Axis2 client memory leak

Axis2 client memory leak



Transcript of Axis2 client memory leak

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Axis2 client memory leak

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• Issue & diagnosis• Postmortem from technique point– Axis2 1.4/1.4.1/1.5.6 client– Implement & design issue

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CServer exhaust 8G memory -> memory leak

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jmap –histo pid

num #instances #bytes class name---------------------------------------------- 1: 1001744 246906600 [C //char array 2: 2855952 137085696$Segment 3: 282338 115692192 [I // int array 4: 677362 102508648 [Ljava.util.HashMap$Entry; 5: 192117 99164392 [B // byte array 6: 2856122 91732120 [$HashEntry; 7: 2855952 91390464$NonfairSync 8: 1337498 53499920 java.lang.String 9: 433634 43130120 [Ljava.lang.Object; 10: 597908 38266112 java.util.HashMap

1) The main change in this release is using web service client (axis2 1.4.1)

From the histogram, the memory leak is caused by Axis2.

2) char[] /

3) Google ‘axis2 1.4.1 concurrentHashMap memory leak‘

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• We got a 2.39G memory heap dump– Very fast, less than 30 seconds (because 8G

memory in production)• Problem : too big to open in dev box– Need enough physical memory– (May) need 64 bit OS– Try Jhat/Jprofile/YJP/Jmat eclipse plugin


jmap –dump:file=cdump pid

Open by Jmat standalone application

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AxisConfiguration retain 540.9m heap

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Hashtable allEndPoints holds more than 2k axis2 endpoint instances

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All of the endpoint instances are about FavoriteService

1) Confirm in the code, only FavoriteService related did not call cleanup

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Axis2 1.4 memory leak

• Reproduce

for( int i=0;i<count; i++) { VersionStub stub = new VersionStub(configContext,null); GetVersion request = new GetVersion(); stub.getVersion(request); }

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Axis2 1.4 memory leak

• Informal Model (OO design)


Map allServices = new Hashtable();Map allEndpoints = new Hashtable();

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Axis2 1.4 memory leak

• Cause : Stub Initiation, add into AxisConfiguration

//Init, AddallServices.put(serviceName, axisService);..allEndpoints.put(serviceName + "." + endpointName, axisService);

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Axis2 1.4 memory leak

• Cause : Stub Finalize

//Stubprotected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); cleanup();}

public void cleanup() throws AxisFault { _service.getAxisConfiguration().removeService(_service.getName());}

//AsixConigurationpublic synchronized void removeService(String name) throws AxisFault { AxisService service = (AxisService) allServices.remove(name); if (service != null) { AxisServiceGroup serviceGroup = service.getAxisServiceGroup(); serviceGroup.removeService(name); log.debug(Messages.getMessage("serviceremoved", name)); } }

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Axis2 1.4 memory leak

• Cause : Client Finalize

//ServiceClientprotected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); cleanup();}

public void cleanup() throws AxisFault { … axisConfiguration.removeServiceGroup(serviceGroupName); …}

//AsixConigurationpublic AxisServiceGroup removeServiceGroup(String serviceGroupName) throws AxisFault { … Iterator services = axisServiceGroup.getServices();

while (services.hasNext()) { AxisService axisService = (AxisService); allServices.remove(axisService.getName());

… } …}

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Axis2 1.4 memory leak

• Cause

• Memory Leak : allEndpoints

//Init, AddallServices.put(serviceName, axisService);..allEndpoints.put(serviceName + "." + endpointName, axisService);

//Cleanup(Finalize), RemoveallServices.put(serviceName, axisService);

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Axis2 1.4.1 fix

• Fix the bug AXIS2-3870


//removes the endpoints to this service String serviceName = axisService.getName(); String key = null; for (Iterator iter = axisService.getEndpoints().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ key = serviceName + "." + (String); this.allEndpoints.remove(key); }

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Axis2 1.4.1 memory leak

• Reproduce

for( int i=0;i<count; i++) { VersionStub stub = new VersionStub(configContext,null); GetVersion request = new GetVersion(); stub.getVersion(request); stub.cleanup(); }

Programmer: 1.4 has memory leak issue, so call cleanup

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Axis2 1.4.1 memory leak

• Cause : Stub Finalize (no change)

//Stubprotected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); cleanup();}

public void cleanup() throws AxisFault { _service.getAxisConfiguration().removeService(_service.getName());}

//AsixConigurationpublic synchronized void removeService(String name) throws AxisFault { AxisService service = (AxisService) allServices.remove(name); if (service != null) { AxisServiceGroup serviceGroup = service.getAxisServiceGroup(); serviceGroup.removeService(name); log.debug(Messages.getMessage("serviceremoved", name)); } }

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Axis2 1.4.1 memory leak

• Cause: Client Finalize (no change)

//ServiceClientprotected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); cleanup();}

public void cleanup() throws AxisFault { … axisConfiguration.removeServiceGroup(serviceGroupName); …}

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Axis2 1.4.1 memory leak

• Cause: Client Finalize (no change)

//AsixConigurationpublic AxisServiceGroup removeServiceGroup(String serviceGroupName) throws AxisFault { … Iterator services = axisServiceGroup.getServices();

while (services.hasNext()) { AxisService axisService = (AxisService); allServices.remove(axisService.getName());

… for (Iterator iter = axisService.getEndpoints().keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();){ key = serviceName + "." + (String); this.allEndpoints.remove(key); } …



Servce are already removed from ServiceGroup in Stub cleanupThe while loop would never enter

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Axis2 1.4.1 memory leak

• Cause– Stub cleanup and ServiceClient cleanup have

dependency– Can not call in below order

• Two are two memory leak bugs in 1.4, 1.4.1 only fix 1 bug

Stub.cleanup ServiceClient.cleanup

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Axis2 1.5(.6) fix

• Fix the bug AXIS2-4007 AXIS2-4163

//Stubprotected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); cleanup();}

public void cleanup() throws AxisFault { // _service.getAxisConfiguration().removeService(_service.getName()); _serviceClient.cleanup();}

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Implement issue

• Forget to cleanup– Container object: add only, no remove– Resource object: apply only, no return/close

• Cleanup dependency– One object cleanup depend on other objects– Two object cleanup/two method has order


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Design Issue

• AxisConfiguration is a global shared object– Usually only 1 instance even in client side.

• Purpose for put service/endpoint map in this global object AxisConfiguration ?

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Design Issue

• Message Dispatch in server side // RequestURIBasedServiceDispatcher public AxisService findService(MessageContext messageContext) throws AxisFault {

AxisConfiguration registry = configurationContext.getAxisConfiguration();

AxisService axisService = registry.getService(values[0]);

// If the axisService is not null we get the binding that the request came to add // add it as a property to the messageContext if (axisService != null) { Map endpoints = axisService.getEndpoints(); if (endpoints != null) { if (endpoints.size() == 1) { messageContext.setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ENDPOINT_LOCAL_NAME, endpoints.get(axisService.getEndpointName())); } else { String endpointName = values[0].substring(values[0].indexOf(".") + 1); messageContext.setProperty(WSDL2Constants.ENDPOINT_LOCAL_NAME, endpoints.get(endpointName)); } } }

return axisService; }

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Design Issue

• Service is ‘singleton’ in server side // AxisConfiguration public AxisService getService(String name) throws AxisFault { AxisService axisService = (AxisService) allServices.get(name); if (axisService != null) { if (axisService.isActive()) { return axisService; } else { throw new AxisFault(Messages .getMessage("serviceinactive", name)); } } else { axisService = (AxisService) allEndpoints.get(name); if (axisService != null) { if (axisService.isActive()) { return axisService; } else { throw new AxisFault(Messages .getMessage("serviceinactive", name)); } } } return null; }

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Design Issue

• Client side– (Usually) New instance every method invocation– No need for message routing• Why still register in Axi2Configuration ?

axisConfig = configContext.getAxisConfiguration(); if (axisService == null) { axisService = createAnonymousService(); } this.axisService = axisService; if (axisConfig.getService(axisService.getName()) == null) { axisService.setClientSide(true); axisConfig.addService(axisService); } else { … }