Bajenski George Vera 1997 Poland

cfiicfi "O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God Is coming." Isaiah A Partnership Missionary Outreach to the Peoples of Poland, Belarus & Ukraine 20 YEARS OF GMRM'S MINISTRY With the beginning of the year of 1997, GfViRM enters Its twentieth year of Christian ministry in Central and Eastern Europe. However, even before this time, we were involved in similar mis sionary outreach, but done under different names and different organizational structures. For instance, George Repetski was working with John K. Huk through Toronto Christian Mission. George Bajenski had his own small mission organization called "Ring the Bells-Polish Mission." But God brought us together for there was one strong desire in our hearts—not to build another mission organization, but to build the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ in these countries of our origin: Belarus, Poland and Ukraine. We knew the people and we knew the languages. The challenges of life in these places were familiar to us and we were ready to serve. Present staff of GMRM George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski God is blessing our efforts. We have seen many changes; many obstacles have been removed. Now, as we are working in closer part nership with local believers, each year we see many precious souls being saved. We see church es growing stronger, new congregations started, tons of Christian literature printed and distributed, the Gospel being preached on local radio stations, Bible-teaching in schools and seminaries devel oped, children and youth work encouraged and various kinds of local missionary outreach con ducted by local believers. This must be pleasing to our heavenly Father, and we thank God that we can be a part of this great spiritual awakening that is occurring in lands that so recently were still closed to the Gospel message. We look forward to new challenges and God's blessings as we continue to work with your help and encouragement throughout the year of 1997. May it be so until Jesus comes! One new and growing phase of GMRM's min istry is helping and encouraging young Christian students from the countries where we are involved, as they prepare for Christian service. Presently, several of them are studying in various colleges in the USA and Canada. This program was initiated by GMRM's Board of Directors in February of 1989 shortly after the death of Benjamin Bajenski. Thus, over the last seven years we have been able to assist such international students through the Benjamin Bajenski Memorial Fund. However, it solely depends on the contributions from con cerned individuals. We encourage you, dear friends, to help us serve these fine future young Christian leaders. Contributions to this fund (with memorial designation) may be forwarded to; Global Missionary Radio Ministries 4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario Canada L4W 4X9 George and Vera Bajenski had an opportunity to spend a few days with some of these students during the past Christmas season in the city of Chicago, IL On the following pages you will read several of their short testimonies. We trust they will challenge you and lead you to be in prayer for them. Their individual addresses are listed for those of you who might wish to send them a per sonal word of encouragement. VOLUME 20 JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1997


missionary newsletters

Transcript of Bajenski George Vera 1997 Poland

  • cfiicfi"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God Is coming."


    A Partnership Missionary Outreach to the Peoples of Poland, Belarus & Ukraine


    With the beginning of the year of 1997, GfViRMenters Its twentieth year of Christian ministry inCentral and Eastern Europe. However, evenbefore this time, we were involved in similar missionary outreach, but done under different namesand different organizational structures. Forinstance, George Repetski was working with JohnK. Huk through Toronto Christian Mission. GeorgeBajenski had his own small mission organizationcalled "Ring the Bells-Polish Mission." But Godbrought us together for there was one strongdesire in our heartsnot to build another missionorganization, but to build the Church of our LordJesus Christ in these countries of our origin:Belarus, Poland and Ukraine. We knew the peopleand we knew the languages. The challenges of lifein these places were familiar to us and we wereready to serve.

    Present staff of GMRMGeorge & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

    God is blessing our efforts. We have seenmany changes; many obstacles have beenremoved. Now, as we are working in closer partnership with local believers, each year we seemany precious souls being saved. We see church

    es growing stronger, new congregations started,tons of Christian literature printed and distributed,the Gospel being preached on local radio stations,Bible-teaching in schools and seminaries developed, children and youth work encouraged andvarious kinds of local missionary outreach conducted by local believers.

    This must be pleasing to our heavenly Father,and we thank God that we can be a part of thisgreat spiritual awakening that is occurring in landsthat so recently were still closed to the Gospelmessage. We look forward to new challenges andGod's blessings as we continue to work with yourhelp and encouragement throughout the year of1997. May it be so until Jesus comes!

    One new and growing phase of GMRM's ministry is helping and encouraging young Christianstudents from the countries where we are involved,as they prepare for Christian service. Presently,several of them are studying in various colleges inthe USA and Canada. This program was initiatedby GMRM's Board of Directors in February of 1989shortly after the death of Benjamin Bajenski. Thus,over the last seven years we have been able toassist such international students through theBenjamin Bajenski Memorial Fund. However, itsolely depends on the contributions from concerned individuals. We encourage you, dearfriends, to help us serve these fine future youngChristian leaders. Contributions to this fund (withmemorial designation) may be forwarded to;

    Global Missionary Radio Ministries4141 Dixie Road, Box 20

    Mississauga, OntarioCanada L4W 4X9

    George and Vera Bajenski had an opportunityto spend a few days with some of these studentsduring the past Christmas season in the city ofChicago, IL On the following pages you will readseveral of their short testimonies. We trust they willchallenge you and lead you to be in prayer forthem. Their individual addresses are listed forthose of you who might wish to send them a personal word of encouragement.



    _ God works

    ^ ' ways. He alsouses ordinary

    I J people to do tt -jiSb work.My

    name is TomOtremba and I

    youngman who has


    offrom my heav-enlyRaised as a

    Tom Otremba ' pastor's kid inPoland, I al

    most knew every Bible story and knew the salvation plan since very young age. However, the decision of following Christ in a 100 percent way didnot take place in my life until I was 16. Then, whenit finally happened, it turned my life by a 180degrees. Since then my main focus has been to belike Christ and to take with me to heaven as manypeople as I can.

    God allowed me to come to the USA and toattend Word of Life Bible Institute in New York, aswell as Liberty University in Virginia. I am graduating, God willing, from L.U. in May of 1997.

    While still in America my dream is to attend aseminary in the future and study religious philosophy and apologetics in the light of the Bible andtheology. After receiving my Master's degree, Iwant to go back to Poland and be used by God ina full-time ministry. I desire to be an evangelist anda youth speaker, proclaiming the evidences forChristianity and why Jesus is the only way to God,fulfillment and happiness. Tom Otremba, Liberty


    : VA 24506-t 8001.

    Monlka Krawczyk

    It has beenindeed interesting for meto discoverhow manyyoung Polishpeople frommy homechurch, by theway, were given an oppor-

    tunity to study in the United States this year.My "American Story" started in August of 1996

    when I came to Toledo, OH, to continue my education in Law School at the local university. Besidesstudying law as a Rotary International FoundationAmbassadorial Scholar, I have my schedule full ofvarious events which contribute to the broadlyunderstood exchange of cultural ideas. Americanlife is so much different from Polish one that I'mconstantly surprised.

    As I spend most of my time with Americans,sometimes I start to miss my Slavic culture; andthen my Polish Christian friends here constitute areal refuge. It's in a way unbelievable that a bit ofPoland, and my home church from Warsaw, is present in Americaalso, in persons involved in themeaningful ministry of GMRM.

    My situation is special because I don't study inChristian institution and 1 struggle a lot with thesecular attitude I find everywhere. That is why thesupport of GMRM became so important to me. Iappreciate even more the fact that Vera andGeorge Bajenski are personal friends of my parents and, also, I had the opportunity to know Ben.

    Although I'm in foreign country, Poland is stillpresent. Although I'm far away from my homechurch, I still meet people who visit there frequently. And, above all, I'm so glad that our good Fatherin Heaven is watching us and takes care for us inevery life situation. Monika Krawczyk, 1517 SecorRd., Apt. #330, Toledo, OH 43607.

    Darlusz Brycko My conversion took

    place in one of the Ostroda Camp Christian sessions. I remember this special moment when Irealized that God saves me from eternal punishment. I trusted Jesus as my Savior very sponta-

  • neously but my true spiritual growth was very slow.I was 13 years oid when I heard that one of my

    close cousins, Benjamin Bajenski, had an accidentand passed away. I knew that Ben was a Christianand his life was a true example of God's workingpower for me. His death deeply shook me andhelped me to realize that only God knows howlong I am going to live in this world.

    A few months after Ben's death I was baptized,professing my faith in the Savior publicly. Also,deep in my heart I decided to offer my life forGod's ministry. Ben's death was a turning point ofmy life. It helped me to put my life in order according to the God's will.

    When I was 16 years old, I started my ministryas a counselor at the camps of Word of Life,Poland. After graduating from high school inWarsaw, I went for the 12 month Bible training toWord of Life Bible Institute in New York. After graduating from there, I went to Moody Bible Institute inChicago where I am presently studying. My majoris Communication. In future, I would like to help todevelop ministry of Radio Mazury that my parentsstarted in 1996. Dariusz Brycko; CPO 824; LockBox 10062, Chicago, IL 60610.

    Dearfriends, myname is Da-

    m ^ niel Lewczuk.years

    ijKTIpf old and Icome fromPoland. Cur-rently I am


    Alsoplay basketball for KCC.Daniel Lewczuk Last year ourteam won

    back-to-back National Championship of NCCAA,Div. II, both men and women.

    My parents live in Poland. My dad officiallyretired but he is still involved in various ways in thechurch. My mother is VBS director. She alsoteaches Sunday School teachers and in the summer she organizes few Vacation Bible Schools andcamps. She has been working with children,teenagers and adults over 30 years. Soon shemight retire too. Also, I have two older sisters andboth of them live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    My plans for the future is to finish KCC with dualmajor in Bible and Business, and then either getmy Master's degree or go back to Poland and look

    for opportunities for service for me.I continue to pray so God can reveal to me in

    what field I can be the most useful and effective inthe future. Yours in Christ, Daniel Lewczuk;Kentucky Christian College; Box 131; 100Academic ; Grayson, KY 41143-2205.

    in a^fam^building and

    Luke Bajenski establishing achurch in

    Warsaw where later my uncle George worked asan evangelist and missionary. My father, Andrew ,is now pastoring there. They all have been anexample for me but it is because of God's calling,not a tradition that I have decided to serve Him.This past year God made it possible for me tocome to the USA and begin studies at PacificChristian College in Fullerton, California, where Imajor in Christian Ministry with emphasis onpreaching, youth ministry and missions. I hope toget there as much practical ministry education aspossible and then come back to Poland and minister to Polish people. Luke Bajenski; PacificChristian College; 601 Titan Drive, Box 682, Fullerton, CA 92831.


    David Karel

    My nameis David andI'm 22 yearsold. My fatheris a ministerin northernpart of Poland, in thecity called Ko-lobrzeg. Fewmonths ago,thanks toGod's graceand help fromsome Christians, I had opportunity tocome to the

  • United States and study at Johnson Bible Collegein Knoxville, TN. I'm majoring in telecommunications (i.e. radio and TV production). With God'shelp, after I finish my education I'd like to go backto Poland and work in field of Christian radio or TV.I'm really thankful for all the Christians supportingme in prayer. David Karel; Johnson Bible College;2900 Johnson Drive, #777383; Knoxville, TN37998.

    Dema and Elena Lazouta

    My name is Elena Lazouta. I became aChristian 4 years ago. 1have met Bajenski's familyand they introduce me to Christian faith. Though Ihave seen Ben just one time in my life, he isalways in my heart. I am thankful to God for thisboy and this family because they helped me tomake the most important decision in my life whichis to become a Christian.

    I have been in Vancouver since September of1996. The main reason is that my husband, Dema,is studying at Regent College In preparation forour future ministry in Belarus. We plan to comeback home in 2 years. We like to be in Canadabecause in our country, Belarus, just few peoplehave theological education.Dema and LenaLazouta; 503 - 4691 West 10th Ave.; Vancouver,BC, Canada V6R 2J3.


    Hello, fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers of children such as us!

    My name is Misha. I am 13 years old. I live in the cityof Nikolaev in Ukraine. This last summer I had a wonderful

    opportunity to attend Christian camp with my SundaySchool class friends from our church. I sincerely thank youfor financing the camp. I will remember the time that Ispent at the camp for the rest of my life. There were a lotof kids there from other churches and I had fellowship withthem. We sang a lot, read the Word of God and during ourfree times we played various games, also, we swam In theriver. I made many new friends and we didn't want to part.As a way of remembering our time together we all gaveeach other souvenirs that we made ourselves. As we parted, we expressed our wish that we would meet again.

    Over and over I thank God and you, Christians fromCanada and the United States, for your help and concernfor us, children of Ukraine. May the Lord Jesus Christbless you with His blessings. Misha



    twm. aneueI-C01ii5'52.

    In nfiemory of/Given by

    Alice HumenyThe Posnikoff Family

    Joe & Tina Forsiuk, Olga ForsiukA. Nettie Forsiuk

    John K. Huk, Sr.Elizabeth Trumpore

    John & Mary Huk, Sr.Robert & Ann fvlanwick

    Benjamin BajenskiDiane & Erin BeettamIrene NevilleElizabeth TrumporePatricia EicheGordon & Rebecca SouderPhilathea Class,

    First Christian Church, Ohio

    Mike BorlsenkoMary Borlsenko

    GMRM Missionaries: George &Vera Bajenski, George Repetski, Paul DiatelGlobal Missionary Radio Ministries 4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Misslssauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4X9

    Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732Forwarding USA address: Box 104 Geneva. Ohio 44041 Address Correction Requested

    Published 6 times a year Printed in Canada

  • THEGjl Sdjmskju

    "O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."Isaiah


    The city of Ostroda in the northeast region of Poland should be known tothe readers of 'The Crier" from our previous mission reports of activities

    at the Ostroda Camp Christian, the local church and the Christiansenior citizens' home that are all located in that city. And now, there

    is another permanent landmark in the heart of the city of which youwill hear from us from time to time. This is Radio Mazuryl (The

    word "Mazury" refers to the geographical region of northeastern Poland in which Ostroda is one of the major cities.)

    A few years ago we tried to revive a state-owned AM radiostation in the city but it did not last long. Now God offers

    this new opportunity for our service.^ There are two things that make Radio Mazury unique

    special. First, it is the only private radio stationin Poland that is owned by a non-Catholic,

    JjMHH Protestant Christian organization. Mirek andEwa B., members of the Pulawska Street

    Christian Church in Warsaw are the owners^^^^^^^and directors of this station. From the

    beginning Global Missionary Radio wasactively involved with them in the long

    I I process of obtaining a radio licenseI with the authorities.

    Second, the location is of partic-RADIOMAZURYB JH Mk Hp ular significance. Radio Ma-lul B Mvf zury is located right in the

    M heart of the city of Ostrodain an old water tower. This

    101.5 FM 71.27 FM tower was bunt whenVOLUME 20 f^ARCH-APRIL 1997 NO. 2

  • Young volunteer, serving as DJ In theOstroda radio station

    the city was still called Ostrude, and thewhole region was under German (EastPrussian) administration. Over the last50 or more years it was rather rundownand an extremely neglected city landmark. The roof was in complete ruin butthe tower's foundation and beautifulbrick walls will stay for another 100years.

    Now, however, this old water towerhas a new owner and a new designation. From now on "streams of livingwater" will flow from it.

    Our prayer is that through wise andeffective management of this radio station people of the Mazury region and,eventually, all of Poland might be ableto hear the Good News even whenthere will be reports of bad weather, orwhen the economy breaks down, orpoliticians fail. We pray that it willbecome a station of hope and blessedassurance for thousands of people. Wepray that the words and music beingsent through its transmitters and antennas will bring harmony in peoples'

    homes, peace in neighborhoods andGod's love among all people. Of course,our greatest desire is to have listenersconfronted with the claims of JesusChrist and respond to them in a positiveway.

    As we had mentioned earlier, thisstation has been in operation for threemonths. However, the challenge ofdoing restorative work on this tower andsupplying the studio with adequatetechnical equipment continues. Onething Is certain, our involvement in thisproject is good and worthy. At this timethe station has a most pressingimmediate need, namely, a mixingconsole. We have located one inWarsaw, a Swiss product made byStuder which speciaiizes In makingsuch equipment. This Is a Model 916Studer mixing console that will cost$10,855 in US funds.

    We ask you, dear friends, to help usin the purchase of this needed equip-

    Needed: mixing console Studer 916

  • ment for our radio ministry in Poland.Please send your contributions for thisproject with the designation for "RadioMazury Project," GMRM, 4141 DixieRoad, Box 20, Mississauga, Ontario,Canada, L4W 4X9.


    Spring and summer are quickly coming upon us and we are thinking aboutour upcoming camp season. We consider this type of ministry very vital tothe churches with which we labourbecause we are dealing here with youththat will become the church leaders oftomorrow. If we can influence them forChrist now, they will live for the Lord inadult life and become responsiblechurch members and dedicatedChristian workers within the congregations that they attend. This year GMRMwill participate in various ways inChristian youth camps in Belarus,Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.

    From May 25 - June 15 Ostroda,Poland, will become the center for twogroups of Jewish children from Belarus,and Ukraine, to gather for Christiancamp. Some 150 children are expectedto come. As an outgrowth of our Jewishoutreach ministry in Warsaw, Poland,Kazik Barchuk has been able to arrangefor children of Jewish parents in Belarusand Ukraine to come and hear aboutJesus Christ, their Messiah. However,they will not be able to cover their campliving expenses, thus we will be responsible for their living needs while in

    Ostroda.In the country of Lithuania we have

    become aware of a new growing churchin a small city not too far from Vilniuscalled Solechniki. This church wishes todraw children and their families from theneighborhood and have asked us tohelp them run a camp. We agreed toassist them with finances and with program ideas and personnel. Thus, weare committed to see that this camp willtake place.

    During the last week of May ourcoworkers in the city of Lutsk, Ukraine,plan to conduct a camp specifically forthe children that live in the city's orphan-age.This will be a wonderful opportunityto effect the lives of these children thateither have no parents or, if they do,cannot live with them for different reasons. For two years in a row GMRM hasprovided partial financial support fortheir summer youth ministries. Wewould like to do the same this year.

    Last year for the first time we assisted a group of children workers in the

  • city of Nikolayev in southern Ulcraine. any way we can.The funds that GI^/IRM provided allowed Throughout the summer of 1997, inthem to have two main evangelisticpro- addition to all of these special camps injects for children. One was an outreach Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine, we willon the beaches of the Nikolayev region. be Involved in organizing and oversee-They held special sessions for children Ing 15 weeks of our regular Ostrodathat were taking in the sun on these Camp Christian ministry in Poland. Thisbeaches. Also, they ran a separate is more than ever before. We appeal to6-day camp program near a river by a you, dear friends and Christian part-forest. The thank you notes from the ners, to remember us in your prayerschildren were most heartening. We and by your financial support as wewould like to help In a similar outreach take on the challenge of new opportuni-with our fellow Christians in southern ties of summer ministry in Europe.Ukraine.

    Last year GMRM was involved in living memorialsevangelistic camp outreach with a newchurch in the city of Kobryn, Belarus. fOver 100 children attended and many faccepted Jesus as their Savior andLord. This year this same church plansto have a similar program and asks for in memory of/Given byour assistance in it. We will try to help in

    GMRM Missionaries: George &Vera Bajenski, George Repetski, Paul DiatelGlobal Missionary Radio Ministries

    4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W4X9Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732

    Forwarding USAaddress: Box 104 Geneva, Ohio 44041 Address Correction RequestedPublished 6 times a year Printed in Canada

  • THE

    C(R ..v"O Crier of Good News... sfiout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."



    "Because of the Lord's great love we arenot consumed, for his compassions neverfail. They are new every morning: greaf /syour faithfulness" (Lam. 3:22-23)

    Our God is a faithful God. He remainstrue to His word. I have found this to be trueover the past 25 years of ministry. Justrecently Lucille, my kind wife, organized anevening celebrating our 25 years of Christ-Ian ministry. Guests were invited, we reminisced together, praised God for his greatfaithfulness and asked for his continuedguidance in future years.

    My first training ground for ministry wasat home. My folks came from Belaruswhere they had become believers in Jesus.During our teenage years we visited Slavicchurch conferences in parts of Canada andthe USA. Our family sang Russian andBelarusian hymns at these gatherings. Dadwas one of the preachers. Another preacher was John K. Huk who was our good family friend.

    Following high school I studied the Russian language and literature in two universities. In 1971 John Huk and Gene Dulin ofToronto Christian Mission invited Lucilleand me to work with them and by September of 1971 we were in Toronto to begin ourministry.

    But just before joining TCM, Lucille and Itraveled to Europe and visited the city ofMinsk. We saw first-hand the one Bible-believing church for the whole city of more

    that a million people. We sensed the greatneed to reach out to this part of the worldwith the Gospel of Christ. As we returned toCanada we felt convinced that God had ledus to our new ministry with others inToronto.

    For many years thereafter I worked inclose association with Brother Huk andCharles Branum as we prepared the"Everlasting Gospel" Russian radio program. We produced the "Christian" magazine in the Russian language and sent it outto various countries in the western world. Ibegan to produce the "On Wings ofThought" program in the Russian language.

    By 1976 TCM's main office had movedto Indianapolis, IN, and the Russian radioteam continued its ministry from the Torontooffice. We formed Global Missionary RadioMinistries and continued the radio programs as before. By this time we had alsobegun preparing our "Good News"Belarusian radio program that was broadcast from Monte Carlo. My father started asthe main speaker and eventually he handed this responsibility to me. In 1980 Georgeand Vera Bajenski and in 1982 Paul Diateljoined our mission team.

    Throughout the 1980's the political situation in Poland and the USSR began tochange drastically. There was greater freedom to go into these countries for extendedperiods of ministry. The local believerscould witness more freely. More and more

    VOLUME 20 MAY-JUNE 1997 NO. 3

  • Board member, Ernie Atkinson,presenting plaque to G. RepetskI

    we assisted local believers in countries ofour ministry. I again was able to traveled tothe USSR by 1989 and Lucille and I madea wonderful trip visiting many churches inBelarus.

    For about 3 years our Belarusian program "Good News" was broadcast overBelarusian National Radio bui that had tobe dropped with the coming of the presentpresidential regime. We worked with localbelievers who produced their own programs with our help and encouragement.Last year the private radio station carrying

    our Belarusian programs in Minsk wasclosed down by the authorities.

    During the time that Iwas preparing "OnWings of Thought" 1 used consecutivetranslated excerpts from Arlie Hoover'sbook, Dear Agnos. This book is an apologetic defense for the Christian faith. Eventually we were able to typeset the book inRussian at our Mississauga office, have itedited and printed in Moscow. Also, wetypeset and published New Life in Christ inthe Belarusian language, a book on thebasics of the Christian life. It was printed inMinsk and is now being distributed inBelarus. I also typeset a new translation ofthe New Testament in contemporary Belarusian which was printed in Belarus. Presently I am typesetting and partially editingthe Old Testament in Belarusian as well astranslating into Belarusian and typesettingan expository work on the "heroes of thefaith" mentioned in Hebrews 11.

    The Lord has opened the way for us tomake regular trips to East Europe and minister and be involved in church plantingthrough youth camps and many speakingengagements. We work closely with localchurches and believers in assisting them intheir programs of evangelistic outreach.

    God has been faithful over the years. Ibelieve He will continue to show his faithfulness and guidance as we trust Him for thefuture.

    George Repetski


    As the time of Summer '97 mission workin Europe approaches, we would like toshare with you some of our plans and concerns so that all of us might be involved inthis challenging work of taking Christ to thenations.

    First, let me, however, describe the general situation we are facing this summer incountries of Central and East Europe. Bela

    rus continues to be ruled by the dictatorialhand of President Lukashenko. There aremany dissatisfied people. As far as churchlife goes, however, we can say that churches are open and functioning. Governmentofficials even maintain friendly relationswith the traditional Orthodox Church andother organized church unions. However,Bible-believing Christians feel some un-

  • comfortable pressure from authorities asnew restrictions are imposed on churches.Politically and economically, Belarus hasdeveloped closer ties with Russia, at thesame time, she is becoming increasinglyisolated from other neighbours, especiallyUkraine, Lithuania and Poland. And it is inthese countries that GMRM will continue toconcentrate its ministries throughout thissummer.

    On the other hand, Poland, with its morestable political and economic conditions,continues to press towards full membershipin the community of countries forming aunited Europe. There is even the possibilitythat this summer Poland will be introducedas an official candidate for the NorthAtlantic Treaty Organization which is a military organization guarding the security ofEurope.

    Keeping the above in mind, GMRM willbe visiting several churches in Belarus thissummer, bringing them encouragementand Biblical messages of remaining steadfast in the Lord during these difficult days.Once again we will be assisting a church inKobryn as they conduct a vacation Bibleschool and camp program for their youth.

    What is new and exciting this summer,however, is that we are entering into anextensive mission program in the countiy ofLithuania. As we mentioned in our previousissue of 'The Crier," we will be working witha group of believers in the city of Solechnikithat is located in the southwestern region ofLithuania. George Bajenski will be there inlate May, then George Repetski in lateJune, and in July we bring a bus load ofPolish musicians, evangelist and children'sworkers for evangelistic meetings and children's camp. We pray this evangelisticeffort will encourage and help local believers in establishing a firm foundation for anew church in this city. This will be the firstnon-Catholic, nor Orthodox, but Bible-believing Christian Church in this city with

    over 50 thousand inhabitants.Friends, we realize that you cannot join

    us on these missionary trips, but you canhelp in this evangelistic outreach in Belarusand Lithuania with daily prayers and finances which are so needed. Also, this summer we will be visiting northwestern Ukraine, the region of Volyn, where our co-worker, Brother Vasili in the city of Kovel, isoverseeing a local radio ministry. We'll bealso involved with two local churches in thecity of Lutsk and Nikolayev in their efforts toreach out to children through Christiancamp programs.

    Then a multitude of mission activitiesawait us in Poland. I will mention just a few:Radio Mazury in the city of Ostrddadailyprograms, guests, discussions, financesand decisions. We thank the Lord that theOstroda Camp ministry can count again onthe full-time involvement of Andrew Koryt-kowski, our young coworker. From the middle of May until September there will be afull schedule of camp activities in Ostrbda.First, we will have a camp for Jewish children; an adult camp; a church conference;a Bible camp for high school-aged youngpeople with an emphasis on teaching theEnglish language; junior Bible camp for twoweeks; a youth Bible and basketball camp;Bible, music and drama camp; youth conference and Bible camp for singles.

    This is all very exciting and important,but the Lord is preparing for us somethingeven more challenging this summer. Wenever had something like thisbefore. Just think, parents of some hundredJewish children from far away places inBelarus, Ukraine and Russia are committing their children to our care for threeweeks of Bible camp in Ostr6da. We will beeating, resting, playing, singing and teaching the Bible stories about their Messiah,another Jewish boy, Yeshua, the Son ofGod, the Anointed One, who once was hereon earth with us but many people failed to

  • recognize Him. Tliey killed Him but Hearose and He lives and soon He will comeagain to claim his own. Friends, this is aGod-given opportunity for us. We feel thisexcitement and tremendous responsibilitythat may never again come our way.

    I cannot help but think right now about arecent viewing of the film, "Schlndler's List."Do you remember Mr. Schindler and hisdesperate cry when the war was over andhis Jewish friends, prisoners were set free.When he realized how precious the life ofeven one person Is and that It could not becompared to gold, money or any other personal possession, he cried: "I could havegotten more people out... If only I had moremoney... but I threw away so much money;if I just... I didn't do enough." Then pointingto his car, he continued: 'This car... why didI keep this car? It was worth ten more people!" Then, pointing to his ring, he wept:'This ring... two more people, or at leastone... I could have gotten four more persons, and I didn't!"

    Friends, these words carry for us deepspiritual application. We are dealing herewith something much more seriousdeathor life with Christ Jesus. Yes, it will cost ussomething! GMRM's summer ministry thisyear in Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania andPoland will cost approximately $15,000, notcounting these special Jewish children whowill come from far away to be with us at ourBible Camp in Poland, it will cost $10 perchild per day. Friends, the amount of children that we can sponsor will depend fullyon the response to this letter. Please consider the cost and respond In Christian loveas the Lord directs you. We will be praying,working and waiting to hear from you.

    Please send your gift to GMRM, 4141Dixie Road, Box 20, IMississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4X9, witii the specialdesignation of Camp Ministries.


    In memory of/Given by

    Frank Switalski

    Olga Switalski

    Fred G. Posnikoff

    Alice HumenyPosnikoff Family

    John K. Huk

    Mirek BryckoGeorge & Vera Bajenski

    Paul Nourse

    Eva Nourse

    Benjamin BajenskiEva Nourse

    Luise Bulier

    Uncle K. Yacknowiec

    John & Helen Martin

    Global IViissionary Radio Ministries4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W4X9

    Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732GMRM Missionaries George and Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

    Address Correction Requested Published 6 times a year Printed in Canada

  • THE

    CB(R"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."



    Janice and Faye Rostvit are twin sisters that makeregular missionary journeys to many different lands.This year they again accompanied George Repetskito conduct Christian services in Ukraine, Belarus andLithuania. They then spent time in Poland withGeorge Bajenski. We asked them to write an articlefor 'The Crier." Here is what they wrote:

    Nine weeks among the Slavic people havepassed quickly. At times it felt like a "whirlwindtour"packing, unpacking, ever on the move, if itweren't for keeping a diary, we could easily forgetdetails, but one thing is certainparticular peopleand incidents are etched on our hearts. We'll sharesome of these "treasured memories."

    Following one concert-preaching service, a ladywith tears of joy related: "My husband who is anunbeliever came to church for the first time tonight.His reaction to it all was very positive. Please pray forhim. His name is Anatoli."

    While singing in a prison, we could not decipherthrough facial expressions if any of the Inmates werehungrily listening, but afterward they eagerly accepted New Testaments plus George Repetski's book,"New Life in Christ."

    One afternoon a local pastor made a last minutechange in our schedule and we were rushed to achurch service on the outskirts of Minsk. By the timewe and George Repetski arrived, the service wasalready in progress. We don't like to disrupt somebody's preaching as we are escorted to the front. Theprogram was packed with music groups and preachers from America, England, Scotland and Belarus.We thought: "Why did they rush us here when therewas already an abundance of guest speakers andsingers?" The hour was late when we were introduced. The final song we shared was aboutGolgotha. "It's not the nails which held you, Jesus, onthe cross. It's not the people who caused you pain. Itwas my sin..." George Repetski followed with a sermon about Christ's death on the cross. At the closehe extended an invitation and two ladies stepped forward tearfully repenting. One of them said: "For thefirst time tonight I realized that my sins sent Jesus toGolgotha." We had initially felt unneeded at the service, but God showed us that there was a purposefor our being there.

    We cannot name all the special children who havetouched our hearts, especially in the two youthcamps which we attended. There were boys whogave us gifts, and orphans who needed plenty ofhugsand we never tired of giving that to them. Oneboy from the orphanage, who at times lives with hisgrandmother, said excitedly to her: "I've found mymother and father at th^t church." As to whom hewas referring we're not quite sure, but the grandmother was overjoyed to see the lad so happy. Shepromised to attend church regularly with him.

    Parents (mostly non-believers) attended a finalprogram and were impressed favourably. The campsare a good means for reaching new people for theLord. The good-byes on the final day were hardplenty of tears because our hearts were involved.

    It was the same at the Lithuanian youth camp.Certain ones quickly touched our hearts. There waslittle freckle-faced Igor whose expression wouldnever have made you think that he is an orphan.Igor's father (now in prison) had murdered his mother. Igor, we were told, was not told the real reason forhis father's imprisonment. There were some olderchildren too who were in tears when we left. So werewe.

    Personally we treasured the times spent withfriends made on former trips, or times when peopleshared their testimonies with us. Let us share onewith you that we heard from Deema who is now aminister living in Mogilev, Belarus.

    Faye and Janice and George R. ministering

    VOLUME 20 JULY-AUGUST 1997 NO. 4

  • Pastor Deema with family, Mogilev

    As a young man Deema entered the armed services in the mid-1970's. Since it was during the timeof communism, the commander found Deema's NewTestament and said: 'This will be confiscated."

    At that moment Deema thought of the verses: "Donot worry about how or what you should answer orwhat you should say." (Luke 12:11,12). AlthoughDeema had entered the room with fear, now hespoke with confidence. He asked the officer: "Are youa communist?"

    The officer proudly patted his shirt pocket whichheld his communist card and answered: "Of course."

    Then Deema asked: "Do you ever leave your cardat home?"

    "No, I always carry it next to my heart."Then Deema pointed to the New Testament: 'This

    is my symbol of allegiance. I too carry it next to myheart."

    "Alright, you may have the book back after yourtwo years of service," stated the officer.

    Deema held his ground: "You have the power totake it from me, but it will affect the way I serve mycountry and you."

    The officer, now on the defensive, bargained:"We'll keep the book safe in a guarded room.Whenever you'd like, you may come and read itbeneath the picture of Lenin."

    "I need it with me at all times," Deema insistedboldly, 'The army Is so regimented that I would never

    Happy campers

    be given time to go to that room."Finally the officer gave in: ''Alright keep it, but ifwe

    ever catch you sharing it with anyone else, you wiilbe severely punished."

    The two years were a positive growing experiencein Deema's faith as he saw God taking care of him inmany ways. He did share the Word with others andmany soldiers and officers alike respected him for hisintegrity and faith.

    We had come prepared to givethrough singingand testifying, but will go home, as on former tripshere, feeling we've received more that we gave. Wethank God for this great joy and opportunity to workin partnership with GMRM.

    First day of camp


    We thank the Lord for the many opportunities thathe gave the singing Rostvit Twins (Janice and Faye)and me (George Repetski) to minister in three countriesUkraine, Belarus and Lithuania. We spent thefirst week at a day camp for children of non-believingfamilies in the city of Lutsk. During the following threeweeks we traveled about Belarus and visited 20 congregations. Lithuania proved to be a unique experience as we visited 3 churches and spent a week inchildren's camp in a staunchly Catholic area.

    Having visited so many churches, many specialmoments come to mind. For example, children at thecamps became dear to each one of us. Once yousee them every day, their unique personalities etchthemselves into your memory. It is simply overwhelming to see how eagerly the children come tohear the Bible stories, sing the songs, play theirhearts out during game period. Praise the Lord,many made first-time commitments to accept Christas their Savior. How they need our prayers keepingin mind the fact that they do not live in ChristianBible-believing homes. Pray that the local Christianswill maintain contact with these new believers andhelp them develop more fully into becoming true followers of Jesus Christ. In Lithuania the local Catholicpriest was very upset by our being there and was

  • Craft time

    putting pressure on the school principal to get us outof the rented school facility. Our fellow believers justrecently began holding meetings in that area. But wepraise the Lord that the camp ended well with no incidents from displeased individuals. Many of the children accepted Jesus as their personal Saviour. Ourhosts expressed their deepest thanks for assistingthem in the program of the camp.

    Throughout Belarus I met people who remembered me from my past radio programs. One ladyeven stated that she had heard me on the previousSunday. This surprised me. Apparently they're replaying some past radio talks.

    Today's presidential regime in Belarus is very dictatorial and is putting much pressure on evangelicalchurches. We believe this is partly a result of theOrthodox Church working closely with the government to curtail evangelistic activities. In spite of newrestrictions, we were invited to sing and preachbefore a group of 50 prison inmates, a classroomfilled with young school children and hospital workers. This is now officially against the law in Belarus.Local churches are struggling with such issues.Please pray for those non-believers that heard themessage of Christ that they will respond to the message of Christ and begin following him.

    As the Rostvits and I traveled to various churcheswe went to one village congregation in Belarus thatwe found rather interesting. I fully expected to preach

    Church made up mostly of children

    First time up to batever!

    a message to adults but when we arrived at thechurch it was mostly made up of children. This is anew work and most that come are children of non-believing parents. The church does not even have alocal minister. Our friend that told of his experience ofhaving a New Testament while serving in the army ofthe former Soviet Union (see previous article), nowtravels to this church to conduct services. Thus,being at this church I had to quickly change my message so that it would be at a child's level of understanding. It was a wonderful meeting and the childrenlistened quietly as the Rostvits sang and presentedthe Gospel using their puppets and slides. Followingthe meeting several girls stayed back and sang for usas the adults fed us before our trip back to our temporary home in the city of Mogilev. We've included apicture of this church with the children standing infront of it. Indeed, what a joy and privilege to haveserved our Lord in congregations such as this one.

    George Bajenski continues to conduct his ministryin Poland throughout the summer and fall months.During June and July he was heavily involved in theprogram of Ostrbda Camp Christian. He has alreadyvisited several cities of Poland with different groupsof Christians from the USA and with Janice and FayeRostvit. One significant outreach in which Georgeparticipated is during a week of evangelistic meetingsin Lithuania together with a group of musicians andsingers from Misslo Musica of Poland. He arrangedfor evangelistic meetings in various cities ofLithuania. Missio Musica also provided music for ourgrand opening of the camp in Lithuania. DuringAugust and September George will continue his ministry in Poland visiting many churches with groupsfrom the USA. One significant phase of GMRM's outreach will be the coming of Joni and Friends, as theywill be speaking in Warsaw and other cities presenting the Gospel and talking about ministry to the disabled in Poland. George will be fully involved in thiseffort. His wife, Vera, will be joining George duringthe month of September.

    This summer is indeed a very active one, asalways. Friends, you have also been participants. Wethank you for your prayers and financial undergirding

  • fGeorge B. helping child with testimony

    which makes GMRM's many-faceted ministries possible. Do continue to pray for those reached by oureffortsthat they will grow and become active members of local congregations and powerful witnessesfor Jesus Christ.


    Talk about a unique God-given outreach! This onecertainly is. In past issues of "The Crier" we havebeen telling you about our outreach to Jewish peoplein Poland through the efforts of our good friend andcoworker, Kazik Barczuk. He resides in Warsaw andbegan a Christian outreach to people of Jewishbackground. As a result of his contacts with Jewishorganizations Kazik arranged to have a group ofJewish ladies come from Belarus and spend sometime at the Ostr6da Camp Christian last year andhear about Jesus Christ as their Messiah. The ladiesenjoyed it so much that they told others about theirtime at Ostrbda camp.

    This year this ministry was greatly extended. InJune groups of Jewish children and accompanyingadults came from various parts of Russia, Belarusand Ukraine to Ostr6da and to one camp site insouthern Poland. In Ostr6da we had groups from thefollowing places. From Russia one group came fromSt. Petersburg and another from the city of Perm.Perm is located deep in Russia along the UralMountains. A group of 35 children and adults fromPenn traveled for three days and nights on train toget to Ostr6da and again took the same amount oftime to return home. Their time of travel did notdampen their enthusiasm and desire to come. Twogroups of Jewish children and adults came fromBelarusone from the city of Mogilev (where last

    year's ladies came from) and the other from the cityof Grodno. All totaled there were 120 people presentat Ostroda. Also from Vinnitsa, Ukraine, we had agroup of 40 people that came to a camp site insouthern Poland where a special Christian teachingprogram was offered to them.

    All participants enjoyed the programs whichincluded spiritual instruction and recreational activities. Bible lessons were based on Moses' TenCommandments and our coworkers related them tothe New Testament teaching of Christ and theApostles. Most of the campers knew very little aboutJewish Biblical history. During the first days the nameof Jesus was mentioned just as the Messiah, but asinstruction from the New Testament increased, moreand more Jewish participants repeated that name intheir conversations with our Polish personnel as theLord and Saviour. They heard the preaching of theGospel within the light of Jewish history and its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Two Sabbaths were celebratedbeginning at sundown Friday night. Our coworkerstaught the campers the Biblical meaning of theSabbath which included the drinking of wine andbreaking of bread signifying Christ and his sacrificialdeath. This was followed by a time of celebrationwhich included singing, dancing and playing.

    We believe that such a time of teaching will bringspiritual fruit. We already know that several of thethose that attended Ostr6da Camp last year havegiven their lives and hearts to the Lord. Please praythat others will follow their examples and come toknow Jesus as their Messiah, Savior, Lord andFriend.


    In memory of/Given by

    John & June Nayduk andSam & Olga Nayduk

    Madge llchyshyn

    Jotin K. Huk, Sr.Eugene & llah ThompsonGeorge & Lucille Repetski

    Benjamin BajenskiDonald & Florine Paine

    GMRM Missionaries: George &Vera Bajenski, George RepetskiGlobal Missionary Radio Ministries 4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W4X9

    Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732Forwarding USAaddress: Box 104 Geneva, Ohio 44041 Address Correction Requested

    Published 6 times a year Printed in Canada

  • THE

    CfZttK .S"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."



    September and October is a time whenwe review our GMM ministries in Europeand ask the Lord that the good seeds of theLiving Word sown by us during the summermight bring a multiple harvest. For this istrue joy when we can selflessly give ourbest to the Master, knowing that our truetreasures are laid up in heaven (Matt.6:19-20).

    We dream already now of this beautifultime when we will see Jesus, when we willhear his resounding voice: "Weil done,good and faithful servant, come into thekingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the earth" (Matt. 25:34). But we arealso eager to see the rest of the family whois already therethose who came to knowthe Lord as a result of camps organized byus, evangelistic meetings, radio programsand other mission activities. It will be worthit all when we see Jesusmore than anything this world can offer us. What a joy itwill be to hear such words of thanks: "It wasthrough your life, your testimony, yourpreaching, singing, sharing, giving andinviting me that I am here today" (1 Thess.2:19).

    I thank God for allowing us to share theGospel this summer at Ostroda with over ahundred Jewish children and adults fromBelarus, Russia and Poland. Pleaseremember Frankie and Anthonina in yourprayers who are finding it difficult to forgivefor all that has happened to their loved onesduring the Holocaust. Pray also for Igor, alittle boy from Vilnius, Lithuania, whoseheart is wide open to God, but his home sit

    uation is difficult. We pray for a group ofeager basketball players and a team of tai-kwon-doo enthusiasts. They spent 10 dayswith us at our camp in Ostroda. We pray forhomeless Valery who worked so hard withus throughout the summer. Then a group ofbelievers from Lidzbark needs our prayers.They actively witness for the Lord In theircity and are now ready to start their firstChristian Church in their city. Also, pleasepray for the witness of young professionalChristian musicians of Missio Musica inPoland with whom we ministered in Poland,Lithuania and Belarus. We also are prayingfor a growing church in Warsaw that hadstarted in September and continues toexceed 500 in attendance at their Sundayworship services. God is so good and faithful. We just humbly bow before him andsay: "Thank you. Lord." And we thank you,friends, for remembering us in your prayersand your financial contributions.


  • Evangelistic outreach with music In thetown hall, Solechnlkl, Lithuania

    Jewish camper eagerly reading newlyreceived Russian Bible, Ostroda, Poland

    Happy campers, homeward bound,enjoying gifts received, Ostroda, Poland

    Sunday morning church worship,time devoted to oraverme devoted to prayer

    prior to service,Vilnius, Lithuania

    George BaJenskI with ten-year oldorphan who asked Jesus to come Into

    his heart during our July campsession In Solechnlkl, Lithuania

  • PTmtl



    I ^

    - d

    George B. with Dan Ferguson of BeavertonChristian Church at Warsaw pulpit


    Summer baptismal service at Pulawska St.Christian Church, Warsaw, Poland


    We would like to informyou that our missionname has changed. Itis now called "GlobalMissionary Ministries."

    The reason for this change is that at onetime the mission's main form of ministrywas that of radio. Thus it was natural to callour mission "Global Missionary RadioMinistries." We adopted this name duringthe mid-70's when the Soviet Union wasjust on the brink of political, social and religious change. While we still performedother ministries, radio was the main thrust.Since the break up of the "Soviet Empire,"many new opportunities presented themselves to us to develop closer ties with localbelievers and churches in these countriesand to work together with them in outreach.Our mission continues to support a radioministry but now it does so much more.Those of you who regularly read The Crier"know of the wider scope of our outreach.

    In Canada we received governmentapproval. This was recently granted. Thisname change has also been approved inthe USA. Our efforts to minister to peoplethrough radio continues but we alsoengage in evangelistic outreach, preachand teach, conduct youth work andChristian camps, prepare and distributeChristian literature in the countries ofBelarus, Poland, Ukraine and, more recently, in Lithuania. Our mission mandateremains the same and has only increasedin scope.

    Special NoticeThere is a possibility of a national postal

    strike in Canada during October. We would askour American friends to include their returnaddress on their envelopes to us so that letterswith donations could be returned to themshould mail to us in Canada become undeliver-able through the postal system. In the event ofa postal strike in Canada, we would ask ourAmerican friends then to redirect their letter toour USA address given below in our addressbox. Your contribution will be forwarded to usvia courier.

    We would kindly ask our Canadian friends tonote that they can make a donation to GMM bygoing to any branch of the Royal Bank in Canada and asking the bank to send your envelopewith cheque for GMM through their internalbanking system. Specify that it should be sentto the Royal Bank Branch with transfer #3252{6240 Dixie Rd., Mississauga, Ontario), Attention: Business Accounts, and deposited toGMM's Account #108-338-5.


    In memory of/Given byAndrew Kudrick

    Nellie Kudrick

    John HukRuth Huk

    Benjamin BajenskiFaye and Janice RostvitNellie KudrickRuth HukDavid & Margaret Eubanks

    John K. Huk, Sr.Lee & Velma Farrell

    GMM Missionart^: George &Vera Bajensl04 Geneva, Ohio 44(M-t Address Correction RequestedPublished 6times ayear Prjpt^ in Canada

  • THE

    cfiitfi"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."



    One raw winter night the manheard an irregular thumping soundagainst the kitchen storm door. Hewent to a window and watched as tiny,shivering sparrows, attracted to theevident warmth inside, beat in vainagainst the glass.

    S'ing birds. ^He turned onthe lights andtossed somehay into thecorner. But

    the sparrows, which had scattered inall directions when he emerged fromthe house, hid in the darkness, afraid.

    The man tried various tactics toget them into the barn. He laid down atrail of Saltine cracker crumbs to directthem. He tried circling behind the birdsto drive them toward the barn. Nothing

    worked. He, a huge, alien creature,had terrified them; the birds couldn'tcomprehend that he actually desiredto help.

    The farmer withdrew to his houseand watched the doomed sparrowsthrough a window. As he stared, a

    thought hithim like

    lightningfrom the

    Wr clear bluei could be-

    come a

    BPg ' birdone ofthemjust

    * for a mO"_ ment, then I


    . _ wouldn't

    frightenthem so. i could show them the way towarmth and safety.

    At the same moment, anotherthought dawned on him. He hadgrasped the reason why Jesus wasborn.

    While the farmer could not becomea sparrow, God did become a man.*


  • Dear Christian friends, the Repetskisof Toronto, Ontario, greet you during thisChristmas season. XpbiCTOc HapaAsiycfl!Cnayue Rro! (In Belarusian: Christ hasbeen born! Praise Him!).

    In 1 Tim. 3:16 the Apostle Paul stated:"God was manifest in the flesh". God tookon human form and skin. The word that isapplied to Christ is "Emmanuel"Godwith us (Matthew 1:23).

    We hear this message so often, that itsomehow becomes "old hat"~hardlynoticed. Yet, the profundity of it is beyondmeasure or comparison. There is nothinglike it on planet earth. That God, theCreator or the Universe, life and mankind,should take on human form and liveamong usthis is stupendous, indeed.But that is what happened when Jesuscame as a baby, born in the humble townof Bethlehem.

    In Christ God became vulnerable.Jesus was fully dependent on his earthy

    mother and father to care for Him. Withoutparental love and care, a child dies. ButHis parents did care for Him. He "grewand became strong: he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him"(Luke 2:40). We are told by John that "theWord became flesh and made his dwellingamong us. We have seen his glory, theglory of the One and Only, who came fromthe Father, full of grace and truth" (John1:14).

    Life is worth living for us becauseJesus was born as a baby and, by this, Hebecame like one of us. Not only did Hereveal God to us, but also became "sin"for us on Golgotha's cross. This openedthe way for us to have direct access to thethrone room of God. He became our "highpriest" before God the Father on ourbehalf. We can now approach God'sthrone confidently and present our needsto Him. But this is not ail. Because Jesuscame the first time, we have the blessedhope that He will come again and take usup to be with Him for ever. Apostle Paulwrote that we "wait for the blessed hopethe glorious appearing of our great Godand Saviour, Jesus Christ" (Titus 2:13).Apostle Peter reminds us that "He hasgiven us new birth into a living hope... intoan inheritance that can never perish, spoilor fadekept in heaven for you" (1 Peter1:3-4). Life is meaningful because Jesuscame, helps us in our needs and gives ushope for the future.

    Lucille and I wish to express our deepest thanks for supporting us of GMM byyour prayers and giving. You have made itpossible for us to share the blessed hopeof Christ's coming with many over the pastyear. Our wish for you is that Christmaswill be a joyous occasion, that you will feel

    ,, .. Christ's presence in your lifeministry, especially in the

    Jg upcoming year of 1998.George and Lucille Repetski

  • Christmas in our home was always atime of joy and remembrance of Jesus'humble birth in Bethlehem's manger. Hecame as the Lamb of God and becameour Redeemer and Friend. This was theintent of His first coming to this world. Werecognize this truth and accept Him as theMessiah, the Son of God. From this day onHe continues to lead. As the days andyears keep passing by, we are getting toknow him better. Through His Word andHis Spirit's guidance He reveals Himselfto us each day more clearly. Although westill cannot fully comprehend His incarnation, as the sparrows from our Christmasstory could not understand the intentionsof the farmer, yet we love Him more andlook forward to spend eternity with Him.

    Thus, as we celebrate Christmas thisyear, we will remember Jesus' first comingto this earth. At the same time we look forward to another wonderful day "when Hisglory will be seen againthe glory of our

    great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ"{Titus 2:13). Therefore, it is with evengreater joy and anticipation that we lookforward to His second coming. This time,when Jesus, the Lion of Judah and theKing of kings, will come, we want to beready to welcome Him, not as the first timewhen He was forgotten, despised andrejected. We know that when He comesagain, He will be fully vindicated. He willreceive glory and honor. Every knee shallbow before Him, every tongue shall confess Him. We want to be there!

    In addition, we know that when Hecomes all hurt, hatred and injustice will bedone away with. No more separationallof God's family will be reunited. Can youimagine such a Christian celebration?

    Friends, this is exactly what Vera'sand my wish is for you during this season.As, together with our families and friends,we will be remembering Jesus' birth, letus consider His claims, find time and startpreparations to welcome Him. We believethat He is just about ready to leave heaven's glory and once again come to ourhumble, troubled world. Then He will takeus to a real "Chrisf'mas party.

    "For the Lord Himself will come downfrom heaven... and we who are still aliveand remain on the earth will be caught upwith them in the clouds to meet the Lord inthe air and remain with Him forever" (1Thes. 4:16-17).

    So let us comfort and encourage oneanother with this Good News.

    Merry Christmas to all.George and Vera Bajenski


    Some of our friends have inquired about the cutoff date for crediting contributions on their 1997 taxreturns. A gift that is postmarked byDecember 31 will be receipted forthe year of 1997, even though wemay not receive it until some time inJanuary of 1998. Any donations witha January postmark must, by law, receive a 1998 tax receipt. To avoiddisappointment please ensure thatyour gift is in the mail before the endof the month.


    During this Christmas season ourthoughts are concentrated on Jesus, God'smost precious gift. But we also rememberyour sacrificial gifts of time, prayer andfinancial support on behalf of our missionary outreach to Belarus, Poland, Ukraineand Lithuania. We want to assure you that,although there are again some political andreligious pressures that are developing inthis East European post-communisticworld, yet the doors for the Gospel are stillopen. We do not know what will happentomorrow, but as this year is coming to anend, we would ask you to prayerfully consider including GMM in your year-end giving. This would greatly encourage and helpus to face new challenges in next year'sministries.

    Our office is located in Mississauga,Ontario, but we issue both American andCanadian income tax-deductible receipts.

    GMM Missionaries: George &Vera Bajenski, George RepetskiGlobal Missionary Ministries

    4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4X9Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732

    Fonwarding USA address: Box 104 Geneva, Ohio 44041 Address Correction RequestedPublished 6 times a year Printed in Canada


    In memory of/Given by

    Paul Nourse

    Benjamin BajenskiEva Nourse

    Ann Swanson

    Clarence Swanson

    Fred PosnikoffAlice Humeny

    Pauline Posnikoff

    'Quote on first page taken from "Counterfeit Revival" by Hank Hanegraaf, WordPubiishirig, Dallas, 1997, pages 250-251.