B.Arch Design Portfolio

Postal Address : Lot 1688 Jalan Sri Sebang Off Jalan Kemus, 73000 Tampin Pos Melaka Contact No. : +019-3748728 Email address : [email protected]



Transcript of B.Arch Design Portfolio

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Postal Address: Lot 1688 Jalan Sri Sebang Off Jalan Kemus, 73000 Tampin Pos Melaka

Contact No. : +019-3748728

Email address : [email protected]

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The sense of scale and propostion are the main purpose of this assignment. We used to play with the lightest 4HB to the dark-est 8B pencil to show the important of lights and shadows. It is also leads us to explore different depth of darkness and light-

weight technique.


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The relation of monochrome colour template from the precedents study would explain the depth and perspective of colouring scheme around us. In this

task, site sketching of Shah Alam’s Waterfront leads us to understand the combination of inorganic and organic object that would blend well together

with a different rendering technique.

Rendering Technique

COLOUR & SITE SKETCHINGShah Alam’s a Waterfront

precedent study

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This assignment lead us to understand the expression of emotions through different language of body. We used to draw differerent character to appreaciate

each emotions taken for the character.

HUMAN FIGURERendering Technique

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A study on contemporary artist is part of exploring the early stage of art. Inspired by the Fernando Botero’s art work, an abstract artist in

the fundamental sense, choosing colours, shapes and proportions based on intuitive aesthetic thinking turn me out to draw self portrait of our-

selves and perfectly portray the image of our own personality.

“An artist is attracted to certain kinds of form without knowing why. You adopt a position intuitively; only later do you attempt to rationalize

or even justify it.” Botero

Style: Fernando Botero

PSYHCO SELF PORTRAITThe real picture size is A1 (photographed).

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Appreciate the architectural heritage of Ise Temple, in Japan had been interpreted through the composition of plan, section and elevation. The architectural compositions of the building showcase its special feature

by emphasizing it using a monochrome pencil colouring and rendering technique.

BUILDING COMPOSITIONPencil Colouring Technique

The real picture size is A1 (photographed).

The real picture size is A1 (photographed).

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Documentation of the Heritage Trail in the city of Malacca is part of our final task during first semester, which involved all the architecture skills of writing, rendering, composition, proposition, and perspective drawing. We were been given an opportunity to choose our own journey as there

are several area which recognised as heritage sites in Malacca.

Watercolour Technique


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201 Technical drawing

With a different task brief given during our second year, we were introduced with a lot of basic drawing technique which involved the element of scale and proposition, writ-ing technique, perspective drawing, and working drawing. The drawing was presented using pencils and pen, as it leads us to well understand type of lineweight to be used as well as shadowing technique.

scale drawing key plan, location plan, site plan

plan, site elevation, cross elevation lettering music club

one-point perspective two-point perspective


Pencil & Pen rendering technique

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The richness of Melaka city gives us an-other opportunity to express a journey that reflects self perception. With a technical drawing skill to be translated in the series of presentation models turns out to be an ex-pression of art in Melaka.

The richness of Malacca city

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Well understanding of the poem help us to derive and reflect the passion from it. The main purposed of this assignment was to abstract the keyword from the poem and illustrated a composition to create a special motif behide it. The composition should be presented using 2D

and 3D illustration.

Compositon into 2D illustration

Compositon into 3D illustration

COMPOSING NATUREThe study of pattern & texture

MOOD BOXThe study of colour, light, & volume

lighting as an effect of water reflection

Arragement of knitting yarn follow the sequence of water cycle from the waterfall to river

the arrangement of knitting yarn is the simbolic of water flow

As continuation from project 2, Nature have been useas inspiration and theme for this project. Based on the same poem and

keyword from previous project we need to explore ideas in creating spa-tial ambience in 3D form.It is a series of model development in 2D and 3D forms.The interpretation of mood from this poem is so important to

derive best understanding of it.

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303 I Habitat

Hanging Casa

Basic understanding of structural design and construction are required to explore design concept or idea for this project.

This project is to inject the element of mood and function into design.We are required to design a single functional space for a single person

within the imaginary space of approximately 3mX3mX3m. I chose to create a space in the middle of the waterfall, on top of water surface and 1/3 submerge into the water. The

function of the space is only for observatory activities.We also need to select any activity and suitable context based on the poem.

It can be rotate 360 degree from right to left; to give client an opportunity to observe every single cor-

ner by sitting at the same place.

Solar Panel

water tube

fully insulated

Electronic smart glass

at the middle of waterfall

on top of water surface

1/3 submerge into the water

plan cross section elevation

at the middle of waterfall

on top of water surface

1/3 submerge into the water

to experience floating on the top of water surface

to be fully surrounded by mist and clients are able to stay at any position that comfort them. When it is submerge into the water, plain changes its function as a slide

it is observatory spaces where relaxation mood was inject to the space.

when it is submerge into the water, it is automatically changes its function as a swimming pool

1st floor level

3rd floor level

2nd floor level

SystemI use to relate cable car system to create hanging space with comfort experience by using horizontal grip. Smart glass was used as a window to control the amount of light and heat

passing through.

I HABITATCreating a functional space

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Hanging Casa

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Double hollyWe were asked to design a single functional space which can give the amusement feeling

and experience for the user. The client f this project is a golf lover. The structure was de-signed too stretches up the muscles and trig-ger their feeling before and after playing the real game. It also helps user to warm up indi-rectly by climbing up to first level and sliding

down to the ground level.


Anthropometric & Ergonomics

The principles of anthropometric and ergonomics studies is the main focus to achive in this project. For group project, It is the

detailed case studies of one person space relating to the activity.

For this project, we have done cleansing area on the physical and spiritual relation spa. There are Rugosa’s spa and

Azzahrahwomen wellness centre spa as our precedent study. The principles are essential to be ignored in the design of spa.

This elaborated from within spaces in the layout to the functions of each furniture and fittings.

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A retreat home. In this project,We were asked to design a retreat liv-ing space for four person which consists of basic functional spaces which

reflect the personalities of the client. The retreat home is designed based on the anthropometric and ergonomics of the family user. As the

family member is the nature lover’s, the space was designed to give sense of connection to the nature surrounding it and different level of spaces

were created to achive certain privacy and comfort.

LIVING CAPSULEAnthropometric & Ergonomics

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This project is all about designing a pit stop club along the scenic beaches of Bagan Lalang. We are responsible to focus on the national geograhic members as our client is National Geographic Society. Apart from that, we also responsible to inject certain amount of privacy and security to the pit’s stop.

PIT STOP CLUBExploring a nature site context

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THE CIELOParametric Design

- Chamelonic over-head sheltering

Solving the existence issue on site was the main objective for this project. Cha-melonic over-head sheltering structure was needed to be incorporate with para-metric design concept. It was a group project consists of two members. The con-cept derived from the existing culture of congested environment during event.

There are series of events taking place with the assembly of rented tents to be installed every each events. As the context is the heart of our faculty, it is very

important spot for everyone, including the students, lecturers, and staff officers.

Project 1

The ‘Cielo’ is define as a canopy which act as a flexible overhead which allows students, lecturers and visitors to experience the real ambience dur-ing the event. The cielo are provided with flexible installation of chair, table, and stage, which serve

as a pathway and sitting area during schooling session.

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site analysis

STRATEGYHorizontal Interaction of Human movement

FSPU’s courtyard are the most favourite spot for every event at FSPUStrategy 1: Studied had been done on the most common arrangement of

structure during event. It is to indicate the circulation of human movement as solving the congested environment.

The highlighted spot are combined together

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STRATEGYVertical Interaction of Human movement

Interconnectivity deal with the interaction within system. Interaction of people from every level to the centre of courtyard always occur

during event. Its proved that each floor are connected to each other. During event people tend to stand around the corridor to enjoy the


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DETAIL DRAWINGParametric overhead

Fragile place, virtual spaces

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Fragile place, virtual spaces


Project 2

Issue: Nature and man-made world have their own ecologies with a degree of fragility of its own. Interruption to this ecology might break the cycle of interdependence and natural growth of the area

as human intervention are bound to happen over the year.

This project provoked us to design a virtual space in a fragile place. The site context is located at the Langkawi island and we were been given a choice to decide our own site context. Mangrove is one of the biggest

attractions in the Langkawi. It is known as a tidal forest; a forest grow-ing in the inter-tidal zone between average sea level and high tide mark. The capability of mangrove to endure with a salty environment pulls me in to dig out the ecological of mangrove even further. Each mangrove tree species has its own specific location. Trees with low tolerance to saltwater are close to the rainforest known as White mangrove, while trees that closest to the sea are known as Red mangrove which able to

developed stilt roots.

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Hypothesis“Reformulate the existing” is an approach to reconstruct the surrounding environment in the new way that may allow the natural course on its own. Therefore, the new typology of Saline casa and their function can bring back the magnificient of the real balance ecosystem of mangrove. It may

takes long term to let other realise the beauty of mangrove.

Mangrove has a very unique ecology to be record-ed and recognised by the worldwide. The exist-ence of mangrove helps to protect the ocean from silt and sediment also act as an instrument in the formation of salt ponds. The formation of it is the main attraction to invent a new spa treatment in Asia. Salt ponds are formers bays which were once open to the sea, but over time were closed off by reef or mangrove growth. Once the nay is closed, the salt begins to act as a sink for silt and sediment which runs down hill-sides in heavy rain.

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This project existing features as a part of the building to harmonize with the nature. The project adopts natural salt pond to its advantage. The first step of de-veloping the form is by identifying the salt pond formation area, followed by identi-fying the most suitable pathway to the salt pond. The pathway should be where the mangrove trees experience the least intervention. Therefore, the juxtaposition of planes should not fight the surrounding. The second step also will become the guid-ance where the structures will be placed. Thus, any potential natural salt pond area will be avoided from any excavation for construction.

SITE PLANNINGdesign developement design developement

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design developement

The floor are elevated depends on height of mangrove on site.

The mangrove trees are allocated at the lowest part of

the tree family.

Different types of mangrove trees have different hierarchy of height accord-ing its position in the site terrain. The height of the building follows the zoning of the mangrove swamp. The deeper the building into the mangrove swamp, the

higher the site terrain.

The hierarchy of height give sense of territo-riality and boundary


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Bakar is the best choice of material as the structure built within water setting. This is because they are able to neutralise water which making it stronger as a structural component. It can act as a fire precaution as it takes a long time to burn when it is on fire. The material is also available around the site. It can be exploited in small scale and be replanted again. The bakau wood iself is climatically

suitable for the building with mangrove area as the context. When used untreated, bakau can be recy-cled, and reducing global warming.

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The ‘purpose site’ is in the tropical climate with the sun rays is all year round and at a higher degree of UV rays. It is found that solar cells are the most suitable energy source collection method for the building. Furthermore, flat roof surface allowed easy installation work without affecting the natural setting of the man-

grove forest.

The roof resembles the mangrove trees canopy. It symbolizes the over-

lapping of leaves, which give shades but allow air flow into the forest. Same as the roof, overlapping roof structures create shades but allow some light to penetrate through it. The air also can flow through the gaps exist between

the structures.

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Design competition in collaboration with uitm


Affordable housing(precinct 08, Putrajaya)

Putrajaya Holding Eco-Res Alternative Affordable Housing Competition

Alternative affordable housing to be proposed in the city of Putrajaya is part of our main project to be implemented in precinct 18 due to a very slow migration of people there. Precinct 18 is located in the city of Putrajaya where it has being

planned for the residential development. The diversity of architecture programme to be injected through commercial development as well as green living will helps

rise up the number of people to live there.

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Design competition in collaboration with uitm


Land area: 15, 000.52 sqm, MAx GFA: 67,473 sqm, Plot Ration: 4.5Plinth area: 75.0%, B. Height Max: 9 storey, Units: 337, Population: 1,51, Facilities: 20% comm., 80% residential, Car parking: 455 bays,

M/cycle: 219 bays

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Design competition in collaboration with uitm


A ‘Friendly to pedestrian’ approach is be-ing highlighted to let people freely enter

and exit the commercial area by providing green area as communal space.

Instead of providing the commercial area for ‘Xianthium Park’ resident, the commer-cial area is also proposed as the centre of

interaction between inhabitants of pre-cinct 18 to overcome tedious environment in precinct 18. Green area is used as com-

munal spaces where act as informal pedes-trian pathway. Location of the proposed

site gives advantage to control 4 corners of the site by creating four different

strong entrances to the building. Green area is used as VISUAL AXIS from the

main road.

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Design competition in collaboration with uitm


Creating commercial area as a center of interaction in precinct 18 has lead to insecure setting to the inhabitant. So, i proposed to split off

the usage of the spaces to different level with the recreational deck work as the intermediate level between commercial and residential

area as to create a sense of privacy for the resident.Apart from that, the injection of sky garden into the residential unit

give another options for the resident to enjoy having a green space on sky level.

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Homeless Assistance center

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SITE ANALYSISDESIGN APPROACHESHomeless Assistance Centre is a low profile project, aimed to accommodate homeless people with inadequate education & shelter, inadequate provision of public infrastructure, inadequate income, and basic service.Consequence of this project, the ‘Singgah Salam’ was designed to appreciate the value of nature itself. Facing brick is use as a finishing material to pacify the value of ‘truth to the material’ to the facade treatment.

DESIGN CONCEPTBazaar Baru Chow Kit is the largest wet market in Kuala Lumpur. Bring in the Bazaar realm concept into the assistance center may help homeless people freely integrate with community. This may help homeless people to gain their live back and increase their confident to meet and communicate with other people

Homeless Assistance center

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A bazaar realm is part of the homeless assistance centre. Homeless people have a chance to work there. Community also have a chance to own stall with low rental payment, but it is a compulsory to employ

homeless people as their worker. Well train candidates only is allowed to work there as to gain their trust back from the society.

Homeless Assistance centerPrecedent study

- istanbul grand bazaar

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Space frame (perimeter): Mero system

internal wall : 115mm thk. Brickwall with 20mm thk. cement plaster on both sides and to be painted to architect’s approval external wall: 92X92X295 thk. facing brick finish to Architect’s detail

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HL RESIDENCESSelangor affordable housing design competition




‘Greenside-out alternative for a Healthy Living’

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SITE ANALYSISSelangor affordable housing design competition

‘Greenside-out alternative for a Healthy Living’

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DESIGN CONCEPTSelangor affordable housing design competition






There is an elevated green landscape where it is raise up from the ground level to the housing block. It gives a new

experience for the resident to enjoy the healthy and pleas-ant environment with different level and scale. The existent of recreation area at block ‘L’ to block ‘H’ allows the resident to

enjoy the walking track all the way to the upper part.

OUTSIDEOUTSIDE (GARDEN) - The existent of garden and recreation’s facilities within the area encourages the process of interaction between the residents. - Green and landscape area help keeps the environment in pleasant condition.

INSIDEINSIDE (system)- Natural energy has been used to assist daily routine event. For example: natural ventilation and natural lighting.


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GREEN STRATEGY Selangor affordable housing design competition

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DETAIL UNITSelangor affordable housing design competition










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-A modern contemporary semi-detached residential unit showcases its special feature by emphasizing the luxurious elegance. -Involved in designing the external facade of the buidling.

Hubjaya apartment

-Emphasizing balcony as part of the strong design feature to enfolded the apartment’s facade. -Involved in designing the external facade of the apartment.

recent project involvementSLT [email protected] duration: Dec 2012- now

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ujong pasir apartment

- Designed with ‘Greenary concept’, allow the residents enjoy their living spaces under pleasantly green surrounding. - Involved in brainstorming the idea, producing the concept, master plan, floor plan, and elevation. - Project presented still in design stage.


1-Design interior spaces and prepared detail drawing for Boutique Hotel in Melaka which had maintained the heritage of Peranakan Chinese within it.

2-Design and renovation for personal residential unit-banglow. 3- Involved in designing a certain floor plans of hostel and Admin for hospital’s building.

recent project involvementSLT [email protected] duration: Dec 2012- now