B2B Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data - Primary … Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data Why Collecting...

B2B Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data Using data-driven business intelligence to drive sales, acquire customers and improve products as a long-term strategy

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B2B Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data

Using data-driven business intelligence to drive sales, acquire customers and improve products as a long-term strategy

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B2B Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data

Qualitative or Quantitative Data—Which is Better?

There’s an ongoing debate over which type of data is better: quantitative (“quant”) or qualitative (“qual”). For researchers who have used and benefited from both, there are distinct advantages and disadvantages from each. There are also instances in which each method is best suited to a specific application.

QUANTITATIVE DATAQuantitative data is all about numbers. When people talk about “big data,” they’re talking about quantitative

data—exact, scientific, precise. Black or white, quantitative data is straightforward, although the

interpretation of quantitative data can be manipulated—think statistics.

But while quantitative data explains the “what,” it doesn’t always explain the “why” or the “how.” Why are the

numbers high, low, or average? How can specific patterns in the results be explained? How can we interpret

the overall trends? For this, we often look to interpretation. And for interpretation, we frequently call upon

qualitative data.

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QUALITATIVE DATAQualitative data helps explain the “why” and “how” behind the numbers. It gives meaning and context to

the raw data. It provides color. Examples of qualitative data are free form responses to questions asked in

telephone and in-person interviews.

While qualitative data can be rich in insights and can uncover new trends and ideas, it’s free-flowing form

is also a key disadvantage—qualitative data is often voluminous in nature, making extraction and usage of

key insights time consuming and difficult. In market research studies, for example, collecting open-ended

feedback can help identify some very interesting trends—trends that quantitative data alone may not

reveal. However, wading through tens or hundreds of thousands of words is not trivial. It’s a major time and

resource commitment.

TEXT ANALYTICS FOR INTERPRETING QUALITATIVE DATAText analytics is helping to make the analysis, interpretation, and reporting of qualitative data much less

labor and time intensive. Text analytics that includes sentiment analysis is even better.

Text analytics is a set of statistical, linguistic, and machine learning techniques that allow textual data—such

as documents, emails, and speech—to be used for business intelligence, market research investigation,

and outcomes analysis. As text analytics applications have become more widespread since the 1990s, this

technique has found growing usage in competitive intelligence, business intelligence, sentiment analysis,

listening platforms, and social media monitoring, among others.

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE USAGEHow do you know when and whether you should collect and use quantitative data versus qualitative data?

The sidebar displays general guidelines for both types of data.

1. Straight-forward binary questions (Yes or no, male or female)

2. Ratings questions (Scales of 0-5, 0-7, or 0-10)

3. Check boxes (Lists of possible choices)

4. Sensititive questions (Such as pricing ques-tions)

Collect quantitative data when you have:

1. Want to understand the “why” and the “how” behind the numbers.

2. Want to probe on certain areas of the re-search

3. Have a new product to test

Collect qualitative data when you have:

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COMBINE QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DATA TO GET THE CLEAREST PICTUREWhile some may see quantitative and qualitative information as black and white—an either/or

proposition—many successful researchers use both types of data in combination as complementary tools

in their toolbox. Quantitative data will provide hard numbers against which to benchmark your product,

company and/or competitors over time, while qualitative data will provide invaluable insights behind those


A study by Gallup highlights the beneficial outcomes of collecting a combination of qualitative and

quantitative feedback, especially for B2B buyers, where 60 percent of customers are indifferent, 11 percent

are actively disengaged, and only 29 percent are actively engaged. As Gallup points out, and as Primary

Intelligence consistently confirms in our Win Loss and Customer Experience interviews, capturing only

quantitative information misses significant flags in customers’ experiences with their vendors. When vendors

commit to capturing verbal feedback, they typically identify consistent “themes” in customer and buyer

feedback, themes that may be problematic for the long-term relationship if not addressed before they grow

into larger issues and the customer is in danger of defecting to a competitor.

While it’s cheaper, more convenient and more expedient to send out or post to social media a short, online

survey, the use of both qualitative and quantitative information gathering techniques, especially in complex

B2B markets, is essential in understanding important customers, markets, and competitors holistically.

Collecting rich data allows trending over time to see how customer and market needs are changing, as well as how competitor strategies are evolving.

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Why Collecting Qual and Quant Feedback is Critical for Your Long-term StrategyCan you imagine going into a strategy session not knowing the growth projections for your market, your

product or your industry?

Can you conceive of not knowing your share of the market compared to the market share of your


Knowing why the market is growing quickly, knowing why certain competitors are gaining share at your

expense and knowing why key customers may be defecting.

This blending of hard data with softer, descriptive information is the essence of research, analysis and

reporting for many companies. Yet for some organizations, there’s an increasingly strong bias toward data-

only feedback. Driven in large part by big data and data analytics, this trend has led some to mistakenly

believe that qualitative data is superfluous and no longer needed.


1. Collecting a combination of qualitative and quantitative data is important because it provides both the

“what” and the “why” about specific markets, products, competitors, and customers. For example, you

may know that your market share is declining, but you may not know the cause of that decline. Is it due

to product limitations? Pricing? Service and support? Something else?

2. Collecting hard and soft data provides an indication of how serious specific issues are in different facets

of your business. For example, seeing a low rating of your product’s user interface or functionality may

be alarming. However, reading or hearing vivid, passionate, customer testimonials helps you know

exactly how dire the situation is, especially when the feedback is relative to other issues that may need

fixing and prioritization.

Arming yourself with strategic quantitative data is critical to understanding how to grow your market presence, how to sell more products and services and how to win more customers, but…

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B2B Qualitative vs. Quantitative Data

3. Using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies allow respondents to feel they had the

opportunity to provide a comprehensive accounting of their feedback—whether positive or negative. In

contrast, by only capturing quantitative feedback, respondents may feel cheated out of the opportunity

to fully explain the impact of their experiences to researchers, especially if the evaluation took weeks,

months, or even years. At the same time, those providing only qualitative feedback may want to ground

their experiences in a concrete, numeric way.

4. Quantitative feedback, while precise, often isn’t specific in coming up with solutions. In contrast,

organizations at the forefront of using qualitative feedback know that the best ideas for improvement

often come from customers and even competitors. Why not harness these ideas, while at the same time

demonstrating to customers that you’re acting upon their input?

5. Certain types of information, such as competitive information, is frequently surfaced, at least initially, in

the form of rumor or speculation. Piecing together bits and pieces of data is easier when there’s a dual

qualitative and quantitative collection program in place.

For the best long-term organizational strategy, use a combination of quantitative and qualitative feedback.

This approach is typically more reliable, more robust, and more well-rounded over the long term than trying

to rely on any single data collection methodology.

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16 Best Practices for Collecting Quantitative and Qualitative B2B Research Data

QUANTITATIVE B2B INFORMATIONWhen collecting quantitative B2B information—data that’s numeric, or numbers oriented—the following

techniques are recommended in B2B markets so that respondents have the best experience and researchers

collect the best information:

1. Capture quantitative data online to make the process faster and more efficient for respondents.

2. Include “Unsure” and “Other” categories in “Yes/No” answer options to give respondents more choices if

they don’t fall into predetermined categories.

3. Similarly, when including a “pick-list” of answer choices, include an “Unsure” and “Other” option to allow

respondents to include additional possibilities you may not have considered.

4. Always include a request to “please specify” when respondents choose “Other.” If you see enough “Other”

responses that are similar, you’ve spotted a new trend and can include this choice in your pre-defined

pick list.

5. Ensure ratings scales are appropriate for the questions being asked. Typically, firms collect B2B

information on a 0–5, 0–7, or 0–10-point scale, depending on the degree of detail required.

6. While no survey taker likes long surveys, B2B respondents are generally more willing than B2C

respondents to answer a longer set of questions, due in large part to the longer timeframes, higher

purchase prices, and greater energy they’ve invested during the evaluation process.

7. Consider including text boxes after each survey question so respondents can include additional detail

and context if desired. Make sure text box responses are optional so that respondents aren’t forced to

include additional comments in order to move onto the next question.

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8. Put pricing questions (or any questions that are especially sensitive) into the online survey, if possible,

and allow the respondent to “refuse” or “decline” these questions. Tucking sensitive questions into an

online survey, especially if the questions relate to competitors, allows the respondent to gracefully

decline to provide input, especially if the individual is under a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

QUALITATIVE B2B INFORMATIONQualitative data seeks to understand the nuances and context around a respondent’s input and is typically

open-ended in format. To get the most from qualitative B2B data collection, researchers should follow the

following guidelines:

9. Collect qualitative data in person or over the telephone to get rich information about the respondent’s


10. Use probing questions that drive toward greater clarity and understanding of the issues, asking

necessary follow-up questions to ensure actionable intelligence.

11. Follow the respondent’s lead when deciding the order of the questions. While it’s tempting to go in the

exact numeric order as outlined in the interview guide, this can break the flow of the respondent’s input

and can be jarring, especially if the individual touches upon a later question early in the conversation

and the researcher doesn’t take advantage of the opportunity at the appropriate time.

12. Look for themes in the feedback. Respondents typically return to two or three key themes in their

responses—high and low points of their experience that are especially noteworthy in either a positive

or a negative way.

13. Identify trends in feedback between different respondents. What patterns are emerging from the data

that are common across different buyers?

14. Ask individuals to comment on key findings discovered earlier in the research process. Does the current

respondent agree or disagree with the input of previous respondents? What can they add to the earlier

discourse to make it even more relevant and interesting?

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15. Be mindful of respondents’ time and energy levels. Conversations that last 20-30 minutes are typically

ideal in complex discussions of B2B markets. While technical issues may require more time to thoroughly

vet, make sure to ask the respondent for permission to continue beyond the allotted time or consider

scheduling a follow-on conversation.

16. Record the interviews so that the focus remains one of active listening, not mad scribbling. Ask the

respondent for permission to record the discussion at the beginning of the conversation.

By adopting these tried and true practices, you’ll be on your way to collecting first-rate customer,

competitor, and market intelligence—whether it’s quantitative or qualitative—from B2B respondents.

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About Primary IntelligencePrimary Intelligence delivers outcomes for B2B marketing, sales, and product leaders, guiding clients on

ways to win more deals and retain more revenue through Win Loss Analysis and Customer Experience

Analysis. Primary Intelligence speaks directly to buyers and sellers to uncover insights, root causes, and the

path to improvement. Expert consultants initiate transformation in Fortune 500 companies, including 10 of

the Fortune 25.

Primary Intelligence enables more than 14,000 product management, marketing, sales, competitive

intelligence, and customer experience professionals across more than 30 industries to hear the voice of their

buyers. It’s all possible thanks to our TruVoice software, proven methodologies, and exceptional people.