hav-ing a boy as has b«on the custom other Gam-mers. .This will baa much better way, as Itenables poopto to have papen earlier In tbemorning.

FLANDERS.Mh and Mrs. Theo. Woodhull leave on

Wednesday to attend tbe wedding of Miss Mo-Nuir, a DL-CO of Mrs. WoodhuU's, at ber homela Patersnn, on Wednesday.'

Mr. aud Mrs. Mablou Dlckorson and MissCorrio Dicketton leave on Thursday to attendthe wedding ot Mr. Oeo. Dickonon to a MissDrake, at her home in BcranUin, on Thnrsdayovenlnc. Wo would add our congratulationsto those ot Mr. DJckeraon's many friends here,where he spout some few years with hisparents.

Children's Day iota be observed by tbe Pres-byterian Sunday ediool in tbo churcli on nextSunday evening. A change has been lasdeinthe tlmo. It was to have been in tbu after-noon.

Very pleasant exercises were heli in theMethodist Cburcb on last Sunday evening; theprogramme for tha morning was not pre-sented on account of the storm. It Is to berendored next Sunday morning. ID tbe a Tea-Ing there was on address by tbe Rev. Mr.Chambers, of German Vallay, remarks by theRev. Mr. Doremus, ot Summit Hill, Pa,, wbopreached In thB Presbyterian Church In themorning. A reading' by UISM GertrudeSovereign," Tho Last Hymn," recitations bytha Mines Haltie Wank, Nellie Howell, OraeeSovereign, Alice Bird and Little King, andMaster John Bird and Fred, Sprague. One ofthe leading feature* was tha solo br Mrs, E .Costnor which woa wall rendered. •

Mr. George, Woodhull was at his parenthome for a abort tuns one day this woek.

Mr. J. M. VanTeuuel, chiof engineer of thoSussex Railroad, spent Sunday with Mr. andUrn. J. P . LeiKhton.

Miss 11. Howell left for Newark un Thurs-day to attend the wedding ceremony of aformer class mate, Utss Viola U. Marvin, Inthe Park Presbyterian Church, on Thursdayevening. " Mart noble Saxon," farewell. Ifain would fill your worthy place, worthily,hut I fear and shrink 'and tremble, lest thecriUdtma pueed on 70a may fall to my lotwith my acceptance of these duties. Again,

few eveningswithin a miledead.

Mr. Jennings, our grocer, bas decided to en-iarga his store.

Dr. MoAlpIn is having his farmhouse nMUrpointed. He is also building, a new kitchen tothe 8togg cottage, wblch will ba oooupfed byMr. Bet McAlpta

Mr. A, Odell, while out walking the otherevening picked a stalk ot clover which con-tained twelre dusters of four leaves each, oneot flvo leavse, one of six loaves, and one withseven leaves.

Tb« Florida ttoam Haat«r.For Ulajtratfld efroulars ssnd

VaJlrr. M J





'"Detsa, N. J.

shelters rena ia ingnnc ia iBie i lIn tbe Po i tOOlcea tDore r ,N . J .

DorxB, N, J., jnna ism, 1891."Mrs-BeckieBlnkley, Miko Burke,Mr* Julia Bunnell ROM A OvMrs. Julia Bunnell,P. F. Cook,JSA P. Cose,Urn. Ella Decker,Mrs.Nlts.Tbeo.O. Q. Johnson,•IC L o o e r '

Miko Burke,ROM A, Oevto,Miss Kat* Clement,Henry Calhoun,.Mrs. Alberta Dlnrk,

Brmalfou before SOT person duly •a.bortMd. -••-'-'-•-rtt)o.nnie1. to i*Ubfully and Im-

* 0 ttia dnties of bis isfd offlw.a Asseuor abs.ll recdvo t inil senlces tbe IDID or ten

— , . .._. if e*eb uiable person con-Utued iu tie dapllcie of ssld assenment, andtho further Bum of a«r •- * *

• taxed on ssidd. .. ThMt tba said ,

befonlhe first d » of October, i M , driivrr tothe Oolloolor of tho town of Dorer, the dopU-oateof tbasBscsitnentorUitfs,' .

HOItAOB L. DVHBAU, H.jcr.—Jomi S. GIB OM. Clerk,,

shall en or91, dplivrr to


Satines,15c, 25c, and 35o. yard.


'Wo liave placed on Bale a handsome line of

Fine Satines,beautiful designs and newest colorings, at

10c. per yard.Never before sold IOBS than lfio. yard,

L o d W Corset Covers 4So.

" Skirts . . . 696.

• Night Eobei BOo.1 Chemise 69o.

' Drawers 49o.

Kid Gloves.g-Button Kid Gloves, - 5()c. pair.8-JliHton length Mousyuetore Kid

- - - - - 75c. pair.


SILK GIOYES and MITTSat 25o. to $1.00 pur pair.

SHOES.Wo wish to call particular atten-

tion lo our line of $2.00 Shoes for

ladles wear. They are made of 1 he

best quality ot Dongola Kid, In box

toe and common sense stylos; also

with patent leather tips, medium

mid low heels. They are the best

Shoe tbat can be sold at this price


LADIES' OXFORD TIES,in kid and patent leather, at lowest

prices.120 pairs Ladles' I l d Button

Shoes at . . . $1.25130 pairs Ladles' Fine Doiigola

Kid Button Shoes, with pat-ent leather tips, at - - 1.69

Same quality as those usuallysold at $2.00.

200 pairs Child's Grain TippedSpring Heel Button SchoolShoes, 8 to 10, at - - 7 6 c .

200 pairs Misses do. 11 to 2, 95c.

120 pairs Men's Buckle Bro-- . . - • $1.00

Special Bargains


in Bluo, Brown, Finic nn4 Bago.: ., v

lOFiEOESETfl, - - - - - -: |2.49 each,

12 " " (with jar) - "- - 3.88 " /



Chilled Plows.



PAINTS.BeadyMixed Paints, "White Lead and linseed

t QU, at lowest prio«s.



and Nozzles.Fishing- Tackle.







LIiniLITIEg.Da. D«l«lt<,0E9MI.«l

d lRud uoranl later*Git oa deposlton'irooasUfiomJ >


Luoj Powers,y Pemberthr

James Roberts,Peta, Slrllvar,Hiram. Sand*,

_a A. Smith (1,

B, E. Wood.ToobUtDtRjofttiniborelflUtriflir "id*

l d > l l e d f t t « o r t f a | i l I a tJAB B. MITJOE, P. H.

Toj.1 IB"Pl"




Reefers.Cloth and Bead



u d

aiss, 0tUt«|a.Uf iij

OAVKIHD noUBS:n ».» to l f » J.ilj.oiojplBiiortir B.t

l Irom g JL « 10 n it (DOOB) ,ndftOB 7 tO 9 K H


TOXT O u i , 14.3., Joafi «tb, IBU1.W. G. WIlBon, 0. PUrc A l v l a a L f f UOiataf Tenon,VVm. H. Johns, Emm* DockeW, W. Fe&ru, B. BeUemtU,

NkgJ, fall,. 'To obtain tnyofHie»boT*l»tt»r* i»j "n!

rerU«ed"*DdgItt» dsleoflhli lut.WM. H. TOKKIHQ. P.M.

on, 0. PemoL,aLuff,, Un. AnmMojlo,on, MUi C. Hjertr&lit,hns, Emm* Docker,u B BeUemtU

i D I B D .BOWDEN—In Dover, June Eih.Do.trlce A.,

daughter ol RJohird B. and Badls Bowden!aged 1 year, Smootlu mnA S3 d»ji. ,

PIANO TUNING.Mr. O. Larch will vliit Darar about Jona

lKth to tuns Mveral planM, and tbOM whoneed thelrplanoi tuoad aaj bkve th•*•-» In an effldeot manner br l

with my accefare-you-WBll,

MT. FREEDOM.A ddagntiOB Irom hero attended the Elblo

Society laeeUog, belt! atMilUugton.lart Tuee-day. ATeryplccaantaiidproflUbletlmewasenjoyed.

Mr. Joseph Cramer raccwSded in Hmtitjingfalahantees. The parties baring It claimed tol t i l t f M P.aulick. He

tram QSo. to 93 a pair, and bjtlie yard fromlOo. to ISa. at the BM Hire Storo, DOTOT.

STTBOUM chilled for $5.75 at Berry ft Oo^

v B d S t ' ' ' ' '

arrested end l i now out under bonds awaitingcourt. ' . . • - . , " '

Blnoe tbe warmer •wwlber weaotioeacreatmany visltart hsre from the dty.

Mrs. P. K. Aben b finite UI.A ronawir hers one day this week ended in

ritbar seriom injnriei to Un . Eackelow, whojumped from tha carriage Dr. Adslt Is In at-tendance and tts feared ber iplna in Injared.

areatfatilt has been, found with ths roadsfrom L N. HngbsonHi to DeHart's, endbetween Uu former and Calais they are almostimpossible. If theoveraeerdoeiDotattondtotit* matter, complaint wQ] be mode to theGrand •Tory* -> •

A very promWng joang srUrt Is boordbgat Tdr. John Hulbert1*. and many and beauti-ful are the (ketches lu bos taken of our UUandvallflji, V - ; -.

Anumberrf friends helped. "Unela BenButton In celebrating his nlnetr-seocmd birth-dor, lastTaesday, by » varj pleasant gatier-


orllnnkh. Apply to

0ABBAOK PLANTS FOB SALE.AlargsBnniberofWliutoad and FIs.t Dutch

Cabbago Planta far isle at 15 oenta per 10O.

lwp.VID THOltAB,'



Table CoverSj

Stand Covers,



. O".






15 DmCKlAYERS AND 0 STONEHABONB. TVigotowarkstoiKw.




£r; Ed. fiulburi It oa tbe sick!Tiourrn.:.'

ANOBUINANCE" ooneGinlBB Msunlsln avaane, ..' . •

PASSED JDNE 9m. WOI;BID. 1. Ba il ortilned by ihe Mayor, B«-

o^rder. Aldermen and Common Ooanelha*!.if Dover. Tbat tbe street known as MountainAveane tx'endlBn fnm Uorria atttet north-ewtwudlj to lbs nsJdanee of Damsl Holler,be ana the i t i i Is facrapr loatpiad u ons of Iibe publio itrmte ol ths Tuira of Darsr to beknown • • MonntalaAraaas.' . . ;, .

Bio. 2. Da It lartber ordnlned Utst tba a sp•Isold Hoaaialn Avenao mada by Chwrge K.JenUus, and now on file lu the Kayor** and tha «me It btr«by Approved andadopted, (hit the roid bed of tafd s t m t baotubllshed at tba width of forty fset, andbeing twentr rett on t u b sids of U» esiitnline is shown on and msp, and tbat iba ud«.wtlki ot taid itreet itull be eMh of t i t width

' - u ihown on laid miptSDdtlutuldKWd b»d » d fldswmlk. nh*\CbB opdnodand worked lo tfae rMpeoBra widths ilbnuld.

: HOIIACB L. DUHE1M, M*jor.j - J o o a . Qmecir.Ctek, «»w

LOOK! LOOK!Great out in prices in our entire Btook of

Clothing and Gents'Furnishings,Our motto: QOICK BALES! SMALL PB0F1T8!

And ite are ran lo Ball you if Ton examine our gooda and Ret 01prioe*.' We have only

ONE PRICE FOR ALL!Any child ran make as good a bargain in our Blore as n grown person.

• yte tiott all alike. Wo can}- a lull line of


Oniing s i t s , Blazers, Summer Coats,Coats, Linen Isteis,

T u t s , Satdels, etc.






' 0 E 0 A N 8 fBS U P !

tOf Tnninn mr.A P « ^ i ^_ and ping prompt); attended to.


r. S. WHIGnT, . - v . Pr«Ue«t








8.1M attmdttl



n Dov«*iMote of all tbs laadlog Anuiioui udjm k f li to bttt qnalitv ax UmM

oriDdw&miit.d. iwouulbli t h t I

fcMjwn.alliiipxxlrnDiiJosoraoriDdw&miit.d uulmnlntl my ciutoman u d tfaa pttblio that I am ooutwt];nplubbliw mj iloca III all IB depertmsDli and Oxj »U|alway. flna amrtfthing nwr and lntAe latMt |jatldnia and





Tho prettiest HAMMOCKS in Dover are fonnd at.

Page 3: BARGAIN ROOM pue O- F^#4 contains more ant otbee j hflsthe lrtrgest;•; northern new jersey. % vol. xxi.



CHAFTKK LXXVLA n ftot t o p r o v i d e f o r U r u i n i i E U n u f t r o w w a i i c

TCfi n i - t i l i l lo n t t w i i t i n l i r o t u W A M i i i a u u L i i t .

1 i A w d W i t i n a o t w l , l i u i t ( o r «

t r d f u l f T l o I w I w i u d n i u k - r t ht h t a w r t , i t d u i l l U » t | M , j m j o J t l i u R W e r nl u g b t x l y o f H U I D I I I I u w l i j i - u r t o u e u t i aW a r r a n t to t l w n p p u i u i a h i i l l l d &d i r e c t i n g h i m t i t U i i n t o

b M t i i U i

! j t - i u * , u i i d u l l i i i o n u y b o b y w a r -U * k b U l U £ f * # & l J b l u i l l I J O a b t f j f f l o d ,

< U > t u c t b y U m w u u o i " . i w « i s I n. _ u i u r , l i t t l i ) H u u o l i t i i u a o u i l u n d e r

L h o 1 1 1 . 0 f l i c s , l i m a a u d p e u a l t i u i a s U i o n i o & n y_-l..~-l \.??*1. 11.... .i-. T..I.I ..111 a _ _.I*V.

_•«"».„ .•"»?!'

udantdHtot OOOHUM til Uili tints iAfUl bol IHI<BUIII»1 BolMTiu propuniou to thetiU f ld U 4d

not mpj^

--_ wlic»SpMu^ ifllnOrttnaIiiu--tbonsand'RDdiiotinorutuanrme „ . — ...-..„.

nine-thousand; On thousand-(ii-liaudrtnl provided, that nothing in tub,d o l l a r s i n - c a u n t i o B ^ w h e r e t h u . p o p u l a t i o n i s rtrumlto I V I K * 1 o r i n . a n y w l B Q a f f o c t t l i

.__.._ . - . _ . _ _ , _ , {.*• . - • • w n s i i i m | t , Kl u i i l M U X p u i ; i ) 0 I W i d i ) o u n i t . „ , , .

» r o v « I R L i r c h t u i r t y - J l n j t , o n o t h o u n a n J u j g h t

... „.. „, ^- ..yparbuf.Biuih: -village, a n d If ,uap#Bary to. tn£o and j>iiui>o-'

'••_ ~ utility, foiMAiB purpMp'of cOibrtriiL'tiiig nich.-,". 'drains and sewrs, any hinds and; rmt estytu

:,; V its*. no;.iiiunodaw.oSu«t t»r wwjjrago pr < S -V ; ; i » j w , 0 i c e u t t h t - o U K u a j i d o a ^ t « . t l i Q i u r r l t u i y

, : , , # b M - b e l a w f u l - ' ( o r I l i a toveriUnBTwdy o f. - > . * p i c a v i f i a i d ' . t o b u i l d a n d ranstrucly i n c u a -" -* n o p t l o a w i t h , a o d a a p a r t tit, a i i y . i u a i u ' w w u r. V M P P * * " ? ' c o n s t r u o d o n o r C p r o p o - o d tobo

i • i , p u U a t j o w w , ' i i i , ' t h i - p u p h , u n d e r o n i * . a o r o w.'-, U s r y o o > , p » v e t 4 s > n d ^ n h f l i w « y i p f , . * u c u < « l - .,\- J o i n i n g t o w n s h i p - « r . i n u u l u i p i u i l y . i n e i i o h• ! : i n a n t ^ o r ' a i i d to " » u o h p o i n t o r • p l a c e - o f ' d u * - '

; s / a n d u p o n n i u h t o n i i s ' a n d ' . w i n d l t i o n a.11 * • ' • • • • • • • — • 1~_ « iC*£l* . If ._*L 'Jw4 f i n n r i I in*

jeVtuid thei'ouJoUiula

t . r i u d t o„ „ — k o w u g o , o r t l i o c o n -

i v , i n t o l i i > K i i - w a t e r , o r i u t o a u yJ •-• tributary thereto

n source of pulilio

tf bVit ocaelotl.Tfiflt thU ant Khali ba•t nud takti ulfecUmiualiutoly. J--.'(1 Jlnrt-h 1»,IMlt i '•••--• • • --

.hiw junuooi.atioimty.;, , . , . ; -• I, His it liiotctod bythuBonaUinndOouoralAwunbiyof OiorJtitui i,[ Smv Joiwy, Thatany circuit judge o^law, jiidgt»ot nujtcuunty— T, by ordDr.iHrecti tlto uoiukty, uloi'K of Bald

, . * . , ...1 «,..; »...*..!_*..... -...I . j i • t . . r ^ . . . l .

l i i r t r n i & o t t u n u n i i d U _ p o _ U i o i t B a n dd d l u n t u o o u u t i M - w h u r o t l i o t t o i n i U i t i o n i «m o r e tiuu t b t i t t r - n i t i o U i o t u n u d a n d n o t

m o r e t h a n ^ i t y « I n o U t o « a t a n t l ^ ( r t i U l

f o r t * H ( o V L i i l i u cl i e r o t h e u c i p u l o l U w

_ _ „ t u o i t t & n u a n d n o tu o t u i o r e t h a n s e v e n t y u h i o t l i o i m a u d , f o r t yn u i a h u x t r a d d u l l a r w i n c o u n t l a e w h o r e U i t > t H | » .n l a U a n U m o r e t h a n s o V L n t y - n l n a t h o n s a n da n d n o * m o r e t h a n fligbty-ninothoaauud;

ftllaji n o t c x t m l i n n u y o i i c } u a r o n o - A a t f o f~ " x i i l u i n O f U i w u s a t w d ' . a l u a H i J t i o f t l i o

. , - o f t l n J u w n s i i i i - -

t o r U I Q low n s t i l p8 A n d b c i t i - W t o d , T l i n t i t 8 } m l ! t » l » n - f i i i

f o r n n j j u r s o n o r - j e m m s o v r n l i i g luniU a d -

iwls'fi-tpr«*:Dlor»titvll L.o ihoboalsfor Laobo* eUwdfloUjo^

I A n d b o I t q u o t e d , T h n t a l l i

nl JtiL tlin tine of said landb AjiilUiltunocUd, Tlmt

s]juUlialii>pitruitudaBwhen a sidewalk

r d o . h !Muin oouuWt u elgkty-iitu

liiludrea JJlulatlmiflUor't

u Bamo wlien ucc«sary BOpit aud pay tho sum of jlvouot the township, to bo mied

p o r t » o C a o t o i n w a i B i - ^ BI o c i o f - t h i * B i r t b o » n « 1 l lr c j i a a l e d , n n d l h a l i b U u u t u U u l l l u k uJ m r a f l d i a t e l y . . ,'-,

P « w d M a r c h l f l , I M H .

the prorinre ben-by

n i n c b u & e a w h u r u . U i o n o p u - d o l l i u n t - j ( J w u t o o f t h e i o w n s h l p , t o b o m i t* "' ' - i i t u o U i o u s m d a u d t i . r n u d r y o u y c r o j b y n u y p c r o o u w h u s h a l l s i

• ' " - i ' t b o u w u i d i flvoi^r^iqt l i g u u a u d : 1 1 v o f o t l i o t n u i uf d I n w n : i , . J . 1 0 . A n d b o ' i t o i u w t o l , T h a t R U K p h w u l « i aU i t l i i i o t y - u i u u " i c m n l s t e n t w l t b U i i B a g t a r e l i o r K b y m x i u t u d .e b n n a m l a n a ! < " " M l i t e u c t H l u U l t u k o o f f u c t i a i u i w l i u t c l . - :> *t _ . l in<ij>^l ! livntr lilml 4 l l n l ttuMklni* In 11lia tint iptinll l**i «u k> .

. OHAPXSB LXXXIX.An Aot to wUuIobtn tie appointment and' otupetwtUoniof asltrkd luterptatenlQ the

criminal eoorta of th P Htata 1& ooaatloa ofthawoonddM*;.1. Be it enacted bytlio Beuat-e and Oen-

ml Aflwsmbly or iho 8'ale of New Jenny,Tiitt beraaftw. th« appolnUuent of luter.preler to atlmd tb* criminal coutta In thawverel ooontfw of the HUOOUIJ c\<m of theelatoof NtwJ«r*ey.iUnll bo made by theJadgu or Hie majority of tliorn, of too'it geneiml qoutBt MMIO&B of the peuo la

__i_i J I * _ _ . iiM^i._ ' •

l e c t i o n t h e r e o f , ' a p p r o v e d A p r i l E i g h -t e e n t h o n e t h o u s a n d e i g h t h u n d r e d a n d

e i g h t y f o u rI l i e i t e n a c t e d b y t h o S c i D a ' e n r n V G e n -

i r a l A s s e m b l y o f t h n B t n f e o t N e w J a m e )T h a t l u e f o u r i t i s e o l i o u o{ i w l d n o t b ea m e n d b d s o a i t i o r e a d n s I O I I O W B :

4 . A n d b o I t e n a c t e d , T h a t e a c h t e l e g r a p h ,teluphune, c a b l e a u d e x p r o a a c u m j i o u y nball

t l i o h o a r i n g o f t h r > c o a r g o a n d K > o r d e r , u n t c rI n t o r u u o g u u u u j o o , o n n e f i r a s m a y b u , a n d i nt b a s o n u ) u u u i u o r d i r e c t e d i n c o u r U t o t t l i at r i a l o f s m a l l c a u s o s l a n o t hum t l i a u d u u h l et h s a m o u n t o r t i i u p o o a l t j w l U i m i c h n u r e t ym t n a y b u a p j i r u v t - d b y s u c h , j w l l m j u n f J u . - ,u n t o t i t s m a y o r u n d c m i i t u u u c u u i l c l l , o rm a y o r a n d D l d o r u i o u , o f s u c h c i t y f u r a p i > e * . r -o n c e o n t h e d a y t o w h i c h t l i o w i l d L t w u - i r y rm a y b o a d j o u r n o d , a u d i n d e f n u l t o f - • -

not more than one hundred aud fifty tho

uuuni BU UIJB u t v Tirnniffnrn, - - - t •a. And b« it enacted, Tha(' section two bf

•aid act bo and tba aamVls luirob/ cn&ctod su

" Andboitenaoted, That tlio Annual sol-

El |ipuu tlio tuuM jH>iiuuiuji|i t|f thu i*oujity

iccrtoluod' und uoUsiiulimt bytlio" lust

u}' act auumdatoryUiidiiuUtuelt) ur a

uuy Hupjilry ill.roof

luiuuut, } y .

JuUnKoiuiijUiiidiiuUtiuelt), ur any act In rcla-tlou to ttini]>_l.u nwde, or any act whlon hadtwem or nuiy Iw laseod to enablo boal-da ol

o ; . w l l b l i y o r b j - r a r t , i t s la l d g o v e n i t t i t f • b o d y ' t o . 1 i i

^ n M r n t u ^ t i u i i u u f t h o t

,. WdtoiibliIuwyUjCfwn,«idtotit1wjandnpiio'' p r i a t o f o r B U C J J J i u r i w i w u . : n u y l u i i d n : a a d r e a l

. w t a U i " " u p a r t - . i n a k l n * ' : c a m t w i i m t l o l i - , t o ' t h u• . [ O w n e r o f - o w u a w , d i l ' l i o i - t U n o f t " ? U i c o t l o a o d.[Owner of - owua

• *,' •:& Sd bu 'it e

r lvaJ uiftatti on I'h&tbjlijf or IxiUiwliuuVvur hu shall IHI, batttllud by pivot thattbo mortmigpo tbsivln luis butiu Itilly [mid Uiu)rlncipnrnild Interest' Jtw on uifi^iuurUjagti,

ortlio niortyugoi- tuittlt dni»ijit^viUiUiocouutyulork oiiylialuuro ol' princinil and intorost, uany. HtflJ duo thoiwn [icwuxUiia Ut thu toruu*of tlio wild luoi't+jtiK"} nml nuy ono ornioro of

artgngoi-aor liai-ty in lutoresl niny inakoBtiau ior :tach .ordor,. iiml tha JuihreturUir. notice o* suoH aiijilluiUoa ,(o ue1 oil tji^ moiiuti^co TU1 niort^cK^OS ' ir

roaidentt) of tide sUte, tlie tinu\u iw n (uiinuuishould be served I uud if UUJ niortffttgeo <Uiorl«aguo8.iiro.,uOJJ-reiiIdQnU* ol.tlus sUtthdu such not Ico tJinll lm sorvwl by iiublkaLltonoo -a -lvook far fjnu" wtofca in n\ aowsim*publlBhwHn ».!<! oounty, in bo dcriaaaM t

ltd JiaiKf; if tho ruconl show* ftscfeumaiit iich niorty.ig*," thuu uoU^o asabuVusludl, 1rvi*d ou ttuuli*"fuffiffuoo '-uuA^ud-of tlieinor

I g l * ^ ' ' ' . • • • ' • . • ' --i'-'. .-., .e . - . ' f . { .i- , ! i? l- . -w

-).< Aud l » it ortnct«i,'That-whfiii eucK orderi« Mod with the olurk or-resistor of mich.county, Riid tlio money dupO4itol wiUi himaa— - ' • -1 by Niid •ntlfi-if tauli oiilnrw.directa,

. . . ok-rk ehiill dlxchni-go' nud cnucol o^record suiJh inortgago, nndltio utld c lurkor• ~ ~ ' J ' - ' " ' - ' - - •oil'thuiniirgin of tho


h B l l W i u io r r e c o r d o f H I I C H n i o

i t h o r e W l l i u w o n U " wo n t b r l i i u t h u d i t t o o f B M O U

' : ; i ' - • * ' • •tOintw - • - • . - - •; '» , And 1)6 It eunctcd,'Tlint thlf) ttako ijffoct IiiiiiiocUnti'ly. ' ' '

An 'ntrt to, uinooil'. mi. act;, onu UwlVAit Lai toantliorUa tl)a foniidtioiioE milronil curpora-

oirk».jwhomay.:fll8tbe!r iumnt l_undw their hand*, to, Uio. jux-vWrnui ot t

tho itttioout of bin annaal eotary Hi mil buoortfluitHl anddfltormtnod by the -fwlornl a.suapf-tijayeMonB-thouflanil' eight'hnndrocland ninety, aadi;sLall be : paid to, him uiu,Uio irovWime oCUds act, iVwn ^aud a(U>r IdaWof JlUnbhlaaKeniaa RforWld by.VwUoctor of Die comity in oqual monthly pn-


dint r,^,!iitino |irovfilinu for tlio ejixmR,.iuouniiil by UiaKTaudAniiyof tlio Juiptib-

-Iw ut New Jerwy hi utunuliiia; tlio funoral..f Um taUfClem-ml W. T. tfliorumn,1. lii' it itwilviKl by Uio »unuU) Mid General

.^temmlily uf UioBtatoof Now Joraoy, ThatUio win <,( ono thousand dollaru Iw and tliuNuno u hcivby np|imprinted for such esiieiiauas ntny tw-inc;urit>d by thodrond Aniiy ofII,,• Knj.,,1,[,. „' N,.,/ JL>h»y In nU-mUua; U,ofuneml ot tln» into CU'Uoral WilUntn T, Uliur-mau ami tiint tlia treasurer of tills jduto paytothu(1(i|vii'imi'utcaiiminiid«rofUilsttUtotliu

^ ' o ^ m c h tttiidfi-'In'liiH !mtidiiK)totbor\fiMjUJM

nmtlhiBjuliitronolu-(Vitrt lmiucd liitoly.rch lyiSOl. • • -

CHAprEU LXXXY.A p a j i p l m n ' o n t I o t h e a c t e n t i l l o i ] " A a b p p k -

• m e r i t t o I h o a c t e n t i t l e d ' A t m f p l p i n e n t t ua n T H o t . - c u t l t l e i ) ' A n a c t r e s p e c l l u Kb i i d p e t . ' 1 " ' f l t o v [ f t l n u ] ( a p p r o v e d A p r i lt o n t l i ; o n o - i l i n n x n u d ' t i g h t b n n d r o l a n d

' , f o r t r - s i i , ' y r h l o l i s b p p l c m o n t w « n a p p r o v n dA n i l l f l f i U , c i u o ' l u q u i f t t i d e i g h t h m i r t r w i lh u ( l , a n y t i i l y . - R i g h t , , ' u t i d w b i o h l a s t


F m w m, mmmmt, mj-*m--KF "» WClV l l u | q i ; i | 4-l*1t

n oitiea of ttoeoooad oluas the city olerli'ani

lieroalhir be appointed (or tlia lonua uf^rw^ J - ^ - - ^ i m l ^ c a U & j J i o b r V

-" •" I«> -tHo cpmuiorit or ntiidr ra>O>ru-.fl.:-...ij^.gjo,,j1j).

, a f t e r ^ t b i l p n s B a g d - ' o r ' U r i i i . ' a c ' t ^t f i r n i s o t t h r e o ^ o a n - M K a r o i - c i u l d , , n o t w i ls t a n d i n g a n y a p p o u i b n o n t h n r t i l o f o r o . i n a d u

o o s s o m U i l M l i y i a t o i f f a l f o r . t h o c o i n no o u r i H r b o a r d ' o f a H e r t j i w i : o f o t l i b r e o ^l u g b o d y - o f " 1 * 6 j W f l t 1 " c i t y , " h i i V h t r : U i o •• il i o T n t m o n t o f w i c h o m c o n , t o a i i p o l n t U i « mn n y t l m e a f t e r ^ t b i l p n s e a g d J O f ' U r i n . - o u t •>]

: 1 : U f l i t e t i t i o t e d b y - U i o r f o i i a t o « u d O e u o i a l,, A f f i c n i b l y ' u f t h o ' S t n t o : u t . M o w J u i w y , T h a t! i M w t l u n e l e v e ' n - ' o f ' . - f l m " A o t i t o ^ a u t h o l i a ) *1~

n K M T i t i o i i B u u d r o g ul } ? t o . t h u a a m e j i i H i w v w l A j n - U w c o u d , o u ol t l ) , 1 1

rl » i t ' d t r f g h o h u n d i w l a n a n o v e n t y - U i r o e ,

r . ^ i m u c t a l , - T t i n t a u y T n i l r o a d

I * ! * U n o t ' o x u t k t d ' a U t i n d i - b d f o o t h i ' w i d t J u ' -^ l d U i U b j ^ l d f U i

aahkircease; at 'tlio tlniii"—jnti tho»larii»*tif-tho oHictdihallb*fixed tu-wnr provid

•>f• #; ;Andboit^ebactodi That wlien-tiie gbr-•:«_jb_g; bodyol sutili villng^oaunot agree auto• ' « * » p n e o o r c o n i ] w i u a i t i i J i n T l t h ' i U e ' O i V u 6 r o r ,-owner* of auy landrahd real ost*to irhich.. j - o f a u y h u M b r a h d i r e a l ( s i b U s

. s t l i # r < n i s v y ' d e o n i ^ ' i t n e o B s t u i r y t o - ' ^ a J c t f Fv o i n i e r s , o f • n y - l a o d B a u a ' r e a i t O s t a t o t l i r o u g l i ;i o v e r , ' u n d e r o r i u p o n y h i c h t l t W n y b e . d e e n u x i

: r w K i a M i i r o r . d a a f r a b h i h > t a o o n 9 t n i e t . , a i i y s u i i h; . s e w e r o r • w w o r n . ' d r a i n o r u t a i n s , o r . w h o n b y: . . U M a b s e a e e o r l e g a l I n c a p a c i t y o f , s n c h o v r a o r; , o r o w o o r s n o s u c u a g i - e o n i o a t ; c a n l m m a d e , i t

• ^ s b i d l i b a l a w f u l , f o r S i o c i r c u i t - c o u r t o f - t b a'm-Ut*wm*m.Am— 1 _ . . 1 . 1 * 1 . mi t mi I « ml, -1 „ i . !.„!_•, 1 _ 1 .. .

s j ; w h O B h a a l i i o k i >i l o t ' > t h o d a i n a c B

o r i j w n w 1 * . , w i l l i a u t n i n .i e L o t i i U , : , - . l i e r , ; c r . t h e i rw l U t O i e ^ u p u r t Q a a a c m -

Jw,t»Uje»M:wdiHSrati>.i, «onoleiiii.ll « t

miaaliMifirin TIIItWWfflfflhfl _ „i. pu cfrfulatioff In sata caftaty, for at'leost^tou'

, court will proceed to oonaldur said report, and' «ypbfoctiD^iJ^to,l:oudijhiai haUpo^-er'i,toiwwildflr.rBBJd report .nnd.tho obJecUoaH.-thjtaretoln a, (mnUnarywfty^andttorovJw and-tc^cotoflnn «Ud report vTtU or ivlthotitolUira-

. " U # ^ t a * ••' I "• — . ' *• - •• • • • • ' - . • * * ^ 1../ H | J I I ii

, i , o t O n d u a ^ I n q u i r y c a u n o t i ' i b e f q u u d

dtSi';. Will, HO

^be ttiade of tho.faota andifllod/in tha it

l « e £ a U t i « T O t J i 0 rie&.to. take nnd:;utt.tba'•£LUMs«ndieat'ei :wte:;thq;cr1-"-" - L " -

' * " i.tboJominlBBioiiPni

«uno; itud WlwnM atliieowwy wprkBjlmlld-l

lienaatwtl(cmif.^!;ipin6iiiiuuct.'fenryiujury». pHJojUf; w{Mkrl<t^bDriy (• And w W the«nu>y O nu3U*volii(!nc(!H7hu'i)tutlnrBbf BiiiOl liuYB >i—. - ™a sui^oy of sue!). routo, or, j

lory«f ptuti-Vthiju itsliallbo lawful 1corpciratipii lurtuydiuiUer-thlii ifttb, iimentor'Icudijr, ot.aucU.couiitoiwuywrelauftar.HroWdMa by.J^aUltorfcai

b e t w e o i i t h e i i o h i l i f n a m e d i n t l i u l i i— - t . . . . .. J —. i • L m . A ^ — V f _ _ j * * ! * '

y . t o n i i . / o i t> r t e r m i n i o

all otlwi*niJ««iDry-ttorltij:-ft«a sto^lo a

• « . *

4 a n d t h u i u l g n D . l a V p r o -




rtTtrnf c o n t r a e t - o r t ' a g i

IVcourtA'^rvportfemrj. thingi examined

i;ti)Bu^6onclusimis; and •rdt-

_ _ _ t i i n . j » i u o j n o w a -!'• s a i d ' c o n r i t y o r c o u n t i e s

— " t j U u » « n d p l a c o n ts o d to-oanskuirMUd

( ) T f S o r t i ^ a & y i K ) i > J e < A o n V t l ^ r j n a y - t W J i u u l e*. tt£^;aiKl*naUM^pont*irtb « u i d d o r « a i d• • r t p o r t a n d U i o o b j o c t l O Q a t l i f c r e t o C n f t n u m m a r y' • • * * ? aLQ&:ti0Kx&rW n n d - o o n l i m i s a i a r B p o r t


^ J i n i l M S E S o f ^ h f o h - i U i Bl i t b e t a ? I n a d * ^ * ^ < i » i i f i i S i ; l T a( t o n i o t o d , T L n t i t i h i U b a U V r f u l

j ' O n d l w o r J a i a r o p a i r. t o n m k f l f o d a b l i s h ^ d

' B r t d d t S o i i d l U o n f f - a i t W U i t, , ^ u i a u a a ? 6 f ' t l f s i t t ! n a n M * n a t o

* i t 3 S l M t h o " l n f j - l i c n o u t T l a l i ^. J y t O T O Q t r o l t t t o t i s B o r r a D b B O T j B i i i i

d n d ; t o p i « v c n t ttiiA t t o p a i l i l n i & r ,mttiwrthesi imV.V.: : ' ' ' . ' - ' -^ ' .

"Vonaetod.Thatrer.the-^itrrKwojosia'anafliptJUsea.ot.tJidiiiQ-1 pubucTrorkflnndiaiUcBiuiIoK

•AH«xte»dui« uioKHiwj 4o4ofUioprooowF

ltr«haUbgUwfulb>rtlu)' wch- vlUage,to-, borrmrUujoloiul. -u>.(»eourtt:iiu*

iteini byiahitag » e corparatoUlai(S, pajrmblft a t Bitch t&iwti iis

tiuQ,e<>v..ily.Rtg(it,,iMid wbioh last Hupplc-monl• \va»,iwii*ed April sixth, ono,thou-Bfinl t i h t b d d d l h i l

iBfin'l t ight bnudrodal B c It t d b t

n t i.'Bc I

u o d giy^lx.ottd by the Bonntonod Sen-

J1 AsHernbly of Ibe State of Now Jersey,Tfant the Batd not tb which thin not in ft snp.ilfltaapt,, entUled ."A Hutiplonient to tbo ««••Dlllled >A HU|iplaruent to an net cuilt'An not rcBucotlus: bridged"''.' (lievMo'Oi-

•pprond April loulli, cue Uioiuuud .eighthnu<1n.-d nrd fnrty-nix, wbioh not - wonpmvetl AjiriJ fldb, ouo ttioiitaind' efgbthiSrtid jimV .evciily.elelit, which lnst stipple.'

lerjtwan' npjintypfl April fliith, one Ihou-1

iut?.eight 4inn<"w<l,>i]fl'elfi"i(y-slx,li3 HOunodeii tbnt wclloQ ono, of Baid'uKtHball

»iui tu riihWa: •'. .„••...•. , i ,. - -l . I )e . iteuacieil bythe Senile a ml Qau-

raid counties reipeoil'

eal»ry to be roo«i«d by snob Interurotorshall be d u d by the Judge* or a majority ofthem, of them, of tlia oourbj o f the generalqoutir Marion! of the peace in theuTeraloountJea respMlIrely at a aum not lent thanfour honored and, out - nioro than sii bund'

" " •"iwperywu', tol>epal<j.iiiqnArlerlj. . b out of Uii fanda of (b«t oouuty laeaoh of laid wrautitia whmoln anob Inter,pretei nndar tbe proviB'oDS of Uthj not m»j)e appointed, oaid OOmpenmUlon «o be paidby the eonuty 'oolleolDr upon oarliflerttallgoed by tnld jndgnB or» mitjirity of themvhlchaiUdoartlfloatasnaid judges arehere>by rtqulred lo-'gi»e io eaou of tbetaidcouDliea vhcn.suoh intorpretors are ap

8.', And Ii6 it enaatinlj Thut nothing hero-iDcontalutdshktllnvalid^t! or J.L au;whu


^ u j i . ut tbo appointment or culary nf auy anal)

thenow 'In (Aloe, farther that

t to, beobangod bjo* o r a m j l l f

i en y th &em(&eml Aw.fiiblr "f lli« BtAtanf New Jrrsoy,Thlit iifbridcd, vlnduot or fixed nlroclitropllafl UJ crtcl^l b^ nnM"SlH !ovp^;br. In nuy, port or. thu nivIsubLW»tfirtJflQpjr,UlnK thin sUta ttow otlier atafew.lierelho tfda«hl» and, fljws,. wlllioiii ex.prews i ienniwin of th l o g l l t f thi

orders of the reid Jnthem es in plber etma, • - . , L

i. Aud be Ueuiatfid. TlintibU aot BLBI!be a pablio aot anil, shall lake eaeol j•i.rdl.l.lH ' . , - "

O F I A P T E U x b . " ; . .

A a a o t ( d ' e i t e s d ' t B s : t i t n o r d r o a m p l B t i n ac e r t a l i i r a i l i ' b a d s , ' . ,

i t « a i o t i d l ) y ( t l j e B t . o o t e n n d O e u e r e ly of I h ' a ' B t a i t i o f N e w J e r s o y , T h a ti r t h e t l i i i u l l i l i U c u " f o r I h o o o m p l b -n y r a i l r o j d n u i h o r t s i i i d t o h e ' o n h -

• l r n c t * d w l t b i a t h i s K W I B u m l ^ r a n y flpeolalo r g e n e i n l a c t h a s ' e x p l t e d o r B l n i l l e t p l r a b o .f o r e l b s I h l f i y - f l h t d n y o f D u m b e r , ' o n et h o u t a n d e i g h t ' h u u d r e d ' a n d " n i o e t y t w o .a r i o h l i m o s h a l l b e s o d t h a s a m e l a h e r e b y

x t e n d e d f o r ' t h e f u r t h e r p e r i o d o f t w o j e a r sf r o m I h a ' p a s B f t g e ' d C t b l i i a a U ' p r o r l d i d , b n w -e v e r , t h a i t h i s n o t B b a l l ' t i o t a p p ' y n a n o *m o u e y h a s fiotaatlj b e e n , © n > s a < 3 t d ' i n s u r -

' o r l o o t t l b n i o f x ^ a i o o r 1 I n a c a u i a l t l o n o f1 *** - ^ — > - ^ 1 - - - - i * ; ' - - i l o t i ' B i n f l e * J E I D I I *

h i t o d r a d a n d

i y a n d e i e c i f i o l i g h t o o m p a n y s h a l T p a y t oB t a t e a t a x a t u t u r a t e o f o u e - l u U f o f o n e

p e r o e u t u m u p o n t i e g r o r a a m o u n t u f i u r e -c e i p b i H O returned a s a a o e r t a l n o d ; a u d d u e p e rc e n t u m u p o n t b a d i v i d e n d s o t s a i d c o a i p t i u yt n e x c e s s o f f o u r p e r o e n t u m s o e a r n e d o r d e -c l a r e d ; t h a t e a c h o i l o r p i p e H u e c o m p a n y• h n l l p t i y t o t u a s t a t e a t a x a t t u e r a U o f '-•--t e n t h s o f o n e p e r c e n t u m U ] » a t h e

a m o u n t o f I t a r e o e l p u B O r e t u r n e d o rt a i n e d ; U m t e a c h I n a u r a o e c o m p a n y o t h e rt h a n l l f o B h u l l j w y t o t h e a t a t e a t o i a t t h n r n t ao f o n e p o r c o n t u u i u p o n t h e g r o a a a m o u n t o fi t s p r e m i u m s s o r e t u r u o d o r a s o e r t o l n e d ; t h a te a c h l i f e i n t u r a n o e c o m p a n y i n c o r p o r a t e d u n -d e r t h n l a w s o l t h i s B t A t e s h a l l p a y t o t h e j t l A t sa u ' a u u u a l f r a n c b l n e t a x p f o n e p e r c e n t u mu p o n t h e a m o u n t o f I U » u r p l u a o n t h e t h i r t y -flntdayof D e c e m b e r n e x t n r c c e d l n E t h e t l m eo r s u e b p a y m o n t a s flxed i n B c c t f o a Q r e , a st h e B a m o s h a l l b e a s o o r t a i n i i d b y t h e o o u i n i b j -

• d o n o r o f l i u u r a n c o o f t h i n s t a t e , a c c o r d i n g t ot h a n c t u n r W t a b l e o f m o r t a l i t y , ' a n d f o u r p e rc e n t u m I n t e r a c t ; ' t h a t e a c h l i f e I i i h - u r & n c e c o t n -i i o n y u o t I n o o r p u n i t e d u l i d e r t l i e l a w s o f t h i sa u t o , o r o t a n y o t h e r s t a t e o r t o r r i t x i r y o f t h r ~U u i t u d B U i L a . i j u t d o i i i s l i ' ' " "

i t o f I U receipt* t o u t e d h i t L u a o i u o n u u n i u r a n t J i w « u n e i n i i r h t. . — u u a i r o b e e n , h a d t h o w i d r o c o f i u b u w u o l ^ n

t a k e n I u A p r o c e e d i n g i n a c o u r t f o r t h o t r i a l7 . A n d b e i t e n a c t e d , T l i r . t i n a l l c a w a

w b e r u B i t y p e r a o n c o n v i e t a d b u f o r a a u y s u c hp o l i c e j u s t i c e s h a l l h u v o L o u n c o m m i t t e d t ot h o c o u Q t r j a i l , w o i - k h o u a u , a J u M b o u s c o r p a n - ,i t c n t i a r y I n d u t a u l t o f t h a j H t y m u u t o f a l l u oo r p e n a l t y , t l m s a i d j m i - i t o u m a y a t a n y t U u op r e v i o u s t o t l i e o r p l m l i o n n f I h e t e r m o f . i n i -p r l a o n w o u t b u d i s c h a r g e d t i | i o a t h u p a y i u e u a t

a b ^ i u d y

8 , A n d h e i t e n n c t D d , T l i n t l t i a n y p r o c c e d -I n g b a d b e f o r e n u y p o l i c o j u u t f i o o f B u y l u u ho i t y f o r U i o p u r p o s o o f r e c o v e r i n g t b o p u u n l t yf o r t l i o v i o h i l i o n i o t a o y o i - d l n t i u c o o r r t . * ^ u u i -t i o | i o f t u c | i c i t j , M U t l i o r d l u n t i o u u u y b op r o v e d b y a c o n y t l o r o o f , c e r t i l l u d i i n t i o r I H M U

" " " o r b y t l i o i i i t r o d u c U o n i n


ritory ofiiii thin Kl

t (, . .._ _ ml tax nf twop n i u m o n t h o a m o u n t o f l u c i i i i u u t g c < i l -M a f o r u a l d , f r o m i i s i i i d t ' u t * o C t h l a n t a w ,i t o n t l i o a m o u n t o f p r e m i u m s c d l l o c t o di n d u i i t r i a l I n i t u r a n c o o n w h l c b a m o u n t

. . i i u i i i p a r i y i i h a l l i H i y U i i h o B t u t o i m a u i i u a lt a x o f u n u i « f c o j i t u n i t w r p h u u t u , d w l u c t i u g

M i d i i i u i n l i m i a t U o a m o u n t o f d i v l J a n d ai l l j f t l l u i v o i l i i i v o b a U i o f t h e « a u i a , a u d t h em l p a i d d u r i n g w i l d y e a r t o r e a i d o u t a ' o f

t h i n s l a t o f o r , , c l u t t i i a u a d o r . m a t u r e d

> LJIU m,j u m t . or by tlio iiitroduetlon inrtdoiipe of any bound compilation of tlio or-iuuiixM of Biich putilto board of euclt dty,nd duly nutiiorlxMl uud rueouulxod mi thu ur-iuau f tl d d b l i t l ~

Ktlo_ nuUcli tuijjtir,

'J. Alul Ui (

and duly nutiiorlxdiuauewt of tliu Kaa J l d i d

„ _ r u e o u i i l x o di , a n d d u e p u b l i c a t i o n o f

" "' v t i w y . p u l i l '

E t r t a l o n u d r e p o r t t o t h e s a i d b o a r d o f a s -„ j u r e a l l t l i o f n o u t u e c o A « a r y t o e n a b l e t h eb o a r d t o n s o e r U t l a a n d i l x t h e j u n o u n t o f t a x( u b o p a i d b y l i f e , i n a u it l i l d a v l ; t h a t e a a l i i x v r i o r . I H Wo a r c o i u p a u y K h a l i p a y t n t l i u B t n u j t r i x u t u n i r t tt u s a t t u o r a t e , o f t w o p o r c c u t u m . u p o n t l i eB r o M a m o u n t o n m j o p o i p t a e o r o t u m o d o r ; a s -o e r t a l u e d ; Ai v n j u i l o r p l p a . U u o u o m p a u yb a a p a r t o f t r a n s p o r t a t i o n | i i > o i u t o l a a t a t ea n d p o r t t i i e r e o f I n a a o t h i r s t a t e o r B l a t e ss u c h c o m p a n y s h a l l r e t u r n a . s t a t e m e n t o f i t *g r o s s r e c e i p t s f o r t r a n s p o r t a t i o n o f o i l o r

> l e m u o v Q i - I I . n h o l o U a e , fcntlwr ffJthRw e n t o f i t s w h o l e I w i g t h o f l l a o a n d t h e

l e u j i U i o C H « H u e l u t h u s u t l o ; s u c h c o m p a n ys h a l l p a y t a x t o t h e s t a t e a t t b e a f o r w a l d r a U )u p o n B U D I I p r o j M i r U o n o f 1 M e a i d g r o s a r o c e l i i t s

a s t h e l u i i g t h o f I t a l i n o l u t h i s s t a t e O w n t ot h e w h o l e l e n g t h o f , i t s 1 1 n s ; t h a t ( i l l o t h e r

- l o n s l i u o •

b o a r d o f s u c h c i t y s l i u l l b o 'b u u u n i a i l o u n t i l t l i u c o n t r a r y I H m i

U . A n d b u I L I ' t m u U x l , T l m t t VJKllii'ij COIIlllti^lilkli

1!'^ r*? ftri'-k un^li

said police eonrln u bull pro vld.iuf tlie lluhi-

nlturu tliorefor, and KUUII books jind Mtatlunnryuy bu noccjujary mid sitclt bonnl ot IJHIIIIUultwioncra sliiill ileslKimto Um tiliiro fn an vcity nliury wiuli of Mich lwllwi jtmtlwitbit for tlia tnuuncUuu of IIIIUIIIGAU, nnd

and Uio timo whan their court sliall bu o|Kuodupon oaca day, to tlio end thnt the adiiilulavtratlou of Jiifltioo by micli twlicoiuHticea• ' "——'• inch olty maylw facUiUttod urn!

•^ r 1 ? frtltiwlunyhvamd* Uio

s iienniwion ofo l i e r l o r r b

l o i i eia of thin

bp i o he v g l u i a ofBtAtoliereloramor benafter; given byRtoUHtp tat Hint purpose; pro*ldeC,ihntno(mnir

piA shall bo (obatrtiid to foilitd thet purposel l b o ( o b a

; pro*ldtrtiid to

,hntno(mnirfoilitd the ereo-

U Atid JM'JI etiabtod, That 80qtJon;B?oolBuiflttolbo.and .Iho.earnsIi haruhypolled.'-::-..,, ; , . . . •,. , . , : . / . - •.,, -.., .•••8. An<lbeitFnaotDd,Tbnt tbiB io tB

enpplerneat' W ' W ' acf entidefl - "An mcouc^fMHi^ • cotboratloiiH' [llaylRldu], ni,proysiVAnr.irwventh, ono.pthofl8and«lBQt

L. Uii it the Saniil'e and Oon'-:

a l . Anambly of-the Slate of New Joraoy,hntinnllcftHiw wliere ants of (his -Bljite,-Ijethor f{Pii-nt].:Jpeoiat,' local or otherwise,vtfi••lierttorJro' btoii ."or •.are1' harenfleriWiq/proyi^Ingforfhq'oreWiDti or lucbr*|r*Hpu.l>y,Vjrpc'.TillnK|irfci,bB.tiiketi there--laeK.or, uiliorvlne o(i onyj icorpgratlnu orriioratioiiB, |>ut. IJoiited to< tulia. cQ^ot ool

right of way or In ooastraotiotiary first, onoiheqiand 'elojbc.'Lbighty.gii; provlclfta, furlhei', that this aotflhall not apply to nny oorporotibu unlessBuoh oorpomisn ihall fi st, nnfl as a ooadl-tlon precedent U'lhe cxerciflo" of any powergrtLoud by tbtnaot.Ula in ,lbs oflloeof theatcrefary of Bt4te nn' kgr«fluieb>, to ba ap-proved by the'gotenioif' ftbd the attorneygeuerni, vrai»log all right tit exemption fromuiattoD, and from prlvilofiot-and adrao-bjfie« arising from any lav or contract, Iany there, be, estatllBhlug••» any spealaJmode of tamton'of iray «uob oorpoMtion,and the further •greenient to be bound byuuyfrooeral law [D Uns-stAle nnw !»'esUtenoo oribBtttay bo hereafter !'p<usteV UxingModrporallonsa* MB now anthori»*i tolaxed l.j thelegliUhire of fhe state:npderany general law/and fartLer-agraeitiB / thatexeiolseof«bj:i)ower' Hnnled^by* thli.Rctshall not faiiiT way affeot'the HghU of

J i c o r p o r a t o d u n d e r t h e . l a w i o fn o t b e r e u i h e f u r o p r o v l d o d f o r

B b a l l p a y a y e a r l y t a x o f o n e - t e n t h u t D U B p a rc o n t u t a a n a l l a m o u n t e , o t , u a p i t a l a t o c t tt m n e d n n d o u l B t n n d i n K , u p . t o n m l I n c l u d i n gt h o ' s u u i u f t h r e e m i l l i o n d o l l o r e ; O I I O U S I I U I Bo f c a p i t i d H t o c k i w u e d a n d o u t s t a n d i n g o v a rt h r t i e m i l l i o n d o l l a r s n u d n o t e t c u u d i n g 1 1 'm i l l i o n ( l o l l n r K , a y e a r l y t a x o f o i i o - t w o n t l o U .o f o u a n n r o f l u t u m , a n d t h e - f u i t h o r K i i m o fflftydollaraiwriuinuui p o r o u o n n U l n u d o l -I n i n ; o r a n y i » r t t h e r e o f , o n a l l o m o u u t H o fc a p i t a l a t o o k i M f c u o d a n d o a t a t n u i l h i g i n e x c e s sO f l l v o m l l l l i u i d o l l a r * ; p r o v l d o d , t l i a t t h i n a c ts h a l l n o t a p n l y t o r a i l w a y , c m m l o r l i i u i k i u j rc o r p o r a t i o n s , n r t o H a v h i g H b a n l u , c u i u o U i r i o a

Miaous, Jinny be .doud, ..Uiterestod ,Mu any,

riate, If Rnrtben exist* to take the propertyorauooeprpatktiMUDder any^.eiunlcgUwof tblBttite:1 and'agreeing further tbm^allh\WB'-alTooUttgJ Bneh'corporat ion *ball *bosubject to'KlteMtloti or ' *•-' 'l a t t u - e , - ' . - . N . , . . , . . . , , . . . , , .

~ ' " b« It enaated, -That this ant itiall. 1 • p a b H o tot , Mil shall take effect

ltnt^edlatety, »••»•• ** >'•' ••'•y.1-.''Approired Uittob, 18,181)1. , , . ,


--1. Ba itaosoted t'y'tite'Sacia'e'and Qen'trtlAssembly otthoSt^nuf.JiwJersey, That'

turlng opur centum

atlunal HSMUCIAUO-_h\(ri cctrpoi-fttlotf wlioHO capitalI itodl i

oiu no luiuu. mtystock 1BSU«1 midii foufntamilng It iuveated lu mining or inauubu>

turlii(f carriud on' witliia this atato; It anylomiiUKcturiug or mlntug company carryingon bltxinoH In t lds^ gtata nlmll hnvoloss tlion llfty nor cuntuin of itit cupltuliteck[HSIUKI and'oiiwtaudlns hivuted in bualuGdficarried ou \Wliiln this stute, • BIIUII companyshall pay the tax.'heroin pruvidud for com-

ius «ot carrying on liunliteaa in thto (rtate,Blioll bo bntitied, In tho coinputfttdan of

such tax, toadodiictfoh from tha amount ofIts cRjiltSil block Of thoamoasedvaluo oMtsrbalruidjienionulosuitoBO usodiiiiuonufiw-

. _ l i i d 11onit%iutML' Tliat' 'tins •act '• BhaUtakooirqctiinuiodlatuly. : ' ' " : • - . - • • •• -;,'ApgroVed ilnrch ,10,1W1.-V-''


oQicUU duty «rBiiJr^wIi'w<7uiiiJco3~to*u7iiattendance at Uio tliuo nml plica m di^g-natul, aud snld board of police conmilitilmi-orathall dittlKiiato utid provldotho polk-opflluara to atfnnd lho idttlDKa of nidi iio-Hco courtfl-ond to prewrvo order tlioreln.

IU. And be it- enncU.-d, Tlint uacli tif.Ui. olioo JUHUCIW huroui pro vldud tu tiu uinHihiluiwJUiin ton days after tltulr uUd apjtoliitinviiiBluul tako and tmbstirlbt) beforona olUmr did,authorized by UIQ laws of this state to adm-inister oaths, UIQ usufil oath or afllnnntlontaken by uDlriub of uuch city, mil sbuJltlluthe miuo with Uia clork of uiicti city, and im-mediately thereupon micli polloo justiee. ulialTenter into bund to such city wltli u t liiwt UfiKood and suniL'Iuiit tairutloH, tmliig f rotlioldui-xhi (Jl0 city fur which liu ulmU bo niipolutud, inIhii auru of five thouwmd dollars, whichbond Bball bo hi tho fortn and bo npiwlnted ashoreaftor provldod, and iminodiatoly- thoro-uponthBtornnif oflleo of such poliou Jurtiooshall oommencw, and lio sliall bo fully qunli-ilod to proooal at once to the diwlinrgo nndperforniauco of thu duties of hla mid oillco of- lice jurtioo of midicity; thut litimwllutoh

. oil tho expiration ot twuuty duyH:aft«r t uliall tako offoat, tlio olllco of all othorpolice jiifdicoa or apeefnr police jltstlcw, iuidall polleo courta and any officer thereof, otliftrthan thow provided for or rucogiUBec] by iii" ' - ' - ' , l n such «lt.y. -haU^iS»,J«lo " '

, a n d UJO olllcos of nlUuolil*art) holding tlia oflluu nf iiojico juBtloo

__,Upolleo juBticout or in any FUCII cljy,all ]M)lfce courtu HioruUifore ciistliu;

"'"" — - • • • • • • "ailed, mul UiercntturJJOlICO COUrtilittll «I-

ili.1i]|Ihl-i not•(!•* ill r.|i...f (>nu««, ;ui<l HIIM :i"to deetiirtl ftjmbllc nctuii't sliull lakentincdhn-ly.t. vud .Mu.iiili 10, I'£il I,

U'sbiju'bli'lunri'il ihl- ll^uj'wiih'ilTbi'Klj-uf

tilcf|>nUty'(;iiVL>i'i"i-ill>yu I'jimrii ol' en!

1. Bo It fiuacfod IJJ- tlio Hoiuite ami OannralARsonibly of Uiu Htato of New Jersey, ThntBt:>:tiun tiiiu of the «'rt tn which till* IsaBup-

mioiidM VJ nnd nu follows!nni-Usl by thn KmiuU; wnd Gelienilt tbu Ktiit*s at N«w Jtt-tt-y, That

Uiufpiucnil KujM rviKirin imrl cimtrfil nt tinblininstruction Ui tin- MI-IU; ut .Nmv Jonoy iliull IHJvebt<.ti in a KUIU) Ixiard ol' i^lncutlou, wliieliilutl] coiuilst of the Uu.-n.-f.of tilt; hcbool fmiil.mdeight m.Miibon- »|,o , tutll 1H> iip|K>bitod hylho governor, »in« f mm cm-Ji iv.-iit'rito-loual dla-triot ,byand with tin. mlviruiind coruont i tlho Buuatujiiot iii'irfilmrif-jiirur Uio memboia

iboltnitdiiy of AiJril'oo^thMiUiid"li-t.'daudiihictwiii.;,ai]dthcvHlmlIl

r-ir U:o tonn of rivu yw* mid until their n

liT°Aiv{\\«Vii'lZiu-.'M,ustobu of tlia A'Luto noniloUihed: all tlio ditiii-, mid oiUiva ofnucli

.. uud shail bcrciiiMi'i' IHJ i-it-rciwNl anil i»er-f.irtno-1 liy tiw «Uiu> bonnl of education pn>-

iilitl for in theUrxLMxtlun urtliihii.-tJl. Aud IMI it ftiaitud, Tlint thl.n net shallilto L'lfijct iiiuiiotliiitt'ly.A]ipn>rcx| Murvli IT, ib'.n,

CirAITEU OH.An Act roneariung tJiu limmufimient of the

lunatic ftjtylutiw of t l i t Klato.l , JJO it i?ntiir(<i<j by tin- Kt-ajiUi mid ucunruliwinby ut ilio HUito ur .Ni!H- Ji-rsvy. Tlint

tlio ^cnund uiiUHiyfUiL-tif. '.f IwitU UIU btiito>: ' (it Ttvntiiii, nnd ot tlio utato

• ut Morrfelmvi], uluilli ii hin-li: Hl'ili' Ixuinldf

yn .itILHVIIIIII for the iuvnlit-rmiftt-r IK- vorii-fl

i...t ,und

lll.I dl(1ll»t

utnl ohnvnvo


r tlio hiiitt'iisylinii for tlm iiixniical- 1; Midi hiiit« Ijuurd »t luuiiiiui'nlmli .H.UHM of H,VMI who nl.all l.ol.lHlt-o fiirlhy fa-rirMl iii liv-(! ynnti; Ilii-y hlmllL-npiMiiili-d liy thu K"VIJI-IIIII-, by ami witu

nu hcMn j..!ivdIt'll, 1i.t>ijR'mil fiiinuiK niny iw«ut:,,.rJn-,l J,yMirli v.jtu;otuiMiOiftlltiusixty tijuii»:iml iloU.iri. for lho

luipruvln^ illwithinhi imrt, inadvisuhle,

p y i n . j tlm i;(.it.,iiiiil oxiHi,,- ihu m:n[_, Miwln mi.t [iich iiitniifi]iiilin-, citiiDi- (11 1

inuiit, ut Uiu goMtown, bortiiigli, vilNi^f. oIt K1I»!1 IHI iio(!l[ii<.t iKlvU

d [ t t l d

-liiNiuvtr in tliobudy itf KUCII

r iiiiiuicijNiJfly,

ut of»»st!ii liutiunnuid


M i t . umi «liil.uxiIiu-li(_(Hi..fd d i ii th


u nuw l i h - l


viKi(iiworthi8iiH, tUehijisj bofttro nny unh

bk-ctliiil simil bu ji

. ._ .._„DlwtiiHi uC inuilic]|inl olllci'iiwoJnl flection CJIIIIMI for-tliilirtllliou-n-liiiiiii hiucliil oleil»;.]iii>i-iL<iitl uiiiI'Tr tlitliu pit

: iipihtiuti-il Jiy thu <i\ro,

L > . A n d l xK''rsiif tli«..,iunl Hi.i I,.,

f t l m it i i | , T l m t ( l i e b o a r d v t' » l m « i t i « U ! . y h u i i a t T r o i i -l [ o _ t l i o

for Ini(«i

l l n r r i h l / i w i ' i . i L s l i c n ' l ' t f i i n i r a n N i l ' i i l t i i t n n d n nv i d u d f o r , n r u l i o n ^ l . y n U . I W i i . i i : U i o M u t o

i m v u u i n i i u ' J ^ v u i ^ i i ^ r x T r o r ml i c r e t i i l o r u I K W W H M . , 1 n m l i w r f - i n i i w l b y t h o

b u u r d i i o r M I n i i u i n K f i - i t u l H i l i . s i i f d .! l . A n d b o i t i > n i u : t « I , T l m t i t h j u i l l l n ) t l m

i l i i l y o f t l u i w , | , i l i . m i - , 1 o f i i t n u n ^ u i - H t o v i s i tc i i c l i c o u n t y 1 u n u t i t ; i i n y l u i u i n t i m h l n l u , a tl e a s t o n c e i u e « u l i y i m r j n t u l t o i i i a j ^ - t s i n ; h

I I w 1 1 c m i r l . - . l ! ' T J u a t l i l x a c t i . u t t tc t i m i i i L t l i i i U h .v . t \ M i i i v h 1 7 , I f c i i l ,

4. Atnkti f


CHAriuiiiciii.Uimpluiiciilto nu t -1 t'litklml" An net Io

nutlmriwi Uiu roriiwt._i.,,_rnilroadcori«o_n-tionn mid re-utiitu Um tuima." nTipiiivoilApril straind, 0110 Uwu-wnd tight Iiiindrodutid Bi'venty-lhrw).1. UoitaniujUHl IIT U10 Seimto and aonor-Assembly or tlio HtaUi cif New Jcrwy, That

t l h ti of U_o tut tu whktil id f

my or ti i r t c - n l h

1 n i o u t ,d

_ t t u w h k t it l i o s a i d f o u r -

b t l l

j courfu llioruUirortherein, aro hereby uboliahod, undno'othor jnlice jtUtl of|Mllco couBtat or In rocomis f a t o r I n r o c o m i k o d i n a n y e u c i i c l t > y , < « x c u i i tB u c h a s I s o r p r o v l d o d f o r o r a r o r o c o g l i i m l b y ,

; U . A n d b o i t e n i o t o d , T h a t , 1 % - i t h h ^ t i v e i i t y .

i i u t l c o o r s p e c i a l p q l i o u J i u t l c ^ i t a i i y ' ^ t t A Uc i t y , w h o s o o R I c o i s W U i u p r o v i s i o n s a t t o l aa c t a t w l l i h o d o r t o n i U i i a t o a s h a l l fib i n "c i t y S l o r k > d - o l l l c e Q f s u c h d t y a l l l ^ U a . p ua n d d o c k e t * r e l a U u g to l i b o d d f o r i n a r oo f p o l i c e j u s t i c e o r s p e c i a l p o l i c e J U M U M C

u B u a h c i t y , a n d B u o h u o o l y t p a p o m a u d d

o r d a , ( u j d ; t l f e B i u n e m a y b o i m c d n n d e c r U i n t0 8 O t t e r r e c o r d a o f s u c h c l t j b y t h a ^ i l e r t • o f

- l A n d b 6 i f o i f l C t o d , - T h i i t U i B b o n d t o b o 1

b r e d ttvM ' b y a i t c b p o l i c e ^ J u s t i c e s a m d ^ t b d i) t i e s c a s < ' n e r e l n b e f o r e p r o v i d e d , • w i t h . i a o '[ U t i o u t h e r e o f , « b a l l b o l n t h o f o n i i f o ] j 0 ! T ^

watMhat woVA,ip,,O.J)iauaE.,P1.. 6tcity of In &6 amutyot ' and eUto

lid anil 'firmly bouiidItJpfmlclicitj-l'ui'tlioollnrs to bo iiald unto

n u limil*|iitiiiioiiut dial! nut'iu-s, hlmll Ut ^Ivou• " - • • i t i,,, Hvo

Jton and of Iho imInimicd, ivliii-tiBiJttythouflimldl

..teii'ieulN,R.'tpluOtu in wild iiutiifijlnrtllty i\flnyH jji-cvlous In f iM u]i>i<tfuu"via a week for twn siM*c/--bsivti

•rltU'ii "(or'tlM -i.Mio ofJIB Lseiio of bombi," uti>l si•hall return ' Io tJirf tfovtJuunlcipiiUty n true tuu\awIUiiK uiuiei'1 thcil- lioiiHch otpctluii. '•' '


forithu;gm:«riiii!j< l,6t|y of hin'rlu

isVitivutii u"jil' 'lilijhivllyir'aiia'iu by cuiitnwt'i 'ti'ml "Io fii.'-iir uii-ylor HOL uxvu)«|lii(J Ilio UUHIlod in tlia iiiiilccur: biicii Vlectiu

miildiKil-It t)f Hli.l•(irk to IN!


ed troyi tuuo i), ( t o u


tutui tli Koctloit J.s aiuundt'il by Uio"•••t tiuiixito unproved April, twenty-«iKuui,

tlitiuiuud oliflit. hiiiiditTl nml eiirhty-i, bu uud tho siunci J3 1 m|i!IJJ- IUII<Gilded no

1 4 . A n i l l H i l t u id u t y o C uu i i t u r n u

m w t i T i c t u n dl e n t b r l d g c w a

t i i d

'1, Tlmt. It Hlmll 1M thoU(vir[K)iiLb4 tiudur tltla

ui:i.uriiiiy ^iiniNiiiy onnlllK, fcWlUtf Or COn-titilllugnny i-Iubt of wny t,,r u miliMiid with hitlibt KtaU-, wlilcli lii(4 beou Kroilttl iu wliolo orin imrt, but ujwii which right at way tlie trackor U-oaks liiivo nut boou comtiloU'iy hiid, to

ndbrjcji tn i-ujmlr^iKKl and BUIH-nd inu^i^o ovpr, .umlor noil

w;iiRiH uio Mini rallnmd ot- right ot wny wlioronuy pulilloor ollior roud. «tn»t. or avomio,uovr or bonufter hild. idisil <ui>wi tlio Banio, »>tlmt iHibllc truvol ou Ihu raid rond - dlinli uotbolui]>odeu tberuby: nud it in further pro-vided, that such bridgnt Hiid iuu»nc<w wiallIwuf aucU width;- nud diuraufar ai nball bes u i t a b l e t o t l i o l o c a l i t y i n « l i i c h t l i o s a m e n r o

i t t x l ; n n d e l w - - W I I I T I I t l i e m i d n u i d H I I O I Is i o c t a n y f a r m o r l i u u l ( i t n n y i m U v i d i i a l ,

t o ] i r o v i d o a i l i l k o o i i i u n n i a [ i i m i i l a 1 i l d a t n U - < l t i -v c n i e u t w a E o u w i y n o v o r , ' h m l o r a n d a c r w at h o n a k l r a i l r o a d , a n d n h a l l a l s o t ' o u s t r i l c t a m l............ a u l t n b l O f t n d p r l l l K ^ « l t U e g t i a r u i . « tualutaiu suitabl j K t cattle cuardtf litill road croadngs; prowdM 'ttlu-oyB,tlint 4u -

ony Btich railroad sliall ftrosi nny fitroi-laisUwayi in ay cit it • l l l bo eih


.(tunliuDniioUi • Uuiibitionr>'ejxept]oik OPrlotloni-bf' riny. kibdxof; nature wbatso-r.'wnelhct11 ctafmotVto'nrin otit of. auoh;


rt^ul^itlilronrt|iintrorioeaUuittB3d " t o . ; l o o a t « ' < n i l • h a w i i w n r y • w o r t a ,~ - c o u v c i i l < u i v o r i ) ' ' n i i p u r t a u i u i c i i K - a n d

r o f ? m H i r o n& d e p a d t e l 1 i h

"rathertingle of

QxrauVy^viui'vavii-Mmr txuuiui,' tumbuti and ilopotu oil tlioy ruay doom nocesuury

oiion7 ccniiintnictn^at i* wltliln'Oud e»-

u«»v. 4i(4r(firoeuoa^or.;pitiixm" orTirvalfgroimil Iti'thtitortl«tiuiftAii>r:»ui^i)yits


-IilbtMf,' lnying'oat

i - o f r J o u o u n g f ' U i f ipJuemtndfJppeiHittiiEv^Md ofr Jouosauxojanlass thbojjuwut; onnaro»Dtmbhli ih<batr t t lmil ' audo

v-._._ -WirpSnilloWshhilliaVLdeposited TTltli'fliO ;tn!iw«rortif-"tho;'Stot«"oI-

i g m y J r o l l » ( a o d l i e 1 . p r o ]

s - i u D h i e ^ l U u t . ' p i V v B d j t o a U i s \ t ••-

Intwo yonra .ttm-turila ttf ofAtafaVesata'.-i--'^:"-.^-1^"-'-..-- •.-*-i-.**AprTOVii(**arnreri1»i'l(»li-t~i*i/^i:-'^ri.^f-

V. ?.. i,.T'-fi fi*/iGHiVPTEIt; JiKKIX.' ' •;- •<•: \-» v . ™ * ' - i I ' r . ' . H j - ^ ^ r ^ * . ~^T. ^. » . ! • - .':-l':.\ .'.H-l ' . ' • ' r ' i . l I '

•/e-\Tn?3ttfr: J n n - i i ( > £ i o ' A m t i i d ' a ni k l l a W n u a ' t i a t a b - '; ' . l u ( f o r i i r e M c n t *I n u i o u ' i J u a a C i f Q i t f

. „ _ a ( o o i i d A m o r a l !la.Mfe•<*:'«•* imivm,

^^jutot Oftlq.cuniiiid ntt-«o{«il-


W i^anactodviiiat thoCi Mcb iowmliip .may p. . . rtona g tav l

B •feMtA' W W 'ifl i l tU * fcV->4*4<

i a 4 » w n a l i i p ; - - 1 j w . i ' - i ]L - T h a t i v a h j . l l a n d m a ]

r w u " » t o r t , " w ^ l 4 d g B U w c r e d i t • o t ° U i o ° t f l W n -o l p f o r * ' k j a i t o t 4 o a i i s ' . 4 i f ^ a n j r . t n u n o f m o n e y

r — — - - J W r o a d s g t a a i d t o w n a h i pM Q a t T m f e j w r y a i i q t M r o o d t A s f o r t h a t

. y a w ; w h a m « > U c W K s b a U , f l r r t l i ^ [ ^ . 1 , 1 *

" ' t i r o v e i l A p r i l x u v o i j t b f o n e i h u u a t i n d , t' • h u n d r e d h « d l i e * e n t y > f i « « . i - ' ^ • . - ; ,,'..

^ l i ' : B e i t e n B 0 t e [ l ' l ) y t b b ' 8 « n a t t i 3 n i l G e n - '" ; •-tt7prtho;8ltttBWf.'rreV.Jgr«)j;

?clil,".hayd!liero(prp'«i;i)o?i».pfr b u ] * w i w d . . f t U t h Q i l 2 i o i { j b e p r ^

„ — l u u o r p o n i U o n ^ b y n u y : p r o o o a d - iftga:lobo t n k e u t h o r e a n t l e r o r ' o t h a r w l i w o f" l J t f l t i o u - 6 r ' c O r p o r i t t i o p S ; i b i ( , T i n R ' i n '

i y f e t i c h n c t i o r ' n t i y ' b o r t i f t e u t o l i l o t t' 0 attd f j i i t h b i i ^ ^ f i i f t t i f : s l ' s l o c k fit-

. a ' a i i i o u t i t ' t W H d r a . q t o ' s e ' I i t i u f l r ^ d_ d . d o l l a r ? , B p n o J h S j n b s g r i p l i o n o f a

n R t n o D U t o f t t u o l i . c n p l t a l A l O a l t i n s u c hc * r H B i j » t e v Q i f i d " u t h e t e u n ( l o r H t u i i e i V

i e p f t y i n e n t o f a o e r t a l a : p r o p o r t i o nj f ' i a « n t b f w i u a n o h ' a c t o r ' o e r t l f l t f n t e

filed t h e r e n u J o r f l U i t e ^ i t ' u h a l l ' a r i a r n n j b el a w f u l t a . O r r a i u i B A j i u d J o e o K i a f e b i 1 W o f a C O N

oaali of ten-lhmwp . . , . _ , . _ . „ „ .raUoaor.inoMpordtba^iipjeirected on s

.yijlmft ot-.ti•u iherelwi). U- ^..-- -' l i m It miokd l)jIbo8iD»i««naSeneol


.d by.Uw fuc b-jld.

body shall Muse notiotJ-to ba,glTen of thetime ftnd,up!iiej when-thty intend to ODD-

Ins m!4.t>oUoa. foit two-weika anocesafallyPFlqr to. lh.6" tli*. fli^a fof tte'Wnalderatlouof said proBo^ordJnwcfl^atJwwt'ouceinlaah.week, in n m t KewspBper.,,pabllGhedinlaid muiiloipaJity.i lad-by postiegfor (be

-tantrot the itaoit'conspioUpui-'plaoBa1 lia Id roULiclpth'iyj arid In 'aoy mumoinall'1n~wt.tnK"™ U=iii^.'««i" ld''«nT.ll=ti^V-~lUi,wMoh?;np/4e?BpBpei;"W!pu>Ib5iia,-Baldnotloq .need ool j .Io polled ,u Voreaald-V.;

jnaUa'f&r theoouslderatlonof- taid pro-'poaed- ordinaaoe, ; there ' are'-filed withaald '"^BirtuDB' boujr^wfUton •• 6b"tloni) ' against ohariflloj?\,tho':'tiiiie' -*holding Hid dleollon, algnbd by at'Idast one-,half of all thftpertoni.wtlo voted at the nextpreceding raunlqtpal elaaUoii. said proposedordldanoo"shiuliQtbe"piuiicd,':Lut all prb-oeedlngs In Mid natter.'«hsjkj>it- qnoe c

tlpliu.bntplplo •><i^'.inl,'

ntid' elTcoluM'.-lo and r*or Ml thuid-ipprpotoB'or the

, __wi j rwjmt iua . undr tha provisions of thistcl the total wnuant cl :oaplUk«ntock'Bnti-Bcrlbedflb|illMceodone( hnnilrtd' thousandifallawVa mnjority'or the ptrsoua- author

a,suoli .manner, as they tnay. fleomJj.loproindte tna.. interasU61 Ui

corporationioicre.vUjd.ij in \ i *. .r,-,-, j..\>.'.fr.' " 2- And be It en«cted,! Thai"Blt"«Dta iiand" " ' ; ^i^BOBOMt/^tpeotal.i'ptiblicifpril

repealed.', ••'„•'•*'.;:•.'•',[;'-;'-...•, ', .j-"..- --^^l- 3 i . - A n d b e ' i t e n i t q t o d , ! T h a t . t h U s e t a h a l lt a k o e u w c l i n i m e d f i i e l y . - " : ' -••* - . u ..<;, > - . : • ) i

• ^ A p r i r c i t i d I L t r c h 1 0 , 1 8 9 1 5 - : - ' " - * ? : * t

A-BupplenjenVtoBnact'-Bntitlea "Afrrherf> snppleinect,(o an, not-, entitled.(Ao act re.-* spcotiug jrosmiiton of.,the. picas of. th«)•;"« ilat«,''flI)t>roTod April sixteenth; ono thqhf

n i o a n dt4aon«bcdnajtof.itlttllW"*f'-Biily-tlf^yHii^^Ter i t sh


a .xno annoni miue- IBUDIUJI-WBIU TIWI

•.;»^firclnilf«f|'.1)roJ tMtlei'imi.lileili. . . - . ' • ' i ' . I " dial*ant n f i m a h l.nt

iilytlfB UloUMnd /InhiUji. i t shallbe"4ft4fulfortbe

^ ^ L u ^ « b . d a pr i f l f t V n r i l e f f l r e t t K W ' B a ' b j ' I h B - p r o r t o i i

. . r ^ . h d g m - e r f i n r ; ' a r i d t h e o e r F l e e s ^ o f « i r a c ht u _ i i r t n D t | i b f l l l b o p « i ( l f u r b y t h e o . n n t y o o l -l d o t o r , o r H t U i . w o n i n i y ~ i i i - t q i m l : m o m b l y p * y -i n e n t f i o u t - o f - t h o - f n i i d B ' o F - t h e m i d - o o u r t t y ,

_ A n h t i n l " f l r i t r t r y i n ' - i i m p o r i i o n I o - ( h e n o ' i m -F i t l i c s l r e B p e e t l w i y ; i u i I w n y


I l r s t u h U H i i u ^ t h L i , b t o t i o . U u - o q , c o u r t * , t o Ia d g a a b i i p o l l c o O o u r t « j o f t h a u l t o a . o T l[

l l r s t i o l f t » i ; o f . i t h h i , < a t a b i ; . a a d ; . s a U , i ti w l i c o c u u r t s s h a l l r o s p e c t l v e l y b o d e s i g nU t f i o l i r s ^ i w c o u d a n d , t h i r d p o n c e c o u r tw a b u i b y . . , ^••••M.iii.m -.•<- i h \ v . " . - '.-i . ! i , i ..-• fl. AndboibBuaoted^ThatmidooucUshiiU.bocaurta ofrocorcyiandiuiVD otucial.eoaJH,;and nil pereons ahall bo • nniouablo, to, puohui-tneut for contempt olwud courts in tho «auin'-itnuiiur aa iu otliur courta of reoord -of ;tld3

iowiaaaury.'-Ui theordarty-aoaduotaud biu^lcniuid'tirooMdlisof t u l r n w t i v a s

tf oiir librd. Olio tlif'^'Jlhocondlttohoftl

ll'that If Uie above b

A b l a u L u a c l i y e o r . J i w i i i a u d t t U c i U v o y£ r o u i . t h o j l n l o « t , K ! _ i i L b o i L ' J 4 , o r i i m y l i u i i i u d up a y a b l u u t u a r u g r . . p . r i o t l ) i < u . l u u y l i u d u U i r - fi n f n o . 1 b y t h o . . | { o v u r i _ ! u S l b « | y . j U i i i u j r . , t l u iB U i m , a u d c h s H b u l U p o M d q t l a H U U U u i i n u n ra n t h o n i i n g b o i l y o f m i c h u m n j a l i i l i

i n u b u c i H o a u s h a l l a n y

4. Aiidbo 'lt:omi;toil,illiat Itaimtl bo

lv,writfngB n

dutyftywcaiifioto Uo;:hycnrUioiiii)ii..-yflimintofintWvtjtVft

Uo;ruL^i-iiy^tdxatlmi, lii.-yfl iicdw&uy ttiimj-Uid

i b j o o t , ' t u ; t h o :" U i o c o u r t o f

w h i c h , t n i o h

urli!i the BtiltPrlilte >ebi>U' Jall-lMJ txpfrovcA b^-ttiid'Hub

ogilf tKfl nnsalilolltiurtKOOion ploaa of1 t!w cotliity in ^

t l i o fixed t e r m '(it flvoytu.Vsffou.«io'anto o ftiiutrsnld a i i r w i i i t r a o i i C n n t t ' a n t i l ' t l K r i r i f l i o - !c c f a o r t tti/9- t t p p o l i t t c d ' i m A ' t i r m l i n o d i r M b i n ,' m i s o a f a v n c i u i u y I n a n y s n o h b l t i c o o f - l i o l W

i u p t l o u U i o e n v e r n o r o C U i g ' s t n t o s h a l l fiflmich:V a c a n c y u n t i l t h a r d g u T n r n t i l K r i u t n i o i i b W Mh d s a h i o i a l i m d o . n a h t i r e l n W o r a p r o v i d e d ?

i r . . . . ^ J : L ^ L ' ' l V i y l t l h W

m. W _ j — . — ^ [-Vt-._ _.w— ;

j 4 . o o u r t A . o r i K i l l c u ji o e . J u u t i c c u f a j u i y s u c h , _ . J t _ „ „ — „ „ „

o f , o i l l c o p £ a u y m i d i u o t h e r p o l t c a ' J u k U c c ^ r 1

upbclal polloa juatte.exoopt'.uabso4 by th& a

apiMlhted.'uudor or recogojjco4 b j th& nit shall bo auitl i e r e b y ' a r t ) . t u r u U n a l w d > n d . . e n d e d l u p c i i i " t u b ;

horoln prtntidod,toooivoflnd bo polt,;oary oC tw«utyllvu

_ « • * * v « ^ « ^ u 4 d • * i M ^ a l t i l . • m n i i u p b i ' v m f t t t a j t i A t f P f O *

v l t d o n a a f o r e s a i d , I t s h a l l b a l a w f u l t o r i t h e '• a i d g o r s r a t a g b o d y j I n i l a d U o r e t l d u , b y *•v o t e o f a t l e a s t t h r o * , f o u r t h * o f W l l I t s m a m -

' " " • ' U 0 : > h l l ; ' U

meB8tOoh.niemb6rBh^fl!6.VthUiii1dlerk;said goVsnilng iboi3y.,h'i« jirritten eonsinf

Io that effeoti •cdin.t^at, ouo .bin. tdrm_ ofofllcB ahall eeasethe daV of the-holding.of

id'el»Uo*;;- fc""TF" ' T r- '' :-:•. p A n d b e I t e n a c t e d , i T h a t u n J e w t u o h o fh e ' t u e n i b f i n 6 f ~ B a i d * B 6 v ^ r a i n g ' : b o r l y ' B b a l l

file i h o ^ c d n B o a t t e r e l u b p l o r f l r e < i u i r e 1 f ' t h o uJ t h q . t i o x t raqnlolpal e i q c U o n E b j i l l b e h t i l ^ o nt h o d a y h e r e t o f o r e p r c s b r i h a d : b y ' l a w , , f o rh o l d i n g t h e a a m e , b n t > t b o ' - t o r m . o t : o f f i c e o fs u c h m e m b e r s o t o b e : o l e o t o d : e b a l l , e x p l r 6

n - t l t a 1 d a y ^ ' - p r e s e r f b e J \ b y ' t t . i t \ • o r d i o a i i e ai r h b l d r o K ' s t i o l i o l c o t l b o t e ' " • ' • • • ' . ' - i .'. • • —' 7 , A a d b V U e u a c t c ^ T f i ^ t h ^ t n t i u i c I p a l

r t c r , a p o n i b o " d a y \ : a j M * o \ ) a i i l . . l a R f t i d o n l Ui n o o . - - , • • , i . ' . i . I •'••'•'•'•,: •, ' - * * • ' " •

8. And be. It ctLieteJ,''1hat'alt o'flfsen,eleolad at tha olflo4Uon.wiiioh may ba belli f l tbtu forty ilnyifriltor the pftSMgoof; na.rirdlnariea'nrtdcf ]thaprovisions ofu,thiajiot-'cjinrjglpgthV tlrb^ ofLoldiDff stlfib AnrjnnL muDicipilnioctlon nnnl 1

bold pnieo:uDui -\ idr auoww*)"tfctedana qualfl-flJ-J1 (n"*jin-;n ;•_U. -Antf btt' (tenActtfl1, »TriJt1t!ie''niefn

i\ hia I. i l . • '.»iL

_ik.'tAm.. f j # I L i . i J . 1 -

i r p j a m ( j a t ^ M i D p S f ! , ^ l u « a > y y ; i n U i i . o t p > l ii i y . B o v a u o a . h y d b o 4 r J : o f „ p n u i u i t . n i o t i B M ,j y w h i v U o o T o r n a m e B a l d i J n a n i d p a l i L y rany

o ' d M l g i u t t e d . - B h a l l . m e e V ^ a A t t / y u i d o r Tp i u i K e f l D ' t b a ^ T n u r a d t y - l i e i t - B n a a o e d f D g

n i b a ' a i i n a o l i i l e C t i o t i ' - B t i i l e l o c t - O r n r n i o i a t

s a l a r y o f e a c h ( i B E l f i i a t i t p r O M o t r t i r o r o H a i dt d i n l l b * t v u i v s h a n d r o a d o ! U « i I n o a i i n t i o n

. v b e r e ' t b n / p n p p U U o n i i s a i i i r e i t u i n t a it b ' o a t A n d a m i n o t - m q r a ' . t h a n

i h J d l l Ui f h a r t t h ^ i i i i p i i l n t i o t i l a n i a ™ U i « j i » o v e n t yf i t * t h o u i a n d a n d ' n o t m o t e t l i i D e i g h t y - f i v et b o n s a n d j t v o t h o n j a r n d d o H n r a f a p u t l c a

1 0 . A q i ( h ; ( i , I t e n f t c t c a - . T h f t t ' a l l o f B e i j r s. e o U j d ' a l A u y l a n n u i r . ' , ' t a | i u i e i { i . t l * ' e t 6 c t i 6 n

a l t a r t h e t l n w : o f h o l d i n g - I b a a n m o m a y b oo h i t n g o d b y c r d i m o o t i t n o o c o r d a n o o w l t ht h e p r o T i f l f o n s o f ' t h i s w i t s n a i l , h o l d o f l l D c sf t a r - i f _ * , l « r t o o f o b e - y e B r : W u n t i l t h u i r B n i so t a M T M o r e c h o s o n a n d q u a l i & o d . " :

, I U A t f l ' b ' a J t o c ' a c t o i l , " t | u i t a l l . ' M L O , ' s p o >c l a l o r p u b l i o , J n c o n n i a t i n t 1 w I U i t h o o t *l o n s o f t h b i ( w t » b « t t n d t h i J , B a m a l a

l i a ht hi t hll

B i B l d o u t f o r -._—_— ^ . -t h o b o a r d h a v i n g c h a r g e o f . , t h o , , f u u u i c o a - o fs u c h c i t y t o b o r r o w t b a , d o f l o h ) a c / , b y . t q p i p p -rary l o a n s , a n d > t u p r o v i d o . i o r i t h o . . p A . ' a u j i i t 't h e r o o f o u t o f t h o t a x l o r y , n e x t . t h e r e o f tor t ob e n i n d o . ' . . • - . < ; . i . i , . . - , , „ ( . „ . : - . ; > _ _ _ - u : Vj.-.

S . . - A n d b o ' i t e u o o t o d , . . T h a t j o i w h j o f I h o p o -c o j u s U c t H h o r o l a p r o - ' 1 - 1 A- ' '--'

v h l c h n r e c o i l f e t n i L _ „ _ , _l f o ^ l n ' t t t i d f o r - t h C B 6 y e r t t l r c 6 u n t i c « - o f ' t l i O

u t a t t t ; a n d - f o r t h o p u r p o w o i ' r e o u V o r i n S ' i hp o n a l t y f o p v i o U i t h i r a n y o r d i n a n c e m r

a n y o f t l i o o r d l u t u i c c s o r T o t n u a t l o ^ s * * o f - i n i c hc l t y o r n r i y b o a i M o f s u c h / c i t y ; W i e s u o p r &o o s ^ ' o t t l u j B u t f o f i n i c l r " c i t y ; ' o l t h o r ' h i - t b o 'n a t u r e o f a n u m i n o u s o r w a r r a n t ^ a s t b truck

w h i c h s u c h p o U c e - j a s t f c e - B h a l l b o ' a p j w l n f •a n d w h e n ' M ' o x a o u t o d o n d a i J p r o v e d ' o f , f i « U .

n s o o r d a A I n U i o o l e r K ' a ^ f l i u j D C a u c l i o o u u lt l i t f i l e d t i i i c i t h e ftarn0« b e b y s u c h * ~ ™

l o i f j ^ a i i d , i n - . p u t t u a n y p v ' r w i u ' d p t i o i u fl i c e j u s t i o o f o r B u ^ o T t y a f l t L r b r S a I t i ; T j 4 f <

p h a u e n t e r I u t o t K o K o c i i H t y a f o T O a a l d i a l u .r W m i a n V o f t h o d r i t l d B ' r o n u l r t d o f h i m b y

l a T T , i t t W a l i o f f l w . - h o * i n a l l f o r m i c h d i E o n wf o r f e i t a u d p a y , f o r t h e u s e o f a u c b • o i t y . - t a u e 't * u u l r M i i o t U & t a b » * u « l f o r a n d , - — ^ - —' o t h o - . j n a y o r . o f - K u c l i i i a l t y to.,)

I B . A n d b e " ' i t : Q t i a ? t t i d , T l w t m c h p - i U c oj u B t l c o s o t s n o h c i t y t s l i a l l 1 ] M i y i ' o v e r ' d a i l y \o\t i i e c o m p t r o l l e r o r o o r r o s p o u d l n g c h i e f l l n a u - ;o U U o t n o o r u f m c u t i c y . f c i r U i e i E u o f t h a c i t y /_,. ._.... __. ,—^ g J . , ( j , 0 B l . r e g p o c " — ' - -

— - J t r o o o l v o j f r o r r i ' . a n j„ - w , t ~ . » u J ] " o ^ I f I c m t b ' B o o t l n t $ ' ' w U B • U u l .g u c n ' d t y l a - B i t i u i t D i o ^ l r o m t J i a s h o r i t f o r c o u t i -t y c o l l e c t o r • • • • • ' • • • • " * • - - • * " - - • " - - • "

parlonnad In* rtindoreU a

tlcaltUspntfahWl^inlifeos;'portaWoS, tegother with the cosbiof ••Kdf'.for

.-.'14* A U u b0-«bQ(U»UBOUt'^Uitli HRWPUUCO IJIW'

-tioes 'rf;i(my^uehtilfcr8l»U'at every- regularuify'~uraeeting:tof'>ttot<tenmari' oonncil.1doc «ldonnoatior»athpr- board having

oharga and control of thoOnancaa ID sucacity,

police' Justk* may u i o o s t i a d v l w t b l o ,a g a i n s t t b o i w r s o a o r , p e r s o n s . ^ c o r p o r a t i o a . o r_ * . i _ ^ m.~ —,-,-. .... o r d i u a u c o o r

j v h o u i u t h e" - f o r t h - :

. n u i n t a a b a U b a V a b o o Q f t u d i t o d . i

_... A i u l b u J t ,-txay. r a i l r o a d . <- f o r r a i l r o i u l O L * ' n u

d . l i y .

iyol^/pay 6V r to UIB. cotnptrbllerofluWimSaclnt omcer Sf such' Cltt,1

sobf *udi'clW all •mDney»-Uie«hy:gto bo duo soon city .rcmnuohpolicen»pecUvalytakln« tha'moafp

- , - I all suiViolation1 of nil

., jaiall suits Itutitutod bofora tn1 of nil ordinances of- rich trft

.boon vTioInted; and wlmt.mimnnr'IdaredtJaerein.iu^oJuwbeen viplatedi Mul^on, tho of the costs tor» - « _ - ! r _ .ifsuphprooejkorat.Uiefima^ wW0h lwIwthwo*M1?i i o5Wn»'M«uod owllci jwlicTBttaU1 naTo-adJpuriiod .t£q ™™,t- ">* ifeV.VhBtr.Trfwthortl

hoar testimony and to determine - and irivo'Lwfe[ndpnunt'iU'Uiomattot*without *tho- fUteg of ^


ymoocy was received oanoooiintiofit,'*udUiO(.whataiiioiint, and: when:

^ w l U i , - . L u n a 1 . , e x e c u t i o n p ^ a iB o o d a a n d c l i a t t l o t a n d pa u t o ^ d o f o n d f i u t A f c a d h -- WL . • t i w - v u t i p o i i o o r 4 - 1

u i t l c o i I s r i i r t l i i i r ' e u i i W w H r e d ' W ' u j Q I c I f i u i l l - * * • ••—---- — — ' « . . - - — , .m p b s o f l t t S a , ^ f l t ' ' K t o e c d t n e i - t b o u n n i d f ftfty . n n d t h e s u j t b e a n , ; a u e c o s r f u l

d o D a r a : o n s u e h p e r a M M a s « a a H ' - b A - b r o t u ; h t j u d c n i e i i t , . I t y . - t f n o a e . a u f l . , . . . , __b e f o n i h i m - a n d : c l i a r g e d ^ l t h • TO^cy-raik-' ™ & l ^ i m r t w a s - a W o p t e d r a n t f ' f l Q C h ' p B l i C ao r d e r l y c o n i l u o t , b r e a c h o f » t a a p e a w i , o r a n y ' J o s t l c e r B h a u a l s o k o o p t r r e c o r d i n t h u l r - s a l i t

. o U i q r . I l g t i t C i l I J ; a c o , i t , X o u n d r u U t j - . - . o x , i n h i s " d o c k o l » V ' r r o a p o c x i v o I y > ' ' " i i l l " c o t i i p l a l n t » ' O f - - B" - " — • ' - H i i n h p a r « i n ' B « i l n m j t t f l d t o ' ' p r i r o ' 1 " - ' fa"""'8 ' W h t o l i d l n l l I w i n n d n b n f o n i,_^ _ „ , „ • w o r k h o u s o , n h r w h a u j w d r ^ t h o m , . w i U i a t r u a s t a t o m a n t : ! ) ! t i i j . p a r U e a h y

m m i ^ U u r y ^ d r < ' a n y T O r l o d ' t t b t > * B x c t i M l n f f ^ t b o s j u r i on I n e ' 7 ' ' ' i ] a y a * { - p r o T l ( l e a f - U i B t - - I n a U o a s M - W o n r " - - *" * *-*--- < • _ . - - < — . . . . • • . - — .

p r l s o n t n e u t , Uo n n d u c t o d a a i n c mf o r t r l n l o l s u i o l L p i

i v . n , t r l n ] h . ^ .i b o w t r k l i l o h ts c s , a n d . a l s o i' a n a p p e a l ^ n a . ™

L s f o r U i i ^ t r u U b i t '

" 'thont •tituro'la, '^bpStSnl—Blip tho amount'of nald

invbUwnrtislocttt ' ' " • "

JjiohJdttlMSBhori . '"n>'11; ' .^uirt«raanbrii«i«b shall be t

lUchWaorrdDaaiaiUJjiohJdttlMSBhori ."n>'1b 7 b l i l i ) o \ v i i H ) d t i i « a t t a e i u i r t « r a a n b r i i « i « b ] ] s s h a l lw l I O B l m l l b p ^ f o u n a - g f t l l ^ o I a ' v i o l n t l o n ' o f I w l i oU u o r f l n m o c s o r T C m l o i f M t I b d f i '

yi*f wdllklt)!,'Initro^or-tba-lxittnl-of

wlIOBlmllbpfU,u orflnmocsjny mrfi dlr, '

be tidtlnti]o ooatro^ortcommijMtarercof sucholty.rhd li I

f wdllklt),Initor-tba-lxittnl-ofltr; '

g S i l t j o f t l i & m - a - t h o - r o a c e , - 6 r " o f ; n n y •' S o r l i g h t o u V n c b , t f i i b ' I n ' U i A * j u r } i i c l t c l ! l 6 n ' r *

• l i J Q S U W J . U O 1 M S o n t t o t h a J n D , w o r l c h o u s

.* o f l a n y b o a r d o f j : 1 0 . ; A n d l i e I t e i i o c t w l , T l u t s o c l r ^ w l l c o J n ir _ r e f o H i , o r a i ' g I f i c t t d e o a a h f t l l o b o c a r e f u l l y filo'iujdpnifiorvoe--1-

— j a l i a l l b o a n d r e u u i h i • t l i oo f m i c h c i t y , a n i l e a c h o f B a c h p o l l e d• - " — • • ' - ' - • •• ' • f c r t r p a u ' B B l d

T r h a t f t y e r " d o -d o c k e t ; t o t l m

, f o r * u c h . ; , t l n i o u ^ n c r s p a ' - v„ . - - „ - . n i a y t w e u i u i e a t , a n d t h o r e . t o R i c c o e d

> g r f o n n w q r i e ta.such.institution, a u d M o o n - t l c M fb r m US t i e r u l S n n d l a w s o f t h o s u n s ; ™ ' - - '

T l d o d . l i o w o v - E r . t h a f n o B n c h n o r K r a ^ s h a l l b os o n t t o B u d r c o h n t y - ' l a i L - T r o r k h o i i a o , a l n i s -h o u s o o r p e n i t e n t i a r y t o b e ttttiiflned- U w r u f o r1 1 l o n g e r , t i m o t h a n n i n e t y d * y r f o r a n y offvoot. open to exwniaitioii of tha mayors comptnj--

br, duaitor" and police comrhislouon midroombera of; thocomiDOh council board ' fi c o u n c i l . b o a r 3 ' o f

— J o g b o d y o r 1 H o a r dc a s h , n c c o u i i b i a a U l 1 »

—,.-. _ ^ _ J t o r b o o k s , w l i l d i s n i i lb o o t o r b o o l t a * h n l l I N S a i i d r e i n n l n u i o a o l o

i - p r o p e r t y u f B U C I I c i t V , a n d s l i i i l l n l w i b e d e l l r -i - ; e m d b y t ^ i d p o l l o p j u s l i c i a w t l u i p e r w u " —m^ TlUJntllU **- "" ••^

tdl'" *&-».«. ' H ' \-mttlmm^ .' -, ' - ' '

. i m i n t o f . i n t W v-UlpiUrtalliin)utrorb t

vftrwtr o r l i r . n c J . i ii - , u - t i l u hl l i t M l ' l

> 1 1 ; unfl nlwi.iiU1-fulling duu ,iliu

oneys •tnall'bij ns-ho fairtiomalr'ta

l ta nn aot .(latiiiud M A. biU pi e Z o i i n i l i f t l J i U

nUiiiuu»n(omi• m,tlnj

anil: dumb,1!ved Jbireh thoiuuuilliuu(h-oUanilulgriii>two.'--j < .> - 1ibuimotoa bj tHeHiiiiiUi'-aud Ge.iraTil

Awuinbly tit- tli<>4'9tfiWi>f--iivn-'jL-rwyi TUutwotiou two of tlio HOI to vrhk'lf thb h*a sap-plomont Iw ainondod to wad an follows: ' ->')-<.<%'AIKIIK'Itciiaou1*! 'i'hat takl instltuU

ich railroad sliall ftrosi nny fitroilarhisUwayi in any city it • slinll bo eitherlwve or below tliogrado Hiereof, atsuthtluvmico an aliall not hitorrVm with t{ia froo'add '

liuiitterrnptal two of kiu-hHtri*ets or highways:lirovidnl, farther,' that tlm conunon ouuircil '(ifiuiycityiuayp-antponnk^oiitoBiildcorti-iwiwWcrraasucbirtrpoUorhlgliwaTBatKrartBif they shall dcairffe to Iw tliiljiMtlutorrat'oesnld city; nnd turtliur prnvldMl; • tliat ia'tllo'ovuut thatvuch coinpAity Mmlt nnt, wltuih a,lidsouablo timo alLor notllluaUon from: tfiownnruoncouncil ol tilt] citVorcoutniittoe'af,^tlio township in wMchRUc i brldtfoa aud poet-h rd Ui be so conatrttctod or wpillrwlAirfa-

i> uonstruot or mpalr1 tho 'Htnioal* re-by thlH act tlio «iid o m il b

ont Iw%'AIKIIK'

ll b d

n follows: > )takl instltuUoii

t t%AIKIIKItciiaou*!, ihat takl instltuUoii

•shall ba undtr tlio control a_itl unuuigiuucat ottliu'stnto liaard vt odiiraitioti:< nuch Umrd tiiulihave all the power* nnd perform nll-tlio liuties•of tlio board oltnistws oiiiitai by Uio notw

h this l» n 'luiinii'inout, • 'which board o(

' •; O/'And bolt Cnn'ctftl, 'flat tills act stall tuka«ffo(!t-(inbioaidfc,.ly-.--:'-'!' •• -— .-•j;'A]piirom(M<tWB 17/1991;- •"•'j^t ..-.,: :;„.:-.;

; CIIAPTliR Xfjyill:'' ; • ••'-ypptg'uion't'.to.'pii (Vct'piiyUaljyai

Udit omtuhkL.JuMiiufk.Awnnilily.ot tbti, Skto ,of ;

itlbc tiruof tlio-acttofllil_lAifuitnk: .

ctoa, .That utl, pniiwriy.any. cnuul ,euiujj:uiy , u

umal.pitrivv^ij .utisill -IJO,l ux rd f . .«__L"*uns, wbioh

laupoiutedliy luaguujniuiyby n.auvJceandcotwuCor-tUti IMUIII

•Wondoy of JLiyj Uitiiifw^H-Hitratniipointoashall bu tipimintwl'to liuiii oillcu Haiiwctively•for'ono,-two, Uirco1 itml ftmr- vu t-n,-and until" ilntinenE -of- a ••mitTcswjr) nll-nubw--

ipouitTii'!tit»i'iilmll' bti.(orn tciincfrJ liKd-utilfl tbu niuiobiuiiuiit <i(irs:YiM.-hncItM'Bh!tll--l)i> filled liytho

uelnMNWttdlnnny>tiiliOiidorctiiiilcoinpuny? •cadi-iisK««ur:shnHi"liL'foitt'-enteringtipou lita dililos, Hlo with tho tMctvtnry ol stutu

MHitti tuUijii-buroron; jusalcuof Uiosuprwii-jnrtiliaf litt-iviU -faiUiittlly1 dlwlmrgo' Ui

'tlatl«'bthl!ruflli»l'iind'"tliat •Iwls mitbtlorestediaonr'rnh'rutiilor'caanl'torniiaiiy; theyBliallortch'ivcoivti'un Kiuwnl mlni-rof tw-nrty-flvo hundred dolltux; tliroo mcniliora eluiltcoastituta t uoraui, and my Irtllcinl hallta validtf-bluli )uw tUu

bersi aioyTuHyi'iiipldyawcrctary,wlioKh'p.uiiiuijifiiil coiiilwiiwilimi"(ia Iho lMsBwisioiViimJ.' HctcriiiitVej HAt IO-OSLillj-ttvuiiUiiaro.1 dollnrsv tliey ihall1 Iv

luaUullire: /tUirl&L Tliat thiw act hliUllU i T T t l l ' ' ^ •*"" ' ~ "

l w H i t r y *oiid claxj fur a lunger

arnithrintwUywirB- •••••••• • •--. Ba i t CtuiciCtl'liy tho Sfit.itc rrnrl Gencrnlibnibiy'oT'tlib- Stntoof New Jwssyf'flintll lU r 'tlWfiWitihd hfeS fa :tfW «nto -idin'olldUcaori:

ti-V&istihn'^n^&p tlio VrflirW

wlilctfthu illy t i & i s i n ^ n ^ r t l larid (ifttvo xc&p, tlio VrflirWtV ttroiuurci"aropj;icr"baiolui;UiU'"iiiia'h()jJ'dllMo'fdD r i a o f i l y u y t ! i i i J t » • -. • -. • - . ^ 4 . i . p

An act cm powu rlns HTUit'L1 nwn' lUoiiMuul unu UJCwbord the *.vntor TPgiEtmt- i:Uioiiooplo.:'t . BO itliuntled li)' the Sena to

_ -n diiwcluctod-by.

ml OCHUrwy, Tlmtiirtv-i

u b l y « t . t h a S o ut Now;itriiU aiut'niu'v* 'Im-• liifrftiffin unvwaroiistriir In niiy i-ityof llils'fllntu tlint is ndocUxl livtlio'i^tuio, "wniwin t thu nasist-aiit, or ilsskthuts W nMlitinin hia lawfullutioflUnitnru mm- |«\ivi.l';il for liylair, - ( .

• • A'. -And liu Ittmdclffl, Tliiit nll'aolsttml ilnrla'it ru^Ltwtfi Ecooml uitl nrwdal, ititSilisfetotitff(Ui tlii) [irovibions of ihls' aiit, bo' and tinsauio aro iii!rcuy'jviiealM : ' • ' • ' ' "V"v[irovibions

iii!rcuyt'jviielw H criiiiittbiiuiotUn

ns of ihiiealM. - Viiiitixi; Tlint tldViictH " [ '

P u j i n l i i M i i t ' I O d r i n e t e n t i t t e dC K t a V l l h l t n - i f t ' s t e u i l u f - p n b l k * ftI I t o - 1 • i t ™ V h l 1 p r i > T t - l ^ l " 1 i r r t i t w r t io n o t h o i b i u n l U l g l l t i t a n d i W l nTtuv

cluuiDory against such comiiany tn compel theKjBciflc ,porfomuuico. of..tliu.uutlea Impoa;'

;ipnii»di«joipnuybytlil«)( ' • - ' - . t~»id Iii. caea a docrvu 'aliallii'li Killipiuiy In' wild pMwutWtiiM'(IIttosm-clilciully'iierfrtrii.taifdiluadswithlii -^ >rwwiunrjlotJraoto'hethDrtliiflxod/iindBueh :-:uiipruiyEuallueglucborroftiButa upocdflcaUy • •«tunu atiuh Uutleu wtthlu -*nidiidriort-of - 'uio, tlie cluuiccllocupfaiu-iKit of such melact - ;;

writof tuJ*iuctioii,W,roiitrftiii >^Id.wnipouy .

ooms-of eniil prooowliiigs, lnolurtiiig^a . .alilu ullawaiico to tlu> counsel, for BUCII oity or-'-'Unvnshil>,i to.lxj flJOVl hy Uio cluuicollori and '•::furtltor provldod, Uiutfutch council,or,com-.-nitteo, in tho event of (liefaiiuropfuiicltcom-Muiy to coiuttrtict 'or'ri>iidlr'*iiuoh brldgca'ir iioasnKca nitliin a rewtooAblo time aftot* "loUilcntinn aa 'oTorfoiftld; •n.ny, if Uioy Minll 'icctiiJt uuvUiiblu, so to,do, proceed than-"iitve'B to cotiflUTiu't or repair Mitili lirldinM orwiaHugca;"iuid •wiiith tha' *ost thereof BliaU hnvoi bii iwonrUiUikl tba sima'iijaj*" bo 'tMltiAitod '

ofHiHlhwiiBddcdmiwirybyby-MiMcoiririidu ,cuuuoilor townshm couunlttet!•by-Hiiactionn t lawin aiiycourt ofcomiiutont jurixdiuUoh;lu-nvld(id.2arUior.Uiiitthoiioi7iu'»aian.ot Uiooomtuou cu " ""'•• ' ' - ' - - • —

'of cn._.D . . . _ o i m l u i U ap o i n t " ' \ r h u r d ' s a i d ' r n l l i• o m e p o i n t b u t w o o n t l i o i . r o w l . . „r o o d a n d t h a n e a m t t e n i l i n n a o f s a i d - s t t w t :

o r l i i g h w a y s h a l l b o i u a c t u a lp o t l o a t f i n u B ~ i f i ^ f | . t t e a m s ^ _^, „ _o f t l i e B o q u i m n o u t o f t h o r j g l i t o f w a y . o f p o j dr a i l r o a d a c r o M « u e h * r t r t » 6 o r l i l g h w n y . , • •. . "

D / A i t d " b o i t " o i i a c t c i l / ^ t b a t a l l a c t s o r 'p r i r i H D C f t C t s i n c o n K i i A m t V i l h t b u p r o v W o u so f t h i H O C t u o a n d t u o B a m o a r o h e r e b y r e -p c a l i x l . • • • - - v • • • - • • - • •• • > • - - * • • — '•<••- • '

- : J i ; i l n d b f l I t . e u n c t o d , . T l m t t h i n - a c t s h a l ltako o t t e c t i p i r n o i t i a t e l y , ; . „ . . . . . . . . ;.

1 4 A p p r o v D Q U a r c u J 7 , l K l l , . , . . . , ; . . . ^ ,

• J V a A c i ' t p e i i i i r o j r a r ' c W t i j i t o ' . o J j q i i i r e . i a j j d ^ b r;, n n b l t o a w l i v o o m i e m n a l l o u . -., - : „ ." ' 1 , - B o i t e i m c t o i l b y t h o S e n a t e a m i d e n o r a lA S u o t n l i l y o t U i o S t a t O ' t i E ' N o w J e t i l o y . T l i a t• w l i o n t h o p r o p o r b o a r d o r • o t h o r i J T o p o r m U - ;

4 1 M » - i t - p r o p e r I o " C f n t l r o ^ c a r t a l n . , k u d. w l i u U i c r . f i U u J i t o TClUiin o r . w i U u i u t f B a i d j o i t yt o r a u y l a t r f u l p u b l l a \ i m o r p u r p o s e , . a n d . "

' i l c i t y p r i l B t t E « n t D K u x i K f L u g n . 1 9 , w i t h ,

n c r p r ' o w n o r a o f e u c l i l i u i d w t t o . u i o

l o g a l I n c a l i i i c i t y o r ftlisoilCd o f . ' s u c h o w ' f l o r . ,

p u r v h n s o t h o n k i f , a d < j » c r i t r t i o t i l u . ' w r i t u i g ' o f . ;o f t i i e o c c u i M i u b i , i i o i i y t h e r o . . b o , a u d o f t h oov?i-t)KPT g p i i o v H a n d . o t h e r , p u r t i r a . i n t e r e s t e di t k n o w n , a n d t b o l r r e u d v u e e a , i f , t h o B O T U Oe n n b a n s c e r t o i n e d I i y t l i o s i v i d c i t y o r i t ea ^ i i t f i , e b a l l b o ' p r e s o n t o d t o ' d i i a o f " t u o J u r t i -b e t i o f t h o s u p r o m o c o u r t - o f t u I a N t a t o v i v h o 't l i c r o u p o n riiall c a u s a s u c h d r y t o p i v e f n o t i c e .t l i D i v o f t o t h o p o r s o D - 1 i n t e r w r t e d I t k n o w n ftit l i i a s t o L u , o r i t u n k n o w n o r c a m i o t ; b o f o u n d ,

i t o u t o f t i l l s : t t u t u , t a ^ n a k a . i m h U c a t i o n

r r i L i o b e r a a s h e r e h w r t e r ^ r o i - i a S i r a t W * h ] ^t i m o , - t i p o n « a U B f B G t o T y « v i d o n c o to t r i m o f t h o >s o r v l c o o r p u b l i c a t i o n o T ' m i c i t n o t k » i h e v h & l l •a p p o i n t n n u o r n f a l u u i d - t l n - u o i t n p a r U n l * a n dj u O l c i o u s f r o o h o l d o r a , i i ^ t u o o t e - i n t l i o c o u n t yi n w h i c h o u c h , l a a d a o x o . b i t t m t c d , t o . e x a u u n on u d a p p r a i s e U m s n i d l n n d a i i d ' t o n s s p s a t h o'" i i a g e s n p o n H t i c l i u o t i c o t o b o g i v e n t o u i o

a o n s I n t e r e s t e d ftaBlialllw'diAMjtM h i ~B i r a U b u d l r u c t M b y t h oh n p j w l l ( t J r t i t t I t , ' u t t t l o s st u h j J l I w t l w d u t y - c f t l i o0 i i t k h d

J n s t i c o n u U O i i f f s u ct l i n u - t a n - d a y s ; n n d i t u h j J l I w t l w d u t y c f t l i o :s a i d e o m m t a d o n o n t 0 > " v i n e < l i r x r . - t n k o n - f t h d -B u b s o r l h e d a n o a t h o r n f l l r n w U o n b e f o r e n m o ;

p u n u n d u l y a u t l i c i r i z i t L t u a d i u i n l s t e r , , . U i o .'m n i o ^ a l U i f u u > n n d i u U H U i J l i y U b, ^ a U uthi) n i u t t v r i n i m i ^ t i t

Gi r t f U i i l a p p r n u t i i n u n t a s i i f i t f t w n l d h i m tj a e & i r d l n g t o t h e ' M A " o r t n e l r W a i i ; a n d

u i H l c r s t n n r l l n g ) t m t h t t l ' t l a ln r p u i n t L ^ j a n u - t otL^j anuto prtK jwl

thonUlanirt'Mia.tominltaJilB ajijiralKtiueut. fuii_.oiorceoid, tabe mid liy tho. city; .vldck

rtiibaHlioiuaao, tniiicr Ujqjmuda.or .(cuiiuuuslonont, or any two of Uiuiu/ouimt^UaTBUioi^nir;'toi™flior\\vllluimt^Ua.TBUioi^nir;toi™flior\^Ui

llmdoaiaiptlOrtoftllo Untland UM anpolnt-lnctit nnd oaths or atlinrmUiiraaforat^.iihuU. 'twtllwl in-tlio clerk's oHh»<if tho countywlHtlii.wbicl! HuehlcjiiLi.aj-e filt«nt«],'lorw-nmhi.otneohL thorubi^ aud- tji(u\upeat, aud •..uiinnyniont.or tender jo&.payment .o£ tho—"int *o awardixl to Uio nr-1 "

I tliorato. us oiv*n<n-&l.;.t.'.'.-^.l..:. ,tr.^'.~T,t*'' l e g 1 U i o ^ i i V r ^ i t H , ' t r i ' o " » a r i ' c l l j - i V E e r o b y o h i -

i f o n ' c r ^ t ^ o u l ^ ^ i p o u n j i d ' T d K i J p o f t k s s l o i i ' o f -I I A i B i U - b s a d ; a m i r d K f t l d > t b c r o t o T o r - t l w - .[ i i t n x j s w f o r ' w l i i a b t l i O " « u n o • l i - t a k a n f j l u i l lU J K I U t u c h " p a ) T n o n t o r t a a d o e i m s t i r o o n J i o

c i t y , n n d . l a . . c A a u o f t . . . d l ^ n u t o : b o U i T x i u . f m ro r . o t h o r , p o r t i u . - . u i t m - ^ e d t o l b e f r '

v a r i ^ h u o r tfluin^) i n a n d t o u i c t m i n i ^ *w l o r n s L - c r t n l i K i l t m d u r t h i s t u % " t l i < m '

anld c i t y l a h o r e b y t r a t l i W r b w i n o i m y t h o :_ . _ J I M S U B S W I f o r t h o w i i i V h i n d - t o t h e v l e r k f o t •'t t o c o u n t y I n w l i i d i s n i d l n n d s a r e rituatfel,t o l i o ] w u i l o u t ' O u d d i s t x i b u U H l . b o t n ' c e u o r 'u i u o u g U i o p a r t i e s m i U t l t > d t o t l i u m u i b b y t h i )o n l u r o f U 1 9 c l r t u t t , t - - o u r t ; o t f v i d c c u n t y u p o nt h o a p p l i c a t i o n , n l n n y n r i i i V r i n n r o o r t t i o t i i ,

• 0 u p o n U i o n p t i l i c a t i o n o V , r l U i o r p a r t y , o r1 r v n - a n a b l a n o t t c o . I o ,.l$-a, g t l i e r s ^ t a x a n i l :

i o i i o r B a n d o t h e r l K . i i B t m i i l i c r r b n n l n i ra n y t o s o l d u t y ' I n ' t l i o ' . p r u i i i l s o s ' ' a s ' h o fihall

- t u u t i r « i t d t n l i i c " i u i d r f g h t , " w h i c h s h a l l ^ b o . .• p a l d l t y t h o e a i r t c i t y ; n m l - I f u n y ' o r - a l l ' n f ;

o m v i r s o r o t h o r . - j x i r t t o ^ I n t o m t o i : :

b s e n t f r o m , t l i l a c t u t u o r i n i d u r a n y l ii t l i u l d l p f l m l i J I q a U i o m l r o n L m

h i m , h e r , —" ' tty t o p a y U i o i w i i o d r i t

n i v a n l od i t y o' t d m cstall'; 11011" 1

jnty ilnnbJch'ni'chlttiiiisuro fiTnia'ted aid itbo tho duQ of tbo eai4cleflc to reoeirethg

Page 4: BARGAIN ROOM pue O- F^#4 contains more ant otbee j hflsthe lrtrgest;•; northern new jersey. % vol. xxi.

fame to lie |Miil I-, tin) imrliLS emi t M l tin. t - . l iy l l iu un lo r •>[ tlm jud^o nf ||,,- t i nfonrtnt l]]f MIIII o m n t y , niMiii L H . burthe i r (ippticiitioii f o r t b o tJimo. urnl i-vury iIlll <>| Mlrll iwiytli-lll, |<-<-l><rk,llK l>ii-Jiy, xl..tllU> " j u n a l v i i l I; jmiiii-iil, K.iKirli>-»i-nlill<il t l i i n l n i i n i l nlmll . . i -n i t .

cat. t l i n - m lo t in - i a - J ( <•ii.un C-.III«r t i l . t r rtlllTr-111 HIM Mllll l,IIJ<l.slir*- ;.IIHUlnl

>. Atul I - i t ••iiiirUil, 'i'lint i-ifiv- ii|>|

Viwl ill t . iu i imi i in .Ni t fuluiiiljiiH.Mllui.iiui ti.lii' -if tl.i.vnluu ofiLnim^tTtNiistiiiiuil, if miy,Niiil tiiurthlmll i l i rwlu lfiuinttl Imim-uii itiu tuirli.llii>wii<li)ii>^lii)iiim(li'ili'r

i|-m 'Hi*' linllli'l" IsM

iiNiiri c- duty of>.., ir miy;iliiiL'hlmll i

X11i l ' inu-lv m

niMn if I H>,KII<>, i tili-y X.11 Mi.-«vwl n l t l i r i l i a l i>n <n>ii<tIcliiincint; lli& v:ilunH..nt.f it*^>*iiii>iit .ifLuicV In mii-atiim :uii tlit> IIHIIIII^-H in Ills, litlit-lr or itn fuvor, mill ximll J«IV v»AslIKIIL-. i t o r tlmy hlluti full so Midi; lull no

t>»il bluUI titvvciit tlio city from tnkinh-lllll U1N.I) lillllS til.. fUlllIllissi'lUOiK' R)

uuilai ianl mill luymuiil, <ir tomlcr loimitkia of Hie iiiJKiiiiit t h'Tixif, iia h«rehfuru (tniviikil, niiil u (iiirty ni>.i-|.linui"i

wikiviiliWutiiivn];Hint HJHUI tlio 'vi-nlii'tliu jury IIIIIIK tlio vulunof 11m laud i<liuimgia tliu i;uiirt ahull filter jiiilfjiiti'iittha uuiuuut therrof, with cir w.tli.iiil inUMIlllll UKtH. IlLt'Ol'llillLT tit tllU |ll1.viMllllS (if tnet unri tin- i.riiK'inlu »[ biw ii.tplii.-u.ilt; totrial of wniiUr issiifs in .ttliui- «IM-#, amij a t U U I U U U ]

to uiilito thu [HiimlitH

jiKlKitniitix nfiorttur.iVL'nlicL h ^ a l l U lliu <Iuliilir tlu- IIKIIIKVMI imlil inl

it uf'tliL' wiiil ji l tl

uto thu [xiyuu-iit uf'tliL' wiiil jmlmiK-titiimlitH, it miy, iL'ijjii.l Ui tliu t-iiy.3. Aild bo It eiuu.lMl, Tlmt iliU a

.11 MK for thu »ii|.oliiliii<mt'<>IMt thu iiNr-i'nwi]- in (•(-rlaliicil

ml in wtilili tho total ;

wlto lOiitlllw uii<lL>r HIM ilirtx-tidi am I cmiliUf MIL'll llUM-AMir, 1111(1 ft) HI 11 H'lllL'l- Miull UJrflUlOU UX Hill)* lit! IKH'lUihltiy 111 tllUHSMfrillllj-l

itiiiJl IM »xwi l|ii.'lCi«i('l l>'v tl 'u l 'njiiiriioii"-iic l lo f suc-lH'liy, iin.l Klinf! no t In miyciiMi

"s! AndS^iroiiIitt^rTCtnlliwu'ormof iicUiucnnfilKlentwIth this nut be amibfttuo nro liLTolty rupenlttl.

It. And bu it wim-M, H u t lliis net tltnko effect iminoUiflii'ly,

Approval Alnrcli 17, lbl'l.


A Bumilcmout to ou net entitled "Au aet ecuniiiig corporations" [lluviuldul, apprcV'

r> •• - i elgiit '••••'-cemlApril

d MH

rpuni'iitli, vt J h

un [UMJiuuud

1. Doi t oiuictrtl by the Roimlo nud GenoifAsMSiiililr of Uio Hlatoof Noiv .Tymuf, Tlinsection Ifrty-two or tlio act t« wliluh Oils Is iaupplemcuL Ito luuuncjixi so IM to rvuA

Si 'Aui l l iu i to imdwl , Tlmt nil inauiifucling-ix-rfxinitii-im within this staiu tdiullilrtit iluy uf AiiKUKt, In ciu-li nnil uvt'ry yeitruiilowtHunutttliLTiiiKviili: day for tlmt jnii-I*wo lH) Jlxtil ill ilii'lr dmrtor or by-Jaws, urniii tlmt ou-u, limn UII Uiu clny so N.utlafUir rutwrving w e randnliuru their uupltal stock -laiiiiiiuu workluu cuiiilul fur HIIIII coriKirat.foti, a

, 1.11111 to Lo Bj-oolllwl by Oii'lr liounl -if directurn, aud not DXCCCIIIIII? thu nnioiiut of ono-linliof tlio capital stock trnld or «!i:uml to Iw milldodin-emllvldcndoftliowliolu uf tln-ir accu-mulated profits eioeodtng ths amount soreserved a* a working capital, and pass sshare or dividend of each sloolcholdor oisuch profits to the credit of their respectivestockholdet H and pay the same lo such stock,holders oa demand; provided, however,that when iuoh accumulated profits shalloonilat IQ part of real property or merchan-dise necessarily employed in the business olsuoh corporations, the same shall not b«

o w o m u t dbntloi iorronAfit of mwA aWdeud,1MB » mijortty of tho board of dlnfoton o•tookholdon shall by resolution dec]*™that all or some part of the tooumaktedproflm wbJoh are InTeel*d In real eatata omerobaodiBe as aforeuid, shkU bs used upart of tho aooamnlated profita tor the pipo«o of a diridend. - __

a.Airfbeltsnaalott.Tliat Uita asl aUlak« effect immediatelr.

Approred March 17, 1601.


An not antharizlnR ths olUen of Ihla lUterone* maturing water bonds,

1. Be it cnactod hj the Senalo and Oberal Assembly of the State of New JerseyThnt wheittKr »ny water bends heretoforebned by any board of water conuniBsionenior OUIOI ootapetent board, in theoorporateboard ot any dty of tab alnte, under theauthority of law, shall hereafter mature aiahatl ba fatld by any wviuga lnBUtaUonInls aute under and by Tlrlne of an orderdecree made under the authorltj of an a-approTcd April fifth, one thousand obhhundred and BeTenty-Dight, entiUed "A•upplement to an act entitled'An act con.owning MTtnga baukt,' approved Aprtwenty-Qiet, one thousand eight hundredfcndaeTuitydx,1 the bowd of woUr com-miwion«sc(B<ildoit*,orany other boarofHddoIty.tftherebonohoanl of wate;oommisilaiiera, harlng charge of thifinuioeiof tald oily, may renew the wholiamount of Bali maturing bonds, or unloss part thereof, by the inning In the coponte name ofiiaiddty, hoadstotis denomlsateti on their faoe [name of oltyl dt]watorboude, bearing interoat at a rate notexoueding flta per Centura per auuttm, andand tha iald loterest ehall bo paid eaml-an-Dnally, and ths principle of aald debt eballba payable at period* of not lew than tennot more tban fifty yoan from data: anthe wot«r oommlsaionera. or other competent board as aforflfiaid, may ciohango (heuune for aatt maiuring bonds npon fluohtenna M tbe olunoellor may dtrtot, whlobbonds ahaU bo of the deuDininatlon of fiftydollar* and nmltlplos Iheroof, and shall beex«oot«d under the oorporata seal of saidcity and aball ba algneu by a majority ofthe members of tbe board of water oommta-jrfODen, or board having charge of Ihannanoea of the city, if thero bo no saidboard of water oommlaalonors, and shall becountaralBned by th f ld it

„___ by thB mayor of Bald cityand a ieooid of all boudi Issued or disposedofsballbokcptby said ooinuiissionerB, orthe board ha-fing chargo of tho flnanoe* othe elty, If there be BO board of water eommlsdoDen, u d copies of such record ahallbe toade and deliTartdto the Ireosiirer orotfaernreperfinanojaloffloerofsaldollyj said bondsBhaU have oonponi attached for every halfyear1! - interest until due, or may be regis-tered, or tho principal of th* coupon bondsmay .be registered, at tho option of the

S. And be It cnaoted, That In CMS themanna reooived from water supplied ahallnot In any year bs sufficient to pay the In.terestsuiaaUltbeneoeaaaryezpenie* of thaoperation of tho water works and supply, snamount equal to moh deficiency shall beprovided for and paid by the said citj, u dtho proper authorities thereof are hereby

- jnlhorixed aad required to assosi and raiwfor that purpose, by tax, such amount asmay be ceoeuary in addition to the othorlute* authorized by law.

8. And be it enaoted, That Iha waterulssJooeriofsaldcitj, or other board hav-ing ehargs of ths water supply, ahall flx thewater rents or priMs for water, with refer-

; enoe lo paying from the proceeds thereoftho Interest and principal of tho bonds as

' Ihey reepeotiTely fall due; aud such por.tloss of t u money received as may remain• ibr paying aU eipenae* maintaining theworks u d ralsica and dlatrtbotW the

' Wktar, and salaries, van* and ind.dtntal ebirgesBhiJlU applied fint to thepay mentor Interest upon tha bond* issuedunder-authority ot this act, tod next to thepnrohaswof said bonds if tha same cm Uobtained at ruaonable rates, or if that can-not be «fleeua, than to bo safelj imeatedand allowed to remain as n sinking fund lobe applied to Iha payment of the bond*nmnrlty. = •• ,

£ 4 . And ba It enaoted. That this act thallbe deemed a pnblia u t and shall take effortImmediately.

AjiproTcd Uaroh 17,1B3L


An aot regulating t tu maturity of certain' ' ' ' • ' oommuoial paper/i

1. Be It enac,'ed by the Senate and GeneralAmembly of the State of Wow Jeney, Thil

, all bill* of exchange, drafU and promiaaorjnotes made after ths passaga of thli actwhich would othenrias be payabls on anySaturday shall badeomed to be and ahall bepayable on tbonaxt ncooeHlog seoutar orbnlneMdaT'

3., And be U enacted, That all aoU andpans of aoU lanonalBteot heravith a n

: hereby repealed, and this act ahall tako affect: Immediately ' '- • , •; ; A ? Maroh 17, IWli-/",•." . ; . ;

JOINT IlESOIiUTlON NO. ILJoint itoH-jlution authorising the payment

certain employes of the senate.1. Hu it rt'solvfd by tb* Senate and

(-ml AuHviulily ur thu Btato uf Now J tTliat Ilii'to I'd intiil tn llol-ort A. lingMIII Williuu. II. UeKulb, aulbtant do.feei-iK.™. tor MTvicoi. duriiif> the lt>K>H'ulim-Hnimiuf IMI, Hit, hum uf lh reahum'

ii. And be it ciuictud, 'flint tbia ju:itbulntii-ujihull tnlto effect iui " ' '

Aj)|novud UttruU 71, I8S1.

UUAII 'BU OIX.A tiuppli'jiiout to im act DntiMml " Au

t?IIrillifi ciLj''ll QIJil 111U i.lei ItH 1 tiiJS Of thlnlo to crtttto uml iu alii t l io a paid<lu irnr im out," n]i|irove<l March fltst. i(LOUPUUKI o1|{lit huiiilrvJ aud eigbtj-aix.

WLcitufl, Gorlain oitics of thin BUIO hud tip led, or niuy hereafter adop>, uxioit iKtotho torus thereof aud by a tjurity of tho popular vute, tho provisionof an aot cutitltid "An aot to rutnovelire RUII pgliue dopaitmunta in tlio uilof this Btato from political control,"proved Maroh sooouri, ono thousand eiglLundrcJ anJ eighty IIvo, nud in acco^ance with Ihe provisions thereof Laicreated or may Uoteafler orette a hoard iflrooomuiisflioiier-i to whloh has beentuny be hereafter ba committed the ooitrol find management ot the lire depanmoot of nuob city j aod whereas, In sueciliea aud in other ok!as that may hernf Icr udopt Iho said aot, it Is ot- m a ; Idesired Lo create a paid fire doparlment wbich shall be nnder the contno( the boards of lire oommlsdomtherefore,

1. lie it ouBOtod by the Senate and Oeieral Assembly of the Stale of Now Jene j' that tho act to which this is a sopplomoibe so amended that la all the oitiea whlbavo ctaLUehed or wlloh may heroafterlobliuU a board of nrooomtuiiuia-acrsoroalimdor and by and virtue cf tbo not aiproved May second, one thouRaud algliiuudred and eighty-fire, untitlod " A uto rcniova the tire and polioa dopartmfrom political control," the oreation

* "nhiuont of a paid fire departmeulbu had and made by resolution t

eaid bounl Biid lire uoiuuiiBalouers, adopt*by a Ibroo-fourtbe voto of 6alJ oonimiauloiinutcod of by general ordinance- of the <inou ooutioll, board of alder men or tguvurnlng body of natd city, of Is providiby tlio not to which tills la a supplement,

•Jt. And be It enacted. That the said resilution aball he and remain inoperative untaseenled to approved by a majority of "legal voters voting on the nubjcut atregular ohaiter clooilou lo whloh such reailution Bhiill bo referred for adoption by lluaid board uf fire oomroiBilonertj providuthat publio notice shall bo given in at letwo public newspapers of the said olty f oileast two weeks before tho said electiontbu iiurpoaeof said eominlBslouer-j to Bubiumi IJUOSUOU lo tlio pooplo Tor attopttou urfcml.iiJ. nuti tliat HS'ont or dUsout aUall bopriisscil iniun tlio rojtuiar bsllols by llio vcrtiwritun or priiitod, ur partly wtltteu ur parti

priuttU, Uiureon, "Tori psiilflredouror "aGaiiiHt a ])*ld ll re dopartmttit."

8. Ami bo lt tiutctod, T U t npon tho rattlonand adoption of said resolution by>puUr ahsll bo tbo duty ot a•arils ol tiro oomnilailoneiH tu present to>tcm<>ii uoniicil, board of aldorm'-n.orolliiivLTiilntf body of suoli oily, a detailed alitoot of diosiuonut ot moneynuedod for

puruliisa of ttio tiDKinoi. utensilg acJ aupatua ocoeaenry (or tbe offoollvo eitabll.litaof tliu said tiro departaitjut, and It sliall boduty or tlio ualil outnuion (wuuoil, board ufdiTinen, or other govornliiK body, aud ittioreby lixjnlred t i raise snob mono; by tiio

"" ' two ot liondslu tlio maiiuor providtit tu which Una is a gn|)['laaiUQt, at

toappHijirialobaiJ mouoy to Mid twardalire ouuimlttluiieri Tor tholr uio andiliipoiUon lu tlio purchMs or said .eagliioj, ulunaiind apparatus iu tbe method tty wlnnb t!

jaid boards of Ure oouuilislonora nov maonrcbaBcs under tbe aot to wUiah till* is a atploment.

1. Aad bo it enioteil, That for the mainoaucuand support of Iha aild flredopirtmotho said board of tiro commissioners stiibate authority, sod are reiinirod, to miko

uuwl, board ol aldurmon„ „ body, llio u m a dnutled es

mate of expemes that thoy now h»v« authuity aud aro required to mako for tliemslut

oof iho diparlmeuts now under tbol__ _-o), uurler and by vlrln* of tbe aot eItloit "AU aot to remove Iha fire an i polklupsrtninutii in tbo cities ot thli Btato from(ollitcal cutilrol," approved Maj secoad, one

thcuaaDu eight hundred and olfihtv-ilvu, au<Jtlio several aupplenieuls therelu; i-rovittedthat In making euoh eslimaki tho said boards)f lire commlssionon shall be limited to theniftilmnro pBr capita, Ut, aa provided In I!

UBO Is hereby repealed.0. And bo It oniotod, That tbis aot ebi

take tffuot Immodistely.Appruwd March IB, 1891.

OIIAPTBU OS.n act oonfierning cltlei of tba tlrst class inthis slate, aud logalailog officiU searcbea olmnDiclpm.Mwrdic.f-.uo6 iltlei rospeoUnimnnlolpal I leas on rsal eatata altsale withlitbe i*nie,

fiareaa. much litiuatiou, IOBS, ooofulon _ ,inoonvsolonoe baTo been oauwd Riantoraami grantees of real estate allnated In thelarge cities of the flrat ola» of this stato. byroaion of numerous mnniepal liens bylaiattaoblns to snoh real eaUte, for uxea, aiBOBaraenls, water renti and oil or mnniolpUlions and charges, as well as ula* therefor,being wrongly or patUaliv reoortleil lu lU»uumoroui records of tbe many dopittraentiof snob large oUlti; and nhereas no mnnl<' ilaffloer at such lugo oltles berotofort

any general atat-it such lugerrthjalred byi

ute ol UiU state ta make ind properly oeitify tbe requisite offluial aoarohss ol tbo mnilalpitieourda of auob larte CIUOB,could bihold leRalli responsible for tho oorrootneaiof BuanoflloluBcaicboa regarding munlol-pal lions and charges agunal real estateuilDKto wilblo tliocorporato llmiu of saohcltlest now. therefore,1, Be lt euaolcd by tho Senate and Geueral

tsiemblyor tbo HUte of Mew Jersoy.Ttatvreafter Iho oDIoiU soarcbes or mualctpalccorus respecting all munloipU liana andbwgCB agilnet land nnd real estato altuaUdUlna theoorporatolliultttof ultln uf the flnlais In thia Ktatfl, tlnMl be nude, aud tbo cor-JCIDO.I of tbo aamo dniy oertlEod to, bj theomptroll?rnr fiorresTmndinc oblef fllOloerot suoUclty hivlnu oliarKaaud

- ' — ipeoUnsoOloer of snoh olty hulnuuf muniolpil reoordt reslions and ctiarges asalnit

pecting tnanloli.lands and real et-

h l l b

elpenso in the manner and form horciaaftorprovided, acd for snoti pnrDone said mualolni"' -il hoir assistants aud eraployaei.

full and free aaoosi to all tho mu-nicipal record i nr soch city or any board or diparlnieut thereof.r 2. And be It enaoted, That said official•earobos reBMoting mnnlolpal IIODB on land orreal estate sitoatB within tho corporate limitsjftlieBsmo.aud to be made ana certified bj[lie munfolpsl affloer tbsraof as aforesaid, sliibow tn deull and be in «Ue form folloffIng;I. A comet map or diagram 0[ tho trat

larcel, lot or picoe ol lanii and red oitate u .rhioh Boob offlolal aearch represented to be•silo, and •bail plainly BBOW tho traol, parceltorpleooof land aad real eg Ute IDIOOII

iltyon wlilcn sach oQciil searoh is mule; thelorroot duauDBiDOS ol the sama la Qguret: tbelamoornsmoB of ttio itrcet, ateauo, lane,loi.roidorLlgliwajun'or near whiuli thaItlUndandreU oatats la located: and thoLmearnamosof thenekreBt croii -IttbeU,-erniei, lama, alloys, roads or highways In

luob olty to suoh land and real esUte, andinch names eball bo plainly marked or writ-cu on said map or diagram;II. Sath offlcial toarcb sball plainly SDU

Dorrectlv atato iu detail, nbelher or nut at tbedate tboicor there eilst any UP paid or utioan*soled munfoipU liens or oharses tgaiiand and real estate mentlonod and dei uIn such ofhoUl aeirch for or on aoooant of aoyinniclpal tax, aaiessoient, water rent or anyIher municipal lien or charge whataoeverjerfltofore levied, aaieisad or nuda by or onKihair of sneh oily or by any departmeaihereof, against the said land and real estate:III. In case tbero Kb all exist any munlof pa.

len or liens, charge or charges sgalnxt theland and real estate mentioned In in oh ofBojtllearch, then and In lhat oat* such offlotallearch iliall stioir in detalllhe several sums or-.mounts due to sach citjr or any department(horeof, principal, Intirest, cost and penalties,aod lor what inch lien or Hens, or charge orihargos on such land and real estate Is or areIne aud owing, and tno data when the sameBeamt a lien or a cbarg} thereoa,8. And be It enaoted. That Ihe rlleroroorxtip:ndlD(t oblef Bnand-al oftloerany aaob olty atoreiaia sball be and

reby Is authorized and empowered, take »nd reeeWo for his OITQ ttie andleutforthe Individual urvloe* and dintomenta of himself and his prvat* aiaiit-

its and Dioployses, In and about the makingnek official aearoli regardlnjr mnalolpalson It d> and real aslateaa *fores aid, ai not exceeding etgtit dollsiplote searoh a* hercla above .„„lns» any alogla lol or parcel of Und. andsneb comptroller or other eonetpondlng

officer as afornaiid by thia aot anthariBBd toaakeaaeli official Bearobea regardlag mnBlcl-

il liana and oliargea on lin l and real estatei anna city as aforosalrl, and who shall uhargaerofor a greater amount than the stun or

eight dollars, sball be deensd guilty of a mis-demeanor, and Dpon eontlauon thereof shallbe punlshs-a for each oBanco by a floe of notl*sa tha t flve hundred, dollars nor more thanu e ibooaaad dollars, or b* lmprlaoomenl not•zoeadiDK one year, or both, and shall foreverLboraa'ter be Incapable ot holding any office

fler the ffDvanmout of this state, o r of anyiniolpallty thnraaf.

*..And be ltenaet«d, That any person ds-ring to bave any official searoh asaforewtdadobvraeh comptroller or correspondingliorfinincialonioeroraneh elty shallmakfjiplleatlon therefor lo sach offioer, and suchplication sball be addrened to saoh offlaor

bo signed uv iha w r w n niaklug tbe same,id abalt b a a printed or writ too, or partlyrltten and partly printed, app:icatlon, and,aU describe tba land and real estate oaliohtheaeareh desired I* to bemad*, t o'•-rwl.ii tbo name of tha repated owaex

if; and aneh applicant ahall al tbe timetbe delivery of such apylioitlon aforoiaidsuch offioer or sach city deposit la cash'i him, taking a receipt taenfor , theiunt to be charged for m o t s u r o b : aod

1 " — * " - - i i f o r s - a H ba made..— _ . jmonntiobe charged

____ bodepoaltcd Uierawitaaaaroreaaia,and la that oaM s»ld offleeror snoh city

J not make BUOII official l a a n h and ho abafttoll v refuse ao to do.'"- ' '\. And be It eaaoted,'

niorntloa Tisatd by r

»r injury po-

prnvidcd to lie umlu and ottnldo'l lij HU<-Hy coiitplrotifr or eorrr!»|r»nOiiig lininci

IT cxr ol iuy city BI iruruiKid,fi. JVuJ be It oiiBDtud. TUat th« nald cmu

troilur oroorrcctioiHlint; cliicf tiniriciftl nH'iu

iri'll>Hi iur ttiti Inlhlul |)t>r[(inii>iiiou ur il

iipuin (JIIHIIIP lu tba •iu''tiijt ur t.'U llio.Q'l dullii^a uliicb ij'jiiilpbAiJ Ut* KLMlifted' iIL' miyof i uiiil uuuh liuiid ma/ lie (irunL'tiuiirtlio bunelit ul auy poriou ur [tureuu* •

ineJ br reatoasioniuauy ...

ud curtiflwl bj aaj- such <

atluuot tnj AIICII |iu r corp

7. And bo It enaotdd, That all acln nodparts of aots, genoral, Bpocinl ot local, iu-oouBlstent witb tbe provisions of ttih act,bo and Ilia same aro horebj repealed, authat thU not shall take effoot bnmediately.

Approved March ID. 1801.

CUA1TEU CXI.An aot lo authorize the appointment of

hoard of oomininalanora lu rapretteiit tbKiaUj of New Jordey ut the World's Oulumblan Etpnaition, to be hold at Otiic^o i

nicety-threa,1. Bii it enaoted by the Briuato aud

era! iuseiublj- of tbe Stale of Now Jot Hey,That there ahall be appointed for tbe state,by tho governor, elgbt perdoau, who shallbe rtuldunte of Ihe BtnUt, who shall consti-tute " tha New Jer-wj oawtniisioiJ."

2. And be It ccBoted, lhat it shall be thduty of the Mow Jersey comulBaion to co-cperate wilh tbo Worldn Uolunil*oommiaslon and with iho boarddirectors of tl^ World's Oaiuiut

in euoouraginf; und forwardlag" tbo olijrtda of tuo iuteruillon»ernosltioaof IH'Xt, outuotizwl by tlie Congram of Die United 8 la tea to be held iu tbcity of GMoago, and especially to organizeprepare, euparlntnnd aad Iiavu Iho gonemlmanvgamont of tho Now Jornoy dep.irlof tho Batf oipoailion.

3. And bait ouaoted, Thatto aooomplifilithe objects stated iu Ibe noxt preoudtiiK shall be tho duty of ttio "No* J.any oomm.Bflloo" disaeuilnale throughothis BUU information regarding ssld txpoal.lion t to Iftbo meafinrea to set-uro Ibe cooperation of soientiflo.agrloullural, uicobani-cal, manufacturing and other tuucniiitions inthe several ooanties; to appolut cooperative

littesu (whore the puupleof lUe localitydo not appoint), representing tbo nwpeativeIndualxieBor tbo state i to mi urn lute looil no-lion and enoouroRO the prod uct km of articlesunitablo for eihiblllon, BO as tNew Jerssy departmoat of tho oipoiilionworthy (be flU'e, and to turnUh Icformaltoulo the world's oolumblau OOUIUIHBIOU, to thrboard ot directors of the World's OolumbiaiExpo.Ition, aDil to tho pooplo of ttiostnte on

all eubjeols oonneoled with Iho rthereof.

4. And bo it on aol ad, TUat (bo Bald Now•Jurfler com mission nhuJl coutiouo uutil uuohtime after the close of aaid exposition aswill bo nMomary to complete and Dottle thebusiness co&neotod thorowitli, not lateithat tho first day of January, auno domlnone thousand eight hundred nod niuetyfire.

5. And. be It ennotod, That tho raorabewof Bald Maw Jereey ooinmluflioa shall not re*

live auy compensation for tlioir eorrloon.0. And bo It enaotod, Tliut lo pd) tha

uoaeuary expenses attendlnRaud OOUBCIIUupon the diachargo nf their diiliea nnd tuable Iho governor of tho Btate to have pre-pared by tlio different state doparlmoiiti oi-liblts of Iho agricultural and mineral pro-ducts of tbo stato, and also its eduoutlonal

Htem, aod for suoh aid and aeulntanoo a\isjl be npceaaary ta carry out ths object!this act, there be hereby appropriated tho

[in of twenty thousand doIIam, aud thatoat of tbe aame tbero shall be paid so niucbSA shall be ntjeeaaary to defray the expensesas aforesaid, to bo paid by the treasurer oftho state dpon the warrant of the oomplrol-lor, upon being certified by the president ofBald New Jersey oommisalon,

7. Aud be it onacled, Ttiat this aot shalltake effect Immediately.

Approved March IB, 1801.

CHAPTER CXII.An Aet concerning sinking f und oommluon-

ors In cities of the flrat olass.1. lliitcnaolod by tbeBonate and Generalaaembly of tlie Bute of New Jorsaj, Ttiatb« oommlaatonen ot every sliikiUK fund es-

tablished by law In and for every city of thoflrat claaa of this Btate shall bo three suitable

arsons, and Ihe mayor of Bald city whojail also bs a ootnmlssfoner er offloio, who

shall not all be members of ths name pnliti-oil party, to be appointed by tbe mayorthereof for the term of three years; the firstappointment Bkall be one for one year, onefor two yean, and one for three years fromthB date of their appointment, and there-after one eaoh yew for three years In placeof the one whose term then expires \ anyvacancy to be ailed by the miyor for ths noexpired term only : the sinking fund earn-tnivloa herein aathorlcod ihall be in placsof, inilbeanbitltnted for, -and shall ba In-vested witb *11 the power* and duties of anyoommlBBioaen of any sinking fund now es-tabllBhed or anthoriiad by law In and forany olty. and the term of aervioe of any saohoonnnlaaioner or oommlaalonei» Mrving Inany city at the Uoae this aot goes into effeolshall MCMA on the appointment of the sink-

Udl ITUsaid LiiU

lion in reloreucs totraoh matters,juslico mar puuish aujhodr a« furcoateroivhoatimll duobej »uj order undo by •juntiuoin thtpreniiioa; miIrl board nhiil h .

~- mi cniiiplainl or an ; uiriinr t" il'crcn. jucB^uioul madu upuu iuu iirojiur

wliuro, in llKiirJuiignii-ut, iujaslloo han biwLere It ta ueoewarj to Hoauro u

id tmu vuluatiiiu; and If lor thin p

.•Jin^ lo tUarulutwhinaia Mbuil cdtalilisb, il ihull do

II suuh aeHudtdr or other Uiiiig or rerubo to uom|)ly with the orderi tbiTtiiMrd shall ajivouio puwar to e

poiut auue ottiar iiarjon to mtkn Ibo n3W nit-mnenl, umlor tbo direction ol tlie bujd Uiu isacu-ueut so made and aOirmuiJU vO4nl ultavli boand bo doomed to biisL'ixinviiL of aurjh jiroporlj' for the joir .a. And be it enacted. That vbera L .

pindit shall bo imdo to aald boanl iu wriling' uduyui lh of the oomplaimol, uy t

>u nr corporation »ggrlb<fvd •>! the talo, iifliiBorU* pruperiy. mid uaard a«power to review and curreut tbe aolloituai uHMosBon or other taxing oiljctit nil titmnli of tax toTiow liy r&loui

tin made ut auy tiHeuBiueut lioruafteradv. or whkli HhM have boea ramie nilIrulilayur Jnuuiry, uuo Lbuueand ciftl

liuuiircdaiiduiuctf, vrhora tlie Ux iu such,jsimuiil hai not boou paid-3. Aud bu it uiiactud, Tliat wliero »

buira Bbalt deem It uuco-iiarv lu onlurtot*tu» aot root avwHsuient of propurly in an;Bityuf tlilrj niiite, tbey mar, by rule, dlreutint tho muot-iur or vtl>or UlinR offiour sliillL-UNI aetaal view and Irom tliu bedt Bunrouiulufuialiou wjiiiyn iji^ ruacti delcriuliie I

;rue value of-MOb lot aud traot or rojl ualIn biB distriut, without the bnildiugu aud I

ma, and shall nolu tlie nanio, iormlno and nole (upiratelr iho tiuvery tiouao and otlier bullriitifi9 worth over ono hundred drill*irbolB nbi11 bo added aud carriodtilnouf such let or trial; iu cil

unit) board bbill direct, tbu land aud ljulldiito lit BU i"par*tolv vamed, tho ruuipl gitifur llio (Jij-inout of t l u t a i u D HUCU propeit

llio liullootor or otlior ulTioor charged willcollection of sucb lax, shall containcmnut of tmoL at tiara to valiudonsi «

bonrd rniy, bf rule, dirtot Ihit each U H M1 'U-nlsr inlo bis books the uutnbor

i of arable laud, tho number or acroijuw mil t'*»'urj Uud, Ihe nuniUDri of noodiaud, *nd Iho uuiubor of *ero<iiltititfld UDlaml aod swamp Uud in ci

tract aauoarm mar be,i. Anduoi tenioted, Ttiat Ibo BBIO-JBOI

otliec tiiiugnfTiocr tniklog ttid a-neasmeiitreal tinuto aubject to taxation, iball cuiu a aupirdto lu t * deioription of all c>init<tiItM.churelios anil publio liui!d]uff-j ta'real I'Bli'o eceni|)l from of tho person or iwitout ur corporation •uwuliirt ! lie UIIDB, and liiliall valvn uticli buildings, propttrlv, IOIBIraoti o lUmlat tbuir truo value I I I I . IBBmauiiur an otber real enisle, and In end, ilit* ili»iliit&ts the Rround of oioniptionjisuoasot or oilier tailu« olllccr shall bu .lltlud torecfivo the u m a cuiupoiiBallou \>iuamoforinahlni: auokillai.auil ID tho Haulmaiiiiur tn bu Is now enlitluil tu roool'icMHirif; laiaiiundor tlie laws of this 1

0. Aulbn il enaetod, That laudi a -Jorum other Ilias tho owner maj be aitesicil to tlio owner, ur sn tlio laudH of irfiiiduuts, If owned by BUOII) and that unoiplud liiiiU not owned br » pomnn ruiidiD;Iho laxltif; dlitriot shall bo dobomluatod Isof nou-rem JenlB, *oa thill be aB«ea.ed as aand Iliat n(JUUmquoll

uf *:al ostato --.ball be void' ' i bolnf

authorized.2. And be


•hall MOM on tha appointment of the sinking fnttd of this commission aa herei

. It enacted. Ttut all acts oiis of acts, pnbllo, private, local, epeolal

_ jthorwlie, inDonsIstent neroirlth bo andthe same Am hereby repealed, ana thlashaU take effect Immedintel;.

Approved Uarob IB, 1B01,

OHAJPTER OXIIf.A Snpplsmont to an net entitled "An act .

regelate election!," approved April *Ightoeutb, COB thousand eight hundred andsaTdnty-iit. ' , .1. Be it enacted br the Bennte aud O< _

ral Anembly of the State of Now Jersey,That ttnriog the pendenoy of any appealheretofore taken or hereafter to be takenfrom the jadgtnont of any circuit court ofany county of thia state, in the matter olany oon tee ted election, for any county,

wnahlp or oity office to the supreme courtor to the court of errors and appeals, upoappeal or vrit of error, from the Judgmentof the supreme ooart, the person notually in)06sessioa of toe nald offloe at tho time of

o rendering of the judgment of tbe cir.mlt court If be shall be tbe appellaot, ahallia*e power during the pendency of tbe saidippeal to tbe supreme court, ono the court

errors and appeals, aa aforesaid, to used nuke naa of so muoh and snob, part

iud portion of the feu and emolumentsif the odd dffloo an shall be received by himurine the pendenoy of said appeal or saidppeals, ID payment of the necessary andiroper olerk hire employed by him for th&roper and fit management of said offloe

inring the time that the said appeal or ap-peala ahaU be pending before tbe eaid eu-

ime oonrt and ooart of md appealsA aforesaid t and that all snoh monsyn paidmtbyhlm aball bo allowed to Ihe said In.nmbent In h\n final settlemant, if any therei, with the contestant for the said offloo

received by ths Bald inoumbeDt alter thejadgment ol the oiroult court ugalnit him,and during and pending the said appeals to

supreme court a\nd to the court of errors

~9.*£nTt» it enaoted. That all acts orparts nf aoLi In oonfllot with thli aol be andthe sane is hereby repealed.

8. And be it enacted, That this aot shallka Bffaot immediately.Approved Mamh 18,1831,

CHAPTER OXeV.AQensralAct oonoornlng taxes.'

.. Be it enaoted by .the Hecate and Gen-ral Assembly of tha State of Hew Jersey,:hat there aliall bo established a board forbe equalization, revWon and enfoioomeutf taxation, to bs oalled the stata board of

[atlon, which shall consist of three mem-, who aball bs appointed by the gov-ar, by and with the advloe and consent

[ the senate t their term of offloe ahill com.lonoa on tb« fint month of April n u t and

shall ba for ft period, of live yBnrs unlesa•ooner remoTed by the governor ; all BUD*

|uent appointmeats shall be for a Una ofi years, subject to removal by the gover-I aatd members shall b* oltlsen* of this

* ; saoh mambor shall, before. enteringi&hlldutlea, file with the seorstary ofM am oaUh, talea before a jostlce of -ihoiramaoonrl, that he will faithfully dls-

go the dutlef of tu* offloe J they shall. receive an annul lalary of two thou-

and and Hv« hundred dollars j two members" oonsUtvta a qaomm of said board, and

ifflola! a«t aball be valid whloh has thesanction of two members; they shall havelie power to employ snoh clerical and otheiralttants ai may be necessary to carry

the Intent* and parpoiea of •thla aotauoh assistants1 as thall bs paid rsa

iblo oompensitlon, to be determined byibowdopan the approval of tho goferoarjd board aball k»sp a full moord or thslrloeedlogs: iild b<urd iball hare pniror to

atiuns anddl-, „._. _ioo*s»ary'< to a

Itbful dlsobargB of thtlr own dutht, tbstea ot their aadstants, and ,&lio to aeonreequalization, ratltlon and enforoeoent ofiltoa In ttils Btates thoy ibaU luxe tbesr.Ia tbeparfonaaBseof anjdatlas Im-d by this u t , olosmpsillnKthsaUendaaes

bt witsuias, and to callfor-andoompel tbeprodDSiloa-of books aod pipen, attfttaaymay dalegaU ineh power to any mntaborot

^r board antboriiod by them tolavesHsitersport; aald msinbers, or any oos ol them,II biro power lo administer oaths and af.

lrmaUonitoMiy perNn.lor tho purpoiooflaotrtalnlug any faets proper for them tomow, or to enable them - properly to performhe datlei ot their office) and taey may reduce

statement! of persona sworn to writing,reqiire snob nsrsons to anbaorlbe thereto,

I tfta aply f d b t i ' fjaatlosof tha iDpteme ooDit an.orderpeUing u y perioq 19 sohnll to eumtaa-

olua«u?l or omitted' from ofaKimaatiou HSauthoruou-roBidontsar as tlio Uniiuor;nn«n Offuor-1, uor In ounaeiiuecoa of iJIUIBHIOO of or ml Blab a ID tlio ntroo otriclitful owner, in (lio mi-Miamont Hat nr i' ul tu auob c u e s no such tax iball bo collei

lei'pt from tho rral o'Ute as-ioiRoi.0, Aud be tt outotorj, That Ibo U i on \lupoiBoiialdiUto ihall bo assocsod lu _

lur tbo tuwunblp, \rard or taxing diatriwbcra HUL'II jiruporty Is found; llio laxoiliur tiermuRl umate Bball ba aneiiudicli luhiliiUnt in tlio t'Wmliip, wtr j or Ii([ (llBlrlot nboro ho rosliius as of ttio dircnoribeil by law for oooiaondns llio nieuetout Tor each year, and all rc t l . ealatc abilnagnea-atillntlio towuehlp, ward or Uiiui

diatriot ID wbioli the samo may be iltmtcwhen tholiuo botwooQ two taxi tiff dls triedivides a Urm or s lot oimod or ponoiaodItie person taiod, tho e*mo ihali ta taiod,occupied, in tho UiiD(f district In nhlob tDooopint r u eld on. and, if nnoconiilod, ctepardbpreof iliall be assessed to theowmtborocf, Intbo taxlufr district in wbtob Ik

mn maybe, and Una, whetha.- aucti a diviiu Hoe bo a lownsbip, ward or conulr lini

ad personal oaUto beloogioR to non-rejuntituey bo useaied either to tbo oiraerto the perton IQ poBiemlon or charge ttiorjolwheDOvorthooirner of poraona propertytwo or moro t i i lnn district a la entitled tcloduutlon for debti lu oiooa* of the asirssialae of bis poisanat edato In the Uiinff dlnot ffhors he resides, bo Bball be eulltlod•.••.vo euohiurttior deduction as Is or mayilloved bs law mada from the aeiotsed valii rblspernualeBtBti lntheother tuia-f dirioti wherein he may own personal estate:iliall be tbo duty of tbo botrd hereby crited lo prascribe, by rules, Ihe man uor•rbtoti auoli dednolloua ahall hs olilmed aiillowed. rt

lie it enacted, That every person«es*edtor all personal estate luhls

loneiilon or under hla control, as trailed,uatdiau, executor, admioiatrator, or In anj

itber repreaeutatlve or fiduciary capacity,he samo manner Mother persons arc assoaauind whore a person la aoasseised as Uastoo,inardistu, Bxeoulor, admlnlsiratoc or hi aother repTBBenUtirs or fiduciary capacity,shall be usoaiaa a i aath mllh ibo addlllunhis name of fall representative oh a ran tor, a:s&oh Bssciiniont shall be carried cut oii t par-ile lioo from his Individual aeiosimeLand lo oaass wliere tlio same proporty Is heldby several trmteeo. gnardlans, oseeatOM, aml nil Ira tors, or other rcpreasntatlVDi or fldoiariei, only ono of them shall IIB taxed for thiasmei and auoh propertv aball bo a l i enedtbe aiintlsol anon ono of said eioont— —tbe hiudaof •noli ono of said exvouturp, KUI.dliini, linttMoi, admintitnton, repreient*-tlvoi or uduoliries, as btve aatual poiieislaor control of such property, If inch personkunna tooroaa on reaionabto sosrobboakuDirii tooroan on reaionab.o searobbeaioorUtaed by tbo •.atteaaor or other taxing pcar; otherwise snob properlj,-may be Ihanataoolanyoneof iucb trnslot;*,RUMdlani, exuentora, tdmlnlBtralurs, reproioati-

" ' A n d balt'ena'ateil, I h h t It shtll be tdniy of tha state board of taxation to moot itbo Brit Mondiy o( J u i j , and from t inellmo as tliey ahall deem proper. Having rgird to tho t a i laws of different localities, .eaoh year, for tho purpose of kcuring tbecom plain ti of any tax payer reapeotinfi thetaxes a§BO«sedagainst him or It In r e a p - - "lilao

u bytboiBBO»ment ot uxoa assessedigainit him or it, In reBpoot to bis or ill

property, or tho aotlon of anr board of tax re-view, or oommlflBionora of appeal, and amtaxing diitriot or county loolinff Itaolfig-—'-Ted by tboBOttoti ut snyoouuij }>o\nl

di cf equalisation, may, within mob tl:-ild Btalo boird •hall br rnlo prssonbe, I,.

a petition of appeal to tho state board of taxa>"un, mtlUR forth therein btaor its caoseofDiupliint, and asking tbo relief wblclihoodesiraa, and the state boara or Uxttlonull proceed aammarliv to hoar and dlipose

_: snoh oonplaiats; snd tho iald stata boar<of taxation iball make micb • order raBpcotinitbe proeodaro ta cash caee aa to'tbom abaleem Jnstj and It shall be Ibo dnty ot tb<state board of taxation to hoar and dolor*mine Bitch comjilalnti, and t> rovlae and oor-reot Iha taxes aiaesacd sg^nst suoh oom-'ilninfr taxpajers,and lo revlao and correctp f r p j , a correct

the determination of Huoh'oonntr boards ofequalization by fixing the amount eaoh tax-Ing diitriot ahall raise, in Just proportionaccording to tha true value of tha taxableproperty therein, and the assessment BO cor-rected and determined by said stato board oftaxation ahull ba flna) and conclusive { snohoorreoted rate cf assessuiont shall be oeirli>

l hfled by Bald board to the colleotor of the tax-Ins riiitrlct where anon, property Is taxablisnd ahull hi oolleotod in the samo mannLthat olhor taxis In said taxing districtsare collected.

0. And ba lt enacted, That It shall be law-ful for every collector of taxes to mtko suchimandments, oarreotiom and alterations Inthe In tbe description of any of any land orreal estate asMsaed as shall be useful tobetter ascertain the location and extentthereof and to Identify theaamei'and thetaxss assessed upon snoh land and real es-ate shall be and remain a Usn.npQn

the some aooordinj to the said oorreoteddescription of tho samp, provided that allsaoh correction be mads before the pnbllonotice 1B given of tho aale of saoh land, ~leal estate.

10. And be. It enacted. That In oa» whu_publio notice for a specified time Is required>y law to be Riven before proceedings areladforthepabllo ula or lands for unpaidaxes, no o-arttnAate ol Bale or tax title shall

be iet aside, and holden for naught by rea-son of any Tarlanoe between tba date ofauoh DOUM and the aotual pablloalionthereof, peovlded thnt'natloe shaU hare beenor shall be actually given for the specifiednumber of days prior to auoh proceedingi forpnbUasale. . -- -

I t . And bo it enaotod, That'nothiithis aet oonUlned shall be oonstruL-. „render any real or personal, estate subjoot totaxation othtur than suoh-real and personalestate u U now labjeot to taxatlan nnderother law*. "-13. And bs It eaaoled, That It shall be the

dnty of saoh board to iDTtwtlgato themelhodi adopted by local aaseasors in the

imantofreal andperaooal property In_ state, to carefully examine all oases

wbere evasion of proper taxation Is alleged,and to ascertain wherein existing tax lawsare defwtlva or are Improperly or neglig-

itly admlnlBtand ; they shall annually » •>rt to the lagislature, partlouUrly ipoolfj.g tny mean* of practice* or devious usedr tho evasIoD of proper taxation; they

shall aonnally submit to the legislature suchreoommoDditiona tu tbey may find neoes-lary to prevent Iho evasion of jujt and eqncjixatlon. . / - . .10. AndbalteUMtodthatifUshallappear

to Ihe satisfaction of any court wherein auyoertlorari Is or may be brought, that anyassessment'trf taxes removed thereby ie at arat« or proportion higher or greater than isauthorised or required by law, or that theamount or value of taxable properly forwhich aoy person therein is auBSicdls too•rest, said Donrt Rhalt amend suchauesg.nent so remavfld as aforoauli], and redooe

the the same to the proper and Just amount,and thereupon aKtic the same acoording tosnoh amandment and reducUon, and reveriethe same u to tha exoesa only; and thssonrt shall h a n the power to adopt such

'•i u d J""— -

oarry into efieot tlie trne i tout a id mean)of tbis not.

If. Aud be it enacted, Tbul no returnxe.i or Het nf dulin(]U'>nU iu ida by too ootur of taxoa ia any of tbe municipal

diviiionti of this state, m>r tha prooaedingnicliiug or oouaerniiiR KMI'II return, nor an;[ warrant shall hu Hot iwtdo or revioertiorari or otLtrwKo for any Inck

form wbioh doo* not impair the Gubstau-" il right of the plaintiff in oartiorari

1C. And bo it enacted, That the ohalrman' e?ery county bounl of 04unlit*lion itwe power to issue Bubpneuia and ad mi

Bier oaths in the disohargj ot the dutiestheir offios.

1C. Aud be It enacted, That any persoiguilty of willful aud corrupt faUe uweariujor a&rnilng is taking nuy oath or sffirjUon required or autbor^z^d liy this aot a!be doeintd iq bo -guilty of perjury 1punished accordingly.

17. Aad bo it eauoted, ILat no no ofprorialims of this act shall be SO oonstruwan in auy wise ta niter, impair or repealof tho provisions nf au net tmtftlad 'Anfor tbo taxation of railroad aud canal prop-orty." approved April toutU, one thoosuideight hundred and eighty-foar, or any of 'supplements thereto.

18. Aad be It enacted, Ttiat all aots 1par!* of aat», whether goooral, uptwlallocal, iuoonelBtflat witb ttila act, or any pro-iduns iheroof, ahall be uud the namo arcicreby repetlod, no Tar us they are fuooneisint aa aforeaaiil; bat nothing in this aol

shall be taken to annul any asseaamewhloh have been horuiofore mada orafloat any proceeding* takeu for tho oollplion of Buob. asueasmoutH, or to affect anpenalties or forfeiture!) incurred by any peion ur odloer in reepuut iLuroto; and that Itot BhaU Uko effect laiiuudiatoly.'

Uaroh IV, lH'JU

OHAPrEK OXV.An aot lo amend on act entitled "An on

nctharlzlng cities' to renew maturingbotin," approved Juua niulh, one thousncd eight hundred ami ninety.1. }jt> It enuoted by thotieuateandQem

Asfleoibly ot the Bute of New Jersey, ThaiaootioQ four of an aot eutitled, "An aot anthorisiug oitieu to renew mtturlng bindi,which net was approved Jauo ninth, OLthousand eight hundred and ninety,

uendud to read us follows 1 •.4. Aud ba it oDooloit, That the hoard

auLhorlty ID uuy such city uow having ouority by law to istue Iha boario of uuoh tiwhenever the bonds ofsuohoityare rcc|«iror authorized to be IHHUMI, uiuy dlapusathe bouds by tbii aut authorized at publisolo or at private sale in c*so a moro favor

Id can ba obUluad than shall h&boon bid pnblioly thorufor, bat In no OAH9 Ileai than par, whlcli issuut aud snlos muyinada in uiitluipallonoF tbe rotlromontaald maturing buuda, and ull of tbo montreoolve4 from t\iB salti of nald honiL* BhaUipplled and usKd for Iho purpoaua of thi

act end for no otlior puruuao; provldod thaij luureaio lu Ilia boudod indobloduosaly sucb city ahull - bu made under this n•2. And be U vuaoted, That tills not el

Lakeefftwt luitnoilately.Approved hUrah lit, 1601.

ciupruit oxvi.An net in. retnlioa to the appointment of s

gnaut-al'Siuin to the Borerdl oourla of thioountiea aud tlxiug tho salary lor Isatno,1. Ba It enaoted by tha Senate sud Gene

siouibly ol the State of Hew Jersey, Thattbo juallao of the supremo court to whomjudiultii dUtrlot has or may bu assigned, Iauthorized to appoint a Bill fable personlergaant at-artiin of Ihe oourls within Ioonuty liaviud a population within th itcrritorlfll liinliB exceeding eltty-nlno thoiBand and under ssvunty-uluo thouaaad litabitauU, who shall receive and be paidnuuul compeoBiitlan or bular j of seven hui

red dollars Iu lion of any per diem oompati'satloa or ealwry, to bo paid monthly by the

inty collector npou tho oertlfiaate of thcounty olerk nf nuoh county, said sergeanlat-arma to hold oiBoe (luring the pleasuresaid juatioo, whoso dnty it shall be to atteidaily upon the said oonrts In tbe oounwherein appointed during the seveitermi. -

2, And be It enacted, That all act* or partif act*, general, special, or local, In* onalst

cut with tho provisions of this aot bo uuiaud this

shall take effect Immodiately.Approved Uaroh 1», 1601..

. OH i l ' r i l l OXVILAn Aot concerning the tenure of oflloe

olty oolleotora In oitfs of the flrat class,1. Belt enacted by the SanMeJindae

oral Assotubly of the Btate ofKewJereeThat the term of offloo of the city oolleoUor other officer oharged with the oolleotloiof taxes and aaseasmsnU In any city of thiBrut chus shall be five years. -

' -Ind be it enaoted, ""ifrVot Immediately.

Approved Uaroh ID, 189U -

- UiTAPfim CXV1II.An Aot to amond' «>An 'aot oonoernlng' cor-

porations," Approved April sotenth, ontthousand eight hundred and^ auvenly &\1. Da It enaoted by ths Heaato and Qe

eral Assembly of the Btate of Hew JersiThat if any corporation.whiohhas beon boretoforo or shall boreal tor be created by tholegislature,, or tinder any act of "legis-lature, shall for two 'oonseontlvs ynegleat or refuse to.. '• pny the cany tax whloh. has been or shall _auuiod iRainit it under any Uw or tills stalland mttdtjp*y«blolato the state trea

ob»rl«ro(snoh oarporation abill baall powers conferred by law upon aaoli corpo-ration are horoby deolind lcoporatlve andvoid, nnleis too ROTornor Bball, lor good cans 1iho.wn to him, Rivo (nrtier timo for tbe par

mflntof aaoh taxai, lu whichotae % aotilooatlioreof shall bo tiled by tbe. governor In tlieoiUco of tlio coDplrolIor stating tbe

9. An<il>*fton*8to<l, Tint onorl.r.ifirst day of May in otoli yutvr the oomplrollei•hall report to tbo yureruor nllBt or all theoorporatlaoa trhloh lorliro years noxtproood-UK suoti report litvo failed, negleotcdor imod to piy tlio taxsH assesBed against tbiinder any law or tins state aa abore, and tbo

governor thall rorttiwlib 1mm e hiatiroolamvIon, declaring under i f . . . - - . •—. - . -

that tho eliartors of tin[iMlcd.

3. And be it emoted, That thB proolama-Jontf tbo governor shall bu filed In the otllee)Mbe secretary or »Uto, ana published - m•noli newspspurs and for sooh lougth of titnias the governor shall dasleiiato.

4. And bo It enaoteti. That any perion .persona who ahall, eioroisa or attempt lo ex-eraiio any powers undar tlio charier of an)-10b ODrporatlon after tba laming of snohroolamallou ahall bo deemed cnllt, ofamls-tmcanor, aud shall be punished br Imprii

niunt not exceeding one year, or Sao uot v ." " tboosaud dollars, or both, lu tin

dlicrettan of Ihe court.5. And bo tt emewd,

take offiwt linuiodislely.That this act shi

Approved Uaroh SO, 1801.

V 0DAPTBB 0XIX.0 Aot torepoU thactiarlera of allcotpon-tlom thai bavo lioretoforo Tailed to payBtato taies impoBDd upon them by law,1.Bo.It onacled hTthBBenate aud Qflnon

auembty of the Stato or Now Jeriey, Ttiatun obartors of all corporations incorporate*indor any Boecial or general lair or tbla stat*-M hive tailed to psvlbe Uxea Impoiednpo

i m n t f l * i v a i n # l . « • • . . I . I . I . . . A . I . _ _ * ^ a < . t u . _jtate trrai

iilraorfo7thVrpaoijVftiro*'yearB),rbe*and^anesrebBrcb/ropoaled and declared nu

and void, uuloas thn go*ol nor for good causashown to him aliall Rive furtkor tlmu lor thopafmeatotsooh ta ie i , in which cans a cnrtitloatathereor ahall baaied by tho eovotnori

h - " " ' iptrollo,, atatiuji tho rea

3. Aod fan It enasled. That the ea,,,vroller aball 011 or before the l int day or May>ne thousand elRht hundred aud ulnotv.onereport to tbe never nor a list of all corpora^torn coming within the flril aeetlon of this

•ot, and tha governor sliall fortlitvlth IMQO bli•roelamatlou drdanntt, nqdur this aat or tbolei slalure, thai the charttirs of tlieaocorpo.iliona are npaaled.3. And bB it enacleil, Thst the prnolnou of the Rovernui BUall be Ulcd iu ma olr ibe secretary or atato, and publlsboil

ffi.''is.issi: "•"""«"™i And bB It eoaoled, That any person 01

JtfHff!11.1!*-1?"™'™ «nypoireruu'

sbed by impriaoiiinent' uot eioeodinaPo

nd 1» It'eunetotl.'T^nt^thuIouStako cfTect Immadinteir.

Approred lUrch 10,1801.


nhip bavins a apeotal ohato-F.oitiermnnlofpal corporation axiallttg underid ftoTerned by a special.: aot of Jnaorpora-on, eontalEiag now or 'horearurnjore-.thanm thousand luhabltautsi aro hereby. »titbot»

1 and ompowattd bv nsolalUn adopted by-votoBof two-thirds ot all Ihe.nwmberi

isreor, to divlile snsh toira, boronjth, toirn-ilp or municipal. corporation •; Into tuai thani»a nor tnora thaa Oro wards,whloh^roio.a-)n ahall deSno thn bonnflartwi of each ward,id a copy of the sams dnly'certifies: rby iboiwnor municipal olarksnul" be TorUiwitUlodlnthooaieeofthaseoreUryorsUlo. . .3, And ba 11 enaefed; That • rrom and afterleu division Into; wards the oonuell, townjmrnlUse o f Rcvsmlng body or snelt -town,oroogb, toVDaUip or ,mnnloJp»l- oorporatian"ball woalator tjvieoas m*ny members aslere'shall bs wards, and one additional mam-irtobe'iljied-iupmbor-aWarire," oach ormm «ball, except as herelnalter pravlded,ild olHao for the term of twpjear>| tholoaatit«s ol aaoh ward shall elect tiro niembora,id tbtntddillanu member aball ho elected brIlihnleftal volaract sach town, boroqoh.^ ^ ' P ^ a i 0 . 0 " . 1 ^ ! ' ^'i'uraUen. .and h 0townihi

hall, blecbal

hipor ranolclpU oorporaUon, . aby virtoo or suah elooUon, become mil

alrmauoftlia ooramltteo

r , . clpalc oorporatlon In wubniatliastdoctMl; provldadt^toffeviir, thatl ln fimt town or chir ter eleoiion bald aftsnob ilivistun Into wuds ono mwnber ahaJl Iuleetmi Irom e u b Hard lor ouejearandToriwo je»rt, tbatinma of offloew ..bedsnatfd oti tbo lialtota nc«d a t moh election,iherualiuroaeuamtior aball ba electednuillv lo serve two rears: and provided fitltur, l lnt»U member* of such COUUDIL toieummltioo or govornlnf bod/ UUIJIDK O(UO»tlio timo uf any divfaton Into wards eiiili aaout iho full term* Tor which UievwerespBatively elected, representing t unreinward* iu wblou Ibe; aball liapptin tg reitand un inombor sball ba elected from • • / wiucliUtiropreeonUtloo therein shall b ipirttlon uf term or otbeririae become lets tliwu in umbers.

8. And ba it enaotod, Tb»t allshall bu dllod by appointment ot tueaauutown committee or governing body aforeuiiuntil the ucxt aninumwn orcbsitor eloollonwn«u tbB vaoonoy aba I bo flUod bi«lealloirortbeuneiplrod pjrtion of the term In thmanner heruinbufura pravided.

i . And bo it eaiotod, Tuat nntll HOWIVIQ*tnW t-lcolioii distrtoU at auMionzxl b r U\encb ward uball const.tot* one oleotlDi

0. Ami bo it enaoted, That t i e boardoleolimlu eaoh ward sball oanvais anddiolaro liio ro.olt of tbu election for members 1tlio eocooil, town oommittes or guveiboilvasaluroitalil to bo else Ud from tlie i._ami shall furnish a oortlBoaU of electiontlioci.nJliJ.vto or candldatei declared tt)u«oludj and tb ' " " ~

vaaiiod and the result deoiarud by a boatdoiDVHaaors to no oompoMd 0! oue raembdresati lrj»r-i ofeleotioj ohusen b j t u b b a u dclectioc, wlio 9faa.Itment toaoiher for ib t t ptpoto oa Uio Fndiv laweodiaf tbe leolion,Umminl p.aoeol ineellng of lbs 00011alownooniniUteeor goveraiDH body of suetown, boroujtb, town^litpor iuanio.p»l oorpration, and >rbi> *<ialt Inrnlsh a tartiHiutau lection to u c h candidate declared to

0. And ba i t enacted, That tbla act iballaffect or apply to any olty In this sUtc.

7. And bolt emoted, Tbal all acts Dr partof acts, Konutal, speeUI, local, publlo or pn•ato, inoonilatoiit with tho provlilom of (ulnot, bo and ttip> ars beroUy roptaiod.

H And be lt en at-ltd, That tble u t alialt talotruBt imnicdiatcly.

Appro? od Maroij ao,18fll.

Au act roUtlug to social clubi.1. lie it euaottd by the Senate aodOenon

Asaemblr nr tba Btate or Now Jew ay. Tinauy social club duly inoorporawa uudoranluirof iUl6Bta.t« tbe date or tinplication hereinsller proridei), owns or anloi a clab liouw uiod by it far iti own pipo4u«uiulmivelj,aud which/or six mo-ureviuus ia lavld appllcaliou ba* IIOLU couloo»ly an actual adult membarshli) of atur i j tncmberB and no minor mpmbors, mar

ittiorlied to soil to l ls meinuori, *ud tu 1hart, splntuoni, vinous, malt or bravo

liquor* upon oUtamlnK anaualy a permtburulor from tho Inferior court of commaplum of the ooasty wherein said club li Icaled,aad upon pajmentol an annual fee,buiixedby said uuurt, uf not loss tliau t»"lunUrod and Uttf dollars, to bo disposed oflurninnftor provided.

9. AndholtODMted, Tuatiuohporraitslialnotbenranted toanyoiiib whiou does no

a the chaHoteristloa i1 MOH bed irj tljoliouof ihlssot, uor w a n r club po

sotfliuRiach obkraolorfBtiaB, except upon Iwriiltu*ppllo»tljn «8ttmg fortU tbe dataUs Incorporation, tho " '

ing forIncorporation, tho nuubaroi IU membeitha nreviuui i l l months, sod that all i»iubers aro adult l u rulei ro l s t iD tihers aro adults, l u rules relating to

admiiilou of members, tbe auiouut ofiulilttloa fuu and aunaal dnes, tbo itMttlon

JparoL , — — -,_1O*BCI and the rental Hwrred. t l

uumborof raouiBOontalnodlniasholubhoua>ud tliai all Bitd roktma aro In aatual mloonpatlou fur 1U own purpmoa esoluiindaliotbat said olub »a« formed (or —

ji.d McreaWre purpoios only and no. witbviotf or evading tbe laws of ibe slate regulsinu the ialo ol Uquois; all tbe «Ulaments ooiUlubd lhanin iliall be attested under tlL'oiumon seal of thn laid clat> and verltled Itho aniilavlu of itaprurldent or other beotllcor aud iti secretary or troasarer, andartiolos of in corporal Ion shall also b* piKinled ta the court Witb Bald applitutlonillio court to which snob application Is miciball bare doubts as to ibe truth of tbe allngilluus ouulaliiod Iherolu, or aa tu tbe goud Ull1 Mid orgtnisstlon, or tbo honesty of timrpoBo for Rhloh I twa i roriaed It 1iiiicefurtLorproDf wlla reipeot Iboroto, I

.uit "> day and fiivtug the applicant notl<when iho name will-be hoard, aud after snolheitinftitfibtltrelact sueh applloBtlon unlesilt sbalFbe satisfied that snob olub was lormotin Rood faith Tor social aod recrsaiUe pa tpoRDB only, auJ not for iltaDiirpaao of evadiniIUT statute ol tbe Btato ruUUng (0 tho sale

\ "ud be It enaoted, Tliat t h s feeiherelprovided for ahall be received by tbe olei k 1

log tbo said permit t a a u d i

rilhintba uio of the township, town, biro pubcity wlicioln said club Is located, snd wiltten days alter the receipt thereof ahill be Isatdaiorlf trininiitted to tbe person or bodhaving tlio I off*1 out tody ol tho funds of -township, town, borough or city, lo be fargoverning body thereof employed and .liarsed la tbe same manner In wnicb Urrom licenses tor the sale for spintuoivinous, malt or browed liquor* are spplled Ithe towtiihlr, town, borough ot olty in whiosaid eluu is located} and said club shall fn addltfoh to tbe said fees pay to tbo clerkof saltcourt Uia oonrt and olork'a feo oa Rrantiniikldpersait, and shall not bo re-jolnd to

uny other reoorlioeosa to s e l l - w d Uqttban la herein provided. - -

4. And be It enaoted, That no social blub 1ihf s slato shall sell or disport of spirituousvinous, malt or hrowed liquor* unless It ababave first nbiainud a permit therefor granuxiinacoordanoQ with tbe t«rm*ortaiaaot | anilif auy sueb elub ihall violate Ibis provision,or, bavinft seonrea laoh pertalt, shall BS)1 O(K-vo spirituous, vinoni, mall- or brvw«liquors to a minor or an apprentice, or sbaleeil any inch liquors (o a person wba Is not 1member tboreof, or shall sell any snob llqacrtaoneof l is memberi tn qmatltles greateitban a quart at anr uma to be naed off thi

'IGD,Italia!!forfeit U t i pay Ufty dolUrijb offenoe, to be snod fur and reoovend

In an Mi ion or debt, In tha name of tba town-•>hip. town, borflujib or city wliereln said elubIs located auii for Its benefit, aod allsoou ooin-

liable j jott ioe or other offlcto try and datermine 001

Ions of tha law regulating tbeif iptmnooi, vinoDt, malt or brewedi, !u tbo township, town, *whioh atld club ta ciUblli

nil bo it enacted, That any jaoht olnlduly InoDrnoratod under any l a r or thiistato, whlob has owned or ooonpled a oillOusD at least aix months prior to tho datetlio application, hereinafter prodded for,which said club boose la used by It for Its ownpurposes exalnBtvely, aad wbtoh for ailmonlbt previona to said applloatloo, baa b ulaotlnnonilyanaatnal adult momborihlp 0],t least fif.y membera. aud no minor membersnay be authorized lo aell lo Iti members, am0 no others, spirituous, vlooai, malt or brew-id llqaort, upon obtafmog annnally a permitbetufor from tbe Inferior conrt or eomms

ploasot tlie county wherein said club la solo-oated, upon tlio payment of luobannaalfoeas said oourl may dlrojt, and such psimlt to

—ulod miall entitle mob yiobt olablo»ltprlvllssea herein itrsnted In any p u t of

. 1 state, provided tHat saob permit ahallonly be Rrantod br said 0jurt atlor snob olnbshall bave rulfiliod all tbo rranlromenle of eoUon two of thia act, aad the aoney* sopaisball-beilitpoiodor^s U required by saclla And belt Muoleil.Tbat this aot sliall go

itocfTaotimraodhtely,Approv«d March 30.1801,

, JOINT UHaOLUTIiJN HDAIDEB IV.Joint iflio utiion snthorleiniT tl

1 prsvidu a saiuhlo assembly olDtnmltteo rooms fur tbe transaction or pu!Qiinexs.antl appropristlng monavtodel' J . ? * * * n d exI»0BB thereof.Whureai Tlio iireBent room aaed for the

"jeeltaft: or Iho general asiemblr of thr " -of NewJtrsevi* not tafflsiont BIEB 1W, I UcomforUble trannotiunor publio butjiueaf,beinc poorly tontllatcd, and constants over'orowded, thereby endaDgeiins the health olho umnbBr* ^nd olUoera, and greatly r*Ur 'HR public business; therefore, . •

1, So it resolved by ihe Senatsand General•nemblvor tbo HI u e or Hew Jersey, Thatlecovernoi or Ibii state be snr lhe l i bersb

anlliunxid (o provide a eaftable chambw ancommitleeroomafor tbe me, or th* g e n t n lanembly of tbis state by enlarilng saoh —

ins of me stale oapltol b n l l J l n g u h i ,cm n t e e i m j to aocomplitb tUo pneposarfta naphiilon, and thai the Borernor b T aaQiizedscd empowered lo make saoh sud altcratlani as will afford tbe aeMs>n accummodatioai for Ibe toprsme oonrt

Rd court of errors and appeals* o r for Olh«rilato oQloert, and inflletent money is herebyppro|inaied for that purpose to U paid byletresaarDrof tb l s s t a l eoaUM'-wamnt ' ^ f

bo comptroller after approval by the;; f ov-nor. and lhat this»salnllon-.iake«ffMtIm-,lodiatoly, " . • " ; v : '•-., • •..^•:;U:;.^1---,


Approved SlaroojSO, 1 W 1 . : ^ ; - " • ; ; ^ : ^ ^ v ) i

aaipTKB. .oxxtt l : ; ; ;^^!{

•JJ commissioners to pav* -*t>d fsapnrsatioita and avsunasaaa pnflds.lbrths1 pay>

*" " 'easoted by'the SeaaU'smd'Oenenlot (hsiBlaU of:N«w-Jet»ay, Toal

Uenever thb novernlm body ol, anfHiBoio...Uty. by.whaww': nam* Ih*; s u e MOM bslOWD.aud howenr oreatefl, fo«rn*dl by-mlUo n ar . , ; .h^l ,U.^^M,ol - «i ! l . Iof

s&sU lw lawful Jotich body, bj a majority voU of all ths mem-in thereof at any iMOlar mMtui thtrtot. call aa tlertlon'ofTE*. TC'trsor r«h Ban-Idpalitybf a rMoluUonol, snon bodyoou*tSng the falUwtnc stitamanb, via:

1. n* Urn* of ho&lu such election). I I . The objeet thereof being lo otlain tbsconsent- of auoli voter* to'the paving, ma.osdamlElng or improving of a oertain afreetor atmts, avenoo or avenue* (naming J| orthem), •portion thereof {describingIt), and

'andeolleetlonofone-faalf of

thall ba held at tho time stated in said reeolttflon, and that the election officer* olecleiat the last tnaidpal eleotion held in smunlolpaliLy 10811 serve at said eloetlivBoaoolea to be tilled as they are Iimunicipal alootluus In said rant .and the polling plaoes shall be the polliiplaOM uud at the aaid last eleotlou, nnlfaald Bcv«min« body shall In saob reaolaUcdesignate other polling places; Ihe po!shall onen and dose at the same hoarsthey do in all municipal elections holdaaid anoielpallty, aud aald election shalloosduoted in all respects lu the BSmanner a* all suoh municipal elections a*oouduotad in aaoh municipality.

i . And be It •naoUd, That all ballotsat aald eleotloo aball have ihe follotwords printed or written thereon, vie."For Improving street" (inseitiname of street), or "Against loprovin

street (inserUnB name of street; eachballot may be in fsvoi of as well aa o.jj*Jn«improving certain street* or avenues asm©thereoa, and that tho »m» may ba print'on and voted with the ofiioial balloui cut

mnioipal election when held on '

**e.*And'be Uenaolod, That if a majority cthe ballots east at such elooliau are agaiwimproving the street* or avenue* samathereto the said governing body shall pnoeed no further, aod no otaer election 001oerning the atmot or avenue named in aucballot sball bo Held within one year frIhe holding of aaid election.

0 Aad b<> it enacted, That if a major!of aaid ballots oast el said citation are :favor of imurotlng'certain streets or &tnuos named therein, it BhaU bottwful fiaald governing body to proceed atoncato adverthts for at least two weeka, onooeach wees, ia a newspaper publisheditaia municipality, for bids for making BIimprovement, and that such work shalldone by wri tan ooatrant by tba lowest iapouaible bidder.

7. And be lt eoaoled. That an aoourateaooonnt of tbe oost ot suoh Improvementaball be ascertained by said governing bodyu aoon as ptwiblo after the oompletionthereof, and filed with tho olerk of saidmunicipality,

fi. Aud be It enacted. That when the iiprovomont as aforesaid shall have beenpletad, and the statement of the oost thereiHied with the clerk of said municipalityprescribed by the seventh section ot tact, suld governing body shall give notlaa othe appolnlm nt of oommbuioners'to estimate and assaaa ths peculiar benenui ounforrwl by auoh Itnprovenieut upon tho ULaud real estate fronting or bordering on thestreet or etiseta or section thereof Improved,of Ihe thus and place ot whloh appqlatmenlnutloe ahall be given by two weeks' public*tion in two weekly newspaper* printed ftuolrcalaUog therein, tX whlob time an) plao.or at Buoh other time and place aa tha go*ernltig body shall dsslgnale, said goyeraiu|body aliall wltUoutQnneoeiflory delay appothree OQnuniaaioners, - who shall be frboldors and residents of the munloipalltvealimata and assess the benefits aforoialithe said governing body ahall have powiremove any oommluioner and appoint an<other In,his place, and ,a!ao toany Tacanoy that may oocnr Ia the ofHcsaoy oommlBsioner Irom any oatue. , .

I). And be tt enacted, That said oombaliaioners, before entering upon the dutiesquired or them by this act, shall lake LMubsoribe before uomo person duly nuthoiizeS to administer the name, an oalb or affli

.'.ion that tbey, will make all asaeaamand estimates required of them fair!legally and equitably. aooordlog to the be*of thetr BkiU and undersUndiog, whloh oatior affirmation Bliail be attoohed to the repotthat they are hereinafUur required to inak<

10. And be it eoaowd, That tbe said conisaionsrs havhig thus 4tiaUno4 shall gt

notice, under the direoUon of said govt rulofbody of tbe Uma and plaoa whoa and whenthey will bear any persona in Interest 01who may present themselves to ba hearand at mob ~ time and place, and at BIother times and place* lo whioh they tuadjourn for thai purpose, the aaid oommlsionera shall attend, and shall give a publlibearing to those persons in Interest who tnaidealn to be heard ( tbe aald ogmnusaiinenshall have power to examine wltnessas undfoath, to I* administered by anyoneof tb<and to enter upon aud flaw tho landa and Lesuts fronting or bordering on the stratistreet* or lecUoa thereof improved, and 1adjourn from tlm* to tlms in their dnwnlion, or a* directed by aald governing bod,tbeyuhall uiedlllgant effort* to asoerUthe name* of the 0 * ncrs of thi land* f IOIIng or bordering on ihe street or streetssection thereof improved, and saall statesame in the report bwefoafWr nenUonedbnl the fallow to ascertain the name of 1owner, or to stats the sun* oomotly,tha omJ don of any tuoh name from Uuport, shall not invalidate atld MKDorbs.abtrtotbflooUeatlonoftho. l i : And be It enacted, Tnat alter havln

glTea opportunity u aforesaid for a pabllhearing of Ihe porwms in Istueat, and haiIng viewed the lauds fronUag or hwdwiugon the street or streets or Motion thereofimproved u aforesaid, the aald oouunlsaion*e n ahaU maka a report within forty-flidays from the time of their appalntment,writing, of their uUvatod andawseNniBrto the aald governing body. Mocmpaoteda 1111747 fintl nups prepuud uudur UieirreotloD, ahowlog the seTeral; tracts or paroela of lands and real estate fronting or oor.during on said stsset or streeU or (Motionthereof j the said report shall elate the 00of the whole work, which may bo luroisbwto the oomm!«ioners by the oltrk of thimunicipality from the report filed with hander the requirement* of the seventh nUon of Ihi* aot, and ahall givo the nsinea,tu M awartalDed, of tha owners of thetracts of parcels or lands and real estatefronting or. bordering on said street•treats or aeoUon thereof, and iho amountthe assessment to tue owner or ownerstaoh of udd tracts or parcels of land andreal estate for the tald benefits, whlobseveral altessment uhalt bo In proportion,near aa may be, to the peculiar benefdeemed to hare been conferred fay said Im-provement upon the reipeottva tracts oilands and rwl eaUte aforesaid 1 In no cueshall any tract or parcel of land nod realestate 01 the owner thereof bo asaeised fond the amount of benefit actually derii

from said Improvement, nor "MU the aggg*te amount of aauessnieuta Impose* uponhe taut* ur parcels of, land fronting or

boiderlnji on sunh road or section Ihewbfexceed fifty per oentotn of ths tnUloeed fifty per oentom of ths toof thu improvement, not ; ihall ^ the amof •Messmeni imposed upon' any; utot" oiparoel of land acd real e*UIe, orahy OWD-iheroof, ezoeed twenty.flve per oentum -Ihe whole ooat of such improvement hi frontof auoh tract or pan** of^labdasdrMl

U d faeaUte, and a h a U i n ^ ^ o a M «ses*dspecial benefit derived frtm.wddV:

12. And be It ei^ud/ThVtnpoeitle' . .ing In of aoy inoh report, signed by the SaidiDmmissioner, or anyjiiro pl.'lhemi *ald got

p t i " oVhearittit i a ^ S * « £ i 5 V tkaSS&tmade to suoh aswHBBnh and 3 Uter^'IiearinganYauturtbai oay i« allesM ajrilnatthu

no, tha said •otarntng"Jwdy,by.«*Jutltn;M .«fl»tfi*rWjMj>*JscM:or:4«k*ll J

iVnierie same to thr *am*:';Oonimi*iIonen;'[or' re>*

vision and cortMtkM or-'to'maw; wmmi»ston«era to be uvoiuUAftiiW; saMbt>dy forthwith, ureoaatldarttw si .t«r thawof, and>t»« 'aalel. eosamluioner* tc

ham « c h report ahall bi aorelened by tbiiTtnlDiboaxMbaU^r1" " " "jiivamlDg bouyv, shall, retnniiinoiaB

nctwl aod wt.aed, or> uaw, tspoit lo beby ibs«olaUi«pr«mls«sIt«'i,Hio uld aoretwlDK4wdy without nnneesasary deUy, and Uieasm* swing M retimed shall; be oonflrmea or

jsswtf.iSKSa.isaanal ao fkoaa tlm* to tlmo untilmu^wtUrtaaldiflT

each it pan.'whan so oonirsatd, sball be finand ooaeloem as wall upon, tha, said munie.paliUas*poathe,owatwot any lands an<aalMtab'aasoisd tbtrtby}said goTernln

body sball UtccsupoBOs'usosald'iesdwttb I-M elerk,ead asfitlBid copt there- to• barieUv-•ndtotbsooUMurof/laxesot said moDlDl<p*lHv In which th. assMssrl laoda nay U«.'

18. And be It Wotod, Th>t no oullbraritall ba allowed br any eo&rt to railew any of

UaarooMdlnisln relation to sDoh Improvlasnt, nor to C aoy war affect snr aneiime•ads br aatoh oosamlaalonBrs, after tbe lac

Ihtrti day* from the «at ln«;orVs rsiS- of tha fOTirnlDB b"-dy confirming ta

•smsnit-Ueiovsmlng body aualfdoiljwhat" noUee,Ifsny, Bball bo Rivan.-

pablfealioti or otherwise, of th« oooflrmatiof t o t r l d l i T " ' 0p m m l M i o n e r s T

t : And bs" It snaated, Thai tho »MMi-nt made by tbe oommlislonen sball ba andajQ alian upon the landi a a d r

ball ba andi asaessedrione boandeUmK


h . * . t Uii!«f «pon d l piopuliAd ibQtting on nflh Iraproreniont1 IlL-The 10101101 of monej fobflif suoh ImprovemB&ts.a' .eculed. Tbit noli n u l n -

itull bo pnbllabod t t letit two WBebbefore lbs liolding or uob elocUon b jaoltlw op > oppjr Uienwl lo > t l u n Kbpublio pfmg In.aoh n t d o f u U nanl.

pdltf uiil publUh in nln nnnlolpalll;ind pnbUiUns uM cop, tm two « u E V tHit mot • we«k, in > n . . l n a p , r pnbllanul

uld monlolpdltr.orlflildmnnUpiUtibii>l divided Into wiri,, H e u b j i t w i s o n .ip7 OI Bnob ruolntloo in Kt lout ten pnbuoaoefl in amd manloipklltr, and pnbliihlnB

wasinmuuioiuatoTesla I m uewt-

ortlnog of anoh And bettenacied. That iflaninponaovlot or traot ot Un

hejiroTlsionior this set • "

ihsm man as they s h U l ' d " ^ " ^ /Iher btlng anaoilonon ths eawinanV&omoompetent juriidloUan, a^ to i ooroorate

owners olsuoh lotttr tiaciol - t«cd, for soneb tnonoy Uld ant lurV expended by themr the nse of soeh owuir or owners, aad do-

lommllle. a.,Ana b . It enuled, H a t Ika ebolloa

for unuald U i u in raid munlatpalitr, and tpnroiuoerarpuroli*wr» at any a nob aale

tealt tsgaoE and profiH tueraof. In tha naiiLnoer aiid by tbo saw« HUP aud touaraarcltanors at tlmaalei of lota or tracts at hir unpaid i&iet, oiQ now hold and enjoy tlimeiasAldmnplclptlity.17. And bo 11 enacted. That the money

on!l<'ct»d snail be applied to tlie notdi baroiualter msndonod.

1*. And ID Itinaated, Thai the romslniii»rt or purtlon of i t s ooat of saah iraprornoutor iraprovetnenU sball be paid trobo moneys now or that may hurotlier be r<

jelredby or for ihe usaof inch mnnfolpalfrom all lloonse (eei (etoept oonrt and olorkfew) from a tty and all licenses Ui SHlf —'-— 1, vinous, malt andtirewuiili<iaorj,i

be court of ooinmon ule»» of Ilia d.j t m ol* tbis atato, or other llccnainfr loar<

or body, aod paid over to lbs body orentitled to tlio legal otumdvof toe 11

suoh raunloipftUly, wbioli annwof moweoi-hodur bomaftw reotivad Irom a. I in;

liouusefeeiehillbo by said guvurolDR.ptrt as a tipoalil fund for mob ptirp

„ Aud be tt on«otod Tliat Ibo nor<body of any tuuoioipiHiy io*y isaue msaid tiinn.cipiditylnaullcipBtiouot tho 1 _ment an:l collection of ttie part or the cost•ucb improvf mijnt or improvem^uts upon '

iBtty adjoiDinfr and abouUiug on »st i r street* so lo be \nved, m»6«j]awllierwfeo imitruvod, sud In antlolpitiwj-OBoiot of Ifoouae fuc*M pro»idod for I

BCOtEon clffliUon of Hits aot,' anuoleui tu P'- tba nalit iniproveuient.

_;). And lie it enacted, That no work on ansuuu proposed luiprovementor tmprovetueni' *![>& commenced outil the goventlng liiw

_._aoli muuloipallty shall havo deooiltedsucb speolal fund, n» tiiovidod for TJJ BODIIIeltthloon or Ibis act. tw«ntr-uvo por oonti"tLn estimated coit thereof,21. And be it enantad, That tba powen

heroin oonrertedsliaH be oonutraed u Itelusin addition to, and not in lieu ol\ any powento pave, nuoidaniiz* or otbenrlse improvtKlrnt3tssor aveuuei, or to isaui bonds 001tained In the provisions of »nj> chartor

Tlnrii!,K:folacta, senural or ipecial. publio or friluconMsteut wftUor r ' pugnan t to ttioprulonsoft lnaaotaod tbo Bamo aro lierol>r

| A D d be It enaoled, That this aotshiUte uffeot humou1 lately. '

Approved Maioh 30,1SD1,

OIIArlEU OXXIM.A Furthor Snpplomont to ati actoutltlod '

oisewjiera in iu» •»««,- myuiuruu « •elevonlii, one Uiottunil oight hundrod aisixtv-fonr.1. UD ll enaotod uy tlio riina e anil (K—

Aeaembly of tlio Hlate of NotT Jersey, Thno pui-soi or earporaUon ahall dig, drodxertniovo anr tlepotiti of taiid or other materfrom the lamia nt the stale lying nndor tldiwaters witnontal.oonae so ta do mat dlitunei•a provided lu tlie weoond Beotloa of ihti aotandany.porsonor OOrpirstiOD wild sliilluolatrmllydig,drttlgs oiorsandorotuer material ...Torfeit and p»j for eaoh tnd evt.ry «noh offuutha sum olooo humlred, doUata, to ba, prooatod for and reoqverid by anfaoHoiorootrtot by aoy person or persons m apy oonrtoomuetuniiariadlonon withooita olautt,ono half the amount so roeovorod to be foruBa of tba state, and tha othor half to theof the person or persona who luill uno for ampruiooule the dame lo etTtcti-provMcdliover, tliat notblug. Jn this aoahal) prevent tbo owner or any jtranlorlorrom the suit*, or tUe aialscee or leiieo therof.tlrjm dinging, dredging, removing aitaking sana aadottior naurltt vithli tlline* of, or m front or.anobgnnt or leasfor tbe purpose imnro.infr lands i;rantudleased to iSom, or ilieirgr«itoni or luwrs, Ithe state, nor provout anch owuor, siilgoeeleiice from dl|ffinn ordrsUglnK a chauneebauuBlato tbo mam channel* audreiuuvland Ukinc iho material tberofram..

a. And Do Iteaiated, That.thoripirl-n*mi* ii oners or


Itenaotcd. Thatthoripiri 'nt>r a majorltv ot tbem Ibereln <

duration, compenastiun to be paid, and *other condition* aoi reitrlolrlotiom as thetereati or the atsle maj require bctnae byiDsirutneut in writlu*, ejeoat*d. In theai:manucr aa nrants of Und; nndat water are 1qairoJ to tu exBcoted, SDJ person., parsonsouiporUiuoi lo dig, dredgf. or Amove aoy tposiu ol sanil or .other'niiterlal froml»nd* af the state rtndor tidal waters; andnianofs received from any snob. llcongoa:alureatid shall be paid tp.tho treaaurer ofBtito fur state porpowA, ,• 3. And t/e ft, onachnJ, That the ripar!ectumUaloners, witb Ibo approval of the feroor, maj leaio or ttrant the. lauds orst«e below mean nigh water mark andmedlatoly adlalslos tho Bbore, ta any apoant pr applicant i there for olber thauripatiia or shore owner or owners, proritba riparian or sbore owutror unuersshbave recfli»a«l BIK u)nlha'preTloui noticeIba Intentluu to Uko a»d leaso or grant sUotlooglven by tbo applimnt or »i.olloatborelor. and tbo Hpa<lanor alioro owueiowneri Bball have fulett or neglected witsaid period, it six monlhi to apply for«complete snob loftno or griutj tho 1tlce herein required shall 1,0 In wID-, and ihill deBOritio tlie landswflehauohleioD orcrnitii doiirod, andshall be Bervod upon tbe riparian or ahoowner or ownora personally; and In tcase of & minority shall bo uervod upon tlguardian} in owe of n oorporAt!ou upon anofflot>r performing Iha duties of president,secretary, treasurer or director, and In theoue of a non-rBsldant owner tho notloo maybe by nnblioatlon for four weeks soo-'oeislvely at lowt oiioe a week in a Dewapijpetor newspapers publlubediu tba ooumy. orcounties wherein the huds are mtuatadain oass of anoh publication, a copy of,Twnolloo shall be nailed to each non-residentlowneror in case auohnou-zesldontvoi

or in oniia a corporation, then to the pcaldantjuch corporatloD, dtnotfidto him Vat r hi*post office address, If the same ban beaaoetvit.ned, with the postage prepaid |; bat noth-ing Iu the proTlBlons of. this aot containednhall beoouBtraed .aa repealing,1 altering,abridging, or In ftaymaiin&i;UmlUngtpcovlaious and nower^oonten«4.'aponplriparian oommi»loDersVawl^go*erBM ;b]tha not entitled*,1* fiuUitt^wPpWn"*; eutltled'AniotloaaowliintheriahUof ihe state andf:of.:uw?;rlp«UriVPWflerfIn the'lands lying under th> Waten ;t>f Ibay of .New ".Yorfc'anai;pb8«h««. ^state,"' nppwVed ApHlelflwntfc} onand .eight •hnadroa-.and'sWy-lour,.

l f a p p r o v e d .febnaryondrod aad ninet

/Mmt*H0iU«I«r-ah ; i t h ; t ^ i ^ J not hereafter

UOK « . . » » . lands of theiUto:-unto™w^ie1r/'cootertiljlo Into graJts

^ ent/ofittte.principal; but may wsll or let nuy Si the' "i"1 twtow mean' high watei

. . . ._,— ...-b/tormr-M' to-parohaae-tiumoj'br wntal,'*n4 rioder such conditionsu d • r«strtoUon*: as to, time and manner ofpuineai'Ute'duMtion and removal of any^itth*oooupjUion and use p( the land

aold ^oTAiMMd; and such other bondiUona,*tibUonsw the Interest" of,:the Btato

i g n i t e ; 'a* , may -beI-flied and deter-a-pysatdrlpamnobmmlBsionors,- or s

nfjority of them.' togethar with the gorer-

bs it otmolcJ, That all M U tp /o t a Inoonitlatent with this aotabd the Bame a n hereby repealei!; and thatIhii act shall take effect Immediately. J ; '

Approyed Maroh 2O,;lB9i. /• ;:• , ;

niiat to amend i n e^t: entitled Vanpp. meut to aa aot Entitled "An aol to awu

UUQ tbo rlgliie of the stato aud of riparli^owners1-lavthe lands, lying- under' the

-, .Water of the bay of New' York 'and else%whBre.'n this .* sUte," ' approved Aprila clerentb, one thousand elgbt hundred

•• shcty-four,' which wa* approved - Mi.-' thirty flrat, one Ihouaand sishi hundred

a n d s i l l y n ine . -. • : V : - * •-• !•••UBu it enaoted by. the Senate 4nd Gen

era! Assembly of the Btate of New JerseyThat Motion three of the. tot to to whlobthis is the amendatory be and turne la here-by amended to read as follows:

8. Ana belt enacted,, That the aot en<tled "An ' aot to ugthorisB the owners of

ands upon tide wfttere to build wharves Infront of tbe nine,'', approved ,Maro1i eiiih-teflnth, one thoueand eight: hundred andQfly-one, ba and the same Is hereby repealeas to the tide waten of this sUte below the

oe of mean high tide; but wild repealshaUnotbeoonalrued to restore any son.poeediighta, nsage or looal common lawrounded upon the taoit omwent of thestateor otherwise to all in any land under waterbelow mean• high-tide; and without theffrant or permission of said ooionihUIomrsno person or corporation shall flllJu, buiiiipon or make ant traction en or reclaim anv

the lands under ihe tide waters ot thiaitate: ami In oa» any pernDn or corporationO offending shall-' be, guilty of paroBsturo'

ichBhUfbe l U M ' i t t h e ^ i i d ^ Soffending sha

whichBhUfbe lg l t y of paroBstu

' i t the^nsii .nd^or O D t ipanae of mob psnon or ODrporaUon, on ID.'

pUoation " • of the Rttorney i= genemLnnder cejreo of the court of obanoery or 1iidlotment In.'; tho . county . la \ , wU™.

the same may be, or opposite to or a3joln.tog which said purpeatnra maybet':;pr6lTided, however.'that editor tils stationnor any. provisions'In this aotodhialnad

tall in anywUe repflal or Impair, any grantW.iand under water, or right lo reolaiMrude direoUyby.leglBUUTeaSt, or grant orloense power, or authority, so madaor iriven.»>rchaM1,flU -up,-: oooupy, posseaa aodioy Unas covewd with tho water fr

s or their repreaenuuves, grantee or Sk>to repeal or Impair auj^graut or i S

uwar or authority "to erootor build 0ibarTes;and?pleraLoppoilla. *nd-i "

' sd, or autborlBjd t , ba owo<0, or jrraateeor llcenice in 1

5fiS«SSrS™ iM^wtgCH)* into cQBbt.or givsn dl

it repeaUliIo, and as to any rovMaUo UoehBaIron ^.ty. tho. hoard tif osos-.n Jrwholdorsf .*•.Mualj-thiCM this sot gooi Inlo tffootbnlld.ducka, wUirTes3r.pi0rr.-or to Ull J awlaim.ahy.laods - . o b m ' s r In. tut*

fflor lo ' Juo

£t2lZ8£?$2£% SV.orod t i t»Ueanaeb»..nolba.nurt l.«fullr l««m«d or. bnlii ubrroioked,u]dnooooiiMUon:nrrolUnd nodor wator oitbJU .art, liuaol orrevooaU. lloeus .UU 1U.0."lie(t'Koltboaute, or oonter *nr riaiita npon theSeKruS^Z'tfa""i " **°" "1I"1'*

3. An'fcelteoacled, ThatallaotiandbarUof acts iPM«i..h>nl h o n w U t i , ^ M . t t a i S S -a n hsrabj repealed, aud that tbis aot shalltake effect on tbeflrntdayof JnlywiU

ApproveiiMarob20,189I/ ",,- : . :•

An Aot for the hatter proteatlon '.ol perwoimaonraoturiiaff, bollflna .or selling sod*waUra. miunral or a*ratod water*, ptfrter.Jalu, beor, older, mlllij oroiiru, or other buv*r, •;K°«.«wnm'l"odl"»!IIBboUl«aQrboiB*,, : : -1. fid ft enacted ,by lfaa'E»enata and Qanenl :

inambljoi ttio State of New JeYae>; That •anj and tUTporeuu or psrsona m*nu(acturinit, 'uotlllait or Mlllns; M>V wstots, mlSeral « =atraUd witflM. porter, ale,'bser, older, ta'lk -'oream or othor bevuraget, owning and using.;

or harmit to me bottlej or bozei, with bis, bur 'or tlieir nime or nauioi or. other raarkS or de.t ccs branded, atauiped nnsravod.' otobtd,blown, tmpreaied or oll.oroi.u piodnuil Sanoh bottle* or boies may flla/u tha' offl je^nfthe ulork ot ttae oaanty lu whloh bi*. her ortutlr buaiuess Is floudButod, oi If sao? perna - •orporaonishBiinmmfiataroor b'tili.oat ol-"-'- Tiato; then toanj oouoty in thi* state, a .

iptloa ill the uame ornamofli marks or'^tlevlees so used by htm her or tbeio, u d maycause saoh duswlptiou h> be ptttiUiheil onoea •week for tore* weeks suceesslrcly iaai)»ws>"aperpnbllshedlu thsuountr lit whioL said *ssorlpiioa miy have bsoa tiled ai ifhresatd. •9. And belt enacted: • Tliat It shall beuni :

lawfnlforany person otborihaa « e OWDBPthereof; wlth'tjoT the F A C U I o f "SSL ••

sooa waters niineraloraoritod waters porterale., \>wr,.milk, <ilde», .oreaih or o.hor baver-»sot( - any bottloa or : boxoi with ths owner's

pabUiheduodortireVro'fions of leotloaoaaof this act;; or U wlfully break S S r a nothorrtlso Injaro: the aims, o r ( b « l O u ytraffio In pr dispose oflbs sanls 1 w 'to dfiiue,orate, obliterate, cover nnnrn tL , .

e r or mako luvlifnames or,oiher Uarfcs pi dortoS S o n ? ?

8.* And be It enacted,' That aoy psrsoii who •'*•kill vinlate auy a) tho provisions o r w»tl6n>tmtViUsut i juU h a ^ a M e ' / t o ' t K e S r . ' 1 :oi Bfty dollars, to be reoovDrod;in au aoi-oaof \ V

, wilh ooiia, !o aur CHOMCJC thii state- "•liaWntr co^oirinM Ih-rco:; svd vslioa to ol'"•brjOB&t by tlio own«r cr owners olstuh boltles '

o r b o i o a . • , ' . . • ; * . y p : : . -..•"••• • .-•: • ' ? • ; . • • •• ;

: t . Aud DO it eoaotod, i tnt 'Uio vlolalloDiji the pn>rtilooBofa6otlODtwo of thU aot 'shall be primaCaelo o(t*bli*h&J, reip«iHv<ity, "* proof af .Uiavuts by any manufacturer cf or__ufer.In or bottlar of ssds water, mlnoratoturBtadrwaterr,:i>orUr. »io, boar,, old« or 'othorJieveraBBS*. or by auy dau-ymib, pro--duoer or bottler cf mile or cream, gianybotv 'lloi or boiea or whioli a deiorlptloD ahallhavs^-been flled and published under sootlot) ooeof ?••.tblB aoti.*ithoat tbottfuten. oonwnfof foe :.-owner tUcroof (said bottle*qr boxa* not beloK ''tbe property of anoh manDboturer, d6*4w,dalrjman, prodaoer -at bottler) or byproofi,:tliat auv anon manufacturer/bottterfdcaltf, ' ViltlrTiainor or iny jnnk dealer or- ••.

er in bottloa had in hls-poatcsiloD,'with- ,onftlie written consent of-such owner, saoh .'.:••,battks or boies; irhetber. irhote or broken, or ,v,aar part or parts ol suob ' bottles or botss, or "/aavaaoi buttles or boaes wheraof ihe nnraai, :"maTBsor devices aliaII have beon dofacid.S'-.oraied. obliterated, covered up or oth«rw|teremoved or mido invisible, : . >'••'' L. S

D, And l/eitonaatod.Ta.teiMtit'onagBlmlth d d b t t l d t l b

ot,nBot .


D, And l/eitonaatod.Ta.teiMtitonagBlmltha Roodi and obatteli and tna- pur-jon ol Ibodofondsnl shall li«aoDr tbo penalty and coils -•,

oovot-dd under soollon tbfee or this aot.\ - -"•/-0. And be ItenBotod, Th'tt all piballloB r«i " '

oojored under thli aat bofnr tliu ois of-'tlie p*or of tbe oily, town or towusliip where. •in auoa violation auall hars been commuted, .and shallhnmadisiolrupon rewlpttlioraof be'- .paid lo thB olUoer of soon city, town' ortowov 'Bblp by lair ouariced wi>h tlie care of the poor, V

7, And be It enaoled, Tiutany person wiisliall violite aoy of the provlaiona of iflOttoatwi» ot thli aot, vt who tlult haiatuhls'Dcs.session anj bottUi or boxes of wbioh-a d«- „aaription inall bavo Oeoo Iliad and publishtxt /nnder the pronslons ot sooilon oue of this tot, ~witli intent 10vlotiw any «i I l i p o t l tBSotloiitwooftbisaot,BliaUbegdemeanor, anil on oonrlotian taereaf shall bapnniobeJby fine no. osceedlugrona bnadnddollars prby imprtionraem not atcesdlng alxnonllia, orho.U, at- ttieditorettoaof.UieooQit.' .•8. Aud be U onaoted, That, oa-prob*b(o', .

oume sLoirn Ly tha oalli or alBrmatloa of tha-owner of my bottli* or bomaiieMrip.ion.of - '.wlilob aball W e boen flled-aud pabhsliad tin*":ijor mo provlKlou'j of eootlon, na« oflhls u t , . -or of bis agent ttaoreuntoapeolallyadthorlasla - 'lLat anv parson baa tn hi* jMiiM*.o:t any bot>; ;11,'a or boxes, a. «eEorlptloaal wiiion slisUTuare° •"••beon tiled s.nd published as nirorauld. tiivingviolated any cfUie provlaions'.of **olioatwo ;-of tbis *ot or with Intent,;t» violate tlio »a«i/i>iv :

a loarcb warrant aball: iaiiia lo dl*no?ar aai'-1-* '••-obtain the said tattles o r bj j t . j aud search ".tvarranf sball hs: lauod and icrved or « « • ;

^ markrpi

a i dog i t IbojFme oTsI m , . ...,.„ottlbuTshall not bareijulredy to agald fllejand'V\.,:pobllsnsuohdesoriptiost bai'aaoallUaiaadVi.*;,mbllaatloa ahall btimaua to bo afllir- ~* ' "

10. AndbeHeQaotad.Tbatalof acU lnoousuwm wulime -aot skali ba anil aro hereby. -

nA/tlocreitaoo'iotyUoiirdiotlioJPBOdcw...,- niaaiODors/aad tu;ilea j e ' their powers and '-(• ;

£\. Ba It ensclod by tba Bgaats and' Oanefsl;Asumblyor the Btate of New Jeraer/Thas'upon theoondltlonnerBlntFterstilM' tost* •'••'••bill ue in eaoti esnalT uf, ihla staw a board.ta.~ -he known and detfffnated as. th6 / 'ooanttVbotrdof lioonae' ooiiimi**ioner*"Jlii .anlifoeVtheir ro4peotlvecouniies;-U^»IiiJl oonal*t-tif ;:-tUroo members,Tt6 > be appointed by. ths got-ernur} snob board may-; Do appolutediin .any'-' -oocnly unoo the appllcatlou-of. not le««,ta»>vvonahundrarlclUzaus,who shall representlo^r'-,the governor, in writing, that,snob aboard!*'.-desired la: said.county] sneb -ogmmitttatwn•ball holdoflioe ft>ra'UrmoI. are; years.- sod ^until tboappoluttneatofoaoaosaorai ihtyshall: ,;aarvewitboat oampenaulODithay.•1maj.*1'apV;point a aeorotary in each county whose. Wlaiy ' -'

liaUbaBiod by. mo. board it; oboitn <; frea V-.lioldorsofsoohooQniy, bu.ahali; uuHheii>-i ..oato exceed five hundred dollars par aanbai,; ';;3 . Afld bo it enaotod, Tiat!juob .biiard*"1 V

ahill hive irenoral sayetvjiion and-control b( •tlie wholesUe •• and retail .sale of. sptritaow.1' \ ';.vinoni. malt a,na browed Itqoors esospt wowslloauae for the la'o • thorooi >bas bMo or may T:-;'beieafter be B«nl«d by a eourt In vt lwlr-w\ ' . 'spseuve o»nt!oaf In ots>eoiB)ifalntlbai.s)t.'V ,made to an; board, or It ahall ottniwias Mpat,t th i r • iwJTlfl iROtUitUokildcrnruTlicense, except when snoh llaansahu bM&orT ; 'may hernaf ter bs srantod by a ' coori,'., f 6rlhs7,:.uloofllqoorintlie ooQDlr for.whieasald .rbird was appointed conductsihls or her t>oal>^

neu In a minner vlolaurtt 01 J»w\ot dowi-i •: ;

aeatal to tbe publio welttroiit- shall lie lawful? ; '•roraueh board to mikea'BUmmary;lnVeaa«a:<.v'':Uon of tbo matter;' any mombsr of saob board,vy \.

nake luoh conipulot I U I I I U ^ 4 licaos*hv';.

>oird,itroke any

ird, it shall, be lanfal for anoh ;boird tort-;;;-.keany.llMns8*or,Uieisale or,llqoor,*ihteli:..':

..ill bavoTieon, grsuted -. to tbt farty^oom*;t£:-plained^ of,or toaaipena Hit,: rights of-*!.«.•);.Icenssa'. under, his. or.:hoi lioanae. ;-eio*t»l,&t; .«hDD saoh llcBiiiehu been or; may Iiereattw^-be xrantod by a court, for such inmod a*a»fa 5 : -Dommiialonara ahall deem proper; any'|toesi*«'.;.'.otmplainadot7 shall b»-entitledw.anaariasj?^;,iBfore Ba4d board* whichheartng 'iihaU bsrlia4l^f' i'

under inch tulea ahi^iegubitlons 'aaatiall^iM " -. :-anoptetl by the board; notion or "tho oXnaWBr^' '•of the board in aaoh case ahall ba Dialled lottie "1-Ilcenseacomplained of.dlreflted In tlieiadoVi;-dreaa at which his lioenae auihsrlsed the sal*;.; ;.oflqaor; idnoh. deoulon. ibali bo lo revokoV^.Uelioeniaof the party complained of, sucU11;:-icUion snail taka effeol on the secoadi day^M^

Jter" thB mailins; of snob uo l l ce i ' i r ^ ' any^ '^ieeuce-whose liconao ihall be:revoked by • - -iald boara ahall -.thueifwr aell any : ol .ihe <f -•',iqnoraafonaatd.whboutanoirlloeDsofb;that j • *>arpose first bad and obtained, he or she »l»ail;. '•"

8. And bo lt<onaalod,That:whe:>a'aver*uie^>oard ahaU doclde to revoke the Iloahie'oi anrIqnor dealer a* aforeuid, potloe aliall begtVen0 the oommlulon, beard or ^olherauthority1 '••

whom suoh^licenie was.granUd'otbtr thanjoart; tho d«flsiou of the. board created by

tbls aciibill bo flaii and shall .saportefla theaoUon of »DV aatboiity.OiLBr ;Ui»n-.aVcc>Tirt;IOWauthorised to granta lioeUso^arjhe wtof.Uqaorwliblnsuoheoutly} no cithertlcenwitlt be grantsd to any llaanm whosa.lleense .

shall- hs reroked,by laid, boar* iTlUj|n:oqo;year from the date onnob rtvooaUon. wJthPtt* '•the approvalr>r tuid board; whbUi a hail baax* .presisd by a roaoInUoo oullfled to tbestithoz-

jrtowhtmapplfBatlanls madafiir snbh'new' '

—.Hoard or other - to3y,"ol5sr7»L_ _wurt of judge thereof, haviORf'ths'^ps'inr tosmut lleenm to sell Ufuar wltbiatlib stale;shall neglect or refine" 10 gran*; a': UHBSS to • •aoy applicant, h* or she-nr - * -board hereby created In: thi

way frrant pueh lnMnsnoponVthepsueu fee or foe* as would have beenlicense hid bt«i granted by^tbeaatherilyto-thorn; the:, original •_ application. WMfmjtdai:..

iDkedlo the mapnor andlor ibBoaasesharoui. — I I ijf f u . ftrlA VkVtu^Bit Inrt t\W n _ . t . 7 . T . H . • ' ' ' *~iriaearorttiersTocBiion o^oti terlUensts; :.

S imo /omand effect ar tsgivin to libepse*"1

Ich inaT boBrtnledby any othor.miitlinrUr.- •'• *>

Anil bo Uenaotei],',That whsreT«.. be made to , any inch board In \

iDBi by ODO hundred elUstjns 'pl'an', „: whloh sach b w t d wat'spMlntsiL'iha* w*o -.-.,•rtlmum fee (Itodundar any law afthU t t a t a '..-

Page 5: BARGAIN ROOM pue O- F^#4 contains more ant otbee j hflsthe lrtrgest;•; northern new jersey. % vol. xxi.

Friday June 12, 1891:BoUrod »t the Pojrt Otteo at Dover, N. J.

• matter.. . ..-""/

L 0 0 A 1 JOTTIHQa.

Wuttlngton baa 7 « cblUreu 9? "cbool age.

Ko. 1 StMuasr n i returned (ran Htwbu

426 children.- • 'UorrbjtoWhod 18 arrests

trajopal*»t months "•. . "•' ' The Horrlstbwn fire department nurnl

Then IB ft •cartity ot potato bugs tills neeaon,whyt no OI» iewu to knowl - - '

Dr. A.;B.'Carp«Dter, of foonton, pickedpwu from bte garden l u t Batonfor.

w time table Iwued for th*

Mmdbun and MorriitomL" Stanhope iMtt Netooag at btmn ball

di t a MOI« of 10 to 7.

HeWtoabuOTBicoool children, jartmore than half the number fa Dorer.

Mar Btanbopt, being darted np again.V OBIJ a prolonged wet spell can BOW I.the cherry crop, which Is s prolific one. •

f;':UorrIiftSsHxBaUroad itook wldatauc-

". Tbo Cttholla Church, of Oxford, will mian excursion to talm Hopttoons July 4th.

. FMtmasUr! If dick h u inmnA * M W mail. from N.w York, which MTJTW at 6t4S A. if.;-: CMe( Engineer Lambert lui had allboM of tfafl Ore department terted tbliireek.;. Hon-ti oonii^r itmwberrietanbegliiiilDg

- corn* In market, about a week later then uriu' Tlw WaaUngton V. E. BandajKhoolwllinato an nounloD to I«ka Hopato«w Ji

,lOth.v ;r'„-.•. .-•:-.' f1:-".-':'. "• ; : '": :;is ' Tbi Cbatiuus Towmfalp Committee baa a{

pointedtwoipedal poUwmonto drive awajti.' An ordinance of Cbattuua township, to com-pel ptdlert to Uke out license, went Into effectJune l i t . : . . . , •'. .. - i . . ; . • •.. """

,Tbi Uorrii'County Uaohtne ft Iron Co, bairJustshIppsd'a fine hotsttng engine to take

finpwior. . • • • • , • ' • • . : ; • : - - . ' : : ' "

. • A meeting of the Farmers* Alliance of War-inn bounty was beld at Hackettstown laal

- Ifcs Morriitown ball team tx»t tboLwn-ardi, of Brooklyn^ at Horriatownbut Satur-day, 6 to 13. L " , '••": .'•;/. ,.'r :.-_ "

Fulford did notpntinanftppMnioe toahoolthe plgwo match with Frank Clan at Ni

Uw way, ar» Improving their Bag walk* bH U l t l

In m m part* of UH county It It baUeredthat opland hay will not yield more thanthird of* crop. ;: ;; . .

H n M t t u f c Uxnmenceme&tb*gins Bunday, Tbo claM of Dl ii Urn largest i•rer'grtduated,

preyalMitin kit tbli section ofMOTTI* county, but.gewrally a n not ofW J • » T « t j p e ,

1- '


i- . / , ' J , ' . . ' • / ' •'_•'• '."-'.--.

Tho.watw 1111M pre mjt.iuid ;ttw Mqrriioounty lake* are abloom with the cbaite endbeaatUul floweri

Ten'new tribn of the Improved Order ofBad Men are MOO to tw lutltatedla differentparHottbeBlata. '•'.^..••:./. , • •;•.. .•.:

ttU Badie RJohardi, of thlg rl»«,.had herarm •pralned by a nmawmy aoddent In Mr~rlitown.IutFHday. •'_... ;.•';,;•. V' V ."

TTw Junior 0 . U. A. K. are ^tai M t

tura In Boooton, which baa member* in Doverand ebieirfaare, will gira a eoncert Jons 23d.

Bis peraoni wen received to membership ithe Boonton Presbyterian Cburcb, on ~ *but, three by letter and three by confession.

Tbs Jane moan, which wu now on tbeand will b« fall on the SSd, will make MrualluteroiUng conjunctions with planeta duringtoemomh. , ' * ' '

The. outturn of' peach trees throughout Bus-sax county u becoming an lndurtry whichwill finally rival or auperoode that of 1production of milk. '

Tha souvenir spoon business has sprangvary suddenly all over the country. Theycommemorate personi, exploits, • bulldlDga,parka, monuments, historic events, etc.

Frederick Cromwell, of New, York, wilMOD ereot new buildings and make a baodsoma country seat of the property at Mendham recently purchased of Frederick T. Hul

Tbe oommenoament HWCISM ot tbe Dovpubllo -chool will be held In Baker OperaHouas Friday evening, Jane SOtb, for wh!event an Interesting programme will be p

a r e d . , • . •" ; • • • ' , ' • , . . - : • •. • . .

A parrot belonging to Marshal Hagancaped on Wednesday of but week, and afterenjoying himself about town till SaturdayHew Ia at the window of Dr, M. M. stage uw a s c a p t u r e d . - . / / • • , • ." • ."• - •••'. • • - ' ; ;

Hr. IV. P. Braun, the Hooka way aia manfaoturer, haa adjusted hla affairs and expectsto start up neit week with a large workingforce. Many will ba pleased to learn of hisgoodprotpecu.

Complaint Is made that the quail releasedipon the reservoirs of the Chatham G«

itlon are being killed by poachers, ifour special offloers have been employed toguard the grounds.

The, OOth anniversary of the opening of theBunday sobool of the Bouth street Pretty"-terianChuroh, of Morrutown, will be observedon Sunday next, the exercises being held inthe church at StiCiVli.*, - . ••• : .

On Sattirday.afternoon, June 20th, therei be a shooting match for 133 a slda bat WOL

ffllUam rarllman and! Joseph Orr, both oiEtockawaj.'. They are toshootatEfi birds, thtloser to ptr all expenses.' In answer to many Inquiries Secretary Wee-torvelt wiihea'us to say that toe wld JW of the

» W.U. Hedden received some weeks agofull mm of 98,000, for whkih her husband

was insund In tbo Chosen Friend*;'Smith & fanning; the Dover masons, hare* en a contract to put tip lour buildings

TwomMey estate at Madlion, a form bouse,barn, engine bouse and wagon house, whichwill require about one million brick. -

'i.tamoutimrt Monday tTentnf, to tnuuaot

ffs: The Bockaway club went to Hookettstown1 ' lart Saturday to play ball and were beaten: by U» borne dub, 18 to 8, ,;.:_-•'.,;•'.__-. •;.t: 'Fourtbof July Is bafc tbrn wtek'i distant

;. and nat a ibgle,oalebration,nwvl)etn an^

g, .:eoltocW as msnjr a# 80,000 qnarfs of milkiwHb-

;^tal^initaof^wTbrky'- : ; :^ ''-^;\-/j;

inrtUUon to partidpato in tbe ith of July• , oalabratiooatHacaettatown., -'. .;• •• -.-. •, ' '

Jm*. A. Oood*l.Vn«r sod. founUin, m*ieU d U ^ l B l U b K i

\ TUBopr«M Cuurt h*i decided that 'allruortgigiM on cfaurob property must be taxed

V'ttM^suae M other personai property.^ ^ T l t a t h G ' d ' P

. »ow numbers 109 members, snd wIU proceedatoowtboUdtWlbh

y , g c a M i . O r w n ,r.iLai purciii*! a lot corner of Colies and Wet-•':• auraavsan^'.lfocrislo'wn, for |I,MU.. : -• ---;•:V,. Tbo AtfataUc Baseiall Club, of JUdl»n, on

aatunkyaftcnioaa lart drfaated the Uncaa' X n b f p i l t o b eof 13 to a >.-.>.:. J*

^ ^ ^ ^ s m ^ i ^ ^tte owner o« a rose bosh 23 yean old which

. Uossomswmtblywlto beautiful flowers, ; • . :' - A f«w wrt.d.ys win'c*i» the inferior'fruit

n paw* trees to drop; after wUob amor*: H ^ i t o f U U b b '

f.:-hTb»*tackawaniia haa re«im«d Us sale of:. excnnloii UcktU to the wabringplaoaa alongX' Ha Unas, at the rat« of two oenta pw mils.-;..-:'

(' •• Bbsphen Pooie, while worktagoo truoki t tthe « r stop, lart Moodaj bad' hu hand

,oapght,laos«vingaad wounding It badly." C. Ooohnn and K o ; Bbumnhave gona into

p. the OM|ertaUng bustnese at llandhan; haying;' -purchased tbe ootfltflLtha Woodruff asUte,

I ^ y e a r l y report of Uio MorrJitown Board: Jos'; Bduoatloh ahowa\dlsbursnienta. to the

, Hon. Aug. W. Cutler has 'placed a hand--tome, forataiD," wilb'ltfMlie flgnrea of a boy.Mdjrirlt npwi.the tawn;iufroiit,of hiireal^

: : / ,John^;BrttOT^/.aps^ : ;whol*ii( iy•tl»¥illingforaiho8m»nuractunBr, will'build aMaidens t» Umself OD East Blaokwdl street,

.•.,Tto"l»di«i of t ie FTnt 1L E. Church'willi, haw a" supper With tocrwn and »b«wbBrrIea

oc tii* eTeoing of Juno Ifllh.. .MEIIO and ilng-• ; ; ^ d u T * n g ^ e v a n b g ? : ' : ^ r ' i v ; > - ; ' •

.ooUectingnimifor tin proposed new M. E.^panbnage/at "-'Mt^'Ftod

RlchardjitibicribedllOO.,:^t*Handoli41a,OfMlMHlll,di*l• • ball chlb In this ridnity oompcaaKt of•'OBoar: SI* years^of': ago. '•:• Address' Richard

':' Eoough mooey h*. been raised by auUcrir-- ;tloo In SCendham to build a Kood road and-

b l l d l l f tbe center of the yllligetU7; : ^ ; : ' \

-: The paplU of at . Mary'•.school will give a:• Doe tnnafaal and dramatic BEterUinment, fol-

lowed By dances, in the bew-aobool hill on^Bitai^««DingJnbeiSOtbv/r fj^\^K\^'

. ^ ^ p oatl*ke''-Hopatcpitg, ias:.beend i a f t l d l d U h

; Mr: J. WwleyB^njnU will build .redJcncoon Uj lot on BlaokWoU street, between the

- prop«rU-a rfDnt Critteoden aul Cook, andV'nota ' t inHstaiedl i t ' ;'7 ; :

';-, "uomaumder Caghlari, of' the Vary Depart-//ment,1 took formal pesmdon on Tuesday of^ t b l tract at the government powder

"Th*8UteaQthcritiM ha»e not yet decided;, aa' tothelegill^of th«;wc*ot aVwtitw In:' HacloBttsbiwn, and they dont> there.'; wither, they VB had a fshutar riactlon arnot

g y 7 ,: hardly pays to gira a flje tboaaad dolkr''education to a flVe "dollar boy; • It'lsMiis

ga howlraldollar saddle on a.twenty

. -. '-'•• A sixawberry and lee cream festival, under'^ V* autplcaa of the Christian EndMvorSodety< or the FnabTteriM Church, Mbe'iHIll, wiU^.behaktfntha Btmday school room on Saturr

' Tbe'MorrM & ;K<s«" IUllroaa EmplayeW' ^uftMt<TTfflfflt'Awnff MnfT will rftn nn innir^. aiooWLstoHopatoongm Friday, JnlyiTta.

.: Tba animal mspeotica of UeDavIt Port, Q.AlJ^iwas nada last'Batnrday: eramtw byO d ; P i : C L J W O l I

.:; Q. KmrwM araT otber oamradw of Oen. Torbert

There will faainM. A; E, Dlviklon oi

Boontoa people cannot lupply the dtsuwadsmode upon them for Summer bonws.

Delaware sod Maryland promfio \a *end tomarket B.OOU.OOU basketc or peaohes tbia year.

Tbe Presbyterian Church at RockawAy willot farn[sb«l with sew windows, repainted,eta

Dont forgot to throw tbe American Bag tothe b t m on Uooday next, observing U>«annivunary of its adoption.

Tbe Ucenw fm inBoonton for boUla, wbole-s»l» dealers and bottlingbeen Increased from tSfJO to *350,

Twrf, L. ft W. roadbroka groutd on the1st Inat for their new cat, steam heating and*electric lighting plant UHoboken. ' . -

trof, B. H, Young's school for Voice Ou,

A VUtKEABUi omxsK BSVtBrrs TB»

Thef oUowIngofficenhavebeatichoean by theBpwoith League of thft Boonton V. K. Chiiroh iPmUanf0 . WJgg| VlcePreildenta; D. toolw,Urs. Trowbridge. MIM Todd, Hiss Hutebler [Becratary.Miis Kincaid j Treasnrar, HIM QOT-d o n . ' . . • ' _ - , • • . ' '-;,"?•'-• ' • • > ' • • > • . • • „ ' ' * , . • ' • • • . , ' , " - -

•-' Tho Kewton Herald ia mistaken. In tayldgthat tha stated tbat the lloanse feeein Dover amount to " an average of one dollarfor every man, woman and child in the1 place,"

i ERA has not aa!d It, and the statement la

At Uie snntal m«Una of the Carpentersand Joiners Union ol -Morrlrtown, Moud«ynight, O. FrankLoiier wu elected Frealdent,Ur.Zeek, Vlos.Froldent, and-Qeo. Grove,Recording Bwetary,...Tls. union has a large

.•iThe.onlar^'fw:rornishinar,the' plants,dseoratfag tho grounds about the Court Hoot*at Hcfrlst«wii hasbssQ glran to W. H. 8pang-

-, Jr., tbe D o w florist >H«baB juat flnlabsd•» floral work la and about the take JEnd[obi at Landing.; . . •

,•A musical aod Uterary entertalntnent, withrefreahmenn, wiU bt given at tbe borne of Hr.John Hall.DecviUe, on Friday srenlng, JuneW*. TheprbMedifortbewldowandohlldren: tbe late John Stickle, who was killed rt*

otherwise act as intelligent dUwm withoutbalog therebydlao,ualifli4 to ant us Jtiron, hasfurnished occasion for much favorable com-ment by the presi throughout tbs Btate. InWew York State, mpro tban In New Jersey,Intelligence hat been made a disqualification;and men who knew, from reeding, anythingabout a cue to ba tried, were inoonUnsnUyonaUeoged at tbe jury box. This policy wassimply offering a premium for fools, and itluooeeded In bringing thomodern jury syrtetnInto'disrepute,' A man who bad a mind wasnot wanted, and a nian with an opinion ofbla.ownwaa held to be dangerous., But whileibis pollpy/wai nfleoted somewhat In some[Tew Jersey trials, it never found lodgmentIn tbe higher ooarte, and Judge Msgie1* wordskave utterly .obliterated It from the courts ofthis Btate. -A reasonable man—and such n»nsire.the very ones most needed In tbe jurybox-must bare opinions, but his. opinionsare subject to change when sufficient evidencei presentedta him. :TVnen such a man goes• U>B jury box;; his mbd Is notabknk, but

It Is in a oondltl6n:of Intelligentnoeptlvltyind be haan,'dig«bi and rennWa Veidtottcoordiiig to the evidence.\;. I t Is a bappy dr-camttapce that tile view* which tntny lawjwatnaM nptm-milnlj btwyers who a n conduct-

Mdefenoa^that jurors'muit bo :lgnor-;UM^;hu'-be«n'.:awept'aitd« by Judge

TheBlaventa'a stounlon.:~.Thsj Phimpebtirg Demoorat-gives the fol-owing prognunnie<of the' rennion In that

i of the old Eleventh Reglmaiit, In whichmany Morrfa ommty''b«yB, .Including ft

c o m p a n y f i t j m E j H . j r : . ; ' • • .-, - . - - • i ;V l


' The procMslca,' In ooanectlon with thelleventh Mow Jersey Regiment Reunion, onb« 16th Init., will form at the Fannsylvanlaopot, about I t o'clock, after the arrival ofbe moroini trains,. The J. O, I'olmlo Po*t,

A. H., wUl a o t u aa Moort,'and tho yislt-g Fortaand 'Campaof Boot ofVeterans,*

rlth tbe Town Council and'Board of Bduoa-loo, wJUhav«apbu»Inthellne. The march

trill be down Main* street to Stockton, upStockton to' Chambers,' and tbenoe to the

-"-Jnsto- Church:.;: Tho services in: thew l l l b e a s f o l l o w a i - •'• • : . - N • • ' • • • - - •,

Af ter ainilng and prayer, suldreasea of wel-»e will be mod* by Major Jobs 8. Bowers,it Commander'Allen J. Cllfton, and Dr.A H. Orifflth, and fe*pon»..ln behalf ofEleventh "Regiment by Sergeant Thomas

.. Marbaktr, ot Trenton. Batlons will thenesemd by the ladlos, after which the Begl-mtiwlll bold its buslneis meeting, and, atblow the pnbllo exerdses,will be resumed

rhen addrettes will bo made by Major Gen-rat Daniel E. Sickles,' the Commander of theId Third Army Corp», CoL John Bphoonover,UieEIeventhnegiment,Qbn H.U.Ifevlua,a eloquent orM-armed soldier of Red Bank,J., JohnS.Olbuw.Eiq.;of Dover, K J.,•Mayor C. F. Cbldsey.Jof ;Eaaton, and

Ihen. AlloidsoldlflrsarsextendedaspeelalivIUtlon to be present : •'. v ',-; •'•:-,:r.. :.'•'

3n tbe Si of June a large charge ofdjna-ue^loded^n the lower end of I^ke

[opatcong, and b«rid«; the amount of dendtaken away'by tbe'rucak who did theI hcndreJi^of pounds of dead fish wan leftting In the waten of the lake. A due wat

ibtalned from a man who saw ths explosioniad at tbe auneL time saw two'men Uko awa;(» lot of the fuhi Cdnstabte Ed- P. Tottoifollowed up tba' clue .tbui obtained for fur;tber iiifann&tion, upon the stjength of which

antstod yoTtenUy two men of Btanbope,si Morjan and Black/who; in default ofwere token to tbe oonnty jail at Ubrris-

own, BbouM: their gultb be establiihedeyond .doubt' such on

made ottbiem at will dotes others Iromeugag-.InibUiisfajioasbnslwaa. ,':,: '. r'i, •,

Since t i e foregoing wai In typo we learnthe full,'names of Ihe men are. Amos

_ k and TVm. Morgan. -They have the evl>denceof men wbo beard three.explosions in

aigbt aid sawlthese men plokUig tip the. In the mdmlDg; •' Fish Warden Frothlng-a furnished the warrants and prosecutedca*.- He will see to it also that full jus-t Is done in tbe .matter. Tbe penalty is

,000 ' Site and' two yean imprisonment, <oth. I t is believed that a ton of OsbweilestrojedbyUwexplosions.'.- • ' 'j"'-'..':-"_

Horri« OountrBeal Bsiate,

Sauna Cory and Amelia T. flersan, wife ofDr. Stopbeo Pianos, to Jane K. Brave, wiferf James Grove, Morrlstoini, |7G; David M.DoriJne to Sngene J . Oooper, Jefferson town-iblp, 11,000; John O, llase to Sarah Waer,3aver,eaniIdsraUon I t ; Arobtbald Apgar toJohn K. TNamdl.-Mqrriitowt.'oonjideraUonIi; JdiaJ.Hokhart and HobertT. Smith tonca K. WeatordW Ilocka*a7 townihlp,[7S; James G. Jacobus and Win H. Jacobus

toi Vincent Ootld, Boonton township, $180;BeoTge Flarson to Jnlla Ann Fterson,. Ran-

•^townshlf t tSOO; Janus B. Smith toi1 V. B. Ward, Wsahlngtaa townihlp,

•15; Floyd. Decker to JonaUun BIglow, But-«rj,tl,CO0i Pwderlck 7 . Nutt to FrederickCornwall,Mandbiirn township, 110,000. '-•

* a HIn>, C t o w ^ ; . Cartridges' atBarrj

Without doubt Uw oldest peraun now livingwho was bom in Dover is tbe Tsnorabb DavidHamilton, of BOOJMWBJ, now in hie 80th year,and who last Monday peidayldt to hid nativetown, which Included a call at tbo otBco of tkE UIH gmuofutbei^ David Uurd, livedalltUehouseatUiofoot of the bill, tbis tit>ofthsresuenceof Mr. K. J. Hoag, and boreiris born Nov. lOth, 1605. His memory tnrman of his years is something wonderfulall tbe small details of bis Bariy lite are ao-caratelyaxedlnhlBmlnd. He recollecta dis-tinctly that wbeoJie was a boy there wereflfWea hou» all told in Uw village of Dover.Patrick Chrystal then lived on tbe Chryetelplace, on Fenn avenue, Andrew King livewhere the Uegiehomestead is now on Proepeastreet, while Jesse King lived near the Morrisstreet railroad crowlog, on ths old turnpiand near to tbe old acbool house. Just tlside of the Freabyteriah Churob wore twibouses, oae occupied by David Powers, and tother by MO«B and Aaron Doty. , ID whatafterward cama to know as HoFarlan'i parwas the reatdfinoe of Jaoob Losey and thehotel kept by Fetor Hoagland. Qyer tbbrligB, and along where tho canal came after-ward, were four homes- tho flrtt occupieda man who workad la iha mill, the sucondJohn Clark, tha third by Hi-Lard Clark an.tha fourth by Euklel Munson, who keptboarding house for mill bandi. Beyondriver waa a house occupied by a man nanAuger, and the " saw mill home,"- nearCwitnl Itailroad cut, wbero Bamuel Lov<lived.. The only other houao In tio plot*one on the brow of tho hill now occupied irXiocuat Hill cemotory, and this was occuplrHby Pbinoas Ward.

It really Deems wondorf ul that from mob•mall beginning should grow a young city4,000 population within tba compass of oman's life. Mr. Hamilton oonld hardly real!as bo looked over tbe place that what U noitbe entire business portion of the town was ibit early dayi .but a large tract oi meadowground, over which men mowed as far as tbepoint of the mountain. It was somewhat sad,too, for him to reflect that erery peroon whotben redded la Dover has since passed away,

Mr. Hamilton also recollects that when hifirabnevrRockaway, In 1U1&, it contained bu18 boucet, aaw mill, two forges, grist mill andcarding thill. Of the three reeidonta of theplace there Is but one now living—tbeable Mrs. Pamela Mott WbUe ben MrHamUMinut nil old bovhood friend, TituBerry, who Is but a littJs more tban a yearyounger than Umaalf, and they called at theoffice togotberto talk over old umosv:

i W n his early boyhood Mr. EamUton wasInured to bard labor. ForSlyearshefoUowedwood cutting and charcoal burning for theforges, and was among UIB first tofollow rail-roading ..In this section. Bis father, SilasHamilton,- was a forgeman, and worked farUme in the forgo at Hurdtown. \ '

11 You may say," said tha vcnerablo andplauant old man, as he rose to leave Uie office,

that I have always been a Wblg and a Re-publican, because I came of a patriotic family.My great-grandfather fell at Tinconderoga,both my grandfather* fought in, the Revolu-tionary war, my father torved In tho war1819, and Ibad two brother* and two sons Inthe war for the Union. One of my brother*,although ho waa, M ycon old, ;enltated

i the lost war in a' cavalry regiment"

, Jnxora If«o4 Wot be Xanoramuaes.Judge/UagleV substantial opinion, n

before the Supreme Court, to the effect that,Jurors may read the news, form opinion* and

asylum otMorrl* Piattuaa au Indigent patientt the eipeow of tbo oouaty of Morris.. Ate eud of about a year' the irotnau becamelioh bettor auil was discharged, her name ate Ume being emwd from the books, of the

asylum.. A little Inter, bar dementia nunl-fssted Itself again and Bhewa^roturotKj to the

l but through some oversight her nemoi kwaa not reinstated on the booki. This was a

little over a year ago, and the mistake wasnot titsooyorod hy Urn .ssyliun autborltiea UUa fair" qnya sinoo. .The lady, bail been sup-ported at tho ftiylum all this time withoutbeing a special chargs to anybody, exoept UieState. The flrat, knowledge of it'was whoaapplication.- ww'tntde for some clothing for

and It was found that thore wai no suchaeon the-lxwlu.' As a rosnltfif the dU-

overy a bill for $405 wai rendered to thoPreeholden tbli weekfer her Support It IsFurther Kdd.tlmt.Min Wack has'a dowwright in property held by her mother* who is•Ull living, ami iheraUUlt tint ths county

]^poiew vigorous words.V They were'neededand they wera,tlnwly. ]; rbe poUoy of thecourts and of the lawjers should bo to getmen of Aill InUHeo'ts upon juries, and1 not tokeepsucb men out of the jury boiv-BlUabetbJ l i ' - y •-:-•'•':'-'±~-'±'/^_.:::.'-'•' 'i'-i- 6 ,

The Xallroad to Kendnam. •:I t is expected that tbe rails on tbe Rocka-

Talley extension from Peapack will reachdUam by to-morrow n!sbt,'nbJch -will W

erent for great rejoicing by the poople ofit village. It bad.nearly reached Ralaton-wnhut Saturday night -ter a tlmalt is

proposed to have clambakes each Saturday atBlaok River Falls; Fottersville, free clams

wing provided to every purchaser CXTurdon ticket, as'a ineans'of advertlijogthe

road and Ibla preUy resort." ,' '•'. •••' ••-^,'/:In the Inyiog of tba rails, when tbo land or

knlel Losey was reached be ntused tbe sumrly agreed upon as compensation, uama-

*Mh00O, and declared the tallroad should nothim for lesi than •1,600.',However

about 60 men and seven teams managed toade the roailbed and lay track all acrosshi*

and Mr, liOsey.aEtor', waiting a,fewtys, decided to accept tha company's offer,iongb, owing to hi* tardy acceptance, no In-

: i a u ; " ; V ; :; ;'

Lart Friday 'aftornoon.Manrs. ChaaC K.1arki ratteraon and others, with the Town*

p Committee, met at tho engine house touire of Horace • It. Dunham sucb'lnforma-

as! they wished to know respecting bistcoonnta. Mr. 'Dunbau iris present, and

ady, aa be baa been from the beginning, tothem or anybody else an opportunity to

examine hla acooonts. After quite some talkcommittee, of three waa a[ipointed*to seleotn export to examlna tha books, but'when tho

matter of paying for the services of auch ancame up tbere was a painful silence

ntil Mr. Dnnliam Informed them that hewould himself pay for- an expert to examine"htabooks and giveithem such Information as

tey deaii'ed to knowi: Aa soon as this^ez-aminMion U concluded we Bball know all

K u n l i . •'••;_

Oolng* Over the Boato. r •Prttldent'Boott a id tbo IHrectorsof tba pro*

ne we railroad from Caldwell, took acarriage drive over-thB roate on Tuesday,starting from Horrlstown in the early morn--Ing. Pourtoan ot: the.DlPDctorB—or all butUr. Bcbafer, of "Lak^Hopatcohg—were pres-

t, ond with others interested made a partyif twantj1. '-They went by way of, WbippanyLndTanlppanytoCaldfrell and returned byray of Hanover Heck and Troy Hills to Boaa-

i, where they took dlanuyaf ter. which they»ve to ML Tabor, where tho party broke np.iweraeatlaHed'.thatthe.road vrbull be a

comparatively easy one' to build, because ofthe light grades, and that the situation of. thecountry, for residence and business,;, wouldriake the Investment proflUbIe.>- ; ."[ -' '••

judgeIiayrenoe,"of Mendham.-.'}••]..Quite a number of the friends of SVeeholder

Walla Lawronce, of *w*m1tiiirn| are activelycanTaisliigtbe prospect of Us being appointedto Uw Taoant lay jndgsblp fat this county, aod

of them are oonfldent that the title at-tached to, the bead of this article win yet beappllod to him, \ Bo confldont, In fact; are theyofthlsthat at tha. meeting of the Board ofTreeholden on Wednesday a messenger laidupon*m-.lAwrencetadeBbapacia£«ad(lrejBed

*' Judge lAwrenc^'from. his AdmlrlnKFriends,*1 which was' found to contain A fineD9wbnt;«raitab]fl to Uia diznity of tho OIT.OT.

prospective: Judge, - however, was ap-parently too modest to be* present and reed vatills token of appreciation. ', '; ';/ '" '-'•'.;;"; '•' •

The Beat r iour In the World, .. •Sotaething'iuir. Trial order Mlldted, A_ rednotion In Peed, Grain, Bnttar, etc., atFrltta, llorris St., pover, N. J. V ; :

Oultiyatora ;. •'•'•',:• • •tor KEO. Tbo Byraouse bwt at Berry 5c Co*a

HardwareBtore;"" *".;):"" ••"";*""-vV

aapsrthan ever, from H«3np, -atth*Seo

tfbo June meeting of the Board «M hold'Wednesday, wlUu ttiltbeinenibcrBpreoeot,cept Ur Lawrence Tba niluuua of Iho 1maetlng were read and approved

Mr. Martin Cook, the ne «r JiVeeholdor electedby the Township Committee of Fe<|Uannoo to111] tbe vacancy occasioned bv the reslgualiaof Alt'. Cbaajboru, ttiipwuvd tud wasswurnClu-kUanm.

Tbo Finance and Audit Committee report*as follow*: Koctijita, Includlngbitlancofibut month, fd,81»J0; dfiburaemonta, |S,113; balauco on band, f1,lB5.O7. Tltoy b«iapprored bills to the amount of *4,»«> 03.

Tbe Court House and JoU Con-mlUuported bills approved to the amount of £158.CO, - Number of prisoners lu' Jail at l u tport 10; tinoe admitted 18; discharged 23"remaining 14. .• The Poor House Committee reported bllli

approved to Uie amount of •1,054.04. Kumbeiof Inmates at last report TS; rtnee admitted (discharged 10; remaining 70. NumberChildren'^ Home at last report 50; since imltted 4 ; discharged 4 ; remaining CO,

The Lunacy Committee reported that thtjbad vklted that BUta Asylum at llorrli~ . Where they found tha condition aCare of the Morris oonnty patients'as goodcould be expected. Tha number of patients:constantly inerwudug, there havingraven admitted ilnca Uarch last, making tbo

' " mber 103—ill males and 55 female*.They prewuUd the quarterly bill of l ieasylum, for $4,25i,W, wmcb was ordered paid.

The Miscellaneous CommltUa reported blllaapproved to the amount of «810.iB.

Cooic Applied for a wmmlttoo on abridge lu Feqoannoo, near Pompton Pialiu.Uetn. Cook, Starkey, Haoker and GiU ap-pointed.

Ur. Horson reported tbat tho Union streetbridge In Dover will cost about«1,800.

Ur. Burlo oiked tbut «02» be not aside fornow bridge lu Uorrlatowti ou Jamn street.

Ur. Backer asked tbat tWG be set aside forbridge ai Chatham.

Ur.Orlmesukedtbab Ifor bridge at Troy Hills,

M B k 1

be sotapar

Ur, Backer asked that 1000 be sot aside forbridge at Rocknway Valley. All these iumfwere appropriated, .

Ur. Burke offered a resolution providingthat t ie Clerk keep an account with eachtownship of all bridge expenditures, creditingtbo township with tbeamountaakedforattbBinDUiil meeting and debiting It with

moneys spent. Carried.Hr. Budd Mfcod for a committed ona bridge

near. Stanhope and another near Flanders,Messrs. Budd, Honce and Frost appointed.

Mr. Gill asked for Committeeonabridgo.Uie road between Denville and Powerville,near the residence of Daniel Dlokeraon j onone oa the road from Hockaway to Duuvllle;on one between Bockaway and Hlbernla, near1L D, KItcbell's, to cost about |I,iXM); ocone near Hlberula, and on one at the head olNinkeypond, Mean. Gill, Bright, Hereonand Backer were appointed.

Mr. Frost asked for committee on a farldj_on tha tonnabrp line between Chanter andMendham.' Ilia old committee waa named.

Mr. Htarkny asked for a. conunlttae onbridge at Whitehall. Mosars. Btarkey, Cook,Docker and Orimea were appointed.

Director KiEg announoed the followingrearrangement of two committee*, owiug ttbo resignation of Hr. Chamben:

Lunacy—Mwfsrm. fludd, Haoee and Cook.'luiurauce aud •• Mloooliiiuoou* Aocounto—

lessn. Frost, Uaneeaud Grime*.

A* Peouliar Lunacy Case.Afewyean ngo UUt EUa» Waok,' of Ut,~lva toirnsbip, waa oomroltted to the luuatla

CoL Bill's JjMture,A very nice and appreciative audience ai

wimbled In Baker Opera Houseon iVotluesda1

ovenlug to boar tbo lecture, " In and Out oP t o j , " by Col. Edward £, Bill, of Hawark,under tbo auspice* of the Womia's ReliefCorps. A moro abaorbed audience neverlistened to a lecture iu this community, theirattention belDg riveted to tfia veryolose andbroken only by nppiauso^Mthe lecturer re-lated hit wonderful persons! orperieace InConfederate prieooi, bis cleverly coctriTed

apo with two brutber oDloers, and tholrurcey of (WO rulleg to frocdoui, tvitb thrilling

Incidents of periloua encounters on the fact tbat this waa a remarkable personalixperience o( tha groat oonQlot, tha literaryerit of the production and tha very pleasant

manner of delivery comblcod to make a de-lighUul whole, aud tbs brave'oUcer was

reeted afc.tha oonclualon with prolonged ap-llflUBO. • > . . • • . . - , j

Prior to the lecture tbe Arion Quarbattesang the patriotic selection, "Dropping Oneby One," In such excellent yoleeand fine effect

tber were applauded till Iheyraappeandand rendered with equal merit " The VacantCtuuV After tba iocture they sang "TheMidlers' FaxeweU" and the appropriatenNa

their muda waa fully equalled by the formwhich it was rendered.' -lu opening and concluding the entertain-

iiontthoY. IT. O. A.l3«>hwti-a rendered In-trumental seloctlotu very acceptably., Thoy

9 warmly applauded, anil although youngn organisation they give evidence of mual-

l ability that make them a pleasure and airids to tho town. ' • \Tbo Woman's Hellef Corps netted about 450

or their rellaf fund And d*elra to tbaak aUho reiidored them tuck kindly aid In their

goodwork. .; . . . . ..*:.-, -.,...

g; a yhUthorltlaa will assart tieir,ri«tU la tbe n u tW l t t h b p r o y e a t o ^ f h e p a a e ; c ^ s . v ; ^


Last .Friday fbronoon. the :BUA; havingleanHd that teaobors had been, engaged'forthe Dover school for tba ootning year, sent arcpreaentetiva to tbs tiutrfet Clark for a listof the name. He w o met by tha statementthat the list VM not iult« ocmplete and wouldnot ba announced till th»; next weak, •; *To onrlurpriM we learned aYeV hours later that tbe

,il*t for which wo asked had beett pnbltabed inanother pepffi;Wby the' Et t i . wat-deniedinfomation of aptlbllo.obaracter which bad

furnUhed to another w« leave* It fori Interested to explain. : The names o;

^ant tmohers' that hive been ODgaged fornotbor joar, ari Princlptd Coriewjuid the

Utssea Briant, Agnes and Bertha Gage) OJark,Schlarbaum, MorUu, Mclnteeb, Inwriglit andCalnane. MfesesPelver and Kendal did notapply for next ysar.- ' ';••*•'-"• .-". ./-•1

.. KnoyolopsBdla Britannioo,One of the most noUbte achleTemenui In tba

litory, of booka and, book maklng-.waa tbaompiotlob of tha R, B.Feale repriot of the^eat.Bnoydopadla Britannic*, at 11.50 per

volume; with' Important American. articleswritten to date. ,Th«t the public appreciated

spirit of this cntervriaiDK Chicago, firm Iswu by the fact that over half a millionuroe« were soiilln the poet year, ' •'•", '•?•;,

An elegant, new-wide margin cdltlob,old . only, throagb canraawrs, - Is justtow being offered a t $1.60 per.volume."..Tata•rticular edition, at f 1.60 per volume, In BIXO

of page< and print, is rapertor to other^so-calledreprints and compares favorably. with tbeScribnereditionatffiperyolume. , • ' .

,•'-•;••;.•.': F l a « Day,1": . ; " i •-,';" ; ,it K happens UtatChliaren'sray.thlsyear,

!auV upon the anniversary of ths adoption ofAs American fine, and the Bocletyofthe Sons^( the BovoIuOon arc .weking to bavo itgenerally obwrtcdl'now^and herenlter.; Ifthe date falls ou Bunday, U B observance totake place on tho Monday, f olitowing, by a dis-play of flags upon public and. private build-

s.. But coming on tbe daj WE . apart forchildren, how appropriate it would be for

•aeb/cliurcb to u» tho national oolors aa aleconUoii together with the usual display oflowers, and for each child to wcarammla-

A. Child Loas* a. Flmrer, 'Robert Moysej a boy of 16 years, and eldest

ion of Mr.-Mbyae, tho underground boss offtellt.'Hope mines, went out ]aet Saturdaya play with I la little brother/aged tiro year/,pan the track of tbo M t Hope railroad,ihich rnuB to the rear of their bouw,; I t ap-

n that tba older boy was'strtklnz upon. r a i l s with a sledgo bammtr, nbon.tho

blld In some way gat his band on the roll andrsfl 'struck, tbe blow,, cutting: off bit middle

-•"-' .Ho BetnrnsExpected. '.••..,.The BiMsex Register t*j»t' "The steamer

loaned .by the dty. of Dover was retnrnBdy«sterday, with tbaoks to the eoniteey ofMayor Dunham, Chief, Lambert and AssLtt-ant Oltwon, anil It ia hinted that abmethlng

•ore aubitantiol may follow; .IL". We canjaw* our Kewton frimuls that it waa a pleoa-,ro to render them the slight serVlce mra-

I, and that It vros dona without any hopeCeo o r r e w o r d . ". ';'•':.: "'''' .'.'''•'• '•'''•"

- T h e Fakir SUM at Vfiti." . '-.The fakir* who duped the people of Uodlsonoe night but week with bogus gold watcbeand- jewelry appeared at Clinton the nextIgbt and sooopod clow to a hundred dollars,is a remarkable thing that these strludlers [ive so little troubio in finding dupeiia every

_ they visit. Experience U worth nothing:•omefolks,'andtbey.go>a banding over

i to every bUdOrg who holds oat a bandwith glittering promises. . . -

Tbo Blbla trnhJog clow will moot on Bun-dy nt 0 i . K.; Tho study will bo an ontllne of

book b( Hobemiah.. All men are cordiallyi v i t e d . - ' > ' • . " • • " • • • : - • ; ' . • ' . " • " '

Tbere will'not be any servioe held in ourrooms ai 4 o'clock tbia; Sunday on account oftheChlldren'a Day servlcasfa thachuircbes.'

Undar the provisions ot ths Saturday baU-ths Kational TJnion Bonk ot Dovar

a t ; i a o'clock, nOcWon

Kitoong-District tfroUblesiorrou ur tat UtOM £ t u iW«ue innke room lu your jm|«r far

1 Tax payers" ia School Diitria No 37, HOT-ru uouaty,t->state tlwir grievances. Amove-meat was qulctlr carried througb befonannual school meeting In March by whichAllraUiwn KB.1 udded to the dhtrlut, the flratpab'i.iLiaonletlga of which HUB liad at Uit

il Bchuol mwdngj wben tbe meetingflooded wltb AllenlownVoters, wbo were notall Ux-iuuurs. At thbt meetiug It was re-ported by those liraulioflty that the " Allen

," vrhlcti In near Allen town, had beensecured for one dollar, upon ivlilch It waspropound ia build a new school bouse. Imme-diately afterward a Ipedal school meetingwas called for tbe purpose of voting t&OOforce Urs. Allen to execute a deed of the pro-posed site. It was so voted, notwithstandingtha HusreprwentatlonBtha Trustees bad _ „that tbe lothad been secured for one dollar.Now we. tho tai-payen of this school districtinaiat that they do not want to go to Uw withUrs. Allen to force hor to donate a b t to

it wont, for it Is very for from thecentre of the district A large part of tbadistrict Is south of the railroad and far _

yd from this proposed new school build-ing ; that tlte school house we now havofully equal to our wants, and that in all fallnew we liviug beyond the railroad ehould hav<been eut ofl as wa petitioned, and won prom-ised by Ur. Ueglo, the former County Super-intendent It seems ttrf*Lhas been denied usand thatttoaro at tbemeroy of a lotoffel-lotvn who pay no taxaixl vote as they ore bli_We foe! compelled to resort to higher author-ity since our local author! t? seeuu to be underlie domination of these felloe tmre. ,

' ' TAx-i-Aieas.Netcong, JuueSth, 1891.

1 A Tine Entertainment, .Mr. J . B. Hundr, of Newark, on Monday

•venlng, In Bolter Opera HOUBB,' and underhe auBplms of Aoabla Lodge, F. ft A. M.;

carried In Imagination a One and deeply Inter-EMtcd audlenoe with him as be illustrated with

aidofthesteroopticou the trip nude byxa Sbrlue from Vew York to San Fran-

IBOO and return. ,Tbe vtovn, thrown upon atvoa IB feet Bquare, were 'exceptionally One,ir clearness and beauty being' fully equaltheir sin. Tbe NaUonal YeUowitono Park

id glories,rt tba Tcesmit* yalley werenought out with wondarful vivldnesB, and

lext to an aotoal view of these wonders oflatura no better idea of their grandeur couldAVO been obtained.-} There were also manyntertalniDg soanes of cities, of Niagara Falls.ndof otlier Intorertiig aub|ecta tiiat werefroaUy enjoyed; and altii6ugti 260 pictures inII ware exhibited, thoT interest ia them was

maintained to the very tlbse.rTha-iieli pro-Decds of tbe leoture sro devoted to the charityf undo! Acacia Lodge., '-'•¥:, \ ,.:: ••

Vslcouefl With Hi t Bride.Our well lutoira townsman and merchant,

Vr John A Ljon, wai weddad on WeUnoB-day to Ulw Annie Sugboia Felter, of Havstraw, N. T. The ceremony took place atresidence of the brida'a mother and wainarlad by oil tba joyous feet urea ofofTairs, After receiving tbe gifts andgratulatloiu of friend* and |wrUking of tlweddiug toast the unlUxt pair loft at uaw 1Dover.

Mr. Lyon and bis bridoarrivad ID Dover turn evening, upon tbo 10i36 train f rum Ni

Vcu-lc, When Uwlr ooecb drove up lu ffonof their pretty redone* on Fairvew avenuthey found the Board of Fire Warduus,which Mr. IJTOU IS an aoUve member, draiup In open lines from the road way to tbe gateAs they alighted President A. Jndscm Cos,the name of tlw Wardens, bode them a heartywelcome to tbe town—a sentiment thatstuoerely echoed by Foreman Dunham and allthe members of tbe company. Tbe firemen

invited In, and after making the acquaint-ance it Mrs. Lyon refreshments ware sorand a pleasant social season was enjoyed,bttle later, at tht request of the Wardens,.Assistant Chief expressed tho congratulationsof the company In a few words, When theydeparted they further ezpreaeed their felldta-tiona with a fusllule of mammoth firecrackersin front of the residence. Ths ERA joins

* I r with the flremeii ia their congratula-tion*. -

-Jatorrbi Oounty Wheelmen,The blcydirts of Dover and Bockaway i_

afctheoffloeof Dr. B. F . TMyor last FrldVevening to organise tbs "Alorrfj CountyWbeeltnea,nof the lA&gun of AmeriunWheelmen. Dr, Tlllyer w u chosen Chair-man and Ed. M. Bearing Secretary. Thirty,three members ware enrolled at this meeting

from Dover andQfromltockaway. Chaa.Allon.J, H. BIckley, Jr., and M. L. Hoag-land were appointed a committee to preparea code of byrlawi, and thsy adjourned to moston Thursday evening of this week, for the

ecUon of offloen.

At their meet l u t evening, after a paradeabout town, the wheelmen met and perfectedan organization by electing the followingofficers; President, Ed, M. Bearing; TlcePresident, M. h. Ho&tfand ; Secretary, E, B.Wilson j Treaanrer, M. M. Boexlng; Captain,FrankB. Hagernun ; 1st Llout., W. B. Ulllor;3d Llout., A. J. Hillings; Dr. B. F. Tlllyer,Chairman of House Committee; Cbos. A.Allen, CbalnuKb of Auditing Committee; A.K. Baker, Chairman of Uemlershlp Com'mlttec); Jas. H. SlmpaOD, Jr., Cbsirman ofEntertainment Commltteo. Hew membersadded increased tbe number ot wheel* to forty.Tha next meeting will ba bald In ths T. M. 0.

rooms noit Friday evening.

Aoomldarabto i:emitparta-cI.Uia,oouiity-,we«i

Bhda "cobwebpu^"OTTbeeday even-atthewsMenpeiof Mr.-,andIMri..Frank

lowell, la Boonlon,'. moa'tt»e> arrived thiry>tind tho entire house a net work ot oolorcdwine,InImltetloa of oob .weba., Bach lady

wai to.take the end of a pink string and eachgentleman the eud of ablue one and follow Itoiteconolualon. At,the endof each stringras a Japanese^tw^aoaiTanged!istUteladin and Rentleciiln drawmjj'paifsBra to bo partners at supper, A prin of aus was also giren to tbegebtlaman

who Bucceeded, in first unweaving, his web,and a prize of a mirror, to the* lady who wai

uickest In. doing'ItV JVben the whole partyJCflan to follow the Intricate niaies o( fitringsiiroughouti thath6u«e the fitti-.WaS fndetorlb-bla.; Mr. Jos. Kennedy, of.pbyer, and Mn,iwanl Ball, or Troy<HUa,< warn.fee prlie[tutera and an evening of' greae enjoyment

bad by all.'''' ' '' ^ ^ ' : "

/ Sx-Freehbldar Berzy,Seadt'*F h l d J h ; MEx-Freoholder John MJ Barry, of Pa-

i h t Rl; By, a

luannoo townthip, died at his home at Rlverl l a on tbsZd iniL, aged 81 ytdn, ani hie

rali on Friday but, was attended hy anlenso throng of people, Including numbers

bad served with, him. to the Board ofaldort:^ M : B b l d t o ": Mr.:Berry belonged-to

ldest families of that section, wu aremarkable abilities for: bla age,'and; sodly and neighborly that all who knew him

Drohls warm friends.,. For about1 W j e a n>.woa engaRed In the. building .• trade In Nework city, after Which be retired to tbe farmhero he died., He represented Pequannoownahlp as a.Republican.In th6 Board of

iVeetbldera for seven ycara, his laat term ex-lrlng io 1600. -In public matters'he wasipoble, honest ioasoniplo,-and wai greatly

ued by men of all politics In tbe Board.

Depleting the Trout Sraoka. - -t many weeks agoihs Compton brook, In

tlOfl vicinity, WOB etocked by the Pl»h Com-mlsalonora and numbers of yoarllng, trout

r six Inches In length were placed therein,are Informed that a couple of Doror flafc-

rtnon, who at least prof ess to be In favor ofboctiag tbo trout, ID a recent ouUng took

tiTeen thirty and forty trout "from thisk which meaaured between six and nineDs. ltlfl believed that raoet'cX thla catchi the yearling trout recently placed In the

rook, although there Is apnnlslon of the lawbleu really prohibits a brook being ftihed foriree yean ofterit has been siockod. Ofwbat

i I r S U i J

w. .Mra. HMter H. Rlgbter, wif • of Mr. Oeo. E.

JUghtor.of ftmdppuiy, died at her home onW«lnsariay morning, of pcrltoaltia, after anilbiaas of only twoorUuM days. lira. Rlgbter,who wai a daughter o2 Hr. Robert J. Baldwin,of Roeeville, bod so thoroughly and helpfullylodoaUfled herself with all good works In thevicinity of her home, that hir death will befelt as a loss to tbe church and all the socialInterests oi that comatu city. Tho funeralservices will ba held this afternooiu

got stocking Btroamsil the flsh they

in are to be taken onC.before they can

' - • A TryinjrThuTla tba time of the yearwben Uastraw-srry festiral rednccs the yon'ng.maa'a aur-

f h e n tbo.graduate feela bigger thanCter conunencomenb,'and the "old

pualod what to do with bis son'who bos justfiished acquiring w much.knowledge;.when

> baseball crank lain hla dement, and thede wbirla tho tennis racket all day j whoasweat girl .U planning a., vltlt-to'the sea

lore, and Is" •uperiutenduig the making ofbathing suit; when the poor man Imtoil-' ihe bardestf and tbo' business nian Is

A Humored Match Baco. .- . .Horsemen a n not a little excited over theimor of aprotpecUvo raco between DeWltt, HoyV§-.**David.P." aud Woodruff ft

enknuu1 b. m.' "Flutter." At the laatr theea four-year-olds trotted Vary closely,now, It is Wd that- Hoyt has'grown so

iSdent of tha abllltias cf his hona that haint a chailange for a race, naming |5O0

tbepune.—BnasoxRegister. .. . • ' --• ".-

I«oklnff for Country Seats.Mendham real estate, aince the new railroad

•aa a*aarodj h u been looking up and seTeraltow York gentlemen have oMato been try-igtobuy farms in that vicinity that offerttractioni for country residence*, Ocegcn-

n baa rocsnUyoflcred Georgo HcMortryISO per acre far his farm, and like sums havo

i offered for other farms In that neigh-

a Eagle aal lerr .y ^ y ,

or nrotuEe, and one haUdotenoabtnett, all|5,rnnai futthar notice Ia glvan.

Ohildren'a Day.Children's Bay will be observed In the

Methodist and Presbyterian ChurchesDover the coming Sabbath. At the Preaby-

CburchROT. Dr, Btitt, of Now York,will preach hi the morning. The exercises .the Sabbath school will be bold In the after-

at which service Dr. Btitt will also maVeanoddress. .

At the Pint M. E. Church Rev. Mr. DayHi preach to tbe children In the morning. Ii,e afternoon tha special exercises of.Uis

school will be held, and in the evening He-wn will make tho addreu, with black-

oard illustration!,Bev, Ur. Bloom will preach a sermon to th

children In Grace U. E. Church at tho morn-ing aervloes, the anniversary exercises will beheld lu tho afternoon and Ur. Bloom will

reach to the young people In tbe evening,

A Pastor Honored.At the annual commencement of the Unl-

-erdty of tbe City of Wew York, held lastenlng, the degree of Doctor of Divinity wasinferred upon Bev. W. W, Halloway, Ji

' of tho Dovtr Presbyterian ahureti, andgraduate of tint Institution. The honor

a particular significance and value fromtbe fact that thla oollege does not confer tbodegree upon many, having granted It to butthree persons laat year, and only two tbli

We join with many friend* In tbaouble pleasure of congratulating Mr. Hallo-ray upon thlibonor and hUImproviiig health.

Tales of tho Fishermen,A pickerel 20 Indies long and weighing fireunds was.taken from the Pawaio river a

few days ago by Harry Jewell, of Madison."Jake" Allen, ti» veteran, has been catch'

Ing tome very fine ltasi at Build's Lake. ...Morris Deckiwythe ancient fisherman of

Lake Hopatoongj bai five mm, four of whom—George; llahlon, James and Ause—are aboutas expert as their father in taking flat.•:

Anae, Decker; th* Woodport House guide,went out with a New York gentleman onHoliday, and they caught twenty bosa and tenpickerel of good Hie,', - • .• -' ;

l g . q ^ y o ,will deliver a -Jth of July oration at Aud over,

[9 native place.Urn. U. R. Foote, ol Now York, bos renteduneet Hefgbta, at Madison, from tba George

O. Mulfunl estate.Kouut Oil ye BapUit Church ba# extended 11

call to 1107, J. h, Watson, of Naiaretb, i'a.,) bocoine it* pastor.alias Ella BUdwortby, of Ogduesburg,

riidtSng her deteraMrs. E, Duolmnou and Mi1 Lomson, of Dover.Frfltilc J. Mather, Jr., at Morristown, baa

won tbe English Followabfit at John HopbinaTnjvanity at Baltimore,State Comptroller Hopmnbatmer has rented

10 Jacqunlln Smith place, ou MaiHsor avenuMorrl»town, far tbe seafioii.

Ex'PoBtmaster Q. a. Hlnckman haa returnitown to accept a position with tbe Morris

County Machine and Iron Co.Jobn U. Forbofl, Jr., of the orabttrraasod

nifc bouse of Itusaell & Co., in New York, iswell-known resident of Morrlstown,Mrs. Jobn Treluar, of Franklin, known IDild section., died ou Uie Clh Inst, having eur-Iv«l hor husband le»a than two woolis. 'I. Vf. Bearing left yesterday to attend tbo

hroe days excursion of tbo Coal Kicbanghruugb the coal fields of Pennsylvania.lii-MoyorJaquixt, of Boon ton, vbu recently

loat bis wife, Is also very 111 aud hla duuguUhas arrived from California to attend him.

K. Wlilteboad, E*q., of Three Oaks,Mich., and undo of CLOH. H. Wiiitebead, of

over, is vlaltlng old frieudu at Boouton nudDover.

Ei-Mantbal Jas. Boll is auothor of the menof this sectloh who nervix! lu Confederateprisons, baviug spent eight moutlis in Llbbyprison.

The death 1= announced of Jacob Halstead,iromlncntln the hard ware trade of Hew Yurkity, and father of MTB, Stoplteu H. LltUe, of

Morrlstown.Mrs. Hates aud two children will sail from

U\ erpool to-morrow to vldt hor mother, MiElizabeth Tbomaa, of Dover, for tho first tith eight years. '

Lt. Col, B. W. Davia ha? reigned from tbeirst IUginieiit. Major Briontuall will suc-

ceed blni atid Capt, Cluunpliu will doubUessbe olooteU llajor.

Rev. MorUn W, Buck, a brotbar of P, C.uclt, of this place, has becu onlalnod pastorthe Newport and Baaton Baptist ChurchLake County, IU..

Everett W. UUBBOII and K. M. Cox JioUiMorrlstonlans, were graduated Wednt.

day from tbs Cblloip of Physiciaiia and Stir-ong, of New York.Bx-Senater John S, SchniUo, of Uanchns--, Ooaan county, was married in Heir YorkThursday of last week to Susan M. De-

lamp, of Powerville, ' .Lawyer Bartlne, of Asbury Park, who died

rom hydrophobia, caused liy Uiu bite of a cat,ras a son of Kov. Dr. D. W. Bartlno, wellnown to Dover MethodlaU.Cbaa. Godfrey, pblUlpsburg, nud T. Ct.1 "" too. lutvo rodgnod the poal-

Plalna Asylom, to which

- JTnmber of If saona In the World.I t has been a matter of conaldarable dleous-

don in society drclas u to the number, ofFreeand Accepted Masons In tha woridt Arecant lanie of, tbe Free Masons Journal, ofNew York, states that " then are In tbeworlii 1»,000 lodgeaof flreo Masoia, aad over8,000,000 oraftimaii, Tba annual lnoomo otthe fraternity Is ISS.OOO.Oto." According totha statistics compiled by Sir Stephen Barrythere are in tha ".United State* and CanadaUljm affiliated,:Marter: Haeona, lfiT,8D6oOlllated CLaptorMaw^ afiiliatoJKnighU Tomplara. • . - - : - ; -, • . . , "

, The Qars'a Dangerous Weapon.Itlssald that;th« carp's defensive weapon

la located midway be'twoen the bead.and tb«tan, on the book, and ii a sharp pointed dog-ger-like horn, with* sharp points, like a»wteeth, on tho under side.,. The MUf ord Heraldsays that a man of the name of John SohrlverIn taking a large oarp from anet was woundedby thla weapon and tbe consequent pain waiso great that be falated. He Is ia danger ofblood-poisoning. Persona handling Germanoarp should be careful to avoM contact withthis ugly combination rf dagger and aaw.

A Foot B a » at Komatown.-A one-mpa foot race took pUce

day at the Moniattwrn DrivbiB Park betwoouJack Cunningham, of llorrUtown, aud Dunn's"Unknoini," of Modlsob, for a purse of $100,Tbe race' was won by Cunningham in firemiuutesfourseoondB. Ted Murphy asted asreferee and Ed. Cooney as starter. There waaa urge gatberlng of sports and betting waslively. BpecUton declared the raoe the poor-est exhibition they ever witnessed.

- Saloon's Improved Telephone.I t Is not generally known that Edlaonluu

made woudorful hsprovflmeate oa the telo-phone which be bos had patented and is usingat the works at the Ogd«n mines. By it con-versation can be carried on In tho room with-out going near the Instrument. Tbe Instru-ment will not be for public nse until thepresmt Bell patent expire* about two yearsbanco. Tbo cheapnasa of telephones wlB thenbring them into more general use. .

. State Agricultural B , p o t U .The New Jersey Btate Board of Agriculturesve decided to', dettributo their list annual

report tiroogh the secretaries of the conntyboarda. AU persona in Morris oounty wish-ing one of these report* should at once addressthe secretary of Harris, giving namo andsome place where these reports can be sent fordistribution*, In Dover, Boonton, Morrlstown,Madison or Cheater. Address IT; F. Ely,Madison, N . J . '

\ Ho Xorris Oouutr Boys Apply.County School Superlotendont Cooperwent

to Morristown laa4Baturday,aa peroanounco*roont, to conduct on examination of any whomight wish to apply for tbe Btata scholarshipat Rntgen College, NewBruuevrick, Althoughseveral had applied to him for blanks statingthe terms of tha examination, none appearedto comply with tho conditions.

J>o^Hwfc(aiil^;=c - -V^- ':.- ;v r ," '>-v ' ;^C«lw". portieasoppUedl


•-' •••-'-• F i n e H a r s h W o r k .Tboa, P. Johnson, the Dover marble cutter,

1 cutting a very handsome Qulcoy granitemonument, to bo erected over tbe grave ofthe late lira. John Sporgo, In tbo SucowunnaM. E, Cemetery. Ur. Johnaou has also justerected a very neat monument to the memoryof tba late John D. Corwin In the Presbyte-rian'cemetery at'Hucauunna, ~ '

Beed'a loe dream, from Brooklrn,' K. Y,,pure In quality and perfccUvf nnen la bricks,may be had at Ctuunbre't. Festivals and

tiihtt t h


A. D. Budd, of Budil's Lake, haa badsevere attack, of the grlp|ie,

Ex-Uanltal I fell ha* tubeu u j'>b at the ce:»iw, Iu tbe framing depurliiitml.Vd» Clianwllur H. C. I'lUu?;, of MOITLin JI, will Mill fur Eiirojuj next muutb.Mm. J \Y. liutiliw, «f Port Ornm, Is vial

Ing htr futliur nt Sdiuolty'a Muiuitaiu.Hr. It. L. Edwards came ant this wuek

bis hnndaomo [1W0 at J-nka Unpatcoug.D, H. 1J*U, of Uurriutuwu, f« nal.l to t«

active candidate for tbo vacant lay judgslii|H . J. W. linker hau lieen utUuidlng tin

National Car Uuildum' L'uuvuuUuu a t Uop.May.

Dr. L. It. Ward and 11. F. liallcutiuo, •Newark, are domiciled at Madison for tl

Kaon.Mra. W. U. Spongier, Br.. haa gone to bar

borne at Poaritod, N. 11., for tb

A. Q. Keasboy and Mrs. E, D. O. Bmitb,Newark, have oouie out to Morrlrtown for tBummer.

Miss May Hoagland Durd returned bornefedneBday from Muu Jenniogs' Seminary at

Plalnfleld.Un. F, F. Hitchcock and daughter aud Mia

Nlus Dalrymple, of llorrirtown, havo gomto Euroi».

A l b r i d C S l b E

Priw, of Waahington, bit';lon at the Morris Plainssins Asyloi

ipolntod. .tboy wore recently apiOne of tba most gracatul bloycle riders

round here Is the little son of Mr, D. C,iloyt, of tho Park Hotel, who con mount bisrbeel in eleven different ways.Ilev. U. C. Thompson, who baa been choris-

ter at the Methodlit Church, Morrlstown, baaaccepted a call to the pastorate of tho M. K,Cbarcb at Colevtlle, SUBBOX county, - -

Rev. Mr, Wallace,-who has been wiring theplscopal Church at Btanhopo, and who bosst been ordained, leavea to-morrow for bis

IQW field of Inbor at Seattle, WaalilngUm,Dr. Jobn O.' Ryerson, of Boouton, will read

« Mtsaf upon "Bjme Recant Views ujwu?eritonltla," at the 125th annual meeting of

N. J. Medical Society, at Long Branch,10 23d and filth. ' • . :

Mr. John A., linking, of Port Oram, hasresigned bis position as Weigh Master for Mt.Hope Mineral R. tt, toaocopt a position InScrauton, Pa. Ho expeots to loave In thaourse of a few daya.-The Tilly Footer iron mines shipped 15 MM

s of ore In May, of wblcb 13,800 tons woreiued. Mr. Touiklng, the superintendent ofla roins, Ii a former Morrh county

and well known bom,J. P. Huntoon, onn of tbs moat prominent

iiulneaa men of Pateraon, who dlnl y«terd(iynorniDg, marriod for bla .flrst and socondl r « two Hoirb cotiuty Ifulias, Mlm Bowlby

and Hiaa Saran JU. Dontnus.Col. and Urs. Edward K. Sill, ut Newark,

rare the gueete this week' o[ Mr. and lira. E'. Rosa, and after tbo lecture on Weduesda]renlufl the Arlon Qanrtotte entertaiuiid tbemJtn some of Uielr finest aonga. .Mr, Tlieo. Ajres, tlokdt agent of

awn, bos retlgued to taka a position BB saloa-an'tvith Mr. HarUborn, the roller-uhade

manufacturer. His position there will betaken by bis brother, Aug. B. Ayres, brake-

an on ono of the Morriiitown expresses.From tbo newspaper reports It would m mint tbe difOculty which Itar. J , R, DanleUhaving In tbo First M. E. Cliurcb of Hack-aack U broadening. There Is now on open

•uptnro between him and U10 Bunday schoolJporintondsnt, and last Sunday moro tbanelf tbe school failed to attend.Tbe nacrologtcal record of Andover Theo-

logical Seminary, just Issued, contains on ex*tended obituary of the late Rev. B, C. Megte,

bose death occurred one year ago to-day, fora copy of which we are Indebted to Mr. C. C,Carpenter, Secretary of tho Alumni Associa-tion, and brother of our townsman, Mr. C. W.

Outing Shirts,Dunkirk Shirts,Cromwell Shirts,Madras Shirts,




Tennis Caps, Belts and Hammocks,Bicycle Gaps, Gauze Underwear,Blazer Coats, Black Alpaca Coats,inen Coats, Mohair Dusters,

Linen Dusters , Thin Funnel Skeleton Coiti.

foot ovoiytliing for Ihe HOT, SEASOK at the loweBt oasli prioes.ONE PBIOE TO ALL.

PIERSON & CO.,The Dover Clothiers and Gents' Outfitters,


W. P. West and Goo. H. Clarke, of.. iwn, Go., have purchased nearly 4,000of Valuable mineral loud In Folk county,

^ Btato, and the papers there thfulc tbeyive a bonanza, ' Ur. Clarke Is a brother-In-

of Mr. H.' 0. Jenkins, of Boonton. . Heroa formerly resident engineer on tbs D.,i, 8c W. road, nnd ia now Chief Engineer ofbe East and Wcat road, oi Alabama. -Benjamin B. Tilt,' the oldest son of Ur.JbertTilt, President uf Uia Plmmlx Manu-

ring Company, of PAtersou, and a.wella cottager at -I*ko Hopatcong, > has

town hlauelf a diligent student and won theIrat honor at tba Lenox Military School fortoys, No. 33 East Seventieth street, Hew

York, where bo graduated this week at theliead of his claas and delivered the valedictorysiaUon. .' - • • ' - -'

A Oolt with rwo X*>e«.The form of Wm, Liniloy, a farmer living

Lboiit a milo west of Branchvills, Suoeexity, bos for aovorol days post bean thea of great quest auu ti.'^T^st on account

C a very remarkable freak In n>ture, that ofcolt born Friday eight of hxii week,' with,oly two logs but In all otbtr respects so fari external examinations could"determineoil formed and In porfect boalUi. TbomisB-

members wore tho front legs acd whileshoulder blades wore both formed nat-

raily and capable of motion at tho will ofcolt all ether Joints below tbo shoulder

ilodet in properly or naturally formed cnltai missing in this one, whllo tho hind quar-anil legs were aa perfect and wall formed

arc ever Been oa colts, tbe aano may beof tbe body-neck and bud. The best of

ire was bestowed upon tho freak and allforts made to rear it, but It died on Tuesday

—Deckertown Independent

Aemarkable, if True.Tho New York Proas, of Wednesday, con-

tbe following:A peculiar, and what nuy'nrove to bo a

fatal, accident occurred at the old Randolphhomestead, near Mount Horeb, Huntonlon

ity, N, J., yeaterday. . Urs. Priscilla Ron-iolph bad Juit returned from a vult to Wash-ington, D. O., bringing with her a llwpaundbox of candy. She passed the box aroundamhng tba children end wan eating BOtno bcr-elf, when her teeth struck a hard substance,

explosion followed, which shattered le'rMth and tore away port of her choelc Mrs.[Randolph lies In a critical' condition. Parti-

of cop]Mr have been taien from hernouth. TbephysldajAuiythatlfallarenot•omoved blood poisoning or lock-jaw will un-laubtedly sot In. A cartridge of some sort Ia

lluved to bavo boon conconiml Im tho candy.

60,00'lys & good upright Refrigerator at Berry &)'s, Dover Hardware Btore. See It. •

. Soea Baokwnoatsalo at W.H.Boker'g.DoYBr, 'S; J .

Kasoa'A HsTnltn Onrans and rian'oc '

Killgore's Corner Drug Store!Garden Seeds,Onion Setts,Lawn Grass.

White Lead and Oil,Ready-Mixed, Paints,Railroad Colors.

KALSOMINE, (all colors.)White Wash Lime,Kalsomine Materials.

All "kinds of Brushes forPainting, Varnishing andKalsotnining.

Frosted Cream Soda Water IceCold.



'Adriance Buckeye7' MowerPRICE LOWER THIS SEASON.





A 46-inch Blaok Cashmere at - - 75c.A COLORED FAILLE DRESS SILK AT








Page 6: BARGAIN ROOM pue O- F^#4 contains more ant otbee j hflsthe lrtrgest;•; northern new jersey. % vol. xxi.


Tlie Btnte Geologist's minimi i ,Insiiwi, maUis tlio following imjwituntu u r y of llio naluml Jfeaturoit of I k ' 1'utattk"

Ttm TUHSBIC l.s OIIO vt t i e must volualilo ofour Nortlwru t-Lii-iiiitn. I t bus I**?" M fullydtiacrlbed in llm-M rejwrtd tluit llUlu ivmtiii,t o bo added. 1U; various bruiiclies, witii Hiarea uf their water utiixls and vm-uniage ufforest, are given In tbe I'liyifcal Di«wrii.tliof Now Jursoy. Tbe bead ol titlewaitr isI'twualc, l.i.r, mile* above tl.un.uutn ur > W wbay. A t tlio foot uf Dundee ilam, ruurinllettabove, ILB strutm In nil fuut oliovo mean tiiio.•lunt above Vboferatl of tide Hoflillu river con it'In fixim tilt) norilioru red Eaiidatoiia ]ibiin, tiniiiR liiiUwklaiidin>UutjlNiiwYitrL->Bi.iIilraiiiing IK). 7 square miles, of which t«u»ty-viKlipar cunt, is ia toiisst. Dunduo dam raisui tinrlvor to twunty-«v«Q fceUlavatloii, iiuiiut tbi

fuwt aliovoiiii'HiitfJii. Entai l ing fiidilli! riveionly ti fuw Hiuull brandies are reculvcd In-lowthis iwlut. At the falln tlio river luiipB hhoui70 feet over i reef nt tn>|> rock, ut u ilejirifiKioila Ftrst luuunttilu. From Uw tap at tliift fullin tho foot uf tbo wrles uf rails ami rapliluknown as L.ttla Fulls, tbo rise l» eight feet.Hero tlwro Is a full uf -10 foot in tinof. a wilt) over nnoiker trap rwf. Thin Is theoutlet of tho I'msnii: valley riroi*r, a ilaHiturned volley IWWCCII tliu I'irot nnd .S«viiioiintalriL- nml tliu snut liens tern fii»t uf tliuhtstilaiiiU, 8 to IdniilM »idu uu<l!« mil . , .wig.Tills valley Is covered with gtvul niiuws ofglacial drift u t various \m\uU, and biut [urgearcaH or tlut nwud')..'. Tlireti wiles above U l -tie Fulls, ami ntnhout Hw w»«io elevation witlitlio liend of the fitllH, tlm t.h>iw of the streambeing very gentl", Uw I'limpUm river POIDL-Kinfrom tbu North, being rc-ruied, un wo bum alrawly sueu in I )i« ntudy uf llnwo streams, Uy tinwmiliiwicu ot tbn nnin«i»), Wann.nic uud i'e-

fluuiico of the 1'uMMitc. lu theta tix. iiiik-H tbeTampUm lius « total full uf ten feot. K in avloleut Atrcuui, and Jto Jlt>o».s come into tliu] W i l e with HO lifel. a velocity that driftwoodis fraiueutly carried far t!|> the flat vullcy oftlie itiaiu stream to tbo Kaiithwnn). Justaimnioadowg, through whi";titortuous cliamitil, Bjiroatliof Rood, -witlo tivor Xho ar«n n i wtwks nutil tlmy raLlltle Fulls, througli tlio

l l b i

o^o^snlc tiowa inB Itu wcUni, In tim, ta stand for dayfind an outlet a

trictedtray which h now being deeixtued anil im-proved for tbo 1-utter lirnlnngo of this valley.From the mouth of the I'omptou to wboro tlieItockaway and Whinnnny are received fromtho Wost, 12.5 miles afcovo, tbe full Ii only iifoet. Tbe Wbliqiatiy also baa great laeadowsjust above its mutith, over widen lla watersspread in floods. For Doilies above tlio nioutbof tho Rockawaj tlio Pastata has o, fall ot 4feet; 6!^ milts nbove Lower Chatham bridgebas a fall of 150 foot; about 0.5 feet perAbove tbls tho Btreum has o drainage area of1U0 square miles, most or wblcti la very flat,nltliough tho ueailwnters are in the Uhjtilaudi

Btruani. Tlie total lenfitli of tlie stream whichbtSAre tbu iiuuio rusmiic, frum Mentlbam to theuioutb, la KJ.B UJIIIW, mciuured by tbu btrenm.

' J-Vom *aurco to nioutb, In a direct line, Uouly£5 WUOB.

Tbe area of tba ontiro water-ftUcHl in 010.1wiuare tullct; at this 510 square miles is ou theArchmn Highlands ; the reiualning OSi u|ijiiiluB above UMa Valla U in tbe eraPagaato valley.

Tin Boofinsr Plato.A friend in Morrhtowii stnJi us utracta

from a I'lillndelpbla ]u.]»r. regarding thoestablishment of tbe Uu-j>lnteindustry in thatdty, aTltb the remaik, "Qive Ibewj to tbocalamity editor." i lu» la oue uf 1 tie citmctit,from the Philadelphia Times ;

" KotwItbataadlDg tbe apltof ul anilroniarks of Bomo of tho Non- York tradopajwrw, tha Un pinto flrtn of N. & Q. TaylorCompany, of Smueh street in thl« city, hassucceeded in producing an excellent sampla oftin pinto In tholr ovrn faeUirj, nnd Is nowprepared to supply t ie trado witbony iiuaitlty that may bo astiod for.' Tha works of tho notv Induntry are In tlio

roar of 3,017 North Front utrcct, and everyanpllnnca Is there fitted up to manutocturotin pinto upon the moat Improved prinolpliA reporter was taken through the' factory by

, tbo foreman, -who haa Just come from Walos,where ha was manager of a large industry,and who is conceded to bo an export In themanufacture of tbo finest roofta; plates. Tliuprocess of manufacture roqulres caro.

. After being atsorted, tho platot are sUmped,ddybranded and rajdyforsMpment. Uessrs.Taylor say tbey can turn out f ortf boxes aday oi nine hours, making on output of 12,000boxHayear, Tbo product of tbe workshopIs declared liy judges to t» of UIB finest gradeand can compote with any platci ever Import-ed. With H. & G. Taylor Co. Un plate in-duster U likely to become- a -very Importantone In Philadelphia."

Balclnv Deer far Sport.Tbe deep park on tbe Itathcrford estate st

Tranitnility, nob far front Waterloo, ha* beenendowd by Contraclor Smith and twentydeerabave l«en turned loose. TUB fence Isolght feot hiffh and eight oiiln long and en-cloeeel,ti00vcres of mountain land. It wiumade of chestnut aud oak board*, and contains400,000 feet of lumber and every foot of it waa

. cutandeawodou tbe Mtat«. It cost $20,000.MoredMr will bo put In the park soon. Menwill be employed to watch this fence day andnight as carefully almost at railroad track-men watch tbo tracks, to prerent the deerIrwn escaping Umragh Occident or Uie mali-cious design of tome reckless persous.

To Bave tho Farmer "Weary Trip*.- Tho suggestion bos beeo made that tbeUnited States government establish a tel<pbone at every countir pwt-oOlce for the uiof farmers. It would snvo "many tiresometrips to the railway station, many aride to anmmon the doctor, and many a wearytrip to the county court faounV tt wouldonly cost, all told, fifteen, dollars bo the mile.But, exclaims a wetvblaolcet throwing ex-

- changf, " where would (he telephone go IWould erery farmer lav* to build an addi-tional one to hla bouse from tbo country postoffice I Wbilalw was apedvofflcetweoutd go imt as >doctor or to the railway atatlon."

Trouble Over a Kin*.A kiss rtolen from tlie im will ing 11 ( * of n

I'rdty little mhrwlnirl by a schoolboy hascan MI] a grmt dual of trouble ut Echo Loke,u hamlet uear Novr Fouudtund. Homo tluiungo two torn ot David Wicktuun and one ofHfuliun 1". iti-oivu ttcork-d Berthato Uiu (llbtriet wlnwl, nnd just ttefurethe U>ys ki&rtil Itertlia. She nua uiigry andUilil tbe Uwher, «hu cut u bianiili fn:iniglilwiiug trtti and UIIUJAMI tlie hvu tlhnui IHJV». lloUiun culUtl on young iinjivnLu Uitc a tUnuhlug, bat Hnuva roCuneil. HeHold uu fichoolmanUir could whij) bim for ldi>Ing a girl. Tbe uuchur ueut tho lad bomiIlia father a-nt him back U> school, whuro boagain docliuwl to submit to A Hogging, and theteacher RUIU lifm on* ogalu. The triustces oftlie district euotaJuc) lho teocbor and taa-|M>uikiI young lli-owu. TIIB hoy'ti jtareutM nj)-I»!a1«l to tliu County Huiwrinteuik-iit, tboIlev. J. C. CruikBliank, of IJtUe Falln, who,although au ugul IDUD and s olergyoiiui, doesnut forgot tlint be was jouog DHCU, and heroier«wl tha nation nf tlie triutites oud rciti-hUted the lmy. When young Itrown mnilebig upiHuirauce aceJu tha tiuichur domandodthat ha ajxiluglzo to the schtwl, forfeit bisright to dally tocons for two weeks aud ro-

l ftitu evy day for Uws namen again refused to yield•irlod. Young Bi

irti\oaa thlidtiuThe matter wax then n|ijte»le<l to the Stateujiorliitciiiknt, who last week visik-d EelnVi- and took testimony In the mutter. Tbe

IStato Hi]|K'rliitei]ilijiit uppruved what the(.'oiinty Huioriiitmiiii'iit had duue, and lncE-(ii-utuily a»k«l tbo tenihu- whiit busliit-ss hebiul to whip tbe Wkklioui Una. Tbe i*Jft-

lOKild tliut their parent* had given per-ioii. Tlio Hurwriiitomk'iit vtmiwkj tlw

teuiliir tliut tbu liirm c,f Ne«- Jersey furlldtbunlil}>|iint; « ' pupilii by tcachent, with ortvithuut Ilio leavi) uf |mn;uts, mul thut anyviututlim uf tho ruin rim do the ulTuuiW liablerormsault ami Lattery. Tbo Brown boyAvcBru1»btalci\, nod Uiu thelt of tliu fcl&s la u«-avotijjHl.

A Wow Pad.ilng cflrjHiU ara being re -Introduced at a

ratlilutmblo fod. They aru not very muchlike those our grand mot'ners used to havo;tbciy were ctvucmlcnl uirutra tutiile of cast oir:lcilhoa, but tliu«e of tbe preeouKlay ore modeof now fluuuel bought (or tbe purpose. It istorn into atrlpi), Minud together ana woven


ulddle of tbe c

gof the wine color ; tliai d i h ti

Tlio border is got up with sb i t i h i h

;ade without a B

bluotionally *•

.vhioii CDUtritBU prettily, aud isvldo Odd woi-cu In the

Carpetoir fad takes.

y i t is lurprialug how

Morft Wlnsj.IVe disJre to my to our cltixous that fo

trars wo bare boeu eolliiiif Dr. Kiug'a Nan-Discovery for ConauinpUon, Dr. King's NewIJfe PUla.Buultlett'a A l Ilii n, mul h

well, oi

nevorliaudled romedios thatr that havo given such universalIVu du uot lioaitato to guaran-

r them avoiy time, nnd wo wtond ready totfimd tho purchase price, if flatlMfuctoryt)U do nob follow their into. Theseavo IVOII such gnat iMijiubirity puroly ou

tbolr muriUi. ltobort KHlg.iro, Drucglat, Do-•, Orntii, tlnnco & Co., Port Onun, nail P.

N. Jeiikitw' Drug Store, Chester.

Husband and Wifabare more than oaoe been sural by the timelyuso or Kemp's Balnm for the throat and

ga, after all other remedies linve been trie*ID vain. TbeBalaaniBtopsdecayof tholung*nuct cures iuuuema and acute aud curunlofougha. Tbero is no other wodlciue Jn tliiworld that ncU so promptly, certainly nonotltiit doua its work BO thoroughly as Kemp'sIfalsam. AU druggiiU sell it. Largo bottlesWo. and | 1 ,


Five hundred Men's, Youths'and Children's Spring and

Summer Suitsof the lateat stylus, enabling me to uudersellntiy otb(!r clutbiur in Dover by £Ti ijcr ueut.Every gnniiL-nl I KimrnnUna to nt wul), nmlwarrant tbo good*; as rn»mmended, accordingto the [.Hers. If nut ratinfuctory 1 will ruukuit no. If you wlnh tuuuiivinco yourself thatI t lBM.i i l is iwrar • '•• •friends alone, for

j r goods. Ho;)li ui)' goods tu

S. LEVINGTON,Opp. UiiKer 0{ieia Ifousc,



oi' Kdwitrd Dell,deceased.

PDItSPAhT to II e order ol the aurrognof tlio count* f Mums m o t i o n tl

ttvontt tul l Jdjr of A| ril A D ono tb iBaud ufi;lit l ianlr 1 au i in t j UP nutlci*Iiurvhy n^tu U all [ tuumt hating oMuKUdiiiB. tliu tiiiitto o l t K a r l U 11 l i te itlio <Ji.uuty of Murrie decease to pre» nltheMine.nnderottborarurtiiHtl n tothooObearlboi s, on or bofore tlio ncvoulecnth duT o!J iuu i ry iioiLt.balug nioe montl sfroia tl o OnUuf Bald a rdor , and «ov oruditor neglect ugto briuR in and oxhlbil bis or her claim, un ooath or ntlinnstion wiibm tho time lollmitr J

will be foroTor barrel of lila or hor *<ittborcfoie*citlnil the Executors of Mid Ate

Dslod tliB acvrnht i*h l»r ot April A1KI1. HORACPL nuVBAtf

lllk.B£ J PELL,E«cotilori

Duvor. New Jc rwr (9110

N O T I C E .Entato of William II. He-

Davit, decenscd.PumnaLt to tt a rcterofliieHnrrofiilflof tf*i

County of M o H l on tlie Brut da;* '.prll A D die tlouiand einht haaur

ninolyone n tij«iBlterohyRiroiitoBllnL.liaviiift claims sgainxt luit eHuo of Wui[cDaWi lato of tbq Oonnt uf olorr *, aeill, k) ireetnt tt a » m o , under OSth orjiatiou to the nubucribpr on or bolero tl

Qtftt day of Jtuitat a t s beioR u.tihodatt uf t a i d o r k r and astlut, lu LrlriK lu autl t i t i l t i t I

tbe lifii i)

allir wilt ii

s t U T of > I II AaNDLI t 0 l I F l t

A d l


0. \V. noWLUST, Agent,OmcE IN U'liwiir UIUIAN FACTOUV,

C O l t . 11 i.iAtyjV"\T i ^Lu ATi i ' l'l^lkUi^Ll rj 113>


DR. A. G FREtMAN. DENTIST,hai iMrM*n»ni! j touted hU offlce In UOVIB, 1I- , tb» 1'nrt Uffice. la room» M ft i olin JLJDU'I ature, aud luritM a »D*re ol the put Ipationitfe 1 •hall COD LIDUB. Mheratoforo, to offonlj-goodwnrt atmodersttrHooi. Mjmotton

to"f«r toartlflei*) HDI* nf*U*th (hit I htr* nanatd some of thorn lu DOT or, that Live been woi

-— -" 1 tlie »earBr«i»y "taBjar* i

itlueii oxparfoucs of uoirlr L" - * • -loroftr.lfnoo.

JT» donoworl,;t. Tiio natural teeth

aaaarjr. to tLotitandt lor winwho will teiUfr to 1U morti

refullj Ollod *t about Lair lbs? citiea. Fiaah « ">Itkett*th. A/«i

luititule f [plci!>ure to recumui>i


Ladles' Engraved Tiattinc Cards.LaWt style* at tbe Inan RBA offlra



m anil fimlly den-tlat, u «I<ID f»r tlia faaullr aud ichoUrt of-tLoluititule for tlia [iMt twolve fesra, I t !• •> gtu...... iiu'Ld lilai u a thotuugbir coa

'- ' i t l i t ....... OtO. B. WlllTHET, D, D.,

VmMoU liackDttalown CnllcRlatelnatilutiWj-acqii.lnUucc wltb Hr. fmeium ba> cxioude.

aver • purlwl "t mauy yeiro. Por mj-fdr. tuallyiuiI iiitroiu 1 t'beBrmily rruoinuiirtid hiui M itireful, lunruiiHb Hid reliable clunllht.

JvllH i . Com;, M.I),, llauUett'-towu, K. ) .Er. iToomin Uni tlia pitruuufio of all uur family

)rtniith*it waurloo,and wewtsUbfn. g«»t-—« u lu liU now field. S«MIIHI. T, Bun

A. O.FMEMiwi-Dpar Slr :-I «'lnll be b'lnryto« » y01I ,..n wy^ .m. w l . l ^ t ^ r . « you , , •&«•

lonearai pJTBr, Hlucernli yourt,H. w. BUAUIMIH, T>. D.

Co. Fmriuffi— Dear Sir i—If iho mo of my iiamimoil. (j. K. NKI-JHK, U . v.A low liilQfi at Dover ponjijO firr i*)»nu 1 h»nquo wnrk lu tlia pu t tuallQr to IU eico!lmo«.Dr. Wm. II. Cloodale, mvld Allen.Quo. UL-Orackou Byduev T. flm'Ui.


INGRAIN,65 ots. per yora.

GOc. to 7Co. per yard.BODY BRUSSELS (BEST JUKES),

"VELVETS,OOo. lo $1.10 por yard.

95 ots, per yard, iMOQTJETS, • •

W.20 to $1.30 per yard.AXMINSTEB, .

$1.60 to $1.75 per yard.These prices, which ore exception-

ally low, will prevail at theSPRING OLEABAN0E SALE,

now in progress ia our CarpetDeportment.

Tbis Block Is by fur tbe largest In New Jer-iy, andincluJeii the cbolcost natwrns In allpniloBof Carp«Uuf{8 taannfocturod,

MATTINGS.They will be sold from tt.OQ P E R ROLL (40

yards) ur-vranls,ntJOS, Imlh Imported and domestic, AHT

dQVAiiBs. OIL-CLOTHS, LIKOLKCMS and MATSit proportionately luw values.

> Sis., riorer.unotloal BDJ

arivuuu JU buuw(v(ii'u wnu IIIB Uicorner of Slsckwoll m d BorveuTbe builuem is ID clurf* nf a ueii>-rieno«d borne-ahoei and I •oapcallnlly•allott a a h u e of pablio pf.tioD*gn.

Geo. McCracken.

I N CiMNceni or New J a m i lTO UDWA iu Pint m i D

>rtbo O urtofOhsimalo on 11 lu <

im ulnrelu I mn:I 0 Outittf f t S 11

BVvirluoo nn ordecor? ol Ntw J t r s

UICMIMO hit r iiiftD. IUI ICT TuM«t> iAPAOUA Kli

d | on auls you sre re]Ul td lu epsmirorpri l luurtoi l io II'of

b f t l u Jlf h d

Thetnid bill Is tl vd ia foroo'no tno mo tajicfi, ouo RIVOQ Lj Jamci FatroSltd auU w\fai attid ootn Taloant I tod ll e Unit <!* ~

JaDnar;, othlilten hnn ktil ai 1 rlRUtj Il»oUuda at Mo m V atus In tt o Ooiotj uf M< rrls nutl htats of M w J no ; auil tue o herftvciibifZeautH Bniit] .ndSinineli BrahUt:i«cuton of mi J tncs Fntrcl 1 d to said Edlund D. Huso <l trd UD the aixth illimmLorA 11 uiRhtiPH h itidreda id nithcaamo nudt; au I you aru tuidottil

-Jtbecftuaeisfmo of itie Uiildria ot t rFalrcliild vrbo IH a i uof siid JanicBinfrch It

oa bave a real lua. r or otl er iulewt IQ 'imii. LDuuhDu m w f i y

Solt Itor or Complainant,Sated April 21 Ui, 18SI 'it (ti


Estate of Sarah Moncz,dd

PDRSDANr to tho order or t l o Hurwgatol the Ckmuty of Morrli mado oo ttii

•. day (if Maj A E uue tl oueiu 1 otfthtidrod and ufnolyom, notice li bcroliy<n to »ll i m us ' ' "

orris litath r nillrim*

flcribcr, on or bufore tbo flmt day of Fat rn*licit, holog uli a mouths from >lio (Into

-.iDR ID «mi xulbit h n ur her CCoatli orimruiit lun, will in tho timo so Iimitcwill be lortvat b&tied o l hii or liur sell n

•oratoragainst Ibembierlber, Aumfuisiratr Hie FsUta or ial 1 deccsaedDated tbo first day ofM»F a S 18)1

JU3EFH MONiZA l i l l






Estate or Isaac IV. Iloacli,decea cd.

Paranant to tbe mctur of tbo Sarroffalooftho Ooitniy of Iforrls mitfe on <he ISrli

dayof l l syA D ono tboniand eight bunilredtndttluely-ono notlnD in Hereby a\woa lo all>eraona IIKVII t; oj*lui< iga net In eataiA ofsssa N. Bench lute of tho Oonnty of Morrli

J toea t td i to pteient tlio t»me, \indpt oi th ora.tlrmatiou, V tbe auliiorihor ou or before tbelGtb day ol Febiuary next being a no tnofllLafrtni UIB ilatfl of laid order l sod any creditor

titinc to brlnn in and exhibit his ot lier., nmlor oa.tb or afllrnmilon wltliln tlie

_ so ilmilaii win bo foi-eror barred of liUor her notion taera'or ngUoit tlie AdailaUtra

D nALSGYAdministrator,

Horrlstotrn, H. J .


GOAL, WOOD.and Kuon'a.Materlnla. Co»l of all aim ooc•t*ntly on band and delivered prtnptlr toany put of the town or TiolQlty.

n t t i AnvurT «

o the countryniter tbo

.- Auarlcaa Olvar* tbe Beat."Tbere is no mom sousdeBs fad In oxIsUince

than that ot aiuoting forelgu dgonj-witb tlio' bolkf that simply because ttioy are mads

abroad tiwy must lie superior to the Americauproduct," told J. Warren Colem&u, proprie-tor of tho Heath House, Scaoaloy's Mountain,aodoftbe SUllman Hotel, Cleveland, Oblo,roccntly. "1 bought nothlrg but foreigncigars for my hotels for many yean, but foundat last that I could get a better article made

- rfgbt In this country from doraestlo tobacco,ftnd I now buy all my dean inKow York, ant!they sire perfect satUfactlon."—American

• Economist

Konrlstown'sj City Tat hen .Tlio last meeting of the old Common Council

In Uorrtetown was held latt Friday -evening.- ThoappUoationofP.J.Loooe^tokeepaliotel

neat tha depot, TO opposed by tho cttlmta ofHorris strest; renreocntod by Uablon Pitney,and was lott by a vote of 7 to 2. An applica-tion from Harry Wallbank, to keep'a saloon,iraslostbythe nmo vote. The memberahlpot tie Board of Fire Wardens was IncreasedIromS4to30.

A Card of Thank*,. .Mrs. Henry Dahnan desires to thank theneighbors and friends who g»Te words of com-fort and who aaalstad and sympathised much•frith her buabond eX tiroes ol bis suITering, andalso to tboso who so kindly assisted and ia

•• mnnyw^yi expressed their sympfcthy for Uwfamily In thalr great lost and bereavement;also to tbe choir of tho St. John's Church forUwdr icbtdneM In aaalstlDg In th« service at

the church. _

Danjrercraj Ear-Hlnk*.Amonj Uia flnt of Dr. Koch1! paUenbj with

coaiumpUuu was a young girl Infected fromUw esr-rlugs ot a deceased friend. Barben,1

Itch luiius Aod BDOCUIQ dlsBkuo an? of ten do-rlrnl from mxora, brusbcm towels, &c .Vig-own, healthy blood: is the best safeguard•galnatall paraaiteo, nnd Cactus Blood Cure,Uw ono only vegetable blood purifier known.Na r inJ, no mluaral, t a talluw*. Sold byItobmt Klllgon, DOTCT, M.J.

Altar suffering for yean with tho worstform of Dyijwp&toiimch ft" bloating, diizraesc,vertigo, add stomach, eta, I cam* acrou Or.Deane1* O;tpepdf> l'ilb. Utiag than ai di-

t d t » t h ' d Ull t i i Ad

Heath & Drake,777 & 779 Bread St.,


LAWN PARTY.TL? Lakes' Aid Society of tho Guild of 8 t

rota's Church, Dover, will hold a I,awu•Parly on





JUST WHAT YOU WANT, and any Man, Womanor Child can get- it for

OUR CATALOGUE * e test and fine tever issued, sent to any addre": FREEA one-cent postal card will get it foryou. WRITE FOR IT NOW.

AQRNHffiAHo!sold direct from factory at wholesale

•prices for cash or upon an ea yinstallment plan to suit all pocketsONE SHALL PROFIT ON THE ACTIUL COST Thil Ii Din.3 o r * BIG PROriTS onil Commis-Bipm EAVED-THEY ARE YOURS.

Washington. H. J






VL-ry )atc«t Paris novelty In Utlntfl WwhOoud*in liandsoinf tiatf rni aud '»tmt oolnt.iucHtt35otd p r j a M

El EftnthnuorpArlManHf M « fn an I Uroaclioacbftn-l M-nrlu, 4Siuelit only 70 ah ua ywdIljgli (-'l»i» iijles pluliN snil elect


Dav Gooas


S U S S E X & T B £ S T , JJOVKK, H . J

i stocked with tbo boat of crcrytbipg in thutt

Uc«,*od*Q[da.tUTlugpri«!i Oalt ind a x u n .

Ine tny slock anrt p Imi All gooda deKrereit

to eny part of tha (own t t short ootfoe


[i'ato,i2 iMbct-wide, ai onlyart!

^•I rable Tor «alkiug or i m e l l n g DOIIUDUB a t

'nub lime Olorlor" n Ik and wool IDat osnuUlte tltadoi for t t r in t »u i ovenirandforoluKiutaiaQowns ii nohei10 cts. per ynrd

_ , , , i t a u i n u l e l • n l t h s i in p h i d i andr*i a? Ibral design*, 7 6 urd wide. Rt only 7ots per i rd

fine Bcololi OfDRbaOB i Inobta wldiplain piaiaa d i l n u s «t!Wuti »erjtr<l

nPirodli i . lmada ntel ineolpatterasrlip a i t r f d w i r a o fabric in ploid«,tid p 1L dnt« a t J els por urd

. . " O n ing Flupnel ver dea rabls f rouldo r tpg l K c8 rToaraUonlfiOct" » r j i r d

40 lucliei. A.U wool Cuhmeve In td» Wiillniibadei or f,ro>*, u n , pearl* and nods i t 48to,!or nrd

Grand 1 nocf F*i!lo6iHie io tlmlatoit sbtdjr streot or evouinit wear at BOJ. per yardWhen Wllline IBUI permott i i win I it will

-1 p i to visit oar LOW willioerj departml .


hs o r u n D grtoqao for lua

707 to 721 DE0AB St..NEWA11U, N J .




Painter and Paper HangerUUIU.L DECOIUTIOH,



Bran and Wcad Curtain Future),

Hard Wax Fiululi for Houwa, Paints, Oils,QIUSK, &c. Anl i t ' s colors mid bnulms.

t$T CorapLtcnt turn sent to any par t of theIt&taoroltfnuore

W i l T C O G H L A \MtlKJUBTOWW, N. J.


(HORBIfl AND EB81X DIVI 1JN JPopot In h»n York lool of JJmU) b »

[OtllffQUlHt (I rBtBDUMEBAllUAiaiMrNrS


t in t «T


HsckottilowuEir T

Kiston'i^pKii* 8 iPuflalu Eii res/ »iBcTantoEfci* n i -poreiAoooni, ' l £<*

D) ic ou IS i

_ iff* o EMilk Kip

Uilk £ i | i•Vii

• IU ID11 10P X

lion Liureii 610" ^ - (3C


10 10

Liuren E» '



UnrrUtuwn.6 03 A . M .8 ID '0

LEAVE NJBW XOltK IOR EOVEK.M 4 JO 7 10 7*30* 0 00 010 II30 10« , i i oo i i , i oo*. ao i io* { so. o

D V it* fl IH>" » 00 BUJ S 0t* F M' ^ I H Buonioa It mn ob

L. DOUGLASv tmelidenlleineii.



HBAOAN & Oo.,DOVKft, N. J.Mm

ircjniT T SMITH


Insurance and RealEstate Agency,



MR. and MRS. E. G. LACEY,

Artists and Photographers;A l O K R I S T O W N , N . J .

IVB retumod from Earope. They dedr* toinramt tueir Menda and patnmi that tbeywill rcaimia tbeir bmlncea at their studio,





tTpHolstoring astl Furnlturo Work,JIowUH ST., (NBAB TBS IUVKB), Dover.


Stoves and RangesPrompt tttelllou e!Ten to contract* for

l'luniblng and Tinning

Steam and Hot WateO A VPEOIALTT.

FOB RENT IThe store In tho Bchwars Slock three doors

Tom river Lridsii formerly occupied by Wal-aa Brw. Aim four rooms on tha secondloor, OTBT tbe corner Mora with all modern


;pp grected two w»"thir,' and lUll continuing, AndCroat rolloL ' Woold not be without, andcheerfully noomnund to any fltuTorlaff withtbe •bore symptoms.

JZVoUonaandBbilery, 109 Newark An, Jar-

WANTED.A, tabor, tateUIgent dUien ol Carer for

detective nrrit*. Applicant most file a bond«iLh tha Bute uf New Jeney in tbo sum ot$5,000 With two approved *£nr!tiM. Applyto tlie ROCKAM'Sr DETECTIVE COV^

a m . - Boclcaar»y,«.J.

fOREEXT.Tbe building of t-beirabtcrIbor,wlUi an

of land, near UM Rlcbard mine, wbfcb b ua buaineaa BUXXI TOT a long time, and la a

: locution for a general mercantile trada.sBhAaSnnnu. good well of water, bants,

JOHN OAPISL,WJw anthapramlsM.

H1NEBS WANTED.At Ih l lUn l i Mines, MWrale,

l» UD



175 bnTs a foil H*ll Bering, High 0r«(3», foillioHAFKTY. Highly reoommended. Call todroeigoot. • • -i • -

1). S. ALLEN.

JOHN A- can be found a complete stock in every, department, snoli as

ty Goods, •KoUbns.Hdsio^ OH Cloths,: ,:: BBg8,;Cioaks iwd .Iersi^|3facket8.

Large aasortment of Xadiea', IGfiaea1 and Moa'a SHOES,

;}.;;'••-; ^BOCKBIEa, JPROyiSIONS, Ae.

Wo keep the best goods the market can afford, and prices defy all

OFHOE—HiUoaal Dolon Bank BnlldlngWP IUVF FOB SALE

nt a bars n Ihrco cli Ico Im Id tig *itcs oiI'mi a \ o d t c l l i and la K lo tunUi HupATO >l O 11 r 11 I QII t ' fsatvi iuo, dnciliukill ll o no nli\ ot Ml Uar« H Oliurcli »ud aplace nt t i tiul Li u noica t>t >aod with ilwill K:u&manl otherimpiuvcmruteioTiclnitv-otJUFirn Tltuie propt riles mast bo so a auit mlUBanldebrapan orj«a» tcimi

>y an old Hue painter


Ready Mixed Paintsam limit-passed (If equalled) in tue follOriiW

imrUculurBThey ai-» porfoctlv ]>uiTheyiuo bo lined W „.. „

Jtut as be would u » While Lendhimself

Tbo areuiThey are as bright fl* tho best tinting colors

can make themTho arc perawnoiit.The ore guod for many yeare -wear vlionThey will Btaud unlimited brushing out.Tbey are cheaper than any Bimilur color

nixed by handThe will cover on • Rood surface 400 square

fwttfloco«,ta,p(irgBllonTbey will cover ou a pu >r

feet, two ooats per gallonv Whoa freely talnncd out with pure rawLinseed Oil, tiolr iiproadliiit capacft; Is itUl

A. BITCE- Painter aifor Dover aRl yldotty





5. J.

CHESTER BRANCHWtsluard titationa Sutwattf.t i ni rv LX r u10 8 0r 6 17 Chester 7U5 U M11 fi J S ° 4

u1""1»° J " " 13 4 30l2« " r% ^wnBaoiii 7 i3 IS 18 4 40

» « *m 6 6? UoUlnsTille 7 « 13 22 4 60

8 35 S 10 HU "Doror™ 8 « " M B 18

Qentral Bailroad of New Jersey.

IM Saw Yoat, foot of Liborij 6t North rirerUP1BAINB

AM P K !• H8 45 a SO IW


New York


3reon bta g sofr.ntOD SCO uu jNewark (J10 BfiJBluabatti 6 JO 9 IB

7ifl BEfl5 10 ID 106 ti 10 M8 35 10 556..K 10 6U8^a n isB 80 11 108 48 11 118 t7 11 IS8 43 U ai8 £4 U Ja p K

s to i i SE> 8 eaBopitocDf i ti iiuuutvon 1180 B tffi'7 IS i OQP Oram 000 1110 402 0 107 10 i l l

9 U U 1 IC16.69S1 41800 BS1UU41 7W IM

11 Iiornla 6 13 0 i 4 jfl 4 417

RSOalironVemoy.M VallBjU Valley


A U jt M A It ? 1 ( *• K,7JO 8 91115415 « 48T42a*BllS5l2fi 6 EB1 « B 6311 (B *.8O 7 01

rt8Mi*Ts OitT-atprm»n Valley O U r k , ,0faoiterPnrp»o»6BBp n, OhetW 7 00 p «I

tterfliaD Villcj ,(Jhoiterirurnsoa.Oheiter




IRON MERCHANT,Owrlsgo H»ktir*. Blsabemitlia1,

clarft', Mluiug sad Msnnf*otar«rs Sop-Palate! Oi's. oto.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSe*d> »n 1 Ferlilfntirs 6»tet tnd flalai, Bkjr.d r . Trip oM,ft»bfaffaaakfjuidSMtMtuei t ti odn 11 oa«tkeeping Qoods.


Fmiltrv and Moiqnlto Haltinit AI14 a fullf U t tiihi l U / r t t d ff

m Urrisfi l lurr is iratori and Wator

ARCHI of llorria and edJoiulBa; tWBntloa oftbe Oil er Ohltled Plow, also Arms Hir ro i r .Cailo Wiieel Oolt l raton. W*ltir A WoodUoneiB Uoapert n i l Iiinflon. Hurto J M I B BAmor oan and Bollard a Hay TeJJer*, Loveraud Tread rior.oi 'owor and atldrat o l u i t a r nraaoi i n e n Amtinl laad MaCulaaaaud U n k— flturap Fullcra.

S.E. BENNETT,(lUCtl*l|O» TO A fnCBTOIt )



FURNACES,TIB, Oopfin «wi> B s n r ZKOH fioaima,'

Zinc,Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,Pumps, &c.




E L . DUNHAM,rapraautlag t&aleadlag European ana Amw-

joab tionpaalaa. p

U « e » "promptly adjusted andpaid l|i cash.


Obolee building lota and urma on eMr terma


Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters,



Plllsbury's Best Brand ,

of Flour,FEED. GBAlff, BU3TT3BK,

B. EQOS. «to. >

wltalnUisTeuliortliiisBwtivsfiaaaasKMlImlM.tains fine »inorU*ia.t eumot fMJ U p l M u « 4

" f th n •HleHtlultmrarl »DHX ARBDT

7.11Tie7937K)78S7 88

9 Bltdn 7.HB Brook ; B B8EllnbaU a 17ftnnrkTruUn



may bo rolled upon at nil aplaoo for tho nurrhase 0(

iiitSoim o [ ,

Hie EquSpment oflronVMines a specialty, t x , ^

CMM knd ffotkb, - l ^BD(5BEIBT,lJCVfilt,H.J


o r noiinisTOWN



American and Foreign Qranits rndMarb a Csmetoty W rk,

loname&ts) Sarcophagi

Hs&dfitones, Lot Inolosuras, Ac

ALL wonit AWD MAnmAz. or Tint Dim


(57"" Consult ua boforo purchoilng It mil« you


£4-1? MoittUBTOWH H" J



Mrs. Geo. Fair's,PORT ORAM.

_ L T 7 03 810 10 it 11 80 8 MOboltcr For 7C8 81510 GO l U B 8.5 SSfl0»na!iTaiiM7.iB «asiioa:lacaSM ?8e

Train* leare Dorer forUut&litak aod Laki_jpFria

d Lakeaja auiti t

n«t7 4 1 f « *eyataiM oun lie proou A nt Gem*" and from Schooler " • ' "

p o u d al Gotvalur to and from SeliDolev a UonoUln 1 sH.nJ.n, to and from Hndd'e Liki, J *

Train learln]; Hufci>ou lor LenB BHAW™ O

Train learln]; Huofcftwav at 3 a r X eol L Braneh, Ocean Qroto, itd

O r

J H OtHiuBEK Qen

ladf» 3VKiak« ,,<r BAMlWUCl*OULPaaa Agaat

A Tery protty kpla of novelties aihnnesia

Spring Bonnets and HatslcU oJl «i« ludlra wffl bo planed to no


OOVKR, I t . * . >

VTbolnale and ratau dealer! and boltlopi



Practical HorsB-Shoers,^wpTed Into tbolr now kbop next door toWright Organ Co • oulm where they am

J r to do olf kind, of BlaessmlUun/ln aurst-cloas HIBDDW •*>• ~^\ahnTe engaged U> Joa, GOwi, wbo

* nputadon of being tba beat m v p In^ M C U O O and win make wacopira


a-yM avl i j je- Bar, avfpHrf b any?«onf«»/rom a I w (o^a oof loo* ' -

JtJnat reoeiTeda.Ian slnilla Pale

" " and*dkpU«ff«h


iar We fnanntfte *U oar-, ~inottFyiiSamdto —- " - - - -

STEPHEN T. C O L E M A Nrespect/idly annowiOM tha i & hM^opBOed

Furniture .Upholstering



t * )-» 4J Tla; <« S

neariv OIRXIBIU I'arlrHotfli, wbere ba ia ]tre-p a r o J t t % 5 | ktoda ot i m n l r w VpboUter-sni oit& B«palrirT Avmhw sinking Carpet

auidalnnaoniLrJa Brian,


i^uiers and Plumbersare prepared to do nil kinds of

Pl&mbing, Eooang, Gutteringand Bhoet Iron Work,

Clams, ;OysieTS, Fish, jocore any «•*" dealrad, and a j>

" ' " " to oonimnara. All orders* A trial Is rosncctfullT

Z that I cau Batky eaca, r -. dy experioncod men—w hoit and put un icoat, mi whoch pRina iv ub an order from &

a fj grown person 19-1

THE AIM OFMew Jersey Business College,•-.' rUfc7MBB0AD Br'.KEWAJiS,




4B A L T , BOTH ivpoinxD Ami o

' W i , >on hand ia largj mlanllUee «d |»nuaMl to

tbotaleatalltUoaa ^JJ

PodUoni for »H well quilittflaiTniiion raiaonsbloi

Cktalogtio free IOt«n nil tbo yoir 1


L. H. IVES & Cot


Masons and Builders,

WILCOZ &/EEBBY(aiocnaoaa n a. t.'a. BUUUJH.)


I ' ,ContActo for att'kinda of work taUn ajid

aUnut6riaufaraIah.e<t. rrsctlcal experioaroIn evcj/ljTaiioli ot jnaaon work.


^ L . SHOP oir Bjawsif enuon-,

«4? 1SBST TO » ,

obblng promptly attended to.

- pat on aisle roora bj Rood ntjohaiileiaekeu* ataaa(lilnc Favor alvtya OD luA

OSaanJatoD Oor olBUakwall aid Bar



- - - Proprietor

Ojatoa, priini nod tresli oViry darfoFfoSfv»»,bjt£a 100 or 1,000. rWbSndior


Ladles' and O i dand Summer Tr

i NT

Kid'Oloves," Tidies,-i '„ -HandKeTohiea, Books,

Material tip





w> „ \Tan6y and Staple.Work ani:8ora'ii Baskets.

PIANOS!wUoh wo S S lnJfar ptjnontos to jmrcbaaen going eleowbc

W« h«TB opanod 6ermw . .» l ronrth i m , Oor JJUl a t f i j liUwkof now and aooond-bairf -'-mokara, wUbh wa ran eoll atcubor onJHuy ' - "ooo wtaatasoan M a n r«,IthalarKe

-„ 1881. ' »JanBay l»lia« oonU and gone ami my ad

VorUsrtMH*ot!:#OT UOi, U00, ottering t5t»rf W t h t a W t b l l iHp W that a*W to an uQ

BtMo whD.coalilrxat my BtocV'of oldHye« not Havteg been takw. Is t^ proof ot U>et rperioi- quiillty anil age of lay TrbisiilrM,'" 1now Inform my patron* tint I am preparedt f i t h ^ ^ d d t i h#ievloUii«Btal<ni.-KiiW V<»k,oW,«r In orontofbond In nny^qoantl^r


CARPENTER»«'BOILDE|ll Boatirig. Fishing and