Autonomi i havrommet - GCE NODE · 2018-09-11 · • TTCAS: Terrain & Traffic Collision Alert and...

KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY See Statement of Proprietary Information Autonomi i havrommet (og om “Hvordan bevare mennesket i loopen?”) Thor Hukkelås, M.Sc. Director Aquaculture R&D Kongsberg Maritime, Subsea Division GCE Node, Grimstad, 15.mai 2017

Transcript of Autonomi i havrommet - GCE NODE · 2018-09-11 · • TTCAS: Terrain & Traffic Collision Alert and...

Page 1: Autonomi i havrommet - GCE NODE · 2018-09-11 · • TTCAS: Terrain & Traffic Collision Alert and Avoidance System • Dynamic Positioning • Auto Docking • Weather Routing •

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Autonomi i havrommet(og om “Hvordan bevare mennesket i loopen?”)

Thor Hukkelås, M.Sc.Director Aquaculture R&D

Kongsberg Maritime, Subsea Division

GCE Node, Grimstad, 15.mai 2017

Page 2: Autonomi i havrommet - GCE NODE · 2018-09-11 · • TTCAS: Terrain & Traffic Collision Alert and Avoidance System • Dynamic Positioning • Auto Docking • Weather Routing •

KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY – See Statement of Proprietary Information

Page 3: Autonomi i havrommet - GCE NODE · 2018-09-11 · • TTCAS: Terrain & Traffic Collision Alert and Avoidance System • Dynamic Positioning • Auto Docking • Weather Routing •

KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY – See Statement of Proprietary Information16.05.2017

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Has the evolution of man’s cognitive abilities kept pacewith the development of technology?

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Man vs Machines = Conflict?or

Man + Machines = Partners?

Are we loosing control of the machines?

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“En automatisert industri kan gi ossoverskudd og tid til å sitte og beundre


Jens. G. Balchen (1926-2009)Founder of Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, 1954

Interview in newspaper:Fædrelandsvennen, mars 1965

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The world’s first Unmanned Surface Vehicle?Diplomoppgave NTH 1976, Thor Hukkelås

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KONGSBERG GroupAutonomy

2017 (41 years later..)

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Extreme Performance for Extreme Conditions

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Applied Engineering Cybernetics - KONGSBERG


• JSM, NSM, Penguin, UAVs




Sea surface

• DP, Man. Ctrl, Autopilot

Sub surface

• AUVs, ROVs

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Kongsberg Maritime Ocean Space






Exploringthe Deep

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KONGSBERG Offshore and Fishery Technologyfor Fish Farming

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Dynamic Positioning (DP) is a computer controlled system toautomatically maintain a vessel’s position and heading by using itsown propellers and thrusters (i.e. without the use of anchors).

The autonomous ship has been here for a while..

Page 14: Autonomi i havrommet - GCE NODE · 2018-09-11 · • TTCAS: Terrain & Traffic Collision Alert and Avoidance System • Dynamic Positioning • Auto Docking • Weather Routing •

KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY – See Statement of Proprietary Information16.05.2017

Autosea: Sensor Fusion & Collision Avoidance

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Look to Trøndelag…

Page 16: Autonomi i havrommet - GCE NODE · 2018-09-11 · • TTCAS: Terrain & Traffic Collision Alert and Avoidance System • Dynamic Positioning • Auto Docking • Weather Routing •

KONGSBERG PROPRIETARY – See Statement of Proprietary Information16.05.2017

Yara Birkeland

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How to maintain the human in the loopMental & Mathematical Models for Decision Making

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Nature / Reality /Environment



Cause Effect


Learning by observing

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Nature / Reality /Environment



Cause Effect


Learning by doing / Human in the loop

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Nature / Reality /Environment



Cause Effect





Doing by Machines

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Nature / Reality /Environment


Cause Effect



Act Observe

Human back in the loop?

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Applied Cybernetics & Feedback Loops

The anatomy of all autonomy

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Engineering Cybernetics-from Automation to Autonomy

-Feedback / actual state




Cause EffectControllerDeviation

Sensors Measurements


Cybernetics - 1948Norbert Wiener (1894-1964)

Googles car2013->

Centrifugal GovenorJames Watt (1736-1819)

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Dynamic Positioning & Biomimicry




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The Environment

Closed loop control

Human Decision Making

Interaction LayerHuman Machine Interface

VisualizationHuman in the loop


Sensor Fusion

Communication Layer

Picture CompilationMachine Decision Making

Decision Support Layer

Autonomy loop

Data Base/MemoryMach. learning/AI


Communication Layer

Machine Controller

© Thor Hukkelås, Kongsberg Maritime AS


Big DataDecision Support

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Should we rather talk more about the need forDecision Support

(for humans & machines)than Autonomy, Automation, Big Data etc.?

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Situational Awareness & Decision Support

ActionComprehensionof the meaning and

significance of thesituation(Level 2)

Projectionof future states

and events

(Level 3)

Perceptionof data and theelements of theenvironment(Level 1)

Nature / Reality /Environment


Decision Support Needed• Alternative 1• Alternative 2• Alternative n


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Decision ActionComprehension ProjectionPerception

KONGSBERGRemote Control Center




Monitor & ObserveAct & Control


KONGSBERGSensors own


Other Vessels’Sensors



KONGSBERGGuidance & Control


PMS Propulsion

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“If I had an hour to solve a problem I'dspend 55 minutes thinking about theproblem and 5 minutes thinking aboutsolutions.”

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Autonomy is not a goal, it may be a means

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The Paradox of Automation

• Says that the more efficient the automated system, the more crucial thehuman contribution of the operators.

• Humans are less involved, but their involvement becomes more critical.

Efficient automation makes humans more important, not less.









1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 20201954 20141964 1974 1984 1994 2004



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The Innovation Challenge

• Being engineers, we often endup with a solution looking for aproblem

• (Well, we became engineers because welove to build these fantastic machines,didn’t we?)

• But, perhaps should we ratheridentify problems looking for asolution?

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Tech “think” Human “think”

Task “think”

Technology should adapt to humans, not the other way around!

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Develop systems that

support and assist

the humans and give them

more interesting things to do

• TTCAS: Terrain & Traffic Collision Alert and Avoidance System

• Dynamic Positioning

• Auto Docking

• Weather Routing

• Sensor Fusion for optimal SA

• Optimal path planning, e.g. ferry crossing

• Auto track pilot

• Condition monitoring & pre-active maintenance

• AI-assisted Logistics Support

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Keep the human in the loop!

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Takk for oppmerksomheten!

Man + Machine = Partners!