Balanced and Healthy Daily Routine or Dinacharya 130710

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Transcript of Balanced and Healthy Daily Routine or Dinacharya 130710

  • 8/13/2019 Balanced and Healthy Daily Routine or Dinacharya 130710


    Balanced and Healthy daily routine

    or DI!"H!#$!

    In all o% creation there are no better and more power%ul

    medicines& tools& techni'ues& methods etc. than to tune in with the

    rhythm and laws o% Di(ine and !lmi)hty ature. That was boldly

    admitted by all holistic health Doctors and Practitioners.

    To the extent that we tune our bodies, mind and spirit to natures

    master cycle, to that extent we can have optimally Wealthy, Healthy,

    Happy and Successful life. The Balanced and Healthy li%estyledaily

    routine recommends ood hyiene, moderate exercise, healthy diet, efficient elimination of wastes and a

    positive mental outloo!. This is the best and most sustainable and success%ul method %or *tress

    mana)ementand +*uccess%ul Balanced and Healthy li%estyle pro)ram+. The word for Daily routine in

    the Sans!rit is Dinacharya, "Din means day and "charya means to follow or close to.

    #n every sinle day in nature there are two cycles of chane$ from %am to %pm and from %pm to %am.

    Within each cycle there are & hour periods that are dominated by air 'Sans!rit$ vata,(, fire 'Sans!rit$ pitta( or

    earth 'Sans!rit$ !apha( eneries. We also have vata, pitta and !apha eneries within our bodies in various

    strenths and combinations, so it is ood and a ranted success if we can tune in to the Divine nature cycle

    with our own life activities and prevent activities that aravate the cycle of vata, pitta, !apha.

    )irst *ycle$ %am to +am - apha, +am to /pm - Pitta, /pm to %pm - 0ata

    Second *ycle$ %pm to +pm - apha, +pm to /am - Pitta, /am to %am - 0ata

    Therefore Dinacharya is basically an ideal daily schedule for us to follow, which analy1es the master cycles

    of nature and suests optimal times for carryin out our daily routine. 2t is very helpful to follow 3yurveda

    daily routine or Dincharya in order to attain a healthy, happy and pleasant lifestyle. 3yurvedic Dincharya is

    one of the best thins with which we can maintain our health at its best and stay balanced, prevent disease

    and remove almost any disease. 3ccordin to 3yurvedic Doctors and Saes, Dinacharya is a stroner

    curative force than any other curative medicine.

    Ta!in the above into account, to the extent that our daily routine comes closer to below written

    recommendations, to that extent we can expect healthy and successful life, better outloo!, power, wealth and

    economic development, fame, beauty and sense en4oyment, !nowlede, renunciation and noble duties.

    3fter printin out, in the special place 5666667 before each of the points, we can tic! and write down which

    daily routine we will voluntary try to follow and to what extent. )or example before point 58et up early9

    from :am till ;am,7 2 can write down my present desirable level &$&;am.

    Healthy daily routine or Dinacharya commentaries and notes

    Be%ore bed and i)ht sleep time

    66666 #ur Health and Supreme Success in life starts at the moment when we calm down from daytime

    activities, conclude the day and have a ood, healthy and sound sleep - reeneration and re4uvenation for a

    new day.

    66666 Sundown is the time for spiritual activities li!e prayers, meditation, spiritual readin etc. 2t is aspecial time of balance between niht and day and it is a ood time of the day for reflection between + and

    + min daily.


  • 8/13/2019 Balanced and Healthy Daily Routine or Dinacharya 130710


    breaths, or do pranayama in that mode, calm down the body, mind and soul.

    66666 3fter breathin for a few minutes open your diary and tic! off the wor! that you have completed,

    anythin that has been left out or not completed add to another day and with ratitude say than!s to Supreme

    for this day. This will help to clear our mind and allow us to have a more peaceful and restful sleep.

    66666 ? hours, dependin on

    season, wor! specifications, tiredness, health, individual constitution etc.


    66666 We will have more healthy sleep and mornin, if we can et up peacefully by our inner>heart cloc!

    without external alarm>cloc! and other help.

    66666 8et up early9 from :am till ;am, at least / hours before sunrise is recommended, if we cant manae

    that, then we can try at least : minutes before. This is the time that vata is dominant, and it is the most fresh

    and pure time of the day, and it helps us to tune the body, mind and soul to nature.

    66666 Dont 4ump out of your bed as soon as you wa!e up. Ta!e a moment or two to mentally identify your

    position on the bed, the room and the thouhts runnin throuh your mind. Touch and feel your body for a

    while and ta!e two or three deep breaths before slowly ettin up.

    66666 @inse the mouth, teeth, face, hands, feet, and then drin! plenty of water in room temperature. Hot orcold water can stop our bowels and elimination and cause constipation. 2t is helpful to clean our bowels and

    eliminate the accumulated wastes before sunrise.

    66666 The last portion of the niht is bein ruled by vata, which is involved in the process of elimination.

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    transcendental activities help in maintainin health of the body, mind and soul. 2t increases the eneral

    awareness, provides clarity to the thouhts.


    66666 Drin! +>/ lasses of warm water around one hour before and one hour after each meal. This will help

    to et freshness and new enery, help the diestion and metabolic processes and stimulate our bowels to


    66666 Directly before and after every meal rinse your hands, face, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, arle

    throat and rinse your feet. 2f it is possible, rinse your les up to the !nees, and your arms up to the elbows.

    66666 Cat brea!fast consistin of a diet balanced accordin to your personal reAuirements.

    66666 a!e it a habit to pass urine after each meal. This will help you to have a more peaceful and

    productive time after your meals.

    66666 Please do not start your wor! or business activities, event plannin, etc. before brea!fast. 3fter

    brea!fast health peacefully calms down.

    66666 Then it is helpful at least for ; minutes to plan our day in our diary, prioriti1e our wor! load etc.


    mployment66666 Since wor! consumes at least one>third part of our lives and success or failure in our profession

    affects self>confidence, self>worth, it is important that the nature of our wor! match well with our natural

    nature or pra!riti.

    oon or midday

    66666 + min or at least + steps.


    66666 %pm - 2f we do physical type of wor!, it is a healthy recommendation to spend at least / minutes

    doin relaxin yoa or meditation. 2f our wor! is not physical then at least / minutes physical yoa,

    exercise etc. would be beneficial.

    66666 Cvenin meal is recommended to be lihter than lunch and be ta!en before sunset, the latest before

    Fpm orEand at least three hours before bedtime, as it ives the body ample time to diest the food. Sleepin

    4ust after the dinner with a heavy stomach is not conducive to our health, diestion process, sound sleep etc.

    and increase unnecessary sensual and sexual desires.

    66666 any have the habit to ta!e only hot mil! for dinner or to have no dinner at all, especially the

    transcendental practitioners, as the dinner is sometimes interferin with our spiritual practice, meditation etc.

    66666 3fter the meal it is healthy to ta!e a short wal! to aid diestion for ;>+ min or at least + steps.66666 Sundown is the time for spiritual activities, li!e prayers, meditation, spiritual readin etc. 2t is a

    special time of balance between niht and day and is a ood time of the day for reflection between + and

    + min daily.

    i)ht sleep

    66666 Ta!in a lass of comfortably hot mil! 'but not so hot as to burn our tonue( with cardamom, blac!

    pepper or iner +>+; minutes before sleep improves and deepens sound sleep. 2n poor health conditions it

    can be diluted with water up to +G mil! and =G water.


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    Supreme for this day. This will help to clear our mind and allow us a more peaceful and restful sleep.

    66666 2t is ood to massae the soles of the feet with oil before oin to bed, particularly if we have$ no

    sound sleep, disturbed sleep, dreams etc. This will calm the system, ive mental relaxation and promote


    66666 day naps are not recommended to be more than +; minutes

    lon, except for the very youn, very old, very wea! and intoxicated, diseased, exhausted or traumati1ed


    66666 Sleepin on the riht side is the most relaxin and ood for yoa. #n the left, it is most conducive to

    diestion and increases body temperature, interest in food, sleep and sense ratification. Sleepin on the

    bac! indirectly and on the stomach directly encouraes disease. Sleepin with crown of the head facin east

    or north and feet into the west or south promotes the best relaxation, re4uvenation, meditative and healthy


    66666 Sound sleep is recommended for mature, healthy people to last between %>? hours, dependin onseason, wor! specifications, tiredness, health, individual constitution etc.

    his Daily #outine is one o% the most in%luential in our o%%ered +*uccess%ul

    Balanced and Healthy li%estyle pro)ram+.

    The material in this article is based on 3yurvedic Dr. iladhar 8upta lecture cycle

    5Self Healin class7 Iisten orEand downloadJ and His website$

    http$ 2t is also based on 3yurveda professionals Dr. 0asant ad, Dr. Sunil

    0.Koshin, Dr. Banasaheb emanerecommendations and other resources.

    Lour ever well>wisher with love and encouraement