Bachelor Australia

UniveYsity or the Sunshine Coast The Australian Higher Education Gradlalion Statemenl is provided by Australian hjgher education instjlutions to graduating sludents on completion of the requirements for a particular highereducation award. lt provides a description ofthe nature,level, context and slalus ofstudies lhat were pursued by the individual named. lls purpose is to assist in both national and international recognition ofAustralian qualifications and to promote internalional mobilityand professional recognilion of oraduales. Oueensland, Au5tralia -*. ^Australian Higher Education * GrdduJilon Staiement * 1. The Graduate Family Name Given Name(s) Student Number Fuerbeck Carina 1061775 2. The Award Name of Award Bachelor of Business (Tourism, Leisure and Event Management) Detail The Bachelor of Business (Tourism, Leisure and Event Management) is an undergraduate degree, taught in English and takes three years offull-time study or part-lime equivalent. Admission is based on secondary/tertiary education academic resulls, however a range of alternative entry pathways js also available. Bachelor of Business (Tour, Leisure & Event l\rgt) is localed at Level 7 of the Australian Qualifications Framework. Features Graduates of this program had the opportunity to undertake professional experience comprising a business internship, nornally in their finalyear ofstudy. Certification 05 October 2012 PAT ALLEN Direclor, Student Administration . Page 1

Transcript of Bachelor Australia

Page 1: Bachelor Australia

UniveYsity or theSunshine Coast

The Australian Higher Education Gradlalion Statemenl is provided by Australian hjgher education instjlutions tograduating sludents on completion of the requirements for a particular highereducation award. lt provides adescription ofthe nature,level, context and slalus ofstudies lhat were pursued by the individual named. llspurpose is to assist in both national and international recognition ofAustralian qualifications and to promoteinternalional mobilityand professional recognilion of oraduales.

Oueensland, Au5tralia


Higher Education *GrdduJilon Staiement


1. The Graduate

Family Name

Given Name(s)

Student Number




2. The AwardName of Award

Bachelor of Business (Tourism, Leisure and Event Management)

DetailThe Bachelor of Business (Tourism, Leisure and Event Management) is an undergraduate degree, taught in Englishand takes three years offull-time study or part-lime equivalent. Admission is based on secondary/tertiary educationacademic resulls, however a range of alternative entry pathways js also available. Bachelor of Business (Tour,Leisure & Event l\rgt) is localed at Level 7 of the Australian Qualifications Framework.

FeaturesGraduates of this program had the opportunity to undertake professional experience comprising a businessinternship, nornally in their finalyear ofstudy.

Certification05 October 2012


Direclor, Student Administration

. Page 1

Page 2: Bachelor Australia

University or the

Sunshine CoastOueensland. Australia

Family Name

civen Name(s)

Student Number

fhe university of the sunshine coast, which opened in 1996 and wilh full universily porters granled under the

tJniversity of ihe Sunshine Coast Acl 1999, is a public university, funded by the Australian Government and is listed

as an Auitralian University on the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency's National Registerof Higher

iaucation providers. lt is ihe only greenfreld public universii to be established in Australia since the early 1970s.

ine Üniversity's Commonwealth R;gister of institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) number is


Further information is availade from the University's web sile at httpJ/www au

4. Graduate's Academic Achievements


Higher Education *GradLr.llon Sratement



05 October 2012





Program Details



3. Awarding lnstitution


20ll Semester 2BUS320




Advanced Standing - Hochschule ll/lünchen


External CreditExlernal CreditExternal CreditExternalCredilExtemalCreditExternaiCreditExlernal CreditExternalCreditExternal CreditExternalCredilExternalCredilExternalCreditExternalCreditExternalCreditExternal Credit

Unil Points



Applied Research MelhodsEconomics for BüsinessBusiness Law and EthicsI\,,lanagemen1 and Organisational BehaviourI\,larketing Theory and PracticeAccounlingfor BusinesslntrodLrction to lnformaticsStrategic I\,4anagementBLrsiness InternshipCommunication and Thoughtlnnovation, Creativity and EntrepreneurshipAdvanced Level General ElectivesIvanaging Human ResourcesProject N,lanagementlntroduction 10 Tourrsm, Leisure and Eventl\,4anagement

Corporate Governance and SocialResponsibililyPolicy and Planning for Tourism and LeisureSustainable Tourism, Leisure and EventManagementEvent Management






Page 3: Bachelor Australia

University or theSunshine CoastOueensland, Australia

*Australian'Higher Education *Graduation Sratement


Family Name

Given Name(s)

Sludent Number

2012 Semester 1






High DislinctionCredit

High Distinclion

Unit Poinls





Small Business and New Venlurel\ranagementTourism, Leisure and Special lnterestsTechnology and lnnovation in Tourism, Leisureand EvenlsBusiness Events



The Auslralian Higher Education Gradualion Statement relates to study while enrolled in the

program named abäve only. For a complete hislory ofacademic results achieved at the lJniversity of

the Sunshine Coast, please see the graduate's Official Academic Record

Mark RangeA mark between 850/0 and 100%A mark belween 75% and 84%A mark between 65% and 74%A mark behveen 50% and 64%A satisfactory level of achievement has been obtained but it is notpossible, or not relevant, to distinguish between levels of performance

A satisfactory level of achievement has not been obtained in a limitedgrade courseA mark between 0% and 49old

A mark betlveen 0olo and 49% and no work submitted after census date

for lhe leaching periodA mark between 45o/o and 49% and the final course required forcompletion of program

lnformalion regarding the University's grading schema can be accessed at and is also printed on the OfficialAcademic Record

Page 3

Key to Grading

GradeHigh DistinctionDistinctionCredit

Pass in a Limiled Grade Course

Fail in a Limiled Grade Course

FailFail (Absent)

Terminating Pass

Page 4: Bachelor Australia

University or the

Sunshine CoastOueensland, Australia

5. Description of the Australian Higher Education System

lntroductionThe Australjan higher education system consists of seltgoverning publlc and privateuniveßilies and higher educat on institutions thäi award higher educationquali{ications.

The Australian Qualifications FrameworkThe Austral an Qualiiications Framework (AQF) is a single nalional, comprehensive system of qualificalions offeredby higher education insiitutions (including !niverslies), vocaiionaleducation and training insiitutions and secondaryschoo s.

The AQF has 1O levels, each with defined criteria based on a taxonomy of learning outcomes Higher educalionqualifications are placed between level5 (the Diploma) and level 10 (the Docloral Degree). The Bachelor Degree js

at level 7. Each AQF qualification has a set of descriptors which define the lype and complexity of knowiedge, skillsand applicaiion of lhe knowledge and skills that a graduate who has been awarded thal qualilicalion has attained,and lhe typical voiume ol learning associated with that qualificalion type. The full sel of levels criteria andqualificatlon lype descriptors can be found by visiting !vyvrai]1t[.e!l!.!]1.

The main AQF qualifications awarded by higher education institutions are Bachelor Degrees, Ivaslers Degrees and

Docloral Degrees. There are also three quaiificalions at the sub-degree level: the Diploma, the Advanced Diplomaand the Associale Degree. At the graduate level but below lhe Masters Degree are the Graduate Certificale andGraduate Diploma.

GradLales.l rh s eve will _ava lnowe.lgF and sl,lls lor I l,äl wo'h..orrrrL,rvrnvolvemenl and/or fudher learn ng

c€duales al lhis levelwillhave knowledge and skills lorwork in a defned contextand/or f urlher learninqGraduates at thls level will have lheoretical and pmcucal knowledge and sk s iorwork and/or further learningG€duales atlh s eve will have lheoretica and praclical knowledge and skils forspe ra .sed dnd/o sl ed woA d d/o' fun' er le" nino

Graduätes at th s eve will have specalised knowledge afd skrls forskilled and/orparaprofessional workand/orfudherl€rnlngGraduales atthis evelwillhave broad knowledge and skills for paraprofessionaiand/or highly sk led work and/or fudher learningGraduales atihis levelwill have broad and cohereni knowledge and skills rorprofessiona work and/oriurther earn ng

Graduales atthis lelelwillhave advanced knowledge and skills for professionaihighly skilled wo.k and/orfudher learn ng

Graduates al lhis levelwillhave specialised knowedge and skills for research,ändlor prolessiona praclice and/or iürlher learningGraduates ai lhis level will have systematic and crilica understanding of a complexneld oilearnlng and specialised research skils for the advancement of learningand/or ior professional p€ciice

@Leve 2 Ceriitcate ll

Ced ficaie lV


Bachelor Honourc DegreeGraduate and VocalionaLGraduate CedificateGraduate and Vocaliona


Leve 5

Leve 6

Levcl 8

Level I

*AustralianHigher EducationcrliL,diior 5ut.nrcnt


Arst.a an 6QualificationsFra m ework

Page 4

Page 5: Bachelor Australia

ffiH*:^r*Ia;:i Higher Education *Graduaton Statement

*Oueensland, Australia

AdmissionRequirements for admissjon to particular awards are set by higher education institutions and provide a range ofroutes for entry and only admit those students considered lo have potential to complele an award successfully.Admission of school leavers to undergraduate awards is typically on lhe basis of the level of achievement in Year 12secondary education, although some institulions and awards also use interviews, portfolios or demonstraled intercstor aptitude. Ivlost instilulions also provide alternative entry provisions via bridging orfoundalion programs for matureage students or other special provisions, such as recognition of prior learning from previous sludy. Admission lopost-graduate awards is generally based on the level of ach ievement in previous higher education studies and inmost cases, admission lo PhD awards is based on high achievement in a research l\raslers Degree or in a BachelorDegree with first class honours or second class honours division A.

QualityQuality assurance and stringent approval rcquirements for higher education institutions ensure thatAustralia has an

internalional reputation for hiqh quality education.

The Terliary Education Quality and Slandards Agency (TEQSA) was established on 30 July 2011 as a new nalionalregulator and quality assurance agency for higher education. TEQSA is an independent body wilh the powers toregulale university and non-universily higher educalion providers, monito. quality and set standards.

Ftotn 29 February 2012 TEQSA assumed responsibility for registering and re-registering providers and accreditingand rc-accrediling awards for higher education providers that do not have authorily to accredit their own awards. Atthe time of registration, re-registration, accreditation and/or re-accreditation, TEQSA evaluates the performance ofahigher education provider against the Higher Education Standards Framework. The Standards Frameworkcomprises five domains: Provider Standards, Qualification Standards (based on the AQF), Teaching and LearningStandards, lnformation Standards and Research Standards. The Provider Standards and Qualifications Slandardsare collectively the Threshold Standards which all providers must meet in orderlo be registered and deliver highereducaiion in Australia-

TEQSA also undertakes quality assessments of individual providers or reviews issues within the sector across a

cohort (thematic reviews). These reviews help to identry sectoral good praclice, guide sectoral quality enhancementand inform policy and research.

TEQSA'S primary aim is to ensure that students receive a high quality education at any ofAustralia's highereducation instilulions.

All higher education instilulions receiving Auslralian Government financial support m!st meet quality andaccounlability requirements lhat are set out in the Higher Education Support Aci 2003. The Australian Governmentalso uses a range oflools lo measure and monitorthe quality ofoutcomes, while the inlerests of internatjonalstudents are protected by the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 and the Commonwealth Registerof lnslitutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS), providing tuition assurance and ensuring thatinstitutions listed on CRICOS meet defined minimum standards.

Pase 5
