Awareness Magazine Article

/ AWARENESS MAGAZINE MAY / JUNE 2008 6 I n this life, Arielle Ford and Brian Hilliard have been together as soulmates and married partners for elev- en years. When they met in 1997, they quickly began to recognize a deeper connection with one another than they had ever known in other intimate relationships. The magnetism of this relationship was compel- ling, intense and undeniable; within three weeks after meet- ing, they were engaged. The subject of soulmates is very appealing and magnetic; it calls us to live on the divine edge of loving communion and expansive possibility. Yes, most of us want to sign up upon hear- ing this description. What we don’t always realize is that to live in this larger conscious- ness also requires an uncom- mon amount of discipline and strength to realize the magni- tude of the soul in human l ife. The relationship of two soul- mates takes us outside the box of typical roles and boundaries. It requires that we live creatively, willing to surrender and trans- form aspects of our personality so that the virtues of the soul may emerge with more tran- scendent expression. In doing this we learn to live with higher truth, deeper love, and open- ness to the present moment as a focus of a vital, metamorphos- ing life. As their story demonstrates, Arielle and Brian have both sur- rendered to the soul’s divine direction. Their long-term com- mitment has become abundant with love and laughter, and generous caring for themselves and others. In this issue on Re- lationships, we are very pleased to share the inspiring story of these two soulmates.  Awareness: I would like to start by asking how each one of you would dene a soulmate? Brian: A soulmate is some- body, who at all levels of com- munication, understands and knows, and deeply loves and nurtures the other person. It is almost an imprint at the cel- lular level that overlays with your own deeper soul aspect of yourself. For us, it’s very com- fortable, it’s effortless, and it’s extremely loving at such a deep, deep level. Arielle: For me, it is some- body who loves you uncondi- tionally so that the two of you together can make the world a better place than either one of you individually.  Awar eness: Thanks, I want- ed to get a sense of how you  put i t into words because in so many ways it is beyond words, true? Brian: That’s right. We can go on forever, it’s such a level of gratitude for both of us that we really do pinch each other every morning and really give thanks to God, love, and the universe in supporting our coming to- gether and to remember we’ve been together for a long time at the soul level.  Awareness: What would you say about divine timing in meet- ing in this life? Brian: The interesting thing is, we actually lived next door to one another many years ago in LA. If we had met then, with- out doing the work on ourselves individually and continuing our life journey, we wouldn’t have had the outcome we have today. We didn’t really meet in LA, but I could look out of my deck and see where she was living on Doheny. It was almost as if our destiny at a deeper soul level was working, but it was just an evolution taking place until the perfect moment when we were really supposed to meet.  Awar eness: Th at’s beautiful! Arielle: During the time we were living in close proximity, I had a meditation I did every day at sundown where I would open myself up to having my soulmate appear, and there were days when I could feel Brian’s presence. I knew he was out there and I could feel him in the room with me. It was such a surprise to nd out probably ve years later that he was just living down the street at that point! At the time, I knew before I put my attention on manifest- ing a soulmate, I rst neede d to heal my heart of anything that would stop me from bringing someone in. I did a variety of things I call ‘feelingizations.’ I also did various forms of ther- apy; wrote letters, and did very deep emotional work so when my soulmate appeared I would recognize him immediately. My prior history was that I Soulmates Arielle Ford & Brian Hilliard A Relationship Made in Heaven . . . Thriving on Earth  By Donna Strong    P    h   o    t   o    b   y    C   a   r    l    S    t   u    d   n   a

Transcript of Awareness Magazine Article

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In this life, Arielle Ford andBrian Hilliard have beentogether as soulmates andmarried partners for elev-en years. When they met

in 1997, they quickly began torecognize a deeper connectionwith one another than they hadever known in other intimaterelationships. The magnetismof this relationship was compel-ling, intense and undeniable;within three weeks after meet-ing, they were engaged.

The subject of soulmates isvery appealing and magnetic;

it calls us to live on the divineedge of loving communion andexpansive possibility. Yes, mostof us want to sign up upon hear-ing this description. What wedon’t always realize is that tolive in this larger conscious-ness also requires an uncom-mon amount of discipline andstrength to realize the magni-tude of the soul in human l ife.

The relationship of two soul-mates takes us outside the box of typical roles and boundaries. Itrequires that we live creatively,willing to surrender and trans-form aspects of our personality

so that the virtues of the soul

may emerge with more tran-scendent expression. In doingthis we learn to live with highertruth, deeper love, and open-ness to the present moment asa focus of a vital, metamorphos-ing life.

As their story demonstrates,Arielle and Brian have both sur-rendered to the soul’s divinedirection. Their long-term com-mitment has become abundantwith love and laughter, andgenerous caring for themselvesand others. In this issue on Re-lationships, we are very pleased

to share the inspiring story of these two soulmates. Awareness: I would like to

start by asking how each one of you would define a soulmate? 

Brian: A soulmate is some-body, who at all levels of com-munication, understands andknows, and deeply loves andnurtures the other person. It isalmost an imprint at the cel-lular level that overlays withyour own deeper soul aspect of yourself. For us, it’s very com-fortable, it’s effortless, and it’sextremely loving at such a deep,deep level.

Arielle:For me, it is some-

body who loves you uncondi-tionally so that the two of youtogether can make the world abetter place than either one of you individually.

 Awareness: Thanks, I want-ed to get a sense of how you put it into words because in somany ways it is beyond words,true? 

Brian: That’s right. We cango on forever, it’s such a level of gratitude for both of us that wereally do pinch each other everymorning and really give thanksto God, love, and the universe

in supporting our coming to-gether and to remember we’vebeen together for a long time atthe soul level.

 Awareness: What would yousay about divine timing in meet-ing in this life? 

Brian: The interesting thingis, we actually lived next door toone another many years ago inLA. If we had met then, with-out doing the work on ourselvesindividually and continuing ourlife journey, we wouldn’t havehad the outcome we have today.We didn’t really meet in LA,but I could look out of my deck

and see where she was living on

Doheny. It was almost as if ourdestiny at a deeper soul levelwas working, but it was just anevolution taking place until theperfect moment when we werereally supposed to meet.

 Awareness: That’s beautiful! Arielle: During the time we

were living in close proximity,I had a meditation I did everyday at sundown where I wouldopen myself up to having mysoulmate appear, and there weredays when I could feel Brian’spresence. I knew he was outthere and I could feel him in

the room with me. It was sucha surprise to find out probablyfive years later that he was justliving down the street at thatpoint!

At the time, I knew before Iput my attention on manifest-ing a soulmate, I first needed toheal my heart of anything thatwould stop me from bringingsomeone in. I did a variety of things I call ‘feelingizations.’I also did various forms of ther-apy; wrote letters, and did verydeep emotional work so whenmy soulmate appeared I wouldrecognize him immediately.

My prior history was that I


Arielle Ford & Brian HilliardA Relationship Made in Heaven . . . Thriving on Earth

 By Donna Strong 

   P   h  o   t  o

   b  y   C  a  r   l   S   t  u   d  n  a

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kept attracting men who wereemotionally unavailable, in thesame way in which my fatherwas emotionally unavailable.I went back and did processeslike the Hoffman QuadrinityProcess, so I could heal an earlychildhood wound and then endup with a man who is probablymore emotionally available thanabout anybody else I have met!

 Awareness: That certainly speaks to coming full circle

doesn’t it? How do you respond to this; when soulmates meet it is often very intense, and it takes some time for them to beable to handle each other’s in-tense light.

Arielle: We definitely hadthat experience, me more thanBrian. The first night he evercame to my house I got Shak-ti sickness; the energy was sooverwhelming to my systemthat I literally had to leave theroom for long stretches of timebecause it was like having sea-sickness — all my circuits wereshattered.

Even though we got engagedonly three weeks after meeting,for the next six months I wentthrough a very intense physicaland emotional process to adaptto his energy. We laugh aboutit now, but at the time it didn’tfeel so good. It was a combina-tion of excitement and elation,and you know, a sense of crazi-ness knowing I had found theone.

 Awareness: I’ve had a lot of experience with Shakti inten-sity, but I don’t think many  people understand what canhappen with the kundaliniactivation of two people com-ing together. It helps people tounderstand the discipline need-ed to handle the download of light that is released with thetwo coming together. It is quitea training program! 

Brian: You are absolutelyright. That intensity enhancesevery aspect of the relationship— peeling away the layers andgetting to a place of heart vul-nerability and naturally all yourfears will come to the surface.

It’s just a recognition that thisis the right place to be, and thisis the person who will allow youto co-create something extraor-dinary and beautiful.

It has infinite potential interms of love and nurturing butit’s very raw and intense at thesame time. I don’t know if wecould have processed this at thehighest sense and really takencare of ourselves in a way thatwe did if we had met earlier.

 Awareness: What would yousay a soulmate relationshipbrings into your life that oth-ers don’t? 

Brian: There is a space co-created that allows each one of us to be nurtured and to love,and therefore trust in a placeof heart vulnerability where weboth feel safe to reveal ratherthan conceal. Hopefully we’realways expanding rather thancontracting. Expanding intolove and intimacy that reallydistinguishes itself from a quote‘typical’ relationship. Again, thisspace for unconditional love was

there at the very beginning forboth of us.

I have to really honor Arielle,because with everything shedoes in life she’s like a laser. If Ifall off my level of integrity onany level — if I am contracting,she’s very good in such a lovingway to say ‘look, stay presentwith me.’ We have little sayingsthat help us get back on track if we’re not one hundred percentwith one another. It’s been agood tool to remind us, hey, webetter get back in the game.

 Awareness: Your distillationof how we have to find the right way to mirror in a relationshipis quite inspiring.

Arielle: I know certain wordsto playfully say to Brian and heknows how to do it with me,and we give each other permis-sion to do that. It’s never likeit’s “you, you, you,” it’s like“okay, maybe it’s time to get off your soapbox.” It’s just sort of agentle nudge to put me back onthe path.

Brian: I think it’s really im-

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(Continued on page 8)

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portant not to fall back into oldpatterns of role-playing that wemore or less learned from ourparents and other dynamics.We’ve always been committedto do things a bit differentlyand explore the uniqueness aswell as the deepest level of devo-

tion in our relationship.Arielle: I would say the other

part is that there is such a deeptrust and belief in each otherthat we don’t have any sarcasmin our conversation, there’s nomanipulation going on, we’reboth completely ourselves. Iknow that when Brian is sayingsomething to me, he’s not do-ing it to be difficult or spiteful,he always has my best interestsat heart. It did take me a coupleyears to actually trust and be-lieve that. I was used to a levelof communicating where youcouldn’t be sure what somebody

meant from what they said. ButI do know that now.

 Awareness: That’s such anextraordinary gift. I’m awareas people step into high levelsof trust and coherence that res-onate as soul qualities, it feelslike life becomes more sacred when you are with a soulmate,is this true? It seems like with-

in the intensity, there is alsosome kind of spiritual enliven-ing happening as well, don’t youthink? 

 Arielle and Brian: {in chorus}Definitely!

Brian: It’s a bit like lookingthrough a multicolored prism,it’s quite beautiful. It opens upa portal into your deeper intui-tive and primal understandingof the relationship. You are soright — everything is enhanced,

with more clarity and opennesswalking through the world to-gether.

 Awareness: What have beensome of the challenges of amatch made in heaven han-dling the daily details of lifeon Earth? 

Arielle: When we first got to-gether, I had a lot of challeng-es. I had to learn to be a betterwoman with Brian. I was usedto having my own way all thetime, and suddenly I had thisother person with thoughts andideas and opinions I needed torespect.

So it took me a few years tolearn how to be a good partner.Once I sort of got it, then itbecame really effortless. Prettymuch now we don’t run intoissues, we’re a pretty well-oiledmachine. If we have any bumpswe can clear them up quickly.

Brian: I think the difference isbetween codependency and co-

Soulmates...(Continued from page 7)

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commitment. When you bringthat level of love into relation-ship so you’re not threatened,then your relationship expandsand you create a solid founda-tion to reach your potential ina soulmate relationship.

You’re not prohibited or hin-dered, you continue to work onthe ability to reveal rather thanconceal, the ability to expandrather than contract, and opento love and the level of trust

that is necessary to really con-tribute to the relationship andto the world.

  Awareness: Evidently youhave your own laser clarity! 

Arielle: You know anotherpiece of that Donna, is I believesoulmates don’t always haveto be a romantic man-womansexual relationship. I think arelationship can be really goodfriends, like Oprah and GailK. I think they are the perfectexample of the soulmate rela-tionship. There’s a movie we’regoing to have in the SpiritualCinema Circle in May, and I just

watched it the other day, called“Body and Soul.” It’s about awoman with Downs Syndrome,who is the caretaker of a wom-an who has Cerebral Palsy, andthey’ve been together for thirty-eight years. It’s a magnificentstory of love and appreciationof these two women who areclearly soulmates, although they

are not romantically or sexuallyinvolved in any way.

 Awareness: I agree whole-heartedly.

Brian: Donna, it’s like yousaid so beautifully in the begin-ning about things being mir-rored back to you, and it’s thatdeep recognition that Ariellewas talking about, whateverform the relationship takes. Ilike to use the analogy of be-ing homing pigeons finding our

way back home. We’re findingour way back to many of oursame flock and it feels comfort-able, and it feels right; it feelslike we’re in the flow of love.That’s how I like to look at it.

 Awareness: I know what youmean, the very first time I met somebody who I considered asoulmate, I had the sense of being at home in a deeper way than I had ever known.

Arielle: I think that is thenumber one hallmark, of beingat home, and you can totallybe yourself. They become your‘soft place to land.’

 Awareness: Congratulations Arielle, I hear that you have anew book on soulmates coming out. Tell us how it grew out of your being called on to shareabout your relationship...

Arielle: Yes, it will be com-ing out next February, and becalled the “Soulmate Secret.” Itis based on the “Soulmate Kit:

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How to Prepare to Manifest andMeet Your Soulmate.” I createdthis as a result of many singlewomen saying to me, “How doI get a Brian?”

I spent a lot of time on thephone explaining the differentprayers and rituals, and projectsand manifestation techniquesthat are used, and it just got tobe too time-consuming.

The “Soulmate Kit” recountseverything I used that resulted

in Brian and me being togethernow for eleven years. I made ita step-by-step process so peoplecan use it for themselves, and itis so gratifying to hear that it isworking!

 Awareness: I explored a fewthings in the workbook, and was aware of the power of spir-it coming through the senseof imagination you’ve tapped into. The real creative power is tapping into that emotionaland feeling quality, so Arielle,it is powerful.

Arielle: That’s the magic of the Law of Attraction, the emo-

tional component, that, unfortu-nately, got left out of the movie, The Secret. You can dream andbelieve all you want, but if youdon’t honestly feel in every cellin your body, that everythingyou are asking for is alreadyyours, it doesn’t really turn thekey to get you what you’re look-ing for. I wrote all of this based

on my understanding of how itworks, and now it’s working forother people too.

  Awareness: What about trust in divine timing? 

Arielle: Well, the kit was ini-tiated because I was so tired of women saying, “all of the goodones are taken,” especially thewomen over 40. I don’t believethat for an instant. You don’thave to know how you’re goingto meet this person. It’s your job

to live in the knowingness thatthey are there and then trust theuniverse will bring them in atthe exact proper time.

If you’re impatient this prob-ably isn’t for you. You don’t buythe kit, and the guy’s phonenumber comes in the box — thatis not how it works. It’s aboutcreating yourself energetically,spiritually and emotionally soyou become a magnet for love.It becomes unavoidable for youto meet the right person, and toreally enjoy the savoring untilthat happens.

 Awareness: It feels like it is

really a call for people to be-come empowered about their heart.

Arielle: Oh completely! I doknow that at a certain age thereare people in your past whomyou still love, even if you arenot with them. There is realsuffering if you try not to lovesomebody you really love. I

think you can continue to re-ally love the people you are notwith, but don’t obsess aboutthem — free yourself of thememotionally so you can createa welcome mat for somebodynew to come in.

It’s just nature, if you lovesomeone, you love them for-ever, and it’s okay. You know,if your heart can beat a billiontimes and keep you going foryour entire life, why would your

heart not be able to stretch andlove more than one person?

 Awareness: It’s not part of any universal laws of love that’s for sure.

Arielle: One last thing. Thewhole purpose of putting the“Soulmate Kit” out is to reallylet people know if there is res-ignation that “I’m too poor, toofat, too used up,”... it’s not trueif someone is willing to take alittle time and effort, real andbig love is available to anyoneat any age, at any time.

  Awareness : Br ian what would you say about what you

are giving to the world from the

overflow of your relationship? Brian: I have a business back-

ground, and enjoy the creativ-ity in that, and as a Gemini, Iget involved in as many diverseprojects as I can, with organiza-tions and people we really value,and feel are making a contribu-tion to the world. I really enjoythe humanitarian aspects of lifeand giving back, so I have donea lot with the homeless. I havealways had a curiosity and an

adventurous spirit in terms of exploring new things.

I think we are building a res-ervoir from the love Arielle andI share. I do my best to take thatout to the world and connectwith people from the reservoirof love and gratitude, and onsome level, improve their dayand generate as many smiles aspossible.

  For more information, visit

 Donna Strong’s first book,“Coming Home to Calm,” is now available on For more information, please visit