AUTOMATED INCOME STREAM - AIS System · I’d still be dragging myself home at 8pm, exhausted and...

1 AUTOMATED INCOME STREAMS Step ONE - GOALS © AIS System. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, sold, stored in a retrieval system, or in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher. This is for your own personal use.

Transcript of AUTOMATED INCOME STREAM - AIS System · I’d still be dragging myself home at 8pm, exhausted and...

Page 1: AUTOMATED INCOME STREAM - AIS System · I’d still be dragging myself home at 8pm, exhausted and irritable… And I’d still be miserable, broke and frustrated… And as I’ve




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Page 2: AUTOMATED INCOME STREAM - AIS System · I’d still be dragging myself home at 8pm, exhausted and irritable… And I’d still be miserable, broke and frustrated… And as I’ve


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A Private Message From Chris Cobb

Hello, and welcome to the Automated Income Stream Home Study Course… These are the documentation and task lists that I have put together for you as part of the system. So you get videos and documents with each step that you need to complete! BUT... you need to complete them.

Not just read them. You need to take action and complete the steps and the tasks. They are included for a reason. You see, I've put this course together from all of my experience - the important steps that I took to get from where I started (with nothing) to building the businesses that I've built. Using the AIS System and documenting it all to create this course. The same course that holds the blueprint for a business system that has so far pulled in over $10 million online! It’s enabled me to quit my job and work from home… to spend more time with my friends and family… to REALLY enjoy my life… to spend my time the way it should be spent… and to earn monthly incomes of over $350,000! In fact, the system I’ve developed is so lucrative and allows me so much freedom, that I’m currently sitting at a table… in a bar… in the Wynn Hotel… in Las Vegas. And what am I doing here? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! And that’s the whole point… In fact, that’s why I decided to get my laptop out of my bag and write this letter to you now… You see, I fancied a vacation… I wanted to get away for a few days and visit someplace I’d never been before, and I’ve always wanted to experience the thrill and the excitement of the Nevada strip and the Las Vegas gambling scene. So I decided to go…

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I didn’t have to ask anyone for permission (well, except Victoria of course!)… I wasn’t forced to take any ‘official’ days off from work… and it didn’t effect my business in the slightest, because it can be operated from anywhere in the world. All you need is an internet connection and a laptop! So here I am, sitting in absolute luxury, sipping a Southern Comfort and Coke without a care in the world! All because I had the freedom to just jump on a plane and go! And that’s the amazing thing about this system… It enables me to earn incredible amounts of money - from anywhere in the world! I can be sitting at a bar in a Las Vegas hotel! And the thing that’s REALLY put a smile on my face is that while I’ve been sat here, I’ve literally been watching money flow into my bank account, without me having to ‘do’ anything at all! But the thing is, it didn’t have to be Vegas… In fact, I could be anywhere right now… In just the last four months alone, my wife and I have been skiing in Canada, and the French Alps, taking pictures of lions and elephants on safari in South Africa, and even diving with sharks! (Victoria did that. I was too busy being sea sick!) And it’s my Automated Income Stream System that has allowed me to do all of this… And it’s this fact that’s got me pondering the following question… What if I’d given up? I’m sitting here right now wondering where I’d be if I’d simply opted for the easy option, and had done nothing to change my life. And it’s made me think of the film, Sliding Doors… I don’t know if you’ve seen it, but it really is a great idea that explores the potential repercussions of seemingly inconsequential decisions that we all make in our lives. I’ll give you a quick synopsis of the film just in case you haven’t seen it, because I think it’s important…

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After being fired from her job, Gwyneth Paltrow’s character (Helen) is on her way home when the doors of an underground tube train close on her before she can get on and she misses the train… This then opens up two parallel storylines delving into the “what if” scenario: one in which she made it onto the train, and one in which she didn’t. In the first instance Helen makes it home in time to catch her boyfriend with another woman, and promptly leaves him… In the second scenario she arrives home much later after missing the train, being mugged and then taken to hospital. In this instance the woman has left and Helen remains unaware of her boyfriend’s actions. We then follow the parallel storylines and discover that by catching the train and finding her boyfriend with another woman, Helen is set free and begins to rebuild her life for the better… She meets a new man whom she falls in love with, and she finds a new job. In her alternate future (in which she missed the train), she carries on oblivious to her boyfriend’s cheating, continuing in a miserable relationship, and having to work several part-time jobs to make ends meet. Put simply, by jumping on that train, a chain of events occurred that led to Helen’s life improving drastically… That’s the basic plot anyway. I could go on but I think you’ve probably had enough by now! But the point I’m trying to make is a crucial one… You see, while I’m sitting here in this bar in Las Vegas, thinking about how much my Automated Income Stream System has changed my life, I’ve realized just how easy it would have been for me to take a different path, just like Helen… What if I’d decided not to go to the seminar? I wouldn’t have met the guy who got me started… who wouldn’t have put me in touch with his millionaire mentor… who wouldn’t have shown me his incredible business system upon which I based my Automated Income Stream System…

I probably wouldn’t be working from the comfort of my own home now…

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I wouldn’t be my own boss…

I wouldn’t have the freedom to do anything I wanted to do, and go anywhere I wanted to go…

And I wouldn’t be earning thousands of dollars each and every month,

virtually on auto-pilot. I mean, if I hadn’t made that decision and gone to the seminar, I might still be working in my boring, old office job… What if? It’s a really scary thought, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it…

I’d still be getting up at the crack of dawn, spending half my life stuck in traffic, stressed up to my eyeballs…

I’d still have that boss of mine barking orders at me…

I’d still be working harder than ever for my measly salary…

I’d still be dragging myself home at 8pm, exhausted and irritable…

And I’d still be miserable, broke and frustrated… And as I’ve been sat here thinking about all of this, I realized that attending that seminar was my “Sliding Doors moment”… This was the point at which my life changed for the better, and I chose to leave my old life behind... and start my own Internet Business. And I’m telling you this because this is decision time for you… Right now is YOUR “Sliding Doors moment”… This is the point in your life where you have a choice between two futures… One in which you can earn thousands of dollars in a single month, work from home, be your own boss, and enjoy all the freedom in the world to do as you please… And one in which you’re slaving away for someone else all day, every day, earning a tiny fraction of what you’re worth and what you really deserve.

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This is a future where you actually have to “ask” for a day off, you’re constantly worrying about debts, loans and mortgages, and you have no free time to actually live your life. If you’re lucky you’ll get to retire at the grand old age of about 65, and only then will you have any free time to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do… I’m pretty sure this isn’t what you had in mind for the rest of your life! However the big difference is this… While Helen couldn’t have foreseen the consequences of missing that train, you can see the consequences of giving up on your dream… And that’s because you see the alternative every day… You know what your life will be like if you choose to do nothing and give up… On the flip side, you know what your life COULD be like if you make the choice to commit to this system and follow it through to the end. I’m living proof of what’s possible, and so are my students. So this is your “Sliding Doors moment”… Are you going to jump on that train and change your life for the better? Or are you just going to stand there, let the doors close on you, and continue to live out your life just as it is? It’s up to you! But, I strongly recommend that you jump and jump to the next page right away...

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The Most Important Thing You Need To Know… Now then, before I begin talking about the specifics of the Automated Income Stream System and how it works, there is one more thing that I need to talk to you about… and I need your full attention. As you know by now, this system works... I now have all the pieces of the puzzle in place which makes it possible for me to rake in money every single day, without fail, and I only have to work a few hours a week in order to do it. And you could be doing exactly the same thing very soon, but whether or not you do is dependant on one, crucial factor… YOUR ATTITUDE! Now, by ‘attitude’, I don’t mean that I see you as some kind of stroppy teenager who’s going to give me lip! What I mean by this is the way you approach this opportunity and the attention that you give it will determine your success, and that’s ultimately down to you and your attitude. If you don’t focus on it and you just lazily sit back ‘hoping’ that the money will come pouring in, you won’t go very far at all… The truth is, this system isn’t hard to implement and I’ll be detailing all the steps you need to take to set it up correctly… But, while I can show you what to do and how to do it, I can’t do it for you. You’re the one in charge of your own future, and YOU need to take the necessary steps to put your own Automated Income Stream System together. And in order to do this, you need GOALS and MOTIVATION, and this is what I want to talk to you about before we get started, because it’s of paramount importance… Now, your motivation will be similar to many other people when you first think about it. You want freedom. You want to work from home and for yourself... You want to make much more money than you do now. You’re dreaming of a future with no boss, no hard work, no stress and no money troubles…

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And yes, that’s all well and good, but it’s going to be up to YOU to motivate yourself every morning, and make this a reality. Disciplining yourself to actually do the work in the early days is crucial, so that you can start reaping the rewards later on… And I know what you’re thinking right now, “that’s easy… I’m really good at motivating myself… No problem!” But believe me, when you have no boss and no deadlines to meet, it’s very easy to just drift along aimlessly… I’ve seen some of my past students do it, and I’ve even done it myself! And in order to avoid this, and to constantly find motivation that will keep you heading in the right direction, you need GOALS! That’s right… In order to succeed in a home-based business you absolutely have to have real, identifiable and quantifiable goals to strive for… This (and only this) will give you the motivation you need to make big money with this system. If you don’t have clearly defined goals, you’ll have no idea where you’re headed and what you’re aiming for. Your original steely determination and self-discipline will slowly ebb away because your motivation is unclear… And it’s this lack of clear goals that’s your #1 weakness right now. How do I know this? Well, because I’ve seen it all before, and as I mentioned, I’ve made the same mistake myself. Let’s take a recent student of mine as an example (I’ll keep his name to myself for reasons that will become obvious). When I asked him what he wanted to achieve from the system, his reply was; “I want loads of money so I’ll never have to work again!” It was a vague and generic response and my first clue that he might not last the distance… And although he started off with lots of enthusiasm, making a decent amount of money in the first few months, it didn’t take very long before he began to lose focus and his commitment waned.

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Although everything he needed to make huge amounts of money was right there in front of him, he simply gave up, and I haven’t heard from him since! He’s a typical example of someone who drifted aimlessly because he lacked goals and didn’t make the most of what he had in front of him. So how did Toby, another student of mine fare? Did Toby reject the opportunity he had in front of him, coast along with no ambition or goals, and then give up? No way! Toby was very different, and I’m now working with him on 3 separate Joint Venture deals… When I asked him what he wanted out of the system, he told me that he’d always wanted an Audi A3 but had never been able to afford one… Getting this car was his motivation to make money, and quickly. In short, he had a clearly defined goal. Just like the previous example, he couldn’t wait to implement my system and start earning money. Naturally it didn’t take him long and after only a few months he had enough money in the bank to go out and buy the car he’d always wanted. So what happened then? Did he plateau? Did he give up and say, “that’s enough for me”, and then drift along aimlessly? No, he decided on a new goal for himself… a house! At that time he was renting with a friend but he’d always wanted to get a home of his own. Unfortunately he’d never been able to… But his desire to buy his own house gave him an entirely new motivation to make even more money! And he hasn’t looked back since! And what was the difference between the two students do you think? Was Toby smarter than the other guy? NO!

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Did Toby have a better system in place? NO WAY! The only real difference was that Toby knew exactly where he was headed and what he wanted out of the system, because he had clearly defined goals in place… And it’s this that ensured he kept his focus and didn’t drift. Now I’ll stop there because I don’t want this module to become some sort of positive thinking, goal-setting lesson! I just wanted to point out the importance of this very basic truth as it’s one that will have a huge bearing on what you do with your own system. The fact is, being your own boss and working from home makes it very easy to lose focus and direction, and as a result you’ll never really achieve the lifestyle you set out for yourself… The only way you will is if you have a clearly defined goal from the very beginning… a target that you DESPERATELY WANT to reach… If that’s the case, then I’m confident you’ll have the motivation and the self-discipline to make this system work… And once you’ve reached your goal, the next step is to create a new one… an even bigger one. Sure, you should enjoy the money you’ve made… Take a vacation, treat yourself to things you’ve always wanted and maybe buy a new car with the profits… After all, that’s the whole point of this system. But don’t let things slide, and don’t lose sight of the ultimate goal: a future of wealth and freedom in which you’ll never have to “work” again! Ultimately, it’s this sort of attitude and approach that will make you a millionaire… Constantly setting yourself new goals to work towards is the key to lifelong wealth, and you can achieve it with this system. And how do I know all this? Well, quite simply, I’ve followed these exact same rules myself, right from the very beginning…

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When I first started out, my initial goal was to pay off my debts, and then to completely replace the income from my job with income from my online business. I always have a goal that I’m striving for… So what did I do once I’d achieved these goals? Well I could have sat back and enjoyed my free time at this point. I could have said “that’s enough” and settled for what I had, plodding along each day with no goals, ambition or direction... However, I knew my own weaknesses well enough… I recognised that I would be in danger of drifting along, even standing still, unless I set myself a further target which would truly focus my mind. So, what was my next goal? Well, I’ve always been a big lover of cars, fast ones especially! And whenever my birthday would come around, I’d always be given some sort of track day experience to enjoy… And I did! And it didn’t take me long to decide that I wanted a Porsche… And this became my next goal, my new-found motivation, if you like. I set about improving the efficiency of my system and methodically testing and tweaking it until it was pulling in enough money for me to reach my goal…

I had a clear vision of what I wanted to achieve, and it was a Porsche Boxster, which I purchased back in 2005. Complete with personalised numberplate, it cost me just over $42,000 and was paid for with the profits from my Automated System…

However, after I’d reached this goal, I made the classic mistake and fell into the ‘non-action’ trap that I spoke about earlier… I started getting up later and later. I started watching more and more TV and taking longer lunch breaks…

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And my income stalled. Sure, I was still pulling in a considerable amount of money because a lot of my system was working on auto-pilot, but I wasn’t making the most of what I had and I’d started to drift along. I’d lost focus and had nothing concrete to strive for…

In short, I’d got LAZY! And this only stopped when I decided on a new goal for myself… a Porsche Carrera 911 C4S! Once again I became focused and motivated, and the car was mine in March 2007, bought for just over £80,000 (approx $120,000 USD), only

FIVE DAYS before my birthday (which had been the goal I’d set for myself)!

Now I’d never advise anyone to go out and buy a brand new car, because they depreciate so quickly… But this is what I wanted, and this had been the goal I’d been working towards… and my Automated Income Stream System had made it possible.

And here's my latest goal - an Aston Martin DBS!... which I bought for my 35th birthday! The crucial point however, is that I was able to get to this point because I knew what I wanted to achieve… I had clearly defined goals to work towards which kept me focused and prevented me from just sitting back and settling for what I already had… And because I’ve set myself these goals, my business has grown as a result, and my income has grown dramatically. Without giving myself a target to aim for, I’d begun to lose focus and I was in danger of drifting along aimlessly… So have a think… what is it that YOU really want out of this system? A new car so you can finally get rid of that old banger?!

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A new house in suburbia so that you have more room for your children? Maybe you’ve always wanted a Ferrari, a second home by the beach, or your own yacht… It can be anything really… but you need to be passionate about achieving it and reaching that goal. It should be a goal that you’re unable to reach at the moment because of the cost… And the goal you set yourself should ALWAYS have a deadline. Why? Well, if you don’t have a deadline, where’s the motivation for you to work hard NOW, in order to reach your goal? Likewise, if your deadline gives you too much time to achieve your goal, then you’ll never have the focus or the drive to actually get it done! Something like; ‘I want to clear my $40,000 debt in 4 months’ is a good goal to have… In contrast, ‘I want to clear my $40,000 debt in 4 years’ is NOT! In this instance, there will be nothing pushing you forward… they’ll be no challenge driving you on… and the result is that you’ll NEVER make BIG MOVES towards achieving that goal. In fact, with a goal like this you’ll probably never even clear the debt! Instead, all you’ll do is just plod along, safe in the knowledge that you’ve got plenty of time to achieve it. So remember, NO deadline (or a deadline that’s too far away) is ABSOLUTELY POINTLESS! So really think about it right now… What is it that you really want? What’s your first GOAL going to be, and when do you want to achieve it? I’d recommend that you spend some time thinking about this now, and when you’ve come to a decision, right it down here:

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Your Goals: Your Deadline To Achieve It By:




So this is it… This is what you’re going to be working towards… And remember to continually refer back to this page until you finally have what you REALLY want. Then, once you have achieved it, it’s time to move on to a second goal, and then a third, and so on… And please take this seriously, as it’s very important for your own success that you define your goals, set a challenging deadline and then focus on achieving them. This is your first step to becoming richer than you ever thought possible… I know, because I’ve done it! Whatever the goal is that you’ve just written in the box above, it’s going to get you started on a wonderful journey… It’s going to drag you out of your wage-slave existence and into a life of freedom and opportunity! And as I’ve said, I want you to approach this in the right way and be serious about it… because if you’re not… well, you might as well give up now. The simple alternative is that you’ll be working for someone else’s gain until you’re around 65, or maybe even 70 years old! But I know you don’t want this… I know you don’t want to be stuck in the Rat-Race until you’re too old to enjoy the free time you have left… And escaping this existence starts by being very clear as to what your goals are. Something that excites you… something that will passionately pull you towards its achievement… And it’s this that will help you to make the most of the system you’ll soon have at your disposal, enabling you to work with discipline and motivation, investing and re-investing your profits until you have everything you’ve always wanted.

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You can’t afford to enter into this without goals, and without challenging deadlines to reach these goals… If you do you’ll soon find that you’re working without motivation, you’ll quickly give up and you’ll be back where you started, miserable, broke and hoping that something will miraculously come along to save you! As I’ve said many times, this system is not hard to set up and start profiting from, and I know what it can do for you if you give it the attention it deserves… In short, this system can completely change your life and help you achieve ANY goal you might set yourself. The question is, do you have the right attitude? Are you disciplined enough to stay the course and reap the rewards? If your answer is ‘YES’, then complete your GOALS List tasks right now and then we can move on to Step 2 …