Bahare Shariat 4 by Sadrush Sharia

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  • 8/9/2019 Bahare Shariat 4 by Sadrush Sharia


  • 8/9/2019 Bahare Shariat 4 by Sadrush Sharia


    Vol.4 pg.1




    Shariat Volume 4


    Comprising approximately 222 Ahadith & 814 Laws ofFiqh, referenced to Authentic Books of Hadith &


    Compiled ByQadi Sadrush Shariah Hazrat Allama Maulana Mufti

    Mohammed Amjad Ali Aazmi Razvi 

    Translated into English through the Blessings ofGhaus-ul-Waqt Huzoor Mufti-e-Azam Hind 

    By a humble servant of AllahMuhammad Afthab Cassim al-Qaadiri Razvi Noori



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    Chapter 1: The Witr Namaaz 3

    Chapter 2: Sunan & Nawafil Namaaz 13

    Chapter 3: A Munfarid getting the Jama’at of Fard 69

    Chapter 4: Qaza Namaaz 77

    Chapter 5: Sajdah-e-Sahw 95

    Chapter 6: Namaaz of the sick 115

    Chapter 7: Sajdah-e-Tilaawat 127

    Chapter 8: Namaaz of a Traveller 149

    Chapter 9: The Jummah Namaaz 171

    Chapter 10: The Eidain (both eids) 209

    Chapter 11: Namaaz of Eclipse 223

    Chapter 12: Namaaz-e-Istisqa 231

    Chapter 13: Namaaz-e-Khauf 239

    Chapter 14: Illness 247

    Chapter 15: Death & Janaazah 259

    Chapter 16: The Shaheed 343 Chapter 16: Namaaz in the sanctified kaaba 354

    Endorsement by Aala Hazrat 357 

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    Chapter 1

    The Witr Namaaz

    * Virtues of Witr Namaaz 4

    * Laws of Jurisprudence 6

    * Dua-e-Qunoot 7

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    The Virtues of Witr Namaaz

    Hadith 1:  It is reported in Sahih Muslim Shareef from Abdullah

    bin Ab’bas   نع   ع   اهللا ر. e sa!s" #I had slept at the blessed home of

    $asoolullah " u%oor &o'e up (from his rest) then performed

    Mis&a' and *udu and in this +ondition he re+ited the follo&ing

    ,erse ن

         ل     ختو  س ضال      ْ ا     !"   e re+ited this till the end of the Surah. ethen stood up and performed t&o $a'a’at &herein he performed

    length! -i!aam" $u'u and Suood. After pra!ing" he &ent ba+' to

    rest" until the sound of his breathing +ould be heard. e repeated

    this thri+e" until he had performed si/ $a'a’ats. At e,er! instan+e he

    performed Mis&a' and *udu. u%oor &ould re+ite the abo,e

    ,erses" he &ould then perform 3 $a'a’ats of *itr.’

    Hadith 2:  It has been mentioned in the same (Sahih Muslim) on

    the authorit! of Abdullah ibn 0mar   نع   ع   اهللا ر  that $asoolullah

    said" #erform !our *itr at the end of the ight ra!ers (amaa%)’

    and he said" #erform !our *itr before earl! da&n.’

    Hadith 3:  Muslim" irmi%i" Ibn Maah et+. report from abir

    that $asoolullah said" #6ne &ho fears that he &ill not be able to&a'e up in the latter portion of the night" then he should perform

    his *itr in the earl! portion of night and one &ho has optimism that

    he &ill rise in the last part of night" then he should perform it (*itr)

    in the last part of night" be+ause the amaa% of the latter portion of

    night is &ell'no&n (In other &ords the Angels of Mer+! des+end at

    this time) and this is preferred.’

    Hadith 4-6: Abu 8a&ud" irmi%i" asa’i and Ibn Maah report from

    Maula Ali that $asoolullah said" #Allah is *itr (i.e. 6dd as e is

    one)" e lo,es 6dd (that &hi+h is in odd numbers). hus" 6 eople of

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    the -ur’an (i.e. those &ho re+ite and belie,e in it)" perform the *itr.’

    A similar narration has been reported from abir .

    Hadith 7-11:  Abu 8a&ud" irmi%i and Ibn Maah report from

    9haara bin u%aafa that $asoolullah said" #Allah has assisted

     !ou b! &a! of one amaa% &hi+h is better than possessing red

    +amels (i.e. the best +amels) it is *itr (Salaah). Allah has pla+ed it

    (*itr Salaah) bet&een :sha and the ;eginning of aid ibn

    Aslam that $asoolullah said" #6ne &ho sleeps &ithout pra!ing

    *itr should perform it in the morning.’

    Hadith 13-16:  Imam Ahmed reports from Abi bin 9a’ab and

    8aarmi reports from Ibn Ab’bas and Abu 8a&ud and irmi%i from

    0mmul Momineen A’isha Siddi=a

      نع   ع   اهللا ر and asa’i reports from

    Abdur $ahmaan bin Abra" &ho inturn reports from his father

     ا رهللا#$ نع  ع    that in the first $a'a’at of *itr Sa!!iduna $asoolullah

    used to re+ite (the Surah) % & '      (     # (ا     )& *     ر+ع     ْ ا  and in the se+ond he &ouldre+ite ,- .      /  0    1     ا 1     ن! - 2 3 4ا  and in the third he &ould re+ite ,- .     و- 5-هللا ا     67      8  ا .

    Hadith 17:  Ahmad" Abu 8a&ud and aa'im report &ith the

    ad,antage of an a++urate report from ;uraidah that $asoolullah

    said" #*itr is a=" (and) one &ho does not perform the *itr is not

    from amongst us.’

    Hadith 18:  Abu 8a&ud" irmi%i and Ibn Maah report from Abu

    Sa’eed 9hudri that $asoolullah said" #6ne &ho sleeps a&a! not

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    performing *itr or one &ho forgets (to perform) it" then he should

    read it &hen he &a'es up or &hen he remembers.’

    Hadith 19-20:  Ahmed" asa’i and 8ar=utni report from Abdur

    $ahmaan bin Ab%a &ho reports from his father and Abu 8a&ud and

    asa’i report from Abi bin 9a’ab  ا رهللا#$ نع  ع    After $asoolullahturned Salaam on +ompletion of the *itr (amaa%)" he &ould sa!


          9 ' - ()      

    :! 0   7 - ; ا

      thri+e" and he &ould sa! it aloud on the third


    Laws of Jurisprudence

    Law:  *itr is *aaib (+ompulsor!). If one did not perform it

    intentionall! or unintentionall! (b! mista'e) then -a%a is *aaib. If

    one &ho is a Saahibearteeb1  remembers that he has not as !et

    performed his *itr" and there is still time remaining (to perform it)"

    then in this +ase his

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    amaa% of Maghrib. If one forgetfull! lea,es out the -a’dae0la and

    stands up" then one is not permitted to go ba+' (to +omplete it)" but

    rather one should perform the SadaheSah& (at the end). @8urre

    Mu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?22D?23

    Law:  In all 3 $a'a’ats of *itr" -ira’at is absolutel! =   لنا>   in the first $a'a’at and in the se+ond

    ,- .      /  0    1     ا 1     ن! - 2 3 4ا  and in the third ,- .     و- 5-هللا ا     67      8  ا . Sometimes one should readsome other Surahs as &ell. In the third $a'a’at after the +ompletion

    of the -ira’at and before going into $u'u" raise the hands up to the

    ears and sa! #Allahu A'bar’ li'e one does in a'beereahreema"

    then tie (fold) the hand and re+ite the 8uae-unoot &hi+h is *aaib.

    here is no need to re+ite an! spe+ifi+ 8ua in it. It is ho&e,er best to

    re+ite the 8ua &hi+h is pro,en from abi . If one reads another

    (li'e) 8ua e/+ept this" there is no obe+tion. he most famous 8ua isC

    #       A     !     Bس @      ? ن-(     

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    It is also better to read &ith this" the 8ua &hi+h $asoolullah

    taught a%rat Imam assan . hat 8ua isC

    #           _      !B  و          _      D      E     ] H و         !  I ع         D      E     ] H      ^  ع         D      E     ] 1     7      5     !  I ^  ا      \7 5ا     لل

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    After re+iting      )      *ا     [     ع       T - 3 4  * 7 S  6ا  9ل - E   a%rat 0mar used to re+ite the


    #    ا     لل

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    Law:  If one forgot to re+ite 8uae-unoot and alread! &ent into

    $u'u" then in this +ase he should not +ome ba+' to&ards -i!aam and

    nor should he re+ite it in $u'u and if he returns to the -i!aam

    position and re+ites the -unoot and does not ma'e $u'u (again)"

    then the amaa% &ill not be in,alidated but he is sinful for doing

    this. o&e,er" if he onl! re+ited the Alhamdu (Surah) and then &ent

    into $u'u" then he should return (to -i!aam position) and re+ite the

    Surah and -unoot and then again perform $u'u" and in the end he

    should perform the SadaheSah&. Similarl!" if he forgot to read the

    Alhamdu and onl! read the Surah then he should return to the said

    position and re+ite the

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    famousl! 'no&n as 8uae-unoot" but he ma! read it absolutel!

    (Mutla=an) an! other 8ua &hi+h +an be regarded as -unoot.

    @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.111 $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?27

    Law: If one has a doubt as to &hether the $a'a’at is the first" se+ond

    or third" then one should re+ite the -unoot in it as &ell and then

    perform -a’da" and then add a further t&o $a'a’ats" and the -unoot

    should be re+ited in ea+h of these $a'a’at as &ell" and -a’da should

    be performed in them as &ell. Similarl!" if one doubts &hether it is

    the se+ond or the third" then one should re+ite the -unoot in both.

    @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?2E Alamgiri 111

    Law:  If one forgetfull! re+ites the -unoot in the first or se+ond

    $a'a’at" then one should read it in the third $a'a’at again as this is

    the stronger ,ie&. @Shaami ,ol.1 pg.?2E Ghuni!a uli!a ;ahr

    Law:  *itr amaa% +an be pra!ed behind one &ho is Shafi’i ul

    Ma%hab" on +ondition that one does not turn the Salaam after the

    se+ond $a'a’at (as Shafi’i do) other&ise it &ill not be proper and in

    this situation (&hen follo&ing a Shafi’i Imam) re+ite the -unoot &ith

    the Imam" in other &ords &hen the Imam stands from $u'u in thethird $a'a’at and reads the 8ua. @General ;oo's of

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    Chapter 2

    Sunan & NawafilNamaaz

    * Virtues of Sunan & Nawafil 14* Laws of Jurisprudence 18* Tahiyat ul Masjid 37* Tahiyat ul Wudu 38* Namaaz-e-Ishraaq 39* Namaaz-e-Chasht 39* Namaaz-e-Safar 41* Salaat ul Layl 41* Tahaj’jud Namaaz 42

    * Namaaz-e-Istikhaara 48* Salaatut Tasbeeh 50* Namaaz-e-Hajaat 53* Salaat ul Asraar 56* Namaaz-e-Tauba 57* The Taraweeh Salaah 58

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     Virtues of Sunan & Nawafil

    Hadith 1: It is in Sahih ;u'hari Shareef from Abu urairah that

    $asoolullah said" #6ne &ho has enmit! &ith an! of m! *ali

    (;elo,ed uhr" the 2 after >uhr" the 2 after

    Maghrib" the 2 after :sha and the 2 before

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    Hadith 6: ;u'hari" Muslim" Abu 8a&ud and asa’i report from her

    (A’isha   نع   ع   اهللا ر). u%oor did not safeguard an! other afil as

    mu+h as he safeguarded this (Sunnat of

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    Hadith 12: Ahmed and irmi%i ha,e reported from Abdullah ibn

    Saa’ib that $asoolullah &ould perform 4 $a'a’ats after the sun

    des+ended and before the (uhr" and he &ould sa!" #his

    is su+h a (blessed) time &herein the 8oors of the s'! are opened" so I

    lo,e in this moment that some ,irtuous deeds of mine be ele,ated.’

    Hadith 13:  ;a%’%aar reported from haubaan that u%oor

    lo,ed the performing of 4 $a'a’ats after midda!. 0mmul Momineen

    A’isha   نع   ع   اهللا ر  said" #a $asool’Allah J I ha,e obser,ed that

    u%oor lo,es to read amaa% in this time’. e said" #It is a time

    &hen the 8oors of the S'! are opened and Allah loo's to&ards the

    +reation &ith spe+ial Mer+!" and a%rat Adam" a%rat uh" a%rat

    Ibraheem" a%rat Musa and a%rat :sa  }€سل  ال! y€Wا #$Hلع  safeguarded this


    Hadith 14&15:  abrani reports from ;ara ibn Aa%ib that

    $asoolullah said" #6ne &ho performed the 4 $a'a’ats before >uhr"

    it is as though he has performed 4 $a'a’ats of aha’ud and the one

    &ho performed 4 $a'a’ats after :sha (i.e.

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    Hadith 18&19:  abrani reported in 9abeer from 0mmul

    Momineen Salma   نع   ع   اهللا ر that $asoolullah said" #6ne &ho reads

    the 4 $a'a’ats before Asr" Allah &ill ma'e his bod! araam upon the

    fire (of hell)’. Another narration of abrani from Amr bin A’as

    mentions that in a gathering of Sahabae9iraam amongst &hom &as

    also present a%rat 0mar bin 9hattab " the ;elo,ed $asool

    said" #he fire &ill not tou+h the one &ho reads the 4 $a'a’ats before


    Hadith 20/21:  $a%een reported from Ma'hool (a Mursal

    narration) that he sa!s" #6ne &ho reads t&o $a'a’ats after Maghrib

    &ithout tal'ing" his amaa% is raised to the (heights) of Illi!een’.

    Another arration mentions 4 $a'a’ats. Also he reports from

    u%aifa that he sa!s that he used to sa! that after Maghrib both

    the $a'a’ats should be read s&iftl!" as the! are presented together&ith the

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    Hadith 25: Abu 8a&ud reports from her (A’isha Siddi=a   نع   ع   اهللا ر)

    &hereb! she mentions. *hen the belo,ed abi &ould +ome to

    m! home after :sha" he &ould perform 4 or ? $a'a’ats.

    Laws of Jurisprudence

    *ith regards to Sunnats" some of them are +lassified as Sunnate

    Mu’a''adah and the Shariat has pla+ed great importan+e on these. If

    one lea,es it out e,en on+e &ithout a ,alid reason" one deser,esbeing reproa+hed" and one &ho ma'es the habit of omitting it is a

    #a&a’id. here

    has not been ,er! mu+h emphasis in this regard in Shariat. It has

    sometimes also been +lassified as #Mustahab’ (desirable) and

    #Mandoob’ (re+ommended)" and the term afil is generalised and has

    been used for Sunnat as &ell" and SunnateGhair Mu’a''adah hasalso been regarded as afil. his is the reason &h! the

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    en+e" all the rulings &hi+h &ill be e/plained &ith regards to the

    afils &ill also in+lude the (rulings) for Sunnat. o&e,er" if there is

    something &hi+h is spe+ifi+ for the Sunnats" then it &ill be separated

    in this absolute $uling. *here e,er there is no distin+tion" a++ept the

    afil to be in the same absolute rule to Sunnat.

    Law: he follo&ing are SunnateMu’a''adahC

    1. he 2 $a'a’ats before (uhr or ummah" then the! should be performed &ith one set of

    Salaams. In other &ords one &ill read the entire 4 $a'a’ats and then

    onl! ma'e Salaam at the end of the 4th  $a'a’ats. It should not be

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    performed in a manner &here one turns the salaam after e,er! 2

    $a'a’ats" and if someone does perform it in this &a!" the Sunnats

    ha,e not been dis+harged. Similarl! if someone too' a Min’nat (,o&)

    that he (or she) &ill perform 4 $a'a’ats amaa%" and &hen

    performing it" the! did so in +!+les of 2 $a'a’ats" the ,o& &ill not be

    fulfilled. It is ne+essar! for them to perform it &ith one set of

    salaams at the end of the 4 $a'a’ats. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?3H

    Law: he most po&erful of all Sunnats is the Sunnat of

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    the time he ma! omit it and if he gets time &ithin the time of that

    amaa%" then he should perform it" other&ise he is e/+used

    (pardoned) for this. e is not permitted to lea,e out the Sunnats of

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    Law:  If the Sunnat of

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    line &ith the Saffs (lines of ama’at). e should rather perform it at

    home or ust outside the Masid in an area &hi+h is suitable for

    amaa%. If e,en this is not possible and ama’at is ta'ing pla+e inside

    the Masid" he should read in the outer area. If amaa% is being

    performed in the outer area of the Masid" he should perform it

    inside and if the Masid does not ha,e t&o se+tions" in other &ords

    an inner and outer se+tion" then he should read behind a tree or

    pillar (in the Masid)" so that it ma! be a partition bet&een him and

    the Saffs. It is also disallo&ed (disappro,ed) to perform it behind the

    Saffs" e,en though it is e,en &orse to perform it &ithin the Saffs.

    o&ada!s most la!men do not ta'e heed to this and are +areless in

    this regard and the! s=uee%e into the Saffs and perform (the

    Sunnats) there. his is impermissible (a aa’i%)" and if the ama’at

    has not +ommen+ed as !et" one ma! perform Sunnats &here,er one

    &ishes to" no matter &hi+h Sunnat it is. @8urreMu'htar" $addulMuhtar ,ol.1 pg.?7HD?71 Ghuni!a

    o&e,er" if he is a&are that the ama’at is about to +ommen+e soon

    and he has not performed his Sunnat as !et" then he should not

    perform them at su+h a pla+e &hereb! the Saff &ill be bro'en.

    Law: If time is permitting and to perform a&afil in that time is not

    Ma'ruh" one ma! perform as man! afils as one &ishes to" and if the

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    should repeat it (the Sunnats). o&e,er" in the +ase of the Sunnats

    &hi+h are after&ards" if food &as brought and there is a ris' of the

    food being spoilt" one should eat first and then perform the Sunnat.

    If there is a ris' of the time e/piring" then first perform the Sunnats

    then eat" and to dela! the Sunnate;a’di!ah (he Sunnats after

    uhr and the 4 $a'a’ats after

    >uhr" Allah &ill ma'e the fire araam upon him. @8urreMu'htar,ol.1 pg.?3HD?31

    Allama Sa!ed ahta&i sa!s that he &ill not e,en be entered into the

    fire at all and his sins &ill be &iped a&a!" and &hate,er demands are

    against him" Allah Almight! &ill ma'e his opposing part! pleased or

    it means that Allah &ill bless him &ith 8i,ine guidan+e to do su+hthings &hi+h &ill not &arrant an! punishment and Allama Shaami

    sa!s that there are glad tidings for him that he &ill pass a&a! &ith

    feli+it! (i.e. goodness) and he &ill not enter hell. @Shaami ,ol.1


    Law: If one too' a ,o& of pra!ing Sunnats" and one pra!ed this" the,o& is fulfilled. Similarl!" if one started it and then bro'e it and then

    performed it again" the Sunnat has still been fulfilled. @8urre

    Mu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?37D?3E

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    Law: o perform afil amaa% b! ta'ing a ,o& (to do so) is better

    than doing so &ithout a ,o&" &hereas the ,o& is not +onditional" for

    e/ample if a +ertain ill person be+ome &ell" I &ill perform this mu+h

    amaa% and in Sunnats it is Afdal not to ta'e a ,o&. @$addul Muhtar

    ,ol.1 pg.?3E

    Law:  o perform ? $a'a’ats after the (+ompletion) of the Maghrib

    amaa% is Mustahab. his is 'no&n as #Salaat ul A&’&abeen’. 6ne

    ma! perform all (?) $a'a’ats &ith one set of Salaam" or &ith 2 sets of

    Salaam or &ith 3 sets of Salaam" and to perform it &ith 3 sets of

    Salaam" in other &ords to ma'e salaam after e,er! 2 $a'a’ats is more

    ,irtuous. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?31

    Law:  hat &hi+h is Mustahab after the >uhr" Maghrib and :sha

    in+orporates the general SunnateMu’a''adah. In other &ords ifone performs 4 $a'a’ats after >uhr" then the Mu’a''adah and the

    Mustahab ha,e both been fulfilled. It +an also be done in a manner

    &here the Mu’a''adah and Mustahab are performed &ith one set of

    Salaam" in other &ords one turns the Salaam after 4 $a'a’ats.

    @Shaami 8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?31

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    is Afdal that be it da! or night one should ma'e Salaam after 4

    $a'a’ats. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?23D?33


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    performing 4 $a'a’ats. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1


    Law: It is Afdal to perform ones afils at home" &ith the e/+eption

    of (the follo&ing)C

    1. ara&eeh

    2. ahi!at ul Masid

    3. he 2 afils on return from a ourne! as these are best to perform

    in the Masid

    4. he 2 $a'a’ats of Ihram as it is best to read these at a Masid near

    the Mi=aat

    5. he 2 $a'a’ats of a&aaf &hi+h should be read +lose to Ma=aame


    ?. he afils of a Mu’ta'if (one in I’te'aaf)7. he amaa% of he :+lipse of the sun should be read in the Masid

    E. If one feels that b! going home one &ill be+ome o++upied in other

    issues and this &ill +ause one to miss the afils" or one &ill not ha,e

    the feeling to read it at home" and one’s +on+entration &ill be less"

    then in su+h +ases it should be performed at the Masid. @$addul

    Muhtar ,ol.1 pg. ?3ED?3F

    Law: -ira’at is

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    Law:  If one +ommen+ed afil amaa% at Sunrise" Sunset or isfun

    ahaar (&hen the sun is at its >enith)" it is *aaib (+ompulsor!) for

    him to brea' it" and then perform the -a%a in a nonMa'ruh time. If

    one performed the -a%a in some other Ma'ruh time" it &ill still be

    fulfilled but one &ill be in +ontempt (i.e. sinful) for doing this" and if

    one +ompleted the amaa% in (the Ma'ruh) time then amaa% &ill

    be ,alid but one &ill be in +ontempt (sinful) for performing it in a

    Ma'ruh time. o +ommen+e a afil and then brea' it &ithout a ,alid

    reason of Shariat is araam. @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?4?

    Law:  If one +ommen+ed a afil amaa% e,en &ith the i!!at of 4

    $a'a’ats" he &ill still be +lassified as one &ho has +ommen+ed 2

    $a'a’ats" be+ause e,er! Shufa’ (e,er! 2 $a'a’ats) of afil is regarded

    as a separate amaa%. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.113

    Law: If one +ommen+ed afil &ith the i!!at of 4 $a'a’ats and then

    bro'e it in either the first Shufa’ or se+ond Shufa’" then the -a%a is

    *aaib of 2 $a'a’ats" but for 2 $a'a’ats -a%a to be *aaib &hen

    brea'ing it in the se+ond Shufa’ is +onditional on the basis that he

    performed -a’da in the se+ond $a'a’at" other&ise he &ill ha,e to

    perform -a%a of 4 $a'a’ats. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?47D?4E

    Law: :,en if the SunnateMu’a''adah and the Sunnat amaa% is 4

    $a'a’ats then brea'ing it &ill mean that the -a%a must be 4 $a'a’ats.

    Similarl!" if one &ho tied i!!at of afil behind one &ho &as

    performing 4 $a'a’ats

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    Law: If one made i!!at for 4 $a'a’ats but did not re+ite -ira’at in

    an! of the 4 $a'a’ats" or he did not re+ite the -ira’at in one of the

    se+ond 2 $a'a’ats or in one of the first 2 $a'a’ats" or if he did not

    re+ite in one $a'a’at in the se+ond 2 $a'a’ats" or if he left out the

    -ira’at in the first 2 $a'a’ats and in one $a'a’at of the se+ond 2

    $a'a’ats" then in these si/ +ases" -a%a of 2 $a'a’ats is *aaib. @8urr

    eMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?4F General ;oo's

    If he left out the -ira’at in one of the first 2 $a'a’ats and in one of

    the se+ond 2 $a'a’ats or if he left it out in one of the first 2 $a'a’ats

    and in both of the se+ond $a'a’ats then in these +ases the -a%a of 4

    $a'a’ats is *aaib. @General ;oo's 8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?5H

    Law: If in t&o $a'a’ats he sat for the duration of ashahud and then

    bro'e it" then in su+h a +ase there is no -a%a at all" on +ondition thathe did not stand up for the 3rd  $a'a’at and he had alread! re+ited

    -ira’at in the first 2 $a'a’ats @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?51 but he

    &ill still be +ommanded to repeat it on the basis of omitting that

    &hi+h is *aaib. @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?4E

    Law:  If one &ho is performing afil in I=tida (follo&ing)" e,en if it&as in ashahud" then in this +ase &hate,er the +ondition of the

    Imam is" &ill be the +ondition of the Mu=tadi. *hate,er -a%a is

    *aaib on the Imam &ill be *aaib on the Mu=tadi. @8urreMu'htar

    ,ol.1 pg.?F1

    Law:  If one has the abilit! to stand and perform (amaa%)" one isstill permitted to sit and perform the afil" but to perform it &hilst

    standing is Afdal (more ,irtuous)" be+ause it has been mentioned in

    the adith that the amaa% one performs &hilst sitting is half of

    that of the one &ho performs it &hilst standing. If one performs it

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    &hilst sitting due to an 0%r (,alid reason &hi+h gi,es e/emption)

    then in su+h a +ase there is no shortage in the ha&aab (re&ard).

    o&ada!s" it has be+ome a +ommon pra+ti+e to perform the afil

    &hilst sitting. It is possible that the! do this be+ause the! feel that it

    is Afdal to perform (the afil) &hilst sitting. If this is the +ase" then

    their idea is in+orre+t. he same ruling applies to the 2 $a'a’ats

    &hi+h is performed after the *itr" in other &ords it is Afdal to

    perform this &hilst standing" and to bring as proof the adith that

    u%oor used to perform the afil after *itr &hilst sitting" is

    in+orre+t" as this &as from the spe+ialities of $asoolullah . en+e"

    the adith in Muslim Shareef is on the authorit! of Abdullah ibn

    0mar   نع   ع   اهللا ر e sa!s" I re+ei,ed information that u%oor said"

    #he amaa% of one &ho performs it &hilst sitting is half of the

    amaa% of a person &ho performs it &hilst standing’. After this" I

    presented m!self in the ol! Lourt of $asoolullah I found$asoolullah performing his amaa% &hilst sitting" (so) I pla+ed

    m! hand on the blessed head (of $asoolullah to ma'e sure that he

    &as not ill). e said" #&hat is it 6 Abdullah’ I said" a $asool’Allah

    J u%oor said this (i.e. as mentioned abo,e) but u%oor is

    performing (amaa%) &hilst sitting. $asoolullah said" #es" but I

    am not li'e !ou’. Imam Ibrahim alabi and Saahibe8urreMu'htarand Saahibe$addul Muhtar ha,e mentioned that this +ommand is

    from the 9hasa’is (0ni=ue Attributes) of $asoolullah and the!

    ha,e ta'en this on the authorit! of this adith. @8urreMu'htar

    ,ol.1 pg.?52D?53

    Law: If one ties the ahreema of afil bo&ing to the le,el of $u'u"the amaa% &ill not be ,alid. @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?52

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    Law:  o perform amaa% &hilst l!ing do&n is not permissible

    &ithout a ,alid reason. If it is done &ith a ,alid reason" then it is

    permissible. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?52

    Law: If one +ommen+ed (the amaa% afil) &hilst standing and then

    sat" or if one +ommen+ed it &hilst sitting and then stood up both are

    permissible" e,en if he stood reading one $a'a’at and sat reading one

    $a'a’at" or if he performed onl! a portion of one $a'a’at standing

    and some of it sitting. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?5F

    o&e,er" there is I'htilaaf (a differen+e of opinion) in the se+ond

    +ase &here he +ommen+ed standing and then sat" thus it should be

    a,oided as to a,oid it is 0la (best)

    Law: If one &as performing afil &hilst standing and be+ame tired"

    then there is no harm in leaning against an Aasa (staffDsti+') oragainst the &all. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.114 If one does this &ithout

    being tired" then this is disappro,ed but the amaa% &ill be ,alid.

    Law:  If one performs his afil &hilst sitting" he should sit li'e one

    sits in ashahud" but &hen in the +ondition of -ira’at the hands must

    be tied under the na,al ust as it is tied &hen in -i!aam. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?54

    Law: 6ne ma! perform afil outside the +it! e,en &hilst sitting on

    an animal (i.e. horse et+) and in this situation Isti=baale-ibla is also

    not +onditional" but the fa+e should be in the dire+tion that the

    animal is tra,elling" and if the fa+e is not in that dire+tion" theamaa% is not permissible. Also &hen +ommen+ing amaa% (in this

    situation)" it is not +onditional for the fa+e to be in the dire+tion of

    the -ibla" but it should fa+e the dire+tion to&ards &hi+h the animal

    is mo,ing. $u'u and Sadah should be performed b! &a! of #Ishaara’

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    (gesturing)" and the gesture for the Sadah should be lo&er than that

    for the $u'u. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg. ?54

    Law: If it is ne+essar! &hilst performing afil on an animal" to urge

    it on and one urged it on &ith #Amale-aleel’ for e/ample" he

    spurred it for&ard using ust one foot or if he has a &hip in his hand

    and threatened it &ith this" then there is no harm in doing so" and to

    do so &ithout reason is impermissible. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?55

    Law: If one +ommen+ed amaa% on the animal" but then get off b!

    means of Amale-aleel" he ma! perform #;ina’ (i.e. +ontinue from

    &here he left off)" either b! performing &hilst standing or sitting"

    but (no&) it is ne+essar! for his fa+e to be in the dire+tion of the

    -ibla. If he +ommen+ed it on the ground and then got onto an

    animal" he +annot perform #;ina’ and the amaa% &ill be in,alidated.@8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?55

    Law: 6ne &ho li,es in a ,illage or in a tent is permitted to perform

    his afil on an animal &hen he +omes out of the ,illage or tent (or

    +amp). @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?54

    Law: If he +ommen+ed afil outside the +it! and &hilst performing

    he entered into the +it!" he ma! perform it on the animal as long as

    he does not rea+h his home. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?55

    Law:  6ne is onl! permitted to perform his

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    Law:  If the !o'e of a +art is 'ept on the animal and if the +art is

    stationar! or mobile" the ruling is the same &hi+h applies to

    performing amaa% on an animal. In other &ords to perform the

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    possible one should do so &hilst standing fa+ing the -ibla" and if

    e,en this is not possible" then read it in &hi+he,er &a! !ou +an (in

    the situation of 0%reShari’). @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?57

    Law:  If someone too' a Min’nat (,o&) that he &ill perform 2

    $a'a’ats &ithout ahaarat (ritual purifi+ation)1" or that he &ill not

    re+ite an! -ira’at in it" or that he &ill read in na'edness" or if he too'

    a ,o& to perform onl! half a $a'a’at" then in su+h a +ir+umstan+e" 2

    $a'a’ats in ahaarat" &ith -ira’at and &ith his bod! +o,ered &ill be

    be+ome *aaib upon him" and if he intended for 3 $a'a’ats" he &ill

    need to perform four (in the proper manner). @8urreMu'htar"

    $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?E5

    Law: If one too' a ,o& that he &ill perform amaa% at +ertain pla+e

    and he performed it at a pla+e &hi+h is not as e/+ellent" the amaa%is still dis+harged.

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    Law:  If a person ta'es a ,o& to perform (afil) amaa% e=ui,alent

    to an entire month" then e=ui,alent to one month

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    Law: If one (entered) the Masid and performed (an!)

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    Sad=a" and to +ommand goodness is Sad=a" and to forbid e,il is

    Sad=a" and 2 $a'a’ats of Lhasht suffi+es for all of this’.

    Hadith 4&5: irmi%i and Abu 8a&ud report from Abu >irr and

    Abu 8a&ud and 8aarmi report from u’aim bin ammaad and

    Ahmed reports from all of them رهللا#$ نع  ع  that $asoolullah said"

    #Almight! Allah sa!s" 6 Ibn AdamJ erform 4 $a'a’ats for me in the

    beginning of the da!" and until the end of the da! I &ill ans&er all

     !our purposes (i.e. I &ill be suffi+ient for !ou)’.

    abrani reports from Abu 8a&ud that $asoolullah said" #6ne

    &ho performs 2 $a'a’ats of Lhasht &ill not be &ritten to be amongst

    the #Ghaafileen’ (heedless ones)" and one &ho performs 4 $a'a’ats

    &ill be &ritten to be amongst the #Aabideen’ (*orshippers)" and one

    &ho performs ? $a'a’ats his purpose has been ans&ered for that da!"and one &ho performs E $a'a’ats" Allah &ill ha,e him &ritten

    amongst the #-aaniteen’ (8e,out *orshippers)" and the one &ho

    performs 12 $a'a’ats Allah Almight! &ill prepare for him a Mansion

    in annat (aradise) and there is no su+h da! or night &herein Allah

    does not sho&er is 8i,ine Gra,e and 8i,ine Aid unto his ser,ants"

    and e has not fa,oured an! ser,ant more than upon him on &home has inspired his $emembran+e (>i'r)’. Ahmed" irmi%i and Ibn

    Maah report from Abu urairah that $asoolullah said" #6ne

    &ho safeguards the 2 $a'a’ats of Lhasht" his (minor) sins &ill be

    forgi,en" e,en if the! are e=ui,alent to the foam on the sea’.

    Law:  he time period for it (Lhasht) is from the time the sun hasrisen" up to the time of >a&aal" in other &ords up to the time of

    isfun ahaar Shar’i. It is best (to perform it) &hen one =uarter of

    da! has appeared. @Alamgiri $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?3F

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    amaa%eSafar (amaa% for the ourne!) +onsists of 2 $a'a’ats&hi+h is performed at home before embar'ing on a ourne!. It is in

    abrani that a person has left nothing better for his famil!" than the

    2 $a'a’ats he performs b! them" at the time &hen intends to embar'

    on a ourne!. he amaa% &hi+h is performed &hen returning from

    a ourne! is that &hi+h one should perform at his lo+al Masid upon

    his return. It is mentioned in Sahih Muslim from 9a’ab bin Maali'that $asoolullah &ould return from his ourne!s at the time of

    Lhasht" and &ould first pro+eed to the Masid" and perform t&o

    $a'a’ats amaa% there" and he &ould then spend time there in

    the Masid. @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?4H

    Law: A Musafir should perform 2 $a'a’ats afil before sitting do&nat his destination" ust as $asoolullah used to do. @$addul Muhtar

    ,ol.1 pg.?4H

    Salaat ul Layl

    he afils that are performed at night after the :sha amaa% are

    'no&n as Salaat ul Ka!l (ight ra!ers)" and the a&afil of the night

    are greater and more ,irtuous than the amaa% of the da!.

    Hadith 1: A Marfu’ narration has been reported in Sahih Muslim

    that after the

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    Tahaj’jud Namaaz

    Law: 6ne t!pe of the same Salaat ul Ka!l is aha’ud (amaa%). hemethod of performing aha’ud amaa% is to sleep at night then

    a&a'en (at night) and perform (these) a&afil. *hate,er is

    performed before sleeping is not a++epted as aha’ud. @$addul

    Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?4H

    Law: aha’ud here is the term used for afil. If someone slept after:sha and then &o'e up and performed a -a%a (amaa%)" it &ill not

    be regarded as aha’ud. @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?41

    Law: he minimum $a'a’ats for aha’ud is 2" and upto E $a'a’ats

    are pro,en from $asoolullah .

    Law:  6ne gets up at night and then &a'es his famil!" and both

    perform 2 $a'a’ats of amaa%" then the! shall be &ritten amongst

    those &ho remembered (Allah) in abundan+e. his adith has been

    reported b! asa’i and Ibn Maah in their Sunan" and Ibn ib’ban has

    reported it in his Sahih and aa'im in Mustadra' and Mun%iri has

    mentioned that on +ondition of the Sha!'hain it is Sahih. @$addul

    Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?41

    Law: A person &ho &ishes to sleep for 2 thirds of the night and then

    spend 1 third of the night in Ibaadat (&orship)" then it is more

    ,irtuous for him to sleep in the first portion and last portion of the

    night" and he should remain a&a'e in the middle portion of the

    night and if he &ishes to sleep for half the night and spend half the

    night a&a'e (in Ibaadat)" the Ibaadat in the se+ond half (of the night)

    is more ,irtuous be+auseC

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    Hadith 3: It is mentioned in Sahih ;u'hari and Muslim from Abu

    urairah that $asoolullah said" #:,er! night" &hen the last

    third (portion) of night is remaining" Almight! Allah sends do&n is

    Spe+ial 8i,ine Manifestation on the S'! abo,e the earth" and e

    announ+es" Is there an!one &ho needs to ma'e 8ua" so that I ma!

    a++ept his 8ua" and e sa!sC Is there an!one see'ing forgi,eness"

    that I ma! forgi,e him’.

    Hadith 4:  he most ,irtuous is the amaa%e8a&ud. It is

    reported in ;u'hari and Muslim from Abdullah ibn 0mar   نع   ع   اهللا ر 

    that u%oor said" #

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    $amadaan and on the nights of the first 1H da!s of >iliah is

    Mustahab. o remain a&a'e for most of the night is also regarded as

    #Shab ;edaari’ #Sta!ing a&a'e for the night’. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1

    pg.541D542 Sta!ing a&a'e on the nights of :idain (both :ids)" means

    that one should perform the amaa% of :sha and

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    this fa+e is not the fa+e of one &ho lies. he first &ords &hi+h I heard

    from $asoolullah &ere" #6 eopleJ Ma'e the +on,e!ing of Salaam

    +ommon and feed people" and 'eep good ties &ith !our relati,es" and

    perform amaa% at night &hen the people are asleep (and) !ou &ill

    enter into annat &ith pea+e (i.e. &ith ease)’.

    Hadith 10:  aa'im reported &ith ad,antage of +orre+tness that

    Abu urairah as'ed a =uestion &herein he said" Inform us of su+h

    an a+tion that b! pra+tising it" &e &ill enter into aradise. In this

    regard" he said the same (as mentioned in the earlier adith).

    Hadith 11&12:  abrani reported in 9abeer &ith on a merit of

    being assan" and aa'im reported &ith ad,antage of +orre+tness

    on +ondition of the Sha!'hain that Abdullah ibn 0mar   نع   ع   اهللا ر 

    reported $asoolullah said" #here is an upper le,el in annat" thatits inside +an be seen from outside and the outside +an be seen from

    inside’. Abu Mali' Al Ash’ari en=uired" #a $asool’Allah for

    &hom is it’ e said" #

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    Hadith 18: It is reported in Sahih ;u'hari and Sahih Muslim from

    Abdullah ibn Ab’bas  that &hen abi &ould &a'e up for

    aha’ud at night" he &ould re+ite this 8uaC


    س ال

     - - <      ] 

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    ere" ust one 8ua and a fe& Ahadith ha,e been presented" and &ith

    the e/+eption of these" there are numerous Ahadith ha,e been

    narrated. his is suffi+ient for the one &hom Almight! Allah blessed

    &ith 8i,ine Guidan+e.


    A Sahih adith &hi+h has been reported b! a huge group of

    Muhaditheen" e/+ept for Muslim" from abir bin Abdullah   نع   ع  هللا  ا ر that $asoolullah &ould instru+t us to perform Isti'haara for all

    our issues" ust as he taught us the Surahs of the -ur’an. *hen a

    person intends to do something (ne&)" he should perform 2 $a'a’ats

    of afil amaa% and then sa!C

    # !       V    \      ا     Š     B-  K   L M      @ ( لا     لل

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     from me, and keep me away from it and ordain for me whatever is good for

    me, and make me to be satisfied with it!

    hereafter mention !our need" either b! mentioning it before

            R E     ْ ا ا     n  #aa%al Amr’ or after it. @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?42

    In |   R E     ا , Y      ع      e       . !     ا  it is )‡ !     ا. he

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    Some Masha’i'h ha,e mentioned that after re+iting the abo,e

    mentioned 8ua" sleep in ahaarat (ablution) fa+ing the -ibla. If !ou

    see &hiteness or something green in !our dream then to do that

    parti+ular thing is good and if !ou see bla+'ness or redness then it is

    bad to do that and !ou should a,oid it. @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?43

    he duration for the Isti'haara is until su+h time that one’s ,ie&

    does not +ompletel! lean to one side (i.e. until !ou do not feel that it

    is +ompletel! positi,e or +ompletel! negati,e to do something" !ou

    should +ontinue).

    Salaatut Tasbeeh

    here are +ountless ha&aab (re&ards) in this amaa%. Some of the

    Muha=i=een ha,e mentioned that after hearing about its e/+ellen+e

    and ,irtue" onl! one &ho is la%! in 8een" &ill omit performing it.abi said to a%rat Ab’bas " #6 0n+leJ Should I not bless !ou

    Should I not ha,e !ou forgi,en" Should I not gi,e !ou Should I not

    be fa,ourable to&ards !ou here are 1H traits that if !ou perform

    them" Allah &ill forgi,e !our sin" the sins of the past" the sins in the

    future" old sins" or that &hi+h !ou +ommitted b! mista'e" and that

    &hi+h !ou ha,e +ommitted intentionall!" big or small’.

    After mentioning this" he taught (him) the manner of performing

    Salaatut asbeeh. e then said" #If !ou are able to perform it on+e

    dail!" then do so" and if !ou do not do it dail!" then do it on+e on


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    A++ording to us" the manner of performing it is that &hi+h is in

    Sunan irmi%i Shareef on the authorit! of Abdullah ibn Mubaara' .

    e sa!sC

    :! $ay Allahu Akbar and recite      B-  K   L      u     dل         !     B 0   7      Y       ع           !     )- (ا      B     ر       '      _      !     B7       9 *     ! # للn -ع


      (-aoo#) and the

    هللا ا

     # س

     Š (-asmiyah) and $urah Faateha

    and the $urah

    =! -hen recite the above -asbeeh :> more times

     ;! -hen perform ?uku and recite this -asbeeh :> times in ?uku

    @! -hen raise the head from ?uku and after the -asmee and -ahmeed ($ami

     Allahu li mun /amidah and Allahumma ?abbana wa lakal /umd) recite

    the -asbeeh a further :> times!

    ! -hen perform $a%dah and recite it :> times in $a%dah

    B! -hen raise the head and recite it :> times when seated in 8alsa

    C! -hen in the second $a%dah after the (normal -asbeeh) recite it :> times!

    erform 4 $a'a’ats and in e,er! $a'a’at !ou &ill re+ite 75 asbeehs

    and in the 4 $a'a’ats !ou &ill re+ite a total of 3HH asbeehs. In $u'u

    and Suood" onl! re+ite the said asbeeh after sa!ing the # H ‹     ع ن      ر            V  –  ا       9 ' - ( and the +ع     ْ ا   V  –      ر      ن       9- '(.@Shaami ,ol.1 pg.?43 Ghuni!a et+

    Law:  a%rat Ibn Ab’bas   نع   ع   اهللا ر  &as as'ed" #8o !ou 'no& &hi+h

    Surah should be re+ited in this amaa%’. e said" #Surah a'athur"

    Surah *al Asr" Surah 9afirun and Surah I'hlas’ &hilst some ha,e

    said" Surah adeed" Surah ashr" Surah Saffa and Surah aghabun.

    @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?43

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    Law:  If (*hilst performing Salaat ul asbeeh) SadaheSah&

    be+ame *aaib" and one performs Sadah" then the asbeehs &ill be

    read in both these (as &ell) If one b! error read less than 1H tasbeehs

    at an! point" then it should be read at the ne/t point (of its

    re+itation) so that the +ounting +an be +ompleted. It is best to re+ite

    it in the instan+e of asbeeh &hi+h +omes thereafter for e/ample"

    the (missed) asbeeh of -auma should re+ited in Sadah" and if one

    forgot to do so in $u'u" then he should re+ite these in Sadah as &ell"

    and not in the -auma be+ause the duration in -auma is shorter (i.e.

    limited) and if one forgets to read it in the first Sadah" he should

    read it in the se+ond Sadah and not in alsa (i.e. the sitting bet&een

    both Sadahs). @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?43

    Law: 8o not +ount the asbeeh on the fingers" but if possible 'eep

    +ount in the heart" other&ise do so b! pressing the fingers. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?43

    Law: his amaa% +an be performed in e,er! nonMa'ruh time" and

    it is best (most ,irtuous) to perform it before >uhr. @Alamgiri ,ol.1

    $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 ?43

    Law:  Ibn Ab’bas states that before Salaam in this amaa%" this

    8ua should be re+itedC

         ع     ! ~      *  @لا , 5     ا      ~      9      E      ن      E     ! v  L ;       H       ! |7ا     ع           e  ا          , 5 ا #   V    \ ا          Œ  ( ل-(     H ^      _ ق      ا          , 5 ال / - ‚    Kا     لل  ›      8ا     خ          )      ^  ا     لل  ›      8      !      B       o md * ق   0 

     9      @ (     ا q€           ع      ) @     ع        ̀ *      ,      ع     ا   >  ›      8      ) @      ?  j      ع      E D     ع       \-   =- S 9      _ q~      ^       M      E      )-ل      Œ  (     ا      !     )  q '- 8     ~      9 H  W  ل          ) ال      œ خ-  >  ›      8      !     )ن & E q ^      خ ~      *  @ل  *     )      9  j      

       ›      8      !     ,   G      و      _     ا   >  ›      8   لن   0   ا       خ      ن       9 ' - (     ) * ”     D      ž     D س - 8 - E-ا

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    O Allah3 1 ask of You the &ivine +uidance of the +uided ones, and the Actions

    of those with conviction, and the goodness of the ones who repent, and the

    determination of the .atient Ones, and the (sincere) efforts of those who fear,

    and the desire of those truly seeking, and the (manner) of worship of the

     pious, and the deep sense of knowledge of the .eople of 0nowledge, so that 1

    may (truly) fear You! O Allah, 1 beg You to bless me with such fear, which

    will stop me from disobeying You, so that in Your Obedience, 1 do such

    things which will make me deserving of Your .leasure, and so that 1 may

     sincerely repent through Your fear, and so that due to Your 6ove, 1 may wish

    well, especially for Your (sake), and so that 1 may have complete trust in

    You, in all (my) affairs, hopeful of goodness from you! +lorified is the 2reator

    of 6ight! @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?44


    Prayer for Fulfilment of Need 

    Abu 8a&ud $eports from u%aifa that &hen $asoolullah &as

    fa+ed &ith an! important issue" he &ould perform amaa%. e &ould

    perform for this" 2 or 4 $a'a’ats.

    It has been mentioned in the adith that in the first $a'a’at oneshould read Surah

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    It is mentioned in one adith &hi+h irmi%i and Ibn Maah ha,e

    reported from Abdullah ibn Abi Aufa that $asoolullah said"

    #6ne &ho has an! need from Allah" or needs something from an!

    human (i.e. ;ani Adam)" he should perform proper *udu" then

    perform 2 $a'a’ats of amaa% and Glorif! Allah and then send

    8urood upon abi 9areem and thereafter he should read thisC

         ع  ا &h     ر  -7       9       # Hا  ‹     ع ع     Ÿ   R ا  ا &h     ر  هللا ن      ا       9 ' - ( -# 1      N  4ا -# H      9  ا هللا-  ا       dل              )-ل      Œ  (     ا      v  L     ل     € سلا ! ”        R * &,-   G D E     ~            H      C ت ر         !     ) @       8  ع            = ا      !     ) _      2 C      E     #zا       ' Y - E  q ' 

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    e +ommanded him to perform *udu" and do so thoroughl! and

    thereafter perform 2 $a'a’ats of amaa% and then read this 8uaC

         ! -,  (     و      _      ا      )-ل      Œ  (     ا    V    \ # *       )ا     لل

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    Salaat ul Asraar

    Another amaa% &hi+h is ,er! effe+ti,e for this reason (i.e. for

    fulfilment of needs) is Salaat ul Asraar" &hi+h Imam Abul assan

    ooruddeen Ali bin areer Ka'hmi Shatnufi reported in ;ahatul

    Asraar and Mulla Ali -aari and Sha!'h Abdul a= Muhadith 8ehl&i

     ع  عن $#هللار ا  reported from u%oor Sa!!iduna GhauseA%am .

    he method of performing this amaa% is that after Maghrib

    amaa%" perform the Sunnats and then perform 2 $a'a’ats afil

    amaa%" and it is better after Surah

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    Abu 8a&ud" irmi%i and Ibn ib’ban report in their Sahih from Abu;a'r Siddi=ue that u%oor said" #*hen an! ser,ant +ommits a

    sin" then he performs *udu and performs amaa%" and then ma'es

    Istighfar (repents sin+erel!)" Allah Almight! &ill forgi,e his sins’.

    hereafter" re+ite this VerseC

    D      E     ! # /  * - < -[ ا! -     2 C      @ (       ^ -هللا !ا ا -     £     n # - /      س - T  A     ا  -     ل      ž !     ا q~      O 8        ^ ا ^      ع     ل-      n      D 1ا [ا     !      h  ال]   0 > - 2 C U -هللا ن     ا -      لع      U #- 5     ! ^      ع     ل-و      

     E         +     ع ا! 0   x- U #     ل     ! 

    -hose who committed any act of lewdness or were un%ust to unto their souls,

    and then remembered Allah, and sought forgiveness and ho forgives sinse5cept AllahD And they do not knowingly persist regarding that which they

    have done! @Surah 3 ,erse 135

    Law: Salaat ur $agha’ib" is a afil &hi+h is performed on the e,e of

    the first

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    ;aiha=i reported &ith merit for soundness from Saa’ib bin a%id

     ع  عن   ر اهللا  that people in the era of

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    Law: It is Mustahab (desirable) to dela! performing it until the first

    third of the night" and if it performed after midnight" there is still no

    disappro,al (or obe+tion). @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?5F

    Law: If one misses ara&eeh" then there is no -a%a for it" and if one

    performed the -a%a for it alone" then it is not +ounted as ara&eeh"

    but it is afil Mustahab" similar to (the +ase of) the Sunnats of

    Maghrib and :sha. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.??H

    Law: he 2H $a'a’ats of ara&eeh should be performed &ith ten (1H)

    Salaams. In other &ords" Salaam should be turned after e,er! 2

    $a'a’ats. If someone turned Salaam (on+e) after all t&ent! $a'a’ats

    and sat for -a’da after e,er! 2 $a'a’ats" the amaa% &ill be done" but

    it &ill be disli'ed (i.e. this is disappro,ed)" and if he did not ma'e

    -a’da" then it is the e=ui,alent of t&o $a'a’ats. @8urreMu'htar,ol.1 pg.??H

    Law: It is a &a! of +aution that &hen turning Salaam at 2 $a'a’ats"

    then one should ma'e i!!at separate for e,er! 2 $a'a’ats" and if

    one made i!!at at on+e for 2H $a'a’ats then this is permissible as

    &ell. @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?5F

    Law:  o +omplete the -ur’an on+e in ara&eeh is Sunnate

    Mu’a''adah" to +omplete it t&i+e is e/+ellen+e" and to +omplete it

    thri+e is most e/+ellent. Lompleting the -ur’an should not be

    omitted due to the la%iness of the people. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1


    Law: he Imam and the Mu=tadi should re+ite the hana at e,er!

    t&o $a'a’ats" and the! should also read the 8ua after ashahud.

    o&e,er" if it seems diffi+ult for the Musal’lis" then after ashahud it

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    &ould be suffi+ient to sa! # ”     7ع    &,      j+ ا     لل

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    omitting ama’at" but he &ill not get the ha&aab (re&ard) &hi+h is

    attained in the Masid. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.11?

    Law:  If the Aalim is a afi% as &ell" then it is Afdal that he should

    personall! perform the ara&eeh. e should not follo& someone

    else. If the Imam re+ites in+orre+tl!" there is no harm in lea,ing the

    lo+al Masid and going to some other Masid. Similarl!" if the Imam

    of another (Masid) re+ites in a good ,oi+e" or re+ites the -ira’at in a

    mild manner" or if the 9hatam &ill not be +ompleted in the lo+al

    Masid" then (in all these +ases) it is permissible to go to another

    Masid. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.11?

    Law: *e should not appoint one &ith merel! a good ,oi+e as Imam

    but &e should appoint one &ho reads +orre+tl!. @Alamgiri ,ol.1

    pg.11? It is a ,er! state of affairs that the +urrent +ondition of theufaa% of toda! is one better left unsaid. Most of them re+ite in a

    manner that &ith the e/+eption of      ن -     لع            ن -     لع      U  one +annot realisean!thing else. he! eat up the &ords and the alphabets. As for those

    &ho are said to be good readers" !ou &ill noti+e most of them do not

    pronoun+e the alphabets +orre+tl!. he! do not differentiate (in

    pronun+iation) bet&een the am%a" Alif and the A!n" and bet&een

    the and bet&een he   and bet&een   et+ and this +auses

    the amaa% to be+ome absolutel! in,alid.

    8ue to these problems this

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    Law: o&ada!s it has be+ome a +ommon +ustom that the ufaa% are

    gi,en a fi/ed pa!ment for performing the ara&eeh. his is

    impermissible. ;oth the gi,er and the re+ei,er are sinful. a!ment

    does not onl! refer to prearranging the amount &here it is the

    amount to be gi,en is agreed upon" but if one 'no&s that at the

    parti+ular pla+e a +ertain amount is gi,en (for performing

    ara&eeh)" then e,en though it has not been fi/ed &ith him" it is still

    regarded as impermissible be+ause (a++ording to the prin+iple of

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    Law: It is Afdal to perform ara&eeh behind one Imam. If someone

    &ishes to perform bet&een t&o Imams" then it is best for the Imams

    to +hange after a +omplete ar&eehah for e/ample" one should read

    E $a'a’ats behind one Imam and 12 $a'a’ats behind the se+ond

    Imam. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.11?

    Law: he amaa% of those &ho are ;aaligh is not ,alid behind those

    &ho are a ;aaligh. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.117

    Law: o perform *itr &ith ama’at in the ol! Month of $amadaan

    is Afdal" be it behind the same Imam behind &hom !ou ha,e

    performed the :sha and ara&eeh or behind an! other Imam.

    @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.11? 8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.??4

    Law: If the :sha ama’at &as omitted" then the ara&eeh should notbe performed &ith ama’at. o&e,er" if :sha &as performed &ith

     ama’at but a fe& people did not get the ama’at" then the! ma!

    parti+ipate in the ara&eeh ama’at. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.??3

    Law: It is permissible for one person to perform the :sha and *itr

    and for someone else to perform the ara&eeh" ust as a%rat 0marused to perform the Imamat of the :sha and *itr and a%rat 0ba!

    bin 9a’ab &ould lead the ara&eeh. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.11?

    Law:  If one performed his :sha &ith ama’at and his ara&eeh b!

    himself" he is permitted to parti+ipate in the ama’at of *itr. If he

    performed :sha alone" but performed ara&eeh &ith ama’at" heshould perform *itr alone. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1


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    Law:  If one did not turn salaam for the Sunnat of :sha and

    +ombined the ara&eeh &ith this and +ommen+ed it" the ara&eeh

    is in,alid. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.117

    Law: o perform ara&eeh seated" &ithout an! ,alid e/+use (of the

    Shariah) is Ma'ruh" and a++ording to some (s+holars) it is in,alid.

    @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.117

    Law:  It is not permissible for the Mu=tadi to remain seated" and

    then to stand up onl! &hen the Imam is about to enter into $u'u" as

    this is resemblan+e of the Munafi=een (h!po+rites).

    Almight! Allah sa!s

    س - g ا - E       . yول  Wلا       و - E       .      nا hen they (the hypocrites) stand for "amaa#, they stand up insincerely (i!e!

    lethargically)  @Surah 4 Verse 142 @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.??3


    Law:  If the Imam b! error left out a Surah or ,erse" then it is

    Mustahab to re+ite it (&hen he remembers) and then pro+eed

    further. ($e+ite it &hen he remembers) @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.11E

    Law: If one forgot to sit in the 2nd $a'a’at and stood up" then until he

    has not performed the Sadah of the 3rd $a'a’at" he should sit and if

    he has alread! performed the Sadah" he should +omplete 4 $a'a’ats"

    but these &ill onl! be +ounted as 2 $a'a’ats" and for the one &ho sat

    in the se+ond $a'a’at" then it &ill be +ounted as 4 $a'a’ats (if he

    added t&o more). @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.11E

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    Law: If he turned Salaam after performing 3 $a'a’ats and he did not

    sit in the 2nd $a'a’at" the amaa% is in,alid. o +ompensate for this

    he must perform the 2 $a'a’ats again. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.11E

    Law: If the Mu=tadi fell asleep in -a’da and the Imam turned Salaam

    and performed another 2 $a'a’ats and is not in the -a’da" and onl!

    then did the Mu=tadi a&a'en" he should turn Salaam and then oin"

    and after the Imam turns salaam" he should +omplete (these

    $a'a’ats) and then again =ui+'l! oin the Imam. @Alamgiri ,ol.1


    Law:  If after performing *itr the people remembered that 2

    $a'a’ats ha,e been omitted (of ara&eeh)" then the! should be

    performed &ith ama’at. o&e,er" if toda! the! realised that

     !esterda! the! left out 2 $a'a’ats" then to perform this &ith ama’atis Ma'ruh. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.117

    Law:  If after turning Salaam" someone sa!s that 2 $a'a’ats &ere

    performed and someone else sa!s 3 $a'a’ats &ere performed"

    +redibilit! is gi,en to that &hi+h is in the 'no&ledge of the Imam

    (i.e. the Imams &ord &ill be ta'en) and if the Imam is not sure inthis regard" then he should follo& the &ord of the one &hom he

    regards as being honest. If the people are unsure &hether 2H or 1E

    $a'a’ats ha,e been performed" then the! should perform 2 $a'a’ats

    alone (indi,iduall! and not in ama’at). @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.117

    Law:  If the ara&eeh is in,alidated (i.e. be+omes

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    Law:  If for some reason" 9hatam +annot be performed" the

    ara&eeh should be performed re+iting Surahs" and for this" some

    ha,e presented the follo&ing method one should re+ite from Alam

    ara 9aif upto the end (i.e. till Surah aas) t&o times" and this &ill

    spread o,er the 2H $a'a’ats. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.11E

    Law:  It is Sunnat to re+ite the ;ismillah Shareef on+e audibl!

    (aloud)" and to re+ite it softl! in the beginning of a Surah is

    Mustahab" and this &hi+h the ignorant ones ha,e started no&ada!s"

    that the ;ismillah should be re+ited aloud 114 times other&ise the

    9hatam &ill not be done" has no basis in the anafi Madhab.

    Law:  he Muta’a'hireen (later s+holars) ha,e mentioned that to

    re+ite the -ul u&allah (Surah I'hlaas) thri+e in the 9hatam of

    ara&eeh is Mustahab (i.e. at the end)" and it is better on the da! of

    the 9hatam to read from Alif Kaam  toال#  TE Muflihoon in the finalل 9ون$a'a’at.

    Law: Shabina is &hen the entire -ur’an is read in the ara&eeh of

    one night. hat &hi+h is the +ustom no&ada!s" &here some people

    are sitting around tal'ing" some are l!ing do&n" some are bus!

    ha,ing tea" some are outside the Masid smo'ing u==a" and &hen

    the! feel li'e it" the! oin in a fe& $a'a’ats is impermissible.

    Important Note: 6ur Imam A%am Abu anifa used to ma'e

    si/t! one (?1) 9hatam in $amadaan Shareef. e +ompleted thirt!

    (3H) during the da!" thirt! (3H) at night and one (1) in ara&eeh" andfor fort! fi,e (45) !ears he performed his

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    Chapter 3

     A MunfaridGetting The

    Jama’at of Fard 

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    Vol.4 pg.71


    +ompleting it" he +annot oin the +ongregation &ith the intention of

    afil" be+ause afil after

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    Law:  ama’at +ommen+ing (i.e. being established) does not refer to

    the +alling out of the a'beer b! the Mu’a%%in" but it refers to the

    a+tual +ommen+ement of the ama’at. he one &ho is reading his

    o&n uhr if the

    9hutbah or ama’at +ommen+ed" then +omplete the 4 $a'a’ats.

    @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.??E

    Law:  If one +ommen+ed a Sunnat or -a%a amaa% and the ama’at

    +ommen+ed" then +omplete it and then oin. If one is performing-a%a and the ama’at +ommen+ed for the -a%a of e/a+tl! the same

    amaa%" then brea' it and oin (the ama’at). @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1


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    Law:  If one brea's the amaa% &ithout a ,alid e/+use (of the

    Shariah) it is araam" and if one brea's it due to a fear of something

    ,aluable being lost (stolen et+.) then it is Mubah" and if it is to

    +omplete" then it is Mustahab and if it is to sa,e one’s life" then it is

    *aaib. @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.???

    Law: In order to brea' the amaa%" there is no need to sit. 6ne ma!

    turn one salaam &hilst standing to brea' it. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.11F

    Law:  6ne &ho has not !et performed his amaa% it is Ma'ruhe

    ahreemi for him to lea,e the Masid after A%aan has been +alled. It

    is in Ibn Maah from 0thman that $asoolullah said" #6ne &ho

    left the Masid after amaa%" and did not do so for an! need" and

    neither does he intend to return" he is a Munafi= (h!po+rite)’.

    *ith the e/+eption of Imam ;u'hari" a large ama’at of Muhaditheen

    ha,e reported that Abul Sha’sha sa!s" N*e &ere &ith Abu urairah

    in the Masid &hen the Mu’a%%in had +alled out the A%aan of Asr.

    At that moment" a person left (the Masid). 6n (seeing this) he (Abu

    urairah ) said" #e has disobe!ed Abul -aasim ’.O @8urre

    Mu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.??ED??F

    Law:  A%aan here refers to the time of amaa% +ommen+ing"

    regardless of &hether the A%aan has been +alled out or not. @8urre

    Mu'htar ,ol.1 pg.??F

    Law:  If that person &ho is an administrator of the ama’at inanother Masid" su+h as the Imam or Mu’a%%in" that is present then

    the people &ill are present and if he is not" the! &ill disperse" then

    su+h person is permitted to lea,e here and go to his Masid" e,en if

    the I=aamat has alread! +ommen+ed here (i.e. in the Masid he is at).

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    o&e,er" if the ama’at has alread! ta'en pla+e in the Masid

    &herein he is in +harge" he is not permitted to lea,e from here.

    Law: If it &as the time of his Saba= (Islami+ lesson)" he (student.) is

    permitted to lea,e here to go to the Masid of his 0stad (8eeni

    ea+her) on +ondition that there is predominant li'elihood that he

    &ill return before ama’at. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1


    Law:  he person &ho has alread! performed his >uhr or :sha

    amaa% alone" he is onl! disallo&ed to lea,e the Masid at the time

    &hen the I=aamat has +ommen+ed. e is permitted to lea,e before

    the I=aamat" and if the I=aamat has alread! +ommen+ed" then the

    ruling is that he should oin the ama’at &ith the i!!at of afil. he

    ruling for Maghrib"

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    &ill ha,e to gi,e 'affarah (+ompensation). :,en in a 2 or 3 $a'a’at

    amaa%" if he did not get e,en one $a'a’at" he did not get the ama’at

    and the ruling in regards to a Kaaha= (i.e. a resident PMu=eemQ &ho

    follo&s an Imam &ho is a Musafir) is that of one &ho has got the

    entire ama’at. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?73D?74

    Law: If the Imam &as in $u'u and someone follo&ed him (i.e. oined

    him in amaa%)" and he remained standing until su+h time that the

    Imam raised his head" then he did not get that $a'a’at. en+e" after

    the Imam has +ompleted (the amaa%) he should +omplete that

    $a'a’at" and if he got the Imam in -i!aam and he did not oin him in

    $u'u" then he should first perform $u'u" and then do the other

    a+tions &ith the Imam" and if he did not perform the $u'u first" but

    he simpl! follo&ed the Imam" and then after the Imam +ompleted"

    he performed $u'u" then too it &ill be done" but he &ill be held in+ontempt (i.e. regarded sinful) for omitting the *aaib. @8urre

    Mu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?75

    Law:  he Imam raised his head before he performed his $u'u"

    meaning he did not get that $a'a’at" then in su+h a +ase" for him to

    brea' the amaa% is not permissible" li'e some ignorant people do"but it is a+tuall! *aaib that he should follo& the Imam (e,en) in

    Sadah" e,en though the Sadah &ill not be +ounted in that $a'a’at

    (as a $a'a’at). Similarl!" if he got him in Sadah" then too he should

    follo& (oin)" but still if he did not perform the Sadah" then amaa%

    &ill not be nullified" to the e/tent that after the Imam turned

    Salaam" if he performed his $a'a’at" the amaa% is done" but he is in+ontempt (i.e. sinful) for omitting the *aaib. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1


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    Chapter 4

    Qaza Namaaz

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    8uring the ;attle of 9handa= (;attle of the ren+h)" the amaa% of

    $asoolullah e/pired due to (a+tions of) the Mushri'een

    (pol!theists)" to the point &here a portion of the night also passed.

    e +ommanded a%rat ;ilal &ho +alled out the A%aan and

    I=aamat. u%oor performed the amaa% of >uhr" then again the

    I=aamat &as +alled out and he performed his Asr" again the

    I=aamat &as gi,en and he performed his Maghrib" and then again

    the I=aamat &as gi,en and he performed his :sha.

    Hadith 1: Imam Ahmed reported from Abi umuRh abib bin Saba’

    that the! had +ompleted performing their Maghrib amaa% during

    the Gha%&aeAh%aab" so he as'ed" #8oes an!one 'no& if I

    performed m! Asr’" the people said" #!ou did not read it’. he

    Mu’a%%in &as +ommanded to +all out the I=aamat" &hi+h he did.

    u%oor performed Asr and then repeated the Maghrib.

    Hadith 2: abrani and Ibn 0mar report from 0mar   نع   ع   اهللا ر e

    said" #hat person &ho forgets (to perform) an! amaa%" and he

    onl! remembers at the time &hen he is behind the Imam" then he

    should +omplete this (amaa%)" and thereafter he should perform

    the (amaa%) he had forgotten (to perform) and then repeat that(amaa%) &hi+h he read behind the Imam’.

    Hadith 3:  It is in Sahih ;u'hari and Muslim that $asoolullah

    said" #6ne &ho sleeps through amaa% or forgets (to perform it)"

    then &hen he remembers he should read it. It is that &hi+h the time

    for it is’.

    Hadith 4:  It is also in the narration of Sahih Muslim" If &hilst

    asleep (the amaa% e/pires)" then there is not fault" it is a fault &hen

    (omitted) &hilst a&a'e.

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    Law: o allo& the amaa% to be+ome -a%a (e/pired) &ithout a ,alid

    e/+use of the Shariah is an intense sin. It is

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    Law: If a mid&ife performs her amaa% and in doing she fears that

    the +hild (she is deli,ering) &ill die" then this is a ,alid e/+use for

    her to allo& the amaa% to be+ome -a%a. If the bab!’s head has +ome

    out and if the time (of that amaa%) &ill end before the ifaas starts"

    then the amaa% of this time is also

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    Vol.4 pg.E1


    time. o dela! it is Ma'ruh be+ause it has been mentioned in the

    adith" #6ne &ho sleeps through amaa% or forgets (to perform it)"

    then &hen he remembers he should read it. It is that &hi+h the time

    for it is’. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg. 121 o&e,er" if one slept after the time

    has +ommen+ed and the time then e/pired" then (in this +ase) he is

    definitel! sinful" if he did not ha,e full +on,i+tion of &a'ing up or if

    there &as no (reliable) person there to &a'e him. A+tuall! in uhr

    is still remaining. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?EH

    Law: here is no set or fi/ed time for -a%a. *hene,er in one’s lifehe performs it" he &ill be absol,ed of the responsibilit! of

    dis+harging it. o&e,er" it (-a%a) +annot be performed during

    sunrise" sunset and >a&aal" be+ause to perform amaa% at these

    times is impermissible. @Alamgiri

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    Law: It is not *aaib upon a Manun (insane person) &ho missed an!

    amaa% &hilst in the state of insanit!" to do -a%a of them &hen he

    be+omes &ell" on +ondition that the insanit! remained +ompletel!

    for the si/ (amaa%) times endlessl!. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.121

    Law: here is no -a%a for the amaa% of a person &ho (Allah forbid)

    be+ame a Murtad (apostate)" &hi+h &ere missed in the da!s of his

    apostas! and as for those amaa% &hi+h had be+ome -a%a &hilst he

    &as a Muslim and before he be+ame a Murtad" then the -a%a forthese are *aaib. @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?EED?EF

    Law:  If a person be+ame Muslim in a 8arul arb (land ruled b!

    unbelie,ers) and he &as not informed (or edu+ated) &ith regards to

    the $ulings of the Shariah (su+h as the la&s relating to) amaa%"

    fasting and >a'aat et+. then for as long as he remains there (in this+ondition of una&areness) the -a%a of those da!s are not *aaib

    upon him" but &hen he enters into a 8arul Islam (Muslim +ontrolled

    Kand)" then to perform the -a%a of the amaa% &hi+h no& be+ome

    -a%a is

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    Law: he -a%a for the missed amaa% should be performed based on

    the +ondition in &hi+h it &as missed.

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    Law:  uhr" then Asr" then Maghrib" then :sha"

    then *itr his applies e,en if all are -a%a or some are -a%a and

    others are Ada. uhr has be+ome -a%a and he is not able to +omplete the >uhr


    Imp rtant teC All the la&s e/plained in the se+tion on -a%a regarding the arteeb (proper

    orderDregular routine) onl! appl! to a Saahibearteeb. A Saahibearteeb is a person &ho

    has not missed more than fi,e (5) amaa% in his life" meaning he has less than si/ (?) amaa%

    -a%a upon himself. en+e" it should be remembered that all the rules regarding arteeb appl!

    onl! to a Saahibearteeb. All those &ho are not Saahibearteeb ma! perform their -a%a

    &hene,er the! &ant as long as it is not a disallo&ed or Ma'ruh time.

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    before the sun turns orange but he is able to perform both before the

    sun sets" then he should first perform the >uhr and then the Asr.

    @$addul Muhtar" Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.123

    Law:  If there is suffi+ient time remaining and one performs the

    amaa% +on+isel! (i.e. &ithout lengthening it) he &ould be able to

    perform both" but if he performs it in the best manner" then there

    &ill insuffi+ient time remaining" then in this +ase as &ell arteeb is

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    not insuffi+ient" so in this +ase his uhr and then he realised that there issuffi+ient time remaining" then in this +ase the >uhr has not been

    done. e should perform the uhr" to the

    e/tent that if he is able to perform the

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    Law:  If arteeb is rela/ed due to the shortage of time and one &as

    performing the amaa% for that (parti+ular) time" but &hilst in the

    midst of the amaa% the time e/pired" then in this +ase the arteeb

    &ill not re,ert" meaning the amaa% for that time &ill be regarded

    as done. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.123 here is an e/+eption to the rule

    &ith regards to uhr. @Alamgiri ,ol.1


    Law: If one’s uhr amaa% is not

    done. If &hilst performing Asr" he remembered >uhr (i.e. he thought

    it &as >uhr)" but in his assumption he regarded >uhr as being

    permissible (i.e. +orre+t)" then in this +ase the Asr has been done.

    he point here is that the ruling regarding those &ho are una&are ofthe obligations of arteeb is the same as the one &ho has forgotten"

    meaning that his amaa% &ill be done. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?E3

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    (of arteeb) he &ill ha,e to perform his (-a%a) first and then the

    amaa% for the +urrent time other&ise that amaa% &ill not be

    done. @8urreMu'htar" $addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?E4

    Law:  Ki'e&ise" if the arteeb is rela/ed due to forgetfulness or

    insuffi+ient time" then this too &ill not be re,erted.

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    Law:  If one amaa% of a female be+ame -a%a and thereafter she

    started menstruating" then after be+oming +leansed from her aidh

    (menstruation) she should first perform her -a%a and thereafter she

    should perform her #*a=ti’. If she remembered her -a%a and still

    performed her #*a=ti’ it &ill not be done if there is still suffi+ient

    time remaining. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.124


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    Law:  If in the amaa% of Min’nat (,o&) one stipulated a spe+ifi+

    time or da! (in &hi+h to fulfil it) then it is *aaib to perform it in

    that spe+ifi+ time or on that spe+ifi+ da!" other&ise it &ill be+ome

    -a%a and if the time and da! has not been spe+ified" there is

    fle/ibilit! in this regard. @8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?EE

    Law:  If one amaa% of person has be+ome -a%a and he +annot

    remember &hi+h amaa% it is &hi+h has be+ome -a%a" he should

    perform the amaa% of an (entire) da! and if 2 of his amaa% ha,e

    be+ome -a%a in t&o da!s (i.e. one on ea+h da!) and he +annot

    remember &hi+h ones then he should perform the amaa% of both

    da!s" the same applies to the amaa% of 3 da!s and 5 da!s" meaning

    he &ill perform the amaa% of 3 da!s if he missed 3 amaa% on 3

    da!s and he &ill perform amaa% of 5 da!s if he missed 5 amaa% in

    5 da!s. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.124

    Law: If the Asr of one da! and the >uhr of one da! be+ame -a%a" but

    one +annot remember &hi+h amaa% is -a%a for the first da!" then

    in this +ase &hi+he,er one the heart settles on should be regarded as

    the first" and if the heart does not settle on an! one of them" then

    one ma! perform &hi+he,er one he &ishes to first. o&e,er" if thefirst &as performed after the se+ond" it should be repeated and it is

    best to first perform the >uhr and then repeat the Asr and if one

    performed the Asr first and then the >uhr" and then again repeated

    the Asr" there is no obe+tion to this as &ell. @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.124

    Law: If &hilst performing Asr one realised that he has forgotten theSadah of a amaa%" but he +annot remember &hether he forgot the

    Sadah of the +urrent amaa% or the Sadah of the >uhr" then in this

    +ase one should a+t based on &hat the heart settles on" and if the

    heart does not settle on an!thing" then +omplete the Asr and

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    Law:  If the de+eased ad,ised that his Guardian (heir) should

    perform his amaa% (-a%a) on his behalf and the guardian also

    fulfilled this (i.e. he performed it)" then this is not suffi+ient.

    Similarl!" if he ga,e the +ompensation (

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    Chapter 5


    ProstrationTo compensate


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    Hadith 1: It is mentioned in the adith that on+e after performing

    2 $a'a’ats $asoolullah stood up" in other &ords he did not sit"

    then after turning the Salaam he performed the SadaheSah&. his

    adith has been reported in irmi%i from Mughira bin Shu’ba and

    irmi%i mentioned it to be on the merit of being assan Sahih.

    Law: If an! *aaib is left out forgetfull! (i.e. unintentionall!) then

    to re+tif! this" the performan+e of SadaheSah& is *aaib. he

    method for this (performing SadaheSah&)" is that after re+iting

    the Atahi!at" one should turn a salaam to the right and then

    perform 2 Sadahs" thereafter one should re+ite the ashahud (At

    ahi!at) et+ again and then turn the (final) salaam. @8urreMu'htar

    ,ol.1 pg.?F1D?F2

    Law:  If one simpl! ust made the Sadahs &ithout turning theSalaam" this too is suffi+ient" but to do so is Ma'ruhean%eehi.

    @Alamgiri ,ol.1 pg.125" 8urreMu'htar ,ol.1 pg.?F1

    Law:  If one intentionall! omitted a *aaib" the SadaheSah& &ill

    not +ompensate that impairment" but to repeat (that amaa%) is

    *aaib. Similarl!" if the *aaib &as omitted b! error and the SadaheSah& &as not performed" then too it is *aaib to repeat (that

    amaa%). @8urreMu'htar ,o.1 pg.?F3

    Law:  6f an! su+h *aaib &as omitted" &hi+h is not from the

    *aaibaat of amaa%" but its *uoob is from that &hi+h is e/ternall!

    related for e/ample" to re+ite the -ur’an +ontrar! to the arteeb(se=uen+e) is an omission of a *aaib" but to read in a++ordan+e &ith

    arteeb is from the *aaib a+tions of ilaa&at (re+itation) and not

    from the *aaibs of amaa%" thus it &ill not ne+essitate Sadahe

    Sah& (for this). @$addul Muhtar ,ol.1 pg.?F3

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    Law:  6mission of a

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    Law: he ruling in regards to the

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    Law: If one forgot to re+ite the Alhamdu and +ommen+ed the Surah"

    and then read e=ual to one A!at and then remembered" then (in this

    +ase) read the Alhamdu and then read the Surah" and (in this +ase)

    Sadah (Sah&) is *aaib. Similarl! if after reading the Surah" or in

    $u'u or after standing from $u'u if one remembered" one should