Ayon Reaction Paper

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  • 7/31/2019 Ayon Reaction Paper


    Film Analysis


    Course: Social Context of Media (MSJ-307)

    (Sec-2) Spring 2012.

    Submitted to

    Monami HaqueCourse Teacher (Social context of meda)

    Department of Media Studies and JournalismUniversity of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

    Submitted by

    Md. Khalid Hussain AyonID: 093012023

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  • 7/31/2019 Ayon Reaction Paper


    Content concentration

    A Bangladeshi full feature film Meherjaan

    Directed by Rubaiyat Hossain.

    Synopsis ofMeherjaan

    In 1971, during Bangladeshs war of independence, Meher falls in love with a soldier

    from the enemy side. When her love is discovered, she is shamed and silenced by herfamily and society. Today 38 years after the war, Meher has a visitor she cannot turn

    down. Saraha war-child, Mehers cousin Neelas daughter, who was given away for

    adoption has come back to piece together her past. Together, these two women must

    re-tell history through their stories in order to cut through the stigmas and walk into light.

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  • 7/31/2019 Ayon Reaction Paper


    Analysis of Meherjaan

    Meherjaan is a highly discussed and most controversial recent Bangladeshi full feature

    film. The story and the content of the film go through the time of our liberation war

    based on a love story of a Bangladeshi girl Meherjaan and a Pakistani soldier Wasim. I

    try to analysis this film ethically from contextual approach and utilitarian approach.

    The story, and final execution by director Rubaiyat Hossain, is framed as a counter-

    narrative of our liberation war 1971. Where the basic narrative of liberation war is still

    blurry in the global context and as well as in our national context it is great ethical

    violation from the utilitarian approach and also it violates our history contextually.

    The tagline of this movie is A Story about Loving the Other where director emphasize

    on the love during the war time. There is the question is who is this Other? Here we see

    the Pakistani soldier Wasim as a hero and director try to grab the viewers love on him.

    But, in historically we see that they were our enemy and they killed our 30lakh people.

    In future it is too dangerous for our young generation to understand our history of

    liberation war when they saw a Pakistani soldier as a hero. I think the tagline of the film

    ethically violate our social norm. So, it is unethical from our cultural context.

    The idea of a Pakistani-Bengali romance, in the midst of a genocidal war whose

    ferocious modes included sexual assault and rape will strike some as perverse. Given

    the dearth of analytical film treatment of 1971, and over-representation of clumsy

    hagiography, audiences may feel unease that a well-funded, sumptuously linseed,international crew production sketches a romance that runs counter to the war's actual

    impact on Bengali women. From utilitarian approach it is totally unethical for our


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  • 7/31/2019 Ayon Reaction Paper


    We see the character Khaja shaheb in this movie as a positive role. But, his character is

    not very clear in the whole movie. He didnt support the liberation war and he also called

    this Muktijuddho (liberation war) as Golmal (riot). Contextually we know these types of

    character as a war criminal. By showing this character positively it can make sympathy

    on viewers mind for those war criminal which is dangerous for our county. So, I think it

    done by director unethically.

    The character of all freedom fighters in the movie shown as a tired warrior and also

    show that they want to marry at that war time which decrease the importance of our

    liberation war. And another hand we see the Pakistani soldier Wasim as a great

    character. Those situations are very insulting for our freedom fighters.

    In this movie we found a war child named Sarah who was a homosexual or lesbian.

    Director shows it as a tricky way but it conflict with our social norm and cultural context.

    So, contextually it violates our social ethical norm.

    If we observe the dialog accent of the movie we can see that, accent is not representing

    that time. This represent modern accent which is confusing the viewers to grab the time.

    By seeing this movie we do not find the barbarous face of the Pakistani soldiers. Also

    we do not see any brutal activities what they did at the time of liberation war in our

    country. Similarly, the crisis ofthe war period was not present properly in the movie

    which trickily keeps viewers far from the gruesomeness of the moment of war. Its

    harmful for our young generation who may not understood properly about the time of

    our liberation war.

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    If we observe the props and the costume of the movie we will see some dissimilarity.

    The costumes dont match with the situation and do not represent that time. I think it

    may be a directorial fantasy. Director tries to grab the attention by using different

    colorful props and costume. From utilitarian approach ethically it violates to grab the

    situation and the time for the viewers.

    Figure -Meher and Wasim's costume in war time

    If we concern, we will see in this movie the sentence war is bad (juddho kharap)

    comes approximately in every three munities later. Now the question is the every war is

    bad? Why and when people did war? I think by using these kinds of fragment

    spontaneously director try to confused the viewers and dishonor our liberation war.

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    Film has greater impact among all the mass media. Film plays an important role in our

    society. Therefore, Films clearly influence people and leave its own mark on peoples

    mind and behavior. Film should be more careful and continue ethical practice, social

    aspect and use such method that creates a better impact on the audience and as well

    as in our society. If we want to change the present scenario of our film we the youthhave to come up and bring the change.

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