Bangkok city innovation

City, Innovation, and Arts: The Case of Bangkok Dr. Pun-Arj Chairatana Dr. Apiwat Ratanawaraha CISASIA Project


Review of city innovation case studies in Bangkok for GLOBELICS 2010 in KL, Malaysia

Transcript of Bangkok city innovation

  • 1. City, Innovation, and Arts:The Case of BangkokDr. Pun-Arj ChairatanaDr. Apiwat RatanawarahaCISASIA

2. Converging City, Foresight, andInnovation: Thailand Experience2006: Coining City Foresight2009: Developing City2010: Merging City Foresightframework Innovation Concept and Cityto City InnovationInnovation System:Location: The 1400 Years old town:Scenario building: Six Mega cities in Two municipalities along River Ping. Locations: Six Mega cities in SE SE including , Bangkok,, Singapore, Lampoon., Northern Thailand including , Bangkok,, Singapore, HoHo Chi Minh City, Kuala Lumpur, Chi Minh City, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta,Jakarta, and Manila. (Project and Manila. (Project supported bysupported by IDRC) IDRC) 3. 2006 * Lampoon City ForesightThe First City Foresight in Thailand Scenario 1: A Bitter Prosperity Scenario 2: Global Village Lampoon Scenario 3: International Lampoon Scenario 4: Lampoon Green Knowledge Town 4. 2009 Defining City Innovation and SystemsFigure 2: City Innovation and City Innovation Systems (CISs) A new orimproved Conventional Alternative solutioninnovation systems City innovationinnovation systemsthat (Institutions)(Spaces) contributesResearch and Product innovation Technology Organization (RTOs)Physical spacetowards Process innovationenhanced Position innovationPrivate firmsParadigm innovation Information spaceliveability, Institutional innovation prosperity,Government Service innovationCognitive spaceand equity of the city. 5. 2010 Bangkok City Innovation System Foresight Towards Liveable, Prosperity, and Equity 2030 ProductServicesProcessCity innovationInstitution Position CityinnovatorParadigm 6. Bangkok and City InnovationBangkok City Macro Innovation System MesoAestheticinnovation Creative Economy Art led Creative Micro Temporal Intervention CommunityRevitalization industry mapping 7. Rirkrit Triravanichs Padthai, 2004 Spider Shack, 2008Case 1: Temporal Intervention,The City Innovation for Public Arts in BangkokLed by Dr. Khaisri PaksukcharernChulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 8. IntroductionBased on a research paper onThe city innovation of public arts in Bangkok.Main Findings: - Temporality, Transience, Fun are the innovative concepts recently employed in thecontemporary public art intervention in the city. - New forms of Participative Art and Community Art - In relation to the latest urban policies of inner city regenerationespecially at the scale of community revitalization. - An increasing support of public and private sector in partnership. - The city innovation for public arts in Bangkok is evidencedin two types of inner urban areas;* contemporary public spaces in the citysuch as shopping malls and transit spaces* local community and neighborhoods 9. PUBLIC ART:varied and ambiguous definitions - public art is the art outside conventional art spaces such as museums or galleries. site-specific, an art created and installed in a given site or the design of a site as an art itself site-general, an already created art object is chosen to be placed in a site. - the concept of public can be difficult and makes the status of public art become more ambiguous in the case that the definition of public is not necessarily bounded by space. - Art in public sites brings about encounters and coexistenceof people and subsequently leads to urban livability. - In this research, as art in public spaces has had a long historyfrom being in art institutions in relation to public open spaces ofthe city, it will trace public art related to both inside and outsideconventional art spaces. 10. PUBLIC ART AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT:the concept of livable city and urban aesthetics- 1980s: The concept of livable city in relation to urban aestheticespecially through pedestrian points of view- 1990s: Discussions on public art and its supporting role to reclaim the public-ness of open spaces in cities- In the context of urban decay, public art played a significant role toentail a re-visioning of public spaces and how they should be used- and by whom.- There has been a continuous and interrelated development betweenpublic arts and urban spaces: the solutions of how both could adaptand make use of each other in order to sustain the right balanceof intervention.TALA Exhibition: Central World Plaza, 2009 11. Location of Art Institutions and Commercial Spaces in Bangkok with urban attraction places- 56 private art galleries- 62 museumson archeology, anthropology, history,science, natural sciences and etc- 2 types of art galleries:- very few number of visitors.* 74% has never visited art galleries - 31% no news 31% - 13.5% exhibition changing too quickly - 41.5% heard the news but never been interested - 11% heard the news and interested but not available - 3% heard the news and interested but not confident- All pure art galleries have less than10,000 visitors / yearSource: W.Teerachaisuppakit, 2002 12. Le Fete Bangkok at Gaysorn Plaza, 2007THE FIRST INNOVATION: the concepts of temporality, transience and fun of Participative art in CBD area- An innovative attempt to place public arts with the shopping malls and transport interchange spaces such as BTS skywalks in CBD areasSpider Shack:Siam Discovery Center2008 TALA Exhibition: Central World Plaza, 2009Overhead Nightclub,Central Shopping, Chang Wattana, 2008 Siam Discovery Center, 2007 13. Frequencies of public art exhibitions / events in Bangkokcategorized by 2 space types (2006-2010)The record of these contemporary public art event in Bangkokfrom 2006-2010 on shows that the CBD areas of Rachaprasongand Pathumwan, the commercial and mass transit hub of Bangkok; * attracts most art events in the spaces attached or en-route to shopping malls and transit stations. * exhibits art outdoor or outside the conventional art spaces. 14. Distribution of public art exhibitions / events in Bangkokcategorized by 4 art types and 2 space types (2006-2010)(cont.)* exhibits art outdoor or outside the conventional art spaces.* attracts the most participative forms of art ie, installation and performance.. 15. In the Nut Shell- The city innovation of public arts in Bangkok involvesnew forms of art, urban spaces and their development strategies.- A strong potential to reinvigorate Thai traditional artistic-practicesas well as to bring art to the public again.- Participative Art in the CBD and Community Art in local neighborhood:the first step to redefine art in Thailand.- Bringing art out of galleries to streets and disrupted the flow of daily life. - To actuallyconnect the urban dwellers as well as the local communityto the livable city and urban aesthetic projectsthrough the exploration of how art can be used as an expressionof identity in everyday life.- The innovation for public art is to engage with the public notthe didactic presentation.- The concept of daily life, common routine, temporal but regularintervention is surely different from the west.- The real challenge is that how public art could be more thana one time event, how to make the community reactand the pubic participate and become the norm than the exception. 16. ART-LED COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION:THE CASE OF KUDEEJEEN NEIGHBORHOOD, BANGKOKLed by Dr. Niramon KulsrisombatDepartment of Urban and Regional Planning, Chulalongkorn UniversityCIS-ASIA Project 17. Bangkok, with its long history and diverseculture Old neighborhoods going through significant changes Changing social structure Decay of physical environ Lack of investment fromthe private and publicsectors Though still lively,compared to mostAmerican cities, they are inthe decline 18. Research Methodology The Case Study of Kudeejeen Neighborhood and Kudeejeen-Silptamtrok (KS) Art Festival (27-28 March 2010) Action research Questionnaire survey Interview Participatory observation 19. Site Context Long history since late 17C Cultural diversity from 3 religions and 6 ethnic groups Wat-Baan urban structure Cultural Heritage Mapping Project by Association of Siamese Architects (ASA) since 2008 Problems: - Lack of investment from public and private sectors - Changing community structure - Physical decay - Limited awareness of cultural heritageCultural map of Kudeejeen neighborhood - Limited participation in public issues 20. Kudeejeen-Silptamtrok Art Festival map 21. Festival preparation by community members and volunteers 22. Analyzing the systems of city innovations KS Festival has been successful as community revitalizingtool by:-Increase level community participation through art and cultural activities-Increase awareness of community members towards their cultural heritage-Increase awareness of potential partners towards the value of Kudeejeen Neighborhoods Key actors:-ASA (core organization)-Community leaders (community mobilizer)-Abbots / Priest / Imam (community mobilizer) Interaction among actors:-Community level and traditional social structure (Wat-Baan)-Less involvement from city government, local government and Thonburi District Cultural Council 23. Analyzing the systems of city innovations Challenges in the sustainability of the project:- Lack of effective institution to merge community-based projectinto formal planning system- Strong top-down in cultural policy- Different notion on art and cultureNext step Interview with community leaders and other stakeholders Questionnaire survey after the 2nd KS art festival in November, 2010 24. What will be the Future? More city innovation case studies andcomparative studies More understanding on the relationshipand interface between innovation and thecity What will be the key characteristics amongdifferent levels of city innovation? How city innovator create, develop,diffuse, and learn in the city? 25. Thank You