Bald Eagle by Rashawn Bryant

Bald Eagle By Rashawn Bryant

Transcript of Bald Eagle by Rashawn Bryant

Page 1: Bald Eagle by Rashawn Bryant

Bald Eagle

By Rashawn Bryant

Page 2: Bald Eagle by Rashawn Bryant

Description The bald eagle is the national emblem of the United

States. This bird can grow up to 38 in. It’s wingspan is 66-88in. and it has a mass of 6.6-14lbs. The color of this bird when it’s a baby is all brown with yellow feet. It is sexually mature at four or five years of age. The adult eagle has a brown body, white head and tail and yellow feet. The eagle’s type of covering is feathers. Light feathers grow in upper arm area and heavier down lower. The special body parts are it’s eyes , legs, feet, talons, and toes.

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Habitat Th e ba ld e a g le live s in Ala s ka , F lorida ,

a nd North Am e ric a . It like s ta ll tre e s be c a us e it ma ke s ne s ts in th e m . Th e y a ls o pre fe r c re e ks , la ke s , or jus t wa te r by wh e re th e y live .

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L iv in g H a b it s

The bald eagle eats fish. To get the fish it swoops down and snatches the fish with it’s talons. It builds the largest nest of any North American bird. It’s nest can be13 ft. deep and 8 ft. wide. The nest weighs 1.1 T. The toes are short but powerful with large talons. They build a nest in a tree, on a cliff, or even on the ground and add to it each year.

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Birth and Growth When bald eagles are old enough to breed they often return

to the area they were born . Bald eagles mate for life. Bald eagles can start breeding from 4 to 5 years old. The eggs will hatch in about 35 days. The babies will grow up and the life cycle will keep on going.

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Interesting Facts Here are some of the interesting facts I

learned by reading an article from the Wikipedia web site. The bald eagle’s name was taken from the old English word bald which means white. The eagle has great vision and each eye has 3 lids. Nothing can get in it’s eye when the side lid is shut. I liked this report because I learned more about the bald eagle.

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