BA 2204 and BAS 324 Human Resource Management Appraising and managing performance Instructor: Ça ğ...

BA 2204 and BAS 324 Human Resource Management Appraising and managing performance Instructor: Çağrı Topal 1

Transcript of BA 2204 and BAS 324 Human Resource Management Appraising and managing performance Instructor: Ça ğ...

BA 2204 and BAS 324Human Resource Management

Appraising and managing performance

Instructor: Çağrı Topal1

Performance appraisalIdentificationMeasurementManagement

Uses• Administrative• Developmental• Strategic


IdentificationAspects or dimensions of

performanceMany dimensions and descriptionsWhat the organization tries to

achieve or its strategic, operational, and operative objectives


Measurement: definition and toolsAssigning numbers or labels to

reflect an employee’s performance on the identified characteristics or dimensions

Judgment type• Relative judgment• Absolute judgment

Measurement focus• Trait appraisal• Behavioral appraisal•Outcome appraisal 4

Measurement: relative judgmentComparing an employee’s performance

to the performance of other employees doing the same job

Recognizing small significant differences

No information about absolute differences

No information about absolute performance

Manufacturing differencesIneffective feedbackAdministrative use 5

Measurement: absolute judgmentComparing an employee’s performance

with predetermined standardsComparability across employees within

different organizational groupsDetailed and effective feedbackCooperative work environmentNot recognizing small significant

differencesInconsistency between different

evaluatorsDevelopmental use


Measurement: traitDeveloping judgments about

employees’ traits or individual characteristics

Quick indicator for relevant behavioral tendencies

AmbiguityEvaluator biasesNot including all relevant traits and

difficulty in weighing traitsFocus on personality rather than

performance and ineffective feedback7

Measurement: behaviorEvaluating whether an employee shows

expected behavioral standardsConcreteness and easy to measureConcrete performance examplesFast and effective feedbackParticipative development and motivationTime-consuming and difficult

development Detailed and exclusionaryObsoleteness with organizational changeBiased standards


Measurement: outcomeAssessing the achievement of an

employee in terms of outcomes and targets

Clarity and objectivityFlexible standardsRelation to strategic goalsIgnorance of uncontrollable factorsIgnorance of performance processes


Measurement: reviewersSupervisorSelfPeerSubordinateCustomerMultiple


Measurement: challangesRater errors and bias• Halo error• Restriction of range error• Personal bias• Comparability

LikingOrganizational politicsIndividual vs. group focus in teams


ManagementAppraisal interviewPerformance improvement• Identifying or exploring the causes of performance problems• Developing an action plan to control the problems• Empowering workers•Giving feedback to workers