Bank - · F»r »lle«, Blia4, Blc^Uag ar Itch- sued of o p-r ee&t, aod w to...

PU* ,NEW WmKLX%V.% —No. 28. 87818188 EDW J) W00DRUP1 > Allorney ind Conruellor al U # , * ) ' BilMlim, No. mo Broadwij, Now Vorl UGUSTl SCHNEIDER, •• LABOR BREAD, PAHCT OAK« I'IK DAKKII, 128 Main Birwt, Hnhway, N. 3. Weddlnp, PartiM, Pico lea and EnlerUlr fartilihfd on tbe borlenl nuilce, and >t thi nkwnable rit-t. Hoi Itolli tvtrr morn I m o'clock. Or Jen >!lcti«4 and promptly alien •H-y ,1 wmmmm WEEKLY L, MERSHDN & CO,,; it C, t rAJLAiWARD, xfuflge Building, Railway uw« wit: Cull T, AK4 N.J, flHAMBEJRLIN'S HOTEI ^ Oprowj-B .IUIMUMU PKPOT, JtAUfYAJ, n, (I. ,. I r Thlj IIOIIM is conveniently locate! fof the traveling public. Added to tliln Hotel for tbe awwmwl#tloo of the public 14 a —L0KCH.HOOM— Whero meals arc served at all hour». REAR ESSEX Jst UtUttia, n ' I ,]junlitm! fridge St., RAH WAY, (I. J. ljAtaMTo. Permanent flowl and Lodging for tlemen by tbe ^veck. }n- ROOMS FOR FAMILIES. tW Billiard iRoom and Stable connt|ct«d . with tbe Hoteli WM. S. CHAMBERLIN. Prdp, CR] I \ CATAJlKI KKVKI IIKA1.HJ c HHljllli.SCA Osi.Y TJH'O nmy it (In., '«., ii'imrl III Item 11 ilo|inr. ; rrli 1 llri'i in .Illly Il|.'->;|| fllctT" mid 1 liiv. lit All//, olllronf Kit AppljIrjlo'i Hold hj lirn •ji CHARLES A VERY, i ^ DEALER IN y Ladies', Gents' and Children 1 ! |—BOOTS! AND SHOES . !j Cherry Street, IUliwny, N. J. : PHRISTIAX EHRLICH, '-' i No. 8>) IHVINO STREET, ! MANUFACTURER OF 8EGARII. 1 Wholesale «nd Ik-mi] J)c»ler in AJ! the bwt br«nds of home msnnfwtnii! and ; Imported Begin, Tobacco. Snaff, etc. Aiid imr-k- er» artlclet of all descriptions. . AGENT FOR GEHMANIA FIRE IliOR- ASCE COMPANY OF NEW YOItK C l i p . D. C. MAJRSH, : DEALCB nr HOT AIR FtntKACES, Fire Place Ranges, Tin Roofingj 87 Maln:8treat. Rahwaj, N, 3. p CROLIUS, ORDERSPROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ('I'M ivlv J. D, Belmer'e, J. B. Lambcrti's orithji Residence, 80 Elscx Street. . if ESTABLISHED 1836. LINUS HIGH- Suetcaior to J. 3. & I. Hl([h, •! DlALTB IK CiBIlUOf V l T I I U U , lllOX, RT»»L *«. 159 Grind Rlrcilt, - IUhwejr, N. / T LOHMIE.LER, ^ •*"' , KAXt'ricTUmii Ann m u m \t % FURS.WRF., MATTOBHHES k FuVffzM, ! T Jndertakiue In all Its branches,, RB-UI-HOUTF.WSO AND IlKrAinreti IJ)ONK. U MAIN HT1JKKT, HAI1WAV, N. |. J. WEA^j INVESTMENT 1 1 J, (TARNES tjTYLE, O(K. »«*/•». . f.'oi DH J: CAt >I(K» HOT mill '/'•iii »• u| of 11, l u i i l I)<--•]. '(.'rviiih Ball ontrilHwitli .Tji-t^.: win KKAJJ BAI 'S "1" BALM CCBEB, j THK IJKAD. HAJr-j AS, JlKAFNKHH, UAL Hl|Al)AtIlE[ Miinrn ;J(ilin«nii.j I loir ico gciillrman liijndn' I'll tO»UI d It (.'(Hid til iv u Her* ill Arizona., \'A t'lM tlimi rlmi ho:|i 11 »<ii. Jijm C Frrmoii cured or taiarrli bfr tire ittp finger. ; niil il on receipt of r. t MCO.,D»ego,N. : T Allltl IN A III! .it, • le ill lime ri<| MjADITOORDER. lil'AIFJNG PRiPTL? ATTENDED H MAIN BOOTS PRICKS. MILTQN AVE. RAIHVAT, N. S. I IN) L«r^e Stock in ( ASIIINGJTOX: HA rait Variety at LL BUILD1 KG . F JLL %llE OF 3P2ING GOODS j j JIIM nceik'ed ifrnm tlie most popiilar itiMniifnctun.'^Fi' j I ETTEH , GOODS 'FOB bUErpRICESTIJAN [ CAN OE F^TIND ELSEW1IEIIB. j i 1 .kei'p utany kindj nf Blundard jinri llicsiiMIJIS Giiidi unt Hept \iy unyone £)VEKY 't>AlK WARItA <TEI> A8 REPflE- i .1 SENTiD. OlfNTS' CALF BOOTO. qAITE,Iiii A^ D SHOES MA Jtepnirlngl done nt mliiy of mtteritil usec u WHITE, HI Furniture m< , in nny ill OI'FKI icd to nn> JE ro MEA6VmB. hort notice. I|esl in nil my work. part of the City] or tiinoi. 1 ; also Proprietor of 1 ; as Chcrr) Street.! UE8IDEJ I Cor. Milton janiSt Qi P. O. * DDRES! MISCELLANEOUS SKOUHITpffl, nol'GIIT AKI) HOLD. LOANH NKGO'l'IAT I Oy»iCEf);—Room 00, Hmlth Dtlldlng, ! Cortlmdt Blrect, New York, and li>om 8, ! Exchwifjo Ilulldini,', Rnhway, N. J, TESLIE LUPTON, ! COUK8RL1.OR AT LAW, L EWIS 8. AYKRS, D.D.S. Ortilo»(« or* the Ttnn. Coll. of ——DENTA'' BUrtOSRY.— ftlMof Oold Medal for "Opfrath« I OITICK OVIRiCOLM 1 DRUO 81 JtAlNBT. OrfitK Ili'l'..*: •|(nl' I I'll ln)*lj(.1Ul\.lll to S p.m. Tffi-.l»)^l:antn6 p. m. IK %er- !• ARSH &JRYNO, No. UlMAINBt., R»hw»y,H.J| lDreninddalenlnFanltueu which «e o ftr M low u they c»n | » par 1 dMwh«n. r nln«ooritock«nd ncbtt. y | gtn> «» » e»ll i W**• Udkl 1 1IIU g irW. UndtrUklog 1 [ »1IIU UKVEYINft AND LEVI trt AUL . CLARK, m titpilon p lafn, ?a 8UKYIT IB. lldlnj, com«r Uiln M Spec icttUuu tor Patent* Moo- JU4. AfFICKSTO iET.-llKNT W«W.-f V?Oter t Colii»' jDms b(ore. In nuphit cirferj will flmi-clluu in ttvtry rwiwts HUI(- I).F.ooDBis. JflOBTbNi'\jrKSTE?RVEL1 ^PTLYA.XTKNDR||1TO OMAVINVIB^tO U CE: orgo'a Avenues. BOX 101. ! Hardware, | Tlnwnre and Crockcity. I'prdllacrs,, »'lnaow Hhadnx, IFixlurrN.lctr. ; Spial Fta ID Curoeverl ami $1. Kiferytliingai 2! Cotreniv)!! DOZ. 1-T1M0TIT fANTED ling HHihtutid btojtnphttt* liAl, BrMtpra ' " Jfjailrco uf tl<e . of lhi"W»till phlo »lj|r,' avo Jiagra,« Itt oflht'iu* I natlnoal' rlr«ll«al nuKlYBH. : ilnjrly Low Pries. x AZAAR; 1 Mt» l PrwWen irw llitlVM In Co of tlir enl. Ci h- C ! . ;: ii ^•tttSS-tV KABWAY, THE WONDEROF HEAUHG! OatarrlL^Mfe 1 U«£, iv.. Oor" Caurrk C«r»,"« l.itpaprd tu nwet ttUm amt,t crmUM properties of th« Na«al SJrrtiaBa I m l >U* BMi rm* It a t o - Eheumati tion baa cored ao 1 ltn compUlnlj Hemorr: Xow, or from any and atopped. ,couia COtTSTf OOLUtCIWI Ol« r lf5IOS, To of U» t wetjiflfVWm i tMi ( W t r W f IfiatTu I.. cirrftilly fjcufilMd hB amBitt I bcrractd anuCTil to *II tt* aantaed r a t s <ud »-»fTT net «r, and i ArwruHteof t«'S p wltb ib V.«r C>j c/)ramtnii b SHERIDAN, ) # J B * OCXTT oowtauiog «*oo« uzf to tbe Coomfie* uttooiitl Myint dne tttt Ctuaot r: '*• lit- mio!tue r«-l Ria d s r tod pl^aave to tl CrllMtf In t b lectio d «t Ra K f In: t a of Ifif I'ann j d (mnk roanner bnn*me* a of Ifif Iann j uji r»peo. frre tnd (mnkroanner*f eiiniKbM5U ai* balance ;JU eiiniK,bM5U ai* balance ;J cjurttsjiojoarcomml'.Mt. j j ADVOCA1 TIMES. AY 24J; 1882. JB* O.CXTT \ tbe. »lectio »ad «t»- ktM(l%bte ) : Joflj I*norjj«. ! V CesimlUee. ! tunro>'9»rnci,l tJt lfl« / (ieatlrmtii o( tbe Cxilxliitec'ia i Manrn* .• i- I BAT*-1 u li.l«. / (oUrotor'a Ae- [ nbonortt>herewtiB>«)saltroiruntl iu d Art f K U mxlpu and dlAtft «an«>fi <K Ue iDioo up co lbe irtt < f, la>7, ~ ICT. ot ifee prewin It* " rwTit the t arreat cipeo^s of ,t»f«oo. ' -iitirt of boaasfnUligdue,«lifck ; to toe«t al Tbe am tkJ_i.juiil!I!ff'l eaT»aajau»: <H uijaaigai IBWIUI prr »—,^,, T—._ van^auigttMi. i;^; tii re-new a portion I9i«»ir«» n-t- F»r »lle«, Blia4, Blc^Uag ar Itch- sued of o p-r ee&t, aod w to Srertosa je>r» Uw 1M, it id the greal«a> lutown ttmtdy.; '• ! ilnaeelal c -efli: of th» enaiitT hri * Imly MKUliiAl, "' - 5 p«-r c MI!Bsrtltnf kt a p-an*3i» of 1 prr cent. F<rnmf,OU8«r«MOM)iWwa4t ! CSnfHojii-PO.TD'JI^KrraUcT t(tf ttm <nU- toted. /A« oonriM AM «• «erif< "fosirs EXTRA Or- Utw*fa<i< btoaa, ««f Mr.fittwn tndt-vuuk on tvrroumii»f. kvjf vrappen &**u other ii gtnuiiu. Allan huM on liaetaj POSPB BXTB/iCT. ~ ' mctujnzs POND'S EXTRACT ......... UMt, $1 .OOi SI.75. j s-.te , Toilet Crean \M DwtiMe*'...." 50 UpSar/e 25 Toilet &U|< 3 C a W . . SO Care... 75: PBBtw-.. 25: >74 11 0 la!! Pr vial n Blll flrD*&<la. mr.t o( boodi taOtatf < «e d«rtnfr the au»t U ^ i a KWCxT for m, ami per etui, lot H mn TSe un:< !,•«<• a i-xraof ibeo atttT, ' r, tmoaitUt^tttt&iJI; Ihrwmponn iin-llLg »r».t«l»«,ir»ldi are acsed e &tQt>oiifflf 'Cjtxis'tU (bil4L AQeCBciAl rtclr-d fntn W a «a <<tn^w Cuaip>n 11! -. dated April. l f » al iflfs ttat Bjr loft « -t l . g j l i ' n r c « e » n iU;alas»b>iEt t pn til 01 wul-Jl aui ; theo.osiv ot Ootw b;ialk4Ipoa to 0; IU-I Will, l|.e S«lif *lK»t La-. t HI Hi i'i<B mk ttl ; | aota toHI Hi i',i*<B mke a total o (beiStter- Ilpw sad tM(l% bte M> lor Hi xailana ! o ' ds tamtgda j jpii>i t r«d page*13,18,111 *cd S«of i wbidi Mooni tauiea cadi boui& K P U C P M L R »TTH BnrcmorocB Son ntKS O* Amauaoai to POND'S EXTIJACt CO.,C U West 14th StjKevr Y f c POND'S FOB SAI.HJ AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE: Bank POSITIVELY CURED Benson's Capcine Porou? Plasters, lami Why they f re Other hnu PIUUT i or Exuna>l tumtti*: B«eana« rtn*. poa*eaa all •UanthtnlBt porogi plaater, ud costala In ad- dition thtrrto tbo oemj dim rend pa»wfoJ aad •ctii«Tcjd«bletoi«btoalloo >hkh a«tt with l»- cnatnl rabefacietit, tttoolitot, aedatjn aad tooiiicr trrltant effeclia. hMM Became they an apmolne j banatccfcUtal pna>> aratioa, aad ao recofoiiol bj th» pradaaua. Third. Beeanuth«ru«Ui*«iil]r: pain at traoe. ranrth Breasa they will poeltholr nnc iihriaci whkk otherreatediefwill not f»rn rfclieTt. fflfih. Becanae orertSOOOphrtlclaniand drn|xi«UhaT» TolanurQy leatlSed that the ' an laperior to al other iilattara or medklcila for external we. Sixth.' the mannactsr ool j infdili erer gtref tuff \ m 8EABUHY4J^)HN«m, a ChcMrta. |<gi» Tort. iBUNJONPUSTOL J , ^ HENSON'8 CAl'SINE POROUS tha lorttitpu- Han> tl^nikx an due to frou, t«itiem«i cf Ux coounlt'eej is w^n as all fi.t- uffcEfcryo' >tj^u ivu d fif the support giten m.• throughout m- official t e n t . ! • ' ' ST. ry ns^etUalW e i P. Si lajtDiH, tmi) lo- ri»woo» I UWtSL UofBll tor lffil I «i af»jaut of I Kjpt. II Caat, oil jKcoaat of )«tnculi oo i?c oat of MO...J : *e. tl Cash t* toll lor l»l ' ; . I ' _ I Ujr u cath on arcod'jt ot ' »w. ara iw, i Oaaaitralifiriirs, JSf!9(. l-£», (Jfaii- IMC. 13 CUUk OD aix-oiiut cf I ; usoi IMC Ii Cask on atconct c< Iwtl'.t Cult oo itcaa'u / oi Tj 1J881 ptC; 9 Cash oo atorotit of il Casr. la foil lor isfii f epj tl Cists ou &ccomt ul feb. It Cttr of' IftaSaileid atrtr i,smo» Oct. 1 'S bott.'fll-dOff b«. ,1 i Wd' ite" Ocf, > 4 trade [da* * Wtl. l Ix 11 «>boats 'dot April t ihWrlili i ! Isxerest ot rt •0BHC OMiW M0'90 UWJ r R. WAT? 15 I ! i eb, 1 I I,B UHte 3ja<KW sow SUftW ascsa *T»n wi; I im Feb. 15 Cash on Aix-scmi of I : i WS1. Itch. 4 CUD at &<tto .Hi of T •; i«ii Xch tl Ctsflon tcijojit cf J ! ' 1*1..-.. AptUC Casb o i tiiwua' df ism ii. it Cash • B on iM«)u..t o 81 ou tec -.:ni IU31: CO 5,*)! wO 5 Ca ' e lleetor. Fr m on tjanil Vay Itih, ta8L Fr m stall- ».-buol sfpr-PtLuiOii |f-.r Froai lenipforary ioans!...'!..."!..;..:..." Krom cttleS and tnwuBtlid.. j..|... FruQ 6utejrivasarer,8t.t)r'ech<vl ku From bendhtold{rp-lsBne)j. |..i From StiErtir, 8. B. Ksderl [..:.... aivoo io ia«c4 ^ CSSM41 S 1.1*0 O 1U0CD v t W i t , WarranU df Boirdpsrf..(. i .... IT7.OJ 15 Hald iempqrary»ai»H..?..i.L... ttiettUponrjlS; j ...j ftBaa Paid coupolia »ud Intelftljaa rta sjer- Pald BCiioolinrd€r>, state a-tpruprliitian. Paid fdiroi orders. State ux,! ifest. Paid scticKil orders, State t", lj*-'. Paid State Treasurer Stan*' ecba^i tji£ Cashoo IKIWI J.. i... "el- .1 •' -I Maj Ii c a s t ) O D h a n d .... u...-..- EtTATX KM. OL ifTECtrWll NOT. 18 Froflj E. A. Apgar .].. nvr.KiKT L IN;, July l Frojn Ntt. state ; tteili.. .. ". * JDIT 13 Pram First Nat. hut Of FU1Q- Jeld»... July B Protn . City Nat k Of PUln- M-S9 6,406 (1 lael. SPKISGF.ELB. , or 1361 l fl. » C 3. IMI..' ih tu lull fiT 1^1 Jtt 45 5 l.t 1-. :ian- rsjo.T : .|tt II C* Ii In fuU fo-r l i - l ' jl«l ; WCTfllLO i NJV. IS fa^h on. ix-..Ui.t uf Not, M CdsJi u IUCU lit of ltec.1T riisiiUirall f.r'isi tiiji ! . • . 4- jiaa 'T 111 . s HOOCIAI - Jiui. o Ftom'i. w. wn ut, J state TK-iisnrtr. S^SSH ". Feb. lu F»ua O. W. » ru.i:, I1S61 ao-sce. Uec, SO Frv>m saDe of bvii-Xa ( o renew a p^rtiia • I t»mj tiljiiy lisgi ac 3m i, I*J (... Jtt. B Ftom sHw;B S. u. Bdt;r (ul- vocct to U;Urta,' H.S33 M l,|(MM POll ' 8 i U 5 I AT BROWN'S 'DRUi STORE. U 1 TermofMiw A. D^ 18S. Lcv| Darby lulniinlstmtor il»e, vill Ifcichtl De Csiinp fli'con^ causo for sflle of litmls l<> The satil mlmmlstrolur I xliibilcd to this cjnurt. inikr ctilli, H true ami just acrount tjf tlie |H rsonaTostatc and iltlits of snW dccciUwl. us far a^ he cau ili»J . _r the snmo, uild it up jK'nring tlmt tbe ix twiiml esUitv of taitl: tlf ~t'a6e<) it*htsutB- f rsoiml esUile f jtsd; -ipnt to my her si(id debit id f ll court iiu the aid of the court iiu the court tlim-upou ofdt icrcMcd iu tho rsi«t«i ies<lrt,v, the ninetiffn<li di o KIIUW cnuso. If liny iiu IIHICII of llw l f deaniswl, lo il«-> Csiuuiy no) lie s-il<l as will Ix- SulH Slid debts. 11 Datwl. May 18i i, 1889. JAB. J Rule to show iy dtbti. iivin . niailo and and prwjlui: the i T hThe 4> nil ])vit»ns in- i wnaol Sxiil de- court <>n Wwl- I' of July, mil. whv so l i-slwtn of f Union, should ieut;to pay Ler GKllBER, j ihe l be kvplMi I and fut.rtcn >.|ro joy en , itw «.-(M.oc i»4»pt" i to Olothlng made to,Orti)»r In th* Lat* •at Stjh»», •t •• Ms.: ' notarr* aad I ol WRING c«i>til<-iMml will vide* tu cot Aog. t FTOta ; Sit. St»I9 tf^nfe of EUZji- tjeto... ^. Any. STTotn N»V «aVe ; lank ofr BJU*- telh. Aug. lSFnMO Nat. Slate i»ni of Kl»- tieth. : 8eyt. 1 Frojn First Nat. Oct. 1 Froja Kin* N.U Snk of ratla- Ott. 1 FnJn Pir)*"ifei»I H»rt o; ntla- Ort. 1 From rlrit' Nat. ot Ells*. ftth j^... Oct. 1 Fnia Mat. Wste Bant ot Eluari Oct. 8 From jiit!"8t«U Sink of K4U- Oct. MFroto cit»"Nii" - Bunk of PUlo- cid. .; NOT. 1 Ft»in Nat. Swtisi Btnk of lttta- 1 NOT. It From N»u Wale' B ink of £Uxs~ NOT. HFru n NaU N4te H i&k Of EllZu- bith NOT, MFrom ftrst Nal. Rink ot Pliln-. 1S8» n Id. Jan. UProia Hat. State B ink of Eliti- Uth. Jan. B FTOJO Nat. »ute BiDk of EUu- jan. tSFroci Clij""NatI IMiDk ot Plain- Jan. 23 Kroib First' NaL Btttik of Plilo- a<ht April « FIOCI Nat. stata' B»Et of KUU- AprtlJl Froci >"»t, t'liiit ft.nt Ct BlUa- btth. ApnUSFtWI CtV Nat. Riot ot Ralo- AprtlBFroti "nf»t"Sit B.nt ot FtaUK flitia. 18 M » C 5 i June - «Froai F. T. JBtnJ,, aunrtl Front Mr >Ob«>Mr, Nt« PTOtU M», Jalj 11 Frow U0 Wnra, I 1 ((llfK-ttir. A«; VT Fttiny J rcbPub Nov. 4 FVutq C . » L Mar. 1 ue, (old lambT) NOT. M Frwaf Jacob i u n ^ l>ec a> From; 1rmlum oa isa t>iids(t«.to}... Jan. 8 FruuTK. t O t N*»- betTj (M*l«». wty reh. tFTtlin, SitfttS S.1L fcdat co 3WCOB0 MOO 09 ! r>Mwananu a! u-r I I .'isii !«*?oaAXT u J(UjS SoteClt? nt i«Ltk of f*taiofteld .... i3 2fottf First ^iiLhitzik Of PlUUlfitiJ . ,. 9 Note Nn;. hrnte ] EiuicIElUibtU AIJ^. IS Note -Hit. s-'^ite Riaiof Elzit.'iu oit. S Note Nat. s;ate ol-t M Note C ty'.v»J. of PtUliQ^-d Spr, 3 Note Kill. Mate Bani«njbtn 1« Nott- .Nal 8<ateHiiLk Of KlU.itwtE N|JT. H NoteFlrel Sat-Baci ur Plalutoid Dl^. « Note >»«. Maw I Rinko: EUtitth Dk. M Not* XJLH ateiiink I of tU4 beth... . Pit 13 Sute Nat. sta;e 1 j BiikotiaizaDtt i We. a Natenrsc N»'.a»nlc of Ptaln3«li. ... & -c. 11 N4te city XJ.L Bink of ruisaeid.... Jsc 5 XM«e Ftrit Nat, Bint ot i'ULc- :fl<-ul...., Jan. S NoSeFiruNat Eink of Ptalui3»l<l Jnn_ J Note Citl NiiL tunk of P^JaR«U.... Jin. I KOteFlr.lKiL&iit ot EiliaKta . JlL I Rote Nat. («at« Bank ul BUueta Jia> »Note Nit SUte Elii^EUiibld Jin. 9 Note Nat. ^uie BaBkcf ElUabin Bi AjrtJKNu* ei/S o« FUlnt-M t 6,t»W Nat. PUln- 15,'.C(| IU 6.CO) 1(3 15,») CO 6.GC0 dO £,01-0 JO 8,C« W ll.CCOilQ n.coodo VKadQ u,oi»oo 6,COO0O S.'.W 00 8,WJ O) s,oc0 a) T,co» m 10,»iOfl) l\aM CD l.\CCO 1J,«O 00 5A'O CU Oct. a mtriKn ot rreta- tervdUoi ».. . Ijiic- 3: icbrest on; rv-gi»- •|a§» tef«lt»4<l«. Fib. It coupons. ..i F t - o . n c Dpoft.*..-.). Ap . t lafcivst a& rugH- ApL 14 C.npons. ...^ , IKS so .. : Ftb. 11 Wearft-tl Ecu> or- : 4-r ift'Rb.HTc!^D sdwjoi onler.. ' Fe>. 11 summit schc al onler Fft. uSt» Prr»'Wi?«e Fr b. 11 S pe I n gfleMi Kfcooi F<-b It CUrt acUOyS nlitr.. I F t b . 11 CILjr of nx-.beti Ftb 11 F^EWood tcfetxi or- der ...J Feb. 11 Cnnfortl actjoot cr- (prtl 8 CI'J- cf siol ' Atrti 6 Cl!< ,,f i £TAT»;SCHi.OL Tfl S" t' stir"! t»i . .. 6CBCCL OkSI B ST1T« tli- l Sett B. Eyder, aajfic^e on acurt . t JO'US W. riunn BCiriotenr I •1 D;aie. CoOi « biU, Ictldeanal ... 4 P. MUTS.;, t-Wjw , 6 FoidAbCies, cot'bees ; 1t<-M.- tei-rta, Jr., coroten ; 3 J. L CrowelLvilify .1.'.".'.'.'. 10 3. S. To-selliEr, court 11 c. A. s*lit,conn \i 3. O. Tiriunn, ctJOTt 11 v/. if. sall. ccurt , i 14 E. Si AtTiter, noun 15 P. U. Gliiooir,I'otn ;... \v. ILSalu court , 13 cti wngiit,coart ..... ": ..... ' U G. A. Neti.court ; . s.1 3.11. C. JfiraJUctprt J t L>. StcVk-ar. court i 4; Jii. GUsfcv, court ts J, M. sLvlflr, «m4t , -.1 V. B-iyne. court .i is JJS. Cii^ej, court.,- 5 J. Mirsij C0CM : ,, •C G. B. Hall, coon ; to Aiios Moffsn, «iart S3 W. ESiinooo, court , SW'O Jo! *• w - H-Silt- wort 1 ., ' • s: w. Bijxs-, ccc-t..; ua±ife its' a T. w.siiic,court] , 33 do dto , .! IT" 14 1 -*l AdOi HCiS^tt. C0Z3)Tt .* ; *"•"'*. lit 1 . W. Vtn-s, mrm ^ i is T. W. Slmm, court i ...... 1 j r J.M.C.Mirsii, court * , ss Fc:<t * Sffies, ecrtofn: j I as 1tee. TerrtU, Jr., coniKrs ! 4.. Elliabetli GisCo^j bulliiizgs.... . f 1 t,ru. IVnfffl^ J» , nil >Wwj _ <J J. J». VnfryTV^ ^pf|iVnr.4L >% 11 iti GnsrlcB,OKih •. ".!"" . 3. P; Sjocitoo. eoqrt : i^ J i i CaieT, Ctwn., : iti do do ^ 1 <S G- N. Nell,'cdun Zy".~'.."'. 0 G- a Hill,court..; ; : 50 do do .; h 51 JoesoA Mcpett,biltdifS!i...... a 3. Gi Moore, brilgta , :3 P, Via Ptflt, tfMgfcs 1 H J. G. Lurttot, bttdges .!.'.' 51 IL P. Hotels. ocroc*ri f l»> F.I 1 H a £ 1 i)l l't »«&» 4-ii EinJc or ttelo. s.cou ; > ttH,SOQ m l5ffi i K t n m <'!• r u r o u i T u u x s . dly KCltjr N^t. lUtt a [ Ptalateia tl»4l •ubttHriM NO. lunk cf ; KalanelU w oo Atlrl.Nit. Si tin luck ot Em w.ta 3i'j«» : :, U }iar. ¥ Bint of E.ii»»e«& ix* Oct. 9 Hal. suit) Biot ol ! Kl)iao<Htt ... .W 16 W City N^i. Bint of PUlnfW.l 1st 1« 1 Hal, !-ut<- SittS ot S4 1 tcfe FcrsTtk Bufcabers' pajt 5: Jon* Voortaes, Jill :t Ii. Zclrar, Jill ! 6 H. K. « P. a Tbui-ber *OiVjiii'.'" 61 -V V. Pease, seliojl ..... ' .... ti to 4J ti J. U fruwell, 0* »xj M G. B. Hill court..; ...... O A. C D>irUc£. coyjrt ( en * Uurp»r, court ' T) i»j er Hffve, II l>. Mu f.jrt,cv.«rU H Mlck.trl McGo»e4, (XUrt Tl »v. B. &ilt court., U I' JCoVKar, court 15 We Bjjin^, court J. S, Sindr, rd, •?o{rt V. O. A. Neal, court. » T . v. * co irmtcfc roan I* >'. ^.Ftn.seaoota ft) £. Pi ei J. u: M w. ». Titter. 1 ml a»c , 53 A H. W.KXlWilO, brU»-ea 64 J. S. Badfteif, 6fVl«8... siA.J hjno brliwn . A. Wen t', brt.i«jj " 6: J.S^Braat. fcr»*(tw NJ Uf>). \V. Dotr Wr W Q . Riukl* m lit M B10)O»0O De f. t Sit State Bank or I 1 KUubwih p. > Nal. !~t«»f Bank of 19 Nat 8ui* Bdk ii Btt.beLh- i Fvtx. \h From Mcc. aa Fr.xa t j <ai&U«k. April i From )*. oo iH Aii * r a 1 II* V pr i Ap»ii * rroa er.aawte . Jacob Darts, J Ed J.- toKs .... E Edwan« t ana J. Edwards Must. 1 u 'per lli it». ISM Ore. W CUb 1*4 I e. 1*4 c^uut. ~ act. of oa IHI j » i 7 : Dec. 1» OM)tJ» aeceont of FliUlIdJ » tTty N.t. Biak of . .,* PUloMi 3th. i fira. Nil Bias ct PulaS^'Ji 3 Flrd N.-it Etiak of S City,Nit. Biiii cf FUlnStik) . . .. Jui.: S tlr«i Nut. 1 Hiai ot j 4 - ' Nil. Mite Bl<'ak"o{ J Nat istatr Biiiik'o: J»*. S Sk». IState> B.iok ot Nit*ii» Bini cf aty.Nit; B*nk"of Ap .b Ftnt: Nil. BlBk"ot of M do Ao . .. «l No»* W'o.3«ni8. h»Wf« n Juba r u t h bridge* UA.1\ Mirftirt. lbn*r« W L'b.J.Siait*. tamem ' *7 J C Oden, MIMTBCI «> s. K. Th opson. tmTdir-ei » O. w» Doty, m«»Ii»?r»- paj. ;. 100 w. ll.BrUu«.»*«!(iber»-pi»j 101 Kri'tk B^f»0,<otrt ...';.. ., iw J. M stctte.i.ooan 1M "MiniP.SKKttta.ifottrt .. . Hi Albeit i!edr<.ea4castiaBle««t»-sa«« w. II Brtaa', «»utatt:« eipmses 1M J. L t-rowt-a laeMeaui 1 W B rCrowtlilt^tl 19 t! it II «t IJ«4 scaoot oanoty, mri irr»cr»iinat. 1 ljrwta#kj K&ooi or- ' Ftk!u titty of'' B'tubeU I KhoolonltT. ... t lew t»l » Mils IV s.itl nciooi u ov «f; .. _ Kboiil oriw. | tvi ! ii t>»niiidsi.-fe»lQr*T :"TOdf!i 1W l\ HtSt 110 do do 111 dd <fc> UJ C. Lmberdluai brtSgw Hi H. Kroase. brt'ljtts in do do us tx.'UJ * XtK'ornui-k. bVtdjra. 16 Joao VmMt, brMgws. LIT >.il. Mtr.uis. fruifM 113 j ^ i t>. s Ttsxafeox tinisti'.'.'.'..'.'. \%j en . do t i \ do Co '** to , : do ..!!!... iti o'.a Oa'i!<,bjiijt9 .it j. ts. s.TuoatpHta,brtia^M? liA (ktv ctiipuiifli b/Uy*** i:T jL><'iw.itKtJi «.*.'.'";;;;•;• US S. S. C^aU^f, OrtUta .in Ttv-Si. lVrrUt^lf., Mcuufn"!."."^" 151 cV» \ d> 133 J-1.*ij?T,comrtl,--. 1 1H tana. Forsjta.lnseaihereTJO' - 1% ClUotycli L\jLUjlJoan^ piiU}.*aOtiav u* JTaiu, loc* t Um,pawicitloa. 14T do ,; . do 1* W. L.Futw*J^j i 1U Ctis, U. \ ! *. L. Me.-stonljrCtv. putH 1IO Ulcibitrji VacJU.v,putU'.'aUuo ; its Jooivoort»>»1iiui;' '••" 147 J.L. isj r.H l oaft. l H aaooj,! oaft. J. Ucnxweu,alary Wft WliJ !W8J Ucnxeu, 1M W-ft Wlisoa '—? y L »rt I i»i*w I qotM V •4[! CtnrroK STBEKT, ABLISHED 1822 '^IJL luniksuii rstil BrtlL.!.! 'Ha 1 *—• U.L ', 1 a Tad? ' 13 \>7p HW.t 1 a w. ji ' i « w. E IXak e CHJIS 3E.ll I I60« EC K. £ j. a JoiUl i 3.E. : J.H.& I 1 J. J., : i R d it J. Eilii ^ Uni'l- J.L:^.. Sfc A. Nlflri E.G1, 1. Gi jle. itu J- E.:h Jotqh M--c]«i__ PeteHVJX J. II. IJ- ~ tttfelIL |h<JHTJc, Oju ttt fel J. G. L rbii i* e. sec, Oi ii ,toa ;. uneU, £ t ! j s * NB. irUSsi .j. Ir. LJgva tkfe »rs' pay tfi r.... :. t->. f. it_t<: i Co. jii. . j.iL 1= i . j si j.-i: ... j.i.ii.--:L. ) ^ ... -r>i_ 3d- . ... r i l e . Jjii PHI y. trtij'is ' ". Miilres .... rt, H. 11." tci^-t Ury Vc K- xli 11 uu . Di|. *ii It vu ti, Bro •lid OCOi'IJt '.ac,o."irt ... . , caiirs . court LtJi!. b'wlj^ ltlii-UC, K i •lu:al.y^, iii: &::-•••••..•:• . - s i t . J.itl K.<irj.tfc, ) :^ J ili iao Son, Ur. li , mff. b do .' pity •re' rv i i . tsfabfrs' pi ti - Jf , It 1: SI Su I;I- » 6 t il *.} '. ; n :JJ ••• t!« 9. 9 « «> 3- >>*? I'.' w ) i> i^ IH> «; «•• 1: < 45 tt S3 1< ^ 4; : SJ ; s: ! "^ 1 Ui : •! 'i ft f 0 «-• .T ;i .0 w n ?J to *• it) -> .•^ i v. i ! « ! ^ ; i5 ! 24 z: t- 7" 1 ? w 4J .>» 25 iC rt> .^ *.» t3 iti «-• CO 5 te 1: r. is l.U ; 5 3 :J '.*' - .< ti •c . as 1: •£• •. •-« •V 1 >J to t'J «l 14 4 •:"':

Transcript of Bank - · F»r »lle«, Blia4, Blc^Uag ar Itch- sued of o p-r ee&t, aod w to...




—No. 28.


EDW J) W00DRUP1> Allorney ind Conruellor al U # , * ) '

BilMlim, No. mo Broadwij, Now Vorl


I'IK DAKKII,128 Main Birwt, Hnhway, N. 3.

Weddlnp, PartiM, Pico lea and EnlerUlrfartilihfd on tbe borlenl nuilce, and >t thinkwnable rit-t. Hoi Itolli tvtrr morn I mo'clock. Or Jen • >!lcti«4 and promptly alien

•H-y •

, 1




it C, t


xfuflge Building, Railway



C u l lT,




J t A U f Y A J , n , (I. ,.I

r Thlj IIOIIM is conveniently locate! fofthe traveling public.

Added to tliln Hotel for tbe awwmwl#tlooof the public 14 a

— L 0 K C H . H O O M —Whero meals arc served at all hour».



n ' I,]junlitm!

fridge St.,RAH WAY, (I. J.


Permanent flowl and Lodging fortlemen by tbe ^veck.

} n -


tW Billiard iRoom and Stable connt|ct«d. with tbe Hoteli


CR]I \


IIKA1.HJ cHHljl l l i .SCA

Osi .Y TJH'On m y it (In. ,'«., ii'imrl IIIItem 11 ilo|inr.

; rrli 1 llri'i in. I l l ly Il|.'->;||fllctT" mid 1liiv. lit All//,olllronf KitAppljIrjlo'iHold hj lirn


y Ladies', Gents' and Children1!

|—BOOTS! AND SHOES. !j Cherry Street, IUliwny, N. J. :


• MANUFACTURER OF 8EGARII.1 Wholesale «nd Ik-mi] J)c»ler in

AJ! the bwt br«nds of home msnnfwtnii! and; Imported Begin, Tobacco. Snaff, etc. Aiid imr-k-

er» artlclet of all descriptions. .




Fire Place Ranges, Tin Roofingj87 Maln:8treat. Rahwaj, N, 3.



( ' I ' M ivlv

J. D, Belmer'e, J. B. Lambcrti's or i th j iResidence, 80 Elscx Street. . if


LINUS HIGH-Suetcaior to J. 3. & I. Hl([h, •!

DlALTB IK CiBIlUOf V l T I I U U , lllOX, RT»»L *«.

159 Grind Rlrcilt, - IUhwejr, N. /

T LOHMIE.LER, ^•*"' , KAXt'ricTUmii Ann m u m \t %

F U R S . W R F . , MATTOBHHES k FuVffzM,

!TJndertakiue In all Its branches,,RB-UI-HOUTF.WSO AND IlKrAinreti IJ)ONK.


J. WEA^j


1 J ,





. f.'oi DH J:CAt




'/'•iii»• u | • o f11, lu i i l I)<--•].

'(.'rviiih BallontrilHwitli.Tji-t^.: winKKAJJ BAI



UAL Hl|Al)AtIlE[Miinrn ;J(ilin«nii.j I loir

ico • gciillrman liijndn'I'll tO»UI d It (.'(Hid til

iv u Her* ill Arizona., \'At'lM tlimi rlmi ho:|i 11»<ii. Jijm C Frrmoiicured or taiarrli bfr tire

ittp finger. ;niil il on receipt of r. tMCO.,D»ego,N. :T


A III!.it, •

le illlime









IN)L«r^e Stock in (


rait Variety at


j JIIM nceik'ed ifrnm tlie most popiilaritiMniifnctun.' Fi' jI ETTEH , GOODS 'FOB bUErpRICESTIJAN[ CAN OE F^TIND ELSEW1IEIIB. ji 1 .kei'p utany k indj nf Blundard jinri

llicsiiMIJIS Gi i idi unt Hept \iy unyone

£)VEKY 't>AlK WARItA <TEI> A8 REPflE-i .1 SENTiD.


MAJtepnirlngl done ntmliiy of mtteritil usec


HIFurniture m<

, in nny ill


icd to nn>

JE r o MEA6VmB.hort notice. I|eslin nil my work.

part of the City] or

tiinoi.1; also Proprietor of 1

; as Chcrr) Street.!


Cor. Milton janiSt QiP. O. * DDRES!



L O A N H N K G O ' l ' I A T

I Oy»iCEf);—Room 00, Hmlth Dtlldlng,! Cortlmdt Blrect, New York, and li>om 8,! Exchwifjo Ilulldini,', Rnhway, N. J,


LEWIS 8. AYKRS, D.D.S.Ortilo»(« or* the Ttnn. Coll. of


ftlMof Oold Medal for " Opfrath« I



O r f i t K Ili'l' . .*: •|(nl' • I I'll ln)*lj(.1Ul\.lllto S p.m. Tffi-.l»)^l:antn6 p. m.

IK%er- !•

ARSH &JRYNO,No. UlMAINBt., R»hw»y,H.J|

lDreninddalenlnFanltueuwhich «e o ftr M low u they c»n | » par

1 dMwh«n. rnln«ooritock«nd


y |gtn> «» » e»ll i W **•

U d k l 1 1IIUg

irW. UndtrUklog 1[




titpilon p



8UKYIT IB.lldlnj, com«r Uiln M

Spec icttUuu tor Patent* •



AfFICKSTO iET.-llKNT W«W.-fV?Oter tColii»' jDms b(ore. In nuphi tcirferj will flmi-clluu in ttvtry rwiwts HUI(-






orgo'a Avenues.

BOX 1 0 1 . !

Hardware, | Tlnwnre and Crockcity.

I'prdllacrs,, »'lnaow Hhadnx,

IFixlurrN.lctr. ;

Spial Fta IDCuroeverl ami


2 !




fANTEDling HHihtutid btojtnphttt*

liAl, BrMtpra ' "Jfjailrco uf tl<e .

of lhi"W»tillphlo »lj|r,'avo Jiagra,«Itt oflht'iu*I natlnoal'rlr«ll«alnuKlYBH. :

ilnjrly Low Pries.

x AZAAR;: •


Mt» l PrwWenirw llitlVM In Co

of tlir enl. Ci h-C

! . ;:ii




U«£, iv.. Oor" Caurrk C«r»,"«l.itpaprd tu nwet ttUm amt,tcrmUM properties of th«Na«al SJrrtiaBa I m l >U* B M i

rm* It ato-Eheumati

tion baa cored ao1 ltn compUlnlj

Hemorr:Xow, or from anyand atopped.



of U» t wetji flf VWm i

tMi ( W t r Wf IfiatTu I . .cirrftilly fjcufilMd hB amBitt Ibcrractd anuCTil to *II tt*aantaed rats <ud »-»fTTnet«r, and iArwruHteof t«'S

pwltb ib

V.«r C>jc/)ramtniib



oowtauiog «*oo« u z fto tbe Coomfie* uttooiitlMyint dne tttt Ctuaot r: '*• l it-mio!tue r«-l Ria ds r tod pl^aave totl CrllMtf In tb l e c t i o d «t

RaK f In: t

a of Ifif I'ann jd (mnk roanner

bnn*me* a of Ifif Iann j uj ir»peo. frre tnd (mnk roanner *feiiniKbM5U ai* balance ;JUeiiniK,bM5U ai* balance ;Jcjurttsjiojoarcomml'.Mt. jj


AY 24J; 1882.


tbe. »lectio »ad «t»-

ktM(l% bte

) :Joflj I*norjj«. ! V CesimlUee.

! tunro>'9»rnci,lt J t l f l « /

(ieatlrmtii o( tbe Cxilxliitec'iai M a n r n * .• i-

I BAT*-1

u li.l«. /(oUrotor'a Ae-


i u d Art f K Umxlpu and dlAtft «an«>fi <K UeiDioo up co lbe irtt < f, la>7, ~ICT. ot ifee prewin It* "

rwTit the t arreat cipeo^s of ,t»f«oo.' -iitirt of boaasfnUligdue,«lifck; to toe«t al

Tbe amtkJ_i.juiil!I!ff'l eaT»aajau»: <H uijaaigai I B W I U I prr

»—,^, , T—._ van^auigttMi. i;^; tii re-new a portion I9i«»ir«» n-t-F»r »lle«, Blia4, Blc^Uag ar Itch- sued of o p-r ee&t, aod w to Srertosa je>r» Uw

1 M , it id the greal«a> lutown ttmtdy.; '• ! ilnaeelal c -efli: of th» enaiitT hri * Imly MKUliiAl," ' - 5 p«-r c MI!B srtltnf kt a p-an*3i» of 1 prr cent.F < r n m f , O U 8 « r « M O M ) i W w a 4 t !

CSnfHojii-PO.TD'JI^KrraUcT t(tf ttm <nU-toted. /A« oonriM AM « • «erif< "fosirsEXTRA Or- Utw* fa <i< btoaa, ««f Mr.fittwntndt-vuuk on tvrroumii»f. kvjf vrappen &**uother ii gtnuiiu. Allan huM on liaetaj POSPBBXTB/iCT. ~ '

mctujnzsPOND'S E X T R A C T . . . . . . . . . U M t , $1 .OOi SI.75. j s - . te ,

Toilet Crean \MDwtiMe*'...." 50UpSar/e 25Toilet &U|< 3 C a W . . SO

Care... 75:PBBtw-.. 2 5 :

>74 11 0 la!!Pr vial n Blll

flrD*&< o( boodi taOtatf < «e d«rtnfr thea u » t U ^ i a K W C x T

for m, ami l« per etui, lot H m nTSe un:< !,•«<• a i-xraof ibeo atttT, „

' r, tmoaitUt^tttt&iJI; Ihrwmponniin-llLg »r».t«l»«,ir»ldi are acsede &tQt>oiifflf 'Cjtxis'tU (bil4L AQeCBciAlrtclr-d fntn W a «a <<tn^w

Cuaip>n 11! -. dated April. l f » al iflfs ttat Bjrl o f t « -t l . g j l i ' n r c « e » n iU;alas»b>iEt t

pn ti l 01wul-Jl aui

; theo.osiv ot Ootw b;ialk4Ipoa to0; IU-I Will, l | .e S«lif *lK»t La-.

t HI Hi i ' i < B m k t t l; |

aota to HI Hi i',i*<B mke a total o

(beiStter-Ilpw sad

tM(l% bte M>lor Hi xailana


o' ds tamtgda

j j p i i > i t

r«d page*13,18,111 *cd S«ofi wbidi Mooni tauiea cadi boui&

K P U C P M L R »TTH BnrcmorocBSon ntKS O* Amauaoai to

POND'S EXTIJACt CO.,CU West 14th StjKevr Y f c




Benson's CapcinePorou? Plasters,

l a m i Why they f reOther h n u PIUUT i or Exuna>l



poa*eaa all•UanthtnlBt porogi plaater, u d costala In ad-dition thtrrto tbo oemj dim rend pa»wfoJ aad•ctii«Tcjd«bletoi«btoalloo >hkh a«tt with l»-cnatnl rabefacietit, tttoolitot, aedatjn aadtooiiicr trrltant effeclia.

hMMBecame they an apmolne j banatccfcUtal pna>>

aratioa, aad ao recofoiiol bj th» pradaaua.Third .

Beeanuth«ru«Ui*«iil]r:pain at traoe.

r a n r t hBreasa they will poeltholr nnc iihriaci whkk

other reatedief will not f»rn rfclieTt.fflfih.

Becanae orertSOOOphrtlclaniand drn|xi«UhaT»TolanurQy leatlSed that the ' a n laperior to a lother iilattara or medklcila for external w e .

Sixth.'the mannactsr

ool j infdili erer gtref tuff \


a ChcMrta. |<gi» Tort.





Han> tl^nikx an due to frou, t«itiem«i cf Uxcoounlt'eej is w^n as all fi.t- uffcEfcryo' >tj uivu d fif the support giten m.• throughout m-official tent. ! • ' '

ST. ry ns^etUalW ei P. Si lajtDiH,


ri»woo»I UWtSL

UofBll tor lffil

I «i af»jaut of

I Kjpt. II Caat, oil jKcoaat of

) « t n c u l i oo i?c oat of• MO...J

: *e. tl Cash t* toll lor l» l' ; . I ' _

I Ujr u cath on arcod'jt ot '

»w. ara iw,i Oaaaitralifiriirs,

JSf!9(. l-£», (Jfaii-

IMC. 13 CUUk OD aix-oiiut c fI ; usoiIMC Ii Cask on atconct c<Iwtl'.t Cult oo itcaa'u/oiTj 1J881

ptC; 9 Cash oo atorotit of

il Casr. la foil lor isfiif epj t l Cists ou &ccomt ul

feb. It Cttr of' IftaSaileidatrtr


Oct. 1 'S bott.'fll-dOff

b«. ,1 i Wd' ite"Ocf, > 4 t r a d e [da*

* Wtl . lIx 11 «>boats 'dot

April t ihWrl i l i

i! Isxerest ot rt





r R.

WAT? 15

I !i eb, 1




ascsa *T»n wi;

I i mFeb. 15 Cash on Aix-scmi ofI : i WS1.

Itch. 4 C U D at &<tto .Hi ofT •; i«iiXch tl Ctsflon tcijojit cfJ ! ' 1 * 1 . . - . .AptUC Casb o i t i i w u a ' df


ii. i t Cash • B

on iM«)u..t o81ou tec -.:ni

IU31: CO

5,*)! wO

5 Ca

' e lleetor.

Fr m on tjanil Vay Itih, ta8L

Fr m stall- ».-buol sfpr-PtLuiOii |f-.r

Froai lenipforary ioans!...'!..."!..;..:..."

Krom cttleS and tnwuBtlid.. j . . | . . .FruQ 6utejrivasarer,8t.t)r'ech<vl k uFrom bendhtold{rp-lsBne)j. |..iFrom StiErtir, 8. B. Ksderl [..:....

aivoo io

ia«c4 ^

CSSM41S 1.1*0 O1U0CD

v t W i t ,WarranU df Boirdpsrf..(. i . . . . IT7.OJ 15Hald iempqrary»ai»H..?..i.L...

t t i e t t U p o n r j l S ;j...jftBaaPaid coupolia »ud Intelftljaa rta sjer-

Pald BCiioolinrd€r>, state a-tpruprliitian.

Paid fdiroi orders. State ux , ! ifest.Paid scticKil orders, State t " , lj*-'.

Paid State Treasurer Stan*' ecba i tji£

Cashoo IKIWI J.. i...

" e l - . 1 • ' - IM a j I i c a s t ) O D h a n d . . . . u . . . - . . -

EtTATX KM. OL i f T E C t r W l lNOT. 18 Froflj E. A. Apgar . ] . .

nvr.KiKT L I N ; ,July l Frojn Ntt. state ;

tteili.. ..". *JDIT 13 Pram First Nat.

h u t Of FU1Q-Jeld»...

July B Protn . City Natk Of PUln-


6,406 (1



, or


fl. » C3 . I M I . . '

i h tu l u l l f iT 1^1Jtt 45

5 l.t 1-.

:ian- rsjo.T :. | t t II C* Ii In fuU fo-r li-l 'jl«l ; WCTfllLO i

NJV. IS fa^h on. ix-..Ui.t uf

Not, M CdsJi u IUCU lit of

ltec.1T riisiiUirall f .r ' is i t i i j i! . • . 4-jiaa ' T 1 1 1 . s H O O C I A I -

Jiui. o Ftom'i. w. w n ut,J state TK-iisnrtr. S^SSH ".Feb. lu F»ua O. W. » ru.i:,

I1S61 ao-sce.Uec, SO Frv>m saDe of bvii-Xa ( o renew

a p^rtiia • I t»mj tiljiiylisgi ac 3m i, I * J (...

Jtt. B Ftom sHw;B S. u. B dt;r (ul-vocct to U;Urta,'

H.S33 M




TermofMiw A. D^ 18 S. Lcv| Darbylulniinlstmtor il»e, villIfcichtl De Csiinp fli'con^causo for sflle of litmls l<>

The satil mlmmlstrolur Ixliibilcd to this cjnurt. inikr ctilli, H true

ami just acrount tjf tlie |H rsonaTostatc andiltlits of snW dccciUwl. us far a he cau ili»J. _r the snmo, uild it up jK'nring tlmt tbeix twiiml esUitv of taitl: tlf ~t'a6e<) it* htsutB-f rsoiml esUile f jtsd;-ipnt to my her si(id debitid f ll court iiu theaid of the court iiu the

court tlim-upou ofdticrcMcd iu tho rsi«t«i

ies<lrt,v, the ninetiffn<li dio KIIUW cnuso. If liny iiu

IIHICII of llw lfdeaniswl, lo il«-> Csiuuiyno) lie s-il<l as will Ix- SulHSlid debts. 11

Datwl. May 18i i, 1889.JAB. J

Rule to showiy dtbti.

iivin . niailo and

and prwjlui: thei T hThe

4> nil ])vit»ns in-i wnaol Sxiil de-

court <>n Wwl-I' of July, m i l .

whv sol i-slwtn of

f Union, shouldieut;to pay Ler


ihe l

be kvplMi Iand fut.rtcn

>.|ro joy en

, i t w «.-(M.oc

i»4»pt" i to

Olothlng made to,Orti)»r In th* Lat*•at Stjh»», • t

•• M s . : '

notarr* aadI ol WRING

c«i>til<-iMml willvide* tu cot

Aog. t FTOta ; Sit . St»I9tf nfe of EUZji-tjeto... ^.

Any. S TTotn N»V «aVe ;lank ofr BJU*-telh.

Aug. lSFnMO Nat. Slatei » n i of K l » -tieth. :

8eyt. 1 Frojn First Nat.

Oct. 1 Froja Kin* N.USnk of ratla-

Ott. 1 FnJn Pir)*"ifei»IH»rt o; ntla-

Ort. 1 From rlrit' ot Ells*.ftth j ^ . . .

Oct. 1 Fnia Mat. WsteBant ot Eluari

Oct. 8 From jiit!"8t«U •Sink of K4U-

Oct. MFroto cit»"Nii"- Bunk of PUlo-

c i d . . ;NOT. 1 Ft»in Nat. Swtisi

Btnk of lttta-1

NOT. It From N»u Wale'B ink of £Uxs~

NOT. H Fru n NaU N4te• H i&k Of EllZu-

bithNOT, MFrom ftrst Nal.

Rink ot Pliln-.1S8» n Id.

Jan. U Proia Hat. StateB ink of Eliti-Uth.

Jan. B FTOJO Nat. »uteBiDk of EUu-

jan. tSFroci Clij""NatIIMiDk ot Plain-

Jan. 23 Kroib First' NaLBtttik of Plilo-a<ht

April « FIOCI Nat. stata'B»Et of KUU-

AprtlJl Froci >"»t, t'liiitft.nt Ct BlUa-btth.

ApnUSFtWI CtV Nat.Riot ot Ralo-

AprtlBFroti "nf»t"SitB.nt ot FtaUKflitia.

18 M » C 5 iJune-«Froai F. T. JBtnJ,,aunrtl Front Mr >Ob«>Mr,

Nt« PTOtU M»,Jalj 11 Frow U 0 W n r a ,

I 1 ((llfK-ttir.A«; VT Fttiny J rcb P u bNov. 4 FVutq C . » L Mar.

1 ue, (old lambT)NOT. M Frwaf Jacob i u n ^l>ec a> From; 1 rmlum oa

isa t>iids(t«.to}...Jan. 8 FruuTK. t O t N*»-

betTj (M*l«».wty

reh. tFTtlin, SitfttS S.1Lfcdat



MOO 09

! r>M wananu a! u-r II .'isii !«*?oaAXT uJ(UjS SoteClt? n t i«Ltk

of f*taiofteld . . . .i3 2fottf First ^iiLhitzik

Of PlUUlfitiJ. ,. 9 Note Nn;. hrnte

] EiuicIElUibtUAIJ . IS Note -Hit. s-' ite

Riaiof Elzit.'iuoit. S Note Nat. s;ate

ol-t M Note C ty'.v»J.of PtUliQ^-d

Spr, 3 Note Kill. MateBani«njbtn

1« Nott- .Nal 8<ateHiiLkOf KlU.itwtE

N|JT. H NoteFlrel Sat-Baciur Plalutoid

Dl^. « Note >»«. MawI Rinko: EUtitth

Dk. M Not* XJLH ateiiinkI of tU4 beth... .

P i t 13 Sute Nat. sta;e1 j BiikotiaizaDtti We. a Natenrsc N»'.a»nlc

of Ptaln3«li. . . .& -c. 11 N4te city XJ.L Bink

of ruisaeid....J s c 5 XM«e Ftrit Nat,

Bint ot i'ULc-:fl<-ul....,

Jan. S NoSeFiruNat Einkof Ptalui3»l<l

Jn n_ J Note Citl NiiL tunkof P^JaR«U....

Jin. I KOteFlr.lKiL&iitot EiliaKta .

J l L I Rote Nat. («at«Bank ul BUueta

Jia> »Note N i t SUteEl i i^EUiibld

Jin. 9 Note Nat. ^uieBaBkcf ElUabin


e i / So« FUlnt-M




15,'.C(| IU

6.CO) 1(3

1 5 , » ) CO

6.GC0 dO

£,01-0 JO

8,C« W


n.coo do




S.'.W 00

8,WJ O)

s,oc0 a)

T,co» m


l \ a M CD

l.\CCO t«

1J,«O 00


Oct. a mtriKn ot rreta-tervdUoi ».. .

Ijiic- 3: icbrest on; rv-gi»-•|a§» tef«lt»4<l«.

Fib. It coupons. ..iF t - o . n c Dpoft.*..-.).Ap . t lafcivst a& rugH-

ApL 14 C.npons. ...^

, IKS so ..: Ftb. 11 Wearft-tl Ecu> or-: 4-ri ft'Rb. H Tc!^D sdwjoi onler..' Fe>. 11 summit schc al onler• Fft. u S t » Prr»'Wi?«e

Fr b. 11 S pe I n gfleMi Kfcooi

F<-b It CUrt acUOyS nlitr..I Ftb. 11 CILjr of n x - . b e t i

Ftb 11 F^EWood tcfetxi or-der . . . J

• Feb. 11 Cnnfortl actjoot cr-

(prtl 8 CI'J- cfsiol '

Atrti 6 Cl!< ,,f i

£TAT»;SCHi.OL T f l

S" t' stir"! t»i . ..6CBCCL OkSI B ST1T« t l i -

l Sett B. Eyder, aajfic^e on acurt .t JO'US W. riunn BCiriotenr I•1 D;aie. CoOi « biU, Ictldeanal ...4 P. MUTS.; , t-Wjw ,

6 FoidAbCies, cot'bees; 1t<-M.- tei-rta, Jr., coroten ;

3 J. L CrowelLvilify .1.'.".'.'.'.10 3. S. To-selliEr, court11 c. A. s*lit ,conn\i 3. O. Tiriunn, ctJOTt11 v/. if. sall. ccurt , i14 E. Si AtTiter, noun15 P. U. Gl i iooir , I 'otn ; . . .i« \v. IL Salu court ,

13 c t i wngi i t , coart . . . . ." : . . . . . 'U G. A . Neti.court ; .s.1 3.11. C. JfiraJUctprt Jt L>. StcVk-ar. court i4; J i i . GUsfcv, courtt s J, M. sLvlflr, «m4t ,-.1 V . B-iyne. court .ii s J J S . Cii^ej, court.,-5 J. Mirsij C0CM : , ,

•C G. B. Hall, coon ;to Aiios Moffsn, «iartS3 W. E Siinooo, court ,

SW'O Jo! *• w - H-Silt- wort1 .,' • s: w. Bijxs-, ccc-t..;

ua±ife its' a T. w.siiic,court] ,• 33 do dto , .!

IT" 1 4 1 -*l AdOi HCiS^tt. C0Z3)Tt .* ;* " • " ' * . l i t 1 . W. Vtn-s, mrm ^

i is T. W. Slmm, court i...... 1j r J.M.C.Mirsii, court *, ss Fc:<t * Sffies, ecrtofn: jI as 1tee. TerrtU, Jr., coniKrs! 4.. Elliabetli GisCo^j bulliiizgs.... .

f 1 t,ru. IVnfffl^ J» , n i l >Wwj _<J J . J». VnfryTV^ ^pf|iVnr.4L >%

11 i t i GnsrlcB,OKih •. ".!"" .• i« 3. P; Sjocitoo. eoqrt: i^ J i i CaieT, Ctwn.,: iti do do

1 <S G- N. Nell,'cdun Zy".~'.."'.• 0 G- a Hill,court..; ;: 50 do do .; h

51 JoesoA Mcpett,biltdifS!i......a 3. Gi Moore, brilgta ,:3 P, Via Ptflt, tfMgfcs 1H J. G. Lurttot, bttdges . ! . ' . '51 IL P. Hotels. ocroc*ri


l » >

F.I1 H a £

1i ) l


»«&» 4-ii

EinJc orttelo. s.cou o»

; > ttH,SOQ ml5ffi i K t n m <'!• r u r o u i T uuxs.dly KCltjr N^t. lUtt a[ Ptalateia t l » 4 l

•ub tt HriM NO. lunk cf; KalanelU w oo

Atlrl.Nit. Si tin luck otEm w.ta 3i'j«» :

:, U }iar. ¥ Bint of• E.ii»»e«& ix*

Oct. 9 Hal. suit) Biot ol! Kl)iao<Htt . . . .W 16

W City N^i. B int ofPUlnfW.l 1st 1«

1 Hal, !-ut<- SittS ot

S4 1 tcfe FcrsTtk Bufcabers' pajt5: Jon* Voortaes, Jill:t Ii. Zclrar, Jill !

6 H. K. « P. a Tbui-ber *OiVjii i ' . '"61 -V V. Pease, seliojl . . . . .' . . . .ti to 4Jt i J. U fruwell, 0* »xjM G. B. Hill court..; . . . . . .O A. C D>irUc£. coyjrt (en * Uurp»r, court '

T) i»j er Hffve,II l>. Mu f.jrt,cv.«rUH Mlck.trl McGo»e4, (XUrtTl »v. B. &ilt court.,U I' JCoVKar, court15 W e Bjjin^, courtt« J. S, Sindr, rd, •?o{rtV. O. A. Neal, court.» T . v. * co irmtcfc roanI* >'. ^.Ftn.seaootaft) £. Piei J . u: Me» w. ». Titter. 1 ml a»c ,53 A H. W.KXlWilO, brU»-ea64 J. S. Badfteif, 6fVl«8...s i A . J hjno brliwn .t« A. Wen t ' , brt.i«jj "6: J.S^Braat. fcr»*(twNJ Uf>). \V. Dotr Wr W Q . Riukl*


lit M


f. t S i t State Bank orI 1 KUubwihp. > Nal. !~t«»f Bank of

19 Nat 8ui* Bdk iiBtt.beLh-


Fvtx. \h FromMcc. aa Fr.xa


j <ai&U«k.April i From )*. oo iHA i i * r a 1 I I * V

pr iAp»ii * rroa

er.aawte .Jacob Darts,J EdJ.-


Edwan«t ana

J. EdwardsMust. 1 u 'per

llii t» .


1*4 Ie.


c^uut. ~act. ofoa


» i7: Dec. 1» OM)tJ» aeceont of

FliUlIdJ» tTty N.t. Biak of

. .,* PUloMi3th. i fira. Nil Bias ct

PulaS 'Ji3 Flrd N.-it Etiak of

S City,Nit. Biiii cfFUlnStik) . . ..

Jui.: S tlr«i Nut.1 Hiai ot

j 4 - ' Nil. Mite Bl<'ak"o{

J Nat istatr Biiiik'o:

J»*. S Sk». IState> B.iok ot

N i t * i i » Bini cf

aty.Nit; B*nk"of

Ap . b Ftnt: Nil. BlBk"ot


M do Ao . ..«l No»* W'o.3«ni8. h»Wf«n Juba r u t h bridge*U A . 1 \ Mirftirt. lbn*r«W L'b.J.Siait*. tamem '*7 J C O den, MIMTBCI«> s . K. Th opson. tmTdir-ei» O. w» Doty, m«»Ii»?r»- paj . ;.

100 w. ll.BrUu«.»*«!(iber»-pi»j101 Kri'tk B^f»0,<otrt . . . ' ; . . .,iw J. M stctte.i.ooan1M "MiniP.SKKttta.ifottrt .. .Hi Albeit i!edr<.ea4castiaBle««t»-sa««1« w . II Brtaa', «»utatt:« e ipmses1M J. L t-rowt-a laeMeaui 1W B r C r o w t l i l t ^ t l

19 t!


II «t


scaoot oanoty, m r i irr»cr»iinat.

1 ljrwta#kj K&ooi or-

' Ftk!u titty of'' B'tubeUI KhoolonltT. ...

t lewt»l »


IV s.itl nciooi

u o v «f; . . _Kboiil oriw.

| t v i !ii t>»niiidsi.-fe»lQr*T


1W l \ HtSt110 do do111 dd <fc>UJ C. Lmberdluai brtSgwHi H. Kroase. brt'ljttsi n do dou s tx.'UJ * XtK'ornui-k. bVtdjra.

16 Joao V m M t , brMgws.LIT > . i l . Mtr.uis. fruifM

113 j ^ i t>. s Ttsxafeox tinisti'.'.'.'..'.'.\%j en . dot i \ do Co'** to , : do ..!!!...iti o'.a Oa'i!<, j . ts. s.TuoatpHta,brtia^M?liA (ktv ctiipuiifli b/Uy***

i:T jL><'iw.itKtJi «.*.'.'";;;;•;•US S. S. C^aU^f, OrtUta

.in Ttv-Si. lVrrUt^lf., Mcuufn"!."."^"151 cV» \ d>

133 J-1.*ij?T,comrtl,--. 11H tana. Forsjta.lnseaihereTJO' -1% ClUotycli L\jLUjlJoan^ piiU}.*aOtiavu * JTaiu, loc* t Um,pawicitloa.14T do ,; . do1* W. L.Futw*J^j

i 1U Ctis, U. \! 1 « * . L. Me.-stonljrCtv. putH1 IO Ulcibitrji VacJU.v,putU'.'aUuo

; its Jooivoort»>»1iiui;' '••"

147 J.L.

isj r.H l oaft.l

H aaooj,! oaft.J. Ucnxweu,alaryWft W l i J

!W8J U c n x e u ,1M W-ft Wlisoa— '—?

y L»rt I

i»i*w IqotM V

•4[! CtnrroK STBEKT,


' IJL luniksuii



U.L', 1 a Tad?' 13 \>7pH W . t1 a w. ji

' i « w. EIXak


3E.l lI I60«


K. £

j. aJoiUl

i 3.E.: J.H.&

I 1 J. J.,: i R d

it J. Eilii


J.L:^..Sfc A. Nlflri

E.G1,1. Gi


i t u

J- E.:hJotqhM--c]«i__PeteH VJXJ. I I . I J - ~

t t t fel IL |h<JHTJc, Ojut t t felJ. G. Lr b i i


e. sec, Oi ii

, t o a ;.uneU, £ t ! j s

* NB. irUSsi

.j. Ir. LJgva


»rs' pay

tfi r....:. t->.

f. it_t<: i Co. jii.

. j.iL

1= i . j s i j.-i: . . .j . i . i i . - - : L . ) . . .

- r > i _ 3 d - . ...

rile. Jjii


y. trtij'is ' ".M i i l r e s . . . .

rt, H. 11." tci^-t




x l i

11 uu

• •

. Di|.

* i i

I t


t i ,


•lid OCOi'IJt'.ac,o."irt ... .

, caiirs .court

LtJi!. b ' w l j ^ltlii-UC, K

i •lu:al.y^, iii:

& : : - • • • • • . . • : •

. - s i t . J.itlK.<irj.tfc, ):^ J ili •


Son,Ur. li




.' pity•re' r v

ii . tsfabfrs' pi

ti- Jf ,



I ; I -


i l


'. ;



t ! « 9 .9«



I ' . '


i>i^ IH>


<45t tS31<;»

^ 4 ;: S J

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f• 0«-•.T;i. 0

wn?Jto*•i t )->

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i v.i

! «! ^;

i5! 24




«-• CO

5 te1:r.i s




- .<t i

•c. as1:


• .

• - «


1 >J

tot'J« l

1 4

4 • : " ' :


•V I


Ml* 4




M, Tjbe y< oog wi

id i m n ] fart!* afore> •MocUfuwto a»twtpect.iDd.yoilngfe

• rich fimlly it onceoo bit M a mrtden

It no biterf w Ifca

1 bffflttifw

lMipectedl reapiitloo lp the noMertothtltreo| Ji of the I aatber wiilcl|


•et Uute if re icon I



•tmon f

cootidcnbtcwiUi wejritbjr

wbo Is theuncle " ifed»

let*W happy low marrying

lo Jookto pot on


prid of the sckifcw Whoth tpttcxVt

t of weak i«s or T«nity,o think it prevail* lo a

of them

tn»ginf the; efore, tli. t a majorityOf ohi j people Ml] b e gmtlfiw by tbe infor-tuuloq ropplled Inbeink pUblUhtd by

the cenw

the feeling

reports nowIheOorer iment, whichy

and i by fli met dera mrtretc thatjniUon, we aririch an< are steadily

Dg in WOJUO yqsr by j ear. An nn-fj ite ma/ con demn a j ;w deterring

jridjiali to endui e (he ioco iveniences oiDtome, but ever they, while

to «tn tch tl eir receipi s to the meas-f tl elr ah olute needs, cai plume Ihwnt Oa the I act ol belongin \ to a. familyi in addii g to i la wealth at the rate ol

E lUlior s of dolla s t year an»y Jool: dowa on the 'pauper na-

tion i" sf the! old "I'orld wh) yearly arctorn pel ed to borrow monej to pay theiCtm ent expenses. ' The avert ge Americanil ai i in aginative be ng, and t will not bediffl salt for him i i conler iplating thimoWmsly increasi ig ireall 1 of lhe peo-,pfe, lof whom he is < ne.'to igiore the faco* life nnequal distril ntion, at least until heslip* hUhand mto h s pocket n search of aneed ed f' quarter " a nd finds : 1 unaccountaMy absent. j . ; • ,

Osmu reporti hai e a very t iking way ofputting Ihines. For example.' re are told inthe ljitert one that in 1870 the nrealth of theawotoyj was ' $30, XX»,000,0 >0. .Thirtytiiott and millions (f dollar is a goodmoat a filling sum, y< t it lesse is in impres-aiven as; when me letra that in 1880 ourwealt i h*d incr&aed one-thir 1 in the tenymrs, and that nor oar olid capitalamoopu to (40.000,010,000, E lowing that,notwilbsUndiDg onr eztrava^nt habits,wo have laid safely u| i the n e t little sumof one| thousand milli 5ns of ( ollars everyyear, (r nearly » hundred rallions everymonth since 1870. B ut the U bles becomemost c iptivating whei they i ome to theper ayita statement a d inform us whatportioi of the aggregate wealtl belongs to««cjh ujujo, woman ai id child. This, weare mfi 'rinsd, is preci* IT ||7$8. CalculatedthU«, tliej larger pne's latnily is the greaterwill be hii ahaiie of the geq ral wealth.Here w e discover one of tbnw compensa-tloM is which Nature delights The poorusually have large fanilies; lencc, whilethey m \f at times feel pincte< for meansto pror|<fe for passing yants; U ey are coni-pen|HU«d|bj the know! xlgo hi t they maythereby; Claim a larger share of tho generalforvunei, We have calculatedb«li)Bgliig to us on thojper «\p> a principle,u d flnd it to be prscitel) | 7,080. Wenow un lerttand what i \n esti ei led contem-porary ineansbyjsayinj;: " Vh s table veryeffectua(ydlipo»esof the thpirj- that therich, harp been;grow ng riclijcr and Hit;poor po >ref In ttjls country,

the portion

i lasniuoli nsimpartiallyonly thine

thii tiible" ditides «lio mkhunqng I he whole people, T iethat trouble* u» la tho difficulty of drawingon our ih*re whan wo iraqtio use n llttloOf our, portion; | but rcrhiipL :ven this iswi*41y arranged, as ;ro jmjgl t spend itwerv ii UWer our coatrol-j-fl o fear welhould*-«nd thus impt vertsh. o irsclf. Asit U, we know Umt It Ii Uisro, and inrreas-!bg at he rate of: ten p >r cent. ; >or annum.We fWl like cofagratilAting <ur n>ftder«Wbo I larej la this genor \\ \\ rasp <rity. Weall anj growing rich wi th tho c\

aetmlhg poterty »f sotrje Ii but <hldMjtheh- lubsUntlal •n«T«r llle";»letuiali


L L T I C f L j 'H e pe-Moutlonof .tia J3*s in RussiaItw ^Kh<d tlmott the d u net r of a wnrof extermination. Thit suili i cooditiou

should be tolemtxi iiy a greatthe alne eenjh century

k ooe'of l le marols of the < ige. There hasbeea'im *iethpt lo aoftea the Mnoral con-

expressed b;' ot! ier jmtlons byit the aulhoi Ity < f th It Cur was

to bee^ert^d In suppresi Ing' mtnjgcs -which

but l!ioirbed dls.tho per-iilrtsenwtommltteri

, and to

o extlat

untrj-; thotoil which

p«al|hi f>r" figuresbolispp

tie dvilii ed irorlktatt bkteliigence from tlie dinttrietaj o|f l>|s Empire n p » cntsatcut|<4 to be proceedlti g * Ithieroojtyl; iideed, UieMtm tolbo Incnulng I bajrlwri,mwt Wl[h *en feftblor |tt«j^pts |at reprcs-•too. .

tltjon toi jiussian

ie Ca-in by th

they hare hadthe upulajonby R general

ItUo com foripsihlM lie.wolild hate

to exileit wow,


ipoMoo. It teem* to mtn fc cswijeji pottey to rettia it|e eap ta3



perbtfetnduomyre far btr pet omUy

tppean to w , eta Aad * bteoj ofrjejk with fwhich I* "poisi a sanol" fitta tfl dnpr Iipoo tfcepenoMl fcotory<rf»dead i caua

thrifty a « wfll be wiffcfy eft d t* as b>ittoce of rdfefoo* pdfSMado i, «od fapart, at l«Mt, the aceweliou wiffl tesupported by tueta. i J3*d l i v {peoplebeen rawnben of tte OIIM k CJw reh i ntttadof Israelite* there wooM 1 are b ** 14 per.weoUofl, and any Tioteja e«di ed b, r tbefrwealth would hart bea ifemfrttpnttni yet- UK rdtfiMis diw nix ts atethe »ppa*wtf«r more tft** the eal eaoKsof tbe koitility txhltiUtA iomm s tte x pw-lion of tbe Cta/s aobj4ctk, R ee aWipt-thle* art geotraliy the ioarw oi tte moatbitter (tufa, and tbe fobreif* by erery•here preserving tb«n*dt« 6Moct ttotktlie nation* amoog whom tbey dwdl, intheir thditiou, tljeir faiaOka and! Uteif

whicli is talent in almost jerery j JO other bnocfaes of the aerrfeehuman breast If the trjitb were knows it i coostdered it atMo!auJr ntmmt*would be shown that the source of ROMUD f^f 0 0 ^ e l * o l l E s t ' o n o f »fi»'E> s i *enmity to that peopte lie* not sapmnrfy in ^ ^ « * W M i l ^ " ^ ^

A good. to rr•teMlkl

fWtHte aikat, w» Jtttgewffl a«ailmm tte efcanitterjjrfc* aged woma wkoimwly «ed;7orfc, sftcrtafafffu*kerb*•iatrfyhaUU,«adkftacbviuMe orjpaiutkxt*.


We aotieed by KOM of„ . rkfcin admyor :wop«3t, i

iareuiguinp m in pmeress at Petorinl "f u d * I cettaia eottMa fexae ^tbert, aad t&al surfing der«{flpa«tt flooked for. U appears that Jobs fliier, tpeciai ijMpeetor for the Mm*pital te-rkx, while inrestijtalicg tbe


their being worshippers r>f Ood accordingto the law of Moses, 6ot in their beingJew»—people of another |race who tjy re-fusing to Intermingle with those among


MM mt UriOifik U la

O ' Itt

P»9trin> Lr r ro s . — Pbst-HGW£: sau liaced ais

f J'alfr tbixi ail Imtn oo |aftsEl ntt; of pontaj^t' has &/t bete

n «eaii pf teiffj forwarded to tie j«'offia sfaH be hiikl br ikepcist-l

m*Uer tilM fej;ercarri+r or fre>* (Irfirerr"opoa izad l&e t litreae* is.t'ins«d t/T of-!

; fitial ryj»t-learrt tiiat»os£tj s die to re«iTe die fetter.


Tfer to; ELa, VxiSpecial A^ent Ch*Sbct fat in*t>tip£\<-ia inp gconnectioa with SpecialTj f j d iTjte appears. Late beenu pn>|'aftccal*.*j p p .j for a ptrkn of more than six ffeThey wererfciefly cosfinoi to the retijt'oGf l W f M i J &

whom they dwell seem to assert their sop- pipriority. OTie fansUte&Fn which has'been

y yof j a wmiyleraWe amocct of MiriiHJ

1 coii«cti6oa, aemfeasaretntet ofI false and ftzutlaknt pay ml!n. C


l^t,' o

aeteaaar tod

of Enflgtt

toiyor of

ijc irad astf ti'lj S O M Eiffrare wcrea'iia it lE^t the" Wh mat

]sixE i t BKOW V .> DP.'i'G STORE

and CHERRY Sis..Ii



evoked U but an clement thit inflames thehatred which would have existed had therebeen no religious distinctions. It made nodifference to the mob that hung negroes tolamp-posU in the city of >"evr York thaithe blacks were Christians.

But the principal source of Rasri&n bostility to the Jews lies doubtless in the re-puted wealth of the latter. By some meansthe people of that despised race manage al-ways to accumulate property, which seemsto grow faster in their hands than in thoseof other people. "As ricb as a Jew," is asaying which comes to us frompast gener-ations, which had witnessed Hfs tendency jofi money to concentrate into HefoTewjhands, and next to the antagonisms of racethat which vicious poverty feels for wealthis the most intense. It it that Wiiicfc in-flames tbe communist with a spirit of haleand murder and inspires purpose as fiend-ish as any exhibited by the present perse-cution; in Russia, purposes which only!lack tbe opportunity to be displayed in ac-!tion. In the case of the Jews the combin- (ation of the three causes—religious hatred,race antipathies, and tlje agrarian spirit,make the perseCDtion directed against themsignally cruel and relentless As a disgraceto the age and a reproach to our Christiancivilization, it should receive the outspokencondemnation of the civilized world.

Chalker has joat made oa:h before Trt |S u t a ConinjMfesoner Whitehead, of i feor jari , and his affidavit sboTj t!«J tiaj pay ]rol for boatatn'i servias for the quirttr!

M 31 t te j


enainz May JI, t te presto! year.,thit Frank THv~fm reet'rej &),DaWsoo $18.25, Trevoce H. Fttteren^Frtd. A. Ferry |28.75. Abfaa121.25, Charles Erepa $i£.7-*i. LewM Kci-d« i 33 75, WiSUm F. Harrrrrn f|lS-2."*.Beijsmin Peterson |20. Jazces StgaicfriH5raad Charles Hooghton KenistonfeK.iwIu^etlie evidence shoirs IKena-ton wtre the on!yceired aay money whatever, iLt Si^n+tnrts 'ef nJl the oSLer forties OD the pay r&iii tiT-;in* been forged; ind that iarfeaa of rtceiv-;'ing: %2>i, as represented bjr the paf foil, <Dairson earned xad receireti craSy f l l . !

Warrants have beea Usned for the trrest || of Charits H. Tlrmskiyi, t te wHtcicir of jcuitonis ; Joseph K. Sinitii, the depciw col-1lector, and fl'iiiianj-T. Hopper, icifjectorjof ctiitoms it honz BrasclL TUe charge !

GCITEArs FATE SETTLED.The unanimous decision of the District

of Columbia Supreme Court in the Gaileaucase was annonnced on Monday morningby Judge James. It sustaies the sensibleposition taken by District Attorney Cork-bill at the trial of the Presi lent's assassin,hat the jurisdiction was o unplete where

the fatal blow was struck, without refer-ence to the locality of actual demise. Thecourt held, that the bullet fired by Guiteauon lhe 2d of July, 1881, wa$ the cause of

'resident Garficld's death, and that thetrial could only have been held in Wasb-ir.gton. Guiteau had not

aglins' tiiein U reported to be c o s i f l ;to defraud the government, far^rjj m-iembezziemaiL A c-ivii isiit was $'l&(//)has been commenctti as-iits; tbe coljectoffor the recovery of tlte anoua: al'e^Mi tobar* been erabeizled.

Colonel H;itigiito?, the coi"ecto:, wb» isnot far from S^ytar- of age,. WiS thei frs-decasor of Oilonei Cumpbcll as -DtSpart-ment Connnacder of the Grind Aroif ofthe RtpuMie, icd beloas it Metuclen. ,He served wilii diitir.csioa durii^ tte: Wir iin one of the Xew Jersey rwia=ati,| izi jlost a leg in one of the engijtrceits in jwbicfa he bore a part. Hi* fritods ertry- jwhere will regret to leare of chirps ofembezzieruea' and friad bein? pref^frsii jagaiost him. aud still more in the fact ILi.' [thoje charges arc- probably true. j





HOEJUBUB SCESE AT i S ExECCTIO^ f5TESSESSEE.—Tbe execution of U u l i t e ,the negro murderer in }few York. LsS: |Fri-day, was not the only one bangiinjrly J«er-formed oa th^t diy. At Puliiki, Tefin.,there was enacted a scene wLich was urecmore horrible than the terrib;* o^e wit-nessed in Xew York. W. W. RKS kashong for the miirder of J. T. Goodrua,on the 23d of July list. Rta protested lu^-til tbe hn moment of his life tint he urisinnocent oi- tue..cnme of which Le wa^convicted and insiited that if another tria"were grante<J him be could prove hii ii-

He made an atterap: to conm;'-

r/u, Sciatica, Lumbago,ef th» Cksst,

\j, Son Tbntt, SmeJ/-Sprtwu, Barns cr i•, General Bodily


and Hatdachs, FnsieiFeei a nd Ewt, and all other

fains aW Adit.B.i Prsc«r»a;n cu tatty t^uU Sr Ji n:a» Ct:

u t ma[tw ntrr, liimpltl izd. cheap tt^nu-E-=: t t i f A tr iu! ecraitu t o ; t i * c . m ; m ^ ' f l /ir-i -if or.-'ni it «O O*stft. KH'i •*<?? ecu lu^r^j



Ties; Ki» qn i : tm3 CM Eafy, faSun: E».

r £i««p» Fnrfrft tzii Inyojit fce ruailr^jcii, «2<i Picif T «ai ErMtui tie CcaiTl car* I tpaacxa c( t ie Edar%

Tfemfirings. 2fs-«cctt iEjaiiJ*±i;rirt* ia ti.; Ea»i.aal d-inr £J3LI

kuBa. £2&s=a*r tail t -m iaH i t £ £ f E f l i f *


ClAKTER-.- IP.. >N"S.«{LE ±l BROWN S


LHU L FililiM, Ef L!U KISi,



beea ba New j^uicideon the morning of hiieiecution, t;. |. . i • , . , T. • takinir morpbme: l;a! the ilose vri? too f

ensey, and the mere ranonl of the Presi -1• g r e a ts

M d ^ased' CB1J. T o n l i t i n i : . a n d L :!

dent to Uii38tate, with theviewtopreserve ijusdeath, and he was carried jo tie uj-jj-his life, could not affect the nature of the j lows, walking thither with a firm tn;(iJ.crime.' It was also hdd that the court T l i e h-ingtns'wss the-wors! botch and ILe

.. • L , . • . most homblc affair thai rouki be imasmW.The rope was so adjusted thit wUea (itdrop fell the noose 6lip[>ed under the cljin.and [lie knot tore the beard from the

which tried Guileau was a federal courthaving all the powers possessed by anyUnited States Circuit Court i that tbe Dis-rict of Columbia is a judicial district, and

that a crime begun In one district and com-leted in another is complete in either;

Umt lhe murder being a crime against thelaves of the United States tlie removal oftho President to this Bute did not take himbeyond the jurlsd ction of the government.

Guitcnu has been removed to a solitary:ell and ft "dead watch "let over him.From tills time forward General Crocker,be warden of his prison, will sec to it thatmly the assassin's spiritual adviser?, orither persons receiving special permission

so to do, communicate with ' him. A pwtmortem cinmination will be held, at which

board of the most eminent; medical ex-perts in the country will examine tbe brainif lhe assaasln, and put to rest forever,

District Attorney CorkhiU believes, thequestion of his sanity or insanity. If hisrelatives desire it, the murderer's* bodywill be delivered to them fof, burial afterthe yiost mortem examination has beenmade. . ,

Tho decision of the court In bane wipesnway Guiteau's last hope of « reprieve Inwiy shape, we Uiink ; and we do not doubjtlmt there will be general satisfaction tl-

rcssetl lhru\iEhout! the couutry over thedeciskin. Thtro cjin be nd^iloubt, wehink, tlmt Guiteau will on. the 30th oflino suffer the just; penalty of his viola-ion of the law of both God and man.

which declares, " Thou shall do no mur-der," and that "he who ghwUletli man's

ilood by man sliall his blood, be shed"^ —

Parson Talmage, of the Brooklyn Taber.aclo, tired perhaps of his work of Singing

rhetorical bricklwts at Bob. Ugersoll, hasound two new objects to attack withiirong wordC Ouo of i theie is Jammnthony Froude, tlie Eiiflisli historian,

whose " Life" of the late Thomas Cariyjeais just bceu published. The " Life " ctm

da|n« Uiattho amatory correjp<mflencebttwtfnCVrljIesndihfenife

lo their marriage, »nd Talraigehut It Is the worst Huff that iever came out

this continent. He prlyf lh»t he martte delivered from such friendi as FromU{euntt oxprcsaes Ills opinion thijt there ahwoW!»•« law pw*ed kgalnU th* ou )l)aujt9a of•iriatory corraapaodence-miliriDX ( W itin «iu ludwoney «ud de«in«nul to th«pU JIIC morals, In Klectlui t w other vkttin i for * public dla|cU<jo of chamrterMi. TalnwRcU leas'happy thlu

i'Utalil\->57. Tllr• it «lr..-

«>••• '

Victim's face acd burst a blood vessel in bwneck so that th« blood streamed down otrerhis person. He w.u lifted up by the saeKffdnd otlters, anil aiuiii his groans and the rope wi> resdjuiJed. The drop ft'ift second time, asd »s before the knot cacicpnder Uie c!iin. He was again drawn upand dropped H third time. The sight Vasso horrilile that the large crowd in atttiidmice would uot wait to see the busjijc;job completed. j

: THE XATIOSAL BANKS.—the I'll t i -leoding the charters of the natiotiii bwas pi^ftrd in the liou»e of Hi-prcstutalast Friday, by ti vole of 1S5 X>> CTamendments msde to the bill after itfrom the wmiuittet' ate an inipniTtuitTlie Ull extends the duuttr* twenty y uThe aai<!ndmeuts n^iuire nituty U«s' Itice from bank? intending to with.lrIKIIHU, mid allow no cn^ier anumtr. 11|o,00t).000 to benithdrann ia one ai allow suils between banks and icilitMuto bti triiil in Slaw courts; nuke $10.iinstead of |A)000 the low»t araaaut oflionib to be deposited apiiu>t circulitithus giving authority for hanks of n ucapitAl than theprf*nt hw tderau-s; pvitlts that tlie banks shall |<ay the co>tthe plates for new notes, and tint k«:g»ing into liquidation shall kev-p their o r-porate oxi>tence until th ir l'U>uuv*> i>clostxl up ami protect the rights of sistockholders hi rvorg-.inititiou.

Sk?nor Elmore, the Peruvian minister.





»ai eder iiX. liver cuar'r-t,

the lillh inst., bv Secrets-\l

t ick» FTO\HH who it «llv* «id abk to dfrid-lilmfcif. i The, other prboo who*

oil duct It told tip hy the. pan oi> to pubtt •r^rootllooUi-romaji; aajd, jfroiw atfli,

i ' ! • - ;•-

Frrfiughuy^o. called cm President Artii irand preseiitinl an auu>grsr>ti letter ,fnAdmiral Jlontero, the l'twideni of Pt'iexpr««*iuj; tbe grief of the govtrcmeot aidpeople of that cvmotrv at the death |)fMinister Hurlbut, and tlieirsiuthy willi the government andUnited States. The letter wartntv'rigizes the i late minister, ami refers to himas, in the eslitaatiou of Peruvians. " tlittruest and noblest chararwio of I*eruf><au«\ wljich is the cause of rishl and i'jttice. ' Ah orBeial rvplv to the Utter will jkforw»nlet| to the Presultnt of Peru at >ibearly dayj ||

Cobimtjia Ci>llegv atone ha* withindays Sent :1H doctors and 153 lawyers oi tilito Ihf vfofld. How msny of tbes* wi 1euro Uieirjliving and not t>e a drag w< the ^ftuniltt-soi failKTs-in-Uw? Tbeoess W d i KOMI, honest, »weatwork, crojirtw pnifesskms. whtrv thereroom t>nlf at tbe lop. Many good oU r n and jshoemakers hare U-en s|vtkd ittfcese hHlrjbaked lawyers WK! doctor«.-i-

M«j<-rGtncral J. M. SconVM. who harecently n tunM I from Europe, i< to be ai^tinned! to t Iw commaiKl of the MilitarT I>t->T»onof 1 he P*ei9c, with h«d»ju«rt wa8*n -•Fran -isco, upon the retirementQtnnUMOX'WflL

wbW>, la

A na*ti oa priest, sweed Rava^iia,pp y n t t n f

of fire, all Uw tk«n tot kbe tHiiairtanwWaiy and aittul-




L tfii3<;i".t

3 U i ftl r

tUJu(en£ L*


^ t««--tie i : T

Ii r d *

y |«(;««4 rs 513

cr.n;he-> tht tsif<i^.; carts •ca



BITTERSis the cr.W Iret^ p«p»raii}r. t adoes DO* ccjl-rtbe tscth. »nj *t'l c.tca>ae h«d|chf or cvastijati-oo. «otttr lr>\a i|«}»rponj Kill.

UI>R r.'.iU

ror. S

fiTs, aliw lalVr f.-rm s*t.,{-.-i[,-'ri, c :

e ? t i 4 w r - r . t> J i ! i * - t « - f a l l

HKviU.N v [i;;u;.



Allcock's Porous Fosterslkvau*e

tht! Ik*!


BITTERSLadies all swftrtrs &wii c « -

KI kvwired wo-

1KUN B-Tlfcll:R NOI AT


!n-y h.i\

Exton; «l lu:su\iy ever in-

will curi- asthtaa,

rR SALE. lOne Osb«me'$Mowtnj JJUrfaioe «o>l Oa

RMiogPlow. j :- !T V »UiH" to* rli'ites ire E*»rly

Ntx T


eolds, co sh?. rlu lauatisni, OijLiru!i;Sa.

i anv ooal fuirs.

to tho fstuilt of the hack

an} iufalliblo in liiok-AcLo,

Pol-iliu, at;J all Kidney

to the pit of the stomach

a surv curv for Dyspepsia

r Coaiphunt.

ALLCOCK'S POROUSPLASrEES -"-o ^ulrt-s frsK,grant, an d ^utok to curv. £k|vrw

i of imital ton* that blister and burn.

iCOCKJ'S, the only

Gunuine Porous Piaster.




ss Ctoods Department.

o.litii» :eta«


i o:<: VIL

•:•'. tf-.

p i f



TLtl Titdt-iM I"- ,<:

ii. i


i mi


*:' i I fc-l ~:L


• • I I

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m eadi M:«-

"•; - 1 -. . .

s . '


"' - 1:

if, Ik jnbpi<ss and Momics,

> |i-S> a efcsec-^ aH wlirhs, *«.

suit ctirfctfe. wtitii lii



: p»-»-r.-,t be tea: f :r t i e *. 1-cf U U J : 5;-:cii: ~ : }<-.-.:

CCS till I--'

UttivISHING GOODS*IJILTJHDBIED. $0.75, $1.00. $1J:5. !

11 #1.00 is t ie t*s: article in tLr riirkt:.



is tlb

jsst c teswl i i f f t i s . Rid CL-ittii Lv lijt f'biOt. A gx»2 *til:.e«: price t:o;ii!^i ys'L tXlck t L ; - - - ' <fJ>

ul i ti-tu:-


:-j_-ptil L

; f ;r Riiw-iy f :r cue c! ni.' b--,ijsn Oi-r-i*. II •-^•i

::—j. ».-.' rii" i t ttlit.a.-i a:li'-u< :'. r

I caa pi'- ti-i Cu.r}OS I:- y I. - .•!;:•k izli g rC i:. Ytu sav^ y._t_r fi!_-e, ciHrts! a^ri t: _' !..

ia t t t Ic>:di a'c; p rk t s . :

Orjrj !

Goals Stow, Main aad Cterry S';s.AJ WAItLACE, Proprietor.

yirt r cullaif«* Cf «!7




UOUE SIOJiiraad Decorative Paper Hanging.


I ' M (•".




but Httki iE*d«»

, : • : ; . • • • ; • • • . • • : . i - 4 . . I . ;

l i feHi iifoLU;3&kS




o-i. at tii.-.,!i.

K, 111 HKOA1>

to -2 t..

i Irving Kre«t. liDti thiv:,^i pus to wo.;i m< J1X12 tu tl.; the ccrccr cf :Eiilit«;L av.; street u £c. ' .^a. w ^ . : : ^


! (i

I • '

WHWiv. N:. J .


KtC.-t Aie.. WU.


Giilp Full™ Fisi l a p ,»o. 17 CHERRY ST., HAHWAV,


. \ i

i •

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'• ( i• ' \ • . . ( .

• • • . 1

..: 1 J' s" - • . i



too uuu* roaj m u


a BIS.

W one

i i

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f . t ' , - . i ' ; . , . - ; . - ' . j . - - •••••.




BaliwRy Division, Sim of [Tcmpernnab;vi! tlu< ilrnt ftirawjNiiry Hrtd icof i iw

lfe.tiviil nf llio•in Wwiliiiigtan Hull nc ft

[iry Hrtd.'Hioy will bold

Mr. Tli'iiiiii(lor of lliefy, nrrivc;(1

Dinigliiwill oj

y,iin Sati JOM;, Cnlifi)

ofrNrw Jciwy lo <!iij,'ng<Ofjlllll kllll K'lillill),' III I.0'ijry cstnti; now

• h no record ntd i i i i ' i i i h a y * l l n i l l l i o

Ii (.tnii•Innwljnt IK now (iililiy'fl

>lmtdlljion hay* llml llio ; . ..., ,(.'ijnrcli Mini•lure In R i l l m n y wiw bui l t I

w l r i . t'n»t of tlii^ p

l(x|iilf'i| clow; Iiy Ihoclit,WK\I\ fur Hut f;niM*)* iriroi irli"(li'lfl Hloiii'S.oi ir



II order Imi IIn IMIromlIIIICIII of t-iMn miy ht.ilic/i on llunil 'liippiTH lire rcij(if llie ciilf on (hi; i i< h d'Hic t'.i lircnk

/ eveninglie «urvivine? ex

l*t« LewiIHM

Abm\VH pnnM dawned _>1dler*- *AwmoA in the RlwiMe ud

wood cemtl* ie§ on Doccwtion d«y.Bi Bar. Bin hop Wltgtr bu tawe.

d iii torClllK

I (I HOI i knowu M '

p g ger prolilhliln r llie plavtag bylie tiMotiailpi D in dill (lirtc«« of

TDie Two Orplinru."

Affowf Camplxll, of No. 112 Broadil w i tills city, l« rejwried to lmve \xieaw-p&u ted on tUu Bfl wcry In New York at *

wly liour u i lurdny moruin/r—8 o'<6r Ihereafmi U. lf« reported lifnv

'] t A ntiljtliborli g police precinct looq: afW, Imt up to IKIO i iiwlny, Mntnuu to my,i III i fiilnlly hud not fcnrucd die denude par-

yard Will, f|i« hcrnl nlotKJililfjli wi.'P) onh

|cdnyfjr llilrd' line [of


week oilllii! loud

( i rci l M<> w r l K ! til l1

if l icfijri! » l i i | i i i i cn ( ,

1)1 lliij I M H I I C M H i n

u l t l : '" monkey" vwil mid j i k|i (jxcjillcnt rule, : '•

'Ilic wink of I'Xcivijllnjil<i'clniiiiii1! of!the river In lieinu' |po4.Mil".-. An nvept'ril.'iv \va* I alien oiwoiiliiii;.' Iwo title"-onlj' nli'e lo work oim Mil I ' l l g l l H ' C I . " i l l i v l l l

ftrejMr. II. I!. W'oudDnlv.

'Ito-i'ny n chilli;.'!' i i• " <.f HiMIL' " " ' I clti.ill

.\\w-\Uv\iif wentll,il|w,iy I'uvl Ofllccl l i c : n i : i ' i l ' o r W n o d

w i l l I ) " l i i - i c . - i f i c i - I I I : ) .

; I l i c m . i i i f

iilml . jw ni|ililly in-TWOyiirdHof i;iirllj

t lusl Hi'ck, ilic iniiii'ifiilfi' wock they meei title, j'l'lii; jrovern

liiirjroiif the work•diiiid>lr. WHIi/im

i :

I IU C- l ime of the OIK-II-• jin.ill from mid forU\ o p i - i - ^ t l o i i a t I l i i !

' I j l i r l i i i j o o f c h i i l i l ^

i'lj;r;i' win) l o i l n v m i d

I H in . Kllll I h e l i n i i :

•<>in I l i c r c friis l o d i n 'of 0[»i hill(iii 1 v.ill IJI- lieriiificr^tlT p.m.

M>. David I ' . Mrr i j id t , Ilic Miiln s t ree tprnder i- Hi': nl'li'si. fl |(i | | ikce|ier in t h e r i l j ,

/ l i e |i.i« lived here foriy-i ' lghl Yrtir.i. l i i ivini;J c o m r to liiiliwiiy in I^.'i-I. u l ie i i (lie p luce. WHS (jii•!(• di/Terent in ! ii[ipti irnnce I'roin' WIIMI il i< lo-fl;iy. Thi ln BvliMt is now Gr i ind

Mr(<!i wn1-knnwn IIK pliiolnnk: t-trt-t't andinn t of Hit lerriioiT h ill); wtst.of Hie mil-ro:i'{ lr;ick was open t)eli:t^.

Tliefi!-! annual MICMihle. of the Soci.'dPleiifiiic Chili will |,<! (liven In DiinnciVHull, K;it( KiiliMuv, joji. Pfini!K! .Alonday(•veiling, the 2!nh ioM:. The jmisic fur-n!s:ii'<l will he M Piofesl^ir OppHI'sorclie.--liii. The comiiiitk-e liiivini;, the arrangei n - n l of llii-t(,{-i:ili|<; |n <']IIUL'(' c••n<-jsl.« of(iC'ii' r 'e Aiid<-lfiiiL'er, J r . j OhnileK S liei lzer ,Jlentv (;n;he, .Juincf FyfTe and FreckF u h r : :

Tile fir-! On ihcr m(je(|n'.' houfe in Railway v a - o n t ' jcs i tco ' l lK ' te is iorc , on Main6 reel, m-xt lo \\. *\'.:Timiii'ma residence.A cenie'erv wa-locaKtd ID iN rear. TheUruclure on Irvine stri-cli WHS luiill in 1B0-J.The old Qu-ik'T bnrylinf "round next loChatnlKTlinV llolel, lii^ liinl heel n-ed sinceabout 18'i(). a city ordiliajirc passed alMiillint .lime forhifidin^i mrlher inlermeutswil hi;i I lie cil\" liiniK ^*

% The Bowery (New'd

i ill > liming uiiu imiItldilariidf IMK Injure . . . .Ti irk) Ii a bad pliusi.we ibould Judge, toltd imJtviiiiL' iiboul f t y o'clock ID llie uioruID

r • i

wcnilicr4lic|ire«cnt week IIIM beeuIniproyeiuei t on any llmt llnst prt-

ledltllilH yef.r, Huniliiy mid Mondayth; leilipiriitiife.wnin triflusultry, hut,.. luteil wiw every o 10 lo huve nu npproaelito (dimmer heat wwterid of a coiitinuaiirfcif llieJ wriilelic'dly dole) lein|ierulnit' In

luh Ue lind nil

cil\" liiAyurs (c l .ufherry I'ecjn

lu- w i n r l ; n f I ' U i l h n : 1 H n e i

• ' • • ' » . r ' . . . * ^ - 1 ; ^ J I 1 \ ( I M I

t M i l l i i e i n o n i l i v i ' nf |j,(.-opl('Of

lnslj T l i i i r - r l n y

• m i l l l o re j i l ac i -

t l i a l i ' i - t i - i i l ly d<^ i ro i i -< l l i j ; f i re . Il K s l i ^ h l -

Iv l a ' u ' i T : l i :m i h e o l d s i j n i c i t i r c , l> -111 _r 'in

b y "iij fu - l in s z e , i \ ' i ( i . \ \ ' < . - . l i i v e i l . I h e

l m i ! d ( T , l ia« r h i i i ' 2 0 o f tlhe w w l i of c o n

p i r n c i ' i f i i . I l i- cxpcciic-il i l l inl I h e n e w m i l l

w i l l h e n : idy f o r nfC!;ji;il(r-y ill fwirnit i w o

o r l l n v c WIM-I ; ; . f r n m ilii-, j i m e . T h e s i inn-

n m ' m l l l o f ni;ifl l i l ir- |-y K ' i | | l ie p i l l i n ! o il II-

i n l o I lie <J|II m i l l , t w o i« i : in lng n i n c l i i i . e s n u d

t w u s j w s . j :

A u n i o n r )eci , ; i i t i i r ) i i d a y y r v i r e is

t o h e lieli 1 i n Ilic -S'.-iioixl I ' r e s h y t e r -

i n n c h i i ' c h n e x t H u n d i i v t v c u i i i L ' h y Hie

F i v - 1 I S - i p l M n n d t h e S i - c o p ' l I ' r o h y l i ' i ' h i n

c l m r r b e . t . T h e M T i n l ' i t n Hid o c e n s i o n

w i l l h e p r i ' i i e h e i l h y I 4 - v . .Mr. J t n l l i i i > o n .

T h e i m i - i f h y i h e e h n f r o!f i h e c l l i i r c ' i in

w h i c h 11• t- l i jeeti l i! . ' i ' I d h e h(|l I w i l l h e

ri 'hi; lO'l in I h e p n l r i o l ' f l IIIMI m e r c - d feeliiii . '!

Ciilli 'd f ' i r l h h y s c r v i i c

I h e ilcii ' l H i M i c M of I h e Hi 'pi ihl i f ! n n d t h e i r

i n v a l i i h l e f c r y i c e s in tliic o ' j i i in i ry .

T h e | i e r - o i i " w h o l i h l l y ' t c | « m i l e d I h e i n -

E'-lvi-i f ru in I h e G e m i n i ) L ; u l h e n i n e h u i e h

in I h i ^ c i i v , n n d w h o I m v c i i r i n i i j e d l o o c

e n p y i h " B: i | i l i< t c h u r c h o n I r v i n g f l r e e i .

in iv wc- H I K I I - I R ; - i . ( l , c o l i s i i k r i n i ; n n i L ' g e s -

l i o n 10 o ' l f i n i z e il ( t i l rn i i l l i I ' l - c s h v l e r l n i i

c h i n c h . A M i m l iv M - I I K I I w i l l h e n i p i n l , e>l

nl t l . o ' d loc l ; t i cxI S u n d a y iiT'iriiiiK'. n n d «' l

Hie i m i v n l s <if i h e c h i l d r e n l i re I n v i i e d l o

pni l ! ' . ' ' : p ; i l r ill l l i e w o i l i ( 4 o r m i i i i / . i l i i n i .

T h e H « v . Mi H i n l ' i l p h , o f ;Kl i zn ) i c lh Ii I-

l i k e l v , ^ ill l i . ivc l e i n [ i c | i n r y ehn i ' i j e of I h e

n e w e ' l i i i r iViMl ion if H ' I ' l i ' l j h y l e r i n i i i n o d e

of (till:"<• 11 u ' l iMTinni ' i i l ih I h t o n e It | o | i l e d .

N i xi S u n d iy w i l l h e t h e fca« l o f I V n l c -

e o - t oi W h i h i i n d i i y , i! fi ' iiiivnl . n h s e i v t ' d

\i\ h o t l l . l e w s n n d ( . ' l i i i> ( ln in , I r w n s niwl

in k e p i hy t h e H e l i r e W " In ( i i i i nnKin in i i i l l o i i

of Ihe i l ivi i i" of the l:iw lo lilo-c'l on MlHin il nnd was one of llie ifcrce p r i n e l p a 'fe-iivnl» of iin' \ i :ir. A* It 1vm cv'h hraledl e v i n \«('i'|;s nfler 1'nvinViT, |l \\\y- on^ 'u i .ally called ilic fcii>l of \v("i|;ii. T h e liiwllroeluiftiiiii; 11H cs|ali!iHlimi|nt (mil i hem o d e ijf if. nh'-ervniKv is i l e c n i d e d Inl,cvi l lc | i ' - w i l l . 1.1'Jl. ; \ « j u Clir is l innfc-l lvnl IN nh^ei vi inre c<'ini||eiiio|iile>i t her>nt-|»tin iritr of the H o l y (ll | | ist u p o n IheA|iosi|(i. . nflcr I'lir l .o id 'n {('-ceiiiiidii Inloheiivrii . T h e dny wil l he n ipnvpi lu le lyo l iHivr t l In Ihe Cull iol ie n|n .KpNeupnl

. chuiehO 1 ' In th is i\\\:

Harry Post , No. OT. O . A . RVI rv handsome lickcls of Iri.j I|Jtilemmilil services In the Opilllie eveilini; of l>ce"iaiion <f.|iy, Tin V meplittti d in black lull on a palnHiaW coiore.Cilrd. while llie bailee of Hid jOrand AllllV

\,\l, I KIM Issuedlnil|ali|Ml 10 the•pit a itiMiso on

is priulij.l in fill In Ihecc iHKthe iinnlc.i nf Ihe inviliilliIm K. Moroni 1'hl'. KOlnvr olid (' H. Miller. Kuel"(•inn|ihnieiiliiry," in red(li;conidly iicross the c»i(linVllnliiin his the riddivss ofwhom i| was sent. The 'e I

,tllin<fci(ihle. A (••miller n;j|-(KK'uiiipiinies each iiivilnliii^#:

CIKMI only wnen nreoinpuHictlc-kct.

T(iey bearenllililitlei',

'ufmi 8. M.has IIKMVOKInk, i primed

null eachperson lo

! lire iiol-sloik lickelhieii will heby la large

A lioul; tlinl Is only 180yon«s of igc, II istrue, is nut very old", hi O*IIU JKCIIM? of theword; aiid ii may bo tlutl M)in| of <i ir midem may own one or- more Ijoluulen thainrf of iiiiieh greater ntie, Imtl wn | resiuVo11iiit iIn if HID but few'liuokm 'W pn>M!i-vC<ll i ' j l d j ?J J l l

In llie hilprint nf ffieir t 11 lo piitfe imiloniik'rt)nie tlm i IMVJ. Snt&a volitmr wiw;re<i!'iitIv khmvji um by M P % V, Hholtoll, ofIIIIK cilyj It \* the " Act* of |th« jjJenrnilAsiteiiilily of Ihe Province nf Newfrom ilie'llineof llicnuiTiinhrillf Ihetovcriiuntil hi H«> M'ctuiif juiir df 111 in H|Iifii ofQi|ii!it Xniic lo Ihe l'wcnty-flfl||i of11,-, 17.VJ. hy Samuel Ni'vlll,of ihe htii'i'emcOmirt nf Jil(||(|ilui'«iri'rliil-nl hyW Ilium Hind, prlnK'rli ilui ilKhiR'Mo»t ExNew Jelsome emH* one iv,In ITnfIliiprovhne»«, ntiionlluiiiyWnlkt Ol

lNo pidil

•ellcnl Majealy for Hity." Then1 arn lo IK'

l | I h 'y

oiu ol.| silehl by Hip Hennlti |H

j i k l n i t limnft"mid.(ilBL l ' i


luce ofIn 11

mill]iv dr


y, li\j dolii«work or IIIIHH' tl|i'|)ti (jxwpileceKslty op mercy V, wmti niiwl (l

fin • nrsiiigolHwi'iiilni 8«h Illnjin,

wn*.p |lijiplr mid ill InV In h

Lord * iiny foxceet for noc w ni'y$ , ui tder » peoBity of 9 ifkfllu

HIlfTti nuya on

L'tit shivering Hint vi.init; C''|iii|ihiined. A'cBlerduy mid tt>-daylli{' iiir fiiii been dcli^hlfili, and Ihe, fky iu>

imrl cleur im wij can dope lo. ace ft infiiijnilier. Vegeliiliijn HIIOWH Hie pleiisiug

of Ihe elmn/(e.l The clmrry nnd |M-;irlivV.'H ml liegitiniiiK ti") (.'''iiernlly lose theirlili onuj hut the opening 1 i 1 tic lihi«soins,

Ii llieir pleiiMii^ fu^raiice, nnd thehrillimid colors Hint hc-prinkle the tuliphead, ft* wed n« lh(| plensliif; coiilraM lie-Iwjen tl|e while hlwiniH nnd green foliiijjeofjiom W Ihe Howeiiu^'ehriiln. inuku lut-nii'iroim L'(inlcnn aljoijl HIB ciiydeliKhlful loloirjli iiprtn. Wo iioliee (*vernl \vlsturiiisin jr'nrioJiM piirlii of llie city, nnd in Home

(*'B Ihi ir IOIIK inclines of jinrple llowcru,coJcrihi; poreiieo mid tiflliseH, present n

iiju'e'iuij Ki^hl. Oni; of tin: Inrgext andinn|it IM-IIJIII if II) \V iHldriiii In thetily is llmtin Ihe irlir of (he hodse of ,/onnllinii Wotxl-rufj", on jhi1 eint ndu of Main street, nearMoinioe (llreel.

MVKTKIIIOl'H DlSAITKAIIANCE.—Dr. J.(jciitl I'litnf, it priictiting phyni^ian of thiscity, weiit lo New York In (J week«aj,'o lo-l»y. till >r(lv lifter lie hud left home it wn«H-i<-overtjl thai lie had left liis ante bonk

liehind lilin, a lliiiik'he had nol heel) knownlo (Jo lief ire: ami ilia pockel book, coiilnin-lit!; II sun of Ilioney,wri3 also left at home.llej;linil liken money wiih him enlrlisledloliiin Ii) Dr. W. E C'hulek, for ihe pur-chase of -ome medical hooks which thelalli'i' des red to possess. On his arrival inNelv Yor; Dr. Payne purchased the booksanil forwi riled them nt once to Dr. Cladek.Since the i. however, Dr. Payne has not re-luiBedJo his home, nnd his family—consisilngof i wife nnd three children—havebecome c calK nhirmed in consequence ofhis Unexplained continued absence. Iuquities, have been made ut places wliere it wn..'supposed he might call in New Y'ork, binup (o lust evening no intelligence had beenuaiiled re: peeling liis wherealwuts-

T H E G LRFIELD NATIONAL MOXCMEST.. A^ we ire lo have 'a celebration in thi;eityion D coralion day, under (he auspicesof tlieGr. nil Army of llie Republic, wouldit iiM be ( mineully proper lhat Barry Post-hou!d ou thai day invite our citizens geilerally lo m;ike subscriptions for the Gnrfield Mon in.eiit at Washington. A cireu'lur has Keen issued by General H. C.:('orl>in, tl e coiTespoiidinc secretary of iheSocieiy of the Army of the Cumberland.uskilig ih it fcuch u sub.-c.'iption may. be•ialien in i II parts of ihe eoiinlry on iluiiilay;' and, in order that .-ill may conlri ute,jthe coinn ii Sec suggests that no co:i!rihu-ti iu to ex :eed one dollar shall be re eive'tli'l'i'iiione persjn, and that one cent subklip!ions lie acecpled. Il is also|hal a coil plete list of subscribtrs be kepi,(is nil suh-criplion lisls.i as well as <-opic<(if pnpei-ji nihlisldii!; the same, l ie desiredfor di-posi in Hie corner-stone of the statue,imd will b' carefully (elaincd for lhal purj>ose. If iarry Po-t1 fvill receive and for-tvard finch subscription's," we think a hand-jonic mm would be received. Il is projiti-t-it llmt the work when completed shali|ie no loin er the property of Ihe societyiff Cuinhi i Intnl. lull he formally Irniis-ernd lliri ugh the Chief Jftu'j-lriile lo Ihe

l ie I'niled Suites, lo be a uioiiiil|ie:it Df Ih ir affection for all tune.

PlIOTTING Mr.l-.TINCI AT A V A V K Hijv.—Kext Tuesday, Decoration ilay, thesjning lr• J ling meeling at .Wnverly willifpen. Th • en I lies for Ihe niees, which mel|i he fur hoi sea In Ihe free for all and

oiiblil leal i ehis^es, (-loseil the pusl week;id nl no lime upon liny c/mrse In New

nppeared lmi'Hes with such nij'pulii|io|l foi' hfii-i(I as are tillered for IIfjee fur nil nice at this meeting. The tn-llle.i ill Ihe

I. lli. l i e

,ljlM|lh|IS,l ^ ' W u ' l l l l i .•X\ liullCett" W . | ) r i

I I - ' ( i i l V

d I(ii»Oi l l h ' b A l

I wo chides named are as fol.•for All—Joseph II. ChnudlerVlie, 0, M. MeAalli.-ler's cli. g. ^uillh'sch.g. I'eiullo, \V. I).U'- Sussex, Kane Pauling's, ,1 Iiil"sell'B Nellie Irwl .coil's bid p. Pui'ole, Truxlon•. m. Hallie nud Chailes Wll-lloy. Double Teiun-P. SanAilt'llnii R. and AuguMus, (1.night nud Hilly Huttnii, J.

mate, Isinie I'lilillun'i.loin1 M > andoin Winiporaud Glen Isle, M- Hand'Hiiveyiind] Wlndbeam, .lames Sampson's

liiliv nnd Charley C. No doubtulil niaiil' person• from tills city and•hilly •mill iikv In altend the rnces. Theyn lake, tin ]2;01 p .m. express train fromenloii, oA Ihe Pennaylvanla railroad,licit Is <lu| at Itahway at 1:07 and uhlelII hull at1 line (if,te liie'lr'aiITi a ii


iKii.i.m o

Waveily at 1 :C0. Persons onie New Jersey (•> nlral roiul cani whicli leaves SoniervilK1 atand leach Wnverly In seasonIOOII'N sport,

the ltrnijilnill plnce, at Iho Six been, kll ed about fl:?O o'clock by being

over i\l ihe Main sheet crossing of Ihe


t Mr,


TIIK .iKHSltV ('KNTnAI. RAH.-wiis repor I'll late last eveningljii' I-. Hunt, ufarmer who liv

-Key ( buy ivmu hound

id Hallway, in Hie cily ofI was said thai lie w:is ri'dini-il, when he wfis .struck by af N Y k Thifor New York. This mor

u|iig.llio ju'WHsprt'iid Ih'ougli the city, amiei? iildemble concern its to the truth of theni|inrt wits fill bv every one who knew Mr.Hi nt. If wws Known when Mr. Hunt's

i. Isauf, Jl'., who Is a student in the lawce of'. Vail tt Ward, arrived In town.t it \v»s tw porotui*d thlhlHw

iililjpl ^


ld ^persoi| u

n of aliiiutloy t)& Ml Npy

ul to Newlrk vi'

t Mr. Hunt. Hint was killed,however, knew anything be

petyiiiK Hie nfftiir, and U wasit noon that iiuyllilni; moreivd. It is now'known thatled was Peter Murphy, nil oldOOyears, who had been In the

Ifiint for alioulaweek. Hewith Iwo of Mr.

Ill's wnU o l

s lildollvei'RoiiH) brtV. bej

di-ollveiRoiiH) brtV. be heliR iavji pail of his load al thottlables

uttent & C\i.,andtt parliiiprlvnto fiinltlo. Ho wax ox-


piK led to jelilrn to KIIHHIK'III In swwon tolet iin hoijui with the hoitten. At last, notl<ii• iwliift i f iijiv reuson for iln> man'a not)."|i| einaiicji Iu KliMbi'th. tho boy* returnednjiiiu wlljjwit Idmiind 8p"ut tne nlirlit—fj urn loli —I i sllllnir up itwnlllnj} Ids re-

vcrti Hurprianl this morning

o umlcralimil, ft liny wagonnlt'ioliwl ii valuable pnlrof

' 'ho limv-g wore twlly il«m-, tlio i'«« u> enllrtfly ilwnolisliwl, and

iniiu liinlh wnimliwl up.In hut!, f*o flir lift In knownjno frlt'iids ortlvot Iji thl|- vlnlnliy. j

ho ihlti r (iwliod fimud at Inst. Ask' Ifttr " JIOIIKII -OU lltls," It

r»ts,i rottches, flic*, bed

luj'li. Tiltolfciiinliji





of p wfor t i e... Ib* «»)jr[«rf

foubed on Darhl DoogWrty. Ibenuitt wli^ w u ilwtl by Willban(cclomJ), on 8< o icy morabg, the IH|> ofAr)rfl. Hit copilitioil ww| refunded M « Onetjlooj on Bsliirday' itiitt U w u deemedpridfiut to take bis tote-mortem *Uiem*M,wljlch w<ti doie; by W. H. Wilton, thecounty pro#ecu lor off \>WM, wbo came UtItalmay for tl at j ilr|K*B ami look the•tBieraent In tin evening. After the eurgioil >>penilion a dMnng« tube WM iuicrtuiIn (lie wound. i n ( yi^ienliy morning tbeyoung ntftn w u repoiled l<> be more coro-fort»ble limn hvCoriv. liis Mfflihiul, Bletoe,on!Monday was tnktu to EhMl^elb nndlocked uplottw4it.tbe:rc»ullof Dougherty'»injiirie*. ' i ;

t'OtTCXKUL pl|I.K»KATIpS <& A TER.UIBlifclTBAOKDTi-f-An iiinpotiaut bitioricalcelebmllou ocem|«;lo-d.-iy at OaadenhnlU-u,In llie TiMCnrnwjs*.valley, in ei>>ieni Ohio,il i» Hie ttnlenijialanniierHiry of Ibe ma.s-litierti by white juien of nil ely Iudinni—tw||uty-idne men1, twenty-seven wi/intn and(liiriy four children—Wbo vrere converts lotliii' <reed of ibic Jlolaviaa church H enA»%e butchery iviisi ixrjxlratnl nu Ujt24tli of llrt j , 1 Tffi, by an iufuriateil mob,wiiltli was under Hie leadership uf i.neDaTid WilIiuniHon. David Zitsl>erger, IheMotuVinli inisxioiiary, oue of the foundersof the Moravian eolouy at Ikthlthein, Pa.,(\1i\), u mini of rare piety, fuilh mid puriiv,pur»iied his mis'ionary lalxirs nmoijg ifieMonseys and oilier Indian tribe?. 'I'heii,

in later times, tbe while trader-, with i teIndiiins were wicked and unscrupulousmen; and I hen, us .'ifierwardi-, Ihe dem'.nil-iz.uioii of the re<l man was accomplishedIbroiiL'h intoxicating iiquoi*. So early »-•>1772 Zeisberger peneiraltd and exploredHie Muskin^um re^iim. Whole Irib<syielded to ihe fasc-iiiation of his eftijiieuea-and the weight of hi." lirtfiimi-nlii, ami frombeing frenzied brines became so!>er undreusKiQitble ptople. Tbe Moravian mi.s-

kS conliniied lo prosper uulil 17C0. Iutliis year, however., llie Indians .whomZeisberger had been the me.iiis of convert-ing Were nccii-ed of l«.iii^ concerned iu (lieeonipiraey of Punliitc, Ilic Uilnwa ciiief.

10 nlurder the Engiisli garrisons; and, aithough proof wits entirely wantiojr thatihey had auy part in the conspiracy, theywere obliged to suffer Ihe sjine as if Iheybad. TIio^; wbo liad settled on Ibe Penu-hylvmiia border were induced to .give upllieir arms, and marched la Philadelphiaand nought refuge in Ibe military quartersI here. They were followed by an excitedaud angry rabble, who tlirentened to mobthem. Their only friends were Zeisberger.the faithful Moravian missionary, and afew Quakers, who knew what il was to en-dure |>erseeution. For safely the Indianrefugees were removed lo an island in tbeDelaware river, nud were subsequentlyl.ikeu off and conveyed to the Upper Suquehanua icgion, beyond the Wyi^iiinvalley, where Ihey Iliiilt Ihe hamlet cfFViLiletishutleu (Ihe name signifying tbeTeulb of Peace). In !TTO a numtier ofliiese Moravian Indian* seitk'd in ibe Tu>-carawas valley. The new colony wasnamed Gnadenhutlen. which signifies tliTente of Onice. liete .thu sons of theforest, under Ibe inspinltiou of the devotee!Zt-isberger, led lives of quiet industry andfrugality. They tilled Ibe soil ami turnedthe founts into lields of waving com, andfor a period of ten years enjoyed uninter-rupUtl peace. In 1781 the linlish in-citwl a lKnly of Dehtwdre and WwmdilkIndiiilis against Ihe colony, and it wasJirokon up, ils inhabitants cinried lo San

lusky aud ils icauhers lo ihe British Lt-ad-ijiiaritra al Detroit. Stauding com hadlieeu left iu Ibe lields at G'jiade hutieu,nud a party of the Moravian Indians returned lo harvest it. it waa just nt tbi^nine dial the family of a while settler onthe frontier was riiurriorvd. mid Ibe Mora-vian lodiaus wery accused of aiding andaliening the pcr|H.'lnitors of the crime.Williamson now came upon tbe secue withbis hand of white, murderers. They pro-fe»ed friendship Tor die Indiau-i andnoiniwd to cotuhiet them to a place of.afety, ou condition that Ihey would stirrender their arms. When they had (toneIbis Hit purposes of Hie while men SOJIIbecame munife-.!. • Thoy made llie Indiansllieir prisoners, botiinl them hand and font,cnuliiied them in several of their IIOUR-S,

nd held II council of wur In determinewhat disposal to jnake nf them. Thedeath of nil w:is (hftenuined, but there wa?it diffen'iice of opinion as lo Ihe inixle tobe adopled. It Was pni;xist(l ut first loCO..line them li< IWo of The linger build-ings and lo set Ibu structures ou lire andburn the Indians to . death. A secondproposition was lo tomahawk them and lo.ike llieir scalps; and this mode of putting

lliem in death was the oue decided U|M>II.The poor crvntures were made acqiininlcdwilb the le-ull of Hie council; hul, un-lellcrvd as lliey Were, Ihey |)iepaiud |omeet tbuir death as t'brisliiins—land did so.The morning following Ihecoiincil wnstheline lUul upon for'eanying imnexecuiiou

ihe bloody design iu;rivd upon. The Iu-liuns spun! Ihe uigjlt iu mnyer nnd iu sing-

ing liyiiina of praisei and enonlinigid outmother to face death with Christian forli-Hide. A,i Minrise thcshuighlerhad beijun,nnd il wit- eoiiiiniiei) until fill the lndiun'-were s nip. The 1114-11 and Ojdei' boys hadbeen ronflurd in OIK) liuiise, thelvoineii nndchildren In another.; Such Was the horriblescene tbjit is comijujinnrah'd to day iuOhio. Zcisbcnici'ciijiiJMiel tiUUlKir amonghe iuiliuiis, nud nfjci n lupsu of sixteen

yens some of lliem rotUrneU lo llie valley

11 Ihe Tibcawains but only lo lem.iin for1 i.hort lilnu—for th(i intlux of while nunnlo Iho 'i'ltiou was 1(MI ^reat tn permit lin-ed men |o remain, ind they, wen' foicedo wilhdnnv. They! went ilrsl to CanadaHid afterwards to "(be Mi>Mvi:|n missionMallon In the .MiniMvcst ( now tvilhin theiHirdl'rs of Ihe Slale of ivaiisus). ZeisWrgiTvniimduL' his liilmri among; them until his;leiilb iu 1S08.

The siory of the njiissncrc.wastlirillinglytold by a correspondent of the Kew Y01KHtmtd, in the is»u«4f that pn|t«rr lust 8«itiir-

ny. From lhat lellier Wu iiitve drawn thefacts narr»ted itbovej


((iontlnunl fjro'm April ij.

LXXlM.—An net to providefor the licensing mjd regulating of milkdrillers ami their a^eius: Ptovidini; thatil shall Iwi law fill fof tlieeoniinon eouiieilor other governing |Hnly'of. auy city. Incor|M)mtwl bnit>ligh.i|Hillce. tenilary or impniviiiicnti c.immissijm, incorpomted campmeeting iiHsociatiou 6r se;isii|e wsort !•> upiiililt milk in.i|RH-toi-;

fix their jstvlaries, ipiini'ipiilit tu «s;vnlsmilk. Vicilalion ofIng I lie miultersiiliiii

, lodeliiKud Usils

their duties,licensi's to

llgaged in thetlm Slate low regard-i>f milk i$ to sutiject

the offeiider lo tlio Ifoj-feit of bisnnd bo in ;to tic delkurvtt for H jHTi'vl ofiwo year* from epguL'iug in Ibe auilk lmsiHi's.*, i ;

CltAFTK*. LXXV.L-SupplfUHint to thenet of Mireb U7, 1815, respecting Hit1

roiirl of Hnincery. Providing ineliiinecry nulls wbrn any <l«)rw o» iiotiw,of tbe |H'inU'Ucy of vhicli noiiit" i-liullIlled in ibekitliec of tlio clerk of the courtof common; plvus nr t f ibe registvr of deedof any cmOly, elmll ->.nve lietfn paid, s;iiisfitnl or jvtf)>rmwl, or ibe mailer shall batebeen settled lielweei tbe pall it's to suchIlils, tbo jiiltuls mid tal estateafteciw)| by»,ich stilii jind mem ouetl in such umios

fhiirgiti o!romplnini«) iinuu'in

u t n onil e»|u|tlcM i»-t up inin iiiil t-uil. by ibe

d f b

I« dlHie bill oi p yentry on ll«) iinuu'in of Ibu |rec<>rd of Ibenotice of llit) |K'iideiuy of.sudi suit of f«tiufHCIlun will (Hsclmrj v, wbicli Mti»ftictioo«nd dl«cb4rg« sliall b i eaterwl by tbe party

«_nnt atIpwtr «»•;>

of Udgneatt. .Vt—AD aet;ti>

to «n net loof pawic BMneAm: ifroT

iL. tbe dull i4 Jerk (A

,— - C^jfMJl I d I |^«*V »- '9 9 * ^ ^1 'HUB h ^ h H • - • fHH

\*mir\, keq tati 6kmch Mien ju d p« i-na* (lie IMUI I dml dirctt, ocAifyr, b* * |«e»--"- l'-' •'— -'—alnl at lax to be t» «rd, f«odKM-(of ibemake to inn

l i k of this seme

r timlibe; tk-cli<,

Cn. inxu

\nk tbaa 5,(100 h laiib ifit-# corrercooddkii of the

l lax to b t» f d /report of tbe| < ooii

b A d f ireport of tbe| < ooii *oo«cb«A', cod ft ie-JTe for

ki bf

cwopeDMtkiod lboohl timll i a l l # ; and ni*> provlip

kilaJI Me



ioeacii di.-tr^. tM the Tuesday o^ (be waekfoll^winj; ll e ajinoai town niettipe.

LXXVII.—Supplcijiijut U

iiemeanor puniiiubit by a fii|!;mi<r(Mhan f 104 or iraprisonmefitIdx/r for n'jjt i.lpie than oue }'

acl to prole 1 l i e property of icd de»iJinking iht inalicioui or "wilful ]wlluli_-of Uc iu fro it of the lands of persons 1 ariu^ 'vx lioiLwJ or tLe dtstroctj'.n of bil'<ol* or oshor pmperty of per^jijls tag:m jffiiilitilnj,- |nd ttonng ia», a

ofB t b




3 4 M a i n S

Don't fail to k


Jn>t lece wed, a full line pfj

in all cftl'LACES, FEATHERS, F



K nnd shades. ;FtoWEKS, AXD RISBpgS

A full line in 01


vc-s, Hoiiery aijdl Fau<

To every purchaser of

Dry &Fc4ncy Goods.

F I R S T —Til find an establishmentwhere then: is iin'aisoriraeot thst willjiu-able you to find e-strtly what you wunt.

SECOXD—Wl>en the same is found t<.procure it at a prkij thp.t catino: \n beaten.To obtain the abcivj-considerations i visi;to tho !

EMl'tJRll M OF I

DAVID STRAUS,035 & G37j Broad Strtef,

S, X. i.i> necessary, and If'not convenient to paya persLinal vi-it, write for samples uf wb:t.yon require find wr his Illusvntled! Cata-

.', which will ije cheerfully teat.; TheCatalogue e'mtaiup I'Vcry detail of bisiruam-inolli ir>t;tblis-.ihielil| in regard to pii(fr anddescription oj gli^ls. Thev st-lt ' D a *Gingliams nl 10 clsj per yard; Wofll-FillulC'a~hmtrt.-al 12j c|s. [>er yard; Buiitiugs•it b, 10, li;C- nn|l i upward"* to the vtrjtilled _o.-<t>; di'UJile width I3!:ick C;tsi'-

i-n-s ;.t 2~i cis.; 11 inch width alljwooi4<i cis. p-.T y.inlf l>e-st quality CriiK-bei

C'Uulerp:tnes »t W e t s . ; yood I'aliiji), 4j(18 per \ard; ,'pkai

p pG ods from Ul toSilks, Moirv Aiiiiqtu-j..

li<l line of Fancyet5 (H-r yjinl; Su

well av;m iuiuienH-

; u .Silks ui-

variety of all-wi«.|l fineDress Gew is at ihr same proporlioiii iuprice. "• ' !



^ sr. Kin, «3.

H4 U 1


IU>« now pC-irivu, !u Killjr»; nsfhtu-.c ci Ml»ultsNe In. J^tku. J-li!

r ru--.ii:. to u» «|)J|


b-l»!xjut tvci-thiriUetsr offcrwl.

BROADWAY, ccmer 19th StiNEWVDRK.

A WK5K. #1* ._CwilyOalil £n»*.



. V. Snyder &- Co.,727*721 BHOAD 81,



The largestDftY GOOpS STORE


Finest ant Lawn ft «U«k «CiooCiIaOie

EVERYTHINGUsually found in a first-cUss

Dry Goods Store can

be found,




Adjoining the Poa Office,


UCRATIVE EMPLOYMENTUrn llu winter ta Urailot diitltot V07lsi£e retcia for conpartijTclT Lttle Ub

PLATS TO LET.—At ibe C•*• IIoiiK—tliret sets of apartmenU of fivirooms ia eiieli set, suiuible for miiil fsiniiyois, Hatiouary w_sli tubi, wi'er dosfcl5,t:cKeat $13 acd $10 per month.





All grides of c-arpeti are thorough!}CLEANED scd AIRED by our new andimproved luuchitte.

By leaving your order al the Xew Jertf}Eiprvsj they will call for, aad return you.-carpels ihe time (Liy free of charge, as «i|«y express eh:-.rg. s both ways. Il vriil b<only DC<Wi-n' to hive them tied up.

F*rice List.

rXGRAlX AND THIIEE PLY, 4 ctj. f«r jiri.BRISSELS, 5 '• " '•ALL OTUEBS, 6 ' -






BUl f fAV, N. J.

' I 1 T V \ ORGANS. IT $:(%*.. 5 S -:. x i i o (jo i j t a xut^us it<ti», cai»

AJitrtfJ Ditiiel k' B.-jiity, Wi-hir^nna N. J



CLOSlNu « UTwioter e:c<V at preaUj re<Urcd pricte, fcr


\l? co-t jrivv.

JlfcT KFCKIVED!A iifw lot c>r )>!«» C<HXI". foch •» CLOTHS,



TIUMMING^A rill Un cf Gait rarslsiiii Grcft

h a? EUuo F'-iriH-l aiiil Far.ct flhiru. WhileSbutJ, iVIIiiT, Tic*. Sovk», Uosivrj.Ac.

BAGS, SATCHELS OF ALL KINDSAuy thins: not in f.ock will Iv ordcrti.1 at

tliort imtief.

Sj)«x'iiil attention p v p n to

0Rl>ERED WORK;ill oat svx»!» CIT »rd MADE In ourPirnP'.JW

REJ-AlIllNU. ALTKUINO aad CLBAN1NO< >M hi lie Shop, al




Oor. Milton Ave. & Broad St.Iu additiou tu our usual stock of Fine

Oroc#rie*. we tiavo lniroduc«l n New Arti-cles of Flour, niyiiufneturtil frtiju the eutirewheat. Mil would rvcwuincml il to thosewbo us* Graham Brvad as Uiiug finer ofits kiuvl tlinu aDvtliiugherctoforeoSert^ inUib murfecl. Also U*t quality offe qy

rJATENT FLOUR,vartosu liruiuls. Together with a goo*l

-ix of



- Hutter and best


Frwh C'ountn- Hutter and best TubButter, i

**>.*r w«*k na h» o U k

. e . W . 1N&UHAM

ii/ i i iDvV, , - / . •







Cal and; Examine my Stock

ilLLEPt143 MAl


. 1;



for Yourselves, at


V V. J.


Office at th^ ICTatiohal Bank.

it for i iHOMEiNSUBAKCE C0MT|4.K^ of p "" "1

New York, I; ji 13,000,000 00-16,390,3.52 0FEBE ASSOCtATTO>f of PhilideJpkU, 500,000 00— 3,779.806 $1LANCASHIRE INSURANCE C0MPA- f '

NY of Manchester, England] 1,000,000 00—Paid op. !BOYAL INSURANCE O01CPA_rT, of

Lirerpool, ! i 10404J69 40FHEMX INSURANCE COJfflPAKY o.

Brooklyn, N. Y_ ; | ] • ] 1,000,000 00— 2,735,654 10

A cc=JcjuKiaa ef cf irvm.I \-ntrii

- — . • . • • - .

QESTLDtCS: 1 txn ««4 0 c lUm ia t*t*iy-4re yean ia »***i *t* uTf t T„ yeara ta «rfwy 1I_JT Toxic dc«. la u n a npcTtdtftcd coadtoca o.'th* titxL tl i a ttal tart kaSol xme «/littrtuKjr. I prtseitb* It UMI>_1U_T_J»_»IICLIU;


C O i . <t3 IL MAM ST. ST. LOUii.



Parker'sGiingpr Tonic

'"m ciw/L y-»y>_ f, tt-*»r jit. 4-ui B X T cJa^ ci tic

k Trz._'e Cert.

- IttJtrtr ^







lail) NEW YORK.

lire.A.Saennin s nielhtxl

rz*xe* ir-9:.-t- T t

i .

Its RcliffaadCtrtts frrtJin »v -.VThh r*leti fitiM tk* dtsc^ra 0/ •*.H< CTUI -Jpioof ftx»M KBd Wctstf ftr hu t t ik . Lost

Bttt ofTnx« ctflrr h :n

ot«K», d<»lror <twnr« rtd •». N. V,. a» Wtltnl B: .j J'bli

To the Citizens of Rahway; NOTICJJ:.

THE UKDEBSIGtN'iSDWishes to inform the puWJil tl|_l 1

HAS REMOVED HIS BUS NESS. To the Store formerly oc

! Philip Bravru <U

I 151 & 153 MAIN ST• Where h« i* {vrpartJ tocajilrvoM' "



SPECr.AL-1 sk.i wthe citiBfto tli*l I n ill Ute Ihi

b l|b« Sprinif. si ore t^ntwin, aad put ;hl

tlotruroom,tbe f 0*of (ur

tbe nun cf | 9it$njiadou'leratbc:

«mi heaters fur llihaTJny set-un\1 a 1 x«pirct«m1 tu du ll |

jroy I^JC." to rt'i






jp El

ndiinery of nil II

! I Vr.H.«!B


STONE CHltj FRj Kltbeir PlaitI 1 I i





a a 4 T A B L E




or Gilt.

LICA WARE.fell Us* e-f





STOVES with ut«j_l a c>al ;U>ve canWill

without Iyaltm; 1'ie


U»«I(U ofO|»t jj


KM T, C*Wtt^j5Sf.MO P. 0, W«H#r, wurtS i Tb«.W. (

W Tt'^Bf 11 ^-JUUI i f



All Hindi of (jhwmfnti D»wit* iratnoM •rill dispute!tiptm «t lotreaFrttib priec*

• l lUt-tf ;•






DBS W . H . W l . W tiWO, W,JUUl,«mrt,'*W J. J. Ci>«jr, kfcort

MS/ K.K,B«H«},fo»rt.... . . . .* » P. W i l y £ « ! •4fll A. H. Wnbdwr 7brt403 O.Molfofd, brMgM.7KHV.Virrr, bridge*«HWta«HWro.tankm, BtW««.«B W, C. Ararsj bridfM408 Allwrt Hwtim, t*Mf*.4OT J O H« b«SbrM««4OT J.O, H«8 A,HUl i g««K. Peach*, Bruges;410 B.V, UwferW/, oourt411 H, J. Btr»tri»i«j«r, Jr., wart412 AmotMufllucourt . . . . . . .418 T,W.HIo«n ( conrt.414 1) j»cVic*r,<o«rt.415 do • do418 Ocotte GoAlfIIf.couii... .

YYhkt "'' "''mY.Yiua.hk41» I>. Jit Tollrt,m J.O.Moore,1 brTtfgs*.<U\ J. M.C.Mahb. bridge*m Jtrau. McK4n«ii, bridges , . . . . . . . j . . ! . . .4X1 W < m l l * C * t » i d g w ;

PUt tM

vet worrwi • 141.. unuxn4*4 W, f, Ajrersi bridges ;4 « F. L. Bird, buildings4 » II. (;. Wllllsint, buildings«<7 N, K. Thompson, UelldTugst » J*«il> Ilmciilaelier, ballJiligs.. .J»» F, Illlibllt*, bridges.1

4W Thou.Tertlll. Jr., iaJwy1SI J; I/, (.'rowelI, sa lary . . ' . . . . ,m P.M. OIlh'Kitjr. salaryJ5S W. J, TUompfon, merabera' | » y .4SI C'.W. h. Martlne, mrmbt-ra' pay.434 Titos. V inylb, members'pay,, . ,436 W. II. Meeker, b u l l d l n e j , . . . . . . .4*7 J. 0. Coddington, M l l d h g t . . . . . .«H 1'. glierldao, mcidcllaJs 1'4i» I'. Ii .Oilhix)l/ , it ieid8ntsJ«.. . . . . . .440 ('. W. t . Msrt,tiejcommltt««tipttiS«..441 B. V. Oro«ell, committee expe i iMIli C. H.Hdimldl, publication.. . .443 Thomas Ttni l l , Jr., coroners,44-1 DavidiLeefcOli,coroners'...!. .445 J. N. Meeker, brldcM440 Adato <it-rl«:K,brid(jes.,. . . . .417 II. J^mWrdiug, bridges.448 H. Krpnse, bridges44U400 .4M J. E. Man«h, jail


i •

<ULTRYiNGAME- 1 •• ' I •' - :

Grand Srccl, ,J.

$500 REWARD.



H«U nljradybfren Boll 111

country andI Fran;

tbltlWDtoilho tffllettd

if bknd


Ttutthetpast! 'BackDlaAtlor i ofCat irrh olIn 110 JIn fftct



CHIana uc!Ics.O:tho *,i llrlnitlm 111


TliillO' CHW

MniW, Timnentlr mvet, D I » D C I «ncv«, InctinIndnmatloi

dor, High I•(oh,*, R«rv . ,

i f tho B)4dilrr|on vivted bj

iKSjif:Leue- ii. or iny

' O


•allowjnijni.israusn tdlpl'



Rotee,• I W O

B£8 BY«t for I'ltd

JY PAW, *_ . . . , , s e n d »*(wtnhu mall,

- . - . .Qul lmts tie's 1if Lumbago In throi

ir threv yosriami often Ientirely and

of, OnUmeUe'l


f Wof>i auiq|t nn-


of Wof/atillraetWkn»w I am iJ11ROMK,T|

Jam w*n COMtixl, with Leud

on» of.ior«.

V, SB • •m

Jvi'ry nil-h lias}fllCt H


.'fanned twrt-levety time "


i > «



hngO.»y , l«iul








|1T ON.LMKTTB'8,o iklifr. Ifwill roccko




ii*-.rn M In-


IOOI ont cited

ttsatsrrclii o/y relief


Hind! • ' •



»Bil In

'. CUllMSTti'S

wp»|l»t ano



£cr, ltm!ui*,'D!»S,lv4HHIjin*ch«ii*

iidlfcrj'*c i)|

NM.'W**^**"-;uidtI'SDRtfCl H *


IM J. E.•fW J. II.4M J. K.4M K. L.


Urlcr, lUutb.JiUbldjkl i M—

457 Ii. K.1* Ii. F. 'r'harber i C o . , J a i l l j . . .4W K. C. (Marsh, Jail i . . .JiK A. N.TOmblc, jail L . . .400 T. B. holltb, jail >...401 E. U. Putnam, jail4<B W. C. Baker, Jail4C3 Ward * LaMott, JaU4H J. J. 6gd«).ljail •.)...460 CIL Hpmnrcll,)>!l [.j . . ,400 McL'laud & McUralb, Jail407 Hiidelirant 4 Tnrubull, ja i l . . . .40>j J .K.Butler, jail .;.

'uhn Voorhtt*, jail, JIson, bridge*vie, bridges!Nicboll,T>nildlng»....\..t} su, elections

k Jioirtu, election*.lolf pamper, elections

470 E. Do]471 M. Dt47i G. K.473 P. J . ;474 Juttul475Mra.l470 A. £ . IMortia. elections477 L. ¥iiv, ek-cllons :47H JabedMarsU, ejections..iTV \V. S.ICbnmbcrlln, eleetlons..480 Geo. C. Ford, elections481 Cli.TTyckofl.ek-c'lioiis f..4S2 Tiioe.iTillim, elections .'4SJ F. St«in, electionsm J. Bnrk. elecdons485 J. W.'Dederick, elecUoni480 E. P. Becbe, elections487 Ovorge Stead, tlcctlons4S8 J. BJ-'omeron. elecMons489 H. W; Fclton, elections490 A. B.iCranc, elections4M Amoi( Betfleld, elections4».' CharlU Stcll, clectiODs493 T. D. Crosson, electionsi'A D. O.:rrm8ton, elections485 J. I). Tnusler, cieoUons i..490 S.B-PRj-no, elections. J497 Gco. E. Sichols, elections .14'J8 C. WI Smith, elections4'J9 Geo. A. Towi.ley, elections I..500 F. Hj Franklin, elections iMl P. AJ Frohweln, elections J508 1. JLiLittell, elections.503 A.S.iBryer, electwns. . .'M 8. flj Fanlke, elections5(K P. T.i Wood, elections500 8. RJBarnell, elecUoni.507 W. Earle, electionsM8 W. D. Bigelow, electionsa » W. I t tianlintr, elections.510 F . D . Morse, elections....'511 Waller Jlnrpby, elections513 John Meeker, elections513 Thomas Robin*, elections514 Arthur O'Brien, elections.515 W. F. BinEbam. elections516 J. ('• Sweeny, elections.517 G. F. Dennmtoii, elections51» J . J . Hralth,elections ...SIS H. Geker, election*W0 J. N. Hyde, elections531 J. A. Biker, electionsy S James Conner, elections523 A.M. Woodruff, elections524 J. A. Baker, elections . .K5 A. J; Htadley, electionsM6 A.M.Carat, tleclionjji7 R. W. O. Vaudovere, eleetlons.. .MS I'. I,. Uuglii'i, electiotisWJ L. M. Wlutaker, e lec t ions . . . . . . .» ) ('. K. I.cvf rrdnr, electionsMl \V. Kuylor, t-uctions , t\\i .M, Itripin, elecllotir. ...'5t3 8. IIoiiKlon, elections, /.iH4 J. MtUhif, dec Ions/.',(a."> A. J, Ilulidny, elections ,.Mill (f. (-. Milkr, elrctlotis,VI7 \V,JI). Ftajce, fUclioniJS8 1>, | I . Mf(.'o), o fmlmts . . ,Mil O, !II. (tali n,' elections540 Gtxirgi- O«s»ldy, electlnm..Ml 11 M. Itotltfctii, elections. . . ..'iii! J. tj. Illrliardv, eltH^ons...,',1.1 (i. f. Jv<n-», i-lfctions:>H J. I). Miller, elretloiisii(G ('. tr/KiYiirli, elections•m I', It', ]{aiidol|>li, ctiTtloiis...M7 ,1.1|, rhef«i)i», flections.. .VIS L. H. Whllukt-r, elections..54UT. I1, Nolati, elrctionafcfl I., llarrlck, elections561 J.J:, Pi'|p», (Irctloifs.Vil) A.-1. Tnjlur, Flections ,653 AiMi" Mr.(llll, eliclloLs....:AI J. M. VowiOier, eliclions..!M J«n)t'» Mtrrltl, elections....fkVi 0 il, l.coimrd, elKtlonsM7 II. f. Terry, «lecilousIW F. Jlanil, electli usM9 M.W. Thorn, rlfelli'iisMM L. ]', Wadnnortli, elections'M I),' V. Ogtlen, rliclloni. . , .fitlj II. luwnrd, fletilons . .OT Itultnav Bavlngs Ititlllutloii, (lections..501 \V.!8. Nor, I'lt-ctluus • 'MS J. J. Wiml, rlreilun)'.. .,MJ0 thitrlia llrxkc, clectloni..,,;07 Muffltl, electionsm Mary Ilalnam.tlections....>M'i Crawrll Jiotel, election,M0\V. !J . Oeery, el*tlons..671 W.Jv N « , t-fecMonii473 J .C . Roll, elections;>78 O, A. Moont-y, tk-cllons574 I,. Smith, elections:.7B W, tjcbuonhoven. elections17« J, Vatl.ekttton*577 Jamts Dukes, elections,„»... .578 F. P. Bulman.elrcilons.r?.....570 J. A. Hallday, elccllo.-is[.•() It. B. Gray, drctionsm V, W.,Sections;...,W \V, Klmmerniin, eleclloniW II. Rlmmerm»n, elwtion".v-1 H. Kiirsn. ckctlont583 J. II. Kelinlg,elKtlons,,. ,m I. (1. Angus, election!587 i.V. Kllnr. dectiOM.,;:w L.Scliwfd, nlpctlons,5»i J. Van Winkle, «l«tl4n»5U0 T. J. ailllr*, tlrcl'OUil501 J. it. Hunti, erections j t518 \V. \V. Porrlrtl, eltdlins [,..,..5U3 Hchool pimrlot No. t, cltctlotu. j;M i. lUniirr,I'lKtloiui... , . . .! , , . . . ,s » l ! , lioync. dtictlons {,'81X1 W,: if,'»:lo»fi oectlpn* '.V<? K. Booktionl,*lcctlons J.. . . . .W8 1. P. Banker,'»leclloni,.,., ; . . . , ,MXI B, K- Adams.Jr., flectl n s , . . . . , , . . . .fiW Jolin V«orbtt», kl l iofti W.M.Mnl ofd, jail ,004 11. K. * K. B. Tfmtber A <.^.,}U03 J. t . Hammlll. kllfl04 T. O. Ward, Jill. . . .003 j , $ , Marsh, Jail.,J0*1 W.Tl. Tnrker. Jr., jail007 T. Sclnrtlltn, Jail...«08 T. B. Smith, J»ll i...WO CluirlwltummHI, Ja.ll . , . ,(lift McCkMid « ilcOrath, Jail... j . . .oil B.O. Putntttf, Jillfll« llllilt'brant ft Tnnibull, Jail8W A;N, TrlwWf.lall814 A. (I. Woodward, bridges,,.BIS M.W, Mulfofd, b.ltlgw . . . .mai l , Umctidii)*; brtdtfM

01»Mf. V«u IV

tSI JMtvi McKornin,0*1 w, Jfc Korw * Bro., pibltatlwi ..

'ridtFlulon UlbblU, Jri4«a. .'IW4 Kltlton II bWM, brMgw,,, .

. drncklachdr, balR

C. lUnk, earn...

b a x rmia 1 Ijnzxn

ten Jdm (siiiaiwtiBr-,Ht Thom»»Co)l»l»B,

W«fl.!R.VlBo.brt<lc» : 8 ffi*—-^T.iD--. *J*L. Cwum9n

nt, coami!tu<"eipeBK«OH m U. BritnL mtmbtn' pay...

l.'L. CrnweH. tecidenul

ii »*»T larf ELS X; r.

4iJB, BMrtftt, bolldlne-...~ iaoerh Of Co., tniwim...

K. Tbomnoa. biiWinfi. k far teinte ds* the antityBdBJBai O3-JtF] Ii

dp Xoae Cxat^a


s%il aiie stji:. far jsar?, aiett j « r art S*^« t*48 ** s JT^

«/> torn. &u s%ilp , *971 ThfUnM ColUhin, court.mqP BW MT C bmq,P. BWce MTf Co

ivmtb. *dV. to NbeiiS1IM K L Bwrtll, WAp*.. . . . . 1

Cwirrr CiAxmmmtEiUaidk tia* J 3 u r « r i

i r t » fMi <mr;i'n'~iiiri w tie «C30 6 JIC Ogdca. JillMW bJB7 EfiPnunra. j » i l , JS»A,?>TriiDWe.J«iL.. report of tfc< ntinyu

tr of ruoa M a KBOd C1»ri« Rommel. Jail0 H K A B t

Msyl Vm:to\Mtj*,&il* rttvtcUitm of Sh* .Viliot-iJ


J601 H K A B F Thurtm-1 Co,

of ES-zArfih lot Utoux toe AThorau B Smith. JailjJCld A Jil

JIBS jJrClood A MrOntb, Jail

B V rjl »_•- a^aj

OM BOK«I» Vuulrrpool,O M

rer,lom»T..<,3rM 57S25

K p ,(OS Oeorje HetM. brMge*.

9 S B l096 S Bonnell. elecllOTsCOTHJone*. J r , eleei ion*Q » H O ' X l l u nm BOSeal,

I Houland. elections 15 uOWO Jbbn Chandler, eltclions 10 SO

jwt 4 f lit Fit ZJLT. * <!'<:». -•701 Oi!T of £iiz»betb.t2175

a375 0062 Ml648

nm» Clark, jr., ri

A Halford, eirttionsUktt'Pe»»*, schools



TOT, W N Pingbon), courtg ,Itatld Mtflford, court.

I H -.5 : ' LUl L Lltria:_;r-. runt t s l i cIff)'SI Hirper, court-7 0 fl P

p710 Oflver Pince, court7 C A C l711;C A Cornwall, coart . . .712! John Keron court12! John Keron, court

H i718 PH Gilhooly. o.nrt.714 T F McConnlck, coart

O n l y «"-3 P e r B e d , i

715 Ja- J Cary, conrt716 Tbom« Terrill Jr corOEers Iii^rsss da* frcm Uil*4i^ Hi« I.

•- . •• - E_xih|;'.k ls'«. :


y,716 Tbom« Terrill, Jr., corOEers717 E L Meyer c o r o n e r s ;

Iupa as foilotrs:

ayfl. Cs-'

, J17, E L Meyer, coroners—;18 K J S j718 K. J Strautneyer.jr., c

718:11 3 Siritfniejrer. jr., c« E I

(Kayfl. Cs-'b onhaJdj ,EIJII A Cook, uridj«J h V P l t b lTil J»hn Van Pelt, brvlges^

TH 1 W A i d d PoU c grctii arc! b-.:4Ca-'icc

1 W Atleridge, bridges..J b Kli bid

mz; f^rt;-:- s^rs^ajj iia tri 4. Cuh la1*1....;.

g gW3; Jacob Klioe, bridge


724 Clarence Cook, bridges?C iW C M i b d A- SiAt-'.'LV. !

1 Sl iest . . iUi.'Ji'. N.

g?C iW C Manrin, bridge7M P F bd

g7M Peter Fnua , brtdae*7*7 Charles Drake, bridges Xet iiililit-a aj th« eciitj. . ., g728 €barles Drake, bridcea MALARIA72$ Jamet Res ey, bridges..

Dyspepsia ! HyCURED! !

15 00 730 A: Klein, brluires15 00[ m Port A McCord. bridges.

g783 A. 31 Clijtoc, bridgts734 Job V F l b d ni T B Smith,

•17 lahn btharaien.

g734 Jobn Van Felt, bridges7S5 W M h b i Apepsia! \ j Ape FEVEiUND AGUE

One Bottle of

I. C. Monroe's Remedy,Without the u^e of Ouiniue.

g7S5 Warren Msxeh. bnip« .736 W R k l d

p736 Win. Rankle, bridges737 il D l d Jl9 U&nl & LuqoUe

IB) (lus Rammel.ei Joho Vo .\a Hili-Lnct & T-ai

g737 il. Doyle, bridges7!8 J h K

y , g7!8 J»hn Ktron. com. expenses789 S M

p789 8 S Msp<r», com. e i740 J G Cidmuf, com. ex741 » 8 Robert*, com. e i742 J B F l H

,42 J B Farley. cooHy

743 B B Ryder, eoort744 St & R l d

y744 Stacy & Reynold;, coart745 Th F t h S h i f f er B:»bcth Ga CM,

y y45 Thomas Foreyth. Sheriff, court


748 Henry Pfandef, eocrtW til ottr oc^ itu

Kit* IK Sum. brl Ri-i-lof

jA W i l c o x , b r i d p i i s . . . . . . .

S J747 W R Wilson, coart748 N K Thompso bi ldi48 N K Thompson, buildings

WABKAXTED A SUBEj . , . I i i : . , - . - , 4 i I1'lltu LI M.S JBli'tlUtJ,''

p g749 Jacob Bmcklnciier, building*750 R e * Willi b l d l

W 11 W Hmdricks

i33 TV Tooker, court

g750 R e e v e * Williams, boildlngs..751 M D W l b i l d j l' (itii<-u

i u Tut i fv .

751 MD Wilson, bnildtngs7 4 J R U

g754 J. R. Uargtn, building?753 F T h S l b i l d i

g53 FThSel, b

Iwige, publioition55 Cook! 4 Drake, publication56 C o k & H l l b l i *

Si W E CUrk. BOD« II F B*mil,«7 f A BackW. nttdi

P Tconus McCartW0 ES Atxattr,

1 E L Meyer, incid^.i Antkooy Steia,Hi E O Chimb^blIH4 K W P«»eUs M W Mcltonj,)>10 3 W Hiuhw, tddWTTW Sloan, tsxsiIHS FonJiStiks.

•3^.t4:c-:of ApcI*U. i I !

Dr. &un«! W. AitUs cf H:« Y«« Bae t ^ wifeDe of tt* aor»Dr

a a

, p356 Cook & Hill, pablicatton...*.J k I. C. KOKROE & CO.

pJ57 Cook & Uall, pablication.558 J W D "SPITED!

p558 J W Dnnn, stationery759 J W D i

, y759 J W Dtmii, e ationery100 T& T i l J


, y100 T&om&s Terril.. Jr, fjlary76 I LI L Crowell, inc dental

03 W R Melick, members' psyC3 Gaorge W Doty m e b e V

Lite PL.:Pri« $ 1 [ « b*:i>

, p y1C3 Gaorge W Doty, members pay

tt> S Mspes m e m b ' ptr vnu u**x Biiau , m m e n s e S a l e s . B c y $ W a n t c d .g y,

tt> S Mspes, members' ptijrU S b i iJj i ! ,lCunry Kroos, bridges .:U i L b d i b d

^)3 E P EU«MT1S & t|ty g

UiLamberding, bndgea...\V L

t(05 \V 8, coroner

769 W !Ei'ols,corooer*.*...,

7 W

Itunjon & Leotufd!»t Cook i Ball,

N03 M.W.MalforJ.b:fs t VaiHjopt


N Haryer, courtN K Tbonjt*on,N. KW B Tack tr JimH C Vi'illumJ, U

BBoJj]Eltubtth Wit

atl*MutA M CUjton,M YauBe. hruli^l" n ti Kitrnan,F.S IUclut"rd». brltiJohn fvnii'twllj

A t 170 3.JjniinUlfinJac

' Hat* ami

770 WO Butler, 1 lections.,7 8 9 V771 8 9 VariaK, elections


r-\rm INSURANCE to.773 Ja&e* O'Ktil, elections773 RJ Manb. elections

,4 OeorxeH Caio, dwtiohs"5 Jame« Farrww, election)*76 WHSmilti,elections...L77 P H Guuu, eleitvous» W F I ) j y , bridge* . . . J .

Tb F h d

. 60U. 10 60


. 800


all R>!J tlirjy i-lii;

CLOTHING Eat s-liu-|; Uvtiii-.

j y g779 Tbw For»yih, adv to Sheriff80 Jatoes Gale, coroners


. baiidlnn.

' 81 E B Criue, corOtiers1BJ Abn Van HnQiei,, corcroera^

83 C A Corasall, coroners' ;84 Je«» A Oakley.corotiers . . . .SB W A C U r k - c o i o n t f i . . . !

88 1 0 Thoma*, coroiers . . . . :K7 David Woodruff, coroners.88 JLCrowell. saluiyH9 Hugh Holfrt, coronersDOTWSloon, conn. . ,

W II Rait, court.... „.•J rt

M C ACwunall.cimrt.94 W F Van llotiten, court

Wra Kiini*. courtrafi IV HS«lt, conrtW7 C AddifonS«ft,iourt 1.

W N P«iigb<m.courtJ M O Maish. couil

WO Oonild VcVicar, court..a)l K II Furdlum, court.

K.' T cOKMll OFWe often give- (>• tUt'K mr.-. i-.liitRS givt- tn tr.ut'.J1?

But wbtu ytiu co:ui! tl-« liuy i Lit. [IK.' S.:ULtiU 50

75010 5(19006 009 W

l ino14 509 Mi6 009 00

10 19


Ww i. rC W I. Martfiw,S 8 Manes, mtn

ik R-tJ L Cixtwrfi,

• . I " ' ' i t . W - . l . j . : , . | , ;

• • - • J : J : . : : . I . ; i . : . "

lllUMlTi.lU.-i.:KB Aniifc M<ifftt, court

G TV Ihjit.ciimti. W,Eli»

K ,6M-TS'in Wal-l., rontt

J J Cary, courtES ntnatir, connJow|>h Don v»a. ,

l Cha« J Smith,court..


TORP .all

ANTr mtJ.. JK XI hicb. Jail .Mti'liMid 4 JIcOHscliil r .Var?h

I 4 UMottiJ II Iliuuntl). JiII K 4. KII Ibu•> iulita.nlHiU^lniiT B Smith, J* I

0 M W MuliMd.BO

u) Joitn iktumlie3 J Frfl»a^!»-1 Cilv i.t Kliubetb.

110 WmiBunls, eonrfIll TV 11 Wilson, conrt»4 TboJ Mc('*riy,cnij.t.

Th TV Slj

U3 ThW TV Sloan, cimrt..4 Th J T l l J t

j r «nber. *«ci»r ip-.ntts,

| l l3 ThW TV Sloan, cimrt.....

14 Th JT^mll, Jr, court,..

MANTEL WORKS.Anna*, E*i]r*y, ft. 7.,

U5 WII Sali.cnmtilO H BlVnivt»ll. ctiurt..J..•17 J H W r t l i t , colirt


i . jui.Jj.l«U«l;ans

118 P II Gllhooly.salary,1 J h I

y y119 John In-muann, cummlttef, cipcn««

C TV I MiSl C TV I. Mituiic,H CONSfTlPAat D K Hyuo, ctitonern

J TV ly

fcK J TV llui.u, M»tioiury.,J J03 J W J)UI>II. »tatlbnnyO AUu.dnktr, B

1-A\ J«coii lira. kUdicr, ImiklitM Klll.brth G» C<, li'.nWii'p.6T7 UlunlJ Smith, boildiugs. . . ;B8 1 A Sclienck, elictiou*<S19 I'-C s i l t i ^90 Thop;ia» B Budd, iHlildilifS.,

l NK L

8009808 00

MOO10 50

h*»si<^ i, j;0H THE K05T rAVOEABUS TSS*S«sulrM tnunn(i


Hob. . .From <* T\f

ohlplanlFro»i J

liceoswFttmi J

KITilEit Ml'VI \l'.\ OU A>NTAIXV; ,til Jlnnxia NcKerusn,

ling . » ,

ToKifcr, 'MCHV

8 Vow«Ilct,Lots EnclosedJ

3t f .o t j I I- i-.r-.-.s

b><a<.iiira!lr. T i n(vK'n*4 inks, bj cxaj!.

pie wulirJ;. A c , trw K

B W.ilT.S i jA T A R R H ' Crai'BUBat Wm Tooker, bridge*. 1

U0 a TV Mill oad ' From Natlodsl Stale Bankof BU»b5hU0 a TV Mills, coard

B« J) W 8mUh,.bti!bv3.M4 0 W Mt«», eourT..

<joart... BUY MAIN'S;TatllH'n tt t \ x , jwpeif ti;

latttxl t i i iWtoni |>ri<v<|.


ay 0. Paid conm 11 lf»iMl«Jc««|rt

7 OTV I. Marline,taewb. n'pky..>I8 Jl L Oovivll, me,idf-nu [7[\t» TJ 11 (Irl.ui. B cdilwr. ,»y,;.ISO J S Vjwxllrr luritieni 1

ywxllrr. luritieni. 1 . . . CHEAPm » J 1. Cro*«U. M|»rle*

ipXTh.wTVntU.Jt'A F Orine,

l l « J J C u v y . o w ^Ibl* OilTtrUtll Tboctus FvnytliMMn

N«rwb»ryi cucoikrsll b '

. ,iTh » Fonyib. atlr toRliabrih DailySwtnu I, »fbllcatlon..

fc l J o a i n l piWxntkm

TtteStatKntMiIWBtMtlJHltabW fur larnu, »uu« k>t

MgBliwtkthIW Hc«*lk IMIy AUwtHw, noWltailoo.SO libs, i f BduuMt, l«lb|Wl J J d d m , JsJI« 1 >U<:bSlOMarin Jill..

Ward> l*HoT!)-, Jail

B«5 WB Tucker. Jr i i i i . '

bSH-.l. jiT...|S«Wr;B»»er. j X ,

tstiu m ktt irtjtKv ;nv-. <u J »»1 of !p«ai IVt1 03 W o Ayiw.

1 04 Jirahi U Crawtll,

ai WHT1 i)8 Wa1 It1 B» J J (ijden. Jail1 6! TV O Baku, jtt tt K X RICSL jv lK 0 Tkarbrt * CoV N A M Tnuabi*. HI

t»m«Dat I w wwv*. A

nwvrcvs.widan awvu<11f i ELY'S I'KtlM HALM fO.|0»nfvX T.ftre to anr vmv wr:tu»i!

Mcilwxl A M^ihlh.



W«:TtbMl8ml(b,JUtit* Jtohi.! c iswtwj faK8KO f i t n m ,i7« A N T tttbt*.R7 111*1 nun •B» J K M t n a . Jtl