Bampton Annual Report 2011

Governing Body Annual Report Academic year 2010-2011 Ref:BPS/GBAR/July2011/rev.04 1 Governing Body Annual Report Academic year 2010-2011 Bampton Church of England Primary School School Close, Bampton, Tiverton, EX16 9NW Tel: 01398 331121 Email: [email protected] Web site:


Bampton Church of England Primary School Annual Governors report 2011

Transcript of Bampton Annual Report 2011

Governing Body Annual Report Academic year 2010-2011

Ref:BPS/GBAR/July2011/rev.04 1

Governing Body Annual Report Academic year 2010-2011

Bampton Church of England Primary School

School Close,


Tiverton, EX16 9NW

Tel: 01398 331121

Email: [email protected]

Web site:

Governing Body Annual Report Academic year 2010-2011

Ref:BPS/GBAR/July2011/rev.04 2


• Introduction

• Who are School Governors and what do they do?

• School Development Plan

• Head Teacher’s Report

• Leadership

• Supporting Teaching & Learning

• Volunteers

• Web site

• Financial Statement

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Introduction Dear Parents and Carers,

Bampton School continues to go from strength to strength and the end of the summer term

will be soon upon us. This year the Governing Body, in conjunction with the Head Teacher

and the teaching team, has worked hard to ensure continued progress in becoming one of

the best Primary Schools in the area.

The Governors report details those milestones and achievements and is designed to give

parents and carers an insight into the work of the Governing Body throughout the year. We

hope you find this report useful and informative.

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Who are School Governors and what do they do?

Each school has its own Governing Body, which plays an important role in the strategic

management of the school. The Governing Body is made up of a cross-section of the local

community and includes teachers, parents, the local Vicar and members of the community.

Our School, which is a Church of England Voluntary Aided School, has a majority of

Foundation Governors appointed by the Exeter Diocese Board of Education and the Parochial

Church Council.

Governor Types At Bampton VA Primary School, we currently have a total of 12 governors, supported by a

Clerk. There are different routes by which the varying types of governors are appointed

and there are rules around the composition of the governing body. However, once

appointed, all governors have equal status, regardless of the category they have been

appointed under. The main categories of governors are:

• Foundation governors: 7 in total, 3 to be eligible as parent governor. These are

appointed by the school’s founding body, which in the case of our school is the

Diocese of Exeter, part of the Church of England.

• LA governors: 1 in total. These are appointed by the Local Authority.

• Staff governors: 2 in total. Both teaching and non teaching staff are entitled to

stand for election for staff governorship.

• Parent governors: 1 in total. Parents or carers of children at the school are eligible

to stand for election to be governors by other parents and carers. Parent governors

are 'representative parents' rather than 'representatives of the parents', and, in

common with other governors, are concerned with the welfare of the school as a


• The Head Teacher is also a full member of the school’s Governing Body.

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Governors typically serve a term of three or four years, depending on their category of

membership. When a parent governor vacancy arises this will be communicated to parents

and an election will take place for which any parent with a child at the school will be eligible.

There is training available to governors, through the Local Authority and Diocese, to ensure

they have the right knowledge and skills to be able to carry out their duties.

The members of our Governing Body are currently:

• Chair, Foundation, parent, PCC Governor - Steve Parker

• Vice-Chair, Local Authority Governor - Mike Clark

• Ex Officio - Rev Lynne Burgon

• Acting Head Teacher - Paula Shore

• Teacher Governor - Matthew Bealey

• Staff Governor - Mark Woodcock

• Parent Governor - Philip Moore

• Foundation, parent, DBE Governor - Ben Barrett

• Foundation PCC Governor - Judith Coney

• Foundation PCC Governor - Isabelle Kenny

• Foundation DBE - Vacancy

• Foundation DBE and Parent – Vacancy

• Clerk to the Governing Body - Suzanne Cottrell All Governors can be contacted via the Clerk at the school office. For further information on Bampton School Governing Body go to DBE - Diocesan Board of Education, PCC - Parochial Church Council .


At present there are two vacancies for Foundation Governors. If you are interested in

becoming a governor please contact the Chair Steve Parker via the School office or via other

members of the Governing Body as listed above.

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School Development Plan

The OFSTED inspection in the early part of the Autumn term was handled most

professionally and efficiently by Mrs Shore and her staff, with support from the Governing

Body. The school was adjudged overall as ‘satisfactory’, but with some areas ‘good’. The

inspection identified four specific areas for further improvement as follows:

• By January 2011, to develop the way in which the school monitors and analyses its

work, and how it uses this to develop more comprehensive plans for the future.

• By January 2011, to assess pupils’ progress with greater consistency and frequency,

and to use this to target and monitor support more effectively, and to set pupils

clear, practical targets for improvement.

• By January 2011, to improve the administration of support for pupils with special

educational needs and/or disabilities.

• By September 2011, to develop a more stimulating curriculum that links subjects

together in interesting ways, while ensuring full coverage of the National Curriculum.

These four areas have formed the basis of the School Development Plan for 2010/2011.

Mrs Shore and the staff, supported and monitored by the Governing Body, have

concentrated on, and worked extremely hard at achieving the above, and on moving

forward with these areas on an ongoing basis.

In December 2010, SIAS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools) rated the school as a

‘good’ Church school and there were three areas to focus on for development:

• To establish an effective system of evaluation and assessment in R.E.

• To develop the evaluation of Collective Worship and to include the learners

• To improve the pupils’ spiritual development

Again, Mrs Shore and staff, assisted by Reverend Lynne, have concentrated on these areas.

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Head Teachers Report School Development Plan Objectives were also the Key Issues from the 2011 Ofsted Report:

• By January 2011, develop the way the school monitors and analyses its work and

uses this to develop more comprehensive plans for the future.

What has happened by summer 2011?

All staff have met with Head Teacher at least twice this year to monitor the impact of

their role. Teaching staff have met with HT once each term to monitor progress of

pupils and to develop plans for the future.

The Head Teacher has developed the way that children’s work is monitored.

• By January 2011, assess pupils’ progress with greater consistency and frequency and

use this to target and monitor support more effectively and to set pupils clear,

practical targets for improvement.

What has happened by summer 2011?

There has been accelerated progress in all 4 areas – maths, reading, writing and

science with more than 95% of pupils making expected progress and many making

accelerated progress.

The school has had its best SATs results in both KS1 and KS2 for more than 3 years.

Targets were updated for all pupils to ensure they were challenging and met pupils’

needs. These were sent to families along with the annual report.

Teachers have developed the way they assess children’s work so it is in line with

national guidelines. This year they have focussed on maths, writing and science. A

new reading and writing scheme was adopted to assist those pupils with Special

Educational Needs (SEN). 9 pupils were given a one-to-one tutor. 20 pupils attended

Gifted & Talented (G&T) events. The pupils’ work was assessed and reports of these

assessments were given by the teachers to the Head Teacher every 6 weeks.

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These results were regularly communicated to the school’s advisers and the

governors. Teachers have developed the way that they report children’s progress

and targets to parents.

• By January 2011, improve the administration of support for pupils with special

educational needs and/or disabilities. (Number on Roll 118 ).

What has happened by Summer 2011?

By Summer 2010 48% of the pupils had been identified as having Special Education

Needs (SEN). This percentage was above the national average of 20%. By Summer

2011 the percentage was 14%. This reduction is as a result of implementing clear

guidelines on identifying pupils with SEN, developing Quality First Teaching across

the school and introducing rigorous administration systems to manage and record

the provision for pupils.

All parents of pupils with SEN have been told about their child’s needs and are

updated regularly about the provision.

• By September 2011, develop a more stimulating curriculum that links subjects

together in interesting ways while ensuring full coverage of the National Curriculum.

What happened by Summer 2011?

The new Topic Curriculum (linking core subjects together within a specific topic),

has been adopted and has been successfully applied in most instances. Gaps in

provision have been identified and plans to eradicate these are in place. Additionally,

the school has adopted the Forest School’s approach to learning and this has had an

impact on excellence and enjoyment in the curriculum and helped to raise

attainment. Altogether, the rigorous monitoring provided by outside agencies

including Brad Murray (school improvement officer) and Richard Maudesly (diocesan

education officer), governors and Head Teacher has ensured improvement across the


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Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools (SIAS) rated the school as a Good Church School in

December 2010.

Focus for development:

• To establish an effective system of evaluation and assessment in R.E.

• To develop the evaluation of Collective Worship and to include the learners

• To improve the pupils’ spiritual development

What has happened by summer 2011?

Assessment in RE is being developed.

The Head Teacher has developed and improved the way that Collective Worship is delivered

across the school with governors, staff and pupils.

Paula Shore has worked closely with the Diocesan Education Officer and Reverend Lynne to

ensure that consistency of collective worship is applied, and that pupils’ spiritual

development is improved and that the profile of it is raised.

Parents have been regularly informed of:

• Their child’s targets each term

• Their child’s progress each term through meetings, phone calls or reports

• Progress of the school via the weekly newsletters and an up to date website

• Clubs available

• Class expectations and events

• Content of the curriculum

• Community and school events

• National Expectations of children the same age as their child

• Changes to the menu

• Open days

• PTFA events and outcomes

• Governor activity

• Vacancies - both staff and governors

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KS1 SAT results. Year 2 achieving Level 2 & above.

Subject at Reading Writing Maths Science

2011 87% 87% 100% 100%

2010 100% 73% 100% 100%

KS2 SAT results. Year 6 achieving Level 4 & above.

Subject at Maths English Both Eng and Maths

2011 86% 80% 80%

2010 63% 81% 56%

The National Curriculum is split into 8 levels ranging from Level 1 (Year 1) to Level 8 (End of Key Stage 3). P -Levels Working towards level 1 Level 1 Average for a typical 5 year old Level 2 Average for a typical 7 year old Level 3 Average for a typical 9 year old Level 4 Average for a typical 11 year old Level 5 Average for a typical 13 year old Level 6 Average for a typical 14 year old Level 7 Above average for a typical 14 year

old Level 8 Only available in maths

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The principal focus of the Governing Body’s attention during the course of the 2010/2011

school year has been deciding upon and securing stable leadership for the school, going into

the future.

Having considered the various options, and carried out a great deal of research and

consultation, in particular on the subject of Federation with other schools, the Governing

Body’s conclusion was that, although it should not be ruled out for the future, the best

option for the school and the children would be to appoint a substantive (permanent) head

teacher, providing that the right candidate was available. At the same time, it was felt that

informal collaboration with other local schools could be beneficial. Discussions have already

taken place and are on-going.

Following an extremely thorough, rigorous and exhaustive appointment process, Gaye

Williams will join us as head teacher, starting on September 1st. (see brief statement by

Gaye at the end of this section).

We are all extremely grateful to Paula Shore for her highly successful and enjoyable year as

Acting Head Teacher and will be very sad to see her go; but we wish her all the best in her

new job in Bristol. Paula has worked tirelessly and highly effectively to put into place

rigorous, comprehensive and structured monitoring systems for standards of the children’s

attainment, and for teaching throughout the school. She has reported her progress to the

Governing Body on a regular and professional basis throughout the year, and we firmly

believe that she has laid solid foundations for further improvement and achievement in

future years. Her leadership and mentoring of the staff has been of great value, and she

leaves a lasting legacy.

The Governing Body has been overseeing a smooth handover from Paula to Gaye, and we

are most grateful to Gaye for her efforts in this regard, which have included attending a

number of meetings and events at the school in recent weeks.

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Incoming Head Teacher Statement – Gaye Williams This will be my third headship so I bring with me a wealth of experience of school leadership

and of working in Devon. Throughout my career I have had varied experiences in a range of

school settings and I know that I will put this valuable accumulation of knowledge and skills

to good use at Bampton. Alongside my career I have also managed to fit in bringing up

three children – Adam, Jack and Chloe.

I believe that there is an exciting time ahead for the school and I will be working in

collaboration with staff, governors, parents and children, using my previous experience to

its advantage, building on the school’s strengths to ensure that the school moves forward

for the benefit of all its pupils.

Commissioning Service On behalf of Bampton School and St Michael and All Angels Church the Rev. Lynne Burgon

is looking forward to officially welcoming our new head teacher to the school and community

at a special mid week service near the end of September (date yet to be confirmed). We

hope this short commissioning service in church will be a joyful occasion for everyone to

meet with Gaye and as is usual in Bampton this will involve tea and homemade cakes in


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Supporting Teaching & Learning

The academic year of 2010-2011 has presented many challenges. Not least of these was

adjusting to the new staffing arrangements, after the redundancy process, and the

introduction of a new Acting Head, after the retirement of Annette James. On top of these

changes the school was faced with an Ofsted inspection in the first term. It is important to

emphasise that all the Staff without question rose to these challenges and have been

magnificent. This is reflected in the Ofsted & SIAS reports and most importantly in the

achievements of the children.

However the Governing Body is acutely aware that further strategic planning is required to

maximise support for teaching and learning within the constraints of the existing budget.

Governors have responded to issues raised in the School Development Plan compiled by

Paula Shore. Governor visits have been conducted to observe school life, the deployment of

strategic policies and to discuss issues with staff. The result of this process is that in

consultation with Paula Shore & Gaye Williams, the incoming Head Teacher, the Governing

Body has agreed funding for additional targeted learning support in the Autumn term. In

conjunction with Gaye Williams the Governing Body will continue to review the teaching and

learning provisions to ensure optimum support for the children through out the academic


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Volunteers Yet again the Governors are indebted to all the volunteers who have given freely of their

time & skills to support the school. Many of the extra-curricular activities would not be

possible without the volunteers & the money raised by the PTFA.

Many of the school trips are part funded by the PTFA & assisted by volunteers. Events such

as Bampton School's Got Talent, the School play & Fete rely on help from parents, carers

and friends. School clubs such as Gardening, Film making, Drama, Basketball, Athletics,

Swimming & Water Polo have all been provided this year with support from volunteers &


Even some of the in-school events are funded by the PTFA and community sponsors, along

with support by volunteers and staff. With this help the school was able to organise special

events such as the creative literacy day with Andy Cope, the author of Spy Dog, and also

two days of film pixilation workshops with local theatre and arts company Forkbeard


So a big thank you to all those volunteers, sponsors and staff who have made this possible;

you have undoubtedly enriched the children’s experience at Bampton Church of England

Primary School.

As the school moves forward to a new academic year sadly we lose some of our valued

volunteers as their children move up to high school. So if you have skills or free time that

you can offer the school please contacts the staff, governors or PTFA. All offers of support &

help however small are very much appreciated.

For further information on the PTFA and sponsors go to;

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School Web site As you may be aware the school website has been totally re-designed, re-developed and re-

launched! This is a task taken on by the governors to improve communication between the

School & the wider community. The new site is fantastic, with many new features, and

contains up to date pictures and information about events at the school. Many compliments

have already been fed back to the school from both current and prospective parents and

carers about the quality and innovative style now in place. None of the above could have

happened without the tireless efforts of volunteers offering their time & skills. Ongoing

support is also given by the staff who ensure any pictures, letters or news of events at the

school are swiftly uploaded onto the site to ensure it is both current and interesting. I am

sure you would like to join the Governing Body in thanking those great individuals for their

sterling efforts. More information can be found at:

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Financial Statement

Financial Statement 2010/11 – Outturn £ £

Brought forward balance: 11,001 INCOME Funds delegated by LEA 436,015 Income from facilities and services 2,080 Other income 13,784

Total Income: 451,879 Sub Total: 462,880

EXPENDITURE Employee Expenses (Including salaries, travel and insurance) 349,367

Grounds Maintenance 747 Cleaning and Caretaking 17,149 Occupation expenses including rates and energy 11,439

Curriculum expenditure 38,899 DCC Support Services 18,081 DFC contribution 1,065 Administration 2,276

Total Expenditure: 439,023 Total balance to carry forward: 23,857

Financial Statement 2011/12 – Agreed Budget £ £

Brought forward balance 23,857 INCOME Funds delegated by LEA 377,676 Income from facilities and services 600 Other income 300

Total Income: 378,576 Sub Total: 402,433

EXPENDITURE Employee Expenses (Including salaries, travel and insurance) 311,122

Grounds Maintenance 3,500 Cleaning and Caretaking 15,500 Occupation expenses including rates and energy 10,386

Curriculum expenditure 23,200 DCC Support Services 24,000 Administration 2,000

Total Expenditure: 389,708 Total balance to carry forward: 12,725