Bagali MM Time Management Bagali [Compatibility Mode]

time time management management dr. m m bagali 1 PhD (HRD & OB area) ; PhD (Management) Assistant Professor of Management & Human Resources, KLE Institute of Management Studies & Research, Research Center Incharge, Centre for Advanced Studies in HR and OB, (A Center for Creating Future People work for you) [email protected]


Bagali MM Time Management Bagali [Compatibility Mode]

Transcript of Bagali MM Time Management Bagali [Compatibility Mode]

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timetime managementmanagementdr. m m bagali


PhD (HRD & OB area) ; PhD (Management)

Assistant Professor of Management & Human Resources,

KLE Institute of Management Studies & Research,

Research Center Incharge, Centre for Advanced Studies in HR and OB,

(A Center for Creating Future People work for you)

[email protected]

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a b c d e f g h i j k


a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s u v w x y z

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Can we manage time?


Can we manage time?

Can we really manage time?

Can we really really manage time?

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We all have time to either spend or

waste and it is our decision what to do

with it. But once passed, it is gone


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What can be done at any time is never

done at all, because if you don't take care



done at all, because if you don't take careof the minutes, for the hours will not takecare of themselves

If we take care of the minutes, the years will take care of

themselves, and your life

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Time is the coin of your life. It is

the only coin you have, and only



the only coin you have, and only

you can determine how it will be

spent. Be careful lest you let

other people spend it for you

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The secret of a person's



success is discovered in his

daily agenda,which says about

time and how one spends this

for rest of the life

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Why we Waste TIMEWhy we Waste TIME

Poor Attitude towards jobNo AgendaNo Personal Plan of Growth


No Personal Plan of GrowthLack of Clear cut PoliciesNo Prior PlanningLeaving work half doneNo delegating attitudeUnnecessary Prolong Meeting

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No organization of person, activity, functioningTime wasterWorry on trivial matters


Too much work at a timeNo priorityDisciplined approachUnplanned activityNo focus / goals Unplanned phones callsNo scheduling of assignments

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Clarity of urgent and not urgent workStart work without planningNo Scheduling / time table


Bogged dawn with one workMix work- family work at same placeHandling tooo much dutyInterruptions - telephone Interruptions - personal visitorsNo diplomacy where neededAd-hoc interpretations / distractions

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Tasks you should have delegated Procrastination and indecision Acting with incomplete information


Acting with incomplete information Crisis management (more fire fighting) Unclear communication Inadequate technical knowledge Unclear objectives and priorities Lack of planning / planning / planning

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Value of TIMEValue of TIME

If you are a man of business,Come to a man of business


Come to a man of businessSolely for the matter of businessQuickly transact your businessThen go back to your business

Leaving other to attend ones own business

that’s b u s i n e s s �

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Time is S m a r t

S imple and specific

M easurable


A s if now

R easonable and believable

T imed with time, date, action

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a look…..

Things that matter most


Things that matter mostmust never be at the mercy

of things that matter least

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effective time management?effective time management?

Different ways of doing business / u workEvaluate how you are using your timeDetermine your priorities


Determine your prioritiesCreate a weekly scheduleMaintain a to-do listEliminate barriers to effective time

managementSharpen up u decision making What exactly causes time waste

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do it … Tips

Time Budget in Morning

Time Audit in Night

Days Schedule

One thing/ work at a time


One thing/ work at a time

Task complete … Start to End

Establish Priority

Prepare for every Work / Job

Delegate / Organize work

Say ….. NO…. If needed

Be Brief and to the point �

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One thing at a time and that too done well

Form a habit of completing a given a task

Never leave a task unfinished


Never leave a task unfinished

Cut meetings

If phone, don’t write / if email, don’t phone

A time for everything

Time slots for unplanned activity

Time slots for desperate emergencies �

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15-30 minutes for concentration

15-30 for newspaper/journal / general reading

Take break / relax


Take break / relax

Office problem not for the home / visa versa

Make lunch break a real break

Away from useless discussion

Schedule a call back period (after lunch is good)

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Devote some

T I MEFor Thinking


For Thinking

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C h a n g e

habit / routine / behavior

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Evaluating your use of time

Make a list of the activities that you spendtime on


Identify how much time the activitiesconsume

Take note of activities you are keeping upwith versus activities you are fallingbehind on �

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Prioritizing Tasks

and A llocating T ime

� An urgency/im portance map or matrix helps you to categorize, prioritize and therefore allocate tim e to tasks.

Prioritizing Tasks

and A llocating T ime

� An urgency/im portance map or matrix helps you to categorize, prioritize and therefore allocate tim e to tasks.


therefore allocate tim e to tasks.

� The map or matrix categorizes tasks by assessing:

�Urgency (How soon does it need to be done? How qu ick ly must it be addressed?), and

� Im portance (How important is th is issue to our business? How centra l is it to our success?)

therefore allocate tim e to tasks.

� The map or matrix categorizes tasks by assessing:

�Urgency (How soon does it need to be done? How qu ick ly must it be addressed?), and

� Im portance (How important is th is issue to our business? How centra l is it to our success?)

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Tips on evaluating your time

Be systematic: Start in the morning and gothrough the day when thinking of your activities

Don’t overlook activities like commuting, taking


Don’t overlook activities like commuting, takingcare of yourself, and relaxing. These activitiesmay not be work or school related, but theyconsume time too

Be realistic. People often fail to allow enoughtime for activities.

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The Task

The Work


The Work

The Activity

and The Priorities

and the TIME

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Tips on Prioritizing

Know your goals

Identify activities that help you achieve your goals


Decide whether activities need to be done in a particular order

Give the highest priority to tasks that are most necessary in achieving your goals and need to be done first �

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Mark the priority level for each item on the list of

activities that you created.

The The M a t h e m a t i c s


A = High Priority urgentB = Medium Priority less urgentC = Low Priority not at all urgent

Remember that priorities can change. You need

to re-visit your priority ratings often. �

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can we really work this matrixcan we really work this matrix

Urgent/ ImpCrises

Pressing problems

Deadline driven work

Business development

Not Urgent/ ImpRecreation





Business development Family

Urgent/ N ImpSome calls

Some email



Not Urgent/ N ImpTime wasters

Some phone calls

Some email

TV Serials / Movies

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A Weekly Schedule Matrix

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Sample SchedulingScheduling Grid

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
















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Scheduling Grid Instructions

Block out times on the schedule for each of

your major activities.


Then block out time for activities that you

want to do on a regular basis (examples:

exercising or studying); library, leisure,


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Allot ample time for each activity, especially high

priority activities.


Take into account when you are most effective.

Morning people might schedule more activities

early in the day. Night owls might schedule

things later (when you are active)

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To-Do Lists









Any E m e r g e n c y ? �

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Make a written list of specific tasks orassignments that you need to do.

Plan ahead, taking into account the entire


Plan ahead, taking into account the entirework.

Allot time for these tasks in your schedule.Keep in mind their due dates.

Assign priority ratings (A, B, or C) andrevise as needed.

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Barriers to Effective Time Management

� Distractions

� Disorganization


� Disorganization

� Perfectionism

� Procrastination

� Rigidity �

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M a n a g in g T a s k s & T im e -

D e le g a t i o n : W h a t i s i t ?

� D e le g a t io n in v o lv e s g iv in g s o m e o n e e ls e

M a n a g in g T a s k s & T im e -

D e le g a t i o n : W h a t i s i t ?

� D e le g a t io n in v o lv e s g iv in g s o m e o n e e ls e


� D e le g a t io n in v o lv e s g iv in g s o m e o n e e ls e t h e r e s p o n s ib i l i t y t o p e r f o rm a t a s k t h a t i s a c t u a l ly p a r t o f y o u r o w n j o b .

� R e a s o n s f o r d e le g a t io n :

� C a n h e lp t o c r e a t e t h e t im e n e e d e d f o r o t h e r v i t a l f u n c t io n s .

� I t d e v e lo p s t h e s k i l l s o f e v e r y o n e in t h e t e a m .

� E v e r y o n e b e c o m e s m o r e in v o lv e d in h e lp in g t o a c h ie v e g o a ls .

� D e le g a t io n in v o lv e s g iv in g s o m e o n e e ls e t h e r e s p o n s ib i l i t y t o p e r f o rm a t a s k t h a t i s a c t u a l ly p a r t o f y o u r o w n j o b .

� R e a s o n s f o r d e le g a t io n :

� C a n h e lp t o c r e a t e t h e t im e n e e d e d f o r o t h e r v i t a l f u n c t io n s .

� I t d e v e lo p s t h e s k i l l s o f e v e r y o n e in t h e t e a m .

� E v e r y o n e b e c o m e s m o r e in v o lv e d in h e lp in g t o a c h ie v e g o a ls .

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W h y n o t D e l e g a t e ?

T h e r e a s o n s w e m ig h t g iv e f o r n o t d e le g a t in g

W h y n o t D e l e g a t e ?

T h e r e a s o n s w e m ig h t g iv e f o r n o t d e le g a t in g


T h e r e a s o n s w e m ig h t g iv e f o r n o t d e le g a t in g in c lu d e :

� A s k in g f o r h e lp in d ic a t e s a la c k o f a b i l i t y .

� N o b o d y e ls e c a n b e t r u s t e d t o d o t h e j o b p r o p e r ly .

� S o m e o n e e ls e w i l l d o a b e t t e r j o b a n d t a k e t h e c r e d i t .

� N o b o d y e ls e c a n a c t u a l ly h e lp .

� F e e l g u i l t y a b o u t t h e a c t o f d e le g a t in g w o r k .

� R e lu c t a n t t o r e l in q u is h a n y p a r t o f t h e w o r k b e c a u s e y o u e n j o y d o in g i t .

T h e r e a s o n s w e m ig h t g iv e f o r n o t d e le g a t in g in c lu d e :

� A s k in g f o r h e lp in d ic a t e s a la c k o f a b i l i t y .

� N o b o d y e ls e c a n b e t r u s t e d t o d o t h e j o b p r o p e r ly .

� S o m e o n e e ls e w i l l d o a b e t t e r j o b a n d t a k e t h e c r e d i t .

� N o b o d y e ls e c a n a c t u a l ly h e lp .

� F e e l g u i l t y a b o u t t h e a c t o f d e le g a t in g w o r k .

� R e lu c t a n t t o r e l in q u is h a n y p a r t o f t h e w o r k b e c a u s e y o u e n j o y d o in g i t .

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D e le g a t in g E ffe c t iv e ly -

R e d u c in g th e R is k s

� T o re d u ce th e r is k o n e sh o u ld :

D e le g a t in g E ffe c t iv e ly -

R e d u c in g th e R is k s

� T o re d u ce th e r is k o n e sh o u ld :


� T o re d u ce th e r is k o n e sh o u ld :

� S e le c t th e ta s k s to b e d e le g a te d c a re fu lly , a n d

� S e le c t th e r ig h t p e o p le to d o th em .

� T o re d u ce th e r is k o n e sh o u ld :

� S e le c t th e ta s k s to b e d e le g a te d c a re fu lly , a n d

� S e le c t th e r ig h t p e o p le to d o th em .

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Tell people when you are busy and cannot be




Work in areas where you are less likely to be


It is easier to get distracted when you are tired

…. It is up to u to welcome �

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� Keep things that you need in a specific place.

� Eliminate clutter


� Eliminate clutter

� Before starting on a task, make sure that you have

all of the materials or information that you need

� Follow your schedule

� If u have decided to be disorganized, no one can

help u

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� Examine whether your efforts to get the job done

perfectly are really improving things or preventing


perfectly are really improving things or preventing

you from getting the job done

� Think about the cost-benefit ratio of the extra effort

� Remember that nothing is perfect

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It is easy to put off tasks if they are not due right

away. The trouble is, tasks pile up and you can

run into a time crunch later.


run into a time crunch later.

Remember to work ahead whenever possible.

If you can do it today, do it!

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It is important to have some flexibility inyour schedule. Allow extra time and avoid


your schedule. Allow extra time and avoidbecoming too frustrated if things don’twork out as planned… just re-evaluatethe plan and make adjustments.

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Remember quietly………

Don't say you don't have enough time.

You have exactly the same number of

hours per day that were given to


hours per day that were given to

Michelangelo, Mother Teresa,Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein,and Ratan TATA

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the how’show’s

How we spend our days is

how we spend our lives


how we spend our lives

How we spend our life is

how is spend our T I M E

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r e m e m b e r

Don't put off for tomorrow what you


Don't put off for tomorrow what youcan do today because if you enjoyit today, you can do it againtomorrow

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dondon’’t waitt wait

if you wait until wind and the weather are


wind and the weather are just right, you will never plant

anything, and never harvest anything

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where do you go from here

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thank you all