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English language articles about Mikhail Bakunin

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BAKUNIN: 1 - Articles.P. Avrich; "Bakunin and the United States", International Review Of Social History, Volume 24 no. 4, (1979) pp. 320-340. P. Avrich; "Bakunin's 'God And The State' ", Anarchy, no. 115, (September 1970) pp. 276-282. P. Avrich; "The legacy of Bakunin", Russian Review, 29, (April 1970) pp. 129-142. M. Baginski; "Michael Bakunin", Mother Earth, 9, (May 1914) pp. 85-88. V.L. Benes; "Bakunin and Palacky's concept of Austro-Slavism", Indiana Slavic Studies, no. 2, (1958) pp. 79-111. J. Bekken; "Bakunin and the historians", Libertarian Labor Review, no. 13, (Summer 1992) pp. 30-32. P. Billingsley; "Bakunin in Yokohama: the dawning of the Pacific era", International History Review, Volume 20 no. 3, (1998) pp. 532-570. P. Billingsley; "Bakunin's sojourn in Japan: nailing down an enigma", Human Sciences Review (St. Andrew's University), no. 5, (September 1993) pp. 35-65, & no. 7, (September 1994) pp. 2556, & no. 8, (January 1995) pp. 141-182. C. Cahm; "Bakunin", Spokesman, no. 35, (1978) pp. 33-49. Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 10, (Winter 1976) was a special issue on Bakunin, containing: A.P. Mendel; "Bakunin: a view from within", pp. 466-488, L. Orton; "The echo of Bakunin's 'Appeal To The Slavs' of 1848", pp. 489-502, M. Kun; "Bakunin and Hungary, 1848-1865", pp. 503-534, P. Pomper; "Bakunin, Nechaev and the 'Catechism Of The Revolutionary': the case for joint authorship", pp. 535-551, N. Pirumova; "Bakunin and Herzen: an analysis of their ideological disagreements at the end of the 1860's", pp. 552569, D.L. Senese; "Bakunin's last disciple: Sergei Kravchinskii",

pp. 570-576, J.E. Bowlt; "A monument to Bakunin: Korolev's 'CuboFuturist' statue of 1919", pp. 577-590, P. Avrich; "Bakunin and his writings", pp. 591-596. E.H. Carr; "Bakunin's escape from Siberia", Slavonic Review, 15, (January 1937) pp. 377-386. J.G. Chastain; "Bakunin as a French secret agent in 1848", History Today, 31, (August 1981) pp. 5-9. S. Cipko; "Bakunin and the national question", Raven, no. 9, (January 1990) pp. 3-14. J.P. Clark; "Marx, Bakunin and the problem of social transformation", Telos, no. 42, (Winter 1979) pp. 80-98. M. Confino; "Bakunin's 'Letter To Nechaev' ", Encounter, 39, (July 1972) pp. 81-91, & (August 1972) pp. 85-93. H. Craig; "Assassins and Nihilists", Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 63, (August 1881) pp. 440-444. M. Cranston; "A dialogue on anarchy: an imaginary conversation between Karl Marx and Michael Bakunin", Anarchy, no. 22, (December 1962) pp. 353-372. R.M. Cutler; "A rediscovered source on Bakunin in 1861: the diary of F.P. Koe", Canadian Slavonic Papers, 35, (March 1993) pp. 121-130. R.M. Cutler; "An unpublished letter of M.A. Bakunin to R. Solger", International Review Of Social History, Volume 33 no. 2, (1988) pp. 212-217. Z.V. David; "Fric, Herzen and Bakunin: the clast of two political cultures", East European Politics And Societies, 12, (Winter 1998) pp. 1-30. M.N. Del Giudice; "Bakunin's 'Preface To Hegel's "Gymnasium Lectures" ': the problem of alienation and the reconciliation with reality", Canadian-American Slavic Studies, 16, (Winter 1983) pp. 161-189. M.K. Drziewanowski; "Herzen, Bakunin and the Polish insurrection of 1863", Journal Of Central European Affairs, 8, (April 1948) pp. 58-78.

P.P. Dunn; "Belinski and Bakunin: a psychoanalytic study of adolescence in nineteenth century Russia", Psychohistory Review, 7, (Spring 1979) pp. 17-23. T. Fiddick; "The repentant revolutionary: Michael Bakunin and his 'Confession' ", Psychohistory Review, Volume 18 no. 1, (1989) pp. 57-80. G. Fischer; " ' and the State begins to wither away '. Notes on the interpretation of the Paris Commune by Bakunin, Marx, Engels and Lenin", Australian Journal Of Politics And History, 25, (April 1979) pp. 21-39. A. Gouldner; "Marx's last battle: Bakunin and the First International", Theory And Society, 11, (November 1982) pp. 853-884. M. Greig; "Michael Bakunin", Retort, 4, (Fall 1947) pp. 23-34. D. Guerin; "Proudhon and Bakunin", Our Generation, 17, (Spring 1986) pp. 23-33. B. Gunning; "Bakunin as a social thinker and activist", Iconoclast (Sydney), no. 2, (1970) pp. 26-32. S.P. Halbrook; "Bakunin and Marx on nationalism", Anarchy, no. 4, (1971) pp. 20-24. D. Hardy; "Consciousness and spontaneity, 1875: the peasant revolution as seen by Tkachev, Lavrov and Bakunin", Canadian Slavic Studies, Volume 4 no. 4, (1970) pp. 699-720. J.F. Harrison; "Bakunin's theories of revolution", Our Generation, 11, (Winter 1976) pp. 27-35. J.F. Harrison; "Science and anarchism: from Bakunin to Bookchin", Our Generation, 20, (Spring 1989) pp. 72-84. D.C. Hodges; "Bakunin's controversy with Marx: an analysis of tensions within modern socialism", American Journal Of Economics And Sociology, 19, (April 1960) pp. 259-274. Z. Ivianski; "Sources of inspiration for revolutionary terrorism: the Bakunin-Nechaev alliance", Conflict Quarterly, 8, (Summer 1988) pp. 49-68. M. Jourdain; "Michael Bakunin", Open Court, 34, (October 1920) pp. 591-599.

'F.K.'; "Bakunin's 'Confession' ", Living Age, 333, (1/7/1927) pp. 71-73. H.E. Kaminski; "Bakunin and the 1st International", Now, no. 1, (1943) pp. 20-34. A. Kelly; "The fatal charm of the millennium", New York Review Of Books, 22, (22/1/1976) pp. 43-47. M.P. Kennard; "A Russian anarchist visits Boston", New England Quarterly, 15, (March 1942) pp. 104-108. R. Knowles; " 'Human light': the mystical religion of Mikhail Bakunin", European Legacy, 7, (February 2002) pp. 7-24. M.V. Kofman; "The reactions of two anarchists to nationalism: Proudhon and Bakunin on the 'Polish Question' ", Labour History, No. 14, (1968) pp. 34-45. E. Kostka; "Schiller's impact upon Bakunin", Monatschefte, 54, (January 1962) pp. 109-116. M. Kun; "Left wing freemasonry", Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis De Rolando Eotvos Nominatae: Sectio Historia, no. 22, (1982) pp. 99-134. J. Lavrin; "Bakunin, Slav and rebel", Russian Review, 25, (April 1966) pp. 135-149. A. Lehning; "Michael Bakunin", New Society, 16, (10/9/1970 pp. 450-453. D. Limond; "Bakunin: anarchist or antichrist?", Philosophy Now, no. 16, (Autumn 1996) pp. 5-8. K. Maddock; "The anarchism of Michael Bakunin", Red And Black, no. 4, (1972) pp. 39-44. H. Mayer; "Marx on Bakunin: a neglected text", Cahiers De L'Institut De Science Economique Appliquee, no. 91, (October 1959) pp. 92-115. C. McDonald; "The revolutionary underclass of Bakunin and Marcuse", Anarchist Studies, 5, (March 1997), pp. 3-21. A.P. Mendel; "Fantasy and revolution: a Russian tragedy in three acts", Psychohistory Review, Volume 12 no. 2/3, (1984) pp. 4560. M. Molnar; "Bakunin and Marx", Review: a quarterly of

pluralist socialism, Volume 5 no. 3, (1963) pp. 70-84. B. Morris; "In defense of Michael Bakunin", Anarchist Studies, Volume 13 no. 1, (2005) pp. 83-89. M. Nomad; "Marx and Bakunin", Hound And Horn, 6, (April 1933) pp. 381-418. L. Orton; "Bakunin's plan for a Slav Federation", CanadianAmerican Slavic Studies, 8, (Spring 1974) pp. 107-115. A. Palmieri; "A theorist of the Russian revolution: M.A. Bakunin", Catholic World, 110, (December 1919) pp. 331-343. E.A. Peers; "Michael Bakunin and Spanish anarchism", Studies (Dublin), 27, (March 1938) pp. 136-147. K. Pieters; "The 'Pervoe Znakomstvo' of Herzen and Bakunin, 1839-1840: a contribution to the study of their mutual relations", Slavica Gandensia, no. 1, (1974) pp. 85-123. V. Polonsky; "Michael Alexandrovitch Bakunin", Worker's Monthly, 5, (September 1926) pp. 511-513. J. Randolph; " 'That historical family': the Bakunin archive and the intimate theatre of history in Imperial Russia, 1780-1925", Russian Review, 63, (October 2004) pp. 574-593. T.R. Ravindranathan; "Bakunin in Naples: an assessment", Journal Of Modern History, 53, (June 1981) pp. 189-212. S. Resneck; "The political and social thought of Michael Bakunin", American Political Science Review, 21, (May 1927) pp. 270-296. H. Restelle; "The great rival of Karl Marx", Socialist Review (London), 7, (July 1911) pp. 338-344. A. Reszler; "Bakunin, Marx and the aesthetic heritage of socialism", Yearbook Of Comparative And General Literature, no. 22, (1973) pp. 42-50. V. Richards; "Some notes on Malatesta and Bakunin", Raven, no. 1, (1987) pp. 38-45. A. Robertson; "The philosophical roots of the Marx-Bakunin conflict", What Next?, no. 27, (December 2003) pp. 47-59. V. Sapon; "Apostles of the 'Other Russia': Mikhail Bakunin and Eduard Limonov on paths of radical social transformation", Russian Politics And Law, 43, (November 2005) pp. 43-61.

L. Sekelj; "Bakunin's and Kropotkin's theories of revolution in comparative perspective", Raven, no. 20, (October 1992) pp. 358378. M.S. Shatz; "Iurii Arkad'evich Borisenok, Mikhail Bakunin and the 'Polish Intrigue': the 1840's", Kritika, 4, (Spring 2003) pp. 439443. M.S. Shatz; "Mikhail Bakunin and the Priamukhino circle: love and liberation in the Russian intelligentsia of the 1830's", Canadian-American Slavic Studies, Volume 33 no. 1, (1999) pp. 1-29. E. Silberner; "The Jew-hatred of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin", Historica Judaica, 14, (October 1952) pp. 93-106. P.R. Stephensen; "Bakunin", Aphrodite (London), no. 6, (July 1929) pp. 421-432. A. Tucker; "Intellectual irresponsibility: the specter of Benda and the phantom of Bakunin", Telos, no. 110, (Winter 1998) pp. 181191. V. Varlamov; "Bakunin and the Russian Jacobins and Blanquists as evaluated by Soviet historiography", East European Fund Research Program On The USSR: Monograph, no. 79, (1955) pp. 1-55. E. Voeglin; "Bakunin's 'Confession' ", Journal Of Politics, 8, (February 1946) pp. 24-43. W. Weintraub; "Mickiewicz and Bakunin", Slavonic Review, 28, (November 1949) pp. 72-83. G. Woodcock; "Bakunin", History Today, 11, (July 1961) pp. 469-479. A. Woodward; "Marx, Bakunin or what?", What Next?, no. 28, (2004) pp. 32-38. C.H. Wright; "Bakounine", Fortnightly Review, 115, (May 1921) pp. 759-771. M. Ziesing; "Shooting it out with Bakunin: 'God And the State' ", Instead Of A Magazine, no. 46, (Spring 1989) pp. 16-22.