Babbitting - Refence Guide.pdf

Babbitt Bearing Alloys I S 0 9 0 0 2 Q S 9 0 0 0 F o r d Q - 1


A bief guide on babbitting for bearings.

Transcript of Babbitting - Refence Guide.pdf

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I S 0 9 0 0 2 Q S 9 0 0 0 F o r d Q - 1

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Considerations in Selecting a Bearing Alloy ......................................1Melting of Bearing Alloys ...................................................................2Handling Babbitt Bearing Alloys.........................................................3Bonding the Bearing...........................................................................3The Casting of Bearing Alloys............................................................5Preparation Methods for Cast Lined Bearings ...................................6Standard Alloy Selection Guide .........................................................9Other Fry Babbitting Products..........................................................15ASTM B-23 Specifications ...............................................................16SAE Specifications...........................................................................17QQ-T-390 Specifications..................................................................17Physical and Mechanical Properties .........................................18 - 19

(Photo of Fry Technology’s Babbitt Casting Department. Fry Technology is the world’s largest tin/lead fabricator under one roof!)

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Considerations inSelecting aBearing Alloy

Properties of the Alloys: Tin-base babbitts commonly containcopper and antimony following thepattern, though not necessarily theproportions, of Isaac Babbitt’soriginal alloy. They have hardnessup to 32BHN which gives themexcellent load-carryingcharacteristics. They show lowfriction resistance, low wear, goodrun-in properties and goodemergency behavior in theabsence of adequate lubrication.They “wet” easily and maintain anoil film, resist corrosion, are easilycast and bonded and retain goodmechanical properties at elevatedtemperatures. Conventional lead-base babbitts contain antimonyand tin, which greatly increase thestrength and hardness of lead.Properties of the lead-base alloysimprove with the addition ofantimony up to a maximum of18%, above which the alloybecomes excessively brittle. Theaddition of tin to the lead andantimony improves mechanicaland casting properties. At 10% tin,room-temperature strength andhardness reach a maximum. Thelead-antimony-tin alloys are notthe equal of tin-base alloys but arefully adequate for lower loads andmoderate temperatures. Thoughalloys with lower tin content areeasier to handle in the kettle, theyare more difficult to bond. Thevery good frictional properties,reasonably good corrosionresistance and low cost of thelead-antimony-tin alloys makesthem ideal for a wide range ofapplications.The lead-antimony-arsenic alloysare the equal of tin-base alloys intheir ability to retain hardness andstrength at elevated temperatures.In this respect they are superior toconventional lead-base alloys.

Bearing Operating Conditions:The method or efficiency oflubrication is one of the factorsaffecting the choice of an alloy.Under poor lubricating conditions,an alloy of good conformity and

run-in behavior is required.Temperature, rotating speed,pressure per unit area and eventhe procedure for fabricating thebearing have an influence on alloyselection; the design of the bearingand its bonding are alsosignificant. For example, a thicklining, mechanically anchored,requires a babbitt of good ductilityat room temperature that will seatitself in the anchors under load.The tin-base alloys, which havegood plasticity at roomtemperature, adjust well to theseconditions under moderate tosevere loads.For bearings which are difficult toseal and align, and where linecontact occurs in the earlymoments of operation before fulllubrication is established, theconventional lead-base alloyshave the required ductility andconformability. Their use islimited, however, to moderatespeeds and loads.Where thin linings and precisioncastings are used, certain lead-base alloys containing only anominal 1% tin should beconsidered; in properly designedand properly cast bearings theyperform as well as tin-basebabbitts and are much lessexpensive. They have excellentfatigue resistance, which isimportant to bearings of this type.Naturally, they do not have theductility of lead-base antimony-tinbearings but this is a minor factorwith thin liners.

Most important of all: In selecting abearing alloy, seek the advice ofyour Fry Technologyrepresentative. Through FryTechnology you can draw on ourgroup’s Central ResearchDepartment and their many yearsof experience in the theory andapplication of bearing alloys.

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Melting ofBearing Alloys

Because of the relatively low melting pointof bearing metal alloys, it is easy to convertingots to liquid alloy. To make molten metalsuitable for casting, however, requirescareful control.

The melting pot can be of any size suitablefor the amount of metal needed. Heat-resistant iron containing nickel, chromium ormolybdenum is the preferred material for itslong service life. Clay graphite crucibles aresometimes used where contamination fromiron is a serious problem. The melting potmust be clean. After melting, the potshould be scraped to remove accumulationsof metal and dross. If not, subsequentcasting may show hard spots on themachined surface.

A semi-spherical melting pot with a flangesupported by a refractory shell isrecommended, and heating should bearranged so that a uniform temperatureprevails throughout the melt. Unevenheating may cause segregation or allowpartial solidification. Segregation may occurin tin-base alloys of high copper content andmay result in a deposit in the kettle afterpouring which is much higher in copper thanthe desired alloy. This obviously deprivesthe cast metal of some of its specified alloycontent of copper.

After complete melting, the metal should bestirred, manually or mechanically, to insureuniformity of the melt but carefully to avoidproducing too much dross. Manual stirringis best done with a circular perforated plateon a long-handled steel rod. Stirring is fromthe bottom upward using a figure “8” motion.After stirring, the metal should remain atrest for a few minutes, then be skimmed.The temperature of the melt should becontrolled-or checked-by pyrometer.Constant thermal control is required forefficient and uniform results. Hightemperatures lead to excessive drossing,which is wasteful. Further, dross may becarried over into the casting and causefailure of the bearing. Also, fuel costs arehigher and pot life shortened.

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Handling BabbittBearing Alloys

On the other hand, a melt temperaturewhich is too low can cause segregationin the pot as well as prematuresolidification before bonding on theshell takes place. The most suitablepyrometer is the shielded type which issubmerged in the melt and records on awall-mounted instrument.

No portion of the melt should ever beallowed to remain between the solidusand liquidus temperatures for anylength of time. This often happenswhen the casting set-up is not quiteready or when metal is left overnight foruse the next day. Under thesecircumstances, crystal aggregates areprecipitated. The heavier crystals sink,the lighter float. Stirring after reheatingdoes now always dissolve all thecrystals and the result may be hardspots in the bearings. Above all, metalshould not be allowed to solidify in themelting pot overnight. Unused metal atday’s end should be poured into pigs,and the pot thoroughly cleaned beforere-use.Accumulations of dross, sweepings,skimmings and machine-shop boringsshould be sold to a smelter or collector,not used in the pot. Clean borings ofknown constituents may be used inthe melt if magnetically screened toremove ferrous chips and particles.This will not remove brass and bronzechips which may also be harmful. Ofcourse, alloys must not be mixed. Itcannot be emphasized too strongly thatmetal waste should be sold rather thanre-used. If used, it must be clean andsorted with scrupulous care. Goodhousekeeping is imperative to thecasting of dependable bearings.Additions to the melt should be made insuch a way as to assure rapidcoalescence with the bath to preventoxidation of the metals being added.

When melting, pouring, machining orotherwise working with these alloys,care should be taken to comply withhealth standards promulgated by theFederal Occupational Health andSafety Administration or the state

equivalent relating to the concentrationsof airborne metal fumes and dust andwork practices. Upon request, FryTechnology will supply to customerscopies of Material Safety Data Sheetsfor the major constituents of thesealloys. Employees should be fullyinformed of any hazards that may existand the necessary steps to be taken toeliminate or minimize them.

Bonding the Bearing

There are two basic methods - chemicalor metallurgical, and mechanical - bywhich babbitt metals are bonded to thesupporting shell. Chemical bonding isthe preferred modern practice and isused almost exclusively. Mechanicalbonding is sometimes used for bearingsof an inch or more in thickness whichare secured to the shell with the help ofgrooves, dovetails, anchors, undercutsor holes to keep the bearing metal inplace.The metallurgical bond is a thin layer ofalloy between the bearing metal and theshell or support; the bond alloys withboth, and secures them firmly inrelation to one another. The bondinglayer, though strong, is brittle and mustbe as thin as is practicable to minimizestress concentration in the area.Tin-base bearing alloys are commonlybonded to steel and bronze shells. Inthe former case, tin-iron compounds areformed at the bond and in the latter, tin-copper. The tin-copper compound isweaker than the tin-iron compound anddictates the preference for steel shells,though bronze shells are serviceable ifbonding is properly done.Lead-base alloys give equally goodresults with either type of shell. Forarsenic-hardened alloys, the steel shellis preferred. Bronze shells invite thepossibility of forming a weak and brittlecopper-arsenic bonding layer. This canbe avoided, however, by careful controlof shell and bearing metal temperatureand by rapid solidification of the bearingmetal into the copper constituent of thebronze.

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Cast iron shells require specialtreatment due to the formation of agraphite layer on the iron duringacid cleaning. However, there areprocesses using molten causticsalts which can be used to preparethe surface for bonding.

Of major importance to successfulbearings is thorough physical andchemical cleaning of the shellbefore bonding. A clean bond willprolong the life of the bearing andprovide for more than normal load.

Chemical Bonding: The primaryrequirement in bonding is a perfectjointure between shell and bearingmetal. Thorough cleaning isimperative. Following is oneprocedure:

Machine shell to a “phonograph”finish; so-called because it lookslike the scoring seen on aphonograph record. Avoid asmooth, over-fine surface.Avoid sand blasting. Make the lastmachine cut without using acutting compound. Do not wipethe machined surface with waste.Avoid unnecessary handling.

Cleaning: Remove all oil orgrease, including fingerprints,by the following procedures:

(a) Suspend shell in solution ofcommercial alkaline cleaner ata temperature near the boilingpoint.

or Suspend shell in a solution ofmolten caustic soda. (Time foreither of the steps above isusually 5 to 10 minutesdepending on results asobserved by inspection.)

(b) Rinse in clean water.(c) Dip shell in a 50% solution of

hydrochloric (muriatic) acidand water at 160 to 180°F andetch for 3 to 5 minutes or justlong enough so that theetching effect can be seen. (Ifshell still shows signs of oil orgrease, the complete cleaningcycle must be repeated).

Fluxing: Dip shell in flux solutionat temperature of 150°F or permanufacturer’s instructions.(Babbitting fluxes are availablefrom Fry. Otherwise, a saturatedsolution of two parts zinc chlorideand one part ammonium chloridein water is satisfactory).

Tinning: Method 1: (tin dipping)Apply the tinning alloy by dippingthe shell. The alloy may bemolten tin, solder of variousgrades, or tin-lead-antimonyalloys. The alloy should bemaintained at a temperature about150°F above the liquidustemperature of the tinning alloy.Keep shell submerged until it hasreached the temperature of themetal bath. On removal, the shellshould appear clean and silvery.A yellow tone indicates that thesurface is oxidized because thebath temperature is too high. If so,cool metal and re-flux. The shellis now ready for casting andshould be held at a temperaturewhich will keep the tinning alloymolten as the bearing alloy ispoured on the shell.Method 2: (tinning paste) Apply athin coat of Fry’s POWERBOND4100 Tinning Paste or othercommercially available product tothe shell lining at roomtemperature. NOTE: Whenpouring a tin based babbitt(Grades 1, 2, 3, or 11), use atinning paste that contains pure tinsuch as POWERBOND 4100 LF.When pouring a lead based babbitt(Grades 7, 8, 13 or 15), use atinning paste with 50% tin/50%lead such as POWERBOND4100 SP. Heat the shell until thetinning paste melts (600 - 650°F).Wipe the surface with a clean ragfollowed by a hot water rinse toremove any residual flux.Method 3: (tinning compound)Preheat bearing shell toapproximately 500° - 550°F.Sprinkle Fry’s POWERBOND4200 Tinning Compound onbearing surface and vigorously

wipe with a stainless steel wirebrush to yield a smooth, well-tinned surface to which babbittreadily bonds. Flux residuesshould be removed with hot waterimmediately after tinning. Tinningcompounds are particularly usefulon cast iron and other largebearings when tin dipping andother tinning methods are notpractical.When bonding must be done inthe field, other procedures must befollowed. They will producesatisfactory results if carefullydone as follows:(1) Remove old bearing metal

with blow torch. Avoidexcessive heat so that thebonding coat will not beoxidized.

(2) When all old metal isremoved, apply flux and brushthoroughly. If the surface isnow clean, the shell may beset up for casting. If uncoatedspots remain, apply a stick ofbonding metal to the hot shell.Re-apply flux until surface isseen to be ready for casting.

(3) Again, the shell must besufficiently hot to keep thetinning alloy molten whilepouring the bearing.

Mechanical Bonding: Inmechanical bonding, cleanliness isas important as in chemicalbonding. Gas-forming dirt willcause bubbles. Temperaturecontrol is required to maintain adifferential between mandrel andshell which will insure thatsolidification proceeds from theshell outward to the mandrel andfrom bottom to top.

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The Casting ofBearing Alloys

Static-Cast Bearings: Static or still-castbearings can be poured eitherhorizontally or vertically. Verticalpouring is preferred since it affordsbetter control of pouring and cooling.Still casting involves the use of amandrel with the shell. Temperaturecontrol of both is important. The shellshould be at or above the melting pointof the bonding or tinning metal. Withpure tin as the bonding agent, shelltemperature should be about, but notless than, 450°F. The mandrel shouldbe about 100°F above shell temperatureso that solidification will proceed fromshell to mandrel. Thus, the hot metal willfeed toward the shell in cooling and thearea of solidification shrinkage will bemachined off in finishing the bearing.This also prevents shrinkage cavitiesbetween the lining metal and the shell.In any case, both shell and mandrel mustbe held at no less than the melting pointof the tinning alloy.The shell can be brought to the propertemperature by submersion in the pot ofmolten bonding metal. All except thesurface to be bonded should beprotected with a mixture of whitewash,fireclay or one of the proprietary lacquersmade for the purpose. The mandrel isusually heated by an open-flame torch.For each job a temperature limitdetermined by experiment should beobserved. If a contact pyrometer is notavailable, chemically compoundedpencils of definite melting point can beused. Mark the shell and mandrel with apencil of the desired melting point andremove the heat source the moment thepencil mark begins to melt. Solidificationof the metal at the shell can be hastened(and rapid cooling is desirable for finegrain size) by blowing with compressedair or spraying the shell with water. Careshould be taken to insure that cooling isuniform. Adherence of metal to themandrel is prevented by brushing withdry or colloidal graphite or by depositinglampblack from a smoky flame.The mandrel should be of steel or castiron, and accurately machined. Jigs willaid in placing shell and mandrel in theirproper relative position. Bottom plateand other components should fit

accurately to prevent leakage of moltenbearing alloy. All accessories shouldbe ready for pouring so that the bearingalloy can be poured in seconds afterthe shell has been removed from thetinning bath. Pouring may be donedirectly in the space between mandreland shell or by suitable gates andrunners. In direct pouring, the ladleshould be moved around the cavity andthe metal poured against the mandrel.Pouring from a single positionoverheats the shell or mandrel andleads to stresses, tearing or cavitiesdetrimental or ruinous to the bearing.The ladle should be large enough sothat one pouring completes the bearing.Multiple pouring for one bearing invitescold shuts and laminations, or folds.With large bearings, provision must bemade for shrinkage as the metal cools.For this purpose, risers of 2 to 6 inchesin height will serve. It is sometimesadvantageous to puddle the alloy afterpouring to minimize both porosity andsegregation. Use steel rods with an up-down motion immediately after pouring.While stirring, additional alloy can beadded to the riser as the level of themetal recedes.

Centrifugally Cast Bearings:

Centrifugal casting of bearings is doneby placing the shell, usually a cylinder,in a horizontal holding devicesupported in a lathe or similarequipment. An accurately machinedplate at each end of the bearingmaintains its position and prevents thealloy from running out. The moltenmetal is poured into a funnel feedinginto a center-hole in one of the plates.

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When the shell is securely clamped, thelathe is turned up to a predeterminedspeed and a predetermined amount ofalloy is poured into the funnel.Immediately after casting, a water or air-water spray is used to cool the shell.In theory the operation is simple but thereare critical factors: preparation of shell,speed of rotation, thickness of lining,pouring temperature and rate of cooling.Centrifugally cast bearings are alwayschemically bonded. Preparation of theshell includes caustic bath or othercleaning, rinsing, etching, fluxing andtinning as previously described.

During solidification, solid constituents ofvarying specific gravities freeze out of themolten alloy. Centrifugal force itselfcauses segregation due to the differencein specific gravity of solid and liquidconstituents in the semi-solid state. In tin-base alloys the heavier copper-tincompound tends toward the center.Similarly, a lead-base alloy segregateslead-rich phases toward the periphery andantimony-rich phases toward the center.Since some of the lining will be machinedoff, it is clear that the finished bearing, ifsegregation is not controlled, will not be ofuniform composition or identical with themolten alloy.Rate of rotation is an important element ofcontrol. It varies from about 60 rpm forvery large bearings to about 1500 rpm forsmall sizes. Bearings of 4 to 20 inchesdiameter are rotated at 400 to 600 rpm. Itis important to determine the optimumspeed of rotation for each size of bearing.Speeds too low will fail to produce a goodbond; speeds too high cause excessivesegregation.Thickness of the bearing is a factor to beconsidered, because it is almostimpossible to prevent segregation in areally thick lining. Centrifugally castlinings usually do not exceed 0.125 inchesin thickness, including allowance formachining.

Pouring temperatures for tin-base alloysusually range from 800 to 900°F; forlead-base alloys from 900 to 1050°F.Temperature should be as low aspossible to fill the mold without causinglamination, cold shuts and other faults.Excessively high temperatures causeslow cooling and segregation. Chillingshould start immediately after pouring.Lead-base alloys should be quicklychilled using water. An air-water spray isused to cool tin-base alloys sinceexcessively fast chilling can result in adefective bond.

Preparation Methods forCast Lined Bearings

A major consideration when liningbearing shells, is the need for a strongbond between the babbitt and thebacking material. The backing is first tincoated by immersion in molten tin so thatwhen the babbitt is cast on the surface, agood metallurgical bond is obtained.Since the process consists of meltingand re-solidification of the alloy,conditions must be carefully controlled sothat the optimum structure for bearingperformance is obtained in the babbittand a uniform composition is achieved,i.e. segregation effects are minimized.Bearing shells are commonly made ofsteel, bronze, gunmetal or cast iron andvarying degrees of surface preparationare necessary before tinning.

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Steel ShellsThese may be prepared by machining,grinding, grit blasting or by acidpickling. When the steel is to bepickled, it is generally necessary todegrease the surface first. For removalof gross amounts of mineral oil andgrease, vapor degreasing or combinedvapor and solvent degreasing iseffective; however, when certainprotective greases and machiningcompounds must be removed, thismust be supplemented or replaced bytreatment in hot alkaline solutions. Forthe general run of engineering steels,hydrochloric acid (about 50% v/v) is asatisfactory picking medium and maybe used at room temperature. Afterrinsing in water, it produces a smut-freesurface even on higher-carbon steels.Hot sulfuric acid is less frequently usedas a pickling medium. In the case ofbearing shells made from rolled steelstrip, preparation may be complicatedby the need to remove refractorysurface layers resulting from rolling andannealing operations. Etching in dilute(10%) nitric acid, may be required andnormally a light pickling treatmentwould follow such special surfacepreparation. Alternatively themechanical preparation treatments willusually prepare such surfaces.When grit- or shot-blasting is employedas a pre-treatment, it is essential tocontrol the process so that every partof the surface to be bonded isefficiently treated. This technique ispreferred by some operators, since itgives a good level of adhesion andavoids acid-handling problems, butsometimes leaves particles of theblasting medium embedded in thesurface.After surface treatment, the steel shellsshould be dipped in an aqueous zincchloride-based flux solution and thenimmersed slowly in a bath of molten tinmaintained at about 570°F. A fusedflux cover should be provided on the tinand the bearing shells should be keptimmersed for sufficient time to attainthe same temperatures as the tin.Preferably the tinned shells should thenbe transferred to a second

flux-free bath at 450°F - 480°F beforefinally being babbitted. This has thevirtue of bringing the shell to thecorrect temperature for casting andalso of washing off any residual fluxfrom the surface.

Bronze ShellsIn the case of bronze shells, clean,machined surfaces only requiredegreasing prior to aqueous fluxing andtinning since copper-base alloys (withthe exception of those containingsignificant, e.g. >1%, amounts ofaluminum) are more easily wetted bytin than are ferrous materials. Wettingincurs the formation of a layer of inter-metallic compounds; this is brittle andhas little capacity to withstanddeformation under stress, so that in thecase of copper-base materials onwhich such an alloy layer forms morequickly than on ferrous alloys, the timeand particularly the temperature oftinning should be kept to a minimum toachieve a completely tin-coatedsurface: for example a few seconds at480°F for thin-walled bronze bearings.However, some workers have indicatedthat in the case of gun-metal castings,longer immersion times do not appearto have a deleterious effect.

Cast Iron ShellsThe methods commonly used fortinning steel are not satisfactory forcast iron because of the presence ofgraphite in the structure of the metal.Moreover, iron castings may have asurface skin, high in silica, which mustbe removed prior to tinning. Picklingwould result in a smear of graphiteover the surface which would impaircomplete tinning. Considerableresearch at the International TinInstitute resulted in the Direct ChlorideProcess for tinning of cast iron. In thisprocess, the iron is first shot-blastedwith BS 410 70 mesh (approx. 200 umaperture) angular chilled iron grit until amatt uniform grey surface is obtainedwithout allowing contamination bygrease to occur; the shell is then brieflyimmersed in an aqueous flux solution(typically 24 kg

zinc chloride, 6 kg sodium chloride, 3kg ammonium chloride, 1 litre HCI,water to make 100 litres). It is thenready for tinning in a bath on whichfloats an ebullient molten flux mixture.This is composed of 8 parts zincchloride crystals, 2 parts sodiumchloride and one part ammoniumchloride which is available from FryTechnology such as Rolsalt 995. Alayer about 1 cm thick is spread on themolten tin surface and sprayed withwater from a fine rose. The prefluxedcast iron bearing shell is passedthrough this ebullient flux blanket,which is an essential feature of theDirect Chloride Process, since itprovides a final cleaning of the iron asit enters the molten tin.Cast iron benefits from extendedimmersion times during tinning (10 - 20minutes) in order to counteract theporosity of such castings. Ferrousbearing shells (steel or cast iron) maybe redipped in a second bath of moltentin, held at a lower temperature (e.g.250-260°C), a small quantity of tinningoil sometimes being applied to the bathsurface. This is particularly usefulwhen tinning heavy shells, since ithelps to maintain a rather thicker andmore continuous layer of tin on thework and helps to release any fluxentrapped in surface pores from thefirst tinning stage. Also thetemperature of the shell is then moresuitable for immediate casting of thewhitemetal as there is less tendency forthe tin coating to develop a yellow filmof oxide during the time required toassemble the shell in its jig for casting.In some plants, the bearings are cooledafter the first tinning and the secondimmersion used to reheat the shellsimmediately before lining with babbitt.Exterior surfaces which are notrequired to be tinned may be protectedby applying a magnesium oxide/sodium silicate mixture or a dispersedgraphite coating, but it is often moreeconomical merely to brush and wipeoff any tin adhering to these surfaces.

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Other preparation processes involveelectrolysis in fused salt baths. Extensivesafety precautions are necessary whenoperating these processes.

One of the most widely used is thatdeveloped by the Kolene Corporation ofDetroit, USA. The cast iron part, locatedin a suitable cage container, is firstpreheated to about 750°F and then dippedin a bath of molten sodium hydroxide, withcontrolled additions of sodium nitrate andsodium chloride, for 10 - 15 minutes ataround 900°F. The workpiece and theinterior of the tank are connected to a low-voltage DC supply and the polarity of thecurrent can be reversed, so that the castiron may be treated anodically,cathodically, or by a combination of these.This treatment removes graphite from thesurface of the cast iron by oxidation andalso eliminates casting skins and surfaceoxides. This is followed by successivedips in a hot water rinse, a 20% HCIsolution for 5 - 10 minutes to deoxidize thesurface and to neutralize alkali, and finallya hot water rinse.Electrolytic treatments in simple fusedsodium hydroxide baths are also practicedand the effects are similar. The difficultyof tinning over a graphite contaminatedsurface can also be overcome by firstelectroplating the casting with a readilytinnable metal such as iron or copper. Thecastings should be tinned as soon aspossible after plating.Very large bearing shells cannot usuallybe accommodated in a tinning bath andthey are generally preheated and thentinned by a manual wiping procedure inwhich flux is applied and a stick of tin ismelted on to the surface and wire-brushedall over to give a uniform tin coating. Pre-tinning can also be carried out by usingone of the methods previously described.

In addition to standard and non-standard babbitt alloys, Fry also manufactures babbitt to customerspecifications. Quality is assured and 100% satisfaction is guaranteed.

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Standard Alloy Selection Guide

Type of Installation Tin-BaseAlloy

(Grades 1-11)

Lead-Antimony-Tin Alloy

(Grades 7-13)


Arsenic Alloy(Grade 15)

Aircraft Engine l l


Blowing Engines: Reciprocating and Turbo l l

Centrifugal l l

Fans, Ventilating: High Speed l l

Low speed l l

Rotary: Sliding vane, gear or cam l l

Cement Mills

Dryers, rotary; Kilns:

Bearing rolls and reduction gearl l

Mixers; Rock Graders;

Shafting: High speed and low speed; Winchesl l

Screens: Revolving l l

Pulsating l l l

Centrifugal Machinery (Extractors and Separators)

Pedestal Bearings l l

All Other Bearings l l

Clay Working

Auger Machines; Disintegrators;

Granulator; Pug; Repress Machines;l l

Blunger; Cutting Machines; Lawns l l

Conical Mill; Ship Car and Hoist; Slip Pumps l l l

Compression Ignition Engines (Diesel)

High Speed (Over 700 R.P.M.):

Main Crankshaft; Connecting Rods l l

Camshafts; All Other Bearings l

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Type of Installation Tin-BaseAlloy

(Grades 1-11)


Alloy(Grades 7-13)


Arsenic Alloy(Grade 15)

Compression Ignition Engines (Diesel) cont.

Marine Main Propulsion:

Main crankshaft; connecting rods; crossheads l l

Camshafts; All Other Bearings l l

Compressors (Large, Heavy)

Main Crankshaft; Connecting Rod Big Ends l l

Auxiliary Bearings; All Other Bearings l l

Crushing Machinery

Ball Mill; Breaker Roll Type; Gyratory Type;Rod Mill Type; Roll Type; Tube Mill l l

Jaw Type: Backing-up jaws and bearings l l

Pan Type: Thrust Bearings l l

Other Bearings l

Roll Hammer Type l

Stamp Mill: Camshaft l l

Guides l l


Bilge Pumps; Conveyors and Stackers; HoistSheaves; Revolving Screens; Shafting; Winches l l

Centrifugal Main Pumps; Compressors; Sluice Pumps l l

Tumblers: Upper l l l

Lower l l

Electric Motors and Generators

Traction Motors (Subways and Street Railways)

Main Rotors l l

Armatures and axles; All Other Bearings l l

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Type of Installation Tin-BaseAlloy

(Grades 1-11)

Lead-Antimony-Tin Alloy

(Grades 7-13)



(Grade 15)

Electric Motors and Generators (cont.)

Stationary Motors and Generators (1,500 R.P.M. and above)

Main Rotors l l

Armatures and axles; All Other Bearings l l

Stationary Motors and Generators (below 1,500 R.P.M.):

All Bearings l l

Elevating, Conveying and Excavating

Belt Conveyors: Carrier bearings and gravity take-ups; Take-upEnd; Cableways: Sheaves, drum shafts and reduction gears;Car Dumpers: Reduction gear and trunnions; Screw Conveyors;Trippers

l l

Drive Ends l l l

Bucket Elevator and Conveyor:

Drive end l l l

Take-up guides; pit bearings l l

Car Journals l


Reductions; drum shafts l l

Trolley journals l l


All Bearings l l l

Gas Engines (Vertical and Horizontal)

Main Crankshaft; Connecting Rod and Main Bearings;Camshaft; G.M.B. 2 Cycle, V Type Compressor Engines

l l

All Other Bearings l l

Gasoline Engines

Main Crankshaft; Connecting Rod Big Ends l l

Camshafts; Subsidiary Drive (to Oil Pump, Water Pump,Dynamos, etc.); Water Pump; All Other Bearings

l l

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Type of Installation Tin-BaseAlloy

(Grades 1-11)

Lead-Antimony-Tin Alloy

(Grades 7-13)



(Grade 15)

General Process and Production

Machinery l l

Lumber Mills, Saw Mills and Planing Mills

Conveyors: Live rolls, kickers, log carriage, shafting andwinches

l l

Conveyors: Car journals l

Conveyors: Hogs, saw grinders, mortiser,shaper, sizer, surfacer and tenoner

l l

Saws l l

Machine Tools

High Speed Grinding Machine; Stamps; Presses or DropHammers

l l

All Other Bearings l l

High Precision Grinding Machine l


Agitators; Car Wheel Journals; Feeders;Separation Machines; Shafting; Thickeners;

l l

Classifiers l l

Concentrator Tables: Head motion l l

Rockers l l

Roasters: Pinion bearings l l

Thrust bearings l l

Screens l l l

Oil Engines (not Compression Ignition)

Main Crankshaft; Connecting Rod Big Ends l l

Camshafts; All Other Bearings l l

Paper Mills, Pulp Mills

Agitators; Burners and Calciners; Cylinders and Val Machines;Deckle Pulleys and Dandys; Folders; Pressers; Reels; Save-Alls; Screens; Shaking Frame Gears; Slithers; Splitters;Stackers; Stock Chests; Winders; Thickeners

l l

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Type of Installation Tin-BaseAlloy

(Grades 1-11)

Lead-Antimony-Tin Alloy

(Grades 7-13)



(Grade 15)

Paper Mills, Pulp Mills (cont.)

Barkers: Drum type l l

Disc Type l l

Beaters; Bleaching Engines; Chippers; Crushers andRechippers; Cutters; Digestors; Drive Stands; Dusters;Grinders; Jordans; Lay Boys; Pulping Engines; Saws; Willows;Thrashers; Trimmers

l l

Rolls: Breast; table; couch l

Press; calendar l l


Reciprocating: Crankshaft, main and big end l l

All Other Bearings l l

Centrifugal: main shaft l l

All Other Bearings l l

Railroad Bearings

Engine, Cross Head, Truck Trailer, etc. l l l

Car Journals l*

Rock and Gravel Plants

Cars; Grizzlies; Screens; Scrubbers; Washers l l

Steam Engines (Reciprocating)


Main propulsion; Main - crossheads and connecting rods l l

All Other Bearings l l

Ordinary Marine Auxiliary:

Main - crossheads and connecting rods l l

All Other Bearings l l

*ASTM B67-38, AAR M-501-34

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Type of Installation Tin-BaseAlloy

(Grades 1-11)

Lead-Antimony-Tin Alloy

(Grades 7-13)



(Grade 15)

Steam Engines (Reciprocating) (cont.)


Main - crossheads and connecting rods l l


All Other Bearings l l

Steel Mill Bearings l l

Sugar Mills

Agitators; conveyors; Crystallizers; Elevators; Lime Mixers;Malaxeurs; Minglers; Mixers; Rakes; Shafting

l l

Cane Knives; Centrifugals; Crushers; Gear Drives; GrindingRolls

l l

Suspension Bearings (Vehicular)

All Types l l

Transmission Bearings

Reduction Gears:

Turbine l l

All Other Bearings l l

Shafting Bearings:

Marine stern tube bearings l

Marine line shaft bearings l l

Roller and Chain Conveyors l l

Turbines - Steam (Main Ship Propulsion and Industrial)

Main Bearings l l

All Other Bearings l

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ASTM Specifications ASTM B-23



1 2 3 11 7 8 13 15

TIN 90.0 to 92.0 88.0 to 90.0 83.0 to 85.0 86.0 to 89.-0 9.3 to 10.7 4.5 to 5.5 5.5 to 6.5 0.8 to 1.2

ANTIMONY 4. 0 to 5.0 7.0 to 8.0 7.5 to 8.5 6.0 to 7.5 14.0 to 16.0 14.0 to 16.0 9.5 to 10.5 14.5 to 17.5

LEAD 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.50 remainder 3 remainder 3 remainder 3 remainder 3

COPPER 4.0 to 5.0 3.0 to 4.0 7.5 to 8.5 5. 0 to 6.5 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.6

IRON 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

ARSENIC 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.30 to 0.60 0.30 to 0.60 0.25 0.8 to 1.4

BISMUTH 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

ZINC 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

ALUMINUM 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005

CADMIUM 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05


99.80 99.80 99.80 99.80

1. All values not given as ranges are maximum unless shown otherwise.2. Alloy Number 9 was discontinued in 1946 and numbers 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 16 and 19 were discontinued in

1959. A new number 11, similar to SAE Grade 11 was added in 1966.3. To be determined by difference.

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SAE J460e Specifications

Chemical Compositiona (%)


Tin,min. Antimony Lead Copper Iron Arsenic Bis-muth

Zinc Alumi-num


























Lead Tin Antimony Copper Arsenic Bis-muth

Zinc Alumi-num

Cadmium Others,Total

Lead-BaseBearing 13 Remainder 5.0-7.0 9.0-11.0 0.50 0.25 0.10 0.005 0.005 0.05 0.20

Bearing 14 Remainder 9.2-10.7 14.0-16.0 0.50 0.6 0.10 0.005 0.005 0.05 0.20

Bearing 15 Remainder 0.9-1.3 14.0-15.5 0.50 0.8-1.2 0.10 0.005 0.005 0.02 0.20

Bearing 16 Remainder 3.5-4.7 3.0-4.0 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.40

a. All values not given as ranges are maximum except as shown otherwise.b. Formerly SAE 110.

QQ-T-390 SpecificationsChemical Composition (%)

Grade Tin Antimony Lead Copper Iron,max.




















































































































0.751 Maximum2 A narrower range of antimony within the limits stated may be specified but the spread shall be not less than

1.00 per cent.

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Technical Report

Fry Grade 2 Babbitt WireFor Spray Metallization

DescriptionFry Grade 2 Babbitt wire provides effective and uniform spray metallization. It exceeds ASTMB23 Grade 2 specification and all federal and legal guidelines for lead-free alloys. Because theASTM specification was developed for pouring operations, Fry developed this modified alloywith tighter impurity levels specifically for spray metallization. Fry is the first company torecognize the need for a specification for spray metallization.

ProcessFry Grade 2 Babbitt wire is a carefully homogenized alloy of relatively hard and softmicroscopic particles. Strict temperature control during alloying insures a product of correctmetallurgical structure. Casting and extruding is done in a unique process that produces aconsistent alloy for drawing into wire. This process enables Fry to make the smallest diameterBabbitt wire available. Fry Grade 2 Babbitt wire is of uniform diameter and the lamination-freesurface provides trouble-free machine feeding. Fry Grade 2 Babbitt wire is a superior trouble-free product.

Fry Grade 2 Babbitt Wire Benefits

1) No laminations that would cause deposition problems2) Non-splitting, virtually weld-free wire with a non-flaking surface to prevent machine

feeding problems3) Available in diameters from .057 to .187"4) Lead-free composition for environmental safety5) Fry specification produces a soft, pliable wire for easier machine feeding6) Homogenous structure and tight wire diameter provide even feeding and flame


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Physical Data

Chemical Composition(1) Fry Gr. 2 Babbitt Wire ASTM B23

Tin 88.0-90.0 88.0-90.0

Antimony 7.0-8.0 7.0-8.0

Lead .10(2) .035

Copper 3.0-4.0 3.0-4.0

Iron .02 .08

Arsenic .02 0.10

Bismuth .02 0.08

Zinc 0.005 0.005

Aluminum 0.005 0.005

Cadmium .001 0.05

Silver .02 not specified

Nickel .02 not specified

(1) Limits are % maximum unless shown as a range.(2) Exceeds all known state and federal legislative requirements.

Property Fry Gr. 2 BabbittWire

Density .267 lbs/in 3Melting range 466-669 FBrinell hardness @ 77 F 24

@ 212 F 12@ 320 F 6

Tensile Strength(psi)

@ 77 F 11200

@ 212 F 6500@ 302 F 3000

PackagingFry Grade 2 Babbitt wire is available on 25 pound reels, 25 & 50 pound coils, and 100 or 300 poundpay-off-packs in diameters from .057 to .187.

Important Notice to PurchaserAll statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness thereof is notguaranteed. In lieu of all warranties expressed or implied, seller’s and manufacturer’s only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the products proved tobe defective. Neither seller nor manufacturer shall be liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use or the inability to usethe product. User shall determine the suitability of the product for his intended use, and user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith.No statement or recommendation not contained herein shall have any force or effect unless by agreement in writing signed by officers of seller andmanufacturer.

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DESCRIPTIONPOWERBOND® 4200 Tinning Compound is a dry mixture of pure powdered tin and flux specifically designed for pre-tinning castiron, steel, bronze and copper bearing shells when a tinning bath, electrolysis or other tinning methods are not practical. A onepound container of POWERBOND® 4200 contains about twice as much Tin and goes further than other tinning compoundscurrently on the market.

APPLICATIONPre-clean and degrease bearing surface prior to tinning. Particular attention should be given to cast iron bearings to remove silicasurface skins, graphite and other residues that may impair adhesion. Pre-heat bearing shell to approximately 500°-550°F(excessive heat may cause flux charring and premature tin oxidation). Sprinkle 4200 Tinning Compound on bearing surface andvigorously wipe with a stainless steel wire brush or steel wool to yield a smooth, well-tinned surface to which babbitt readily bonds.Flux residues are completely water-soluble and should be washed off promptly prior to babbitting.

PHYSICAL PROPERTIESAppearance Light, silvery gray powder

Water Solubility Approximately 50%

Odor None

Density 4.9 - 5.0 g/cm³300 - 310 lb/ft³

% Volatile Zero

pH (10% aqueous solution) 1.5

AVAILABILITYPOWERBOND® 4200 is available in 1 lb. plastic jars (18 per case) and 6 lb. plastic tubs (4 per case).

STORAGEKeep container lid tightly closed when not in use. Store in a cool, dry place away from heat. Shelf life of this product is 1½ yearsif container is unopened.

SAFETYWhile POWERBOND 4200 is not considered toxic, its use in typical heating processes will generate a small amount ofdecomposition and reaction vapors. These vapors should be adequately exhausted during heating. Consult MSDS for additionalsafety information.

Important Notice to PurchaserAll statements, technical information and recommendations contained herein are believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness thereof is not guaranteed.In lieu of all warranties expressed or implied, seller’s and manufacturer’s only obligation shall be to replace such quantity of the products proved to be defective.Neither seller nor manufacturer shall determine the suitability of the product for his intended use, and user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connectiontherewith. No statement or recommendation not contained herein shall have any force or effect unless by agreement in writing signed by officers of seller andmanufacturer.