Barcelona 2014: An Introduction to CrossRef by Carol Meyer

Surprising things about CrossRef: A Review Carol Anne Meyer Marketing and Business Development Twitter: @meyercarol CrossRef in Barcelona 2 March 2014 #crbarcelona

Transcript of Barcelona 2014: An Introduction to CrossRef by Carol Meyer

Page 1: Barcelona 2014: An Introduction to CrossRef by Carol Meyer

Surprising things about CrossRef:A Review

Carol Anne MeyerMarketing and Business Development

Twitter: @meyercarol

CrossRef in Barcelona2 March 2014#crbarcelona

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What was the first service CrossRef


1. CrossRef Search

2. DOI Reference Linking

3. CrossMark

4. CrossCheck


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CrossRef was founded in 2000 by a group of scholarly publishers for the purpose of establishing a reference linking system using the DOI.

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What does DOI stand for?

1. Digital Object Identifier

2. Dancing on Ice

3. US Department of the Interior

4. Malta Department of Information

5. California Department of Insurance

6. None of the above

7. All of the above


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DOI is a trademark of the International DOI Foundation The IDF appoints registration agencies like CrossRef

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What types of content have DOIs?

a. Consumer Movies

b. Scholarly Articles in English

c. Scholarly Articles in Spanish

d. Scholarly Articles in Chinese

e. Reference Works

f. Excel Spreadsheets

g. None of the Above

h. All of the Above


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Current IDF Registration


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Which type of organization was not originally eligible to

participate in CrossRef?a. Commercial Publishersb. Society Publishersc. Non-US Publishersd. Secondary Publishers


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CrossRef was founded by a diverse group of publishers: commercial companies, not-for-profit societies, and publishers from North America, the UK, and Europe.

Abstracting and Indexing publishers, though, not eligible for membership, quickly became able to participate as Affiliates.

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83 Non-Publisher Affiliates•query the CrossRef system for DOIs and metadata

•get bulk updates of metadata

•act on behalf of members

Query; 48Metadata

Services; 20

Service Provide



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What do academic & research libraries have to do with CrossRef?a. They send metadata queries to discover DOIs

b. They use CrossRef metadata to direct their users to the licensed copy of an article

c. They assign DOIs to scholarly documents hosted in institutional repositories

d. They educate students on reference skills including using DOIs in academic papers

e. All of the abovef. None of the above


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CrossRef has 2000 Library Affiliates

•Library Affiliates do substantial volume of querying at CrossRef

•Link Resolvers supplement library user metadata with CrossRef metadata and/or DOIs. The link resolver looks up institution’s holdings to direct users to a licensed copy.

•Libraries join CrossRef as Publisher Members to assign DOIs to content.

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Works with Publishers, Libraries, and others




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What is Forward Linking?a. A way to tell which of your article references

will have content to link to in the futureb. The strategic planning process at CrossRefc. Another name for CrossRef Cited-By Linkingd. All of the abovee. None of the Above


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Cited-by Linking

• Forward Linking was the original name for Cited-By Linking, because links would be created to the article (not from the article) after subsequent articles cited it.

• Forward Linking should not be confused with Stored Queries, which save unmatched queries at the time of production and alert the publisher when DOIs are assigned to the non-matched references.


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• 389 CrossRef Member

Publishers participate

• 386 million CrossRef Cited-By links

• 27 million documents have CrossRef Cited-By links

• 21 million CrossRef records have references

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 20140




400# of CrossRef Cited-by


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CrossRef Services for Publishers

•DOI Reference Linking

•Cited-By Linking

•CrossCheck Plagiarism Screening



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What is the recommended format for displaying CrossRef


b.DOI: 10.5703/1288284314959

c.doi: 10.5703/1288284314959

d.Doi: 10.5703/1288284314959

e.doi: 10.5703/1288284314959


g.All of the above

h.None of the above


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• DOIs should be displayed as URIs (aka URLs) so they are not only unique, but also actionable.

• Displaying DOIs as URLs allows machines to follow DOIs, allows humans to use browser tools such as open in a new window, copy, etc.

• And, it makes it clear to readers what they should do with them—Click!

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Which of the following is an acceptable format for

CrossRef DOIs?a.



d. All of the abovee. None of the above


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•DOIs should be displayed as URIs (aka URLs) so they are not only unique but they resolve.

•Unwieldy DOIs can be shortened at Or better yet, choose a short naming scheme.

•CrossRef has exhausted all the “10.” prefixes with 6 digits and earlier this year began assigning 7 digit prefixes.

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Take a look at the following page

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What is missing?

a. Funding informationb. CrossMark logoc. CrossRef DOId. CrossRef member logo


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•Publisher response pages must include the DOI, ideally in URL format, even though the link resolves to the same page.

•Displaying the CrossRef Member logo is a best practice, but not required.

•CrossMark is an optional service of CrossRef, so the logo is not required for non-participating publishers

•Funding disclosures are good practice, but not required by CrossRef

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Page 31: Barcelona 2014: An Introduction to CrossRef by Carol Meyer

When did CrossRef start allowing publishers to assign DOIs to

books?a. 2000

b. 2005

c. 2010

d. Never, CrossRef doesn’t support book DOIs

e. None of the above


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Not just journals!



Conference proceedings5%

Data sets Components 2%

Other 1%


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Choose the answer that best describes CrossRef

a. A not-for-profit trade association

b. A commercial vendor to scholarly publishers

c. A collaboration of subscription publishers

d. A subsidiary of a large commercial publisher

e. None of the above


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is a not-for-profit association of worldwide scholarly publishers




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CrossRef is not-for-profit

• Organized as a trade association in New York

• Financially independent

• Members include publishers with both open access and subscription models

• Governed by a volunteer board of directors elected by members,

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Page 37: Barcelona 2014: An Introduction to CrossRef by Carol Meyer

What is the fastest growing content type at CrossRef?

a. Journals

b. Books

c. Standards

d. Data

e. Reports


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CrossRef Book DOIs

Book Titles Chapters & Reference Entries

8.2 mil

6.4 mil

Books growing rapidly

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But Data is growing faster























Components (Data Sets, Figures, Tables, etc.)

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Page 41: Barcelona 2014: An Introduction to CrossRef by Carol Meyer

How can my publication cite supplementary data and other


a.Assign a DOI at CrossRefb.Cite the data in the reference section using

the DataCite or CrossRef DOIc.Host the data at my organizationd.Have the author host the data at his or her

institutione.All of the abovef. None of the above

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If I have supplementary data, I need to join DataCite to assign


a. True

b. False


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•CrossRef has been assigning DOIs to components, including data sets, figures, tables, and graphics since 2007.

•The difference between different DOI registration agencies is one of community, not content type.

•CrossRef assigns DOIs for the scholarly publishing community. DataCite works with the library community and institutional repositories.

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Almost 1.5 million data items/figures/components

have CrossRef DOIs

• Protein Data Bank

• International Union of Crystallography (IUCR)

• Organization for Economic Development (OECD)

• Public Library of Science (PLoS)

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How much does a DOI cost at CrossRef?

a.$1b.25¢c.15¢d..06¢e.All of the abovef. None of the


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CrossRef doesn’t sell DOIs

It provides services around DOIs like reference linking, plagiarism screening, discoverability, metadata distribution, update indicators, funding metadata.

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CrossRef 60 millionORCID 130

thousandPubMed 23 millionSCOPUS 49 millionWeb of Science 50 Million

Match the Number of Records

with the OrganizationCrossRef 130

thousandORCID 23 millionPubMed 49 millionSCOPUS 50 MillionWeb of Science 66 million

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How many times per month does someone click on or resolve a

CrossRef DOI?a. 5 million

b. 10 million

c. 100 million

d. 1 trillion

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In Summary

• CrossRef provides infrastructure to enable publishers to enhance their content and services

• CrossRef services drive traffic to publishers content

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What’s in it for publishers?

• No publisher is an island - collaboration and connection is the key

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Inter-connected network

Photo by Joi Ito

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Carol Anne [email protected]: @meyercarol

Thank You!