Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris...

Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II

Transcript of Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris...

Page 1: Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II.

Automatic Fire Fighting System

Athan Jefferson

Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma

Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras

ET 494 Senior Design II

Page 2: Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II.


Page 3: Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II.


• To design and fabricate an automatic firefighting system prototype.

• To display the knowledge gained at Southeastern University

Page 4: Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II.


• Use infrared sensors to detect a fire source and the distance the fire source is away from the system

• Use distance sensor to calculate distance away from source

• Use Arduino-uno microcontroller to controller infrared sensor, distance sensor, servo ,and linear actuator.

• Use C programming algorithms to calculate the angle of water nozzle based on and water pressure distance

Page 5: Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II.

Wiring diagram

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Flow chart

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Pseudo code

Page 8: Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II.

#include <IRTemp.h> // include library

#include <Servo.h>

int trig = 7; // trig on senor on pin 2

int echo = 8; // echo on pin 4

long dur, dist; // initializing duration and distance

int maxi = 450; // Maximum range

int mini = 2; // MInimum

int td = 1000; // Time delay 1 sec.

int LED = 13;

int black = 5;

int red = 6; //declare linaer actuator variables

int pot = A0;

int pos;

float temp, atemp; // temperature variable,surounding temperature

float irTemperature, ambTemperature;

float get_temp(); // method to get temperature

long get_distance(); //mothod to get distance

Servo base; // declare base servo

static const byte data = 2; // ir sensor data line to arduino

static const byte clock = 3; // Must be either pin 2 or pin 3

static const byte acq = 4; // IR sensor aquire on pin 4

static const TempUnit SCALE = FAHRENHEIT; // Options are CELSIUS, FAHRENHEIT

IRTemp irTemp( acq , clock, data);

void setup (){ Serial.begin(9600); pinMode (black, OUTPUT); pinMode (red, OUTPUT); pinMode (trig, OUTPUT); pinMode (echo, INPUT); pinMode (LED, OUTPUT); base.attach(9); }

Page 9: Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II.

BudgetIteam Cost Quantity Total

Distance Sensor 10.95 1 10.95

Infered Temperature sensor 34.95 1 34.95

Arduino Uno 54.99 1 54.99

Standard Servo 9.99 1 9.99

L12 liner actuator w/potentiometer 80.00 1 80.00

Lynxmotion Aluminum Tubing Connector Hub (pair) HUB-08 6.95 1 6.95

Lynxmotion Aluminum Tubing - 3" AT-02 2.35 1 2.35

Lynxmotion Aluminum "C" Servo Bracket with Ball Bearings 12.95 1 12.95Lynxmotion Aluminum "L" Connector Bracket Two Pack ASB 5.95 2 11.90

Lynxmotion Base Rotate Kit (no servos) 19.99 1 19.99

Plywood 2X2 5.00 1 5.00

Shipping 65.43

Total 250.02

Grand Total 315.45

Page 10: Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II.

Deliverables• October 25 –prepare and present proposal and presentation of design.

COMPLETE• October 30 – research and finalize all equations needed to control

nozzle angle based on distance. Complete• November 7 – Have complete parts list and start ordering parts

needed for design. Complete • November 21 – design pseudo code and flow chart of system.

COMPLETE• December 23– Start fabrication of system structure and order any

other parts needed for project. Complete• January 7 – Start programming Arduino. Complete• April 18 – complete programming and start testing. Complete• May 2 – Finish project and start final presentation preparations.


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Page 12: Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II.

Questions ?

Page 13: Automatic Fire Fighting System Athan Jefferson Advisor Dr. Junkan Ma Instructor Dr. Cris Koutsougeras ET 494 Senior Design II.

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