Bandura: Self-Efficacy - University of...

Bandura: Self-Efficacy Megan Kimbrell & Emma Lyons

Transcript of Bandura: Self-Efficacy - University of...

Bandura: Self-EfficacyMegan Kimbrell & Emma Lyons

Albert Bandura❖ Born in Alberta, Canada on Dec. 4th, 1925❖ Attended the University of British Columbia❖ Moved to the United States -1949❖ Married Virginia Varns-1952❖ Accepted a teaching position at Stanford University-1953❖ In 1974 was elected president of the American Psychological Association (APA) ❖ In 1977, two of his books- Social Learning Theory and

Self Efficacy: The Exercise of Control were published❖ Known as the originator of Social Learning Theory

Early Work The Bobo Doll Experiment (1961)- A study to see if social behaviors can be acquired by observation and imitation

❖ 72 children-Stanford University Nursery School❖ 3 groups

1. 24 Aggressive role model2. 24 Non-aggressive role model3. 24 control group no model

Results:❖ Children who observed the aggressive role models showed more aggressive

imitative actions toward the Bobo doll than those who were in the Non-aggressive role model or control group

❖ These findings support Bandura’s Social Learning Theory

Self-efficacy vs. Self-esteem

Self-efficacy: Concerned with the judgements of personal capability

Self-esteemJudgment of self-worth

Sources of Self-Efficacy❖ Mastery Experience: When an individual performs a task or activity through

first hand experience and gains knowledge of their abilities.❖ Vicarious Experience: observes another individual performing or partaking in

a task or activity.❖ Persuasion Experience: When an individual is subject to a convincing

argument which generally encourages, but can also affect the individual negatively❖ Physiological Response: Moods, emotions, stress levels, and physical

reactions can have an affect on how individuals feel about personal abilities.

Critical components of Observational Learning❖ Attentional Processes: must be a model that is captivating❖ Retention Process: ability to pull up information later and act

on it is vital to observational learning.❖ Motor Reproduction Processes: one must have the physical

capabilities to reproduce what was seen❖ Reinforcement and Motivational Processes: A consequence

that will reinforce a person's future behavior whenever it is preceded by an antecedent stimulus.


1.Will a vicarious experience, social persuasion, or a mastery experience have the greatest influence on a child’s self-efficacy?2. Will the sources of self-efficacy – vicarious experience, social persuasion, or mastery experience – have similar effects on both boys and girls?


Hypothesis 1: Other than Mastery, Vicarious experiences would be the strongest external stimuli and have the greatest influence.

Hypothesis 2: The Vicarious negative experience would have more of an effect than the Vicarious positive experience.

ProcedureWho: 4th, 5th, and 8th graders at Holy Family.Location: Basketball Court

1. Questionnaire2. Free throw shots3. Stimulus4. Questionnaire5. Free throw shots

Questionnaire Student # ____________ Please circle one: Male Female Please respond to the following question: How many free throws do you think you can make out of five tries? Please circle the number of free throws that you think you can make out of five tries? 5 4 3 2 1 0

Persuasion You will be shooting a free throw. This time you approach the basket you have to mentally block out the previous shots that you took. That does not matter anymore, the present is what counts. Give the most amount of effort to the best of your ability. Give it your absolute all. This is the time to do the best you can do. You can do this. This is your shot. Determination about trying again no matter what happened last time. You are determined to make this. Imagine the next time you will shoot a free throw. Picture yourself walking up to the line, holding the ball, firmly planting your feet, aiming at the basket. You shoot the ball and watching it as it soars through the air and swooshes into the net. You did it! And do it again and again! You can’t miss! Now let’s go out do this! Credit: John-Anthony Harwerth

Data & Results


# of



Female Female Female Male Male 5 6

Positive Vicarious Experience

Negative Vicarious: Pre and Post Stimulus

Persuasion: Pre and Post Stimulus

Did this support or refute our hypotheses?

❖ Other than Mastery, Vicarious experiences would be the strongest external stimuli and have the strongest influence.


❖ The Vicarious negative experience would have more of an effect than the Vicarious positive experience



1.Will a vicarious experience, social persuasion, or a mastery experience have the greatest influence on a child’s self-efficacy?2. Will the sources of self-efficacy – vicarious experience, social persuasion, or mastery experience – have similar effects on both boys and girls?

Boys vs. Girls❖ 11 females❖ 5 malesOverall:

Females: Males: Prediction #1 average: 2.36 3.2 Experience #1 average: .6 1.6Prediction #2 average: 2.36 2.6Experience #2 average: .45 1.4

Improvements❖ Exclude extra stimulus❖ An equally engaging activity or task to both genders❖ Simple tasks❖ More time, older participants ❖ Detailed instructions

Parting note

“As you all go on to shape the future of this ever transforming Odyssey, may the efficacy force be with you”

Works Cited● Theories of Development: Concepts and Applications, 6/E, William Crain, The

City College of New York, ©2011 • Pearson

● The Structure of Children’s Perceived Self-Efficacy: A Cross-National Study. C.

Pastorelli et al. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, Vol. 17, Issue 2,

pp. 87–97.

● Bandura, Albert (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W. H.
