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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Back to Table of Contents


Back to Table of Contents. 12-1. 12-2. Section. Section. Chapter 12. Fundamentals of Internet Marketing. Marketing Basics. Market Research. 2. Section 12-1 Why It’s Important. Relationships between buyers and sellers are more personalized and dynamic than ever before. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Back to Table of Contents

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Marketing Basics Marketing Basics

Market Research Market Research


Fundamentals of Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Internet Marketing

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Chapter 12

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Section 12-1Why It’s Important

Relationships between buyers and sellers are more personalized and dynamic than ever before.

To reap the benefits—and avoid the risks—of these advancements, both buyers and sellers must recognize marketing fundamentals.

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Section 12-1 Key Terms


marketing mix

market segments

cross selling


virtual marketing



e-mail marketing

permission marketing

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing


Marketing encompasses countless business decisions, from Web-site designs to delivery options.

marketing the process of planning and carrying out the production, distribution, promotion, and pricing of products and services

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

To attract new customers and keep old ones coming back, you need to create a customer-focused marketing mix.

marketing mix consists of four critical elements, collectively known as the four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion

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The Marketing Mix


The Four Ps

Section 12-1









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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

A product is any item manufactured for sale.


Services are not material goods, but rather work done in exchange for payment.

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

In marketing a product, you need to consider the level of product quality you intend to provide.


Decisions regarding product quality and service levels will depend largely on your target market.

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

Some target markets include two or more market segments.

market segments distinct groups of people who share certain characteristics

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The Marketing Mix


Market Segment Identification

Section 12-1

Demographics Psychographics Geographics Product benefits

group people by statistics such as income, age, or gender

define people by their lifestyle preferences

categorize people by their location

identify people according to the satisfaction they get from products

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

Your product line is a group of related products that complement one another.

Your product mix is the full set of products offered for sale, including all product lines.

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

A good product mix offers opportunities for cross selling.

cross selling generating another sale by offering related items

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

Price is the amount of money a business receives in exchange for a product or service.


When setting prices, consider costs, profits, your target market, and image.

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

When it comes to business, place means where customers shop and how the product or service will be delivered.

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

You must inspire potential customers to visit your site and purchase your products or services through promotions.

promotions advertisements intended to inform potential customers about products or services

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

You can enhance your word-of-mouth promotion with virtual marketing.

virtual marketing a cost-effective strategy that uses customers to help promote a business

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

To the four Ps of the marketing mix, a fifth could be added: personalization.

personalization refers to establishing one-to-one relationships with your customers, for example greeting by name or offering book and movie recommendations based on previous visits

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

Many online businesses use cookies to personalize their marketing.

cookies small text files written directly onto visitors’ hard drives, containing information such as names, shopping-cart contents, user preferences, or unique identification codes; using cookies, businesses can collect data and analyze the behavioral patterns of their customers to market personally to them

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

E-mail marketing is another way in which you can establish personal relationships with your customers.

e-mail marketing inexpensive advertising method with high response rate that allows a business to establish personal relationships with customers, send customized messages, tell customers about new products and sales, or remind them to order gifts for holidays or special events in their profiles

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

The Marketing Mix

Recently, many companies have started using a new marketing strategy called permission marketing.

permission marketing when a potential customer has consented to receive marketing messages and will only receive advertisements about products and services they have requested

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Section 12-1 Review

What is marketing, and how can it impact an online business?

How can a good product mix create successful marketing opportunities in e-commerce?

Of the four Ps of the marketing mix, how can the component place be best described?

What is permission marketing?





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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Section 12-2Why It’s Important

To develop a strong marketing mix, a company must understand its customers’ needs, wants, and buying patterns.

Researching the market enables businesses to cater more accurately to their customers.

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Section 12-2 Key Terms

market research

marketing research

clickstream data


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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Identifying Market Opportunities

Traditional bricks-and-mortar retailers have always collected and analyzed market data.


In the world of e-commerce, companies have their own ways of collecting market data.

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Market Research

Market research can help a business to recognize opportunities.

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market research encompasses all of a business’s efforts to collect data regarding the economic climate, competitor prices or strategies, governmental regulations and policies, consumer demographics, and emerging technologies; distinct from marketing research

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing



Market Research

There are two main types of market research.

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Primary research is data gathered directly from people.

Secondary research is a summary of existing data gathered from nonhuman sources.

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Market Research

Marketing research is conducted by all types of businesses.

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marketing research focuses specifically on consumer behaviors and the reasons behind buying habits; it collects information about consumers, especially a company’s target market, and analyzes demographics, buying habits, product preferences, and concerns about technology; distinct from market research

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Market Research

Clickstream data, or the information recorded in most server logs, is another rich source of information.

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clickstream data a Web site visitor’s electronic footprints, recorded in most server logs, including their unique IPs, page views, downloaded images, and URLs

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Market Research

Metrics can be used to improve site navigation, create better privacy policies, and determine which pages generate the most interest.

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metrics patterns found in clickstream and other data

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Market Research

Internet and traditional shoppers want similar things from their shopping experience:

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easy navigation

quick and simple checkout

privacy and security

fair prices

quality products

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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Section 12-2 Review

How are Internet and traditional shoppers similar?

Why will a business conduct research into its distribution operations?

What is the difference between primary and secondary research? Provide examples of each.




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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing Fundamentals of Internet Marketing


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Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

Fundamentals of Internet Marketing

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