Bala 7ada Profile - Oct 3rd

 Organization Profile Table of Contents Bala 7ada? ............................................................................................................................. 2 Entrepreneurial Innovation ...................................... ................................................. .............. 2 “Bala 7ada” Theory ................................................................................................................ 2 What have we been doing?  .................................................................................................... 3 Honesty Booth ............................................................................................................................. 3 Bala 7ada Theory ..................................................................................................................... 3 Honesty Donations Booth ........................................................................................................... 6 Bala 7ada Theory ..................................................................................................................... 6 Eid El-Fitr Street Greetings .......................................................................................................... 8 Bala 7ada Theory ..................................................................................................................... 8 Naddaf Project............................................................................................................................. 9 Street Cleaning Exper ience. ..................................................................................................... 9 Naddaf Name. ........................................................................................................................ 10 Naddaf Social Life Break Experience. ...................................................... ............................... 10 Naddaf and proud photo shots.............................................................................................. 11 National Day of Naddaf. ........................................................ ................................................ 11 Bala 7ada Theory ................................................................................................................... 12 Airport Highway Detour Sign Typo Fix ...................................................................................... 12 Bala 7ada Theory ................................................................................................................... 12 Queen Alia International Airport Parking Rules Issue ............................................................... 13 The Story ................................................................................................................................ 13 Bala 7ada Theory ................................................................................................................... 13 Seatbelt Campaign. ................................................................................................................... 14 Bala 7ada Theory ................................................................................................................... 14 Fingerprint Souk Jara Campagin. ............................................................................................... 15 Bala 7ada Theory ................................................................................................................... 15

Transcript of Bala 7ada Profile - Oct 3rd

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Organization Profile

Table of Contents

Bala 7ada? ............................................................................................................................. 2

Entrepreneurial Innovation ..................................................................................................... 2

“Bala 7ada” Theory ................................................................................................................ 2

What have we been doing? .................................................................................................... 3

Honesty Booth ............................................................................................................................. 3

Bala 7ada Theory ..................................................................................................................... 3Honesty Donations Booth ........................................................................................................... 6

Bala 7ada Theory ..................................................................................................................... 6

Eid El-Fitr Street Greetings .......................................................................................................... 8

Bala 7ada Theory ..................................................................................................................... 8

Naddaf Project ............................................................................................................................. 9

Street Cleaning Experience. ..................................................................................................... 9

Naddaf Name. ........................................................................................................................ 10

Naddaf Social Life Break Experience. ..................................................................................... 10

Naddaf and proud photo shots. ............................................................................................. 11

National Day of Naddaf. ........................................................................................................ 11

Bala 7ada Theory ................................................................................................................... 12

Airport Highway Detour Sign Typo Fix ...................................................................................... 12

Bala 7ada Theory ................................................................................................................... 12

Queen Alia International Airport Parking Rules Issue ............................................................... 13

The Story ................................................................................................................................ 13

Bala 7ada Theory ................................................................................................................... 13

Seatbelt Campaign. ................................................................................................................... 14

Bala 7ada Theory ................................................................................................................... 14

Fingerprint Souk Jara Campagin. ............................................................................................... 15

Bala 7ada Theory ................................................................................................................... 15

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Organization Profile

Bala 7ada?Believing in entrepreneurial innovation, “Bala 7ada” is a community

interest company (CIC) that motivates creativity for society

development. The organization believes that real change will occur

when innovative ideas get entrepreneurially implemented.

Entrepreneurial Innovation

“Bala 7ada” depends mainly on Entrepreneurial Innovation concept;the concept is that when community development is in target,

innovative ideas and entrepreneurship should both be considered to

accomplish this development.

“Bala 7ada” Theory 

“Bala 7ada” innovative ideas are intended to change the community

behavior in different aspects. Our basic theory is: People are willing to

change, but they need “Entrepreneurial Innovation” in order to change.

The basic theory is how “Bala 7ada” team sees things, for every idea,

the team develops a minor theory that is how the team looks at this


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What have we been doing?

a. Honesty Booth

This is from where we’ve started at

“Bala 7ada”; the “honesty booth”. A

booth with an icebox over, drinks

are placed inside the box along with

ice to keep the drinks as cold as%#@!. It’s an honesty booth for

there is no salesman,

representative, or whatsoever standing on the booth; instead, a

money-box is connected with the booth and how-to-buy instructions

are set-up next to the booth to guide customers. We usually have

free-of-charge coffee pot and cups – a kind of hospitality!

Bala 7ada Theory

“ Giving trust to people grows honesty in them.”  

Our honesty booth works within three different phases:

1. Testing phase: Tests how trustworthy people are. We’ve done

various experiments for this, these are explained in the table


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Organization Profile

Area Date v Exp. # Duration Sold






Rainbow Street July 12th, 2013 1 3h 43 10.75 / 10.75  100%

Downtown July 19th, 2013 1 3h 28 7.00 / 9.25  132% 

Al-Hashmi Al-Shamali July 26th, 2013 1 3h 34 7.85 / 8.50  83.5%

Alluwaibdeh August 2nd, 2013 1 3h 11 2.75 / 3.00  109% 

Rainbow Street August 23rd, 2013 2 6h 75 6.00 / 18.75  32%* 

Blue: Total Earnings. | Red: Expected Earnings. 

* This experiment happened to show low honesty rate due to only one person who’s goneopened the money-box and took all the JOD12.75 were inside.

2. Change phase: Whenever testing phase is done or in progress, if

any negative results showed up, our mission is to study the

reasons behind the results, and to start providing solutions to the


Solutions Prototype

Solutions could strongly evolve day after day, however, we’ve

tried two solutions till now:

a. Bala 7ada Feedback Sign: Few days after the 2nd Rainbow

Street experiment which has got an honesty rate of 32%,

we’ve setup a sign in the same place of the booth telling

people that the first experiment has got 100% honesty rate

while the second has got 32%. We’ve told people that one

person won’t break our trust and that we are going to

repeat the experiment again.

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Organization Profile

b. Schools Partnership: We believe honesty is something a

human gets during her early years. We always seek

partnership opportunities with schools to implement the

honesty booth inside, especially for elementary grades. Bala

7ada honesty booth theory should apply here.

3. Revenue Phase: Whenever we are able to setup honesty booths

in different places with high honesty rates, we are going to beable to use them as a revenue stream for Bala 7ada. Recall that

Bala 7ada is a Community Interest Company (CIC) and the revenue

is used to bootstrap the company. 

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Honesty Donations BoothWe’ve been hosted in an interview on “Hayat FM” few days after the

Honesty Booth’s second experiment.

During the interview, we’ve got a call

suggesting a booth to get placed in

mosques. This booth should ask people to

put donations (any kind of), and allow

other people who are in need to taketheir need from over the booth. This has

been implemented only one day after the

we’ve received the suggestion. We’ve

setup one booth in Al-Qawasmi Mosque

in Arjan area in Amman.

Bala 7ada Theory

“Helping people in understanding how socially responsible they have to

be leads to the formation of a secure environment for the poor.”  

What happened next?

The interaction with the booth was

quiet good during Ramadan Hijrimonth. A happy scenario that worth

mentioning is that one guy has given

a near supermarket JOD50 to fill the


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Organization Profile

A month later, we’ve visited the mosque again, and: WE DID NOT FINDTHE BOOTH! 

When we’ve asked the guy who is responsible of the mosque, he’s told

us that he’s hidden the booth and the instructions poster 2 days after

Ramadan, for that the table has been empty for a long period, and the

“table cover” has been also taken. 

Few people were even trying to take THE TABLE!

Our Conclusion

The model needs to be repeated lots of times and in various places so

that people start to get used to the culture. Changing a culture is

changing mindsets and habits. This takes time but is very possible.

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Organization Profile

c.  Eid El-Fitr Street Greetings

People celebrate feast “Eid” twice a year, they usually visit relatives

and friends for coffee, chocolate, and Eid Ka’k, and to exchange


After Bala 7ada team members

have visited their relatives and

friends, they wanted to draw smiles

over everyone’s face! The team hasgone down to Rainbow Street with

4 coffee pots in hands, chocolate,

and Ka’k and started to greet

random people in the street. 

Bala 7ada Theory

“ Having people smiling makes the journey towards change easier,

creates more understanding culture and more tolerating environment.”  

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Naddaf ProjectPlenty of voluntary work focuses on “cleaning” as a task or even a

sustainable plan. We didn’t! 

It’s wonderful to have teams cleaning the streets, painting the walls,

changing the look-n-feel of the country. But, what we’ve focused on

in this initiative is the “street cleaner” as a person. 

i.  Street Cleaning Experience.

Before choosing what

specifically we are going to do

for the “street cleaners”, we

decided to give 3 hours of our

time to work with them as a

discovery mission.

We’ve gathered, had breakfast

together, and then talked to

the municipality to get two

“street cleaners” with us. 

It wasn’t really a happy

cleaning experience, we were

sure if anybody went into the same experience would forever

stop throwing waste into streets.

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ii. Naddaf Name.The first impression that came up in our minds is that the name

many people use “dustman - ز ” for this worker is totally

offensive. Two other names are common but not practically

used for they are long and heavy for daily use.

Thus, we’ve introduced a new name “Naddaf  - ” whichنظف

means “cleaner” for this worker.

We’ve launched the new name “Naddaf” among our team as a

start, we even fined every member who used the old offensive

word “dustman – ل ”. We believeز change must start from us.

iii. Naddaf Social Life Break Experience.Naddafs are humans

and part of the

community just like

engineers, doctors,

salesmen, or lawyers.

We wanted to present asocial life break example for these people, we’ve worn the

orange uniform, and in a group of about 10 people, we’ve

visited City Mall. And yes, people were looking weirdly to us!

We wanted to break the ice – many people accepted this, but

few places refused to welcome us on the other hand.

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Bala 7ada Theory“Street cleaners don’t need people to work instead of them, they

need to get their need of respect and appreciation in order to get

along with the community.”  

e. Airport Highway Detour Sign Typo Fix

Visiting the airport frequently has

pushed our attention towards a detour

sign on the street. The sign was saying:

” which means: “Payأنتبة أممك تحوية“

attention, DETOUR AHEAD”. The “ةبتنأ”

was miswritten, the typos are common among people, but – we

believed that showing these typos on such large signs in a main road

in the city would reflect a negative image about our country.We wanted to edit “ةبتنأ” into “هبتنا”, we’ve created a sign telling:

“Caution – Typos Correction Area”

and went to the street. Fortunately

the modifications were just erasing

dots from over the ه and the on top

of the . The writings on the sign wereا

made of a sticky material, all what wehad to do is to get rid of the extra


Bala 7ada Theory

“ Simple changes can make huge differences.”  

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f.  Queen Alia International Airport Parking Rules Issue

One of the reasons we believe that has much negative impact our

life is that a plenty number of people don’t realize their real rights,

or just ignore these rights!

The Story

It began when one of Bala 7ada

members parked in Queen AliaInternational Airport’s Parking,

he unfortunately has lost the

parking ticket and just noticed

that on the exit gate.

The parking officer surprised that

member with JD5.00 fees for the

lost ticket. The important part

was that this rule was never

mentioned anywhere on

entrance or even in the parking.

Our member took a step and has

approached the airport’s management for a complaint. Only TWO

weeks later, a warning sign was placed on entrance telling visitors

they are going to pay JD5.00 on ticket loss!

Bala 7ada Theory

“Simple changes can make huge differences , change starts the

moment we realize and believe in our rights.”  

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Seatbelt Campaign.We believe most people are aware of the benefits of wearing car

seatbelt. We believe people know that they should use seatbelt, they

don’t need more why, they rather

need more DO!

“Bala 7ada” team has been

thinking of a way to take people

into action. It was through thefollowing process:

-  A group of volunteers stay next

to the traffic light.

-  When light is red, 6 people stand in front of cars, holding sings

with “Don’t Die, Wear Seatbelt” written over – Bala 7ada logo is

raised behind them.

One or two volunteers ask cars just to go on driving when they

slow down to watch the action on other sides of the traffic light.

-  The rest of volunteers take a round around the cars with thank-

you cards for people who are already wearing their seatbelts, and

some funny quotes for those who are not wearing the seatbelt.

The campaign has been done twice, first time covering two traffic

lights and second time covering one traffic light. The campaign hasgot covered by media; Jordan Times, Play FM, and others.

Bala 7ada Theory

“Habits change, all they need is a start point.”  

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Fingerprint Souk Jara Campagin.While many people are hopeless of the situations in the region, the

ranking of our country among other developed countries – Bala 7ada

team is always full of hope, looking at the

bright side of the life!

The team doesn’t want to exclude people

from having this bright look at life – hence

the fingerprint campaign!

At Souk Jara – Rainbow Street, we had a

booth to invite people to recall their

wishes towards their community, country,

and the whole world.

We asked people to:

-  First take the whiteboard, write a

sentence starting with: “I desire ..”, take photos with the board. 

-  Then, go to our huge white sheet and leave their black, red, and

blue fingerprint.

The campaign was entitled

with “Start, we change”

indicating that the community

will change if more and morepeople are leaders and


Bala 7ada Theory

“Start, we change.”