B •IMogs B ite ^UDMS EAGLE LAKE HEADLMHT …archives.wintermannlib.org/images/40. ELH 1976-01-01...

PAGE > EAGLE LAKE HEADLMHT THVRfl.. OCT. 7, If7« ^UDMS; Htip Waited MISC. SALES CLASSIFIED KATES CluaUltd Ada art duumtd for on t p*r word b u l l , Mt solid aa followa: , Cluainad Olapliy Ada: Olifilay c>a««tfl«d, par col in. fUM Ctiiiwlflad Adii and Laftl NoUcaa: Ftrat inaartton. . 5f par word Subaaqoant la- MfUona... 49 ptr word. '.11.50 nlnlmum waakly) Card at Thanks. . . .II.SO «PtoS"; ovtr I", n in. PrurasslunaJ ada.. $6.00 Mo. Abora nit«a ara fur cuoaa- cutlva Inaartiooa; aUp laaua ada taka tha oaa Utna rata. Thi HaadUfM la not raapoa- alblt for any mlatakaa In ada aftir flrat Inaartlon. AU Ciaaal/lad Ada muat ba lo by noon Tuaadiya. All Claaalflad Ada, caab In advanca, axcai>t toastabllshad accounta. For nav claaal- ft«l accounts, add 50c aarrtea cbarit. PHCWE 194-2783 Box 07, Etflt Laka, Taxu 77434 reft SALE' LAVACA t o . tSI a«rt rtaeh. hliiar inttwi, Mtfltal bar- moda, taikg, mU», oaaj bama aid 3-1-1 brick homa. RMLY RIALTT 134-tltS ta(la Lata tM-rrw affr HOTt rUNCTIONAL CHARM A S batfraonwr, 1 bath, brick, tnd clMui and vary comfort- abW. 1/t acrt, but aMttanal acraai* aTtllabla. atoanrby appototmant. SPALINGER REALTY iS4-im eagla Laka FOR SALE: 81s II" black and wMta TV Mta. Sa« at SportMBaa'a Motal, Eafla Laka or caU 294-S42I. (turn iMliMsten BaafmaaUr Bulla •odHalfara Carttfiad Braadar Ph. 732-3392 Rt. I Boa n l^rlac, Tataa 7SM3 Cat Clyde's Corier Support Rice Belt Ducks Unllinlted. Attend the Stag Dinner at Provident City Wed., Oct. 6 CLYDE'S FOOD NAME? MM W. P(»TO>KU F . PH. IM-lltO OPIi; tUILY frvni 1:10 a.m. to tM p.m. OPCN Sl^NOAVS IKM a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Ynr Pilroiige Appreciiled EirSili EXCELLENT INVESTMENTStI Baautlful homa, watarfront. Interior decorator apaclal. Two badrooma, larga back porch with Franklin stova, air and baat. Fumltura goaa. A real bargain, coma aaa HI Hara It la. . .Lot No. 5. One of tha baat Iota on tha main laka. Traaa; orar 100 ft. watarfrbnt. A realbarcaln atieooo. GARWOOD- New ShortOr- Mr Cafe and Game Room. SHERIDAN - Modem Dairy 9uasn Angua Halfar atrayad into my paatura last fall near Sandy Creak Drlva-In. Callf^rmora Information. DEER fiUNTING Acraaga, 100 acraa. Excellent dlacount for caah. Several amalltracta, terma. WESTERN STORE and modem DAIRY QUEEN alao for aala. We have aoma axcallant buya in LAKE PROPERTY. E. H. MOORE, REALTOR Columbua (71S) 792-5808. 732 Spring - Columbua, T«x. 28M^^^^^ Houaaa: New Ived-in; Land: Large and Small Tracts, Commer- cial and Plaaaure. M. L. Briscoe, 15IS Fannin, Co- lumbus, Tex. 78994, ph. 792-9847. (8-12-tf) DREAMS DO SOMETIMES COMK TRUE a«ar conatructad brick, 9 badrooma. I 1/2 bath, large roons, on traa-shadad 9/4 acre. Wa can ah*w by appoint- FOR SALE WORD TO THE WISE. . . . Put your money Into a home and watch It grow. Here'a a brick 9 bedroom, 2 bath, with carpat and drapaa. We ahow by appointment. SPALINGER REALTY 294-2896 . Eagle Uka SERVICES REACESTATE: indlil BUSINESS PROPERTY Convenient SINGLE STORY bualnaaa buikUnc 3^10 on Main Street with adjacent parking lot. TWO STORY bualnaaa build- ing 30x90 very near tha aquara on Main Street. Contact HANLY REALTY 294-2829 Eagla Laka 294-9776 After Houra NO CONTROVERSY HERE-- Have your own home plua INC0M2. Duplex, one a 9 bedroom, the other a 2 bed- room. Only 1/1 block from Garwood School. SPALINGER REALTY 234-2896 Eag^a Lake FOR SALE: All bride 4 bad- room, 2 bath home with large den and all electric kitchen (aelf cleaning oven). Urge yard. Call for an appointment: Beard Real EaUte Company, 942-9745, Roaenberg. (8-19-tC FOR SALE: Ragiatared Gray Brahman Bulla for aala. Jack Brasher, Weimar, Tax. (719) 725-8518 or 725- ilff: (9-8-tf) SPALINGER REALTY 234-tlt« Eagle Lake FOR SALE: Two story Texas Colonial Home in Rldgaloa AddltloA. Over 3500 air con- dmaMd s«nra fsat, 4 bed- room, 3 1/t bath, Uria dan aai gave room, office, two ear gaiaga with large •toract room. Lasa than OM year old. Call 234- 3S7I far appointment to aoa. (IMtf) FOR SALE: Two new brick homea, 9 badrooma and 2 Mia hatha IB each. Both fUly carpeted. Onaallaloc- trk, tha othor gaa. In Rldga- loa Addltlen. Phone 834- 9103 or after 8 p.m. 761- WA. (iitf) OWNER HAD to RELOCATE, 80 here's yoir chance at a very clean 3 bodroemor. Brick and wooden fenced private yard. We abov by appointment. SPALmOER REALTY 294-3836 Eagle Laka FOR SALE: 1 . Payne central hoattag unit, butano, can be eonvartod to naturiU gas, in ieod coodltioo,* 1^4 orlgUaJ prlea - ratad at 139,000 BTU. Can bt soon at D. R. Wintarmann Ware- hoose. P. M. DromfBolo. (t-ie-tt) I I. • > ROCK ISLAND a fUU city block, 24 Wa, with an older 2 bedroom, I bath frame house. Neada soma repair, currently ranted. $10,000. HANLY REALTY 234-tSSS E a ^ Laka 334-3776 After Hdura ACREAGE SMALL TRACTS - 1 to 19 acres several localiUaa. CHOICE LOTS FOR BUILD- mc - Rldsolea Addltioa. ACREAGE — 117 farmabla acras. SPALOtCER REALTY Il4-||t6 Eagle Laka HAY FOR lALB: Coastal* jstmiOB Orasi, and Bahahia Hay. Can Poorboy's (713) 7tS-8013. (7-t9-tf) FOR SALE: House in Sheri- dan, four bedrooma, 1 1/2 hatha, attached garage. Newly painted and new roof on four lota. Call Bollng 857-3443. (10-7-2t) FOR SALE: One refrigerator for aala, $10.00. Call 294- 2124. (10-7-10 FOR THE CAUTIOUS BUYER. Sturdy maaonry 3 or 4 bed- room, don, large Utchen, 2 baths, and on 1/2 acre, fenced. Ready and In move-in condi- Hon. SPALINGER REALTY 294-2896 Eagle Lake VMM The Mobile Village Larfe Sfwcaa Paved Streets - City Servlceafur- ilahed - Security Ughting It BE PROUD OF WHERE YOU UVEII Call 234-3728 n-8-tf) FOKHanglng Baaketa, African Violate, Fare and Chriat- mas Cactus visit Davla Groon Houae, 91f w. Waver- ly. (W-tf) FOR SALE: lITt Cbavrolst Impak. ItSte.OO. 817 North Lata. Eaglt Lake, 134-3744 FOR SALE: 1174 Marctiry Moiriaia, t-Oaar Sreugh- an |S840.i06. Cream yel- low wNk whllt vlayl top and vola«r tatfrtor. Every coactivahla aptMn, axcol- ^mk eaadmo>.RubMnwoU cared for. CaU 713-334- tStt or m-S4lS fbr lafor- matloB. (w 7 to FOR SALE: Lincoln SA200 DC Welder. Motor just overhauled. If interested call 294-9048. (9-90-4tp) ' ' ....... FOR SALE: A Black and White 29 Inch T.V. eet In real good condition for $70.00. Can be soon at 621 «th Street or call 294-3864. (10-7-ltp) FXOTIC AND TROPICAL ^PUNT SALE: Thuraday ^ and Friday, Fresh shipment from Florida - Orchids, Bromeliads and many t>pes of foliage. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Front porch of The Farrls 1912, 201 Mccarty at Post Offlce. (10-7-U) FOR SALE WHARTON CO. 979 acres on canal located 13 aaat of Eagle Lake. HANLY REALTY 334*3815 EaKls Lake 111:3776 after Houra FOR SALE: New Holland 881 Baler; New Holland 460 Hayblne; and a Case Trac- tor. Call 294-2978. (lC-7-ltp) DRINXING PROBLEM: CaU AA at tS4-9443 In Eagle Lake or 7SS-S0741nColuffl- bw. WALL TO WALL CARPETING for the home or office. Priced to meat every bud- gat. Call us for samples and prices at the Furniture Shoppe In Eagle Lake, 294- 2394. (5-9-tf) LIFE can be beautiful - and ao are carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer. Western Auto In Eagle Lake. CABINETS A N D INTERIOii Remodeling. Calvin jcoll- mann, Columbus 792-3467. . (9-4-tf) NOW OPEN: Jim's Custom Upholstery Shop. ' Large yolectlon of materials. ISree estimates. Pickig) and DeUvary. Call 234-9988 in Sheridan, Texaa. (8-1-tf) FOR RENT K)H RENT: Three trulln y^M*t for rent. 835 p«i month Imludinitwater.Ntir airpon. (all 234-2903 for more Information. 17-22-t( FOR LEASE: For rice or mllo, approx. 175 acrea - 1 to 9 yeara. Will conalder money leaaa, or ahare crop to person showing adequate finances and OQuipment for farming such land. See: El- mer Schindler, Office Phone 294-9914, Home Phone 234- 3315. (9-30-lt) Cards of Thanks ^UTE OF THANKS We wish to eivressour sin- cere appreciation to the Eagle Lake and Garwood volunteer firemen for the outstanding service which they performed at the hay bam fire at our place in the Elm Grove area recently. We appreciate the efficiency sho«-n by the firemen In their efforts to save the building, tha hay and equipment and adjoining buildings and equip- ment. Mahalltc Bros. Joe and David Mahalltc WANTS WCHiK: College boy neada week - end work. Has soma experience in welding bat wUl take other work. Mrs. I. p. Renkeri, 834- 89M. (10 7 at) PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR: Background In atael wire product manufacturing halpfttl. Terrific opportun- ity. Party to accept chal- lenge and obtain reaulta. Send resume or call 885- 3983, Amco Mesh and Wire Co., Drawer N, Sealy, Tex. (9-90-4t) SALESMAN NEEDED: Good salary, transportation pro- vided; sell farm and ranch gates. Some nights away. Must have good personality and ambition. Work out of your home. Hurricane Steel ~ Industries, La Grange, Tex. Carl Milentz 249-3561. (9-90-tf) WANTED: Office aecretary for rapidly growing agency. Must be experienced In Insurance rating and gen- eral and office procedures. Goiid company benefits; salary commensurate with ablUty. CallBowdenAther- ton for Interview, 234-3584, Eagle Lake, or 342-8592 Houston. (8-26-tf) LVN'S ' NEEDED: SaUry open. Contact Yvonne Wag- ner, Director of Nurses at Sweetbrlar Nursing Home, Columbus, Texas, 732-5716. (7.5-tf) WANTED: Someone to work In a package store. Must meet age requirements. Phone 758-3605. (9-30-2t) HELP WANTED: Experienced row crop farmer to handle 6 row equipment and gen- eral farm and ranch work. Call: 1-713-234-2044 or 1- 713-234-2196. (4*15 tf} FOR SALE Wilted WANTED: 300 acres oi Rice Allotment. Phone 234-3359. (9-30-2t) Free Dinner DENISERUCKA , this is your ticket for a free FlesU 6inner at the La Fiesta In Eagle Lake where you get the finest In authen- tic Mexican ^ooda 'n a plea- sant atmosphere. Clip this out and present at La Fiesta not later than Oct. 12, 1976 FOR SALE: 1976 10-12 cubic yard Hobbs Dump 6ed with tank and hydraulic pump. Like new. Call 234-2511. (10-7-lt) . . .NEW LISTING. . . . A large brick 3 bedroom, 3 Iwth, den and study on 1 1/2 acres. Private and lorely lakeside setting. Shown by ap- pointment. SPALINGER I?EALTY 234-2836 Eagle Lake i NEWS FROM i HERITAGE HOUSE I Live Country & Western Dance -AT- POORBOYS 2 Mi. E. of Columbus on 90 Every Sat. Nite THIS SATURDAY MUSIC BY LITTLE GEORGE & HIS BUDDIES 9tol WANTED Subacribers to the HOUSTON POST Mike Canaris - 234-3439 Sat. <i Sun. . .$2.00 Mo. Daily 4i Sun.. .13.75 Mo. (9 16 tfp) CARD OF THANKS We wiah to a^reaaour aln- care thanka to Father Rolf and aU our friends for the visits, masses, prayera, food and cards that ware aant toua while in the hospitaL A special thanks to the men that donated blood. We also want to thank every- one who helped our paranta, brother and aiatar- it meant M much to us as waU aa to them. God blaas you aU. Richard k John Selfert FOR SALE 8 h cylMer im Hri P k k ^ wkk RDijlanS25-DA Bar & Chain $ 149«' wtft automatic chain OMN( *MM»wf«cliir«r'i Uroa. M,«M actul klfkwaj aUoa. Good 8oo at 411 Nottk IMs. Eafb Uko. PHONE I M « K (lOTItp) Free Dance Poorboys Bitrgorttn 2 MUaa E. of Columbus Hwy. 90 This Sunday Oct. 10 Beginning 6:00 P.M. MUSIC BY LITTLE GEORGE A HIS BUDDIES Bv Patricia Foster We want to thank Rev. George Welsch of the Episcopal Church for having Sunday services for the Heritage House this past Sunday. Also, we would like to wish Rev. Welsch a happy birthday, for it was this past Sunday. Bible study was given by the Rev. Olen* Kennell. Mrs. Agnes Martin and Mrs. Lester Bungf. ST. of Garwood came out to entertain us with a wonderful Sing-A-Long last Thursday. The ladies entertained us with fine piano music played by Mrs. Martin and Mrs. L«ster Bunge sang familiar religious songs. We sincerely thank these two wonderful ladies for coming but and entertaining us with a sing-along for it was enjoyed by all. WiM. Cheese Party Our monthly Wine and Cheese Party was held on the 30th of September at 7:00 io the evening. Mrs. Nannie Jo Castle and Michael Axel sponsored the lively enter- tainment for us. They sang and played the piano for us, while everyone enjoyed re- freshments of crackers, cheese, olives and Tickled Pink Punch. The reaidents reported having a wonderful time and loved the enter- tainment. We thank Nannie Jo and Michael f9r coming out and hope they will come back out real soon. Card Sale We have had great success with our "AH Occasion" t!»iaM*l:^;« GARAGE SALE: Rofrigara- tor, dryer, dlshwaahar, fur- niture, gaa baateraandodda and anda. Thura., Frl. and Sat., Oct. 7, 8 and 9 at 608 Pendleton, Vera Flowera, 234-2978.' (10-7-ltp) GARAGE SALE: The Ussle Community Improvement Association will have a gar- age sale Oct. 8-9 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Cor- liss Shop on the corner of^ Franklin and Ashley streets' in Lissle. Lots of bargains of all kinds. (10 7 It) GARAGE SALE: At 504 J). Prairie this Frl. and Sat., Oct. 8 and 9th from 9:00 a.m. - ? Sponsored by Chesterville Cemetery As- sociation. . (10-7-lt) I I i^.™ . I l l I I I •• GARAGE SALE: If if'doesn't rain on Saturday, Oct. 9 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Hanging basketa, wagon wheels, gates, yard orna- ments, pot plants, odds and ends - everything except clothes. 110 W. Prairie. (10-7-ltp) GARAGE SALE: Two fami- lies - Frl. and Sat., Oct. 8 and 9 beginning at 9 a.m. each morning. Will end Sat. at 2:00 p.m. Household items, clothing, and lots of other bargains. 104 West Union.' (10-7-lt) BACKYARD ODDS & ENDS Sale of clothes, some house- hold and collector's items at 205 W. Center St. this Sat., Oct. 9th beginning at 8 a.m. (10-7-lt;_ BUILDING SUPPLIES J ^ ^ G Diamond F Liglit Fixtures *Ckaadoliers 'Peadanta *Bmt Glaaa *Floqreaceat •Swap •*!(> Wal Mounta *Ont4iaor 'HaD *LaBpPoat 50 Different Fixtorea is Stock - Frkea raofiBf froat4.20totl27.50. SPEGAL GET ACQUAINTED SALE m off list Price fsr 3 weeks eidy ends Oct. 14tli. Cash A Carry Prkea (Subject to atock on hand) Loke Lumber 1408 GleiFloraRd.- Eagte L*fc« • ft- 2M^l<tt ISBTAT BARGAINS' ^ v P U B L I C NOTICES. i n ^ f BKMJSE nc PEOPlf MUST KNOW w mi NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals, plainly marked addressed to the Com- missioners' Court of Colorado County, Texas, will be re- ceived at the office of County Judge at Columbus, Texas„un- tll 10:00 A.M. on Monday, Oc- tober 11, 1976 and then public- ly opened, and read before the Commissioners' Court In the regular meeting place of said Courthouse at Columbus, Tex- as, for: 1 new 1977-model dump truck for Precinct 4. Spe- cifications to be obtained from L. W. Stiles, Jr.,Com- missioner, Precinct 4, Eagle Lake, Texas, or from office of County Judge. With 1 trade-in. A certified or cashier's check or bid bond for five per cent of the amount bid, payable to Colorado County, Texas, must accompany e^ch proposal as a guaranty that the bidder, if successful, will deliver the equipment called for by such bid. In accor- dance with the requirements of the Commissioners' Court. The Commissioners' Court reserves the right to accept any bid deemed most advan- tageous to the County and the right to reject any or all bids. By Order of the Commis- sioners' Court, September 13, 1976. Lester J. Cranek County Judge (9-30-2t) NOTICE Notice is iiereby given tliat application it being made to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage CoBaniaaioB at Austin, Texaa, for a Package Store-Permit to cover premiees hicated at 300 E. Main, Eagle Lake, Colorado County, Texas. TRADE NAME: The Watering Hole OWNER: Denice Austin (9-30-2t) St. Antliony's Picnic Sunday In Columbus St. Anthony's Catholic Chur- ch in (k>lumbus will hold its annual Picnic this Sunday and one and all are invited to attend. Barbecued boned beef and sausage dinners will be served beginning at U ajn. Adult plates will be $2.25 and children under 12, $1.25. Barbecue will be sold at the pits and dinners will be available to go. A country auction will follow at 2 p.m. and other entertainment will be avail- able all day long. Music will be provided during the afternoon by the Red Ravens. foi fbk SALl: Two mk Ut. man ahaphard pyloo, nine "wmkr^^tM, $30.00 itdc Call aflor S p.m. m - l t a i . (10 7IIP) FOR SALE: John Deere 57 ruang mnwar, mannal start, NOTICE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLORADO No. 1363 NOTICE is hereby given that a hearing will be held on the 8th day of October, 1976 at 10:00 ajn. in the County Court at the County Court- house of the above named County in Columbus, Texas on the application of the hereinafter named owner - for a license to sell beer at retail at a location not heretofore licensed. The substance of said appUcatioo is as follows: 1. Type of license or' oermH: BEER RETAHJJl'^ OFF-PREMISES LICENSE 2. Exact location of business: 300 E. MAIN, EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS 3. Name of owner or owners: DENICE AUSTIN 4. Assumed or trade name: THE WATERING HOLE. Any person shall be permitted to contest the (acts stated hi said application and the applicant's right to secure said license or permit upon giving security for costs aa provided by bw. WITNESS MY HAND this the 27th day of September, 1976. [ Lester Schneider County Clerk Coloraido County, Texaa By Sammie Teague, Deputy (9-30-2t) NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals, plainly marked addressed to the Commissioners' Court of Colorado County, Texas, will be received at the office of County Judge at Columbus, Texas, until 10:00 A.M. on* Monday, October 11, 1976 and then publicly opened and read before the Commissioners' Court In the regular meeting place of said Courthouse at Columbus, Texas, for: Rebuilding of Agriculture Building. Specifications to be obtained from the office of the County Judge, Court- house, Columbus, Texas. A certified or cashier's check or bid bond for 5 per cent of the amount bid, payable to Colorado County, Texas, must accompany each propo- sal as a guaranty that the bid- der, if successful, will per- form as called for by such bid, in accordance with the requirements of the Commis- sioners' Court. The Commis- sioners' Court reserves the right to accept any bid deem- ' ed most advantageous to the County and the right to reject any or all bids. By Order of the Commis- sioners' Court, September 13 1976. Lsster j . Cranek County Judge DANCE JaciLL Plate lef and The Kickers' Show Fridoy, Oct. 8 9390.00. In good coadltlfln. Call tS4-tt7«. (10 7 « ) ISE WHAT THE PROFtflMMAU mf KKIAK CHAIN SAW! TIB 9mun nfUTl EAGLE TRACTOM. INC. 901E. MAW- EAT'LC LAS - f«. IM.|51l if Foirchild Holl Featuring the World's Greatest Fiddle Player, Chubby Wise SAT., Oct. 9 ELCAMPOECHALL SUN., OCT. 10 SONS (IP HEUIAN, GIDDINM greeting ou-d sale and we thank those who have bought them. We have received more of the cards and they sell for $8.00 a package. Each package containa 25 carda: four each of get well, birthday, friendship, con- gratulations, anniversary and thank you cards. You are welcome to come by the Heritage House to buy a ALLEYTON Sat., Oct. 9 9 PM to 1 AM MU.«5IC BY THE COUNTRl PLAYBOYS Evorybody Welconn pockage or aa maav would like. Also, don't toTftt to put your order in eariy this year lor the "Mr. and Mrs. Santa GUtta" sot We have made two aets already and they have been sold, ao we would like to have your order early this year so we can complete the orders before Chriatmaa Thoy wiU aeO for $14.00 a poir or $7.00 far just OM. You're wolce«i to OOOM to MO than In ow kwatod in the lobby N(l lielN Hill Sat.. Oct. 9 MUSK BY mUHn PUBUC mvrTED '• <."' I /"^j' ^'^••'W)^ ili'Vs~^<».<g-'jBjy^ v^ f 'P"^ New ElMS feocher Jack Saala, Jr., has embarked on hla teaching caroor at the Eagle Lake Middle School thia faU where he teachaa earth acience and coaches. Coach Seals is a native of Boo- ville, Texas where ha graduated from A. C. Jonea High School. Ha la a graduate of Southweatern Univeraity in Georgetown. Working with youth la nothing new for this novice teacher. While attending college, he served as the youth director one summer at his home church in Beeville and for ten months at the Crestview Methodist Church in Austin. Currently, he serves as the youth director of the local colly Memorial United Methodist Church. Coach Seals Is carrying the teaching tradition forward in his family. His father Is assistant siqwrintendent for the Beeville Independent School District. Coach Seals reaidos at 116 Oavltt Street in Eagle Lake. ElMS lib, nth Pair The Eagle Lake seventh and eighth graders played some fine football to rout the La Grange Juniors 20 to 6 and 32 to 0, respectively, in their games at the Eagle Lake Mid- dle School last Thursday eve- ning. This Thursday, the ELMS Raiders go to Edna for a pair cf games beginning at 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. Coaches Glenn Randow and Jack Seals commented that the two local teams had their best . performances of the season, praising their work offensive- ly, defensively and on spe- cialty teams. The seventh graders ran up a total of 280 yards with half- back Kenneth Hemphill leading ground gainer with 173 yards. Quarterback John Dawson add- ed 60 and fullback Terry Cot- ton 47. Eagle Lake had 10 first downs, La Grange 3; Ea- gle Lake had 4 penetrations. La Grange 1. ELMS drew 4 penalties for 20 yards and La Grange four for 10 yards. Cotton scored the first TD with 3:30 left in the first period and Hen4>hlll ran 45 yard^fefor the Mcond score in the second qiiarter and Hemphill ran over a two point conversion to give the Raiders a 14-0 halftlme lead. Hemp- hill added the final score with 5:32 left in the fourth per- iod. HighUgtatsofthe game in- cluded fumble recoveries by tackle James Rbodes and Da- vid Sosa. The starting offensive line included: center Michael Faichtinger; right guard, Bruce Montgomery; left guard Virgil Crysel; right tackle, James Rhodes; left tackle, Calvin Foster; tight end, John Wegenhoft; and split ends, David Sosa and Robert Klekar. Eighth Graders Romp In the eighth grade game, the locals romped to a 32 to 0 win, piling 19 a total of 308 yards while La Grange had only 111.*^ Fullback Roger Fry ran for 120 yards, halfback Emeat Flelda added 105, quarterback Robert Barrios 70 and full- back Billy Tillman 13. Eagla Lake led in first downs 8-3 and in penetrations 4-0. Ttie Raiders had 6 penalUoa for 80 yards and La Grange drew 8 for 50 yards. Tackle Vic- tor Reyes recovered a fumble. Fields scored the first TD by returning a punt 50 yards with 4:44 left in the first quarter. Fry ran for the two point conversions. Barrioa added a TD at the 6:25 mark in the second period and Fry ran 78 yards for a score with 4:06 left in the quarter to give Eagle Lake a 20-0 halftlme lead. Barrioa tallied again from 22 yards out in the fourth quarter and Fry ran 25 yards for the final score with 6:14 left in the fourth quarter. The starting offensive line included: center, John Ste- phens; right guard, Paul Ruis; left guard, Albert D«lgado; left tackle, Jim Carraaco; right tackle, Johnny Goncalea; split ends, David Crammer and Wayne Bowen; and tight end, Robert Frazier. INITIAL LEAGUE JB's Trojans rolled a 3015 series and moved into the lead of Initial Bowling League in action last Thursday night at Skull Creek Lanes. Johnny's ^rt Shop rolled top team game of 1069. Mano Graham had high individual series with a 596 and George Rohrer roll- ed high game of 237-550. Oth- er loading scorers were Dra- per Stephens 208-579, Ben Castillo 202-546, David Euers 208-544, Verlin Argo 209- 536, Joe Trojan 202-528, J. Kanak 214-528, Lawrence Stall- man 521, Roy Stallman 510 and Ernie Uzzell 502. The Trojans have 83 1/2 points, followed by Larry's Phillips 66 with 76, Jerry's Arco 65, Eagle Lake Imps 63, Argo Auto 62 1/2 and Gibson'a 611/2. SKULL CREEK MIXED The Catfish Farmers are in the lead of the Skull Creek Mixed League with 14 wins at the end of play Sept. 28th. llie Rice Birds are in second with 12 and Amateur Hour has U. Tbo Tuesday Nlte Special rollod top toam series of 2286 THE VINEYiUID HUNTING CLUB Day Goose and Duck Hunting Tht fintst wottrfowl hunting in Eogit Lal(t now |s bting ofUrtd comm«rcialty for tho first timo in throt ytori. IMO a c n e rf rieo nai aovbooM with in I experioMod foMoa and doga. Morning hunting only, minifflum porty of four. Make jow phM Mw iar beat dotoo. 234-3578i 234-3834 liE^L^! B •IMogs B ite Raiders 21-6 The Hitchcock BuUdogttook advaataga of Rioo Raider mis- takea and an inoffectlve Rice offense to hand the Raiders their third district ioaa of tho •eason 21 to 6 In a diatrlct 14AAA contest in Raider sU- dlum laot Friday night. Raider partisans did find •omathing to cheer about when the Raldara acorod their flrat touchdown aince their open- ing game with Columbua, when Dwigfat Rhodes scampered 75 yards for a acore early in tha tiUrd period to put the Raiders back into the contest, score- w^. Rice WMunabl* to mount any offonse whataoevor in the flrst half and flnlahed the half without a flrat down and werr forced to punt five times and had a minus 34 yards in tho first half, offensively. Dofonae was the hl^gbt of the game for the Raiders as they atopped two acoring drives inaide the 20 in the first half and played aggrea- sive football in the aecond half of play. Rice ball carriers hobbled the ball seven times and lost three of them. The first fum- ble was a costly one when punter Gale Hiompaon was unable to handle the anap and was dropped on the one yard line to set up the first Bull- dog touchdown, made by quar- terbacit Arthur Crut, with 1:54 left to play. Wllbert Johnaon booted the flrat of three suc- cessful extra point conver- sions to give the Bulldogs a 7-0 lead. On the first play after the enauing kickoff into the end zone, the Raiders hobbled the tnll again and the Bulldogs took over on the Rice 18 but good defense led by Danny Henderson, Clarence Davis and Kenneth Danklefs stopped the drive on the 14 as the first quarter ended. Two successive offside pen- alties moved the ball back near the Raider goallineandThomp* son punted out to the 37. Four plays later Cruz threw a perfect strike to back Sam Williams for a 29 y^rd TD and Johnson kicked the extra point to put the Bulldogs out front 14-0. Three successive 15 yard penalties, one for clipping and two for ineligible receivers downfieldt moved the Bulldogs deep into their own territory and on third down a)id4ij^f|ing a mile for a first, they tried a quick kick wtiich was low and deflected in the line by a mass of Bulldogs and Raid- ers and Rice got its only penetration into Bulldog terri- tory on the 39. A 17 yard loss on a third down pass attempt by quarterback Greg Bubela forced a punt and the half ended after another exchange of punta. Raidora Fired Up The Raiders came out for the second half fired up and good defensive plays by Mich- ael Thomas, Mike Thonv>son and Clayton Smith forced the Bulldogs to punt and Rice took over on the 15. Rhodea set up a first on the 25 and then he slipped Into the sec- ondary and outspedall Bulldog defenders into paydlrt with 7:44 left in the third period. An extra point kick try by Darrell Hurd was blocked and the sctre stood at 14-6. The Raiders later got Into trouble when a punt was down- ed on the 5. llie ensuing punt was returned to the Rice 28 but good defense prevailed again with I^ssell Scott and Davis showing good pass de- fense as four Bulldog pass- es went incomplete and Rice took over on their own 28. Thomas Glover broke for 26 yards into Hitchcock terri- tory and Bubela kept for 14 and the Raidora appeared on their way to paydlrt, but a fumble and Hitchcock recov- ery atopped thia effort on the 33. Danklefa, Leonard Slma and Thomas made good defen- sive plays and forced a punt but on the first play from the Rice 21, the Raiders fumb- led the tMll away again and in four plays Harold Reeves went over from the 9 and John* son converted to give the Bull- dogs a Sl-6 load with 9:17 loft topltjr. The first of two Rice pass completions for thenlghtfrom and tho Rice Blrdahadtop game of 800. Ernie Uzsell aot the pace for the man with a 581 Borlos and GregHadac 217 game. Darlene Holden had high seriea for women with a 500 and Carol Schmidt high p m o of 191 000000000000000000000 i raoMi 1 ' SCOREBOARD I : GAMES THIS WEEK: THURSDAY, OCT. 7: ELMS 7th and 8tb Raiders to Edna Garwood andShorldanRald- erf host Shiner at Gar- wood, 5 p.m. Rice Frosh host Edna 5:30 FRIDAY, OCT. 8: Rice at Edna Brasosport at Columbia Wharton at DicUnaon Frlendawood at Sweeny Hitchcock at Santa Fe Ganado at Eaat Bernard Louise at Bratoa (WalUa) RESULTS LAST WEEK: ELMS 8th 32 U Grange 0 ELMS 7th 20 U Grange 6 Schulenburg 6 Garwood- Sheridan 0 Rice Freahmen 14 Hitch- cock 12 Hitchcock 21 Rice 6 Friendswood 35 Santa Fe 6 Dickinson 34 Brazosport 3S Sweeny 26 Columbia 24 Wharton 24 Edna 6 Royal 14 Brasos 0 Columbus 21 Schulenburg 6 Yoakum 26 Palaclos 6 La Grange 21 Weimar 20 El Campo 14 Victoria 13 Sealy 34 Needvllle 6 East Bernard 45 Louise 0 Bubela to Perils Foster ac- counted for a 13 yard gain and a first on the Rice 40 but the drive ended and James Moore punted to the Hitchcock 30. A drive by the Bulldogs was halted on the Rice 39 when Danny Henderson recovered a fumble. Bubela and Rhodes set up a Rice first on the 49 but a completed screen pass lost seven and an eleven yard loss on another sack of the quarterback forced a punt as time was waning. Hitcbockset up a first on the Rice 45 wiwn the clock ran out Statiatiea Rice had a minus 34 in the first half but ran for 126 in the second half, this plus a total of 6 yards on the two pass completions, gave them a 98 yard total for the night. They passed nine times and punted for eight for a 33 yard. : average. Rice drew 3 penalties for 25 yards. The Raiders had 6 first downs, the Bulldog 13. Hitchcock amassM a total' of 99 yards on the ground in the first half and 112 in. the second and completed 2 of 13 passes for 44 yards for a 255 yard total-for the night. They also had trouble holding the ball with five fumbles, losing one. Tliey punted five times, had one blocked and the other four averaged 40 yards. PenaltlM against the Bulldogs camlPfl'eq&ently, a total of 10 times for 120 yards. Both Bulldog and Raider bands turned In outstanding half-time performances to add to the entertainment for the night. This Friday night, Coach Dee Mackey and staff take the Raiders to Edna for a district game with the Cowboys, as they seek their first win as the seaaon comea to the midway mark. A large following of Raider fans will accompany the Raider Band, the Outriders and Cheerleaders and student cheering section to Edna for the contest. Archery Deer Hunting Legal During Oct. Archery deer season open- ed in Colorado County and others under regulatory control on Oct. 1st and remains open through Oct. 31st. Archers are reminded tbit an archery stamp and. a license are required. The special archery stamp costs $3.26 snd this stamp is required in addition to the valid hunting license. Garwood-Slier. Raiders Suffer First Loss The Ganrood-Sherldan Raid- ers football team got off to a sluggish start in their en- counter with Schulenburg in Schulenburg laat Thursday evening and suffered their first loss of the season. The Raiders had won their first three encounters handily. The first quarter of last Thursday'a contest found the two teams scoreless with the Schulenburg Juniors dominat- ing play. Schulenburg scored in the second period to take a 6-0 lead. The Raiders got a good long drive down to the one yard line before giv- ing up the pighide at that point. But the second half was an entirely new ballgameas far as statistics were concerned for the Raider defense, led by John Schneider, lineman of the week, stopped the Junior Shorthorns without a single first down in the entire second half. The Raiders moved the ball up and down the field but were unable to dent the goalline. The Raiders had two aerials intercepted while completing three passes. Kenneth Mosely was named the back of the week. This Thursday, at 5:00p,.m. Coaches Mike Stansifer and Henry Kahlich pit the Raiders against the Shiner junior high team In a game to be played on the Garwood gridiron. E6 Brahmas Trounce Louise The Es^ Bernard Brahmas played fine football to defeat the Louise Hornets 45 to 0 In their first district game last Friday night in Louise. This Friday night the Brah- mas ho4 Ganado In another district duting. LaGrange Edges Weimar 2120 The La Grange Leopards staved off an upset by stopping , a two-point conversion by the Weimar Wildcats In their Dis- trict 20-2A contest in Wei- jpiar last Friday night and weot.c lOn to win a 21 to 20 decision. ' La Grange is now 3-2 for the season and Weimar 2-3. EAGLE LAKE HEADLKJHT THUR&, OCT. 7,1976 PACE 9 k§, Op99 loffar To R'm hhkr Sports fois Darrell Roysl, University of Texas football coach, ooco said, "Coaches tat too much crodlt wbao they wto and too much blame when they loae." Without trying to alibi, cast blame, or dodge Issues, porfaapa it miibt be |ood to look at the aituatlon from a brMder perapoctive. While our varsity football team has been taking ita lumps, Rice sub-varsity teites have boon dcrtng quite well, lite Ea^e Lake Midt^a Schpol aeventh grade is 2-2 and the ei|^ grade la 2-0-2 »t the time of thia writing. The Garwood- Sheridan team ife 3-1 and that loas came after injuries and Inellglbllitlea bad taken out two of their key starters. The freshmen have caught fire, and in successive outtngs have defeated Friendswood and Hitchcock. No one feels worse about losing than thoae directly involved with the team. The playera, the coachoo, the teachers, the administration, the students all want a winner. Everybody lovea a winner. But every game has a loser. Every battle baa a loser. Every war has a loseV. Many times more courage is required to carry on in the face cf great odda than to fight when victory la certain. It ia definitely easier to panic when setbacks occur than to /emain calm in the face of adveraity. Good things dent come easy or fast. The Raider football tetm is loaded with juniors and sophomores. Only four boys are on the varsity team who played varsity football last year. Twoof tbemdldnt play the whole season. The rest of the varsity squad is made up of a J, V. team that was 0-8-2 and a freShman t^p that was 4-5. These young men are playiug a schedule that would tax many 4-A toams. Their only non-district opponent Is currently ranked number £ in the state in one poll of class 2-A teams, and district 14-AAA is as toogh as any in Texas. TTiere are no breathsrs on the slate. The football coaches are trying to keep 19'morale^ while giving the younger boys as much experience aa possible. lliey are experimenting a lot. When you experiment, you make mistakes, and hopefully, learn from those mistakes. It is hard to be patient, but patience is necessary to achieve a long-range goal -- making Rice High School's football program one that the patrons of this district can point to with pride and a feeling of accomplishment. Jack Grammar Athletic Director Rice High School ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Raider Freshmen Score 2nd Win The Rice High School freah- man football team turned In another outstanding perform- ance on Thursday night of last week when they defeated the Hitchcock freshmen InHit- chcock by a score of 14 to 12. The win evened the record^Of the freshmen at 2-2 wiHi bOtti wins coming in district con^ petition. ' •' Tonight, Hiursday, the Rice' freshmen, coached by Hehry Garza and Dee Mackey, will host the Edna freshmen in a ganie at 8tV\P^ at Raider StaAum. > • ' Ii) last wfi^s tussle with the HHchcock Bulldogs, the Raiders found themselves sAWft%w«ft««(SHERIFF'S REPORT«»:=^*'«='>^; Hnton Wonod To Be Son Of Forfef By GEO. Shrriff. •DOC" MIEI.I.FR Colorado (ouaty y:-:-W'!^}fiimm^<i>!>!«'i^^^^^ roalr pay ell. Gal 234-2781 Mame Tate bowled Jjlgh Other loading Bcorors wore: llano Graham S09-57S, James Booker 919, Uray Janda 101- 567, Bon CajtlUo 519, Greg Hadac SIS, Bfwla KalppolSta, Floyd Speorath 527, Ernie Ut- •oU tOI-ai5, Jim Euro 511, Jlai SlBpooB 911 and Botch SchmMI S04-57I. MONDAT MITE MIXED •no Shaipohootors sot tho poeo toe toaffl bowling 1B MOD- diy Nlte MUad LsagM actka Oet. 4lh wllh aa •M-SI99 gsmo of 209 and Alma Davld- SOD poited a 526 series while Ottls Coleman rolled a 198 high game and Carl Pesnell tho 5U high oertes for tho men. G.C.O.C. has takan a narrow load latheMoBdaynlght league with IS wins with the Slulera falling into socood also with B wlM. Ite Sharpobooters romala la third place with U wtM with tha Aggie Booch proMurlng with tholr 12 wins. Tho Bods fellow la fifth and Cbe Plahoatera are in sixth. The hunting season is once a^aln upon us. I would like to remind all our citizens to be cautious when using a weapon. Always make sure you can see what you are shooting at. Something mov- ing in the bushes can be a human. I hope we can get through the entire hunting season without anyone get- ting hurt or killed. Remem- ber, if you are in doubt or can not see what you are shooting at, do not shoot at all. I hope everyone will have a joyous and safe hunting season. Sept. 1: Posted civil citation in Courthouse. Re- moved livestock from road- way on FM 1093. Served civil papers in Columbus and Eagle Lake. Sept. 2: Removed livestock from roadway on FM 155. Checked on report of someone shooting from the roadway on Old 90. Checked on report of wreckless driver on Reese Lane. Investigated attempted break-in in AUey- too. Sept. 3: Checked on suapicious subject at local restaurant. Responded to the burglar alarm at Gibaon's. Delivered emergency mes- sage on Brtishy Road. Posted dvil citation in Courthouae. Sept. 4: Aaaisted straodod notoriat 00 Highway 90-A. Removed livestock from roadway^ on 71 South. One imit to La Grange to pick up subjecto lor failure tu piy sot gaaoliiio in Coiombus. Soptw 5: Investigated dis- turbance at New Town. Removed livestock from rosdway notr Frelsborg. Served civil papers in Weimar. Columbus and Eagle Lakearoaa. Sept. 6: Inveatinted van- dalism of mail Doxea on Bmahy Road. Investigatod vandaUam of a rosidenea aeor Rock laUnd. Banoved ihro- stock from roadway on 71 South. Sept. 7: Had Grand Jury this date. Had District Court this date. One unit to Huntsville to pick up prisoner for court in Columbus. Sept. 8: One unit to Huntsville to return one prisoner and pick up another for court in Columbus. Served civil papers in Coiumbus'and Eagle Lake. Sept. 9: Had District Court this date. One unit to Huntsville to take oriaoner to Department of Corrections. Removed livestock from roadway on FM 109. Re- moved livestock from road- way on IH-10. Sept. 10: Removed live- stock from roadway on Speaksville Road. Arrested three for El Campo on charges of Aggravated Rob- bery. Removed liveatoek from roadway on IH-10. Removed livestock from roadway on FM 109. Assisted with traffic at acone of fire near Borden. Assisted with traffic at fire near AHair. Sept. 11: Checked suspi- cious vehicle in the Garwood area. Removed livestock from roadway on FM 2434. Assisted THP with traffic at scene of accident. Served civil papers in Garwood. Altair, Eagle Lake and Columbus sreas. Sept. 12: Had JP Court thia date. Routine dutiea. -^-Soptr UJ H O * Bistwet^ Court this date. Investigatod burglary in the Sheridao area. Arrested one for La Grann SberifTs Department for Thoft By ChodL Sept. 14: Had District Court this date. Had JP Court this date. Checked on wrockloss driver in the Rock Island area. One unit to Spokane. Waahiagtoo to pkk uppriaonor. Sept. 15: Had JP Court i n . C h o ^ d o a tho AM. Ckockad mmUkm' hi ^ £ i r Columbus Wins Ffffh In Row Columbus' sixth ranked Cardinals pushed tholr ^ record for the currant football aeason to 5-0 with a >1 to 0 win over the winless 8chalan>* burg Shorthorns in Schulen- burg last Friday ni^. WilUa ToUver scored first for Columbus from the five and Boroard Glover caught a 40 yard touchdown pass from quarterback BtU Babk- ston, than be i an in another TD from the one, ran over a -, >} two point cooveraloo and kick- or ad one extra point for tboj Cardinal acoring. Schutenburgi got on the scoreboard In t|||p fourth quarter on a 12 y^i run by Victor James. 4 Columbos has an open date this week before opening dls- > trlct pUy Oct. 19th in BoU- villo. $12 Mi/fJOR fa Ikense Saks fa Ux. fa 1976 Revenue from the sale of 63 types of hunting, fishing and trapping licenses earned the Texas Parks and Wildlife De- partment a total of 118,265,011 during the 1976 fiscal year, The total represents a $221,173 decline from tho»- prevtoua year. P&WD llcenae aales offi- cials said big looers-during the year were $4.25 fishing and $8.75'resident combina- tion hunting and fiahing li- censes. Some 53,000 fewer fishing licenses were sold, accounting"*'*' for a drop of $211,243. Sales of resident combination licenses dropped by 25,000, $213,966 less in funds than, 1975 fiacal year. „„, trailing 6-0 at halftlme after being unable to mount much of an offensive threat. In the third quarter they got their passing game going and quarterback Kyle Mackey connected on a 55 yard pass to split end Craig Wicks for six points. The extra point conversion failed and the score remained knotted at 6-6. Later In the third period, Mackey hit tight end Tony Till- man for a 50 yard pass and score. Mackey passed to ^Wicks for the two points to -put the Raiders out front 14-6,. . Hitchcock rallied for »TD in the fourth period, but a run for the two extra points was stopped by a good Raider defensive effort and the Raid- ers ended the game ahead by a score of 14-12. Linebackers Robby Cook and Melvin Carter sparked the Rice defense while Mack- ey's passing and receptions by Tillman and Wicks spark- ed the offense. vehicle in Garwood area. Sept. 16: Inveatigated disturbance in Borden area. Served civil papers in Columbus, Eagle Luke and Garwood. Picked up mental patient in Eagle Lake. One unit to Austin hospital with mental patient. Sept. 17: Checked on suspicious vehicle on Reese Lane. Investigated distur- bance in Borden area. Investigated disturbance in New Town. Had JP Court in the PM. Sept. 18: Assisted strsjided motorist on 109 near Frels- burg. Investigated mail box vandalism on Brushy Road. Sept. 19: Had JP Court in the AM. Investigated traffic accident in Garwood area. Investigated a report of vandalism to mail boxes on Brushy Road. Assisted stranded motorist on 109 near Cummingo Creek. Checked on suspicious vehicle on 109. Sept. 20: Had District Court this date. One unit to Eagle Lake to pick up mental patient. One unit maide bk>od run from Brookshire to Weimar. One unit to San Antonio with mental patient. Served civil papera in Columbus nnd Eagie Lake area. Sept. 21: Had JP Court in the AM. One unit to Eagie Lake to pick up priaoner. Inveatigated burglary in Garwood area. Sept. 22: Had JP Court in the AM. Servod ctvil papers in C<dumbus and Eagle Lake. Arrested OAO for public intoxication in Garwood. Sept. 28: Aaaiated with funeral procession in Colum- bus. Sept. 27: Had District Court this date. Investigated domestic trouble in Garwood Investigated domestic trouble in Rock Island. Investigated disturbance in Alleyton. Sept. 28: Had JP Court in the AM. Investigated domes- tic problems in Alleyton. Sept. 29: Had JP Court in the AM. Served civil papers in Columbus. Sept. 30: Had JP Court in the AJM. Sp^;ed civil papers in Columbus. Investigated the theft of a boat in the Alleyton area. Investigated disturbance in Altair. We handled 55 prisoners through the jail in Septem- ber. 1976. Sincerely, Geo. "Doc" MueUer. Sheriff And Deputies HUB nmty ¥HWic Sexual Potency Quckiylmiiroves WittiNew'E-i>i«' NEW YORK. NY. (Special )- An anuxing new "uiper-charged" vitamin E-Pill has recently been developed that reportedly "quickly increases and rtjuvenates icxual drives and potency for both men and women of all ages. It also makes them feel healthier and more youthful". It is now avail- able 10 the American public. The new high potency E-Pill not only teems to increase sexual atnlity of both Mxet t>ut also "ac- tually perki up sexual interest and stimulates a penons desires," ac- cording to a tpokeiman for the manufacturer. ALSt MTMVES BENOAL NCM.TN Thb new. eaiy-lo-uke E-Pill contains newly formulated, highly concentrated viumin E. It tendif to quickly build up and strengthen the natural physiological processes of the body that are believed lo be basically responsible for its potency, youthfulness, health and ' long life. NBJtlMTOFSPfOni Indications arc that the n ^ ^ E-Pill gives quick and effcctfaau. rcsulu lo u high as 4 out of'ilO') people (80%) who have used iti.' ' Some people report no great 1 change but feel the high potency of vitamin E in the pill does quickly make them feel better from a general health sundpoim.* Other repom alio show it tends* 10 "lessen daily tension and give!* a more relaxed, happier outlook on life." I bua. Posted dvil dtaltoo in Courthouae. Two unite as- sisted with traffic at parado in Eag4o Lsko. lavoaUfatod report of atoten license plato in Garwood. InvestigatAd burglary m Garwood aroa. Sept. ». Had JP Court ia the AM, RMUM Artioa tMs dato. Sopt. 26: lavestigatod domoatk trotMa it OW«M4 Asaistod wkh The use of these high potency (ooe.a-day) E-Pilh is perfectly safe and arc now available with- out prescription from the mami- > (acturer by mail order only. To get your supply, tend $6.93 for' a 2 week supply, (or $10.93 for a JO day supply, or $17 93 for a fO day supply) cash, check or' MO. 10: E-Pill. DcpL 316. 447 Mcnick Road. Oreanaidff NY. 11372. (UnoondMoaal moory- bock gaaraaiaa if aot satisfied.) Advt.

Transcript of B •IMogs B ite ^UDMS EAGLE LAKE HEADLMHT …archives.wintermannlib.org/images/40. ELH 1976-01-01...


^ U D M S ; Htip Waited MISC. SALES


CluaUltd Ada art duumtd for on t p*r word bu l l , Mt solid aa followa: ,

Cluainad Olapliy Ada: Olifilay c>a««tfl«d, par col in. fUM

Ctiiiwlflad Adii and Laftl NoUcaa: Ftrat inaartton. . 5f par word Subaaqoant la-MfUona... 49 ptr word.

'.11.50 nlnlmum waakly) • Card at Thanks. . . .II.SO

«P to S"; ovtr I", n in. PrurasslunaJ ada.. $6.00 Mo.

Abora nit«a ara fur cuoaa-cutlva Inaartiooa; aUp laaua ada taka tha oaa Utna rata. Thi HaadUfM la not raapoa-alblt for any mlatakaa In ada aftir flrat Inaartlon.

AU Ciaaal/lad Ada muat ba lo by noon Tuaadiya.

All Claaalflad Ada, caab In advanca, axcai>t toastabllshad accounta. For nav claaal-ft«l accounts, add 50c aarrtea cbarit.

PHCWE 194-2783 Box 07, Etflt Laka, Taxu 77434

reft SALE' LAVACA t o . tSI a«rt rtaeh. hliiar inttwi, Mtfltal bar-moda, taikg, mU», oaaj bama aid 3-1-1 brick homa.

RMLY RIALTT 134-tltS ta(la Lata

tM-rrw affr HOTt

rUNCTIONAL CHARM A S batfraonwr, 1 bath, brick, tnd clMui and vary comfort-abW. 1/t acrt, but aMttanal acraai* aTtllabla. atoanrby appototmant.

SPALINGER REALTY i S 4 - i m eagla Laka

FOR SALE: 81s II" black and wMta TV Mta. Sa« at SportMBaa'a Motal, Eafla Laka or caU 294-S42I.


iMliMsten BaafmaaUr Bulla


Carttfiad Braadar

Ph. 732-3392 Rt. I Boa n l^rlac, Tataa 7SM3 Cat

Clyde's Corier Support Rice Belt Ducks Unllinlted.

Attend the Stag Dinner at Provident City

Wed., Oct. 6


OPIi; tUILY frvni 1:10 a.m. to tM p.m. OPCN Sl̂ NOAVS IKM a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Ynr Pilroiige Appreciiled



Baautlful homa, watarfront. Interior decorator apaclal. Two badrooma, larga back porch with Franklin stova, air and baat. Fumltura goaa. A real bargain, coma aaa HI

Hara It la. . .Lot No. 5. One of tha baat Iota on tha main laka. Traaa; orar 100 ft. watarfrbnt. A realbarcaln

atieooo. GARWOOD- New ShortOr-

Mr Cafe and Game Room. SHERIDAN - Modem Dairy

9uasn Angua Halfar atrayad into

my paatura last fall near Sandy Creak Drlva-In. Callf^rmora Information.

DEER fiUNTING Acraaga, 100 acraa. Excellent dlacount for caah. Several amalltracta, terma.

WESTERN STORE and modem DAIRY QUEEN alao for aala.

We have aoma axcallant buya in LAKE PROPERTY.

E. H. MOORE, REALTOR Columbua (71S) 792-5808.

732 Spring - Columbua, T«x. 2 8 M ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Houaaa: New Ived-in; Land: Large

and Small Tracts, Commer­cial and Plaaaure. M. L. Briscoe, 15IS Fannin, Co­lumbus, Tex. 78994, ph. 792-9847. (8-12-tf)

DREAMS DO SOMETIMES COMK TRUE a«ar conatructad brick, 9 badrooma. I 1/2 bath, large roons, on traa-shadad 9/4 acre. Wa can ah*w by appoint-

FOR SALE WORD TO THE WISE. . . . Put your money Into a home and watch It grow. Here'a a brick 9 bedroom, 2 bath, with carpat and drapaa. We ahow by appointment.

SPALINGER REALTY 294-2896 . Eagle Uka


R E A C E S T A T E : i n d l i l

BUSINESS PROPERTY Convenient SINGLE STORY bualnaaa buikUnc 3^10 on Main Street with adjacent parking lot. TWO STORY bualnaaa build­ing 30x90 very near tha aquara on Main Street. Contact

HANLY REALTY 294-2829 Eagla Laka

294-9776 After Houra

NO CONTROVERSY HERE--Have your own home plua INC0M2. Duplex, one a 9 bedroom, the other a 2 bed­room. Only 1/1 block from Garwood School.

SPALINGER REALTY 234-2896 Eag^a Lake

FOR SALE: All bride 4 bad-room, 2 bath home with large den and all electric kitchen (aelf • cleaning oven). Urge yard. Call for an appointment: Beard Real EaUte Company, 942-9745, Roaenberg. (8-19-tC

FOR SALE: Ragiatared Gray Brahman Bulla for aala. Jack Brasher, Weimar, Tax. (719) 725-8518 or 725-ilff: (9-8-tf)

SPALINGER REALTY 234-tlt« Eagle Lake

FOR SALE: Two story Texas Colonial Home in Rldgaloa AddltloA. Over 3500 air con-dmaMd s«nra fsat, 4 bed­room, 3 1/t bath, Uria dan aai gave room, office, two ear gaiaga with large •toract room. Lasa than OM year old. Call 234-3S7I far appointment to aoa.

• (IMtf)

FOR SALE: Two new brick homea, 9 badrooma and 2 Mia hatha IB each. Both fUly carpeted. Onaallaloc-trk, tha othor gaa. In Rldga­loa Addltlen. Phone 834-9103 or after 8 p.m. 761-WA. (iitf)

OWNER HAD t o RELOCATE, 80 here's yoir chance at a very clean 3 bodroemor. Brick and wooden fenced private yard. We abov by appointment.

SPALmOER REALTY 294-3836 Eagle Laka

FOR SALE: 1 . Payne central hoattag unit, butano, can be eonvartod to naturiU gas, in ieod coodltioo,* 1̂ 4 orlgUaJ prlea - ratad at 139,000 BTU. Can bt soon at D. R. Wintarmann Ware-hoose. P. M. DromfBolo.

(t-ie-tt) • I I. • >

ROCK ISLAND a fUU city block, 24 Wa, with an older 2 bedroom, I bath frame house. Neada soma repair, currently ranted. $10,000.

HANLY REALTY 234-tSSS E a ^ Laka

334-3776 After Hdura


SMALL TRACTS - 1 to 19 acres several localiUaa.

CHOICE LOTS FOR BUILD-mc - Rldsolea Addltioa.

ACREAGE — 117 farmabla acras.

SPALOtCER REALTY Il4- | | t6 Eagle Laka

HAY FOR lALB: Coastal* jstmiOB Orasi, and Bahahia Hay. Can Poorboy's (713) 7tS-8013. (7-t9-tf)

FOR SALE: House in Sheri­dan, four bedrooma, 1 1/2 hatha, attached garage. Newly painted and new roof on four lota. Call Bollng 857-3443. (10-7-2t)

FOR SALE: One refrigerator for aala, $10.00. Call 294-2124. (10-7-10

FOR THE CAUTIOUS BUYER. Sturdy maaonry 3 or 4 bed­room, don, large Utchen, 2 baths, and on 1/2 acre, fenced. Ready and In move-in condi-Hon.

SPALINGER REALTY 294-2896 Eagle Lake


The Mobile Village

Larfe Sfwcaa • Paved Streets - City Servlceafur-ilahed - Security Ughting It BE PROUD OF WHERE


Call 234-3728 n-8-tf)

FOKHanglng Baaketa, African Violate, Fare and Chriat-mas Cactus visit Davla Groon Houae, 91f w. Waver-ly. (W-tf)

FOR SALE: lITt Cbavrolst Impak. ItSte.OO. 817 North Lata. Eaglt Lake, 134-3744

FOR SALE: 1174 Marctiry Moiriaia, t-Oaar Sreugh-an |S840.i06. Cream yel­low wNk whllt vlayl top and vola«r tatfrtor. Every coactivahla aptMn, axcol-^mk eaadmo>.RubMnwoU cared for. CaU 713-334-tStt or m-S4lS fbr lafor-matloB. (w 7 to

FOR SALE: Lincoln SA200 DC Welder. Motor just overhauled. If interested call 294-9048. (9-90-4tp)

' ' . . . . . . . FOR SALE: A Black and White

29 Inch T.V. eet In real good condition for $70.00. Can be soon at 621 «th Street or call 294-3864. (10-7-ltp)


^ and Friday, Fresh shipment from Florida - Orchids, Bromeliads and many t>pes of foliage. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Front porch of The Farrls 1912, 201 Mccarty at Post Offlce. (10-7-U)

FOR SALE WHARTON CO. 979 acres on canal located 13 aaat of Eagle Lake.

HANLY REALTY 334*3815 EaKls Lake

111:3776 after Houra

FOR SALE: New Holland 881 Baler; New Holland 460 Hayblne; and a Case Trac­tor. Call 294-2978.


DRINXING PROBLEM: CaU AA at tS4-9443 In Eagle Lake or 7SS-S0741nColuffl-bw.

WALL TO WALL CARPETING for the home or office. Priced to meat every bud-gat. Call us for samples and prices at the Furniture Shoppe In Eagle Lake, 294-2394. (5-9-tf)

LIFE can be beautiful - and ao are carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer. Western Auto In Eagle Lake.

CABINETS AND INTERIOii Remodeling. Calvin jcoll-mann, Columbus 792-3467.

. (9-4-tf)

NOW OPEN: Jim's Custom Upholstery Shop. ' Large

yolectlon of materials. ISree estimates. Pickig) and DeUvary. Call 234-9988 in Sheridan, Texaa. (8-1-tf)

FOR RENT K)H RENT: Three trulln

y^M*t for rent. 835 p«i month Imludinitwater.Ntir airpon. (all 234-2903 for more Information. 17-22-t(

FOR LEASE: For rice or mllo, approx. 175 acrea - 1 to 9 yeara. Will conalder money leaaa, or ahare crop to person showing adequate finances and OQuipment for farming such land. See: El­mer Schindler, Office Phone 294-9914, Home Phone 234-3315. (9-30-lt)

Cards of Thanks ^UTE OF THANKS We wish to eivressour sin­

cere appreciation to the Eagle Lake and Garwood volunteer firemen for the outstanding service which they performed at the hay bam fire at our place in the Elm Grove area recently.

We appreciate the efficiency sho«-n by the firemen In their efforts to save the building, tha hay and equipment and adjoining buildings and equip­ment.

Mahalltc Bros. Joe and David Mahalltc

WANTS WCHiK: College boy neada week - end work. Has soma experience in welding bat wUl take other work. Mrs. I. p. Renkeri, 834-89M. (10 7 at)

PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR: Background In atael wire product manufacturing halpfttl. Terrific opportun­ity. Party to accept chal­lenge and obtain reaulta. Send resume or call 885-3983, Amco Mesh and Wire Co., Drawer N, Sealy, Tex.


SALESMAN NEEDED: Good salary, transportation pro­vided; sell farm and ranch gates. Some nights away. Must have good personality and ambition. Work out of your home. Hurricane Steel ~ Industries, La Grange, Tex. Carl Milentz 249-3561.


WANTED: Office aecretary for rapidly growing agency. Must be experienced In Insurance rating and gen­eral and office procedures. Goiid company benefits; salary commensurate with ablUty. CallBowdenAther-ton for Interview, 234-3584, Eagle Lake, or 342-8592 Houston. (8-26-tf)

LVN'S ' NEEDED: SaUry open. Contact Yvonne Wag­ner, Director of Nurses at Sweetbrlar Nursing Home, Columbus, Texas, 732-5716.


WANTED: Someone to work In a package store. Must meet age requirements. Phone 758-3605. (9-30-2t)

HELP WANTED: Experienced row crop farmer to handle 6 row equipment and gen­eral farm and ranch work. Call: 1-713-234-2044 or 1-713-234-2196. (4*15 tf}


Wilted WANTED: 300 acres oi Rice

Allotment. Phone 234-3359. (9-30-2t)

Free Dinner DENISERUCKA , this

i s your ticket for a free FlesU 6inner at the La Fiesta In Eagle Lake where you get the finest In authen­tic Mexican ^ooda 'n a plea­sant atmosphere. Clip this out and present at La Fiesta not later than Oct. 12, 1976

FOR SALE: 1976 10-12 cubic yard Hobbs Dump 6ed with tank and hydraulic pump. Like new. Call 234-2511.


• . . .NEW LISTING. . . . A large brick 3 bedroom, 3 Iwth, den and study on 1 1/2 acres. Private and lorely lakeside setting. Shown by ap­pointment.

SPALINGER I?EALTY 234-2836 Eagle Lake



Live Country & Western Dance

- A T -

POORBOYS 2 Mi. E. of Columbus on 90



9 t o l

WANTED Subacribers to the HOUSTON POST

Mike Canaris - 234-3439 Sat. <i Sun. . .$2.00 Mo. Daily 4i Sun.. .13.75 Mo.

(9 16 tfp)

CARD OF THANKS We wiah to a^reaaour aln-

care thanka to Father Rolf and aU our friends for the visits, masses, prayera, food and cards that ware aant toua while in the hospitaL A special thanks to the men that donated blood.

We also want to thank every­one who helped our paranta, brother and aiatar- it meant M much to us as waU aa to them.

God blaas you aU. Richard k John Selfert

FOR SALE 8 h cylMer i m Hri Pkk^ wkk


Bar & Chain

$ 149«' wtft automatic chain O M N (


Uroa. M,«M actul klfkwaj aUoa. Good 8oo at 411 Nottk IMs. Eafb Uko.

PHONE I M « K (lOTItp)

Free Dance Poorboys Bitrgorttn

2 MUaa E. of Columbus Hwy. 90

This Sunday Oct. 10 Beginning

6:00 P.M.



Bv Patricia Foster We want to thank Rev.

George Welsch of the Episcopal Church for having Sunday services for the Heritage House this past Sunday. Also, we would like to wish Rev. Welsch a happy birthday, for it was this past Sunday. Bible study was given by the Rev. Olen* Kennell.

Mrs. Agnes Martin and Mrs. Lester Bungf. ST. of Garwood came out to entertain us with a wonderful Sing-A-Long last Thursday. The ladies entertained us with fine piano music played by Mrs. Martin and Mrs. L«ster Bunge sang familiar religious songs. We sincerely thank these two wonderful ladies for coming but and entertaining us with a sing-along for it was enjoyed by all. WiM. Cheese Party

Our monthly Wine and Cheese Party was held on the 30th of September at 7:00 io the evening. Mrs. Nannie Jo Castle and Michael Axel sponsored the lively enter­tainment for us. They sang and played the piano for us, while everyone enjoyed re­freshments of crackers, cheese, olives and Tickled Pink Punch. The reaidents reported having a wonderful time and loved the enter­tainment. We thank Nannie Jo and Michael f9r coming out and hope they will come back out real soon. Card Sale

We have had great success with our "AH Occasion"

t!»iaM*l:^;« GARAGE SALE: Rofrigara-

tor, dryer, dlshwaahar, fur­niture, gaa baateraandodda and anda. Thura., Frl. and Sat., Oct. 7, 8 and 9 at 608 Pendleton, Vera Flowera, 234-2978.' (10-7-ltp)

GARAGE SALE: The Ussle Community Improvement Association will have a gar­age sale Oct. 8-9 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Cor­liss Shop on the corner of̂ Franklin and Ashley streets' in Lissle. Lots of bargains of all kinds. (10 7 It)

GARAGE SALE: At 504 J). Prairie this Frl. and Sat., Oct. 8 and 9th from 9:00 a.m. - ? Sponsored by Chesterville Cemetery As­sociation. . (10-7-lt)

I I i ^ . ™ . • • I l l I I I ••

GARAGE SALE: If if'doesn't rain on Saturday, Oct. 9 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Hanging basketa, wagon wheels, gates, yard orna­ments, pot plants, odds and ends - everything except clothes. 110 W. Prairie.


GARAGE SALE: Two fami­lies - Frl. and Sat., Oct. 8 and 9 beginning at 9 a.m. each morning. Will end Sat. at 2:00 p.m. Household items, clothing, and lots of other bargains. 104 West Union.' (10-7-lt)

BACKYARD ODDS & ENDS Sale of clothes, some house­hold and collector's items at 205 W. Center St. this Sat., Oct. 9th beginning at 8 a.m.



J ^ ^ G Diamond F Liglit Fixtures *Ckaadoliers 'Peadanta *Bmt Glaaa *Floqreaceat •Swap •*!(> Wal Mounta *Ont4iaor 'HaD *LaBpPoat

50 Different Fixtorea is Stock - Frkea raofiBf froat4.20totl27.50.


m off list Price fsr 3 weeks eidy • ends Oct. 14tli.

Cash A Carry Prkea (Subject to atock on hand)

Loke Lumber 1408 GleiFloraRd.- Eagte L*fc« • ft- 2M^l<tt


^ v P U B L I C NOTICES. i n ^ f BKMJSE n c PEOPlf MUST KNOW w mi

NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals, plainly

marked addressed to the Com­missioners' Court of Colorado County, Texas, will be re­ceived at the office of County Judge at Columbus, Texas„un-tll 10:00 A.M. on Monday, Oc­tober 11, 1976 and then public­ly opened, and read before the Commissioners' Court In the regular meeting place of said Courthouse at Columbus, Tex­as, for:

1 new 1977-model dump truck for Precinct 4. Spe­cifications to be obtained from L. W. Stiles, Jr.,Com­missioner, Precinct 4, Eagle Lake, Texas, or from office of County Judge. With 1 trade-in.

A certified or cashier's check or bid bond for five per cent of the amount bid, payable to Colorado County, Texas, must accompany e^ch proposal as a guaranty that the bidder, if successful, will deliver the equipment called for by such bid. In accor­dance with the requirements of the Commissioners' Court. The Commissioners' Court reserves the right to accept any bid deemed most advan­tageous to the County and the right to reject any or all bids.

By Order of the Commis­sioners' Court, September 13, 1976.

Lester J. Cranek County Judge


NOTICE Notice is iiereby given

tliat application it being made to the Texas Alcoholic Beverage CoBaniaaioB at Austin, Texaa, for a Package S tore -Permi t to cover premiees hicated at 300 E. Main, Eagle Lake, Colorado County, Texas.

TRADE NAME: The Watering Hole

OWNER: Denice Austin (9-30-2t)

St. Antliony's Picnic Sunday In Columbus St. Anthony's Catholic Chur­

ch in (k>lumbus will hold its annual Picnic this Sunday and one and all are invited to attend.

Barbecued boned beef and sausage dinners will be served beginning at U ajn. Adult plates will be $2.25 and children under 12, $1.25. Barbecue will be sold at the pits and dinners will be available to go.

A country auction will follow at 2 p.m. and other entertainment will be avail­able all day long. Music will be provided during the afternoon by the Red Ravens.


fbk SALl: Two mk Ut. man ahaphard py loo , nine "wmkr^^tM, $30.00 i tdc Call aflor S p.m. m - l t a i .

(10 7IIP)

FOR SALE: John Deere 57 ruang mnwar, mannal start,


No. 1363 NOTICE is hereby given

that a hearing will be held on the 8th day of October, 1976 at 10:00 ajn. in the County Court at the County Court­house of the above named County in Columbus, Texas on the application of the hereinafter named owner -for a license to sell beer at retail at a location not heretofore licensed. The substance of said appUcatioo is as follows:

1. Type of license or' oermH: BEER RETAHJJl'^ OFF-PREMISES LICENSE

2. Exact location of business: 300 E. MAIN, EAGLE LAKE, TEXAS

3. Name of owner or owners: DENICE AUSTIN

4. Assumed or trade name: THE WATERING HOLE.

Any person shall be permitted to contest the (acts stated hi said application and the applicant's right to secure said license or permit upon giving security for costs aa provided by bw.

WITNESS MY HAND this the 27th day of September, 1976. [

Lester Schneider County Clerk Coloraido County, Texaa By Sammie Teague,

Deputy (9-30-2t)

NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals, plainly

marked addressed to the Commissioners' Court of Colorado County, Texas, will be received at the office of County Judge at Columbus, Texas, until 10:00 A.M. on* Monday, October 11, 1976 and then publicly opened and read before the Commissioners' Court In the regular meeting place of said Courthouse at Columbus, Texas, for:

Rebuilding of Agriculture Building. Specifications to be obtained from the office of the County Judge, Court­house, Columbus, Texas. A certified or cashier's

check or bid bond for 5 per cent of the amount bid, payable to Colorado County, Texas, must accompany each propo­sal as a guaranty that the bid­der, if successful, will per-form as called for by such bid, in accordance with the requirements of the Commis­sioners' Court. The Commis­sioners' Court reserves the right to accept any bid deem- ' ed most advantageous to the County and the right to reject any or all bids.

By Order of the Commis­sioners' Court, September 13 1976.

Lsster j . Cranek County Judge

DANCE JaciLL Plate

lef and The Kickers' Show

Fridoy, Oct. 8 9390.00. In good coadltlfln. Call tS4-tt7«. (10 7 « )



i f

Foirchild Holl

Featuring the World's Greatest

Fiddle Player, Chubby Wise



greeting ou-d sale and we thank those who have bought them. We have received more of the cards and they sell for $8.00 a package. Each package containa 25 carda: four each of get well, birthday, friendship, con­gratulations, anniversary and thank you cards. You are welcome to come by the Heritage House to buy a


Sat., Oct. 9 9 PM to 1 AM MU.«5IC BY


Evorybody Welconn

pockage or aa maav would like.

Also, don't toTftt to put your order in eariy this year lor the "Mr. and Mrs. Santa GUtta" sot We have made two aets already and they have been sold, ao we would like to have your order early this year so we can complete the orders before Chriatmaa Thoy wiU aeO for $14.00 a poir or $7.00 far just OM. You're wolce«i to OOOM to MO than In ow kwatod in the lobby

N(l l ie lN Hill

Sat.. Oct. 9 MUSK BY


'• <."' I / " ^ j ' ^'^••'W)^ ili'Vs~^<».<g-'jBjy^ v̂ f 'P"^

New ElMS feocher

Jack Saala, Jr., has embarked on hla teaching caroor at the Eagle Lake Middle School thia faU where he teachaa earth acience and coaches. Coach Seals i s a native of Boo-ville, Texas where ha graduated from A. C. Jonea High School. Ha la a graduate of Southweatern Univeraity in Georgetown. Working with youth la nothing new for this novice teacher. While attending college, he served as the youth director one summer at his home church in Beeville and for ten months at the Crestview Methodist Church in Austin. Currently, he serves as the youth director of the local colly Memorial United Methodist Church.

Coach Seals Is carrying the teaching tradition forward in his family. His father Is assistant siqwrintendent for the Beeville Independent School District. Coach Seals reaidos at 116 Oavltt Street in Eagle Lake.

ElMS l ib , nth Pair

The Eagle Lake seventh and eighth graders played some fine football to rout the La Grange Juniors 20 to 6 and 32 to 0, respectively, in their games at the Eagle Lake Mid­dle School last Thursday eve­ning.

This Thursday, the ELMS Raiders go to Edna for a pair cf games beginning at 5:30 and 7:00 p.m.

Coaches Glenn Randow and Jack Seals commented that the two local teams had their best

. performances of the season, praising their work offensive­ly, defensively and on spe­cialty teams.

The seventh graders ran up a total of 280 yards with half­back Kenneth Hemphill leading ground gainer with 173 yards. Quarterback John Dawson add­ed 60 and fullback Terry Cot­ton 47. Eagle Lake had 10 first downs, La Grange 3; Ea­gle Lake had 4 penetrations. La Grange 1. ELMS drew 4 penalties for 20 yards and La Grange four for 10 yards.

Cotton scored the first TD with 3:30 left in the first period and Hen4>hlll ran 45 yard^fefor the Mcond score in the second qiiarter and Hemphill ran over a two point conversion to give the Raiders a 14-0 halftlme lead. Hemp­hill added the final score with 5:32 left in the fourth per­iod.

HighUgtatsofthe game in­cluded fumble recoveries by tackle James Rbodes and Da­vid Sosa.

The starting offensive line included: center Michael Faichtinger; right guard, Bruce Montgomery; left guard Virgil Crysel; right tackle, James Rhodes; left tackle, Calvin Foster; tight end, John Wegenhoft; and split ends, David Sosa and Robert Klekar.

Eighth Graders Romp In the eighth grade game,

the locals romped to a 32 to 0 win, piling 19 a total of 308 yards while La Grange had only 111.*^

Fullback Roger Fry ran for 120 yards, halfback Emeat Flelda added 105, quarterback Robert Barrios 70 and full­back Billy Tillman 13. Eagla Lake led in first downs 8-3 and in penetrations 4-0. Ttie Raiders had 6 penalUoa for 80 yards and La Grange drew 8 for 50 yards. Tackle Vic­

tor Reyes recovered a fumble. Fields scored the first TD

by returning a punt 50 yards with 4:44 left in the first quarter. Fry ran for the two point conversions. Barrioa added a TD at the 6:25 mark in the second period and Fry ran 78 yards for a score with 4:06 left in the quarter to give Eagle Lake a 20-0 halftlme lead. Barrioa tallied again from 22 yards out in the fourth quarter and Fry ran 25 yards for the final score with 6:14 left in the fourth quarter.

The starting offensive line included: center, John Ste­phens; right guard, Paul Ruis; left guard, Albert D«lgado; left tackle, Jim Carraaco; right tackle, Johnny Goncalea; split ends, David Crammer and Wayne Bowen; and tight end, Robert Frazier.

INITIAL LEAGUE JB's Trojans rolled a 3015

series and moved into the lead of Initial Bowling League in action last Thursday night at Skull Creek Lanes. Johnny's ^ r t Shop rolled top team game of 1069. Mano Graham had high individual series with a 596 and George Rohrer roll­ed high game of 237-550. Oth­er loading scorers were Dra­per Stephens 208-579, Ben Castillo 202-546, David Euers 208-544, Verlin Argo 209-536, Joe Trojan 202-528, J. Kanak 214-528, Lawrence Stall-man 521, Roy Stallman 510 and Ernie Uzzell 502.

The Trojans have 83 1/2 points, followed by Larry's Phillips 66 with 76, Jerry's Arco 65, Eagle Lake Imps 63, Argo Auto 62 1/2 and Gibson'a 611/2.

SKULL CREEK MIXED The Catfish Farmers are

in the lead of the Skull Creek Mixed League with 14 wins at the end of play Sept. 28th. llie Rice Birds are in second with 12 and Amateur Hour has U.

Tbo Tuesday Nlte Special rollod top toam series of 2286


VINEYiUID HUNTING CLUB Day Goose and Duck Hunting

Tht fintst wottrfowl hunting in Eogit Lal(t now |s bting ofUrtd comm«rcialty for tho first timo in throt ytori.

IMO acne rf rieo nai aovbooM with i n I

experioMod foMoa and doga.

Morning hunting only, minifflum porty of four.

Make j o w phM Mw iar beat dotoo.

234-3578i 234-3834 l i E ^ L ^ !

B •IMogs B ite Raiders 21-6

The Hitchcock BuUdogttook advaataga of Rioo Raider mis-takea and an inoffectlve Rice offense to hand the Raiders their third district ioaa of tho •eason 21 to 6 In a diatrlct 14AAA contest in Raider sU-dlum laot Friday night.

Raider partisans did find •omathing to cheer about when the Raldara acorod their flrat touchdown aince their open­ing game with Columbua, when Dwigfat Rhodes scampered 75 yards for a acore early in tha tiUrd period to put the Raiders back into the contest, score-w ^ . Rice WMunabl* to mount any offonse whataoevor in the flrst half and flnlahed the half without a flrat down and werr forced to punt five times and had a minus 34 yards in tho first half, offensively.

Dofonae was the h l ^ g b t of the game for the Raiders as they atopped two acoring drives inaide the 20 in the first half and played aggrea-sive football in the aecond half of play.

Rice ball carriers hobbled the ball seven times and lost three of them. The first fum­ble was a costly one when punter Gale Hiompaon was unable to handle the anap and was dropped on the one yard line to set up the first Bull­dog touchdown, made by quar-terbacit Arthur Crut, with 1:54 left to play. Wllbert Johnaon booted the flrat of three suc­cessful extra point conver­sions to give the Bulldogs a 7-0 lead.

On the first play after the enauing kickoff into the end zone, the Raiders hobbled the tnll again and the Bulldogs took over on the Rice 18 but good defense led by Danny Henderson, Clarence Davis and Kenneth Danklefs stopped the drive on the 14 as the first quarter ended.

Two successive offside pen­alties moved the ball back near the Raider goallineandThomp* son punted out to the 37. Four plays later Cruz threw a perfect strike to back Sam Williams for a 29 y^rd TD and Johnson kicked the extra point to put the Bulldogs out front 14-0.

Three successive 15 yard penalties, one for clipping and two for ineligible receivers downfieldt moved the Bulldogs deep into their own territory and on third down a)id4ij^f|ing a mile for a first, they tried a quick kick wtiich was low and deflected in the line by a mass of Bulldogs and Raid­ers and Rice got its only penetration into Bulldog terri­tory on the 39. A 17 yard loss on a third down pass attempt by quarterback Greg Bubela forced a punt and the half ended after another exchange of punta.

Raidora Fired Up The Raiders came out for

the second half fired up and good defensive plays by Mich­ael Thomas, Mike Thonv>son and Clayton Smith forced the Bulldogs to punt and Rice took over on the 15. Rhodea set up a first on the 25 and then he slipped Into the sec­ondary and outspedall Bulldog defenders into paydlrt with 7:44 left in the third period. An extra point kick try by Darrell Hurd was blocked and the sctre stood at 14-6.

The Raiders later got Into trouble when a punt was down­ed on the 5. llie ensuing punt was returned to the Rice 28 but good defense prevailed again with I^ssell Scott and Davis showing good pass de­fense as four Bulldog pass­es went incomplete and Rice took over on their own 28.

Thomas Glover broke for 26 yards into Hitchcock terri­tory and Bubela kept for 14 and the Raidora appeared on their way to paydlrt, but a fumble and Hitchcock recov­ery atopped thia effort on the 33. Danklefa, Leonard Slma and Thomas made good defen­sive plays and forced a punt but on the first play from the Rice 21, the Raiders fumb­led the tMll away again and in four plays Harold Reeves went over from the 9 and John* son converted to give the Bull­dogs a Sl-6 load with 9:17 loft topltjr.

The first of two Rice pass completions for thenlghtfrom

and tho Rice Blrdahadtop game of 800. Ernie Uzsell aot the pace for the man with a 581 Borlos and GregHadac 217 game. Darlene Holden had high seriea for women with a 500 and Carol Schmidt

high pmo of 191


i raoMi 1 ' SCOREBOARD I :


ELMS 7th and 8tb Raiders to Edna

Garwood andShorldanRald-erf host Shiner at Gar­wood, 5 p.m.

Rice Frosh host Edna 5:30 FRIDAY, OCT. 8:

Rice at Edna Brasosport at Columbia Wharton at DicUnaon Frlendawood at Sweeny Hitchcock at Santa Fe Ganado at Eaat Bernard Louise at Bratoa (WalUa)

RESULTS LAST WEEK: ELMS 8th 32 U Grange 0 ELMS 7th 20 U Grange 6 Schulenburg 6 Garwood-

Sheridan 0 Rice Freahmen 14 Hitch­

cock 12 Hitchcock 21 Rice 6 Friendswood 35 Santa Fe 6 Dickinson 34 Brazosport 3S Sweeny 26 Columbia 24 Wharton 24 Edna 6 Royal 14 Brasos 0 Columbus 21 Schulenburg 6 Yoakum 26 Palaclos 6 La Grange 21 Weimar 20 El Campo 14 Victoria 13 Sealy 34 Needvllle 6 East Bernard 45 Louise 0

Bubela to Perils Foster ac­counted for a 13 yard gain and a first on the Rice 40 but the drive ended and James Moore punted to the Hitchcock 30. A drive by the Bulldogs was halted on the Rice 39 when Danny Henderson recovered a fumble. Bubela and Rhodes set up a Rice first on the 49 but a completed screen pass lost seven and an eleven yard loss on another sack of the quarterback forced a punt as time was waning. Hitcbockset up a first on the Rice 45 wiwn the clock ran out

Statiatiea Rice had a minus 34 in the

first half but ran for 126 in the second half, this plus a total of 6 yards on the two pass completions, gave them a 98 yard total for the night. They passed nine times and punted for eight for a 33 yard.

: average. Rice drew 3 penalties for 25 yards. The Raiders had 6 first downs, the Bulldog 13. Hitchcock amassM a total' of 99 yards on the ground in the first half and 112 in. the second and completed 2 of 13 passes for 44 yards for a 255 yard total-for the night. They also had trouble holding the ball with five fumbles, losing one. Tliey punted five times, had one blocked and the other four averaged 40 yards. PenaltlM against the Bulldogs camlPfl'eq&ently, a total of 10 times for 120 yards.

Both Bulldog and Raider bands turned In outstanding half-time performances to add to the entertainment for the night.

This Friday night, Coach Dee Mackey and staff take the Raiders to Edna for a district game with the Cowboys, as they seek their first win as the seaaon comea to the midway mark. A large following of Raider fans will accompany the Raider Band, the Outriders and Cheerleaders and student cheering section to Edna for the contest.

Archery Deer Hunting Legal During Oct.

Archery deer season open­ed in Colorado County and others under regulatory control on Oct. 1st and remains open through Oct. 31st.

Archers are reminded tbit an archery stamp and. a license are required. The special archery stamp costs $3.26 snd this stamp is required in addition to the valid hunting license.

Garwood-Slier. Raiders Suffer First Loss

The Ganrood-Sherldan Raid­ers football team got off to a sluggish start in their en­counter with Schulenburg in Schulenburg laat Thursday evening and suffered their first loss of the season. The Raiders had won their first three encounters handily.

The first quarter of last Thursday'a contest found the two teams scoreless with the Schulenburg Juniors dominat­ing play. Schulenburg scored in the second period to take a 6-0 lead. The Raiders got a good long drive down to the one yard line before giv­ing up the pighide at that point.

But the second half was an entirely new ballgameas far as statistics were concerned for the Raider defense, led by John Schneider, lineman of the week, stopped the Junior Shorthorns without a single first down in the entire second half. The Raiders moved the ball up and down the field but were unable to dent the goalline. The Raiders had two aerials intercepted while completing three passes.

Kenneth Mosely was named the back of the week.

This Thursday, at 5:00p,.m. Coaches Mike Stansifer and Henry Kahlich pit the Raiders against the Shiner junior high team In a game to be played on the Garwood gridiron.

E6 Brahmas

Trounce Louise The Es^ Bernard Brahmas

played fine football to defeat the Louise Hornets 45 to 0 In their first district game last Friday night in Louise.

This Friday night the Brah­mas ho4 Ganado In another district duting.

LaGrange Edges

Weimar 2120 The La Grange Leopards

staved off an upset by stopping , a two-point conversion by the

Weimar Wildcats In their Dis­trict 20-2A contest in Wei-

jpiar last Friday night and weot.c lOn to win a 21 to 20 decision. ' La Grange is now 3-2 for the season and Weimar 2-3.


k§, Op99 loffar To R'm hhkr Sports fois

Darrell Roysl, University of Texas football coach, ooco said, "Coaches tat too much crodlt wbao they wto — and too much blame when they loae." Without trying to alibi, cast blame, or dodge Issues, porfaapa it miibt be |ood to look at the aituatlon from a brMder perapoctive.

While our varsity football team has been taking ita lumps, Rice sub-varsity teites have boon dcrtng quite well, lite Ea^e Lake Midt^a Schpol aeventh grade is 2-2 and the e i | ^ grade la 2-0-2 »t the time of thia writing. The Garwood-Sheridan team ife 3-1 and that loas came after injuries and Inellglbllitlea bad taken out two of their key starters. The freshmen have caught fire, and in successive outtngs have defeated Friendswood and Hitchcock.

No one feels worse about losing than thoae directly involved with the team. The playera, the coachoo, the teachers, the administration, the students all want a winner. Everybody lovea a winner. But every game has a loser. Every battle baa a loser. Every war has a loseV.

Many times more courage is required to carry on in the face cf great odda than to fight when victory la certain. It ia definitely easier to panic when setbacks occur than to /emain calm in the face of adveraity.

Good things dent come easy or fast. The Raider football tetm is loaded with juniors and

sophomores. Only four boys are on the varsity team who played varsity football last year. Twoof tbemdldnt play the whole season. The rest of the varsity squad is made up of a J, V. team that was 0-8-2 and a freShman t ^ p that was 4-5. These young men are playiug a schedule that would tax many 4-A toams. Their only non-district opponent Is currently ranked number £ in the state in one poll of class 2-A teams, and district 14-AAA is as toogh as any in Texas. TTiere are no breathsrs on the slate.

The football coaches are trying to keep 19'morale^ while giving the younger boys as much experience aa possible. lliey are experimenting a lot. When you experiment, you make mistakes, and hopefully, learn from those mistakes.

It is hard to be patient, but patience is necessary to achieve a long-range goal - - making Rice High School's football program one that the patrons of this district can point to with pride and a feeling of accomplishment.

Jack Grammar Athletic Director Rice High School

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Raider Freshmen Score 2nd Win

The Rice High School freah-man football team turned In another outstanding perform­ance on Thursday night of last week when they defeated the Hitchcock freshmen InHit-chcock by a score of 14 to 12. The win evened the record^Of the freshmen at 2-2 wiHi bOtti wins coming in district con^ petition. ' •'

Tonight, Hiursday, the Rice' freshmen, coached by Hehry Garza and Dee Mackey, will host the Edna freshmen in a ganie at 8 t V \ P ^ at Raider StaAum. > • '

Ii) last wf i^s tussle with the HHchcock Bulldogs, the Raiders found themselves

sAWft%w«ft««(SHERIFF'S REPORT«»:=̂ *'«='>̂ ;

Hnton Wonod To Be Son Of Forfef

By GEO. Shrriff.

•DOC" MIEI.I.FR Colorado (ouaty


roalr pay ell. Gal 234-2781

Mame Tate bowled Jjlgh Other loading Bcorors wore:

llano Graham S09-57S, James Booker 919, Uray Janda 101-567, Bon CajtlUo 519, Greg Hadac SIS, Bfwla KalppolSta, Floyd Speorath 527, Ernie Ut-•oU tOI-ai5, Jim Euro 511, Jlai SlBpooB 911 and Botch SchmMI S04-57I.

MONDAT MITE MIXED •no Shaipohootors sot tho

poeo toe toaffl bowling 1B MOD-diy Nlte MUad LsagM actka Oet. 4lh wllh aa •M-SI99

gsmo of 209 and Alma Davld-SOD poited a 526 series while Ottls Coleman rolled a 198 high game and Carl Pesnell tho 5U high oertes for tho men. G.C.O.C. has takan a narrow load latheMoBdaynlght league with IS wins with the Slulera falling into socood also with B wlM. I t e Sharpobooters romala la third place with U wtM with tha Aggie Booch proMurlng with tholr 12 wins. Tho Bods fellow la fifth and Cbe Plahoatera are in sixth.

The hunting season is once a^aln upon us. I would like to remind all our citizens to be cautious when using a weapon. Always make sure you can see what you are shooting at. Something mov­ing in the bushes can be a human. I hope we can get through the entire hunting season without anyone get­ting hurt or killed. Remem­ber, if you are in doubt or can not see what you are shooting at, do not shoot at all. I hope everyone will have a joyous and safe hunting season.

Sept. 1: Posted civil citation in Courthouse. Re­moved livestock from road­way on FM 1093. Served civil papers in Columbus and Eagle Lake.

Sept. 2: Removed livestock from roadway on FM 155. Checked on report of someone shooting from the roadway on Old 90. Checked on report of wreckless driver on Reese Lane. Investigated attempted break-in in AUey-too.

Sept. 3: Checked on suapicious subject at local restaurant. Responded to the burglar alarm at Gibaon's. Delivered emergency mes­sage on Brtishy Road. Posted dvil citation in Courthouae.

Sept. 4: Aaaisted straodod notoriat 00 Highway 90-A. Removed livestock from roadway^ on 71 South. One imit to La Grange to pick up subjecto lor failure tu piy sot gaaoliiio in Coiombus.

Soptw 5: Investigated dis­turbance at New Town. Removed livestock from rosdway notr Frelsborg. Served civil papers in Weimar. Columbus and Eagle Lakearoaa.

Sept. 6: Inveatinted van­dalism of mail Doxea on Bmahy Road. Investigatod vandaUam of a rosidenea aeor Rock laUnd. Banoved ihro-

stock from roadway on 71 South.

Sept. 7: Had Grand Jury this date. Had District Court this date. One unit to Huntsville to pick up prisoner for court in Columbus.

Sept. 8: One unit to Huntsville to return one prisoner and pick up another for court in Columbus. Served civil papers in Coiumbus'and Eagle Lake.

Sept. 9: Had District Court this date. One unit to Huntsville to take oriaoner to Department of Corrections. Removed livestock from roadway on FM 109. Re­moved livestock from road­way on IH-10.

Sept. 10: Removed live­stock from roadway on Speaksville Road. Arrested three for El Campo on charges of Aggravated Rob­bery. Removed liveatoek from roadway on IH-10. Removed livestock from roadway on FM 109. Assisted with traffic at acone of fire near Borden. Assisted with traffic at fire near AHair.

Sept. 11: Checked suspi­cious vehicle in the Garwood area. Removed livestock from roadway on FM 2434. Assisted THP with traffic at scene of accident. Served civil papers in Garwood. Altair, Eagle Lake and Columbus sreas.

Sept. 12: Had JP Court thia date. Routine dutiea.

-^-Soptr U J H O * Bistwet^ Court this date. Investigatod burglary in the Sheridao area. Arrested one for La Grann SberifTs Department for Thoft By ChodL

Sept. 14: Had District Court this date. Had JP Court this date. Checked on wrockloss driver in the Rock Island area. One unit to Spokane. Waahiagtoo to pkk uppriaonor.

Sept. 15: Had JP Court i n . C h o ^ d o a tho AM. Ckockad mmUkm' hi ̂ £ i r

Columbus Wins Ffffh In Row

Columbus' sixth ranked Cardinals pushed tholr

^ record for the currant football aeason to 5-0 with a >1 to 0 win over the winless 8chalan>* burg Shorthorns in Schulen­burg last Friday n i ^ .

WilUa ToUver scored first for Columbus from the five and Boroard Glover caught a 40 yard touchdown pass from quarterback BtU Babk-ston, than be i an in another TD from the one, ran over a -, >} two point cooveraloo and kick- or ad one extra point for tboj Cardinal acoring. Schutenburgi got on the scoreboard In t|||p fourth quarter on a 12 y^i run by Victor James. 4

Columbos has an open date this week before opening dls- > trlct pUy Oct. 19th in BoU-villo.

$12 Mi/fJOR fa Ikense Saks fa Ux. fa 1976

Revenue from the sale of 63 types of hunting, fishing and trapping licenses earned the Texas Parks and Wildlife De­partment a total of 118,265,011 during the 1976 fiscal year,

The total represents a $221,173 decline from tho»-prevtoua year.

P&WD llcenae aales offi­cials said big looers-during the year were $4.25 fishing and $8.75'resident combina­tion hunting and fiahing li­censes.

Some 53,000 fewer fishing licenses were sold, accounting"*'*' for a drop of $211,243. Sales of resident combination licenses dropped by 25,000, $213,966 less in funds than, 1975 fiacal year. „„,

trailing 6-0 at halftlme after being unable to mount much of an offensive threat.

In the third quarter they got their passing game going and quarterback Kyle Mackey connected on a 55 yard pass to split end Craig Wicks for six points. The extra point conversion failed and the score remained knotted at 6-6.

Later In the third period, Mackey hit tight end Tony Till­man for a 50 yard pass and score. Mackey passed to ^Wicks for the two points to -put the Raiders out front 14-6,. . Hitchcock rallied for »TD in the fourth period, but a run for the two extra points was stopped by a good Raider defensive effort and the Raid­ers ended the game ahead by a score of 14-12.

Linebackers Robby Cook and Melvin Carter sparked the Rice defense while Mack­ey's passing and receptions by Tillman and Wicks spark­ed the offense.

vehicle in Garwood area. Sept. 16: Inveatigated

disturbance in Borden area. Served civil papers in Columbus, Eagle Luke and Garwood. Picked up mental patient in Eagle Lake. One unit to Austin hospital with mental patient.

Sept. 17: Checked on suspicious vehicle on Reese Lane. Investigated distur­bance in Borden area. Investigated disturbance in New Town. Had JP Court in the PM.

Sept. 18: Assisted strsjided motorist on 109 near Frels-burg. Investigated mail box vandalism on Brushy Road.

Sept. 19: Had JP Court in the AM. Investigated traffic accident in Garwood area. Investigated a report of vandalism to mail boxes on Brushy Road. Assisted stranded motorist on 109 near Cummingo Creek. Checked on suspicious vehicle on 109.

Sept. 20: Had District Court this date. One unit to Eagle Lake to pick up mental patient. One unit maide bk>od run from Brookshire to Weimar. One unit to San Antonio with mental patient. Served civil papera in Columbus nnd Eagie Lake area.

Sept. 21: Had JP Court in the AM. One unit to Eagie Lake to pick up priaoner. Inveatigated burglary in Garwood area.

Sept. 22: Had JP Court in the AM. Servod ctvil papers in C<dumbus and Eagle Lake. Arrested OAO for public intoxication in Garwood.

Sept. 28: Aaaiated with

funeral procession in Colum­bus.

Sept. 27: Had District Court this date. Investigated domestic trouble in Garwood Investigated domestic trouble in Rock Island. Investigated disturbance in Alleyton.

Sept. 28: Had JP Court in the AM. Investigated domes­tic problems in Alleyton.

Sept. 29: Had JP Court in the A M . Served civil papers in Columbus.

Sept. 30: Had JP Court in the AJM. Sp^;ed civil papers in Columbus. Investigated the theft of a boat in the Alleyton area. Investigated disturbance in Altair.

We handled 55 prisoners through the jail in Septem­ber. 1976.

Sincerely, Geo. "Doc" MueUer.

Sheriff And Deputies

HUB n m t y ¥HWic

Sexual Potency Quckiylmiiroves WittiNew'E-i>i«'

NEW YORK. NY. (Special ) -An anuxing new "uiper-charged" vitamin E-Pill has recently been developed that reportedly "quickly increases and rtjuvenates icxual drives and potency for both men and women of all ages. It also makes them feel healthier and more youthful". It is now avail­able 10 the American public.

The new high potency E-Pill not only teems to increase sexual atnlity of both Mxet t>ut also "ac­tually perki up sexual interest and stimulates a penons desires," ac­cording to a tpokeiman for the manufacturer. ALSt MTMVES BENOAL NCM.TN

Thb new. eaiy-lo-uke E-Pill contains newly formulated, highly concentrated viumin E. It tendif to quickly build up and strengthen the natural physiological processes of the body that are believed lo be basically responsible for its potency, youthfulness, health and ' long life.

NBJtlMTOFSPfOni Indications arc that the n ^ ^

E-Pill gives quick and effcctfaau. rcsulu lo u high as 4 out of'ilO') people (80%) who have used iti.' ' Some people report no great 1 change but feel the high potency of vitamin E in the pill does quickly make them feel better from a general health sundpoim.*

Other repom alio show it tends* 10 "lessen daily tension and give!* a more relaxed, happier outlook on life."


bua. Posted dvil dtaltoo in Courthouae. Two unite as­sisted with traffic at parado in Eag4o Lsko. lavoaUfatod report of atoten license plato in Garwood. InvestigatAd burglary m Garwood aroa.

Sept. » . Had JP Court ia the AM, R M U M Artioa tMs dato.

Sopt. 26: lavestigatod domoatk trotMa i t O W « M 4

Asaistod wkh

The use of these high potency (ooe.a-day) E-Pilh is perfectly safe and arc now available with­out prescription from the mami- > (acturer by mail order only. To get your supply, tend $6.93 for' a 2 week supply, (or $10.93 for a JO day supply, or $17 93 for a fO day supply) cash, check or' MO. 10: E-Pill. DcpL 316. 447 Mcnick Road. Oreanaidff NY. 11372. (UnoondMoaal moory-bock gaaraaiaa if aot satisfied.)
