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Elastic-wave modulation approach to crack detection: Comparison ofconventional modulation and higher-order interactions

V.Yu. Zaitsev n, L.A. Matveev, A.L. Matveyev

Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Uljanova Str., 46, Nihny Novgorod, 603950, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 4 November 2009Received in revised form1 September 2010Accepted 3 September 2010Available online 16 September 2010

Keywords:Nonlinear acoustic diagnosticsCrack detectionWave modulation spectroscopy

a b s t r a c t

Comparison of recent theoretical estimates with experiments has indicated that the ultimate sensitivityof the conventional modulation technique of crack detection is mainly determined by the backgroundmodulation produced by the quadratic component of the atomic nonlinearity of the matrix material.Much smaller level of masking nonlinear effects is typical of higher-order interactions due to cubic andhigher-order components in the power-series expansion of the background nonlinearity of the solid. Incontrast, the level of formally higher-order components originated due to nonlinearity of crack-likedefects can be comparable with that of the first-order components. Such strongly increased efficiency ofhigher-order interactions is due to the fact that crack-like defects often demonstrate non-analytic (nonpower-law) nonlinearity even for moderate acoustic amplitudes. Besides the increased level, thehigher-order components arisen due to non-analytic nonlinearity of cracks can demonstratesignificantly different functional behavior compared to manifestations of the atomic nonlinearity. Thisdifference can also help to discriminate the contributions of the defects and the background atomicnonlinearity. Here, we focus on the main differences between the modulation components arisen due tocubic terms in the power-series expansion of the atomic nonlinearity and similar componentsgenerated by clapping Hertzian nonlinearity of inner contacts in cracks. We also examine experimentalexamples of higher-order modulation interactions in damaged samples. These examples clearly indicatenon-analytical character of the defects’ nonlinearity and demonstrate that the use of higher-ordermodulation effects can significantly improve the ultimate sensitivity and reliability of the modulationapproach to detection of crack-like defects.

& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

High interest to the nonlinear-modulation acoustic method ofcrack detection is significantly motivated by expectations toachieve superior detection sensitivity compared to other methodsof nondestructive testing [1–10]. To ensure this goal, the mainattention in the development of the nonlinear-modulationtechnique is usually paid to the reduction of various technicalnonlinearities, whereas the masking effect of the atomic non-linearity of the intact material is neglected. Apparently, this viewis supported by the notion that the dimensionless quadraticnonlinear parameter b for homogeneous solids is on the order of100 [11,12]. Therefore, for typical acoustic strains er10!5, thecorresponding nonlinear correction be should have the relativelevel about !100 to !80 dB, which is indeed practicallynegligible. Furthermore, contributions of terms higher thanquadratic seem to be beyond reasonable measurable values.

It has recently been argued [13] that under resonant condi-tions, such simplest quasistatic arguments can drastically under-estimate the modulation level due to the atomic nonlinearity.More accurate resonant estimates of conventionally measuredmodulation components o7O (where o and O are thefrequencies of the interacting weak probe and the intense pumpwaves, respectively) indicate that the contribution of technicalnonlinearities of the modern equipment can be equal to or evenless than the contribution of the quadratic atomic nonlinearity.Therefore, the atomic nonlinearity becomes the main factor,which limits the ultimate sensitivity of the conventional non-linear-modulation approach. If the difference between the levelsof theo7O sidelobes for the studied samples is comparable withthe natural variability of the background modulation (typically,10–15 dB and even more [13]), it can be attributed to manyfactors other than the sample damage, which complicates theearly detection of cracks.

As a natural way to improve the sensitivity and reliability ofthe nonlinear-modulation approach to crack detection, thepossibility to intentionally use higher-order nonlinear interac-tions was mentioned in Ref. [13]. Indeed, for higher-order

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0963-8695/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ndteint.2010.09.002

n Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected]

(V.Yu. Zaitsev).

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interactions, one can expect a drastic decrease in the maskingsignal caused by the atomic nonlinearity for which the power-series law is typical, such that each additional order in strainensures "80–100 dB additional reduction of the masking com-ponents due to the atomic nonlinearity. In contrast, thenonlinearity of cracks can significantly differ from the power-law type even for moderate acoustic amplitudes, so that the levelof higher-order and lower-order modulational componentsinduced by crack-like defects can be comparable. Therefore, onemay expect that the observation of higher-order modulationalinteractions can significantly enhance the contrast between intactand crack-containing samples.

In what follows, we discuss in more detail this idea and makecomparison with the same series of experiments as discussed inRefs. [13–15]. We recall that in those measurements (for whichthe experimental configuration is schematically shown in Fig. 1),favorable conditions for multi-wave interactions were ensured bythe impact excitation of a significant number of intense (‘‘pump’’)low-number resonant eigenmodes of the sample at frequenciesOi. Initially, those measurements were processed according to theconventional nonlinear-modulation approach by singling out thequadratic-type modulational components o7Oi in the vicinity ofthe fundamental frequency obOi of a sinusoidal probe ultra-sound wave. By re-processing the experimental records, wedemonstrate that more complex components of the o7Oi7Oj

type can also be well observed. In what follows, we call them‘‘cascade components’’ (instead of ‘‘higher-order’’) to avoid theincorrect impression that their amplitude is of the next order ofsmallness in comparison with the conventionally discussedo7Oi modulation sidelobes. We show that the cascade compo-nents can ensure noticeably higher contrast between thereference and crack-containing samples. We also show that theamplitude dependences for the cascade components o7Oi7Oj

(i.e., formally cubic type) significantly differ from the scaling lawexpected for classical cubic nonlinearity, which can be used as anadditional signature of the presence of crack-like defects. Wedemonstrate that the actual amplitude behavior of the cascadecomponents can be fairly well modeled by clapping nonlinearityof inner Hertzian contacts in cracks.

2. Preliminary note on indications of clapping Hertziannonlinearity in acoustically driven crack-like defects

For the further discussion, it is essential to recall that highsoftness of crack-like defects results in high increase of the localstrain, which is the physical reason of the strongly increasednonlinearity of damaged samples. It can readily be shown that inthe expansion of the defect’s equation of state in a power-series in

strain, the nonlinear terms of nth order increase as 1/Bn!1, whereB51 is the small parameter describing the defect softnesscompared to the surrounding intact solid [16,17]. Formally thismeans that for strains e"B, the higher-order nonlinear termsshould be of the same order as the lower-order terms. Actually,however, the power-series expansion is no more valid for suchoscillation amplitudes, and the regime of the defect deformationbecomes essentially non-analytical, so that nonlinear componentsof formally different orders can have amplitudes of the sameorder of smallness. For example, if Hertzian contacts at the crackinterface begin to clap, then their nonlinearity can be approxi-mated as e3/2H(e) (where strain e is considered positive forcompression and H(e) is a Heaviside function). Consequently,amplitudes of all higher harmonics produced by such nonlinearityunder sinusoidal excitation e¼A cos(t) exhibit the same func-tional dependence pA3/2, which is easily seen by taking theFourier transform of e3/2H(e).

Due to high softness of crack-like defects, such a non-analytical clapping regime for inner contacts can occur for fairlymoderate average acoustic strains, e.g., on the order of "10!5 andeven less. Fig. 2 shows experimental examples of amplitudedependences of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th harmonics in a sinusoidallyexcited resonant sample containing an artificial crack-like defect.The same power-law behavior with the exponent 3/2 for allharmonics (see the slopes of the solid lines) corresponds to theclapping Hertzian nonlinearity. The sample excited near its firstresonance represented a glass rod (1 cm in diameter and about20 cm in length) with one free and another acoustically rigid (dueto cemented massive backload) boundary. Like in Ref. [18], thedefect was modeled by a transversal diamond-saw-cut (1 mm inwidth and 4–5 mm in depth) in which a small metal plate wasinserted. By slightly changing the plate position it was possible toobserve different nonlinear regimes of the defect oscillations,including the contact-clapping regime, which could be attained atfairly moderate strains of 10!6–10!5. For the classical power-lawnonlinearity, the higher harmonics should exhibit the quadratic,cubic, fourth-power, etc. dependences with pronouncedlydifferent slopes in log–log scale. Certainly, the relative levels ofthe harmonics in Fig. 2 are affected by resonant properties of thesample, so that the resonant odd-type 3rd harmonic is higherthan the non-resonant 2nd and 4th ones. When the insetwas removed (which corresponded to the disappearance of the

Fig. 1. Schematically shown configuration of nonlinear-modulation experiments[13–15] with sinusoidal probe wave at frequency o tuned in the range 50–70 kHzand impact-excited intense eigenmodes with frequencies Oi typically ranged froma few hundreds Hz to a few kHz.












ic a



, dB

Excitation amplitude, dB


-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5

Fig. 2. Amplitudes of the 2nd (squares), 3rd (circles), and 4th (triangles)harmonics in a rod-shape resonant sample with an artificial crack-like defect asfunctions of the fundamental-harmonic amplitude. The maximal strain of theharmonic excitation in the defect vicinity was 5$10!6.

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crack-like defect), all harmonics were hardly noticeable againstthe measurement noise.

Returning to the discussed nonlinear-modulation experiments[13–15] with multi-frequency pump componentsOi,Oj, etc., insteadof different higher harmonics we compare the conventionalmodulation sidelobes o7Oi,j and cascade components o7Oi7Oj,which formally correspond to the second- and third-order nonlinearinteractions, respectively. Thus for a power-series law typical of pureatomic nonlinearity, cubic components o7Oi7Oj should havepractically immeasurable level (80–100 dB lower than the quadratico7Oi,j components).

Examples of modulation spectra observed in the experiments[13–15] for defect-containing and reference samples (a railway-wheel axle and disk) are shown in Fig. 3, where conventionalo7Oi,j components are plotted in black dashed lines and cascadecomponents o7Oi7Oj are shown in a lighter color (solid lines).The expected positions of the sidelobes were calculated using theexperimentally measured frequencies of the impact-excited pumpeigenmodes in the lower-frequency part of the spectrum. Theexpected and actual frequencies of the sidelobes were consideredcoinciding within the double frequency resolution determined bythe inverse width of the used time window. Typically its valuewas 0.2 s, which corresponded to 5 Hz spectral resolution. Thewidth of the time window was intentionally limited to ensure theobservation of the time dependences of different spectralcomponents within the characteristic decay time (typically0.8–1.0 s) of the impact-excited eigenmodes that produced themodulation of the sinusoidal probe wave. To ensure a stabler formof the modulation spectrum, the probe-wave frequency wastuned in the range 50–70 kHz typically in steps of 500 Hz and ateach step identical impacts excited the pump eigenmodes. Thespectra in Fig. 3 are averaged over 10–15 steps and correspond to

the middle of the entire time window of the observation. Theprobe-wave component is not explicitly shown: its amplitude isnormalized to zero dB and its position on the frequency axis isshifted to zero frequency for each measurement step.

For an ideally linear measurement system (assuming that thebackground modulation was entirely produced by the atomicnonlinearity), the cascade components would not be visible at allin the scale of Fig. 3. The actual noticeable level of cascadecomponents in the reference samples is evidently explained bythe parasite nonlinearity of the measurement system. Never-theless, in Fig. 3, the visual contrast between the reference anddamaged samples is significantly higher for the cascade compo-nents o7Oi7Oj than for the conventional o7Oi,j modulationsidelobes.

To better quantify the difference between the spectra shown inFig. 3 for the reference and damaged samples we use a histogramrepresentation by analogy with Ref. [19]. Figs. 4 and 5 show thehistograms in which the vertical axis corresponds to the summedenergy for either conventional or cascade sidelobes whoseamplitudes fall into certain amplitude range corresponding tothe width of individual bins on the horizontal axis (in Figs. 4 and 5the bin width is equal to 4 dB, although the exact value is notcritical). Fig. 4 corresponds to the spectra shown in Fig. 3a and bobtained for the disks and Fig. 5 is for the spectra Fig. 3a0 and b0

obtained for the axle with an artificial crack-like defect andwithout it. The right panels in Fig. 4 demonstrate that the energiesof conventionally consideredo7Oi,j modulation sidelobes for thereference and defect-containing samples do not change drastically(since the extent of damage is intentionally chosen not very high).Their total energies of the o7Oi,j sidelobes summed over allbins differ by 5 dB only. Therefore, such conventionally usedcomponents do not allow one to make a reliable conclusion



tral a



, dB

Frequency, kHz



tral a



, dB



tral a



, dB



tral a



, dB

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -8Frequency, kHz

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

-8Frequency, kHz

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 -8Frequency, kHz

-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Fig. 3. Examples of normalized averaged modulation spectra for the samples without defects (panels (a) and (a0)) and with a defect ((b) and (b0)). The upper row is forrailway-wheel disks (the defect-containing disk has naturally developed fatigue damage). The lower row is for a railway-wheel axle (in which an artificial crack-like defectcould be created by inserting a small steel plate in the saw-cut 7 mm in depth). Black dashed lines correspond to conventional modulation componentso7Oi,j, and lightersolid lines are for the cascade components o7(Oi7Oj).

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whether the defect is present or not. The panels in the leftcolumns in Fig. 4 correspond to the cascade componentso7Oi7Oj, whose energy demonstrate significantly higher contrastbetween the reference and damaged samples (over 14 dB for thesummed energies).

In Fig. 5 for the axles, the contrast between the cascadeo7Oi7Oj sidelobes is even more impressive (over 30 dB in thesummed energies), although for the conventionally used sidelobeso7Oi,j, the contrast is also better than in Fig. 4 (22.5 dB in thesummed energies). However, it is evident from both the







-56 Reference disk, cascade sidelobes,Total energy = -66.9 dBfor 53 spectral componentsabove -90 dB threshold


gy w



h bi

n, d


Amplitude of cascade sidelobes, dB-88

-88-84-80-76-72-68-64-60-56-52-48-44 Reference disk, conventional sodelobes

Total energy = -50.8 dBfor 14 spectral componentsabove -90 dB threshold


gy w



h bi

n, d


Amplitude of conventional sidelobes, dB






-56 Damaged disk, cascade sidelobesTotal energy = -52.8 dBfor 126 spectralcomponents above -90 dBthreshold


gy w



h bi

n, d




gy w



h bi

n, d

B Damaged disk, conventional sidelobesTotal energy = -45.7 dBfor 18 spectral componentsabove -90 dB threshold

-84 -80 -76 -72 -68 -64 -84 -80 -76 -72 -68 -64 -60 -56 -52

-88Amplitude of cascade sidelobes, dB

-88Amplitude of conventional sidelobes, dB

-84 -80 -76 -72 -68 -64 -84 -80 -76 -72 -68 -64 -60 -56 -52

Fig. 4. Histograms of the energy distribution for the conventional (right panels) and cascade (left panels) sidelobes. Upper and lower rows are for the reference anddamaged disks, respectively (the same samples as for panels Fig. 3(a) and (b)).

-88-88-84-80-76-72-68-64-60-56 Reference axle, cascade sidelobes

Total energy = -81.3 dBfor 4 componentsabove -90 dB threshold


gy w



h bi

n, d


Amplitude of cascade sidelobes, dB-88






-40Reference axle, conventional sidelobesTotal energy = -66.0 dBfor 10 spectral componentsabove -90 dB threshold


gy w



h bi

n, d


Amplitude of conventional sidelobes, dB

-88-84-80-76-72-68-64-60-56 Damaged axle, cascade sidelobes

Total energy = -51.2 dBfor 31 spectral componentsabove -90 dB threshold


gy w



h bi

n, d










gy w



h bi

n, d

B Damaged axle, conventional sidelobesTotal energy = -43.4 dBfor 18 spectral componentsabove -90 dB threshold

-84 -80 -76 -72 -68 -64 -60 -84 -80 -76 -72 -68 -64 -60 -56 -52 -48 -44


Amplitude of cascade sidelobes, dB-88

Amplitude of conventional sidelobes, dB-84 -80 -76 -72 -68 -64 -60 -84 -80 -76 -72 -68 -64 -60 -56 -52 -48 -44

Fig. 5. Histograms of the energy distribution for the conventional (right panels) and cascade (left panels) sidelobes. Upper and lower rows are for the reference and crack-containing axles, respectively (the same samples as for panels Fig. 3(a0) and (b0)).

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histograms in Fig. 5 and the spectral plot in Fig. 3b0 that this bettercontrast is due to the only pair of the most intense o7Oj

sidelobes around 71.9 kHz, for generation of which the positionof the crack happened to be especially favorable. If we excludesuch exceptional sidelobes from the considered o7Oi,j compo-nents as well as the related o7Oi7Oj cascade sidelobes at thedouble frequency 73.8 kHz, then the contrast for summedenergy of the retained o7Oi,j components becomes very weak(only 2.8 dB), whereas for the retained cascade o7Oi7Oj

components it remains quite high (21.3 dB).Thus in Figs. 4 and 5, the contrast in the energies for the

cascade o7Oi7Oj components (as well as in their numbers) issignificantly more pronounced. However, one should bear in mindthat for such a comparison, a similar reference sample isnecessary for which the reference spectrum should be obtainedunder virtually identical experimental conditions: the samenonlinearity of the measurement system, similar boundaryconditions, and similar excitation amplitudes, since even underother identical conditions, the efficiency of nonlinear interactionssignificantly depends of the interacting-wave amplitudes. There-fore, it is very desirable to have more robust (in the ideal case,independent of wave amplitudes) characteristics of the samplenonlinearity rather than the straightforward comparison with areference sample under as similar experimental configuration aspossible.

3. Normalized cumulative coefficients for the conventional(quadratic-type) and cascade modulation sidelobes

It was discussed in detail in Ref, [13] that the level ofconventional modulation can noticeably (up to 20–30 dB) varydue to different interaction conditions for different modes.Therefore, to obtain stabler results, averaging over a number ofpump- and probe-wave frequencies is required as well as anormalization procedure to exclude the direct influence of thepump-wave amplitudes on the modulation level. To quantify theaverage level of conventional (i.e., quadratic-type) modulationalcomponents in the case of multiple pump waves, the followingnormalized cumulative coefficient was used in Ref. [14]:

K2 ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiX


V2þ ðiÞþV2

!ðiÞ" #r ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiX






where the summation is performed over the index i of the excitedpump modes. Physically, the structure of this coefficient meansthat the energies V2

7 ðiÞ of all left- and right- modulation sidelobesare summed up. Then the square root of this energy (i.e., theaveraged modulation-sidelobe amplitude) is divided by theamplitude Vp of the probe wave and by the square root ofenergies V2

pmðiÞ of the modulating pump modes. In the case of onlyone pump mode with index i, the denominator reduces to theproduct Vpm(i)Vp, and in the numerator, only sidelobes V7(i)produced by the ith pump mode are left. For the discussedmultimode situation, the numerator is dominated by the mostintense modulation sidelobes, whereas the most intense pumpmodes dominate the denominator. Since the sidelobe amplitudesstrongly depend on the position of the crack with respect to thepump-mode structures, the summation over multiple pumpmodes diminishes the variance of K2. Besides, this variance canfurther be decreased by averaging over the probe-wave frequencyswept in a sufficiently wide range. It is also seen from Eq. (1) thatthe value of K2 should depend on the amplification coefficients inthe receiving equipment, which means that only the relativevalues of K2 (i.e., comparison between the reference and studiedsamples under similar conditions) is physically meaningful. It is

also clear that for a quadratic nonlinearity (for which the sidelobeamplitudes V7(i)pVpm(i)Vp), the value of coefficient K2 shouldremain approximately constant as a function of the pump-waveamplitude. Indeed, in the experiments discussed in Refs. [13–15],the amplitudes of impact-excited pump waves decayed (by10–50 dB for different modes) on the time intervals of the orderof one second, whereas the current value of coefficient K2

remained fairly stable (within several dB). This leads to theconclusion that the nonlinearity of the studied defects couldreasonably be approximated by a quadratic function.

At first glance it seems that physically it is more reasonable touse individual normalization ½V2

þ ðiÞþV2!ðiÞ)

1=2=½VpmðiÞVp) for eachtriplet associated with the ith pump mode and then to averageover the probe-wave frequency the individual coefficients.However, it was found that such individual coefficients are toounstable in practice. For instance, for some pump modes whichwere not longitudinal, the accelerometer aligned with the sampleaxis registered apparently very weak amplitudes. Therefore, thosemodes gave huge individual nonlinear coefficients, although theactual level of the resultant sidelobes and the strain in suchmodes were comparable with those for other modes. In othercases, eventual electrically induced signals could also producestrong fake sidelobes and the respective high individual coeffi-cients. Therefore, somewhat rude, but much stabler cumulativecoefficient (1) was chosen in Ref. [15].

For the cascade modulation components, in view of the largernumber of interacting and resultant modes, the situation is evenmore complex. Under the simplest assumption that the modula-tion components V ð7 Þ

ij arise due to a cubic nonlinear term (i.e.,V ð7 Þij pViVjVp), the individual combinations V ð7 Þ

ij = ViVjVp

" #should

not depend on the pump amplitudes. However, the abovementioned bad stability of individual coefficients is even worsefor the cascade interactions. Therefore, by analogy with coefficient(1) for the conventional modulation, the following cumulativecoefficient can be written for cascade components:

K3 ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiX


V2þ ði,jÞþV2

!ði,jÞ" #s X














For this coefficient much like for coefficient (1), not theabsolute, but only the relative values for reference and studiedsamples have physical meaning.

By analogy with the quadratic character of coefficient (1), afairly constant value of K3 under varying amplitudes of interactingwaves should be observed for a cubic nonlinearity. In this context,a ‘‘non-cubic’’ behavior of K3 (e.g., its pronounced dependence ontime in the case of gradually decaying impact-excited pumpmodes) can serve as a signature of a non-analytical character ofthe sample nonlinearity. This in turn indicates a high probabilityof the presence of soft structural defects (first of all, cracks ordelaminations with clapping contacts).

Some examples of temporal dependences for the coefficients K2defined by Eq. (1) are shown in Fig. 6 together with the cascadecoefficient K3. Coefficients K2 are truly cumulative over all o7Oi

sidelobes that well exceed the noise. However, for clarity, coefficientsK3 in Fig. 6, actually are individual coefficients found for several mostintense cascade modulation components and the correspondinggenerating pump modes. The samples are an axle with a naturaltransversal crack, a naturally-damaged disk, and another axle with anartificial crack-like defect (the two latter samples are the same as forFig. 3). In view of exponential character of the pump-field decay, thetime axis in Fig. 6 roughly corresponds to the logarithm of the pump-action amplitude (the exact proportionality could be if the decaytimes were equal for all pump modes).

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Fig. 6 shows that coefficient K3 is pronouncedly non-constantunlike fairly stable conventional-modulation coefficient K2. Thisfact indicates that the cascade components were predominantlyproduced by a non-cubic nonlinearity. The inset in the plot c inFig. 6 (corresponding to the axle with the artificial crack in theform of a saw-cut with an inserted steel plate) shows forcomparison the coefficient K3 in the absence of the defect (theplate removed from the saw-cut). It is seen that in such a defect-free case the coefficient K3 remains fairly stable as expected for aclassical cubic nonlinearity. In contrast, for the samples withcrack-like defects, the pronounced increase in K3 with increasingtime (i.e., decreasing pump amplitude) indicates that the cascadesidelobes exhibit a clear trend to saturation at higher pumpamplitudes. This observation well agrees with the expectationthat the pump modes can be sufficiently intense to cause clappingof inner contacts in the cracks and thus ensure a non-analyticalnonlinearity of the crack-like defects.

The latter conclusion, however, apparently contradicts withquite stable values of the above introduced coefficient K2 for theclassical (quadratic) modulation componentso7Oi in exactly thesame experimental runs. Fairly stable K2 apparently leads to theconclusion that even for the samples with cracks, the nonlinearitycan be approximated by a power-series with the leadingquadratic term. To resolve this paradox, in the next section weconsider in more detail the expected amplitude behavior ofconventional and cascade modulational sidelobes using a simplemodel of the defect.

4. Simulations of modulation-sidelobe behavior in the case ofmulti-frequency pump excitation

For the purpose of the present consideration, it is sufficient toconsider functional dependences and relative variations of thesidelobes rather than their absolute estimates. Thus we will nottake into account resonant properties of the sample (unlikestudy [13]), but simply consider the nonlinear source of thecorresponding modulational components. Recalling Fig. 2, whichdemonstrates that the nonlinearity of crack-like defects can bestrongly dominated by the Hertz-contact contribution, we willmodel the nonlinear source by a weakly pre-compressed Hertziancontact that can be transferred into clapping regime by suffi-ciently intense acoustic excitation. A similar model was used inRef. [14] in the discussion of cross-modulation phenomena(i.e., the transfer of amplitude modulation from one carrier waveto another one). The weak background nonlinearity of thematrix material in this approach can be modeled by a term

corresponding to a much stronger prestrained contact, whichcannot be transferred into clapping regime even at maximalpump amplitudes. Actually this second term can always beexpanded into power series in strain amplitudes. Thus weconsider the following nonlinear function:

s0þ ~s ¼ Aðe0þ ~eÞ3=2Hðe0þ ~eÞþBðme0þ ~eÞ3=2Hðme0þ ~eÞ: ð3Þ

Here, like in Ref. [14], H(y) is a Heaviside function indicatingthat the contacts do not bear a tensile stress; s0 and e0 are thestatic stress and the corresponding static strain in the sample,which is needed in the model to adjust the level of thebackground (i.e., without the defect) nonlinearity; perturbations~eooe0 and ~soos0 are the acoustic strain and stress. Smallparameter m51 in the second term describes the pre-strain of theweak contact (i.e., the defect). Parameters A and B in Eq. (3) allowone to adjust the relative strength of nonlinearity of the defectand the matrix material by varying the ratio B/A.

In view of the condition ~eooe0, the Heaviside function can beomitted in the first (‘‘matrix’’) term of the right-hand side ofEq. (3). In contrast, in the second term describing the defect, theweak pre-strain me0 can be comparable with the acoustic strain ~e,such that the contact can be transferred into clapping regime for9~e949me09 (note that parameter m in the general case can also benegative, which corresponds to an initially weakly open contact).For sufficiently small 9~e9o9me09, the second term can beexpanded into a power series like the first non-clapping term,such that the dimensionless quadratic nonlinear parameterb in the resultant expansion of the acoustic perturbations~sð~eÞp~eþb~e2þ ::: can be represented as b* ð1=2Þe!1

0 ½1þðB=AÞm!1=2).

Typical values on the nonlinear parameter in homogeneoussolids can readily be modeled by choosing the corresponding pre-strain e0. For example, e0¼10!1 corresponds to the nonlinearquadratic coefficient b* e!1

0 =2¼ 5 related to the first (‘‘matrix’’)term in the right-hand side of Eq. (3), which is typical forhomogeneous metals [11,12]. Then choosing m¼5 +10!5 weensure that the threshold acoustic amplitude ~e ¼ me0 ¼ 5$ 10!6

transfers the weak contact into clapping regime. Further, choosingthe ratio ðB=AÞ ¼ 2m1=2 * 1:41$ 10!2 we see that the second termin the right-hand side of Eq. (3) results in the increase of the totalvalue of quadratic nonlinear parameter b by a factor of three (i.e.,by about 10 dB) compared with the background initial valueb* e!1

0 =2. For conventional o7O modulation sidelobes, thisincrease in b should result in a similar 10 dB increase, which isstill comparable with the natural variability of the conventional-modulation level for different samples (as discussed in detail in









K 2 a

nd K

3, dB

Time, s




-50 K3


K 2 a

nd K

3, dB

0.2Time, s






-20defect free




K 2 a

nd K

3, dB

Time, s





Time, s

0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8

0.4 0.5

Fig. 6. Time behavior of the cubic-type nonlinear coefficient K3¼M1+2/(S1S2Sp) corresponding to selected intense cascade components in the modulation spectra and thecumulative quadratic-type coefficient K2 defined by Eq. (1) for conventional sidelobes. The time is counted from the moment of the impact excitation of the pump modes.Panel (a) is for the axle with a transversal natural fatigue crack. Panel (b) is for a railway-wheel disk with natural fatigue damage, the same as in Fig. 3. Panel (c) is the axlewith an artificial defect in the form of a saw-cut with inserted steel plate (the same as in Fig. 3); the inset shows that without the inserted plate (defect-free case),coefficient K3 is quite stable and corresponds to non-clapping cubic nonlinearity.

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Ref. [13]). Therefore such a moderate 10 dB contrast in the level ofthe conventional-modulation is not yet sufficient for makingunambiguous conclusions on the presence or absence of thedefect (see the corresponding real examples in Fig. 2).

The next step is to compare the contrast in the level of thenext-order (cascade) sidelobes o7(Oi7Oj) arising due to theinteraction of a probe wave at frequency op with two pumpwaves at frequencies Oi,j. Especially interesting is to consider thetransition of the contact to clapping regime. Unlike the simplegeneration of higher-order harmonics for which identical powerlaw with the 3/2 exponent is expected in the clapping regime (asdemonstrated in Fig. 2), the amplitude behavior of the cascadesidelobes can hardly be studied analytically, but can easily besimulated using Eq. (3) and a multi-frequency spectrum of ~e. Theperformed numerical simulations indicate that in this case, notonly the ratio of individual wave amplitudes to the clappingthreshold strain me0 is important, but also the ratio between theamplitudes of the interacting waves themselves. Here we considera probe excitation Sp and two different pump waves with strainamplitudes S1 and S2, which is sufficient to demonstrate the mainfeatures of cascade modulation components M1+2 around theprobe wave at frequencies op7O17O2. For comparison we alsoconsider the conventional modulation sidelobes M1 and M2 (atfrequencies op7O1 and op7O2). In the simulation, the probe-wave amplitude is assumed constant (Sp¼me0/10), i.e., signifi-cantly smaller than the clapping threshold me0 to which we assignzero-dB value. To represent the results in a simpler under-standable 2D-plot, we ensure that one pump-wave amplitude S1is kept constant and the second pump-wave amplitude S2 variesfrom sub-threshold to significantly super-threshold amplitudes:me0/30oS2o30me0.

Fig. 7 shows examples of the amplitude dependences for M2

(the conventional modulation sidelobe induced by the pump-wave S2 with varying amplitude) and the cascade componentM1+2 (of the op7O17O2 type) in the presence and absence ofthe weak contact. Its absence corresponds to B¼0 in Eq. (3). Thechoice of particular wave frequencies is not very important (theyonly must be different, better incommensurable to avoiddegenerate cases). The plots in Fig. 4a and b correspond to twosignificantly different interaction regimes.

First, consider the case of small S1¼me0/5ome0, for which theinitial part of the curves in Fig. 7a (where S2ome0) corresponds tothe non-clapping regime of the weak contact, whose nonlinearitycan be expanded in a series in powers of strain similar to theclassical atomic nonlinearity. Thus for S2ome0, the sidelobe M2 isproduced by the quadratic term and is proportional to S2 both in

the presence and absence of the contact as is seen in Fig. 7a(curves marked by squares). For larger S24me0 corresponding tothe contact clapping, Fig. 7a demonstrates that M2 increasessomewhat slower than for the pure quadratic regime, but remainsmonotonic.

Much stronger is the difference between the before-clappingand clapping regimes for the cascade component M1+2. Itsbehavior in the before-clapping regime is dominated by the cubicterm in the nonlinear-function expansion. Therefore, M1+2 isproportional to S1S2Sp and increases as a linear function of S2 as isseen in Fig. 7a in the region S2ome0. However, for S24me0, unlikethe conventional modulation sidelobe M2, the behavior of M1+2

becomes non-monotonic. Near S2Eme0 its amplitude rapidlydecreases and passes through zero (which looks like a sharpminimum in the log–log plot in Fig. 7a), then M1+2 reaches asmooth maximum and slowly decreases again. The reason ofpassing through zero is that near S2Eme0, the phase of thecascade component switches to the opposite (causing the side-lobe-amplitude compensation). Similar non-monotonic behaviordue to clapping Hertzian nonlinearity is known for the thirdharmonic of initially sinusoidal excitation [20]. In the context ofNDT applications, comparing the cases of the presence (filledsymbols) and the absence (empty symbols) of the soft contact,one can see the remarkable difference in the contrast of theconventional (squares) and cascade components (triangles; about10 dB and 60–40 dB, respectively).

In the second example shown in Fig. 7b, the amplitude of theinvariable first pump wave significantly exceeds the clappingthreshold, S1¼3me0, whereas the second pump wave S2 varies inexactly the same range as in Fig. 7a. It is clearly seen in Fig. 7b thatdespite the essentially clapping nonlinearity of the weak contact,the amplitude M2 remains linearly proportional to S2 like for theclassical quadratic nonlinearity. More precisely, the simulationshows that the value of M2 produced by the pump wave S2 alsodepends on S1 for S1bme0, albeit fairly slowly (" S!1=2

1 ).What for the cascade component M1+2 (marked by filled

triangles in the presence of the clapping weak contact), its behaviorchanges much stronger compared with Fig. 7a. Namely, the peculiarminimum near S2"me0 disappears and the cascade-componentamplitudeM1+2 remains linearly proportional to amplitude S2 whileS2oS1. Then for S24S1, the M1+2 component exhibits saturationand even slightly decreases at S2bS1. In the NDT context, it isimportant to emphasize that the presence of the clapping weakcontact again results in a strong (about 50 dB) increase in the level ofthe cascade sidelobe M1+2. compared with only "10 dB increase inthe level of the classical sidelobe M2 as is seen in Fig. 7b.





s M

2 and


2, dB

-30 -30-120









s M

2 and


2, dB

S2, dB S2, dB-20 -10 0 10 20 30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30

Fig. 7. Simulated amplitude dependences of conventional sidelobes M2 (squares) and cascade components M1+2 (triangles). Filled symbols correspond to the presence andempty symbols, to the absence of the defect. Plot (a) is for the small amplitude of the first pump wave S1¼const.¼me0/5, and (b) is for the intense pump wave withamplitude exceeding the clapping threshold, S1¼const.¼3me0. For both plots, the probe-wave amplitude is Sp¼me0/10 and the second pump-wave amplitude varies in therange me0/30oS2o30me0.

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Calculations similar to those illustrated in Figs. 7a and b wereperformed for various amplitudes of interacting waves and fordifferent exponents (not necessarily Hertzian 3/2) of the clappingnonlinearity. Table 1 shows the results for the so-found scalinglaws for conventional sidelobes M1 and M2 and cascade M1+2,including the case of the presence of an additional strongexcitation S04S1, S2, Sp and S04me0. The table shows, that ifamong several interacting waves one wave is the most intenseand significantly exceeds the clapping threshold, then for all otherweaker waves, the clapping nonlinearity is effectively smoothed.Consequently, interactions of the weaker waves exhibit thescaling laws rather typical of classical power-law (quadratic orcubic) nonlinearities, although the values of the effective quad-ratic and cubic nonlinear parameters are controlled by thestrongest wave. For the right column in the table, this strongestexcitation is S0, and for the middle column, this is S1. Table 1 alsoshows that the dependence of the effective cubic nonlinearparameter on the strongest-wave amplitude is more pronouncedthan for the quadratic one.

In particular, for the Hertzian nonlinearity with n¼3/2, ifeither pump component S1 or S0 is the strongest and exceeds theclapping threshold (i.e., S1bme0 or S0bme0), then the cascadesidelobe scales as M1þ2pðS1S2SpÞS

!3=21,0 rather than M1+2pS1S2Sp

expected for the classical cubic nonlinearity. Therefore, for theclassical cubic nonlinearity, the ratio M1+2/(S1S2Sp) should beconstant, whereas for multi-wave interactions due to the clappingHertzian contacts, the combinations M1þ2=½ðS1S2SpÞS

!3=21,0 ) should

remain constant. We also emphasize that for the conventionallyobserved sidelobesM1,2, the influence of the strongest wave in theclapping regime is much weaker than for the cascade sidelobes.Table 1 indicates that instead of classical quadratic scaling lawsM1pS1Sp and M2pS2Sp, the clapping nonlinearity in the presenceof the most intense wave S1bme0 or S0bme0 results in themodified scaling laws M1pðS1SpÞS

!1=21,0 and M2pðS2SpÞS

!1=21,0 . In

other words, for the conventional sidelobes M1 and M2, the‘‘clapping’’ scaling law is modified by the most intense wavesignificantly weaker, by the factor S!1=2

1,0 instead of factor S!3=21,0 for

the cascade sidelobes. It is interesting that in the presence of themost intense ‘‘smoothing’’ wave S1,04S2, Sp, the proportionalityM2pS2Sp can persist even if all amplitudes belong to the clappingregion, S2bme0 and Spbme0.

Now we may return to the above formulated paradox that inthe same measurements, the conventional modulational sidelobesM1,2 can behave almost like in the classical quadratic case,whereas the cascade components M1+2 indicate a quite pro-nounced non-classical regime of clapping nonlinearity. We recallthat normally the strongest impact-excited mode is one of thelowest eigenmodes for which the decay rate is much smaller thanfor others, so that during the decay time of the higher-ordermodes, such an intense mode (S0 or S1 in Table 1) can decayrelatively insignificantly. Therefore, for conventional sidelobesinduced by almost all other pump modes, one can expect fairlyinsignificant difference between the ‘‘clapping’’ scaling andclassical quadratic scaling (e.g., M2pðSpS2ÞS

!1=20,1 and M2pSpS2,

respectively). In addition, the atomic nonlinearity can also give anon-negligible contribution to the conventional sidelobes, suchthat their resultant behavior can demonstrate even weaker

dependence on the strongest-wave amplitude than scaling S!1=20,1

expected for the pure clapping.In contrast, for the cascade component M1+2, the background

contribution of the atomic nonlinearity is orders of magnitudesmaller, whereas the clapping nonlinearity results in a signifi-cantly steeper S!3=2

0,1 dependence on the amplitude of the strongestwave. These conclusions explain the apparent contradictionbetween the simultaneously observed almost quadratic classicalscaling law for conventional sidelobes o7Oi and pronounceddeviation from classical cubic scaling for cascade sidelobeso7Oi7Oj. In the NDT context, this pronounced functionaldifference of the cascade-sidelobes scaling from the classicalcubic law can be used as an additional signature of the presence ofcrack-like defects in the sample.

5. Comparison of experimental data with the simulatedscaling laws for clapping contacts

We have already seen from Fig. 6 that in the discussedexperiments with impact-excited multiple pump modes, thecascade components demonstrate significant deviation from theclassical cubic scaling, since the ratioM1+2/S1S2Sp does not remainconstant as a function of time. This fact indicates a non-analyticalregime of the defect’s nonlinearity. According to the performedsimulation, this can be ensured if at least one of the pump modes(which we denote S0) has amplitude S0bme0.

Let us discuss in more detail the sample (railway axle) with anatural transversal crack, the same as for Fig. 6a. The examinationof the spectrum of impact-excited modes confirmed the expecta-tion that the lowest most intense modes had minimal decay rates.One of those modes (903 Hz) was identified as the lowestlongitudinal mode. The accelerometer aligned with the axle axisindicated that the initial strain amplitude for this mode exceeded10!5. Further examination showed that there was another,obviously non-longitudinal and fairly intense mode at 190 Hz.The vibrations for this mode should be orthogonal to the axis andthus could be registered only due to parasite transversalsensitivity of the accelerometer. Thus the actual stain amplitudefor this mode could strongly exceed the apparent value. It wasnaturally to assume that this intense and slowly decaying mode at190 Hz could ensure the clapping regime of the defect (i.e., itcould play the role of modes S1 or S0 in Table 1). It is essential thatfor the discussion of the functional behavior of the sidelobes wedo not need to know the exact amplitude of this most intensemode.

According to the previous section one may expect that, for theconventional modulation, the own sidelobe of the strongest modeS0 could demonstrate the most clear scaling of the type pSpS

1=20 ,

whereas for other modes, the classical quadratic scaling MjpSpSjcould be corrected by the strongest mode resulting in the‘‘clapping’’ scaling law MjpðSpSjÞS

!1=20 . Fig. 8 shows the corre-

sponding examples for several conventional sidelobes, which wellagree with such expectations. The sample is the railway axle witha natural crack (the same as for Fig. 6a).

Since the modes decay nearly exponentially, in the logarithmicscale, the horizontal time axis in Fig. 8 is proportional to the

Table 1Scaling laws for the modulational sidelobes in clapping and non-clapping regimes.

S1+S2+Spome0 S1bme0 and S14Sp, S2 S0bme0 and S04Sp, S1, S2

M1 SpS1 (and does not depend on S2) SpSn!11 ¼ ðSpS1ÞSn!2

1 ðSpS1ÞSn!20

M2 SpS2 (and does not depend on S1) ðSpS2ÞSn!21 ðSpS2ÞSn!2


M1+2 SpS1S2 SpS2Sn!21 , ðSpS2S1ÞSn!3

1 ðSpS2S1ÞSn!30

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amplitude of the respective wave. Thus for classical quadratic-type scalingMipSiSp, the time dependences of the pump-modes Siand their modulational sidelobes Mi should look as parallel lines.However, Fig. 8 demonstrates that the sidelobes actually decayslower. The averaged slopes for the pump modes and therespective sidelobes indicate that, for the pump mode at 190 Hz,the sidelobe scales closely to pS1=20 , whereas for the other modesat 1338 and 2916 Hz, the ratios of the slopes are close to pS0:750 ,which also fairly well agree with the above discussed scaling lawsfor clapping contacts. The insets in Fig. 8 additionally show theratios Mi/Si, which are clearly decreasing in contrast to valuesMiS

1=20 =Si, which are fairly stable as expected for the contact-

clapping regime (see Table 1).

Let us now discuss the scaling behavior of cascade sidelobesfor the same sample. First, we consider the coefficient of the cubictype

Kcub3 ¼


SpS1S2, ð4Þ

which should remain constant if the cascade components M1+2

were produced by the pump modes S1 and S2 that interact withthe probe wave Sp due to cubic classical nonlinearity. Themodified coefficient of the form

Kclap3 ðS04S1Þ ¼


SpS1S2S3=20 , ð5Þ







S 1 a

nd M

1, d


Time, s

190 Hz





, dB

Time, s







1338 Hz



S 1 a

nd M

1, d

BTime, s




, dB

Time, s










2916 Hz



S 1 a

nd M

1, d


Time, s




, dB

Time, s



0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.8

0.4 0.6 0.80.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 8. Examples of time dependences for intense pump modes S1 (lines marked 1) and the corresponding conventional modulation sidelobes M1 (lines marked 2) in therailway axle with a natural transversal crack. Dashed lines show the averaged slopes. The insets show clearly decreasing ratios S1/M1 (lines marked 3) and fairly stablesmoothed clapping-type scaling coefficientsM1S

1=20 =S1 (lines marked 4). For all panels, the most intense pump wave S0 corresponds to the 190 Hz mode, such that S1¼S0 for

panel (a).












nt, d


Time, s0.2












nt, d


Time, s












nt, d
















nt, d


0.4 0.6 0.8

0.2Time, s

0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2Time, s

0.4 0.6 0.8

0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 9. Examples of pronouncedly growing with time cubic-type cascade coefficient (4) (curves marked 1) and clapping-type cascade coefficient (5) exhibiting much stablervalues (curves marked 2). Panel (a) and (b) are for degenerate modulational sidelobes separated from the probe-wave frequency by the double pump-wave frequency190 Hz+190 Hz and 2916 Hz+2916 Hz, respectively. Panels (c) and (d) are for non-degenerate sidelobes corresponding to the interaction of different pump modes(903 Hz+1338 Hz and 903 Hz+2916 Hz, respectively).

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should remain constant if the interaction is due to the clappingHertzian nonlinearity and the strongest wave S0 does not directlyparticipate in the generation of the sidelobe M1+2 (see the rightcolumn in Table 1 for n¼3/2). If the strongest mode directlyparticipates in the interaction (which corresponds to the caseS1¼S0), the ‘‘clapping’’ coefficient takes the form

Kclap3 ðS0 ¼ S1Þ ¼


SpS2S1=20 ð5uÞ

Examples of time dependences for coefficients (4), (5) and (50)are shown in Fig. 9. Panels (a) and (b) in Fig. 9 are for thedegenerated cascade components corresponding to the doublefrequency of the pump modes at 190 and 2916 Hz, respectively.Panels (c) and (d) are for the non-degenerated cascade sidelobesproduced by combined action of the pump modes (903 Hz+1338Hz) and (903 Hz+2916 Hz), respectively. In the calculation of themodified coefficient Kclap

3 , in all cases the 190 Hz mode isconsidered the strongest. All examples show that coefficientKcub3 corresponding to the cubic scaling defined by Eq. (4) is non-

constant (pronouncedly growing with the time), whereas themodified clapping-type coefficients Kclap

3 defined by Eqs. (5) and(50) remain fairly stable. Therefore, the scaling expected for theclapping nonlinearity much better describes the actual behaviorof the cascade sidelobes and confirms the expectation that thechange in the scaling law due to clapping is much morepronounced for cascade sidelobes than for the conventionallyobserved lower-order sidelobes.

In conclusion, Fig. 10 shows the same experimental data as forFig. 9d (but in a wider time range) together with the simulatedvalues of the cascade coefficients. The simulation was made usingEq. (3) in which we substituted the amplitudes S0, S1, and S2corresponding to the experimentally observed time dependencesfor the most intense mode S0 at 190 Hz and the two otherinteracting longitudinal modes S1,2 at 903 and 2916 Hz. The cubic-type cascade coefficient (4) was used to calculate curve 10 inFig. 10, whereas curve 20 is for the clapping-type coefficient (5). Inthe modeling, conditions S0bme0 and S04S1,2, Sp were the key

assumptions, which ensured fairly good agreement with theobserved behavior of the cascade coefficients. That is, it was notnecessary to know exact amplitudes of the weaker waves S1,2 andSp since the scaling laws were controlled by the most intensemode that produced the clapping (see Table 1). Since only thefunctional behavior of the discussed coefficients has physicalsense, the calculated curves can be arbitrarily shifted vertically.The superposed simulated and experimental dependences inFig. 10 demonstrate fairly good agreement. Overall, the scalinglaws for the examined modulation sidelobes consistently indicatethat the most intense pump wave ensured the clapping regime ofthe nonlinearity of the crack.

Although the pump-mode amplitudes could be estimated onlyapproximately, the pump-strain amplitudes could hardly exceed10!6–10!5 during most part of the analyzed time window(typically 0.1–1.0 s after the impact). It does not look probablethat such moderate strains could close and open the entire crack,because it is known that the strain required to completely close acrack is approximately equal to the ratio of the crack opening toits diameter (crack’s aspect ratio). The aspect ratios of about 10!6

and less indeed look unrealistically small for cracks. However, itshould be taken into account that real cracks’ interfaces typicallyhave wavy asperities, which create (or maybe nearly create) innerwavy-shape contacts. At such contacts, locally the separation ofthe crack surfaces is much smaller (down to nanometer scale)than the average crack opening. Such contacts can already exhibitclapping-type behavior under the influence of strains that are 2–3orders of magnitude smaller than the strain required to causeclapping of the entire crack. This conclusion is also supported byother experimental data [21,22], so that it is not surprising thatstrains on the order of 10!6 in the discussed experiment couldcause clapping of inner crack contacts. We can recall Fig. 2 inwhich the parallel dependences for different-order higher har-monics clearly indicated clapping regime of Hertzian contacts inthe artificial crack-like defect for strains "10!6

From the viewpoint of diagnostic applications, it is importantto emphasize that the expected contrast in the level of cascadecomponents between damaged and reference samples can bemuch higher than for the conventional modulation sidelobesnormally used in the nonlinear-modulation approach to crackdetection (compare the contrasts of 40–60 dB for the cascadecomponents against 5–10 dB for the conventional ones as shownin Fig. 7). On the other hand it should be clearly understood thatsuch a high expected sensitivity of the cascade components ismuch more demanding to the linearity of the entire measurementsystem. Unlike the conventional modulation for the cascadesidelobes, the main masking factors are additive noises, technicalnonlinearities in the measurement equipment and, especially, thenonlinearity of the supporting system rather than the backgroundatomic nonlinearity.

The experimental spectra (a) and (a0) in Fig. 3 demonstratethat the parasite nonlinearity of the measurement systemproduces quite a noticeable level of cascade component even forreference defect-free samples. This did not allow us to attain the40–60 dB contrast expected if the cascade sidelobes wereproduced by the atomic nonlinearity. Nevertheless, even in realexperiments the contrast in the cascade modulation betweenthe reference and damaged samples is much better than forconventional modulation.

6. Conclusion

To conclude we emphasize the main points discussed in thisarticle.











, dB

Time, s





0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Fig. 10. Cubic-type (curves 1 and 1’) and clapping-type (curves 2 and 20) cascadecoefficients for the cascade modulation sidelobe generated by the pump modes at903 and 2916 Hz. Solid curves correspond to the experiment and curves withasterisks are simulated using Eq. (3). In the simulation, the time dependences ofthe pump modes were taken from the measurements and the strongest mode at190 Hz was supposed to be higher in amplitude than the clapping threshold andthe other interacting modes. The calculated curves are arbitrarily shifted verticallyand superposed with the experimental ones.

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- The performed study was motivated by the earlier obtainedconclusion [13] that for the presently achieved quality ofmeasurements, it is the atomic nonlinearity which limits theultimate sensitivity of the conventional nonlinear-modulationmethod of crack detection based on the use of quadratic-typenonlinear interactions.

- A natural way to further improve the sensitivity of the nonlinear-modulation approach can be the use of more complex (higher-order) modulational interactions, for which the backgroundcontribution of the atomic nonlinearity should be drasticallyreduced. In the present study, we focused on the modulationalcomponents of the o7Oi7Oj type, which naturally appear inschemes with impact-excited multi-frequency pump excitationlike in Ref. [13–15]. For such cascade components, the back-ground atomic nonlinearity should contribute via cubicterms, whose intensity is negligibly small. It is experimentallyshown that reliable observation of crack-produced cascademodulation is possible despite the parasite nonlinearitiesof the measurement system, whose masking influence becomesthe main limiting factor. It is demonstrated that the energyof the higher-order modulation sidelobes o7Oi7Oj canensure significantly higher contrast between referenceand damaged samples compared with the energy of theconventionally observed sidelobes o7Oi (see the examples inFigs. 3–5).

- The performed simulations and comparison with experimentshave lead to the conclusion that the cascade modulationalcomponents in samples with crack-like defects can be welldescribed by the clapping Hertzian nonlinearity. The modelingexplained why even for clapping Hertzian nonlinearity of innercontacts in cracks, the behavior of conventional modulationalcomponents of the o7O type can be reasonably wellapproximated assuming the simplest classical quadratic non-linearity of the contacts. This effect of ‘‘smoothed’’ clappingnonlinearity can be compared with the well-known ‘‘smooth-ing’’ of the dry friction by an intense high-frequency wave,which produces effective viscous-like damping (the ditheringeffect).

- For the cascade components o7Oi7Oj, the clapping char-acter of the nonlinearity is more important and results inpronouncedly non-cubic-type scaling laws. In the NDT context,this functional difference between the modulational sidelobesgenerated due to classical power-law and clapping nonlinea-rities can also be used to detect the presence of nearly closedcracks, as well as such defects as delaminations or damagedadhesive connections, for which similar contact-type non-linearities are also typical [23,24].

Overall, it can be concluded that cascade-modulation effectscan be of practical interest to improve the sensitivity of thenonlinear-modulation approach to crack detection, although thisapproach is much more demanding to the linearity of the entiremeasurement system.


The study was supported by the RFBR Grant no. 08-02-97039-rand the French-Russian PICS project co-funded by RFBF and CNRS(Grant no. 09-02-91071).


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