Banglaesh garments

The Booming Rise of BANGLADESH GARMENTS Industry

Transcript of Banglaesh garments

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The Booming Rise ofBANGLADESH GARMENTS Industry

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Introduction:The Bangladesh Ready-Made Garments (RMG) manufacture has been the fundamental exportation manufacture of foreign share for the past 25 years.

The sector lends importantly to the GDP offering work to just about 4.3 million people, primarily females. It has been performing as the spine of the economic system and as an accelerator with regards to the growth of the nation by bringing in billions of dollars as exportation profits.

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Chief Executive Officer

Within the sector of Bangladesh Ready-made Garments, there are more than 5000 RMG mills within the existing time period. At present, the

garments manufacture is the nation’s biggest exportation earner with the economic value of above 25 billion USD of exportation within the

past fiscal year making Bangladesh distinctly in the lead of various South-Asian providers in terms of capability of the RMG manufacture.

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According to the image above, Shirts, Trousers and T-Shirts are the significant apparel items exported by Bangladesh Garments

manufacturers in terms of the chief woven items while Jackets and Sweaters are the chief knitted items. Still, more importantly, woven

apparel items reigns the apparel exportation profits of the nation while the contribution of knit apparel items has been heightening from

the early 1990s.

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The image above displays the 10 topping knitted clothing exported by Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers with regards to the Fiscal Year

of 2014-15. It can be noticed that T-Shirts are leading the table in terms of the US million dollars earned out of it. While on the other hand,

the undergarments, entwined apparels made of cotton for males is at the bottom of the table for the least million USD earned out of it.

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The function that the Bangladesh Readymade Garments sector plays within the Bangladeshi Economic System is perfectly worthy of notice. It has been witnessed

that, for the past 3 decades, the Readymade Garments sector provides towards the internal economic system within a relatively large order. About 76 of the

aggregate amount of exportation earnings arrive from the Garments sector.

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The image is of the Bangladesh Garments exportation in terms of woven and knit clothing products with regards to employment for the past 2 decades. It can be

observed that since the 1990s the bars as well as the employment rate has been heightening and no sign of any downfall unless a massive disaster takes place

ruining the effort made behind it.

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