Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx

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  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx



    Spark ignition engines utilize ignition systems that can developup to about 30 kV for breakdown of the spark plug gap and

    typically deliver current levels in the range of 30 to 100 mA.

    easurement and analysis of these systems show that the

    energy transfer e!ciency is very low" typically in the order of

    one percent #1$% or less. &his operating level is ade'uate for

    older and most modern engines" but will not meet the needs of

    future lean burn and some alternate fuel engines that re'uire

    higher energy discharges to e(ectively ignite the air)fuelmi*tures. &o meet the re'uirements for increased ignition

    power and energy" ignition systems will have to be designed to

    operate at higher transfer e!ciencies. &here are two basic

    approaches to increasing the electrical e!ciency of ignition

    systems. &he +rst is to utilize peaking capacitors across the

    spark plug. &he second is to design and utilize a more e!cient

    discharge circuit in combination with a low resistance spark

    coil. A third alternative would be to utilize a combination ofboth. ,y the +rst method" transfer e!ciency can be increased

    to nearly +fty percent #-0$%. ,y the third" transfer e!ciency

    can be seventy+ve percent #/-$% or more. &his paper

    summarizes the results of high power ignition e*periments and

    related analyses" for socalled breakdown ignition conditions.

    &he paper includes descriptions of both conventional system

    upgrades and a new higher energy system that features

    multiple drivers and an energy recovery circuit. t does notinclude analyses or e*periments for arc or glow discharge


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    Learning Objective:

    dentify charging" starting" ignition" and accessorycircuit

    components" their functions" and maintenance procedures.

    dentify the basic types of automotive wiring" types of

    terminals" and wiring diagrams. &he electrical systems on

    e'uipment used by the 2avy are designed to perform a variety

    of functions. &he automotive electrical system contains +ve

    electrical circuits.

    &hese circuits are as follows #+g. 1%4

    1. 5harging circuit". Starting circuit"3. gnition circuit6. 7ighting circuit-. Accessory circuit

    8lectrical power and control signals must be delivered to

    electrical devices reliably and safely so electrical system

    functions are not impaired or converted to hazards. &his goal is

    accomplished through careful circuit design" prudent

    component selection" and practical e'uipment location. ,y

    carefully studying this chapter and the preceding chapter" you

    will understand how these circuits work and the ad9ustments

    and repairs re'uired to maintain the electrical systems in peak


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    Learning Objective: dentify chargingcircuit components"

    their functions" and maintenance procedures. &he charging

    system performs several functions" which are as follows4 t

    recharges the battery after engine cranking or after the use of

    electrical accessories with the engine turned o(. t supplies all

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    the electricity for the vehicle when the engine is running. t

    must change output to meet di(erent electrical loads.

    t provides a voltage output that is slightly higher than battery

    voltage. A typical charging circuit consists of the following4

    ,A&&8:; provides current to energize or e*cite the alternator

    and assists in stabilizing initial alternator output. A7&8:2A&

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    BATTERY CONSTRUCTION&he leadacid celltype storage battery is built to withstand

    severe vibration" cold weather" engine heat" corrosive

    chemicals" high current discharge" and prolonged periods

    without use. &o test and service batteries properly" you must

    understand battery construction. &he construction of a basic

    leadacid celltype battery is as follows4

    ,attery element

    ,attery case" cover" and caps


    ,attery terminals


    &he battery element is made up of negative plates" positive

    plates" separators" and straps #+g. 3%. &he element +ts into a

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    cell compartment in the battery case. ost automotive

    batteries have si* elements.

    8ach cell compartment contains two kinds of chemically activelead plates" known as positive and negative plates. &he battery

    plates are made of =:? #sti( mesh framework% coated with

    porous lead. &hese plates are insulated from each other by

    suitable separators and are submerged in a sulfuric acid

    solution #electrolyte%.

    5harged negative plates contain spongy #porous% lead #@b%which is gray in color. 5harged positive plates contain lead

    pero*ide #@b

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    #microporous rubber" +brous glass" or plasticimpregnated

    material%" called separators" are inserted between the plates.

    &hese separators are thin and porous so the electrolyte will ow

    easily between the plates. &he side of the separator that is

    placed against the positive plate is grooved so the gas that

    forms during charging will rise to the surface more readily.

    &hese grooves also provide room for any material that akes

    from the plates to drop to the sediment space below.


    &he battery case is made of hard rubber or a high 'uality

    plastic. &he case must

    withstand e*treme vibration" temperature change" and the

    corrosive action of the

    electrolyte. &he dividers in the case form individual containers

    for each element. A container with its element is one cell.

    Sti( ridges or ribs are moulded in the bottom of the case to

    form a support for the plates and a sediment recess for the

    akes of active material that drop o( the plates during the life

    of the battery. &he sediment is thus kept clear of the plates so it

    will not cause a short circuit across them.

    &he battery cover is made of the same material as the

    container and is bonded to and seals the container. &he cover

    provides openings for the two battery posts and a cap for each


    ,attery caps either screw or snap into the openings in the

    battery cover. &he battery caps #vent plugs% allow gas to

    escape and prevent the electrolyte from splashing outside the

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    battery. &hey also serve as spark arresters #keep sparks or

    ames from igniting the gases inside the battery%. &he battery

    is +lled through the vent plug openings. aintenancefree

    batteries have a large cover that is not removed during normal



    Bydrogen gas can collect at the top of a battery. f this gas is

    e*posed to a ame or spark" it can e*plode.

    BATTERY TERMINALS#$ ,attery terminals provide a means of

    connecting the battery plates to the electrical system of the

    vehicle. 8ither two round post or two side terminals can be


    ,attery terminals are round metal posts e*tending through the

    top of the battery cover. &hey serve as connections for battery

    cable ends. @ositive post will be larger than the negative post. t

    may be marked with red paint and a positive #C% symbol.

    2egative post is smaller" may be marked with black or green

    paint" and has a negative #% symbol on or near it.

    Side terminals are electrical connections located on the side of

    the battery. &hey have internal threads that accept a special

    bolt on the battery cable end. Side terminal polarity is identi+ed

    by positive and negative symbols marked on the case.

    ELECTROLYTE# &he electrolyte solution in a fully charged

    battery is a solution of concentrated sulphuric acid in water.

    &his solution is about D0 percent water and about 60 percent

    sulphuric acid. &he electrolyte in the leadacid storage battery

    has a speci+c gravity of 1.E" which means that it is 1.E times

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    as heavy as water. &he amount of sulphuric acid in the

    electrolyte changes with the amount of electrical chargeF also

    the speci+c gravity of the electrolyte changes with the amount

    of electrical charge. A fully charged battery will have a speci+c

    gravity of 1.E at E0G H. &he +gure will go higher with a

    temperature decrease and lower with a temperature increase.

    electrolyte changes with the amount of electrical chargeF also

    the speci+c gravity of the electrolyte changes with the amount

    of electrical charge. A fully charged battery will have a speci+c

    gravity of 1.E at E0G H. &he +gure will go higher with a

    temperature decrease and lower with a temperature increase.

    As a storage battery discharges" the sulphuric acid is depleted

    and the electrolyte is gradually converted into water. &his

    action provides a guide in determining the state of discharge of

    the leadacid cell. &he electrolyte that is placed in a leadacid

    battery has a speci+c gravity of 1.E0.

    &he speci+c gravity of an electrolyte is actually the measure of

    its density. &he

    electrolyte becomes less dense as its temperature rises" and a

    low temperature means a high speci+c gravity. &he hydrometer

    that you use is marked to read speci+c gravity at E0G H only.

    >nder normal conditions" the temperature of your electrolyte

    will not vary much from this mark. Bowever" large changes in

    temperature re'uire a correction in your reading.

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    Hor 8V8:; 10degree change in temperature A,,&:A5& 0.006 from your speci+c gravity reading. Suppose

    you have 9ust taken the gravity reading of a cell. &he

    hydrometer reads 1.E0. A thermometer in the cell indicates an

    electrolyte temperature of D0G H. &hat is a normal di(erence of

    0 degrees from the normal of E0G H. &o get the true gravity

    reading" you must subtract 0.00E from 1.E0. &hus the speci+c

    gravity of the cell is actually 1./. A hydrometer conversion

    chart similar to the one shown in +gure 6 is usually found on

    the hydrometer. Hrom it" you can obtain the speci+c gravity

    correction for temperature changes above or below E0G H.

    Higure 6. Bydrometer conversion chart.

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    &he capacity of a battery is measured in amperehours. &he

    amperehour capacity is e'ual to the product of the current in

    amperes and the time in hours during which the battery is

    supplying current. &he amperehour capacity varies inversely

    with the discharge current. &he size of a cell is determined

    generally by its amperehour capacity. &he capacity of a cell

    depends upon many factors" the most important of which are

    as follows4

    1. &he area of the plates in contact with the electrolyte

    . &he 'uantity and speci+c gravity of the electrolyte

    3. &he type of separators

    6. &he general condition of the battery #degree of sulfating"

    plates buckled" separators warped" sediment in bottom of cells"


    -. &he +nal limiting voltage

    Batter% Rating&

    ,attery ratings were developed by the Society of Automotive

    8ngineers #SA8% and the ,attery 5ouncil nternational #,5%.

    &hey are set according to national test standards for battery

    performance. &hey let the mechanic compare the cranking

    power of one battery to another. &he two methods of rating

    leadacid storage batteries are the cold cranking rating and the

    reserve capacity rating.

    COL!$CRAN'ING RATING#$ &he coldcranking rating

    determines how much current in amperes the battery can

    deliver for thirty seconds at 0G H while maintaining terminal

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    &here are several methods for charging batteriesF only direct

    current is used with each method. f only alternating current is

    available" a recti+er or motor generator must be used to

    convert to direct current. &he two principal methods of charging

    are #1% constant current and #% constant voltage #constant

    potential%. 5onstant current charging is be used on a single

    battery or a number of batteries in series. 5onstant voltage

    charging is used with batteries connected in parallel. #A parallel

    circuit has more than one path between the two source

    terminalsF a series circuit is a onepath circuit%. ;ou should know

    both methods" although the latter is most often used.


    Iith the constant current method" the battery is connected to a

    charging device that supplies a steady ow of current. &he

    charging device has a recti+er #a gas+lled bulb or a series of

    chemical disks%F thus" the alternating current is changed into

    direct current. A rheostat #resistor for regulating current% of

    some kind is usually built into the charger so that you can

    ad9ust the amount of current ow to the battery.

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    remains constant for hours" you can assume that the battery

    will take no more charge.

    &he primary disadvantage of constant current charging is that

    &B8 5BA:=2= 5>::82& :8A2S A& A S&8A?; VA7>8 >278SS

    ; 5BA2=8 &. A battery charged with too high current rate

    would overheat and damage the plates" making the battery

    useless. ?o 2

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    t is easy to connect the battery to the charger" turn the charging

    current on" and" after a normal charging period" turn the charging

    current o( and remove the battery. 5ertain precautions however are

    necessary both ,8H:2= the charging period. &hese

    practices are as follows4 1. 5lean and inspect the battery thoroughly

    before placing it on charge. >se a solution of baking soda and water

    for cleaningF and inspect for cracks or breaks in the container.


    2ew batteries may come to you full of electrolyte and fully

    charged. n this case" that is necessary is to install the batteries

    properly in the piece of e'uipment. ost batteries shipped to

    25H units are received charged and dry.

    5harged and dry batteries will retain their state of full charge

    inde+nitely so long as moisture is not allowed to enter the cells.

    &herefore" batteries should be stored in a dry place. oisture

    and air entering the cells will allow the negative plates to

    o*idize. &he o*idation causes the battery to lose its charge. &o

    activate a dry battery" remove the restrictors from the vents

    and remove the vent caps. &hen +ll all the cells to the proper

    level with electrolyte. &he best results are obtained when the

    temperature of the battery and electrolyte is within the range

    of D0G H to E0G H.

    Some gassing will occur while you are +lling the battery due to

    the release of carbon dio*ide that is a product of the drying

    process of the hydrogen sul+de produced by the presence of

    free sulphur. &herefore" the +lling operations should be in a

    wellventilated area. &hese gases and odours are normal and

    are no cause for alarm.

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    Appro*imately - minutes after adding electrolyte" the battery

    should be checked for voltage and electrolyte strength. ore

    than D volts or more than 1 volts" depending upon the rated

    voltage of the battery" indicates the battery is ready for service.

    Hrom - to D volts or from 10 to 1 volts indicate o*idized

    negative plates" and the battery should be charged before use.

    7ess than - or less than 10 volts" depending upon the rated

    voltage" indicates a bad battery" which should not be placed in


    f" before placing the battery in service" the speci+c gravity"

    when corrected to E0G H" is more than .030 points lower than it

    was at the time of initial +lling or if one or more cells gas

    violently after adding the electrolyte" the battery should be fully

    charged before use. f the electrolyte reading fails to rise during

    charging" discard the battery. f" before placing the battery in

    service" the speci+c gravity" when corrected to E0G H" is more

    than .030 points lower than it was at the time of initial +lling or

    if one or more cells gas violently after adding the electrolyte"

    the battery should be fully charged before use. f the electrolyte

    reading fails to rise during charging" discard the battery.

    ost shops receive readymi*ed electrolyte. Some units may

    still get concentrated sulphuric acid that must be mi*ed with

    distilled water to get the proper speci+c gravity for electrolyte.

    L2= 8785&:

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    may re'uire hours of safe dilution.

    Higure - shows you how much water and acid to mi* for

    obtaining a certain speci+c gravity. Hor e*ample" mi*ing - parts

    of water to parts of acid produces an electrolyte of 1.300"

    when starting with 1.E3- speci+c gravity acid. f you use 1.600

    speci+c gravity acid" parts water and - parts acid will give the

    same results.

    7et the mi*ed electrolyte cool down to room temperature

    before adding it to the

    battery cells. Bot electrolyte will eat up the cell plates rapidly.

    &o be on the safe side" do not add the electrolyte if its

    temperature is above K0G H. After +lling the battery cells" let the

    electrolyte cool again because more heat is generated by its

    contact with the battery plates. 2e*t" take hydrometer

    readings. &he speci+c gravity of the electrolyte will correspond

    'uite closely to the values on the mi*ing chart if the parts of

    water and acid are mi*ed correctly.


    f a battery is not properly maintained" its service life will be

    drastically reduced. ,attery maintenance should be done

    during every @ cycle. 5omplete battery maintenance includes

    the following4

    Visually checking the battery.

    5hecking the electrolyte level in cells on batteries with caps.

    Adding water if the electrolyte level is low.

    5leaning o( corrosion around the battery and battery terminals.

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    Higure -. 8lectrolyte mi*ing chart.


    As a mechanic you will be e*pected to test batteries for proper

    operation and

    condition. &hese tests are as follows4

    ,attery leakage test

    ,attery terminal test,attery voltage test

    5ell voltage test

    ,attery drain test

    ,attery load test #battery capacity test%

    Muick charge test

    BATTERY LEA'AGE TEST#$ A battery leakage test will

    determine if current is discharging across the top of the battery.

    A dirty battery can discharge when not in use. &his condition

    shortens battery life and causes starting problems.

    &o perform a battery leakage test" set a voltmeter on a low

    setting. &ouch the probes on the battery" as shown in +gure D.

    f any current is registered on the voltmeter" the top of the

    battery needs to be cleaned.

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    BATTERY TERMINAL TEST#$&he battery terminal test 'uickly

    checks for poor electrical connection between the terminals

    and the battery cables. A voltmeter is used to measure voltage

    drop across terminals and cables.

    &o perform a battery terminal test #+g. /%" connect the

    negative voltmeter lead to the battery cable end. &ouch the

    positive lead to the battery terminal. Iith the ignition or

    in9ection system disabled so that the engine will not start" crank

    the engine while watching the voltmeter reading.

    Higure D. ,attery leakage test. Higure /. ,attery

    terminal test.


    &he battery voltage test is done by measuring total battery voltage

    with an accurate voltmeter or a special battery tester #+g. E%. &his

    test determines the general state of charge and battery condition


    &he battery voltage test is used on maintenancefree batteries

    because these batteries do not have caps that can be removed for

    testing with a hydrometer. &o perform this test" connect thevoltmeter or battery tester across the battery terminals. &urn on the

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    vehicle headlights or heater blower to provide a light load. 2ow read

    the meter or tester. A wellcharged battery should have over 1

    volts. f the meter reads appro*imately 11.- volts" the battery is not

    charged ade'uately" or it may be defective.


    &he cell voltage test will let you know if the battery is discharged or

    defective. 7ike a

    hydrometer cell test" if the voltage reading on one or more cells is .

    volts or more lower than the other cells" the battery must be

    replaced. &o perform a cell voltage test #+g. K%" use a low voltage

    reading voltmeter with special cadmium #acid resistant metal% tips.

    nsert the tips into each cell" starting at one end of the battery and

    work your way to the other. &est each cell carefully. f the cells are

    low" but 'uall recharging usually will restore the battery. f cell

    voltage readings vary more than . volts" the battery is ,A?.

    Higure E. ,attery voltage test performed with a battery tester.

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    Higure K. 5ell voltage test.

    ,A&&8:; ?:A2 &8S&. A battery drain test checks for abnormal

    current draw

    with the ignition o(. f a battery goes dead without being used" you

    need to check for a current drain.

    &o perform a battery drain test" set up an ammeter" as shown in

    +gure 10. @ull the fuse if the vehicle has a dash clock. 5lose

    all doors and trunk #if applicable%. &hen read the ammeter. f

    everything is o(" there should be a zero reading. Any reading

    indicates a problem. &o help pinpoint the problem" pull fuses

    one at a time until there is a zero reading on the ammeter. &his

    action isolates the circuit that has the problem.


    A battery load test" also termed a battery capacity test" is the

    best method to check battery condition. &he battery load test

    measures the current output and performance of the battery

    under full current load. t is one of the most common and

    informative battery tests used today.

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    ,efore load testing a battery" you must calculate how much

    current draw should be applied to the battery. f the ampere

    hour rating of the battery is given" load the battery to three

    times its amphour rating. Hor e*ample" if the battery is rated at

    D0 amphours" test the battery at 1E0 amps #D0 * 3 N 1E0%. &he

    ma9ority of the batteries are now rated in SA8 coldcranking

    amps" instead of amphours. &o determine the load test for

    these batteries" divide the coldcrank rating by two. Hor

    e*ample" a battery with 600 cold cranking amps rating should

    be loaded to 00 amps #600 O N 00%. 5onnect the battery

    load tester" as shown in +gure 11. &urn the control knob until

    the ammeter reads the correct load for your battery.

    After checking the battery charge and +nding the amp load

    value" you are ready to test battery output. ake sure that the

    tester is connected properly. &urn the load control knob until the

    ammeter reads the correct load for your battery. Bold the load

    for 1- seconds. 2e*t" read the voltmeter while the load is


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    &he 'uick charge test" also known as 3minute charge test"

    determines if the battery is sulphated. f the results of the

    battery load test are poor" fast charge the battery. 5harge the

    battery for 3 minutes at 30 to 60 amps. &est the voltage while

    charging. f the voltage goes A,

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    must be constructed according to the number of +eld poles because

    current is generated when the coil #winding on the armature% moves

    across each magnetic circuit. Higure 1. Sectional view of a dc

    generator. &he current is collected from the armature coils by

    brushes #usually made of carbon% that make rubbing contact with a

    commentator. &he commutator consists of a series of insulated

    copper segments mounted on one end of the armature" each

    segment connecting to one or more armature coils. &he armature

    coils are connected to the e*ternal circuits #battery" lights" or

    ignition% through the commutator and brushes. 5urrent induced in

    the armature coils thus is able to ow to the e*ternal circuits. &here

    are two types of +eld circuits" determined by the point at which the

    +eld circuit is grounded" which are as follows4

    Higure 1. Sectional view of a dc generator

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    &he ignition circuit supplies high voltage surges #some as high

    as -0"000 volts in electronic ignition circuits% to the spark plugs

    in the engine cylinders. &hese surges produce electric sparks

    across the spark plug gaps. &he heat from the spark ignites the

    compressed airfuel mi*ture in the combustion chambers. Ihen

    the engine is idling" the spark appears at the spark plug gap

    9ust as the piston nears top dead center #&?5% on the

    compression stroke. Ihen the engine is operating at higher

    speeds" the spark is advanced. t is moved ahead and occurs

    earlier in the compression stroke. &his design gives the

    compressed mi*ture more time to bum and deliver its energy to

    the pistons. &he functions of

    an ignition circuit are as follows4

    1. @rovide a method of turning the ignition circuit

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    D. Vary spark timing with engine speed" load" and other



    &he ignition circuit is actually made of two separate circuits

    which work together to cause the electric spark at the spark

    plugs. &hese two circuits are the @:A:; and S85

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    !"#!T!$# 0!%TR!B1T$R- distri+utesignition voltage to the spar2 plug.

    'ontains either mechanical contact points or an electronic switching circuit.

    %3AR4 3*1"- device that provides an air gap in the com+ustion cham+er for

    an electric arc.

    Ignition S.itc/

    &he ignition switch #+g. 63% enables the operator to turn the

    ignition on for starting and running the engine and to turn it o(

    to stop the engine. ost automotive ignition switches

    incorporate four positions" which are as follows4



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    terminals #low voltage connections%" an iron core #long piece of

    iron inside the windings%" and a high voltage terminal #coil wire

    connection%. &he primary winding is the outer winding and is

    made up of several hundred turns of heavy wire" wrapped

    around or near the secondary winding. &he secondary winding

    is the inner winding and is made up of several thousand turns

    of heavy wire located inside or near the primary winding. &he

    secondary windings are wound in the opposite direction of the

    primary" and the ends are attached internally to the primary

    windings and the high voltage terminal. ,oth windings are

    wrapped around an iron core and are housed inside the coil

    case. &o obtain the high current re'uired for ignition" battery

    current ows through the ignition coil primary windings

    producing a strong magnetic +eld. &he action of the iron core

    strengthens the magnetic +eld.

    )igure 6-77.- %ectional view of an ignition coil

    &hen the current flowing through the coil is +ro2en (the primar, circuit is

    opened/ the magnetic field collapses across the secondar, windings. As the

    magnetic field collapses/ a high

    electrical voltage is induced into the

    secondar, circuit. %ince +oth the

    primar, and secondar, windings of the

    coil are stationar,/ some means otherthan movement of the windings must

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    +e found to change the magnetic field surrounding the coils. !n practice/ a

    switching device in the primar, circuit creates this effect. There are two

    common methods to +rea2 current flow and fire the coil mechanical contact

    points or an electronic switching device.


    An ignition distributor can be a contact point or pickup coil

    type" as shown in +gure 6-. A contact point distributor is

    commonly found in older vehicles" whereas the pickup coil type

    distributor is used on many modern vehicles. &he ignition

    distributor has several functions" which are as follows4

    t actuates the

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    Higure 6-. 5omparison of a #A% contact point distributor and a

    #,% pickup coil


    !ISTRIBUTOR CA"#$&he distributor cap is an insulating plastic

    component that

    covers the top of the distributor housing. ts centre terminal

    transfers voltage from the coil wire to the rotor. &he distributor

    cap also has outer terminals that send electric arcs to the spark

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    plugs. etal terminals are molded into the plastic cap to

    provide electrical connections.

    !ISTRIBUTOR ROTOR#$&he distributor rotor transfers voltage

    from the coil wire to the spark plug wires. &he rotor is mounted

    on top of the distributor shaft. t is an electrical switch that

    feeds voltage to each spark plug wire in turn.

    A metal terminal on the rotor touches the distributor cap center

    terminal. &he outer end of the rotor A7

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    vehicles re'uire resistor type plugs. 2onresistor spark plug has

    a solid metal rod forming the center electrode. &his type of

    spark plugs is 2

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    the plug. &hen high voltage surges would leak across the

    carbon instead of producing a spark across the spark plug gap.

    >sing a hotter plug will bum this carbon deposit away or

    prevent it from forming. Spark plug reach is the distance

    between the end of the spark plug threads and the seat or

    sealing surface of the plug. @lug reach determines how far the

    plug reaches through the cylinder head. f spark plug reach is

    too long" the spark plug will protrude too far into the

    combustion chamber and the piston at &?5 may strike the


    Bowever" if the reach is too short" the plug electrode may not

    e*tend far enough into the cylinder head and combustion

    e!ciency will be reduced. A spark plug must reach into the

    combustion chamber far enough so that the spark gap will be

    properly positioned in the combustion chamber without

    interfering with the turbulence of the airfuel mi*ture or

    reducing combustion action.

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    )igure 6-78.- %ectional view of a (A non-resistor and (B resistor spar2 plug.

    S"AR' "LUG *IRES

    &he spark plug wires carry the high voltage electric current

    from the distributor cap side terminals to the spark plugs. n

    vehicles with distributorless ignition" the spark plug wires carry

    coil voltage directly to the spark plugs. &he two types of spark

    plug wires are as follows4


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    ohms per foot. &his prevents highvoltage induced

    popping or cracking of the radio speakers.


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    ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM&he basic di(erence between the contact point and the

    electronic ignition system is in the primary circuit. &he primary

    circuit in a contact point ignition system is open and closed by

    contact points. n the electronic system" the primary circuit is

    open and closed by the electronic control unit #85>%.

    &he secondary circuits are practically the same for the twosystems. &he di(erence is that the distributor" ignition coil" and

    wiring are altered to handle the high voltage produced by the

    electronic ignition system.

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    @5Q>@ 5 dwell time #number of degrees the circuit conducts

    current to the ignition coil% is designed into the electronic circuit

    of the 85> and is 2

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    current passes through the primary windings of the ignition coil"

    thereby developing a magnetic +eld. &hen" when the trigger

    wheel and pickup coil turn " the magnetic +eld

    inside the ignition coil collapses and +res a sparkplug.

    )a33$E5ect Sen&or

    Some electronic distributors have a magnetic sensor using the

    Ball e(ect. Ihen a steel shutter moves between the two poles

    of a magnet" it cuts o( the magnetism between the two poles.

    &he Balle(ect distributor has a rotor with curved plates" called

    shutters. &hese shutters are curved so they can pass through

    the air gap between the two poles of the magnetic sensor" as

    the rotor turns. 7ike the trigger wheel" there are the same

    number of shutters as there are engine cylinders.

    8ach time a shutter mo ves through the air gap between the

    two poles of the magnetic sensor" it cuts o( the magnetic +eld

    between the poles. &his action provides a signal to the 85>.

    Ihen a shutter is not in the way" the magnetic sensor is

    producing voltage. &his voltage is signaling the 85> to allow

    current to ow through the ignition coils primary winding.

    Bowever" when the shutter moves to cut o( the magnetic +eld"

    the signal voltage drops to zero. &he 85> then cuts o( the

    current to the ignition coils primary winding. &he magnetic +eld

    collapses" causing the coil secondary winding to produce a high

    voltage surge. &his high voltage surge is sent by the rotor to

    the proper spark plug.


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    gnition timing refers to how early or late the spark plugs +re in

    relation to the position of the engine pistons. gnition timing

    must vary with engine speed" load" and temperature.

    &iming advance happens when the spark plugs +re sooner than

    the compression strokes of the engine. &he timing is set several

    degrees before top dead center #&?5%.

    ore time advance is re'uired at higher speeds to give

    combustion enough time to develop pressure on the power

    stroke.&iming retard happens when the spark plugs +re later on

    the compression strokes. &his is the opposite of timing

    advance. Spark retard is re'uired at lower speeds and under

    high load conditions. &iming retard prevents the fuel from

    burning too much on the compression stroke" which would

    cause spark knock or ping.

    &he basic methods to control ignition system timing are as


    582&:H>=A7 A?VA258 #controlled by engine speed%

    VA5>> A?VA258 #controlled by intake manifold vacuum and

    engine load%

    5&8:R8? A?VA258 #controlled by various sensors

    speed" temperature"

    intake" vacuum" throttle position" etc.%

    Centri6uga3 Advance

    5entrifugal advance makes the ignition coil and spark plugs +re

    sooner as engine speed increases" using springloaded weights"

    centrifugal force" and lever action to rotate the distributor cam

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    or trigger wheel. Spark timing is advanced by rotating the

    distributor cam or trigger wheel against distributor shaft

    rotation. &his action helps correct ignition timing for ma*imum

    engine power. ,asically the centrifugal advance consists of two

    advance weights" two springs" and a advance lever.

    ?uring periods of low engine speed" the springs hold the

    advance weights inward towards the distributor cam or trigger

    wheel. At this time there is not enough centrifugal force to push

    the weights outward. &iming stays at its normal initial setting.

    As speed increases" centrifugal force on the weights moves

    them outwards against spring tension. &his movement causes

    the distributor cam or trigger wheel to move ahead. Iith this

    design" the higher the engine speed" the faster the distributor

    shaft turns" the farther out the advance weights move" and the

    farther ahead the cam or trigger wheel is moved forward or

    advanced. At a preset engine speed" the lever strikes a stop

    and centrifugal advance reaches ma*imum.

    &he action of the centrifugal advance causes the contact points

    to open sooner" or the trigger wheel and pickup coil turn o( the

    85> sooner. &his causes the ignition coil to +re with the engine

    pistons not as far up in the cylinders.

    (acuu4 Advance

    &he vacuum advance provides additional spark advance when

    engine load is low at part throttle position. t is a method of

    matching ignition timing with engine load. &he vacuum

    advance increases H>87 85

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    of a vacuum diaphragm" link" movable distributor plate" and a

    vacuum supply hose.

    At idle" the vacuum port from the carburetor or throttle body to

    the distributor advance is covered" thereby 2< vacuum is

    applied to the vacuum diaphragm" and spark timing is 2

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    82=28 5

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    open throttle and other sensor outputs say the same. &he

    computer receives and calculates the data" then" if re'uired"

    retards ignition timing to prevent spark knock or ping.


    gnition troubles can result from a myriad of problems" from

    faulty components to loose or damaged wiring. >nless the

    vehicle stops on the 9ob" the operator will report trouble

    indications" and the e'uipment is turned into the shop for


    >nless the trouble is known" a systematic procedure should be

    followed to locate the cause. :emember" that electric current

    will follow the path of least resistance. &race ignition wiring

    while checking for grounds" shorts" and open circuits. ,are

    wires" loose connections" and corrosion are found through

    visual inspection.

    After checking the system" you must evaluate the symptoms

    and narrow down the possible causes. >se your knowledge of

    system operation" a service manual troubleshooting chart"

    basic testing methods" and common sense to locate the

    trouble. any shops have specialized e'uipment that provide

    the mechanic a 'uick and easy means of diagnosing ignition

    system malfunctions.

    S1ar2 "3ug& and S1ar2 "3ug *ire&

    ,ad spark plugs cause a wide range of problems mis+ring" lack

    of power" poor fuel economy" and hard starting. After prolonged

    use" the spark pl ug tip can become coated with ash" oil" and

    other residue. &he spark plug electrodes can also bum and

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    widen the gap. &his makes it more di!cult for the ignition

    system to produce an electric arc between the electrodes.

    &o read spark plugs closely" inspect and analyze the condition

    of each spark plug tip and insulator. &his will give you

    information on the condition of the engine" the fuel system" and

    the ignition system. &he conditions commonly encountered with

    spark plugs areas follows4


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    )igure 6-79.-

    #ormal operation.

    )igure 6-7.- 'ar+on fouled.

    )igure 6-7;.- $il fouled.

    ASB H78? #+g. -0% appears as

    red" brown" yellow" or white

    coloured deposits which

    accumulate on the insulator"

    resulting from poor fuel 'uality or

    oil entering the cylinder. ost ash

    deposits have no adverse e(ect on

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    the operation of the spark plug as long as they remain in a

    powdery state. Bowever" under certain conditions these

    deposits melt and form a shiny glaze on the insulator which"

    when hot" acts as a good electrical conductor. &his allows

    current to follow the deposit instead of 9umping the gap" thus

    shorting out the spark plug. Spark plugs" having a powdery

    condition" may be cleaned" regapped" and replaced. &hose

    having a glazed deposit are to be replaced.


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    )igure 6-

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    reaching the spark plugs. &o test the wires for proper operation"

    you can perform the following4


    Iill check the spark plug conductor or coil wire conductor. &o

    perform a wire resistance test" connect an ohmmeter across

    each end of the wire. &he meter will read internal wire

    resistance in ohms. &ypically resistance should 2

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    timing" and distributes high voltage to the spark plugs. f any

    part of the distributor is faulty" engine performance su(ers.

    !ISTRIBUTOR CA" AN! ROTOR#$ Ihen problems point to

    possible distributor

    cap or rotor troubles" remove and inspect them. &he distributor

    cap should be carefully checked to see that sparks have not

    been arcing from point to point. ,oth interior and e*terior must

    be clean. &he +ring points should not be eroded" and the

    interior of the towers must be clean.

    &he rotor tip" from which the hightension spark 9umps to each

    distributor cap

    &erminal" should not be worn. t also should be checked for

    e*cessive burning" carbon trace" looseness" or other damage.

    Any wear or irregularity will result in e*cessive resistance to the

    hightension spark. ake sure that the rotor +ts snugly on the

    distributor shaft.

    CONTACT "OINT !ISTRIBUTOR SER(ICE#$ n a contact point

    distributor" there are two areas of concern the contact points

    and the condenser. ,ad contact points cause a variety of

    engine performance problems. &hese problems include high

    speed missing" nostart problem" and many other ignition

    troubles. Visually inspect the surfaces of the contact points to

    determine their condition. @oints with burned and pitted

    contacts or with a worn rubbing block must be replaced.

    Bowever" if the points look good" point resistance should be

    measured. &urn the engine over until the points are closed and

    then use an ohmmeter to connect the meter to the primary

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    point lead and to ground. f resistance reading is too high" the

    points are burned and must be replaced.

    A faulty condenser may leak #allow some dc current to ow to

    ground%" be shorted #direct electrical connection to ground%" or

    be opened #broken lead wire to the condenser foils%. f the

    condenser is leaking or open" it will cause point arcing and

    burning. f the condenser is shorted" primary current will ow to

    ground and the engine will 2

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    electrical impulses to the 85>. f the distributor fails to produce

    these electrical impulses properly" the ignition system can 'uit


    A faulty pickup coil will produce a wide range of engine

    troubles" such as stalling" oss

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    Iith one tooth of the trigger wheel pointing at the pickup coil"

    slide the correct thickness nonmagnetic feeler gauge between

    the trigger wheel and the pickup coil. ove the pickup coil in or

    out until the correct air gap is set. &ighten the pickup coil

    screws and doublecheck the air gap setting.

    Ignition Ti4ing

    &he ignition system must be timed so the sparks 9ump across

    the spark plug gaps at e*actly the right time. Ad9usting the

    distributor on the engine so that the spark occur sat this correct

    time is called setting the ignition timing. &he ignition timing is

    normally set at idle or a speed speci+ed by the engine

    manufacturer. ,efore measuring engine timing" disconnect and

    plug the vacuum advance hose going to the distributor. &his

    action prevents the vacuum advance from functioning and

    upsetting the readings. Ad9ustment is made by loosening the

    distributor holddown screw and turning the distributor in its


    &urning the distributor housing against the distributor shaft

    rotation A?VA258S &B8 &2=. &urning the distributor housing

    with shaft rotation :8&A:?S &B8&2=. :efer to +gure -3.

    Ihen the ignition timing is &

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    ames blowing out of the open e*haust valve can overheat the

    engine and crack the e*haust manifolds.

    )igure 6-,8:

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    r in

    harmonic balance of the engine" or they may be on the engine


    Iith the engine running" aim the ashing timing light at the

    timing mark and

    reference pointer. &he ashing timing light will make the mark

    appear to stand still. f the timing mark and the pointer do not

    line up" turn the distributor in its mounting until the timing

    mark and pointer are aligned. &ighten the distributor holddown



    Learning Objective: dentify lightingcircuit components" their

    functions" and

    maintenance procedures.

    &he lighting circuit #+g. -6% includes the battery" vehicle

    frame" all the lights" and various switches that control their use.

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    &he lighting circuit is known as a singlewire system since it

    uses the vehicle frame for the return.

    &he complete lighting circuit of a vehicle can be broken down

    into individual circuits" each having one or more lights and

    switches. n each separate circuit" the lights are connected in

    parallel" and the controlling switch is in series between the

    group of lights and the battery. &he marker lights" for e*ample"

    are connected in parallel and are controlled by a single switch.

    n some installations" one switch controls the connections to the

    battery" while a selector switch determines which of two circuits

    is energized. &he headlights" with their high and low beams" are

    an e*ample of this type of circuit.

    n some instances" such as the courtesy lights" several switches

    may be connected in parallel so that any switch may be used to

    turn on the light.

    Ihen a wiring diagram is being studied" all light circuits can be

    traced from the

    battery through the ammeter to the switch #or switches% to the

    individual light.


    Small gas+lled incandescent lamps with tungsten +laments are

    used on automotive

    and construction e'uipment #+g. --%. &he +laments supply

    the light when su!cient

    current is owing through them. &hey are designed to operate

    on a low voltage current

    of 1 or 6 volts" depending upon the voltage of the the vehicle

    will be of the singleor

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    doublecontact small onehalfcandlepower bulbs to large -0

    candlepower bulbs. &he

    greater the candlepower of the lamp" the more current it

    re'uires when lighted. 7amps are identi+ed by a number on the

    base. Ihen you replace a lamp in a vehicle" be sure the new

    lamp is of the proper rating. &he lamps within 7amps are rated

    as to size by the candlepower #luminous intensity% they

    produce. &hey range from types with nibs to +t bayonet

    sockets" as shown in lamp is also whiter than a conventional

    lamp" which increases lighting ability.

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  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    Higure -D.# A% Singlecontact bulbF #,% ?oublecontact bulb.

    )igure 6-

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    )igure 6-

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    without operating the mechanical switch to get blackout marker

    lights #including blackout taillights and stoplights% and blackout

    driving lights. ,ut for stoplights for daylight driving or

    headlights for ordinary night driving" you must +rst lift the

    mechanical switch lever and then turn the main switch to the

    right. &he au*iliary switch gives panel lights when the main

    switch is in any of its

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    )igure 6-8=.- )loor-mounted dimmer switch.

    )igure 6-86.- %teering column mounted dimmer switch.

    n one position" the high beams are turned on" and" in the other

    position" the dimmer changes them to low beam.Ai4ing )ead3ig/t&

    &he headlights can be aimed using a mechanical aimer or a

    wall screen. 8ither method assures that the headlight beams

    point in the direction speci+ed by the vehicle manufacturer.

    Beadlights that are aime d too high can blind oncoming

    vehicles. Beadlights that are aimed too low or to one side will

    reduce the operatorPs visibility.&o ensure that the headlights

    are properly aimed" you should have a half a tank of fuel" the

    correct tire pressure" and only the spare tire and 9ack in the

    vehicle. Some manufacturers recommend that someone sit in

    the operator and passenger seats while aiming the lights.

    B8A?7=B& A8:S are a device for pointing the vehicle

    headlights in a speci+ed position. &hey may be permanently

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    installed on a track or may be portable. Some re'uire a level

    oor" and others have internal levelling mechanisms to allow

    for uneven shop oors. &o use the aimer" follow the instructions

    for the speci+c type of e'uipment.

    &he B8A?7=B& A2= S5:882 is a series of measured lines

    marked on a shop wall or on a framed easel for aiming the

    headlights of a vehicle. &he screen should beno less than 10

    feet wide and 6 inches high. Ihen it is mounted on an easel

    with casters" the screen should be no more than 1 inches from

    the oor. &o comply with regulations of most localities" you

    should place the screen - feet ahead of the vehicle.

    )igure 6-8.- Accepted +eam pattern for aiming passenger vehicle headlights

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    Higure D6. Accepted beam pattern for a fourheadlight



    ,lackout lighting is a re'uirement for certain combat

    operations. &he purposes of blackout lighting are as follows4

    &o provide the vehicle operator with su!cient light to operate

    the vehicle in total darkness

    to provide the vehicle operator with su!cient light to operate

    vehicle in total darkness

    &o provide minimum lighting to show vehicle position to a

    leading or trailing vehicle when illumination must be restricted

    to a level not visible to a distant enemy

    &he three types of blackout lighting are as follows4

    &he ,7A5Q& ?:V2= 7=B& #+g. D-% is designed to provide

    a white light of

    - to -0 candlepower at a distance of 10 feet directly in front of

    the light. &he light is shielded so that the top of the low beam is

    directed not less than degrees below the horizon. &he beam

    distribution on a level road at 100 feet from the light is 30 feet


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    )igure 6-8

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    )igure 6-88.- Blac2out stop> taillight and mar2er light.

    )igure 6-89.- ?ilitar, composite light.

    ,lackout lighting control switches are designed to prevent the

    service lighting from being turned on accidentally. &heir

    operation is described in the Beadlight Switch section of this



    Vehicles that operate on any public road must be e'uipped with

    turn signals. &hese signals indicate a left or right turn by

    providing a ashing light signal at the rear and front of the


    &he turnsignal switch is located on the steering column #+g.

    DE%. t is designed to shut o( automatically after the turn is

    completed by the action of the cancelling cam.

    Higure DE. &ypical turnsignal switch.

    A wiring diagram for a typical turnsignal system is shown in

    +gure DK. A common design for a turnsignal system is to use

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    the same rear light for both the stop and turn signals. &his

    somewhat complicates the design of the switch in that the

    stoplight circuit must pass through the turnsignal switch. Ihen

    the turnsignal switch is turned o(" it must pass stoplight

    current to the rear lights. As a left or right turn signal is

    selected" the stoplight circuit is open and the turnsignal circuit

    is closed to the respective rear light.

    &he turn signal asher unit #+g. /0% creates the ashing of

    the turn signal lights. t consists basically of a bimetallic #two

    dissimilar metals bonded together% strip wrapped in a wire coil.

    &he bimetallic strip serves as one of the contact points.

    Ihen the turn signals are actuated" current ows into the

    asher +rst through the heating coil to the bimetallic strip"

    then through the contact points" then out of the asher" where

    the circuit is completed through the turnsignal light. &his

    se'uence of events will repeat a few times a second" causing a

    steady ashing of the turn signals.


    &he backup light system provides visibility to the rear of the

    vehicle at night and a warning to the e'uipped vehicles is

    combined with the neutral safety switch pedestrians" whenever

    the vehicle is shifted into reverse. &he backup light system has

    a fuse" gearshiftor transmissionmounted switch" two backup

    lights" and wiring to connect these components.

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    )igure 6-8;.- T,pical turn-signal wiring diagram.

    )igure 6-9.- Turn signal flasher.

    &he backup light switch closes the light circuit when the

    transmission is shifted into reverse. &he most common backup

    light switch con+gurations are as follows4

    &he backup light switch mounted on the transmission and

    operated by the shift lever.

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    &he backup light switch mounted on the steering column and

    operated by the gearshift linkage.

    &he transmissionor gearshiftmounted backup light switch on

    many automatic



    &he temperature gauge is a very important indicator in

    construction and automotive e'uipment. &he most common

    uses are to indicate engine coolant" transmission" di(erential

    oil" and hydraulic system temperature. ?epending on the type

    of e'uipment" the gauge may be mechanical" electric" or a

    warning light.

    &he 8785&:5 =A>=8 may be the thermostatic or magnetic

    type" as described

    previously. &he sending unit #+g. E3% that is used varies"

    depending upon


    1. &he sending unit that is used with the thermostatic gauge

    consists of two bimetallic strips" each having a contact


  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    indicator light previously discussed.

    )igure 6-6.- T,pes of sending units for pressure gauges

    )igure 6-.- T,pes of temperature gauge sending units.

    *IN!S)IEL! *I"ERS

    &he windshield wiper system is one of the most importantsafety factors on any piece of e'uipment. A typical electricwindshield wiper system consists of a switch" motor assembly"wiper linkage and arms" and wiper blades. &he description ofthe components is as follows4

    &he I2?SB87? I@8: SI&5B is a multi position switch"

    which may contain a rheostat. 8ach switch position provides for

    di(erent wiping speeds. &he rheostat" if provided" operates the

    delay mode for a slow wiping action. &his permits the operator

    to select a delayed wipe from every 3 to 0 seconds.

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    A relay is fre'uently used to complete the circuit between the

    battery voltage and the wiper motor.

    &he I@8:

  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


  • 7/26/2019 Auto Electric ignition Using Spark Plug.docx


    )igure 6-;.- &iring diagram s,m+ols.


    ence !or t"is pro#ect $e stu%ie% an% un%erstoo% a&out t"e

    Electrical $or' %one in automo&ile section(