b602 revision guide · Different attitudes to abortion Reasons for different attitudes to abortion...

GCSE RELIGIOUS STUDIES b603 revision guide

Transcript of b602 revision guide · Different attitudes to abortion Reasons for different attitudes to abortion...

Page 1: b602 revision guide · Different attitudes to abortion Reasons for different attitudes to abortion ... The topics in this unit revolve around the Christian belief that life is sacred,


b602 revision guide






Page 2: b602 revision guide · Different attitudes to abortion Reasons for different attitudes to abortion ... The topics in this unit revolve around the Christian belief that life is sacred,

Table of Contents How to answer the questions

Religion and Medical Ethics Christianity

The Sanctity of Life

reasons for different views on Medical Ethics

Different interpretations of scripture

Different sources of authority


Different attitudes to abortion

Reasons for different attitudes to abortion

Fertility Treatment and Cloning

Fertility Treatment


Issues with fertility treatment

Issues with cloning

Euthanasia and Suicide

Different attitudes to euthanasia

Different attitudes to suicide

Reasons for different attitudes to euthanasia and suicide

Use of animals in medical research

Example Questions

Religion, Poverty and Wealth Islam

Wealth and the Causes of Poverty

Caring for others

The uses of money

Moral and immoral occupations

Example Questions

Page 3: b602 revision guide · Different attitudes to abortion Reasons for different attitudes to abortion ... The topics in this unit revolve around the Christian belief that life is sacred,

How to answer the questions

Parts a, b and c are point marked. This means that each mark requires one point to be made e.g. part b is worth 2 marks, so

make two points


a) What is death? (1)

Death is the end of life

b) Give two examples of environmental issues. (2)

Global warming and pollution.

c) Describe Christian beliefs about God. (3)

Christians believe God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-seeing) and God is the Father, Son and Holy

Spirit, known as the Trinity.

One point made – one mark given

Two points made – two marks given

Three points made – three marks given

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Parts d (6 marks) and e (12 marks) are level marked. This means you do not need to make 6 or 12 points, but you need to

write a detailed answer. Spend most of your time on these questions.

o d) questions - in these questions, you need to give full explanations.

Accurately state the beliefs and teachings you are explaining, using specialist terms

Use quotes to back up these points of view

Remember there are often ranges of views / beliefs that need to be explained

o e) questions - in these questions, you need to give discuss different opinions.

This means you have to show understanding of a range of different views, including religious views, giving

detailed supporting reasons for each one. In your discussion, you should show how one view agrees or

disagrees with other points of view.

You also need to include a conclusion, showing clearly what you think of the different views in your


Page 5: b602 revision guide · Different attitudes to abortion Reasons for different attitudes to abortion ... The topics in this unit revolve around the Christian belief that life is sacred,

Religion and Medical Ethics Christianity

The Sanctity of Life

The topics in this unit revolve around the Christian belief that life is sacred, holy and God-given. This belief in the Sanctity of

Life means that Christians think that life should not be destroyed since it is precious and deserves respect.

The belief in the Sanctity of Life is important in all the areas of Medical Ethics and can be applied to every situation you have


Key Quotes: Genesis 1:27

“And God created man in His own image . . . male and female he created them.”

Genesis 2:7 “Then the Lord God . . . breathed into the man’s nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.” Psalm 139:13 “You created every part of me and put me together in my mother’s womb.” Exodus 20:13

“You shall not murder.”

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reasons for different views on Medical Ethics

Different interpretations of scripture

There are no specific Bible teachings about any of the issues studied in this unit. This means that other Bible teachings that

are relevant are used, though there are often different interpretations of what these teachings mean.

o sometimes this means that some churches see one teaching from the Bible as more important, for example,

“Love your neighbour as yourself” might be more important because Jesus said it was the greatest


o sometimes churches might decide that some rules no longer apply and they have to be updated.

Different sources of authority

o RC Christians think the rules of the church, led by the Pope, are the most important and should be followed

no matter what

o Church of England Christians think that sometimes more attention has to be paid to the situation someone is


o Some Christians thin that the conscience is an important source of authority and this will help you to work out

what is right in each different situation

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‘the premature expulsion of the foetus from the womb, usually from

an operation or procedure to cause this’

(i.e. the deliberate termination of a pregnancy)

Different attitudes to abortion

The Church of England

The Church of England strongly opposed abortion, believing that all human life, including life developing in the womb

should be protected.

However, the C of E recognises that there are some circumstances in which abortion might be acceptable. These


o The mother’s life was at risk

o the pregnancy was a result of rape

o the foetus is severely disabled

Jesus taught both compassion and love – sometimes abortion might be the most loving option e.g. when a foetus is

severely disabled. This is sometimes called the ‘lesser of two evils’.

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The Roman Catholic Church

RC Christians strongly believe that a human being must have the right s of a person ‘from the first moment of their

existence’ i.e. conception

The RC Church is Pro-Life and does not allow abortion, which is a grave sin.

‘The Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion.’

An abortion could only happen if it is a by-product of another surgical procedure, for example if the woman needs surgery

to save her life and as a side effect, she loses a foetus. This belief is called the Doctrine of Double-Effect.

The RC Church encourages pregnant woman to look at alternatives to abortion such as adoption

Key Quotes:

Genesis 1:27

“God said ‘Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth [with your children].”

Mother Teresa “Abortion is the greatest destroyer of peace in the world today.” Exodus 20:13 “You shall not murder.”

Mark 12:31 “Love your neighbour as yourself.”

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.”

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Reasons for different attitudes to abortion

Different interpretations of scripture

o sometimes this means that some churches see one teaching from the Bible as more important, for example,

“Love your neighbour as yourself” might be more important because Jesus said it was the greatest


o sometimes churches might decide that some teachings about the importance of women no longer apply and

they have to be updated.

Different sources of authority

o RC Christians follow the rule of the church that says that every abortion is a moral evil

o Church of England Christians think that sometimes the situation means that the rules have to be changed a

little, for example, in the case of rape

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Fertility Treatment and Cloning


Fertility Treatment

There are a range of fertility treatments available to help couples conceive, including:

Fertility drugs – these help the woman to produce more healthy eggs

in vitro fertilisation (IVF) – medical procedure where an egg is fertilised ‘in glass’, leading to the term ‘test tube


AIH - artificial insemination by husband

AID – artificial insemination by a donor

egg / embryo donation – where either an egg or egg and sperm are donated, fertilised by IVF and then implanted in

the womb of the woman


Cloning is the scientific process where cells are exactly copied so that new cells have the same DNA. Scientists argue that

cloning has many potential benefits, such as creating new organs for people who need transplant surgery and better

treatments for life threatening illnesses.

There are two types of cloning:

reproductive – producing a new human / animal that is genetically identical

therapeutic.- cloning of particular cells to produce medical treatments such as new organs

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Issues with fertility treatment

For many Christians, fertility treatment is a good thing as it helps couples to have children, which is what God wants for the

human race.

Genesis 1:28 “Be fruitful and increase in number . . .”

However, fertility treatment does raise some issues about which Christians are concerned:

Treatments such as IVF create spare embryos that are then destroyed

For RC Christians, this situation is similar to abortion. They believe that life begins at conception, so this embryo

is considered as a life and destroying it is killing a life.

Fertility treatments, such as egg and sperm donation involve a third person, outside of a marriage.

RC Christians believe that a marriage is a sacred union and involving a third person in the creation of a child is


The Church of England has concerns about the use of a donor as this might cause problems for the child later in

life – who are my parents?

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Fertility treatments are not natural and interrupt the act of sexual reproduction.

God decides who has children and who does not. Childlessness can be part of God’s plan.

1 Samuel 1:6 “Hannah had no children . . .the Lord had closed her womb.”

RC Christians believe that sex between husband and wife is the only way to conceive a child.

RC Christians argue that a child is a gift, not a right. The life of the embryo is more important than the wishes of

the couple, so anything that creates unwanted embryos is wrong.

Issues with cloning

Cloning raises a number of issues with which Christians have concerns:

cloning can create life by unnatural means

Christians believe that every human life is unique and created by God. It is wrong to artificially create new life

both kinds of cloning involve creating embryos, many of which will end up being destroyed

as with abortion and fertility treatments, RC Christians believe that anything that leads to the destruction of

embryos is unacceptable and wrong

some Christians argue that while reproductive cloning is wrong, therapeutic cloning can be acceptable if very

early embryos are used (up to 14 days). This could lead to important new medical treatments such as skin grafts

for severe burns.

The United Church of Christ does not believe that very early embryos are persons, so therapeutic cloning

research could be acceptable.

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Euthanasia and Suicide

REMEMBER TO THINK ABOUT THE SANCTITY OF LIFE.. Euthanasia literally means ‘easy or gentle death’. It is sometimes called mercy killing or assisted suicide.

There are different types of euthanasia. We are mainly concerned with the following two:

Passive euthanasia – when treatment is withdrawn or withheld e.g. a Do Not Resuscitate order

Active, voluntary euthanasia – when a person chooses to die, but requires that someone takes action to help them to

die e.g. a lethal injection


Different attitudes to euthanasia

Most Christians would argue that euthanasia is wrong, making the following points:

life is sacred and God-given, therefore only God should decide when we die

Jesus healed the sick and the dying and always treated people with compassion – we should do the same

o a good example of this is the Hospice Movement which aims to help those who are dying to ‘die with dignity’

through the use of palliative care to relieve pain

Exodus 20:13 “You shall not murder (kill).” – euthanasia is killing

the most vulnerable members of society deserve to be protected with love

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However, other Christians believe that euthanasia can be acceptable because:

Mark 12:31 “Love your neighbour as yourself.” - isn’t the most loving option sometimes to help someone end their


God has given us free will – we are able to decide when to die

Different attitudes to suicide

Until relatively recently, the Church condemned suicide as a sin. Those who committed suicide were not allowed to be buried

in churchyards. However, today many Christians have a more sympathetic approach.

The belief that suicide is wrong:

suicide shows a lack of faith in God to help you with your problems

1 Corinthians 3:17 “If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are

that temple.” – suicide is destroying God’s temple. For some Christians this verse means that suicide leads to hell.

The RC Church teaches that suicide is ‘a mortal sin’ – this is a sin that results in hell

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The belief that suicide is wrong, but that compassion needs to be shown:

Suicide is sometimes a cry for help and may be the result of mental illness, such as depression

Jesus treated the sick and the dying with compassion

Matthew 7:1 “Judge not and you will not be judged.” - people who are suicidal need help not condemnation and


Luke 10:25-37 - The Parable of the Good Samaritan teaches that we ought to help those who are in need, whoever

they are or whatever their problems.

The Samaritans This organisation provides support for people who are depressed or feeling suicidal. They provide 24hr telephone lines

where people can speak to trained volunteers. The Samaritans was started by a Christian minister, Chad Varah, in

response to the number of suicides of young people in London. This organisation takes its name from the Parable of the

Good Samaritan.

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Reasons for different attitudes to euthanasia and suicide

Different interpretations of scripture

o sometimes this means that some churches see one teaching from the Bible as more important, for example,

“Love your neighbour as yourself” might be more important because Jesus said it was the greatest


o sometimes churches might decide that some rules no longer apply and they have to be updated, especially

as euthanasia is becoming a more important issue today and our medical understanding of what causes

suicide has improved

Different sources of authority

o RC Christians think the rules of the church are the most important and should be followed no matter what

o Church of England Christians think that sometimes the situation means that the rules have to be changed a

little, for example, if someone is suffering extreme pain and they can helped to die quickly and painlessly

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Use of animals in medical research


Some Christians argue that use of animals in medical research is acceptable:

Use of animals in medical research has brought important benefits to humans and animals, such as new treatments

and medicines that would not have been found without the use of animals.

Genesis 1:26 – “Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of

the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the

ground." - humans are superior to animals and can therefore use animals for their own benefit. This could include

using animals in medical research to develop treatments for the benefit of humans – remember the idea of

stewardship in the Religion and Science unit.)

Genesis 2:7 - “Then the Lord God . . . breathed into the man’s nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a

living being.” – some Christians argue that this means that only humans have a soul and animals do not. This

means that humans can use animals for their own benefit.

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However, other Christians argue that though the Bible teaches that humans have authority, this does not mean they can use

animals however they wish:

Use of animals in medical research often fails to work, so the suffering caused to the animals is unnecessary e.g.


Proverbs 12:10 - “A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.”

Luke 12:6 – “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.” – God cares for

all his creation, and therefore so should we.

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Example Questions

(a) What is fertility treatment? [1]

(b) Describe Christian attitudes towards fertility treatment. [2]

(c) What does Christianity teach about abortion? [3]

(d) Explain Christian attitudes to the use of animals in medical research. [6]

(e) ‘Every woman has the right to have a baby.’

Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer

to Christianity in your answer. [12]

(a) What does euthanasia mean? [1]

(b) Give TWO reasons which might lead a person to commit suicide. [2]

(c) Describe the attitude of some Christians towards suicide. [3]

(d) Explain the attitude of some Christians to helping a terminally ill person to die. [6]

(e) ‘Only God has the right to take life.’

Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer

to Christianity in your answer. [12]

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(a) What is meant by the term ‘Abortion’? [1]

(b) State two reasons which might be given for seeking a legal abortion in the UK. [2]

(c) Describe one Christian attitude towards fertility treatment. [3]

(d) Explain why Christians differ in their attitudes towards abortion. [6]

(e) ‘Religious people should keep their views about Medical Ethics to themselves.’

Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer

to Christianity in your answer. [12]

(a) What is meant by the term ‘suicide’? [1]

(b) State two reasons why Christians might be against suicide. [2]

(c) Describe one reason why Christians might oppose abortion. [3]

(d) Explain why Christians have different attitudes to euthanasia. [6]

(e) ‘The use of animals in medical research is always wrong.’

Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer

to Christianity in your answer. [12]

(a) What word means ‘easy death’? [1]

(b) Give two reasons why Christians might be against fertility treatment. [2]

(c) Describe one Christian response to the issues raised by cloning. [3]

(d) Explain different Christian attitudes towards the use of animals in medical research. [6]

(e) ‘Every unborn child has the right to life.’

Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer

to Christianity in your answer. [12]

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Religion, Poverty and Wealth Islam

Wealth and the Causes of Poverty

Wealthy countries (e.g. USA, Japan, UK) hold the vast majority of the world’s wealth, while LEDCs (less economically

developed countries e.g. Nigeria, Sudan, Indonesia) struggle in poverty.

LEDCs owe massive debts to the wealthy countries and cannot even afford to pay the interest on these loans.

LEDCs grow crops, such as coffee, tobacco and cocoa to sell to richer countries to try and pay off debts, rather than

feeding their own populations.

Many LEDCs are in the hottest parts of the world – central Africa and Asia, where growing crops is difficult as there is

little rain.

LEDCs struggle to cope with environmental disasters, as they have little money.

Civil War causes serious poverty and leads to people fleeing their homes (refugees).

Huge amounts of money are spent on arms (weapons) and defence and little is spent on education, health and housing.

Poverty is often linked with low life expectancy, high levels of disease, high death rates, poor levels of education,

lack of clean water and hunger.

Islam teaches that all wealth and riches are a blessing from Allah, but it also teaches that how this money is used is

very important.

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Caring for others

Islam teaches that all Muslims belong to one family – the ummah. It is therefore the duty of every Muslim to help other

Muslims, as they are considered to be brother or sister.

Therefore, Islam stresses the importance of helping other people e.g. zakat – one of the Five Pillars of Islam, where

Muslims give money to those in need

Islam teaches that all wealth belongs to Allah and that they are stewards (Khalifas)

Islam also teaches that for Muslims, the ultimate reward is in the afterlife, so money is seen as less important.

Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad)

“He is not a believer who eats his fill while his neighbour remains hungry by his side.”

surah 2.110 – Qur’an

“Be strong in prayer and regular in charity: And whatever good you send forth for your souls you shall find it again with

God, For God sees well all that you do.”

Zakat -literally means ‘purification’ of wealth. It is a compulsory religious duty and is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.

Every Muslim must give 2.5% of their wealth every year.

Sadaqat - this is voluntary giving that all Muslim try to do, on top of their zakat payments.

Fasting - during the month of Ramadan, all Muslims fast during daylight hours. Part of the reasons for this is to

understand what it is like to be poor and starving.

Eid-ul-Fitr - this is the festival at the end of the Ramdan fast. A special payment is made called zakat-ul-fitr.

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Eid-ul-Adha - this is the festival of sacrifice. An animal is eaten and the meat is shared with the poor.

Birth ceremonies - when a baby is born, there is a special ceremony called ‘aqiqah’. The baby’s head is shaved, the

hair is weighed and the equivalent amount of gold or silver is donated to the poor. Today, many Muslim families

simply make a donation to charity.

Funerals - excessive funerals are forbidden in Islam. Instead, funerals are simple and money is donated to charity.

Charities - charities such as Islamic Relief, the Red Crescent and Muslim Aid are Islamic charities run according to

the teachings Islam. They work across the world to help all those in need, both Muslim and non-Muslim, providing

assistance in disaster zones and working on education and health projects.

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The uses of money

Earning interest (riba) on money loaned is forbidden to Muslims. It is money not earned honestly and it helps the rich get

richer and makes the poor poorer. This means that there are banks that offer Islamic finance products, such as mortgages

and loans that comply with the teachings of Islam. These products do not charge interest. For a mortgage, the bank charges

a rent on the property instead, while the loan is paid back.

surah 2.280 – Qur’an

“If a debtor is in difficulty, give time in which to repay . . . it would be better is you cancelled the debt altogether.”

surah 30.39 – Qur’an

“That [money] which you lay out for increase through the property of [other] people will have no increase with God.

Using money for gambling is also forbidden. Again, any money earned is not earned honestly and any profits from gambling

are made at the expense of others.

surah 5:91

“Satan’s plan is to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the

remembrance of Allah, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?”

Extravagance and waste are forbidden in Islam. Moderation is encouraged in all aspects of how money is used.

surah 5:90 – Qur’an

“O believers! Make not unlawful the good things Allah has made lawful for you. But commit no excess, for Allah does

not love those given to excess.”

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Moral and immoral occupations

It is the duty of every Muslim man to work and provide for his family.

It is dishonourable to live off charity unless absolutely necessary.


“Accepting charity is forbidden for the rich and the able-bodied.”

All honest work is considered equal – there is to be no snobbery

Unfair trading is considered dishonourable and is classed as theft

Certain jobs are forbidden to Muslims. These include:

o Making or selling alcohol or illegal drugs

o Anything related to pornography or prostitution

o Fighting in an army against other Muslims

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Example Questions (a) What is meant by an immoral occupation? [1]

(b) What occupations might Muslims believe to be immoral? [2]

(c) What do Muslims teach about concern for the poor? [3]

(d) Why might Muslims give money to charity? [6]

(e) ‘People must look after their family before they worry about the poor.’

Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer

to Islam in your answer. [12]

(a) State ONE cause of world hunger. [1]

(b) State TWO reasons why Muslims might help the poor. [2]

(c) Describe Muslim teaching about caring for others. [3]

(d) Explain Muslim attitudes towards wealth. [6]

(e) ‘Money is the cause of all evil in the world.’

Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer

to Islam in your answer. [12]

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(a) State what is meant by charity. [1]

(b) Give two reasons why many people are living in poverty. [2]

(c) Describe one Islamic view about wealth. [3]

(d) Explain why a Muslim might try to show concern for other people. [6]

(e) ‘Caring for others should be the most important thing Muslims can do.’

Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer

to Islam in your answer. [12]

(a) What is meant by the term ‘immoral occupation’? [1]

(b) Give two occupations which Muslims might consider to be moral. [2]

(c) Describe one Muslim attitude towards giving to charity. [3]

(d) Explain how Muslims believe money can be misused. [6]

(e) ‘Religious people should never be wealthy.’

Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer

to Islam in your answer. [12]

(a) Give one way in which Muslims might put charity into practice. [1]

(b) State two causes of world hunger. [2]

(c) Describe how some Muslims believe wealth should be used. [3]

(d) Explain how Muslims’ beliefs might affect their choice of occupation. [6]

(e) ‘Some people do not deserve to be cared for.’

Discuss this statement. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer

to Islam in your answer. [12]