Automated integration testing of distributed systems with Docker Compose and JUnit

Integration testing with Docker Compose and JUnit Dariusz Lorenc Boris Kravtsov

Transcript of Automated integration testing of distributed systems with Docker Compose and JUnit

Page 1: Automated integration testing of distributed systems with Docker Compose and JUnit

Integration testing with Docker Compose and JUnit

Dariusz Lorenc Boris Kravtsov

Page 2: Automated integration testing of distributed systems with Docker Compose and JUnit

Pivotal Labs

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End-2-end test of GemFire in various cluster configurations and with different failover scenarios

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GemFire is a distributed, in-memory database with strong data consistency, built to support transactional applications with low latency

and high concurrency needs

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GemFire Server


GemFire Server GemFire Server

Partitioned Data

Partitioned Data

Partitioned Data

GemFire Server GemFire Server GemFire Server

Partitioned Data

Partitioned Data

Partitioned Data


WAN / Multi-Site

Gateway Hub

Gateway Hub

Relational Database

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Docker Compose to the rescue

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications

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Docker Compose JUnit Rule

A JUnit rule to manage docker containers using docker-compose

• Start and stop docker-compose multi-container applications

• Waits for services to become available before running tests

• Extends logging and debugging

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Our Sample Distributed System

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Test First - Happy Path

@Test public void shouldReturnData(){ get("/info") .then().assertThat() .body("counter", isA(Number.class)) .body("greeting", is("Hello World")); }

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Spring Boot - Application.kt

@SpringBootApplication open class Application { companion object { @JvmStatic fun main(args: Array<String>) {, *args) } } }

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Greeting Service

@RestController class Controller { @RequestMapping("/greeting") fun greet(): Greeting { return Greeting("Hello World") } }

data class Greeting(val greeting: String)

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Counter Service

@RestController class Controller { val counter = AtomicLong() @RequestMapping("/counter") fun count(): Counter { return Counter(counter.incrementAndGet()) } }

data class Counter(val counter: Long)

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Master Service

@RestController class Controller @Autowired constructor( val greetingClient: GreetingClient, val counterClient: CounterClient) { @RequestMapping("/info") fun info(): Response { return Response(counterClient.counter().counter, greetingClient.greeting().greeting) } }

data class Response(val counter: Long, val greeting: String)

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Master Service - Greeting Client

@FeignClient(name = "greeting", url = "http://greeting-service:8080") interface GreetingClient { @RequestMapping(value = "/greeting", method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET)) fun greeting(): Greeting }

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Master Service - Counter Client

@FeignClient(name = "counter", url = "http://counter-service:8080") interface CounterClient { @RequestMapping(value = “/counter”, method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET)) fun counter(): Counter }

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Next Step: Dockerize Our Services

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FROM frolvlad/alpine-oraclejdk8:slim

ADD master-service-1.0.0.jar app.jar


ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]

Base image

Add the app’s fat jar

Expose the port

Start the java app

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Build Docker Image with Gradle (Transmodo plugin)

buildscript { dependencies { classpath('se.transmode.gradle:gradle-docker:1.2') } } group = '<your docker group name>' apply plugin: 'docker' task buildDocker(type: Docker, dependsOn: build) { push = true applicationName = jar.baseName dockerfile = file('src/main/docker/Dockerfile') doFirst { copy { from jar into stageDir } } }

Gradle Docker plugin

Your Docker Hub ID

Build Docker task

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“Docker Composed” Services

Docker Compose

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greeting-service: image: lorenc/greeting-service ports: - “8081:8080" counter-service: image: lorenc/counter-service ports: - "8082:8080" master-service: image: lorenc/master-service ports: - "8083:8080" links: - greeting-service - counter-service

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Integration Test Setup

@Rule public DockerComposeRule docker = DockerComposeRule.builder() .file("../docker-compose.yml") .build();

@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { docker.dockerCompose().up(); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { docker.dockerCompose().down(); }

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Health Checks & Logs

@Rule public DockerComposeRule docker = DockerComposeRule.builder() .file("../docker-compose.yml") .waitingForService("greeting-service", toRespondOverHttp(8080, TO_EXTERNAL_URI)) .waitingForService("counter-service", toRespondOverHttp(8080, TO_EXTERNAL_URI)) .waitingForService("master-service", toRespondOverHttp(8080, TO_EXTERNAL_URI)) .saveLogsTo("build/docker-logs") .build();

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What could possibly go wrong?

@Test public void shouldReturnHolaWhenGreetingServiceDown(){ docker.dockerCompose().container("greeting-service").stop(); get("/info") .then().assertThat() .body("greeting", is("Hola!")); }

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What could possibly go wrong?

@Test public void shouldReturn42WhenCounterServiceDown() { docker.dockerCompose().container("counter-service").stop(); get("/info") .then().assertThat() .body("counter", is(42)); }

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@FeignClient(name = "greeting", url = "http://greeting-service:8080", fallback = DefaultGreeting::class) interface GreetingClient { @RequestMapping(value = "/greeting", method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET)) fun greeting(): Greeting }

@Component class DefaultGreeting : GreetingClient { override fun greeting(): Greeting { return Greeting("Hola!") } }

Master Service - Greeting Client

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Master Service - Counter Client@FeignClient(name = "counter", url = "http://counter-service:8080", fallback = DefaultCounter::class) interface CounterClient { @RequestMapping(value = “/counter”, method = arrayOf(RequestMethod.GET)) fun counter(): Counter }

@Component class DefaultCounter : CounterClient { override fun counter(): Counter { return Counter(42) } }

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