Balance scorecard kpi

Concept and Execution Balanced Scorecard (BSC)


a lecture material on BSC coming from different sources written by the experts

Transcript of Balance scorecard kpi

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Concept and ExecutionBalanced Scorecard (BSC)

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Balanced ScorecardConcept and Definition

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Balanced Scorecard is..

Management system

• Clarifies mission & vision

• Translates mission & vision into measurable and actionable measures

• Helps provide feedback and meaningful information

• Pioneered by Robert Kaplan and David Norton of Harvard Business School in 1992

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Suggested Strategy Focus in BSC Framework

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Advantages of Having Balanced Scorecard

Strategic Alignment


Manageable Performance

Clarity of Management Direction

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Why the name Balanced Scorecard?

Signifies balance between

• Short and long-term objectives

• Financial and Non-Financial measures

• Lagging and Leading indicators

• Internal and External Perspectives

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Balanced Scorecard's 4 Perspectives

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Balanced Scorecard's Measurement Method

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BSC Cycle of a Small


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Balanced Scorecard Execution Framework

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BSC Execution Stages

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BSC Execution Stages

1. Develop the Strategy

2. Plan the Strategy

3. Align the Organization

4. Plan the Operations

5. Monitor (Execution) and Learn

6. Test and Adapt

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1. Develop the Strategy

1. Clarify mission, vision, values

• What business are we in and why?

2. Conduct strategic analysis of key issues

• What are the key issues?

3. Formulate strategy to compete

• How can we best compete?

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2. Plan the Strategy1. Create strategy maps

• How do we define our strategy?

2. Select and measures and targets

• How do we measure our plan / objectives?

3. Choose strategic initiatives

• What action programs does our strategy need?

4. Establish STRATEX

• How do we fund our initiatives?

5. Create theme project teams

• Who will lead the execution of the strategy?

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Strategic Initiatives (example)

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3. Align the Organization

1. Align business units

• How do we ensure that all units are on the same page?

2. Align support units

• How do we align support units with business units and corporate strategies?

3. Align employees

• How do we motivate employees to help us execute the strategy?

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4. Plan the Operations

1. Improve key processes

• Which process improvements are critical for executing the strategy?

2. Develop resource capacity plan

• How do we link strategy with operating plans, sales forecast and budgets?

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5. Monitor and Learn

1. Hold operational review meetings

• Are our operations under control?

2. Hold operational review meetings

• Are we executing our strategy well?

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6. Test and Adapt

1. Hold a review meeting for the strategy testing and adapting

• Is our strategy working?

Update the plans and scorecard for the next cycle

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• "Balanced Scorecard",

• "Performance Measurement with Balanced Scorecard", Stefano Biazzo and Patricia Gareno, Springer - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012

• "Execution Premium", Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, Harvard Business School Publishing, 2008