Back to school


Transcript of Back to school

  • 1. e-mail: [email protected]:(208)602-3300 blog:mrsgravesandherfourth

2. I am thrilled to be working with you and your children over the A Littlenext few months. As fourth gradeAbout me,students I expect my students to and myshow respect in my classroom. Expectation What does this mean? I expects: that my students will be courteous to all children in our class; raising their hands, not interrupting andHello parents and students! Thanks for so forth. If a student needs to bejoining us for Back to School night. I amexcused from class I understand.Mrs. Graves and this is my first yearHowever, what I do ask is thathere at Spalding Elementary. I am an they do so in a way that will notIdaho native born and raised here. interrupt their fellow students.Which is why I love the 4th grade as Also absolutely NO violence,much as I do. (Its all about Idahobullying or anything related.History) I have a beautiful little girl whokeeps me entertained when I am not inclass. I spend my spare time as afoodie. I love to eat it, make it, shareit, and critique it. I look forward toworking with all of you and your childrenthrough the year. Enjoy ! 3. I want to stress that our school hasa zero tolerance for drugs, weapons,and bullying. I will also stronglyenforce those rules in myclassroom. School is a safeenvironment for every student.Every student has the right to learn.If you or your child ever feel that weare lacking in either of those, pleasecontact me or the schoolimmediately. I have an open doorpolicy. I would love your feedback,and I am always open tosuggestions.Principal is notified.Parents are contacted.Determines what is I have a one onCome to a mutual with student. agreement. (suspension, expuls (WARNING)ion) 4. By the end of the year my goal is thatall students will be able to recognizewhole number with decimals, andthat they will successfully be able toadd and subtract them. To make thisconcept more realistic for eachstudent we will be learning thisthough the use of fake money. We willbe playing games that will requirestudent to buy things, and give backchange. 5. Throughout this year we will read different stories. My goal is that the students will be able to recognize the different characters, a plot, what the authors purpose is in the writing, and to be able to draw their own conclusion. In addition to the reading we do in class I ask each student to read a book of their choice for 30 minutes every day. I will send home a log, and as that you sign it and send it back on Mondays.I recommendanything byAndrewClements.Frindle is great! 6. It is important at this age that children can understandthe growth of plants and animals. It is also importantthat they develop the ability to observe these things inaction. At the beginning of the year we will all plant ourown flower. Through the course of this year the childrenwill make observations on its growth.We will also spend time observing our solar system.Including the planets, asteroidsand more!!! In order to better understand the solar system we will be performing the following webquest: yingtheSolarSystemWebQuest. html 7. A big chunk of our work in this area will bepertaining to Idaho History. Our students willrecognize the founding of Idaho, the role theNative Americans played, and the tribes thatIdaho recognizes today. The students willalso be completing a classroom presentationto share with the class their favorite conceptpertaining to Idaho history.Be sure to check out the class blog during track break. On the blog isan assignment for Idaho History. I have included links to manyresourceful websites that will assist the students in their research.Also be sure to check out the miniseries of video I created onYouTube. There are about our video and should take no more than 20minutes to complete this portion of the assignment. 8. Field Trip to Celebration park in September School Halloween parade-October 31st Solar System Skit November 11th Fall Ball and Auction-November 30th There are so many wonderful things coming up this year, but here is just a preview of my favorites: Salt Dome Idaho maps Our Class BookWhere they see themselvesin 20 years (Parents can order a copy for$18.00) Lost my Homework Excuse Care taking of a plant, or flower 9. I encourage all parents to be involved in their childs education. (I know noteveryone has the time/or desire to join PTA) But there are other things you cando. During the school year I would love to have additional faces in myclassroom. Please sign up to volunteer on our class blog. I also ask that eachparents signs a reading sheet at the end of every week and sends back to schoolwith their child so I know your child is doing the out of class reading that Irequire. There are other things you can do as well, or instance every time youpurchase an item with a BoxTop, cut it out and send it to class with your child. Ialso cannot stress the importance of parent teacher conferences. I will send outa time slot with your child. If there is every a scheduling conflict just notify meand we will make up for it. 10. 12311 W. Braddock DriveBoise, ID 83709Phone: (208)350-4305Fax: (208) 350-4314Principal: Jamie DobsonEnrollment: 690Capacity: 675