Ayers Ron Shirley 1982 Liberia

Ro n a n d Shirley Ayers Liberia Christian College LAMCO - Buchanan Robert s International Airport Liberia, West Africa September, 1982 Lyndell and Bonnie Robinson R.R, 1 , Bo x 3 3 Mechanicsburg Illinois 62545  217) 623-4391 Forwarding Agents ;u)/ NEWSLETTER LIBERIA CHRISTIAN MISSION o c r © ^ Dear Brothers a nd Sisters in Christ, Praise God that Roujee an d Juliette have arrived in Rochester, Illinois, After a year of planning a n d prayer Roujee a n d Juliette Morris have gone t o study a t Lincolnland Community College an d t o share with yo u first hand t h e p ic tu re of t h e church here i n Liberia, Roujee ha s been on e o f o u r most dependable teachers fo r several years, b u t lacked t he training to work to his full potential. Ou r plan is f o r him to attend Lincolnland i n Springfield, Illinois until he completes their requirements f o r t h e Associate degree, then finish h i s work toward h i s bachelor s degree in secondary education a t Sangamon State, also i n Springfield, He i s also hoping to gain valuable experience h j sharing with South Fork Church of Christ in Rochester, Illinois a s well as other church <activities. We hope that a l l o f you will welcome Roujee, Juliette an d their daughter Muahn and share i n their education. Roujee i s currently available f o r speaking engagements. To schedule a speaking date, contact o u r forwarding agents, Lyndell an d Bonnie Robinson, a t t he above address. As o u pray f o r the M o rr is we also a s k f o r your prayers f o r a new project t he Christian Education Foundation of Liberia  t he parent organization fo r Liberia Christian College) an d t he Bassa Minister s Association i s undertaking. These tw o groups have decided to join together to build a Christian rural develop ment radio station. Th e statio will seek t o assist t h e people i n t h e areas o f theology, agriculture, health a nd literacy. Th e 200,000 people of Grand Bassa County have pressing needs i n these four areas, y t they a r e o u t o f t he reach of an y present assistance. Certainly the undertaking o f this project i s a great a c t o f faith, b u t seeing the pressing needs, t h e Christian leaders could n o t avoid putting their faith into action. The present Christian Extension Ministries also a subsidiary o f t h e CSFL along with IXC is seeking to train some o f t h e church leaders with a cassette ministry, b u t with nearly a l l t h e church leaders i n t h e interior barely literate t h e task i s great,  i n fact churches constantly established, we a r e probably falling far behind,) Th e tape recorders are i n constant need o f repair an d many o f t h e churches are inaccessible t o t h e weekly TEE  Theological Education by Extension) classes because o f t h e lack o f roads. Beyond the need fo r theological training, 9 0 ^ of t h e people a r e farming at the subsistence level, 50^ of the babies d ie before they a r e two years old, 10^ o f th e people a r e literate. We don t know y e t what the radio installation will cost  Th e requested estimates have n o t come i n yet), but we s e e radio communication a s a n effective means of assisting t he people of Grand Bassa. Th e first fund raising rally i s being held in Buchanan September 1 2 ^ with a goal o f 4^10 000 On t h e personal side, we are a l l well a s we await the birth o f o u r second child next month. Shirley i s not teaching a t t h e school now. Sh e i s only teaching Jackie kindergarten at home. Also, we have enjoyed having on e o f Abba an d Eileen Karnga s daughters come to live with u s, Monbeydo just celebrated her 12 ^ birth day September 2nd and i s a student a t World Wide grade school i n t he  ^^ grade, Jackie i s really excited about having a b ig sister a s we a r e about having a bigger daughter. My ow n schedule a t the high school ha s become even busier since the first semester. Th e Ministry f Education assigned a math teacher t o u s , bu t h e left after six weeks. Presently I am teaching geography, biology, New Testament Survey, chemistry  2 ) , Doctrine, and Algebra I I , Also I am presently coordinator o f t h e radio project. We a re in need of additional help i n both the radio area and with teachers; therefore, we a s k f o r your prayers that these pressing needs will b e met, Yoiirs in Christ, R o n and.


missionary newsletters

Transcript of Ayers Ron Shirley 1982 Liberia

  • Ron and Shirley AyersLiberia Christian CollegeLAMCO - BuchananRobert's International AirportLiberia, West Africa

    September, 1982

    Lyndell and Bonnie RobinsonR.R, 1, Box 33Mechanicsburg, Illinois 62545(217) 623-4391Forwarding Agents



    ocr 8^Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

    Praise God that Roujee and Juliette have arrived in Rochester, Illinois,After a year of planning and prayer Roujee and Juliette Morris have gone to studyat Lincolnland Community College and to share with you first hand the picture ofthe church here in Liberia, Roujee has been one of our most dependable teachersfor several years, but lacked the training to work to his full potential. Ourplan is for him to attend Lincolnland in Springfield, Illinois until he completestheir requirements for the Associate degree, then finish his work toward hisbachelor's degree in secondary education at Sangamon State, also in Springfield,He is also hoping to gain valuable experience hj sharing with South Fork Churchof Christ in Rochester, Illinois as well as other church

  • Ron and Shirley AyersLiberia Christian CollegeLAMCO - BuchananRobert's International AirportLiberia, West Africa
