B10134040 林庭安 poetic_design

PoeticDesign B10134040_ 林林林

Transcript of B10134040 林庭安 poetic_design

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Illusia, dark graphite grey"The inspiration for the Illusia ceiling light came from the desire to create an atmospheric table setting without any candles. The secret of the light is the glass ball, hidden inside the globe. Its patterned surface creates a floral reflection on the table. The glass balls are handcrafted by glassblowers at the Riihimäki glassworks, to make each flower unique."

粉狀鋁塗層 / 壓克力燈光營照出燭光不需擺飾裝飾餐桌簡約造型映照自然光線花朵 ( 光影 ) 花萼 ( 燈罩 ) 造型

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GROWTHGROWTH, with its origami-based geometry, transforms and grows with the plant, as the plant itself unfolds over time.

The life cycle of a plant is a transformation, from an early seed to its full grown size; the blooming of a flower, the unfolding of a leaf, the branching of the roots. This process is what GROWTH aims to capture within a plant pot.

盆栽 / 摺紙結構植物與盆栽的互動隨時間成長的時間的痕跡與累積造型流暢的變化

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Aim Lamp an infinite variety of adjustments to meet one’s lighting needs. We came up with a proposal of a new typology of lamp that naturally positions itself in the space – like a plant would do 

ABSlong cables with leather簡約造型營造出自然感符合每個人不同角度光源需求

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Vitra Vegetal ChairThe initial designs show a chair that has the fluidity and uniform elegance of a plant: a great unity of form whilst at the same time being, in essence, untamed.

polyamide plastic觀察植物生長軌跡取材自然生長方式手工與量產的平衡點實用功能中詩意的最大化

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Ronan & Erwan Bouroullec手法 :詩性的 自然的 模組化的擅長將單一元素塑造成生活上兼具實用與優雅的設計產品在詩意中不失實用,用最自然溫潤的方式完成最實用的效益以設計寫詩,依日常生活入詞,作品總是簡潔,卻富有豐富的想像覺察

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